CRY Update Magazine - Issue 54

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Cardiac Risk in the Young Update 54 January to April 2011 News and Events

• raising awareness • our fundraisers

Cardiac Risk in theYoung (CRY) Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail: Visit our websites: • Registered Charity No 1050845


update 54 January to April 2011

Contact the Editor

Inside Update 54

Mair Shepherd

Assistant Editor Alison Cox MBE Founder and Chief Executive

Meet our County Representatives

Page 3

News from the Chief Executive

Page 4

Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive

Page 9

Other CRY News

Page 10

CRY screening report

Page 11

Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP)

Page 11

Research News

Page 14

CRY Crusaders

Page 18

All-Ireland Intermediate Camogie Club Final

Page 20

Virgin London Marathon 2011

Page 21

myheart News

Page 33

Our Fundraisers

Page 36

Raising awareness in the media

Page 71

Fundraising events 2011

Page 79

Contributors Dr Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive Jemma Wells Medical Secretary to Dr Mary Sheppard Ciaran Woods Gaelic Life Rebecca Zouvani Fundraising Manager

FSC logo

This magazine is printed on chlorine-free paper taken from a sustainable source using vegetable-based inks.

Submission guidelines We only include activities in the ‘Our fundraisers’ section that raise £100 or more. If you would like to supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the editor at Entries appear in the ‘Our fundraisers’ section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles may only appear in the ‘Raising Awareness in the Media’ section if we have permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

2 • CRY update • Issue 54

Meet our County

Paddy Jelen Divisional Representative for the East Midlands Nina was an apparently healthy girl, happy and well adjusted. She had had no major illnesses and was quite athletic - swimming and playing soccer for her High School team in the States, where we lived for several years, and playing squash at university. At 4 years old Nina had an unresponsive episode early in the morning. She was admitted to A&E. Bloods and urinalysis were normal and the discharge letter from the consultant paediatrician stated this should be regarded as a ‘funny turn’. Eighteen months before her death, Nina had what was described as an ‘early morning fit’. She didn’t seem to be breathing and was rigid but recovered quickly. She was taken to Student Health where she was sent to A&E. She was kept in overnight for observation and had a 12 lead ECG which was reported as normal. She was referred to Neurology and had an EEG with 1 lead ECG which was reported as normal. I went with her to the Neurology appointment where the event was described as an ‘unexplained episode of unconsciousness’ and she was advised not to drive for one year. ……There was no follow up. On the morning of July 23rd 2003 I found Nina dead. Post mortem found nothing abnormal and following discussion with our local pathologist, who said it was almost certainly due to an epileptic seizure, he agreed to send her heart and brain to specialist pathology centres. Within days of Nina’s death I had a phone call from a friend in Scotland who is a cardiologist. He explained to me that even if the heart pathology came back normal that it could be an electrical problem and that, as these conditions could be inherited, I should get the whole family evaluated. The younger boys had 12 lead ECGs and a 24 hour tape which looked normal. Cardiac pathology reported no abnormal findings on Nina’s heart. Neuro-pathology took 6 months and again there were no abnormalities found. Our eldest son lives in New York. As we had lived in the States for several years it was quite easy to get him an appointment with a cardiologist. The ECG appeared normal but to be sure the cardiologist ran it past a friend who specialised in heart rhythms. He wanted to see Nina’s ECG for comparison so we asked for a copy of the ECG to be faxed to him. Within


15 minutes my son had a phone call telling him that his ECG appeared normal but that Nina’s was abnormal and looked like long QT3 syndrome. Nina had had a 12 lead ECG; an EEG with 1 lead ECG; and seen a GP, 2 consultants and 2 specialist registrars. Back in Britain, at our own insistence, we took the whole family’s ECGs to a cardiac electrophysiologist at a specialist centre. He agreed that all our ECGs looked normal but that Nina’s showed long QT3. The question of genetic inheritance was raised and again we instigated action. At the post mortem there were inadequate and incorrect tissue samples taken which caused some difficulty. However, eventually, the clinical geneticist was able to rule out the known genetic “spelling mistakes” that can cause long QT. This left us with the possibility that it was a new mutation and as this is like trying to search for a needle in a haystack the rest of the family could not be tested. The death of any child is a tragedy, but for any family experiencing young sudden cardiac death this tragedy is compounded by the outreaching genetic implications. There was no offer from the medical community for family or bereavement help. It would have been helpful to have been given information about charities such as CRY. Following the inquest into Nina’s death there was a large article in The Times. One success story came as a direct result of this article. A GP in London saw a 23 year old girl who had previously been seen at his practice with episodes of syncope. Both his partners had sent her away with the explanation that her blood pressure was low and that she was pre-menstrual. As the GP had read Nina’s story in The Times he referred her to Cardiology where an ECG showed she had long QT1. She is now on beta blockers and her whole family are being assessed. It is possible she would have become one of the 600 young sudden cardiac deaths in Britain each year. This is probably a conservative estimate - 600 wasted young lives, 12 deaths every week, many of which are preventable. Since Nina’s death I have been busy raising awareness about young sudden cardiac death with GPs, cardiac networks and most recently medical students. CRY have been a huge source of support to us from inquest help through to standing behind me as I try to raise awareness. Simply put, fits, faints and funny turns need referral to Cardiology. An ECG is an inexpensive, non-invasive procedure but it must be read by an expert. If Nina had had the correct referral she could have been fitted with an ICD and maybe last week we would have been the proud parents attending her graduation in Part 11 Architecture. Read the full story at

CRY update • Issue 54 • 3


Chief Executive

from the

Alison Cox MBE CRY Founder & Chief Executive

not standing still and there are some exciting things happening on the horizon. Other County Representatives shared their experiences which gave us all food for thought and lunch was spent discussing personal experiences of both fundraising and awareness days. The group sessions were both constructive and interesting; I found the whole day well worth attending and look forward to next year’s.”

February myheart network launched



Coroners and Justice Act Campaign launched 28 January In October 2010, the new office of the Chief Coroner which was widely considered to be an essential part of the new Coroners Bill fell victim to the “bonfire of the quangos”. Fortunately,




vigorous opposition in the House of Lords in December 2010 and its final passage through Parliament was thwarted, with a strong majority voting to preserve the Chief Coroner’s role. As a result, the Bill is now expected to be debated by MPs in the House of Commons sometime this summer. Many CRY supporters took up our call to action and contacted more than 150 MPs and Lords to express their concerns. Read more details about the campaign at: coronersbillcampaign.htm






has been relaunched as



network. This change of name reflects that CRY support is available to any previously fit and healthy young person (35 and under) who has suddenly been diagnosed with a heart condition. The name was inspired by the CRY / Philips test myheart tour. There will now be a greater online presence, regular newsletters, meetings arranged in more locations around the UK and someone especially in charge of this very important group of young people. The expansion of the myheart network has been made possible by a grant from Jeans for Genes. For more information visit:

Coroners and Justice Act Campaign gains further support with CRY’s online petition 3 February The campaign began to gain pace as we created an online petition, using Twitter

Representatives Information Day 29 January The third annual Representatives Information Day was held in The Haywain Conference Room in Epsom and attended by 32 people. CRY representatives had the opportunity to learn about

and Facebook to help get signatures. Within a few weeks, we had over 2,000 signatures. If you would like to help, please



and discuss plans for the year ahead. Peter



Representative for the West Midlands, attended for the first time. He said “I was not sure what to expect, but found it to be a very informative day. Alison started the day off with an opening speech full of passion. The talks by other CRY members were well presented and full of details. What impressed me was that we are

4 • CRY update • Issue 54

Media interest in the Coroners and Justice Act Campaign 14 February I was interviewed for Midlands radio to highlight the importance of the role of the Chief Coroner and CRY’s campaign lobbying for this role. The role of the Chief Coroner was created by the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 and had received Royal Assent, going through Parliament with support from all parties, and Judge Thornton was appointed to take the position. The huge surge on the CRY website of 10,000 more visitors than the previous week was provoked by media interest in the


from the

Chief Executive

Coroner’s campaign. Maureen Marshall’s screening at Edge Hill, in memory of her son John also drove traffic to the web




to wait 22 months for the inquest into John’s death and is a very strong supporter of improvements that must be made to this neglected but vitally important service. Bereaved CRY supporters achieved good regional coverage including






Northampton Chronicle (17 February), Sue Ainsworth in the Teesside Evening Gazette (23 February), Kathy Moyle in the Exmouth Chronicle (23 February), Doreen Harley in the Flintshire Chronicle (24 February), Peter Patterson in the Billericay and Wickford Gazette (24 February), The Turberville family and Merchant family in the Herts Advertiser (28 February), James Brown in the Sevenoaks Chronicle (4 March) and Kate and Robi Fox in the (Ipswich) Evening Star (15 March).

Northern Ireland Regional Bereavement Support Day 19 February

The venue for this event was the Dunadry Hotel & Country Club and groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Caroline Gard, Julie Hatton (pictured) and myself.

CRY update • Issue 54 • 5


from the

Chief Executive

Andrew RT Davies, Assembly Member, calls for data on SADS to be collected in Wales

published on their site on 28th February shortly after Parliament returned from recess.

17 February South Wales Central AM, Andrew RT Davies, has urged the

The interview is available at:

Health Minister to introduce

the collation of data on Sudden


Arrhythmic Death Syndrome at the earliest opportunity in the Welsh NHS. It followed a

Interview for BBC Parliament

response from the Minister to

2 March

a written question submitted

I was asked to visit the BBC’s studios at

by Mr Davies, where the

4 Millbank to speak about the importance

Minister confirmed that this

of the role of Chief Coroner for Look East.

data was not collected on a

Dr Tony Hillier and his wife

national basis.

Bereavement Supporter Joan Hillier also featured in the

Mr Davies said: “The common denominator in all of these tragic

piece, which was broadcast

cases is that the individuals are all apparently fit and healthy.

on 3 March.

This must be a huge shock and leave families with all sorts of questions. If we can gain a greater understanding of the condition and its prevalence on a national basis then it can only help to improve the support in place for the families affected.” Andrew gave CRY great support at the launch of the Wales Postcard in Cardiff in November 2009 which received very

CRY Supporter Robi Fox on the James Hazell Show

significant TV coverage.

16 March

myheart network joins BRIT Map

Robi Fox was interviewed extensively

28 February

on BBC Radio Suffolk’s The

Patron Phil Packer’s BRIT map is a fantastic source of support

James Hazell Show. He spoke

and information services to all

about the dreadful impact on

young people facing adversity

the family of the sudden death

in the UK. I was delighted

of his daughter Laura at 13

when he invited CRY to be

and why the role of the Chief

part of this innovative project

Coroner is so important to


improve the quality of service


champions support








activities across Great Britain

CRY Patron Bill Neely competes in Reading Half Marathon

to young people facing unique challenges.

20 March For







Bill Neely was 1 of 14 runners who took part in the Reading Half Marathon for CRY. Bill had been struggling to find

Interview about the Coroners Bill Campaign on

time to train with a spate of

28 February

his routine but reported: “I ran

Earlier this month, I was interviewed by

proudly with the CRY vest. And about the importance of the

did a PB! Finished in 1.24.35.

role of Chief Coroner. The interview was

Very hard though.”

6 • CRY update • Issue 54

foreign assignments affecting


from the

Chief Executive

Scotland Regional Bereavement Support Day


27 March

photographer of V festival.

The venue for this event was again the Norton House Hotel &


Spa in Edinburgh and groups were led by CRY Bereavement



Supporters Maralyn Bowen, Diana Bower (pictured) and myself.



McCauley, who






CRY several


kindly nominated CRY to receive any proceeds of print sales.

East Regional Bereavement Support Day 10 April This new event was held at Stoke by Nayland Hotel in Colchester and groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Julie Donnelly, Joan Hillier, Ruth Lowe, Carly Sykes, Diane Tolley (pictured) and myself.

Meeting for Radio 4 Appeal 31 March myheart



Mackenzie, and I attended a meeting at BBC Broadcasting House to learn about the Radio 4 Appeal as CRY was one of the charities that had been selected. The Radio 4 Appeal is a weekly programme raising awareness of the work of the selected charity and appealing for donations. After the script has been approved those involved will be returning to Broadcasting House to record our appeal. This can be heard on Sunday 24th July 2011 at 7.55am and will be repeated at 9.26 pm and again on Thursday 28th July










April V Photography Exhibition 9 April and 16 April A free exhibition of music photography from the last 15 years of V festival was held in London, including the work of

CRY update • Issue 54 • 7


from the

Chief Executive

Interview on BBC Radio Surrey

out on the day. CRY’s ‘London Marathon experience’ would be

16 April

greatly impoverished without you.

I was interviewed by BBC Radio Surrey about the charity

For more details and pictures see pages 21-32 or visit:

rugby match in memory of

Rob Allan which was held at Leatherhead and Effingham

TV crew visit CRY office

rugby club just over a year

19 April

after he died. Rob’s mum

ITV’s Meridian visited the offices to interview me about the

Pauline and dad Mike showed

connection between energy

immense courage in talking


about the impact of Rob’s

in young people. This was

death on the family and took the opportunity to praise CRY’s

through an initiative of Peter

screening programme which they feel provides a fantastic

Biggs whose son Shaun died

opportunity to save the lives of those young people who show

in January 2010 after drinking

no symptoms.












since campaigned about their

114 CRY entrants in the Virgin London Marathon 2011

possible side effects.

17 April

runners in this year’s

CRY Supporter Sue Ainsworth interviewed on BBC Radio 5 live

Virgin London Marathon,

20 April

which for the second

The interview on BBC Radio 5 live afforded

time included our Patron

CRY further coverage of CRY’s





thank you to all 114 CRY


Neely CRY.

running Everyone’s








Sue Ainsworth spoke about the loss of her son Jonathan and




Many of you (including

caused by the long delay

Bill this year!) chose

awaiting the inquest and the

to visit us in the Hilton

lack of compassion shown

for a massage and hot

to her family.

shower which we hope eased aches and pains! A very special thanks to all the CRY volunteers – especially the hard-working team of masseurs who donated their time free - who helped

Interview on BBC Radio Cornwall 21 April CRY Supporter Rebecca Lobb and I were interviewed on BBC Radio Cornwall about her experience of living with long QT syndrome and on finally having an ICD fitted after 19 years of suffering from faints before being diagnosed. Since this programme there have been a significant number of people who have contacted CRY from Cornwall and who I have The CRY team of volunteer masseurs

8 • CRY update • Issue 54

been able to direct to the outstanding service given at Truro hospital under expert consultant cardiologist Dr Trevor Johnston.


from the

Deputy Chief Executive

Dr. Steven Cox

and donations after an event. This has always been compounded by

CRY Deputy Chief Executive

the challenge of assembling the whole magazine.

Dear CRY supporters,

The amount of fundraising that CRY families engage in never fails to

A number of key initiatives for providing

astonish us, and every time we improve the way we produce the Update,

information have occurred in the last

the amount that we are including increases. It is a fantastic challenge to

year including the production of the

have over 7,000 people now receive the Update which is being produced

medical DVDs, hosting the video’s on

regularly for the first time. However we would very much like to receive

an expanding YouTube channel and

more feedback and so are including for the first time an opportunity for

printing the Heart Screening booklet. Wherever possible we structure

you to send us your feedback on the enclosed form, in the SAE provided.

in feedback, but, sometimes we are entirely dependent on your comments given through emails or in conversation.

We constantly review how many Updates we should produce, how often they should be circulated, who should be included, whether

Medical Information / Ambulance staff DVD

there should indeed be an Update at all or whether you would prefer

We have already received feedback on the Medical Information

to just have the e-newsletter. Also does the e-newsletter sufficiently

DVD. This includes one family expressing their appreciation as it had

compliment the Update, ensuring that people find out in time about

really helped them to understand more about why their child died.

upcoming events in their area? Some people may prefer to receive

Another was from a doctor who reviewed the ECGs on the DVD

the Update as a pdf (rather than hard copy) and perhaps we should

prior to working in A&E. He said that watching the DVD had drawn

now be putting the full Update on the CRY website to download as

attention to the Brugada patterns on the ECG, and it was because

a pdf. Which sections do our supporters read, and do we include

of the DVD that he identified someone in A&E over the weekend

enough about each area (e.g. research)?

with Brugada syndrome. Without it he would probably have been missed. Many people have used their personal contacts within the

Because all news articles go on the website we need to check whether

ambulance services and their GPs, requesting more copies of the

you still need them in the Update? We are aware it is hard to do justice

DVD to circulate. I am sure it will take some time, but the impact of

to the effort it takes to get an article published in the press, as it is difficult

this is going to be extremely interesting.

to make the font size big enough in the Update to read all articles, as we need to include them all.

We can’t stress how important feedback is as it gives us our best opportunity to improve what we do. If you have any comments about

These are just a few of the questions that have been included in the

the Medical Information/Ambulance Staff DVD please do forward

enclosed form to help us improve what we do. The Update is for you

them to the CRY office ( ). If you are happy for your

and knowing how you feel about it will help us greatly.

quotes to be used in our publications, this would be fantastic and please confirm this when you write. Likewise, if you have any positive

As a final sign off, we would really like you to consider taking the

stories about how this additional information has helped in your

Medical Information DVDs to your local GP, and the Ambulance

local community or your workplace - please tell us. Your feedback

Staff DVD to your local ambulance service. The DVD has so much

is tremendously helpful in not only evaluating what we do, but also

information that is easily accessible. For us to do a mail shot to GPs

promoting and helping us to raise awareness.

is not only very expensive, but it will not be taken as seriously as if YOU take the information in. The DVDs cost us 26p to produce. They

CRY Update Brochure

are more expensive than a leaflet but cheaper than a booklet and are

Some families will remember those long-ago days when the Update

therefore a very cost effective way to promote what CRY does and

was a photocopied document of 8 or so pages created with cut and

educate everyone about these life- threatening conditions.

paste pictures by Tony Hill and edited by CRY Founder and CEO Alison Cox. It has changed immeasurably in the intervening 15 years.

Best wishes,

Mair is doing a fantastic job of bringing the Update up to real time. Over the years people have sometimes questioned why the Update was so “out of date”, with its somewhat incongruous title. There are many reasons why it is not possible to have it completely up to date, as usually fundraisers do not send in write ups straight away and it

Steve Cox

takes a remarkable amount of time to pull together all the sponsorship

Deputy Chief Executive

CRY update • Issue 54 • 9


CRY News undiagnosed heart


condition. After the

In the first three

loss of their team-

months of this year


Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) raised £59.68 through easyfundraising. If you already shop online, why not help CRY at no extra cost from purchases you would make anyway. Just register on the site to start raising money for CRY as you shop:



decided to sport the CRY logo on their match shirts to help raise of




cardiac death and

Article published in the Journal of Paramedic Practice Gareth Mallon of the East Midlands Ambulance Service has published an article in the April issue of the Journal of Paramedic Practice discussing his involvement with CRY and exploring why young sudden cardiac death is an important

CRY. The team, who are currently


third in their group in

topic for ambulance crews.

the Tandridge Youth

The article also highlights the launch of the CRY educational

were able to show


cardiac DVD for ambulance staff. Gareth says “The idea of the DVD was for it to be tailored and directed at ambulance staff - making it more personal and the information pitched at


off their new shirts at the Tandridge Youth Football


the right level.”

Trophy Under 15

“The ambulance DVD was so well received when reviewed

Hurricanes, said “Unfortunately they did not win the final but they are




Final on 28 April 2011. Dean Houlden, Manager/Coach of Ex-Blues various




that another version was produced for medical students.”

still very proud of their shirts and we hope to arrange some football matches this summer to raise money for your worthwhile charity as well as making people aware of CRY”.

CRY Charity Mobile Scheme Gareth Mallon, Professor Sanjay Sharma and Dr Steve Cox launching the Ambulance Staff DVD at the Parliamentary

CRY is now registered with Charity Mobile Scheme. By using the scheme to order a new mobile phone contract or by recycling old

Reception in 2010.

handsets CRY will receive a donation from Charity Mobile Scheme.

Ex-Blues Hurricanes U15 raising awareness of CRY in memory of Ben Daniels





In March 2011, Ben Daniels (goalkeeper for Ex-Blues Hurricanes U15 football team) collapsed during a training session and, despite the best efforts of hospital staff, died a few days later from an

10 • CRY update • Issue 54

on Orange and Vodafone.


more information visit

CRY Between January and April 2011, CRY screened over 3,500 people with family memorial screenings being the majority of these. Over 1,000 people were screened at 8 family memorial screenings. These were held in memory of Tom Reid (Garforth Community College), Neil Wickers (Darwen Access Point), John Marshall (Edge Hill University), Craig Lunt (Hilton Hotel, Isle of Man), Martyn Luckett (Parkhouse Centre, Bude), Oliver Hewitt (Aldridge Methodist Church), Allyn McCluskie (Filey School) and Eve Linforth (Summerfield GP & Urgent Health Centre, Birmingham). Sports screening included ASA Swimming, GB Rugby League, GB Gymnastics, England Rugby Under 20’s, Under 18’s, Under 17’s and Under 16’s, Indian Gymkhana Club, Lancashire County Cricket Club, GB Hockey, Warwickshire County Cricket Club, The Royal Ballet Company and GB Netball. Over 650 athletes were screened.

Screening report

931 young people were screened at 9 school screenings. These were held at Canford School (Wimborne), Bryanston School (Dorset), Nottingham High School, Old Swinford Hospital School (Stourbridge), Tiffin School (Kingston-upon-Thames, held in memory of Neil Desai), Bishop’s Stortford School (held in memory of Caroline Johnstone), Millfield School (Somerset), Kings School (Bruton) and Eton College (Windsor). At our regular CRY clinics, a total of 645 young people were screened. Clinics were held at Colchester General Hospital (in memory of Andrew Gard), the University of Glamorgan (in memory of Mark Stephen Young) and at the University of Ulster Jordanstown and Coleraine campuses. The clinic at the University of Ulster included screening the Ulster Rugby squad. At the ICAP clinics, where those born in 1995 in the south east are able to get free screening, 247 youngsters were screened. These screenings are held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Sports Cardiology in St. George’s Hospital.

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and it only takes 5-10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on your chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (known as electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of your heart is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes 2-3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% – 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of your heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. CRY uses top of the range machinery donated by Philips for the screening programme. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology


By Jemma Wells, Dr. Mary Sheppard’s Medical Secretary at the CRY CCP. The CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology received 67 sudden death cases during January to April 2011, an increase from the 47 cases referred during the same period in 2010.

Dr Mary Sheppard Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Jemma Wells Medical Secretary

Dr Sofia de Noronha Research Assistant

Saharnaz Vakhshouri Laboratory Technician

CRY update • Issue 54 • 11

Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology

(CRY CCP) Despite the number of referrals rising, we are pleased to report that our average turnaround time is still less than 14 days, with only the exceptional case taking a bit longer. In 2010 we achieved an overall average turnaround of 9 days and we aim to maintain that average in 2011 and continue to provide a fast-track service. As shown in the pie chart above there are a variety of causes of sudden cardiac deaths, this chart shows the diagnoses that were made during January – April 2011. The majority of our cases are sudden cardiac death with a structurally normal

April saw a small decline in numbers however this was due to the

heart indicating most likely electrical abnormalities. Once a

Easter break and bank holidays that fell within the month and this

diagnosis is made we provide a report to coroners and families.

was counterbalanced by the increase in referrals during the first 3 months of the year, with more than double the number of cases


received in March compared to the same month in 2010. This is

In April 2011, CRY Research Fellow Dr Hari Raju got his pilot

shown in the figure below.

genetics study underway in collaboration with the Royal Brompton Hospital and St George’s Hospital. A special solution, RNAlater, allows tiny samples of splenic tissue to be preserved at room temperature enabling the tissue to be sent by courier along with the heart – previously the spleen had to be stored in the freezer at -80°C and transported using dry ice. The sample can be used for potential future genetic testing on behalf of the family providing consent is given. In cases of sudden cardiac death where Dr Sheppard diagnoses a possible inherited cardiac condition, genetic analysis may sometimes be used to confirm the exact cause of death, identify the genetic mutation responsible, and determine which surviving relatives may also be at risk, and hence benefit from treatments to reduce that risk.

Research Regarding the research in our unit, results of our fast track cardiac pathology service for victims of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the UK have been presented as oral presentations at international conferences including the United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) in San Antonio, US. This work has also been

12 • CRY update • Issue 54

Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology


accepted as a poster presentation by the European Congress of


Chenn SS, Chaparro-Munoz M, Uemura H, Gatzoulis MA,

Cardiology taking place this summer in Paris, France. The paper

Sheppard MN, Kilner PJ. A multilobulated intracardiac

reporting these results is being finalised. We are also currently

mass in Ebstein’s malformation. Eur Heart J March 2011

analysing all cases of sudden cardiac death referred to Dr


Deshmukh M, Francis N, GalinanesM, Ang K, Muller S,

Sheppard in the last 17 years, approximately 2,000 cases, the

Sheppard MN. Primary cardiac low grade sarcomas

largest database in the world.

mimiking myxomas. Pitfall in diagnosis. Diagnostic

Histopathology April 2011;17(4)206-209

We recruited BSc student Katsuya Norita, a third year biomedical student, to investigate coronary vasculitis, an inflammation of the

February saw the launch of two important endeavours in inherited

coronary arteries in the heart which is a rare cause of sudden

cardiovascular disease. Firstly, Dr Sheppard teamed up with

cardiac death that can affect young people. He has recently

the Dean of the Royal Society of Medicine, David Misselbrook,

submitted an abstract of his findings to the European Congress of

to host an expert forum to discuss genetic testing after sudden

Pathology to be held in Helsinki, Finland, this summer and he is

cardiac deaths. On the 3rd February key figures including

now preparing the manuscript.

coroners, cardiologists and pathologists and the CEO of CRY, as well as members of the Human Tissue Authority met to discuss

Specialist registrar Dr Anna Silvanto has recently submitted

the importance of genetic testing and outlined a possible protocol

her research on heart attack with normal coronary arteries in

that could be introduced UK wide.

sudden cardiac death (SCD). This work was presented as an oral presentation at the Speciality School Pathology Annual Trainee

Secondly, Dr Sheppard travelled to Doha in Qatar to attend a

Conference in the Royal College of Pathologists and accepted as

research focus meeting on Cardiac Genomics, athlete’s heart

a poster presentation for the British Division of the International

and inherited cardiovascular disease at the Qatar Orthopaedic

Academy of Pathology (BDIAP) and the Pathological Society of

and Sports Medicine Hospital. The meeting was attended by

Great Britain & Ireland meeting in Ghent, Belgium, in May.

an international team of specialists in molecular cardiology, sports cardiology and inherited cardiac pathology. Both of these

Dr Sofia de Noronha has recently obtained ethical project approval

meetings are looking towards a future where genetics will play a

to investigate arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

vital role in preventing cases of sudden cardiac death.

(ARVC) using genetic and microscopy analysis. This project will involve a close collaboration with the Genetics Research

However, it is essential that our future pathologists are well trained

Laboratory within the Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit

and well read on the new developments in this field. Dr Sheppard

at the Royal Brompton Hospital led by Professor Stuart Cook and

feels strongly about the provision of well-rounded training at a high

Dr Paul Barton.

standard for future pathologists and so she attended the BDIAP seminar for trainees in Histopathology at the Royal College of

Other collaborative projects in our unit include a clinico-

Pathologists to deliver a lecture on sudden cardiac death.

pathological investigation of channelopathy by CRY Research Fellow Dr Hari Raju and cardiology consultant and senior lecturer

Two specialist cardiac pathologists retired this year and will not

at St George’s University, Dr Elijah Behr.

be replaced. This highlights the need for specialist training in cardiac pathology.

Six articles were published in peer-reviewed journals in the first quarter of this year. These included: 1.

Carpenter JP, He T, Kirk P, Roughton M, Anderson LJ, de

Noronha SV, Sheppard MN, Porter JB, Walker JM, Wood

JC, Galanello R, Forni G, Catani G, Matta G, Fucharoen S,

Fleming A, House MJ, Black G, Firmin DN, St Pierre

TG, Pennell DJ. On T2* Magnetic Resonance and Cardiac

Iron. Circulation. March 2011


Patel J, Sheppard MN. Sudden death owing to right atrial

hemangioma. J Forensic Sci. 56 (2):529-530 March 2011

CRY update • Issue 54 • 13



CRY’s Research Fellows are an integral part of the work we do at CRY. CRY funds doctors for 2 years who choose to specialise in the field of inherited cardiac diseases, sudden cardiac death, screening and sports cardiology. The research that they produce advances our understanding of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death. In April, CRY’s Research Fellows attended EuroPRevent 2011. Organised by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), it is the biggest meeting in Europe on Cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. Held over 3 days, it includes meetings, presentations and courses with the aim of advancing knowledge. Both existing and previous CRY Research Fellows presented their research to attendees from all over the world. Update Editor Mair Shepherd spoke to some of CRY’s Research Fellows to find out more.

CRY Research Fellow Dr Hari

with absolute certainty that we made the diagnosis of HCM but it

Raju presented his work during

was the most likely thing. This was complicated by an MRI scan

a ‘Meet the Experts’ session on

which suggested again that actually this might have represented

sports cardiology.

a traditional heart attack, which is a temporary blockage in flow in

What was the Meet the Experts session about? The Meet the Experts session was about difficulties in sports cardiology.




around descriptions of cases and scenarios in sports cardiology that pose problems for specialists, in terms of differentiating between people who have definite pathology (that is a heart condition) and the normal physiological changes that happen in the heart as a result of exercise and chronic exercise.

the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. Through this case study I was illustrating how exercise, training and detraining in somebody who ultimately appears to have HCM can change the appearance of their tests. Not only can it be difficult to differentiate between athlete’s heart and HCM, but you can sometimes have other conditions like traditional heart attacks added to the mix and also tests can change with time depending on whether people are training or not. The important thing being that if there is any uncertainty it’s important to repeat tests in the context of training and detraining. Are you saying that the athlete’s heart often has a thicker wall than a normal heart and this can look similar to HCM?

What was your presentation about? I was specifically talking about the difficulties between the changes that occur in the heart during exercise versus the appearance of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) on testing. HCM is a heart condition characterised by thickening of the heart muscle and we

Yes, chronic exercise training as in the same way as if you go to the gym and bulk out your arms and your legs your heart does exactly the same thing. Your heart is a muscle and hence it gets bigger when it’s worked with any kind of chronic training.

diagnose this with an ECG (electrical recordings of the heart) and

And when you say detrain what exactly do you mean?

an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) with additional tests

By detraining I mean stopping exercise for a period of about

such as treadmill tests, cardiac MRI tests and occasionally with

6 to 8 weeks.

holter monitors. We add up all the information from those tests to try and differentiate between these conditions. I was illustrating this with a particularly difficult case where it appeared that a 35 year old was suffering from a traditional heart attack, although the blood supply to the heart was completely normal on investigation with an angiogram. Having essentially ruled that out, or as we felt at the time, the ECG reading was

In this particular case he had been training as a cyclist and hence his ECG looked abnormal. When giving the diagnosis of HCM, while we don’t necessarily tell people that they have to completely stop doing all exercise, we say that people shouldn’t be doing endurance sports or competitive sports. In this case, he essentially chose to stop doing everything and his investigations almost completely normalised at that stage.

most consistent with HCM. However, the changes on the ECHO

How is this relevant in day-to-day practice?

(ultrasound) were very subtle and certainly within the parameters

As a cardiologist it’s important to keep an open mind for any

of what we would see in athlete’s heart – that is changes that

patient where all of the tests don’t neatly fit into a single category.

can be related to chronic exercise training. So it certainly wasn’t

It’s also important to be able to allow people to train and detrain

14 • CRY update • Issue 54



and then repeat tests in those scenarios to see whether that

condition that we would see in the general population and

moves your diagnosis towards definite heart condition versus

amongst athletes. So in those people who have these changes

physiological change within the heart.

it’s important to differentiate between normal exercise training and pathology. What we don’t want to prevent athletes unnecessarily

How does this relate to CRY’s screening programme? Obviously







from continuing with their chosen career.

occasionally with the addition of echocardiography to pick up conditions like HCM, which is the most common inherited


in keeping with ethnicity. So if we see them in a black athlete, we

Nabeel Sheikh was nominated

know from past experience that this is normal for their ethnicity,

for the Young Investigator of the

which prevents them undergoing unnecessary investigation, false

Year Award

and unfair disqualification, and spares them a lot of unnecessary




What is the Young Investigator Award? The Young Investigator Award (YIA) is open to those under 35 years of age who have

anxiety – after all, to an athlete it’s a very big deal if somebody tells them “you’ve got a problem with your ECG” or “you’ve got a problem with your echocardiogram and you’ve got to have more investigations” - not only are they worried about their health, it’s also their whole career that is at stake.

produced original research that

However, all the values we use to define what represents a

has the potential to change or have a significant impact on clinical

“normal” ECG and echocardiogram in an athlete come not only

practice. When abstracts are submitted to EuroPRevent, they are

from adult populations, but adult Caucasian populations. And

marked by experts in the field and the ones deemed to be of the

no-one has ever looked for these changes specifically in black

most outstanding quality go forward to the YIA.

adolescent athletes. So our questions were: should we be

What was your research about? My work was an extension of work that our group, led by Professor Sanjay Sharma, have done previously looking at ethnicity and changes that athletes get on their ECG and echocardiogram (ultrasound scan) in response to exercise. We know from work done in adult populations that athletes develop changes on their ECG and echocardiogram which is known as “the Athlete’s Heart” and is a normal response to exercise. We also know from adult studies that athletes of African/AfroCaribbean (black) origin are prone to get more of a specific type of

extrapolating data that we’ve got from adult white athletes to black athletes? And do black athletes in this particular age group even get the changes as frequently as we have observed in the adult black athletic population? These questions are particularly important because both black athletes and adolescent athletes are two groups that have been shown in several studies to be at the highest risk of exerciserelated sudden death. So by looking at black adolescent athletes, we were also looking at the group of athletes that are at highest risk of exercise-related sudden death (yet paradoxically, no studies have ever been done to look at the ECG and echocardiogram

change on their ECG (known as “repolarisation anomalies”) and

changes they develop with exercise).

also on their echocardiogram (larger wall thicknesses) compared

What did the research actually show?

to Caucasian (white) athletes. Although these changes can be related to athleticism and race, they can also overlap with changes seen in certain cardiac conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). So when we see these changes the question is “are these just normal ECG and echocardiogram findings for a black athlete, or is this

We took a group of black adolescent athletes and compared them to a group of white adolescent athletes and also compared them to a black control group – comprised of sedentary individuals who exercise for 2 hours or less a week. Our results showed that, compared to white adolescent athletes and the control group, black adolescent athletes develop more changes on their ECG

something more?”

and more changes on their echocardiogram, which is in keeping

Now from the work we’ve done previously in adult athletes,

changes are a normal response to exercise for black athletes,

we’ve got good evidence that some of these changes are more

with the findings in adults. This suggests that some of these which is important because it shows that we shouldn’t necessarily

CRY update • Issue 54 • 15



extrapolate results from white athletes to black athletes – given that these changes are rare in white athletes but more common in black athletes, doing so may lead to many unnecessary investigations and potential anxiety or even unfair disqualification.

weeks if not months of work, it was definitely worth it because it gave me great experience of something I’ve never done before. How would this relate to the CRY research programme and the CRY screening programme and how can we use this data?

When you say ECG changes, do you just mean changes from

It’s really important actually, especially now we’re doing more and

what is considered normal?

more school screenings and, even though schools are technically

Yes. There are changes that are quite common in athletes which

not classed as athletic or sports screenings, you do find that a lot

we know are related to athletic training and those are found across the board – in all ages, ethnicities and in both genders. However there are certain ECG changes that are uncommon and can overlap with those found in diseased states. The issue arises because these “uncommon” changes are actually more common in black athletes but we think this is due to race in combination

of young people do a lot of exercise. It gives us a basis on which to be able to correctly interpret the ECG and echocardiogram findings in different ages and ethnicities rather than just using adult values from Caucasians. We’ve now got evidence that we will be able to use that will enable us to better judge ECG changes and echocardiogram changes in young adolescents and

with exercise rather than pathology.

particularly black athletes.

How did you find giving your presentation?

We hope to publish the research, but there is still more work to

Were you quite nervous?

be done. We need to follow-up these people, looking particularly

It was the first time I’ve done anything like this so I was

at those who have got ECG and echocardiogram changes,

nervous, but I was also looking forward to it because it’s a great opportunity to advertise the important research that CRY supports to an international audience, and also give a flavour of the kind of research we’re doing through CRY. It was also a great opportunity for me to present the research that I’ve done and to get experience at presenting at an international conference to a large audience which included experts in the field! Although it was

and see what happens to them. Whilst we have tested them all comprehensively and not found any problems in anyone, it’s still important to follow them up long-term to see whether that remains the case. It’s only then that we will have a complete picture and be in a position to say ‘yes, these ECG changes mean nothing’ or ‘these ECG changes warrant more investigations after the initial screening’.

nerve-wracking, and for a 15-20 minute presentation it required

CRY Research Fellow Dr Abbas

Why has the focus been on the left ventricle?

Zaidi was also nominated for

Firstly, the left ventricle is easier to study. It’s a symmetrical

the Young Investigator of the

structure which can be studied quite easily with echocardiography

Year Award and also presented

whilst the right ventricle is an asymmetrical structure and is

some of his other work during

much more difficult to see and to study with echocardiography.

a symposium ‘Beyond the left

Secondly, HCM is more common and is more recognised whilst


arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) has only recently been recognised as a condition that can cause sudden death in athletes. So the focus has always been on trying to pick

What was the symposium Beyond the Left Ventricle about? Most of the work that’s been done in sports cardiology has focussed on the left ventricle. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a condition that can cause sudden death in young people, particularly athletes, and in athletes the left ventricle thickens up and enlarges so you can get this difficulty in distinguishing the

up HCM. It’s only recently that we’ve started looking for ARVC. You say that most previous research has focussed on HCM and that ARVC is more recent. What do you mean by more recent? The Italians were the ones who really started to pick up quite a lot of cases of ARVC in athletes. So it’s only really become prominent within the last 10 years.

normal athlete’s left ventricle from HCM. But there’s not been

What was your talk about?

much work done on what happens to the right side of the heart in

My talk was about the structural adaptations of the right ventricle

athletes, which this symposium was predominantly about.

in athletes. So I talked about the fact that sudden deaths occur in young people in sport, then I talked about the fact that a lot of

16 • CRY update • Issue 54



work has been done on the left ventricle. Then I talked about why

body with intense exercise, they need their heart to work more

the right ventricle hasn’t been studied as much and I reviewed

efficiently which affects the left and right side of their heart.

the literature about what happens to the right ventricle in athletes. Most of the literature suggests that there are changes in the right ventricle in athletes and that the right ventricle enlarges. However, there is conflicting evidence about what happens to the function of the right ventricle. Some evidence suggests that, although the right heart gets bigger, the function stays the same, but there is also some evidence that suggests that intense prolonged exercise over many years can actually cause some damage to the right ventricle. Then I also presented our own data from my work with Professor Sharma which is funded by CRY. We are studying a large cohort of athletes that we’ve screened at CRY events and we’re making measurements on their right hearts. So I presented some of the data that we’ve got so far. What are your preliminary findings? Our preliminary findings confirm earlier work that the right ventricle does enlarge quite a lot in competitive athletes. Also the right heart gets so big in some athletes that they start to fulfil diagnostic criteria for ARVC although they don’t actually have it. Is that because the exercise works the heart muscle and so it enlarges? It’s basically because more blood is flowing through the right ventricle so it has to enlarge to accommodate the greater throughput. Also the pulmonary artery pressure rises in athletes, so the pressure in the right side of the heart increases. So there’s greater flow and greater pressure. As they are pushing their

How is this relevant in day-to-day practice? We see a lot of athletes, especially in Professor Sharma’s clinic because he’s the head of the CRY Sports Cardiology Centre, with large right ventricles. If they have ARVC then they should be excluded from sport because they are at risk of sudden death, and they increase their risk of death by exercising. We need to know what a normal right ventricle is for an athlete, because normal for an athlete is bigger than it is for a non-athlete. Once we’ve established what normal is for athletes then we won’t need to put them all through the tests because we’d be able to say this is normal for you because you do a lot of exercise. How would this relate to the work that CRY does and the CRY screening programme? All of the data has come from CRY screenings. ARVC is an inherited cardiac condition that kills a significant proportion of young athletes and young people in general. If it helps with the identification of people with this condition then it will reduce sudden deaths in young people. Would these changes in the right ventricle also show up on the ECG or is it just on the ECHO? That’s another thing we’re looking at actually: whether we can predict these changes on the ECG and whether or how we can use the ECG as another tool to differentiate healthy right ventricle enlargement from ARVC.

What do CRY Research Fellows do? Within their role at cardiac screening events they: •

carry out consultations with every person CRY tests

manage all the abnormal screening results

Within their role at hospitals they:

work with Professor Sharma at the CRY Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology clinic at St George’s Hospital,

London and at Lewisham University Hospital. At these fast track clinics families can be seen within a few weeks of referral after the

sudden death of a young family member Within their role as an academic they:

publish abstracts and posters of CRY’s research

publish articles in peer-reviewed journals

present their research at international conferences

CRY update • Issue 54 • 17

CRY Crusaders The CRY Crusaders are a group of young rugby players, deeply affected by a friend’s sudden death. They will be playing and representing CRY at a number of Rugby 7s tournaments throughout the country.

The CRY Crusaders Rugby 7s Team with CRY Patrons John Inverdale, Simon Halliday and Rob Andrew

The CRY Crusaders attended three Rugby 7s tournaments at the

the CRY Crusaders and the Midwives. The watch started well for the

end of April; Wanstead on the 17th, Winchester on the 24th and

Crusaders with Toby Comley scoring two early tries. However the

Farnham on the 30th.

Crusaders lost their structure slightly and the Midwives capitalised scoring four tries to take the win. All in all it was an excellent start

As well as competing in the tournaments in their CRY branded kit,

to the season and although they didn’t win the overall competition,

the team manned a stall with leaflets and merchandise to raise funds

Joe MacManus won player of the tournament and there was much

and awareness of CRY amongst spectators and players.

interest at the CRY stand with many leaflets being handed out.

The CRY Crusaders had an excellent showing in their first

At Winchester, the CRY Crusaders earned their first piece of silverware by winning the Plate. In Rugby 7s four trophies are awarded in each tournament; Cup (whose winner is the overall tournament champion), Plate, Bowl and Shield.

tournament of the year at Wanstead, reaching the final of the main competition. The final saw the two winners of the pool stages meet,

Joe MacManus wins player of the tournament at Wanstead 7’s

18 • CRY update • Issue 54

CRY Crusaders The CRY Crusaders built on the victory at Winchester and survived a long day at Farnham, remaining unbeaten throughout the day. At 7pm the final took place between the Crusaders and Godalming Gods, the long day and energy used to overcome the Tsunami Castaways in the semi-final looked as if it would halt the Crusaders in their efforts to win the Farnham 7’s title. A few uncharacteristic mistakes in the first couple of minutes, alongside a few flashes of brilliance in attack left a half time score of 14 – 12 to the Crusaders. The message

Follow the CRY CRYCrusaders or for the latest news.

Crusaders on Twitter Facebook

Visit for full match reports and photos.

Who are the CRY Crusaders? The


Crusaders Rugby 7s team has a deep





at half time was to slow things down, be patient and keep possession. This



was taken on board by the

founding members

players and a couple more

were playing in

converted tries were added


in the second half. The final


score was 28 – 12 to the

when their team

Crusaders and their first

mate and great

Cup win. It was a great day

friend Seb English died suddenly

for the team both on and

of undiagnosed ARVC.



15’s game,

off the pitch, where many people visited their stand,

This loss has inspired the team to try



and raise awareness and funds for

and were made aware of

CRY during the summer Rugby 7s

Cardiac Risk in the Young.


CRY update • Issue 54 • 19

All-Ireland Intermediate

Camogie Club Final “The camogs wear CRY’s logo, while the club’s senior hurlers support Fr Frank Diamond’s charity work. John has been extremely supportive of us, he’s delighted that we carry the CRY logo on our shirt, and he has sent us messages of good luck before each of our games.”

Gaelic Life - 4th March 2011 by Ciaran Woods When the senior camogs of Eoghan Rua, Coleraine run out onto the turf at Croke Park on Sunday afternoon, they will not just carry with them the hopes and dreams of a club but also a message to young people everywhere about the importance of looking after their health. The Eoghan Rua jerseys on Sunday, just as they have done all year, will not carry a traditional sponsor logo. Instead, they will carry the logo of the CRY organisation, Cardiac Risk in the Young, as they do their bit to help raise the profile of cardiac screening in young people and to highlight the risks of undiagnosed heart conditions. The association stems from a friendship between Eoghan Rua boss Joe Passmore and John Lundy, one of CRY’s key representatives in the North. The Portstewart businessman lost his son Aaron, a promising young golfer, to a cardiac condition aged just 19, and since then has worked tirelessly to promote the cause. As his girls prepare for the game of their lives at GAA Headquarters this Sunday afternoon, the manager reveals that he and his squad are delighted that they have such a prime opportunity to promote the charity. “Last year we were looking at the issue of sponsorship within the club. Instead of leaving the front of the strips bare, the committee looked at the possibility of using them to promote certain causes and charities which were close to home.

20 • CRY update • Issue 54

As part of their fundraising when the Eoghan Rua senior men’s clubs reached the All-Ireland final in 2008, the club carried out screening for 80 young players in the club. Thanks in no small part to the fundraising efforts of local golfer and CRY patron Graeme McDowell, free screenings were carried out for hundreds of young people in the Coleraine area, with some of the Eoghan Rua girls actually having been screened before heading off to their All-Ireland semi-final. “For us, anything we can do to help raise awareness of this very worthwhile cause is a bonus. You’ve seen other sports teams in the past carrying out similar ventures, like Barcelona carrying the Unicef logo for years on their shirt. “We’re no Barcelona, but it’s great to see our girls lining out and doing their bit to support CRY, and from our perspective if it encourages people to go and get screened then that’s a huge positive.” Steve Cox, Deputy Chief Executive of CRY, said that he was delighted that Eoghan Rua were going to take the charity’s profile onto the national stage this weekend. “What Eoghan Rua have achieved already is incredible. We are so proud that they are wearing CRY’s logo on their shirts. “CRY’s supporters in Northern Ireland have done so much in raising awareness of these conditions and the 12 fit and healthy young people who die every week in the UK of undiagnosed heart conditions. The Eoghan Rua team will build on this awareness and help to save young lives.” If anyone is between the age of 14 and 35 and would like to be tested, or if you would like to organise a screening in your club or local area, then further information is available from the organisation’s website

Congratulations to the Eoghan Rua senior camogs who won the All Ireland Intermediate camogie final at Croke park on Sunday 6th March 2011 Eoghan Rua (Derry & Ulster) 3.08 v Laois Harps (Laois & Leinster) 2.03


London Marathon 2011

A big thank-you to everyone who ran for CRY and to all those who supported our runners. At the 2011 Virgin London Marathon we had a total of 114 runners. 78 of these were Golden Bond runners and 36 of these donated their own places to run for CRY. The total raised so far is an amazing £120,000.

“I’ve had an amazing experience. I am really honoured to do this for CRY.” Carly Sykes - running in memory of Paul Sykes

CRY update • Issue 54 • 21


London Marathon 2011

“Madly proud to have done it for John (Aaron’s dad). I know it would mean a lot. Hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Golf is easy compared with this.” Chris Hughes - running in memory of Aaron Lundy.

22 • CRY update • Issue 54


“I would not have been able to do it without the CRY runners.” Gav Copland - running in memory of Chris Haw

London Marathon 2011

“Hard work, but probably the best experience of my life. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness for this charity.” Catherine French - running in memory of Christopher Wheatley

“CRY is amazing, very good support. This is the first time that I’ve run for the charity, it was a great experience.” Jon Bird - running in memory of Ian Bowen

CRY update • Issue 54 • 23


London Marathon 2011

“I was worried all of the time if I was going to be back in time. I only had five weekends at home since Christmas. Haiti, Mexico City, Egypt, Libya and Japan. I have been back for 10 days since Washington, I trained in Washington. I just sat back and prepared for the marathon. I am disappointed not to have beaten my fundraising for last year (£6000 with Gift Aid) but there are still donations coming in though.” Bill Neely

“I am very pleased to help a charity that is so close to my heart and to raise money for an important cause.” Andrew McCann

“I’ve loved it. I’ve really enjoyed the whole experience. The experience of planning and pushing myself from an emotional point of view, it’s been fantastic.” Tim Parrack - running in memory of Howard and Sebastian English

24 • CRY update • Issue 54


London Marathon 2011

“I would recommend it to anyone, but it was ridiculously hard work. Worth it! Thanks to everyone at CRY for all their support.” Richard Leith - running in memory of Alex Roberts

CRY update • Issue 54 • 25


London Marathon 2011

“This was the biggest achievement of my life and a fantastic day.” Daniel Marsden - running in memory of Ollie Marsden

“I feel fantastic but quite emotional as I’m running for my son. I am proud, because he would be proud.” Christine Champney - running in memory of Guy Champney

“I don’t feel as bad as I thought I would. I’m relieved that it’s done. I feel proud, this is the first marathon that I’ve ever done, to support Dan and his family. I think this charity has a lot of personality and a chance to get bigger. 75 pledgers had never heard of CRY until they sponsored me. I think the future is bright for the charity. It will go up and up.” Jamie Aggett - running in memory

“I feel great, but hot and out of breath. I run 1,000 miles a year with Birkenhead Athletic Club. My body was ready to go but I had to ramp up the amount of time that I spent training.” Margaret

of Ollie Marsden

Delaney - running in memory of Guy Champney

26 • CRY update • Issue 54


“I am very pleased to have done it. I knew Oliver, it was devastating to learn he had died.” David Cross - running in memory of Oliver Hewitt

“It was an awesome experience. The running and fundraising all came good!” Gemma Banks - running in memory of Scott Rennie

“I wanted to do something in memory of Gareth. I started running after he died 4 years ago. I have been working up to today gradually. I had hoped to do it last year, but was devastated when I had an injury. I am so happy to be fit for it this year and will keep running every week. It gives me thinking time for Gareth, it helps me grieve.” Stephen Nutt - running in memory of Gareth Thomas

London Marathon 2011

“I hope that I have done my brother proud.” Sarah Hinchliffe - running in memory of Stephen Lyness

“Amazing to raise money for such a great charity. I’d do it again tomorrow. When I started to struggle I thought about Charlie and how much joy he has spread.” Karen Birch - running in memory of Charlie Morettes

CRY update • Issue 54 • 27


London Marathon 2011

“Such a worthwhile cause. Tragedies of people taken away so quickly. At least we can help other families, if we can prevent one family from going through this then it has been worth it.” Hilary Wagstaff - running in memory of Ethan Jones

“It feels like something I have to do and that makes you go through it and realise why you are doing it.” Jennifer Harrop - running in memory of David Harrop

28 • CRY update • Issue 54

“It is quite emotional. It is great to see other CRY runners and people coming together for a good cause.” Jamie Littlejohns - running in memory of Neil Desai


London Marathon 2011

“I absolutely loved it. It was great to be doing it for a charity. I can’t put it in to words.” Carl Richardson - running in memory of Scott Rennie

CRY update • Issue 54 • 29


London Marathon 2011

“It is tough and not something to be taken lightly. I gave up drinking four weeks ago so I’m looking forward to my next drink. I will be celebrating in the pub! This one is for you Kenny (Ian’s dad).” Gary Watson - running in memory of Ian Bowen

30 • CRY update • Issue 54

“I’m ecstatic to have beaten my goal time and raised so much money for such a fantastic charity.” Jack Kelly - running in memory of Neil Desai

“Fantastic event, very well organised from CRY and the marathon. I hope that the funds that I raise will help to save someone’s life. It’s well worth it.” Chris Legg - running in memory of Jenny Legg


London Marathon 2011

CRY update • Issue 54 • 31


London Marathon 2011

Our runners in 2011: CRY Heart Costume runners: Jamie Aggett Karen Birch Stuart Fawcett

Malcolm Hilton Sarah Hinchliffe

Daniel Marsden Kevin Marsden

Chris Gordon Katy Griffiths Pamela Griffiths Jennifer Harrop Anthony Hill Barry Holcombe Dean Horn Peter Huggens Chris Hughes Dion Jenkins Humayun Kabir Jack Kelly Joe Kettle Aimee Khosla Kiril Kitevski Chris Legg Richard Leith Seimon Lewis Jamie Littlejohns Wayne Lloyd Davina Lonsdale Alex Mayle George McAlpin Andrew McCann Garry McGrotty Ivan McGrotty Eimhear McMahon Simon Meecham Simon Middleton-Burrows Bill Neely (CRY Patron) Gregory Neely Thomas Nelson Matthew Nicholson Stephen Norris Stephen Nutt Justin O’Connell

Katie O’Donoghue Bernadette O’Neill Tim Parrack Ben Polkinghorn Amy Porter Kevin Postle Lynne Rathbone Carl Richardson Samantha Robinson Thomas Rule Catherine Ann Sales Jayne Sales Phillip Smith Adam Smith Andrea Smith Victoria Snell Kathryn Stenson Miles Storey Carly Sykes Ayo Taiwo Gordon Tanner Simon Titmus Dean Tooby Danielle Tyler Hilary Wagstaff Ben Watson Gary Watson John Weatherall John Weatherall Snr Sarah Wildy Stacey Wildy Neil Williams Philip Wolfe Sabrina Wolfe Mehmet Zekayi

More CRY runners: Christine Allen Nicola Ash Jessica Ashbridge Gemma Banks Terry Barker Gareth Barton Jon Bird Nick Breckon Ben Brook Eric Campbell Lizzie Cartwright Andrew Champney Christine Champney David Chilton Roy Clark Theresa Clark Justine Clark Dominic Cooper Gav Copland Laurence Cotterell David Cross Matt Cunnane Steve Dale Margaret Delaney Peter Dickenson Pam Dickins Janice Dobbin Keith Donegan Jaime Duffin Richard Feist Sue Foyle Catherine French Fionna Friel Karen Gentles Robert Gilbert Tom Gilbert

Our thanks also to the following volunteers who helped out on the day: Sophie Bates Tim Collie Abbie Cowie Urmi Desai

Bob and Carol Finch Jim and Barbara Holland Steve Jackson Gareth Rowlands

Patricia Thornton Chris, Katy and Lucy Turberville Julien Upson Mark Wibberley

And thanks to the volunteer masseuses and masseurs: Hannah Baldock Yvonne Cheung Ellie Denton Emma Gibson Juliet Hilton

Helen Joannou Emily Kendrick Joseph MacGregor John Naughton Shelley Parker

Abigail Restorick Rakhee Shah Sabena Williams

For more pictures, visit For more quotes, visit

32 • CRY update • Issue 54

myheart News

Rachael Marchant with her son Elliot who is 6

Rachael Marchant – undiagnosed At the age of 22 I noticed my heart seemed to ‘jump’ around and beat in an unusual way. I contacted my GP on a particularly bad day and was referred to a cardiologist. I spent 5 years under the cardiologists care and received every test possible but nothing major showed on the results. In 2009 I had my second child; after a few months passed my heart felt as though it was stopping for short periods of time and then beating fast to correct itself. This continued to get worse and I nearly crashed my car when I had a black out. I rang an ambulance who recorded my heart pausing for 9 seconds. I spent 3 weeks in

Moments going through security Tony Eames Sears Tower, Chicago “As I made my way to the front of the security queue, I made it clear to the very large 6’6” security guard that I could not go through the metal detector due to my pacemaker; quite a simple request.

hospital and was re-tested for everything. The conclusion was that I

His first question ‘do you have one of those...?’ my response ‘a

would have an ICD implanted; I was devastated to say the least but

pacemaker ID card?’ ‘No,’ he responded asking again ‘do you

felt comfort in knowing that the ICD should be there for my protection.

have one of those...?’ my second response ‘a medical braclet?’

The operation was quick and straight forward and my recovery was

Again, he responded no, and just looked at me.

speedy. I quickly returned to a normal life as a mother and student. I am starting University in September and feel very positive about the future. CRY has been an amazing support to me and just knowing that there are people who I can meet up with and chat to, that are in the same boat as me, is an amazing comfort.

My only logical response was ‘I have a scar’. To my amazement, he responded ‘yes that’s it, can I see the scar.’ Seconds later after revealing the scar I was through security heading to the viewing gallery 412 metres above the rather inquisitive security guard!!!”

CRY update • Issue 54 • 33

myheart News

What is an ICD? If the bottom chambers (ventricles) of your heart are prone to going into either a dangerously fast or a chaotic heart rhythm (called ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation respectively), or if you are thought to be at risk of your heart going into these dangerous rhythms, then an ICD can help you. An ICD is a small device that is about the size of a matchbox. It is implanted under the skin below the collar bone, usually on the left hand side. One or more wires run from the ICD to the heart. The ICD is able to monitor your heart rhythm at all times; if it notices that your heart is going into an abnormal rhythm, it returns it to normal in one of three ways:

1. Antitachycardia Pacing (ATP) – fast, low-voltage impulses try to override an abnormally fast heart rhythm (usually ventricular tachycardia),

momentarily taking over control of the heart, with the aim of restoring it back into a normal rhythm.

2. Cardioversion – small electric shocks return the heart to its normal rhythm. 3. Defibrillation – bigger electric shocks put the heart back into a normal rhythm. When you have your ICD fitted, you will usually be sedated.

This means that you will feel very relaxed and sleepy, and as a result people often remember nothing or very little of the procedure. You will

also have a local anaesthetic so that you do not feel any pain where the ICD is inserted. Most people stay in hospital the night after their ICD

is fitted. Before you leave, some tests will be performed to check that it is working as it should be.

Upcoming myheart meetings

My Box

This year there are myheart meetings in: • Leeds • London • Birmingham

My box, Protrudes from my beneath my skin, Intrusive in my mind, Vanity pays a heavy price. My heart thumps in my chest, Not to be seen in the flesh.

If you are interested in attending a myheart meeting

I didn’t choose for this intrusion,

where you can socialise, share experiences, take part

Unable to get over these insecurities.

in group counselling and talk to an expert cardiologist in comfortable surroundings. Please contact the myheart Coordinator on 01737 363222 or

Described as a safety net, I carry this weight on my mind. I know I will be fine, In time my insecurities will fade, To have this aid, I’m truly blessed to have my box. Joseph Tanner

34 • CRY update • Issue 54

myheart News

Living with an ICD? Rob Jackson – arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)

Adam Payne – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

When I first had my device fitted I was very worried about the way it would affect my life, as I had always been really active in the Army and thought I was pretty robust. I was now unsure about walking



alarm barriers in shop doorways or whether my ICD might give me a shock if I used my mobile phone too close to it, and then there is the worries about having sex! There were so many things that I was unsure of and I found myself making a conscious effort to be careful not to knock it

When I found out I had HCM I was so scared that my life was over and that nothing could be done. However, the doctors then offered me the operation to have an ICD fitted. Like most young people the thought of having this done scared me but I realised that maybe this was the best thing for me and my family. My uncle had died at 30 and I did not want to go the same way. I was so scared about having the operation and how my life would change after, but it changed for the better. Now I’m happier than ever and the ICD has meant I can carry on with things that I enjoy instead of being told to quit them!! I am so glad I had the operation done and would say to all young people facing this daunting choice, go for it as you will live a better and happier life afterwards.

or dislodge the leads from my heart. I had a really good chat to my

Emma Jackson – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

cardiologist about my worries and he was really understanding, he knew my background

When I was 13 it was discovered I had

and put me at ease about activities I can or can’t do. I now pretty

a heart murmur, after lots of testing

much manage my condition by the way that I feel, and as long as

I was diagnosed with hypertrophic

I don’t push myself too hard I’ve been ok. I have had a couple of

cardiomyopathy. At 14 I had an

shocks over 4 years and in some ways I’m glad that I know how it

internal cardiac defibrillator fitted as

feels, as now I don’t worry about it as it’s not that bad, and ultimately

a precautionary measure. Six years

it’s saved my life a couple of times.

later, I had my first shock, after walking up the stairs I sat down and woke up

I would advise anyone with an ICD to try to live as normal a life

on the floor! Over the next two months whilst trying various beta

as you can, and most importantly stop worrying, as this can have a

blockers I had six more shocks and blackouts due to VF. I haven’t

bigger effect on your health. Obviously don’t put yourself at risk but

had a shock since starting on Amiodarone and I will be on it as long

with careful planning or just letting someone know you can overcome

as it is safe. Originally I was annoyed at having a defib, but obviously

most of life’s challenges: I have been skiing, I help out with junior

now it has been completely worth it, I barely even think about it.

rugby and am currently renovating our house. I often forget I’ve got

Recently I had my defib changed and I got to keep the first one, I’ll

the device fitted.

treasure it forever.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Philip Abraham “I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £320.40 on behalf of Thornhill & Bitterne Townswomen’s Guild. CRY was chosen as our charity for the year 1st February 2010 to 31st January 2011.” V. Azzopardi, Hon Treasurer.

• Rosemary Attridge forwarded a donation of £695.19 from Epsom Mayday Flower Club.

Mrs Morrell (Chairman of Epsom Mayday Flower Club) presents CRY County Representative Rosemary Attridge with a cheque

In Memory of Vikas Agni • Clare Stroud took part in the Run to the Beat Half Marathon and raised £430.

• Hong-Ting Kwok held a fundraising dinner on 5th February and raised £1,609.08.

In Memory of Robert Allan • Alan Davies took part in the London to Paris Cycle Ride and raised £420.

• Kate Jeffery raised £5,505 in respect of the South Coast Run. • Mr L Blackman did a Charity row in memory of Robert and raised £270.

• Rosemary Attridge sent in a donation of £120 from the sale of her handcrafted cards.

• Rosemary Attridge held a Charity Dinner on 4th February and In Memory of Adam Anscombe We have received a donation of £190 from Mrs Anscombe in memory of her son, Adam, who died in his sleep, on 17th February 2011 aged 22 years.

raised £11,365.

In Memory of Ian Allen Joanne Dowle raised £100 in respect of the Bupa Great South Run 2010. In Memory of Marcus Armstrong Tony Armstrong sent in donations amounting to £395; £335 from Mr Potter and friends and £60 from friends at the Ship Restaurant.

In Memory of Marcus Armstrong & Gary Shean • Tony Armstrong sent in a donation of £150.

• Tony Armstrong sent in a further donation of £424 from Dovercourt Rugby Club in memory of one of their members, Gary Shean.

In Memory of Stephen Ashton Richard Farrow, Seven Investment Management, sent in a donation of £100. In Memory of Stuart Attridge • Rosemary Attridge forwarded a donation of £100 from her sister-in-law, Ros Attridge.

• The BaxterStorey Foundation sent in a donation of £3,500. • Rosemary Attridge forwarded a donation of £500 from the Reigate Hill Rotary Club.

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“On Friday 4th February, 190 family & friends gathered at the Reigate Manor Hotel for a Charity Dinner & Disco in aid of CRY. It was to mark the 5th anniversary of Stuart dying on the football pitch at Brockham from ARVC. We had done one 3 years ago and had said it would be the only one but his friends were desperate to mark the day so I agreed to organise it. It was so touching that 5 years on his friends were still so eager to remember him. We could have sold twice the tickets. We are lucky that we manage the hotel and so have a huge number of contacts. Our suppliers were fantastic and were able

Our to supply food, wine, music and decorations at minimal cost and lots of it was donated for free. A small amount was taken from the ticket price of £35 to cover costs and the rest gave us a good start for CRY. 25 amazing auction prizes, included tickets for Man Utd!!, Weekend Breaks from our hotelier friends and a tennis racket signed by Cliff Richard!!!


Stuart, while we have friends and family like this you will never ever be forgotten. We miss you so much and are sure you enjoyed seeing us partying in your memory.”

In Memory of Chris Bainbridge Robert Bainbridge raised £460 in respect of the Bupa Great North Run. In Memory of Paul Baker & Frank Jones Mrs Dinah Baker sent in a donation of £370.88 raised from cake making, a family quiz and also donations at the funeral of Frank Jones. In Memory of Andrew Ball Roy Ball sent in a donation of £902.57 in respect of Father Christmas.

In Memory of Lewis Barry “Please find enclosed a cheque for £308.17 as a donation to CRY in memory of Lewis Barry, who was a former pupil at the school, and whose mother is a member of staff. The money was raised from a collection of parents and friends of our Key Stage 2 children, following their Christmas production of ‘Snow White’. The children worked so hard to make sure these performances were special and are pleased that they have raised so much money to help your good cause in memory of a very special person.” David Pitchfork, Green Lane Primary Academy. The raffle was the biggest I have ever seen and hardly a person went away without a prize of some sort!!! We had a fantastic evening with much laughter and not a few tears when I gave a speech at the beginning and spoke about Stuart and also reminded people what CRY do and how they help families like us. There were two other CRY families there who were made so welcome by everyone.

In Memory of Gideon Baws Richard Kenworthy took part in the Real Berlin Marathon 2010 and raised £4,360.

In Memory of Edward Patrick Beatty Donations instead of flowers were given at the funeral of Edward’s Grandad (Walter H. Clare) totalling £120. In Memory of Graeme (Tinka) Bell • Kelly Gleadow took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised £2,267.30.

• Gemma Cannell sent in a donation of £635 from the 165 Club at West Denton Fire Station.

Graeme & Rosemary Attridge (Stuart’s parents), Lucy Challis (Stuart’s sister) and staff member at hotel

In Memory of Sarah Anne Bennett “Each year, instead of sending official Christmas cards, the Premier League donates a sum of money to charities nominated by its employees. Cardiac Risk in the Young was nominated by Charlotte Gleeson in memory of Sarah Anne Bennett and I am pleased to enclose a CAF voucher for the sum of £500.” Roz Donnelly, Barclays Premier League.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Jemma Benjamin • The Pontypridd & Ladies Darts sent in a donation of £500.

• Mrs Charlotte Garwood forwarded a donation of £340: “On 15th October 2010 Mrs Debbie Bradley organised a charity event at Pontypridd Golf Club, with disco, buffet and raffle.” In Memory of Kasia Ber • “Please accept this cheque for £150 which was raised from the selling of raffle tickets at the annual Kasia’s Memorial Rugby match. The match was held this year at Seaton Carew Rugby Club, between their players, who won this year, well done, and our Horden Rugby boys. The beautiful trophy was awarded to them with a special photo of our Kasia placed in it. Thank you and well done to all who took part in the special but emotional day. Please also accept a cheque of £20 kindly given to me by my special friend, Deneise Baines as a Christmas gift for Kasia’s Fund.” Diane Ber sent in donations totalling £170.

In Memory of Shaun Biggs • Lloyds TSB sent in a matched giving donation of £979 in respect of Susan Biggs and the ‘Celebration of Life Evening’ on 8th January for Shaun.

• Peter Biggs sent in a donation of £419 from his sponsored head shave in 2010.

In Memory of Ed Billig & Max Cromwell-Parmenter “My sister and I completed a walk in September last year from Devon to Guildford. Our event was called The Trail of Two Sisters. It was an honour to raise money for such an amazing organisation. Although nothing will bring back my cousin Ed, who died, aged 28, from an undetected heart condition, it helps to know charities like CRY continue to work to support the families of those taken so suddenly from us.” Eleanor Carr-Archer sent in a further donation of £115 making a total raised of £1,345. In Memory of Mathew Blease Karen Blease forwarded a cheque for £4,000 from Panshanger Golf Club.

• “I’m a teacher at City Dance Academy and we staged a dance show in July 2010 in memory of Kasia Ber with all funds being donated to her memorial fund within CRY.

I went to school with Kasia and therefore it meant a lot to me and I wanted to raise more awareness of this charity as a lot of people hadn’t heard of it - all our students are aged between 2 and 22 and we thought it was a suitable topic to promote. Kasia’s family and friends also attended the show which was a great support to us all.

In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop • Jan Blenkinsop sent in a donation of £109 from work colleagues, in lieu of Christmas Cards.

• Lesley Ann Bryant sent in a donation of £100 to celebrate what would have Graeme’s 26th birthday on 18th March. In Memory of James Bott Rob Breeze and friends part in a Parachute Jump raised £1,149.

We performed two shows at Whitburn Church of England School on 7th and 8th July 2010. We had programmes, raffles and a tuck shop to help raise money. We then recorded the show and also had a photo shoot where the girls had their photos taken in costumes and sold CDs and DVDs to the parents as a keepsake. There was also a donation from Mr R McKie who was one of the parents and he donated £250 to us.” Rachel Smith sent in a donation of £1,550. In Memory of David Bick “Please find enclosed cheque for £260, which has been kindly donated by friends and family in memory of our dear son David.” John and Ursula Bick.

38 • CRY update • Issue 54

took and

“Ryan, Jonathan and James decided to raise money for CRY by doing a tandem skydive. They really enjoyed it as it was something they all talked about with my brother James Bott. They felt privileged to do the jump in his memory and they did not only themselves proud but James too. They completed the jump at Hinton airfield near Brackley - which is just outside our home town of Banbury, Oxfordshire - at the end of October 2010. Total money raised in the end was £1,149. James, Jonathan and Ryan did a brilliant job. The day proved to be one that we will all

Our remember forever....a bitter sweet day, filled with sadness and happiness.” Rob Breeze.


In Memory of Sam Bradley • “Enclosed is a donation of £443.09 in memory of Sam Bradley on the second anniversary of his death, by his teachers and friends at the Royal Latin School. This was raised through a vibrant, four band concert and attended by several friends and his parents.” Jacquie Baldock (Deputy Headteacher).

• The Buckingham Ladies Circle took part in a 10K fundraising

run in support of CRY in September 2010. They held a fashion show at the Royal Latin School on 16th March and presented cheques to various charities during the evening. CRY supporter Katrina Parker attended the evening and collected a cheque for £750 on behalf of CRY.

• Jas Bhamber took part in the Milton Keynes Half Marathon, on 13th March and raised £140.

In Memory of Dominic Paul Brown • Eric Williams sent in donations totalling £2,000.15, in lieu of floral tributes, for his son, Dominic. Left to right: Ryan, James and Jonathan In Memory of Jack Boulton • On 6th and 7th August 2010 Bristol Cider festival held at Temple Meads and organised by Chris Lilley collected their unused ‘chips’ for CRY in memory of Jack. This raised a total of £450.00.

June Boulton sent in a donation of £140 from the Jack Boulton Memorial Golf match 18th September 2010: “The Jack Boulton Memorial Trophy is held annually at Saltford Golf Club. The team of 4, consisting of a man, lady, senior and junior, play a team event for the trophy.”

• Milly Brown sent in a donation of £350 in memory of her nephew, Dominic.

In Memory of Jennie Bunn We have received a donation of £218.05, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Mrs Jennie Bunn. In Memory of Patrick (Paddy) Burns “Please find enclosed donations in memory of my brother Paddy Burns who died in his sleep on 6th July 2002 aged 34. These donations are from my dad’s funeral donations.” Mrs Tammy Butler. In Memory of Nathan Butler • “Please find enclosed three cheques totalling £195 which was raised by Sam and Shaun Cartwright at their wedding on 5th February 2011. They had a lovely wedding day and, during the course of the day, they held a raffle and kindly donated the money to CRY.” Angela Butler.

• Ralph Knibbs raised £903.75, in respect of the Derby Triathlon.

• The Saltford Rainbows and Brownies (Saltford District

Guiding) raised money at the Christmas Craft Fair held in Saltford Hall in November 2010. Their stall included Christmas cards, sweets and crafts and they raised £100. In Memory of Ian Bowen Maralyn Bowen forwarded a donation of £180 from the Tombola she held at Morrison’s in November 2010.

In Memory of Chris Bowes • Lea Anne Glover took part in a group Skydive and raised £140.

• Michael Geary took part in the Moonjumper Skydive and raised £230.

• Angela Butler forwarded donations totalling £120 in memory of Nathan; £100 from the Royal Bank of Scotland and another donation of £20.

In Memory of Graham Button • Lauren Button took part in the Tenby Boxing Day Swim and raised £130.

• Hollie Button raised £450 from a CRY

Awareness Day in memory of Graham.

“On 13th February our family and I spent the day at Lakeside Shopping Centre creating awareness and raising funds for this important charity and in memory of a loved one. We raised funds by selling our handmade cupcakes, CRY merchandise and books donated by our friends and family.

CRY update • Issue 54 • 39


Fundraisers In Memory of James Byers “In memory of our son James, who died from Wolff Parkinson White on 9th February 2000, his dad Brendan, his big brothers Sean and Batman (aka Brendan) and his mad aunt Geraldine took part in a sponsored Skydive to raise much needed funds for CRY.

We also ran Lucky Dips and Tombola tickets offering some great prizes for all ages. During our day we met a lot of people who have been affected by SADS or other cardiac issues which highlights the importance of CRY and their services. We also met people who had dealt with CRY before, along with a volume of people who had not heard of the charity before today.

In total we raised £450 at Lakeside, with another £235 donated online by friends, family and colleagues.

It is truly heart warming to see so many people donate and help us raise £685 in memory of my dear brother Graham Button. So we would like to say a big thank you to all our friends and family who helped us make this day successful. Along with a big thank you to Lakeside for providing us with a great location to hold this event.” The Button Family

Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £3,110. We hope this goes towards funding less fortunate families to subsidise costs of screening and maybe save lives.” Teresa Byers (mum), Rory Byers (baby brother) and all his family and friends. In Memory of Michael Cadman Ian Cadman sent in a donation of £122.50 from collection boxes at Commercial Inn, Arbroath, and Frittos, St Andrews. In Memory of George Carman We have received a donation of £274.80, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late George Carman. In Memory of Jake Carney Mr D Carney sent in donations totalling £280; £80 was raised during a family race night and £200 was donated by family members in memory of Jake for Christmas. In Memory of Tom Clabburn • “I am writing on behalf of the PTFG (Parent, Teacher, Friends Group) of Dormers Wells High School. Please find enclosed a cheque for £200. This is a donation from a PTFG event that was held at school. The students and PTFG wanted the donation to come to the CRY charity.” Mrs Devinder Kullar, Assistant Head KS4.

• Claire Prosser sent in a donation of £1,100 raised at the Book and Cake Sale at the BBC in December 2010.

• “We are a small group of elderly ladies, who go to ‘Yoga First’ where our teacher, Teresa charges us £5, which we then give to a local charity.” Anne Barnes sent in a donation of £200.

• “I am writing to you on behalf of Sandown High School, a

Specialist Sports College and more specifically the Blue

40 • CRY update • Issue 54

Our House fundraising team who I represent. Every year our school raises money through staging a non school uniform day, whereby students are asked to donate £1 in order to wear what they choose for the duration of the school day. We are extremely pleased to be able to enclose a cheque for £435.” Paul Royl.


In Memory of Gemma Collyer Rebecca Newbon took part in the Vietnam Cycle Ride and raised a further £2,500 making a total raised of £3,000. In Memory of Adam Connolly Jerry Connolly sent in a donation of £120.

• “Please accept this donation on behalf of all the people that sponsored my 48 hour Zelda marathon.” Luca Fruzza.

Two teenagers held a 48-hour computer game marathon to raise more than £1,300 for the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund. The pair, Luca Fruzza, 17, a friend of Tom’s, along with Rory Lehane, 17, who is in the same school year as Tom’s sister, Ellen, are both students at Tom’s old school, Drayton Manor High School in Hanwell, West London.

In Memory of Matthew Cooper Debbie Cooper sent in a donation of £525 raised by a group of Matthew’s friends who organised a Music Night in memory of Matthew. In Memory of Tony Cooper Samantha Woolgar and Genna Turbull (Glyn School, Epsom) took part in a sponsored 10K run and raised £405 in memory of Tony Cooper, who died two years ago, after a heart attack. In Memory of Peter Cox Siobhan Burns sent in a donation of £150, from fundraising in memory of Peter Cox. In Memory of Ben Crean Rebecca McKellar took part in the Bupa Great Manchester Run and raised £410. In Memory of Richard Credland • Phil Carpenter took part in the Bupa Great South Run and raised £352.

• Jo-Anne Credland took part in the New York Marathon 2010

They completed all four games of the Zelda franchise and were live on a web-stream throughout to ensure they complied with the rules of the event. Luca told the Ealing Gazette newspaper: “I was Tom’s friend and as it was recently his 18th birthday I thought it would be a great idea to do something for him, especially as I hadn’t taken part in any of the sponsored walks. I chose the computer game because it was around when Tom died and I played it for three days to take my mind off things. Also it’s something I can do well. It’s notoriously quite a long game; the average play time is probably 100 hours. It takes a lot of concentration.” Tom’s dad, Paul, said: “Our family hugely appreciated the effort made by Luca and Rory. They also organised everything themselves, including web-cams, publicity and a support team. They didn’t get much sleep but they stuck at it!”

In Memory of David Cochrane Ray Newton, Lodge Hopetoun St John No 1232, sent in a donation of £1,501 which was raised during a Race Night held in February, in memory of David.

and raised £1,115.

In Memory of Dan Cretu Julia Cretu took part in Run to the Beat 2010 and raised £300. In Memory of Simon Jon Cullum Judy Burton sent in a donation of £151.10, raised by St Peter’s Church, Gorleston. In Memory of Andrew Dale “I am enclosing a donation of £100, mainly from the proceeds of a raffle held by our local St Stephen’s Church weekly ‘Do Drop In’ Lunch Group to help with the work of CRY. My eldest son, Andrew Dale, died suddenly from cardiomyopathy in 1990 aged 29 years, leaving a young wife and three month old baby daughter. He played rugby and rowed whilst at Cambridge University, where he obtained a Triple First Degree - so I am glad to assist in the work of CRY.” Mrs J Dale. In Memory of Ben Daniels • Old Elthamians RFC, Youth Section sent in a donation of £100.

CRY update • Issue 54 • 41



• Mrs J Marriott, Ravens Wood School,

Kent sent in a donation of £5,068.50 from the school.

raised £1,000 for CRY in memory of Adam and they do hope to do the same again this year.” Julie Donnelly.

In Memory of Neil John Darby Lancaster University Medical Students sent in a donation of £226.55 raised at their annual Christmas Ball which was held on 26th November 2010. “I would personally like to thank all the students and staff involved in raising the money, and a special ‘thank you’ to Jemma Mistry who organised the raffle.” Becky Bragg.

In Memory of Rebecca Duxbury • L Waring sent in a donation of £123.

• We have received a donation of £150 from a

In Memory of Ryan Darby Nicola Acuta took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon 2010 and raised £523.

In Memory of Christopher Dixon • A total of £170 has been received in respect of Penny Peat’s Swanage to Studland and back walk in memory of Christopher.

• Aimee Norman sent in donations totalling

£852.83 in respect of the Swanage to Studland Walk which took place on 29th August 2010, in memory of her boyfriend, Christopher. In Memory of Martyn Dobson Alison Jones raised £135, in respect of the Middlesbrough Tee Pride 10K Run.

collection by the Greater Manchester Police Dogs Section, the majority of which was donated by John Galvin.

In Memory of Nia Mair Edwards Mrs E Evans sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her daughter, Nia. In Memory of Peter David Elliott Jodie Lynch took part in the 2010 Loch Ness Marathon and raised £305. In Memory of Sebastian English • Rupert Hunter forwarded a donation of £200 from John, Yvonne and Rose Bailey.

• Rupert Hunter forwarded a donation of £100 from Jeremy and Ann Hope. • Sally Heslop took part in the Keilder Water Marathon and raised £155.

• “Our daughter Ruth Tobbell has asked us to send this cheque In Memory of Adam Donnelly Julie Donnelly sent in a donation of £1,000. “This is a photo of Adam’s grandmother, Eleanor Webber (without the sunglassses) along with her two sisters March Robert and Margaret Parry. The three of them have been busy all summer at a CRY stall they have in a weekly car boot sale in Valley, Anglesey. This summer they

42 • CRY update • Issue 54

for £100 in lieu of her 50th Birthday Present.” Michael and Pauline Tobbell.

• Jane Boardman sent in a donation of £150 in lieu of gifts for Ruth Tobell’s 50th birthday.

• Tom Hawes, Joe Norton, Alex Nicholls, Andy Thomson, John

Smith and Dan Mason took part in the Rickshaw Run 2010 and raised £1,288.50.

• Daniel Mason did a Rickshaw Run last year and raised £240.



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44 • CRY update • Issue 54

Our In Memory of Adam Everingham Graham School, Scarborough, sent in a donation of £200 from their CIN Day, in memory of Adam.

In Memory of Therese Field Tara Field sent in £523 raised from several events, “A Christmas Concert was held which had some very talented singers singing carols in four part harmony and also more modern Christmas songs. Also, a DJ did a world record attempt to play constantly for 3 days which he managed to do and he had a collection box with him for CRY. There were a further two events of an 80’s/90’s event and a Karaoke event.” Tara Field. In Memory of Jenny Finney and Lieutenant

Stanley James Finney

We have received a donation of £175, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Stanley James Finney.

In Memory of Nolan Foley Sarah Preston took part in a parachute jump and raised £1,076.20.

In Memory of David Fox “Please find enclosed my cheque for £400 in memory of David, which is half the sponsorship my nephew Niall Kelly and I achieved when we did our Sky Dive in Cape Town, South Africa. Niall’s local Scout Group were the beneficiaries of the other half. I really did enjoy the experience despite being terrified before the event but knowing that our efforts would be appreciated by both CRY and the Scouts spurred me on.


Our morning started with form filling because of insurance formalities etc. and was followed by an explanation of what to expect, how to hold your head, legs etc and then we put on our harness. Then we boarded the light aircraft which took us to our drop position of 9000 feet. The scenery over Cape Town and Table Mountain was wonderful and all too soon we were ready to jump. Niall was first. The feeling as we left the airplane was awesome and when the first parachute opened, I felt like a bird and very relaxed. All too soon it was over, with a safe landing and a feeling of wanting to do it all over again. It was Niall’s idea and I am so pleased that I decided to join him especially as it was for David and CRY.” Celia Byford-Fox. In Memory of Derek Francis Frost Mrs B S Frost sent in a funeral donation of £750 in memory of her husband, Derek Francis Frost, who sadly died on 13th November 2010. IIn Memory of Daniel Furnell Chloe Griffiths sent in a donation of £150 from the charity collection box in memory of Daniel. In Memory of Matt Gadsby • Tom Shakespeare sent in a donation of £205 from the sale of trolley tokens.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £105 that we would like to donate to CRY in memory of Matthew Gadsby. This was raised via a raffle at our Christmas networking evening on 16th December.” Chris Wakeman, Four Counties Networking Group. In Memory of Lauren Gallagher • “This sum was raised through a student pub quiz sponsored by the Irish North Materials Group, the Northern Ireland Bioengineering Society and students and academics from the Nanotechnology and Integrated Bioengineering Centre at the University of Ulster. This is an annual event where students choose a particular charity to support. My friends and colleagues are delighted to make this donation to your valuable work.” Dr Andy Crange, Treasurer, sent in a donation of £550.50.

• Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £214 from the charity box at Centra Stores, Ballymajory.

• “I enclose a cheque for £2,500 being the proceeds of a bike

run undertaken by two friends across Ireland last year.” Blanche Gallacher.

In Memory of Sarah Elizabeth Gamble Brian, Christine and son Paul Gamble, sent in a donation of £400 in memory of their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Gamble who died on 23rd July 2010, aged 26 years.

Celia with her nephew Niall prior to take-off

In Memory of Gary Giles “Please find enclosed cheque for £270, which represents our fund-raising in 2009 and 2010 in memory of Gary Giles. The

CRY update • Issue 54 • 45



money was raised through six-a side cricket matches between the members of the Lamb Inn Football Team (Marlborough), Marlborough Town Football Club and Minal Cricket Club, all of whom Gary used to play for.” Jackie Cook, Treasurer, Minal Sports & Social Club.

Bognor Town Ladies HC, Coach Jerry and Middleton & Bognor HC got their heads together to make a plan. It was really helpful to focus on this event and channel emotions so positively. Jerry put together a team of ‘celebrity’ hockey players, local England, South of England & Sussex players, who all knew David, to battle against David’s team, Middleton & Bognor Men’s 1st XI. Local businesses were enticed into donating to this event (venues, advertising, printing, shirts, auction items, BBQ food, etc. were all gratefully received) Sussex Umpires arranged two umpires for the match and donated to CRY generously.

The special day arrived and we were blessed with a warm sunny day, surely arranged by David himself! David’s family and the priests were guests of honour and were introduced to the teams before play. David’s brother, Luke, was playing in David’s place. Noisy crowds lined the pitch, happily chucking

In Memory of Reece Goodman Claire Duffy took part in the Lady Godiva Marathon and raised £120.

In Memory of Andrew Graeme “I enclose a cheque for £100. This was a fee donated by me as I undertook an Audit for PCC Eastry.” Paul Graeme. In Memory of David Green • We have received donations totalling £1,093.31, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late David Kenneth Derek Green.

• Emma Broadhurst, Agincourt Contractors Limited, sent in donations totalling £1,003 in memory of her nephew David, who died on 1st December 2010.

• Pat Simmonds sent in a donation of £2,040 from the David

Green Memorial Match with BBQ & Auction held on 20th March.

money into the collecting buckets; the atmosphere was electric, especially during the one minute’s silence, when only birdsong and distant sounds of children playing could be heard.

The match was played in the spirit of good competition and fun, of course the crowds were cheering David’s team on with great gusto. The score was not overly important as Jerry’s team slotted home several expertly placed goals. But when M&B managed to scramble a goal the crowd went crazy! In the last five minutes of the match all M&B substitutes ran on to try and get another goal against the formidable opposition but found themselves defending a short corner as the final whistle sounded. Jerry asked Luke to take this shot at goal. The crowd went quiet & fingers were crossed as Luke stepped up to this task. As he scored a brilliant goal the cheers were deafening. Surely, deafening our David wherever he was watching from. The local press were there to record the event, along with some local camera enthusiasts. It was great to see so many images of this event all over Facebook afterwards.

So with the match over, we all went to the clubhouse to tuck into a delicious BBQ and well deserved drinks. Jerry was the auctioneer, and the clubhouse was packed tight with wouldbe bidders. There were some excellent donations, such as a glider flight, dinner for 2, full massage, hockey sticks & kit, tennis & squash rackets, etc. England Hockey had donated

“It was a sad reason so many people gathered in the church that cold December day. David Green, just 19, had been snatched so suddenly from our lives we were all reeling in shock. As I sat there the priest was concluding with the idea that if David’s hockey and football clubs could organise some sort of fundraising event(s) for CRY which would really show our respect and love for David and his family. So the seed was sown!

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Our an England shirt signed by the captain. Portsmouth FC had also donated a signed shirt. But, the most sought after item was an original hockey action painting by a local well known artist. He had managed to capture in the figures a good likeness to David, Luke, Jerry’s sons and my own 2 boys, all local players. David’s Mum, Gabby, had set her heart on this and got husband, Jes to bid to dizzying heights. Little did they know it had already been decided to give this painting as a special memento of the day’s event in memory of David.


In Memory of Jennifer Wendy Hall Michael Hall sent in a donation of £250 from the collection boxes in memory of his wife, Jennifer. In Memory of Shamil Hamid The Kuwait English School, Preparatory Department raised £1,095, from their school Mufti Day.

In Memory of Graham Harrison • Thomas Wilson took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and raised £161.50.

• Kevin Deighton took part in the Crawl for Cry - 6 days crawling as far as possible (from 13th-18th

With the match, BBQ & auction over it was time to count up the amount raised for CRY. With a preliminary count of over £2000 everyone was totally amazed. There were tears in many eyes as people realised how much respect and love David had earned in his short life.” Pat Simmonds (Captain, Bognor Town Ladies HC).

In Memory of James Green Foresters, Scotia Branch, raised £1,956.20 for CRY. This donation was forwarded to us by CRY County Representative, Shelagh Green.

September 2010) and raised £1,900.20. Kevin explained he was inspired to raise funds: “Death of a school mate from undiagnosed cardiac abnormality and the detection of cardiac abnormalities in friends, thanks to CRY screening clinics.”

In Memory of James Haggerty • “Please find enclosed a donation of £663. This was raised from a cream tea/clothes sale held on Saturday 30th October and organised by my mother-in-law, Kath Haggata. Designer second hand clothes had been donated by a local shop for the sale along with prizes for a raffle from various local suppliers. One of Kath’s friends baked 180 scones and cakes and in an hour and a half there was a frenzy for the clothes along with the scones, jam and clotted cream. We couldn’t believe how much money was raised from this event and any clothes left over were donated to the British Heart Foundation, so nothing went to waste. However there was no food left over!” Jackie Haggerty.

• “This was raised by the Conservative Club who held a race

night in memory of James, making an incredible £650 plus an additional £12.98 from their ‘tips’ bottle.” Jackie Haggerty sent in a donation of £662.98.

In Memory of Darren Hall Emma Vigor took part in the Cycle across Scotland and raised £1,410.

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Fundraisers • Cross Heath Methodist Church,

Newcastle, Staffs, sent in a donation of £136.08 from the Christmas Eve collection in memory of Kallista. In





Deborah Anderson forwarded a donation of £243.40 raised at the annual Christmas Raffle held by Romag, Consett.

In Memory of Oliver Hewitt • “On Saturday 2nd October 2010, Ian Harley and his brother Sam sang at one of our local pubs, The Cedar Tree, to raise money for CRY. A packed audience had a great night and I am pleased to enclose a cheque for the sum of £260 which is the proceeds from the night. Ian had been friends with Oliver since their school days.” Julie Collins (Oliver’s mum).

• David Cross raised an additional £360, in respect of the Bupa Great North Run, giving a total raised of £460.

• Judy Harrison sent in a donation of £165, raised by the employees of McCains Foods, in lieu of Christmas cards.

• John Headlam took part in the Great North Run and raised £265.

• Judy Harrison sent in sponsorship cheques amounting

to £680 in respect of her husband, John and sons, Martin & Stephen taking part in the Great North Run 2010. £500 of this donation was from McCain’s Foods, employer of John and Martin. This makes a total raised £2,678.

In Memory of Ryan Harrison “Please find enclosed a cheque for £110 in memory of my son, Ryan Harrison, who passed away on 25th October 2009. This donation is from one of Ryan’s cousins, who raised this through the Boundary Lodge.” Teresa Harrison.

• “Every year friends of Oliver hold a different fundraising

event. This year they decided on a traditional Halloween party. Everybody dressed up in scary costumes and a prize was awarded for the best outfit. The room was transformed

In Memory of Jennifer Hawes • Nicola Easom took part in the Kilimanjaro Trek and raised £3,600.

• James Eason took part in the Kilimanjaro Trek and raised £3,600. In Memory of Kallista Lily-Ann Heavey • “I am pleased to enclose the sum of £420 donation in memory of Kallista Lily-Ann Heavey from Mill Hill Primary School, as a result of our Christmas Play collection and Christmas card appeal.” A M Warren, Headteacher.

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into a haunted fest with cobwebs and witches cauldrons, which created a great atmosphere for the disco and games. Please find enclosed a cheque for the sum of £670 which was raised on the night.” Julie Collins (Oliver’s mum). In Memory of Laura Hillier • Tony Hillier sent in donations totalling £310; £250 from AR & J Hillier in lieu of family Christmas presents and cards; £30 from Mrs P Hemshall and £30 from Jack Richardson & Susan HillierRichardson.

• We have received £1,485, in respect of Tony Hillier and Matthew Otten completing the Great Salford Swim, making a total raised to date of £3,031.

In Memory of Laura Hillier & Timothy Spooner We have received £100 from AR & J Hillier representing conversion of cash donations (from Mr M Wreford) collected during the Blisworth Village pre-Christmas Santa Sleigh Ride which is in memory of both Laura Hillier and Timothy Spooner.

In Memory of Peter John Hinchliffe Dr R Hinchliffe sent in donations totalling £900; £540 was raised by Dinnington Wheelers who held a memorial ride in memory of his son, Peter and £360 was donated by Sitwell Park Golf Club’s Lady Captain’s Charity. In Memory of Christopher Hoggarth “We have recently taken part in a local charity event, The Keswick to Barrow 40 mile walk (May 2010). A suggestion was made

With the Glaxo Charity Trophy, awarded to the team who raised the most funds for charity towards the end of 2009 that we took part in this event in memory of my son, Christopher Hoggarth, who died of SADS on 19th May 2009, aged 20.” Michaela Hoggarth, family and friends sent in a donation of £3,000.

In Memory of Nicholas Holland • Peter Holland too part in the 5K Super Hero Run in Manchester and raised a further amount of £437, making a total raised of £957.

• Laura Hadaway took part in the Super Hero Run and raised £247.

• Lisa Bratt took part in the Super Hero Run and raised £2,870. • Claire Palmer took part in the Super Hero Run and raised £170.

• Hannah Edwards raised £165 from her fundraising event in memory of Nicholas.

• “Please find enclosed two cheques given in memory of my

husband, Nicholas Holland. £30 was donated by some of his work colleagues and the other £120 was raised by Dawn and Matthew Brennan who took part in the Super Hero Run in Manchester on 26 September 2010.” Gemma Holland.

In Memory of Jonathan Hooper Mrs D Hooper sent in a Christmas donation of £130 in memory of her son, Jonathan. In Memory of Nina Horndorf Dearsley Andrew Dearsley took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and raised a further £403 making a total raised of £733. At the start of the walk – 6.30am!

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Fundraisers In Memory of Stewart Howard Jane Howard sent in donations totalling £260: “Josie Collins made two Christmas cakes and we raffled them and raised £50, Jeff Mealing donated £10 and £200 was raised by myself.” In Memory of Polly Hughes We have received a donation of £325 in respect of Cat McCrea taking part in the Cardiff Half Marathon last year.

In Memory of John Ibbotson Mrs S Ibbotson sent in a donation of £500 from various fundraising events in memory of John. In Memory of Scott Jackson Stephen Jackson and Nicola Fisher sent in a donation of £300, in lieu of wedding favours, in memory of Scott Jackson.

In Memory of Leigh Jepson • Paul Jepson raised £708 from his fundraising page in memory of Leigh.

• Gareth Lewis recently gave a charity talk and donated £150. In Memory of Lisa Johnson Carl Johnson took part in Walking the Wandle and raised £325. In Memory of Caroline Johnstone David Cope took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised £730.

In Memory of Jade Johnstone Mr & Mrs Johnstone held a Family Fun Day on 30th August and raised £1,100. A couple of friends took part in a fun run after. “It has been three years since our daughter, Jade Johnstone died, aged 9 1/2 years.” Janice Johnstone. In Memory of Ethan Jones • Rosemary Payne sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Ethan, following his memorial service.

• Mr Browne sent in a donation of £100. • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 as a donation

in memory of Ethan Jones on behalf of all of Nick and Sandra’s friends and colleagues at EastEnders.” Susan Mather, Line Producer.

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• Peter Watts sent in a donation of £200 from the For After Round Table group who held a fundraising dinner in memory of Ethan.

In Memory of David Keirl Marc and Debbie Keirl sent in a donation of £300 raised via their local rugby club organising a sponsored Zumba and other activities in memory of David. In Memory of Sophie Louise Kirkland Joanne Kirkland raised £130 in respect of the Pub Tug of War event making a total raised of £730.21.

In Memory of Sophie Konderak Suzi Bowen raised £1,976.83 in respect of the Bupa Great Yorkshire Run. “On Sunday 5th September, John Konderak and Suzi Bowen completed the BUPA 10km Great Yorkshire Run in memory of John’s 16 year old daughter, Sophie. Sophie Konderak was a member of City of Leicester Swimming Club (COLSC) - of which Suzi Bowen is Age Group Coach and died from an undetected heart condition during a training session last September. At just 16, she was fighting fit, attended swimming training most days of the week and played a number of other sports with school. It therefore came as a complete and utter shock to her family and friends, as well as the swimming community, when she sadly passed away so suddenly. Sophie’s passing had touched many people, so COLSC coach Suzi Bowen decided to do the 10km Great Yorkshire Run in her memory and to raise funds and awareness for CRY. Sophie’s father John also decided to do the run, and they both completed the distance - Suzi in 58 minutes and John in 61 minutes. The support has been overwhelming from friends and family, and also schools and swimming clubs.” Suzi Bowen.

Our In Memory of Paul Laity We are in receipt of a donation of £664 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Paul Laity. In Memory of Mark Lambson David Turner raised £786.34. In Memory of Paul Leach Darren O’Rourke took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised £448.

In Memory of Jonathan Leigh • Jack Storr took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised an additional £765, making a total raised of £1,165.

“Please find attached a cheque for £200, courtesy of Andrew Penny towards the event I am participating in on behalf of CRY.” Andrew Llewellyn, King Sturge LLP.

• Mark Thompson took part in a skydive and raised £470.

• King Sturge LLP sent in a donation of


In Memory of Stuart Daniel Lynch “On the 27th December 2007 Stuart Daniel Lynch passed away, aged 25 years. Stuart was another unfortunate victim of cardiomyopathy. He was a very active and sociable lad and enjoyed life to the full with a very close family and many close friends. We have previously raised money for CRY just after Stuart’s sad passing, and decided to have another fundraising event in his honour recently. Therefore on Boxing Day night we held an 80’s Disco and managed to raise £300.” Martin Houghton, Treasurer, Euxton Parish Institute & War Memorial Club sent in a donation of £300. In Memory of Alice Lyte Jacob Smith completed a 630 mile South West Coast Walk in memory of Alice and raised £1,625. “After leaving Minehead on 8th July I have now finally completed the 630 mile walk around the South West Coast path. I arrived at South Haven Point in Poole on Thursday 19th August - 6 weeks after setting off from Minehead. The walk was great. I met some amazing characters; saw some stunning places and had some really interesting conversations with both myself and the cows.

£150 in respect of sponsorship for Andrew Llewellyn taking part in the Brighton Marathon.

In Memory of Ian Linington “Please accept this donation in memory of Ian Linington who died far too young. Our family are privileged to have known ‘Lennie’ and wish we could turn back the clock.” D A and Mrs J M Shine sent in a donation of £100. In Memory of Kira Louise Lloyd Melanie and Andrew Lloyd sent in donations totalling £255; £100 was donated by the Wales Probation Trust and a £15 from Julie Pooley.

In Memory of James Love-Smith Valerie Moffat sent in a donation of £1,000, from various fundraising, in memory of her son, James, who died, aged 16, from aortic stenosis, on 27th June 2009. “One of his friends suggested we have some wrist bands made with his name, the date he died and ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ printed on them. He was a Liverpool supporter. His other friends paid £2 to play football and give the money to CRY.” In Memory of Martyn Luckett Brenda Luckett forwarded donations totalling £282.62 from the recent family screening event in Bude.

The first week left my feet in pieces and left me thinking that I wasn’t up to this. Gradually my feet recovered and I kept walking through it until they hardened up and became used to it. My fitness levels constantly increased and the walking became progressively easier. I was walking in memory of a close friend, Alice Lyte. Alice died from a cardiac arrest at the age of 23 at Christmas time last year. I managed to raise just under £2000 including Gift Aid. The work done by CRY is brilliant and I will be working to raise money for you again in the future.” Jacob Smith

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Fundraisers In Memory of Niall MacLennan Martin Campbell took part in the New York Marathon on 7th November 2010 and raised £2,650.60. “I managed in the end to raise £2,650.60 for CRY (£2,123.60 online and £527 on sponsorship forms) before Gift Aid. I was overwhelmed with both the level of donations and messages of support I received both before and after the event. The New York Marathon itself was an unforgettable experience with around 46,000 participants and between 1-2 million spectators on the route.

Details of the club can be found at www. gscoritani.wordpress. com. The club have produced professional quality cycling kit that prominently features the CRY logo and for every piece sold a donation will be made to CRY.

A cocktail of carb gels/ pain-killers/music/luck seemed to do the trick for me on the day and I managed in the end to get round in 3 hours 15 minutes. A half mile incline at mile 23 though will live long in the memory! The fact that I was doing it in memory of my friend Niall and for charity, certainly helped me through the darker moments. Thankfully the post event pain proved temporary!” Martin Campbell In Memory of Jack Maddams • “Black Mirror are proud to support CRY via the cycling club, Gruppo Sportivo Coritani, who proudly show CRY logos prominently on its kit. GS Coritani (“GSC”) are proud to work with CRY in carrying their logo on our kit. For each jersey sold from autumn 2010, GS Coritani will donate £5 to CRY. Visit for details” Roger Maddams sent in a donation of £100.

• We have received £1,350 from Roger Maddams and his

team of Mark Kenny and Dave Wigley who took part in the Time Megeve Mont Blanc Cycle Ride.

“A cycling club has been set up with its express aims to raise funds and awareness for CRY and to honour Jack Maddams who passed away in 2008 aged 17.

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The first ride that the founder members Mark Kenny, Roger Maddams (Jack’s dad) and Dave Wigley (Jack’s cousin) undertook was the Time-Megeve-Mont Blanc ride in the French Alps on 6 June 2010. The ride is an annual event and covers up to 133km of riding and effectively can climb the height of Mont Blanc by crossing such Tour de France climbs as the Col de Croix Fry, Col des Aravis and Col de Saisies.

Our A tough ride not without danger – one competitor came off the road on an Alpine descent and plunged 80m into a ravine – but an absolutely m e m o r a b l e experience for Mark, Roger & Dave and raised £1500 for CRY.

Subsequent to this, the club members wearing the club’s CRY-featured colours have ridden in the Tour of Britain Challenge ride in Stoke on Trent, the Cat & Fiddle Challenge in the Peak District, the Silverstone Sportive, the Big Bad Bike Ride in Scotland, L’Eroica in Tuscany and the Bike The Beach ride in Conneticut, USA! In 2011 we plan to ride in the San Gimiginano Sportive/Italy in May, the Time-Megeve-Mont Blanc again in June, the Luc Alphand Sportive in Briancon, France in July and the usual smattering of UK Sportives.

Those interested in joining the club to raise funds and profile for CRY can email” Roger Maddams.

• Laura Broomfield and friends, the KM Charity Team, recently took part in an abseil in Maidstone and raised £160.

In Memory of Josh Manku Robin Godfrey raised £842.50, in respect of his charity Footy Match, in memory of Josh. In Memory of Karl Mansfield Susan Mansfield held a ‘Wellness Week’ in December and raised £1,345.85. The Shop Direct Group, Oldham, raised £724.85, Shop Direct Group raffled four hampers and raised £440, Edna Gregson donated £50, Miss Brookes donated £60 and Asia Sultana raised £72 from eyebrow threading. In Memory of Oliver Marsden We have received a donation of £1,000 from various charity parties held by the University of Plymouth’s sports clubs; Riding and Polo, Netball, Mens Rugby and Womens Hockey.


In addition to this at the start of the year the Riding and Polo Club raised £400 for CRY at their annual charity booze cruise. This time Oceana helped to support this equally successful night. The Students’ Union Sports Clubs are proud to be associated with Cardiac Risk in the Young, not only by making donations, but also raising awareness around the University of Plymouth campus. The Sports Clubs have bigger fundraising plans for next year as they wish to raise enough money to eventually get all of the sportsmen and women at the University screened in the future.

Kevin Marsden accepted the £1000 cheque from the fundraisers in the Students’ Union in December. A trust has been set up in his son’s name, Oliver Marsden was a University of Plymouth student who tragically died at the age of 21 playing rugby.” Caroline Copley, Chairman Riding and Polo Club 2010/11. In Memory of John Marshall • Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £250 from the collection boxes in Edge Hill University.

• Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £352

from the Christmas Market at Edge Hill University.

• Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £250 from the collection boxes at Edge Hill University, in memory of John.

• A donation of £300 was raised in memory of John by Hayley,

Maureen & Michael Marshall, Lee Crosbie and many others doing a Christmas Float with the Mahull & Aughton Rotary Club.

• The Queen Inn Pub, in assocation with the Maghull & Aughton Rotary Club raised £400 by strolling through Ormskirk as a bunch of Mick Jaggers.

“University of Plymouth sportsmen and women recently joined forces to organise a charity Halloween party. Riding and Polo, Netball, Men’s Rugby and Women’s Hockey raised a mega £600 from the event. The clubs would like to thank their sponsor Walkabout for helping them to support the Charity by allowing them to hold the event in their bar, free of charge. The party was a great success and the venue looks forward to hosting another event in the New Year, to continue their support for CRY.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Gary Steven Martin Maggie Whitlock sent in a donation of £200 from a Coffee Morning at Upminster Infant School.

We had a coffee morning And lots of cake too We raised lots of pennies For us to send to you Upminster Infant School Is the place to be Lots of chat and gossip And a lovely cup of tea We raised £200 The cheque is in the post Thank you to the school You are such wonderful hosts We hope this money will help To make people more aware Of the work that you do And show that you care. Maggie Whitlock

In Memory of Dean Mason • We have received a donation of £5,589.50, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Dean Mason.

• Angela Rogers forwarded a donation of £225 from the Cawl Eve (St David’s celebration) in memory of Dean.

In Memory of Richard Mason Val Mason sent in a donation of £100 from The Angle Ring Company Limited, in lieu of Christmas cards plus a donation from the UK Sales department. In Memory of Alan John Mercer “My son Alan died of dilated cardiomyopathy last year. I have received such helpful reading matter from you to help me cope - one day at a time. Last weekend I held a Cheese and Wine party with raffles and Bingo and my kind-hearted neighbours and friends helped me raise £200.” Mrs Joan Mercer. In Memory of Ian Merchant Dennis Merchant sent in a donation totalling £100; £80 from the collection box and their personal donation of £20.

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In Memory of Natalie Moody & Ali Ostler Malcolm Henty sent in a donation of £133.18. “This was collected at the Christingle Children’s Christmas service in our small village church. Some of the children for ACT 2 (Hairgel/Way of the World) did a couple of songs and I was interviewed by the vicar as to why I support CRY. Gavin (the vicar) requested that the collection should go to CRY.” Malcolm Henty. In Memory of Hayley Moore “Please find enclosed a cheque for £250 in memory of my beautiful daughter, Hayley Moore, who died on 7th August 2010.” Jean Morey. In Memory of Rachel Moore Rebecca Bench took part in a Bungee Jump and raised £100 in memory of her sister, Rachel, who died from a cardiac arrest on 9th December 2008. In Memory of Levon Morland “Please find enclosed a cheque to the value of £105 which is from ongoing fundraising in our village. The majority of the donations came from the village Post Office where my Aunt Greta keeps a charity box.” Jeff Morland. In Memory of Luke Morris Ian Morris sent in donations totalling £825: £320 from the get together of family and friends on what would have been Luke’s 18th birthday; £320 from a football match arranged by Luke’s sister Laura to remember him on the third anniversary since he died and £205 in lieu of Christmas gifts. In Memory of Duncan Mulholland “I am the football sabbatical officer for Oxford University Association Football Club (OUAFC). We recently held our 2nd annual ‘Race Night’, in memory of an ex player (Duncan Mulholland) who died of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome four years ago. The Race Night was well attended by alumni and was accompanied by a memorial footy match for Duncan during the day.” Leon Farr sent in a donation of £114. In Memory of Andrew Murch • Peter Cummings took part in the Glasgow Half Marathon and raised a further £430 making a total raised of £505.

Alison Edwards raised a further £675, in respect of the Bupa Great North Run, making a total raised of £799. In Memory of Ralph Murwill Ray Maher and Stephen Donoghue took part in the Robin Hood Half Marathon and raised £1,150. In Memory of John McCall • Janette and Malcolm Pollard sent in a donation of £100 in memory of their nephew John.

Our • David and Linda Hayes sent in a donation of £100 in memory


In Memory of Amanda McCarthy • Pete McCarthy took part in the London Duathlon and raised £496.

In Memory of Daniel Newman • Lauren Gold forwarded a donation of £500 from Barclays Bank and a £1,000 donation towards the charity football match held on 27 March 2011 between Spurs Legends and the Friends of Dan Newman.

• Trevor Tiller took part in three various

• Lauren Gold has raised over £17,000 so far from her online

of their nephew John.

fundraising events and raised £151.20.

fundraising page in memory of Daniel.

In Memory of Allyn McCluskie

• Alana Briggs raised a further £278.10, in respect of the Bupa Great North Run, making a total raised of £946.66.

• Elizabeth McCluskie sent in a donation of £210 which was donated at the recent screening held on 19th March.

In Memory of Andrew McKie Carrington We have received a donation of £270.22, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Andrew McKie Carrington. In Memory of Simon McNamara • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £250. This sum has been raised by the Hatfield College Association Football Club, during Michaelmas term 2010, as part of their community service. The College has close associations with CRY, Simon McNamara was a student at Hatfield College from 2002 - 05. He died in his sleep suddenly and unexpectedly on 17th July 2008, while on holiday in Croatia. Simon read Economics at Durham. He was an active member of College and participated in the many sports/social activities. He played rugby for the first XV; he introduced the mixed Netball team and helped start up the annual Fashion Show - in which he modelled.” Dr Penelope Widddison, Acting Master & Senior Tutor.

• Mike McNamara forwarded donations of £700 from the ‘Sunday Scrubbers’ at Wollaton Park Golf Club.

• Gareth Simmons and Alasdair McKenzie took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon (2008) and raised £1,685.

In Memory of Tommy McWilliams Aunt Paula and her friend Liz raised £240 at the Santa Dash.

In Memory of Pardeep Nagra • Kully Nagra completed the Birmingham Half Marathon 2010 and raised £255.

• Sandeesh Bahia took part in the Adidas Women’s 5K Challenge 2010 and raised £320.

• Mr D Nagra sent in a donation of £375.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Simon Pangborn “In August 2010, I was lucky to be offered two tickets for the 2010/2011 Season at the Emirates Stadium. Whilst both my son Alex and I are longstanding Arsenal fans, we knew we would not be able to attend all the home games, so I have offered the tickets to colleagues at work in exchange for a donation to charity. Attached is a cheque for £723 to CRY, a charity I am keen to support, as a friend of the Pangborn family recognising that Simon was also a keen Arsenal fan. ” Malcolm Burke.

• Lauren Gold forwarded a donation of £150 from one of Daniel’s clients.

In Memory of Ben Newton • Rebecca Goosman and Angie Johnson took part in a skydive and raised £2,681.70.

In Memory of Andrew Parker “Please find enclosed donation from DHL as a response to our annual memorial night on the 10th October 2010.” Pamela Conn. In Memory of Andrew Parr • “Please find enclosed cheque in the sum of £200 donated by a friend of mine in respect of her late brother. Christine supports CRY and wished that all donations, in lieu of flowers, went to help fund screening in Preston.” Ruth Lowe.

• “Please find enclosed three cheques in the sum of £100

donated by Angie, a friend of mine, and her husband Michael. Michael has recently celebrated his 60th birthday and donations were given in lieu of presents. Angie supports CRY and wished that all donations went to help fund screening in Preston.” Ruth Lowe.

• Dr D Lowe sent in a donation of £1,008.16 in respect of a book royalty payment from John Wiley & sons Limited.

In Memory of Christopher Martin Parr • Christine McKillop took part in the Great Scottish Run and raised £465.

• “My name is Tina Spiers and I am the Office Manager at iMed Comms in Macclesfield. Last year, suddenly, we lost a very dear friend and colleague in Christopher Parr. I was dramatically over weight and in October last year I embarked on a weight loss programme and asked colleagues at work who all know Christopher to sponsor me. They rose to the challenge fantastically and raised £605, I have now lost 5 stones.” Tina Spiers.

• Steve Emerson, Leek High School, sent in a donation of £150 from a Sponsored Walk in memory of Chris.

• “On Sunday 6th February 2011, we held our eighth Birthday Memorial Football Match in memory of Ben Newton. I enclose a cheque in CRY’s favour for £2,040, being the amount raised on this day during the game, through the sale of raffle tickets and an auction after the game.” Jean Heading. In Memory of Brendan O’Hare Sinead O’Hare raised £363.50 in respect of the Bupa Great North Run.

• We have received a donation of £137 from Mrs Dianne Parr. • “On behalf of Leek Cricket Club I enclose a cheque for £650 in memory of Chris Parr who was a larger than life character and valued playing member at this club. The funds have been raised through the Annual Gala Ball held at the club which was organised by myself and Lynne Mellor.” Lynne Ball.

• Leek Rugby Club played against Stafford on 12th February and raised £750.

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Our In Memory of James Patrick Patterson • “Please find enclosed a donation to James’s Memorial Fund. The £180 represents the proceeds of a raffle held at the Campion Old Boys Rugby club lunch.” Peter Patterson.

Kelvin Wilson and Sid Curtis sent in a donation of £1,800 from the Charity Golf Day held on 9th July 2010 in memory of James.

In Memory of Adam Petrie “As a company, we have recently decided to provide donations to organisations that have a personal connection with members of our staff. We have a pot of money raised that we have now decided to split between two organisations which means we would like to donate £1,130 to CRY. CRY was nominated by Teresa Petrie who works in our Customer Services team. Teresa and her family lost her son, Adam, last year and I know how important they feel the work CRY is doing in raising awareness of the condition that took him from them.” Jo Trigg, Head of Marketing, The Consortium. In Memory of Charlotte Pitstra & a lost friend “At Christmas 2010 we organised a charity fancy dress aerobics for Commanding Officers. In total we raised £1,666, again to be split between two charities. Please find enclosed cheques totalling £2,500 for CRY as the regiment donated an additional cheque for £166.67 from their annual charity fund. Sadly in September 2001, SSgt Stuart Williamson lost his life whilst at home on leave with his family. He died in his sleep and again this was heart related. Stuart was 39 years old and had only 8 weeks left to serve in the British Army.” Sgt L Tuck sent in a donation of £2,500. In Memory of Steven Porter Mrs E Follett sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Steven Porter who died suddenly on 7th February 2011 aged 29 years. In Memory of Mark Pover “Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £700 donated in memory of Mark Pover. Mrs Jenny Walker helped organise on behalf of Stalybridge Celtic Juniors two, six-a-side football tournaments and single handedly organised and ran a social evening.” David Pover. In Memory of Craig Daniel Powell RISCA United AFC held a Six-a-Side Memorial Tournament on 8th August 2010 and raised £3,856.18. In Memory of Rowan Preston • Rob Hopkins took part in the Summer Loving fundraising event and raised £120.

• Alistair Preston took part in the Coast 2 Coast Cycle Ride and raised £2,794.

• Mr A Preston and friends took part in the White and Red Rose

Coast 2 Coast Cycle Challenge in April and raised £450. Team members included: Matthew Male, Stephen Moore, Lee Sweeney, Julian Hunt, Matthew Brown, Karl Elliot, Stuart Clarke, Will Oxley and Doug Carson.


In Memory of Myrtle Pridgeon We have received a donation of £175, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Mrs Myrtle Pridgeon. In Memory of Mildred Pritchard “Please accept the attached donations, which were contributed by friends and family of my mother, Mildred Pritchard, who died earlier this month. We picked your charity as my niece Clare died of an undiagnosed heart condition at the age of 18, some 9 years ago. At the time, we were unaware of your organisation.” Mary Kirby sent in a donation of £200. In Memory of Lucie Proctor Caroline Steggles, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, sent in a fundraising donation of £175. In Memory of Charlotte Rawlings Susan Styles sent in a donation of £200 from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer for her father-in-law, Derek Smith’s sponsored walk from Yeovil to Chelsea Football Club in memory of Charlotte. In Memory of Anton Reid Sonia Bailey sent in donations totalling £1,400 raised at the Charity Ball held in September 2009, in memory of Anton.

In Memory of Tom Reid Halina Reid forwarded donations totalling £150 from their screening event on 2nd February.





Mike Scott



Helen Hannan took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised an additional £245, making a total raised of £350. In Memory of Debbie Rendle • “Please find enclosed a cheque for the sum of £1,028 which I received from the ladies of Newlyn Trinity Methodist Church. They have a Charity Shop in their village, which is open six days of the week and they kindly donated two weeks of their takings.” Sylvia Pezzack.

• Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £140. In Memory of Debbie Rendle & Ewan Bellamy “I enclose a cheque for £360 raised in our village at a Coffee Morning for CRY on 9th April. This donation is to go towards the CRY screening to be held in Penzance in 2012. Debbie’s parents and I have known each other for about 4 years now. My son, Ewan Bellamy, died exactly 8 years ago. His partner agrees that this money should go towards the screening event.” Judie Street.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Scott Rennie • Ben Richardson took part in the Le Havre to Nice Cycle Ride and raised £2,218.18.

• Sarah Brennan raised £430 in respect of the

Run to the Beat Half Marathon 2010.

• Victoria Latham raised £760.60 in respect of the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

• Steve Rennie and Team Calor took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £5,495.

• Phil Brierley and Team Calorets took part in climbing

Snowdon and raised a further £825, making a total raised of £1,220.92. In Memory of Peter Reynolds • Lyn Hacker raised £100 in respect of the Bristol Half Marathon. • “Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £759.22 which was raised by friends and staff of Marks & Spencer Long Well Green, Bristol. M&S chose CRY as their charity of the year and have held various fundraising events in store and out. Photos enclosed show staff and managers dressing up and taking part in a sponsored bike ride on the shop floor, raising awareness for CRY as well as fundraising. Our thanks to Lyn Hacker who works continually to raise money and awareness for CRY.” Anne and Alf Reynolds.

Reynolds cheque presentation In Memory of Alex Roberts “Please accept the enclosed cheque for £1,088.88 from the staff and customers at the Village Home Pub in Gosport. The money was predominately collected in a bottle on the bar but added to by a sweepstake guessing the amount and a sponsored walk. It is donated in memory of Alex Roberts, Nephew and much missed friend in the pub. May I also take this opportunity to thank all our friends and customers for their kind donations.” A J Roberts, Licensee. In Memory of Luke Rogers • Angela Rogers sent in a donation of £650.50, raised at the Halloween Party in memory of Luke.

• Helen Pugsley raised £215 by completing the Cardiff Half Marathon.

• Angela Rogers sent in a donation of £270 raised at a Quiz night and £225 from the Cawl Eve (St David’s celebration).

In Memory of Luke Anthony Charles Rolfe “Please find attached a cheque for £425. Two of my colleagues and myself from West Midlands Police entered the Birmingham Half Marathon in October 2010, all finishing in respectable times under 1hr 55 minutes. We ran the race in memory of our colleague Luke Rolfe, an excellent Police Officer, who sadly died from a heart condition at the age of 30 in August last year.” Neil Ogden.

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Our In Memory of Liam Ross • James Edwards, a friend of Liam’s, organised a sponsored run. James and friends raised £300.

• Anton Price and Team Prism took part in the Bupa Great

• Sophie Edwards organised various fundraising activities as part of a school project at Halewood Centre for Learning and raised £300.

In Memory of Luke Shaw We have received a donation of £590.27, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Luke Shaw who recently passed away, aged 20 years.

In Memory of Luke Clayton Rutter • “Coupe Bradbury, Solicitors, chose not to send Christmas cards in 2010 in favour of making a donation of £250 in memory of Luke Clayton Rutter.” Irene P Hallas, Practice Manager.


J Alan Clark sent in a donation of £774 in memory of Luke from an event at the Fairhaven Methodist Church. In Memory of Craig Salmon • Gemma Bamford sent in a donation of £120 raised from a 50th birthday celebration and £60 from a Race Night held at The Bulls Head, Marchington, in memory of Craig.

• Mrs J Salmon sent in a donation of £541 in memory of Craig. • A donation of £1524 has been received from Mr J Standen in respect of his Lands End to John O’Groats (LEJOG) 2010 Cyle ride.

North Run 2010 and raised £490.

In Memory of Gary Vincent Shean We have received a donation of £450, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Gary Vincent Shean, who passed away on 14th January 2011, aged 50 years. In Memory of Jack Sheriff Chris Deeks took part in the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ and raised £377.

In Memory of Samantha Shirley We have received a donation of £1091.11, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Samantha Shirley. In Memory of Jamie Simpson Rose Dolan took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and raised £300, making a total raised of £475.

• Joyce Salmon sent in a donation of £420. In Memory of Kevin Sayer Mrs S Forder sent in two donations totalling £469 raised at charity football matches in memory of Kevin. £237 was raised at the Kevin Sayer XI v Matt Green XI match on 30th August 2009 and £232 raised at the same match held on 29th August 2010. In Memory of Mike Scott • “Please find enclosed a cheque to the value of £110. The North York Moors National Park held their annual Naff Raff and raised £100, the other £10 is a donation from Mrs Gwen Wood in sponsorship of Helen Hannan and Catherine Leigh completing the Great North Run.” Marje Scott.

• Catherine Leigh took part in the BUPA Great North Run 2010 and raised £860.

In Memory of Tabitha Shapland Amanda Shapland sent in a donation of £100. In Memory of Jonathan Shaw • Simon Barr took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and raised £450.

• Emma Barr took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and

In Memory of Sarah Simpson • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,200. This money was raised by Blaby Rotary (Leicester) by having a charity auction night last June, when local businesses in the village donated prizes to be auctioned to invited guests after a meal in a local restaurant. The charity decided to adopt CRY as one of their charities for fundraising after reading about our efforts to raise money for a local heart screening session in an article published last year in the Leicester Mercury. I also enclose a further donation for £150 from a lady I met whilst manning a stand at a CRY awareness day on 6th September at Loughborough. Liz Donaghy was helping with the organisation of the event and when I talked to her about CRY and Sarah she said that she was looking for a cause to raise money for when she ran the Leicester Half Marathon and decided that she wanted to run in memory of Sarah, wasn’t that kind of her?” Colin Simpson, father of the late Sarah Simpson.

• Liz Donaghy took part in the Leicester Half Marathon and raised £150.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £310.77 being the amount raised following a Coffee Morning organised by ourselves and St James Church, Huncote in aid of CRY.” Jenny Brown, Huncote Methodist church, Leics.

raised a further £405, making a total raised of £932.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Kevin Smart Geoff Gooodwin took part in the Berlin and Loch Ness Marathons and raised an additional £1,047, making a total raised of £1,502.

In Memory of Zoe Teale • We have received £715.36 from the Zoe Teale Memorial Swimming Gala. “The Zoe Teale Memorial Swimming Gala was held at Cheslyn Hay leisure centre on Saturday 30th October. Teams that competed were Chase, Cannock Phoenix, Walsall, Stafford Apex and Bilston. Zoe had swum for Chase, Bilston and Phoenix in the past.

In Memory of Lee Philip Stables Sharen Stables sent in a donation of £100 raised from a raffle by The Old Bakehouse Café.

In Memory of David Styles • Michael Styles sent in a donation of £200 in memory of his brother, David.

• Mike Styles sent in a sponsorship donation of £610 for his cousin, Peter Workman, who took part in a sponsored swim in memory of David.

• Peter Workman completed a sponsored swim and raised a further £200, making a total raised of £810.

In Memory of Hannah Taylor • Abi Hyde and Katy Rouse held an accessories stand and raffle on 14th January and raised £250.

• Charles Bull sent in the following donations

in memory of Hannah: £111, from sale of cakes made by Mrs M Bull and sold in the Star Coffee shop, £155 donation and sale of second hand gold, £32 from a charity box at a shop and £365 collected in lieu of presents for Charles’ 80th birthday celebration party held at the Cliff Hotel, Dovercourt, on Saturday 29th January. Total donation: £663.

The gala was organised by Sue Dukes from Pheonix club, whilst Gavin the manager from Cheslyn Hay leisure centre - provided the swimming pool free of charge. The event was held with the help of many officials, timekeepers and coaches who all gave their time free to ensure that the event went smoothly. The event was watched by over 150 spectators

Chase won the Zoe Teale Memorial Trophy and South Staffs MP Gavin Williamson presented the trophy to Matt Brackmanski and Alice Holmes from Chase SC. Gavin spent the whole evening at Cheslyn Hay leisure centre, collecting donations and helping with the tombola.

£715.36 was raised on the evening from entrance fees, tombola and collection tins, with all proceeds going to the Zoe Teale Memorial Fund at CRY. The funds will be used to provide free ECG screenings for young adults ages 14 - 35.

Gavin Williamson MP has joined the Cardiac Risk in the Young All Party Parliamentary Group to help CRY’s

• “Please find enclosed the sum of £600 being the total raised

from the proceeds of a raffle and sale of programmes held on the three evenings of a dance show held by my daughter and her dancing school partner who run the Pas de Deux Dancing Studio in Dovercourt. Hannah Taylor had been a pupil at the school in her younger years. We intend to continue further with fundraising throughout the year in this most worthy cause.” Charles Bull. In Memory of Suzanne Taylor • Beryl Ewing sent in a donation of £250 in respect of her hand made Christmas cards.

36 of her old swim friends, now ex-swimmers, did three demonstration relay swims in her memory - at the start, in the middle and at the end of the main swimming gala. A further 100+ young swimmers took part in the official gala.

• We have received two cheques totalling £645.

The money was from fundraising by Elizabeth Ewan and colleagues from the Royal Mail, Chester Mail Centre who raised £445. The Royal Mail Group matched the funds up to £200. In Memory of Vicki Taylor Ian Taylor sent in a donation of £400, from the annual 24 hour Tennis Event, in August 2010, in memory of Vicki.

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Our campaign for a national screening programme. He has also fully supported our family. ECGs are able to detect hidden heart conditions, and once diagnosed these conditions can be treated or managed.” Pete Teale.

• The Founder at Old Swinford Hospital School donated £401.81.

“Headmaster Mr Peter Jones from Oldswinford Hospital School in Stourbridge West Midlands hands over a cheque for the Zoe Teale Memorial Fund for £401.81, this was raised at the Schools Founders Day Church Collection. The School has continuously supported the memorial fund at CRY.” Peter Teale.

• We have received £2,722 which was raised from a Mardi Gras theme night, (ticket sales, Tombola, Raffle and Auction).

“A Mardis Gras Theme Night was held in memory of Zoe Teale on the 20th November. A massive £2722 was raised on the evening for the Zoe Teale Memorial Fund at CRY.

• Peter Teale sent in a donation of £250 from Richard Hams at the Old Swinford Hospital School.

• Peter Teale forwarded a donation of £141.85, in lieu of Christmas cards, from the Old Swinford Hospital School.

• Peter Teale forwarded a donation of £2,197.30 raised during the CRY event day held across the DVLA Local Services Network on 14th February.

“We had a great effort on this day and raised a total of £164.50 at the DVLA Local Office in Peterborough.

We had several activities ongoing, from raffles, to sale of food and dressing down. I also did a cycling challenge to see how far I could ride in 2 hours. Staff then sponsored me and I also gave a prize to the person who guessed the closest distance to the distance I rode.

Customers who came into the office also donated for me doing this.” James Fordham

• Peter Teale forwarded a donation of £290 from Waitrose, Stourbridge.

The evening featured a steel band; a tribute dance by Zoe’s sister Meghan and friends; fire eaters and a stilt walker. A DVD was played to guests showing the work that has been done during the year.

In Memory of Dale Tennent-Butler • Angela Tennent-Butler sent in a donation of £1,500 from the Langleybury Cricket Club, in memory of Dale.

The venue at Great Wyrley Football Club was given free of charge and the food was donated by Chartwells - part of Compass Group. A great night was had by all.” Peter Teale

• Valerie Wood and Sue Blair held a Sponsored Silence at their


• “Please find attached two cheques to be added to Dale’s fund. The first is from Kings Langley School (Dale’s school) - they raised £1,147.47 by selling wrist bands and having a non school uniform day last year. The second is for £100 and is a donation from Jake Radford of Gibson & Radford.” Angela Tennent-Butler sent in donations totalling £1,247.74.

Students from Kings Langley School have good reason to smile after helping raise money for the charity CRY.

They have been inspired to raise money for the charity after a cardiac arrest claimed the life of a former Kings Langley Student.

Lead by Miss Dolan, on the week that commenced on the 29th November 2010, Kings Langley School showed “full and dedicated” support to the charity CRY. This support was demonstrated through the sale of wristbands to teachers and students to raise money for screening of young people throughout Hertfordshire.

Dance and Theatre School and raised £230.

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A previously fit, healthy and hugely popular student Dale Butler, died suddenly in December 2009. His mother, Angela, said: “CRY has been very supportive to me since Dale died so suddenly this time last year. The charity desperately needs support to raise awareness and continually campaign for routine testing for young people. If Dale had been tested he would still be here today. We are raising funds for CRY so that we can test Dale’s friends and other young people from Kings Langley School to hopefully prevent another tragedy from happening.

• Katy Turberville forwarded a donation of £110 from

Christmastreeasy: “who kindly donate to Hannah’s fund at CRY with every tree they sell.”

• Michael Howells raised £3,135 in respect of the London to Paris Cycle Ride.

• Lorraine Maddox raised £856.42 from a Tombola that took place during banking hours at Barclays Bank Harpenden on Friday 8th April. In Memory of Emlyn Arthur Wibberley The Reverend Ruth Scott sent in a donation of £2,143.20, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Emlyn Wibberley.

In Memory of Neil Wickers • The children at Ashleigh Primary School, Darwen raised £347.35 from events they held at Christmas.

• Irene forwarded a donation of £235 from their screening event.

“I am very grateful to KLS, especially Gemma Dolan, for helping keep Dale’s memory very much alive in such a positive and sensitive way’.

• Irene Wickers forwarded a donation of £100 from their friend

Written by Jenna Pridgeon (yr13).

In Memory of Paul Wilkins Pam Oates sent in a donation of £1,300, raised from a recent charity night.

In Memory of Gareth Llywelyn Thomas Anne Thomas sent in a donation of £145 from the sale of handmade cards and in lieu of Christmas cards by family and friends.

Raymond and his wife, who live in Canada.

In Memory of Sarah Thomas Jodie Murphy sent donations totalling £1,170; £570 from Ysgol Bro Gwaun School and £550 from Sir Thomas Picton School, plus a £50 donation from Mrs Thomas. In Memory of Olly Tucker The King’s School, Walpole House, raised £888.

In Memory of Hannah Turberville • St Albans Bach Choir Family Christmas Carol Concert. “The choir organised a fantastic family concert at 3pm. It was just under one hour and had a section where the children were invited to come and sit at the front of St Albans Abbey and sing Away in a Manger, Jingle Bells and Rudolf backed by the 120 strong choir. They all sounded great! The choir invited me up to speak for just a couple of minutes to explain to the congregation a little more about CRY and then the collection was for CRY. We were staggered at the response and enclose a cheque for £1,414 and a CAF cheque for £50.” Katy Turberville.

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“January 15th 2011 was a night to celebrate and remember the third anniversary and 25th birthday of a wonderful young man.

Our Paul Wilkins passed away on his 22nd birthday on 11th January 2008 and not a day goes by when we don’t remember him and the good times that he shared with us during his short stay in this world. So far every year we have held a charity disco in memory of him and have raised money for both Cardiac Risk in the Young and The Police Cadets whom Paul supported.


We never forgot why we were there though, as midnight drew closer Mitchell played Paul’s songs, everyone joined in a circle on the dance floor and to ‘Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now’ we all remembered Paul, a beautiful son, grandson, brother, cousin and friend who had his whole life ahead of him but who was taken too soon.” Pam Oates. In Memory of Amy Williams Debbie Edgar sent in a donation of £170 from a Bingo Night, held on 27th December 2010, in memory of Amy.

In Memory of David Williams • Sue Williams sent in a donation of £1,435 raised at the Halloween event held in memory of David.

This year was no different but thankfully the weather was much kinder to us! We changed venues to Belvedere Social Club where the staff were very helpful and supportive to our cause and special night. Once again Paul’s younger brother Mitchell put on a fantastic disco that Paul would have been proud of. We had some fantastic prizes donated for our raffle and would like to thank The FA, Manchester United, Millwall, Charlton, Watford and Darent River Football Clubs. David Lloyd, Crayford Greyhound Stadium, Peacocks, T.K Maxx, Phoenix Theatre for Blood Brother tickets, The Prince of Wales Theatre for Mamma Mia tickets and HSBC again kindly gave £500 to our cause. Many donations were greatly received and came in from as far a field as Canada! Various super raffle prizes were also generously given from friends and family. A special raffle was held for a oneweek holiday in a Turkish apartment, Debbie & Martin kindly donated this, they then decided to auction a further week, which was a great help. Katie Locke very kindly helped again with the invitations and Inspirations in Bexleyheath very kindly donated a centre balloon for our raffle table.

• I recently held my 3rd Annual Halloween Charity Event in

memory of my son David. I have since unexpectedly received a written song dedicated to my son David from a young boy who attended the event, his name is Alex Fuller. I thought it would be a lovely idea if you were able to include the song either on your website or perhaps in the magazine?

It touched a chord with me and certainly made me feel that my presentation about my son David and CRY on the night was well listened to by this young boy and hopefully the other 300+ guests.” Sue Williams

CRY by Alex Fuller (in memory of David Williams) Every day it takes a life, everyday it gives us strife. As the days pass it gives more grief and it is just an unwanted thief. Chorus Donate to CRY, I’ll tell you why, just £5.00 CRY will have found something to save a life. People are dying young, far too young they can’t live their life to the full just some money will help us pull them from dying Chorus CRY will stop them from dying young stop their lives from being stung Why do they have to die, please just tell me why?

Tickets sold out in record time and people were still turning up to pay on the door. Paul’s dad, Steve Wilkins held the raffle and a very lucky lady won a one-week stay in Turkey for £10!

Dying unknown first, that is the worst!

Luckily the auction for the second week raised an impressive £400, which certainly helped to boost our grand total to a staggering £3600.00!!

you should try to save a life

Chorus I’m writing this song to tell you why just help us please, we are on our knees. Chorus

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• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000 which was raised

at the annual Ash Music Festival last July. The event was organised by Lyndsey and Mike of the Lion Brewery Pub in Ash.” Sue Williams. In Memory of Ian Willoughby Kay Willoughby sent in a donation of £1,020 to mark the anniversary of Ian’s passing on 15th January.

In Memory of James (Jimmy) Wilson “Enclosed is a cheque for £118.81. A few Year 10 GCSE catering pupils at Washington School baked cakes and biscuits in December and sold them to pupils and staff to raise funds for CRY in memory of Jimmy.” Mrs Gardner. In Memory of Kevin Wilson Paul Caulton took part in the Great North Run 2010, and raised £195.

• “Julian In Memory of James Latour Withers We have received a funeral donation of £794.32, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late James Latour Withers, who died on 5th December 2010, aged 37 years. In Memory of James Wood Gill Wood sent in a donation of £330, raised at the annual Broxbourne Tennis Club Family Competition in memory of James.

In Memory of Julian Wort • “My husband and I recently held an All Day Bring and Buy Coffee Morning at our home on 30th November and raised the magnificent amount of £286. This was a bitterly cold day and we didn’t think that many people would turn up, but our very loyal family/friends and neighbours supported us. Also just prior to Christmas I collected in three collection boxes, Kingfisher Takeaway £17.09, Chung Ying Takeaway £15.57 and Frome Golf Club £11.96 (total £44.62).” Shirley Wort.

would have been 40 on 22nd March and his mate, Mark Price, was 40 on 20th March. Mark’s mum and myself were both in hospital together and our families have remained close ever since, and as you can imagine Mark was devastated when Julian passed away. Mark celebrated his special birthday with a party on 19th March and instead of presents asked for donations to Julian’s Memorial Fund and as you can see a wonderful amount was raised.” Shirley Wort sent in a donation of £597.

Left to right: Shirley Wort, Mark Price and Dave Wort

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Our In Memory of Louise Worth Philip Whitehead took part in a 12 hour sponsored Spin on 12th March and raised £1,027.62.


• Emma Smith, Finance Department, Best Western Hotels Great Britain, nominated CRY to receive a donation of £100.

• Meera Bhalsod took part in a Tandem Skydive and raised £170.

In Memory of Daniel Young Mr & Mrs W Farnworth sent in a donation of £100.

• Binfield Football Club held a fundraising

evening at their social club on 20th November and raised a total of £3,938.30 to raise funds for a screening at the club on 11th December. Mick Edwards forwarded the donation.

• Jack Brauer raised £890 in respect of the Run to the Beat In Memory of Mark Young Daniel Nascimento took part in a parachute jump and raised £459.26.

Half Marathon 2010.

• Graham Wale, Rotary Club of

Brentwood a Becket, sent in a donation of £1,000 in support of the myheart newsletter.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for General Fundraising

• “My colleague, Linda Budd, recently attended a Burns Night

and Ceilidh Charity Evening in aid of Cardiac Risk in the Young. Linda was very interested to learn about the important work that you do and in response, she held a cake sale in the office to which we were delighted to contribute £100.” Sam Walker, Head of Public Affairs, Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, forwarded the donation of £100.

• “I am writing to you on behalf of Allport Limited. We have

collected the sum of £150 in support of your charity. Charities supporting cardiac problems, especially in young people, are very important to us as we have lost colleagues and some of their family members, at significantly young ages. The research work and fast track screening that CRY offers is invaluable, but far more than that, CRY seems to be a charity that gives immense support during painful, difficult and often distressing times to both sufferers and their families.” Caroline Laide, Allport Ltd - Airfreight Division.

£645.60. This money has been raised for CRY by holding a school Mufti day.” Mr Richard, Brynmawr School.

• Suzanne Buckley took part in the 5K Santa Run 2010 and raised £445.

• The Rt. Hon Andy Burnham

MP sent us £105 he received in respect of the Great North Swim 2010 which was cancelled 24 hours before starting.

• Chris Capes took part in the Battle to Lille Charity Bike Ride and raised £160.

• “Please find enclosed a

donation of £158.50 from the staff of Churnet View Middle School, Staffs. Each year we have a Christmas collection for a charity of our choice, instead of sending out Christmas cards and this year we chose CRY.” Mrs J Turner.

• Jennifer Hedge, Angus Cardiac Group, sent in a donation

• Julie Collins sent in a donation of £104.70 which was raised

• Robert McCaffrey, Organiser, Ashtead 10K for Ashtead

• “Each November, Coulsdon & Purley FOCUS Club (which

of £100.

Running Group, sent in a donation of £250 from their recent Ashtead 10K and Children’s Fun Run.

• “Please find attached a cheque for £105 raised from a recent office Dress Down Day.” Heather Lund, Atkins Asset Management.

• Mr P Bailey sent in a CAF donation of £1,633.50 in respect of his team completing the Stockholm Marathon.

• Simon Bateman raised £741, in respect of completing the Run to the Beat Half Marathon 2010.

• Betchworth Park Golf Club raised £5,000 for CRY. This donation was forwarded to us by CRY County Representative, Rosemary Attridge.

through the sale of merchandise at a recent screening event. comprises past members of Coulsdon & Purley Round Table) assists our local Round Table with its charity fundraising fireworks display at the Royal Russell School. In recognition of this help, Round Table allows us to choose some of the recipient charities for the money raised and I am very pleased to be able to send you the enclosed cheque for £250.” John Ball, Secretary.

• Helen Crosby raised £210 in respect of the Run to the Beat Half Marathon 2010.

• David Daniel took part in the Chicago Marathon 2010 and

raised £1,283.50: “All the best and keep up the good work. It was a pleasure raising these funds for such a worthy cause.” D M Daniel.

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• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £870 raised on my shoot,

The Original Long Mountain. The donations were collected from guns throughout the season.” Guy C Davies.

• We have received a donation of £738.60 from Mr M Donlevy in respect of his Edinburgh Marathon 2010.

• Sally Evans sent in a donation for £170 raised at an event she held last year.

• “Falcon Construction Services Limited have recently opened

• Hazel Forward took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £739.

• Russell Goodman took part in the Kent Coastal Marathon 2010 and raised £316.

• We have received a donation of £1,160 from Mr D GrahamRowe for his ‘Duncan meets El Capitan’ Climb.

• “I run two Tea Dances and we raise money for charity

throughout the year. Each time we reach £300 we choose a different cause for our donation. The money is raised in a variety of ways; from the entrance fee, dances, raffles, sales etc. with a lot of enjoyment had at the same time. I am happy therefore, to enclose a cheque for this amount to support the work of CRY.” June Green.

a new Tesco Express Store in Cattlemarket, Rugby. In accordance with Tesco’s own ‘Good Neighbourhood Policy’, Falcon Construction, working in association with Tesco Express Stores PLC are pleased to enclose a cheque in the sum of £400. We are pleased to be able to contribute to such a worthwhile cause and wish you all the best in the future.” Mr G P Etherton, Managing Director, Falcon.

• “We are a Fitness Centre in Knutsford and would like to make the enclosed donation of £1,323 to your charity. We raised this by holding a Summer Barbecue and Raffle last year followed by a ‘Pilates by Candlelight’ evening and raffle which took place on 24th February. We decided to donate to your charity as we have two families attending our classes who have both been affected by the sudden tragic loss of a young family member.” Linda Marshall, fit4lifeknutsford.

• Foresters Three Shires Branch, raised £1,448. Mike Aylott, CRY supporter, collected the donation on behalf of CRY.

• CRY Patron Simon Halliday sent in a donation of £150 from

a raffle at the reception to market the Chic Collection and the World’s Best Hotels Group.

• A cheque for £1000 was presented to Rebecca Zouvani by John Carter, Charity Chairman, along with Vernon Elmes, President of Heathrow Branch of Foresters at their February meeting. The total amount raised for all events during 2010 is £2,448.

This money has been collected throughout the year by manning stalls at local fetes, along with raffles held on coach outings, at restaurant meals and other various events held by the Branch, but is only part of the £2448 collected in total. Members of the Branch, Vernon Elmes, Maureen MacGregor and Adrian Buckland had also volunteered and raised money at the CRY London Bridges Walk, either taking part in the walk or helping along the course. We are pleased to say that Heathrow Branch has decided to support CRY again as their chosen charity for 2011.

“We held a reception to market Chic Collection and the Worlds Best Hotels Group, a business I am involved with.

During the evening, we held a raffle and asked for donations to two charities of my and Nigel’s (the CEO) choice. One was CRY, hence the £150!!” Simon Halliday.

• Hankley Common Golf

Club Captain, Andrew Bathurst, nominated CRY as his charity of the Year for 2010. Jenny Hay, Assistant Secretary, sent in a donation of £2,569.77 from various fundraising events during 2010.

• Andrew Hills took part in the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon 2010 and raised £336.80.

• Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge sent in a donation of £440.99.

• Hobbs Moat United Reformed Church sent in a donation of Vernon Elmes, Rebecca Zouvani and John Carter at the presentation

66 • CRY update • Issue 54

£348.50, raised at their Christmas Bazaar and collections.

Our • Fleur Holcroft took part in the 5K Santa Run and raised £120. • Dr Rohan Jagathesan, Consultant Cardiologist, forwarded a donation of £100 from a very grateful patient, Mrs M Cerasoli.

• Ryan Keane took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised £113.

raised £520.

• Janet Groves, Chairman of Lane Health Products Limited, sent in a donation of £250.

Chester, in a donation Quiz Night.

long ambition by appearing on Centre Court on Sunday 5th July, as he took on the prestigious role as official ‘coin tosser’ for the Men’s Singles Final at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships - representing CRY. James was a Junior County Champion (and tipped as one of the UK’s future ‘stars’ of the game), so July 5th was also a poignant

• Justine Lago took part in the Venice Marathon 2010 and

• Becky


Legal & General Plc, of £424 from a recent

sent Pub

• Longmoor Primary School sent in a donation of £104.21.

• CRY Representative, Ian Scanlan,

reminder of the fact he is now unable to play competitive sport, following the diagnosis of a heart condition known as long QT Syndrome. James’ mother Sarah and family are very glad I chose CRY as my charity. In addition to the money, we have raised awareness of all the work done by CRY especially heart screening, ECG testing programmes and medical research. The money was raised in a variety of ways throughout 2010; members signed a Christmas card and made donations to CRY; a member took photos of the golf course and sold the resulting calendar; we held numerous raffles at events such as a Children’s Christmas

attended Loreto Grammar School on 19th January and collected a donation of £233.84. Ian provided a PowerPoint presentation on the work and ambitions of CRY and how it helped families cope with the death of a young person.

Party, Bridge drives and golf days; we raised Geranium

• Marks & Spencer, Bishops Stortford, raised £212 from

section raised £1,500 of the total.” Cynthia Hayhurst, Lady

• “My Ceramic option group here at Marlborough College

• Amanda Moore took part in the Battle to Lille Bike Ride and

completing the London to Cambridge Bike Ride.

plug plants and sold 150 plants; ladies also sold plants, fruit and vegetables from their gardens. We had a fun “No Whine” golf competition - ladies were fined if they moaned about anything during the day. Two ladies gave weekly Bridge lessons and donated the “fee”; in fact the Bridge Captain sent in a donation of £4,698. raised £290.

chose CRY as their charity to make ceramics and sell for. They worked incredibly hard and I am very proud of them.” Isobel Kidd, Art Department, Marlborough College, sent in a donation of £271.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque in the sum of £125. This

• The Charity Think Tank students of Marlborough College

tubes.” Julia McKay, Bandmaster, Moreton BB/GB Band,

raised £497.12 at an event for CRY.

• Jane Mawdsley sent in a match-giving donation of £500 from

her employer after she ran the Brighton Marathon in memory of a family friend who died from SADS.

• Mid Herts Golf Club. “As you know CRY was my chosen charity for the year. My year as Ladies’ Captain for 2010 has finished and I enclose a cheque for £4,698; in addition Iain Pulley made 2 donations of £300 on my behalf; this brings the total to £5,298. I had a wonderful year and was thrilled that the total raised exceeded my hopes for raising at least 4K; Viv Kingham is a member of Mid Herts and her grandson James Doherty survived

sum was raised by the young people in our band when they performed in a concert and collected pennies in Smartie Wirral Sound, the Band of the two Brigades.

• “This money was raised at a music evening in Warwick on Thursday 16th December 2010 with the support of friends and colleagues. The money was collected during the evening and following the event by donation and via a pre-Christmas raffle.” Ed Morrison sent in a donation of £100.

• Sandhaya Murali raised £275 in respect of the Run to the Beat Half Marathon 2010.

• William Murray took part in the San Francisco to New York Cycle Ride and raised £1,470.80.

when he collapsed at a tennis academy training session.

• “During 2010 I was President of the Southampton Womans

Your website records that in September 2008, James

Bowling Association. During that time I organised many

Doherty (14) from Codicote, Herts, was training at

fundraising activities which were well supported by my

Hazelwood Tennis Academy in Enfield, Middlesex. James

bowling colleagues and especially by my own bowling club

suddenly collapsed when a fault in his heart’s electrical

of Hedge End. I hope the enclosed donation will help in your

rhythm caused it to stop beating. Experts at the London

work.” Joan McCallum sent in £1,218.08.

Ambulance Service and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (where James was later treated) believe James had a cardiac arrest for 11 minutes. James fulfilled his life

• Tony Parsons raised £635 for his wife, Inge-Lise’s, 40th birthday. Total raised £661.80.

CRY update • Issue 54 • 67


Fundraisers hidden and undiagnosed syndrome in a significant number of young people.” Father Ian Evans CF, Academy Chaplain.

• The Peacehaven Coffee Club, Barnby Dun, Doncaster, raised £400 for CRY at one of their recent meetings. CRY Representative, Monica Chatterton, collected the cheque on behalf of CRY from Pat Leyland on 15th March.

• St Clement’s Dane Secondary School raised £1,100 for CRY;

kidnapping teachers, 6th formers acting as slaves and all sorts, all organised by prefects. CRY County Representative, Katy Turberville, attended the school to collect the donation.

• “This money was donated as part of a Dress Down Day and bake sale in the IT Division at Scottish Widows (part of Lloyds Banking Group), in memory of an Actuarial colleague who passed away this year.” Donald Pretsell IT Analyst/Developer & Charity Champion, sent in a donation of £358.06.

• Mrs K Griffiths (The Scrummery) sent in a donation of £520. • “Please find enclosed a donation of £539.38. These funds were raised by pupils in Kenelm boarding houses who, as a fundraiser, sold red roses for Valentine’s day. It was entirely organised by the pupils of Kenelm and this year they raised a record amount which has been split among three charities.” Amanda Mackintosh, Sherborne Girls, Dorset.

• David Penney sent in a donation of £131.14 from the First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church’s Snowball event.

• Michael Potts raised £353.60, via Skyline, from the China Trek 2011.

• Following the termination of their group, the Preston Cardiac Support Group made a donation of £665.

• Mr J Rainnie sent in a donation of £100.

• Ellie Simpson took part in the Grim Challenge 2010 and raised £145.

• Rachel Smith, Aberystwyth Women’s Rugby Club, completed the Aber 10K last year and sent in a donation of £160.

• Bryan Anderson sent in a donation of £9,659.73 as part of his year 2010 Captaincy at Stoke Park Golf Club. Various fundraising activities were held throughout the year including Team Stoke Park completing the Three Peaks Challenge. Team Stoke Park were Tim Harris, Chris Neville, Paul Simmonds and George Gross. The team completed the challenge in just under 24 hours and raised a further £2,579.99 through online fundraising. Giving a total raised to date of £12,239.72.

• David Redfern did a TPT Cycle Ride of 217 miles in 2010 and raised £295.

• Reigate College sent in a donation of £550.45 raised by the

staff from their Christmas Raffle and the Students Union on their Charity Day.

• “We recently held a charity golf day and one of our players,

Ian Hay, played well enough to win and his chosen charity was yours! Please accept the attached donation of £1,000, on behalf of Rogge Global Partners Plc.” Nicola Freeman, Administration Assistant.

• “I am writing to inform you that we

recently held a Non Uniform Day in school in memory of one of our former pupils who recently died at the young age of 20. Therefore please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000.” Emma Hayes, Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne.

• “On behalf of the Commandant, Staff

and Officer Cadets of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, it is my pleasure to present to you the enclosed cheque for £1,000. We trust this donation will further assist you and your dedicated team in the marvellous work that you accomplish within the community in raising awareness of what is still a

68 • CRY update • Issue 54

Team Stoke Park presenting their cheque to Earl Howe, golf club chairman and member of the CRY APPG.

• The Streetly School, West Midlands, sent in a donation of £141, in lieu of sending Christmas Cards.

• Jamie Teutenberg sent in a donation of

£1,400 from the Community Reach Out Programme. Emma Brown (Slough office of Equinox) nominated CRY.


makes every step and blister upon blister worth it. I met the most amazing people out there, I was told that you make special friendship bonds when you are all thrown into that kind of environment together and it is so true.”

• James Thatcher (Claimfast Limited) held a charity day on 18th March and raised £100.

• Dale Thomas sent in a final donation of £600 in respect of the Vietnam Open Cycle ride, making a total raised of £2,815.

• “The enclosed cheque for £200 is money raised for your


charity by people that braved the icy waters at Cawsand Bay in Cornwall on New Year’s Day 2011.” Malcolm Jeavons, Torpoint & Rame Peninsula Lions Club.

Joanne said that when she and her fellow trekkers climbed the tallest sand dune in the Sahara, they had to get up at 4am in the pitch black with only head torches to see.

• “We enclose a cheque for £148 to go towards the work

done by your charity, CRY. We raised the money by making peppermint creams dipped in chocolate and chocolate fudge. We sold them at the Christmas church services in our parish. Although there was a suggested donation of £1, many people kindly gave more.” The Patton Trailblazers - Rebecca White, Elle Dunne, Pam Turner, Emma Gutteridge, Rosemary Kimber, Sophie Davies, Amy White, Laura Dunne, Millie Watts, Billie-Jean Wood, Bev White and Rev. Gill.

• A total of £160 has been raised by Nick Trim taking part in the HSBC Triathlon 2010.

• Jonathan Turner and Paul Hoxley raised £4,030 from their fundraising event. Included in the amount were donations of £500 from the Westover Group, £300 from CLM Keder Greenhouses Ltd, £100 from Mr Colin Moore, £2670 from Mrs E M Brazier and £360 from P G Brickwork Ltd.

• Alexandria Hingley (UCL Students Union) sent in a donation of £595.18 from various events promoting CRY during Awareness Week.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £201.67, the proceeds of

the Christmas Raffle in the School of Nursing & Midwifery at the University of Salford.” Mrs Julie Crilly.

• Jo Urch took part in the Sahara Trek 2010 and raised £3,685.30.

Joanne Urch, from Chelston, said she is still nursing her blisters after the nine-day trek to raise funds for Cardiac Risk in the Young.

Joanne was diagnosed more than a year ago with Long QT Syndrome during a holiday in the United States and her young son Tyler also suffers from the condition which can cause sudden death in fit and healthy young people. (See picture, right, of Joanne and Tyler).

After her trek Joanne said: “The trek was absolute hell for me, everything I don’t like. I am definitely a comfort girlie. But I know that the money raised really will save lives and that

She said: “Sand walking is so hard, but the views when we sat on the top and watched the sunrise made it all worthwhile. It was quite a moving moment for me, as I had not spoken or had any contact with Ty for days at this point. The silence and beauty as the sun cast its shadows over the neverending waves of dunes really hit home as to why I was there and how much hard work it had all taken, not just from me but all my loved ones. I had a few tears thinking of home, Ty and all the people depending on the charity CRY. It was a very proud moment for me.”

Joanne described endless heat, dust, flies and aching feet and her team encountered two sandstorms. She said: “My eyes, ears and mouth were full of sand – that was really horrible, but we trudged on and on. I think I will be finding sand in places still by Christmas.”

Joanne said that she cried when she crossed the finishing line. “I guess it was pride, exhaustion and relief, but what a great moment.”

As part of her fundraising for the trek, Joanne held a fun night out that raised £400 and is part of Joanne’s mission to collect thousands for the charity.

Joanne said: “People were all so kind and interested in the charity, particularly because it can affect any of us who have young family and loved ones. All the girls were amazing, so a big thank-you to them.”

CRY update • Issue 54 • 69



Tyler’s school buddies at Sherwell Valley Primary School have also done their bit. They collected a massive £213, and Joanne said: “Bless them all. I’d love to say a huge thank-you to them all for helping me — it really means so much.”

• Gemma Wilson and Ali Jones raised £385 in respect of the Great South Run, plus £55, received from Ali, making a total amount raised of £440.

• We are in receipt of £380 from Mrs H Wilson in respect of a parachute jump.

• Amanda Spicer, House Manager, The

Wimbledon Club, sent in a donation of £112 from the collection boxes on the bar.

• We have received a donation of £500 from Mrs R Witenshaw. • CRY Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani and CRY Communications Officer Mair Shepherd took part in the Adidas Women’s 5k Challenge 2010 and raised £400.

• Benjamin Whitaker took part in the Berlin Marathon and raised £287.40.

• Nicholas Whitley raised £100 in respect of the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

• Catherine and Morag Wilson sent in a sponsorship donation of £1,620.76 in respect of the London to Paris Cycle Ride which takes place on 1st June.

• Claire Wilson took part in the Vietnam Open Cycle Ride 2010 and raised £725.

Headline page index Page 71 Popular sportsman dies of heart attack Colchester Gazette 26.01.11

Page 75 Free heart checks for teenagers Birmingham Mail 14.03.11

Page 71 Affairs of the heart Rugby World 01.02.11

Page 75 Inquest told girl’s death still mystery Shropshire Star 16.03.11

Page 71 Mum tells of the day she lost her daughter forever

Page 75 Pupils show their support for charity Kings News January 2011

Pontypridd & Llantrisant Observer 17.02.11

Page 71 Sue will never really know what claimed her son’s life

Evening Gazette (Teesside) 23.02.11

Page 72 Parents in fundraising promise after son’s tragic death

Shropshire Star 12.01.11

Page 76 Tragedy prompts a call for heart screening

East Anglian Daily Times 21.01.11

Page 76 Dad pushes for heart tests for sporty kids

Peterborough Evening Telegraph 30.03.11

Page 76 Campaign may have saved a friend’s life The Sheffield Star Series 03.01.11

Page 72 Screening promoted by parents Express & Star (Wolverhampton) 14.03.11

Page 72 Match honours lost team-mates Bognor Regis Observer 24.03.11

Page 76 Tragic student’s parents pay for heart tests at school

Page 72 Mum takes on Government over cutbacks Flintshire Chronicle 24.02.11

Page 72 Family of Ben Crean aim to help others with heart condition

Page 76 All young people should have an ECG Reading Post 07.03.11

Sale & Altrincham Messenger 10.03.11

Yorkshire Evening Post 03.02.11

Page 77 Simon stepping out on the world’s toughest footrace Yorkshire Evening Post 09.03.11

Page 72 Mum’s bowled over by response to tragedy Post & Times 20.04.11

Page 73 What a Guy Oxford Mail 26.01.11

Page 77 Celebrate our Shaun and help others live Reading Post 05.01.11

Page 73 Made with love Cardmaking and Papercraft April 2011

Page 77 Portrush’s restaurant to host special fundraiser for Cardiac Risk in the

Page 73 Philippa’s our inspiration to raise £10,000 Derby Evening Telegraph 08.02.11

Page 74 Girl died minutes after first kiss with boyfriend The Daily Telegraph 11.02.11

Page 77 Tragedy into hope in memory of son Surrey Mirror 13.01.11

Page 74 Nurse runs marathon in brother’s memory

East Anglian Daily Times (Essex) 13.04.11

Page 74 Friends will jump at the chance to help charity

The Huddersfield Daily Examiner 30.04.11

Young charity Coleraine Times 23.02.11

Page 77 Heart screenings for the young are Martyn’s legacy

Western Morning News (Devon) 01.02.11

Page 78 Suddenly our lovely daughter was dead The Sunday Post 30.01.11 Page 78 Don’t be another ‘CRY statistic’ Coleraine Times 16.02.11

Page 74 Aravon and Aisling raised money Fermanagh Herald 12.01.11

Page 78 Mum raised more than £30k for heart charity Ealing Gazette 25.03.11

Page 74 Family’s outcry over coroner’s office cuts Evening Star (Ipswich) 15.03.11

Page 78 Match in memory of tragic father Birmingham Mail 13.04.11

Page 75 New Forest with Dan Lloyd and the Ibbotson Fund Cycling Weekly 20.01.11

70 • CRY update • Issue 54

Fundraising Events 2011-2012 For more information and a full list of events in 2011 and 2012, visit All CRY participants (whether you have your own place or a CRY charity place) for the following events will receive a fundraising pack containing sponsor forms, information and helpful tips and a t-shirt. Please contact Becci, Ben or Laura on 01737 363222 or e-mail if you are interested in any of the following.

A few ideas... Adidas Women’s 5k Challenge London, 11 September 2011

CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you apply for your own place and let us know we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. If you nominate CRY, we will receive £5 of the entry fee. Please visit

Bupa Great North Run 18 September 2011

CRY does not have any more charity places for the Great North Run. Due to the popularity of this event, demand always exceeds the number of places we are allocated, however we would welcome any runners who have their own place and would like to run for CRY. We also need local volunteers to help out at this event.

Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 25 September 2011

CRY has a number of charity places for this popular London event, and we also welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. You can apply for your ‘own place’ at

CRY Durham Riverside Walk 8 October 2011

To launch CRY Awareness Week, the 2nd 7km CRY Durham Walk will start and finish at Durham Amateur Rowing Club in the beautiful Wear Valley, following the river, with views of the city and cathedral. Please e-mail if you are interested in taking part or would like to volunteer at this event.

CRY Awareness Week 8 to 16 October 2011

If you would like to be involved in CRY Awareness Week 2011 please e-mail

Royal Parks Half Marathon London, 9 October 2011

CRY does not have any more charity places for this event, but would welcome ‘own place’ runners.

Vietnam Bike Ride

27 October–7 November 2011 A 13-day charity cycle ride adventure exploring the amazing natural beauty of Vietnam. Featuring 8 days of cycling, this trip will take you from traditional rice paddies, to rugged mountains, to white sandy beaches.

Bupa Great South Run Portsmouth, 30 October 2011

CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but would welcome ‘own place’ runners. Apply for your ‘own place’ at

New York City Marathon 6 November

We would welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

DO IT FOR CHARITY Santa Run 5km Run / Walk Greenwich Park, London, 4 December 2011 and Heaton Park, Manchester, 11 December 2011

Over 2,000 ‘Santas’ are expected to take part in each of these events, raising over £200,000 for charities. Free Santa outfit for all that enter!

CRY has places for these events. To book your place send an e-mail to or call Ben on 01737 363 222 for more information. The spirit of the event is ‘taking part not winning’ so you can run, jog or walk.

Sahara Trek

10-18 March 2012 Imagine the feel of the desert underfoot, taking in mesmerising landscapes beyond your wildest expectations and sand dunes as far as the eye can see. This 9-day Sahara Trek adventure (7 days trekking) is an unforgettable challenge, walking and camping in the deserts of Morocco. You will also sample Moroccan cuisine, and have your luggage carried by camels!

Reading Half Marathon March 2012

This half marathon starts and finishes at the Madejski Stadium, the home ground of Reading FC. CRY has a number of charity places for this event and we also welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

London to Paris Bike Ride 18-22 April 2012

Starting in London, the 4 days of cycling will take you through beautiful and historical villages, and allow you to see some of the most famous landmarks in England and France.

Peru Trek

19-28 April 2012 CRY are looking for adventurous volunteers to trek in Peru along one of the world’s most stunning trails. Immerse yourself in ancient Peruvian culture and experience diverse scenery, such as tropical Andean rainforests; the snow-capped mountain ranges of the Andes; and, of course, Machu Picchu - one of the world’s most important archaeological finds.

Virgin London Marathon 22 April 2012

The 2012 event takes place on Sunday 22nd April. The public ballot for places has closed, but applications for CRY Golden Bond places for this iconic event are still open via CRunCH - Demand for Golden Bond places always exceeds the number of places available, so please act soon!

Bupa London 10,000 27 May 2012

CRY has a number of charity places for this event, so would welcome individuals and teams who wish to enter, along with any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. You can apply for your ‘own place’ at

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 15 July 2012 (TBC)

This year will mark the 6th annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. This event will once again start at Victoria Embankment Gardens and finish at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge, after crossing Golden Jubilee, Westminster, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Millennium, London and Tower Bridges and passing at least 12 famous London landmarks, representing the 12 young sudden cardiac deaths that occur each week in the UK. Registration will open in Spring 2012, but in the meantime you can register your interest by sending an e-mail to We are always looking for volunteers to help with this event, without whom we simply would not be able to run it. To find out more or to offer your time on the day please e-mail

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates

For further details, please visit

CRY update • Issue 54 • 79

Cardiac Risk in the Young Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail:

Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young

people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD. In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

Our Patrons The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our Charity. Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John Barrowman Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, Mark Cox MBE, James Cracknell OBE, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Robert Jones MBE, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor W J McKenna, Bill Neely, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, David Walliams, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE and Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE

Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD. By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support service, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at Royal Brompton Hospital, the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St. George’s Hospital and the CRY myheart Network to support young people living with potentially lethal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the Virgin London Marathon or the BUPA Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources.

To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit fundraising_events.htm or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

CRY is always extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity • Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Malcolm Chick Charity • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation, Inc.

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