CRY Update Magazine Issue 63

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Cardiac Risk in the Young News and Events | Raising Awareness | Our Fundraisers

Update 63 | January to April 2014

In this

Newsletter South East myheart Meeting

| 14

Interview with Dr Nabeel Sheikh

| 18

EuroPRevent Conference 2014

| 19

Virgin Money London Marathon 2014

| 20

Pixie Goes Back to School

| 26

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CRY Update 63 January to April 2014 Editor Alison Cox MBE

Founder and Chief Executive

Deputy Editor James Slade Newsletter Coordinator

Contributors Dr Steve Cox

Deputy Chief Executive

Bev Katigbak myheart Network Coordinator Pam Fernandes

Medical Secretary to Professor Mary Sheppard

Azra Loncarevic-Srmic Screening Programme Manager Rebecca Zouvani

Fundraising Manager

Head office: Unit 1140B The Axis Centre, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7RD Submission guidelines: We only include activities in the “Our Fundraisers” section that raise £100 or more. If you would like to supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the deputy editor at Entries appear in the “Our Fundraisers” section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles may only appear in the “Raising Awareness in the Media” section if we have permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. Images of CRY Patrons and Members of Parliament throughout have been highlighted in red. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

This magazine is printed on chlorine-free paper taken from a sustainable source using vegetable-based inks.


Inside Update 63 Meet our County Representative News from the Chief Executive Other CRY News Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive CRY Screening Report myheart News Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Research News Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 Pixie Goes Back to School Our Fundraisers Raising Awareness in the Media Fundraising Events 2014

3 4 9 11 12 14 16 18 20 26 28 88 102

On the cover – for more details regarding the events shown, please turn to the corresponding page references below. Images are listed clockwise from top left: • 98 runners take part in a Surrey 10K in memory of Phil Standing, page 72 • BBC antiques expert Christina Trevanion joins parents Sue and Chris Dewhirst at the “CRY for Matthew” ball in memory of Matthew Dewhirst, page 38 • CRY Patron Pixie Lott goes “back to school” for surprise performances, page 26 • A tractor run in South Wales forms part of community fundraising in memory of Dean Mason, page 56 • CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma leads the Research Fellows at EuroPRevent 2014, page 19 • CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE donates £20,000 from the Beefy Charity Foundation for the first dedicated CRY mobile screening van, page 5 • myheart Network Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis at the South East myheart Meeting, page 14 • 108 CRY runners including CRY Patron Bill Neely take part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014, page 20 • Forest School students plan and take part in fundraising activities including busking and a staff dinner in memory of former student Aashi Sinha, page 69 • Staff from Four Pillars Hotels present a cheque to CRY for their fundraising throughout 2013, page 6 • Motorbike racer Adam Gittings brands bike with CRY logo in memory of Joseph Halliwell, page 10 • Team KDog win the team trophy at the Maldon Mud Race in memory of Kieran Formby, page 43 • 10 year old Khyl Chumber has his first ever haircut to raise money for CRY in memory of Pardeep Nagra, page 60

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Meet Our County Representative How was it possible that such a young and seemingly healthy young man went to bed one night and died in his sleep? We, his family, were suddenly faced with the unthinkable, the unbelievable and the “this only happens to others” syndrome. Reality is brutal and hit home like a full frontal train crash; no words can begin to describe it.

Ulrike Rowbottom County Representative for Oxfordshire As County Representative for Oxfordshire I hope to raise much needed awareness for CRY and all it stands for. Cardiac risk in the young, in its many and varied forms, is often a hidden time bomb ticking away undetected. Simply put, this needs to change! Having experienced from close quarters what such a death means, the tsunami of sheer and utter helplessness and despair it leaves in its wake, I feel honoured and proud to act as CRY County Representative. If only one family can be spared from experiencing the devastating effects, every effort made will have been worth it. My 23 year old son Adam simply went to sleep one night in July 2011 to never wake up again. As in so many other cases, there were no prior symptoms whatsoever. He was a fit young man who never smoked and didn’t do drugs. He wasn’t fanatical about active sports, but he regularly cycled and walked. In his teens, Adam was a keen and very successful rugby player with three county championships under his belt. He never had any serious illnesses and had the strength and constitution of the proverbial ox.

The initial autopsy proved inconclusive other than “sudden cardiac death”. Subsequently, samples were sent to Dr Mary Sheppard, who diagnosed LVNC (left ventricular non-compaction), an exceedingly rare hereditary disease. Thankfully my other son, Anthony, was immediately checked via a CRY screening and subsequently referred to the London Heart Hospital for more extensive tests and given the all clear. To date, genetic testing is ongoing, and the same genetic abnormality in one gene was found in both Adam’s father and Adam. However, this abnormality on its own is unlikely to have caused Adam’s death, according to medical opinion, and the search continues. The likely genes for causing LVNC were all found to be normal in Adam and we may never know how exactly Adam’s LVNC developed.

process and, finally, acceptance of the unthinkable. The sheer monstrosity of the event now had an explanation, it had a name – it was something we could hold on to. Knowing how Adam died didn’t take away the pain, though, but CRY helped me enormously during the initial trauma. In taking on the role of CRY’s Representative for Oxfordshire, I hope to propagate awareness of cardiac risk in the young. Nothing can bring my darling son back, but in taking a more active role I feel I honour Adam’s memory; my way of somehow turning his untimely passing into a positive legacy. In summation, if only one family can be spared from such a fate as befell mine, every effort is worth it!

Adam’s condition is an extremely rare one, and we feel certain that if it hadn’t been for Dr (now Professor) Sheppard and the excellent work she is doing on behalf of CRY we might never have known the real cause of his passing. Dr Sheppard’s diagnosis provided us with an answer as to the “how” Adam died. After months of uncertainty and not knowing the cause of death, establishing this was a big step towards our healing


News from the Chief Executive product of Millwall’s youth academy, was playing a friendly match for Metropolitan Police FC when he suddenly collapsed. He recovered, but his heart then stopped again while doctors were testing him a week later, and he was subsequently forced to give up his dream career in football. Alison Cox (MBE) CRY Founder & Chief Executive

January Unum announce CRY as national charity partner for 2014

On 18 January 2014, Tobi received a standing ovation at Millwall’s stadium, the Den, where he was joined on the pitch by the Pearmine family before a Championship match. Tobi and the Pearmine family were there to raise awareness of life-threatening heart conditions, and to promote a CRY screening being held at the club on February 1 in memory of Adam Pearmine. A passionate fan of the Lions, Adam suddenly died of undiagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) aged 26 in June 2010. You can watch the video of Tobi Alabi and the Pearmine family before the match at

CRY was chosen by the employees of Unum, the income protection provider, to be the national charity the company supports throughout 2014 as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Susan Sanderson, CSR Manager, said: “Each year, the decision over what charities we support is completely employee-led, with our 900+ employees, located around the UK, being invited to nominate and then vote for their favourite charity. Sadly, like many other companies, we have also had colleagues personally and tragically impacted by sudden cardiac death. We are looking forward to organising lots of different fundraising events this year to raise money for, and awareness of, CRY. We hope that we can play our part in helping them to achieve their mission of promoting and protecting the cardiac health of young people in the UK. Our staff are also hoping to provide support and expertise in the areas of marketing, social media, legal, technology, insurance and finance.” Unum management and staff are currently involved in numerous fundraising and awareness-based activities, including raising over £5,000 to tackle a Three Peaks Challenge in June.

Tobi Alabi returns to Millwall FC beside the Pearmine family to promote CRY screening January 18 In October 2013, Tobi Alabi, a 19 year old striker and a


The Pearmine screening was later reported on by both BBC News and Sky Sports. Aged 20, Tobi has now founded his own charity, Heart4More, which aims to change FA regulations to ensure all footballers undergo cardiac screening early in their careers.

February Daily Mail article with Jane Davies about the death of her fiancé Max Lowry February 11 CRY and our new Grief booklet “A Partner’s Grief”, published on February 14, received huge attention just prior to the launch due to a feature article in the Daily Mail on February 11 about the sudden death of 34 year old artist Max Lowry (pictured). Max tragically suffered a fatal cardiac a fatal cardiac arrest in September 2010

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

News from the Chief Executive the night before his marriage to fiancée Jane Davies, who is one of the booklet’s authors. The CRY office phones were constantly ringing the next day and over 300 screening interest forms were completed in the 24 hours following the article’s publication; on a typical day we would expect 3 or 4 to be completed in the same period. Jane followed up the article’s publication with an interview on BBC Radio Humberside on February 12 regarding her contribution to “A Partner’s Grief”.

CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE funds CRY screening van February 12 Beefy’s Charity Foundation, a charitable organisation founded by former cricketer and CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE, donated £20,000 to CRY in order to fund our first dedicated mobile screening van. The demand for public screenings continues to soar, and another vehicle – along with additional screening machines and the CRY doctors and technicians to operate them – is badly needed in order to facilitate 3 new operational mobile screening units in the future.

CRY supporter Elise Fleetwood interviewed on BBC Radio Midlands February 12 Radio presenter Graham Torrington interviewed Elise Fleetwood on his late night show on BBC Radio Midlands to talk about the tragic death of her husband Tom (pictured), and her subsequent involvement with CRY. In October 2011, Tom Fleetwood suddenly collapsed after playing squash at the age of 28, only days after celebrating their daughter Lacey Belle’s first birthday. Elise described the help and information she received from CRY, including being paired with a Bereavement Supporter who had also lost a husband with a child of a similar age. Like Jane Davies, Elise is another courageous author of “A Partner’s Grief”, and she both mentioned the Grief booklets and directed listeners to CRY’s website. Elise said after the show: “Just to let you know, tonight went really well. I thought Graham focussed on CRY just as much as the story. I feel proud to have done my bit.”

CRY’s new “A Partner’s Grief” booklet is launched on Valentine’s Day February 14 CRY chose to launch the 3rd of our Grief booklets on Valentine’s Day this year, as it is a date which can have such terrible significance for bereaved husbands, wives and partners. “Young Sudden Cardiac Death: A Partner’s Grief” follows “Sibling Grief” in November 2012 and “A Father’s Grief” in June 2013. “A Partner’s Grief” features stories written by 10 people who have tragically lost a partner they deeply loved, who now hope the story of their loss will help others come to terms with their own grief.

CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox and myself with the new mobile screening van

Sir Ian recently recorded the narration for a new video explaining CRY’s aims and highlighting the importance of CRY’s screening, research and support programmes. The full video is available at

For more details regarding “A Partner’s Grief” please see the entry in Other CRY News or visit To receive a copy of this booklet, or one of our other Grief booklets, please call the CRY office on 01737 363222 or email


News from the Chief Executive Interview on BBC Radio Kent Breakfast Show February 15 Tim Addicott and Lynsey Butler interviewed me on BBC Radio Kent regarding sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) and the work of CRY. I spoke about the publication of “A Partner’s Grief” and the importance of our Bereavement Support Programme, as well as the great strides CRY are making in raising awareness of conditions that can cause young sudden death, including the impressive recent efforts of young former footballer Tobi Alabi.

CRY receive televised donation on BBC One February 21 CRY received a donation of over £600 from antiques expert Christina Trevanion (pictured) on the TV programme “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”, first broadcast on February 21 at 4:30pm on BBC One.

for CRY in January last year and they set an ambitious target of £10,500. On February 24, CRY’s Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani and Community Fundraiser Ben Robinson accepted a donation of £15,385.85 on behalf of CRY.

Some of the national events Four Pillars staff took part in included the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2013, in which a group of 33 staff, family and friends took part; Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013, in which 8 employees all ran for CRY; and the Bristol 10K, in which 2 employees ran for CRY.

South East myheart Meeting February 23 15 people aged between 14 and 35 registered for the South East myheart Meeting on 23 February, held at Reigate Manor Hotel in Surrey. Of the 13 who could attend on the day, we were very pleased to welcome 8 to their first ever myheart event. Counsellor Alan Jones helped to guide the group’s discussions in the morning session and myheart Network Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis was later present to informally address any medical questions regarding their conditions.

Four Pillars staff at Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013

There were also dozens of events organised by Four Pillars employees themselves, including family fun days, raffles, cake sales, book sales, Christmas card sales, toy sales, a charity quiz night and even an inter-company football tournament.

Fundraising in memory of Dean Mason February 25

For some of the myheart members’ thoughts on this event, please turn to myheart News.

Four Pillars Hotels present cheque for over £15,000 raised in 2013 February 24 The Four Pillars Hotels Group announced they would raise money


Alun and Gwenfair Mason travelled from Wales to present a cheque for £60,000 raised by their community in memory of their son Dean (pictured), who died in June 2010 from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy aged 26.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

News from the Chief Executive March

syndrome following the sudden death of her brother – spoke during the assembly at St Thomas More.

CRY Patron Pixie Lott gives surprise performances at London schools March 11

There was a great deal of press attention for the visits, with video reports available from both BBC and ITV News as well as stories in national and regional newspapers. Pixie was able to answer questions from journalists and star-struck pupils alike about her support for CRY and her belief in the vital importance of screening young people.

Pupils of Ravens Wood School in Bromley and St Thomas More School in Eltham were the lucky recipients of surprise visits from singer, songwriter and CRY Patron Pixie Lott on March 11. I went with Pixie to both schools to help her spread CRY’s message and it was wonderful to be treated to 2 terrific performances from her the same day, which were hugely appreciated by both students and staff. Pixie grew up in the area and has a personal connection to the schools, which have both suffered similar tragedies in the past. St Thomas More pupil Adam Donnelly was a friend of Pixie’s older sister before he suddenly died aged 17 in 2004. Former Ravens Wood pupil Matt Beadle, who suddenly died aged 32 in 2012, knew Pixie at the Italia Conti Academy in Chislehurst. Ravens Wood School also lost a current pupil when 15 year old Ben Daniels suddenly died in 2011, and Ben’s dad, Paul, spoke at the school during Pixie’s visit to raise awareness of screening for cardiac conditions causing young sudden death. Adam Donnelly’s sister, Sian – who was diagnosed with genetic cardiac condition Brugada

CRY Patron Pixie Lott with CRY Representative Julie Donnelly and daughter Sian

For more details and photos from Pixie’s surprise “back to school” performances, please see the article or visit

April ITV Meridian and BBC South East News report on CRY screenings in Kent April 1 The Abbey School in Faversham was the site of two days of screenings held from April 1 – 2 in memory of Jack Maddams (pictured), a talented footballer who died suddenly aged 17 in March 2008. Journalists and cameras from BBC and ITV News were present at the school on April 1 to interview Janet and Roger Maddams (Jack’s mum and dad, pictured below) and CRY Research Fellow Dr Harshil Dhutia, who led the screening. On March 29, the day before the 6th anniversary of Jack’s death, Janet and Roger were presented with the local Pride in Medway Award for their fundraising. The Maddams family have raised enough funds to screen more than 1,200 young people in the Image credit: ITV Meridian local area. For the ITV News report, please visit meridian/update/2014-04-01/looking-for-heart-defectsin-the-young


News from the Chief Executive CRY Representative Joan Hillier and Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox interviewed on BBC Radio Northampton April 2 Stuart Linnell interviewed Joan Hillier on his breakfast show regarding her support for CRY following the sudden death of her daughter, Laura (pictured), who died aged 21 of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) in June 2003. Joan’s husband, Tony, is a GP and Laura was working as an assistant at her father’s surgery when she collapsed. Tragically, Laura could not be resuscitated. During her interview, Joan gave detailed information about the screening process and how to book places online. Dr Steve Cox was interviewed later on the programme to emphasise the importance of screening and prevalence of cardiac abnormalities, stressing, “If we know about it, there’s lots we can do.”

Mums’ National Bereavement Support Day April 5 Held at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel Joan Hillier Diane Tolley in Birmingham on April 5, this National Bereavement Support Day was fully booked with a waiting list in case of cancellations. Support groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Joan Hillier, Diane Tolley and myself.

Over 100 CRY runners at Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 April 13 There were 65 runners with CRY charity places and 43 CRY runners with their own places at this year’s Virgin Money London Marathon, and we are tremendously grateful to everyone who chose to run for CRY. Congratulations to you all! We were delighted that CRY Patron Bill Neely could join us again for the 5th year in a row, especially considering that this year he didn’t have any time to train after starting his new job as Chief Global Correspondent for NBC News in the USA. Bill ran with his daughter, Sarah, who also took part for CRY.


It was excellent that CRY Research Fellow Dr Aneil Malhotra enjoyed his first run for our charity, and we were CRY Patron Bill Neely with daughter Sarah after the race glad to have the support of CRY Patron Andy Scott at the race; he joined the crowds on the day to cheer on our runners. As in previous years, I would like to thank all our staff and volunteers – including our volunteer massage therapists, whose skills were greatly appreciated. We should also thank the Green Park Hilton Hotel, who hosted our CRY reception area and offered us many extra services free of charge on the day. A special thank you should also go to all the families, friends and CRY supporters who turned out to inspire our terrific runners. For more details and photos of our runners, please see the article or visit

CRY Representative Rich Fell and Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox interviewed on BBC Look North April 22 On April 22, an interview with CRY Representatives Rich and Donna Fell was broadcast on BBC regional news programme “Look North”. The Fells discussed their support for CRY and the public screenings they had arranged for 10 – 11 May 2014 at Hornsea School, Yorkshire, in memory of their son, Josh (pictured). 15 year old Josh died suddenly at the school of an undiagnosed heart condition in June 2011 while playing football with his friends. His parents have since set up the Josh Fell Memorial Fund, funding annual spring screenings at Hornsea since 2012. CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox was also invited to BBC Broadcasting House, London, to record a segment for the programme. He stressed the importance of screening young people for life-threatening heart conditions as a sudden cardiac arrest will often be triggered in adolescence.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Other CRY News “A Partner’s Grief” booklet published on Valentine’s Day 2014

can be exceptionally hard for those who have lost someone deeply loved and may lead to them looking for specialist support and advice, particularly from those who have been through a similar experience.

number of students (140+) that were interested in sudden cardiac death and attended our inaugural lecture in March. We look forward to working with CRY in the future and supporting their fantastic work.”

For more information or to download a digital copy of the new booklet visit

CRY Manchester University Lecture

At CRY’s Parliamentary Reception on 27th November 2013 it was announced that CRY would be unveiling another powerful publication in their series of Grief booklets, following on from “A Father’s Grief”, published in June 2013.

Elliot Heward, a 4th year medical student with an interest in sports cardiology, founded a CRY society at Manchester University in order to raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD) after observing a lecture from CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma. The CRY Manchester University Society organised a lecture on March 18th with Dr Alan Sweeney, entitled “Sudden Cardiac Death in Sport”. Following Dr Sweeney’s lecture, Elliot reported: “We couldn’t believe the

The booklet, entitled “Young Sudden Cardiac Death: A Partner’s Grief”, has been compiled by CRY’s Chief Executive and Founder, Alison Cox MBE, who is a trained bereavement counsellor. It features 10 personal “essays” from men and women who recount and talk through their personal experience of suddenly losing their husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or fiancé to a previously undiagnosed heart condition. “A Partner’s Grief” was officially launched on 14th February 2014 to coincide with Valentine’s Day, ordinarily a date for couples to celebrate being together. However, it is also a date in the calendar that


Other CRY News Racing awareness in memory of Joseph Halliwell Adam Gittings, a friend of the family of Joseph Halliwell – who died from an undiagnosed heart condition aged 20 in July 2012 – had the Cardiac Risk in the Young legend and logo emblazoned on the tail of his Yamaha R6 racing bike to raise awareness of CRY.

licence last year, when he was 20 years old. He has recently had his race bike sprayed red and white and with his sponsor’s logos. He very kindly asked if he could put the CRY logo onto his bike as he wanted to help raise awareness, and Adam will be taking leaflets to his race. Last year we organised a big charity motorbike ride for CRY and Adam was one of our marshals on the day. We wish Adam all the best with his racing career.”

Empire in the memory of Jayden Tullet, who passed away at just 15 months old.” Free Empire performed their new single live on Bradford Community Radio on February 24th.

Free Empire release charity single

Joanna Halliwell, Joseph’s mother, said: “Adam passed his bike race


Indie rock function band Free Empire released a charity single on March 12th, with all proceeds going to CRY. The band explained: “This is an original track written by Free

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive pages. Please contact us if you would like any advice about setting these up.

Dr Steve Cox

CRY Deputy Chief Executive New CRY website The new website is up and running and a major step forward for CRY. We do not appear to have had any major problems with the upload which is fantastic. Pressing the button to start the upload was very nerve wracking, but apart from pages briefly dropping out of Google search rankings, they reassuringly returned once the Google spiders had a chance to roam through them. You will find some of the old links may have been broken. This is because the way page addresses end is different now, as there is no “.htm” or “.html” at the end. We have set up redirects so this should not be a problem but do contact us if there are any issues you find that we need to look into. Memorial fund webpages If you have set up a memorial fund at CRY you will have been emailed by Lily about your memorial fund’s pages on the CRY website. They are still being updated as we work back through webpages created before 2012. Ultimately, we intend to have everything on the new website, but it will take time. Some of the pages also have memorial Twitter accounts, memorial hashtags and memorial Facebook

CRY International Medical Conference 2014 Our impressive group of international speakers include Professor Domenico Corrado (Italy), Professor Hein Heidbüchel (Belgium), Professor François Carré (France), Professor Christine Lawless (USA), and Professor Mats Borjesson (Sweden). We are also delighted that a number of CRY’s past and present Research Fellows will be presenting. Memorial funds supporting research CRY’s biggest costs are the Research Fellowship grants. They are essential for the smooth running of the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions at St George’s Hospital, London. They are also instrumental in the development of the screening programme as well as increasing the number of cardiology consultants with a specialism in young sudden cardiac death for the future. Many families are now directly supporting research through their memorial fund. There are a number of ways this can be done; either through regular, annual or one off donations to research. If you would like more information on this please contact Lily at Research We have started to use #cryresearch in our social media to highlight the incredible work of so many of our Research Fellows. Dr Sabiha Gati has successfully completed her PhD with CRY and taken up her next position at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Later this year at the CRY Conference she will be presented with the Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics for excellence in research, highlighted by an outstanding paper recently accepted in the research journal Circulation.

We have just appointed our next 4 Research Fellows who will be starting with Professor Sharma in October. Screening If you are planning to hold an event please contact our screening team at as soon as possible to arrange a date. We are already booking dates in 2016! With the new Research Fellows on board and the recent donation of a dedicated screening van by Sir Ian Botham’s Beefy Charity Foundation we are anticipating another significant increase over last year of the number of people we can test. More than one memorial fund manager for ringfenced funds There have been quite a few occasions where two members of the same family have wanted to ringfence their memorial funds for different specific activities; whether it is screening in separate venues or raising funds for different projects. Previously we were unable to accommodate this, but can now do so. Would you like to receive your thank you letters from CRY by email? Many supporters have requested that their donations are acknowledged via email rather than having a letter through the post. Please call or email us if you would like us to do this. For those of you who would like a letter to print out we can email the letter as an attachment. As always, I would like to offer our sincere thanks for your ongoing support. Best wishes,


CRY Screening Report Between January and April 2014 CRY screened nearly 7,500 people, mostly through family memorial screenings.

Sports screenings included: Sheffield EIS, Wakefield/Castleford RFL, Wigan RFL, Halifax RFL, Huddersfield Giants RFL, England Rugby U16s, Bath EIS, Lancashire CCC, Burnley FC, Kent CCC, England Rugby U18s, Lilleshall EIS, Middlesex CCC, London Broncos RFL, Bedwell Rangers FC and England Cricket Seniors. 917 athletes were screened in total.

At our regular CRY clinics 992 young people were screened. Clinics were held at the University of Ulster, Coleraine and Jordanstown campuses (funded by the Northern Ireland Fund); Newry Shamrocks Clubhouse (funded by the Northern Ireland Fund); and Noble’s Hospital, Isle of Man (funded by Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation). At the ICAP clinics 270 young people were screened. These screenings are held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, in St George’s Hospital, London.

3,004 people were screened at 20 family memorial screenings. These were held in memory of Claire Reed (Eastleigh), Tom Clabburn (Isle of Wight), Adam Pearmine (East London), Matthew Hesmondhalgh (Lancaster), Adam Middleton (Stratford-uponAvon), Luke Meekings (Bognor Regis), David Green (Bognor Regis), Shamil Hamid (Buckingham), Dave Bramwell (Surrey), Sarah Pilkington (Durham), Reece Jeffrey (Derby), Martyn Luckett (Cornwall), Gideon Baws (Essex), Zoe Teale (Stourbridge), Josh Merrick (Stockport), Ollie Marsden (Devon)

CRY Screening Event on the Isle of Wight from January 28th - 29th, funded by Sandown Bay Academy and the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund Helen Barnes, Senior Administrator at Sandown Bay Academy and cousin of Claire Prosser (Tom Clabburn’s mum), said: “210 students were screened for heart conditions over two days. One day of screening was funded by the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund and Sandown Bay Academy are very


grateful for this sponsorship as it enabled CRY to screen twice as many young people. The students were very positive about the experience and were all seen by a CRY doctor as a follow up to their screening. Follow up ECG tests and GP visits were recommended in around 15 cases. Students were given pastoral support by the school nurse Caroline McToldridge, whose own son Jake was screened, and Head of Red House Sarah Jones, who played a huge part in the fundraising and accompanied students to their screening if they were nervous.”

Jack Maddams (Kent), John Marshall (Lancashire), Sam Wright (Derby) and Adam Green (Shropshire). 2,276 young people were screened at 20 school screenings held at Haybridge High School (Worcestershire), St Mary’s School (Ascot), Sandown Bay Academy (Isle of Wight), Bryanston School (Dorset), Bexleyheath Academy (Kent), Cranleigh School (Surrey), Epsom College (Surrey), King’s School (Worcester), Millfield School (Somerset), Eton College (Windsor), Tudor Hall School (Oxfordshire), University of Surrey (Guildford), Cheltenham College (Gloucestershire), Wellington College (Berkshire), Bishop Stortford College (Hertfordshire), Queen Alexander College (Harborne), St Olave’s Grammar School (Kent), University of Gloucestershire (Longlevens) and Halliford School (Middlesex).

have the test for peace of mind. I thought it was important to be tested, especially as many of the people who die of previously undetected heart problems are usually fit and active. I would encourage as many people as possible to have the test if they get the opportunity.” A full write up of this event is available at cry-screening-at-the-sandown-bayacademy-isle-of-wight-part-fundedby-the-tom-clabburn-memorial-fund

Matthew Miselbach, aged 16, said: “As a keen sportsman I wanted to

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

CRY Screening Report CRY Screening Event in Cornwall from March 8th - 9th, funded by the Martyn Luckett Memorial Fund Brenda Luckett, Martyn’s mum, said: “We held our 5th cardiac screening this year at the Haven Medical Centre, Budehaven School. This year, for some reason, I found it very emotional – suddenly hitting me after nearly 9 years that we had lost our youngest son from an undiagnosed heart condition. Why was it us? Then I thought, ‘well if this test had been around then we would have been foolish not to have it.’ Then I kept thinking ‘what would my son look like now?’ – all sorts of things really!

The screening went very well – there were 198 young people screened, all funded by Martyn’s Memorial Fund, which we add to with our fundraising. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. The CRY team were brilliant, they are like an extended family.”

3rd ECG machine funded in memory of Gary Pope Lesley and Roger Pope attended CRY’s screening at St George’s Hospital on April 26th to present an ECG machine to the CRY screening team – the machine is the 3rd purchased through donations made to the Gary Pope Memorial Fund. All 3 machines purchased in Gary’s memory were used at the April 26th screening.

Roger and Lesley Pope (centre), CRY Research Fellow Dr Greg Mellor and CRY Screening Programme Manager Azra Loncarevic-Srmic with the 3 ECG machines

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and only takes 5-10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on the chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (called electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of the heart is recorded and printed out. This part of the

process only takes 2-3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% – 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves

echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of the heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. CRY uses top of the range machinery donated by Philips for the screening programme. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.



CRY’s myheart Network holds regular meetings for those young people living with a heart condition who would like to meet others in the same position as themselves and discuss their experiences and medical concerns in an informal but supportive environment. It does not matter how long ago they were diagnosed or whether they are currently undergoing any treatment; members attend myheart meetings for different reasons but we hope they all leave having gained something new. Following the South East myheart Meeting on February 23rd, some of those in attendance offered their views on why myheart is important to them.


“My initial reason for going to myheart meetings was simply to meet other people who have heart conditions and had gone through comparable experiences. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first but everyone was so friendly and had lots of advice and suggestions to Lucy Challis offer. Emotions sometimes run high but people are so supportive and make you feel comfortable. Early on in my diagnosis I had lots of questions and the informal session with one of the doctors is a great place to ask questions you wouldn’t normally ask. What I hadn’t expected to gain was such a fantastic group of friends who have such a unique bond. This is now the main reason I keep attending! It’s great to meet up with old friends and make new ones. I feel comfortable living with my condition now but continue to attend meetings with the hope that I can now be that friendly face that first welcomed me and offer advice or simply talk through my experiences. Everyone has a different story but we are all linked by a common bond.”

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

News “I was initially apprehensive about going along to the myheart group, having suffered a cardiac arrest and been diagnosed with a heart condition 8 months before. My circumstances had dramatically changed in this time and I was starting to question many Tim Butt relating things as well as feel disconnected from my normal way of life – a sport-filled life. I am so pleased that I attended the myheart group for the first time. I found the day encouraging, talking to both expert cardiologists and also young people of my own age that had been though the exact same situations as myself. I will definitely be returning to the myheart group, come the next meeting.”

“I attended the meeting in February because over the years I have made many friendships through CRY’s myheart Network. I also go to meetings in the hope that being there I can be helpful to someone that has been recently been diagnosed, and show that ‘yes, we have a heart Joseph Tanner condition’ but life does go on! It is great sharing stories with others and always learning something new about ourselves or our conditions.”

“I started attending myheart meetings in 2009 and attend regularly now because I find that meeting people who are a similar age with similar conditions to me means that for that period of time we are technically the ‘normal ones’. Meeting people who I can then keep in contact with is Rachael Marchant also a big help. Being able to meet with the cardiologist is always useful because I find that I always forget to ask my usual cardiologist something and do not have to wait to see him to ask.” “Attending the myheart group helped me meet other young people living with similar symptoms who understood how I felt physically and emotionally. Everyone was so supportive and friendly, and made me appreciate that I am by no means alone experiencing Jessica Maranzano the effects of a heart condition. It was great to compare experiences and recognise the difficulty many of us have experienced getting a diagnosis – or not, in my case. Being able to speak to Dr Papadakis was invaluable in order to help point me in the right direction and to go back to my own doctors with more concise questions.”


Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) By Pam Fernandes, Professor Mary Sheppard’s Medical Secretary at the CRY CCP. To the families and friends of CRY we are happy to announce that our laboratory is now well established with Struan Bourke and Fiona Maleady Crowe as full-time staff. Our laboratory is fully equipped and functioning with staff now trained in processing, cutting and staining the heart tissues for reporting. The National SADS Database has been transferred from the Royal Brompton Hospital Trust to St George’s University of London. There have been a lot of extensive alterations made to the database to enhance statistical analysis and/or research. Zoha Hamza is our newly appointed Database Manager; she works part-time retrospectively entering the CRY cases. We are now fully computerised to produce reports for coroners and families. We had 68 cases from January to April 2014 with a turnaround time of 26 days.

Professor Mary Sheppard, Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Pam Fernandes, Administrator Struan Bourke, Senior Laboratory Technician Fiona Maleady Crowe, Laboratory Technician Zoha Hamza, Database Manager



We are establishing the unit as a national training centre for cardiac pathologists and have had two overseas visitors in training:

• Professor Sheppard was invited by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) as visiting professor to their annual meeting held in Melbourne from February 21st – 24th, and then visited the Forensic Pathology Department in Perth from February 25th – 28th. This is a great honour as she gave 4 keynote lectures on sudden cardiac death and it reflects her high standing with her international peers.

• Dr Murali Narayanasamy, a forensic pathologist from Malaysia, joined the team from February to March as an attachment from Queen Mary’s University. • Dr Jan Robertus, a pathologist from Rotterdam, joined the team in March for 6 months to train exclusively in cardiac pathology. He has helped us enormously in establishing the database and our functioning laboratory. Students Poppy Putnam joined the team for a week’s work experience on April 7th.

• University College Cork, Ireland, invited Professor Sheppard to act as an assessor for the Professor Denis O’Sullivan Clinical Fellowship on March 7th. • Professor Sheppard has been appointed: o Database Manager for the UK Cardiac Pathology Network (UKCPN) o Pathology Representative on the council of the Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions (AICC) in the UK o President Elect of the European Association of Cardiovascular Pathology (AECVP) 2014 – 2016

* a structurally normal heart, again the most common finding, indicates a channelopathy (disease of the heart’s electrical impulses, impossible to detect post-mortem) was the cause of sudden death


Professor Sheppard’s teaching course emphasises the pathological investigation of sudden death and the taking of genetic material at autopsy in order to establish any genetic causes of sudden cardiac death, enabling the screening of any living family members at risk. We

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) have seen a positive yearly increase in the amount of referred genetic material provided with cases.

Significant Research and Publications in 2013/14

Lectures and Meetings


Professor Sheppard was invited to the following:

• Treacy AD, Norita K, Ingram PJ, Sheppard MN. “Lymphoplasmacytic response to atheroma mimicking vasculitis.” Modern Pathology. 2013.

• Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) lectures on forensic medicine, London, January 18th • RCPA annual meeting, Melbourne, February 21st – 24th; then the Forensic Pathology Department, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Perth, February 25th – 28th • AECVP meeting on sudden death, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, March 12th – 14th • RSM lectures on cardiac imaging, London, April 3rd

• Treacy AD, Norita K, Ingram PJ, Sheppard MN. “Lymphoplasmacytic response to atheroma mimicking vasculitis.” Laboratory Investigation. 2013. Papers: • Everett RJ, Sheppard MN, Lefroy DC. “Chest pain and palpitations: taking a closer look.” Circulation. 2013.


• Tong LJ, Flach EJ, Sheppard MN, Pocknell A, Banerjee AA, Boswood A, et al. “Fatal arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in 2 related subadult chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).” Veterinary Pathology. 2013.

Professor Sheppard attended 4 inquests from January to April on sudden death cases from within the UK; in Westminster, Southwark, Birmingham and Lewes.

• Stanger O, Schachner T, Gahl B, Oberwalder P, Englberger L, Thalmann M, et al. “Type A aortic dissection after nonaortic cardiac surgery.” Circulation. 2013.

• Cardiac Inherited Disease Group (CIDG) meeting, Exeter, April 28th

• Prapa M, McCarthy KP, Dimopoulos K, Sheppard MN, Krexi D, Swan L, et al. “Histopathology of the great vessels in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension in association with congenital heart disease: large pulmonary arteries matter too.” International Journal of Cardiology. 2013. • Papadakis M, Raju H, Behr ER, De Noronha SV, Spath N, Kouloubinis A, et al. “Sudden cardiac

death with autopsy findings of uncertain significance: potential for erroneous interpretation.” Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. 2013. • Krexi L, Sheppard MN. “Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA), a forgotten congenital cause of sudden death in the adult.” Cardiovascular Pathology. 2013. • Hill SF, Sheppard MN. “A silent cause of sudden cardiac death especially in sport: congenital coronary artery anomalies.” British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2013. • Gulati A, Jabbour A, Ismail TF, Guha K, Khwaja J, Raza S, et al. “Association of fibrosis with mortality and sudden cardiac death in patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy.” Journal of American Medical Association. 2013. • Deac M, Alpendurada F, Fanaie F, Vimal R, Carpenter JP, Dawson A, et al. “Prognostic value of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in patients with suspected arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.” International Journal of Cardiology. 2013. • de Noronha SV, Behr ER, Papadakis M, Ohta-Ogo K, Banya W, Wells J, et al. “The importance of specialist cardiac histopathological examination in the investigation of young sudden cardiac deaths.” Europace. 2013. • Patel J, Patel S, Sheppard MN, “Benign cardiac tumours associated with sudden death.” Europace. 2014.


Research News CRY’s Research Fellows are an integral part of the work at CRY. CRY funds doctors for 1-2 years who choose to specialise in the fields of inherited cardiac diseases, sudden cardiac death, screening and sports cardiology. Their research advances our understanding of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death. In March, Dr Ahmed Merghani concluded his CRY Research Fellowship, leaving a current team of Dr Harshil Dhutia, Dr Aneil Malhotra, Dr Greg Mellor, Dr Lynne Millar and Dr Rajay Narain. Former CRY Research Fellow Dr Nabeel Sheikh had the paper “Comparison of ECG Criteria for the Detection of Cardiac Abnormalities in Elite Black and White Athletes” published in “Circulation” on 11th March 2014. CRY Screening Programme Manager Azra Loncarevic-Srmic interviewed Dr Sheikh to ask about his research. Why did you conduct this research? A bit of background is required before explaining how this research came about. As many people will know, sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the leading cause of non-traumatic mortality in young (<35 years old) athletes. The vast majority of cases are due to several inherited and congenital cardiac conditions which can be detected by screening. As a consequence, an increasing number of sporting bodies and scientific organisations are now recommending pre-participation screening of athletes prior to clearance to compete. However, despite what appears by most people to be a laudable aim, pre-participation screening remains a controversial topic. Intense debate exists as to the best way to perform screening. Some authorities such as the American Heart Association (AHA) state that screening should be limited to reviewing the patient’s family medical history and a physical examination, whereas others such as the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommend the addition of a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). One of the reservations about ECG screening is false-positive results, which occur because the changes on ECG that can develop


as a result of exercise may sometimes overlap with the same changes that occur in conditions responsible for SCD in athletes. False positive results are problematic because they not only create undue worry and anxiety for the athlete, they also add significantly to the cost of evaluating an athlete. To help doctors tell the difference between normal (physiological) and abnormal (pathological) ECG patterns, the ESC produced guidelines in 2005 to help interpretation of an athlete’s ECG. Although updated in 2010, these guidelines have remained associated with high false-positive rates of between 5-20%. Furthermore, the ESC recommendations are derived entirely from data on Caucasian (white) athletes and fail to account for changes which athletes of other ethnicities get, in particular athletes of African/AfroCaribbean ethnicity (black athletes). Data now clearly shows that black athletes exhibit significantly more ECG changes in response to exercise than white athletes, and that some of these changes may be normal for a black athlete. Current guidelines do not account for these changes, which means that black athletes may be at higher risk of false-positive results and, at worst, false disqualification from sport. Although publication of the “Seattle Criteria” in 2013 attempted to further help doctors tell the difference between normal and abnormal ECG patterns and accounted for some of the changes black athletes may develop, these were not all based on research evidence and in our opinion did not go far enough in tackling the problem of false positive results. Our own experience of screening elite athletes through CRY led us to re-evaluate our practice of ECG interpretation in athletes from 2010 onwards, particularly with respect to 6 different ECG patterns that are considered abnormal by current guidelines. Through our research, we found that these 6 ECG patterns do not reflect heart disease in an otherwise healthy athlete; they likely simply reflect the way the heart adapts to intense exercise, and can therefore be considered normal, training related changes. As a result of the above findings, we came up with a set of “refined” ECG screening criteria. The aim of the current study was to assess the impact of these refined ECG criteria on the false-positive ECG rate in both black and white athletes. What was the study about? As mentioned, in the current study we assessed the impact of our refined criteria on the false-positive ECG rate in a large number of black (1,208) and white (4,297) athletes undergoing pre-participation screening with CRY between 2000 and 2012. The ECGs of all these athletes were reevaluated using our new refined criteria, the current ESC

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Research News recommendations, and the recent Seattle Criteria, to see how many positive ECG results would be produced by each that required athletes to undergo further investigations. All 3 ECG criteria were also applied to the ECGs of 103 young, asymptomatic athletes who had already been diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) to see how many athletes with HCM would be correctly identified by each ECG criteria. It was very important to test each set of criteria against athletes’ HCM, as HCM is the leading cause of death in young athletes worldwide. What did the results show? The results showed that the ESC recommendations caused a staggering 40.4% of black athletes to test positive with an abnormal ECG, requiring them to undergo further investigation prior to being given clearance to compete. Importantly, however, almost 1 in 5 white athletes (16.2%) also tested positive on the basis of the ESC recommendations. The Seattle criteria reduced the number of positive ECGs to 18.4% in black athletes and 7.1% in white athletes. However, the refined criteria further reduced abnormal ECGs to 11.5% in black athletes and just 5.3% in white athletes. Significantly, all 3 criteria identified 98.1% of athletes with HCM.

screening. Importantly, this occurs without reducing the ECG’s sensitivity for detecting serious cardiac conditions. Indeed, the ECG correctly identified 93.3% of serious cardiac pathology which may otherwise have gone undetected. Given that the majority of professional sporting organisations utilise ECG-based screening protocols and that no protocol based exclusively on medical history and physical examination has demonstrated a reduction in sports-related SCD, surely the next best approach is to strive toward an improvement in screening specificity as we have attempted here. This should be coupled with the appropriate training of physicians in the correct interpretation of an athlete’s ECG. Future work should focus on further reducing false-positive results in black athletes, a significant proportion of whom continue to exhibit positive ECG results.

EuroPRevent Conference 2014 CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma led both current and former CRY Research Fellows as they presented their ground-breaking research on inherited cardiovascular conditions and sports cardiology at the EuroPRevent Conference 2014 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from May 8th – 10th. Dr Michael Papadakis, CRY myheart Network Cardiologist and former Research Fellow, reported on the significant presence of the CRY Research Group at the European conference this year.

Overall, the study identified 40 athletes with a cardiac condition. Of these individuals, 25 were diagnosed with only minor problems. The remaining 15 were diagnosed with serious pathology, which was defined as a condition that has been recognised as a cause of exercise-related SCD in young athletes. All 15 cases of serious pathology were identified by a combination of history and 12-lead ECG, with the majority (93.3%) identified on the basis of ECG. What are the implications of the results? This crucial work has furthered our understanding of normal versus abnormal ECG patterns in athletes, showing that based on CRY’s novel research, refinement of current ECG screening criteria can have a significant impact in reducing the burden of false positive results during pre-participation

“I am just back from EuroPRevent 2014. Professor Sharma is now officially the head of sports cardiology in Europe as he commenced his duties as chair of our section. The conference was definitely a triumph for our group. Professor Sharma, myself and the Fellows delivered in total 9 superb talks and presented 8 posters, with Dr Aneil Malhotra and Dr Sabiha Gati winning a poster prize each. The names of Sanjay Sharma, CRY and St George’s Hospital were everywhere and it was clear to everyone that our group is the top sports cardiology group in Europe with amazing data, not only on sports cardiology, but also on preventing sudden cardiac death in the young, cardiomyopathies and screening.


Research News Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 CRY’s name was also mentioned on multiple occasions in the board meetings as a result of the educational material we have produced during the annual CRY International Medical Conference. 16 of the 17 chapters available in the sports cardiology section of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) elearning platform feature CRY. These

will form the basis for the education of physicians from Europe and beyond. This will be a great advertisement for CRY around Europe over the next few years as the platform becomes more populated and is used by the individual national cardiology societies.”

“They are my pride” - Professor Sanjay Sharma with CRY Research Fellows and doctors of the St George’s University of London Graduate Scheme

Dr Aneil Malhotra (above left) won an award for “Best Original Work in Sports Cardiology” and Dr Sabiha Gati (above right) won an award for “Best Poster in Sports Cardiology”

Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 Congratulations and a huge thank you to the 108 CRY runners who ran the Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 13th April 2014. As always, we are very proud of you all and very grateful for your fantastic efforts to raise awareness and funds for CRY. The weather was lovely once again this year, with plenty of sunshine and no rain – perfect for spectators but probably a little too warm for the runners! It was an incredible atmosphere as always and an event of which we are proud to be a part. 20

The team of 108 CRY runners comprised 43 who ran with their own ballot places and 65 with places acquired through CRY – including media and celebrity places. CRY Patron Bill Neely was among our runners despite being unable to do any training

as he had been abroad almost continuously for the preceding three months with his new job as Chief Global Correspondent for NBC News. His daughter, Sarah, took part for CRY for the first time – she was Bill’s original inspiration to take part in 2010. Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 The main reception room was soon full of exhausted, emotional and elated runners and proud friends and family members sharing the highs and lows of the day. Alison Cox MBE, CRY Founder and CEO, very much enjoyed meeting everyone and thanking them for their extraordinary efforts.

CRY volunteers and supporters – as well as our runners’ friends and families – kindly cheered for all of our runners at miles 18 and 23 and gave them the extra boost they needed to keep going. We later found out that CRY Patron Andy Scott had also gone along to cheer for the CRY runners as well. The first CRY runner to cross the finish line and return to the hotel was Rob Drag, who finished in an amazing 3 hours 2 minutes and 53 seconds! Next was Philly Campbell,

who finished in a fantastic 3 hours 36 minutes and 1 second! We were delighted that a CRY Research Fellow, Dr Aneil Malhotra, took part this year, and he was 1 of the 56 CRY runners who came to the CRY post-race reception/massage area at the Hilton Hotel, Green Park.

A huge thank you to our volunteer massage therapists whose skills were appreciated by all the CRY runners who came back to the hotel. The team from Richmond Physiotherapy once again offered their help in memory of one of their colleagues, Ralph Murwill, and the team from Handz-onTraining offered their help in support of CRY runner Leah Howard, who ran in memory of Craig Salmon.

The Hilton kindly donated an additional two suites so CRY runners could have their post-race massage in a quiet, relaxing environment. We are also extremely grateful for the complimentary food and drink vouchers and hand towels they generously provided.

As always, it was a challenging day for everyone, and especially difficult for those who were running in memory of somebody. It was great to meet so many of our runners’ friends, family and supporters too, some for the first time. We would like to thank each and every runner for their huge efforts in completing the marathon and fundraising for CRY. Your time, effort and valued support are truly appreciated.


Virgin Money London Marathon 2014


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Virgin Money London Marathon 2014


Virgin Money London Marathon 2014

CRY runners were: Dot Adamson

Les Bewick

Philly Campbell

Jack Adamson

Josh Bone

Michael Carling

(in memory of Euan Adamson) (in memory of Euan Adamson)

Tom Allen

(in memory of Lee Turner)

Matthew Bowler

(in memory of Ben Birch)

(in memory of Graeme Blenkinsop)

Simon Bailey

Rachel Braithwaite

Jane Bartlett

(in memory of Stephen Donovan)

Paul Barton

Jane BrennandRoper

(in memory of Duncan Phillips) (in memory of Jon Hayman)

Jo Bedford

(in memory of Steve Bedford)

Owain Bevan 24

James Brunt

Fergal Doyle

(in memory of Oliver Griffin)

(in memory of Stephanie McLean)

Rob Drag

(in memory of Nelson Monhon)

Paul Carter

(in memory of Harry Faulkner)

Kerryn Clements

Rebecca Coxhead

Eimear Burke

Jo-Anne Credland

(in memory of Lee)

(in memory of Mark Ryder)

(in memory of Oliver Hewitt)

Tom Coyle

Joanne Draper Neil Eddisen

Grace Collins

(in memory of Chris Parr) (in memory of Emlyn Wibberly)

Gary Donnelly

(in memory of Ethan Jones)

Sarah Eggington

(in memory of Mark Ryder)

Holly Fairclough

(in memory of Richard Belton)

(in memory of Richard Credland)

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 James Griffiths

(in memory of Scott Torrens)

Robin Hambly

(in memory of Nick Read)

Richard Harper

(in memory of Alexander “Robbie” Roberts)

Rachel King

(in memory of Lyra Maharaj)

Amanda Lysons

Sidnie Sales

Mark Vardy

Hannah Secrett

Stacy Westhead

(in memory of Matthew Cooper)

Garry McGrotty

John Hassell

(in memory of Aaron James Dixon)

Martin Hayes Chris Hillier

(in memory of Nick Reid)

Owen Hollyman

(in memory of Aaron Lundy)

Paul Miles

(in memory of Joe Williams)

Hannah Mills Alison Moore

(in memory of Florence Moore)

Stewart Moore

(in memory of Florence Moore)

Ryan Moroney

(in memory of Nathan Foley)

(in memory of Aaron James Dixon)

Alex Holt

Bill Neely

Emily Hooper

(in memory of Katrina Brown)

(in memory of Gary Pope)

Peter Shannon Seba Smiley

Brennan White

(in memory of David Smiley)

Gav Smith

Pete Whitmore

Peter Smith

Karen Wilds

(in memory of Andy Gard)

Will Smithard

(in memory of John Smithard)

Deborah Steer Josh Steer James Stephenson (in memory of Jack Sheriff)

Mark Sullivan

(in memory of Kerry-Anne Offord)

Barbara O’Boyle

Flora Summerfield

Leah Howard

Isabel Peters

Kelly Sysum

Matthew Pullan

James Taylor

(in memory of Craig Salmon)

Nikki Howes Caroline Hoyle

(in memory of Richard Butcher)

Marcus Hunter

(in memory of Sebastian English)

Sion Jenkins

(in memory of Luke Rogers)

Carrie Jenner

(in memory of Gary Pope)

Ross Kerwood (in memory of Jenny Kerwood)

Clare Kilcullen

(in memory of Craig Wilson)

Nicola Quelch

(in memory of Joe Williams)

John Querstret

(in memory of Kevin Paterson)

Sacha Reeves

(in memory of Ty Townsley) (in memory of Ian Taylor)

Richard Taylor

(in memory of Richard John Taylor)

Scott Taylor

(in memory of Jeremy Cole)

(in memory of Alexander Roberts)

Rebecca Rimmer

Julie Thompson

(in memory of Colin Rimmer and Ollie Marsden)

Danny Roberts

(in memory of Josh Fell)

Max Thompson

(in memory of Alexander Roberts)

(in memory of Kevin Wilson)

Lynne Roberts

(in memory of Stephanie McLean)

(in memory of Mark Price)

(in memory of Ryan Matthews)

(in memory of Josh Merrick)

Matthew Nicholson (in memory of John McCall

(in memory of Leanne Haddrell)

Sarah Whale

Hayley Stockford

Gary Horn

(in memory of Niccy)

(in memory of Ralph Murwill)

Sarah Neely

(in memory of Christopher Phillips)

Anne-Marie Turton

Alistair Macfarlane

John Harrison

(in memory of Jason Hart

(in memory of Philip Reynolds)

Georgie-Lou Sales

Dr Aneil Malhotra

Nikky Hart

Sebastian Sabouné

Colin Tuley

(in memory of Ellen Davis)

Colin Harris (in memory of Graham Harrison)

Wendy Rossington

Hannah Tobin

(in memory of Michael Cadman)

Neal Wilkinson

(in memory of Scott Torrens)

Tom Williams

(in memory of Joe Williams)

Freya Wood

(in memory of Stephanie McLean)

Ediz Zekayi

(in memory of Halil Zekayi)

Next year’s race date is Sunday 26th April 2015. The public ballot is now closed, but please email events@ to enquire about a CRY charity place.


Pixie Goes Back to School programme. As a result of Paul’s efforts, around 1,000 young people have been screened in the local area over the past 3 years – both at Ravens Wood School and the Old Elthamians Sports Club – in memory of Ben. He said, “Pixie’s passion and enthusiasm for CRY continues to bring people together in our common cause of saving young people’s lives and remembering those, like Ben, that have died.”

Assemblies will never seem the same again for the pupils of two schools serenaded by one of the biggest stars of Britain’s pop scene – singer/ songwriter and CRY Patron Pixie Lott! On March 11th, the “Boys and Girls” star surprised around 600 pupils at Ravens Wood School in Bromley as she emerged from the wings and took to the stage in the main hall. Pixie sang a selection of songs including her brand new single “Nasty” and some more from her self-titled new album, before answering questions from the excited audience. Ravens Wood School has a very poignant connection to CRY


following three young sudden deaths in its recent history. These include the death of Matt Beadle, who died suddenly aged 32 in September 2012. Matt was a former Ravens Wood pupil who later knew Pixie Lott during his time at the Italia Conti School in Chislehurst. A current Ravens Wood pupil, 15 year old Ben Daniels, collapsed without warning whilst playing football with his Ex Blues FC teammates in March 2011. Ben’s dad, Paul, has raised over £80,000 through the Ben Daniels Memorial Fund to support CRY’s screening

Mr Rhys Spiers, Vice Principal of Ravens Wood School, said: “Many of Ben’s friends and classmates are still pupils at Ravens Wood and he continues to be missed by them all. To have lost three pupils over the years from similar, undiagnosed heart conditions is absolutely tragic and it has left a real legacy with us as a school. Since Ben’s tragic death we have raised a significant amount of money and undertaken numerous initiatives in order to raise awareness. We are committed to screening students for their cardiac health every year and feel that we are a leading example to other schools. It was a great honour – and great fun! – to welcome Pixie to our school and we all feel she does an amazing job in helping raise awareness about CRY’s work.” In 2004, Adam Donnelly – who was a friend of Pixie’s older sister,

CRY supporter Paul Daniels speaks at Ravens Wood

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Pixie Goes Back to School Charlie – tragically died from previously undiagnosed Brugada syndrome aged 17. Since Adam’s death, his parents Jed and Julie, from Sidcup, Kent, have become committed supporters of CRY.

Directly after her performance at Ravens Wood School, Pixie travelled just down the road to St Thomas More Secondary School in Eltham, where Adam was a pupil. There she sang again and took questions from pupils about both her music career and her involvement with CRY.

Chief Executive and Founder of CRY, Alison Cox MBE, said: “Everyone was absolutely delighted that Pixie was able to visit these two schools, which both have such a special link to CRY. She is a wonderful ambassador for our charity and has a unique way of communicating with this young – seemingly invincible – age group, who can sometimes be hard to reach with messages about health and the importance of having their hearts checked out.”

myheart member Sian Donnelly was diagnosed with Brugada syndrome following the tragic death of her brother, Adam, and spoke at St Thomas More CRY Patron Pixie Lott with CRY Representative Julie Donnelly and daughter Sian


Our Fundraisers Corrections and Apologies from Update 62 Corrected entries appear in the appropriate fundraising section. Apologies to the family and friends of Lewis Marsh, as funds donated from the recent screening in Lewis’s memory were incorrectly stated to have been raised in memory of Lewis Marshall.

page 56

In Memory of

In Memory of

Chris Kyriacou completed the Tough Mudder event in memory of his friend and raised £373.10.

James Brewins sent in a donation of £260 in respect of the Lloyd’s Boxing Club charity event.

In Memory of

In Memory of


Badir Al-Chalabi, Danny Carnes, James “Jim” Garner and Charlie Thomas

Andrew Brys and the “Proud Mary’s” completed the Tough Mudder event and raised £1,476. “My brother, Badir Al-Chalabi, passed away when he was 9 and my mum, Margy, worked with CRY for many years. My husband, family in law and close friends wanted to raise money for CRY and the Epilepsy Society by entering into the recent Tough Mudder event on the 8th June down in Winchester. It’s extremely muddy and pushes you to the extreme in terms of facing your fears, fitness and strength! It’s a 12 mile course with 21 obstacles including swimming underwater in an ice bath, jumping over fire and being electrocuted! It was an amazing experience and we were obviously all very proud for being able to complete the course. The funds are being donated to CRY in memory of Badir and Jim Garner, another very special friend who we lost early in his life. We also competed the course in memory of Danny Carnes (my husband’s cousin) and Charlie Thomas (our team mate’s cousin).” Munah Brys.


Robert Allan

Bernard Allen

We have received total donations of £512.75 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Bernard Allen.

In Memory of

Steven Allseybrook

Sue Allseybrook sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the Speedy Hire event.

In Memory of

Marcus Armstrong

Tony Armstrong sent in a donation of £150.

In Memory of

Stuart Attridge

Rosemary Attridge forwarded total donations of £100; Rosemary’s sister in law Mrs R Attridge donated £50 and Mrs M Annesley donated £50.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

• Beth Hardisty completed the Leeds Abbey Dash and raised £100.

• Barclays, London E14, sent in a matched giving donation of £750 in respect of Helen Scott’s fundraising.

Andrew Baker

• Lauren Beveridge completed the Bupa Great Yorkshire Run and raised £235. • “Last August, our very beloved colleague Andy Baker tragically passed away, following a heart attack, at the age of just 34. Every month, Morrisons head office holds a dress-down day for charity, and in the month following Andy’s death the team decided the collection should go to Cardiac Risk in the Young. I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £2,002.70 – incidentally, the largest total we have ever collected in a dress-down day, testament to just how popular Andy was.” Caroline Howe, on behalf of all Andy’s friends and colleagues at Morrisons, Bradford.

In Memory of

Paul and Gordon Baker

We have received a donation of £300 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Gordon Baker.

In Memory of

Esme Rose Balp

Rebecca Drissi completed the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £577.

In Memory of

Cecilia Barriga

• Richard Heath sent in a donation of £117.26, of which £100 was raised by the Trinity Midwhitgiftian Hockey Club in respect of the raffle of a signed England hockey shirt. • Mohsin Harhara completed the Amsterdam Marathon and sent in total donations of £560, including £350 from his employer, Smith & Williamson.

Lewis Barry

• Rob Coldicott took part in the Spadgers 6 Day Night challenge and raised a total of £1,225. • Darran Gale completed the Rat Race: The Crossing coast to coast challenge and raised an additional £195, making a total raised of £454. • Mark and Carol Barry sent in a donation of £423 in respect of the Spadgers 6 Day Night challenge. • Anna Flanders sent in £1,251.13 in respect of Phil West and Matt Winston taking part in the Spadgers 6 Day Night challenge.

In Memory of

Mark Batson Kate Batson completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £638:

“I am pleased to say I completed the Birmingham half marathon in 2 hours 37 minutes and 8 seconds. Yet again I did the event with my friend Rebecca Haywood. It was an amazing experience with such a great atmosphere – there were around 20,000 people at the event. There was so much support along the way, with people helping give out water and cheering you along. Again an amazing day, raising so much money for such a worthy cause. My brother would be very proud, I’m sure.”


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

• Lowri Burkinshaw held a Christmas jumper day and a cake sale and raised £222.89.

• Jenny and Graham, Hamiltons Newsagents, Isle of Cumbrae, raised £155.

Matthew Beadle

• Lynne Beadle sent in a donation of £119. • Lucy-Ann Duff completed the Tough Mudder North West event and raised £685.34. • Danii Elson completed the Tough Mudder North West event and raised £1,755. • Richard Parnes sent in a donation of £544 in respect of the West End Fest held in memory of Matt.

In Memory of

Gareth Thomas Beckett

The Knebworth Golf Club held a number of stableford competitions throughout 2013 and raised £340.

In Memory of

Graeme “Tinka” Bell

Gemma Cannell sent in a donation of £600 from the 150 Club at Weston Denton Fire Station.

In Memory of

Richard Belton

Ann Belton sent in a donation of £150.

In Memory of

David Bick

John and Ursula Bick sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of Christmas gifts. £50 of this donation was from “a very special 96 year old lady, Mrs Freda Russell”.


Steven Blair

• Susan Blair sent in a donation of £155 raised from the collection pot in her local pub.

In Memory of

Graeme Blenkinsop

• Jan and Paul Blenkinsop sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • Miss L Bryant sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Major Lesley Boden and Rosina Eleanor

Kate Reynolds completed the Tough Mudder North West event and raised £915: “The team’s bruises have gradually turned from black to purple following a really successful (thank goodness!) event at the weekend. We undertook the challenge of the Tough Mudder in memory of my lovely friend Lesley and her daughter Rosina. Lesley was an incredible person who inspired and was a true friend to a great many people – hence the fact that she was taken away from us in such a twist of fate is still very difficult to come to terms with. We know that CRY is an amazing charity who support the friends and families of those who have lost someone, but in particular the fact that CRY funds crucial research into why this happens is very important to us, as Lesley’s case is still (and is likely to remain) an unknown. My husband Tony, friend Martin and I completed the 12 mile, 25 obstacle, Tough Mudder North West course on Saturday 5th October in just under 3 hours.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers We completed ALL the obstacles (and by that I mean actually did them!) less the monkey bars which we all fell off! We didn’t expect to manage some of it and it was VERY muddy even for a Tough Mudder, so to say we are pleased is an understatement! With the help of a great bunch of friends and family, we have raised a total of around £1,300 which we are delighted with; and hopefully this will go some way to supporting and raising awareness of CRY. Below is a picture of us at the end - as you know, the CRY T-shirts were white at the beginning!”

In Memory of

Jack Boulton

• Bella Davies completed a 30 mile bike ride and raised £170. • Joseph Robinson completed the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £380. • Martyn Yarde took part in the Saltford Santa Dash and raised £2,681.

In Memory of

Sarah Booth

CRY supporter Kevin Murch attended the event and took a number of photos. He commented: “It was a sunny autumn morning and spirits were high. The atmosphere as everyone passed me at the three mile stage was electric – everybody smiling and enjoying the fun, with the anticipation of seeing how much money they would be raising for CRY.”

On Tuesday 7th January, Wellington College, Belfast, presented a cheque to CRY for £14,800. The college has raised £25,800 over the past three years. “The reason behind all of this fundraising was the tragic death of pupil Sarah Booth in June 2010. It is a mark of the respect and affection that she inspired that we have raised all this money in her name. At a special assembly, we were delighted to have Sarah’s parents with us as well as Joe Passmore from CRY and past pupils from Sarah’s year group. Well done to all involved!” Sarah Cochrane, Wellington College.


Our Fundraisers • June Boulton sent in total donations of £736.25: £370 of which was raised by the Salt and Sham Cycling Club and £50 of which was raised by the Saltford Golf Club. • Ian and Joan Tweedie sent in a donation of £100, in lieu of gifts, in respect of their golden wedding anniversary.

In Memory of

Ian Bowen

• Maralyn Bowen sent in a donation of £155 raised at her tombola stall at Morrisons. • Gary and Denise Watson sent in donations totalling £1,998.72 to help fund the screening on May 29th at Bishop Heber High School, Malpas, in memory of Ian.

• Claire Gregory took part in the Saltford Santa Dash and raised £185.01. • Rebecca Powell-Chandler took part in the Saltford Santa Dash and raised £150. • Peter Tweedie took part in the Saltford Santa Dash and raised £185.

• Susan Sinden raised £350 in respect of the London Men’s Health challenge.

In Memory of

Dave Bramwell

Martin Tickle completed the New York Marathon and raised £1,666.20.

• Tony Otite took part in the Saltford Santa Dash and raised £100.

In Memory of

Christopher Britton

Danielle Jones sent in £281.03, which represents donations in lieu of floral tributes and donations from a bowling night held to commemorate Christopher’s birthday.

In Memory of

Mark Britton

• Dave Boulton raised £12,135 in respect of the CRYride from Land’s End to John O’Groats.


Andrew Britton completed the Cardiff 10K and raised £850.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Emma Broad

• Julie, Richard, Camille, Kevin, Richard, Irena, Simon, Huw and Jessica completed the Mount Toubkal Trek and sent in a futher £12,601.75, making a total raised of £19,132.54. • Harriet Cayzer sent in a donation of £200. • Surbiton High School for Girls sent in a further £709.50 from the Hockathon event, making a total raised of £1,087.04. Surbiton High School also sent in donations of £1,308.56 in respect of further fundraising throughout the year.

In Memory of

Steffani Broughton

Ian Broughton sent in a donation of £730, raised at the Speyside Kiltwalk.

In Memory of

Carolyn Broussely

Portsmouth. Staff at Ageas Insurance held a charity day on Friday 28th February at their offices. This included a dress down day, cake sale and a raffle. “The company I work for regularly holds a charity day where anyone can come into work for the day wearing casual clothes and pay £1 which goes to the choice of charity that particular day. Around November 2013, employees were asked for nominations of a charity to support so I requested CRY. I only lost my partner to sudden cardiac arrest in September so I didn’t know if I was ready to do anything like this, but then I realised that I am still here and I need to do what I can to help prevent others from going though the same thing and do something positive. In January it was announced that CRY was one of the chosen charities for 2014 and the day to support it would be the 28th February. This gave me 4 weeks to prepare. Me and a good friend/work colleague walked into the local shopping promenade near our work place over several lunch times and spoke to local businesses asking for their help. I planned to hold a raffle and desperately needed prizes. After a couple weeks we started getting more and more prizes donated. We had friends donate unwanted Christmas presents, local businesses donating vouchers, we even had a bicycle donated by Land Rover, some watches and jewellery by Skagen, and an autograph by CRY Patron Pixie Lott!

• Marc Broussely completed the Gorecki Walk and raised £4,981.09.

As the number of prizes grew (over 90), the more tickets we were selling.

• Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd sent in a donation of £2,500 in respect of the Gorecki Walk completed by Marc.

The 28th February arrived; we had 300 Innocent smoothies turn up along with all the homemade cakes, CRY wristbands and hungry staff ready for a busy day ahead.

In Memory of

David Brown

• We have recieved total donations of £1,158.75: a donation of £300 in lieu of floral tributes and further donations of £823.75 from the website. • Kerrie Fraser sent in a fundraising donation of £3,266.62 from colleagues at Ageas Insurance Ltd,


Our Fundraisers After selling nearly all the cakes and drinks, doing a little bit of nail painting in the staff room and, of course, the raffle, we managed to raise a total of £3,266.62 for CRY. Everyone has been so kind, supportive and generous, and without their help we wouldn’t have raised this amount. It’s been really helpful having something to focus on, and knowing that the money raised could save a young life makes it so worthwhile.” Laura Miles. • Steven Savage grew his hair in memory of David and raised £130.55.

In Memory of

Dr Jennifer Bucknell

• Veronica Bucknell sent in a donation of £150.

In Memory of

Angela Bunning

William Bunning completed the Thames Tow Path Challenge and raised £359.

In Memory of

Craig Burling

• Michelle Burling sent in a donation of £3,500 raised by the King George V Lodge 1259, which held charity nights and raffles in memory of Craig.

• Bill and Hillary Durrant sent in a donation of £470 raised at county fairs during 2013. “We have again, this year, been out and about at agricultural and steam fairs and other events raising awareness of CRY. Bill draws in the spectators watching him displaying his skills using the old craft of turning green wood on his pole lathe into useful articles. In the background of the photo (incidentally, the weather was ghastly for most of the day) I sit playing folk and other tunes on the accordion.” Hillary Durrant.

• Matthew Scarr completed a 56 mile walk from Hull to York and raised £261. • Daniel Johnson completed the Ironman UK event and raised £345.

In Memory of

Nathan Butler

• Bill and Hillary Durrant sent in donations totalling £2,205: donations of £1,795 were raised from busking, the sales of marmalades and the pole lathe; a donation of £140 was raised though a whist drive and £270 was raised in respect of the quiz held in Chaffcombe village hall.


• Angela Butler sent in a donation of £1,000 from Staffordshire County Council for a screening weekend held in memory of Nathan. • Angela Butler sent in further donations totalling £205: Phil raised £155 at Porthill Cricket Club’s football quiz and Parkway Clayton/Newcastle Town Football Club recently celebrated their 100th birthday with a reunion for past players, raising £50.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Michael Cadman

• Shirley Miller sent in a donation of £600. • Ian Cadman sent in donations totalling £343.67: a personal donation of £150 and a donation from The Commercial Inn, Arbroath, of £193.67.

In Memory of

Arabella Campbell

• “A collection took place in Borough Market on Saturday where my son and some of his chorister friends sang beautiful carols in memory of my niece, Arabella Campbell, who died in May, aged 16. We hope to make this an annual event.” Suzan Dury sent in a donation of £580.

• Jane Outram hosted a Christmas concert by The Newstead Singers on December 17th and raised £1,000. CRY volunteer Paul Daniels attended the event and talked about the work of CRY.

In Memory of

Andrew Cannon

George Cannon sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of Christmas gifts in memory of his son.

In Memory of

Simon Carloss

Michelle Carloss held a masquerade ball and auction on November 30th at Walcot Hall, Shropshire, and raised £3,755.

In Memory of

Trevor Carter

Richard Northcott said: “I asked a whole bunch of my friends to come and sing for an hour or so at Borough Market at lunchtime on Saturday 7th December. Thankfully, plenty said yes and kindly gave up their time to come and sing Christmas carols in the market hall. We sang a range of traditional favourites and lighter arrangements of Christmas favourites for around an hour and a half. The market was very busy and we had excellent crowds for nearly the whole time who seemed to be enjoying the festive spirit (not to mention the excellent mulled wine and cider on sale in the market). We were fortunate to raise £580 for CRY and hopefully we can do this again next year!”

Jenny Carter sent in a donation of £365: “Richard, Trevor’s brother, is in a band called 8 Minutes Later. The four members are all paramedics and on 3rd December, at The Victoria in Swindon, they organised a gig to raise funds for CRY. The evening started with a supporting band called The Kings in Mirrors, whose members were all friends of Trevor’s and gave their time free of charge; followed by Richard’s band, who gave a superb performance. Everyone had a really good time. We would like to make a special mention of and give a big thank you to Ali Hastings, who organised the raffle and supplied the Christmas hamper as the prize.”


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Guy Champney

• Stephen Forgie completed the Manx End to End cycling challenge and raised £755.

Margaret Delaney completed a half marathon in Dubai and raised £250.

In Memory of

Nick Clay

In Memory of

Anthony “Budgie” Child

Chris Gordon completed the Deloitte Ride Across Britain and raised an additional £683, making a total raised of £798.

• Mr and Mrs D Rudd sent in donations totalling £1,505 in lieu of gifts for their wedding.

In Memory of In Memory of

Pippa Chowne

The Croft Parents’ Association sent in a donation of £2,650: “Mrs Chowne is a teacher at The Croft and, of course, all our staff and parents were deeply saddened by the sudden and tragic loss of Pippa. This donation was raised purely through the sale of raffle tickets at social functions during the 2012/13 CAP Christmas Fair and May Ball.” Linda Dexter, Croft Parents’ Association.

David Cochrane

The Lodge Hopetoun St John 1232 sent in a donation of £2,433.16 raised through their 2013 sponsored walk.

In Memory of

Jane Maxine Coe

Ann Armstrong sent in a donation of £200 in memory of her daughter.

In Memory of

Darren Chrimes

Susan Chrimes sent in a donation of £250 in lieu of floral tributes for her late husband, Darren, and a further £100 was received, making a total donation of £350.

In Memory of

Jeremy Cole sent in a donation of £297 in respect of their Christmas raffle.

In Memory of

Katrina Christopher and Cheryl Christopher-Webber

• Sally Wright completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £790. • Vivienne Christopher fowarded a donation of £150 from the Leyland Lions. 36

In Memory of

Owen Connolly

Mr J Leitch sent in a donation of £1,300.05, raised by colleagues and friends at Ocado Ltd.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers “Owen was taken from us too young; in his memory we chose Cardiac Risk in the Young as our charity as he would have been honoured to make his contribution to saving young lives. Through JustGiving we raised £745 from generous donations from family and friends. Owen also worked for a few short months at Ocado and in memory of Owen his colleagues started a collection and raised an amazing £1,300 which took our total to £2,045. We are continuing to fundraise where we can in memory of Owen, the amount we have raised so far is testament to the kind of man Owen was and we are very grateful.” Clare Kilner.

In Memory of

Bruce Cousins

Jackie Cousins sent in a donation of £131 which represents the first market stall of the year.

In Memory of

Ben Daniels

• Cricket Cubs, Rochester, raised £607 from a cycle challenge. • Helena Daniels sent in donations totalling £4,250: Tony Smith raised £3,000 at the Pink Elephant Ball, Old Dunstonian RFC; Janet Hollis, Port Loughey Townswomen’s Guild, raised £1,200 and Beckenham Round Table raised £50.

In Memory of

Michael Dean

Patricia Dean sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her son.

In Memory of

Marilyn Deas

In Memory of

Lorna Deas and Susan MacBain completed the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run 2013 and raised £322.50.

We have received a donation of £160 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Evelyn Joy Crossland.

In Memory of

Evelyn Crossland

Conor Delaney

We have received a donation of £800 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Conor Delaney.

In Memory of

Dominic Cullen

James Correia held a Bob Marley tribute night in November 2013 and raised £500. James also held a Christmas fundraiser with Father Christmas and his reindeers at the Fairview Gardener Centre in Birdwood and sent in a donation of £117.02, making a total raised of £617.02.

In Memory of

Stuart Cutler

David and Natalie Cutler completed the Forth Road Bridge Walk and raised £1,008.

In Memory of

Matthew Dewhirst

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in donations of £2,849.76, including £292.98 raised by students of Shrewsbury College of Art and Technology; £508.16 raised by North Shropshire College in respect of the Oswestry Fashion Show; £480 raised in sponsorship from a sponsored row; £524 raised through a bucket dash around Sandhurst by Emily and Chloe Upton; a donation of £100 from CAF Trust Account, Richard Burbidge Ltd; £400 raised through Cockshutt Young Farmers carol singing; £300 from Louise Morris’s ‘Hats for Matt’ fundraising and £230 raised through the Julia Williams Christmas coffee morning raffle.


Our Fundraisers “Enrichment students from Shrewsbury College of Art and Technology chose to help the C.R.Y for Matthew appeal when given a choice of working with a charity in the community. Students have arranged cake sales and helped with bag packing as well as signing up to take part in the 2014 Shrewsbury Marathon. CPR training was organised during one of the Enrichment secessions at college to enable them to help save lives.” Sue Dewhirst.

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst forwarded a total of £5,358 raised at the ‘CRY for Matthew’ ball: “The ‘CRY for Matthew’ ball was held at The Albrighton Hall Hotel in Shrewsbury and 180 guests were thoroughly entertained and drained of all available funds! A raffle brought in over £1,000 for a chance to win a golfing holiday in Spain, Christina Trevanion of Bargain Hunt fame was auctioneer for the evening where we were able to raise over £3,000 thanks to donations of suit vouchers from Pockets of Shrewsbury and chill out weekends in Wales, along with tickets to see Worcester Warriors and signed shirts from Derby County and Crewe Alexandra and the England Rugby Team, thanks to Bill Beaumont.

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in £235 raised from sales of The Hard Yards EP: “Following the success of the ‘BFG’ Concert held at Ellesmere College to raise funds for the C.R.Y for Matthew appeal, a group of Matthew’s close friends from the music department have formed the group ‘The Hard Yards’. Luke Taylor, Kate Parry, Daisy Clarke, Alice Tow and John Paul have performed and recorded their versions of ‘Pompeii’, ‘Radioactive’, ‘What You Know’ and ‘Don’t You Worry Child’ to raise funds for CRY.”


It was so successful that we are doing it all again this year. Tickets are already sold out and the list of auction prizes gifted to us is amazing, with jewellery to the value of £1,000, weekend cookery courses with the Vegetarian Society and a day at a finishing school to be bid for.”

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Matthew and Mary Dewhirst

Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Matthew Dewhirst and Don Beddow

Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in donations amounting to £250.

In Memory of

Aaron James Dixon

• Gary Dixon sent in a donation of £100.

knowing that up there he would be so proud that I could find the joy again. I decided the latter. So I went big – a ball – girls in long pretty dresses and guys in suits, venue booked, invites sent out. At 50 I already had a lot of things, so presents were not something I needed, so the invites stated it was their presence I wanted not their presents but if they would like, then a donation to CRY would be lovely. My beautiful family and friends all turned up, and had gone all out dressing up. The venue looked beautiful: table linen, balloons in blue and cream, candles lit, birthday glitter, a buffet and a fantastic DJ. On a back table was Christopher’s photo, after all my little man had to be there too. I had an amazing time – and I cannot thank enough all those who attended to make it such a wonderful evening. I have always felt loved and supported by them, but never more so than that night.”

• David Rickett sent in a donation of £350 in respect of a charity football match.

In Memory of

Christopher Dixon

Karen Peat (Dixon) celebrated her 50th birthday and sent in a donation of £350 in memory of her son: “When I lost Christopher, I didn’t know how I was going to get through the next minute, day, month, year... I was 43 years old, he was my only child. How was I going to go on without him? We were so close and had been through such a lot together. Getting through the first two years were horrendous. Our birthdays and Christmas were always a special time as we both loved celebrating. Even at 19 years old, he kept the ‘Santa is real’ thing for me... I can be such a child with these things. ‘Oh Mum are you ever going to grow up?’ he would say. So having to deal with this and then the loss of my home, and the death of my husband a few years later – I could not face the prospect of leaving my 40s, where he was, and entering a new decade without him. He would have made it so special. On my 49th birthday, it snowed ... big snow... and I made a huge snowman and played snowballs with the dogs that he loved so much... and I thought to the following year when the big one was coming around. What to do? Shall I hide, fall down into the abyss that a lot of days wants to claim me? Or do I celebrate big style...

In Memory of

Adam Donnelly

• Katie Webb completed a charity ride and sent in an additional donation of £731, making a total raised of £3,774.


Our Fundraisers • Julie Donnelly sent in total donations of £1,095: £25 was raised in lieu of sending Christmas cards and Keith and Carolann Burlace sent £50. £1,020 was raised by Julie’s mother and sisters; Eleanor Webber, Mary Roberts and Margaret Parry, who have a stall for CRY at their weekly car boot sale in Anglesey. Julie’s mother also requests donations to CRY in lieu of Christmas and birthday gifts.

tennis, face painting, tug of war, cake eating challenge and bouncy castle. The football tournament was action packed with the ‘Langley Mill manufacturing’ team triumphing over ‘The Hub’ with a 3-2 victory in the finals. We raised a total of £3,237.20 for CRY and hope this money will help in the campaign to reduce the number of young sudden cardiac deaths.

• St Thomas More Catholic Comprehensive School donated £500. CRY Patron Pixie Lott and CEO Alison Cox MBE accepted the cheque for £500 from students during Pixie’s visit to the school in March.

It was clear from the fantastic turnout on the day that Bobby was a popular, conscientious and well thought of colleague and we all felt proud to have worked alongside him.” Jenna Halford.

In Memory of

Bobby Dorka

Leaderflush Shapland (an arm of Laidlaw Interiors Group) held a charity football match, which escalated into a popular social day last summer, with colleagues and lots of Bobby’s family and friends. Lisa Allen, Leaderflush Shapland, sent in a donation of £3,237.20. “The event was a great opportunity for the business and Bobby’s family to come together and celebrate the life of Bobby. The bright sunshine made the day even more memorable. Jazz and Kam Dorka generously decided for the money to be donated to Cardiac Risk in the Young. The day consisted of a number of activities including a 6-a-side football tournament, raffle, tombola, table


In Memory of

Andy Dovey

National Express, West Midlands, held a Safe Drive and Long Service Awards evening on 15th November and raised £1,550. CRY Representative Benita Davies and supporter Eve Linforth attended the event.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

• Sheila Dickinson sent in a donation of £100.

Alex Kirkley held a Halloween event and raised £895.

• Charles Penn forwarded a donation of £650.10 raised by the CRY Crusaders.

Robert Doyle

In Memory of

In Memory of

Kenneth Eakin

Amy Evans

We have received a donation of £220 in lieu of floral tribues for the late Kenneth Eakin.

Mr P Evans sent in a donation of £702.60 in lieu of floral tributes for his daughter, Amy.

In Memory of

Joe Edwards

We have received a donation of £721.79 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Joe Edwards.

In Memory of

Rosemary Edwards

We have received a donation of £169.64 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Rosemary Edwards.

In Memory of

Leslie Elkington

Amanda Law, Jack and Perri Paling, Leanne Muirhead, Michaela Dobson and Natalia Hawes raised £266.70.

In Memory of

Barry Emery

We have received a donation of £275 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Barry Emery.

In Memory of

Sebastian English

• Mr G Owens sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Violet Farrell

We have received a donation of £144 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Violet Farrell.

In Memory of

Harry Faulkner

• Gtech UK Ltd held an auction of laptops and raised £540. • Mark Shattock sent in a donation of £8,180 raised in respect of the squash day held at Berkhamsted School in memory of Harry. • Radlett Squash Club held two junior squash tournaments on December 1st and 15th and raised £117. • Miles Jenkins cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats and sent in total donations of £1,075. • William Gilbey completed a 24 hour challenge event and raised an additional £1,120, making a total raised of £1,588.50. • The 2nd Middlewich Brownies sent in a donation of £100. • Amanda Yates, Emery Little LLP, sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the Emery Little Wine Tasting Event.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Josh Fell

• Donna and Rich Fell sent in a donation of £270 in respect of a skydive in September 2013. • Lorraine Slade completed the Yorkshire Marathon and raised £256.

In Memory of

Therese Field

In Memory of

Nathan Foley

Sally Brooks sent in a donation of £745.17 raised at the local choir’s Christmas concert: “Our Christmas concert raised over £700 for CRY this year and was held in memory of Nathan Foley, a 17 year old sixth former at Great Marlow School who collapsed and died suddenly while kicking a ball around with friends. The Songbirds is a group led by our choral director, Sophie Juge, made up of ladies of all ages whose only qualification is that they love to sing and have fun.

Tara Field sent in a donation of £621 raised from a carol concert.

In Memory of

Thomas Fleetwood

• Pam Withrington organised the Hairclubin Great Gatsby Charity Ball on November 2nd and raised £4,100 in memory of Tom Fleetwood. CRY supporter Peter Patterson attended the event on behalf of CRY and later accepted the donation.

The group sings a variety of popular pieces with up to 5 part harmonies. This year’s performance included Christmas favourites such as ‘Deck the Halls’, ‘O Holy Night’ and ‘Fairytale of New York’; mixed with other well known popular numbers such as ‘Someone Like You’ and ‘Rhythm of Life’. We served homemade pies and mulled wine in the interval and a good time was had by all.”

• Lisa Bisson sent in a donation of £250.


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Kieran Formby

Geoff, Dee and Sinead Formby sent in donations amounting to £2,719:

Kieran’s friends also took part in the Maldon Mud Race as a team called KDog and they actually won the team race and won a trophy but as you can see it was a very dirty event.

“The majority of our funds raised were used for a screening at Kieran’s old secondary school after his passing with Geoff Formby addressing the school. The aim was to make the pupils aware of CRY and cardiac risks and invite them to have an ECG at the school. This we achieved, and 200 plus children attended screenings while at school. The cost was further subsidised through an initiative we had with the Essex Community Foundation as parents were able to take advantage of a tax incentive. In addition we held a very successful fashion show at the school at which friends and family actually took to the stage as models or as entertainers. We were very well supported and the evening was very successful and gave us another opportunity to further deliver the message from CRY and make more people aware of the issues.

After paying for the screening at John Payne School we still had some funds remaining within the Kieran Formby Memorial Fund and therefore we are able to make this donation.”

In Memory of

Sophia Forrester

• Ben Rosser competed the South Coast Triathlon 2013 and raised £695.01. • Lauren Carradice completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £335.

In Memory of

Joanne Fotheringham

Alex Eaton, Treasurer, 161 Ullapool D/F Air Training Corps, sent in a donation of £1,600 raised at the Great Wilderness Challenge. CRY supporter Alex Fotheringham accepted the cheque during their annual dinner on December 14th.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Lauren Gallagher

“This physically challenging fund raising event has taken place in the Highlands of Scotland every August since 1986. Ullapool Air Cadets have been involved since 1998 and have so far raised a total of £22,575, specifically for our adopted charity CRY and the Joanne F Fotheringham Memorial Fund.

Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £112, from the collection box at Centra Stores, Ballymagorry and £20 which was raised at a bacon and bap breakfast at Christmas, making a total raised of £132.

In Memory of

Andrew Gard

Caroline and Paul sent in a donation of £1,200 in lieu of gifts for their joint 60th birthdays and £71 which was raised in respect of the stall on late night shopping in Frinton, making a total raised of £1,271.

In Memory of

Kyle Gardener

Cadets and adult staff members walk a 13 mile circular route through the wild mountain scenery of Wester Ross, in all sorts of weather conditions. The cadets’ enthusiasm for taking a part in this adventurous event has never wavered.” Alex Eaton.

In Memory of

We have received a donation of £290 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Kyle Gardener.

In Memory of

Salena German

Jackie German sent in a donation of £105.

Matthew Gadsby

Rachel Gillespie sent in donations totalling £720 raised at a cake bake, Christmas fayre and Stars in Their Eyes event.

In Memory of

Jake Gallagher

• Danny McCarthy completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £280. • Sarah Pyatt sent in a donation of £237 raised by Dame Alice Owens School.


In Memory of

Alexander Christian Goodman

Rosemary and Peter Goodman sent in a donation of £725: “This was raised as a result of a Christmas open house event. On 22nd November we opened our home from 10.30am – 7.30pm. During this time, with the help of good friends Janette, Debbie and Val and my lovely sister, my husband and myself, we served teas, coffees and refreshments. We also sold cakes – donated by friends. I and a good friend, Pat, made greetings cards. There were also some preserves and handmade

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers Christmas gifts and a raffle. We all had a lovely, busy day and I was able to talk about the work that CRY does and the need for funding.”

In Memory of

Jason Craig Gott

Sam and Sandra Gott donated a signed Fabrice Muamba autobiography; the book was provided by Key Sports, Fabrice Muamba’s agents, following a request for support by Sam Gott. The book helped raise £500 at the raffle during the CRY Golf Day at Woodlands Manor Golf Club in May 2013.

In Memory of

Andrew Graeme

Paul Graeme sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the audit he undertook for Eastry Parish Council.

In Memory of

Jordan Grant and Andrew Parr

Chris Smith continued his open water swimming fundraising efforts with the Windermere Wild Challenge on Sunday 1st September. He also attended a Preston Swimming Club presentation and represented CRY: “On the 1st September 2013 I undertook my Windermere Wild Challenge. The challenge was to swim 10.5 miles from one end of Lake Windermere in the Lake District to the other, non-stop. Thankfully I made it without stopping in a time of 5 hours and 55 minutes. I managed to achieve a total of £662 in sponsorship for the swim. During the annual a Preston Swimming Club presentation Evening we held a tombola and ‘name the teddy’ fundraising stand. We raised a total of £368 from the event and I would like to thank everyone for their kind generosity.”

In Memory of

Craig Graham

Linsay Graham completed the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run and raised £227.82.

In Memory of

Jordan Grant

• Mr and Mrs Tipping sent in a total of £1,362.39, including a donation of £80 from Debbie at the Sunflowers florist. • The Cardinal Newman College sent in a donation of £210.67. • Lisa Grant sent in donations totalling £3,500. • Prewston Plodders sent in a sponsorship donation of £164.10. • Our Lady & St Edward’s Catholic Primary School held a PTA cake sale and raised £110.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Adam Green

Tom and Judy Green sent in donations totalling £1,056.35: Rachel Durber sent in £189.50 from the Shrewsbury Half Marathon; Judy’s handmade cards raised £136; a collection box at the Peel Arms raised £19.15 and a CRY Great Cake Bake day, coffee morning, raffle, cards and other donations raised £711.90.

In Memory of

James Green

The evening was centred around 6 horse races shown on the big screen with the 100+ guests able to ‘bet’ on each race. The real, fully commentated, races provided a great deal of excitement during the night. There was also an opportunity to ‘own’ a horse via auctions, win money through the game ‘heads and tails’ and take part in a fantastic raffle with prizes ranging from a crate of wine to spa vouchers. The club also hosted an auction with an array of A* prizes; a fully signed Manchester City shirt, a signed Daniel Sturridge England shirt, F1 signer merchandise and a golf flag signed by Sir Nick Faldo were just a few. The big prize of the night was a framed 40th Anniversary 1966 England shirt signed by the World Cup winning team which went for a bargain prize of £400.

CRY supporter Shelagh Green was invited to speak to Leith Probus Club, Edinburgh and was presented with a donation of £150.

In Memory of

Michael Grundy

• Denise Anglin, Husky Day Unit, Evelina Children’s Hospital, sent in a donation of £100. • Pitshanger Dynamo Football Club held a race night on January 18th, and raised £887.50: “West London based football team, Pitshanger Dynamo, hosted their third annual race night on 18th January which aimed to raise money for the club itself and CRY.

Pitshanger raised record amounts over the course of the evening and having split the money across the 2 causes will be donating £887.50 to CRY. The family of Michael have been a real benefactor of the support that CRY provide as they come to terms with their loss so the club are proud to support such a great charity. We hope our contribution will go some way to help support the great work CRY do.”

The community were shocked and saddened to hear that former player Michael Grundy, the son of the club’s honorary president, passed away in September 2013 during the Budapest Marathon. The club dedicated the evening to Michael and his family, who all put on a brave face to attend the event.


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Leanne Haddrell

• On 29th September 2013, Sara Dawkins, Debby Bourne, Becki Dovey, Tania Perez and Leanne Watkins took part in the Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest event in Cardiff and raised £300.

• The Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust sent in a matched giving donation of £373.75: “This donation is in respect of our colleagues Debby Bourne and Sara Dawkins, who work in our Beaverbrooks store in Cribbs Causeway, Bristol. Debby and Sara took part in the Survival of the Fittest event.” “The event was amazing – it was tough, but great fun! I would advise everyone to give it a go.

• David Street, America Lodge 3368, sent in a donation of £500 raised at a ladies festival held in memory of Leanne.

In Memory of

Matt Hadfield

James Brogan completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £210.

In Memory of

Shaun Haggart

We started by climbing over 15ft hay bales and subsequently found ourselves going through a wire maze, jumping traffic bollards, running through skips, climbing over barriers, carrying traffic cones, crawling under cargo nets, swinging on ropes, wading waist-high through the River Taff, climbing two 8ft walls, using monkey bars, going up and down steps in the Millennium Stadium, jumping on and off the back of a lorry, crawling through tunnels, sliding down wood planks, bouncing through inflatables, and then to finish with, a 10ft wall followed by a jump into a pool before crossing the finish line. It’s safe to say we had been through it all!” Sara Dawkins.

Anna Haggart sent in a donation of £310.

In Memory of

Joseph Halliwell

Joanna, Simon and Bonn sent in a donation of £300 from the Haverfordwest Male Voice Choir. “In October 2013 we went to watch the Haverfordwest Male Voice Choir singing. My brother in law, Colin, sings in the choir. They kindly


Our Fundraisers gave us a cheque for £300. We got up on stage to thank everyone, but it was too emotional to talk that day.” Joanna Halliwell.

In Memory of

Thomas Hardman

• Jake Warwick completed the Tough Mudder North West event and raised £180.

In Memory of

Shamil Hamid

• Fara Hamid held two cake sales and raised £2,200. • The New English School, Kuwait, sent in a donation of £10,634.78. • Sair Razzaq took part in a dance-athon and raised £120.

In Memory of

James Hamilton

We have received a donation of £535 in lieu of floral tributes for the late James Hamilton.

• Kyle Warwick completed the Tough Mudder North West event and raised £858.14.

In Memory of

Sam Harper Brighouse

• Sarah Guilding completed the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £420.11. • Rhiannon Williams completed the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £165.

In Memory of

Josephine Harris

Joy Austin held a series of boot fairs and raised £1,668.26.

In Memory of

Graham Harrison

In Memory of

Kyle Hancock

• The Bamford Sheepdog Trials Association held their annual dinner and sent in a donation of £500.

Pam Woodcock sent in a donation of £375.76 raised by the patrons of the Driffield Town Cricket and Recreation Club in respect of the quiz night and charity collection box.

• Mimosa sent in a donation of £200 raised at various fundraising events.

In Memory of

Philippa Harbour

Anna and Steve Harbour sent in a donation of £120, of which £20 represents donations from the collection box in their community shop.


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Ryan Harrison

Alex Songalia completed the London to Amsterdam challenge and raised £391.43.

In Memory of

Peter Harvey

• Katie Wilson completed the Brownsea Island Swim and raised £475.

Representatives attended the event to give a brief talk about the work of each of these charities. Many local businesses sponsored the event and also donated generous raffle prizes. We raised £3,000 in total for our three charities. We also made £101 on a heart-shaped cake made by Pauline Garbutt and raffled in memory of Jon. I also had donations made by friends amounting to £150. Merchandise sales amounted to £30. The total made from the LW4W day to go into the Jon Hayman Memorial Fund is £1,281.”

• Laura Harvey completed the Bournemouth Marathon and raised £1,241.51.

In Memory of

Sarah Hayes

Ros Fraser took part in Sarah’s cake day and raised £155.

In Memory of

Jon Hayman

Marion Hayman sent in total donations of £1,281 raised at the Sidmouth Local Women for Women (LW4W) day in memory of Jonathan: “On Saturday 23rd November, the Sidmouth LW4W group held its 5th mind and body make-over at Kennaway House, Sidmouth. The day was about participants feeling good and gaining confidence to try new things. Everyone was able to book a pamper therapy, creative workshop, an exercise class and a nail file and paint. Participants were also able to enjoy musical entertainment, a charity shop fashion show (courtesy of the British Heart Foundation), contribute to a community art project and browse at a variety of retail stalls. Everything was included in the price including all tea and coffee and a two-course lunch. The day was a charitable event. Profits were shared equally between FORCE, Hammer Out and CRY.

Marion Hayman presents CRY Representative Kathy Moyle with a cheque for £1,000 from LW4W

In Memory of

Jon Haynes

Adele Rowlands forwarded a donation of £100 from a local slimming club.

In Memory of

Becky Heathcote

Mrs B Mace sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her granddaughter.

In Memory of

Kallista Lily-Ann Heavey

The Cross Heath Methodist Church raised £140 at their Christmas carol service.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Deborah Anderson sent in a donation of £226 raised by Romag in respect of the Christmas raffle.

Emma Drew, Advanced Heath & Care, sent in a donation of £235.50 raised at ‘dress down Friday’ events.

Dean Henderson

Greg Highwood-Mack

In Memory of In Memory of

Leighane Hersey

Damien Hersey sent in total donations of £507.20 in respect of the Reading Half Marathon.

Jennifer Hill

Mr Sinclair sent in a donation of £150 raised in respect of the coffee/tea and cake drop in.

In Memory of

Laura Hillier

In Memory of

Matthew Hesmondhalgh

• Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in donations totalling £1,274.22. • Emma Wright organised a Halloween head shaving event and raised £230: “I shaved my hair off in memory of Matt as I wanted to help raise awareness of CRY. Before we lost Matt I’d never heard of this charity or the importance of what they do. This was the same among a lot of my friends and family. Matt was a loving friend and such fun to be around. If losing my hair means awareness has been raised to just one family, it’s worth it.”

• Tony Hillier sent in a donation of £105 in respect of the British Gas Great London Swim. • Brenda and Eric Warner sent in £183.82. • Tony and Joan sent in donations totalling £262: £200 was a personal donation from Tony and Joan in lieu of Chritmas cards and presents to family and friends, £10 was from Carol Birch, £22 was anonymous cash donations from Blisworth surgery and £30 was from Pauline Hemshall.

In Memory of

Pete Hinchliffe

Joe Marsh sent in a donation of £825 which was raised by the Dinnington Racing Club in respect of the Pete Hinchliffe Memorial Ride.

In Memory of

Christopher Hoggarth

Michaela Hoggarth sent in donations totalling £2,477.50: £1,250 was raised by Chris’s friends who completed the 40 mile walk from Keswick to Barrow in May 2013, and the Broughton in Furness Young Farmers raised £1,223.50.


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Ian Hoggarth

• Thomson Reuters held a charity raffle and raised £2,150. • Mark Archer-Blore raised £200.14 in respect of the Velo Club Bread and Bitter’s Christmas party.

In Memory of

John Holborn

Robert D’Arcy raised £407.27 in respect of the Midnight Revelations special gig.

In Memory of

Peggy June Howard

King Prior MacDonald Bridge Solicitors sent in a donation of £3,271.39 from the estate of the late Peggy June Howard.

In Memory of

Stewart Howard

Jane Howard sent in a donation of £208.50 raised at the turning on of the Christmas lights in Thetford, and forwarded a donation of £457 which was raised during a collection at the Thetford branch of Tesco, making a total raised of £665.50.

In Memory of

Paris Holden

Emma Nelson held a memorial fun day on 23rd June 2013 and raised £500.

In Memory of

Damien Lee Hole

• Rachel Hole held a dress down day and raffle on November 22nd and raised £404.16. • Lloyd’s Bank Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £405 in respect of Rachel Hole’s fundraising.

In Memory of

Nicholas Holland and Tony Edwards

We have received a donation of £768 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Tony Edwards.

In Memory of

Joseph Horkan

Susannah Hebden completed a skydive and raised £1,250.

In Memory of

Stuart Hudson and John Ingram

Phil Haynes, Honorary Secretary, Silhill FC, sent in a donation of £304.87: “A collection took place at Silhill Football Club during a memorial match for our team mate, Stu Hudson, who died on the pitch playing for Silhill in October 2007. A collection was also taken at a memorial match for John Ingram, a player who died during a match over 20 years ago.”

In Memory of

Matthew Hughes

Mrs FB Griffiths sent in a donation of £150.

In Memory of

Polly Hughes

Sophie Hughes sent in a donation of £2,200 raised from the Cambridge County Polo Club Ball.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Emma Hurlbut

Paula Hurlbut completed a skydive and raised £525: “On Saturday 17th August 2013, I did a tandem skydive at Headcorn Aerodrome in Kent in memory of my daughter Emma. I cannot say that it was a lifelong ambition – quite the opposite really – but I wanted to do something that took me out of my comfort zone and I most certainly achieved that, plus it was a perfect way to celebrate my 50th birthday and raise funds for CRY.

It was an incredible experience which I will never forget and I am very glad I did it, although I do not think I will repeat it. I will however be back next year with another fundraising challenge to raise more money for CRY. The total amount raised for CRY was £630. The day is going to be one that I will remember forever and feel that I did not only myself proud but Emma too.”

In Memory of

Mrs Hutchinson

The South West Quilters sent in a donation of £300 in memory of the late Mrs Hutchinson, raised by selling craft items on behalf of the family.

In Memory of

Camilla Irvine

• Will L’Anson completed the Iron Man France and raised £5,762.50:

I arrived at the airfield at 8.00am on a cloudy morning and feeling extremely nervous and wondering if I had actually lost my mind as it dawned on me what I was about to do. After registration we had our jump briefing. I then had to wait for what felt like an eternity to be called for my turn and watch about 3 flights of people go up and do their jumps, at this point I wanted to run.

“Well I’m now recovering from what has been the hardest event I have ever done in my life, EVER. On Sunday 23rd June at 6.30am on the beach at Nice the challenge started, and 13 hours and 24 minutes later, job done. The challenge was Ironman France. This is rated as one of the hardest long distance triathlon events – ideal for fundraising! Like-minded nutters swim in the sea for 2.4 miles, then cycle 112 miles up into the hills, and finish with a 26.2 mile marathon – which all has to be completed inside the cut-off point of 16 hours.

Finally, at around 12pm I boarded the plane with my instructor and then took off. In a short space of time we climbed to 13,000ft. I was now feeling very sick. Five minutes or so later and after a smooth landing I was very relieved to be back safely on the ground.


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers This was my 15th triathlon and it has taken me 5 years of training to achieve this. It was an amazing sense of achievement to complete this and raise, so far, over £7,000 for CRY in memory of Camilla Irvine. Sponsorship has been invaluable to the charity, the Irvine family and myself. I had to dig very deep to complete this and knowing that all of this had been pledged for Milla helped me achieve and give support to such a fantastic charity.

50th birthday at Remedy Oak Golf Club in Dorset. He is pictured here with his family: Jamie, Paula, Lauren and Paige Coe. Many thanks Chris and happy birthday!” Keeley Ashley.

My sincere thanks to everybody who sponsored me and gave such amazing support. Milla has gone but is never ever forgotten, always in our thoughts and hearts.”

• Keeley Ashley forwarded £2,150 raised at the golf tournament in memory of Howard.

• Christine Swiers completed the Jane Tomlinson Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon and raised £1,731.

In Memory of

Reece Jeffrey

Robyn Jeffrey sent in a donation of £1,000.

“Saturday 14th September 2013 was a fine but cool day, perfect for the 24 competitors to play in the 17th annual ‘H’ Howard Jennings memorial golf competition. The event was held at Bulbury Woods Golf Complex in Poole, Dorset. The day was a great success as always and raised an incredible £2,150. The memorial trophy was won by Mike Lancaster (pictured with Keeley Ashley), Pat Furlong was second and Paul Knight was third. ‘Nearest the Pin’ was won by Paul Whitmarsh and ‘Longest Drive’ by Darren Frost. ‘The Knitted Golfer’ was won by Jon Smith.

In Memory of

John Jenkins

Nancy Jenkins raised £5,526.01 in memory of her brother.

In Memory of

Howard Jennings

• “Chris Coe raised a fantastic £223.00 by organising a charity raffle in aid of CRY when celebrating his


Our Fundraisers The event was sponsored again by Becker (UK) Ltd who made a significant contribution that covered the cost of all refreshments. Huge thanks as ever go to all who continue to support this long-standing event including volunteers, competitors and sponsors. Special thanks go to Marcus McDonnell who donated a Barry McGuigan signed boxing glove for our auction. The 2014 event will take place on Saturday 13th September, again at Bulbury Woods Golf Complex in Poole Dorset.”

In Memory of

Lisa Johnson

Carl and Eunice Johnson sent in donations totalling £240, including £230 raised at a cake sale held at Wilson’s School and £10 in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

In Memory of

Cai Jones

John Davies completed the Tri Copa JED Challenge and raised £1,080.

In Memory of

Ethan Jones

Keith Weston forwarded donations totalling £564 representing proceeds from speaking engagements.

In Memory of

Tim Jones

Mrs Walsh sent in a donation of £250.

In Memory of

Lee Jordan

• Jonathan Vose took part in the Canterbury Rugby Club charity fun day and raised £2,395.

In Memory of

• Darren Nightingale sent in a donation of £350.

Dave and Jenny Jennings sent in an additional donation of £250, making a total raised by the Mid Kent Golf Club of £2,150.

In Memory of

Nathan Jennings

In Memory of

Leigh Jepson

Sutton Falcons Motor Club sent in a donation of £300.


Joseph Jon Kellogg

• Pauline and Duncan Inwood sent in a donation of £140. • Team Derby Badminton, University of Derby Students’ Union, held a bag packing event with Asda and raised £659.54.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Jennifer Kerwood

Paul Leach

• Sonja Hodgson sent in a donation of £250 from her employer, Easyjet, in respect of the skydive she completed in memory of Jennifer. • Paul Miller sent in a donation of £285 raised by Hutton FC. • Claire James completed the Big Fun Run and raised £145

In Memory of

Amy Kirkby

Barclays Bank sent in a matched giving donation of £750 in respect of Gemma Anderton’s football match in memory of Paul.

In Memory of

Barrie Lee

CRY supporter Ian Cadman attended the Station Bar and collected a cheque for £911, raised from a race night, collection tin, raffle of a Scotland shirt, and the completion of the Highland Perthshire Half Marathon by Susan Walke and Alex Charlton.

Joanne Kirkby sent in a donation of £150 raised from a fundraising raffle.

In Memory of

Jonathan Leigh

In Memory of

Rishi Kukar

Parvin Kukar sent in a donation of £300 in memory of his son.

In Memory of

Jack Ladley

Samuel Davies, Chetham’s School of Music, sent in a donation of £107.20.

In Memory of

Mark Lambson

Paul Lambson took part in the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 and raised a total of £1,110.

• David Leigh sent in a donation of £120 raised by family and friends. • Mark Whitehouse completed the Leeds Half Marathon and raised £285.

In Memory of

Andrew Macleod

• The Master and Brethren of the Fortrose Masonic Lodge sent in a donation of £100. • Murdo Macleod sent in donations totalling £900: £770 was donated by his council work colleagues at the staff Christmas dance and raffle organised by Ruth Macaskill and Mairi Sine Macdonald, £10 was donated by Anne Morrison, £20 was donated by Maryann Macleod and £100 was donated by Mr and Mrs Campbell.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

John Marshall

Jack Maddams

• Hayley Crosbie held a charity evening and sent in a donation of £120.

Richard Brewer completed the Tour de Kent and raised £280.

• Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £250 from Edge Hill collection boxes. • Leslie Corrigan sent in a donation of £260:

In Memory of

Lee Marriage

Katie Walker completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £395.

In Memory of

Ollie Marsden

• RK Burden, Brixham College, sent in a donation of £200: “We recently held a concert performed by the singer Ryan Keen, who generously donated his time free of charge. Ryan performed an amazing concert, including songs that have been inspired by the tragic loss of Ollie Marsden.” • Neil Bygrave, Ceramtec UK Ltd, sent in a donation of £180.

“Earlier this year, whilst visiting Edge Hill University open day with my son, my family met Maureen Marshall and her daughter, Hayley. They were there for the organisation and funding of a screening session, in memory of their son and brother John Marshall. Mrs Marshall helped arrange for our son to have a screening. I was moved and inspired by these two remarkable ladies; despite the family’s own devastating tragedy of the loss of John, they have tirelessly given their time and effort to help other families and young adults, funding and organising sessions. In July, I completed a sponsored half marathon walk around Dovestones Reservoir in Holmfirth in memory of John and raised £260.”

In Memory of

John Marshall and Joe Parkinson

Holly Parkinson sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Dean Mason

In Memory of

Ollie Marsden and Colin

Sam Bowhay completed the Hampton Court Half Marathon and raised £460 in memory of his friend, Oliver, and his uncle, Colin.

In Memory of

Lewis Marsh

Donations totalling £480 were received at the screening held on September 21st in memory of Lewis.


• Sarah Lewis completed the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £224.50. • Gwenfair Mason forwarded total donations of £475: a donation of £150 from Mrs Barbara Davies and her family and a donation of £325 raised by the Llawhaden Church. • Alun and Gwenfair Mason donated £60,000 raised by their community through various fundraising activities in memory of Dean. These included a tractor run in Pembrokeshire, South West Wales, on the site of the A477 St Clears to Red Rose trunk road bypass, which was at the time undergoing substantial improvement works and specially opened for the charity event in October 2013.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Mark Mason

Ramona Mason sent in a donation of £212.

In Memory of

Margaret Mathias

We have received a donation of £705 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Margaret Mathias.

In Memory of

John McCall

• Janette and Malcolm Pollard sent in a Christmas donation of £100 in memory of their nephew. • Mr and Mrs T Fiddis and friends held a tractor run and raised £1,500.

In Memory of

Áine McCann

Alun and Gwenfair travelled from Wales to the CRY office in Surrey to personally present the cheque for their community’s fundraising to CRY Founder and CEO Alison Cox MBE.

Aravon McCann forwarded donations totalling £390: Aoife raised £370 in lieu of gifts to celebrate her 18th birthday and £20 was raised through selling second-hand gift bags at Maguiresbridge Post Office.

In Memory of

Scott McCollin

Team GAR completed the Berlin Marathon and raised £1,751.

In Memory of

Greg McFarlane

June Souter sent in a donation of £297.75 in respect of the indoor winter games held in memory of Greg:


Our Fundraisers

“Fife Cultural Trust headquarters staff took a little time out last Christmas to bring a little winter cheer to a busy office and raise £297.76 for CRY in the process. Loosely based on the Winter Olympics, the team showed their silly side in games such as ‘Paldie Curling’, ‘Bobblesleigh Darts’ and the ‘Egg and Ball Biathlon’. The staff, who work for the libraries and museums services in Fife, showed just how competitive they could be – even if it was just with a clockwork Santa toy. Congratulations go to Darren, Gavin, Karen, Denise, Sophie, Margaret and Rhona who took home the chocolate medals. The team is proud to support CRY in memory of Greg McFarlane. P.S. For the non-Scots reading this, a ‘Paldie’ up here is the stone you use in hopscotch!”

In Memory of

Josh Merrick

• Eileen Prendergast sent in donations totalling £310.56, including £108.21 raised by Marks & Spencer Foods, Manchester. • Nick Curtis completed a cycle ride from Manchester to Blackpool and raised £310. • Marks & Spencer, Didsbury, held two street collections in November and raised £888.77. • The staff of the University of Manchester Library sent in a donation of £200. • Miller Newsagents sent in a donation of £389.87 raised from a collection box. • The congregation of Emmanuel Church, Cheshire, sent in a donation of £302.65. • Eileen Prendergast sent in total donations of £315.43: a donation of £54.85 from Miller Newsagents; £67.65 from Fletcher Moss; £55.12 from The Royal Oak; £30 from St Catherine’s School; £30 from Burnage Rugby Club and £77.81 from Ye Old Cock Inn.

In Memory of

Richard Merriman

• Nicola Merriman held a Zumbathon event and raised £700. • Nicola, Paul, Kevin and Rebecca held a tombola stall at their local Christmas fête and raised £100.

In Memory of

Stephanie McLean

Charlotte Pugh completed the Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest event and raised £370.


In Memory of

Jonathan Mezza

Lee Williams sent in a donation of £120 in respect of himself and Chris Bolton completing the Belfast City Half Marathon.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Levon Morland

Jeff Morland sent in total donations of £100: customers of West Rainton Post Office donated £50 and Mrs Elsie Morley donated £50.

In Memory of

Levon Morland and David Ward

Jeff Morland forwarded a donation of £100 from Mrs Pat Swainston in memory of David Ward, who worked at Marriotts Leisure Club in Durham City.

In Memory of

David Moss

In Memory of

Adam Middleton

Clare Everest sent in a donation of £870 in respect of the February screening event in memory of Adam.

In Memory of

John Millar

Kirsty MacMillan completed the Tough Mudder event and raised a total of £3,674.

In Memory of

Jonathan Morgan

• Sue Ainsworth sent in a donation of £646 in respect of a sponsored walk. • Sue Ainsworth forwarded a donation of £160 from Tracey Melrose and DHL.

• Dawn Moss sent in total donations of £5,876.33, including a donation of £201.97 from the collection tin, £50 of mixed donations, £205 raised during a race night, £80.07 from a collection box, £106 from a Squirrel Hayes First School non-uniform day, £300 from a Knypersley First School non-uniform day, £345.85 from a Woodhouse Middle School non-uniform day, £512.90 from a James Bateman Junior High School non-uniform day, £51 from CRY Christmas cards, £140 from football cards, a £20 donation from the Dooley family, a £20 donation from the Whiteman family, a £15 donation from the Gawne family, £888.93 from a coffee afternoon, £153 from a Cheshire Northwest Scramble Club raffle, a Slimming World collection of £48.92, £311 from Kingsfield First School, £100 from Oxhey First School, £851.24 from Biddulph High School, £500 in lieu of flowers for Mr J Garside, £750 in wedding donations from Mr and Mrs Garside-Moxon and further donations from Guvnors Barbers, Daniel’s family, Izzie Hoskins, the Robin Hood pub and Barry Carless.

In Memory of

Andrew Murch

• Gordon Murch forwarded donations of £250 from Aberfeldy & District Rotary Club in respect of the Perthshire Marathon. 59

Our Fundraisers • Gordon Murch sent in total donations of £4,200 in respect of the Aberfeldy Highland Ball, held at Blair Castle in December 2013. The funds were raised through individual donations and a prize draw supported by a number of local artists and companies.

In Memory of

Andrew Neville

From left to right: Amy, Gordon, Iain and Hazel Murch

• Ian Beattie forwarded a donation of £520: “The money was raised by Sheila Beattie and Marjorie Fearn who spent hours making brooches and selling them in local businesses in and around Aberfeldy where Andrew grew up.”

In Memory of

Pardeep Nagra

Khyl Chumber raised £500 in respect of the sponsored haircut. “Khyl Chumber, 10 years old, raised a whopping sum of £500 at Eclipse Gym in Wolverhampton and said farewell to his long pony tail hair. This was Khyl’s first haircut – he raised the funds to help with the next CRY screening days in Wolverhampton, similar to the ones held in February 2013. In loving memory of Pardeep Nagra, brother of Kulbir, who is the kick boxing instructor at the gym.” Resham Nagra.


Sue and Mike Neville sent in an additional donation of £180 in lieu of gifts to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, making a total raised of £300.

In Memory of

James Nicholas

Kevin, Lesley, Courtney and Caitlin Nicholas held a charity evening at the Ruskin Lodge on 15th November 2013 and raised £2,408.

In Memory of

Daniel Nicholls

Lorraine Nicholls sent in a donation of £105 from the Blackburn Netball League.

In Memory of

Toby Northcote-Green

Peta Northcote-Green sent in a donation of £140 in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Richard James Northedge

Pat and Derek Northedge sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Kerry-Anne Offord

Gavin Holcombe completed the London to Brighton Moonriders challenge and raised £335.

• Gareth Wainwright sent in total donations of £1,041.53 in respect of the Bupa Great Birmingham Run, including matched giving from KMPG. • Graham Champken sent in total donations of £545 raised in respect of the Bupa Great Birmingham Run. • Mandy Neale completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £100. • Anna Beatty completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £1,585.

In Memory of

Joe Parkinson

Holly Parkinson sent in a donation of £120.

In Memory of

Andrew Parr

Ruth Lowe sent in a donation of £492.95 raised during a recent collection at Preston North End FC.

In Memory of

Christopher Parr

The Leek United Building Society, Derby Branch, chose CRY as their charity of the year for 2013 and sent in a donation of £3,081.61.

In Memory of

Kevin Paterson

• Kathryn Cowen sent in a matched giving donation of £2,000 from KMPG in respect of a dress down day and £70 in respect of the Bupa Great Birmingham Run, making a total raised of £2,070.

• Laura Bartley completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £320. • Sergio Annecchiarico completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £898.69. • Sean Power completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £360. • Pete Cowen completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £239.06. • Gareth Hellewell completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £672.20. • Tim Hines completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £285. • Anna Walton completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £162.82. • Kathryn Cowen completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £949.45. • Hilary Roberts completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £150. • Martin Silvester completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £340. • Ben Adams completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £700.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

James Patrick Patterson

• Campion Old Boys Rugby Club held a raffle during a club lunch at the beginning of CRY’s Raising Awareness Week and raised £253. • William Wallis completed the Moonride and raised a total of £1,307. • Peter Griggs and family took part in the Victoria Park Santa Run on December 8th and raised £360: “I am 66 and have suffered from mild arthritis in my knees for many years. I decided last January to diet and lost a total of 3½ stone and I have been able to start jogging again, albeit for very short periods, for the first time in over 20 years. My youngest son likes to take part in 10K charity events, especially at this time of year, and over a family dinner last September challenged my wife and I to join him. We agreed and booked the Victoria Park Santa Run as our first attempt. There were over 2,000 runners on the day, all of whom were dressed as Santa; it was a bizarre sight and the local children could not believe their eyes!

Then, last Thursday, I severely pulled the calf muscle in my right (again) leg while jogging very gently indeed. I could barely walk for the rest of the day and could only hobble about on Friday. It still hurt a lot on Saturday but I reasoned that I was trying to raise money for a good cause – two of my friends have lost young children to sudden cardiac arrest – so, if necessary, I would limp slowly around the course. In fact, I did the 10K in 1½ hours, averaging over 6.5kph, though was thrilled just to complete it. My wife (I hr 25 mins), son (51 mins 30 secs), and me all raised money for different causes; between us we raised over £1,250 for our nominated charities, with my son being the biggest fundraiser by far. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks for all their generosity to the Billericay Circle of the Catenian Association, who were my sponsors.”

In Memory of

David and Jenni Paul

• Gordon Paul sent in a donation of £4,724. • David Pyper completed a 53km swim and raised £4,125.64. I duly trained, building up stamina while realising that I would not be able to run for the whole 10K. I hurt my right knee by stepping into a deep hole on the golf course a few weeks ago and feared that I might not be able to take part in the event, but slowly started to jog again for short distances and felt good.


In Memory of

Ben Peacock

Andrew Chapman completed the Tough Mudder event and raised £1,450.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Adam Pearmine

Sara Pilkington

Chris Kirby completed the Bournemouth Marathon and raised £936.20.

In Memory of

Benjamin Percival

Steve Flight took part in the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 and raised a total of £135.

In Memory of

Duncan Phillips

• Beth Phillips sent in a donation of £5,114.37 from the “Day for Dunc” event held to celebrate Duncan’s 40th birthday. • Bishops Tachbrook CE Primary School, Leamington Spa, raised £624.13. • Sheila and Derek Phillips sent in a donation of £200 in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • Ian Mathias completed the Tonbridge Half Marathon and raised £333.

• Catriona Odgers sent in a donation of £4,721.27 raised in respect of the fashion show held at Collingwood College, Durham, in memory of Sara. • Leisurechain Ltd, Woodside Golf Centre, sent in a donation of £256. • The Cubbington Players, Warwickshire, sent in a donation of £152.96. • Mr K Russell, Woodside Golf Club, sent in a donation of £3,103.74. • Stockport Grammar School held a Strictly 6th Form event in memory of Sara and raised £1,392.10.

In Memory of

Charlotte Pitstra

Greg Hartwell completed the Buchaille Dash and raised £391.

In Memory of

John Plant

Beverley Cox sent in a donation of £309 in memory of her nephew.

In Memory of

Jack Phillips

Hillary Walter sent in a donation of £408.50 raised by the Tockenham Summer Fayre Committee.

In Memory of

Gary Pope

The Thatched Inn held a raffle at a recent social event and raised £130.

In Memory of

Rebecca Phillips

• Natasha Phillips took part in the Suffolk Whole Hog fundraising event and raised £330. • Julie Phillips sent in a donation of £270 from Brett Valley Lodge 9479.

In Memory of

William Porter

We have received a donation of £310 in lieu of floral tributes for the late William Allen Porter.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Craig Daniel Powell

Mark Powell and Helen Flemming sent in a donation of £100, raised by Anne Lowe, Louisa and Linda from Morrisons selling Welsh cakes on St David’s Day.

In Memory of

Rowan Preston

Helena Renshaw sent in a donation of £160 in respect of the Class of ‘93 from Cheadle Hulme School.

barbed wire, the ‘electric eel’ - crawling through live electrical wires, the ‘arctic enema’ – submersion in ice cold water, submerged cage crawl, and ‘Everest’ – a quarter pipe about 5 metres high. After a gruelling 12 miles and the final obstacle – ‘electric shock therapy’ – the team completed the course and earned the T-shirt and headband and enjoyed the finish line pint. We’re still counting the bruises and getting the mud out of everywhere! The team of 12 represented the number of young people who die each week in the UK from young sudden cardiac death. Matt Pybus, one of the team members, completed the course in memory of his brother Stuart who died at the age of 37 from a heart attack whilst out running.”

In Memory of

Mark Richard Price

Sue, Riikka and Sian completed the “longest, fastest zip wire in Europe” and raised £519.51.

“We, in the Body Shop in Llandudno, work with Mark’s sister Sianny (far left in the photo) and wanted to celebrate his life by fundraising for you.” Sue Jeffrey, Assistant Manager.

In Memory of

Stuart Pybus

In Memory of

David Quinney

Mick and Dot Quinney forwarded a donation of £100 from the memorial golf competition in memory of David. “On Friday 2nd August 2013 Garstang FC held their annual Dave Quinney Memorial Golf Day, which was well supported with 32 teams of 4 entering.

The Oceaneering “Mind over Mudder” team completed the Tough Mudder event and sent in £1,533.67: “On 24th August 2013 a team of 12 from Oceaneering Asset Integrity took on Tough Mudder at the Dalkeith Estate near Edinburgh. The Tough Mudder is a 12 mile obstacle course designed by special forces and involved 22 obstacles such as crawling under


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers Whilst the day is a fundraising event for the football club it is also a chance to remember Dave Quinney, a former Garstang FC player who sadly passed away almost 9 years ago. Dave loved his golf and his football that is why the club chose to honour his memory by naming the golf day after him. Following Dave’s passing his family started to support the CRY charity and they still continue that support today.

“The run went really well with nearly 3,000 runners competing. I’m delighted to say that my friend Tricia Dine and I completed the 10K run in under an hour (which was our goal) and we have so far raised £365 for CRY. We are hoping for more donations in the coming days.

Every year the club makes a donation in Dave’s memory from the money raised at the golf day. I have spoken with Dave’s dad, Mick, and he has asked that we once again make the donation to CRY, a charity close to their hearts. I would urge any youngsters reading this to visit the CRY website and look at the scanning dates in the future and book a scan as it may save a life.” Marc Armstrong, Garstang FC treasurer.

We are so very proud to support CRY in memory of our good friend Claire Reed, and we hope the sponsorship money can go towards future screenings and raising awareness!” James Duthie.

In Memory of

Darren Rawling

Julie Rawling completed the Thames Path Challenge and raised £1,210.

In Memory of

Claire Reed

• Linwood Sport & Community Centre sent in a donation of £100. • John Reed completed the Tough Mudder South West and raised £1,080. • Rothmans Chartered Accountants sent in a donation of £100 in respect of James & Trish’s B&Q Eastleigh 10K Road Race.

• Ms T Boden, All Saints Church, Botley, sent in a donation of £300.

In Memory of

Malcolm Reed

CRY supporter Nick Dee Shapland attended Reading Golf Cub and accepted a cheque on behalf of Colin and Wilma Reed for £5,545.

In Memory of

Keith Rees

Martin Rees completed the London to Brighton Cycle Challenge and raised £130.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Alex Reid

• Heather Reid sent in total donations of £13,749.50 raised from the Alex Ever After Ball, held in September, to commemorate what would have been Alex’s 18th birthday; a fundraising event organised by Darren Bennett’s (Strictly Come Dancing) parents at City Limits Dance Studio; a village garden trail and personal donations.

“The idea for starting up the Porthenys Players, an all female group, was the inspiration of Marilyn King, who had recently moved to the village, bringing with her a number of scripts. For the past 15 years the Porthenys Players have performed pantomimes and some summer shows that have hopefully made people laugh, and even if they didn’t (oh, yes they did!), have raised thousands of pounds.

• Hilary Cornwall sent in a donation of £730 in lieu of gifts for her father, Gordon Wadd’s 80th. • Christina Cotter completed the Bupa Great Yorkshire Run and raised £176.21. • Jessica Harper took part in the Percy Pud fundraising event and raised £360. • Karon Fackerell completed the Jane Tomlinson Plusnet Marathon and raised £830.

In Memory of

Tom Reid

Olivia Alford sent in a donation of £714.57 raised at the UCLU Charity Concert in memory of Tom.

The money raised from the sale of tickets for the three pantomime performances are donated to the Mousehole Methodist Chapel who kindly allow us to perform in the Sunday School hall. The monies raised from the raffles, refreshments, donations and the leaving collections from the performances are donated to a different charity each year. This year the cast requested that this money, £703.51, was donated to the Debbie Rendle Memorial Fund at CRY, which in Mousehole has a special place in our hearts.

In Memory of

Debbie Rendle

• Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £100 from the Mousehole Committee. • John Jenkin forwarded a matched giving donation of £105.27 from his employer, EE Ltd, in respect of the John O’Groats to Land’s End fundraising event. • Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £703.51 raised by a local pantomime group, the Porthenys Players.


This year our cast of – thousands? Hundreds? Oh, alright then, less than 20 of us – presented the pantomime Cinderella, ella, ella (did I hear an echo?) as has never been seen before – village pantomime at its best; very colourful, very silly, and yes, lots of laughter. Is it that time of year again? Oh, no it isn’t – oh, yes it is!” The Porthenys Players.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers • Martin Pezzack completed the John O’Groats to Land’s End cycle ride and raised £1,378.20. • Jason Jenkin completed the John O’Groats to Land’s End cycle ride and raised £1,551.95.

In Memory of

Scott Rennie

• Stevie Rennie sent in a donation of £200. • The King’s School, Worcester, completed a 24 hour row and raised £577, making a total raised of £1,577.50.

In Memory of

Evan Robertson

We have received a donation of £434.40 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Evan Peter Robertson.

In Memory of

Luke Rogers

• Sion Jenkins completed Ironman Wales and raised £1,010: “Following on from an emotional national anthem, the gun sounded and the day was under way. The swim was hectic and I was surrounded by feet, arms and rubber hats. The sea was fairly calm and the first part of the day was complete.

The bike ride was made up of 112 miles around Pembrokeshire’s wonderful countryside, beach fronts and bustling villages and towns. The crowds were incredible and the local support was hugely appreciated. As I came off the bike, the legs were feeling heavy and the thought of a 26 mile marathon to finish the day was mentally tough. As I got changed in the transition marquee and looked out on to the marathon course, I placed one foot in front of the other and remarkably began to loosen up and start the four laps of Tenby’s walled town. Once again, the support was incredible and really pulled me through the gruelling final section of the day! Completing four laps of the town was mentally challenging, as I was amongst people on their final lap whilst I was on my first. However, I kept my head down, and kept ploughing through the pain barrier to enter the red carpet and cross the line in 4 hours and 31 minutes. This gave me a total time of 12 hours and 49 minutes for the whole day. It was an emotional end to the day as I crossed the line to the famous sound of ‘YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!’ to receive my finisher’s medal. The hard work and 12 months of training had finally paid off and the day was complete. I was surrounded by so many friends, colleagues and family on the finish line. The day was something special, and a day I will never ever forget.” • Angela Rogers forwarded a donation of £800 in respect of the Ironman challenge.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Luke Rolfe

Kevin Sayer

• Simon Williams took part in a charity football match between Birmingham South Police XI and Birmingham West and Central XI and raised £592.

In Memory of

Mrs S Forder sent in a donation of £405 raised at the charity football match held on 25th August 2013 at the Loddon Jubilee Hall in memory of Kevin.

Stuart Ross

• Gary McAllister, Woodvale FC, sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Stuart Ross. • We have received further donations of £3,750 in lieu of floral tributes. • John Lundy forwarded total donations of £26,590.65 raised in respect of the AES KilrootIslandmagee Cycle held in memory of Stuart. • The 1st Presbyterian Church, Islandmagee, sent in a donation of £466 in respect of a retiring offering from the Community Christmas Carol Service. • Larne Grammar School sent in a donation of £396.93 in respect of their annual carol service.

In Memory of

Adam Rowbottom

Ulrike Rowbottom sent in a donation of £150 in respect of various fundraising efforts.

In Memory of

Craig Salmon

Joyce Salmon sent in a donation of £330 raised by the members of the Marchington Woodlands congregation.


In Memory of

Max Sheppard

John Sheppard sent in a donation of £170.

In Memory of

Jack Sheriff

Elizabeth Sheriff sent in a donation of £122 in respect of the memorial rugby match.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

• Kelly Nastaly completed a 13 mile dog walk and raised £275.

• Sandy Nicholls, Forest School, sent in a donation of £4,720 from a school Christmas ball:

• Fiona Shoults sent in a donation of £3,559 in respect of the Greggstival event in memory of her brother.

“We are pleased to attach a cheque for £4,720 towards the CRY charity in memory of one of our 6th Form students who sadly passed away last May from heart failure. Aashi was a wonderful young lady with a very bright future ahead of her and Aashi’s parents wished for any donations to go to CRY.

Gregg Shoults

• Kathy Gambell and friends from the church on Hope Street, Sheerness, sent in a donation of £245 which was raised at a tea and quiz afternoon.

In Memory of

Ben Simpson

• Mr Gadd sent in a donation of £100 representing monies in lieu of Doulton Underwriting Agents sending Christmas cards. • Roger Friend, West Kent Masters’ Lodge 5778, sent in a donation of £200. “This year I have been Master of our Masonic Lodge and we recently had our Ladies Night during which we ‘made’ some charitable money that I have been requested to allocate to good causes.” Mike Hedley, Lodge Master.

In Memory of

Christopher Simpson

Annabel Allam completed the Thailand Jungle Trek and raised £9,180.

In Memory of

Sarah Simpson

Colin Simpson sent in a donation of £100.

Aashi Sinha

We organised a ball in December in order to raise funds for your charity and we were delighted with the support we received from all the pupils, staff and parents in the school. We hope our donation will make a difference to young people in the future, and wish to say that your representative, Emma Jackson, who kindly attended, was an inspiration to us all.” • Forest School sent in a donation of £501.37 raised by Franklin House during charity week.

“This year, Forest School introduced a charity week, in which each house would have a week to raise money for their chosen charity. Franklin chose CRY due to their amazing help last year when we suffered the loss of a house member. We started the week with a cake sale, which raised £86, and then went onto more creative ideas, one of which was to create a coin heart on the floor. This allowed us to involve the whole school in our efforts to raise money. The heart symbolised those who have suffered from heart related incidents, and reminded everyone why we were fundraising and we raised a total of £45 from this. Next, we had Franklin volunteers both cook and serve a three course meal to 12 teachers, which they had to pay £15 in advance for. Thanks to the teachers’ willingness to donate, and the huge success of the dinner, we raised over £200. The final and most popular event of the week was busking. Pupils took up spots all over the school during break and lunch to busk, and helped to create a great atmosphere around the


Our Fundraisers school. We had a range of performers from violinists to guitarists and singers, which the whole school supported enthusiastically. We enjoyed ourselves immensely during the week and are glad to have helped such a worthy cause.” Alexandra Couzens, U6th Forest School, Snaresbrook.

In Memory of

Aubrey Smith

• Douglas Luke completed the Loch Ness Marathon 2013 and raised £792. • Lewis Fullarton completed the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run and raised £1,045. • Jaime Campbell completed the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run and raised £16,312.57.

In Memory of

David Smiley

• James Wibberley completed the Henley Half Marathon, the Sittingbourne 10 mile race and the Major Series 10K and raised £700. • Seba Smiley took part in the Bupa Great South Run and raised £655.


• India Fullarton completed the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run and raised £432.99.

In Memory of

Darren Smith

Huw Rodgers completed the Darren Smith Walk and raised £180.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Jason Smith

Graham Griffin completed the 2012 Paris Marathon and raised £443.

In Memory of

Ken Smith

Annalisa Smith completed the Wolf Run and raised £570.55.

In Memory of

Lewis Smith

Simon and Joy Pownall sent in a donation of £263 from a charity gig: “Our son Matt plays in The Making – an indie rock band – and all are ex-pupils of Burton Borough School in Newport, Shropshire. Sadly one of their friends – Lewis Smith – died three years ago from sudden cardiac death syndrome and so it is one of the charities we always try to help.”

In Memory of

In Memory of

Carlo Spiotta

Marco Nardo sent in an additional donation of £890 in respect of his bungee jump, making a total raised of £1,120.

In Memory of

Timothy Spooner

Simon Spooner sent in a donation of £280.

Matthew Smith

SC Whitney sent in a donation of £400 from the go-karting event: “On Saturday 16th November 2013, I held the annual go-karting event in memory of Matthew Smith, a close family friend, who died in 2006 aged 18. Matthew’s family and close friends attended this event. Danny Novell claimed 1st place, closely followed in 2nd place by Steve Hog and then in 3rd place was John Dutton – who started off in 10th place. Again we are extremely grateful for the support from Pontefract Raceway Karting, DS Smith Packaging for their generous donation of £150, the canteen staff at DS Smith Packaging for raising £40 by selling raffle tickets for a teddy bear and, of course, all the family and friends of Mattie who helped make this event happen.”

In Memory of

Lee Philip Stables and Yvonne Ashburner

Sharen Stables sent in a donation in lieu of floral tributes for her mother, Yvonne Ashburner.

In Memory of

David Staff

Jonathan Stubbs, Darwen Dashers Running Cub, sent in a donation of £473 raised during the David Staff Memorial Fell Race in November 2013.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Phil Standing

• Krishna Manek sent in £10,797.09 from the Phil Standing Run: “What a truly tremendous effort and a fitting memorial to Phil Standing. I wish to thank Nick Karelis for organising the event along with a team of Phil’s colleagues from Ernst & Young and Lloyds Banking Group. But the outstanding effort made by the 98 runners was so uplifting.

The 10K course (which was probably 11K!) took in some of the toughest hills of the Surrey North Downs. It was not easy. The runners all had a special connection with Phil and it showed. Kate, Phil’s widow, crossed the line with a smile – her training had paid off and their two year old sons Oliver and Ben cheered. Phil’s friends from Southampton kept up with the usual banter. Family members including Uncle Des and Keith represented the mid 60 year olds, gritted their teeth and crossed the line with good times.

Many of Phil and Kate’s friends from university days, from Caterham and from London, took part. Some travelled from as far as Dubai and Singapore. One of the most moving runners was Phil’s sister, Ruth, who ran alone in Brisbane, Australia, leaving at the same time as the other runners, which for her was 8 pm in the dark and unusually wet evening. The Harrow Pub provided the much needed seating and refreshments, and many others gathered to celebrate and remember Phil. There was even a most delicious cake provided by a member of the team.”

• Benjamin Oswin raised £4,456 in respect of the OPSCAR’s event. • Kate Standing completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £852.88. • Lucy Potashnick completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £206.52.

In Memory of

Gareth Stanley

David Grimes sent in a donation of £150 in respect of the charity boxing night held at the Midland Hotel, Manchester.

In Memory of

Hannah Stanton

Laura Stanton sent in a donation of £445 in memory of her sister.


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Harry Starrett

In Memory of

Suzanne Taylor

• St Mark’s Church, Armagh, held harvest thanksgiving services on October 20th and raised £3,053.60.

Beryl Ewing sent in a donation of £200 from friends at Chester Mail Centre in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• Lisnadill Primary School, Armagh, sent in a donation of £880.

In Memory of

Zoe Teale

In Memory of

Ben Steele

Sarah Bailey completed a triathlon challenge and raised £1,295.90.

In Memory of

Gary Stewart

Scott Cruickshank completed the Ride the North cycling challenge and raised £215.

In Memory of

Cameron Strathie

Deborah, Leah, Keira and Connor completed the Forth Road Bridge Walk and raised £125.

In Memory of

David Styles

• Peter Teale forwarded a donation of £186.50 raised by the Walsall Swimming and Water Polo Club. • Susan Tarpy completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £143.

In Memory of

Dale Tennent-Butler

Karl Griggs completed a skydive and raised £350.

In Memory of

Gareth Thomas

Anne Thomas forwarded a donation of £14,696.34 from the Mayor of Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT); he chose CRY as one of his charities during his mayoral year. Anne also sent in £85 for the Gareth Thomas Memorial Fund, making a total raised of £14,781.34.

Michael Styles sent in a CAF donation of £200.

In Memory of

Patrick Swinson

Robert and Gillian Swinson sent in donations totalling £1,760: £500 was donated by Robert and Gillian, £20 was a family donation, the Gotherington Village Cricket Club donated £240 in respect of their end of season barbeque and the annual Gotherington Village fireworks and bonfire evening raised £1,000.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Jack Thomas

• June Thomas sent in a donation of £3,000 from “CRY in the Valleys – Remembering Jack Thomas” (Lloyds Bank Community Fund Reward) and an additional donation of £150 from Peter Ken-Marrasts and Taekwondo Wales, making a total raised of £3,150. • June Thomas sent in total donations of £624: Willaston Primary School raised £20 from the CRY Bake Sale; Asda Blackwood raised £98 from collection boxes; £60 was raised from the sale of wrist bands; £35 was raised by staff at Upper Rhymney Valley Area Housing office in lieu of sending Christmas cards; the One Stop Shop in Markham donated £162; Asda Blackwood donated £60 and Huw Jordan sent in £189 from the Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest event. “It was a cool September morning, the sky was clear; it would be the last day of summer. I awoke nervously at 5:30, in the knowledge of the enormity of the challenge that lay ahead, it was time for the Rat Race! Porridge – check, Protein shake – check, Kit – check, Spare pair of pants - double check. The Men’s Health Challenge is an annual event held in Cardiff and throughout the country, where hundreds of men and women take part. It consists of a 10K run and an obstacle every 400 meters. The obstacles included climbing over bails of hay, numerous types of hurdles and climbing frames, monkey bars and climbing an 8ft wall at the end (and many more) it is similar to the Krypton Factor, but without all the brainy stuff! It also included running through the Millennium Stadium, which was a fantastic experience. My team and I were running in memory of Jack Thomas, who died suddenly and tragically. Jack is a lad who I never met, but the legacy he left together with the strength of his family are an inspiration. It was therefore my pleasure to do this in his name.


I completed the course in about 2 hours. By the end I was soaking wet and muddy (courtesy of the river Taff) I had pulled both my calf muscles halfway round the course so limped/crawled the last 3 miles or so. Quitting wasn’t an option; I finished last and couldn’t walk for 3 days. But with that said it was a really enjoyable day, great fun and I raised £189 for a fantastic cause. Roll on next year!!” Huw Jordan. • Shari Smith sent in a donation of £301, raised by Team Unique, who participated in the Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest event. • Dean Tucker completed the Ironman Wales challenge and raised £1,073.90. • June Thomas sent in donations totalling £1,307: “On Saturday 30th December 2013, Tracey Withers and myself, along with the support of students of Taekwondo Wales, organised a cake bake sale in memory of Jack. We also held a raffle, which included donated prizes. Once again the community came togther and the sales were a huge success – we raised a staggering £653. On 7th December Leigh Gameson, Keith Charles and Bernie Scott held a night of mediumship at Blackwood RFC. The night was a success and we raised a fantastic £554. I would like to say a big thank you to Leigh, Keith and Ernie for donating their time, also to Blackwood RFC for their continuous suport. Markham One Stop Shop emptied their CRY collection box and donated £100. I would like to thank the staff of the One Stop shop and the community of Markham for their support.” • Lucie Brown, Community Life Champion at Asda, Blackwood, sent in a donation of £151.42 raised from the collection box at customer services. • “Last year we heard about the tragic and sudden death of a local teenager, Jack Thomas, from a heart condition. We decided to hold a non-uniform day in February and raised £300.” Daniel Brookman (Head Boy) and Sophie Way (Head Girl), Libanus Primary School, Blackwood.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Oliver Thompson

• Mrs CJ Thompson sent in total donations of £2,989, including donations of £50 from Mrs P Perks and £20 from Mrs A Buddlestone.

I really enjoyed running the race around my home town and I’m glad I could raise some money for CRY. The support from family and friends has been amazing. All money raised will go to the Oliver Thompson Memorial Fund.” • Cliftonville Primary School held a charity day on February 14th and raised £480.53.

• Cliftonville Primary School sent in a donation of £675.53.

In Memory of

• Daisy Tang sent in a donation of £100.

Christian Thunhurst

• Vikki Smith completed the Milltown to Moors Half Marathon and raised £200: “The weather was kind for the race on Sunday 20th October 2013, blustery but dry. The race started in Oldham town centre and then took a 3 mile climb to Grains Bar, Saddleworth. The views across the moors are quite stunning from there. From here we weaved our way through a couple of villages and round to Greenfield Station. Then it was back on the road to Oldham and after a couple more big hills we were back at the finish. I had great support on the way round from my mum and two daughters, Hannah and Ellie. I got round in 2 hours 2 minutes – not bad for one of the hilliest half marathons in the country. The photo shows Ellie, my youngest, running over the finish with me.

Nicholas Wilson Jones sent in a donation of £400.

In Memory of

Jayden Tullett

• Mr D Meredith, Perryfield High School and 6th Form, sent in a donation of £200. • Blythe District Scout Council sent in a donation of £373 raised at the Cub Carol Concert. • Dawn Tullett sent in a donation of £447.

In Memory of

Hannah Turberville

Nicki and Paul Burgess held their annual family and friends pub quiz and raised £275.

In Memory of

Thomas Ulliott

David Seaton Ulliott completed the Two Castles Run and raised £142.75.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Vincenzo “Chinni” Vetere

Will Ascott raised £145 in respect of the Kiss My Brass event.

In Memory of

session, to a floral arrangement, to a homemade chocolate fudge cake! Even the teachers got involved, helping to run a second hand book stall, a barbecue (for which produce was donated kindly by local Tesco and Sainsbury’s branches) and, a favourite on the day, sponge a teacher!

Chloe Waddell

• Lyn Panell, Oakfield Nursery and Primary School, sent in a donation of £237.16: “The school held a non-uniform day in memory of my niece, Chloe Waddell, who passed away on 2nd February 2013. The children came dressed in red or in clothes with hearts on and they all had great fun! I am a teacher at this school and I delivered an assembly about Chloe and her acheivements and explained how we could help other children by donating to CRY.” • Fiona Waddell sent in a donation of £1,250 raised at the bag pack on December 14th. • Altrincham Grammar School for Girls sent in a donation of £1,749. “On Saturday 6th July, a summer fair was held in the beautiful sunshine on the front lawn of the school. Stalls were run by students, teachers and local businesses who gave up their time on a Saturday to help raise money and awareness of CRY and keep Chloe’s memory alive. The girls worked hard at various different stalls: they organised many games including hook-a-duck, a coconut shy, a chocolate tombola, a lucky dip and a hula-hooping competition. These were very popular, and it was great to see so many laughing faces at the fair, having fun and supporting CRY. Local businesses also came along to help support the charity and many made extremely generous donations for raffle prizes. This was a huge success and we sold almost 1,500 tickets! The lucky winners received prizes ranging from a £100 Trafford Centre voucher, to a free one-on-one personal trainer


Chloe was an amazing girl who was always smiling. She inspired many with her incredible athletic ability, particularly her talent for swimming. She was a happy and intelligent individual, and she is missed greatly by friends and family.” Grace Tomlinson. Fiona Waddell, Chloe’s mother, attended the event and said: “The summer fair was a fantastic event. Chloe would have been proud of her schoolmates organising this event and we, as parents, are also immensely grateful to all who helped make the event a success and raise a lot of money for CRY in Chloe’s name.” • The Urmston Lions held a community bonfire and raised £300.

In Memory of

Richard Waight

• Sarah Gallacher sent in a donation of £430 in lieu of gifts to celebrate her 30th birthday, in memory of her brother. • County Representatives Jackie and Alan Cousins attended a presentation at the Doncaster Rugby Club on Thursday 27th February to collect a donation of £4,115 raised at the Dragon Boat Challenge, in memory of Richard Waight.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Matthew and Robert Wallbank

We have received a donation of £265 in lieu of floral tributes for Matthew’s grandfather, Robert Henry Wallbank.

In Memory of They enjoyed a meal with Jackie Waight (Richard’s mum) and gave a short talk on the work of CRY.

Lloyd Walsh

Christine Dixon sent in a donation of £1,400 raised by Rochdale Ladies Darts League.

In Memory of

Neil Ward

Elaine Ward sent in a donation of £250 from the Derbyshire Freemasons Provincial Grand Charity.

In Memory of

Neil Walden

Peter Walden sent in a donation of £179 raised during the quiz evening of his local pub.

In Memory of

Thomas Wall and Lawrence Swain

Chigwell Golf Club Captain Steven Swain sent in a donation of £1,904.86 for the Thomas Wall Memorial Fund: “I would be very grateful if this money could be accepted on behalf of the members of Chigwell Golf Club in memory of my brother Lawrence Thomas Stanley Swain, who died at the age of 17 in 1963 from heart failure, and Thomas Wall, whose father has set up the Thomas Wall Memorial Fund with you.”

Elaine Ward accepts a cheque from Worshipful Master Raymond Fletcher with Brother Roger Jackson, Treasurer

In Memory of

Alex Watley

• Val and John Watley sent in donations totalling £1,414.20: “The latest event was a Red Heart Quiz, held here in Alresford on 23rd November 2013. The event was organised by friends and family, and we thought that we would do well to attract 60 or


Our Fundraisers so people. In the event the hall was packed to the rafters with over 100 people, and other teams had to be turned away as we physically could not fit them in! The evening produced the sum of £1,244.20. Another friend, Alison Hydem, has raised £100 and £50 for CRY, again in memory of Alex, and £20 as a separate donation.” • Joe Riley completed the 4 in 4 Marathon Mission and raised a further £187, making a total raised of £831.30.

In Memory of

Philip Waxman

We have received a donation of £299.83 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Philip Waxman.

In Memory of

Lily Webster

Kelly-Lee Jarvis completed a skydive and raised £103.

In Memory of

Sally Wells

Mrs M Wells forwarded a donation of £100 donated by the son of a mutual friend in memory of her daughter.

“Richard was first and foremost a great son, brother, partner and father. He was fun-loving, never without a smile on his face and always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand. He was also a brilliant mate to those who knew him. He had just become a dad for the first time, leaving behind him a 9 week old son, Jack. My nephew Jack is now 9, he was very proud on the evening to walk around with the collection bucket, dressed as a werewolf. Along with my brave parents Pam and John and my husband Chris, we organised a fun packed evening of entertainment. We held a raffle and fancy dress competition and had live music from local singers, who kindly gave up their time for the evening, as well as a bit of comedy from the ‘McGregors’. Everyone had a great time, Richard would have been proud, and we were thrilled with the money raised.”

In Memory of

Neil Wickers

In Memory of

Clare Wheeler

Kim Wheeler sent in a donation of £465.

Paul Brown sent in a donation of £150 raised by the Darwen Firemen, who organised a New Year’s Eve party for firemen and families.

In Memory of

Richard Whitehead

Jo Bradley forwarded total donations of £420 from the Bradley and Whitehead families in respect of the Halloween disco:


In Memory of

David Williams

Sue Williams sent in a donation of £2,000 raised at Ash Music Festival.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Joe Williams

• Nationwide Building Society sent in a matched giving donation of £132 in respect of in-branch fundraising. • Wendy Williams sent in donations totalling £189.50: Laleham Primary School donated £124.50 in lieu of sending Christmas cards to family and friends and the hairdressing clients of Shiralee and Keith Lawrence sent in a donation of £65.

“I am delighted to enclose a cheque for £3,500, which was presented to Elaine (Sam’s mum) and I at the Toyota manufacturing factory at Burnaston, in Derby. Toyota’s charitable trust carries out fundraising activities throughout the year in order to donate generous amounts to various charities. Friends of Sam Wright were chosen as a recipient of part of the 2013 funds, following an application on behalf of CRY.”

• Carla Lynch completed a skydive and raised £500.

In Memory of

Peter Williams

Lesley Mullet completed the Tough Guy event and raised £285. • Paul Paling, FS Ltd, sent in a donation of £150 in lieu of Christmas cards.

In Memory of

Michael Wragg

• Jim Parry completed the Robin Hood Marathon 2013 and raised £215.

Audrey Wragg sent in a donation of £200 in lieu of floral tributes for her husband.

In Memory of

Sam Wright and John Ledgard

In Memory of

Sam Wright

• Dani West forwarded donations totalling £155: Amanda Davis at Temple Spa donated £46, which represents a percentage of the sales from her spa parties, and Pat Harlow at the Derby College Quantum IT Learning Centre donated £77. • Dani West forwarded a donation of £3,500 from Toyota:

We have received a donation of £276.42 in lieu of floral tributes for the late John Walter Ledgard.

In Memory of

Daniel Young

Dionne Young forwarded donations totalling £130 from Mrs B Farnworth, Mrs C Woods and Mrs J Stones.


General Fundraising General Fundraising • Simon Abdel-Nour, Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain, sent in a donation of £100. • Jagdeep Sandher forwarded £801 from the Aston Bond charity event in July. “Not only did we raise a great amount for a great charity but we also had a great day with the general public. Our homemade cake selection was a success with the younger audience throughout the day and our very own Bondman attracted attention from the walkers by. Our team of solicitors left their ties back at the office to hand out both balloons and cakes to the local community of shoppers. Aston Bond partner Stephen Puri could be found alongside our cake stand all day along with the entire team.

Baker Screening Fund, making a total raised of £2,893.71. £110 was from the sale of wooden dogs for the garden made by Russell’s dad, and £466 was raised at a karaoke night. • Richard Baldwin sent in a donation of £600. • The Bank of Scotland Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £341 in respect of Angela Taylor’s recent dress down day collection. • The support team at Barclaycard Commercial in Teesside held a cake stall and raised £250.20. • Helen Marsh sent in a matched giving donation of £179.40 from Barclays Bank in respect of her participation in the DM Keith Skoda Mini Sportive event. • Elain Harropo, Unit Leader, 5th Beckenham Guides, sent in £237.50: “The guides spent several weeks revamping old clothes, then held a fashion show – selling the clothes and refreshments to parents to raise money for CRY.” • The Kirk Session of Beith Parish Church sent in a donation of £250. • Peter Bellingham completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £210. • Tom Berridge and Gareth Hughes completed the Royal Derby Emergency 50 mile fun run and raised £850.

In all, the day was a huge success and we plan further events in the near and far future here at Aston Bond. With our total fundraising of over £1,300 the day was nothing but a success; and we would like to say thank you to all our supporters throughout the day.” Ashton Hudson. • AXA Investment Managers Ltd sent in a donation of £150. • Kim Baker sent in donations of £576, £1,001.80 and £1,315.91 to be added to the Russell


• Biffa Waste Services Ltd held a Valentine’s Day fundraising event and raised £250. • The Bolton Society of Chartered Accountants (BSCA) held their annual dinner on October 17th and forwarded an additional donation of £750, making a total raised of £1,890. • CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE donated £20,000 from the Beefy Charity Foundation for the purchase of a 3rd van. This will be the 1st CRY vehicle purely dedicated to screenings.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

General Fundraising • The Challenge Network team held the Challenge Surrey event in 2013 and raised £130. • Steven Christie completed the Ironman Kalmar challenge and raised £550. • Michelle Clarke sent in £120 in respect of her and her brother Dean completing the Coventry Half Marathon: “My first half marathon completed in 1 hour 49 minutes, despite the wind and the hills it was a fantastic experience and has inspired me to train for a full marathon, I’ve had some fantastic donations for the charity.”

• Paul Boyne completed the Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon and raised £337. • Lynn Brannan sent in total donations of £312.24 in respect of supermarket bag packs and collections. • Neil Bromley completed the 2012 Gold Challenge and raised £475. • The 1st Bromley Company, Girls’ Brigade, and the 9th Bromley Company, Boys’ Brigade, at Bromley Common Methodist Church, sent in a donation of £230. “It is now 10 years since one of our former Girls’ Brigade members died suddenly at the age of 20 from heart failure. For this reason we have chosen CRY as our charity to support this year. To raise the money, our boys and girls took part in a series of sponsored activities, including a treasure hunt.” John Bayes, Captain. • Jack Burke and Christine Smith raised a total of £1,101.38 when running the Windsor Half Marathon. • The Bute Medical Society, the University of St Andrew’s, sent in a donation of £1,300. • Sasha Butler completed the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £106. • The Cecil Rosen Foundation sent in a donation of £200.

• The City of Lincoln Council held a dress down day and raised £248.67. • The Colne Community School and College held a non-uniform day and various other events during 2013 and raised £985.56. • Anthony Costobadie sent in a donation of £100. • Graeme Crowston completed the Ironman Kalmar challenge and raised £1,200. • James Dale completed the Tough Mudder North West event and raised £168.87. • Hannah Dibley completed the Welsh 3000s and raised £368. • Annie Dunseith completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £315. • Mary Edwards sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the assistance CRY gave to her grandson, Christopher Currie.


General Fundraising • Nicole Ezomo raised a total of £345 when running the Windsor Half Marathon • Richard Fisher sent in a donation of £805. • Miss L Kelly, The FitzWimarc School, sent in total donations of £1,230.69 raised through fundraising activities during concerts. • Four Pillars Hotels chose CRY as their charity to support for 2013 and in February presented a cheque to CRY Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani and Community Fundraiser Ben Robinson for a total of £15,385.85.

through collections from the tea room and music nights aboard the sailing barge Edith May. • Wendy Green completed the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run and raised an additional £180, making a total raised of £322. • Angela Hall sent in a donation of £210. • Emily Hanson completed the 10K Wolf Run and the Birmingham Half Marathon and raised £239. • Ms S Haughey sent in a donation of £1,150 raised during her year as Lady Mayor of the City of Armagh. • Thalia Hessey sent in total donations of £2,565.46 (including a matched giving donation of £250 from PWC) raised by the Happy to Help Group’s race night. • Gartner Inc sent in a matched giving donation of $4,431.64 in respect of the Happy to Help Group’s race night. • Mrs K Birinder sent in online donations of £165 in respect of the Happy to Help Group’s race night.

• Four Pillars Hotels sent in a donation of £104 in respect of the Abingdon Drama Club. • Fulford School held a non-uniform day and other fundraising activities and raised £948.26.

• Harpenden and Wheathampsted District Scouts raised £374.48 at the District Beaver’s carol service collection. • Sally Hart completed the Race for Life in Hyde Park and raised £465.

• Kelly Gardner sent in a donation of £150 in respect of fundraising.

• The Hasluck Charitable Trust sent in a donation of £1,000.

• Gidea Park College held a Christmas carol service and sent in £392.50.

• Mr D Tailor sent in a donation of £900.85 in respect of the Havoc Youth Club and their “Havoc on Ben Nevis” event.

• Nicholas Glynn sent in a donation of £975. • Goldman Sachs International sent in a matched giving donation of £211.07 in respect of Owen Hereford’s fundraising. • Craig Graham completed the Ride the North Challenge and raised £440. • June Gransden sent in a donation of £270 raised


• David Henry sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the Bearded Munro challenge. • Mark Higgins sent in a donation of £440 in respect of the power walk he took part in. • Lara Hooper completed the Loch Ness Marathon and raised £430.

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

General Fundraising • Mark Hughes completed the Row the Danube event and raised £5,205.20.

• Alice Jarvis completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £256.

• Joanne Ingham sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of presents for her 50th birthday.

• Henry Jennings held a fundraising event at Wellington College and raised £415.

• Ashley Jackson completed a run from Consett to Swalwell with her husband and raised £153.50:

• Keele Women’s Hockey Club sent in a donation of £195.22 raised from donation boxes and a raffle.

“My husband and I ran 10 miles from Consett to Swalwell in the north east of England on 17th August 2013. We organised the run following my husband and our 4 year old son’s recent diagnosis of Long QT syndrome. It was an upsetting time for us but we wanted to do something positive and after a little bit of research I found out about the charity CRY. It seemed fitting that we raised money for a charity such as this given the nature of my husband and son’s condition. Long QT syndrome can cause sudden death. Luckily we are aware of their condition now and can take precautions to lessen the risk.

• Matthew Hall, a student at Kelso High School, sent in a donation of £100.

The weather was mild on the day of the run and the rain held off until we had finished. It was a lot of fun and we passed some beautiful scenery along the way. It took us 2 hours and 1 minute to jog/run the 10 miles which was a personal achievement for me and my husband. It was a great day for a great cause and hopefully our £153.50 will make a difference to someone.

• Llandudno Hospital sent in a donation of £2,166 in respect of a party night, raffles and auctions to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the hospital.

The picture shows myself, my husband Scott and our 4 year old son Logan before we completed the run.”

• Lakeland, Chelmsford, sent in a donation of £100. • Tony Lilley completed the Great Midlands Fun Run and raised £737. • Ms J Linard sent in a donation of £1,167 that was raised from the bucket collection after the Christmas production of Sleeping Beauty.

• Lloyds Bank Community Fund 2013 sent in a donation of £3,000. • Natasha Longthorpe raised a total of £505 when running the Windsor Half Marathon. • Chris Luetchford completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £198. • John Lundy forwarded donations of £11,268.97: the Portrush Santa Splash raised £2,263.10; North Down Cycle Club raised £6,000; Chartered Accountants Ulster Society Students raised £1,332.50; and other fundraising and general donations totalled £1,673.37. • Market Bosworth School, Warwickshire, sent in a donation of £100.73. Staff were treated to a ‘souper’ event over two weeks when Mrs Hallows and Mrs Jones came up with a fantastic idea to run a soup kitchen to showcase the year 8’s fantastic cooking skills. Read their write-up at market-bosworth-school-soup-kitchen


General Fundraising • Chris Markey completed the Bournemouth Half Marathon 2013 and raised £305: “I completed the Half Marathon in 2:01:05 and I am very happy with the time – especially considering the weather, which to everyone’s surprise was sunny and fairly hot, around 19 degrees. It was hard work for me as I am not a natural runner and towards the end I was glad that I had the incentive of raising money for such a great charity to push me across the finish line. The photo shows my wife and I at the finish line. My wife was diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) as a child, but lived without symptoms until she was pregnant with our daughter 6 years ago. From that point she gradually became worse and had several serious SVT episodes which resulted in scary ambulance trips to the hospital. It eventually reached the point where the consultants were convinced that catheter ablation surgery was the only option for her to live a normal life. She had the procedure last October and has been fine since then, thankfully. Living as a family with something so dangerous hanging over our heads was very traumatic. The thought of our daughter having something similar is terrifying. She was tested as a baby and was all clear; however, I still intend to get her tested again when she is older. Knowing that CRY is out there trying to prevent people from having to be in that situation – and helping those that are – is very reassuring. If my efforts can help in some way I feel humbled to be a part of such amazing work.” • Robert May’s School, Hampshire, held a non-uniform day and raised £559.


• McColls, Bucknell, sent in a donation of £255, raised in-store and by the Residents’ Association of Eaton Park. • Mead Vale Primary School sent in a donation of £100. This money was raised by asking parents and carers for donations at Christmas school productions. • Barbara Meineck sent in a donation of £300 raised by the Ruxley Church Social Committee’s various social events throughout the year. • Jess Merry completed the Tough Mudder event and raised £157. • The 1st Milton Malso Brownies held a bring and buy evening and raised £222.06. • Molesey Boat Club held a sponsored cycle event and sent in a donation of £1,179.20. • Claire Montague sent in a donation of £500 in respect of Tim Butt taking part in the CRYathlon. • Mr and Mrs O’Sullivan sent in a donation of £250. • The Olympus KeyMed Group nominated CRY to receive an award of £1,000 in November. • The Open University (North West) sent in a matched giving donation of £112 in respect of the retirement collection for Frances Walker. • The staff and children of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School took part in a number of charity events in 2013 and sent in a donation of £350. • Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, Sidcup, sent in a donation of £163.97. • Olivia Oxton completed the Durham University Jailbreak event and raised £459. • The National Australia Bank held a dress down day and raised £387.65. • New Milton Hockey Club recently held a mixed

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

General Fundraising charity match and sent in a donation of £120. • Keyur Patel completed the Vodafone Big Bike Challenge and raised £310. • Lewis Payne completed the Land’s End to John O’Groats challenge and raised £100. • Sadie Peacher sent in a donation of £122.50. • Peninsula Business Services Ltd recently held a dress down day and raised £126.80. • Clare Pepper sent in a donation of £500 raised at the Fashion and Fairycakes fundraising event. • The Personal Group Charitable Trust send in a donation of £250. • The BTEC Extended Diploma Group at Peter Symonds College raised £326.66. Sue Standing collected the donation on behalf of CRY. • Anne Reeves sent in a donation of £313.89 raised by PK Automotive Solutions in respect of their Dyna Day. • Thomas Pinnegar completed the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £702. • Sarah Plummer completed the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £187.85. • Price Forbes & Partners Ltd sent in a donation of £100 in respect of sponsorship for Duncan Hayward’s participation in the Lloyd’s Boxing Club Fight Night. • Mark Webb, Finance Director, Profile Development & Training, Kent, sent in a donation of £585.50: “Our company ran a Traineeship Project with OCR, the qualification awarding body. One of the components of the course was to undertake a charity fundraising event, and the students on the course chose to raise funds for your charity. OCR organised for the tutors and students to attend the Houses of Parliament, where a presentation ceremony was held to present the students with their course certificates. This was the perfect opportunity for the students to present Sir Roger Gale MP (one of our local MPs) with a promotional cheque for the proceeds of the fundraising event.”

• Mrs Bellion was Lady Captain at Puttenham Golf Cub during 2012/13 and raised £3,284.84 for CRY: “Having lost a close friend of my son’s to sudden death syndrome, I always promised I would raise funds for your cause.” • Raynes Park High School sent in a donation of £299.24. • Thomson Reuters, My Community Program, sent in a matched giving donation of £2,150. • The Ridgeway Lodge 7580 sent in a donation of £300. • The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre sent in a donation of £105 in respect of the recent book signing by Mark Carruthers. • Dave Marriott sent in a donation of £100 from Rolls Royce, in respect of his daughter’s National Citizenship fundraising in Derby. • Sir Ravinder and Lady Maini sent in a donation of £500 in respect of the R N and G Maini Charitable Trust. • James Rosengarten completed the Bupa Great South Run and raised £376.62. • The Rotary Club of Ewell sent in a donation of £1,495 for the purchase of a Lifecard monitor. • The Rotary Club of Romsey Test sent in total donations of £329.17 in respect of the Walk the Test Way event, which took place on 6th October 2013.


General Fundraising • Rugby School, Warwickshire, sent in a donation of £241 in respect of a recent musical performance night. • Russells Investments Ltd sent in a matched giving donation of £500 for Douglas Luke in respect of the Loch Ness Marathon. • Tom, Robert, Nick and Thomas completed the Samworth Brothers Charity Challenge and raised an additional £2,605, making a total raised of £5,155. • Olly Scothern sent in a donation of £285 in respect of the Christmas raffle at the church charity shop. • David Service completed the Kilimanjaro Climb and raised £320. • The Sheila Whiting Charitable Trust sent in a donation of £500. Tony Stokes nominated CRY for this donation. • Mrs Sian Davies, Sheltered Housing, sent in a donation of £135: “We are a charity sheltered housing scheme and on site we run an arts and crafts class in the communal lounge once a week. We buy the cards from the class and choose a different charity every six months to support. All the monies raised from selling our cards to visitors and residents during last six months we gift to you hoping it will help in some way.”

Underground stations in a single day and raise money for CRY. We would have to arrive and/or depart each station by underground train and run or take buses between other stations to make connections. This involved about 6 miles of running during the day, not including negotiating many flights of steps and escalators. A couple of late running and cancelled trains in the morning led to a frantic cross platform dash at Edgware Road and some hard running through North West London to get back on schedule. Matt is a strong runner and he encouraged me to coax my ageing legs to move a little quicker! A long ride through Central London gave us a chance to catch up with the morning papers but a train fault led to a long delay which had Matt hurdling waste bins as we ran to make a connection at Leytonstone. A wait for a free platform outside High Barnet meant we saw the tail lights of the 307 bus which we needed to catch heading off towards Cockfosters as we ran towards the bus stop. At this point things started to unravel. An agonising wait in the rain had us peering into the distance at each approaching bus for the next 307. With fewer trains running late in the day we were 20 minutes down as we saw our train heading across the bridge at Northwick Park as we ran towards the entrance. I implored Matt to run up the stairs to the platform to make the train before me and I somehow managed to reach the platform as the doors were closing and flung myself between them to bemused looks from the passengers.

• Ross Singleton, Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, sent in a dontion of £250. • SIP Ltd sent in a donation of £250 in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • Cheryl Smith took part in the Nottingham University Danceathon and raised £382.17. • Ryan Stephens completed two half marathons in Cheltenham and Stroud and raised £328. • David Swan completed the London Underground Challenge with his son, Matt, and raised £270: “At 4:59am on 18th February 2014, my 14 year old son Matt and I set off on the London Underground from Hatton Cross station in an attempt to visit all 270 London


Issue 63 | January to April 2014

General Fundraising Finally, we reached the end of our journey at Amersham at 11.45pm. The trip had taken us 18 hours 43 minutes and 20 seconds, some 2 hours slower than the world record time for the trip, although I believe Matt may be the youngest ever to complete the challenge. We were exhausted but, more importantly, we eventually managed to raise £540 for CRY! Matt had recently attended a CRY clinic in Sandhurst Berkshire and we were both delighted with the clinic and the friendly staff. Matt is a keen athlete and we are both grateful he can continue his sport with a greater degree of confidence in his health.” • Taylor’s Pharmacy, Folkestone, sent in a donation of £109.55. • McColls Retail Group forwarded a donation of £288 from TBS (The Book Service) as part of the store’s fundraising campaign.

sent in a donation of £4,314.82 raised from various fundraising throughout the year: “80 golfers took part in what was a joint day for the respective men’s and ladies’ captains. The charities to benefit were the Army Benevolent Fund and CRY. I chose CRY as my charity to support when my year as captain began in November 2012. I have spent a large part of my life watching, playing and teaching sport and therefore have an interest in the cardiac health of our young. The raffle table was a sight to behold and the guests needed no persuasion whatsoever to buy tickets. Golfers were treated to a selection of homemade cakes in the halfway house, along with a warming cup of tea or coffee.

• Joel Tegerdine completed the Robin Hood Marathon 2013 and raised £520. • Jenny Thomas sent in a donation of £1,500 which was raised from the raffles held at the monthly meeting of TUG. • Caroline Buck, Tonbridge Parish Church Knitting Club, sent in a donation of £130. • Charlotte Torr held an open day for her new business venture, “Pink Olive”, and raised £100. • Upholland & Tawd Vale Lions Club sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Lucy-Ann Duff, who completed the Muddy Trial. • Uttoxeter Badminton Club held a fancy dress badminton evening on 24th October 2013 and raised £530.10.

After dinner, Michael Collie from BBC Midlands gave a brief speech and conducted the auction. A variety of items were on offer ranging from a signed football to lunch at the Tower of London and a tour of the Aston Martin factory. Many golf clubs had donated vouchers and these were bid on with a silent auction. The day was a huge success. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the day – planners, helpers and competitors.”

• Paul Vernon sent in donations totalling £223.67. • Rachel Voller completed the Mount Kilimanjaro Trek and raised £911.75. • Waitrose, Banstead, sent in a donation of £281 in respect of the Community Matters Scheme. • Gillian Pinnegar, Lady Captain, Walsall Golf Club,


Fundraising Events 2014/15 Please contact Ben, Cara or Nicola on 01737 363222 or e-mail if you are interested in any of the following events. For more information and a full list of events, visit All participants in mass-participation events who contact the CRY fundraising team (whether they have their “own place” or a CRY charity place) will receive a “welcome pack” containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and either a T-shirt or vest (depending on the type of event).

2014 Windsor Half Marathon September 28

The setting for the Windsor Half Marathon is one of the most beautiful in the UK, the start and finish being the Long Walk with Windsor Castle as the backdrop. CRY has a limited number of charity places for this event and also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

CRY Durham Riverside Walk October 4

The 5th CRY Durham Riverside Walk will start and finish at Durham Amateur Rowing Club. The 7km walk is in the beautiful Wear Valley, following the river, with views of the city and cathedral. For more details and to register for the event please go to www.c-r-y. and click on “Register here”.

Zombie Evacuation Race Series October 18 – 25

The Zombie Evacuation Race is a 5km interactive obstacle course race. The aim of the Evacuee is to navigate the 5km course and get to the finish line with at least one of their LifeTags left on their belt. On their way around the course they will be challenged by differing terrain, different route choices and a variety of themed obstacles. CRY has limited places for this event.

Bupa Great South Run October 26

The Bupa Great South Run is Europe’s leading 10 mile road race, with 21,000 runners. It is on a fast, flat course through Southsea, Portsmouth and passes some of Portsmouth’s naval heritage, including HMS Victory and the Mary Rose. We don’t have charity places but would welcome any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

Royal Parks Half Marathon October 12


This popular event encompasses several of the picturesque royal parks of London. We don’t have any charity places but would welcome any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

CRY Awareness Week November 22 – 30

If you would like to be involved in CRY Awareness Week 2014 please e-mail As well as the opportunity to hold an awareness stand or event, we are looking to continue to build on the success of our Great Cake Bake. We are holding our 3rd annual event on Friday 28 November. We will have special packs to send out which include recipes by top chefs, hints and tips, and other goodies to help with your event.

Demand for Golden Bond places always exceeds the number of places we have available so please apply early. CRY also welcomes anyone who has been successful in the public ballot that would like to run for CRY. To apply online please go to

London 2 Brighton Challenge May 23 – 24


Now one of the UK’s greatest endurance events – most of this year’s 3,000 challengers will walk the 100km, many will jog, and some will run it as an ultramarathon. However you take it on, it’s a test of determination and stamina. It’s real, no gimmicks, is achievable, and could be the most rewarding experience you’ve had for ages! Contact CRY for more info or to register for a place.

The Big Heart Bike Ride in India

Bupa London 10,000

The 2015 event entails five days of consecutive cycling for a distance of 470km across rural Rajasthan. This amazing challenge starts with a visit to the stunning Taj Mahal and finishes in the famous Pink City of Jaipur. There will be a huge amount of fun and friendship along the way as cyclists of all abilities come together to take up this special challenge.

The Bupa London 10,000 starts and finishes in St James’s Park and uses Green Park as its assembly area. CRY has charity places for the Bupa London 10,000 and also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

February 6 – 15

Brighton Marathon April 12

May 25

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk June 28

Please get in touch if you are interested in a CRY charity place for 2015, or you have your “own place” and would like to run for CRY. All runners will receive a technical t-shirt or vest or t-shirt, fundraising pack and support throughout the event.

Join us on the 9th CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk to raise awareness and funds. The walk’s 8km (5 mile) route will start at Victoria Embankment Gardens and finish at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge. Please get in touch to register your interest and we will advise you when online registration opens.

London Marathon

Parachute Jumps

The public ballot for places has closed, but application for CRY Golden Bond places for this iconic event is open via CRunCH.

For further details, please visit

April 26

Assorted dates

Issue 63 | January to April 2014

CRY Update 63 January to April 2014 Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support Programme, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) and the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St George’s Hospital, and the CRY myheart Network to support young people

living with potentially fatal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the Virgin London Marathon or the Bupa Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources. If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white

Our Patrons

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our charity.

Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John

Barrowman MBE, Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, James Cracknell OBE, Brian Dooher, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Tom James MBE, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Rob Key, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor William McKenna, Bill Neely, Lawrence Okoye, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steven Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, Andrew Trimble, David Walliams, Alison Waters, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE, Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit events.htm or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

We can send regular information to CRY supporters via 3 distribution/mailing lists: 1. CRY Update magazine – postal mailing of CRY’s regular (3 issues a year) news and events magazine. Includes reports from the CRY CEO and Deputy CEO; many pages of supporters’ fundraising; articles about screening, research, pathology, raising awareness initiatives, mass participation fundraising events, etc; and much more 2. CRY enewsletter – sent monthly via email; includes a link to an electronic version of the CRY Update magazine, as-and-when each new issue of the Update is published 3. CRY myheart newsletter – postal mailing of CRY’s regular newsletter (3 - 4 issues a year) with news, events and stories relating to CRY’s myheart Network, which supports young people diagnosed with life-threatening heart conditions If you would like to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, any of these 3 distribution/mailing lists, please let us know by: • Going to the CRY website and completing the online subscribe / unsubscribe form at • Calling the CRY office on 01737 363222 • Emailing the CRY office at

Sir Ian Botham OBE Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to


Cardiac Risk in the Young Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with

cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD.

In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

CRY is extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • The Black Family Charitable Trust • The Celtic Charity Fund • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • The Davy Foundation • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity• Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation Inc. • Mrs H C Beer Charitable Trust • The Whitehead Monckton Charitable Foundation

Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 Email:

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