Journal of the Pocono Plateau, mid-April 2023

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A LOOK AT the proposed Evergreen Detox Facility, formerly the Sportsman and then the Blakeslee Inn, that Pocono Raceway would like to open in Blakeslee. The 3.2 acre site would be a state licensed detox facility, primarily housing people for five to seven days, some longer depending on the substance from which they would be withdrawing. Evergreen would be an attractive facility, much like a highend hotel. There would be nurses and a doctor on site 24 hours a day, and a 1 to 7 ratio of nurses to patients across all three shifts. The

50-bed facility would house people who voluntarily sought treatment, and would include a percentage of Medicaid beds, so it would be accessible to everyone in the community. Patients would be able to leave if they wished, but the facility would be secure, and patients would be transported in and out of the facility; they would not have cars or phones. According to Joseph Mattioli IV, one of the principals, 55 to 60 jobs would be created if the facility is approved. At left is the proposed exterior; a classroom area is at right.

Oh dear, no John Deere, decides Mount Pocono Council

When Mount Pocono Borough Council met on April 4, purchasing a 2012

John Deere 5085M Utility Tractor and Mower from

Paradise Township for $40,000 was discussed.

Board member Debra Fulton expressed concerns on the $40,000 price asking, “What does this do to our budget?”

Mayor Randy Altemose

added, “It would be nice to have but I do not see a need for it now.” Council president Don Struckle added, “Right now an outside firm comes in and does trimming.” Board member Ann Marie Harris

noted, “It is a lot of money for a used vehicle,” and Council did not approve the purchase.

Jay Livingston Landscape Architect for Strada, LLC discussed improvements for

Charter Academy, a cyber school located at 4 Fork Street. Board member Lori Noonan made a motion which passed to accept waivers for the project.

See MT. POCONO, page 2

The 1st 2 copies FREE 50¢ each additional copy BOXHOLDER Presorted Standard U.S.POSTAGE PAID WHITE HAVEN PA PERMIT NO. 18 POSTAL CUSTOMER
©2023, All Rights Reserved VOLUME 27, NUMBER 19 Mid-April, 2023 Journal

Mt. Pocono

Continued from page 1

Council discussed several architect proposals for the maintenance garage project: Architectural Services–$12,050; Structural Engineering Services-$9,500 and Mechanical/Electrical/ Plumbing/Fire Protection Services-$11,750. Struckle indicated he wanted another bid and the decision was tabled.

Council approved a pay increase for Borough Manager Josh Walker from $60,000 to $65,000, as well as an increase to the treasurer’s hours and salary from $20,800 to $23,000.

Council also considered advertising an amendment to its Short-Term Rental ordinance that will prohibit STR in any residential zoning district and allow STRs in commercial districts only, and prohibits transfers of STR certificates of occupancy to a new owner of a property.

Solicitor James Ferari asked the Board to consider approving the Collective

Bargaining Agreement as presented adding “two ordinances have to be amended.” Don Struckle noted, “we do have a tentative agreement with the union which will be written up for the next work session for the lawyer to review.”

The meeting ended with Struckle noting receipt of a $15,000 grant from Pocono Mountain Business Bureau. He also mentioned First Fridays are coming up soon and “Spring into Happiness” on May 20.

Burn ban in Toby Twp.

With recent dry weather and windy conditions over the next few days the Township has a burn ban in effect until further notice. The National Weather Service has declared Red Flag Conditions and neighboring townships have also begun to institute burn bans. If there are any questions, contact the Township at (570) 646-1212.

From the Statehouse April Focus: Preventing Child Abuse and Boosting Autism Acceptance

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. State laws have identified people who are mandated to report suspected cases of child abuse, such as teachers, health care providers and clergy members. However, we all have a role to play in protecting our children. Signs of potential physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect may include sudden changes in a child’s behavior or school performance; being overly compliant, passive or withdrawn; always watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen; and a reluctance to be around a particular person or to return home from school or activities.

If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call PA ChildLine at 1-800932-0313.

April is also Autism Acceptance Month, formerly known as Autism Awareness Month. The month is designed to help empower autistic individuals and their families, and to ensure improved support and opportunities in education, employment, accessible housing, affordable health care and long-term support services.

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ Office of Developmental Programs works to provide an array of support services for individuals of all ages, as well as their families. The Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training Collaborative (ASERT) is a statewide initiative to provide streamlined access to information for those living with autism.

To learn more, visit www.

PAGE 2 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-APRIL, 2023 •Trimming •Diagnosis •Tree Removal •Technical Removal •Pruning •Stump Grinding •Full Service Interior/Exterior Construction •Excavating Services Fully insured. PA Contractor #3091185 570-244-3000

Introducing Clymer Library’s MakerSpace Lab

If you are in need of tools to expand your creativity, then Clymer Library’s upcoming MakerSpace Lab is

for you. Thanks to a STEM grant from Sanofi, Clymer Library is reaching beyond books and program oppor-

tunities to include some creator-based technology resources. These include the following:


Monroe County Tax Claim Bureau

• FlashForage 3D Printer

• SainSmart CNC Router

• Brother Embroidery Sewing Machine

IN RE: 2023 JUDICIAL TAX SALE NO. 7415 CV 2022

On Petition of the Monroe County Tax Claim Bureau and pursuant to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Tax Sale Law of 1947, P.L. 1368, No. 542 as amended and by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe at NO. 7415 CV 2022, and for the purposes set forth in Section 612 of the said Act, notice is hereby given that the properties listed in the heretofore mentioned Petition shall be sold at public tax sale on May 23, 2023 at 9:00 am at the Sherman Theater, 524 Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania; free and clear of all tax and municipal claims, liens, mortgages, charges and estates except separately taxed ground rents, to the highest bidder. These properties have been previously exposed at an Upset Tax Sale held on September 12, 2022 and advertised in the Pocono Record, Monroe County Legal Reporter on August 12, 2022 and Journal of the Pocono Plateau on August 12, 2022.

The terms and conditions of the Judicial Sale are as follows: This sale will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 1947, P.L. 1368 and its amendments, known as the Real Estate Tax Sale Law.

The purpose of the sale is to dispose of such properties against which delinquent taxes remain unpaid, the claims having become absolute, and the legal period of redemption having expired. The Bureau will sell the property as described on the dockets in the Tax Claim Bureau. The Bureau makes no representation or warranty as to the description or as to the marketability of title, nor will it make any survey on the property sold. The terms of the sale shall be as follows:

1. Before entering the Auction, potential purchasers shall be required to fill out a bidder’s application and obtain a bidder’s number. This application will contain information for recording of deed (s), including precise mailing address and phone number where purchaser(s) may be reached.

2. Purchaser shall be required to execute an Affidavit certifying that there are no delinquent county, township or school taxes owed by purchaser within any taxing district in this Commonwealth. The Affidavit must also certify that there are no delinquent municipal utility bills owed by the purchaser within the same taxing district in which purchaser proposes to bid. The Affidavit must be returned to the Bureau at the time of Registration.

3. No property scheduled for sale will be sold unless the bid equals or exceeds the costs as announced at the sale. The costs will include state and local realty transfer taxes, calculated based on the County Assessed Value of the property. (County Assessed Value X 1.65 X 1% x 2 = Realty Transfer Tax).

4. The Tax Claim Bureau will issue a deed to the purchaser. The said deed is to be recorded before delivery to the purchaser, at the expense of the purchaser. Mobile home purchasers will only receive a bill of sale. Any title to a mobile home must be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation by the Purchaser.

The Tax Claim Bureau makes no guarantee or warranty as to the availability of title to a mobile home sold at tax sale. In addition to the bid price (which includes realty transfer tax), the purchaser will pay 2% sale expense and the recording fees. The cost of these items will be computed after the property has been sold. The bid price (including transfer tax), 2% sale expense and the recording fee must all be paid at the same time, either by money orders or cashier’s checks drawn to the order of the Monroe County Tax Claim Bureau. The distribution of monies after deducting all costs received from the sale will be made in accordance with the Act.

5. In the event of a dispute by the bidders or failure of the purchaser to pay the purchase price in the allotted time, the property will again be put up for sale. Payment for all properties sold between 9:00 A.M. and the close of the first session must be paid within one (1) hour after the last property is struck down or by 12:00 P.M. the day of the sale, whichever time is earlier. All properties sold between 12:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. must be paid for by 4:30 P.M. or the property will again be put up for sale.

6. All title searches with regard to the subject properties are limited to matters appearing of record in the Monroe County Courthouse and do not include any matters outside of such records. All potential purchasers are hereby advised that the most current title search as referenced above was completed in September, 2022. Consequently, any transactions of record occurring after September, 2022 affecting title to the premises being sold at Judicial Sale will not appear in any search conducted by or under the auspices of the Monroe County Tax Claim Bureau. All potential purchasers shall be responsible to complete their own title search in order to adequately evaluate the title to any property as of the date of the sale. The rule of Caveat Emptor applies to all sales. Properties are sold without any warranty of any kind. The Monroe County Tax Claim Bureau makes no representation as to the use or existence of any property.

7. The Land Bank Statute was enacted by the legislature of Pennsylvania providing language that allows the Land Bank to purchase property at a price agreed by the three taxing bodies. Those were given to the Tax Claim Bureau Director and are on file in the office. If you have any questions, you may contact the Land Bank Solicitor.



• Cricut Maker 3

• 9-inch EasyPress iron

On or before June, a Google form on our website will be available for you to schedule an appointment request to use the Cricut Maker 3, EasyPress iron or the Embroidery sewing machine in the library. (Please note that we only provide the tools; you are responsible for providing the necessary supplies for your project.)

The same Google form will be used for those who wish to utilize the printing capacity of the FlashForge or CNC router for submitting your project file. Please note, that the materials for a CNC router project are your responsibility to supply once your request is accepted.

An equipment use policy must also be signed at the time of your appointment request or 3D print file submission.

In addition, per staff availability, you will be able to request an appointment for an overview of the equipment, or a mini-lesson on the design tools necessary for the creation of your project – Design Space (Cricut account), Tinkercad (3 D printing) and Easel (CNC router).

For more information, visit or call 570646-0826. Clymer Library is located at 115 Firehouse Road in Pocono Pines. Hours are Monday and Wednesday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Clymer Library’s mission is to foster lifelong learning for our diverse community by providing access to quality, innovative resources.


Pocono Mountain Garden Club lists calendar

The Pocono Mountain Garden Club Committee has announced the schedule of activities for this summer. If you would like information on the club, please email Ceal Pilon at cap231@ptd. net or Phyllis Miller at Each month a flyer is emailed to all members giving details on the trip for that month. Annual dues are $20. We carpool for each trip and the drivers are compensated for gas and mileage.

May 17 (Wednesday) — Cross Estate Garden, Ber-

nardsville, NJ with lunch at the Grain House Restaurant

June 10 (Saturday) — 2nd Annual Scranton Flower Show with lunch at Cooper’s Restaurant

July 20 — Van Vleck House and Garden, Montclair, NJ

August 17 — Blue Ridge Winery, Saylorsburg

September 21 — Greenwood Gardens, Short Hills, NJ

October 19 — Pinecrest Lake Golf Club with lunch and a speaker TBA

DA candidates answer voter questions

A forum for Monroe County District Attorney candidates was held on Saturday, April 1, at the Eastern Monroe Public Library in Stroudsburg. It was hosted by The Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania and Monroe County PA NAACP. It was a full house.

Democratic candidates Michael Mancuso, currently

first assistant DA, and Donald Leeth, Assistant DA from 1999-2013, were questioned by moderator Christa Caceres, President of the NAACP.

Each candidate got an opportunity to introduce themselves. Mancuso noted that he had prosecuted more murderers than any other DA in Monroe County, and began the Overdose Initiative and Elder Abuse Task Force.

Leeth stated, “We have the

opportunity for meaningful change in Monroe County. Our criminal justice system is broken. We need to give resources to the police force. We can and must do better than this.”

Questions were asked about the juvenile justice system and diversion and mentoring to first time offenders. Leeth noted that there are diversionary programs but the DAs just want to “pass the buck.” He believes in giving juveniles a second chance. DA Mancuso responded there is “a crisis in the sheer number of cases they are getting” and advocates for Juvenile Probation Officers in the schools. He stated that “It is important to gain trust of the community…through transparency and open lines of communication.”

Mancuso explained the core function of the DA’s office is “oversight of the criminal justice system on the prosecutors end, See DA FORUM, page 5

INTERESTED VOTERS attended the April 1 forum at the Eastern Monroe Public Library on April 1. JP: Lori R. Cooper

DA Forum

Continued from page 4

investigative function and guidance to lawenforcement.” Leeth responded, “The most valuable part of the DA is to seek justice and justice is protecting the community while building trust.”

A question was asked about the disparities of black/white crime. Mancuso presented data

that 7% more Blacks are incarcerated and that is worthy of inquiry. Leeth got a round of applause when noting, “It’s worthy of inquiring the disproportionate amount of Blacks that go to state prisons, get higher bails and it’s time to stop racial profiling.”

Dr. Nancy Williams , NAACP, asked questions from the public about data gathering, transparency

Liberty Belles to golf at JFN

Liberty Belles Golf League has moved to Jack Frost National.

The start date is May 15, at 3 p.m. League play ends in September.

All levels of golfers are welcome.

For further information, contact Jeanne Bingham at 570-401-9561 or email her at jeannecbingham@gmail. com.

and new initiatives . Mancuso noted that they were getting body cams for police which will help with transparency. He also noted that he got a gun violence reduction grant and has a law enforcement treatment initiative to empower diversion of low level cases. Leeth quickly responded that that program had been in place since 2018.

Mancuso noted that he helped create a countywide response to Domestic Violence , created the Overdose Fatality Review Team and developed a Law Enforcement Treatment Initiative. Moderator Caceres kept the candidates on track and stopped topics from getting heated.

From left, Michael Mancuso waits his turn, NAACP President Christa Caceres moderates as candidate Donald Leeth speaks. JP: Lori R. Cooper

Annual Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast returns

Rotary Club of Mt. Pocono has announced that its 26th annual Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 28, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pocono Mountains Regional Airport with proceeds benefiting RCOMP, Rotary causes and local charities. Breakfast tickets are $12 for adults, $7 for children 12 and under, and discounted to $11 for seniors 65+, military, first responders and veterans. Parking is free. Breakfast is held rain or shine. Tickets can be purchased at the gate May 28 or at

The pancake breakfast was started over 28 years ago in a local high school and moved to the Airport, after which it was dubbed the Fly-In/

Drive-In Pancake Breakfast, and has grown to become a traditional Memorial Day Weekend event attended by both local residents and visitors from near and far.

RCOMP’s President, Mitchell K. Marcus said RCOMP uses proceeds from the Fly-In/Drive-In to provide scholarships to students from Pocono Mountain West and East High Schools and Monroe County Technical Institute; free dictionaries to 3rd graders at Clear Run Intermediate School; donations to Rotary Foundation to support worldwide causes that include helping to eradicate polio; and financial grants to local non-profit organizations that serve Mount Pocono and surrounding communities.

Over the years RCOMP has donated over $200,000 raised at its Fly-In/DriveIn, currently RCOMP’s only annual fundraiser, to many local worthy charities including Salvation Army of East Stroudsburg, Meals On Wheels, COG Community Center, Feeding Families Ministry, local food pantries and other worthy charitable and educational causes. Free airplane rides, for children aged 8 to 17, are donated by volunteers from Young Eagles EAA program, subject to weather and pilot availability. Airplane and helicopter rides, donated by event sponsors Moyer Aviation, Papillon & Moyer Excavation and Hi-Tech Helicopters can be purchased, at discounted rates,

with proceeds benefiting the charities. Other sponsors that donate food and services include Bailey’s Original Restaurant, Shoprite, Besko Outdoor, and Sussex Skydiv-

ers for the parachute demonstration.

Pocono Mountains Regional Airport is located on Route 611, at 188 Airport Drive north of Mt. Pocono.

PAGE 6 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-APRIL, 2023 BUDGET DRY CLEANERS and WASH & FOLD •Dry Cleaning—Clothings, Comforters, Etc. •Tuxedo Rentals • Shoe Shines •Expert Tailoring •Wash & Fold for Air B&B •Personal Wash & Fold Specializing in Air B&B Service Free Pick-up & Delivery On Time Service 10% OFF Wash & Fold Service with coupon Expires 12/31/23 2657 Route 940, Pocono Summit 570-839-4043
570-643-2100 Proud To Be #1 In Pennsylvania! (based on all Century 21 companies) 5651 Rte 115, Blakeslee, PA 18610 -Frank On a day we were working to prepare the house, they stopped by with when they knew we had not eaten. food and beverages for us Who can you trust with one of the biggest assets you own? Does Your Real Estate Agent Go ABOVE AND BEYOND?

Seth’s Sightings

What gorgeous Spring days…sunny and 70s with a couple of summer teasers in the 80s. How wonderful. Daffodils are beginning to bloom, and my forsythia is putting on a brilliant yellow show. At the Journal office, the magnolia tree is about to burst with big pink and white flowers.

On the down side, there are some brush fires going on as it has been very dry. As I finish this column, a sizeable fire is burning in far north Kidder Township and another in Bear Creek. There should be no open burning hereabouts until we get some rains.

Ruth and I took our dogs on a long ride to Worcester, Mass. for a family seder dinner last Wednesday. We left the Poconos with enough time, but ran into New York traffic just before the Connecticut border on Interstate 84. It was two hours in stop and go and gone was being on time. We arrived mid-meal and enjoyed the rest of the evening. The following day, we spent time with family, then made a cemetery visit before heading back to PA stopping at Rein’s Deli Restaurant in Vernon, CT, for salads, sandwiches,

pickles and sweet kugel.

On our way up on Wednesday, we stopped at the Noches de Columbia in Newburgh, NY, for a road snack and some wonderful baked goods.

We attended another seder on Saturday in Princeton, NJ, as part of a fourgeneration event with 24 of my relatives and family members. Attendees my 99 year-old aunt Joan as hostess, 18 cousins and second cousins (Joan’s grandchildren) with their spouses and partners, and 6 great-grandchildren from 13 years-old to 1. We made it home before midnight…

Easter Sunday we were tired, but it was too nice a day keep around the house. We took a nice drive over the Francis Walter Dam and through Lake Harmony, and then through Hickory Run State Park. There, our patient dogs were rewarded with a short walk at the day use area. (There were four sets of people out using the park, which was nice, as lately we’ve been the only folks out.) While there, a heron flew proudly overhead. Other sightings these weeks include fox, racoon, hawks and an owl, and of course lots of deer. Easter Sunday

in Kidder Township and at the State Park, we sighted three different signs of bear activity scat near the day area, fresh scratching on trees, and an overturned set of trash cans.

Gas prices are going up and threaten to rise more. Gas prices in New England were about $3.30, then 10¢ more in New Jersey. Like everyone, I am hoping it is temporary.

On the medical front, I was at Carbon County St. Luke’s for a blood draw ahead of my next sessions of chemotherapy and met Heisenberg the therapy dog (named after the Breaking Bad character I like her name a lot). She’s a Bernese Mountain Dog and was in the hall with her handler as I went to and from the room where bloodwork was done. She visits the hospital twice a week. Me? I’m the same, and am working to hold my good life quality while doctors direct the battle on the tumor cells.

Looking ahead, in just a few weeks, Knoebels opens on weekends. There are also some great concerts coming up at local venues.

I am watching the amazing weather in the Sierras in California. While we experience 80-degree days, it’s supposed to snow

a bit at the Donner Ski Ranch (at the pass). They now are literally inching toward an all-time-record of near or over 700 inches of snowfall. At Donner Pass, the days are now warm but most nights are well below freezing. According to the California snow expert we’ve been following, the warm then cold weather sets the snowpack into what he called “California concrete,” not snow anymore but a form of ice now 30+ feet deep. Also of note…

Congratulations are due to the Louisiana State U women’s basketball team, and UConn’s men’s team as winners of the national basketball championships. I followed the women through to the amazing final. It’s no surprise the games drew record audiences… such good basketball. Also congratulations to Quinnipiac University of Connecticut for being the

NCAA Division 1 men’s ice hockey champions.

Speaking of hockey, this Saturday is the last night of local hockey in Wilkes-Barre for the season.

As for the rest of this weekend, we’d like to get to the Eagle Shows gun and knife show at The Slatington Marketplace a short ride from here (the place has good parking, and easy access for Ruth who is still on crutches).

Here’s hoping for some beautiful days to do spring yardwork these next couple of weekends.

Best of health to you all.

PAGE 8 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-APRIL, 2023 TAXES Now Open in Ahart’s Plaza in Blakeslee Open Monday to Saturday 570 643-2283

Mount Pocono Horse Show remembered

I want to clarify or correct some information on a picture that appeared on line or on Facebook a few weeks ago. Someone erroneously identified a picture of a horse show long ago as the “Mount Pocono Horse Show,” but it was, in fact, of an earlier horse show known as “The Pocono Mountains Horse Show,” which was one of the horse shows that took place in or near the village of Mount Pocono in the late 1930s or the early 1940s.

My parents, John and Viola Fretz, and a group of businessmen from the Mount Pocono area, brought the horse show back to our business, the Airport Inn,

which today is known as Bailey’s. It’s on Route 611 in Mount Pocono. The show was held in the big field behind our hotel for three years – 1946, 1947 and 1948. Our show was known as the “Mount Pocono Horse Show.”

The largest of the three shows was the first one held in 1946. It was licensed by the American Horse Shows Association, Inc. It was actually part of the circuit which held shows in Devon, PA and at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

My dad, John P. Fretz, was president and R. L. Dengler was vice-president. Earl E. Heller was the secretarytreasurer, and Fred Garrison

was the manager of our shows. The committee consisted of R. Leroy Dengler, Robert Trier, Jr., Dr. Robert Ergang, Phillip F. Tirrell, Edward C. Jenkins, Thomas Howlett, Clifford R. Gillam, and William Malleson, Jr.

The judges were J. Griffith Springfield of Philadelphia, Mrs. Frederick Van Lennep, of Newtown Square, and Christopher Wadsworth of Kenmore, NY.

The announcer was C. G. Moss of Harrisburg, and the ringmaster was Josiah Bougher of Eagleville. (This information is taken from the 1947 Mt. Pocono Horse Show bulletin). As I said the show was licensed by

the American Horse Shows Association, Inc. Its address was 90 Broad Street, New York, NY. The executive secretary of the Association was Theodore Buell. Also the Horse Shows benefited the General Hospital of Monroe County.

My sisters, Linda and Paulette, and I were quite young when these horse shows took place; however, I can remember toddling around the field with our Aunt Audrey Grabowsky and watching people brushing their horses and braiding their tails and putting ribbons in their manes and tails. When the shows were over, we would walk around the empty fields picking up the pretty ribbons.

Also we had a horse name Penelope, but it wasn’t a show horse. Our horse stayed on a horse farm on the Sterling Road, which was owned by Art Besecker. It was up the road from Wagner’s Garage.

Although I was very

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young, I can remember when our grandstands were being built behind our hotel. Duke Keiper, a local builder and friend of my parents, oversaw the project. I remember the day they tested the lights in the grandstands, a memory that has somehow stuck with me.

Also I believe some folks flew into the shows as the Mount Pocono Airport Association was conveyed to the Pocono Mountains Airport Association on September 26, 1945. My dad and other local businessmen were members of the Airport Association. Prior to this, the airport was owned and operated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Coolbaugh Historical Society has records on how the airport was conveyed to the association. Clancy Dennis covers this very well in his book, “Coolbaugh Township, PA, the First Two Hundred Years.” Now that’s a story for another day!

They Paved Paradise and Put Up …

A follow-up to my short opinion piece about the warehouse project in Mt. Pocono that trades a wooded greenspace for, well, a parking lot and huge building. I am hearing that the tree removal has changed the weather pattern from Five Points almost to the Ray Price dealerships. It was most noticeable after the snows of a few weeks ago (big drifts), but now the wind howls through.

I’d like to hear more from locals about this.

It’s a wonder that the developer could not retain enough trees for beauty, and a wind break. Planting them now won’t be enough for years…

THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-APRIL, 2023 — PAGE 9 St. Luke’s Care Now – Pocono Summit 174 Harvest Lane, Pocono Summit 272-639-5430
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 8 pm Saturday & Sunday, 8 am – 4 pm

Police Beat

It’s wildfire season around the Pocono Plateau. As I finish this column, there are a handful of fires burning fortunately in remote wooded areas. Please don’t toss lit cigarettes and the like, and don’t do any burning of yard debris (or trash) until the dry time passes.

4-4, a 57 y/o Albrightsville man was jailed after he strangled a 61 y/o woman during an argument at an Indian Mountain Lakes home. She was able to escape and called 911. She had difficulty breathing during the incident and had visible injuries to her neck when police arrived. The man was arrested and taken to PSP-Fern Ridge HQ where charges were prepared. He was then taken to the Monroe County jail.

4-3, 2:35 p.m., PSP was called to Reeders Run Road in Jackson Twp. due to an unattended child riding his bike in the middle of the road. Police determined the 3 y/o was a half mile from home. His parent and grandparent will be charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

4-3, PSP-F had a vehicle drive off from a traffic stop on Route 209 in Brodheadsville at 1:47 a.m. After a pursuit of about 4 miles, police terminated the chase, and left the PSP-Lehighton to locate the operator of the black Ford Escape (a Kunkletown man).

PSP-F was called to a Penn Forest Twp. home to investigate a death of a 69 y/o local man on 4-4, just after 11 a.m. The investigation is ongoing (paperwork indicates a natural death).

There were too many domestic incidents in this batch. Many resulted in both parties being cited.

An investigation is underway on the sexual assaults to a 13 y/o Jackson Twp. girl over the past nine years.

The Pocono Plateau is not

HIGH Enough for some

There were a small armful of DUI reports. Here’s one: PSP was called to a car rubber side up just after 10:30 p.m. on 3-22 at Miller Road and Route 715 in Jackson Twp. The driver had fled by the time police arrived. He was located at his house, where it was determined that he’d driven while under the influence of alcohol. Charges will be filed.

Add to these DUI crashes off Interstate 80 (no injuries), and traffic stops where drugs were found (plus a few for pot).

PSP arrested a 31 y/o Williamsport, PA, man on 3-30 for drug possession and likely drug dealing after a traffic stop on Interstate 80 in Kidder Twp. where, during a search, they found 120 tablets of likely Oxycodone and 100 of likely morphine…plus a bit of personal pot.


There was a wide variety of identity thefts in the reports. Discovered 3-19, that burglars entered an Effort home under construction on Route 115 and stole flooring, kitchen cabinets and tools at some time between 3-5 and 19. PSP-F seeks any leads and welcomes information call them at 570 646-2271.

On 4-6, PSP is investigating fraudulent checks being

cashed written from a local businessman’s company account. The bank was able to reimburse the company.


PennDOT’s 12-Year Program update forum was held on April 12. Every two years the State Transportation Commission (STC) and PennDOT update Pennsylvania’s 12 year program. Public feedback is a critical part of that process. The public comment period for the TYP update continues through April 30.

For more information visit www. Find PennDOT’s planned and active construction projects at www.projects.

Use to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.

Locally, crews are out pothole patching, crack sealing, road sweeping, doing drainage work and tree trimming. Winter roads maintenance will continue as needed. Be aware of some night time utility work scheduled for Interstate 80 between exits 305 and 307, and also on Route 209 between the Route 33 split and Beaver Valley Road on 4-13 into 14.

PAGE 10 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-APRIL, 2023 Does your dog need grooming to be ready for Spring? We’re here to help. Call today for an appointment. And ask about our Home-Made Treats for your furry companions Beastie Treats Pet Supplies & Grooming 409 Route 940 in Blakeslee PA 18610
KNIFE SHOW The Slatington Marketplace 8281 PA-873 Slatington, PA 18080 April 15 and 16 Sat 9-5 • Sun 9-4 Admission $9 Single Day Ticket $15 Two-Day Ticket

Towing operations amendment approved in Tobyhanna Township

With no public comments pro or con during a public hearing at the start of the April 3 Tobyhanna Township Supervisors meeting, supervisors voted to adopt the zoning

ordinance amendment regulating towing operations.

Supervisor Joy Colyer abstained.

In other business, Joe Crandall was appointed a vacancy on the Zoning Hearing Board.

The Lumberjacks Team

from Pocono Mountain Softball League was given permission to use Locust Ridge Field on Sundays through September 24. In a separate motion, the township manager or assistant manager was authorized to make such

decisions regarding parks use in the future.

Permission was granted for the annual Memorial Day parade.

A decision to designate Tobyhanna Township Bureau of Fire Station 44 as a designated fire company for the township raised some questions. Ed Tutrone asked if Station 44 met the criteria in the township ordinance, and alleged that the 23year old truck that had been purchased does not meet NFPA standards. He also asked who the officers and members are.

Solicitor Harry Coleman responded that the action just designated Station 44 as a fire company. “It does not authorize them to operate.” He also said the members would select their own officers.

Kelly Hickson asked “When are we going to have a fire department?”

Supervisor Dave Carbone responded “As quick as we can.” All supervisors voted in favor of the designation.

During public comment,

Tutrone asked about a letter sent by Station 41 seeking a meeting with the board to try to move forward. Atty. Coleman explained that he had responded to Station 41’s counsel, asking for specific topics of discussion.

A resident of Old Route 940 complained abut speeding and street racing on Fire House Road. She asked supervisors to consider speed calming tactics. She had been informed by the police that in order to stop it she would have to obtain video evidence that included the faces and/or license plates of the participants.

The Short-Term Rental process is moving along. Assistant manager Crystal Butler said they have issued over 100 permits, and have about 270 under review. Alexis Wilkinson is now sending out letters to STR owners who are advertising their properties, but who have not yet begun the application process.

The supervisors meet next on Monday, April 17 at 6 p.m.

CTHA seeks entries for annual art show

The Coolbaugh Township Historical Association will be holding its annual art show from May 1928 at the historic Wills Mansion at 5590 Municipal Drive in Tobyhanna. All amateur artists are invited to submit entries for the show.

Categories are Photography, Painting / Drawing, Crafts / 3-D, Student Art K-6, and

Student Art 7-12. First, second and, third place ribbons will be awarded in each category, plus a “Best of Show” award chosen by the Coolbaugh Township Supervisors for the best representation of Coolbaugh Township.

Visit cooltownhistorical. org or call 570-894-4207 for show hours and more information.


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1. “____ a Living”

4. Soft light

8. ____ the fat (chat)

12. Cougar, e.g.

13. Calendar period

14. Traveled by train

15. Significant period

16. Long-nosed fish

17. Exude

18. Emphasize

20. Bed linen

22. Sunbeam 23. Eight-sided sign 24. Roasting bar 26. Bouncing back 30. Valuable mineral

31. Embroidered

53. Moisture


1. Sherbets

2. Pie’s kin

3. Having more twinklers

4. ____ Rose Lee

5. Flower necklaces

6. Acorn source

7. Grappler

8. Eerie

9. Household

10. Ready for print

11. Dampens

19. Have a taco

21. Clasp

23. Woodcutter

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WANTED! MOTORCYCLES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206

24. Weep

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27. Listed

28. Sip

29. Comprehend




Approved applications will have the work completed by a quality repair crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING. Not affiliated with State or Gov Programs. Contractor License PA: #PA026588
Enrollment is only open during a limited time. Programs, appointments, and installations are on a first come, first serve basis in your area.
32. Connecting link 33. Library patron 35. Mourned 36. Not nearby 37. Twain’s Sawyer 38. Roe 41. Cooks, in a way 44. Nome’s st. 45. Chip’s partner 47. Hurry along 48. Skeleton material 49. Psychology topics 50. ____ out (barely make)
51. Tree beginning 52. Young society entrants
570-215-0204 XT2 TO
31. Love seat 34. Brought up 35. Romance 37. Ringlet 38. Taxis 39. Soothing plant 40. Wind direction indicator 41. Small lump JOURNAL
Find pleasing
Pour forth
Historic period




Walter J. McGrath, Jr. 83, of Pocono Summit, passed away in his home on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Born in Teaneck, New Jersey, he was the son of the late Walter and Amelia (Richardson) McGrath.

Walter was the husband of Amanda (Lewis) McGrath. He honorably served his country in the United States Army specializing as an Intelligence and Technical Operations officer during the Korean conflict.

Walt loved model railroad trains and miniature layout construction, which is one of the shared pastimes that brought Walter and Amanda together. They worked together to build their very own miniature town. Above all, Walt enjoyed spending time with his family and loved ones.

In addition to his wife, Amanda, Walter will be lovingly remembered by his sons, Michael J. McGrath,

Sr., Patrick J.F. McGrath and his wife Ariskelmys G. McGrath, and William McGrath; stepson, Charles Hobart; stepdaughters, Lisa Hobart and Linda Kerr and her husband John; brother, Kevin McGrath and his wife Marilyn; grandchildren, Michael, Jr., Sean, Cavin, Mackenzie, Katherine, Zach, Alex, Sarah, Shayla, and Brendan.

The Bolock Funeral Home, 6148 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.

A Mass of Christian burial took place April 11, in Most Holy Trinity Parish, Cresco.

On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, Joseph Di Girolamo, 51, of Brodheadsville, passed away unexpectedly at home.

Joe was born on August 3, 1971 to Frank and Mildred Di Girolamo in Queens, NY. Joe was a long-time member of the operators union. When he was not working, he enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. Joe had a variety of animals throughout the years that he loved spending


Richard W. Perry, 69, of Blakeslee, passed away Saturday, April 1, 2023, at Northampton Post Acute care facility in Easton. He was the husband of Darlene (Bryfogle) Perry, with whom he shared 31 years of marriage.

Born on April 9, 1953 in Jersey City, NJ, he was a son of Mary (Zabriskie) Perry of Monroe Township, NJ and the late Francis Perry Sr. He has lived in Monroe County for the past 26 years and worked as a truck driver until his retirement.

Rich was a member of the Cherry Valley United Methodist Church.

Also surviving are two stepsons, Thomas Christman of Schnecksville and Gregory Christman and wife Ellen of Wilkes-Barre; five step-


time with as well. Joseph is survived by his mother, Mildred Di Girolamo of Stroudsburg; a brother, Frank Di Girolamo and his wife Gail of Kunkletown; sisters, Donna Denninger and her husband Joseph of Stroudsburg, and Suzanna Di Girolamo and her significant other John Burke of Stroudsburg; niece, Samantha Nappie and her husband Steven Strauss of

grandchildren, Bernadette Christman, Gregory Christman, Adam Peter, Matt Sechler and Zoe Sechler; two step-great-grandchildren, Oliver Kintz and Carter Kintz; a brother, Francis Perry, Jr. and wife Nennette of East Brunswick, NJ; and a nephew, Matthew Perry. He was preceded in death by his father, Francis Perry, Sr. and a nephew, Francis Perry III. Services were held April 10 in with Rev. Paul Crikelair officiating. Burial followed at Cherry Valley M.E. Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, memorial remembrances may be made to the Cherry Valley United Methodist Church, 1238 Kemmertown Road, Stroudsburg, PA 18360.

Bethlehem; nephews, Dylan Denninger of Stroudsburg, Brandon Denninger of Stroudsburg, and Jake Denninger of Stroudsburg.

Joe was preceded in death by his father, Frank Di Girolamo.

A memorial service was held April 1 from the Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, with Deacon Robert O’Connor officiating.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to your own local animal shelter.

www.kresgefuneralhome. com


LeRoy S. Strohl, 76, of Kunkletown, passed away Friday, April 7, 2023, at home. He was the loving husband of the late Barbara A. (Kuehner) Strohl. They celebrated 27 wonderful years of marriage together before her passing in 1999.

Born in East Stroudsburg, he was the son of the late LeRoy R. Strohl and the late Edna (Christman) Strohl.

LeRoy was a truck driver for most of his life, first working for Frantz Brother’s Trucking, and later for MSG Associates. He was an Army veteran, and a lifetime member of the Kunkletown Rod and Gun Club. He loved watching NASCAR and always enjoyed his Farmall tractors.

Most of all, he was a loving and caring father, grandfather, great grandfather, and friend. He will be deeply missed by all his friends and family.

He is survived by his son, Jonathan Strohl of Kunkletown; his daughter, Tracy Colter of Effort; two grandchildren, Hailey and Alyssa Matlock; and two great-grandchildren, Aryanna and Kayden Dawson.

No services are scheduled at this time. A celebration of life gathering will be held on a later date at the convenience of the family.

The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, is in charge of the arrangements.


St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish

A Welcoming Roman Catholic Community 5112 Pocono Crest Road, Pocono Pines Telephone: 570-646-6424 Fax: 570-646-1047

Winter Schedule

Saturdays - Confession 3 p.m. with Mass at 4 p.m.

Sundays - Mass at 8 a,m, and 10:30 a,m, Daily Mass - 9:15 a,m, Monday - Friday

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Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church
our website at pocononewspapers. com for in-between-issue stories and events
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