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Living La “Viva Magenta”
Every year in December, Pantone release what they deem to be the colour of the year for the following year. Last December 1st, they released their decision for the 2023 period. While last year’s choice was Veri Peri (a muted purple/blue tone) this year’s “chosen one” has really stepped up in vividity. The title of this year’s colour is Viva Magenta. It’s a bright, fun and fiery pink shade and is described as a “nuanced crimson tone”.

So, what do we do with this colour? Obviously, no one is obliged to live by the colour of the year and bring it into every aspect of their life, but it can give someone some guidance. It gives us an insight into what to expect for the coming year in terms of interiors, fashion and other textiles. Designers and brands can choose to take this colour on board and have it in mind for their collections. It is expected that this shade of pink will be prevalent amongst the clothes we will see on the runway and highstreet. It is more likely, however, that is seen more throughout fast fashion. This is due to the fact that your favourite fashion houses will typically have a preshow of their upcoming collections months in advance. With the quick turnaround of high-street brands this allows them to utilize this colour more so than luxury brands. It is likely we will see this shade in shops, such as H&M and Primark, in the coming months.
With this colour being such a bright and bold shade, it is predicted that it will be seen everywhere in the summer months. Whether it be on a bikini, a summer dress, or even a cushion for the garden furniture this colour is sure to make a statement. This rocking hue of pink will pop under the glow of summer heat. Not only will this colour be seen throughout different more. To put it short we will see it everywhere.
So, this is the colour of the year, and that title puts great importance and significance on the shade. However, if it’s not your type of normal colour maybe it is step out of your comfort zone and embrace the power and strength that comes with this hue. But, if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. As mentioned, this is just a statement that some people take inspiration from and is not something one should worship. If you like to stick to colours you know whether that be other bright colours or solely neutrals, you do you. For all we know, your favourite colour could be that of 2024.
This is an annual announcement and as it is so frequent there is no point in investing in tonnes of new pieces that fit the shade only for the colour to be a different one next year. Do with this colour what you want, purchase one piece of clothing or makeup product to see if you like it or just ignore it all together, the choice is yours.