REOPENING OF ECONOMY, RESTORATION OF LIVELIHOODS TO HELP EFFORTS TO ADDRESS HUNGER, SAYS NOGRALES While some progress has been made to reduce the number of families that have experienced involuntary hunger in the fourth quarter of the year, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles on Wednesday said that “much work still has to be done to return to and improve on the country’s pre-pandemic hunger figures.” Nograles, head of Caraga INFOCUS
the government’s Zero Hunger Task Force, said that the government viewed the 14 percentage point-drop in total hunger between September 2020 and December 2020 as an indicator that government efforts to reopen the economy have helped provide families with the income necessary to provide for their basic needs, such as
food. “We believe that survey data shows that as Covid-19 restrictions have eased and more of our countrymen have been able to return to work, the income streams of more families have been restored, thereby allowing family breadwinners to better provide for their families’ essentials, one of which is December 12-18, 2020 |