CRY Update Magazine - Issue 55

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Cardiac Risk in the Young Update 55 May to August 2011 News and Events

• raising awareness • our fundraisers

Cardiac Risk in theYoung (CRY) Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail: Visit our websites: • Registered Charity No 1050845


update 55 May to August 2011

Contact the Editor

Inside Update 55

Mair Shepherd

Meet our County Representatives

Page 3

News from the Chief Executive

Page 4

Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive

Page 7

Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP)

Page 8

Research News

Page 10

myheart News

Page 11

CRY screening report

Page 13

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011

Page 14

Other CRY News

Page 17

Charity bookmarks

Page 18

Our Fundraisers

Page 19

Raising awareness in the media

Page 61

Fundraising events 2012

Page 67

Assistant Editor Alison Cox MBE Founder and Chief Executive

Contributors Dr Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive Jemma Wells Medical Secretary to Dr Mary Sheppard Rebecca Zouvani Fundraising Manager

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This magazine is printed on chlorine-free paper taken from a sustainable source using vegetable-based inks.

Submission guidelines We only include activities in the ‘Our fundraisers’ section that raise £100 or more. If you would like to supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the editor at Entries appear in the ‘Our fundraisers’ section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles may only appear in the ‘Raising Awareness in the Media’ section if we have permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

2 • CRY update • Issue 55

Meet our County


Katy Turberville

Deborah Strathie

County Representative for Hertfordshire

Our precious, beautiful son, born

Our daughter Hannah

January 2006 aged 6 years, he was

died suddenly in her

our first child and our pride and joy.



Cameron passed suddenly in our

2007. She was just 7

living room whilst watching TV with


years old. Hannah was the twin to Lucy and brother to Oliver. With just 16 months between the births of Oliver and the girls we had had a busy time, but the children were a great team and we were starting to have a lot of fun together. Hannah died on the last night of our skiing holiday in France. That Friday night we experienced in France was the most dreadful experience of our lives and is something I would not wish anyone else to ever have to experience. When we eventually managed to get Hannah’s body back to the UK, we argued strongly for an expert to conduct the autopsy. Hannah had had a pacemaker fitted at the age of 3 as a result of an unusual heart anatomy. Despite this, she was a normal active 7 year old girl and sudden death was never a considered risk. She had just completed a week skiing which she loved, and just 3 months earlier she had been fully screened prior to a general anaesthetic for a minor operation on her ears. It seemed so wrong that she was taken from us at 11.30pm, when she was asleep. Dr Mary Sheppard the pathologist at The Royal Brompton Hospital conducted the autopsy and said she could find no true cause of death and would put it down to a lethal arrhythmia. It was Mary who told us about CRY. We immediately looked up CRY on the internet and realised they were a very relevant charity to us. We have since been active in raising funds for CRY, and have also been successful in raising awareness in our home town of Harpenden. The money we raise goes specifically to fund coroner’s referrals to Mary Sheppard. We believe no family should have to wait for an answer as to why their loved one died, and Mary pledges to give them results within 14 days of the referral. We hope that

County Representative for Stirling 2 August 1999, passed away 7

his little sister Leah, aged 2. He had been suffering from a bad flu that day and the 2 previous but he seemed to be on the road to recovery, he had no sign of any illness on that day, the worst day of our lives. He just stopped breathing, I heard a loud snoring noise and found him on his side, his Dad had just popped out and returned just as this was happening. He tried his best to resuscitate him but the ambulance took 20 minutes and although the paramedics also tried their best, just after we got to the hospital we were told the most shocking awful news. He was a very happy, active, fun loving boy; he loved nothing more than to play outside with his friends and cycle on his bike. He was also a big football fan and supported Heart of Midlothian, where he went faithfully with his Dad as they were season ticket holders. The club invited us through afterwards to pass on their condolences, and the staff and players were fantastic, a day Cameron would have loved. This is the last picture (right) I took of him at my Mum and Dad’s house on New Years Day 2006, where we were having a family meal, he is wearing his jammies as he had had the flu. He is greatly missed every second of every day by all our family, friends, neighbours and school friends and teachers. His death has been diagnosed as ARVC. On 7 October 2004 whilst sleeping he stopped breathing and went unconscious, only brought round by resuscitation from his Dad.

by Mary conducting more and more autopsies more data will be collected and hopefully eventually research carried out that

Hospital staff diagnosed sleep apnea, we feel that this was a milder

will prevent some of the sudden cardiac deaths occurring.

attack of SADS and only wish we had pushed for further testing. This is so easy in hindsight, as we never in our wildest dreams

I feel passionate about the work CRY does and would like to

would suspect a 5 year old to have heart problems, but every day I

help CRY raise further awareness and money to fund research.

wish someone had told me about SADS.

Hertfordshire is a big county and I feel honoured that CRY

Maybe through this someone will read our story and remember

have asked me to be their County Representative and look

Cameron, and not have to suffer the terrible pain, anguish and

forward to helping the county move forward and work to reduce

sorrow that we will have with us forever.

the tragic numbers of sudden cardiac deaths per week. Cameron we love and miss you so much darling.

CRY update • Issue 55 • 3


Chief Executive

from the

Alison Cox MBE CRY Founder & Chief Executive

John Inverdale and Stephanie Hunter visited BBC Broadcasting House to record the BBC Radio 4 Charity Appeal for CRY, to be broadcast in July.

June Interview on BBC Radio Leicester 3 June Chris and Judy Herbert lost their daughter Natalie in April 2010, aged 25, possibly to long QT syndrome. In 2005, she had a fit which was diagnosed as epilepsy. The coroner suggested that


her life could have been saved. I spoke about long QT syndrome

Interview on BBC Radio Somerset

and how misdiagnosis can often occur.

9 May Derek



interviewed on BBC Radio Somerset about walking 125




of his partner Charlotte Rawlings.



his daughters Daisy and Poppy, planned to walk from Yeovil to Stamford Bridge – the home of Charlotte’s





FC – in 6 days. Charlotte

Professor Sanjay Sharma lecture on Sudden Cardiac Death in Sport 6 June Professor Sharma presented his




Sudden Cardiac Death in Sport at St. George’s Hospital. An involved colleagues Research

audience and

included the


CRY Sanjay

gave a brilliant talk which was very well received by his peers.

died aged 38 in 2001 due to SADS. Derek




loss and how he had to become both father and mother to their children. I also spoke about SADS and the importance of research and screening.

Interview on BBC North West Tonight 8 June I



Professor to


John our

spokesperson on BBC North West Tonight regarding the death of football player Richard Butcher. Richard, midfielder for Macclesfield Town FC, had died

CRY Patron John Inverdale and bereaved mother and CRY Supporter Stephanie Hunter record BBC Radio 4 Charity Appeal 25 May

in his sleep in January 2011 aged 29. In a narrative verdict, assistant deputy coroner Peter Watson said Mr Butcher died from natural causes due to a naturally occurring heart condition.



examination showed he died of natural causes and there were no signs of heart disease because the player had been suffering



cardiac arrhythmia. Professor Somauroo explained how someone seemingly fit and healthy could die suddenly in this way.

4 • CRY update • Issue 55


from the

Chief Executive

Letter to Editor published in The Times

walking in memory of Gareth Llywelyn Thomas. They have

13 June

taken part every year since 2007.

A jointly signed letter supporting Emergency Life Support (ELS) skills being taught in schools was published in The Times.

Most were there in memory of a young person, although we also

Signatories included Peter Hollins, chief executive, British Heart

had many there for the first time, who simply wanted to support

Foundation; Dr Jasmeet Soar, chairman, Resuscitation Council

CRY. A huge thank you to everyone who participated on this

(UK); Sue Killen, CEO, St John Ambulance; Dr Gillian Schiller,

moving occasion.

Saving Londoners’ Lives; and myself on behalf of CRY. The publication was timely, being just ahead of the second reading of the Education Bill in the Lords.

July New CRY myheart Network website launched 7 July The CRY myheart Network for young people living with life threatening conditions now has its own website containing information on medical conditions, treatments, lifestyle advice and member’s stories. Visit the website at For more details and photos from the walk, see the article in this issue of the CRY Update or visit walk_2011.htm

Professor Roger Boyle CBE Retires 22 July Professor Sir Roger Boyle has very sadly decided to retire. For the past decade Professor Boyle has been the National Director of Heart Disease. He has been a wonderful supporter of CRY over the last decade and his work as Chair of the Implementation Board on Arrhythmias and SCD lead to Chapter 8 of the National Service Framework. His experience in this specialised field of medicine; his negotiating skills and his commitment, had a massive impact on what was achieved in raising awareness and addressing diagnosis and treatment nationally. He will be sorely missed.

17 July

CRY Radio 4 Appeal broadcast to an estimated 1.9 million listeners

767 adults, children, families, family dogs and friends participated

24 and 28 July

in the 2011 CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk.

The CRY BBC Radio 4 Appeal was broadcast on Sunday 24

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk

July at 7.55am and 9.26pm; and on Thursday 28 July at 3.27pm. The 5th annual walk was lead by CRY supporters Anne & Trefor

The appeal was presented by CRY supporter Stephanie Hunter

Thomas from Llantrisant, Wales and their friends, who were

and CRY Patron John Inverdale. Stephanie’s young husband

CRY update • Issue 55 • 5


from the

Chief Executive CRY supporter Paul Stevens appeared on TV programme “Tonight’s the Night” - the show that aims to ‘make dreams come true’. Paul has been fundraising for CRY since he lost his son, Andrew, 5 years ago. Paul has always been into amateur dramatics and for his surprise he very movingly performed ‘Bring Him Home’ from Les Miserables, with Alfie Boe. The song has a particular resonance for Paul since losing his son. The show was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness and one particular mother I subsequently spoke to told me she had lost her son 10 years ago and has never been able to cry – until she saw Paul singing. Since then she has finally allowed herself to grieve and has come to us for help.

Howard died suddenly aged 32, during a rugby game in which John Inverdale was playing; and then a decade later her 15 year old son Sebastian also died playing rugby. Incorrect pathology meant the family were told that Howard’s condition was not genetic. The broadcast, to an estimated 1.9 million listeners, helped to raise awareness of sudden death syndrome and the importance of screening.

Chief Coroner Postcard Campaign launched to appeal to MPs to support the role of Chief Coroner for England and Wales 28 July The appointment of a Chief Coroner was suggested by the Conservative party during the Parliamentary debate that received cross-party support when legislated for in 2009. The role was designed to address the lack of leadership and the varying standards of accountability and transparency amongst coroners. This was the first time in its 900 year history that someone was going to be put in charge of this crucial public service. The Ministry of Justice now intend to replace this role with a Minister’s Board, chaired by the Minister. CRY does not believe this will be a suitable substitute for the

myheart Meeting 14 August 10 young people between 14 and 35 attended the myheart meeting held at the Reigate Manor Hotel. These meetings give members an opportunity to meet other young people similarly affected, receive group counselling and ask questions informally of a cardiologist. We are very grateful to Rosemary and Graham Attridge for looking after us at their lovely hotel.

role of Chief Coroner which requires political impartiality and needs to be able to act independently to establish the cause of death. To date we have sent out just over 8,000 postcards. Thank you so much to everyone who has requested postcards to support the campaign. The first crucial debate took place on 25 October 2011. For more information on the campaign please go to

August Paul Stevens on John Barrowman’s “Tonight’s the Night” 6 August

6 • CRY update • Issue 55

Newsletter Dr. Steven Cox CRY Deputy Chief Executive Each year at this time we compile our annual report of activity that accompanies the financial document that we submit to the Charity Commission and Companies House. This includes information on our screening activity, highlighting the interesting breadth of the programme that CRY is now developing. There were 157 screening events throughout the 2010 / 11 financial year and 8,689 young people were screened. Although the total number of events is down on last year, the total number of people tested is well up. The vast majority of our work continues to be ECG screening events, where an Echo is conducted on approximately 1 in 10 people – i.e. those people where the ECG shows an abnormality on the day. This continues to be the most cost effective way of testing large numbers of young people. There were 122 ECG only screenings in the year, with 8,045 people tested. The first CRY family funded event of the financial year was in memory of Nathan Butler and Paul Davies. This was a 2 day event at the Molineux Stadium in Wolverhampton, supported by the Soroptomists. Aston Villa FC (Birmingham) also hosted a 2 day event in memory of Zoe Teale. The 10th annual screening event in memory of David Staff and Neil Wickers was held at the Darwen Access Centre (an event where ECG and Echo were combined). The West Midlands ECG Testing Campaign which was founded in memory of Andrew Ball, David Bick, Alison Linforth, Jenny Pearce and Kay Wilson - held a 2 day event at Summerfield GP & Urgent Health Centre. The 15th ECG screening event in memory of Lewis Marsh was held in Sandhurst. The second 2 day screening in memory of Martyn Luckett was held in Cornwall; and a screening at Aldridge Methodist Church was held in memory of Oliver Hewitt. Once again there was a 2 day event on the Isle of Man in memory of Craig Lunt. The second event funded in memory of John Marshall was held at Edge Hill University and a screening at Myerscough College was again funded in memory of Andrew Parr. An increasing number of school and college screening events are being funded through CRY ringfenced memorial funds. Bishops Stortford School held their second event in memory of Caroline Johnstone. Filey School in Yorkshire held a screening which was funded in memory of Allyn McCluskie. A screening event at Garforth Community College in West Yorkshire was funded in memory of Tom Reid. Screenings at Harwich School, Colne School and the Campion school in Essex were funded in memory of Marcus Armstrong, Andy Gard and James Patterson respectively; and a screening at the Tiffin School was funded by the Neil Desai Foundation. We also screened Ernest Bevin School, Canford School, Bryanston School, Nottingham High School, Old Swinford Hospital School, Millfield School, Kings School Bruton, Eton College, Queen Elizabeth Hospital School, Giggleswick School and John Payne School. Nottingham University and Nottingham Trent University screenings were funded by internal grants; and Pegasus FC co-ordinated an event at the Wellness Centre in Welwyn Garden City There have now been 7 clinics in Wales at the University of Glamorgan, funded by donations in memory of Mark Stephen Young - 3 of which were in this financial year. During the year there were 9 days of testing in Northern Ireland (7 at the UU Clinic at Ulster University in Belfast, and 2 at the School of Nursing in Coleraine, Derry); 1 day at Liverpool John Moores University; and 3 clinics at Colchester General Hospital, funded in memory of Andy Gard. These clinics are open to young people between the ages of 14 and 35.

from the

Deputy Chief Executive

In 2009 CRY announced the first initiative in the UK to offer screening to every 14-year-old born in the South East in 1995 (the year that CRY was founded) funded by a significant donation of £240,000 from ICAP, the interdealer broker. Up until 1 June 2011, 10 days of testing had been held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St. George’s Hospital in Tooting. These events are reserved for those people born in 1995, until 2 weeks before the event when places are made available to anyone aged 14-35. After the successful 2009 tour, the second national screening tour was launched on 18 September 2010 – with 26 days of testing over a period of 3 months across the UK. The tour once again started in Durham at the Tesco Dragonville store, in memory of Levon Morland. Further days were funded in memory of Andrew Parr, Daniel Young, David Harrop, Sebastian English, Matthew Blease and Adam Donnelly. Calor Gas also funded an event in Warwick. The tour concluded in West Ealing’s Waitrose store on 29 November in memory of Tom Clabburn.

Screening in Sport Many of the athletes CRY screens represent GB, including world and Olympic champions. CRY provides a service to these athletes with funding and support from Philips. The teams that CRY screened in 2010 included GB Rowing, GB Canoeing, GB Sailing, GB Triathlon, GB Trampolining, UK Athletics, ASA Swimming, GB Gymnastics, Indian Gymkhana Club, GB Hockey, The Royal Ballet Company, England Netball and GB Volleyball. CRY also held clinics open to all elite athletes at English Institute of Sport (EIS) regional centres including Bath, Bisham Abbey, Loughborough and Manchester. CRY also tested England Women’s Cricket team, England U19s Cricket, Lancashire Cricket Club, Warwickshire County Cricket Club, the Lawn Tennis Association, Dynamo Boxing Club and Slough Hockey Club. We continue to screen many leading professional teams in English football including Manchester City FC, Blackburn Rovers FC, Brighton and Hove Albion FC, Binfield FC and Tottenham Hotspur FC; as well as the professional cycling team SKY Cycling.

Premiership Rugby the Premiership





Last summer Rugby expanded their screening programme to include all elite players over 16. Testing took place at Aviva Premiership Rugby clubs as well as at England representative squad training sessions with over 600 players tested, including London Wasps, Saracens, Worcester Warriors, Sale Sharks, Harlequins, London Irish, Leeds Carnegie, Gloucester, Bath, Leicester Tigers, Newcastle Falcons, Northampton Saints, Exeter Chiefs, England Seniors, England Sevens, U18s, U20s, U17s, U16s, and the U18s clubs & schools team. CRY also tested England Rugby League players.

Feedback on the CRY update Thank you to the many people who have completed and returned the feedback form we included in the last Update. We are in the process of collating this information which will greatly help us to better understand your thoughts on the Update and how we should develop this publication in the future. It is not too late to let us know your views and we would really appreciate hearing any comments you may have. Best wishes,

Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive

CRY update • Issue 55 • 7

Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology


By Jemma Wells, Dr. Mary Sheppard’s Medical Secretary at the CRY CCP.

Dr Mary Sheppard Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Jemma Wells Medical Secretary

CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology, Update: May – August 2011 Introduction Over the past four months the centre has received 71 sudden death cases, very similar to the number of cases referred during the same period May – August 2010. The chart below shows each month by an individual colour so you can clearly compare months and the overall total for that period.

The graph below shows our average turnaround time per month for the period May – August in 2010 and 2011. Our aim is to provide a final report within 14 days of receipt of specimen - this 14 days target is highlighted by the green line. In August 2010 our average turnaround crept up slightly to 15 days which was due to the summer holiday period, however as you can see in 2011 the average turnaround has remained within our 14 day target even throughout this summer holiday period.

Dr Sofia de Noronha Research Assistant

Saharnaz Vakhshouri Laboratory Technician

Diagnoses The chart below shows only the diagnoses that were made during May - August 2011 indicating again that channelopathies predominate. We are following up the family in these cases with St George’s clinical team, Professor Sanjay Sharma, Dr Elijah Behr and Dr Hari Raju.

Genetics In April 2011 Dr Hari Raju got his pilot genetics study underway in collaboration with the Royal Brompton Hospital and St George’s Hospital as detailed in the previous newsletter. This project is now several months in and we are receiving a small number of samples in the RNAlater solution. More importantly though, more and more pathologists are aware of the importance of taking splenic tissue for potential future genetic testing and so we expect to receive more in the future. Research ‘Results of our fast track cardiac pathology service for victims of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the UK’ was presented as oral presentations at two international conferences in Europe and the United States. This work was also presented as a poster at the European Congress of Cardiology, Paris, 27-31 August and won 1st place in the poster session for ‘Sudden cardiac death, prevention and therapeutic outcomes’ a diploma in recognition of outstanding scientific work. Katsuya Norita completed his BSc project on Vasculitis in May 2011. He is now a biomedical science graduate from Imperial College London and over the summer has been assisting Dr Sofia de Noronha with the current research projects. He received a research bursary from the Pathological Society of Great Britain

8 • CRY update • Issue 55

Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology

and Ireland for his research work. He gave an oral presentation on his work at the European Congress of Pathology annual meeting in Helsinki 27 August - 1 September. His presentation was very well received and his manuscript has been submitted to Virchows Archiv, a European publication. An important collaboration is now underway with St George’s Hospital Cardiology team and the MRI department at the Royal Brompton Hospital, both leaders in their fields of cardiomyopathy and Sudden Adult Death. We plan to do an MRI scan of the whole heart referred to Dr Sheppard prior to reporting, as an aid to Cardiologists in preventing sudden cardiac death. Recent publications May – August 2011 1. Gulati A, Gheta R, Chan CF, Ismail NA, Sheppard MN, Kilner PJ, Magee AG. Longitudinal follow-up of a right atrial appendage aneurysm by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Circulation May 2011; 123(20)2289-2291 2. Sheppard MN. The fittest person in the morgue? Histopathology 2011 Jun 13 (epub ahead of print). Review article 3.

Isabelle Roussin, Mary N Sheppard, Michael Rubens, Sam Kaddoura, John Pepper, Raad H Mohiaddin. Cardiovascular Complications of Cutis Laxa Syndrome: Successful Diagnosis and Surgical Management. Circulation 2011 Jul 5;124(1):100-2


Sheppard MN. Valve pathology: a dying trade. Editorial. Journal of Clinical Pathology Jul 2011



Miragoli M, Gorelik J, Sheppard MN. A protective anti arrhythmic role of ursodeoxycholic acid in an in-vitro rat model of the cholestatic fetal heart. Hepatology. 2011 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print]

6. Sheppard MN. Guide to cardiac autopsy. Journal of Clinical Pathology – in press. Review article. Cardiovascular Pathology e-podcasts for the Royal College of Pathologists, e-learning material based upon Hunterian museum specimens. Available to view online at Meetings attended Dr Sheppard was invited to attend an expert seminar on medical theories and research relating to restraint related deaths for the independent advisory panel (IAP) on deaths in custody in June 2011. We are submitting our paper on restraint related sudden deaths to the journal Heart. Dr Sheppard was invited to three international meetings both as a chair and lecturer. She delivered the following lectures: 1.

‘Autopsy in Young sudden death victims: An algorithm for the pathologist’ at the European Society of Cardiology

Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Drug Therapy in Copenhagen, 16-18 June 2011.


‘Acquired, non atherosclerotic coronary artery disease’ at the European Society of Cardiology annual meeting in Paris, 27-31 August 2011.


‘Thoracic Vasculitis’ at the Future European Congress of Pathology held in Helsinki, 27 August to 1 September 2011.

CRY update • Issue 55 • 9



CRY’s Research Fellows are an integral part of the work we do at CRY. CRY funds doctors for 2 years who choose to specialise in the field of inherited cardiac diseases, sudden cardiac death, screening and sports cardiology. The research that they produce advances our understanding of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death.

Dr Saqib Ghani presented at the

the outcomes of cardiovascular screening in this cohort by adopting

prestigious ESC Conference in

the European screening protocol using a health questionnaire,

Paris August 2011.

physical examination and 12-lead ECG. This was the first time that an entire sporting organisation endorsed pre-participation screening

1. What is the ESC Congress?

(PPS) for their athletes. In summary, the research showed that ECG



features in rugby players are similar to those observed in other


athletes as described in literature. The screening program resulted

is recognised as the largest

in a relatively small false positive result of 5.6%. A small proportion



of players required further tests or follow-up, and none of the players

world, attended by leading

were disqualified. This showed that when carried out in expert settings,

cardiologists from around the

screening with ECG is practical, feasible, and may be cost-effective.




(ESC) meeting


globe. 4. How was the research received? 2. What was your presentation about?

The presentation was very well received and I had good feedback

My presentation was titled “Pre-participation cardiovascular

from the audience.

screening in elite rugby players: ECG patterns and low false positive rates”. The session was chaired by Professor Sanjay

5. How does this research impact on the work of the CRY

Sharma (UK) and Professor A Pellicia (Italy).

clinics? The research highlighted the active role CRY is playing in promoting

3. What did the research show?

cardiac screening in athletes in UK. With further research in the

I presented my research from the CRY screening programme. CRY

near future, CRY hopefully will be able to demonstrate how cardiac

had screened over 600 elite Rugby Union players in 2010. I analysed

screening can be effectively carried out in the UK population.

10 • CRY update • Issue 55

myheart Abi – right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT)


Hospital website and from there contacted an Electrophysiologist who felt confident that they could help me. After my consultation and more tests, my first ablation was booked. I’d read up a little about what was involved but I can still remember shaking when I was getting ready in the hospital room. All kinds of things were running through my head; will it be painful, will I survive, what if it doesn’t work, how long will it take? I was given a huge gown to wear, one that has loads of pockets that can be pumped full of warm air to keep you comfortable when you’re in theatre. I looked pretty funny and my husband and I were joking about it, he even took a picture of my theatre outfit! As I walked down to theatre I remember thinking I hope this is

Abi with her husband Christian

the end of all the problems and that my life will return to normal. I couldn’t believe that my quality of life had changed so much in such a short space of time. RVOT VT had meant I was no longer able to run or exercise without feeling utterly drained and ill afterwards.

My condition came to light at the end of 2008 when I was 34. I’d

My arrhythmia was daily and left me feeling weak, ill and unable

been to the doctors to discuss these strange palpitations and dizzy

to concentrate on anything. I had chest pains and sleeping had

spells I’d been experiencing but was sent away and told it was due

become a problem too. I couldn’t sleep on my left side and would

to “stress”. This seems to be the usual response from a GP the first

suddenly wake gasping for air. So, despite my fears of going into

time you report these symptoms. I remember thinking, I didn’t even

theatre I focused on my future, one that would allow me to go on to

know I was stressed but perhaps I was and this was how my body

start a family without being plagued with these symptoms.

was coping. Fitness wise, I was reasonably active. I swam and ran every week and generally felt well, so wasn’t worried that this was

Everyone involved in the procedure were amazing. They helped me

anything more serious than stress related palpitations.

onto the theatre bed and began attaching the leads, which they use to monitor your heart throughout the procedure. I was warm and

After a routine trip into hospital to have four wisdom teeth removed

comfortable. They gave me a sedative to relax me and I actually

under a general anaesthetic, the nurses told me they had trouble

fell asleep a few times during the procedure. I also had an oxygen

stabilising my heart rhythm when I was in recovery. Once back in

mask. They made an incision in my right groin into the femoral artery

my hospital room, I was advised to see a cardiologist to ensure that

which is how they get the wires up into the heart chamber. I didn’t

everything was fine. Again I wasn’t too concerned but thought I would

feel any pain. They would stimulate the heart with electrical current

mention it to my doctor when I was fully recovered. The next evening

so they could see the problematic areas on the monitor and know

I was home, in bed recuperating when my heart started to behave

where to ablate. I could feel some pressure in my chest when they

very strangely. It began flipping, jumping, and felt like it was falling

were stimulating the heart but after some more sedative I drifted off

over itself. A strange way to describe it but its how it felt. It would flip

to sleep. Two and half hours later I was back in the hospital room and

and felt like it was stalling. I felt dizzy, sick, scared, as if I was going

was elated that it was all over.

to fall unconscious. I rang the emergency medical line and they told me to call for an ambulance who took me straight into hospital. From

After about eight months it became apparent that my particular

there they referred me to a cardiologist who over a period of weeks

RVOT-VT would require a second ablation. So I was back in hospital

carried out a series of tests; a stress test, echocardiogram, an MRI of

again and this time the procedure took over four hours. I don’t

my heart and I had to wear a 24 hour Holter monitor etc.

remember this one as I was blissfully sleeping throughout, but was told afterwards that there were multiple sites that needed treatment.

The results were in – the good news was that structurally my heart

Recovery from ablation is very quick. I stayed in hospital overnight to

was fine, but the Holter Monitor found something. It was a run of

ensure that my heart was happy and that the incision in the femoral

tachycardia around 250bpm – it was then that I received the diagnosis

artery had closed. The next day you’re home and on your way to

of RVOT–VT, a benign heart arrhythmia, although sometimes

feeling better. I took a few weeks off work to rest. It’s been over a

frightening for the sufferer. I was sent home and told to see how

year now since my last ablation and I’m very pleased with the results.

things go and to try beta-blockers. For some people beta-blockers

My heart is so much better. It’s been a long emotional journey, not

are great and work wonders, but they made me feel dreadful, tired

just for me but for my entire family. I’m due to have a check-up in

and depressed so I came off them. As time progressed the symptoms

the next two weeks but I feel confident about the future and know

got worse and having felt like I’d exhausted all routes of medical help

that I shouldn’t be frightened of this condition. I’m looking forward to

in my local area I went online and came across the London Bridge

starting a family and living a healthy happy life.

CRY update • Issue 55 • 11



Chris Smith – Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW)

I underwent a catheter ablation procedure in November 2009 after being diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome in May 2009 following a CRY screening at Myerscough College in March 2009. I was a fit and healthy swimmer in my final year at school, I trained at my club 5 times a week and up until 2 weeks before the screening I had not experienced any symptoms at all. My first inkling that anything could be wrong with me happened during a training session where I experienced a rapid heart rate and chest pain, this was a frightening experience. I didn’t experience any other symptoms until after the screening. I went along to the screening not expecting to be told anything untoward. I was surprised to be called in with my Mum to see the cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis and told there was an abnormality with my ECG; I was told it would be sent to London for Professor Sanjay Sharma to look at. I was then invited down to London for further tests and following these tests I was diagnosed with WPW. By the time I went to London in May for the tests I was experiencing more and more symptoms. These increased in frequency and severity that they were affecting my everyday life. I was having symptoms

more and more often up to four or five times a week and not only when exercising I was having episodes when sitting at my desk at school. When Professor Sharma told me the diagnosis he discussed treatment options with me and my parents and recommended catheter ablation as he felt drug treatment would not be very suitable for me as the drugs would affect my swimming. I decided that the catheter ablation would hopefully offer me a permanent cure. I was referred to Dr. Murgatroyd at King’s College Hospital London where he agreed to perform the ablation; I went in for the procedure on the 5th November 2009. It felt strange to be the youngest person on the ward knowing that there was something wrong with my heart; I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared at the thought of what was going to happen to me. The doctors and nurses were very kind at putting my mind to rest. The procedure felt very strange and a little uncomfortable. It didn’t feel right being awake but less than 2 hours later I was on the ward. I was told to rest in the hospital bed for a couple of hours then I was brought something to eat and drink. I was then given an ECG which looked to be normal and was told he was 90% positive on a cure. I was then discharged from the hospital and allowed to go back to our hotel for an overnight stay. I was told to take things easy for a few days and apart from some bruising in my groin I felt fine and relieved it was all over. I have now been discharged from the hospital and my WPW is completely cured. I have been symptom free for almost two years now. I am now back into swimming and have started open water swimming which I now use to raise money and awareness for CRY through sponsorship. I will be forever grateful to CRY for all the help and support they have given me and for saving my life. I am a very lucky young man, thanks to CRY. If anyone is told they need an ablation, I would say to them don’t be afraid and have it done. It will change your life, it did for me.

What is an ablation? An ablation (sometimes called a catheter ablation) is a procedure that is used to correct a faulty electrical pathway within the heart, which is causing or could potentially cause an abnormally fast heartbeat (called a tachycardia or tachyarrhythmia, in medical terms). This can therefore be the treatment if you have one of the following conditions, all of which have the potential to produce a very fast heartbeat:

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Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome Unifocal atrial tachycardia Atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation Ventricular tachycardia.

During the procedure, you may be sedated so that you feel relaxed and sleepy, although this is not always possible because the medications used for sedation can sometimes suppress the faulty electrical pathway, therefore making it difficult for the doctors to find and fix it. You will, however, have a local anaesthetic at the point where one or more femoral sheaths (thin hollow plastic

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tubes) are placed. After everything has gone numb, a small cut will be made in your groin to put these sheaths in, usually into your femoral vein but sometimes also into the artery. Long tubes called catheters will then be fed through these sheaths towards your heart. These catheters are attached to a devices that can either produce radiofrequency energy at their tips (called radiofrequency ablation), or cause the tips to become very cold (cryoablation). The tips of the catheters can then be used to destroy the faulty electrical pathway that is causing your arrhythmia. You will probably have to stay in hospital overnight after your ablation procedure, and may feel sleepy if sedation has been given. The area in your groin where the catheters were inserted may feel sore for a few days afterwards, but usually gets better within 1 week.



Your fundraising •

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Pezo Benjamin, with her family and friends, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,756. Danielle John sent in a donation of £202.63 in respect of her myheart day. Lisa King (Chairman) and Wix Young Farmers Club raised £2,000. Rachael Marchant raised nearly £250 from a sponsored microlight flight. Dan Reeves, with family and friends, held a fun day in their village and raised £1,350. There were lots of stalls including a raffle, tombolas, cakes, bouncy castle, Gladiators

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challenge, penalty shoot-out, Tug-of-war and lotsmore. The photograph shows Daniel with his sister Charlotte (red CRY shirts) at the fun day. Chris Smith took part in the open water swim at Ullswater and raised £400. Charlotte Torr, Current Vice Chairman of South Axholme Young Farmers Club held a race night at the Reindeer Inn, Sandtoft, and raised £250.

CRYScreening Report Between May and August 2011, CRY screened just under 2,500 people with the regular community screening clinics being the majority of these. At our regular CRY clinics, a total of 644 young people were screened. Clinics were held at the University of Ulster Jordanstown and Coleraine campuses, Liverpool John Moores University, the University of Glamorgan (in memory of Mark Stephen Young), Colchester General Hospital (in memory of Andrew Gard), and at the Newry Shamrocks Clubrooms (in memory of Oisin McGuiness). Sports screening included GB Volleyball, Tottenham Hotspur FC, Dynamo Boxing Club, Slough Hockey Club, Indian Gymkhana Club, Manchester City FC, Surrey Cricket, Premiership Rugby (Exeter Chiefs, Saracens, Bath, London Wasps, Sale Sharks, Gloucester, Worcester Warriors, Newcastle Falcons, Harlequins, London Irish, Northampton Saints and Leicester Tigers), Water Polo, RFL Huddersfield, Leeds Rugby Union and League and the English Institute of Sport (EIS). 635 athletes were screened in total.

Nearly 500 people were screened at 4 family memorial screenings. These were held in memory of James Patrick Patterson (The Campion School), Zoe Teale (Aston Villa FC), Lewis Marsh (Sandhurst Town Boys & Girls Football Club) and Reece Jeffrey (Landau Forte College). 273 young people were screened at 3 school screenings. These were held at Queen Elizabeth Hospital School (Bristol), Giggleswick School (Settle) and John Payne School (Chelmsford). At the ICAP clinics, where those born in 1995 in the South East are able to get free screening, 193 youngsters were screened. These screenings are held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology in St. George’s Hospital, Tooting.

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and it only takes 5-10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on your chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (known as electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of your heart is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes 2-3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% – 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of your heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. CRY uses top of the range machinery donated by Philips for the screening programme. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

CRY update • Issue 55 • 13


Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk on Sunday 17 July, led by CRY supporters Anne & Trefor Thomas from Llantrisant, Wales and their friends, who were walking in memory of Gareth Llywelyn Thomas. They have taken part each year since 2007. An amazing 767 adults, children and dogs registered to take part this year including 99 people who registered on the day. Most of the participants, as usual, were taking part in memory or support of a young person - although we also had a number of new participants who simply wanted to support CRY as a good cause. The day started with check-in at the beautiful Victoria Embankment Gardens. The participants then picked up a CRY balloon and made their way to the bandstand for a speech by Alison Cox MBE (CRY Chief Executive) where she greeted and thanked everyone for turning up as well as thanking the sponsors and volunteers who helped on the day. There was also an opportunity for Alison to express the importance of CRY’s campaign for a new Chief Coroner and to explain to the walkers why their support is so important to this.

everyone to join in were Ellen Clabburn, Nema Hafezi-Bakhtiari, Sarah Bates, Jamie Sanders, Lisa Neaverson, George Wright, Alice O’Driscoll and Sophie Lizra. In the meantime, the press team were busy taking photographs and interviewing groups for local press coverage.

This was followed by a minute’s silence and then a group warm up, which was led by Margaret Fernandes, a fitness instructor provided by Eden Fitness, Ealing. On the stage with Margaret to encourage

After picking up a bottle of water and a cereal bar, the walkers set off in small groups. The final group, doing the shorter, wheelchairfriendly route, was led by CRY volunteer, Karla Griffith. This route was designed to ensure that the walk was accessible to everybody wanting to take part and the small group this year included several ladies who were pregnant and carrying potential CRY supporters. Let’s hope we see them on future walks in their buggies! After crossing Golden Jubilee, Westminster, Waterloo and Blackfriars bridges, there were crisps and drinks available for the walkers to top up their energy levels at the water station. Participants made

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Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011

their way to the finish at the stunning Hays Galleria, having crossed London Bridge and Tower Bridge, passing the Tower of London and HMS Belfast. The rain was an unfortunate downside to the walk this year but it didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of all the walkers and we still saw most of them return to Hays Galleria, as always, to collect their certificates and bars of chocolate that were being handed out by Foresters volunteers; and a fresh fruit punch, made and served by CRY volunteer, Koula Louki. This year we also had a book named “today’s thoughts” for people to write their comments about the event and their experience. It was lovely to read all the messages that walkers had left after the event and will be something we will continue to do for next year’s event. The staff and volunteers on the information and merchandise stalls had a very busy day and attracted a lot of interest from tourists and other visitors. We would like to thank everyone who bought merchandise and gave donations on the day. We are very grateful to St Martins Property Company and CBREMS Westminster City Council Parks Office and Events Team; Foresters; Chubb Insurance Group and Sainsbury’s for sponsoring the event, either by providing the venues or making donations towards the costs of the event, refreshments and snacks. We would also like to thank Eden Fitness for allowing Margaret to come and lead our warm up. A huge thank you to all the CRY staff who helped out on the day and to the following volunteers for all their help before, during and after the event: Martin Appleby; Nigel Bennett; Mel Browne; Adrian Buckland; Pete Clark; Krisztina Cserhalmi; Fiona Cunningham;

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Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011

Christina Curran; Philip Eastty; Brian Ford; Fran Griffin; Karla Griffith; Ben Hayes; Barbara Holland; Jim Holland; Anna Kontouros; Koula Louki; Irena McCabe; Harold Parratt; Diana Parratt; Josephine Pickard; Ian Ritchie; Alyson Stokes; Tony Stokes; Lorraine Tant; Erin Tierney; Eleanor Upson; James Upson; Julien Upson; Rowena Upson; Sue Walton; Peter White; Lizzie Wood; Gerry Wright Volunteers helped with deliveries, assembling walk packs, marshalling, registration, balloon inflation, making and serving punch, handing out water, securing products on our behalf, etc. We really couldn’t run an event of this size without the help of our dedicated volunteers.

What this walk achieves for CRY: This year, sponsorship and donations raised from the Bridges Walk will go towards funding CRY’s Research Fellowship Programme, which is essential to the services we offer. CRY currently funds 6 doctors, for 2 years, who specialise in the field

30p will go towards medical research into young sudden

cardiac death

20p will go towards our national screening programme for

young people (aged 14-35 years)

of inherited cardiac conditions, sudden cardiac death, screening

Over one year, a CRY funded Research Fellow will:

and sports cardiology. The research that they produce advances

Facilitate 250 fast-track referrals to the CRY Centre for

Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology

at St George’s Hospital, London. Families can be seen

at these fast-track clinics within a few weeks of referral

after the sudden death of a family member.

Publish at least 2 peer reviewed articles in leading journals

and present their research at international conferences.

Support the screening of 2000 people. CRY Research

Fellows carry out consultations with every person CRY

tests, and manage any abnormal screening results.

our understanding of conditions that can lead to young sudden cardiac death. £50,000 will fund a Research Fellow for 1 year, so if 1000 people raise £50 each in sponsorship we could fund a Research Fellow’s valuable work for a full year. For every £1 donated to fund a Research Fellow:

50p will go towards fast track screening services for

families who have been affected by young sudden cardiac


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CRY News

Songs for CRY There is a new section on the CRY website featuring

some or all of the proceeds from sales are coming to CRY.

miscellaneous products – books, CDs and so on – for which


The band Being Jo Francis are supporting CRY through their single ‘Twenty Three.’ The song was written as a tribute to a good friend of theirs who died suddenly at just 23. The band are donating all proceeds from sales of the single to CRY. See Another band supporting CRY through sales of their music are Man Made Noise.

Singer Terry Dunn says “I was lucky

enough to meet Amy Black, the opera singer who died in 2009 and whose song appears on the CRY website. I was inspired to write a song about her and I wanted to release it as a single and donate the proceeds to CRY as it is her family’s charity of choice.” All proceeds from the sales of the single ‘Glamorous Cake Stall Holder’ will be donated to CRY. See

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CRY News To arrange collection of a car, visit or call

CRY signs up to the Giveacar charity car scrappage scheme

020 0011 1664, quoting CRY as your preferred charity.

Do you own a banger that’s merely gathering dust in the garage?

This is just one of a number of novel fundraising initiatives that CRY

Then you can do your bit for charity! Giveacar is a UK based fundraising organisation that specialises in donating unwanted and

is involved in – see for more information.

scrap cars to charitable causes throughout the world, including CRY. They provide a FREE service which is available throughout the UK, and can work with you hand-in-hand by arranging the collection of the vehicle; and - depending on its age and condition - they can either send it for environmentally safe disposal and recycling at an Authorised Treatment Facility, or to a salvage auction. This means that a large portion of the proceeds are donated to a nominated charity of the vehicle owner’s choice! Since Giveacar was set up in 2010, the organisation has already raised over £350,000 for over 250 charities!



On 15 July 2011, over eighty people – including several elite GB athletes - attended the launch of Mike Fleet’s book, “I Also Ran by Mike Who?” in the glistening Lexus Croydon Showroom. Mike is an athletics coach at Croydon Harriers and his book is an autobiographical look at the sport he has been involved in all his life – he was Britain’s top 800m in the early 1960s, missing out on a place in the 1964 Olympics due to illness and then going into coaching at Croydon Harriers shortly after.

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In parallel with the launch of his book, Mike is also supporting CRY through the sale of celebrity bookmarks signed by many top athletes, past and present. Mike coached promising young athlete Cecilia Barriga – former Captain of the Croydon Harriers under-17s girls – who died suddenly in 2005 aged just 15. £300 was raised for CRY on the night from the sale of bookmarks, and over £1500 has been raised so far through this initiative. More information about Mike Fleet’s charity bookmarks can be found on the CRY website at sports_bookmarks.htm

Our In Memory of Robert Allan • A memorial rugby match was played on 16 April in memory of Robert and raised £640. “It was a marvellous occasion, starting with a lunch in the club house and followed by a barbecue at the end of the game. The sun shone and we all know Robert would have loved every minute of it all.” Jane Allan.

• Doug Hewett took part in the LA Marathon and raised £4,659.30 through online fundraising.


In Memory of Marcus Armstrong • Tony Armstrong forward two donations totalling £1,150: “£1,000 from the Mayoress of Harwich and Dovercourt from her annual appeal; and £150 from the Dovercourt Kumon Study Centre, when 42 of the children and parents did 14,023 arithmetic sums in ten minutes. The youngest member was only four years old.”

• Tony Armstrong sent in a donation of £200. In Memory of

“Andrew Baker, Andrew Deadman and I grew up and went to school together at the Howard of Effingham, Surrey which is how we are all now friends. We ran the Los Angeles Marathon on the 20 March, and it went really well (we ran around together as a three) and finished in 4hrs 20mins.

Tony Atkins “This is the money Shannon raised from her week long Cake Bake at school, in memory of her Uncle Tony who died suddenly last year aged just 30.” Donna Atkins sent in a donation of £115.

Shannon in her CRY T-shirt selling her cakes at school

As you know, we ran the marathon in loving memory of our dear friend Rob Allan, nearly a year to the date since he passed away last March. We also hosted an Oscar themed fundraiser in London before we went over to LA, to raise money for CRY - and Oscar night itself was on Rob’s birthday. Friends, family and supporters got behind the event and the cause, and have all donated their hard earned money to CRY - the support from everyone has been amazing.

In Memory of Stuart Attridge • Rosemary Attridge sent in a donation of £170 from the sale of her hand made cards.

• Rosemary Attridge sent in a donation of £200 from the sale of her hand made cards. • Rosemary Attridge gave a talk at the Oxted Rotary Club and collected a donation of £100 on behalf of CRY.

• “I am pleased to advise that our Community Service

Committee, on behalf of the Rotary Club of Epsom, has agreed a grant of £200 to support the valuable work carried out by CRY.” Bob Frisby, Chair, Community Service Committee.

We’re really proud of what we’ve achieved - but we’re really pleased that this money is going to such a great cause, and we fully support and thank you for everything you and CRY are doing for other families that have been through what the Allan family went through last year.” Doug Hewett.

• Rosemary Attridge sent in a donation of £122.26 from her

• Charlotte

• Sarah Quinn took part in the Edinburgh Marathon and raised

Payne raised £475, through online fundraising, in respect of the Bupa London 10,000, making a total raised of £515.

recent visit to the Reigate Rotary Club.

• Brenda Munro held a barbecue and raised £183. £235 through online fundraising.

• Richard Feist took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £3,600.

In Memory of Andrew Ball Roy Ball forwarded a donation of £230 from the collection boxes and the Winson Green screening.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Cecilia Barriga • Mrs Daksha Wadhe ran the Croydon half marathon for Croydon Harriers and sent in a donation of £173 in memory of Cecilia.

Mike Fleet sent in a donation of £1,073.54 in respect of his upcoming book launch.

• Mike Fleet sent in a donation of £144 in respect of donations for the bookmarks.

• Eric Campbell took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £280.

In Memory of Lewis Barry • Lorraine Russell sent in a donation of £561.50 in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge in July.

• Davina Lonsdale took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £399.40.

In Memory of Richard Belton Holly Fairclough, Volleyball England, sent in a donation of £300. In Memory of Jemma Benjamin “The Phoenix Singers Pontypridd were formed on October 2010. The choristers wanted to raise funds for the choir and help charities and one of members’ lives near the family of Gemma Benjamin who was tragically lost at the age of 19. We arranged a sponsored walk and held our first concert. Sixteen of the choir walked including our oldest member who is 81 years young. We are pleased to have raised a total of £700 from the walk and donated £100 from the concert.” Glenda Gunning.

In Memory of Max Biles Anna Marie Perry took part in the Bath Half Marathon and raised £185. In Memory of Edd Billig • “Last night I celebrated my 21st birthday party. I asked some of my friends to donate to CRY instead of giving me presents and I enclose cheques totalling £205 in memory of my dear cousin, Edd Billig.” Caroline Archer.

• “Our ‘Pull the Communication Cord’ puzzle was extremely

popular, with over 1,150 entries received from all over the country - and even included entries from Australia, France, Canada, Cyprus and Ireland. Although the entry fee was only £1 most entrants were generous enough to include additional donations. It gives us great pleasure to be able to donate to CRY the sum of £10,520.” Neville Mizen, Compiler & Treasurer.

In Memory of Lydia Bird Cathy Bird had a joint 50th/Silver Wedding celebration on 14 May. She sent in a donation of £520, in lieu of gifts, in memory of her daughter, Lydia Mary Bird, who died suddenly of undiagnosed cardiomyopathy, aged 3 1/2 years, in January 1995. In Memory of Dallas Bishop Mandy Kuhn took part in a charity cricket match and raised £937.41 through online fundraising. Total amount raised £987.41. In Memory of Kelly Blair Julie Sweeney sent in a donation of £216 which represents fundraising for Madeleine Sweeney-Baird and Lucille Dick, who ran the Edinburgh Half Marathon. In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop • “We are pleased to inform you that a further Football Match was held on 1 May 2010 in our son’s memory, again organised by Graeme’s friends. They raised the fantastic sum of £700, and we enclose a cheque for that sum.” Jan & Paul Blenkinsop.

• Lesley Bryant sent in a donation of £100 in memory of

Graeme, who sadly passed away five years ago, on 4 August.

In Memory of Sarah Booth In June 2010 my wife Ita and myself celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary with a long weekend in the beautiful City of Rome. While there we reflected on how sweet our life was and how fortunate we were to have three lovely children in Claire (19), Owen (16) and Sarah (15). However in the weekend following our return from Rome our perfect existence was to be torn apart.

In Memory of Sarah Anne Bennett Jenny England sent in a donation of £100 from L & Q Housing, in respect of the BUPA 10K.

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In the early hours of Sunday morning, June 20, a Police Sergeant called at our door with the news that our beautiful daughter, Sarah was being rushed by ambulance to the Ulster Hospital. She uttered the chilling words “your daughter has a very faint pulse but there are no respiratory signs”. Sarah had gone out that sunny Saturday afternoon to shop with friends in town. She was

Our then going to a sleepover/end of term party at a friend’s house. We hugged her and told her to be careful in town and that we would see her the next morning. When we got to the Hospital a Nurse told us that they were working on Sarah and that we could wait in a small private room. After about twenty minutes a team of doctors and nurses came in to inform us that they had not been able to save our sweet and beautiful child. The next few days were a nightmare as we struggled to come to terms with what had happened. Sarah’s funeral was the biggest that the local parlour had ever dealt with, a testimony to how popular our girl was. She had a wide circle of friends, had achieved a high level in ballet, attended speech and drama classes and was a very hardworking and very academic pupil. Sarah’s death had been unexplained and it was not until almost 6 months later that a diagnosis of Sudden Arrhythmic Death (SADS) Syndrome was made. Subsequently through CRY we have learned that many families suffer a similar fate every year. Recommended tests on the family members have shown that our daughter Claire shows signs of having long QT Syndrome. Thankfully she is on medication and her condition is being monitored.


suddenly.” Mrs C Mills, Pastoral Manager, Chelmer Valley High School, Essex.

In Memory of Ian Bowen Gary Watson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £6,352.

In Memory of Chris Bowes Mrs E Stewart sent in a donation of £400 in lieu of presents for her 70th birthday. “I am sending this in memory of my late grandson, Christopher Bowes. Christopher died, aged 16 years and 9 months on 3 November 1999.” In Memory of Sam Bradley • Jas Bhamber took part in the Milton Keynes Half Marathon and raised a further £153 through online fundraising.

• Harry Palmer raised £248, through online fundraising, in respect of his skydive.

“On the 16 April 2011, I jumped out of a plane 2.6 miles up; it was one of my 18th birthday presents. I chose to raise money for CRY in memory of my friend Sam, who died in 2008 from an unforeseen heart condition. At the time his family asked for donations to CRY and now I hope that the money I have raised will go towards continuing to help so such tragic occurrences happen less and less. On the day of the jump, my family and I arrived at RAF Weston on the Green and checked in with an instructor. He told us to meet back in ‘the hangar’ in 20 minutes and we nervously waited outside. I couldn’t stay still as, although my pride wouldn’t let me admit it, I was extremely nervous. On May 4 this year some 76 teachers and pupils from Sarah’s school, Wellington College, ran relay legs in the Belfast Marathon in memory of Sarah. They had CRY tee shirts with Sarah’s picture printed on the front and managed to raise over £5,000 for the charity.

When the call came a group of jumpers and instructors met and we were led through the protocol and procedure of the jump by the main man, Paul. He was an RAF instructor and had been jumping for 16 years so I was very glad when I found out he was going to be the guy who was strapped to me as we fell.

In the past year we have had two further anniversaries. 22 May 2011 would have been Sarah’s 16th birthday and on the June 20 2011 we had to relive the nightmare of a year ago. The once happy word - ‘anniversary’ - has taken on a different meaning for my family and me.

We moved swiftly onto the plane and we climbed to 2.6 miles above ground. I was told I would be given a signal then pushed out of the door. However as I hung off Paul, out of the plane with no contact to it, facing the ground over two miles below, struggling to catch my breath in the wind I felt no such signal. As I fell, the adrenaline rush was huge and truly was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

In Memory of Daniel Boreham “I am pleased to enclose a cheque for £247 which was raised at our annual Teachers - v - Sixth Formers football match. This is in memory of Daniel Boreham, a former Sixth Former who died

I was lucky enough to have a camera man jump with me and the distraction of having to ‘smile’ for the camera meant that the free-fall seemed to be over in seconds. Paul allowed me to steer when the parachute opened and we spent a couple of minutes

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zipping about the sky. After landing I had a temporary hearing loss but the money raised and the feeling of achievement has far outlasted that.

In Memory of Katrina Brown Miranda Collins took part in a 22 mile swim in the pool (representing the English Channel) and raised £513 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Alex Buckler • JM Juneman forwarded a donation of £226 which was raised at the annual CRY Coffee Morning, held in Bruton Community Hall.

• Monique Hustinx sent in a donation of £150 in lieu of gifts at her 50th birthday party.

A brilliant experience in memory of a brilliant mate.” Harry Palmer.

In Memory of Mark Britton Andrew Britton sent in a donation of £1,300 from various fundraising. In Memory of Shaun Broster Chris Broster took part in the Liverpool Half Marathon on 27 March and sent in a sponsorship donation of £205. “The run went well; I completed it in 1 hour and 53 minutes, in memory of my cousin.

In Memory of Dr Jennifer Susan Bucknell Hilary Mead and Bill Durrant sent in donations amounting to £125. £75 was raised from a raffle and a further £50 was donated from friends in memory of their granddaughter, Jenny. In Memory of Robert Burns “We held a fivea-side football match on 29 May and held a raffle, tombola and cake stall on 26 May and another raffle at the local Co-Op. In total we have raised £1,400.” Doreen Burns.

My cousin is the reason I found this charity organisation, I will do this run every year from now on and will continue to raise money for this event for CRY. I have enjoyed raising money for CRY and can honestly say I wore the t-shirt throughout the run.” Chris Broster. In Memory of Dominic Paul Brown • Ms A Marks sent in a further donation of £820.40 from the Penalty Shoot out in memory of Dominic.

• Ms M Brown (Dominic’s aunt) sent in a donation of £250 raised by friends and relatives of Dominic.

• Xavier Valliani sent in a donation of £170 raised at the LK Penalty Shoot Out in memory of Dominic.

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In Memory of Richard Butcher & Matt Gadsby Neil Mackenzie raised £431, through online fundraising, in respect of the Shakespeare Marathon on 8 May.

Winners of the five-a-side tournament

Runners up of the five-a-side tournament

“The event itself was great, superb organisation, and the run was OK for the first 10 miles, but then I started getting severe pain in my foot (a previous injury I had with football!!).... must say the remaining 16 miles were very tough to get through!!! I was even toying with the idea of stopping at the half marathon point as I was in that much pain, but somehow managed to limp over the line and complete it in around 4 hours 35 minutes - will know exactly once I get my chip time but it was around that, give or take a minute or two! Considering I completed the first half in 1 hour 40 minutes, the finishing time tells its own story - the 2nd half of the marathon taking me 3 hours!! Anyway, glad I managed to get round and glad also to raise some money for your charity, I still have more sponsorship money to collect.” Neil Mackenzie.

Robert’s brother Paul

In Memory of Nathan Butler • “ P l e a s e find enclosed c h e q u e s totalling £410 for Nathan’s fund. This money was kindly raised by Penny Norton. She had a 50th birthday party and asked for donations instead of presents. Initially all donations received were going to CRY but as her husband’s father died suddenly of a severe stroke on the evening of the party, she asked if anyone would mind if they split the donations between CRY and the Stafford Stroke Association, and obviously we all said we didn’t mind at all.” Angela Butler.

Robert’s friends

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• “Please find enclosed three cheques totalling £500. £400

raised at a Charity Golf Day organised by my husband and his friend, Phil Jones. The Golf Day was held at Wolstanton Golf Club and fortunately, amidst a week of torrential rain, the weather was kind to them and they didn’t get wet! In fact the sun did shine for a couple of hours. £100 has been donated by Keith & Janice Baker and the ladies of St Matthias Church. Keith and Janice lost their treasured son, Sam, in a tragic road accident in January 2010 and have kindly donated this money from the church fundraising.” Angela Butler.

• Cathy Bishop took part in a sponsored swim and raised £200. • Angela Butler sent in cheques from the following people:

Helen Turner, who tragically lost her son Robert in a horse riding accident 12 years ago. They received £250 in donations on Robert’s birthday and kindly decided to donate this to CRY. £100 which was donated by Simon Ellams, Chairman of Porthill Park Cricket Club. Simon organised a BBQ at the Cricket Club for which he provided all the food himself and donated the £100 raised from the BBQ to CRY. £10 was donated by Maxine Ogen, who is a family friend and regularly donates to CRY.

In Memory of Michael Cadman Aidan Marshall took part in the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £410 through online fundraising. In Memory of Jake Carney On Monday 6 June 2011 Dave and Peter Carney took part in a Coast to Coast cycle in memory of Dave’s son Jake. They raised £3,633.50 from the ride. “My brother Peter and I have just completed the Coast 2 Coast. My brother works for a company called ‘Searchlight’ and the owner of the company, Herzl Hamburger, recently celebrated his 70th birthday. Herzl had decided that he would donate to three charities money he had received for his birthday from family and friends. One of the charities he chose to receive his money was CRY and the reason for this was due to Peter and I cycling the Coast to Coast. It was a truly great experience, which was both emotional and a fantastic achievement for us, seeing that neither of us had ridden a bike since our teenage years. We also felt that we needed to undertake this ride to return in some way the fantastic support we all received as a family from CRY. We do hope to undertake another challenge next year.” Dave Carney In Memory of Ben Carter • Joanne Carter raised £275, through online fundraising, for the Weight Loss.

• Terry Barker took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £265. In Memory of Trevor Carter The Robot Overlords took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,503. The Robot Overlords were

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Amber Carter, Conny Carter, Jenny Carter, Melanie Carter, Millie Carter, Ron Carter and Stuart Carter. In Memory of Guy Champney • Andrew Champney took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,370.

• Margaret Delaney took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,441.40.

• Christine Champney took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £757.54.

In Memory of Mr D A Chapman We have received a donation of £597 from J Chapman in memory of the late Mr D A Chapman, who passed away on 25 April 2011. In Memory of Charlie Adele Curtis manned a stall at the Richmond May Fair on 14 May and raised £100. In Memory of Anthony (Budgie) Child • “I am very pleased to send you a cheque for £615 which we raised by holding a Coffee Morning on 30 April. We also had a book and cake stall and raffle and people were very generous. We held the coffee morning to celebrate what would have been Budgie’s 40th birthday on 29 April. It was a brilliant morning, which turned out to be like a reunion for many of his friends. Our daughter, Stephanie was kept busy cooking bacon rolls, as fast as she could until she ran out of bacon. A good time was had by all, and the good thing is we can send you a nice, big cheque.” Angie, Jack and Stephanie Child.

• Chris Gordon sent in a further donation of £302 in respect of the Hadrian’s Wall Walk. Total raised £751.

• “I decided to raise as much as possible by walking to the

top of Ben Nevis, 1,344 metres to the summit. I also thought it would be fun to do this dressed up as William Wallace (Braveheart). The climb took place on 18 June and took just under 5 hours to reach the top. I would like to thank my family, friends and all those generous people who sponsored me and gave me the encouragement to achieve this goal.” John Vasey sent in a donation of £518.50. In Memory of Tom Clabburn • Claire Prosser sent in a donation of £884 from a book sale and £220 from Mr Alex Gerlis’ leaving do at the BBC.

Our • Vicky Pearson sent in donations totalling £800 in lieu of birthday presents.

• David Bentley, Gina Bentley, Bryony Chetwynd-Glover, Ellen

Clabburn, Paul Clabburn, Alastair Clunas, Naomi Dowd, Scott Ensom, Tess Gomm, Nema Hafezi-Bakhtiari, Elin Hale, Martin Hale, Mustafa Homayourn, Madelaine Horne, Harry James, Megan Jones, Rita Jones, Annie Kaufmann, Shadeh Kavousian, Hannah Langam, Joseph Lee-Dowd, Helen Lewis, Sophie Manser, Claire Matthews, Peter Matthews, Alison Montgomery, Lisa Neaverson, Alice O’Driscoll, Timur Onder, Christian Panzer, Gottfried Panzer, Linda Panzer, Chris Pearson, Sophie Perkins, Claire Prosser, Gordon Prosser, Neil Prosser, Samantha Prosser, Alan Rodney, Jamie Sanders, Eve Schutz, Mick Scott, Nicholas Scott, Stephanie Smith, Megan Watkins and George Wright took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £500.

In Memory of Jamie Clarke Laura Upton took part in the Hastings Half Marathon and raised £108.33 through online fundraising. In Memory of Nathalie Grace Cocks Nicola Ash took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £829.20. In Memory of

Ian & Andrew Cooper

Barrie Cooper, Sandra Cooper, Patricia Palser, Robert Palser, Anne Simkiss and Charles Simkiss took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,075.


In Memory of Gary Craig Josephine Carey raised £283, through online fundraising, in respect of the Belfast Marathon. In Memory of Flt Lt Richard Credland Sandy Credland took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £350. In Memory of Stuart Cutler Andrena Thomson sent in cheques amounting to £150 from Molplant Construction Ltd., R Earsman Ltd and Armstrong Waste Management Ltd.

In Memory of Ben Daniels • The parents of St George’s Bickey CE Primary School raised £170. This donation was forward to CRY by Mrs V Carrier, Head Teacher.

• The Old Elthamians Cricket Club (Junior section) sent in a donation of £255. In Memory of Neil John Darby Heather Darby sent in a donation of £2,648.50 from the auction in memory of Neil. In Memory of Ryan Darby • Nicola Acuta took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon 2010 and raised a final amount of £600. She completed it in 2 hours and 18 minutes.

In Memory of Matthew Cooper • Mrs D A Cooper, Constantine Construction (Medway) Ltd. sent in a donation of £1,400.

• Michelle Osment took part in the Brighton Half Marathon and sent in a donation of £303.50.

• Peter Huggens took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £500.

In Memory of Audrey Olive Coulson We have received a donation of £180, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Audrey Olive Coulson. In Memory of Bruce Cousins • “We are pleased to enclose a cheque for £131.08 being the proceeds of a recent car boot sale of items donated by our son’s friends and relatives.” Mrs J Cousins.

Jackie Cousins forwarded a donation of £100 from Mr & Mrs B Taylor.

In Memory of Susan Cox Gemma and Melanie Cox and James Gibbs took part in the Reading Half Marathon 2011 and raised £585.

Left to right: Nicola’s friend Laura, Nicola’s nanny Joyce her dad Mick, her mum Joan, her friend Kelly, Barbara (Ryan’s Mum) with Harley in front (Nic & Ryan’s Son), John (Ryan’s Dad) and Shaun (Kelly’s son).

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• Nicola Acuta took part in the Bupa 10K on 30th May and raised £250 in memory of Ryan

In Memory of David Ayo Taiwo took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,171. In Memory of Paul Davies Clare Chamberlain, Benita Davies, Gillian Godfrey, Carl Harrison, Eboni Harrison, Grace Harrison and Lindsey Harrison took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £208. In Memory of Julia Davison Sally Ashworth forwarded a donation of £100 from Jenny, for sponsorship of her bike ride, Manche-aMed. Last year having read a book “Downhill all the Way” by Edward Enfield, which described cycling through France from the English Channel to the Mediterranean, Sally Ashworth felt inspired to embark on the 764 mile trip and do it fundraising for CRY! Sally lost a very dear family friend, Julia Davison, to Sudden Adult Death in 2006. Julia sadly passed away in her sleep having been in ‘perfect’ health.

In Memory of Neil Desai • “In 2010 we chose Cardiac Risk in the Young to be the charity to benefit from the Varsity series that year. The varsity series is one of the highlights of the University calendar and played out across four months, ten sports, fourteen matches and numerous venues including the Trent FM Ice Arena and Meadow Lane (the home of Notts County FC). Our motivation for supporting CRY came from the tragic death of Neil Desai, who died from sudden death syndrome on his 22nd birthday in 2008. It is only through the work of organisations like CRY that these avoidable deaths can be prevented. Neil was one of the most talented sportspeople at the University of Nottingham and was on course to achieve a first in a law degree when he passed away.” David Heads, University of Nottingham, and Andy Schulten, Nottingham Trent University sent in a further £7,627.09..

• Jack Kelly took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,447.70.

• Jamie Littlejohns took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,342.

In Memory of John Lawrence Dick Malcolm Dick took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £200. In Memory of Luke Dickinson “Please find enclosed a cheque for £390 from the opening weekend of the newly-named ‘The Green Squirrel’ pub, Haslingden. The opening weekend ran from Thursday 7 July to Sunday 10 July and money was raised from donations and a raffle in memory of Luke Dickinson who died suddenly in 2008. Luke was a local in the pub previously know as ‘The Crown’. This pub closed and was re-opened by a group of Luke’s friends; Stephen Sourbutts, Ben Greenwood and Lindsay McGuire. They will continue to collect money for CRY in memory of Luke.” Rebecca Dickinson. In Memory of Thomas Dominy Sue Foyle took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £423.55.

In Memory of Andrew Dawson “In May this year I was part of a group that cycled from London to Berlin to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young and Maternity Worldwide; funds raised were split equally between the two charities. We managed the 660 mile ride in only seven days, with the longest day of 140 miles finishing at 1am in the morning. I hope you will be able to use the money to make a real difference.” Will Goundry sent in a donation of £564. In Memory of Claire Dee Shapland “Please find enclosed two cheques: £180 raised by the staff at ServiceMaster from book sales, carpet cleans, donations for goods shared etc and £200 raised by Mr & Mrs Bar, who held a Coffee Morning in aid of CRY.” Nicola Loxton, HR Assistant. ServiceMaster Contract Services.

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In Memory of Adam Donnelly Mary Roberts sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Adam Drawbridge Claire Blackman, Richard Blackman, Shirley Blackman, Les Drawbridge, Sarah Drawbridge and James Forbes took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £610.



In Memory of David Eastty Roger Boston, Margaret Clark, Linda Eastty, Leslie Thompson and Diana Yorke-Wade took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £462.

Of the experience, Simon said: “The ‘Toughest Foot Race on Earth’ certainly lived up to its reputation but exceeded all my expectations. An amazing, albeit gruelling, event that involved 155 miles of the Moroccan Sahara in temperatures reaching 55ºC. Easily the hardest, yet strangely most enjoyable race I’ve ever done. Thanks to everyone who has kindly supported this challenge and helped me raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young.” So far they have raised over £5000 for CRY.

In Memory of Edd and Chris Caroline Hatwell took part in the Richmond Park 5K and raised £325 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Elizabeth Nicola Lloyd took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £986.

In Memory of James Edgar Simon Edgar and Mark Gardner sent in donations totalling £5,035.50 after completing the Marathon des Sables.

In Memory of Sebastian English • The Graham Rowlandson Foundation sent in a donation of £500.

In Memory of Michelle Duffin Jaime Duffin took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £700.

Marathon des Sables 2011 1 - 11 April 2011

Simon Edgar, Mark Gardner and Jarlath O’Hara successfully completed the 2011 Marathon des Sables - a 6 day / 155 mile endurance race across the Sahara Desert in Morocco.

• “I am this year’s club captain at the University Men’s Hockey Club and an old friend of Sebastian English. This year several of our hockey boys ran the Great West Run to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young. I enclose two cheques on their behalf; one for £100 and the other for £125. We wish you all the best and continued success with this excellent cause.” Samuel Burrett.

The fundraising effort for CRY was a joint undertaking. All three worked tirelessly fundraising for CRY and completed the 2011 Marathon des Sables finishing as follows;

• Jarlath O’Hara (London) - 109th overall (out of 850) and 1st Irish

• Mark Gardner (Derby) - 81st and 9th Briton • Simon Edgar (Leeds) - 143rd overall and 19th Briton The event is equivalent to 5½ regular marathons, carrying everything needed for the duration, with speeds up to 12 km an hour - this is truly a remarkable achievement and demonstration of mental stamina.

• “As a playing member of the CRY Crusaders Rugby Sevens team, I am pleased to attach two cheques totalling £400.” Tom Comley.

• Phyl and Wynne Owens sent in a donation of £100 in fond memory of their late great-nephew Sebastian, whose 23rd birthday would have been in June.

• Mike Burton (CRY Crusaders) forwarded a donation of £145, raised by the sale of CRY merchandise, including wristbands.

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• CRY Crusaders Rugby Team. “We are very pleased to inform

you that your organisation has been chosen as one of our recipients of our company’s Charity Scheme. As a demolition company we re-use/recycle over 96% of arisings from our projects.” Richard Comley FIDEng, Managing Director, Comley Demolition sent in £123.75.

• Stephen Lewis sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Geoff

Eversfield’s Three Peaks Challenge, in memory of Howard and Sebastian English.

• Mrs E Gillett raised £100 from a book sale held at St Nicholas Primary.

• Tim Parrack took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £4,747.40.

In Memory of Robert Guy Evans Aiden Bateman raised £595, through online fundraising, in respect of the Grim Challenge. Three young men from Didcot braved wind, rain and water to take part in the notorious GRIM endurance challenge in memory of a close friend, who died from a suspected heart arrhythmia. Aiden Bateman and John Sutton (both 19) and Sam Gosden (20), completed a gruelling eight-mile run through the muddy, waterfilled vehicle testing course at Aldershot Barracks in Hampshire on Saturday 15th January. The three decided to take part in the competition after their friend, Guy Evans, died in 2008, aged 17. The GRIM was due to take place at the beginning of December but had to be postponed because of the snow. The annual event attracts thousands of runners from around the UK willing to push themselves to the limit. Sam, an apprentice at Didcot Power Station, said all three were delighted with their official times for completing the race, which were around one and a half hours each. “We began training several months ago, running around Didcot and the local villages after work and building up stamina at the gym,” he said. “It’s taken quite a bit of time to get our fitness back up to scratch since Christmas but it’s been worth the slog.” “No-one knew that Guy had a heart condition that could kill him so suddenly,” said Aiden. “We owe it to him to do what we can to make sure other young people can find out if they’re at risk and do something about it.”

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John, who had been a friend of Guy’s since they both joined St. Birinus School in Didcot at the age of 11, was with him on the night he collapsed and died.“What happened to Guy just came straight out of the blue and it’s really hard to get your head around,” he said. “A sudden arrhythmia can happen without any warning so having the screening could help save lives.” By Beth Chesney-Evans In Memory of Shaun Michael Farrel Shaun Dowson took part in a parachute jump and raised £588. In Memory of Kevin Fegan Eimhear McMahon took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,873. In Memory of Josh Fell Donna Fell sent in a donation of £140 in memory of her son, Josh. Hornsea School & Language College, raised £864.91 from a Non Uniform Day held at the end of term and from the Enterprise Day. In Memory of Lorena Ficetola We have received a donation of £160, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Lorena Ficetola. In Memory of Therese Field “Enclosed is a donation of £930 which was raised by a charity show at the Theatre Royal, Margate and a quiz evening. These events were a huge success and very enjoyable.” Tara Field. In Memory of Nolan Foley • David Foley sent in donations totalling £640 in respect of the London to Paris Cycle ride.

• David Crozier sent in a donation of £175 in respect of the London to Paris Cycle Ride. In Memory of Andy Forbes Melanie Stedmon sent in a donation of £100, in lieu of wedding favours, for her forthcoming wedding on 9 July.

Our In Memory of David Forway


the next, which we are planning as a race night. Further fundraising is being done by our local sports academy school who are running a no school uniform day for us; together with a parachute jump. As we are a logistics company our fuel card incentive system points are also being transferred into cash that is also being donated to CRY.” Diane Bridgen, Director, Central Hub Logistics Ltd.

In Memory of Lauren Gallagher Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £168 from the collection box at Centra Stores.

In Memory of Andrew Gard Caroline Gard sent in a donation of £256 from the sale of John Bennett’s church cards (Frinton).

Steve Busby took part in the Bupa 10K and raised £325. In Memory of Vicki Furlong Barry Scott raised £512 through his online fundraising page. In Memory of Daniel Furnell Chloe Griffiths sent in a donation of £100 from the collection box. In Memory of Matt Gadsby Diane Bridgen, Central Hub Logistics Ltd., sent in a donation of £200 from a charity football match, held in memory of Matt. “We (Central Hub Logistics) ran a charity football match on Sunday 26 June 2011 to raise money for CRY in memory of Matt Gadsby. As a company we are supporting this charity for the year in the hope that eventually after all our events we will be able to hold a screening day. We raised a total of around £1700 on Sunday, with our Central Hub Logistics team winning against ‘Sheepy Old Boys’ - but only thanks to a penalty shoot-out following a 1-1 draw. The event carried on after the match with a Fun Day at the Old Crown pub in Wiggington. The event culminated in a BBQ, cake stall, side stalls and bouncy castle - all helped by the fantastic weather. Everyone said it was a fantastic day and can’t wait for

In Memory of Stephen Gately Steo’s Superfanz took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £266.50. Steo’s Superfanz are Olaf Bitter, Sheryl Chappell, Gemma Charville, Lenie Keizer, Jacqui King, Heidi Lee, Catherine Mostyn-Scott, Ivan Mostyn-Scott, Sarah Phillips, Rosie Woodhurst, Debbie Woolley and Silvia Wunsch took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £336.50. In Memory of Selma Gemal Andrea Smith took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £105. In Memory of Elizabeth Gent Mr C Gent sent in a sponsorship donation of £305 in respect of the Great North Swim and Great London Swim held in June and July. “After having completed the Great London Swim last year, I swore that I would not do any more open-water swimming again – ever! So I am rather surprised to find myself having done both the Great North Swim and the Great London Swim this year. I swam to raise money for CRY, in memory of my daughter, Elizabeth, who died of an undiagnosed cardiac condition five days before her 21st birthday in 2006. After three months of training, in swimming pools and lakes, the Great North Swim in Lake Windermere was a relatively easy

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Fundraisers experience, except for the coldness of the water. It is so much easier swimming in a straight line, without having to turn all the time, and doing the swim in clear water with hundreds of other people added a certain buzz. It was a pity the weather was bad, because it must be one of the most attractive places in England to swim – unfortunately the views of Scafell and the Langdale Pikes were spoilt by low cloud and rain.

Then south to London for the Great London Swim in the Royal Albert Dock – not so many people, but even more of a buzz, partly because of the lovely weather and partly because the spectators were more packed together – the water was warm and surprisingly clean, and it was actually quite pleasant to swim among the cranes and warehouses of the old dock. I hope to have raised about £1,000 for CRY. Once again, I am determined not to do any more open-water swims; however, with my record I’ll probably be doing four next year.” Christopher Gent. In Memory of Salena German Mrs Jackie German sent in a donation of £1,000 in memory of her daughter, Salena German, who died on 21 November 2011 after having a cardiac arrest.

In Memory of Craig Graham West Calder High School raised £4,656.21, from various fundraising, in memory of one of their students, Craig Graham. This donation was collected by CRY county representative Shelagh Green, at their Awards Ceremony, on 29 June. In Memory of David Green • Gabriella Broadhurst raised £4,765, through fundraising, in respect of the Bognor Regis 10K.

• Gabby Broadhurst sent in two donations totalling £820. £735

represented sponsorship for Steven Ranson who took part in the ‘Ups and Downs Peterfield Cycle Race’ and £85 was donated by Gabby’s brother’s building firm (from scrap metal).

“On Sunday 10 July, Steven Ranson and a team of cyclists took part in the “Ups and Downs” charity 30 mile cycle ride in Petersfield, Hampshire.

The event was held in memory of 19 year old David Green, with the aim of raising money and awareness for CRY. The participants raised £735 for CRY.” Gabby Broadhurst.


“Forty family and friends took part in the Bognor Regis 10k run on 15 May in memory of our beloved David who died on 1 December 2010 from an undiagnosed heart condition.

David was a fit and healthy 19 year old who loved sport and had himself taken part in this run in 2007. We raised over £4,000 for CRY and money is still coming in. Peoples response has been amazing, like us as a family, many were unaware of the statistics of Cardiac death in the Young and were alarmed at the high number of young people who die each week due to undiagnosed heart conditions. As a family we will continue to raise money and awareness. Young people are dying needlessly and with research and heart screening this number can be greatly reduced.” Gabby Broadhurst.

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• Matt Minter took part in a bungee jump and raised £914.



In Memory of Oliver Griffin “Our President, Linda Pratley, on behalf of Ventnor Inner Wheel would like you to accept this donation of £800 towards CRY in memory of Oliver Griffin. We hope it goes some way to helping with the great work you provide.” Mrs Sue Whittle, Club Secretary. In Memory of Matthew Hadfield Diana Garretts sent in a donation of £146.55, which was collected in cash from the guests at their wedding on 10 June and a cheque for £103.43 from herself and Andy. Total donation £250. In Memory of James Haggerty • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £500. This money was raised by Nick Taylor, a student from Battle Abbey School where James Haggerty’s dad works. On the last day of term Nick shaved his head to raise this extraordinary amount of money for which we are extremely grateful.” Mrs Jackie Haggerty.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £120 which was donated

by Sean Collins. Sean sold his bike (which he used in last year’s cycle ride for James) and donated the money he made.” Mrs Jackie Haggerty.

• Jackie Haggerty sent in donations totalling £155. In Memory of Emmanuel Haizel Jonathan Haizel took part in Just Walk 2011 and raised £225. In Memory of Matt Hales “Your organisation came to my notice since my godson, Matthew Hales, died last May at the age of 23. I’ve just had my 60th birthday and asked for donations instead of gifts. Matt was a lovely, young man - it’s still very hard to believe he’s died - so anything that can be done to help prevent these tragic occurrences is vital.” Mrs Jill Smout sent in a donation of £160. In Memory of Darren Hall Jessica Ashbridge took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,748.40. In Memory of Shamil Hamid • Lisa Fletcher raised £540, through online fundraising, in respect of the Kuwait English School taking part in a half marathon and £5,917.96 paid in via CHAPS.

Shafiq Hamid took part in the Kuwait English School’s Half Marathon and raised £4,370 through online fundraising.

“The CRY run dedicated to Shamil Hamid was part of Kuwait Charity Run which went extremely well yesterday (19 March 2011).

Shamil was a student at Kuwait English School from 1992 to 2007 and the teachers, students and management have been extremely supportive of raising awareness of CRY, since we very sadly lost Shamil on 1 December 2010 to SADS. Dozens of students and teachers from the Kuwait English School and other friends in Kuwait participated. Many had donation websites and different ways of collecting funds so it might take a while to calculate the total donation. A figure of £8,000 was mentioned – so we hope we can raise that for CRY.

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Fundraisers and opportunity to listen to some of Carlton’s football stories and anecdotes.

Lisa of the Kuwait English School was instrumental in organising and planning things.” Shafiq Hamid.

• Matthew Richmond sent in donations totalling £6,665, raised at the Sportsman’s Dinner, Kuwait, in memory of Shamil.

“An enjoyable and successful charity weekend was held in Kuwait over the weekend of the 9 and 10 June 2011.

The weekend began when an informal and social game of football was held between a Carlton Palmer Invitational XI and a Rob McCaffrey Invitational XI. The game, played in temperatures approaching 50 degrees centigrade, was high in enthusiasm and enjoyed by all.

Ex-England, Leeds United and Sheffield Wednesday player, Carlton Palmer, showed all his experience and skill to lead his team to a convincing 5-2 victory. However, it was clear that Rob McCaffrey, the former Sky TV sports presenter, was more suited to ‘talking a good game’ as opposed to playing one!

The game was followed by a reception at the home of event organiser, Matthew Richmond, which also included an auction and raffle. These, combined with the funds raised through the football match, helped to kick off the fundraising and a total in excess of £900 was raised on the night.

Many of those that were present on the Thursday evening were also present at the main event, a formal dinner held at the British Embassy the following night. 80 guests, dressed in their finest evening wear, joined Rob and Carlton for the dinner

Rob, master of ceremonies, expertly quizzed Carlton and coordinated questions from the guests. He also ran the auction of items of sporting memorabilia, including a shirt signed by the current Man United team which was bought for £2000.

The event and weekend was enjoyed by all those that were present and a grand total of £11,110 was raised.

This total was split equally between Helen & Douglas House and Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and donated in loving memory of Grace Turner (2003 - 2009) and Shamil Hamid (1988 – 2010).” Matthew Richmond.

• Humaira Ashraf, Alexander Burgess, Gary Fenwick, Farah Hamid, Shafiq Hamid, Najma Hashmi, Samar Hashmi, Zain Hashmi, Alastair McFadzean, Naheed Patel, Callum Pinfold, James Poole and Simran Poole took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £310.

In Memory of Josephine Harris “I have great pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £324 which was raised by an Easter Raffle at my local club, the Sandgate Men’s Club, in memory of Josephine Harris who died on 8 April 2006 at the tender age of 18. She was such a special girl and we all miss her so much. I would like to give special thanks to the Sandgate Men’s Club for supplying the Easter eggs and to local traders who donated other prizes for me to raffle.” Mrs Joy Austin. In Memory of Graham Harrison “A dance and quiz night was held earlier this year in memory of Graham, my nephew, who died over three years ago, unexpectedly and without warning. We don’t need to hold these events to remember Graham, as we think about him each day, but I think it is a great way to mark Graham’s memory by helping CRY to help others. I enclose a cheque for £456 in favour of CRY representing the total raised.” Pam Woodcock.

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Our In Memory of Ryan Harrison Amy Porter took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,444.05. In Memory of David Harrop Jennifer Harrop took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,624.

In Memory of Christopher Haw • Gav Copland took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,465.40.

• Ben Watson took part in the Virgin London

Marathon 2011 and raised £1,770.

In Memory of Gareth Hugh Hemmings “Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £520 which I raised by charging friends and family to attend my belated 40th birthday party. The donation is in memory of my dear friend Gareth Hemmings who remains sorely missed.” Ed Mitchard. In Memory of Oliver Hewitt • Lucy Harley completed the Three Peaks Challenge on 3 June and raised £1,073.


In Memory of Stewart Howard Jane Howard sent in a donation of £2,700 from her annual Car Boot Sale held at Tesco car park.

In Memory of Polly Hughes Celia Garrick sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Paddy and John’s cycle ride in memory of Polly.

In Memory of Daniel Hunter Kate Hunter sent in a donation of £230 in lieu of presents for her mother’s 90th birthday (Nora Peck) and in memory of her son, Daniel Jon Hunter, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on Christmas Day 2002, aged 18, from viral myocarditis. In Memory of Camilla Irvine “Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £1,140. £1,000 was half of the collection taken at our daughter, Camilla’s, thanksgiving service, the rest donations by friends unable to attend.” Wendy Irvine. In Memory of Andrew Jackson Diana Bower sent in sponsorship donations totalling £100 in respect of her Coast to Coast Walk.

• David Cross took part in the Virgin London

In Memory of Caradoc James Maureen Ward forwarded two cheques totalling £1,200 from Murco Oil Refinery.

In Memory of Peter John Hinchliffe Sarah Hinchliffe took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,222.91.

In Memory of Denver Jenkins Team Badger took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £350. Team Badger are Alison Jenkins, Emma Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins and Martyn Jenkins.

Marathon 2011 and raised £1,722.

In Memory of Andrew Holcombe Barry Holcombe took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £270. In Memory of Nicholas Holland “I enclose a cheque for £215 in respect of a collection made at my work offices for Wear What You Like Day. The collection was made from the staff of Sesame Bankhall Group with offices in Altrincham, Huddersfield, Birmingham and Cheltenham. This collection was part of a monthly charitable giving and CRY was identified as the charity for the month by me for June 2011, in relation to collecting monies in memory of Nick Holland, from Cheshire.” Deborah Warburton. In Memory of Philippa Holmes Matt Tingle raised £175, through online fundraising, in respect of the Paris Marathon. In Memory of Jonathon Hooper Jennifer Anthony, Diane Hooper, Peter Hooper, Simon Hooper, Richard Mayou and Stephanie Mayou took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £390.

In Memory of Nathan Jennings “Our Captain, Shaun Barke, has asked me to forward this donation of £300 to you as his chosen charity this year. It was presented to him by one of our members, Roy Blowers, as a gift from the company, Britannia Metals, where he is presently employed. We at Mid Kent Golf Club send you our warm regards and support for the amazing work you do for such a worthy cause.” Pam Holden, Company Secretary, Mid Kent Golf Club. In Memory of Leigh Jepson Paul Jepson took part in the Scott Trial and raised £1,017 through online fundraising. In Memory of Ashley Jessop Dean Jessop sent in a donation of £400 in memory of his son, Ashley, who passed away on 12 November 2010. In Memory of Caroline Johnstone • Fiona Game took part in The White Peak Walk for the Cazfest on 8 July and sent in a donation of £251.50.

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• Lizzie Cartwright took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,751.20.

In Memory of Ethan Jones • Richard Norval and team members took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and sent in a donation of £210.

• Sandra Jones sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her son, Ethan.

• Hilary Wagstaff took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £7,307.20.

In Memory of Matthew Kamis “I am enclosing a cheque for £100 from the tombola which my friend, Sue, held for me at the Chiropody shop where she works.” Trina Kamis.

In Memory of Ronnie Kaye Elizabeth Anderson raised £180, through online fundraising, in respect of the Great Manchester Run. In Memory of Oliver King Rachel Rick raised £880, through online fundraising, in respect of the Liverpool Half Marathon. “I finished in 2 hours 5 minutes 58 seconds – which is a lot faster than I did my last half-marathon in 1988! It was a fantastic event, with perfect weather. At the end, by the Britannia, people had cut up fruit for runners. It was amazing!” Rachel Rick.

In Memory of Sophie Konderak Lesley Konderak sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her daughter, Sophie.

In Memory of Joe Korting Robert Knott took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised £540 through online fundraising. In Memory of Stephen John Kosswig Denise Dryhurst took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised £550 through online fundraising. In Memory of Judith Krish Camilla Briault, Tim Froggatt, Nicola Gobat, Felicity Good, Julia Good, Gillian Krish, Jonathan Krish, Rachel Krish and Sophie Morley took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,368.50. In Memory of Jon Kutesa “Our school took part in a week of events culminating in a sponsored walk which raised £278.50 to help your charity and hopefully contribute to saving the lives of other youngsters like Jon Kutesa, one of our former pupils.” Aidan Whitehead (The Warrington School), on behalf of: Rob Greaves, Diana Nickson, Ange Norris-Heyes, Pauline Smith, Louise Thomson Aidan Whitehead (Staff), Thomas Cooper, Callum Degg, Leah Holden, Natalie Lake, Matty Woolstencroft and Lizziey Wright (pupils). In Memory of Jack Edward Ladley “I am a Slimming World consultant at the Cuddington group in Cheshire and my groups have nominated to support your charity. Our members have recently taken part in a Slimathon and lost a total weight of over 63 stone in three months. Our group is shrinking in size but not in numbers and we hope this cheque for £100 can help your funds. We would like to donate this in memory of Jack Edward Ladley who passed away on 16 July 2001, aged 7 years. His grandmother is one of our members.” Claire Dawson. In Memory of Adam Lambert • David O’Connor took part in the Newham 10K London Run in memory of Adam and raised £330 through online fundraising.

• Robert Lambert sent in donations totalling £970, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of his son, Adam, who passed away on 28 February.

In Memory of Sophie Louise Kirkland Ria Harrison, Natasha Kirkland and Lucy Scandling all took part in a skydive and raised £404.28.

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In Memory of Robert Lancaster • Charlotte Berkin and Rik Lancaster raised a further £4,215 from wedding donations, through online fundraising. Total raised £5,025.

James Lancaster sent in a donation of £5,500.

• Carly Hilton, Martin McColl Ltd., sent in a donation of £2,600, raised during the Sample Sale and the Golf Day Charity Raffle, in memory of Robert.

Our • Stuart Fawcett took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,414.

• Dean Tooby took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,447.

In Memory of Daniel Larkin Barry and Tricia Larkin sent in donations totalling £2,300 which was raised by family and friends through football matches and evening entertainment.


In Memory of John-Paul Lipscomb-Stevens “Please find enclosed two cheques for CRY: £500 raised by Aylesbury Hockey Club by holding a memorial hockey tournament for my husband on 7 May and £220 raised by my daughters, Phoebe and Chloe collecting at the hockey tournament. My husband, John-Paul Lipscomb-Stevens passed away last year, 27 November 2010, due to ARVC and CRY have supported us since this happened.” Victoria Lipscomb-Stevens.

In Memory of Paul Leach Emma Ferrier sent in a donation of £413.80 raised during a Dress Down event at Barclaycard.

In Memory of Martyn Jordan Lee We have received a funeral donation of £472.70 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Martyn Jordan Lee, who passed away on 1 June 2011, aged 17 years.

In Memory of Jenny Legg Chris Legg took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,548.

John-Paul’s dad, Philip Stevens, and daughters Phoebe and Chloe presenting trophy to winners

In Memory of Jonathan Leigh Andrew Llewellyn took part in the Brighton Marathon and raised a further £1,132. Total raised £1,428.

In Memory of Huw Lewis “This money forms part of the funds raised from the annual Huw Lewis Memorial Six-a-Side Football Tournament, held each Whitsun Bank Holiday at Kilgetty Football Club, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Last year’s tournament featured 20 teams and the event is now an established fixture in the sporting calendar of Pembrokeshire. The 2011 event is currently in final stages of organisation, with 20 teams again booked to take place, with a reserve list of 7 teams, highlighting the popularity of the tournament.” Jonny Lewis sent in a donation of £500.

Chloe with one of the AHC teams

In Memory of Alison Linforth “Please find enclosed a cheque for £350 raised by staff at Nat West GTS Operations, Birmingham. Funds were raised by holding activities throughout a week in February in support of CRY. We organised a quiz, a sweepstake, balloon popping and a casual dress day.” Community Your Team, Nat West. This donation was forwarded to CRY by John Linforth. In Memory of Ian Linington “Please accept this donation of £100 towards your important work for young people in memory of our friend, Ian, who died three years ago.” DA & JM Shine.

Phoebe with one of the AHC teams

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In Memory of James Love-Smith Morrison Cooper took part in a parachute jump and raised £1,280.90. “On Saturday 7 May, I and three other people went to Redlands Airfield in Swindon, Wiltshire. It was a horrible morning with strong winds and heavy rain and the likelihood of jumping seemed to worsen by the minute. But we all remained enthusiastic and positive that we were going to jump out of a plane at 10,000 feet.

10,000 feet up. Sonia was making her first ever flight so she was obviously anticipating both the flight experience and the skydiving experience all at once; and that’s why I am extremely proud of her, as are many others. It all took us a lot of courage to jump but it was all made easier with the instructors we had and the support we had from friends and family on the day. The instructors and cameramen were a great laugh and knew how to try and settle our nerves so a bit of “banter” didn’t go down badly!

We were all raising money for CRY in memory of a friend of ours who died on the 27th June 2009 after collapsing in the street due to an unidentified heart condition. His name was James Love-Smith and he was only sixteen years old. There were four of us altogether doing the jump, three of whom were girls; I guess women are more fearless when it comes to adrenaline sports! The girls I did the jump with were Lauren Walker, Sonia Abraham and Katrina Gatty. We arrived at 8am and the weather was atrocious and things were not looking good. However, reports suggested that the bad weather was soon to clear so the call for the prejump briefing and training arrived. We all sat down in a room and started to learn everything we needed to know. Next, the order of jump was placed and everyone knew when they were jumping. Lauren Walker and I were on the first plane and Sonia Abraham and Katrina Gatty were on the second. When the time arrived, we started to get kitted up and the nerves began to kick in.

If I was to choose the best part of the skydive then it would have been the first thirty seconds of it; the jumping from the plane, and then the free-fall. It doesn’t seem as if you are falling at 120mph, it just seems as if you are in gale-force winds. The fact that the free-fall was over within a small period of time was the sad thing about it but as you know, you can only fall for so far until you have to open the parachute, and the relief of the parachute opening is probably everyone’s main concern. If I was to give somebody some advice about the skydive, then it would be to not back out from it; if you do decide that you can’t do it, then force yourself to do it because I can promise you that you will not regret it. The thrill of jumping and free-falling is a feeling that is indescribable, and it will live within you for the rest of your life. I, for one, know that I will partake in another skydive (or should I say numerous skydives!) and will hopefully be taking my skydiving instructor qualifications. Thank you to everyone at Redlands Airfield and to everyone at CRY for their help in organising this amazing experience. We raised a total of £1,280.90 but still have much more sponsorship money to collect and will continue to raise money. An enthralling day on the airfield and for a brilliant cause. Rest in Peace James, you will never be forgotten.” Morrison Cooper. In Memory of Max Lowry • Kate Hill sent in a donation of £175 in respect of her Kilimanjaro Climb. (£2,870 has been raised online)

• Dominic Laurie took part in the Stockholm Marathon in May and raised £576.

We were all nervous and the anticipation of falling at 120mph just didn’t really sink in until we were staring at the ground from

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Our In Memory of Martyn Luckett “Please find enclosed a cheque for £363.45 which was raised by myself, Anna Shears, Tammy Winters and Katie Jewell taking part in the Bath Half Marathon. Unfortunately Katie was unable to take part on the day, having just found she was 7 weeks pregnant! We had a lovely day and the weather was perfect in all other respects, but too hot for running.” Charlotte Luckett, CRY County Representative. In Memory of Aaron Lundy • Christine Allen took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,750.

• Gareth Barton took part in the Virgin London

Marathon 2011 and raised £2,876.

• Chris Hughes took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,876.

• George McAlpin took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,876.

• Garry McGrotty took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,876.

• Ivan McGrotty took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,750.

• Gregory Neely took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,876.

In Memory of Jack Maddams “Please find enclosed two cheques; £870 which was raised directly at our charity afternoon and one for £360 which was passed to me from the dad of one of our boys who liked what we were doing so gave us an extra donation from his work!” Maggie Middleton, Charity Coordinator, Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School. In Memory of Mark Marden Pam Dickins took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £225.46.

In Memory of Oliver Marsden • Michael Youdale completed the Reading Half Marathon and raised £150.

• Jamie Aggett took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,453.11. • Daniel Marsden took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,453.11.


In Memory of Lewis Marsh “Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000 for the Lewis Marsh Fund. This money has been donated by the Sandhurst Town Boys and Girls Football Club who once again held a successful tournament last September in memory of Lewis.” Sally Reid. In Memory of John Marshall Maureen Marshall forwarded a donation of £130 from the auction of LFC tickets, together with the kind donation of £20 from Mrs M Reilly. Total £150.

In Memory of Gary Steven Martin “Please find enclosed a cheque for £245 for the funds raised at Gary’s Walk in May. We again had a great walk with all of the children on a beautiful, sunny day. The mums and kids of Upminster School, as always, gave us great support.” Maggie Whitlock. In Memory of Dean Mason • Shauna Mason sent in donations totalling £1,386.62 from various fundraising events including a trek, raffle and a 30-mile tractor run.

• Shauna Mason sent in donations totalling £480.43. • Mrs G Mason sent in a donation of £280.95 raised from displaying the restored tractor.

• Shauna Mason forwarded a donation of £500 from Costain

(who are responsible for work being carried out on a local road).

• Mrs G Mason sent in a donation of £350 raised at a race night held by Dyfed Welsh Pony & Cob Association.

• Gill Lewis, Barclays Bank, Pembrokeshire, sent in a donation

of £778 in respect of the bike ride organised by Lampeter Velfrey Community and Playing Fields Association.

In Memory of Daniel Matthews “Please find enclosed a cheque from the Football Department at Hartpury College, who raised money through organising sports events in memory of Dan Matthews.” Shaun Gluyas, Tutor, sent in a donation of £225.06. In Memory of Philip Meaney “On 24 June, we held The Philip Meaney Memorial Quiz Night in Orpington Kent. The night was a great success, which included raffles and games. The event was attended by our family and friends, and as a result of everyone’s generosity, we raised £730 pounds for the charity. Philip, who died of WPW syndrome and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in December 2005, would have been 22 this year.

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Hopefully the money raised will go towards preventing another family experiencing a similar tragedy.” Maria Meaney.

Their hard work paid off as they managed to raise a running total of around £4,500, which includes money raised from previous superstore collections and a charity quiz night. CRY is close to the heart of crew manager Sean Wright, from Eastbourne Community Fire Station, due to the sudden death of his nephew Luke, back in 2008. Sean said “It was a difficult challenge and quite a grind, with 30 mile walks on two of the days.” Red Watch were joined for the walk by Thomas Meekings (Luke’s brother). Thomas raised an additional £1,200 for CRY including gift aid. Despite many blisters and other injuries they completed the walk on Saturday afternoon in Eastbourne having set off from Winchester on Wednesday 4th May.

Red Watch and Thom at the end of the trek looking in deceptively fine form!

In Memory of Luke Meekings • Thomas Meekings took part in the 100 Mile Trek and raised £930 through online fundraising.

Eastbourne firefighters raised £4,500 during a charity walk in memory of the nephew of the crew manager, who died aged just 24. The 100-mile walk raised funds for Cardiac Risk in the Young and the Fire Fighters Charity.

The Red Watch walkers had mapped out a daily walk, ranging from between 23 to 32 miles each day, and bedded down for the night at youth hostels and Lewes Community Fire Station. Thom Meekings and Sean Wright

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Our • Hannah Battell, Steven Bolland, Rebecca Booth, Faith

Bradley, Jebb Bradley, Jobb Bradley, Laura Bradley, Claire Cawte, Daniel Cobden, Alex Curran, Charlie Curran, Elizabeth Curran, Rebecca Curran, Scott Curran, Paul Maysey, Michael McClure, Laura Meekings, Roger Meekings, Sam Meekings, Sue Meekings, Thomas Meekings, Guy Newman, Bob Rogers, Dianne Rogers, Luke Rogers, Becky Shaw, Faye Stephens, Samantha Stone, David Wheller, Marian Wheller, Anthony Woodcock, Margaret Woodcock, Samantha Woodcock, Brigid Wooton, Simon Wooton and Lian Xue took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £285.

In Memory of Barbara Mezza We have received a funeral donation of £390, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Mrs Barbara Mezza. In Memory of Adam Middleton • Donna Brittain sent in a donation of £374 from fundraising by the Heaven Wellbeing Centre.

• Donna Brittain sent in a donation of £400 which was raised by Rhianna Brittain at the Willow Church of England Primary School.

• “We spoke recently about my daughter

Rhianna’s fundraising afternoon at her school. We are so proud of her as she has found the last six months very difficult. Her friends and school have been very supportive and wanted to show their support by all playing a part in her fundraising day - the Willows Primary School also promoted CRY in their school news letter, in the hope to raise some awareness. The year 6’s held a performance again and had a collection at the end of the show. I was presented with a further cheque for £91.27 at the leavers’ assembly the following morning. One of the parents of the children had organised a leavers disco and there was a small amount of money left over, £27.03. I was also given that too. I have enclosed two further cheques from raffle sales and a donation. Total amount: £135.50. I am stunned by the generosity of the school, pupils and parents especially as many of them didn’t know Adam very well as he was so much older than Rhianna. I have really been quite touched as I am sure you will be too.” Donna Brittain.

In Memory of John Millar Kirsty MacMillan sent in a donation of £370 in memory of her brother John. In Memory of Andrew Neil Mogg • Sam Mogg raised £1,038.50, through online fundraising, in respect of the Bristol Half Marathon on 5 September 2010. • “Attached is a cheque for £200 that I raised from my family and neighbours, Sarah and Dom for running the Bristol 10K 2011. I am sending this donation to you in memory of my son, Andrew Neil Mogg, who died suddenly while out running. We are still trying to come to terms with our loss and after reading the information you have sent us about CRY we hope this small contribution will help others.” Gina Mogg.


In Memory of Daniel Mole Gill Collins and Marion Mole took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £251. In Memory of Natalie Moody Neil Henty took part in the Clapham Common 10K run and raised £510 through online fundraising. Total raised £560. “A group of five friends ran the 10k race around Clapham Common, London, on 20th March to raise money for CRY. Matthew Curtis, John Miller, Jim Pettiward, David Sorg and Neil Henty used the race to raise over £500 in memory of Neil’s cousin Natalie Moody who died suddenly about seven years ago, shortly after her 31st birthday and not long before his own. No-one had any idea that Natalie had any problems, and she was survived by two young sons. With two of the team making their first ever appearance over the distance, and with training regimes varying from the disciplined to the sporadic, the times ranged from 47 to 59 minutes - most happy with their times, though some vowed to beat their times in a future race, and others vowing never to run again! We are more than grateful to everyone who donated hard-earned money to this very important charity.” Neil Henty.

In Memory of Charlie Morrettes Karen Birch took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,807.58.

In Memory of Tom Morgan • Sally Eshelby raised £235 in respect of the Lincoln 10K Run.

• Ian Jackson took part in a 13 day, 191 mile Coast to Coast Walk and raised a further £5,270, through online fundraising. Total raised £6,070. Ian Jackson undertook a 191-mile Coast-to-Coast walk, starting on Saturday 16th April 2011, in memory of his wife’s son - Tom Morgan - who sadly died on 15th June 2009 of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome at the age of 30 years.

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16 April 2011 - St Bees to Ennerdale Bridge Ian is today walking from St Bees to Ennerdale Bridge - a total of 14.5 miles - piece of cake! I have spoken to him this morning and he was standing on top of the cliff: Hope there isn’t a huge gust of wind!!

17 April 2011 - Ennerdale Bridge to Borrowdale This leg of the 13-day coast-to-coast walk is Ennerdale Bridge to Borrowdale - a total of 16.5 miles. Ian had a terrible first night in his tent last night. He woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold and “wet” - no he hadn’t wet himself - it was the condensation inside the tent. Anyway, he started his walk and had a high “mountain” to walk up but the last time I spoke to him he was at the top getting ready to come down the other side. He tells me that he has 3 more peaks to climb today. Tonight he is again camping so hopefully it won’t be as bad as last night.

18 April 2011 - Borrowdale to Grasmere Before I put today’s blog on line I would like to add comments about yesterday’s walk. Ian had a horrendous day yesterday taking 11 hours to walk 16.5 miles: but it was all up mountains. From Ennerdale Water he walked up Red Pike (753 metres) which he found to be a very hard slog. Then he walked up High Stile (807 metres) and then High Crag (744 metres). Coming down from High Crag the zig-zagging and the steps down to Scarth Gap was really hard. Then back up to Haystacks (597 metres) and over the top and down to Honiston Slate Mine Visitor Centre and by the time he got down and arrived at the Youth Hostel he was staying at his knees were hurting and he was knackered, so went straight to bed without any dinner!!! TODAY he went from Borrowdale to Grassmere up over Lining Crag and then down the Green Up Edge Pass and down the Far Easedale Valley Walk. He took the easy option on this one because he didn’t want a repeat of yesterday. He is now staying at the Grasmere Hostel. Ian has had a much better day today and is now sitting in the garden of the Youth Hostel with a can of cider!! I do apologise if I have spelt the names wrong. 19 April 2011 - Grasmere to Patterdale 20 April 2011 - Patterdale to Shap

From Ian’s blog on the final day: Left Intake Farm, Littlebeck at 6.30 this morning and didn’t bother with breakfast but asked the farmer’s wife for a packed lunch instead. Had a lovely walk through Littlebeck Woods and I was walking slowly because I was supposed to be walking into Robin Hood’s Bay with my fellow coastto-coaster, Neil. Over the top of Graystone Moors was really cold and I went wrong slightly on the moors (keep on the road and stay off the moors) but walking down to Hawsker I met another coast-to-coaster doing it the opposite way. I thought about giving him my coast-to-coast book but decided not to because I thought I would get lost again. Finally got to the sea and had about a 3 mile walk along the cliffs. It took a really long time to get the first sight of Robin Hood’s Bay and I got really annoyed with the hills but eventually caught sight of it and about half an hour later I was there wetting my feet and tossing a pebble into the sea. I then picked up another pebble so I had one from West and one from East for Tom’s room.

21 April 2011 - Shap to Kirkby Stephen: 21 miles 22 April 2011 - Kirkby Stephen - Keld: 13 miles 23 April 2011 - Keld to Reeth: 11 Miles 24 April 2011 - Reeth to Colburn: 18 Miles 25 April 2011 - Colburn to Ingleby Cross: 19 Miles 26 April 2011 - Ingleby Cross to Blakey Ridge: 20 Miles 27 April 2011 - Blakey Ridge to Littlebeck: 17.5 miles

28 April 2011 - Littlebeck to Robin Hood’s Bay What can I say, only that “HE’S DONE IT.....HE’S ONLY GONE AND DONE IT!!” Ian reached Robin Hood’s Bay at 11.50 this morning and dipped his boots in the sea and picked up another pebble. I don’t have his blog yet to put on here but I will be doing it later. I just want to say how proud of Ian we all are and I know that Tom would be so very proud of him too. It was a tough walk but he never gave up.

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Our Went upstairs in the Bay Hotel (which is right next to the slipway), heard a shout and it was my fellow walker Neil, so instead of him being behind me and me walking slowly he was actually in front of me by about half an hour. Signed the book that says I have completed the coast-to-coast walk and got a certificate. I got to the Guest House and had a rest for a couple of hours and now I have walked into Whitby for a couple of beers and an Indian. I am that sad little person you see in an Indian restaurant at a table for one!! I would like to thank everybody who has followed my journey through my blogs and to everybody who has sponsored me. For those who haven’t sponsored me yet - do it!! THIS IS ME, THE WALKING BRICKLAYER, SIGNING OFF........ For a full account of Ian’s walk – including full text on his experiences from 19 to 27 of April - please visit Ian_Jackson_C2C_Walk.htm

• Sue Jackson sent in donations totalling £800 in respect of Ian Jackson’s Coast to Coast Walk.

In Memory of Alex Morris Theresa Clark took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £300. In Memory of Paul Mulford Colin and Sandra Mulford took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £115.

In Memory of Ralph Murwill • Meridian Winds Concert for CRY was held on 12 March 2011. “The concert I organised on went well, despite disappointing attendance, and raised £299. Peter Biggs (CRY supporter) gave an excellent speech just before the interval and I am sure this encouraged generous donations. Further donations made by friends and colleagues who did not attend the concert took the total raised to £529.02.” Sarah Burns.

• Fionna Friel took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,280.20.

• Katie O’Donoghue took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,280.20.

In Memory of John McCall

• Edel Ferson, Armagh District Council, sent in a donation of £2,000, raised during the Sport Awards Evening, held in memory of John McCall. • Ian McCall sent in a donation of £910, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of his mother, who passed away on 13 April. • Matthew Nicholson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £4,400.


In Memory of Amanda McCarthy • Simon Middleton-Burrows took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £439.

• Maura Bowen, Nigel Bowen, Evelyn Kalmar, Richard Kalmar, James McCarthy, Joan McCarthy, Jordan McCarthy, Karen McCarthy, Matthew McCarthy, Michael McCarthy, Peter McCarthy, Graham Rosenberg and Patricia Rosenberg took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,371. In Memory of David Robert McClughan We have received a donation of £728, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late David Robert McClughan. In Memory of Allyn McCluskie “I am delighted to send this cheque for £1,000. The money was donated by our pupils during our fundraising activities this year.” Jim Quinn, Principal Teacher of RE, St Margaret’s High School, Airdrie. In Memory of Tommy McDermot-Headington Ken Headington sent in a donation of £250 which was raised at Tommy’s Memorial Day ‘Family Festival of Football’ that was held last year on 15 August. In Memory of Hannah McDonogh Justin O’Connell took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £832.20. In Memory of Paul David McGlynn “Please find enclosed a cheque for £744.30 raised at our annual ‘Coffee at McGlynns’’ event, held on 18 June. This was our fourth Coffee Morning and we are still very moved by the continued support of all our family, friends and neighbours.” Patsy Gilthorpe. In Memory of Simon McNamara • Katherine McNamara, Anna Fleet, Lucy Mackinder and Bernadette Belzunce organised a rugby match and fundraising dinner and raised £1,000.

• Jan Barratt, Community Involvement Executive, Experian

Limited, sent in a match giving donation of £1,000 in respect of Katherine McNamara, Anne Fleet, Lucy Mackinder and Bernadette Belzunce and their fundraising activities in memory of Simon.

• Paul Scourfield raised £450, through online fundraising, in respect of the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

In Memory of Kerry-Anne Offord Gary Horne raised £885 through his online fundraising page. In Memory of John Owens “This donation is taken from the collection at a charity football match, ‘The John Owens Trophy.’” Kathy Sainsbury sent in a donation of £230.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Simon Pangborn Jonathan Wipp raised £195 for his ‘head shave’.

In Memory of Andrew Parker • Norah O’Donnell sent in donations amounting to £1,831.61. The donation was made up as follows: Susan Parker for running the 10k, £100; Cherelle Cruikshank for running the 10K, £170; friends and family bag packing in Asda, £576; Norah, Chris and Mark Parker for running the Edinburgh Kilomathon, £892.61; and Brian Hood, £75.” Norah O’Donnell.

• Christopher O’Donnell raised £170, through online fundraising, in respect of the Scotland Kilomathon 2011.

In Memory of James Patrick Patterson Kevin Wilson and Sid Curtis sent in a donation of £2,300 raised at the Charity Golf Day 2011 held on 8 July 2011.

In Memory of Adam Pearmine Michael Collier took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised £444.30 through online fundraising. In Memory of Benjamin Percival • Loose Junior School held a Dress Down Day and a football event during 6 - 7 May and raised £200 (part of this money also came from the sale of wristbands).

• Mr T and Miss H Casey sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Paul Parker Jackie Ellis and Katrina Parker took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £101. In Memory of Andrew Parr “Recently our local pub, The Shovels Inn, Hambleton, held their annual ‘Fun Run’ with all proceeds going to charities. They donated to ten charities in total, but their two main charities this year were the local hospice and CRY, each receiving £1,000. We know how much effort goes into this event to make it a success and we are so grateful to the Committee and all who took part in the ‘Fun Run’. Please find enclosed a cheque to the value of £1,000.” Mick & Dot Quinney (CRY Supporters) collected the cheque on behalf of CRY and Ruth Lowe gave a talk about CRY. In Memory of Christopher Martin Parr • Dianne Parr sent in a donation of £455 raised from the sale of wristbands and Will and Jen Hurst’s Silver Wedding party in June.

• Dan Engel and Hilary Turner sent in a donation of £150. • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £900 from Trevor and Carol Alcock, raised at their Pearl Wedding party. They decided no presents - all monies to go to the Christopher Parr Memorial Fund. Their son Ian was a very good friend of Christopher. They played rugby together.” Dianne Parr.

• “I enclose cheques totalling £2,345 which was raised by

Matthew Bailey who played cricket with Christopher, a very good friend and also one of Christopher’s bearers. He organised a dinner, auction and disco earlier this year, at Leek Cricket Club, which was a great success and will probably be an annual event.” Dianne Parr.

• Felicity Duncan and Philippa Hurst took part in a tandem skydive and each raised £145, making a total of £290.

• “Please find enclosed cheques totalling £1,310.27 from the

Loose School Federation in memory of Benjamin Robert Percival, a Year 3 pupil at our school. On 16 December 2010, aged just seven years old, Benji collapsed on the school playground whilst playing football. Although medics were on the scene within minutes and extensive efforts were made to save him, Benji died a short time after. Born on 31 January 2003, Benji was the youngest family member but already showed so much promise for a wonderful life and his future looked set. He was a kind boy, thoughtful and loving to those he knew and he had a great many friends - girls and boys alike. He simply loved people and getting to know them. He was clever and bright; he enjoyed learning and was doing very well at school. He was active, energetic and fun loving and would have a go at all manner of activities. He was fearless and he was beautiful. Such a wonderful array of qualities in such a young boy. He was truly remarkable. Someone once compared Benji to a firework - a perfect analogy. So full of energy, so bright and beautiful. He put smiles on all our faces, he shone, he sparkled, but his life ended so suddenly and far too soon. Needless to say, his sudden and tragic death has devastated his family and pupils, staff and parents at both Loose Infant and Loose Junior School. On Friday 6 May we organised a non school uniform fundraising day at both schools in support of CRY during which all the pupils donated money and wore pink and green clothes - Benji’s favourite colours. We also sold all of the 300 charity wristbands that you had sent us. I am a teacher at Loose but I am also a close friend of Benji’s mum and dad, Sharon and Andy.” Liz Tristram.

• Wendy Cullen, Rhianna Percival, Sharon Percival, Charlotte

Tristram, Elizabeth Tristram and Lydia Tristram took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £623.50.

In Memory of Chris Philips Antony Hourigan and Angela Walker took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £660. In Memory of Rebecca Phillips • “Please find enclosed a cheques totalling £1,432.20. I and

42 • CRY update • Issue 55

Our Micheala Dade along with the community raised this money in memory of a much loved young lady, Rebecca Phillips.” Megan Josselyn.

• Mr M Marginson, sent in donation of £137 from an Easter Egg Raffle.

In Memory of Jonathan Picker David Chilton took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,187. In Memory of David Pollard Kathryn Stenson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,750. In Memory of Polly Patrick Garrick took part in the LEJOG cycle ride with Jon and raised £1,725.04 through online fundraising. In Memory of Gary Pope Mr J E Pope forwarded a donation of £100 from Mr R Faireley, in memory of Gary, who died suddenly in July of this year. In Memory of Alan Porter Helen Porter held a Birthday Celebration in memory of her son, Alan, on 13th May and raised £2,036.92, of which £143.50 was in respect of merchandise sold. “On Friday 13 May we celebrated Alan’s birthday; I’ve never organised a charity night before so I was really nervous about how the night would go. I need not have worried, the evening was a fantastic success, and our local pub was packed.


Our friend Gary volunteered his services as DJ for the night. We had a raffle with 70 fantastic prizes and we sold 1,200 tickets at £1 each, so that was a great start. We sold CRY merchandise and did a fab tombola stall which didn’t take long to empty, and we did a scouse and curry supper. All Alan’s friends turned up as well as neighbours, family and lots of our friends. It was a great night for everyone to catch up with each other and remember Alan. We ended the evening by singing ‘You’ll never walk alone’ then setting off Chinese Lanterns with messages to Alan from everyone. The people of Skelmersdale did us proud in supporting us and a wonderful night was had by all.” Helen Porter. In Memory of Craig Daniel Powell • Mr C Dudchen sent in a further donation of £147 in respect of the Tournament Day and Risca United Presentation evening.

• Louisa Jane Conte, Michelle Davies, Allyn Evans, Lynda Evans, Amy Fleming, Anthony Fleming, Helen Fleming, Karen Fleming, Theresa Morris, Luke Powell, Mark Powell, Anne Rowe, James Rowe, Michelle Sexton, Lisa Upham, Marlene Upham, Rod Upham and Howard Williams took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £771.50. In Memory of Shannon Powell “I am delighted to enclose a cheque for £1,450.74 in memory of Shannon Powell, who was a pupil here. The money raised is the culmination of events held since here untimely death in January 2011. Her fellow Year 10 students have held sweet and cake sales and in March the whole school talent show was dedicated to Shannon and all funds raised through ticket sales went into the fund in Shannon’s name.” Liz Skelton, Deputy Head Mistress, Northwood College, Middlesex. In Memory of James Poynton • “Earlier this year we celebrated 50 years of Gang Show performances in Birkenhead. After three performances and the Saturday matinee in a local theatre, we moved the entire show to London and just 24 hours later performed it on the Sunday evening on stage in a West End theatre. We took Gang Show back to its roots in London, where it was started by Ralph Reader but hasn’t been seen there for many years. It was a very ambitious project but we achieved it - it even got TV news coverage and you may have seen it on screen. At the end of each performance in Birkenhead we invited the audience to donate to our chosen charities in a bucket collection as they left the show. They responded well and we raised just over £500 in this way. You were one of the two charities that we selected and, accordingly, we are pleased to enclose our cheque for £255.21. The Gang Show cast once again selected CRY as a deserving charity in memory of one of our young members, James Poynton, who died very suddenly from a heart condition shortly after he had appeared in our 2007

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show. He is still remembered in this way.” Peter Guyan, Gang Show Treasurer.

• Claudia Poynton raised £105, through online fundraising, in respect of the Sponsored Walk.

In Memory of Rowan Preston Alistair Preston raised a further £3,240, through online fundraising, in respect of the White and Red Rose Cost2Coast Cycle Challenge. Total raised £3,690. In Memory of David Quinney • Mick and Dot Quinney sent in a donation of £150. “This is made up of tips and donations given to us at work in memory of our son, David.”

• Mr & Mrs Jenkinson sent in a donation of £630, in lieu of gifts for Granddad’s 70th Birthday Party. In Memory of Deb Randall Steve Dale took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,367.02. In Memory of Darren Rawling Julie Rawling raised £5,697.50, in respect of her Nepal Trek 2010.

Day 4 - Am taking in every single step as we climbed up 1300m today now at 2900m at Tara Top. Can see snow capped mountain appearing thru the clouds. Awesome. Got to camp its pitch black, I can see the most amazing stars and the snow capped mountains against the black sky. Crew made me a birthday cake and sang Happy Birthday in Nepalese, best birthday ever!

Day 5 - My Birthday. ‎Words cannot describe the totally amazing day I’ve had today. The clouds cleared this morning to reveal the most fantastic mountain range during sunrise. We trekked all day, been chased by a buffalo, watched a goat herder with hundreds of goats, walked thru waterfalls and had a chip chapatti for lunch. Just got to camp and opened cards and presents and eaten birthday cake that Mum packed me off with (shared between the 5 in our group and 4 Nepalese children) then decorated tent with cards and balloons. Watched sunset.

Day 6 - Another incredible day, down 1000m today to the river, knees shot to bits. Been thru villages, seen buffalo and baby goats. Walked on river bed, crossed bamboo bridges, scrambled up and down rock faces, washed in river, got totally over excited when I saw the famous Annapurna bees and now camping by river. Can’t believe tomorrow is our last trekking day, now consider myself a proper trekker.

Nepal Trek November 2010 “Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently ‘fit and healthy’ young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. Heartbreakingly, my intelligent, witty, funny, generous, gorgeous and completely wacky little brother Darren Rawling was one of them. In memory of my brother - who would’ve celebrated his 40th birthday this year - and to raise money for CRY, I trekked the great peaks and glaciers of the Annapurna Range in Nepal and thanks to amazing support I raised nearly £6000!!!!

Day 1 - Finally arrived in Kathmandu. How fantastic is that! On the flight the snow capped Himalayas were peaking above the clouds against a blue sky. This place is amazing. Went out exploring and had our first taste of Nepalese food. Day 2 - After a frustrating morning of flight delays we finally start walking. Everyone was starting to get edgy and just wanted to get going. Flight was amazing, snow capped mountains and blue sky. Up the side of a mountain, down to the river and across a rope bridge to set up camp for the night. Tea of rice, lentils and curried veg. Its 8pm so time for bed! Day 3 - First full day walking, up at 6 with tea in tent. It’s been cloudy today but have seen snow capped fish tail Mountain above clouds. Start of circuit, steep climb. I am part of group that is at the back, which is great, learning so much from guides. Walking to Tara Top tomorrow. Food fab. Support crew are amazing, got nabbed by school kids to see their classrooms, they all speak English, very basic facilities. Very humbling experience. Camp is at 1500m on side of mountain. Amazing.

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Day 7 - Well we’re finished, after another tough morning up hill and back down to the river. Today’s adventure contained goats, donkeys, buffalo, traded soap for some oranges and some more fabulous scenery. After a very bumpy bus ride thru a river and the town we arrived at the hotel for the night. Getting ready for celebration meal, lovely shower followed by a power cut! Oh to be camping.

Day 8 - Up at 6.30 again for breakfast and a short bus trip to Pokhara airport. We’re sat in the sun waiting for our delayed flight, delayed due to poor weather! On the second morning I woke up covered in blood, all over my sleeping bag liner, thermals, everywhere. Showed doc and she said its OK it was just a bite.



Yesterday she told me it was actually a leech but didn’t say at the time in case I freaked. Freaked? I was chuffed to bits, another war story. Anyway, back in Kathmandu it’s chaotic but fascinating.

Day 9 - Back home, amazing, amazing trip. Made some fantastic friends, seen the most awesome sights, raised an astonishing amount of money and would do it all again in a heartbeat.” Julie Rawling. In Memory of Charlotte Rawlings • We have received a match giving donation of £1,000 from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, in respect of fundraising by Susan Styles.

• Derek Smith took part in a sponsored walk in memory of Charlotte and sent in a donation of £295.

• Derek Smith sent in an additional donation of £1,125 in respect of the Yeovil to London Walk in memory of Charlotte. Total raised £1,420.

• Derek Smith sent in a donation of £101.20 in respect of the Yeovil to London walk.

In Memory of Edward Reading • “On behalf of League Edstreme I would like to donate to CRY a cheque for £125 from our CRY Cup competition which was won by the Rockets on 21 July 2011.” Sean Reading, League Edstreme Partner.

• Gordon Tanner took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,739.50.

In Memory of Matthew Readings “On 6 August our daughter, Ali is to marry Gavin Readings, whose brother Matt died four years ago of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. They have asked us to make a donation in his memory as part of their wedding celebrations.” Patricia Page sent in a donation of £150.

who lost his good friend Tom Reid to young sudden cardiac death.

The main event on the day was an awards ceremony named The MoJ Awards. Throughout the week, people in the office were asked to pay £1 to purchase a Nomination Form and vote for the people at MoJ Shared Services they thought should be crowned “Best Fashion Sense”, “Funniest Person”, “Most Helpful Person” and many more. Once all nominations had been cast and counted, the winners were presented with certificates and prizes on the day.

A raffle was also organised, in which all prizes were donated by members of the fundraising team. Raffle tickets were on sale for £1 per strip and prizes included a selection of alcoholic drinks, chocolates, DVDs and toiletries.

Other events on the day were: a music quiz with a winning prize of a CD recorded by the band of one member of the team; a booze quiz with a winning prize of a bottle of wine home-made by another member; and a cake sale.

In Memory of John Reekie We have received a funeral donation, in lieu of floral tributes, of £766.74 in memory of the late John Reekie. In Memory of Tom Reid • “Back in March we ran a charity fundraising day at our office to raise money for your charity. One of my colleagues, Jordan Priestley, knows a lot about your charity and put your name forward and we were all very happy to agree on this as our chosen charity. To raise money, we organised a raffle; our very own awards ceremony in which people had to pay to vote in categories such as ‘Best Fashion Sense’ etc; a cake sale and two quizzes. The events were so much fun and created a great atmosphere in the office on the day.” Kieron Clayton, Ministry of Justice, sent in a donation of £276.15.

On Friday 4 March 2011, MoJ Shared Services in Leeds ran a charity fundraising day to raise money for CRY. This charity means a lot to one member of the team - Jordan Priestley -

• Cameron Renton and Chris Daniels took part in the Lands End to John O’Groats cycle ride and raised £1,727.

• Dean Horn took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,086.77.

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In Memory of Debbie Rendle Sylvia Pezzack held a Grand Auction on 6 May and raised £2,162 in memory of her daughter, Debbie. She also sent in an additional donation of £300 from the Mounts Bay Gig Club. In Memory of Scott Rennie • Gemma Banks took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £4,693.60.

• John Weatherall Snr took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £385.

In Memory of Keith Robson-Riddell Sam Evans ran the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday 20 February and raised £886.

• Carl Richardson took part in the Virgin London

In Memory of Luke Anthony Charles Rolfe • Jo Le Poidevin raised £302, through online fundraising, in respect of the Shakespeare Half Marathon.

• Adam Smith took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and

• “Darren Lennox and I recently completed the Stratford Half

Marathon 2011 and raised £2,001.20.

Marathon and the Birmingham Triathlon. We enjoyed both events immensely.” Dan and Len sent in a donation of £302.50.

raised £4,688.60.

• Ben Pugh took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,018.10.

In Memory of Peter Reynolds • Vicky Hill took part in a skydive and raised £465.

• Anne Reynolds sent in

a further donation of £283 in respect of Vicky Hills’ parachute jump. In Memory of Katherine Richards Victoria Snell took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,762.06 In Memory of Michael (Gunner) Riley • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £200 in respect of the Durham Riverside Walk 2010 where my niece, Georgia Riley and I walked in memory of Michael ‘Gunner’ Riley.” Dawn Riley.

• PC Williams, West Midlands Police, held a memorial football

match in April in memory of their colleague, Luke Rolfe, who died suddenly last year (aged 30 years). CRY supporter, Eve Linforth, collected a donation of £3,643.27, on behalf of CRY.

In Memory of Liam Ross “This money was raised through a charity Variety Evening in memory of Liam Ross, a student at the school who passed away in Year 9 due to heart complications.” Bethany Oliver (Y11 Diploma Student), Halewood Centre for Learning, Liverpool, sent in a donation of £553 in memory of Liam. In Memory of Pete Rous Thomas Nelson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,831.12.

“Enclosed are two cheques totalling £1,000, being the proceeds of raffles that were held at two memorial Golf Days 2010 and 2011 in memory of my lovely son, Michael, who passed away suddenly in his sleep from undiagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy on 4 October 2008, aged 32 years. Michael’s best friend Mr Ian Dainlith at The Stonehouse in Swinton, organised the events” Mrs A Riley.

In Memory of Gareth William Russell “Please find enclosed cheques totalling £1,185. The Beauty Therapy Department took part in a number of events through the year. We would like to dedicate the donation in memory of Gareth William Russell, who passed away on 25 February 2010, aged 28 years.” Michelle Brown, North Glasgow College.

In Memory of Alex Roberts Richard Leith took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,487.61.

In Memory of Luke Clayton Rutter • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £317 in memory of Luke. This was from a collection at one of the churches in our circuit on Good Friday at a prayer service.” Jill Rutter.

• In Memory of Les Roberts • Seimon Lewis took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,919.20.

“Please find enclosed a cheque from Girlguiding Lancashire West for £160. We held our annual county celebration evening and proceeds from the raffle were donated to CRY in memory of our son, Luke Clayton Rutter.” Jill Rutter.

• Kevin Postle took part in the Virgin London

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £441, which my friend and

Marathon 2011 and raised £365.

• John Weatherall took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £686.

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I raised by completing the Blackpool 10K Fun Run in May. This was in memory of my nephew, Luke Rutter, who died last August from ARVD.” Wendy Rutter.



Dip. I had some friends to help me and we raised £106.48. My teacher was really impressed with us as we did it all by ourselves. I was really proud to help CRY and paid money into the CRY account. The lady at the bank said what a good cause it was. I hope CRY will help other families.” Amy Rutter, age 11. In Memory of Craig Salmon Janette Prince sent in a donation of £2,345 for CRY from the Catwalk & Canapés Fashion Show. This was organised by Janette Prince, daughter Katie and Helen Walker and featured fashion and accessories for the stylish lady from Bonita of Tutbury. A complimentary glass of wine, canapés and a grand raffle all contributed to a truly successful evening.

• Alan and Jill Rutter raised a total of £740 from Alan’s Three Lakeland Pass Cycle Ride.

• “In the summer of last year we tragically lost one of our Year 10 students, Luke Rutter, to a previously undiagnosed heart defect. Following a fundraising day in school in his memory, I am delighted to enclose a donation cheque for £4,711.90. Luke was a very popular and hard working student and is sadly missed by us all.” P S Wood, Headteacher, LSA Technology & Performing Arts College, Lancs.

• Michael Brownwood raised £150, through online fundraising, in respect of the Blackpool 10K.

• “Almost a year ago my big brother Luke died from an unknown heart condition. He was the best brother ever; he loved me and took me places and we were good friends. It was the worst day

ever, but when we found out about CRY my mum, dad and I wanted to do something to help other families. My mum held a coffee morning, my dad took part in a bike ride and although I helped I wanted to do something myself, so I decided to have a stall at the school fair selling my old books, toys and a Lucky

Raffle prizes donated by local businesses included a family portrait by Steve Withers Photography of Tutbury, 2 premier enclosure badges for Uttoxeter Racecourse and tickets for Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Regent Theatre given by Steelite International of Stoke-on-Trent.

The money raised will go to the Craig Salmon Memorial Fund which will provide heart screening for local youngsters which is provided by CRY’s Mobile Screening Programme. Craig died suddenly in June 2009 and his family have pledged to raise £10,000 to fund the screening and help prevent other families suffer a similar tragic loss.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Max Sheppard John Sheppard and Suzanne Sheppard took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £305. In Memory of Jack Sheriff • Elizabeth Sheriff took part in the Just Walk 40K on 7 May and raised £1,776.87 in memory of Jack.

• Elizabeth Sheriff took part in the Just Walk 2011 in memory of Jack and raised a further £855. Total raised £2,631.87.

The money raised included a £500 donation from JCB, for whom Craig worked. Helen Walker said, “We would like to thank everyone who has supported the Fashion Evening. There are too many to mention but we are delighted the evening was a resounding success and a fantastic fundraiser.”

In Memory of Sam Sherwin Luke Smith sent in a donation of £120.14 in respect of the walk round Jersey Coastal Path. In Memory of Samantha Shirley • Debra Shirley took part in a tandem skydive and raised £150.

• Lynne Shirley took part in a Skydive and raised £798 in memory of Samantha.

In Memory of Neil Schuyleman • Catherine Wye took part in the Fleet Half Marathon and raised £350.

In Memory of Ben Simpson • Alice Simpson passed away on 20 October 2010. Her daughter, Doreen Bruno, sent in a donation of £100.

• Rob and Penny Simpson sent in a donation of £215 raised during the recent Golf Day in Bournemouth, in memory of Ben. • Mr J Simpson sent in a donation of £750 in memory of Ben.

Joe Simpson organised this year’s golf tournament in the memory of Ben Simpson at Selsdon Park Golf Club on Wednesday 17th August.

“This year’s Ben Simpson Open was taken on the road for the first time ever with Selsdon Park hosting. A little drizzle in the morning gave way to glorious sunshine in the afternoon for another exceptionally enjoyable round of golf.

And it is with great pride and enormous satisfaction that I can report that the winner this year was none other than Rob Simpson, mine and Ben’s dad!! There could not have been a more popular winner and the roar of the crowd when Dad collected the trophy confirmed this!!

Peter Davies, Cathi and her daughter Rhianna

• Alfie, Andrew, and Tracey Davies, Helen Davies, Peter

Davies, Ann Edwards, Emma Edwards, Graham Edwards, Violetta Edwards, and Anna, Alexia, Erin, Minas and Rose Georgakakos took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,330. In Memory of Mike Scott Lady Lumley’s School sent in a donation of £1,329.30 from non-uniform days and an individual event in memory of Mike.

In Memory of Jonathan Shaw Shaun Middleton took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and raised £175.

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Many people help out to make sure the day runs smoothly but special thanks to Jonny, Popsy and Graeme for their help and of course the day wouldn’t be complete without the BBQ in the evening so thank you to Ian and Trevor for cooking it, and Bethan and Mum for preparing it!

We managed to raise £750 for CRY which is fantastic and the day is without doubt the perfect way to celebrate and remember Ben’s life. Roll on next year where I shall finally get my name on the trophy!” Joe Simpson


The aim is to raise as much money as possible for Cardiac Risk in the Young - a charity our family have been involved with since 2007 following the death of Will’s sister Sarah Simpson from an undiagnosed heart condition.

The family have raised £7,000 in Sarah’s memory to date, and once we raise £10,000 we will be able to hold a heart screening session for young adults in Sarah’s old school.” Will Simpson, James Simpson and Dave Watt.

In Memory of Jamie Simpson Rose Dolan took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised £300.

In Memory of Sarah Simpson • Colin Simpson sent in a donation of £120 raised by the sale of tickets for a Fashion Show at Narborough Congregational Church and £110 for the Three Peaks Challenge, undertaken recently by Colin’s son and two nephews. Total: £230.

• “Please find enclosed four cheques totalling £140 donated for

the Three Peaks Challenge, undertaken last month by my son and two nephews. These are in addition to all the donations raised on line. We have now reached our target of £3,000 funds raised for this event, I am sure you will agree that this is a fantastic effort.” Colin Simpson (father of the late Sarah Simpson).

• Colin Simpson forwarded a further sponsorship donation of £140 in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge.

• Lloyds TSB Foundation sent in a donation of £500, being a

matched giving donation for William Simpson who participated in the Three Peaks Challenge on 25 June.

Cousins Will Simpson, James Simpson & Dave Watt embarked on the 3 Peaks Challenge.

Climbing the highest mountains in Scotland, England, and Wales - Ben Nevis, Scaffel Pike, and Snowdon..... inside 24 hours. “We completed the challenge in 31 hours 45 minutes as we stopped over in the Lake District for 7 hours after Scafell. Total climbing time 12 hours 45 minutes.

• Lynne Patrick and Hilary Simpson took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £100.

In Memory of Rupert Spurling • Sue Spurling sent in a donation of £516 raised by Rupert’s children, Cameron and Freya, at a cake sale.

“To remember their Dad’s birthday on 8 May 2011, Cameron (11) and Freya (8) Spurling were busy baking over 400 cakes for their cake sale (with a bit of help from Mummy, Granny and some friends). Over the course of 2 hours, they didn’t sit down as local friends came along to buy their cakes – and they raised £516. It was an enjoyable, fun and happy day – exactly what their Dad would have wanted. We were all very proud of them.” Sue Spurling.

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• Sue Spurling sent in a donation of £427 that was raised at the Golden Wedding Party held recently by Rupert’s parents.

that some people may have made donations directly to your offices.” Sue Spurling. In Memory of Lee Philip Stables • “Please find enclosed £430 in memory of Lee Stables, kindly raised by our friends John and Jenny Windle, by asking for donations instead of gifts for their 25th Wedding Anniversary Party.” Sharen Stables.

• Sharen Stables sent in a donation of £400 from the Ulverston

Rotary Club and £20 from Dave Wilson who could not make the charity bike ride.

• Ben Polkinghorn took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,265.

In Memory of Andrew Stevens • Mrs Gill Kennerley sent in donations totalling £1,688.26, “I recently re-married and decided to have donations to CRY instead of wedding presents. If my son had lived he would have given me away so we felt that it was right to have the donations for his memorial fund. We were both amazed and delighted to receive such a generous amount.”

• Peter Dickenson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,839.06.

Andrew and Daphne Spurling

In Memory of Vicky Stockton • “At the end of March I celebrated my 80th birthday and asked that, rather than buying me presents, donations be made to CRY in memory of my grandaughter, Vicky, who died from SADS in August 2006 at the age of 23. Thanks to the generosity of my family and friends I am delighted to enclose cheques to the value of £300.” Mrs Mabel Stockton.

• Tom Gilbert took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £462.

Ginger Rascals Quartet serenade Spurling grandparents

“The event was the golden wedding anniversary celebrations of Andrew & Daphne Spurling, whose son Rupert (my husband) died in June 2010 of a sudden heart attack following a run. As Andrew & Daphne had spent most of their working lives in Africa, the party had an African theme – from the invitations, the Braai (African for barbeque), decoration on the cake – and even the sun shone down on the day as well. The entertainment was provided by their four grand-children (including Rupert’s 11 and 9 year old) who sung and performed their own work – and had the 60+ guests laughing and cheering! For the anniversary, rather than presents, they requested that donations be made to CRY instead. To date, the on-line amount stands at £810, with a further £450 in cheques to be sent. Additionally, we think

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In Memory of Ian Strange “Would you kindly accept this cheque of £100 in memory of my dear son Ian who died very suddenly on New Year’s Eve 1998. Today (16 May) would have been his 34th birthday; I would never have progressed in my life without the support of CRY.” Patricia Strange. In Memory of David Styles Laurence Cotterell took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,848.11. In Memory of Paul Sykes • Dion Jenkins took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,005.10.

• Carly Sykes took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,779.28.

Our In Memory of Hannah Taylor

• Charles Bull sent in a donation of £190.50

raised by the sale of cakes made by Hannah’s mum and grandmother and sold in the Star Coffee Shop.

• B A Page, President of the Inner Wheel Club of Harwich and Dovercourt, sent in a donation of £500.

• “Please find enclosed cheques to the sum of £1,358.39, being

the proceeds from the Memorial Horse Show held at Wix Equestrian Centre on 19 June. The day was a great success and we are hoping to build on this again next year.” Charles Bull. £81.35 was also raised from the sale of cakes made by Hannah’s mum and nan which were sold in the Star Coffee Shop.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £341 being the proceeds

of a quiz evening and raffle we organised and held at the Cliff Hotel, Dovercourt, on Thursday 16 June. The evening was a great success as more than 20 tables, at an average of five per team table, took part.” Charles Bull.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £185.56 being the

proceeds of a sale of bric a brac at the Harwich Sea Festival yesterday. The stall was manned by Hannah’s mum, Nanna and Auntie Jan. A friend of Hannah’s, Trish Wenlock, spent her day kiddies face painting to assist with the fundraising. The weather Gods smiled upon us so it was also an enjoyable day.” Charles Bull. In Memory of Suzanne Taylor

• “My friends Gill and Lal held a charity coffee


In Memory of Zoe Teale • Peter Teale sent in a donation of £520, raised during the Parents Association Quiz night at Oldswinfold Hospital School.

• Peter Teale forwarded a donation of £200 raised at the Cake Sale held at Kings School, Chester. • Peter Teale forwarded a donation of £100. • Neil Williams took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,300.

In Memory of Dale Tennent-Butler James Ahern, David Boxall, Ian Butler, Lee Butler, Angela Byrne, Bianca Fuentes, Chelsey Garner, Alan George, Mitchel George, Debbie Goodwin, Jack Howit, Jordon Kidby, Tracey Lee, Zad Mcleod, Frances Renphrey, Matthew Sawyer, Jayne Slade, Joe Slade, Mark Slade, Molly Slade and Angela Tennent-Butler took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £595. In Memory of Gareth Llywelyn Thomas • Diana Blain took part in the Walk the Walk event on 7 May and raised £115.

• Stephen Nutt took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,665. • Jayne Griffiths, Wayne Griffiths, Alisdair Hassan, Dr Mair Hopkin, Owen Hopkin, Angela Nutt, Rachel Nutt, Roger Nutt, Anne Thomas and Trefor Thomas took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £590.

morning last week. Gill had an open house and raised money by selling plants and bric-a-brac. I took along my hand made cards and knitted scarves which sold very well. She did bacon butties and home-made soup and also held a raffle.” Beryl Ewing sent in £215.

In Memory of Nicholas Thomas Maria Hill sent in a donation of £201.83 for sponsorship of a bike ride with Jenny Thomas.

• “I work at Chester Mail Centre and along with two colleagues

In Memory of Mathew Thoppil Simone Sansom, Behind the Scenes, sent in a donation of £2,804.65 raised during a Dinner Dance in memory of Mathew.

have recently completed a charity event whereby we visited the four Capitals in a 24 hour period by way of plane and Royal Mail van. A colleague named Maurice Cooke and I set off from Chester at 06.15am and flew to Belfast and from there flew to Glasgow Airport, whilst we were in the air another colleague drove the Royal Mail van to Glasgow Airport and met us there. From there we drove to Edinburgh, then onto London and we reached our final destination, Cardiff at 05.30am the following morning with 45 minutes to spare for our challenge. This event was organised to celebrate receiving an MBE in the 2011 Birthday Honours List and CRY was chosen as one of the charities in memory of Suzanne Taylor who unfortunately passed away when she was only 17 years of age due to this illness and used to work in Chester Mail Centre. I am sure you will know her mum, Beryl Ewing, who also assisted in this event by selling raffle tickets.” Dave Skingsley MBE sent in a donation of £1,000.

In Memory of Christian Thunhurst “We recently held our annual Golf Day at Wycombe Heights in memory of Christian Thunhurst who sadly died in 2007. We have an excellent day’s golf and a fine lunch after to remember a great friend to us all.” Daniel Wood sent in a donation of £345. In Memory of Scott Thurlow Cathryn Simpson, Chris Thurlow, Marcelle Thurlow, Mia Thurlow, Michael Thurlow and Wendy Thurlow took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £450. In Memory of Richard ‘Rich’ Tomkins Theresa Clark took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,778.76.

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In Memory of Stuart Toucher Janice Dobbin took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £3,000. In Memory of Hannah Turberville • Katy Turberville sent in donations totalling £383.43 raised by residents at their Royal Wedding Street Party. She also sent in a donation for £100 made by some family and friends who were over from Australia.

Participants came to Doncaster from as far as London, Cheshire and Tyneside playing 18 holes, with tee times staggered from 1.30pm to 3.10pm.

• Brian and Jackie Turberville sent in a donation of £258.86. • Malcolm and Robin Hilton took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,600.04.

The competition was won by a team from Doncaster Round table, led by Dave McCullough, with 91 Stableford points. Runners up were the Direct Golf UK team, captained by Mike Peebles, with 88 points and in third place were organiser Ken Waight’s team, with 85 points.

In Memory of Richard Waight Simon Titmus took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £5,044. Included in this amount was a cheque for £1,000 from the St James Foundation

The golf was followed by a dinner, with further monies raised by an auction of sports and leisure related items, kindly donated by various organisations and individuals including Nabarro LLP Solicitors, Doncaster Knights RFC and Lee Westwood. Top price was paid for a Sunderland FC shirt signed by the first team squad, which raised £200; whilst a tour of the Olympics site in London went for £70. The whole auction raised more than £1,200 towards the total for the event. A golf day also contributed to the final amount raised: “We had a very successful day at Doncaster Golf Club on Thursday 19 May, when the inaugural Richard Waight Memorial Golf Day took place. The event was organised to raise funds for two causes, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and the Richard Waight Schools Golf Foundation. A total of 84 players entered the golf competition, playing as 21 teams, competing for various golfing prizes.

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Several individual donations were made on the day, including £1,000 for CRY, from St James Place Investments, presented by David Forster.

In Memory of George Weller Elese Price took part in the Kilimanjaro Trek and raised £611.60 through online fundraising.

A raffle raised over £500, whilst a competition to drive the 11th green from the tee contributed another £300. Separately, nearly £1,900 was raised by Simon Titmus, who ran the London Marathon in April, in association with the Golf Day,

In Memory of Christopher Wheatley Catherine French took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,077.

CRY are set to benefit from over £5,000, with the local Richard Waight Schools Golf Foundation - which encourages golf tuition as part of the sports curriculum across a number of Doncaster schools - receiving at least £2,200, meaning more than £7,200 was raised in total from this event. The Golf Day was arranged in memory of Richard Waight, a 23 year old science teacher at Hayfield School, Auckley, who died unexpectedly in November 2009, due to the SADS (Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome). Following the success of the Golf Day, it is expected to become an annual occasion, with next year’s event booked for Friday 18th May, again at Doncaster Golf Club.” Ken and Jackie Waight. In Memory of Neil Walden Graham Allen, Julian Arriens, Deb Barlow, Jamie Beagent, Ella Beaston, Jude Beaston, Ann Boberg, Maddy Bradshaw, Stephen Burt, Andrea Chappell, Elizabeth Clarke, Kathleen Commons, Steve Connor, Zoe Connor, Colin Courtney, Daniel Cox, Tracey Cox, Rachel Curry, Alice Davis, Andrew Day, Amy Dickinson, Jessica Diver, Zoe Diver, Eve Dustin, Kate Edwards, Janet Farrell, Sarah Farrell, Arthur Foulser, Christina Foulser, Auro Foxcroft, Alison Glover, Bill Glover, Harriet Glover, Amy Grey, Matthew Hall, Amy Hart, Jessica Hart, Tristan Hart, Richard Hemming, Ed Hickey, Jo Hickman, Baz Inquai, Anna Jackson, Isabelle Jackson, James Jackson, Linda Jackson, Chris Jennings, Nancy Johnson, Andrew Jones, Jane King, Tony King, Barbara Lamberton, Alison Legerton, Claire Macdonald, Adam Makowiezl, Johanna Marchant, James Maskell, Lucy Maskell, Des Matthewson, Eleanor Matthewson, Martin McKenna, Joan Mortlock, Louise Mortlock, Mark Pentney, Pam Pentney, Rebecca Pentney, Greg Phizacklea, Kate Phizacklea, Adam Phytmav, Amee Prendergast, Melanie Rhind, Nick Rudd, Nicola Rudd, Kathryn Saggers, Rebecca Scales, Anita Sharma, Hilary Sharp, Michael Sharp, Kyla Singleton, Hallam Smallpeice, Sara Sutherland, Michael Tarnory, Ross Thompson, Christopher Thorn, Peter Walden, Rosalind Walden, Laura Ward, Charlotte Wassermann, Ruth Wassermann, Peter Watkins and Daniel Watson took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £884. In Memory of Leon Walker Katy McDonnell took part in the Manchester 10K - Great Manchester Run, and raised £411. In Memory of Chris Walsh Daniel Edmondson took part in the Canterbury Spring Triathlon on 3 July and raised £113.

In Memory of Richard Whitehead “Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,450. The evening included auctions, raffle and karaoke. It was a great success and a signed Aston Villa football shirt was sold at auction for £1,000. I will continue to support CRY as they have helped out my family to deal with such a sad situation. I hope to hold an event again every year on his birthday (24 February).” Emma Goodwin. In Memory of Emlyn Arthur Wibberley • “Emlyn Wibberley died suddenly last year at the age of 13. His grandparents are members of St Margaret’s Church and we enclose a cheque for £500 to go towards your work in his memory.” Marianne Coates, St Margaret’s Church, Putney, SW15.

• Ben Brook took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,293.60.

In Memory of Neil Wickers Irene Wickers sent in a donation of £206.50 raised at the Bowling match at the Two Gates Bowling club.

In Memory of Amy Williams Ben and Joan Williams sent in a donation of £100 from their presentation and slide show in memory of Amy.

In Memory of David Williams • Joe Kettle took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,770.

• Sarah and Stacey Wildy took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,205. In Memory of Kay Wilson “On Monday 1 August we held a charity day in aid of CRY. We focused our day in memory of Kay Wilson. Kay was my colleague’s sister. On the day we raised the money by holding a food sale. We also held a raffle which was a huge success.” Ann-Marie McIlwaine, Barclays Agent, Barclays Bank. In Memory of Kevin Wilson “These funds have been raised as part of our ongoing commitment to support CRY through a range of activities including cake sales and

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sponsored events. However our major activity is a ‘Light a Life’ Appeal which takes place during Advent: loved ones are remembered with hearts which are displayed on trees which are lit. The hearts are made by Year 7 pupils during their Design lessons. I know that these hearts give great comfort to families as well as raising the profile of CRY.” John Waszek, St Edward’s College, sent in a donation of £6,000.

In Memory of James Latour Withers “On one Wednesday per month in May and June the Catholic Parish of St Lawrence and St Paul, serving Chipping Sodbuy and Yate, held a fundraising lunch for Cardiac Risk in the Young. The lunch was well attended by parishioners and people of all faiths and none, representing the wider community of Chipping Sodbury. On December 4 2010, a very close friend, James Withers, died suddenly whilst enjoying a Christmas Party with his fiancée. James was 37 years old and apparently very fit and healthy. As you can imagine, his passing has left an enormous gap in the lives of his family and friends. Please accept the cheque for £763.15 as a small token of our fundraising effort. It is our sincere wish that this donation can help you continue your valuable and important work, and in so doing, avoid another sudden tragedy.” Philip O’Rourke. In Memory of Max Beeson Wolfe • Philip Wolfe took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £3,133.60.

• Sabrina Wolfe took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £3,601.

Phil and Paul with Sue Jarvis Lancashire County Representative for CRY. It was not easy, the time factor alone - just like Chris Moyles on Radio 1’s longest broadcast - meant boredom crept in. Fortunately friends and locals kept us going together with remembering the cause we set out to help. BIG BIG thanks go to: Judy & Gerry of the Star Inn for letting us use/take over their pub on a Saturday; Paul Weir of Sweat & Smile Personal Training for providing the bikes, for compiling the special spin music, for the technical advice that stopped me for dying but most of all, for riding it with me and supporting me all the way! Thanks also go to: 18 Bikes; Adidas; Boots (Buxton); Buxton Opera House; Co-op Food Store (Tideswell); Decathlon; Haddon Hall; High Peak Radio; High Peak Signs; Holdsworth; Manchester United; Markovitz; Peaches; Tideswell Stores & Vanilla Kitchen for donating prizes or otherwise assisting the event. (Apologies for anyone that I have missed out!) Thanks must also go to the people who came on the day to support us and cheer us on with what proved to be a difficult physical and

In Memory of the Wood Family Thomas Rule took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,607.84. In Memory of Louise Worth Philip Whitehead took part in a 12 hour ‘sponsored spin’ on 12 March and raised a further £135. Total raised £1162.62. “Paul Weir and I took part in a successful charity ‘Spinathon’ held on Saturday 12 March 2011. I am please to announce that the final fundraising amount exceeded the target of £1,000 raising a total of: £1,162.62!!! The event has been a big milestone for me personally, not only a huge physical challenge but also a mental one as well. Both Paul and I managed to last the whole 12 hours, burning over 8,340 calories and showing a covered distance of 132 miles thus exceeding all targets set.

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mental challenge. Photos of the event can found on the website A link to donate is still available on the website.” Phil Whitehead.

Our In Memory of Daniel Young Trish Deeny, Union of Shop, Distributive & Allied Workers (USDAW) sent in a donation of £228.91 which was raised at the ADM National Youth Fundraising stall, raffle and disco on 17 - 18 April.

They are all members of Dromore athletic club which is in Northern Ireland. Ian has an eighteen year old daughter who had corrective heart surgery a couple of years ago thanks to the vigilance of her GP. She is fit and well and thrives at a range of sports thanks to the Surgeons doctors and nursing staff of the RVH Belfast. Ian decided to organise a relay team within his athletic club to compete in the marathon and decided to get sponsorship to donate to CRY.

The team finished the marathon in 3 hours 42 minutes.

In Memory of Basil Zekayi Mehmet Zekayi took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £9,819.

General Fundraising


• Mr M Allen sent in a donation

of £105 from Giveacar from the scrappage of his car.

• Bryan Anderson sent in a final

donation of £2,700, raised during his year of Captaincy at the Stoke Park Golf Club. Total raised £15,109.72.

• John Angel sent in a donation of £100. • “Please find attached a cheque for £750, being our company

donation to CRY, a very worthy cause and very personal to Jim McFarlane, one of our Service Managers.” E Hawthorne, Group Managing Director, Arnold Clark Automobiles Ltd.

• Jane Benson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £192.

• “I am writing to advise you that on 30 June the Barclays

Corporate Learning Team held a sweet sale at Gadbrook Park in Cheshire in aid of your charity, CRY.” Clare Plant, Barclays Corporate Learning Team, sent in a donation of £140.

• Barclays Bank London sent in £140 matched funding for the sweet sale held at Gadbrook Park.

• Tim Bates raised £511, through online fundraising, in respect of the Glasgow to Edinburgh Marathon.

• Ian Bates sent in a further donation of £450 in respect of the Belfast Marathon Relay. Total raised £535.

• Ann Frampton, Action for Charity, sent in a donation of £15,540.40 in respect of the Big Heart Bike Ride in Tanzania in June.

Big Heart Bike Ride 2011 18 - 26 June 2011 Congratulations and thank you to the fundraisers who took part in the Big Heart Bike Ride this year in Africa. It was a 400 kilometre bike ride through Tanzania to raise money for four heart charities, including CRY. We would like to extend our congratulations to the couple that got engaged while on the trip and wish Ramon and Kath all the best for a very happy future together! Below is a quote from Ann Frampton, the event organiser, to those involved:

Ian Bates, David Guiney, Russell Kennedy, Steve Cardosi and Michael Crawford all took part as a relay team in the Belfast Marathon on Monday 2 May this year.

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“Welcome home and huge congratulations on achieving the challenge of the Big Heart Bike Ride in Africa. And challenging it was! Hilly, hot, rough and tough – but you did it. You were part of a fantastic team and it was truly an honour to cycle with everyone. I was incredibly impressed with how you all rose to the challenge and really did dig deep when the going got tough – especially on those camping nights! This event will always be very special for the most amazing celebration dinner and the wonderful and romantic proposal that we all witnessed – congratulations again to Ramon and Kath - we all wish you a very long and happy future together. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution to the Big Heart Bike Ride – raising money, training and actually achieving a challenge of a lifetime. Thanks also for your kind words at the celebration dinner and my lovely presents, it was very much appreciated. Please keep in touch and hopefully we will see you on another challenge one day!”

was there that I met Val Scott who told my wife and me about the problems that her son, Andy, had experienced and about CRY. I am delighted to tell you that we opened our garden a couple of weeks ago and welcomed 75 people. We were fortunate, not only with the weather but also that Rosemary Attridge was able to join us and spoke calmly but emotionally about the loss of her son and the work of CRY. Two days later I was approached by a young man who asked if I had hosted this function. When I said ‘yes’ he told me that his parents had attended, taken a couple of leaflets and passed them on to him while telling him more of the potential problems for fit youngsters. He told me that he had been to rugby training the previous day and explained to his team-mates the potential risks. The result is that they are all signing-up for testing. I expect that throughout the coming season this will spread to other teams in their league. Rugby players tend to be very social even with the opposition. To have an immediate impact is very satisfying and this is due mainly to the way in which Rosemary ‘put the message across’. The icing on the cake is that we were able to raise £1,070 for CRY.” Peter Bright.

• “My Young People’s Drama Workshops at The Capitol

Theatre, Horsham, West Sussex, held their Open Morning and Showcase on Saturday 25 June. 58 young students, aged between 6 and 18 years performed scenes of their own devising, based on works by T S Elliott and Hilaire Belloc using a range of styles. With the kind permission of the general manager we held a bucket collection in the foyer of the theatre, raising just under £100. I was particularly pleased that the students requested that our collection went to CRY again this year.” Renee Martin, Artistic Director.

Ramon proposing to Kath at the finish

• Emma Bowles raised £125, through online fundraising, in respect of the 5K Santa Run 2010.

• Brandlehow School, Putney SW15 held a Fun Run Day on 8

April and raised £2,071. CRY supporter, Caroline Jacomb, represented CRY at the event and also gave a talk to the students.

• Nick Breckon took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £766. • “Every year my wife and I select a charity to receive personal

donations from a select group of friends and relatives. In order to raise funds I open my garden and provide food and entertainment for up to 100 people. Until about 18 months ago I knew nothing about CRY. My wife dragged me along to a WI function (one of the rare ones when men are invited) and it

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• Karen Carr raised £645, through online fundraising, in respect of the Reading Half Marathon.

• Roy Clark took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,222.

• David Clarke sent in a CAF donation of £250. • “My name is Karen Collins and just over 12 months ago, at

the age of 48, it was discovered (after four cardiac arrests) that I have an inherited heart condition, as yet undiagnosed. As part of the screening process my daughter has been diagnosed with CPVT. During our research on the internet we came across your website. I celebrated my 50th birthday in

Our March and asked for donations in lieu of gifts. Friends, family and colleagues were extremely generous so please find enclosed cheques to the value of £770.” Mrs Karen Collins.

• Peter Commane took part in the Brighton Marathon and sent in a final donation of £238. • “My cousin, Christine Rhodes, has requested that her wedding presents are given in the form of a donation to your charity. Please find enclosed a cheque for £100.” John Constantine. • Laura Cooke held a fundraising day at work and raised £521.02.

• Nicole Corbett took part in the Bupa London 10,000 and raised £255 through online fundraising.

• The Cross Keys Pub Team took part in the CRY Heart of

London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £322. The Cross Keys Pub Team are Carole Palmer (Manager), Danielle Jarvis (Barmaid), Martin Appleby, Billy, Derek Ellis, Nuggy Joannides and Gerry Wright.

• Paul Cudby took part in a skydive (for


on the night. Thank you for your help and support.” Michele Falconer.

• Karen Gentles took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,750.

Terry •

Huxtable, Foresters London & Southern England Regional Council, sent in £3,500 towards the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk event on 17 July.

• “I have pleasure in sending you the attached cheque for £175

as a donation for your charitable activities. This donation is made at the specific request of, and out of funds provided by, the Freemasons who are members of the Lodge: L7379, Lodge of Ideal Endeavour, Kent.” Mark Thomas, Relief Chest Scheme (The Freemasons’ Grand Charity).

• Mr R Gallagher sent in a donation of £220. • Robert Gilbert took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,380.

his 30th birthday) and raised £265 through online fundraising.

• Chris Gordon took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011

• Matt Cunnane took part in the Virgin

• Katy Griffiths took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011

• “Following a number of fundraising

• “The staff and students from our Plumbing Team, led by Kevin

London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,070. activities our school charity group, The World Aid Group, would like to donate £400 to your charity.” Louise Crawford (teacher in charge) and Meghan Christie (pupil secretary), Dalriada School, Co Antrim.

• Jonathan Davies took part in the Newham 10K run and raised £460. • Martin Deignan took part in the Wilmslow Half Marathon and raised £995.

• Keith Donegan took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £326.10.

• Mandi Earlam sent in a donation of £150 as she was unable to take part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011.

• The Elgin Hotel, Blackpool, held a raffle and raised £224. • “Please find enclosed a donation of £161 for CRY. The junior

and adult tennis players at Esporta Lanarkshire raised this money by taking part in a Wimbledon tennis fun event in aid of CRY.” Fiona McParlane, Esporta Junior Tennis Coordinator.

• Michele Falconer held a Hairdressing Demo Ladies Night

on 6 May and raised £569 “Please find enclosed a cheque for £569 from our ladies charity night on Friday 6 May. It was a very successful and enjoyable evening. The amount raised was £1,138 and we have split it evenly between two charities. Every penny made went to the charities as we had no outgoings - we even managed to get the venue free of charge. We sold over 100 tickets and over 80 ladies turned up

and raised £2,380. and raised £2,000.

Luxford, have raised £150.79 for CRY by holding various charity events, including ‘Soak the Plumber’, a Crossbar Challenge event and a Raffle.” Ruth Braysher, Assistant Principal, Harlow College.

• “This money was raised by cubs, beavers and scouts in the

Harpenden and Wheathampstead District undertaking some fun sponsored evenings. The funds were divided between The Samaritans and CRY. There were three evenings and at each one the beavers, cubs or scouts took part in a series of challenges from stacking cups, skipping to word games and flag identification. Each challenge gave them another mark on their sponsorship form. We were delighted that CRY was chosen to benefit from the increased awareness and funds raised. Around 150 - 200 children and adults took part.” Katy Turberville sent in a donation of £1,454.50.

• Anthony Hill took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,786.15.

• Gillian Hoddinott took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £1,060.

• Mrs C Bray, Club Treasurer, Inner Wheel Club of Basildon, sent in a donation of £500.

• The Hughes Family took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £750. The Hughes Family are Daniel, Jake, Martin, Rhianna and Sue.

• “Please find enclosed two cheques amounting to £800 from the President and members of the Inner Wheel Club of Dover.” Elizabeth Weaver.

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• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 to help with your good work. This was agreed at our AGM on 29 June.” Maureen Bamber, Treasurer, Inner Wheel Club of Preston.

• “Following the photography exhibition at The House of St

Barnabus - celebrating 15 years of V Festival in Images, we purchased some works by Tom Oldham and are pleased to enclose a cheque for £500. Please accept this as a charitable donation on behalf of ITCH Agency Limited to CRY.” Tamsin Wigley and Michael White, Partners.

• Stephen Shepherd, Chairman, JK Memorial Fund sent in a

success with over £40,000 raised. The Meadows Marathon is a Half Marathon and 5km fun run taking place on the first Sunday in March. The event is entirely managed by students from across the city of Edinburgh.” Stephen Shirres, Appeal Co-ordinator, Edinburgh Student Charities Appeal.

• “The Monday Club is a British business group in Kuwait and

at a recent charity fundraising event held by us; we raised funds for seven British based charities, including the Cardiac Risk in the Young.” Jeff de Lange, Chairman, The Monday Club, sent in a fundraising donation of £5,715.07.

donation of £324.77 from the charity family Fun Day 2009 excess funds.

• Andy Moor took part in the Liverpool Half Marathon and

• Mikko Jay took part in the Paris Marathon and raised £340

• Andrew McCann took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Danielle John sent in a donation of £202.63 in respect of the

• Martin McColl Limited sent in a donation of £285 from a sale

• John Mason School, Oxfordshire, sent in a donation of

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £241.93 which represents

through online fundraising. myheart Day.

£631.96 raised during a non-uniform day.

• Ryan Keane took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised a final amount of £113.

• Aimee Khosla took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,061.22.

• Donna Kavanagh, Lime Communications Ltd, sent in a donation of £100.

• Wayne Lloyd took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,826.

• Lloyds TSB Foundation sent in a donation of £500 in respect of Lorraine Russell participating in the Three Peaks Challenge on 9 July.

• Ron and Sue Lowe and Matthew and Elaine Miller took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £185.

• Marks & Spencer, Bishops Stortford, sent in a donation of £989.19.

• “We recently got married and instead of receiving gifts my

wife and I decided that guests should give a donation to charities of our choice. My wife lost her brother at a young age a few years ago. I hope that this small donation can help in the quest for a cure for such a tragic illness.” Henry Martin & Eirwen Edler sent in a donation of £750.

• Peter Massey sent in a donation

of £115.50 from Giveacar from the scrappage of his car.

• Jane Mawdsley took part in the Brighton Marathon and raised £940, through online fundraising.

• Alex Mayle took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,920.70.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £109.37 on behalf of the Meadows Marathon 2011. This year’s event was a huge

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raised £1,275.

2011 and raised £2,292.33. at the office.

the money raised by our staff who took part in fundraising activities in March.” Jane Andrews, Community Investment Manager, NatWest Bank.

• Chris Nee raised £315, through online fundraising, from his football website

• CRY Patron Bill Neely took part in

the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £3,291.60.

• Anne Neeson sent in a donation of

just under £100 from the Giveacar scheme from the scrappage of her car.

• Mike Newman took part in the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon and raised £680.

• Edward Carr, Treasurer of the Ormksirk Friendship Club, set in a donation of £150.

• Murray Partridge sent in a donation of £100 as a thank you for his daughter attending the ICAP screening clinic.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque to the value of £118.70 which was collected and raised by the staff and Partners at Penningtons Solicitors LLP following a dress down day held at the end of April 2011.” Jennifer Henwood, Financial Controller, Penningtons Solicitors LLP.

• “My name is Lucy Miller and I am the Charities Representative

for The Queen’s College, Oxford. Each term we run a charities ballot allowing students to vote for the charities that they believe are most worthy of our support, and I am delighted to inform you that you have been elected as one of these charities. Through events such as a charity ‘Auction of Promises’ and an exciting Harry Potter-themed dinner, we have raised a total of £990 to donate to the charity.

Our As a college, we’re very proud to be supporting you in all your good work and we hope that our fundraising will help you to continue this into the future.” Lucy Miller, Charities Representative 2011, The Queen’s College, Oxford.

• “Please find enclosed a donation

of £100 from the students of Queen Elizabeth School. QES has a strong community ethos and the Charity team work hard to promote their community cohesion by setting up whole-school activities which galvanise the entire school in common endeavour. Frequently they run assemblies for all year groups to introduce the team, establish priorities for the year, launch projects and ultimately report back on successes and challenges. The students chose your charity as you provide such a vital support. They wanted to show their appreciation for the wonderful job done by your team.” Carol Falcus, Head of Charity Team, Queen Elizabeth School, Lancs.

• Helen Quinton-Jones took part in a tandem skydive and raised £479.58.

• “Prozone Sports Limited’s inaugural

Charity Golf Tournament was held on Thursday 16 June at the Sandmoor Club in Leeds. Through participation from a number of industry professionals and guests we raised a fantastic £1,000 for our two chosen charities, St Gemma’s Hospice in Leeds and Cardiac Risk in the Young. On behalf of Prozone, please find enclosed a cheque for £500.” Barry McNeill, MD, Prozone Sports Ltd.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £530. I was a guest

speaker for the Hampton School Rowing Club dinner and rather than being paid I asked if a donation could be made to a charity of my choice. As a previous Paralympic athlete competing from 2006 concluding in Beijing 2008 who was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2009, I was keen to support the work of CRY.” Helene Raynsford.

• “We have pleasure in enclosing a cheque which was raised

for CRY by Laura Reeves, Rebecca Coleman and Katherine Stevenson who took part in the Lincoln 10K in April 2011 and raised £380. They are pictured here with Daniel Reeves who suffered a cardiac arrest in December last year, aged 14, and is now fitted with an ICD and diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.” Anne Reeves.


• John Richardson took part in the Belfast City Marathon on 2 May and raised £250.

• “As you are already aware, last year I was raising funds for

your charity through my record-breaking ride of Land’s End to John O’Groats and back. In the time since setting that record myself and the rest of the ‘Rockett Rides’ team have been on a UK tour talking to school children about the ride and the charity. Many of the schools have been gripped by the work you do and I am delighted to say they have been undertaking much fundraising of their own. Lauceston School in Sherbine, asked me to collect this cheque and pass it on to you. The primary school children organised a scooterrelay and collected £650 from parents.” Ben Rockett sent in a donation of £650.

• “We were due to have a street collection for CRY the Saturday

before Christmas, but due to the adverse weather conditions, it was cancelled, but not forgotten. Therefore, better late than never, please accept the enclosed cheque for £300, which was awarded to you from club funds at our recent AGM, with great support from every member.” Kevin Higgins, President, The Rotary Club, Llandidloes.

• “On behalf of the Royal Bank of Scotland Credit Card Centre,

I am delighted to enclose a donation of £1,000. So that we can support as many charities as possible, staff make a monthly donation to our Charity Fund -which is then matched by our employers, The Royal Bank of Scotland. Then, each month, we invite staff to nominate a charity to receive donations, and this month, CRY was amongst the nominations.” Mick Davey, Co-ordinator, Staff Charity Fund.

• Neil Donaghy, SABIC Europe Petrochemicals, sent in a donation of £150.

• “The 2nd St Albans Rainbows raised some funds for CRY by baking cakes and selling them to the Rainbows’ families. We managed to raise £150 and I enclose a cheque for this amount.” Morag Puri, Guider.

• Catherine Ann Sales and Jayne Sales took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,058.34.

• Eileen Seed took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £108.50.

• CRY Communications

Officer Mair Shepherd took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2010 and raised £177.

• Susanne Sklar made a donation of £200 in honour of Cecilia McDowall who nominated CRY for the donation.

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• Andy Smith completed his 5 day cycle in Peru riding from the Sacred Valley to deep into the jungle and raised £1,713.77.

“It was the best and most difficult experience of my life but also the most satisfying. There was beautiful scenery and we went through many villages once we started cycling. These villages got smaller and smaller as we went into the rainforest.

• Phillip Smith took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £2,153.63.

• Rachel Smith raised £275, through online fundraising, in respect of the Bath Half Marathon 2011.

• Alyson and Tony Stokes sent in donations totalling £660 as

they were unable to take part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011, this included £600 from The Sheila Whiting Charitable Trust.

The highest climb that we had to do during the ride was 33km and it was pretty much none stop all the way. We went from 2,500 metres altitude to 4,300 metres in the Andes and to put that into context that is half the height of Mount Everest!” Andy Smith.

• Chris Smith sent in a donation of £570, representing £5 for each runner who took part in this year’s London Marathon. Unfortunately Chris had to withdraw from the event due to an injury.

• Charlotte Torr, Current Vice Chairman of South Axholme

Young Farmers Club held a race night at the Reindeer Inn, Sandtoft, and raised £250.

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Kevin Thomson and customers, Travellers Rest, Derbyshire, sent in a donation of £500.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £200, which was donated

to us by parents of a young man, who we successfully resuscitated. There has been no underlying condition found in this young man who went into cardiac arrest, but he has since made a full recovery. We believe that this money would be put to good use in your charity.” Teresa Nikraz and Ian Wood, South East Coast Ambulance Service.

• Jeff Lawrence, TRS (Personnel) Limited, Shropshire, sent in a donation of £100.

• Danielle Tyler took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £1,970.69.

• The Union of Catholic Mothers Blacfen Foundation sent in a

• Rodger Stanbrooke sent in a donation of £108.50 from Giveacar scheme from scrappage of his car.


donation of £200. This donation was forwarded to us by Julie Donnelly.

the the

• Trish Deeny, Union of Shop, Distributive & Allied Workers

(USDAW) sent in a donation of £228.91 which was raised at the ADM National Youth fundraising stall, raffle and disco, on 17 and 18 April 2011.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for

£197.92 which I have raised after completing the North West Triathlon, back in May. After losing a student at school and having the privilege of speaking at his funeral and getting to know his family, I know how important this money is. I hope the money is used in the best possible way for future research.” Chris Steele.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £525 from Victorians

Ladies Hockey Club. The money was part of a sum raised at a Fashion Show, held earlier this year. Being a sporting club we are well aware of the work you do and wanted to show our support.” Jennifer Best (Honorary Treasurer).

• Miles Storey took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2011 and raised £3,023.20.

• Katie Wooley and Julia Adams recently held a cake sale and raised £179.

• Ann Davy, Treasurer of Sutton Coldfield Vesey Ladies Probus Club forwarded a donation of £100.

• Hilary Young took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2011 and raised £220.

• Christine Tabberer sent in a donation of £190 raised at Coffee Mornings.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £500, which is a donation

from the sixth form of this school. They decided on the charity and raised the money in one week of fundraising just before the Easter break.” D Willington, Assistant Head, Ysgol Bro Gwaun School, Pembrokeshire.

• Gill Thomas held a fundraising event from 22 - 24 April and raised £150.

• “We are a small village pub and have, for the last year, had

a charity bottle/swearbox on our bar top. We have also held various charity events throughout the year.” Lorna Jordan,

Raising Awareness

in the


Headline page index Page 62 Grieving mum backs calls for changes to inquests The Northern Echo 01.08.11

Page 65 Football day tribute to Colin Torquay Herald Express 21.07.11

Page 62 Laura’s family in fight against cuts The Northampton Chronicle and Echo 08.08.11

Page 65 Sadness and pain will always be part of me

Page 62 Always in our hearts Yorkshire Evening Post 17.08.11

Page 62 Helping to save lives in memory of Zoe, 23 Birmingham Mail 30.05.11

Page 65 If annual checks are essential for cars, why not humans

Page 62 Runner raises £2,265 in memory of friend North West Evening Mail 06.06.11

Page 62 School’s fundraiser in memory of Ben Bromley News Shopper 20.07.11

Page 65 Trimble backing CRY campaign News Letter (Belfast) 04.05.11

Page 62 Parents vow to keep Ben’s memory alive Bromley News Shopper 29.06.11

Page 65 Lasting tribute paid to Bognor Regis teenager

Page 63 School’s lasting tribute Hull Daily Mail 13.07.11

Page 63 A hole new dimension on artistic talent Islington Tribune 17.06.11

Page 65 Free heart tests in memory of tragic James Romford Recorder 20.05.11

Page 63 Fly Forever Fairy Caz Chat 30.06.11

Page 66 Mayor’s fundraising benefit for charity

Page 64 Armagh runners in Marathon effort

The Ulster Gazette & Armagh Standard 12.05.11

Dunmow & Stansted Observer 16.06.11 Derby Evening Telegraph 27.07.11

Bognor Regis Observer 12.05.11

Harwich & Manningtree Standard 27.05.11

Page 66 Money in memory of tragic victims Birmingham Mail 15.08.11

Page 64 Go Get Screened Coleraine Times 01.06.11

Page 66 This is Sarah Booth Belfast Telegraph 02.05.11

Page 64 Dooher becomes patron of CRY charity Tyrone Constitution 19.05.11

Page 66 Walkers step out for charity event in memory of tragic young dad Gary

Page 64 Emotional race as Team David raises £3,000 for charity

Bognor Regis Observer 19.05.11

Romford Recorder 27.05.11

Page 66 Fun event in memory of young footballer Ashley Derby Evening Telegraph 09.07.11

Page 64 Grieving mum calls for chief coroner rethink Evening Star (Ipswich) 27.08.11

Page 64 From London to Berlin with a dog on a bike!

Page 66 Peaks are scaled in memory of Lewis

Dunmow & Stansted Observer 02.06.11

Page 65 I want to make sure no one else goes through this

Yorkshire Evening Post 13.07.11

Page 66 Teesside mum to front national campaign Evening Gazette 23.07.11

Teesside Evening Gazette 01.06.11

CRY update • Issue 55 • 61

Fundraising Events 2012 Please contact Becci or Ben on 01737 363222 or e-mail if you are interested in any of the following events; would like a CRY charity place; have your ‘own place’ and would like to run for CRY or would like to run in a heart costume. For more information and a full list of events in 2012, visit All CRY participants (whether you have your own place or a CRY charity place) will receive a fundraising pack containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and a t-shirt.

A few ideas... The Gold Challenge 2012 Throughout 2012 This challenge gives you the opportunity to take on Olympic or Paralympic sports to raise money for CRY. Choose one of our three fantastic challenges and be part of the excitement around London 2012! For more information or to sign up for the challenge please go to or alternatively email to express your interest.

Sahara Trek 10 to 18 March 2012 Imagine the feel of the desert underfoot, taking in mesmerising landscapes beyond your wildest expectations and sand dunes as far as the eye can see. This 9-day Sahara Trek adventure (7 days trekking) is an unforgettable challenge, walking and camping in the deserts of Morocco. You will also sample Moroccan cuisine, and have your luggage carried by camels!

London to Paris Bike Ride 9 to 13 May 2012 This 5-day charity bike ride event is a great way to see the sights of London, Paris and all the glorious countryside in between! Starting in London, the 4 days of cycling will take you through beautiful and historical villages, and allow you to see some of the most famous landmarks in England and France. And after 4 days of pedalling your bike, you can then enjoy a day in Paris doing whatever you please!

Peru Trek 19 to 28 April 2012 CRY are looking for adventurous volunteers to trek in Peru along one of the world’s most stunning trails. Immerse yourself in ancient Peruvian culture and experience diverse scenery, such as tropical Andean rainforests; the snow-capped mountain ranges of the Andes; and, of course, Machu Picchu - one of the world’s most important archaeological finds.

Virgin London Marathon 22 April 2012 The 2012 event takes place on Sunday 22nd April. The public ballot for places has closed, and CRY Golden Bond places are likely to be full but applications can be made via CRunCH - We would welcome any Own Place runners who would like to run for CRY and anyone who would like to run in a CRY costume

China Trek 10 to 19 May 2012 Immerse yourself in tradition, history and ancient mythology and experience something others will only dream of as you walk part of the Great Wall. The ideal event for those with a passion for culture, a sense of adventure, and the desire to do something challenging for a good cause.

Bupa London 10,000

27 May 2012 The Bupa London 10,000 is presented by the London Marathon and is run on part of the course used for the 2012 Olympic Marathons. It promises to be a fantastic day with a superb course taking in many of London’s most famous sites and would be ideal for anyone looking for their first race. CRY has a number of places available and we also welcome runners with their own place. Please email

Kilimanjaro Trek 21 to 30 June 2012 Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the jungle, spectacular wildlife and breathtaking glaciers - experience something that others will only ever dream of!

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 15 July 2012 (TBC) This year will mark the 6th annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. This event will once again start at Victoria Embankment Gardens and finish at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge, after crossing Golden Jubilee, Westminster, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Millennium, London and Tower Bridges and passing at least 12 famous London landmarks, representing the 12 young sudden cardiac deaths that occur each week in the UK. Registration will open in Spring 2012, but in the meantime you can register your interest by sending an e-mail to We are always looking for volunteers to help with this event, without whom we simply would not be able to run it. To find out more or to offer your time on the day please e-mail

India Bike Ride 27 September to 6 October 2012 Prepare to fall in love with this enchanting country steeped in culture and history. With its incredible diversity you will be guaranteed to have an experience of a lifetime while you cycle through some of the country’s most remote regions, its farmland and forests. Plus the beautiful Taj Mahal. Amazing!

CRY Durham Riverside Walk 6 October 2012 (TBC) To launch CRY Awareness Week, the 3rd 7km CRY Durham Walk will start and finish at Durham Amateur Rowing Club in the beautiful Wear Valley, following the river, with views of the city and cathedral. Please e-mail if you are interested in taking part or would like to volunteer at this event. Registration will open during late Spring 2012.

Royal Parks Half Marathon 7 October 2012 If you are interested in this popular event, that has a route encompassing several of the picturesque royal parks of London, please contact

Just Walk

CRY Awareness Week

12 May 2012 Just Walk is an exciting sponsored UK charity walk for anyone wanting to fundraise for the charity of their choice. This fundraising walk is open to charities and anyone who is keen to get their walking boots on and hike for charity - you can choose either 10km, 20km, 40km or 60km routes - so something for everybody. This charity walk offers enthusiastic walkers the chance to experience a breathtaking charity walk over the picturesque South Downs in West Sussex and generate funds for CRY. Email if you are interested in taking part.

Run to the Beat

6 to 14 October 2012 If you would like to be involved in CRY Awareness Week 2012 please e-mail

21 October 2012 If you are interested in this popular London event, and would like to run for CRY, please contact

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates

For further details, please visit

CRY update • Issue 55 • 67

Cardiac Risk in the Young Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail:

Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young

people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD. In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

Our Patrons The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our Charity. Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John Barrowman Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, Mark Cox MBE, James Cracknell OBE, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Robert Jones MBE, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor W J McKenna, Bill Neely, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, David Walliams, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE and Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE

Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD. By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support service, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at Royal Brompton Hospital, the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St. George’s Hospital and the CRY myheart Network to support young people living with potentially lethal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the Virgin London Marathon or the BUPA Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources.

To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit fundraising_events.htm or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

CRY is always extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity • Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Malcolm Chick Charity • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation, Inc.

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