CRY Update Magazine - Issue 60

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Cardiac Risk in the Young Update 60 January to April 2013 News and Events

• Raising Awareness • Our Fundraisers

Cardiac Risk in theYoung (CRY) Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail: Visit our websites: • Registered Charity No 1050845


update 60 January to April 2013

Contact the Editor

Inside Update 60

Mair Shepherd

Meet our County Representatives

Page 3

Assistant Editor

News from the Chief Executive

Page 4

Chief Executive

Other CRY News

Page 8


Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive

Page 10

CRY Screening Report

Page 11

myheart News

Page 12

Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP)

Page 13

Research News

Page 14

Virgin London Marathon 2013

Page 15

Our Fundraisers

Page 26

Raising Awareness in the Media

Page 72

Fundraising Events 2013-2014

Page 87

Alison Cox MBE

Dr Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive Jane Proudfoot Medical Secretary to Dr Mary Sheppard Rebecca Zouvani Fundraising Manager

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This magazine is printed on chlorine-free paper taken from a sustainable source using vegetable-based inks.

Submission guidelines We only include activities in the ‘Our Fundraisers’ section that raise £100 or more. If you would like to supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the editor at Entries appear in the ‘Our Fundraisers’ section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles may only appear in the ‘Raising Awareness in the Media’ section if we have permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

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Meet our County

Julie Donnelly County Representative for Kent Our 17-year-old son Adam died suddenly on 30 July 2004. That is the day my life changed forever. We were on holiday in Cyprus with a group of friends – the day had started normally with breakfast and then down to the pool where we sat chatting for a while. My husband Jed, daughter Sian and I decided we wanted to go snorkelling in a lovely bay about 10 minutes walk away but Adam decided he would prefer to stay behind. Just before we’d left, I and another friend had been discussing teenage boys and how they can be with their mums – I said that Adam was always up for a kiss and hug – I’d given him a big kiss on the cheek and said “I love you” – he replied with his usual embarrassed “get off me!” but was smiling all the same! That was the last thing I said to him. About 10 minutes after we’d got to the bay for snorkelling Dave, one of our friends, ran down saying there was a problem. Somehow, I knew that something awful had happened. Jed and Sian ran on ahead but my legs just wouldn’t work properly and Dave ended up dragging me all the way back to the hotel – he just told me that they had pulled Adam out of the water and he was unconscious. I got to the hotel and saw my friend Angela crying – I knew then that it must be bad - I could hear an ambulance siren in the background and was told that Adam had been taken to hospital. We were told that Adam and 3 of the boys who were with us on holiday had decided to have a game of volleyball in the pool. Adam had got out after a while saying he felt unwell and had gone to sit at the side of the pool. He then just collapsed into the water.


The 3 weeks up to his funeral were all a bit of a blur – thankfully, our friends were able to organise everything for us in Cyprus – I’m still not sure to this day how they were able to organise everything with the insurance company and authorities so well. A second post-mortem had to be carried out once Adam had been returned to the UK which concluded that Adam had died from a cardiac arrest. Eventually, at the inquest, the cause of death was given as sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). I just couldn’t believe that a fit, healthy 17-year-old boy could die so suddenly from a cardiac arrest. I remembered that Adam had told me he had fainted at home about 4 months before he died and I began to wonder whether this was significant. We were put in touch with CRY and sadly realised that this was not so rare – at the time, CRY’s estimate was that 8 young people die every week in similar circumstances. This has now been revised to 12 people who die suddenly with usually no warning or symptoms. Our journey is 9 years down the line now and I still get days when I am overwhelmed by the realisation of what has happened, but we are committed to working with CRY to raise awareness and help with their screening programmes. Through the screening that we have had, I’ve discovered I have Brugada syndrome as does my daughter Sian and other relatives in my family. This is the most likely cause of Adam’s death. I have trained as a bereavement supporter with CRY so that, hopefully, I can provide some support to people who have lost loved ones in the same way and I am a County Representative for Kent. We have also set up a memorial fund for Adam with CRY for which we have regular fundraising events to raise money for screening events in our local community. Life is liveable but shadowed by sadness - we carry on as best we can but my biggest sadness is the loss that Adam has had – the loss of his future.

At the hospital, Jed was waiting in the corridor and told me that Adam had been taken to theatre. One of the holidaymakers that had tried to help Adam was, apparently, a paramedic and had given CPR to Adam by the side of the pool – she was at the hospital and came over to talk to me and said that she couldn’t get his heart started – I just couldn’t understand why she was telling me that his heart had stopped! Eventually we were called into a side room to be told that Adam was dead on arrival. We were told that Adam would have to have a post-mortem in Cyprus and that it may take 10 days so were then faced with the agonising decision of whether to stay there in a holiday resort surrounded by people having fun on their holidays or go home and leave Adam in Cyprus. I knew that I couldn’t stay there but walking up the steps on to the plane knowing that I was leaving Adam behind was just heart-breaking. Adam, Sian, Jed and Julie Donnelly

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from the

Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE CRY Founder & Chief Executive

education and health services that help prevent the development of so many previously deadly diseases. Q2: What do you think will be the most important medical discovery in the next 100 years?

January CRY Patron Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE helps mark the Centenary year of the Medical Research Council January

I would like to see continued and growing emphasis placed on the development of preventative medicine with a greater recognition of, and access to, screening for a range of conditions (including cancer and underlying heart problems, particularly in young people) and more research into the understanding of our genetic health. Heeding the old adage, ‘prevention is better than cure’ will be progressive, cost effective and improve our quality of life. I believe that by leading healthier lives, being alert to our family health history and having access to effective screening services, we could achieve a far reaching medical breakthrough with improved prognosis, increased survival rates and a significant overall reduction in the statistics for preventable deaths, covering a range of conditions, over the next century.

Meeting with Miccoli 8 January I met the twin brothers Alessandro and Adriano (and Manager Dad) of the West Midlands band Miccoli to talk about their support of CRY. Alessandro collapsed on stage whilst performing and was subsequently diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. Family screening identified that Adriano also had the condition, but not so aggressively. Alessandro has so far required 4 ablations.

To mark the Centenary year of the Medical Research Council, a range of people in the public eye were surveyed – both scientists and non-scientists – and asked two important questions. Here are Andrew’s responses: Q1: What medical advance from the past 100 years has had the greatest impact? I believe the single biggest medical advance over the past 100 years has been the appreciation of the vital role of preventative medicine and its crucial potential to protect the health and wellbeing of people of all ages. From the revolutionary introduction of genetic testing, screening for pre-cancerous conditions and underlying cardiac problems through to widespread public health campaigns about the benefits of a healthy diet, reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking, we now have the advantage of living in an era when we can proactively access information,

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Professor Sharma interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live 16 January Professor Sanjay Sharma took part in a live debate on the screening of athletes as part of an hour long programme on BBC Radio 5 Live. He spoke about the CRY screening programme and what the statistics from research suggest about the importance of screening.


from the

Chief Executive

The Four Pillars Hotel Group announce CRY as their charity of the year for 2013 25 January The Four Pillars Hotel Group chose CRY as their charity of the year for 2013. CRY Chairman Hugh Mulcahey attended the award ceremony and dinner, in Oxford on 25 January. At the dinner they officially launched our partnership, including ensuring there were donation envelopes available on each table. The Four Pillars Hotel Group have 6 hotels in total, in the Bristol, Oxford and Cotswolds areas. To see more about how Four Pillars Hotel Group are supporting CRY, turn to the ‘Other CRY News’ section of the magazine or visit

CRY Information Day 26 January

Rishka Magowan

Ulrike Rowbottom

CRY supporters Jeff and Sandra Markham win the right for a new inquest into their son’s death 31 January Jeff and Sandra Markham fought for 11 years to have the inquest into the death of their son James quashed, finally achieving success on January 31. Jeff said “His Honour Judge Peter Thornton QC quashed the original inquest and ordered a new one. It was not until we were in Court that we realised His Honour is The Chief Coroner for England and Wales.

The fifth annual CRY Information Day was held at the Holiday Inn, Sutton, Surrey, attended by 25 people and again was extremely well organised by my PA Maria Carter. Once again, CRY Representatives had the opportunity to ask questions and to find out about CRY’s plans for the year ahead. We were very pleased to welcome three new County Representatives - Rishka Magowan (Sussex), Ulrike Rowbottom (Oxfordshire) and Jackie and Alan Cousins (South Yorkshire) (pictured).

The new inquest will record the death as (a) cardiac arrhythmia, (b) long QT syndrome. It therefore seems that our long battle will have been worth it, and tragic though James’ death was, some good will come of it. I would like to add that I would not have achieved what we have without the support from my family and your organisation. When I think back to the dark days of eleven years ago, I can still remember Alison telling me about the journey I was on, and of how I was now starting a new life. All so true.” To read Jeff’s full story visit

Alan and Jackie Cousins

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from the

Chief Executive

February Fundraising concert in memory of Matthew Beadle 3 February Friends of Matthew Beadle held a fundraising concert in his memory at The Actors’ Church in Covent Garden. The Westend Fest event is held regularly to showcase the very best in West End performing talent and the event on February 3 was held in Matthew’s memory and to raise funds for CRY. Matthew Beadle was 32 when he died suddenly of SADS in September 2012. A professional dancer, he was working in Starlight Express in Bochum, Germany, and on holiday with friends in Orange County, America, when he died. Matt had taught CRY Patron Pixie Lott to dance and it was Pixie’s mum, Beverly, who told me that he had suddenly died. CRY Representatives Carl and Eunice Johnson and myself attended the event. I was very pleased to meet Matt’s parents Lynne and Tony, and be given the opportunity to speak about CRY. The concert was a sell-out and superbly organized at short notice by Sabrina Alouche, raising nearly £4,000 for CRY.

March Professor Sanjay Sharma interviewed on ITV Daybreak 6 March Following the release of the Government’s Cardiovascular Disease Outcome Strategy on 5 March, Professor Sharma was invited onto ‘the sofa’ on ITV Daybreak to discuss what could be achieved.

North Regional Bereavement Support Day

To read CRY’s response to the strategy visit w w w. c - r - y. o r g . u k / h e a l t h _ secretary_response_mar2013.htm

24 February 16 people registered for this event, held at Inglewood Manor, Chester. Groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Sue Ainsworth, Maralyn Bowen, Jennie Crean, Julie Donnelly, Linda Goodwin and Ruth Lowe (pictured).

Ravens Wood School BBC School Report aired 17 March Ravens Wood School, Bromley was selected by the BBC as a ‘featured school’ out of the thousands taking part in this annual and high profile initiative. The students filmed with the BBC, reporting on the work that the school has done with CRY to raise awareness of heart screening following the tragic death of former student Ben Daniels. The package included interviews with Professor Sharma and Dr Steve Cox. The film went out on BBC News 24 all day. This rolling news feature was screened to coincide with the 1st anniversary of the shocking collapse of Fabrice Muamba during the televised FA Cup Quarter Final.

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News To view Ravens Wood School’s BBC School report visit

from the

Chief Executive

programme. Our overnight average is 6, with 11 in any 24 hour period. 60 of these 98 forms were completed between 7.39pm and 8.00pm – immediately after the YSCD part of the programme, but whilst it was still running.

South East myheart meeting 24 March 4 young people aged between 14 and 35 attended the myheart meeting held at the Reigate Manor Hotel. These meetings give members the opportunity to meet other young people similarly affected, receive group counselling and informally ask questions of an expert cardiologist. Dr Michael Papadakis kindly volunteered his time to attend the meeting and answer questions.

CRY responded to the release of a new report from the National Audit of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome 28 March CRY responded to the report from the National Audit of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome, welcoming some important issues that are highlighted, but also advising that there are limitations to the data behind the report. To read the full response visit

Interviewed on BBC Radio Solent 4 April

CRY featured on BBC’s ‘Bang Goes the Theory’ 25 March The BBC science programme ‘Bang Goes The Theory’ looked at young sudden cardiac death (YSCD) and included a feature on CRY’s cardiac screening service. CRY Research Fellow Dr Ahmed Meghani was interviewed for the programme. This was fantastic publicity for CRY and we received 98 online ‘screening interest’ forms overnight as a result of this well produced and interesting

I was interviewed for the Julian Clegg show on BBC Radio Solent, and pre-recorded an interview for the evening TV news programme, speaking about the tragic impact of a young sudden cardiac death. The programme was instigated after the death in March of Claire Reed, aged 22, shortly after her wedding. Also speaking on the programme were Claire’s husband, Andy, and her father, Graham.

119 CRY entrants in the Virgin London Marathon 2013 21 April Congratulations and thank you to all 119 CRY runners in this year’s Virgin London Marathon; with special thanks to CRY Patron Bill Neely (pictured) who ran for CRY for the fourth

CRY update • Issue 60 • 7


from the

Chief Executive

time, having just arrived from covering the terrible story of the Boston Marathon.

For more details and pictures turn to the London Marathon article or visit:

Massages and hot showers were offered to the CRY runners who came to our reception at the Hilton Hotel where we were delighted to welcome more participants and supporters than ever before.

Interviewed on Radio Humberside

Congratulations to Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani for organising this challenging event so well. Special thanks to all our volunteers helping on the day – particularly the hard-working team of professional masseuses who generously donated their services.


24 April I was interviewed live on Radio Humberside talking about sudden childhood death, with regards to the fundraising and campaigning efforts of a local bereaved family whose 2 year old child had died suddenly.

Mums National Bereavement Support Day 27 April 19 people registered for this event exclusively for bereaved mothers and held at the MacDonald Burlington Hotel in the centre of Birmingham. Groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Joan Hillier, Diane Tolley (pictured) and myself.

CRY News

Four Pillars Hotels Ltd supporting CRY throughout 2013 “Four Pillars Hotels are pleased to announce that we will be supporting CRY as our Charity of the Year for 2013. By raising money, we hope to enable them to carry on their vital research into cardiac risk in the young and also keep the much needed support networks running, throughout the UK. Every year our employees are given the opportunity to nominate a ‘Charity of the Year’ and CRY was a popular choice. We, like many others, were deeply touched by the stories on the CRY website, provided by people touched by sudden arrhythmic death. Tragically we have employees who have recently been affected by SADS and this, in addition to the testimonials provided by CRY, prompted us to choose this very deserving charity.

The Four Pillars Fundraising Calendar 2013 24 March -

Quiz Night at the Oxford Witney

Four Pillars Hotel

5 May -

Bristol 10km

6 May -

An Evening of Clairvoyance at the

Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel

June/July (TBC) - Craft Fayre at the Oxford Witney

Four Pillars Hotel

7 July -

CRY London Bridges Walk

August (TBC) -

4P Charity Football Tournament

8 September -

Run to the Beat Half Marathon

15 September -

Family Fun Day

18 October -

Charity Auction and Dinner at the

Cotswold Water Park Hotel

Campion RFC support CRY with logo on shirts “This season Campion RFC will be supporting CRY by displaying their logo on the front of the 1st XV shirts. CRY has become close to the hearts of Campion RFC after the untimely death of much loved player James “Patto” Patterson. James’s Dad, Peter, who has been helping promote CRY can

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Other be seen presenting 1st XV Captain Dan McEvoy with the shirt (below). We would like to thank the club’s principal sponsor S. Walsh & Sons Ltd for allowing us to display the CRY logo instead of their own.” Kyle Brazier, Membership Secretary and Treasurer, Campion RFC.

CRY News

and help them in their work with young people. The machine was purchased out of the proceeds of last year’s Borough Family Fun Day, where many of our local charities and community groups raised funds and awareness. We thank everyone who supported and attended the event and we look forward to running the Family Fun Day again this year on Sunday 22 September at Hook Road Arena.”

Brandenburg Choral Festival A concert helping to raise awareness of CRY was held in the beautiful setting of the chapel at King’s College London on Friday 12 April 2013. The Tredici Chamber Choir, conducted by Richard Thomas and accompanied by organist Martyn Noble, performed pieces including Stabat Mater by Scarlatti, Brahms’ German Requiem and Faure’s Requiem. The concert was part of the 2013 Brandenburg Choral Festival and Artistic Director Robert Porter explained it was the first year that festival performances had been associated with individual charities.

Epsom and Ewell Rotary Clubs donate ECG machine to CRY At a meeting on the 21 February of the Rotary Clubs of Epsom and Ewell and Epsom Rotaract Club, a mobile ECG was presented to CRY. The machines are used to test young people’s hearts and to flag up anomalies that need further investigation. At the meeting, Dr Steven Cox, the Director of Screening at CRY, advised that many lives have been saved using the machines and CRY are pressing for testing of all young people.

“There are many worthy charities that touch the heart, but CRY reaches out to every parent. More research is clearly the way forward. CRY was brought to my attention by Frances Presley, one of our volunteer Ambassadors, and a longstanding supporter of CRY, whose husband Ron was CRY’s first chairman.” CRY supporter Claire Prosser, whose son Tom Clabburn died of an undiagnosed heart condition aged 14 in 2007, spoke at the interval to explain CRY’s aims. She said: “It was a wonderful evening in a glorious setting and we would like to thank Robert Porter and the Brandenburg Choral Festival for thinking of CRY.” A bucket collection raised £100 for CRY at the end of the evening. Report written by Paul Clabburn

ECG machine being presented. From left to right: Helena Markan (President Epsom Rotaract), Rosemary Attridge (County Representative for CRY), Dr Steven Cox, Tony Axelrod and Peter Heard Tony Axelrod and Peter Heard, Presidents of Epsom and Ewell Rotary Clubs, said “We are delighted to present the ECG to CRY

CRY update • Issue 60 • 9


from the

Deputy Chief Executive

Dr. Steven Cox

that young people with cardiac conditions, who may be at risk of

CRY Deputy Chief Executive

sudden death, are identified prior to a cardiac arrest. We are undoubtedly experiencing a tipping point with awareness of cardiac risk in the young and this is resulting in a massive increase in the number of people requesting cardiac testing as well as how to respond when a person suffers a cardiac arrest. This heightened awareness has also had a significant impact on GPs and their support in

referring young people who present with symptoms. Although 80% of sudden deaths are without symptoms, there is no question that many lives would be saved if those people who have symptoms and are at risk are referred correctly to specialists. In the past many have been routinely told it is unlikely that there could be anything wrong with a young person’s heart. For many CRY families this has lead to devastating consequences. Although we still receive calls when this has happened they are less frequent now and we receive an increasing number of calls from GPs asking where they should refer to. The important role of AEDs and CPR has also been widely discussed with several organisations taking forward their own emergency plans resulting in many families asking about our position on AEDs. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) Survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrests have improved since the introduction of public access AED programmes, which have allowed lay rescuers to deliver early defibrillation. The ability to recognise a cardiac arrest plays a key role in initiation of a successful chain of survival. This can be achieved by basic life support (BLS) training and increasing awareness amongst the general population. A delay in recognition of a cardiac arrest in a collapsed individual can lead to loss of crucial moments that may then translate into a poor outcome. Defibrillators are important in saving lives – both young and old – especially in light of the fact that not all conditions will be identified by screening. AEDs work together with cardiac screening to minimise the number of young sudden cardiac deaths. Whilst placing defibrillators in public places is very important, CRY’s key message is to provide screening opportunities for young people. A number of groups and charities are doing excellent work to take forward defibrillator placement campaigns, and organisations are incorporating AEDs into their office first aid. However, we believe it is important for the placement of defibrillators to work alongside CRY’s long-standing goal of identifying young people who are at

We have created a resource on our website with links to some of the more recent research and articles for any person who is interested in placing an AED in their local community. The links outline the key issues when considering AED placement and how to maximise the chances that lives are saved when an AED is present. Information for GPs CRY provides a number of services that are aimed at helping General Practitioners to support families affected by a young sudden death or after a person is identified with an inherited cardiac condition. These include clinical services, educational resources and support services. Clinical services – the CRY Centres for Cardiac Pathology, Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology as well as the screening programme. Educational resources – general and medical information, YouTube videos with Professor Sharma and presentations from CRY’s Medical Conferences. Support services – bereavements support and the myheart network. On this page we have recently published a series of informational videos introducing the different responsibilities of the specialists Professor Sharma (Cardiology), Dr Elijah Behr (Genetics), Dr Mary Sheppard (Pathology) and Penny Schofield (Coroner) to explain the different roles and responsibilities of the specialists after a young sudden death and the most common questions families ask these specialists. Whilst this page has been designed to give an overview of CRY to GPs, this is also an excellent page for CRY supporters to see an overview of CRY. As a final note, we have included our first research newsletter with this update. This is a document we will create annually to show the CRY research fellows achievements throughout the year. Some of the articles will be repeats from previous newsletters or pieces online. However, 2012 was a very significant year for CRY’s research programme, publishing papers that continue to modify international guidelines on diagnosis and management of people with cardiac conditions and the fantastic profiling at the Royal Society and British Cardiovascular Society. We hope by bringing this together in one document for the year we will be able to demonstrate the really impressive achievements of the CRY research team. Best wishes,

risk before a traumatic incident occurs. Furthermore, many young sudden cardiac deaths occur in places where defibrillators are not available. This may be when the person is at home and / or when they are asleep and not all cardiac arrests are shockable rhythms. Therefore, we believe that the primary focus should be on ensuring

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Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive

CRYScreening Report Between January and April 2013 CRY screened over 5,500 people mostly through family memorial screenings. At our regular CRY clinics, a total of 1,059 young people were

Mason (Camarthenshire), John Millar (Stevenston). There was also

screened. Clinics were held at; University of Ulster, Coleraine campus

a screening in Birmingham funded by the West Midlands ECG Fund.

and Jordanstown campus and Newry Shamrocks Clubhouse (funded by the Northern Ireland Fund); Cardiff University (funded by the Mark

1,376 young people were screened at 13 school screenings.

Young Memorial Fund) and Palace Hotel, Isle of Man (funded by

These were held at Channing School (Highgate), Abingdon School

Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation) .







(Blandford Forum), Wellington College (Crowthorne), The King’s Sports screenings included: RFL, ASA Swimming, England Rugby,

School (Worcester), Bishop Stortford College (Bishop Stortford),

Wigan RFL, Castleford RFL, Welwyn Pegasus FC and Bisham Abbey

King Edward’s School (Birmingham) – funded by the West Midlands

EIS. 578 athletes were screened in total.

ECG Fund, Eton College (Eton), Millfield School (Somerset), Felsted School (Essex), Salesian School (Chertsey) and Old Swinford

2,106 people were screened at 15 family memorial screenings.

Hospital School (Stourbridge) – funded by the Zoe Teale Memorial

These were held in memory of Richard Butcher (Lincoln), David


Staff and Neil Wickers (Darwen), Therese Field (Kent), Laura Main (Aberdeen), Pardeep Nagra (Wolverhampton), Martyn Luckett

At the ICAP clinics 392 young people were screened. These

(Bideford), Shamil Hamid (Buckingham), Gideon Baws (Leigh-on-

screenings are held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular

Sea), John Marshall (Edge Hill University), Ollie Marsden (Plymouth

Conditions and Sports Cardiology, in St. George’s Hospital, Tooting.

University), Jack Maddams (Kent), Sean Farrell (Gateshead), Dean

CRY screening event in Bideford, Devon, funded by the Martyn Luckett Memorial Fund 2 - 3 March 2013 “This was our 4th screening that we have held and it was once again a great success. The two days were full up within 36 hours of the event first being promoted, which I think was due to Charlotte putting the event on Facebook. This is a good way of advertising! I think this was the most emotional one for me so far. I am so glad that the same friends come down to us from CRY each time - we have become really close after the last 4 years and I help with taking weights and heights, making the tea and of course bringing the cake!

This year there seemed to be a lot of Martyn’s friends and exgirlfriends, who of course have moved on and have married or have other partners. It all seemed a bit strange to me, and it is only natural I think to be emotional as I was really close to one of them! On the whole the two days went very well. There were a few abnormalities picked up and of course maybe one or two more serious things to investigate further. We had a good evening with Becs, Julia, Kate, Sam and Rob - I think they like coming to see us as well! Looking forward to next year, let’s get raising some more money!” Brenda Luckett.

CRY screening event in Ormskirk, Lancashire, funded by the John Marshall Memorial Fund 15 - 16 March 2013 The Marshall family, from Ormskirk in Lancashire, have offered 200 free heart screenings to young people within their community in the North West, in partnership with CRY.

their son, John, died suddenly from a condition known as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) in 1995. John was a talented footballer, having played for England on 12 occasions. He had been signed by Everton FC and was due to start his football career with them the day after he died.

John and Maureen Marshall were instrumental in launching the charity when

For almost two decades, the Marshall family has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death as well as raise funds for screening. However, this latest initiative - a cardiac screening event held at Edge Hill

CRY update • Issue 60 • 11

CRYScreening Report University on 15th & 16th March - had particular poignancy, as it fell on the anniversary of the weekend that footballer Fabrice Muamba collapsed on the pitch at White Hart Lane one year ago. This high profile incident – which thankfully resulted in a full recovery for Fabrice – led to an unprecedented surge in awareness and demand for cardiac screening in young people. Maureen says; “When we first became involved with CRY, we had to really work hard to encourage young people to come along to have their heart screened. Thanks to the support of our community and local media, we were always packed out by the time screening day arrived – but we really had to battle against people’s belief of; “Why do I need to get tested? Young

people who are fit and healthy don’t just drop dead from a heart condition”. “However, we know, as do all families bereaved in this way, that’s just not true; and thanks to the ongoing work of CRY, the message is really getting out there now.” Hayley Marshall, John’s sister, adds: “My brother was so fit and healthy, he was known as one of England’s footballing jewels in the crown, mainly for his left foot. As a family, we’re proud to fund cardiac screening sessions with CRY and will continue doing all we can to help stop other young people from dying and to prevent other families from experiencing the same grief that we have had to endure.”

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and only takes 5-10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on the chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (known as electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of the heart is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes 2-3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire.

If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% – 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of the heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. CRY uses top of the range machinery donated by Philips for the screening programme. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

myheart News Genetic Disorders UK Grant The charity Genetic Disorders UK provides advice and support for individuals and families affected by genetic disorders. Each year Genetic Disorders UK offers grants to a range of charities and support groups who care for children affected by genetic disorders. CRY’s myheart network is delighted to have been awarded a grant from the 2013 Grant Programme. The project the grant will fund is focused on raising awareness of CRY’s myheart group and the services offered by CRY. Through meetings with cardiology departments in hospitals around the country, we aim to encourage cardiologists and cardiac nurses to inform their patients about the additional support they can receive through CRY. These meetings will provide an opportunity to discuss and answer any questions the cardiology teams may have and provide further information they require to confidently advise their patients about our services.

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The aim of this project is to provide young people living with cardiac conditions with information about support as early in their diagnosis as possible, providing them with a place they can meet other young people diagnosed with cardiac conditions and share their experiences. In the lead up to Genetic Disorders UK’s Jeans for Genes day, which will be taking place on Friday 20 September 2013, several members of the myheart group will be featured in the media to raise awareness of genetic disorders and the different organisations that Genetic Disorders UK support. You will also be able to find profiles on each of the members involved on the Genetic Disorders UK website. If you would like more information about Genetic Disorders UK or Jeans for Genes Day this can be found at This project will be taking place throughout 2014. If you have a contact at your local hospital such as your cardiologist or cardiac nurse, who would be happy for us to approach them, please send us their name, department and a contact number and we would be pleased to contact them and arrange a visit to meet with their department.

Report from the CRYCentre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) By Jane Proudfoot, Dr. Mary Sheppard’s medical secretary at the CRY CCP.

Dr Mary Sheppard Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Jane Proudfoot Medical Secretary

Saharnaz Vakhshouri Laboratory Technician

Alice Burrell Laboratory Technician

In the period of January to April 2013 we received 129 sudden death referral cases. We examined each case and produced a final report for the coroner and pathologist in an average of 13.7 days. As has been the trend in other years, January showed an increase in number of cases. Imperial Valve Course held at Imperial College London and to lecture Specialist Registrars at the Royal Society of Medicine and also to train Cardiologists in to the British Cardiovascular Society. Dr Sheppard spoke on sudden cardiac death to the London Medico-Legal Society in April 2013 and there will be a publication on the topic in the British Journal of Legal Medicine. One of Dr Sheppard’s important jobs is attending inquests where she meets families to discuss the individual case. She is always available to talk to the families if they have any concerns regarding the diagnosis. Since January 2013 Dr Sheppard has attended 6 inquests including

Diagnoses There is a wide spectrum of heart diseases that can cause sudden cardiac death and we were able to come to a specific diagnosis in all cases following the pathological processing and examination of the heart with consent from the families. The majority of cases of sudden cardiac deaths have normal hearts meaning it is electrical abnormalities of the heart that are the main cause of sudden death that are referred to us. Similar findings have

Manchester, Belfast, London and Woking. All these involve travel and represent a full day’s work in attending and giving evidence.

Staff news Emily Oosthuizen, our volunteer, is in her final year of Exercise and Health Science (BSc Hons) at the University of Brighton and has been volunteering for CRY since September 2011, spending her time this year at the CRY research centre. She was recently awarded winner of her placement category, here she explains the award:

been reported in studies in other countries in Europe and the USA.

Publications Dr Sheppard is working on two important papers at the moment; the most important is a publication of the results of the whole database of 2,500 cases we have received at the CRY CCP. The second paper is on arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) which is the largest detailed histopathological study of its kind in Europe. These papers will be important in highlighting internationally the work we do.

Meetings Dr Sheppard was invited to speak at several national and international medical meetings this year including the Royal Society of Medicine meeting on post operative deaths, the Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in Marseilles, France and the European Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology meeting in Amsterdam. Nationally, Dr Sheppard was invited to lecture at the

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Report from the CRYCentre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) “As part of my university placement module I have completed an assignment within my placement area, for which I chose to investigate the number and cause of deaths in physical activity in the last 15 years. Every year, my university hold an exhibition where students have an opportunity to present the work they have completed throughout the academic year to both lecturers and external guests. Throughout the

my research. I was awarded winner of my placement category and was given brilliant feedback from several people stating that my research was their favourite of the day. I also used the opportunity to raise awareness of both CRY and young sudden cardiac death. I am proud of what I have accomplished and have thoroughly enjoyed my placement with CRY. I hope to continue my volunteering with CRY in the future.”

day I spoke to several judges, with everyone taking a keen interest in

Research News

CRY’s Research Fellows are an integral part of the work at CRY. CRY funds doctors for 1-2 years who choose to specialise in the fields of inherited cardiac diseases, sudden cardiac death, screening and sports cardiology. The research that they produce advances our understanding of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death. Dr Greg Mellor has joined our existing team of CRY Research Fellows: Dr Sabiha Gati, Dr Ahmed Merghani, Dr Rajay Narain, Dr Leonie Wong (part-funded by CRY) and Dr Abbas Zaidi. CRY Research Fellow, Dr Abbas Zaidi, had the article ‘Physiological Right Ventricular Adaptation in Elite Athletes of African and AfroCaribbean Origin’ published in ‘Circulation’ – one of the world’s leading cardiology journals.

So we thought we’d look at a cohort of black athletes to see what happens to their heart when they exercise.

The published paper is ‘Editor’s Pick’ in 30 April issue of Circulation;

There have been some papers within the last few years looking at what happens to the right ventricle when people do exercise, and it has been found that the right ventricle also enlarges with regular exercise. Now the healthy athlete’s right ventricle can get bigger to the extent that it can start to look like a diseased ventricle; a condition called arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). That’s not to say that doing exercise will cause this condition but, if you exercise and the right ventricle gets bigger, it can cause confusion as to whether you are just seeing healthy enlargement of the heart or whether you’re seeing a disease.

Dr Abbas Zaidi

and underlines the need for expert screening and diagnosis to prevent unnecessary disqualification of elite athletes. CRY Communications Officer, Mair Shepherd, caught up with him to find out more about the article.

What was your research about? We know that when people do regular exercise there are certain changes in the heart: the wall of the left ventricle gets thicker and the left ventricular cavity size gets bigger. We’ve done quite a lot of research into the differences between black athletes and white athletes. We know that the left side of the heart actually remodels more in black athletes than it does in white athletes - black athletes get thicker left ventricular walls than white athletes.

How did you collect the data? Our data has come from screening with CRY. We’ve been collecting this data on black athletes since 2006. We looked at 375 white athletes and we compared their measurements with 300 black athletes. We also had a control group, so that’s non-athletic people - people who do less than 2 hours exercise per week – and that also had a mixture of black and white people. We took an ECG and conducted echocardiograms for all of the subjects – and the echocardiogram is one of the key investigations because you can take measurements of the dimensions and the function of the right side of the heart. Those are the basic tests that everyone has and also when they come for screening through CRY they will fill out a questionnaire where we ask them about symptoms and any family history of sudden death.

What did the research show? The right side of the heart has been neglected historically - perhaps because it’s been perceived that it’s not as important as the left ventricle. Only really in the last few years has it become recognised that the right ventricle plays a very important part in the performance of athletes. And no one has actually looked at what happens to the right ventricle of black athletes. So, this project was looking at right ventricular adaptation in black athletes.

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There are a few key messages from this paper. As we already know that the left ventricle gets thicker in black athletes than it does in white athletes, the first question we had was: are these changes mirrored in the right ventricle? Are there ethnic differences in the right ventricle? And we actually found that, in black athletes, the right ventricle is slightly smaller than the white athletes’ right ventricle. However, the difference is so small that it’s almost insignificant, so we would recommend that

Research News you can use the same ‘normal’ values for the right ventricle when you’re looking at black athletes or white athletes. Now the second thing we found was that, regardless of your colour – regardless of whether you’re black or white, if you do regular exercise then the right ventricle enlarges and in some cases it can enlarge quite significantly. So that’s another new message from this data. One of the most important things that came out of this research was that black athletes are much more likely to have anterior T-wave inversions on the ECG. This has been shown already by several papers in our group – there was one from Dr Papadakis a few years ago. However, the condition that I talked about earlier – ARVC – is diagnosed by the finding of an enlarged right ventricle and anterior T-wave inversions on the ECG. So the number of black athletes that had a large right ventricle and T-wave inversion on the ECG was 10 times greater in black athletes compared to white athletes. Now the meaning of that is that you’re much more likely to misdiagnose in a black athlete with ARVC when in fact they don’t have that condition at all. It’s also known as a false positive. So that’s probably the most important message to come out of this paper – you’re much more likely to get a wrong diagnosis in a black athlete when you’re assessing the right side of their heart.

What is an anterior T-wave inversion? One of the components of the ECG complex is called the T-wave, and generally speaking the T-wave should be upright. Now sometimes we see inverted T-waves which means that the T-wave is upside down.

This can be a normal physiological phenomenon, for example as we are finding in black athletes, but it can also be seen in diseased states such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and ARVC, and these are conditions that can cause sudden death in young people, particularly in athletes.

What is the impact of these false positives? It will mean potentially months of anxiety and stress. It could mean that they are disqualified from sporting activities, temporarily or permanently. So there is a big need for people to recognise that there is a greater scope for misdiagnosis or false positive diagnosis in black athletes.

What are the wider implications of this research? There was an editorial published in Circulation at the same time that we published this paper. That editorial was written commenting on our paper, and one of the things that the editorial pointed out is that the current guidelines for diagnosing ARVC are perhaps going to have to be changed and our paper may well be contributing to changes in the guidelines. The guidelines at the moment would state that if you have an enlarged right ventricle and these T-wave inversions you may have ARVC, but the data here is suggesting that that’s not necessarily the case for black athletes. It also emphasises the fact that screening needs to be done by people who have expertise in sports cardiology, who have expertise in what happens to the ECG of people who exercise regularly. If it is not done in an expert setting or by people with experience of these changes then we may well get a large number of false positives which can cause problems as we discussed before.

Virgin London Marathon


Congratulations and a huge “thank you” to the 119 runners who ran the 2013 London Marathon for CRY on Sunday 21st April. For the third year running, CRY had a stand in the Bronze marquee which was excellent for raising awareness. The whole area that was allocated to us was branded and had plenty of literature and CRY information for runners and spectators who were not familiar with the charity and wanted to find out more. Nearly all of the CRY runners came back to the marquee and were welcomed by our wonderful volunteers, Jane, Ed, Anne and Iris, with lots of water, fruit, chocolates and sausage rolls. The sausage rolls went down a treat! A special thank you to Garry Baxendale, Ian Jickvells, Ryan Nelson and Jack Storr who ran in CRY heart costumes. Our costumes are a great way to raise awareness for CRY. We also want to thank all those who managed to go and meet our volunteers at the CRY stand, despite feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. As always, it was a challenging day for everyone, and especially difficult for those who were running in memory of a partner, family member or friend. Once again, we would like to thank each and every runner for their huge efforts in completing the half marathon and fundraising for CRY. Your time and valued support are truly appreciated. Well done! The CRY Fundraising Team

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Virgin London Marathon


The weather was perfect this year, plenty of sunshine but not too warm, and no rain! We had 3 CRY heart costume runners this year - Dorian Mead, Alan Blair and Chris Deal. We also had 14 runners from ‘The Squires Effect’, running in memory of Clare Squires who died at last year’s London Marathon. CRY runners Alan and Emma Blair became Guinness World Record holders - Emma for the fastest time running in a nurse’s uniform (female); and Alan for the fastest time running as an internal organ (heart, male). Both completed the course in 3:48:34. It was an incredible atmosphere once again, and an event which we are proud to be a part of. To read more about the day visit

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Virgin London Marathon


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Photos courtesy of Jane, Ed, Anne and Iris.

Virgin London Marathon

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Photos courtesy of Jane, Ed, Anne and Iris.

Virgin London Marathon

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Virgin London Marathon

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Virgin London Marathon


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Virgin London Marathon

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Virgin London Marathon


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Virgin London Marathon

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Virgin London Marathon Well done and “thank you” to all the CRY runners in the 2013 Virgin Marathon: Louise Akhurst (ran in memory of Katrina Brown) Jenny Andrews (ran in memory of Andrew Stevens) Nick Baird Jane Barrow (ran in memory of Nolan Foley) John Battle Charlotte Belcher Claire Bishop (ran in memory of Timothy Rattray) Jamie Blackman (ran in memory of Martyn Luckett) Alan Blair (ran in memory of Steven Blair) Emma Blair (ran in memory of Steven Blair & Mark Gallagher) David Bott Chris Bowes (ran in memory of Claire Squires) Jamie Brown (ran in memory of Dominic Brown) Thomas Brunt (ran in memory of Chris Parr) Joel Brydon (ran in memory of Daniel) Gemma Butterfield (ran in memory of Chris Phillips) Sarah Butterworth Michael Cave (ran in memory of Rob Allan) Martin Chorley (ran in memory of Claire Squires) James Clifford (ran in memory of Kevin Patterson) Tom Cowley (ran in memory of Richard Merriman) Rob Crane Warren Davies (ran in memory of Jack Boulton) Kim Davies Zoe Davies Chris Deal (ran in memory of Karl Deal) Barry Dennis (ran in memory of Adam Donnelly) Rian Dewar (ran in memory of Sarah Bennett) Rob Drag (ran in memory of Nelson Monhon) Hugh Drummond (ran in memory of Simon McNamara) Jack Ellis (ran in memory of Jenny Kerwood) Julie Farr (ran in memory of Scott Rennie) Richard Feist (ran in memory of Stuart Attridge) Elise Fleetwood (ran in memory of Thomas Fleetwood) Pete Gilmore (ran in memory of Sam Wright) Michael Glazebrook Paul Goodwin (ran in memory of Phil Standing) Kim Gunn Jo Hallet (ran in memory of Scott Rennie) Paul Hallet (ran in memory of Scott Rennie) Carla Halls Robert Harding (ran in memory of Dale Butler) Mohsin Harhara (ran in memory of Cecilia Barriga) Rhodri Harris (ran in memory of Robert Allen) John Harrison (ran in memory of Graham Harrison) Kristopher Hawkins (ran in memory of Timmy Spooner) Katy Herbert (ran in memory of Frances) Kerry Hoar (ran in memory of Dale Butler) Barry Holcombe (ran in memory of Andy Holcombe) Benjamin Holdsworth Caroline Hoyle (ran in memory of Richard Butcher) Colin Hubbard Bradley Hudson (ran in memory of Richard Merriman) Chloe Hughes (ran in memory of Oliver Griffin) Rob Hughes Aimee Jarrold Christopher Jenkins (ran in memory of Alex Watley) Andrew Johnston Martin Jones (ran in memory of John Jones) Sam Jones (ran in memory of Paul Sykes) Tracey Jones (ran in memory of Jack Thomas) Robert Knott (ran in memory of Joseph Korting) Kieran Knowles (ran in memory of Eamon Gavaghan) Adam Lawton (ran in memory of Liam Wood & Nathan Butler) Claire Lil (ran in memory of James Patterson)


Emily Love (ran in memory of Paul Wilkins) Josephine Love (ran in memory of Paul Wilkins) Kim Marshall (ran in memory of Phil Standing) Paul Marshall (ran in memory of Paris Holden) Pete McCarthy (ran in memory of Amanda McCarthy) Ann Mead (ran in memory of Jenny Bucknell) Dorian Mead (ran in memory of Jenny Bucknell) Carmel Merrick (ran in memory of Josh Merrick) Mat Miller (ran in memory of James Jackson) Stephen Mills (ran in memory of Alex Watley) Greg Murdoch (ran in memory of Matthew Price) Bill Neely (ran in memory of Katrina Brown) Matthew Nicholson (ran in memory of John McCall) Tom Nutt (ran in memory of Claire Squires) Nicholas Oliver (ran in memory of Jamie Simpson) Holly Parker (ran in memory of Hannah Pickering) Richard Patient (ran in memory of Thomas Fleetwood) Catherine Patterson (ran in memory of James Patterson) Julie Peet (ran in memory of Julian Wort) Simon Pettitt (ran in memory of Jenny Kerwood) Richard Picton (ran in memory of Claire Squires) Daisy (Camilla) Price Nick Pritchett (ran in memory of Simon McNamara) Dean Rawlinson Sean Reading (ran in memory of Edward Reading) Rachel Redsell (ran in memory of Sam Wright) Sacha Reeves (ran in memory of Jeremy Cole) Ken Rigelsford (ran in memory of Jenny Kerwood) Magdalena Rotsztejn Adrian Schonfield (ran in memory of Tom Hardman) Peter Shannon (ran in memory of Ralph Murwill) Nicola Short (ran in memory of Claire Squires) Adam Smith (ran in memory of Thomas Wall) Lisa Snare (ran in memory of Claire Squires) Deborah Steer Daniel Teasel (ran in memory of Richard Belton) Ashley Thorne (ran in memory of Alex Watley) Paul Tillery Samuel Tyler (ran in memory of Ben Daniels) Emma Wade (ran in memory of Jenny Kerwood) Gareth Wainwright (ran in memory of Kevin Paterson) Janice Wand John Wells (ran in memory of Rob Allen) Sam Wickham (ran in memory of Jack Boulton) Martin Winch (ran in memory of Claire Squires) Sally Woodward Gentle +7 other runners in ‘The Squires Effect’

A huge “thank you” to all our volunteers: Martin Appleby, Lara Badger, Jen Bashford, Nigel Bennett, Mark Blease, Alice Burrell, Alison Dalton, Mary Doogan, Emma Brown, Robert and Phil Eastty, Bob and Carol Finch, Maddy Fitzpatrick, Abi Goch, Don Granner, Barbara and Jim Holland, Steve Jackson, Koula Louki, Irena McCabe, Terry Smith, Katy, Oliver and Lucy Turberville, Holly Walden and Mark Wibberley. Massage therapists: Yoshiko Beer, Bridget Burleigh, Noreen Carr, Edel Casey, Laura Jane Cowdell, Kirsten Davidson, Ellie Denton, Alex Hough, Zuzana Povazanova, Pippa Rollitt, Leona Williams, Sabena ‘Beanie’ Williams and Donna Willsmore. The team from Richmond Physiotherapy offered their help in memory of one of their colleagues, Ralph Murwill.

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In Memory of Funda Bethany Roberts took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £203. In Memory of James Liz Orr completed the Great North Swim 2012 and raised £457. In Memory of Robert Allan • Effingham & Leatherhead RFC held a Memorial Game and raised £430.

On Saturday 16 April 2011 the club held the Rob Allan Memorial match to commemorate the life of Rob who died so tragically in March 2010. Rob’s parents (Mike and Jane) and sister Lisa came for the day.

We had an excellent lunch before the match with the proceeds from the lunch and the raffle going to CRY, the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) charity supported by Rob’s family - thanks to Sue Crabb and her team for putting on such a great spread.

The match itself was between a Senior XV (made up of 1st, 2nd and 3rd team players, plus some old, old and bold and some old and not so bold players) and the U18 sides. The game was well refereed by Steve Smith (who also played), Tom Davies and George Crabb. There was a great deal of mixing and matching of teams which meant that over 50 players got onto the field (at one time the average age of the Senior XV was over twice that of the U18s team!). In the end though, youth prevailed over experience and the U18s ran out worthy winners. The weather was kind to us and a great game was had by all players and was thoroughly enjoyed by all the spectators.

After the match the club had a BBQ and a free bar - many thanks to Andy Manning and David Lawrence for their efforts cooking the sausages and burgers, and also to Sue for providing the healthy extras!

With the day being such a success, the Club has decided to make the Rob Allan Memorial match an annual end of season fixture between the Seniors and the U18s.

• Bradley Hayward-Bray completed the Bristol Half Marathon 2012 and raised £325.

In Memory of Robert Andall Christopher Barry completed a parachute jump and raised £490. In Memory of Philip Richard Anderson Mr and Ms Anderson sent in a donation of £270 raised from two raffles held at Westlands Farm Shop during lambing week. In Memory of Marcus Armstrong • Ally Stanway completed the Thailand Jungle Expedition and raised £456.10.

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• Michelle Cutter completed a tandem skydive and raised £200.

• Ian Stafford completed the Colchester Half Marathon and raised £120.

In Memory of Stuart Attridge Rosemary Attridge sent in donations totalling £170; £100 from the sale of CRY Christmas cards, £20 from hand made cards and £50 was donated by Mrs M Annesley. In Memory of Andrew Ball Roy Ball sent in a donation of £550.

In Memory of Nick Barnes Frances Barnes took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £490.

In Memory of Cecilia Barriga Mike Fleet sent in donations totalling £897.28 in respect of collections, general donations and the sale of book marks.

In Memory of Lewis Barry • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £250. We are a sister group to Round Table, and decided to allocate some of the money we have raised this year to your charity. My son is a keen cyclist (a member of the Scottish Development Squad) and lost a fellow cyclist, Lewis Barry, to cardiac arrest recently.” Louise McInnes, Outgoing Chair, Peniston Ladies Circle.

• Adie Turford completed the Spadgers Ride 2012 and raised £140.

In Memory of Matthew Beadle • Miss S Aloueche sent in a donation of £2,000 raised at the West End Fest Concert, held in Covent Garden, on 3 February. CRY representatives Carl and Eunice Johnson gave a talk at the event.

• Lynne Beadle sent in further donations totalling £425 in

respect of the West End Fest on 3 February in memory of Matt. They were received from family and friends who were unable to attend the evening but wanted to show their support.

• Penny Holmes sent in an additional donation of £959 in

respect of the West End Fest held in memory of Matthew, making a total raied of £3,384.



In Memory of Sarah Booth • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £5,000 which Wellington College, Belfast, raised through participation in the Belfast City Marathon last May. This is the second year we have raised money in this way in memory of a past pupil, Sarah Booth. We were delighted to have Sarah’s mum and dad with us at a special assembly in November to accept the cheque. Sarah was a very special girl who tragically passed away in June 2010. This is our way of paying tribute to her.” Sarah Cochrane, Wellington College, Belfast.

• BC Partners Foundation sent in a matched giving donation

of £1,850 in respect of Amy Page’s Beckenham Bake Sale.

• Lynne Beadle sent in a donation of £431.68. In Memory of Francoise Bechet de Balan Crichton • Elizabeth Haynes sent in a donation of £100.

• Lady Humphrey sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Francoise.

• We have received donations of £380 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Francoise Bechet de Balan Crichton.

In Memory of Sarah Beckinsale Susan Gentles completed the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £622. In Memory of Graeme ‘Tinka’ Bell Gemma Cannell sentin a donation of £600, collected by the 150 Club at West Denton Fire station.

In Memory of Richard Belton Holly Fairclough completed the Tri-Fest Ironman Challenge and raised £290. In Memory of Kasia Ber Diane Ber sent in donations totalling £272; £255 from the Rugby Horden team who turned out on a freezing day to help raise awareness and funds in memory of Kasia and a donation of £17 from Dr Chandy’s practice in lieu of sending Christmas cards. In Memory of Scott Biggin Jemma Marriott took part in the Sheffield 5K Big Fun Run in August 2012 and raised £301. In Memory of Steven Blair Susan Blair cycled around the Isle of Cumbrae in memory of Steven and raised £1,862.50.

In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop • Sarah Pengelly completed the Great South Run and raised a final total of £928.

• Andrew Ebbs completed the Great South Run and raised £484.

• Ita Booth sent in a donation of £260 raised in respect of the

charity football match organised by Rachael Surgenor for her husband’s 60th birthday.

• Ita Booth sent in a donation of £360 which was raised

by the Northern Ireland Planning Service in respect of a coffee morning they held in memory of Sarah.

In Memory of Winifred Margaret Booth CRY has received a donation of £645.95, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Winifred Margaret Booth. In Memory of Daniel Boreham “Please find enclosed a cheque for £431.46 which has kindly been donated by my employer, Lakeland. Earlier this year colleagues from each shop were asked for suggestions as to which charity should benefit. I asked that CRY should be chosen. My son Daniel died from sudden death syndrome shortly before his 17th birthday. CRY has been a great help in our trying to cope with the devastating loss. I thank you for all your good work and hope that one day deaths like Daniel’s can be prevented.” Lindsey Boreham.

• Jan and Paul Blenkinsop sent in a donation of £110 in lieu

In Memory of Jack Boulton • Matthew Bancroft, Aaran Shargall, Nick Rood, David Young, Emma Jolliffe, Alex Bridgeman, Lee Shaw, Harry Peake and June Boulton completed the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £3,257.

of sending Christmas cards.

• Miss L A Bryant sent in a donation of £100 to commemorate what would have been Graeme’s 28th birthday.

June Boulton sent in a donation of £100.

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• June and Dave Boulton sent in the following donations: £100 raised by the Saltford Football Club who held a Christmas match and £100 was donated by Dave’s employer towards the BIG ride.

• Jack Cooper and Sarah completed the Reading Half Marathon and raised £506.

In Memory of Wesley Bray David Warner completed the Reading Half Marathon and raised £152.50. In Memory of Patrick Breen Darren Teague completed the Total Workout Fun Run and raised £1.933.20.

• Ralph Knibbs completed the Derby Triathlon and raised £918.75.

• We have received a matched giving donation of £140 in

respect of the ‘Big Bike Ride’ from Land’s End to John O’Groates.

• June Boulton sent in donations totalling £381; £79 in

respect of Dave’s Big Bike Ride and £302 raised at the Charity Golf Day.

“Saltford Golf Club held their annual competition in memory of Jack on 13 October 2012. There were 20 teams of 4 playing a Bowmaker competition with teams consisting of a junior, lady, man and senior. The winning team were Bradley Clark, Jane Russett, Nigel Kaye and Andy Davies with 98 points (pictured with Dave Boulton and the Club Captain Andy Griggs). A total of £301.80 was raised.” June Boulton.

“We organised a 5k sponsored fun run through Total Workout, Strathroy. It was in memory of my brother Patrick, who passed away on 4 September 2007 when he was 10 years old, while at gaelic training.

In Memory of Ian Bowen • “Ponteland Party in the Park was a great success this year. The churches in Ponteland have been made aware of the work done by CRY.” Andy Anderson, Secretary of Ponteland Party in the Park, sent in a donation of £200.

• Maralyn Bowen sent in a donation of £200 raised at the

All money raised is going to CRY, in the hope of raising awareness and funding screening. Everyone had lots of fun and the support was fantastic. As Patrick’s sister, I am so proud of everyone who took part and donated; and want to thank Darren at Total Workout for choosing CRY as the charity in memory of Packie. We hope to have this as an annual run now, as the day was fantastic! The final total to be raised has yet to be calculated but we think it is approximately £2,000. In addition, William Hill have been very generous and decided to double any money we raise for the charity. Thanks to everyone who took part and donated, from the Breen family.” Danielle Breen.

Sunday Night Quiz organised by Turners Mill in memory of Ian.

• Gary Watson sent in a donation of £1,000 from a Burns Night/auction held at Bickerton Poacher, Bulkley and £110, a personal donation from a friend, Steve Wild, whose children were screened at Bishop Heber School last year.

In Memory of Dave Bramwell Orbis Investment Advisory sent in a donation of £2,400.

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Our In Memory of Alexander Kenneth Brinck-

Your generosity and support kept me going through all those early morning starts, strong winds and rain, cobbled roads, steep hills, physio couches, sweat, tears, punctures, protein shake addiction and above all 300 miles of Northern French terrain.

I am very happy to announce that it was all worth it! To date the total money raised for CRY is £3,967.50 (inc. Gift Aid).

Thank you!” Giles Cook.

Johnsen We have received funeral donations totalling £340 in memory of Alexander Kenneth Brinck-Johnsen.

In Memory of Mark Britton Andrew Britton sent in a donation of £1,705 in respect of the Cardiff 10K, also completed by Sam Britton, Jodie Hardacre and Stephen Hardacre. In Memory of Emma Broad • Family and friends held a fundraising ball in memory of Emma and raised £46,000. “We had a truly memorable evening with over 200 people at the Langham Hotel, London, with live and silent auctions, a raffle and live music and entertainment from Incognito Artists.

We are delighted that the money raised will be used to fund a 1 year grant for a CRY Research Fellow. It makes us feel so proud that we can, through our efforts, contribute to something worthwhile.” Judy Broad.

• Giles Cook completed the London to Paris cycle ride and raised £3,587.


• Saskia Ruys completed the Windsor Half Marathon 2012 and raised £3,350.

• Jefferies LLC sent in a donation of $2,500. • Mr H Tucker sent in a donation of £300 in respect of the Mount Toubkal fundraising challenge.

• Ellie Tait took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £435.50.

• Jefferies & Co. INC, California, sent in a donation of $5,000.

• The Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Gregory Brookes “Each year we have held a Golf Day, the last two years in honour of the memory of our dear friend, Gregory Brookes, who died so tragically in October 2009, of SADS. Once again the event has taken place this year - although somewhat later in the calendar.” David and Hayley Liepins sent in a donation of £808.01. In Memory of Katrina Brown Claire Fennell completed the 2012 Great Midlands Fun Run and raised £330.

• An enormous thank you from the bottom of my saddle!

In Memory of Dr Jennifer Bucknell • Hillary and Bill Durrant sent in a donation of £450 in respect of the money collected from busking with the accordion outside the Tesco store in Chard before Christmas.

Hillary and Bill Durrant sent in a donation of £276 from the Camping and Caravanning Club: “This was raised from April through to the New Year by having a table at each ‘Meet’ with all the books members have read and no longer have use for.”

• Dave and Simon Bucknell completed the Two Moors Walk (2012) and raised £422 in memory of Jennifer.

“The Two Moors walk is a hiking journey across Exmoor and Dartmoor over some pretty unforgiving terrain, and is just over 106 miles, assuming you don’t take any wrong turns!

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We raised money by going out around local businesses to raise awareness and collect, while also using facebook and family and friends.

I’m into Track racing, so also managed to raise around £500 on our Honda forum thanks to generous fellow members.

Day 1: Today has been a bit of a shock to the system, with both of us setting off carrying 35kgs each consisting of camping equipment, lots of water and an abundance of food to keep us going until the first rendezvous point.

Unfortunately, we got lost today, well, it was probably my fault! we were following a stream, and followed it too far so ended up coming out on the wrong road we intended to, which meant we had covered an extra 2 miles. This was worsened by the fact it was so hot, and the gradients were near vertical! When we eventually got to a place called Chagford, we found we were a bit out of our depth walking through a very upmarket town with huge back packs in search of food, even the local Spar was posh, and we couldn’t have stuck out anymore!

We soon came up against our first obstacle, which was highlighted by the fact we had done no training, a long steep hill, where we had to adjust our back packs accordingly and contend with the searing heat, as it seemed we had picked the only week of summer where the sun was out. We have done well today, covering an approximate 20miles, while stopping for food and much needed breaks, and not to mention collecting some pictures of the near perfect scenery. Now an early night to prepare for day 2!

An old sporting injury popped up today, so I now have to walk with a limp to match dad’s.

Day 2: It’s been a hard day today. We ended up hiking from 8:00am all the way up until 9:30pm! We struggled to find a suitable spot to pitch our tent for the night, so had to drag ourselves further along the route in order to find somewhere flat enough. We’ve been up against strong side winds today while making our way up Dartmoor. We reckon the gusts were about 50mph, but the worst thing was that they were side winds, and due to the size of our bags, we were constantly trying to stop ourselves from being span around! This took its toll on dad, as later on he was complaining of pain in his hip, which makes him sound old, but was just down to the fact we were fighting to walk straight. On the upside though, we have covered over an approximate 22miles!

Day 3: It’s been another grading day, still the same persistent searing heat, and still as much to carry.

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Also, we took another wrong turn today, however, it was somebody else’s fault as a kind land owner had cut down the sign we were looking for, which happened to be right on the edge of our map too, thankfully a kind local pointed us in the right direction.

Day 4: Today has by far been the worst day, due to large rocks to clamber over, and still the same persistent heat. The blisters on my feet have become too painful to ignore along with every other ache and pain! I’m not very good company when trying to deal with tiredness and the added aches. I realised too, that with all this time just walking I’m thinking too much and getting quite down in the process. Despite all of this, we reached a place called Withypool, we nearly had to crawl down the last hill as our heels don’t feel like they are part of us anymore. We still kept the pace today, and got another 22 miles notched off of the total, so not bad considering we didn’t do any training.

Day 5: After all of the hard work we have done the previous days, today, we only, I say only, had to cover 19 miles to get to



the end. This consisted of two very steep climbs, and more clambering over hard uneven ground, which put even more strain on our weak and battered ankles.

In Memory of Nathan Butler • The Royal Bank of Scotland, Newcastle under Lyme, sent in a donation of £1,000.

Despite the pain, we battled on, fueled by adrenaline and the thought of what we were doing this for; the end was now in sight.

• “Nathan’s mum Angela, last year came and highlighted to our football league the importance of screening for anyone involved in sports and a large number of the places she fundraises for were used by youngsters in our league and so we would like to make this donation as a small way to thank her and Nathan’s family and friends who raise money each year to bring the screening booths to our area.” Diane Marchant, under 15’s representative, Potteries Junior Youth League sent in a donation of £100.

At 4:25pm, after descending, then ascending, then descending again, we made it into Lynmouth, the finishing point where all the pain paid off.

• Paul Hurt completed the Robin Hood Half Marathon 2012 and raised £310.

In Memory of Peter Button Junior “It was the turn of Seaford Martello Women’s Institute to host our Group Carol Service this year. The group is made up of four WI’s in the area and as hosts we are able to choose a charity at our retiring collection. This year we chose CRY as the charity in memory of Peter Button Junior.” Patricia Dunn sent in a donation of £137.

It has all been worthwhile due to the money everyone has so kindly donated. We completed the 106 mile journey in just short of 5 days, when we signed the book at the finish, it was clear to see just how well we had done. Other entries in the book previous to our, all saying they had done it in 8 or more days, while staying in accommodation rather than carrying it! Absolutely over the moon with how fast we managed to do it, just hope Jen would be proud.” Simon Bucknell.

• Veronica Bucknell sent in a donation of £1,050: “Sent in memory of Jen’s Cheshire cat like ‘marmalade grin’ - much missed on our second Christmas without you.”

In Memory of Christopher Burgess Carol Burgess sent in a funeral donation of £676, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of her father and a donation of £140 in memory of her son, Christopher. In Memory of Craig Burling Ben Broadbent completed the Hull Marathon and raised £170.

In Memory of Richard Butcher HSBC, Coventry, sent in a donation of £421.51.

In Memory of Michael Cadman • Aidan Marshall completed the Edinburgh Marathon 2012 and raised £410.

• Dean Cargill raised £335 at the Pivo Pivo concert in Glasgow. • Ian Cadman sent in a donation of £130 from collection boxes.

• Dean Cargill sent in a donation of £215 raised at the

launch of the Lily Pond single in December in memory of his cousin, Michael. CRY Representatives Ian and Irene Broughton attended the event. In Memory of Andrew Cannon George Cannon sent in a donation of £100 from the sale of CRY Christmas cards.

In Memory of Stephen Carey “Alnmouth Young Club raised £169.33 by holding a coffee morning in memory of Stephen. A big thanks to all those that helped and supported. Stephen is always loved and missed by his family and friends.” PW & P Hobbs. In Memory of Simon Carloss The Church of St Michael and All Angels Lydbury North sent in a funeral donation of £763.49 in memory of the late Simon Carloss. In Memory of Justin Carmen Claire Baker completed ‘Hiking in Kilimanjaro’ and raised £1,515.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Jake Carney • David Carney completed the Slow Coasters and Slow Coasters Ride Again events and raised £3,290.50 and £1,251 respectively.

events which would be taking place throughout the week at my school in aid of the Awareness Week.

Jessica Carney completed a skydive and raised £923. In Memory of Paul Caudery Suketu Shad sent in a donation of £150 in respect of sponsorship for Stephanie Allen’s Marathon Des Sables challenge. In Memory of Luke Chapman CRY Representative Benita Davies collected a cheque for £16,033.57 from a memorial rugby tournament on 17 March in memory of Luke. In Memory of Anthony (Budgie) Child Lucille Kay sent in a donation of £220, in lieu of gifts for her 60th birthday. In Memory of Philippa Chowne • Alison Heath, Bablake Senior School, sent in a donation of £1,898.94 in respect of sales from their calendar.

• Lisa Chowne sent in a donation of £395.90 raised in respect of the Christmas Art Work designed by some of her pupils and a Christmas donation from her colleagues at The Croft Preparatory School.

To my delight, I was approached by several year 8s who, after hearing my assembly, wanted to carry out their own sponsored silence to raise money for CRY too. This was definitely a highlight for me; knowing I had inspired others to want to help as well. The year 8 form managed to raise over £80 from their fundraising event alone.

Friday 30th November was the big day! We started off by selling red ribbons to many of the students and teachers as they came into school that morning. At break we held our much anticipated cake sale.

I had previously organised a cake sale back in May for the same cause which went down a treat, and the students knew this time would be even bigger and better. We lay the vast array of flavours out in our school dining room, and decorated the tables with red ribbons and CRY balloons. The amount of students that arrived for the sale was pretty overwhelming, and even with my team of friends who had offered to help sell the cakes, a couple of teachers were still needed to control the student flow so it didn’t end up as a mad rush! With over 8 different flavour cupcakes, each individually decorated, and many other fantastic concoctions my friends had brought in, there was something for everyone!

Throughout the rest of the day we continued to sell ribbons and receive donations in the collection tin. I also had many a teacher approach me to say they were going to donate online at home.

Overall, the whole week managed to raise £423.10, as well as boosting the charity’s profile. I know this money will be put to extremely good use, and if it can prevent just one young person from losing their life, I know it was all worth it. I am SO pleased with how it all went, and I’m looking forward to another similar experience.” Cat Miller.

• Cat Miller and other students from 8F, Merchant Taylor’s Girls School, raised £423.10 from various events including a sponsored silence.

“Last December I lost one of my best friends, Pippa Chowne, just 15, to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome, and since then I’ve always wanted to contribute to Cardiac Risk in the Young. When I heard about CRY Awareness Week, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to raise the charity’s profile in my school.

Through many discussions with senior staff, I managed to get the go-ahead to present a school assembly, hold a cake sale, sell ribbons, and distribute leaflets and donation forms. The week took a lot of organising, but I definitely believe it paid off.

The aim of my assembly was to raise awareness for the charity first and foremost. I spoke about the case close to my heart, and then went on to address CRY’s fantastic work and how the charity can help so many. I finished by explaining how everyone could get involved with helping CRY, as well as advertising the

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For the entire week I carried an official collection box around school so students and teachers alike could easily donate. I also pinned many posters around the school to boost the charity’s profile even more, and distributed donation leaflets in all of the form registers.

In Memory of Katrina Christopher and Cheryl Christopher-Webber

• CRY has received a funeral donation of £1,139.62, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Cheryl Christopher-Webber.



• Vivienne Christopher sent in a donation of £315 which was

In Memory of Jane Maxine Coe (nee Armstrong) Ann Armstrong sent in a donation of £200 in memory of her daughter Jane, who would have been 50 this year.

In Memory of Liam Chronnell Helen Chronnell took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £342.

In Memory of Jeremy Cole Sacha Reeves completed the Beachy Head Marathon and raised an additional £806, making a total raised of £831. “I can hardly believe that my friends and family helped me to raise over £1,000 when I ran the Beachy Head Marathon in memory of Jeremy Cole on Saturday 27 October 2012.

raised by her grandchildren who held a raffle at their dance academy.

In Memory of Alex Ciccui Sam Gilbey took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £260. In Memory of Tom Clabburn • BBC journalism trainees sent in a donation of £1,455 as a leaving gift for Claire Prosser. • “I have pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £200 being a further donation from the Middlesex FA to Tom’s Memorial Fund. Tom was a player at youth level for one of our clubs and in addition to the part sponsorship of a screening that took place a couple of years ago, we would like to further the fundraising in Tom’s memory by our donation.” Peter Clayton, Chief Executive, Middlesex County Football Association.

• Claire Prosser held her tenth book sale in memory of her

son Tom Clabburn just before Christmas at the BBC in White City. Colleagues, and her daughter Ellen, helped out. Another colleague, Lorna Donlon, made some very tasty cakes. Claire Prosser sent in a donation of £800.

My regular training of around 50 miles each week left me in good shape for one of the UK’s most challenging off-road races, but a rare injury meant that I wasn’t sure that I would be able to run. Only the support of those who had sponsored me helped me to the start line. The race was brutally hilly (over 4,600 feet ascent, over 4,600 feet descent) and brutally cold (below freezing with wind chill). The dazzlingly bright day and the amazing views inland and out to sea were only so much compensation! The final few miles saw even those runners with “100 Marathon Club” T-shirts reduced to walking pace, but I made it round the course in 4 hours and I could walk without a limp within a few days. A big “thank you” to all my supporters!” Sacha Reeves. In Memory of Adam Connolly • Michelle Connolly took part in a skydive and raised £932.50.

• Alex Johnson completed the Ealing Half Marathon and raised £331.50.

• Paul Coleman sent in a donation of £100. In Memory of Darren Clark • Vicki Clark took part in a paintball day and bungee jump and raised £6,059.12.

• Oliver de Cunha sent in a donation of £285 raised in

respect of the mixed hockey match held at Battersea Park on 20 April in memory of Adam.

• Debbie Clark sent in a donation of £625 collected during

2012 by members of Slimming World, Scunthorpe and their consultant, Mrs Roz Smith.

• Phil Marriott completed a bungee jump and raised £285. • Jon-Christopher Bayley, Matthew Walden, Seb Seawell and Richard Clark completed the Tough Mudder Challenge and raised £364.

In Memory of Nicholas Clay Adele Taylor completed The Hell Run 2012 and raised £280.

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Fundraisers including the rainforest on day 1, continuing up through the clouds on day 2, bits of scrambling on days 3 & 4. The weather was interchangeable throughout therefore we had to use all our different kit to make sure we didn’t get too hot, cold or wet!

• Miss T A Knight sent in a donation of £100. • Jerry Connolly sent in a donation of £300 from an arts and crafts pre-Christmas fair held in the local village by Debbie and Ann.

In Memory of Bruce Cousins Jackie Cousins sent in a donation of £145 which is the proceeds of items donated by friends and relatives and sold at a second hand stall.

In Memory of Gary Craig Miss J Carey sent in a donation of $100 in memory of Gary. In Memory of Richard Credland • Victoria Credland took part in a swimming challenge and raised £1,271.14.

• Sandy Credland took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £175.

In Memory of Hazel Cresswell CRY has received a funeral donation of £170.74, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Hazel Cresswell. In Memory of Hayley Crook • Chris Meeking completed the Mount Kilimanjaro Charity Trek and raised £4,320.16.

“My Dad and I decided to take on the heights and challenges that Mt Kilimanjaro had to offer, standing at 5895m above sea level (ASL), it’s the highest free standing mountain in the world. Kilimanjaro has always been a challenge that has interested me and I thought it was a good event to prepare me for bigger and harder challenges that may follow. I decided to undertake this event in memory of Hayley Crook, who sadly passed away in her sleep, later being diagnosed as SADS, she was a close friend of my sister and a friend of the family. Starting our fundraising early to help ease the pressure, we set about organising a range of events. Bi weekly car boots brought in a steady stream of sponsorship, assisted by cake sales, sales from tickets and sweets at a dance show and various other small events helped us on our way. As for training, well, there wasn’t really any. Pen Y Fan in the Brecon beacons was the only training hike undertaken in the torrential wind and rain, which only dampened our spirits. Relying on a general active and sporty lifestyle was essential to my preparation.

We were a group of 16, mixture of ages and personalities but everyone got on well and contributed their own bit to the group. The group had a combination of first time campers to regular trekkers, and even some who had climbed Kili earlier that year only to fail on summit day.

It took 6 days in total to get up and down Mt Kilimanjaro. The days consisted of long treks through different terrains

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The day before the summit and the ascent to the peak was the hardest of all the days. A total of 24 hours trekked in those 2 days, with minimal sleep and altitude starting to have an effect on everyone. Setting off at midnight with just the head torch to guide us was both exciting and frightening. Sunrise was at 6am, it was a beautiful sight, we stopped for 10 minutes to take in the view and think about why we were there. It certainly helped us get warm again, with many of us peeling back some of those 8 or so layers we were wearing. Our next target was to get to Stella Point, 5790m ASL. Here we had a tea and some snacks before setting off for the peak.

My dad and I, followed by six other members of the group, reached Uhuru peak at 9.05am on 17/10/12. The views were breathtaking, gigantic glaciers covered some parts of the mountain, while other views looked like arid dessert plains. It really was an outburst of emotion, with plenty of hugging and tears from quite a few. Throughout the trip Hayley had been in my thoughts, but none more so than the moment we got our picture taken by the sign. We pulled out the banner, tied a sunflower to the sign and placed a small dancer figurine that was on Hayley’s 18th birthday cake into a crevice of a rock. I hope to have made Hayley and her family very proud, realising just how much of an effect their daughter had in everyone’s life.” Chris Meeking.

Our • Media Edge sent in a donation of £1,000. In Memory of Dominic Cullen • James Correia sent in a donation of £625 raised at the Northern Soul and Motown Night held in memory of Dominic.

• James Correia took part in a charity Rugby Match and raised £100 in memory of Dominic.

In Memory of Simon Cullum • Lisa and Ruth Cutter completed the 2012 Virgin Active London Triathlon and raised £607.

• Marilyn Cullum sent in donations totalling £277.50; The Cake stall and raffle at St Peter’s Church Hall £143, Judy Burton donated £33 in respect of change in the money box, Charmaine Watker £22.50, Myra Burnett £25 and Emma Jarvis £54. • Marilyn Cullum forwarded a donation of £219 in respect of a music event at the Lord Nelson Pub in Gorleston organised by Georgia Gooch on 5 April in memory of Simon.


In Memory of Stuart Cutler We have received a donation of £500 from nurses and staff at NHS 24 Tayside.

In Memory of Ben Daniels • Helena Daniels sent in a donation of £4,900 raised by the Eltham College Cricket Tour Squad in respect of the tour of South Africa in 2012.

• Charles Matthews took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £265. • Samantha Spiers raised £132.50 in respect of donations made on behalf of Kaitlyn Spiers.

• The Old Wilsonians’ Cricket Club sent in a donation of £138.50.

• Helena Daniels sent in a donation of £1,726, raised at the

BANG Networking event which was organised by Steve Yates. CRY supporter, Paul Daniels, attended the event.

In Memory of Neil John Darby • Heather Darby sent in a donations totalling £640 in respect of fundraising in memory of Neil.

• Heather Darby took part in the Great North Run 2012 and raised £350.

In Memory of Ellen Davis Fiona Mapp completed the 20 Mile Walk on 27 October 2012 and raised £683.63. In Memory of Lewis Dean Danielle Roberts completed a tandem skydive and raised £235. “On a beautiful crisp October day with clear skies and sunshine, I made a tandem skydive from 14,000ft at the Black Knights Parachute Centre in Cockerham near Lancaster. This was in memory of Lewis Dean, who died unexpectedly in 2006 whilst playing on a park with friends. The skydive was amazing, it was well worth the wait (after being rescheduled so many times due to unpredictable UK weather!) Seeing the curvature of the earth was unreal. It was all over so quickly, before I knew it I

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could see my family waving at me in the paddock. I would love to do it all over again… And the best part is, I have it all caught on camera!

• We have received £750 from Barclays Bank, Wem, in

I have raised over £500 for CRY. I will be back next year with another daredevil stunt and raising more money for CRY.” Danielle Roberts (Skydiver Extraordinaire)

£2,150 was raised at the ‘Buy for CRY’ jumble sale and £642 from the bag packing Tesco in Ellesmere.

support of the ‘Dine at Mine’ event.

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in donations totalling £2,792;

In Memory of Kevin De Silva Peter Speight completed the Robin Hood Half Marathon 2012 and raised £725. In Memory of Claire Dee Shapland Nick Dee Shapland forwarded a donation of £120 raised at at coffee morning held by Rosemary Barr.

In Memory of Damien Deignan Martin Deignan completed the Dublin Marathon 2012 and raised £690. In Memory of Matthew Dewhirst • Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in a donation of £3,000 which was raised by holding a sponsored Row at Ellesmere, a Duke of Edinburgh Snowdonia Run and a donation in lieu of Christmas cards.

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in donations totalling £2,280:

£900 from Dine at Mine; £330 from Criftins Shoot and £1,050 from the BFG Concert.

In Memory of Luke Dickinson Matthew Dickinson, Jonathan Hardman and Stephen Sourbutts took part in the Great North Run 2012 and sent in sponsorship of £1,042, making a total raised of £2,877. In Memory of Aaron Dixon • Gary Dixon sent in a donation of £1,220.

Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in donations totalling £1,449.25: £100 from Morris Cook Accountants’ Cakeathon; £610 from Ellesmere College Parent Society Christmas raffle; £60 from Dewhirst Cakeathon; £50 from Mr & Mrs McCarthy (cakeathon); £70 from Mr Paul (Cakeathon); £40 from Mrs Roberts (Cakeathon) and £519.25 from Oswestry School Tag Rugby Event.

• Oliver Daniel raised £280 from growing a moustache. In Memory of Adam Donnelly • Thames Water Utilities Limited, Reading, sent in a matched giving donation of £2,000 in respect of the September Ball in memory of Adam, making a total raised of £7,400.

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in donations totalling £2,145

including: £1,000 from Nescliffe Young Farmers; £25 from Elizabeth Hickson; £20 from J.D. Williams; £750 from Evolved Design Ltd.; £100 from S.M. Dewhirst ; and £250 from M Dewhirst.

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Paul Williams completed the Anglesey to London Cycling challenge and raised £1,606.

Our • “My mother and her sisters, for the third year running, have

raised £1,000 by having a stall for CRY at their weekly boot sale in Anglesey, plus my mother asks, for her birthday and Christmas, that people give money to CRY rather than buy her presents. A good friend of mine, Eleri Jarvis, held a fundraising night for the local cancer unit where her husband is currently receiving treatment - they raised far more than they had hoped and decided to donate £200 to CRY.” Julie Donnelly.

In Memory of Adam Donnelly and Carlton Callender Linda Bode held a raffle and tombola at British Airways head office and sent in a donation of £313 . In Memory of Martin Donno Sean Donno completed the BAE Systems 165 mile cycle challenge from Warton to Coningsby and raised £280. In Memory of John Driscoll Miss J Driscoll held a Zumbathon event on 16 November and raised £1,003.40. In Memory of Nathan Duffield Sue Barber completed a 16 mile cycling challenge and raised £280. In Memory of Sebastian English • Danielle Bidos took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £2,090.

• Sara Bailey completed the Cardiff Half

Marathon 2012 and raised £250.


• Lorraine Slade raised £107.50 from various fundraising activities.

• Rich and Donna Fell forwarded a donation of £100 from

Top Spec Roofing in respect of a bike ride in memory of Josh.

• Nick Prout completed a 3 day cycling event in the French Alps and raised a further £525.

• Rich Fell sent in a donation of £645 in respect of donations in lieu of gifts for his dad’s 80th birthday.

In Memory of Ryan Ferguson Tom Owens completed a 24 hour gaming event and raised £130.07. In Memory of Thérèse Field Tara Field sent in a donation of £715.07 raised at the ‘Stars in their Eyes’ show, carol concert and the cake bake evening, in memory of Thérèse.

In Memory of Andrew Forbes • We have received donations totalling £529.11; Robin Wells raised £455 and Laura Wells and colleagues raised £74.11 from a cake sale and raffle.

• Barclays Bank sent in a matched giving donation of £529.11 in respect of Laura and Robin Wells’ fundraising.

In Memory of Sophia Forrester Lucy Hollick and Georgia Boulton completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £1,058.

• The auction site Giving Lots sold a hand crafted wooden

scene in memory of Sebastian English and raised £122.84.

In Memory of Clare Everett-Allen Clive and Cynthia Everett-Allen sent in a donation of £1,035. In Memory of Sean Farrell We have received donations totalling £12,339 raised from various fundraising events. In Memory of Harry Faulkner Mr J Staunton completed the Squashathon and raised £485. In Memory of Josh Fell • Andy and Yvonne Fell sent in donations amounting to £663.35 in respect of the skydive in memory of Josh. They also sent in a donation of £47.65 raised from the sale of a Madness CD on eBay.

• Lee Stephenson completed a skydive and raised £350.

In Memory of Joanne Fotheringham • Alex Eaton, Treasurer, 161 (Ullapool) D/F Air Training Corps, sent in a donation of £2,000 from The Great Wilderness Challenge (GWC) of which £1,255 was raised by the Cadets of Ullapool Detached Flight 161 D/F.

• Kinlochbervie High School sent in a donation of £235.80 from the Christmas Concert in memory of Joanne.

In Memory of Laura Fox Mark Fox completed the Hever Castle Triathlon and raised £402.

In Memory of Rhian Nadine Fry Colleen Fry forwarded a donation of £135 which represents donations from friends in memory of Rhian.

• Rich Fell fowarded a donation of £100 from his local timber yard.

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In Memory of Matthew Gadsby Sarah Gadsby sent in a donation of £800 on behalf of Walsall Football Club Supporters Trust. “The Walsall Supporters Trust nominated three charities this season to benefit from their fundraising efforts, one of these was CRY in memory of Matt Gadsby who was a member of the 16 man squad that won a memorable Play off Final win while he was at Walsall FC as a player. It was planned to invite the Gadsby family to be our guests at the game closest to the anniversary of Matt’s birthday. Walsall FC Secretary, Dan Mole, kindly offered us the chance to do a bucket collection for CRY on the day as well and off we went. The Gadsby family turned out in force, along with board members of the Supporters Trust at the MK Dons game and both sets of fans responded magnificently and a total of £520.09 was collected in the buckets. Following this the Trust staged their annual Fans v Legends charity game at Rushall Olympic. The fans all paid £10 to play against their heroes’ team managed by Saddlers Legend, Chris Marsh. Once again the fans were brilliant and enough money was raised to allow the Trust to top the fund up to a final total of £800. On Saturday 15 December wife Sarah, daughter Ameilia (making her first visit to the ground) and dad Andy were invited back to the ground to receive a cheque for £800 on behalf of CRY on the pitch at half time. Ameilia was given a framed photo of daddy in his Saddlers kit. Matt will never be forgotten at Walsall FC and at both visits it was the fans singing ONE MATT GADSBY. The Supporters Trust are pleased to be able to help pay for screening to save lives in Matt’s memory.” Steve Davies, Secretary, Walsall Supporters Trust.

In Memory of Andrew Gard • Caroline Gard sent in a donation of £200 from the Senior section of Frinton Golf Club.

• Caroline Gard sent in a donation of £160 from the sale of Christmas cards. In Memory of Andrew Gard and Rose Lake Mr & Mrs Newton sent in a donation of £105. In Memory of Stephen Gately Tony Gately took part in the Great Scottish Run and raised an additional £2,066, making a total raised of £2,566. In Memory of Salena German Jackie German sent in a donation of £185 raised from the collection box in memory of her daughter, Salena.

In Memory of Phillip Goillau • Tom Steggall completed the 2012 Larking Gowen City of Norwich Half Maratahon and raised £587.

• Mark Forrester completed the Norwich Half Marathon and raised £135.

In Memory of Alexander Goodman Rosemary Goodman sent in £260 which was raised at an easter afternoon tea with sale of handmade cards and a raffle.

In Memory of Stewart Goodwin Dr Tom Salter completed the Snowdonia Marathon and raised £1,261.20.

In Memory of Andrew Graeme Paul Graeme sent in a donation of £100. In Memory of Jordan Grant • Lisa Grant sent in a donation of £2,500.

• Amy Farnworth completed the Preston Guild Half Marathon and raised £345.

• Roz Donnelly, Premier League, sent in a donation of £500, in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• Jamie Lillystone completed the Preston Guild Half In Memory of Lauren Gallagher Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £130 from the CRY collection box at Centra Stores in Ballymagorry, Strabane.

Marathon alongside Jordan’s Joggers and raised £240.

• Sam Garstang completed an 18km sponsored swim and raised £1,016.

• John Grant completed the Preston Guild Marathon and raised £934.20.

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In Memory of Caitlan Gray Alan Morrison completed an abseil from the Titan Crane and raised £362.

• Judy Green sent in donations totalling £272. This was

In Memory of Adam Green • Tom and Judy Green forwarded a donation of £750 from the Newcastle and District Agricultural Society.

In Memory of David Green • Gabby Broadhurst raised £2,748 via her online page in memory of David.

• Tom and Judy sent in donations totalling

£432.50: £120 from the sale of Judy’s handmade cards and £312.50 which was raised at a pub quiz night at the Coach & Horses, Market Drayton. This event was organised by Angie Moysey and friends from the Market Drayton Medical Practice (where Judy works). “It was a fantastic record turnout for Laurence’s famous quiz evening and thanks also to friends who brought refreshments for the teams.” Tom and Judy Green.

raised at a Christmas raffle at Judy’s work and other donations in lieu of sending Christmas cards and cakes.

On 20th May 2012 thirty runners took part in the annual Bognor Regis 10k run in memory of David Green who died on 1st December 2010 in his sleep of an undiagnosed heart condition. The previous year family and friends also ran in David’s memory and raised money and awareness for CRY. The team of runners have now become known as ‘Team David’ and have this year again raised much needed awareness and funds for heart screening for local young people. David had himself run this race which made it even more poignant for all who participated.

• Eddie Foulkes completed the Potters Half Marathon and raised £130.

“Running the Potter’s Half Marathon for Cardiac Risk in the Young was an experience that I will never forget. Whilst enduring through the 13 mile stretch of road situated over StokeOn-Trent’s hills I found strength knowing that the money I have raised would be going to a great cause. My motivation to run the half marathon occurred after I lost a friend, Adam Green, earlier this year (2012) to an undiagnosed cardiac condition. This tragedy also struck my family in 2006 when my cousin, Nathan Butler, died suddenly aged 16. Consequently, I wanted to not only raise money but awareness that every week in the UK at least 12 apparently ‘fit and healthy’ young people aged 35 and under die from undiagnosed heart conditions.

In the run up to the race the support I received from CRY was fantastic and I felt proud to run in the charity’s vest. My physical preparation meant that I had to put my rugby boots aside and train my stamina whilst securing donations from family and friends. In the end I was shocked by the result as I came 211th out of 1347 runners with a time of 1hour 37minutes, which I am told is good for a novice! I am now looking at more half marathons to complete this year and maybe even a full marathon in the near future!” Eddie Foulkes.

• Mr J Simmons sent in a donation of £245.90 in respect of the Dress Down Day and work bingo in memory of David.

• St Philip’s Catholic Primary School sent in a final donation

of £105.07 from the sales of the school CD in respect of the service at Arundle Cathedral on 5 December, making a total raised of £2,017.15.

In Memory of Oliver Griffin Michelle Nicklette and Fergal Doyle took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised £2,170. “1 month before race: Training going really well I’m definitely on schedule to beat my Windsor half marathon time of 1:50:02. 4 days before race: I get a virus, I can’t even drag myself out of bed to take the kids to school Ferg has to take the day off work, oh dear feeling a bit of pressure now to get better before the race! Day before the race: Not quite 100% but decide to run. We treated ourselves to a hotel so we are close to start.

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Race day: We woke to a very wet day; black bag needed to keep dry feeling very nervous now. We joined the majority of the runners huddled in a marquee to escape the cold, wet conditions although I’m not sure why as we will be spending 2 hrs in it soon! The run: I found myself just going through the motions trying to forget the horrible conditions we were running in. Concentrating on my music and the incredible crowd of supporters, as they carried me through to the end, the atmosphere was amazing. Sprinting into the Madejski stadium to the finish line was a great finale to a physically and mentally exhausting race. Time 1:55:00 no PB but an amazing feeling to have participated and finished it. Now time to join queue of very tired cold runners to get foil and goody bag that mars bar has never tasted so good. Now all I have to do is find my way back to the hotel which wasn’t easy as I was very confused & lost but eventually find it. Hold on a minute how come Ferg’s back before me!” Michelle.

into the stadium 1:59:20 - oh dear knees up sprint - - - - - -1:59:50 - delighted - brilliant -so happy – don’t get sick – don’t get sick might go out for a gentle one this evening” Fergal. In Memory of Nicholas Guild Lorraine Pavely ran 16 miles in memory of her friend’s son, Nicholas, and raised £140. In Memory of Matthew Hadfield Diana Garretts sent in a donation of £100 to commemorate Matt’s birthday.

In Memory of Shaun James Haggart Anna Haggart raised £310, through online fundraising, in memory of Shaun. In Memory of Joseph Halliwell James Beckett completed the Phuket Triathlon and raised £1,298.

In Memory of Graeme Hall • “Professional Partners Limited is part of an accountancy firm Wylie & Bissett. Each quarter, we hold a fundraising day where various activities are held in order to raise money for a number of charities. Our quarterly fundraising day was held on Thursday 28 March and we ran a silent auction, raffle, bake sale and dress down day. I nominated CRY for very personal reasons as on 23 December 2012 we sadly lost my step-brother, Graeme Hall, who was only 29 years old.” Allison Lewis sent in a donation of £335.40.

• J Scobbie sent in a donation of £300.

“- very cold very rainy very grey a lot of people - a lot everyone huddled in the tents to keep warm - the people giving us warm ups as we lined up the start - 6 mins to cross line - ok click ..people are watching us..fair play to them...uh oh..need to get past this person - ok hop on path... wait a second - is that a HILL? ok eyes down just get on with it over the hill - now down the hill – that’s better - change the song... and again...don’t like that one.. into the town centre - lot more people - turn off music to hear the cheers - now this is fantastic - time for a jelly baby out other end of town - A road - no more supporters - feeling it now - oh look there’s the stadium - almost there almost there waittttt a second we are going away from the stadium - not good - head down again legs like stone - around the bend - last bit - more jelly babies for no real reason

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In Memory of Shamil Hamid • Dr Saira Razzaq completed a four hour dance off marathon and raised £675.

• Christine Marshall took part in the Weymouth Harbour Christmas Swim and raised £195. In Memory of Kyle Hancock • £1,065 was raised from a sponsored 12 hour sailing race.

• Monica Callus, Freightliner Group Limited, sent in a donation of £1,000. In Memory of Phillipa Harbour Jennifer Harbour completed the Marathon 2012 and raised £348.





In Memory of Thomas Hardman • We have received a funeral donation of £2,050, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Thomas Hardman.

We have received a donation of £183.

In Memory of David Paul Hargrave Ann and Ernie Hargrave sent in a donation of £150 in memory of their son David who died suddenly on 17 October 2011. £100 came from the estate of Ann’s brother (Robert Darling) and £50 was a personal donation. In Memory of David Harrand Simon Davis completed the Paris Marathon and raised £555. In Memory of Matthew Harris Elizabeth Ayres completed the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £300. In Memory of Elizabeth Harrison • Sian Roberts raised £1,655 in memory of Elizabeth.

before, and that was at the 2011 event. This year Joe’s little brother Jake and Joe’s long time friend Joshua Fulcher teamed up and won the trophy, second place went to Carl Humphreys (and his two girls), who was Joe’s PE teacher at Chesterton Community College and the third went to Ollie Shepherd and his dad, Terry. Ollie played rugby with Joe at Cambridge Rugby Club. We raised £650 on the day and it looks like next year we may need a bigger lake as it is becoming so popular.” Brad Herrington sent in a donation of £650.

• Jude Harrison completed the 100 Mile Walk and raised £405.

In Memory of Graham Harrison Pam Woodcock sent in a donation of £302 raised in respect of the quiz night held at the Driffield Town Cricket & Recreation club in memory of Graham.

In Memory of Dean Henderson Team Deano took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2012 and raised £337. Team Deano are David Anderson, Deborah Anderson, Kelly Anderson, Kristy Anderson, Lee Dixon, Naomi Dixon, Vikki Dyson, Melissa Hopper, Adam Tams and Katy Walsh. In Memory of Niamh Herlihy Elizabeth Nixon took part in Run to The Beat 2012 and raised £825. In Memory of Joseph Herrington • Adi Venni completed the Cambridge Half Marathon and raised £2,410.

• Brad Herrington sent in a donation of £185 raised from the

• Stacey Clarke held a ‘15 year Reunion’

• Brad Herrington sent in a donation of £125 raised by

evening at Chesterton Community College and raised £180.

customers at The Black Swan who bought Smiley badges in memory of Joe.

• “The money was raised from the second annual Joe

• Brad Herrington sent in a donation of £190 raised by the

Herrington Fishing Match. We hold this event in memory of Joe because of his passion for fishing. All the teams involved inlcluded friends of Joe’s and their families. His sister and brother also had a go. Although we only had 17 teams competing, they were made up of a number of family members so that there were over 60 people attending. Most of those involved have only fished once

sale of Smiley badges at the Cambridge Rugby Club.

players of Cambridge Rugby Club during November and collections by Hannah Pickup.

• Paul Rowe raised £260 in respect of a running event in memory of Joe.

• Rebecca Herrington completed the Cambridge Half Marathon 2012 and raised £370.

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• Faye Packham completed the Cambridge Half Marathon 2012 and raised £200.

• Mark Evers completed the Great North Swim and raised £430.

grandson, Richard Hill, who died, suddenly, on 28 August 2012, aged 14 years. The donation came from a section of the Golf club where Keith is a member.

• Jacqueline Everts completed the Cabbage Patch Run and

In Memory of Laura Hillier • Tony Hillier sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the annual Santa Sleigh ride around Blisworth Village.

• Chesterton Community College held a non-uniform day

• Tony Hillier sent in a donation of £250 in lieu of Christmas cards and gifts.

• Simon Rosen completed the Cambridge Half Marathon and raised £140.

raised £150.

and raised £856.54.

In Memory of Matthew Hesmondhalgh • Andrew Chiverton completed the Land’s End to John O’Groats cycle challenge and raised £6,119.15.

In Memory of Christopher Hoggarth Michael Hoggarth, friends and family, completed the Keswick to Barrow Walk and raised £2,000. In Memory of Ian Hoggarth • Gen Hoggarth raised £3,531.43 through various fundraising events in memory of Ian.

• Thomson Reuters (My Community Program) sent in a donation of £290.

• Emma Galbraith sent in a donation of £510 in respect of completed the Land’s End to John O’Groats cycle ride.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000 generously

donated in Matt’s memory. The funds were raised at the 21st Oyster Festival held at Guy’s Thatched Hamlet, a fantastic Irish themed event with live music and Guinness (two of Matt’s favourite things!) that over the years has raised a great deal of money for local charities and was one of the many annual events that Matt always thoroughly enjoyed going to with friends.” Paula Hesmondhalgh.

• Andrew Chiverton sent in a donation of £577.43. • “Family friend Mrs Makinson recently celebrated a special

birthday and asked friends if they would like to donate to CRY and a local club instead of buying gifts. We are very grateful to her for this kind gesture in Matt’s memory.” Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in donations totalling £250. In Memory of Greg Highwood Mack Staff at Advanced Health Care held a ‘Dress Down Friday’ and raised £189.04.

In Memory of Jennifer Lucy Hill We have received a donation of £315.50, in lieu of flowers, for the late Jennifer Lucy Hill. In Memory of Richard Hill Keith Gosling sent in a donation of £200 in memory of his

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In Memory of Paris Holden “This money was raised for CRY by Global Harmony, Melton Mowbray’s community choir, during their annual Christmas concert. The decision to support CRY was taken by the choir after the sudden death of my niece, Paris Holden, in May last year.” Dr Alison McGrath (on behalf of Global Harmony Community Choir) sent in a donation of £460. In Memory of Lauren Holly Alison Allington sent in a matched giving donation of £625.28 from Santander in respect of fundraising by Nick Butler. In Memory of Stuart Hollywood Stephen Hollywod raised a further £420.50 in respect of the Mourne Mountains Trek, making a total raised of £520.50. In Memory of Jonathan Hooper Diane and Peter Hooper sent in a Christmas donation of £100. In Memory of Joseph Horkan • We have received a donation of £500 from Heathrow Airport.

• Christine Cresswell sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the Epsom Downs Walk in memory of Joseph.

In Memory of Stewart Howard • Jane Howard sent in a donation of £572 in respect of the Spring Fayre held at St Cuthbert Church Hall.

• We have received £1,700 raised from a car boot sale. In Memory of Stuart Hudson Phil Haynes, Hon Secretary, Silhill FC, raised £350 in respect of the memorial football match in memory of Stuart.

Our In Memory of Matthew Hughes Sherry Ferrier sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her grandson, Matthew.

In Memory of John Ibbotson Sue Ibbotson held a Fish and Hits night on 16 March and raised £500. 14546 In Memory of John Ingram Phil Haynes, Hon Secretary, Silhill FC, sent in a donation of £300 in respect of the football match between Silhill FC and the local police, in memory of John Ingram.


The Memorial Trophy was won by Michael Furlong, second was Dave Beard and third John Taylor. Nearest the Pin was also won by Michael Furlong and Longest Drive by Ged Browne. The event was sponsored again by Becker (UK) Ltd who again made a significant contribution that covered the cost of

In Memory of Camilla Irvine Janey Airth took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £370. In Memory of Philip Jefferies Cathy Jefferies sent in a donation of £300.

In Memory of Reece Jeffrey • Adrian Forbes sent in a donation of £395 in respect of an item purchased at an auction.

• Buildbase, East Midlands, sent in a donation

of £2,005 in respect of Speaker Dinner on 9 November 2012 in memory of Reece.

• NRA Roofing & Flooring Services Limited sent in a donation of £850.

In Memory of Denver Jenkins “Please find enclosed a cheque for £460.45. This money was raised following a raffle and donations given just before Christmas at The Lincoln Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Clinic. I have worked at the clinic as a physiotherapist for many years, and this year one of our reception staff suggested that we could arrange a small raffle by baking a Christmas cake as a prize. Quite quickly the cake had turned into a hamper, full of items kindly provided by the other members of staff. I have had a connection with CRY since my brother, Denver Jenkins, passed away in 2006 aged 38 through SADS.” Martyn Jenkins.

all refreshments. Huge thanks as ever go to all who continue to support this long standing event including volunteers, competitors and sponsors. The 2013 event will take place on Saturday 14th September, again at Bulbury Woods Golf Complex in Poole Dorset. Anyone interested in playing should contact Keeley Ashley at keeley@” Keeley Ashley.

In Memory of Howard Jennings Keeley Ashley sent in a donation of £1,350 in respect of the Golf Tournament held on 8 September in memory of Howard. “Saturday 8 September 2012 was a beautiful sunny day greatly assisting the 15 competitors to have another enjoyable tournament. The event was held at Bulbury Woods Golf Complex in Poole, Dorset. This, the 16th annual competition, was a smaller affair this year but raised an amazing £1,350.

Ryan wins the booby prize!

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Fundraisers In Memory of Ethan Jones • Rob Giles, Leatherhead Round Table sent in a donation of £1,000 from the Car Run in September 2012 in memory of Ethan.

“For the second year running, Leatherhead Round Table held a Car run to raise funds and awareness for CRY.

On 23 December 2010, Ethan Jones, aged only 6 years old, died suddenly whilst out with his family. Ethan helped Leatherhead Round Table (pictured to right) on the Saturday before he died when we took our Santa sleigh out to collect charity donations. He had no known illness and so this was a tragic and sudden death that has left a devastating impact on his family and friends. The post mortem reported that he died of Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS).

Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) is the chosen charity that his Mum and Dad have nominated for donations. This is why Leatherhead Round Table decided to create and run an event in 2011 and again in 2012 to raise funds in memory of Ethan for CRY.

The event was attended by over 20 cars of all types including Classic, performance and normal family cars, whose owners paid to take part in this event. The cars met on Sunday 2 September in Bookham and at 10am each car left in turn to follow a planned “Tulip” route to

The Becker team In Memory of Dr Leigh Jepson Gareth Lewis and friends completed the Cardiff Half Marathon 2012 and raised £603. “In tribute to Dr Leigh Jepson, Leigh’s wife Alison, her cousin Anna, Olivier Evans, Ian Pamplin and I ran the Cardiff Half Marathon in memory of one of the fittest and best blokes you could ever imagine. PBs all round (I think) and £753 raised for a charity so close to all our hearts. Keep up the good work CRY. Leigh would have appreciated our recovery session - no protein shakes, no massage or ice packs. A big roast dinner and pint(s) in the pub. Never forgotten Leigh – here’s to the next race!” Gareth Lewis. In Memory of Stevie Jivani • Scott Hitchman completed the London Half Marathon 2012 and raised £715.

• Lewis Andrews took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £445. • Lewis Andrews completed the London Half Marathon 2012 and raised £420.

• Dr W Parkar, sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the London to Paris Bike Ride.

• Maureen Jivani sent in donations of £590 in respect of the entry fees into the Stevie Christie Jivani Poetry competition.

• The Burscough School of Dance held a charity raffle and sent in a donation of £200.23.

In Memory of Lisa Johnson Eunice, Carl, Gareth and Seth Johnson sent in a donation of £200. In Memory of Darren Joliny • Cheryl Houston completed the Glasgow 5K and raised £1,993.

• Amy Houston completed the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon and raised £1,201.68.

• David Cullie completed the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £470.

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years previous did not pick up any specific abnormalities. Therefore more scientific research, evidence and a breakthrough on this subject is vital to gain more understanding about these fatal abnormalities to help prevent anymore pain and suffering for families and their loved ones. This is why we have decided to donate all the money we raised specifically towards the research programme that CRY undertake.” Alison Inwood.

• Marvin Burton raised £2,094 in respect of the Derby Band Aid ‘No Direction’ single in memory of Joseph.

• Neil Kellogg forwarded a donation of £100 from Holbrook arrive at a private museum, owned by Nigel Webb, of a unique and important collection of Mike Hawthorn cars and memorabilia.

Sports Football Club in memory of Joseph who played for their team between 1999 and 2009.

• Neil Kellogg sent in a donation of £150 raised by a family

Everyone was amazed at the private collection of cars and had a fabulous day - all for a great cause.” Rob Giles.

friend, Stuart Kelleway, who did not have a haircut for six months.

• Keith Weston sent in donations amounting to £105 in

In Memory of Jennifer Kerwood • Hannah Swain sent in donations totalling £1,823 in respect of the monies collected at Jenny’s match on 23 March.

respect of public speaking engagements.

• Mr and Mrs Shaw sent in donations of £590 in lieu of christening gifts.

In Memory of Jordan Olivia Jones Joanna Bird completed the 2012 Greater Manchester Marathon and raised £360.

“Jenny’s Match was held on 23 March at Forest School in memory of my cousin, Jennifer Kerwood who passed away suddenly at the age of 22 in February 2012 whilst at football training.

I excitedly opened the curtains on the morning of 23rd and saw snow (and a lot of it!)…. in March- unbelievable! Unlucky to say the least, and for an outside ‘Spring’ football match- not ideal! I phoned the school being used as the venue and luckily enough, their large sports hall was available that day- hurrah! Thoughts then turned to a contingency plan.

Everybody really pulled together despite the freezing cold and by the afternoon we had a mini fete on the viewing gallery in the hall. Stalls included an amazing raffle, cakes, traditional sweets, CRY merchandise, teas and coffees and CRY balloons for a later release. Infinite thanks must go to the school for being so extremely helpful and all friends and family involved. A special mention must also

In Memory of Alex Kaiser • Sarah Hoare and Team Pegasus completed the Kaiser Challenge and raised £21,733.18.

• Dom and Tamo completed the Bristol 10K and raised £365. • Robert Spaul completed the Berlin Marathon 2012 and raised £1,456.10.

In Memory of Kelly Kane Jenna Tudor completed a three hour dance and Zumbathon and raised £833.70. In Memory of Joseph Kellogg • Alison Inwood completed the Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge and raised £24,288.21.

“We raised such a fantastic amount on our just giving page, much more than we could have imagined, I put a lot of that down to the bubbly personality that Joe had, everybody wanted to be around him and he always had time for everyone, with a cheeky smile on his face most of the time. We were so humbled and extremely grateful of the kind donations from so many people.

Joe died from a condition called SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome), no definite cause was found (no structural defects) therefore it was concluded an abnormal electrical fault occurred within his heart. The condition was not just undetected, it is also undiagnosed/unknown, a basic 12 lead ECG (a typical screening tool) that Joe had a few

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go to my Dad and friends who stood out in the freezing cold to ensure the planned BBQ went ahead! Well done and thank you to Oliver Evans and Ross Kerwood (Jenny’s brother) who both did a fantastic job in rounding up the teams and thank you also to all who paid to play on the day. The match had to be tweaked from an 11-a-side outdoor match to a 5-a-side indoor tournament, but a great time was had by all and the boy’s competitive steak made the match a lot of fun to watch, with Ross’s team triumphantly taking home the trophy. It was a special touch that both teams were able to play in official Leyton Orient kit, Jenny’s favourite team.

signed Joe Cole boots, Fulham FC tickets, a fresh bouquet of flowers and many more generous donations.

Despite adverse weather conditions, an amazing day was had by all and it was an extremely fitting tribute to Jenny who was in everybody’s thoughts throughout the day. I am thrilled that the event was a huge success raising £1,800 for CRY.” Hannah Swain.

• Ross Kerwood sent in a donation of £241.36 raised at a coffee morning in memory of Jennifer.

• Paul Miller sent in an additional donation of £1,000 in

respect of the Hutton Ladies Football Tournament, making a total raised of £1,312.

• Martin Kerwood sent in a donation of £220.55 which

represents monies collected at Leyton Orient FC on 16 February, in memory of Jenny. In Memory of Sophie Konderak • Thomas Konderak completed the Cambridge Half Marathon and raised £1,188.65.

• Rene Street completed the New York

Marathon 2011 and raised £851.50.

In Memory of Adam Lambert Mark Roberts completed the Newham Classic 10K Run and raised £815.

In Memory of Adam and Jenny

Lambert Kerry Biggin took part in ‘Dance in Heaven as you Danced on Earth’ event and raised £595.

After the match, we moved across to the post-match reception where we had our wonderful CRY representatives give a moving speech, we drew the raffle and the teams tucked into a buffet kindly provided by Waitrose. The raffle raised £600 alone thanks to our fabulous prizes including a weekend in Kendal, lunch at the Bluebell in Chigwell,

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In Memory of Robert Lancaster • James and Margaret Lancaster sent in a donation of £12,000.

• Christine Ellera wore a Christmas ‘Onesie’ on 16 December and raised £270.



In Memory of Michael Land • The Rod Stewart Fan Club held an Appreciation Weekend in Walsall and sent in a donation of £7,204. “300 members of The Rod Stewart Fan Club gathered for the 12th annual Big Weekend in March this year. This yearly celebration of all things Rod raises money for good causes, and this year they chose CRY to be their

• Leanne Seward completed the Bridlington Half Marathon and raised £290.

beneficiary, in memory of Michael Land, the 27 year old son of fan club member’s Ruth and Allen Haywood who died suddenly this year. The fan club took over The Park Inn Hotel in Walsall whilst the evening events took place just across the road in The Saddlers Club Walsall, where

• Kimberly James and Leanne Seward completed the

Bridlington Half Marathon and raised a further £461, making a total raised of £751.

• Ben Shaw completed a tandem skydive and raised £110.

• Kathryn Taylor completed the 2012 Great North Swim and raised £612.

In Memory of Mark Law Hing Choy Rob Henderson sent in a donation of £7,257.40 raised in respect of the charity Golf Day in memory of Mark. In Memory of Paul Leach • “A charity football match was played on 11 November 2012, two days before the 7th anniversary of Paul’s death and £466 was raised. Both of the teams were made up of Paul’s friends and family. ‘Preston Farm Motors’ was made up of the lads who were playing the day that Paul actually collapsed and died. The other team called ‘Marton 11’ was made up of family, friends and lads who played football with Paul when he was younger. £450 was also donated from a collection made by his dad Mals’ work colleagues.

fans gathered together for three consecutive nights to dance and party to Rod’s music whilst raising money with raffles and auctions of Rod memorabilia. Fans who were unable to attend were given the opportunity to donate online through Just Giving. The event was supported by Rod himself who sent items to help raise money, and was attended by his sister and patron of the RSFC, Mary Cady. The event was the most successful so far, raising a staggering £8,034.” Ian Roberts.

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The company is called DSL Operatives and the men work at Bradwell Power Station.” Jan Leach sent in donations totalling £716.

• Emma Ferrier, sent in a donation of £560.58 in respect of a Dress Down Day and raffle prizes in memory of Paul.

into the wind for the last 5 miles was probably the hardest thing that I have ever done! But that aside, I completed it in a farily reasonable time of 2 hours 20 minutes, although in better weather I would like to improve on that by 15 minutes! I have managed to raise a total of £482.50 which is great.” Lindsey Parke.

• Barclays Bank sent in a matched giving donation of £300

in respect of Emma Ferrier’s Dress Down Day in memory of Paul.

In Memory of Barrie Lee • CRY Supporter, Ian Cadman, recently attended St Andrew’s Church, Arbroath, and collected donations amounting to £1,625.18 from funeral donations and collection boxes in memory of Barrie. Ian said, “My wife Jessie and I attended the presentation as requested to accept the cheque from Barrie’s partner Stacey and their son Jack. Also present were Barrie’s parents Tansy and Frances Lee and some of Barrie’s close friends.”

In Memory of Michael Looker Vera Looker sent in a donation of £100 from her cousin and £6 from the Maka Coffee Shop.

• Aaron Taylor completed the Cyprus Challenge and raised £615.05.

In Memory of Martyn Lee and Aaron McDonald Lianne McDonald completed the 2012 City of Manchester 10K and raised £310. In Memory of Alison Linforth John Linforth sent in a donation of £236.51 from his work colleagues at Natwest GTS Operations and £52 from Alison’s grandma.

In Memory of Steven Lowry • Trevor Gillen sent in an additional donation of £3,200 raised at the memorial dinner in memory of Steven, making a total raised of £5,759.

• Trevor Gillen sent in a donation of £500. • David Lowry sent in a donation of £211.11 which was raised by Steven’s work colleagues in the IT department at Ulster Hospital.

In Memory of Faye Linton Kathy Bowmaker sent in a donation of £200 from Castletown Methodist Church.

In Memory of Matthew Locke Lindsey Parke completed the Stratford Half Marathon and raised £400. “I have finally recovered enough to let you know about my experience during the Stratford Half Marathon! I have to say that it was very tough, mostly due to the gale force winds. Running

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Our In Memory of Max Lowry We have received additional funds from the sale of Max’s artwork totalling £1,170. We have already received £28,470.


In Memory of Jack Maddams Katie Calder completed a tandem skydive and raised £675.01. In Memory of John Magowan • Rishka Magowan, and her sisters Halina and Alusha, completed the swimming challenge around different beaches in Orkney and raised £2,000.

In Memory of Martyn Luckett • Brenda Luckett sent in donations totalling £235.40; £166.40 was raised at the Bideford College screening and £69 was donated by Kerry’s Traditional Family Butchers, in memory of Martyn.

“To raise funds and awareness of CRY, we set ourselves the challenge of swimming (or “dipping”) at 12 different beaches around Orkney - one for every month of 2011. Dipping means we have to get our shoulders under the water and swim a few strokes, at least, whatever the temperature.

• Charlotte Henderson took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £118.

In Memory of Martyn Luckett and Fred Metherall We have received a funeral donation, in lieu of floral tributes, for £503.90 in memory of the late Fred Metherall.

In Memory of Stuart Daniel Lynch Martin Houghton, Treasurer, Euxton Parish Institute & War Memorial Club, sent in a donation of £230 raised by Stuart’s Aunty Susan, who took part in the Preston Guild Half Marathon.

In Memory of Ashleigh Lyons Donna Claire completed the Bath Half Marathon and raised £231.

In Memory of Luke Macleod Deb Howell Smith completed a 7 mile walk and raised £1,022.

These are the beaches we dipped at: January - Skaill, February - Birsay, March - Marwick, April - Evie, May - Inganess, June - Scapa, July - Cornisquoy, August - Dingieshowe, September - Sands of Wright, October Waulkmill, November - Swanbister, December - Warebeth.

The final dip was at Warebeth Beach on 31.12.11 - with a party afterwards.” Rishka Magowan.

• Mike Smith participated in the Worthing Birdman event and raised £405.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Laura Main Alex Munro completed the 2012 Baker Hughes Aberdeen 10K and raised £1,675.

In Memory of Peter Manlove

• Adam Watts raised £415, via VMG, in memory of Peter. In Memory of Karl Mansfield Susan Mansfield sent in a donation of £267 from a Christmas Hamper raffle organised by employees of Shop Direct Group, Raven Mill, Oldham and £30 from Gerald McCafferty in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

together and continue. Reminding myself of the reasons I was doing the run also helped pull me along, and being the only runner wearing a charity top, I inwardly applauded myself on having surpassed my £1000 target that I had initially aimed for. Upon crossing the finishing line, I roared with delight that it was over and smiled to myself imagining what Ollie would have said, or more rightly, how hard he would have laughed at the daftness of me having run a marathon just for him.” Carly Peart.

In Memory of Mark Marden • Phil Dickins completed the Gran Union Canal race. He ran 145 miles in under 45 hours from Birmingham to London and sent in an additional donation of £111, making a total raised of £336.46.

Pam Dickins completed parachute jump and raised £140.


In Memory of Paul William Marrs Anna Dasey held a dress down day at New Scotland Yard vetting unit and raised £260.

In Memory of Oliver Marsden • Carly Peart completed Marathon and raised £645.



“In the six months leading up to my first marathon, I had changed jobs, moved to the other side of the world and therefore totally changed my life. However running a marathon is something I have always wanted to do, and after years of trying to gain a place in the London Marathon, the opportunity to take part in a big marathon with a guaranteed place had finally come up. For me, it was always a question of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’, and I knew when the time came I would be running for CRY in memory of my friend Ollie, who passed away whilst at University. For all Ollie’s friends, CRY has since been at the heart of any form of fundraising effort and after some of Ollie’s other friends had completed huge physical feats; it was my turn to step up to the big mark. As an experienced runner, it wasn’t so much the distance that daunted me, but the temperature and climate conditions. With the temperature quickly soaring to 32° and the humidity levels at around 90%, I knew it was never going to be easy but I somewhat underestimated the full impact it would have, and after a relatively easy first 29km, I came to a grinding halt at the 30km mark. At that point, just the sheer act of putting one foot in front of the other became a milestone with every step, and it took a rather tearful phone call to my Mum who was standing at the finish line to pull myself

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• Susannah Povey took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £225.

In Memory of John Marshall • Britvic Soft Drinks Limited sent in a donation of £1,277.60.

• Maureen Marshalll sent in a donations totalling £250 from the collection boxes at Edgehill University. • Irene Gill, The Union of Catholic Mothers, sent in a donation of £695.

• “John’s dad and two work colleagues took part in a ‘Muzzy

for Marshy’ during November - they didn’t shave their moustaches the whole month (which started off as a bet, until people started donating to them as they were doing such a fine job!)” Hayley Crosbie sent in a donation of £160.



The high school that Josh attended also held a non-uniform day and sold the wrist bands and badges on 19 April 2013 they raised £814.30. The pupils at both schools also wore a yellow item of clothing in honour of Josh as they were his rugby team colours. The money raised by the schools above was donated as sponsorship to Carmel Merrick who ran for Josh in the London marathon on 21 April 2013. Carmel ran the massive 26.2 miles in an excellent time of 4 hours 39 minutes raising another £2,141.67 bring her grand total to £3,739.25.

Left to right: Joe Banks, Carlos Sanchez and John Marshall

• Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £250 from the collection boxes at Edge Hill.

• Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £350 from Mr OHMS Ormskirk.

In Memory of Dean Mason • Tremoilet Primary School held a non-uniform day and Fair Trade coffee morning and raised £200.

• Anne Marie Kelleher completed the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £407.50. In Memory of Luke Meekings Roger Meekings attended the Rotary Club of Chichester Harbour on Wednesday 23 January and spoke about the work of CRY. They donated £1,000 to CRY. In Memory of Ian Merchant Dennis Merchant sent in a donation of £100 from the collection box in his old shop and £25 as a personal donation from himself and Barbara.

In Memory of Josh Merrick Alison Merrick sent in a donation of £1,115.64 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Josh.

Yvonne Hallworth and Sharon Bebbington arranged the first charity night in Josh’s memory with the assistance of his rugby club Burnage R.C. There were lots of amazing prizes donated for the event from an 8 bed cottage in Wales for a weekend to family passes for Alton Towers and the night produced a fantastic turn out of family and friends. They raised approx. £3,000 (some of the monies are still being collected for this event).

Funeral Donations in lieu of flowers made in 25 January 2013 £1,115.64.

On 10 May and in memory of Josh’s 20th birthday (that was on the 12 May), Josh’s cousin Lewis Merrick arranged a non-uniform day at his school Didsbury C of E Primary and asked for the pupils to wear an item of yellow clothing again in honour of Josh. With the help of his mum Alison Merrick and his grandma Sandra Merrick he also sold wrist bands and badges at the school on the day and raised a fantastic £382.30.

Also St Catherine’s RC Primary PTA opened a Just giving site for donations in lieu of flowers raising a total of £1,050.

All monies raised will be donated to Josh’s memorial fund.” The Merrick Family.

Josh’s old primary school St Catherine’s held a non-uniform day on 19 April 2013 and held a sale of the CRY wrist bands and badges they raised £783.28.

In Memory of Richard Merriman • Nicola Merriman sent in a donation of £600 raised at a Christmas raffle and cake sale at her place of work.

“This money was raised in memory of our beautiful son Josh who died in his sleep of an un-diagnosed heart condition on 8 January 2013 aged 19 years. (Together Forever).

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• Nicola Merriman sent in a donation of £500 raised in

respect of the Easter cake sale and raffle in memory of Richard.

In Memory of Adam Middleton • Donna Brittain raised £2,273.69 on her online fundraising page in memory of Adam.

In Memory of Ralph Murwill • Stephen Donoghue, Raymond Maher, Claire Guest and Suzanne Dray took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised a combined total of £1,805.

• Gemma Korff took part in the Challenge Barcelona Ironman event and raised £1,112.50.

• Donna Brittain took part in the Coventry 5K Big Fun Run on

In Memory of Clodah McBride Marcella McBride sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her daughter, Clodah.

In Memory of John Millar • Kirsty Macmillan, Julie Forbes, Andrew Raison, Scott Wallace and Barry Millar took part in the West Highland Way event and raised £2,467.

In Memory of John McCall • Linda Hayes sent in donations totalling £700 in lieu of gifts on the occasion of her 60th birthday.

18 August 2012 alongside 28 family members and friends, running in memory of Adam, and raised £697.

• Helen Wray, Foundation Scotland, sent in a donation of £500 raised from the Shell Platform Safety Awards.

In Memory of Phil Modric Jonathan Scott completed the Sheffield 10K and raised £130. In Memory of Ronan Molloy Mr K Molloy completed the Run for Ronan event and raised £757. In Memory of Jonathan Morgan Total E&P UK, Aberdeen, sent in a donation of £1,000, raised by the charity committee on board the TOTAL operated Elgin offshore platform.

In Memory of Duncan Mulholland Duncan Mulholland Memorial match. “Duncan was the captain of the Oxford University AFC 2nd Xl in 2004/5. He died on 11th November 2005 following a sudden cardiac arrest, just five months after finishing his degree at St John’s College and eight months after leading his side to victory in its Varsity Match against the Cambridge University Falcons. For the past six years OUAFC have held a game in which a team of former players (many of whom played with Duncan) compete against the current University Xl for the Duncan Mulholland memorial trophy. This year’s match ended with the trophy being shared following a wellcontested 2-2 draw, watched by many of Duncan’s family and friends. At an OUAFC reunion dinner in the evening, we made the CRY wristbands available to all attendees in exchange for a donation to Cardiac Risk in the Young.” Paul McMahon sent in a donation of £400. In Memory of Andrew Murch Gordon Murch sent in a donation of £300 from ‘Live Active’, who organise triathlons and the medical cover is provided by local doctors and paramedics who donate their services free of charge, with a donation in lieu of their time to a charity of their choice. Also £50 from his local medical practice, in lieu of staff exchanging Christmas cards.

• Chris Gibson took part in the Great North Run 2012 and sent in additional sponsorship making a total raised of £350. • Keith Hamilton took part in the Great North Run 2012 and raised £300.

In Memory of Amanda McCarthy Trevor Tiller completed the Virgin Active London Triathlon 2012 and raised £165.

In Memory of Scott McCollin Jade Bainbridge held an ‘Old Skool’ charity evening and raised £1,273.89.

In Memory of Greg McFarlane Family, friends and colleagues held various fundraising activities in memory of Greg and raised £16,360.46. “Sadly Greg was taken from his family and wife on Wednesday 13 October, 2010 just four days short of his 27th birthday. Not long married to Rose, he was rapidly advancing through his actuarial exams with a view to qualifying and buying their first home together and hopefully start a family in the not too distant future. As parents we were devastated to lose a loving and caring son, Lindy a brother who was supportive and a friend and Rose a caring and attentive husband, especially when he seemed so fit playing football three times a week and attending the gym on as many occasions, which made it even more difficult to understand. The pain suffered is indescribable; it is a pain that can only be understood by someone who has undergone a similar loss. For this reason the family decided to fundraise with a view to carrying out screenings in order to identify underlying problems that could be treated and prevent others from suffering the pain, that we feel each and every day. As is the case in these tragic circumstances, the family was overwhelmed with support from family, friends and work

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Our colleagues and embarked upon a series of fundraising events. There are many who organised events or assisted in others, too many to name personally, but they know who they are and I will be eternally indebted for what they did for us. A flavour of what was carried out, is as follows:- A sportsman’s dinner, a zumba class, a disco, a coffee/craft morning, a whisky tasting, a golf day, various events at Greg and Rose’s workplace and family members ran half marathons and 10ks, as well as many donations both monetary and material. In all we raised in excess of £33,000 of which £10,000 was used for screenings arranged by family and friends in the Fife area and the remainder was donated to C.R.Y. for other screenings in Scotland. Alas, we cannot bring Greg back, but as indicated previously, hopefully we have prevented or will prevent a similar fate to another family. We all miss you terribly Greg and you are always in our hearts xx” John McFarlane. In Memory of Daniel McGreevy Paul McGreevy completed a tandem skydive and raised £100.


In Memory of Neville McIntosh Traci O’Shaughnessy completed the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon 2012 and raised £1,208. In Memory of Sara McNeice Marion Graham completed Belfast Marathon 2012 and raised £1,604.80. In Memory of Ben Newton • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £5,085.75 which was raised from our tenth memorial football match held in memory of Ben Newton. It was raised from our usual raffle, auction, refreshments, donation bucket and the sale of programmes for the event. Ben’s former team-mates play against a side chosen by Ben’s brother. Ben’s team won again this year. This match has brought to an end a decade of Birthday Memorial Football Matches but we are sure fundraising in Ben’s name will occur in some other shape or form in the future.” Jean Harding.

• Kirsty Smith took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £360.48.

In Memory of Scott Nicol Elizabeth Swan raised £460 in respect of the Glasgow Women’s 10K. In Memory of Toby Luke Northcote-Green Peta Northcote-Green sent in a donation of £300, in lieu of sending Christmas cards, in memory of her son Toby.

In Memory of Richard James Northedge Pat and Derek Northedge sent in a donation of £100 in memory of their son Richard. In Memory of Sean O’Brien • Lochlainn Hankin-Appleby completed the 2012 Great East Swim and raised £900.

• James Appleby completed the 2012 Great London Swim and raised £180.

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“Following the death of my 19 year old nephew, Sean O’Brien, from sudden adult death syndrome, in October 2010, my 13 year old son Lochlainn and I wanted to do something to raise awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young, and in memory of Sean.

We decided to enter the British Gas Great Swim series.

The final swim was to be the Great Scottish Swim in August. However the weather and the conditions meant the event had to be cancelled at the last minute. Not wanting to deterred, we drove up to Loch Lomond to stage our own ‘Great Scottish Swim’. An unbelievable experience.

Not being a particularly strong swimmer, I needed to put together a training plan, and from January 2012 Lochlainn and I started swimming for an hour, once a week in the local pool, and later in the spring, at open water swimming sessions in a nearby lake.

The swimming was a great way for us to remember Sean, and through sponsorship we raised £1,600 for CRY.

We’ve already put our entries in for 2013.” James Appleby & Lochlainn Hankin-Appleby

My first event was the Great London Swim in May. A one mile swim at London Victoria Docks. It was nerve racking as it was the first time I had done this type of thing. However the event organisers were fantastic. Everyone was very friendly and supportive, and it was a great feeling of accomplishment to have finished the course.

In Memory of Christopher O’Callaghan Tim O’Callaghan completed the London to Brighton cycle ride and raised £280.

Under sixteens are only allowed to do a half mile swim, so Lochlainn’s first event was the Great East Swim in June, in the crystal clear reservoir at Alton Water. We swam together, chatting and keeping each other going until the last 25 metres, when we’d decided to race each other to the finish. Lochlainn won by a short distance.

It was then onto the Great Manchester Swim in July for a one mile swim in Salford Quays. Although the weather wasn’t fantastic, there was a great atmosphere and, wearing our CRY UK t-shirts, we met a lot of fellow CRY supporters and swimmers.

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In Memory of Ben Ody-Obiora “Last April one of our students, Ben Ody-Obiora died sudenly whilst playing football at the age of 16. This has had a profound effect on our school and one of the ways the students dealt with it was to raise money in Ben’s name. The enclosed amount was raised specifically for CRY by selling wristbands for CRY. These proved to be very popular.” Sue Waldron, St Thomas More Catholic School, Derbyshire, sent in a donation of £355 in memory of Ben. In Memory of Benn Parker and Geoffrey Parker Jo Badbrook and the family of Geoffrey Parker sent in a donation of £116 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Geoffrey Parker.

Our In Memory of Joe Parkinson • Maureen Gildea completed a skydive and raised £358.

• Carl Russell completed a tandem skydive and raised £195.

• Gary O’Keefe completed a skydive and raised £118. • Dionne Gildea completed a skydive and raised £310. In Memory of Andrew Parr • John Wiley & Sons Limited sent in a donation of £1,269.89 in respect of royalty payments from David Lowe’s book.

• “Enclosed is a donation of £750 from our friend Bill Johnston and Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Club. Bill has been involved with Preston Grasshoppers since 1964, as a player and team captain, as a coach and a supporter who travelled miles with the team. As a result of his connections with the club over the many years he was honoured by Preston Grasshoppers who held a testimonial match for him on Boxing Day. All the proceeds from the day went to Bill’s chosen charities. These were CRY and Parkinsons UK.” Ruth Lowe.


• Lucy May Hurst completed the Cheshire Triathlon and raised £1,410.

• Lucy Hurst sent in a donation of £151 from the raffle held at the InforMed Group’s annual Away Day.

In Memory of James Patrick Patterson Peter Patterson sent in a donation of £160 which represents the proceeds of a raffle held at the Campion Old Boys Rugby Club lunch. “James was a regular player for the club right up to the week before he died of an undiagnosed heart condition and ever since then the club and individual members have been very generous in their support and contributors to CRY.” Peter Patterson. In Memory of Benjamin Percival • Darren Tristram completed the London to Paris cycle ride and raised £2,511.

• Stephen Flight completed the London to Paris cycle ride and raised £1,425.

• Dave Naylor completed the London to Paris cycle ride and raised £890.

• “On 14 February my class mates and I held a cake sale

event to raise money for your charity. Everyone in the class got busy baking cupcakes, cookies, biscuits and more. The day went really well. Everyone loved our creations and this meant we raised a lot of money! Virtually all of our goodies went and we raised the fantastic sum of £180. The event was a great success. This donation is in memory of my dear friend, Benjamin Percival.” Freya Pearce (on behalf of 7a), Maidstone Grammar School for Girls.

• Catherine Roberts completed the ‘Kent Coastal Challenge’ and raised £219.50.

In Memory of Christopher Phillips Craig Phillips completed the ‘Coast to Coast’ cycle ride and raised £1,140.

• Ruth Lowe forwarded a donation of £240 which was

In Memory of Rebecca Phillips • Julie Phillips forwarded a donation of £300 from Mrs Mary Munson, the Hadleigh Town Mayor. This was raised at a quiz night.

• Michael Bailey, Bailey Financial Services, sent in a donation

• Julie Phillips sent in a donation of £250 from Linda and the Leiston charity shop.

In Memory of Christopher Parr • Ian Alcock, Elliot, James and Michael completed the Ben Nevis Trek and raised £2,449 in memory of Christopher.

In Memory of Steve Phillips Robin Hill, Charleson Building Services Limited, sent in a donation of £3,444.58 raised in respect of the memorial golf day in memory of Steve.

• Dianne Parr forwarded a matched giving dontion of £549.75 from Amey Group in respect of Mike’s Ben Nevis Walk.

In Memory of Miriam Picton “Please find enclosed a donation of £340, in lieu of flowers, for my late grandmother Mrs Miriam Picton. This charity has been close to the family’s heart as we lost a young member of our family in April 2007.” Rachael Ashcroft.

donated by the Soroptimist International North West England and the Isle of Man regions during Judith Grocott’s year as regional President.

of £1,110 from Sarah’s party in memory of Andrew.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Sara Pilkington • Jonathan and Jools Pilkington sent in a donation of £2,025 which represents money to go towards the total amount raised from the Durham University Fashion Show organised by Harriet Bamford in memory of Sara.

• “A fundraising concert was held at Stockport Grammar

School on 15 December 2012. It was organised by two of Sara’s close friends, Christopher Ambrose and Sarah Howarth and performed by approximately 20 of Sara’s school friends. It was a fantastic evening and a considerable achievement to bring them all together as they left SGS over three years ago.” Jonathan and Jools Pilkington sent in a donation of £1,950.

• Stockport Grammar School sent in a donation of £1,100 in respect of the Classics play in memory of Sara.

• Kaia Scurr raised £585 in respect of the 21k race. Due to

injury Kaia was unable to take part in the race but Jo and Eimear stepped in to run the race.

• “It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that CRY has been selected by the students of Collingwood College Junior Common Room, part of Durham University, to receive this year’s charity donation of £500. This is money collected from the students specifically for the purpose of donating to a chosen charity which the students can nominate. The student body feels a very close connection to this charity because of the tragic loss of Sara Pilkington last year who was a much loved member of the community and we are grateful for the ability to donate in her memory.” Iain Evans, JCR Treasurer, on behalf of Collingwood JCR.

• Miss S Ambler sent in a donation of £381.60 raised at a coffee morning.

In Memory of Gary Pope Katrina McCarron completed a tandem skydive and raised £645.

In Memory of Alan Porter Helen Porter sent in a donation of £100 from Debbie Nicholson.

In Memory of Mark Pover • Daniel Gibbons took part in the Great Birmingham Run 2012 and raised £857.

• Arthur Boswell sent in a donation of £100 in memory of his son and also in memory of Mark. In Memory of Shannon Powell • Tim Hannah, Ealing Southall Middlesex Athletics Club, sent in a donation of £700 from a Sport Quiz held in memory of Shannon.

• Rebecca Perry took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £465.

• Graham French completed the Richmond Park Capital Runners 10K and raised £555.

In Memory of Rowan Preston Angelo Tomasso completed the Liverpool Half Marathon and raised £465. In Memory of Gemma Quew Andrew Quew completed a tandem skydive with Martin Baldwin and raised £270.

• Martin Kent completed the ‘European Cycle Tour’ and raised £1,370.

• Jools Pilkington sent in a donation of £300 in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

In Memory of Charlotte Pitstra “Please find enclosed a cheque for £910. Over the course of the last six months I have organised and taken part in six different events including: CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk, Richmond 10K, Pirbright to Harrogate to Pirbright cycle challenge (500 miles), Battersea Park 10K, Brutal 10K and Christmas Day 10K Dash. I’m sure the money will go a long way to bringing a smile to the faces of those who need it.” Sergeant David Tuck, Le Cateau Troop, Army Training Centre (Pirbright). In Memory of John Plant The Lady Forester Trust sent in a donation of £5,000.

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In Memory of David Quinney Mick and Dot Quinney sent in a donation of £100 raised in respect of the annual golf day held by Garstang Football Club in memory of David.

In Memory of Mike Rathbone Sophie Flanagan completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £428. In Memory of Nick Read • Robin Hambly completed the Weston Super Mare Marathon and the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £4,805.36.

• Huw Triggs completed the Bristol Half Marathon 2012 and raised £805.10.

In Memory of Malcolm Reed • CRY Representative Nick Dee Shapland attended Reading Golf Club on 17 March and collected a cheque for £5,000.


Snowdon, Cadair Idris and Pen y fan (the Welsh three peaks) on the way – and did it all in 26 hours! Friends and colleagues came to join them for various parts of the route and they were supported through the night by two cars for safety reasons. Family members and friends were waiting to congratulate them on the sail bridge in Swansea marina at 11.00am on Sunday 8 July.

• Louise Johnson completed the Amsterdam Marathon 2012 and raised £520.

In Memory of Alex Reid • Dr Jonathan Cobb completed the Berlin Marathon and raised £1,750.

• Hayley Bushell completed a tandem skydive and raised a further £1,425, making a total raised of £1,710. • “Some of our Y7 pupils went carol singing at Christmas

in aid of CRY. They were inspired by the memory of Alex Reid, one of our Y11 students, who died last year, and CRY has been the focus of our fundraising. This event was organised by a student called Violet Spence.” Katharine Salmon, Sheffield High School for Girls sent in £221.44.

• We have received a donation of £100. In Memory of Anton Reid Sonia Bailey held a charity dinner in memory of Anton and raised £1,800.

In Memory of Tom Reid • Marks & Spencer PLC, Leeds sent in a donation of £2,900 in memory of Thomas. (total raised during last year - £9,166.58).

Church View Surgery, Wetheby, held a raffle and raised £109.14 in memory of Thomas. The raffle prize was an M&S Hamper, which once again was donated by Martin Smith, M&S Briggate, Leeds.

• Abi Wigglesworth took part in the Leeds Big Fun Run on 13 August 2011 and raised £550.

In Memory of Debbie Rendle • Gareth Higgins completed the ‘Welsh Coast to Coast Challenge’ and raised £687. On 7 July, Gareth Higgins and Huw Morgan from Swansea started a strenuous challenge. They cycled from Caernarfon to Swansea, following a central route, which is around 200 miles, and also climbed


Gareth said “Although it was a daunting challenge, I thoroughly enjoyed it (well most of it!) and knowing that it was all in aid of a good cause helped spur us on. I’d like to thank family, friends, neighbours and colleagues for their generosity in raising so much money for both of my chosen charities.”

• Sylvia Pezzack sent in donations totalling £105. • Sylvia Pezzack forwarded a donation of £300 from the Inner Wheel Club of the Isles of Scilly.

In Memory of Scott Rennie Neil Lonergan completed the Kilimanjaro Trek and raised £1,834.50.

In Memory of Antony Richards Corrinna Edwards completed a tandem skydive and raised £435.

In Memory of Phillip M Richards • Family and friends held a Karaoke Chinese birthday tribute fundraiser in memory of Phill and raised £362. “Please find enclosed a cheque for £362 which is half of the £724 collected for CRY and YPU, Teenage Cancer Trust at the Q.E. Hospital in Birmingham where Phillip was treated. Phillip was diagnosed with Grade 4 cancer in his right leg (10cm) and a 4cm tumour in his right lung in January 2012. Phillip was determined to beat his cancer and fought hard to stay with us, but sadly on 4th September, at the age of 27, he passed away at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Phillip received his treatment on Young Persons Unit (YPU) and all the staff were very good to

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him. We have met some very kind people since Phillip was diagnosed in January. Phillip was funny, kind, life and soul of any night out with his friends and work colleagues at BT Fleet. Phillip used to work and play football with Stuart from BT and Stuart sadly died while playing football in Solihull.

Liam passed away at 13 in Dec 2008, and in June this year would be 18. Those that took part and helped raise the money were Colin and Karen Ross, Phil Bowers, John Hamill, and Tony White. This is us afterwards, ready for a pint.” Colin Ross.

Stuart was young too. Phillip and his colleagues raised money for CRY so we thought that it would be nice to carry on where Phillip and his colleagues left off. Phillip was a very special person and is sadly missed by his friends, work colleagues and of course his family, his mum Linda, dad Brian and big brother Mark and everyone who knew him.” Linda, Brian Richards and Mark Perry (brother).

In Memory of Adam Rowbottom Sarah Jane Rowbottom completed the Grim Challenge in December 2012 and raised £230, making a total raised of £400.

In Memory of Mick Rowlinson Wakefield & District Housing sent in a donation of £150 in respect of the sponsored walk in memory of Mick. In Memory of Craig Salmon Joyce Salmon sent in £400 in respect of a darts competition and donated dish washer.

In Memory of Chloe Sary-Bool Eleanor Bool and Charlotte Sparrow raised £336.55 in respect of their sponsored five mile run, in memory of Chloe.

• Dominic Stephens completed the Brovember challenge and raised £287 in memory of Phil.

In Memory of Neil Schuyleman • We have received further donations in support of Catherine Wye completing the Fleet Half Marathon 2012, making a total raised of £225.

In Memory of Alex Roberts Friends at The Village Home Pub in Gosport sent in donations of £2,147.58 from the collection jar on the bar.

In Memory of Liam Ross Colin Ross and friends took part in the Liverpool Santa dash and raised £671. “We took part in the Liverpool Santa Dash 2012 in memory of my beautiful son Liam.

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Mr S F Schuyleman recently celebrated his 70th birthday and requested donations in lieu of gifts which raised £545.

In Memory of Garreth Scott Mr S Henson sent in a donation of £100.


“The intrepid adventurers from Maidstone-based Custodian Data Centre have returned unscathed from their trek up Everest (pic shows Sam at 5,550m on Kala Patthar). They have exceeded their target by raising over £2,200 for CRY. For more information visit” Rowland, Pete and Sam!!!!

In Memory of Mike Scott Lady Lumley’s School, North Yorkshire, held a nonuniform day and raised £475.

In Memory of Demi Sharif Vicky Porritt took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £358. In Memory of Max Sheppard Lauren, Julie and Edwina Halima completed ‘climbing the O2 area’ and raised £1,817.60. In Memory of Samantha Shirley • Gill Hindson sent in a donation of £331 in respect of the Dress Down Day and cake sale at EON Westwood site on 12 November.

In Memory of Robert Slade Andrew Griffiths took part the Llanelli Half Marathon raised £563.

In Memory of Joshua Shotton Thomas Nunn completed the Fleet Half Marathon 2013 and raised £420. In Memory of Andrew Sims • Dorothy Sims sent in a sponsorship donation of £133 in respect of Mrs Gail McCormack and the trek to Mount Everest Base Camp in December 2012.

• Gail McCormack completed the Everest Base Camp Trek in December 2012 and raised a further £375.15, making a total raised of £527.15.

• Samantha Clarke raised £425 in respect of the Custodian DC’s trek to Everest Base camp.

• Samantha Clarke raised an addditional £360 in respect of the Everest Base camp trek.

• We have received an additional £485 for Gail McCormack’s Trek to Base Camp Everest.

in and

In Memory of David Smiley • Beneden School (Kent) sent in a donation of £2,398.36.

• Chris Valdus completed

the Himalaya 100 Mile stage race and raised £235.

• Stephanie Boland and Teresa Bone completed a 5-day trek across the Sahara and raised £440.


“Attached is a photo from the finish line not looking my best but guess I had just finished 100miles in 5 days :-)”

• Peter

Hopkisson completed a 24 hour marathon squash fundraiser and raised £740.

In Memory of Eric Smith We have received £667.41 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Eric Smith. In Memory of Lewis Smith We have received a donation of £1,150. In Memory of Lewis Roland Smith The Roland family held a tribute evening at Heswell Royal British Legion on 22 December 2012 and raised £2,251.50. In Memory of Matthew (Mattie) Smith “Enclosed is a cheque for £500 raised in memory of Mattie Smith at an annual Go-Karting event held at Pontefract Raceway on 17 November 2012. Once again this event was supported by Mattie’s family and friends. As in previous years DS Smith Packaging made a very kind donation of £150, Mrs Lynn Pollin donated £60 and also a Teddy Bear Raffle raised £40. A fun afternoon was had by all and the 2012 winner of Mattie’s Memorial Cup is G Stead, one of Mattie’s close friends.” S C Whitney.

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In Memory of Robert Smith Trish Willis completed ‘Walking one million metres in three months’ and raised £2,347.

In Memory of Suzanne Taylor Beryl Ewing sent in a donation of £200 in respect of the sale of her hand-made cards.

In Memory of Claire Squires • Mark Cowling completed a 24 hour Triathlon challenge and raised £988.06.

In Memory of Zoe Teale • Julie Teale completed the Birmingham Canal and City Walk and raised £2,648.

• Lisa Snare completed the ‘Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest’ and raised £310.

Gary Holland, Chase • Swimming Club, Staffordshire, sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Zoe: “Our young swimmers raised these funds by purchasing DVD’s for friends and family of a training session supervised by Olympian, World champion and World record holder, Liam Tancock.”

• Victoria Connelly completed the Ironman Triathlon and raised £680.60.

In Memory of David Staff Jonathan Stubbs, Darwen Dashers Running Club, sent in a donation of £113 from a recent raffle they held at the Darwen Dashers Running Club Christmas Party. In Memory of Andrew Stevens Gill Kennerley sent in a donation totalling £115.60 in respect of the Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Music event held on 15 December. £23.37 of this donation came from the bar at the Apollo Theatre. In Memory of Gary Stewart • Family and friends held a charity memorial darts and auction evening and raised £8,500.

• Mark Grubb walked the West Highland Way

and raised £1,000.

“Olympian and World record holder Liam Tancock led a training session and seminar for young swimmers in Cheslyn Hay.

Around 50 members of Chase Swimming Club met Liam for an afternoon of tutoring.

Our swimmers raised £100 for CRY by purchasing DVD’s of the day for friends and family.

Chase Swimming Club have supported CRY in past events such as the Zoe Teale Memorial Swimming Gala and would like this donation help continue to provide free ECG screenings for young adults.” Garry Holland.

• SSE donated £850. • “I am writing to let you know that following the sudden and

sad loss of a friend, Gary Stewart, fellow customers and staff of the Fishie Pub, Fetterangus, decided to raise money for CRY through a collection bottle on the bar, a ‘May Day Fun Day’ and a Christmas raffle. I enclose £1,765.70 which also includes money raised at a darts tournament charity day held in December.” Richard Gibbons, Licensee and owner of The Fishie Pub. In Memory of Natalie Stewart Cliff Stewart raised £2,426.62 fundraising events.



In Memory of Adam Swanwick • Louise Ayre sent in a donation of £1,641.85 in respect of the charity football match in memory of Adam.

• Louise Ayre raised £1,420 from various

fundraising events.

• Lynda Eveson sent in donations totalling £445.70: £395.70

in respect of the Wombourne Sprit Triathlon in September and £110 raised by the Annabel Humpage Academy of Dance Christmas concert.

• Barbara Silcock completed the 2012 Gold Challenge and raised £235.

• Pete Teale sent in a donation of £100 raised by the Stafford and District YLC.

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Our In Memory of Dale Tennent-Butler • Angela Tennent-Butler held a charity golf day and raised £2,495.40.

• Angela Tennent-Butler sent in donations

totalling £1,713: £1,600 was raised in respect of the 21st Birthday Ball; £63 was from the ‘Swishing Party’; and £50 was from Husbands Bosworth & Theddingworth Sheep dog trials.


• British Airways Interiors Engineering sent in a donation of £130.90, raised from a raffle held in memory of Jack.

• We have received a £500 donation from the sale of assets following the closure of Blackwood Police Social Club.

• Janet Hoare completed the

Malta Half Marathon and sent in a donation of £712.67.

In Memory of Sarah Tenwick We have received donations totallling £150 for the Land’s End to John O’Groates cyle challenge. Pennells Garden Centre sent in £100 of this. In Memory of Dean Thomas Gareth and Linda Roberts sent in a donation of £160. In Memory of Dean Thomas and Elfed Morgan Roberts Gareth and Linda Roberts sent in a donation of £463, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Elfed Morgan Roberts, who passed away on 5 March 2013, aged 84 years. In Memory of Gareth Llywelyn Thomas Anne Thomas sent in donations totalling £196: £162 in respect of monies collected at the screening in February by the sixth formers at Pooly Hayes School; £10 from her brother Owen; and £24 from Gareth’s nan for her hand-made cards. In Memory of Jack Thomas • June Thomas sent in donations totalling £1,090: the level 2 Diploma Business Students at Crosskeys College raised £90 by making charm bracelets and £1,000 was donated by the Hafod Pretenders which was raised at the charity show at Hafodyrynys RFC.

• “We are nurses on the Fracture and Orthopaedic Clinic

at the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Gwent and each Christmas we try to raise some money for a chaity. This year we chose Jack’s fund through CRY as his mum is one of our patients, and we felt it would be something we could do to show our support to the family at what was going to be a very difficult period, facing their first Christmas without Jack. To amuse the patients and encourage them to donate, we dressed in pyjamas and onesies on Christmas Eve instead of our uniforms and had a poster and details about CRY by the reception desk in the department. Part of the donation came from a local company.” Gill Watkins, Department Managers, Royal Gwent Hospital, sent in £217.

• Andrew Withers sent in a further

donation of £520 in respect of a skydive in June 2012 which he took part in along with June Thomas, Lauren Stone, Steve James, David Phillips and Jamie Davis, making a total raised of £1,652.

• Asda Stores Limited, Blackwood sent in a donation of £635.60. • Michelle Lewis completed the Birmingham Half Marathon 2012 and raised £330.

• Michelle Moseley completed the Cardiff 10K and raised £153. • Teresa Ryans sent in a donation of £106 from the 5K Fun Run on 28 August and £110.85 from a raffle held at her 40th birthday on 5 October.

• Lucie Brown, Community Life Champion at Asda, Blackwood sent in a donation of £208.41 which was raised from a collection box at customer services.

• “Charities have been competing for a number of months

at Asda, Blackwood for ‘Community Life, Chosen By You Given By Us’. This is when three charities write a brief description about their charity which is placed above a collection box. Customers who shop at the store are then given three green tokens to place in a collection box of the charity that they wish to vote for. After two months of voting, Asda make a donation of £200 to the charity with the most green tokens. After a number of people nominating CRY in memory of Jack Thomas we were successful in being chosen by Asda, Blackwood to compete for a donation. I am pleased to say CRY, in memory of Jack Thomas, won the public vote and I enclose a cheque for £200. I would like to sa a big ‘thank you’ to all the staff at Asda, Blackwood but most importantly to the members of the public who voted.” June Thomas.

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In Memory of Emma Thompson • Hannah Capel and Rebecca Jones held a charity event on 26 January in memory of their friend Emma and sent in an additional donation of £2,541.18. “This brings our overall total to £3,201.48 - we are extremely shocked that we managed to raise this amount but are overjoyed and overwhelmed by the generosity of people around us supporting such a good cause.” Hannah Capel and Rebecca Jones.

• Hannah Capel forwarded a matched giving donaion of

£750 from Barclays Bank in respect of the muisc night held on 26 January in memory of Emma.

In Memory of William Thomson Mark McFern completed the Stranraer Half Marathon and raised £170. In Memory of Christian Thunhurst The Under 35’s Reinsurance Group sent in a donation of £5,000 in respect of the Lloyd’s of London screening event, held in 2011, in memory of Christian.

In Memory of Alex Watley • Rachael Batho completed the South Downs Relay and raised £2,323.23. “At 10pm on 1 July 2012, 24 South Downs Relay runners gathered the last of their energy and crossed the finish line in Winchester, Hampshire. The day had started at 2am, when the first runners had driven the 100miles to Eastbourne, East Sussex, to start the epic course at 5am.

What followed was an amazing journey in memory of a much loved friend, Alex Watley, who died suddenly on 30 December 2011 at the age of 23. The relay legs varied from 18km to 2km, each posing a challenge to runners of all abilities who turned out on the day to run their part. Despite hitting some bad weather near along the route, all of the runners put in an astounding effort to keep to their leg times. They arrived home 17 hours later to the cheers of friends and family.

In Memory of Paul James Tillett • Susan Tillett sent in a donation of £200, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of her husband, Paul.

• Alan and Sheila Ferris, Nick and Catherine, sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Sian Turnbull Joyce Turnbull sent in a donation of £500 in memory of her daughter, Sian. In Memory of Max Turner Lesley Cassie took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £175. In Memory of Vincenzo ‘Chinni’ Vetere “I am writing to inform you of a fundraiser I organised this week. After a night of music at the local pub and music venue ‘The Horn’ we raised £500. Two bands, one of them my own, played the evening, followed by several DJ’s, including the drummer from local famous band Enter Shikari. All of this was in memory of our good friend Chinni Vetere, who passed away just over three years ago from an underlying heart condition. The evening was a great success and we have every intention of hosting another next year.” Will Ascott sent in a donation of £500.

The support before and on the day was overwhelming; the Co-op in Alresford giving us the money for “goodie bags” for each of the runners, the people that helped out at HQ directing drivers and ensuring runners were accounted for at all times, the strangers in the car parks cheering

In Memory of Thomas Wall Chris Wall raised £2,680, through online fundraising, in memory of Thomas. In Memory of Gavin Wanigasooriya CRY has received donations totalling £894.88 in memory of Gavin who passed away on 22 May 2007, aged 15 years.

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Our everyone on, and most of all to the people who gave generously to the online fundraising page. We all can’t wait for next year!!” Rachael and the team

• “I have pleasure in sending you a further £150 raised by

a friend of Alex for CRY. His team-mates at the Alresford Rugby Club recently remembered Alex with a 7 mile ‘Tweed Walk’ - something Alex started before tweed became fashionable again. The walk took place on 30 December the anniversary of Alex’s death and, as you might imagine of a Rugby Club, the walk involved mandatory stops at every hostelry along the route! The other £50 is generously donated by a friend of Alex’s mother.” John and Val Watley sent in a donation of £150.

• Elizabeth Porter took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £555.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,405.88. The funds were raised by our Read Heart Ball from ticket sales and an auction in memory of our friend Alex Watley who sadly left us in December 2011.” Rachael Batho, Hannah Batho and Abigail Griffiths.

• “We held a quiz and music evening on 25 January in

memory of Alex. We are a tennis coaching company and Alex was one of our coaches who lived here in Alresford. The evening was great fun - we had 90 people there plus our team of coaches who helped run the evening. After the quiz we held a raffle and then one of our coaches, who is a musician, performed some of his songs which was a huge success. Alex’s parents and friends made up a table and were thrilled with the success of the evening. They were in fact the winning team and took home a specially engraved cup!” Donna Holliday, Don Perrin Tennis, sent in a donation of £632.85.

• Martin Terrill completed the May Day Triathlon and raised £1,285.

In Memory of Lily Webster • Melanie Webster sent in donations totalling £2,010.50; D Prior £50, M Webster £1,370.50 and Stowmarket Council £590.

• Melanie Webster sent in a donation of £915 which was

raised from a football match between two local high schools’ teachers in memory of Lily.

• Melanie Webster sent in a donation of £2,000 from the Lloyd’s grant charity award.

In Memory of Sally Wells We have received a funeral donation of £100, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Sally Wells, who passed away on 9 September 2012.

In Memory of Ben Whitwham Douglas McPherson raised £195 in respect of ‘growing a moustache’.


In Memory of Stephen Wiggins Robert Bamber, Andy Penman and Andy Joel raised £1,023 in respect of their moustache growing event. “Steve was my best friend and was so full of life. He was taken away from us on 24 April 2005 by passing away in his sleep at the age of 31 due to a rare cardiac disorder which is why I have collected for his charity CRY. There have been many events in the past to raise money for Stevie so I thought I would do my bit, hence the moustache growing event. The 3 of us grew a moustache for the whole of November which is how we raised the money. Steve Wiggins was the Robert Bamber life and soul of every day, we first met when we started an engineering apprenticeship together at BNFL after we left high school. We became very close and shared many years of friendship and he was also my lodger for a couple of years. I was fortunate enough to go on various holidays and enjoy life with Steve before he was sadly taken Andy Joel away as can be seen from the picture where it was Steve’s idea for us all to make some leopard skin swim shorts and wear them around the pool on one of our holidays. He went off and followed his dreams to go travelling round America and New Zealand etc. and it was in America when he sadly passed. I think about him Andy Penman every day and know he is looking down on me and I am happy that I have raised a good amount of money for a great cause in his honour.” Robert Bamber. In Memory of Paul Wilkins Mandy King took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £465.10.

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Fundraisers Wake Walk, was completed by seven intrepid, local men on Thursday 26 July. The walk was in memory of Michael Yendall, who died from sudden arrythmic death syndrome (SADS) in August of last year, aged 19, a walk Michael embarked upon in 2011.

In Memory of Amy Williams Dr Neil Matthews completed the Truro Half Marathon and raised £630.

In Memory of Pete Williams • Sundip Murria Solicitors Limited, sent in a donation of £250.

• Sophie Bennett completed the Farnham Pilgrim Marathon and raised £1,140.

• Tracey Moore sent in a donation of £250 from Bickford

Truck Hire in respect of her ‘24 hours in a prison cell’ fundraising event.

In Memory of Shaun Dale Williams We have received a funeral donation of £271.40 in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of Shaun Dale Williams, who passed away on 25 October 2012, aged 32 years. In Memory of Julian Wort Shirley Wort sent in donations amounting to £333.27; Badcox Barbers, Kingfisher Takeaway and Chung Ying donated £83.27 from their collection boxes, Centre Parcs (Longleat Forest), and Becky Pugh who nominated CRY, donated £250 in respect of lost property. In Memory of Louise Worth Sue Jarvis took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake 2012 and raised £204.10.

“I have been running for about a decade now and have done a lot of races. A few years ago I did my first marathon in Dublin which went well but I got injured not too long after and didn’t run for a while. In 2012 I felt ready again to run another marathon and decided to give myself an extra challenge and do an off road race, Farnham Pilgrim Marathon.

I live in Brixton so training in London for a hilly off road race was quite tricky to say the least. Tourists, traffic, bins, dogs, you name it I ran into it. But I tried to find as many hills as I could, ran with a backpack and did spinning to build up my muscles.

In Memory of Sam Wright • Mark Wright raised £3,086.09, through online fundraising in memory of Sam.

• Mick Conway completed the Edinburgh Half Marathon and raised £1,181. • Ashgates Corporate Services Limited sent in a donation of

£100 from weekly car raffles (enabling a member of staff to use the company car park each week instead of public parking).

• Edward Stewart completed a tandem skydive and raised £120.

• Gill Clarke, University of Derby, sent in

a donation of £480 which was raised at the University of Derby ‘Unido’ disco and dance and raffle held on 1 December in memory of Sam.

In Memory of Michael Yendall • David Yendall sent in a donation of £1,400 in memory of Michael, who died on 27 August 2011, aged 19 years. This was raised during the Lyke Wake Walk and the North Yorkshire-Gallon Walk. Lyke Wake Walk - a charity walk of over 40 miles crossing of the North Yorkshire Moors from Osmotherley to Ravenscar along the route of the Lyke

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The race was in Farnham, Surrey and the day was perfect for running, not too hot or cold. The race was completely different than anything I’d done before. There were narrow paths where you could only run single file, bushes and trees galore, plenty of sharp turns and sandy steep hills. The nature of the route and only 500 runners meant that there were very few spectators which meant my motivation had to come from somewhere else. Fortunately the stunning scenery of the countryside made the route interesting and whilst there were a lot of sandy hills to trudge up it meant there were some hills I could stumble down! I also ran through and near fields of cows, alpacas and bulls, which were definitely not in the race description! There weren’t any mile markers until near the end so I wasn’t sure how I was doing until the 21 mile point. When I did get to that point I knew I could get to the finish line. I’d read all the messages people had written on my fundraising page before the race to remind myself of the support I had to spur me on and who and what I

Our was running for, and I suddenly got a sprint in me. I overtook quite a few people, including some guys that looked like they were in the army and shouted “top effort” at me so got more of a buzz. The last mile was all up hill which was a killer but I made it. I passed the finish line in a respectable 3.56, slower than my last marathon but given the nature of the race I was happy with my achievement. Later I found out I got runner up in my category, women aged 21-30, and got a lovely trophy.

I did the marathon for CRY UK in memory of Michael Yendall, who at the young age of 19 tragically died suddenly after his heart stopped August 27th 2011. Michael was a fit and healthy 19 year old with a promising future ahead of him, being a level 6 football referee and due to complete an apprenticeship. I know his and my family have struggled with the painful loss of Michael. I know nothing I or anyone else can do will take away the pain his friends and family have felt but I was honoured his parents Tracy and David gave their support to me to fundraise in his memory to such a great charity. In the end with the incredible support of my friends and family I raised £1,400 including Gift Aid for CRY UK. I hope this will make a difference to those affected by sudden death syndrome and their loved ones.” Sophie Bennett. In Memory of Daniel Young • Simply Health, Manchester, sent in a donation of £3,000.

• Dionne Young sent in a donation of £140.

General Fundraising • Meghan, Hayley, Anthea, Charlotte, Joanne, Jo and Pauline participated in the Race for Gavin and raised £915.01.

• Mrs Adams sent in a donation of £100. • Rich Adams completed the Farnham Marathon and raised £150. • George Anstey raised a total £1,035, in respect of his Washing Machine Challenge across the Malvern Hills.

• Alex Antelme sent in a donation of £100 • Archant Regional Limited sent in a donation of £100. • Asda, Fulwood, chose CRY to receive a Community Life Campaign donation of £200. CRY Representative Ruth Lowe collected the donation on 24 April.


• Hannah Ashton took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £125.

• Joseph Aston took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £441.

• Melanie Atkinson sent in a further sponsorship donation of £2,443.43 in respect of the Kilimanjaro Trek on 20 June 2013. Total to date: £2,909.90.

• Philip Bailey completed the 2012 BUPA Great Manchester Run and raised £157.50.

• The Barbara Taunton Charitable Trust. Linda Cunliffe, The

Barbara Taunton Charitable Trust, sent in a donation of £1,000.

• Jan Fletcher, Barclays, Liverpool, sent in a donation of £534.50 from various fundraising activities.

• The Brethren and guest of Barnard Lodge of Freemasons

in Birmingham sent in a donation of £261 for the West Midlands ECG Fund.

• Keith Haywood, Bentley Tennis Club, Essex, sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• Beresfords Estate Agents, Colchester, made a donation of

£200 to CRY. Caroline Gard, CRY representative collected the donation from their office on Monday 10 December 2012 on behalf of CRY.

• Berkshire Yoga Teacher’s Circle sent in a New Year donation of £100.

• “My name is Patrick Barbour and I am the treasurer of

Breadlebane Academy’s charities committee group. Due to teachers’ connections with the charity through losing their child to a heart disorder the charities committee group decided to raise some money by busking on the street of Pitlochry. Six pupils went along and managed to raise a total of £132.70.”

• Barry Turtle sent in a donation of £313.35 in

respect of the cake sale at Breaside School, Kent.

• Sarah Stevens sent in a donation of £100

from staff at Bristol Wheelchair and Seating Service, North Bristol NHS Trust. “The money was raised by staff

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baking and selling cakes at 50p a slice through the months of October to December. This came to be known as ‘Cake Friday’ and was a great way to end the week”.

• Emma Davies sent in a donation of £500 from a fundraising

• Dan Brooke completed the Royal Parks Half Marathon and

• Andy Dawson completed the Preston Guild Marathon on

raised £540.

• Richard Browne completed the Weald 10K and raised £110. • John Brownhill raised £114 from his fundraising event for CRY.

• Shona Cannings completed the Briggs Sprint Triathlon and raised £190.

• Gwenno Williams, Chairperson, Cardiff Blues, sent in

evening on 24 November, hosted by the Kind’s House, a church that meets in Perth City Centre.

28th October 2012 and raised £580.

• James Dawson completed the Bristol Half Marathon 2012 and raised £123

• Paula Ellwood of Dean Lodge West High Street raised £380.

• Derby Homes chose CRY as their Charity of the Year for 2012 and sent in an additional donation of £3,500.

a donation of £1,380 from the Choir Christmas Concert. Cardiff Blues Rugby team chose CRY as their charity for the 2012/13 season.

• Rachel Digger raised £320 from various fundraising

• Anne Thomas sent in £669.66 which represents the total

in a donation of £200 which was raised by members of the Doric Lodge of Freemasons based at Woodbridge during a Carol evening.

raised at the Cardiff Blues collection on 30 March.

• Anne Thomas sent in a donation of £189 collected at the


• Peter West, Charity Steward, The Doric Lodge No. 81, sent

Cardiff Blues v Montpelier Rugby match on Sunday 9 December.

• Dow Chemical Co. Ltd., Staines, sent in a donation

• “The school held a ‘design a Chistmas stamp’ competition.

• Dunfermline Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court,

Pupils were able to purchase the winning designs to stick onto their Christmas cards which were then distributed through the Chase Side postal system.” Mrs Sally Quartson, Headteacher, Chase Side Primary School, Enfield, sent in a donation of £254.82.

• Chesterton Community College held a staff Christmas Disco and raised £161.50.

• Daniel Connell took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £386.

• Stephen Cotter completed a 50 mile trail run around Rotherham and raised £600.05.

• Ted Coutts completed the Highland Perthshire Half Marathon 2012 and raised £626.

• Mr H Crichton-Stuart sent in a donation of £100. • Peter Cummings raised £1,000 via his VMG fundraising page.

• Aoife Cunningham completed the Old Deer Park Richmond 10K and raised £1,105.

• Mrs Currie sent in a donation of £100 in appreciation of the assistance given to her grandson, Christopher.

• Dalriada School, Co. Antrim, sent in a donation of £423 which was raised at the 75th Anniversary Church Service.

• Lorna Dane sent in a donation of £500.

of £100.

sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• Eilidh Dunsire completed the Great Scottish Run and raised £141.

• Durham University sent in a donation of £100. • Valerie Hamilton, Elswick Singers, Lancashire, sent in a donation of £250 raised during one of their concerts.

• Pupils of Eltham College raised £195 from a sponsored cross country run.

• Ed Enzor raised £960 through online fundraising. • Frances Smith, 1st Class Drop in Centre & Charity Shop, Nottingham, sent in a donation of £150.

• “The Chairman has received a donation request from Peter

Clayton of the Middlesex County Football Association. The FA would like to support Cardiac Risk in the Young again and I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £200.” Silvia Cary, Executive Assistant to the Chairman, The Football Associaiton Limited, Wembley.

• The girls from Dalmeny House, Fettes College, hosted a Bake Sale and raised £260.63.

• Forest Laboratories UK Limited sent in a donation of £300

in respect of the proceeds of the raffle held at the annual company convention.

• Megan Frazer completed the Norwich Half Marathon and raised £508.01.

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• Tasha Fuller completed a skydive and raised £555.

• Matthew

Furniss raised through online fundraising.


• Global Talent, Surbiton, sent in a donation of £225 in

respect of the Friday Dress Down Days and a contractor Christmas Social Raffle.

• Jane Gransden sent in an additional donation of £200 in

respect of the Sailing Barge, ‘Edith May’. Total raised: £600.

• Natalie Grist sent in a donation of £170. • Gilbet Allen & Co (Chartered Accountants) forwarded a donation of £1,000 from H A Holliday Charitable Trust.

• Hachette Children’s Books, London NW1 sent in a donation of £226.20.

• Bill Hardman sent in a donation of £312.50. • Kitty Hartnell sent in a donation of £693.10 from the sale

of CRY Christmas cards and gift wrapping in her shop in Ealing.

• Esther Little sent in a donation of £559 from the Scafell

Pike 2012 HAVOC event. “Year two of the Havoc youth group charity fundraisers and we opted for another

mountain clmb! Having completed - and enjoyed - a walk to the summit of Snowdon last year, we decided to tackle the highest peak in England this summmer. Several of us had never been to Scafell Pike before, and so we were excited to have a go. We were meeting the minibus at 4.45am - a pretty early start for a bunch of teenagers on their summer holidays! But we had eight young people able and willing, who all seemed very enthusiastic when they arrived. For most of us, the long journey up to Cumbria was a chance to get a bit more sleep, plus we had a quick stop to grab a healthy breakfast at McDonald’s! From there we headed straight to the Lake District. When we arrived it was quiet (until we got out of the bus, of course!) and the weather was cloudy and cool. This was perfect for us, and we were soon on our way up. The route we were taking is known as ‘The Corridor’, a scenic and winding route up one side

of the mountain and down another. We had great views most of the way, and were able to spot other local peaks such as Great Gable. It was only just before the summit that we got into the clouds. Everyone made it to the top without a problem, and we took plenty of pictures to prove it! We didn’t stop for long though as it was getting cold and starting to rain; but everyone was still very cheerful. Coming down was much faster than going up, and when we were near to our starting point, we stopped at a stream to have a paddle and cool down. After everyone had rested their feet for a while (and was sufficiently soaked!) we headed back to the minibus. It had taken less than seven hours to complete the walk, including the stops for lunch and a quick dip. On the way back we stopped again for dinner before finally arriving home at 12.30am - it had been a very long but satisfying day! We were really grateful for all the work put in by our organiser, Den Tailor, and the leaders and minibus drivers. The whole group had a brilliant time together in the great outdoors, raising money to support CRY. They were already throwing out ideas for the next fundraiser before the day was over!” Esther Little. Participants: Jemima, Mairi, Jacob, Henry, Jonah, Vicky, Mark, George Keri, Esther, Wendy, Annette and Dennis. Drivers: Trevor and Cliff (Total raised £825.28).

• Louise Hegarty completed the Great Midlands Fun Run 2012 and raised £256.

• Helen Hinton completed the Cardiff Half Marathon 2012 and raised £380.

• HM Revenue & Customs, Warwickshire Coventry Area, sent in a donation of £300 raised throughout the year from their bonus ball charity draw.

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• Alastair Campbell, Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, Northern Ireland Region, sent in a donation of £154 for the Northern Ireland fund.

• Emma Jenkins completed a skydive and raised £435. • Susanna Jones sent in a donation of £150.

• “Each year, the District Judges in Manchester make a

donation to a charity instead of exchanging Christmas cards. The year we have decided to makie our donation to CRY.” Graeme Smith, District Judge, Judiciary of England and Wales, sent in a donation of £170.

• “We are delighted to enclose a donation of £185.95 for

your worthy charity, as chosen by the students of one of our forms, led by member of staff Katy Wareham. The event had a Valentine’s theme due to the link to hearts. The students raised the money by making and selling a variety of cakes and sweet things. Also on sale were handmade Valentine’s cards and paper roses; face painting was also on offer, all whilst listening to romantic music and poetry and the students were all encouraged to wear red.” Alison Fletcher, King Edward VI College, West Midlands.

• We have received donations of £100 from the screening event at King Edward’s School in Birmingham.

• Daniel Leach completed the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon 2012 and raised £130.

• We have received £500 from Ms. Lisa Groves of Lloyds TSB Staff Matched Giving Scheme.

• Lots Road Auction House sent in a donation of £473.86 from the proceeds of sale catalogues.

• We have received a donation of £4,000 from Mel Lydon in respect of a charity Golf Day on 7 September 2012.

• Professor Sir Ravinder Maini sent in a donation of £500. • Gareth Mallon sent in a donation of £2,000 from the Derby Lions Charitable Trust.

• Mr R Sherwood, Masonic Lodge No 6654, Fleetwood, sent in a donation of £300.

• James Meacham completed the Cardiff Half Marathon 2012 and raised £330.

• The Middleton & District Sunday Football League sent in a donation of £1,000.

• Pippa Miller (Carols for Causes) sent in a donation of £690 in respect of the Carol Concert.

• The Miller Centre Club, Caterham, sent in a donation of of

£528.34 in respect of the collections during the production of The Exorcism and £40.21 raised in the collection tins. Total £568.55. CRY supporter Val Scott attended on behalf of CRY and gave out literature.

• Mark Mills sent in a donation of £100. • Pip Mitchell completed a 150 mile run in five days from Salcombe to Tetbury and raised £389.50.

• “I am writing on behalf of the Monmouth Comprehensive

School Charity Committee who recently undertook various fundraising events for your organisation. The Charity Committee organise various events throughout the school year to raise money for great causes, such as your organisation. Our events include non-uniform days, bake sales, school discos and karaoke competitions!” MCS Charity Committee sent in a donation of £431.15.

• John Murrell sent in a donation of £100. • Jo McGeary completed the Everest Base Camp Trek and raised £130.

• Lynn McGhee forwarded donations totalling £169.33 that her son raised from various charity events.

• New Milton Hockey Club sent in a donation of £137. • Newedge UK Financial Limited sent in a donation of £126 from a recent fundraising event.

• Ms J Sheehan, Newsedge Group, sent in a donation of £341.10 in respect of the Book People.

• Caris Newson took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £728.20.

• Martin Lydon, Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited, sent in a donation of £1,000.

• The Nonsuch Rotary Club Christmas Float collections

in December raised £1,100. CRY supporter Val Scott attended the presentation dinner at Chipstead Golf Club to collect the donation on behalf of CRY.

• Alan North completed the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £230.

Gareth Mallon, Dave Bower (President of the Derby Lions Club) and Dr Ffion Davies

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• Jessica Nutting completed a sponsored swim and raised £396.80.

General • Heather O’Connor held a quiz night and raised £2,010. • Mrs Owlett sent in a donation of £250 raised in respect of the saddlery auction held by her daughter, Sarah.

• Grahame Page sent in a donation of £200. • Lauren Palmer completed the Grim 8 Challenge and raised £750.

• Guy Parker completed the Reebok Run and raised £130. • Carys Perry sent in a donation of £122.44 in respect of the

AS level students Joint Enterprise and Citizenship activity.

• CRY has received a donation of £400 from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire.

• We have received a donation of £1,307.15

from Queen Elizabeth Grammar School for a sponsored read.

• Lorna Rankin sent in a donation of £200 for

• Miss J Smith Young completed the Big Fun Run 2012 and raised £135.

• The St Nicholas Players staged a production of Aladdin in January/Februay 2013 and raised £200.

• Nigel Stone completed trekking the Offa’s Dyke Path and raised £359.70.

• Anthony Stonehewer completed the Coast to Coast Challenge and raised £1,109.

• The Stour Valley Flower Club held a Cake and bring and buy stall and raffle in May 2012 and raised £200.

• Damien Sutherland completed the Isle of Man Parish Walk and raised £590 in memory of his sister.

• Sutton Coldfield Vesey Ladies Probus Club sent in a donation of £100.

• Dennis Tailor sent in a donation of £4,707.44 raised in respect of the Bike 100 event. Total raised £4,873.72.

the Northern Ireland fund

• Kate Roper sent in a donation of £907.59 in respect of the

“On Sunday 7 July 2012 a large group took part in a 100km cycle along the Bunyan trail in Bedfordshire to raise money for two charities, CRY and the Friends of CME Trust. It was a wet day but a tremendous effort was put in by those organising and those cycling to raise a wonderful amount for charity.

When Dennis Tailor first told me he wanted 100 people to cycle 100km along the Bunyan trail in Bedfordshire, I immediately felt I should do it. After all, he was raising half the money for my charity in the Congo and I remember seeing others complete a similar ride Den had organised a few years before.

Yet as the 7 July approached and the weather looked like it would drown out our efforts, I began to have second thoughts. Rather than biking in fine summer weather, stopping off for a drink at a few pubs in cute villages, it looked like wellies and water skis would be more appropriate. And could I manage 100km anyway? I cycle to work most days but it’s only 4 miles. I had practiced 30km the week before and got soaked in the rain!

Saturday morning we woke early to see the rain pouring down as predicted. What to wear? What changes of clothes to add to our drink and food supplies? As I approached the Addison Centre at 8am, I knew Dennis had been there since around 6am, and the previous night at midnight! What a fantastic effort from him over the previous months to get us to this point – we would go on. I was due to cycle with my son, Daniel and friend Hilary. Pete, who had volunteered but knew no-one else (wow that’s commitment!) joined us to make a team of four. Others were there getting ready to leave – some I knew but others I didn’t – there was a great sense of camaraderie and fun – we would do our best! New friends were being made, new opportunities to talk of Jesus’ great rescue plan.

charity Rugby Match held on 29 December.

• The Rotary Club of Romsey Test/District 1110, sent in a donation of £600 in respect of the Walk the Testway event held in October 2012.

• The Royal Belfast Academical Institution sent in a donation of £1,760 for the Northern Ireland fund in respect of the school carol service.

• Emma Russell held a Christmas Raffle and sent in a donation of £247.

• Catherine Sales completed the Paris Marathon and raised £483.01.

• We have received collection box donations of £101.75 from Sandilands Sports and Social Club.

• Katerina Potamianos, Saunderson House Limited, sent in a donation of £265.62 in respect of Christmas cards.

• Shell UK Limited sent in a donation of £100. • “The members of Slimming World at Knocknagoney,

Belfast, nominate a charity to support on an annual basis, by collecting loose change gathered during weekly weighins. For 2012 our group nominated CRY as its preferred charity during this period and I am delighted to advise that the total raised by the end of December 2012 was £110.” Janet Elliott.

• Cheryl Smith completed a Dance-athon and raised £382.17.

• Georgie Smith completed the 2012 Gold Challenge and raised £233.


CRY update • Issue 60 • 69



So, as we biked around, we chatted, we puffed up hills, we flew down them. We got soaked, we felt the stinging rain on a few occasions but we were encouraged on, every 10 miles, by volunteers, sitting in the cold rain, in cars or under umbrellas recording our progress, urging us on, giving us drinks and fruit if we needed it. We saw wondesful sights of Bedfordshire that I never knew existed despite being born and bred here. Seeing such wonderful countryside in the rain made us appreciate what it would be like to see it is the sun – we must do this another day!

whether to abandon our water proofs at Harlington but were glad we hadn’t as it continued to pour. We went through villages I didn’t even know existed, including one with an airfield and several small planes! As we began the approach north, we went through the idyllic Old Warden, Ickwell and knew we were nearly there. The 10 mile volunteers were really urging us on now – how great they all were.

When we finished coming along the embankment, my tired muscles seemed to leave me – we had made it. It had been worth it all – the poor weather made us feel more proud of our achievement. Not only had we had a great time, seen some wonderful things, enjoyed each other’s company, but we would be helping the young with heart problems and the sick in Congo. Well done Den for having the vision and energy to pull this off – bring on the next one!” Chris Almond.

• Maya Tank completed the Great South Run 2012 and raised £255.

• Thomas Franks Limited sent in a donation of £223 in respect of the the Cranford House School fundraising event.

• Sue Greenall, Thomas Franks Limited, sent in a donation

Being together in our team of four enabled us to encourage each other as we went around. Each ten miles we would cheer – getting closer all the time – as the roads passed by under our feet, the sense of togetherness kept us going and made time and miles pass by much quicker than I thought they would. Half way there, we reached Harlington and needed a change of clothes and Hilary needed the loo! The three men had found plenty of trees along the way but the pub was shut – it was only 10.45. Thankfully the Village Hall doors were open and we found a Saturday church in there where we were welcomed with free tea, coffee and ice cream!

of £180 raised at the Wincor Nixdorf location, from the sale of cook books.

• Tiffin School, Kingston upon Thames, sent in a donation of

£591.39 in respect of the Carol Service on 20 December 2012.

• Christopher Tongue took part in Run to the Beat 2012 and raised £459.70.

• Jo Tunmer sent in a donation of £245. • Sports Partnership at University of Hertfordshire sent in a donation of £255.

• Katherine Tye sent in a donation of £100 which was

raised at the Homemade Fusion event at the University of Nottingham.

Across south Bedfordshire, the hills of Sharpenhoe and Barton were beautiful even in the rain. We had debated

• Rebecca and Eleanor Upson completed the 2012 Great North Swim and raised £185.

• Paul Vernon completed a race around the area and sent in a donation of £365 to CRY.

• CRY Representative Sue Jarvis attended the VolkerStevin

site offices on 21 March and accepted a cheque for £1,004 on behalf of CRY. Alison Carlton became aware of CRY after her son suffered a cardiac arrest and had a pacemaker fitted.

• Jonathan Vose completed the Wilmslow Half Marathon and the Trail Race and raised £250.

70 • CRY update • Issue 60

“I had long wanted to raise money for CRY following the passing of my brother-in-law Lee 9 years ago. On this



basis, having made a commitment to do some running to get a bit fitter, I started looking for an event

My hometown of Wilmslow has long held a half marathon, so myself and my friend Miles agreed we should do it. We then took the somewhat foolhardy view, having never run that far before, that if we are training for one event we may as well do two - thus maximising the outcomes of our training.

Undeterred, we entered a 12 mile cross-country race scheduled for 16 March in the Lake District; and the Wilmslow Half Marathon, to be run a week later. Working around family time, work, injuries and other distractions, neither myself or Miles could say we were getting as much training in as we would have liked, but we slogged on nonetheless.

It was certainly hard work but it was good, unlike the crosscountry race, to see the mile markers pass one by one, some in shorter gaps than others!

Again, Miles stole the show coming home in 1hr 43. I was just outside my 2 hour target by 50 seconds.

Our first race soon was upon us. Following a week of heavy rain, the course was something of a mud bath and the hills were more severe than we had expected, being from flat Cheshire and all that.

It was great to do the events with a friend – until I got too slow for him – and it was a very rewarding experience mentally and physically.

Best of all, through the generosity of our sponsors, we raised over £600 for CRY which is really our greatest achievement.

Miles, who let slip that he was a former school crosscountry champion on the morning of the race (thanks mate) skipped round the 12 mile course in 1 hour 46 minutes. I wheezed home 13 minutes later. We were suitably muddy and exhausted but there was a great sense of achievement. Miles finished 60th out of the 400 runners, I was 140th. We were both pleased with our results on debut.

All in all, a really positive and rewarding experience. I feel fitter – albeit still with stiff legs 3 days on – and I feel I did some useful fundraising and promotion work for a great cause.” Jonathan Vose.

The following week, Miles and I did very little training and watched as the temperatures plummeted towards freezing point on the day of the race. It was very windy, but as we lined up alongside the 4,000 spectators we felt quite glad we would be the ones running rather than getting cold watching.

• Clair Wilbraham raised £165 in respect of fundraising with

A lot of my old team mates were marshalling the course and it was great to get the encouragement as we went round.

• Sarah Westell completed the GRIM Challenge and raised £170.

Brad and Abs.

• Mr & Mrs Wilding raised £530.50 in respect of their Silver Wedding Anniversary.

• Dave Williams completed the Liverpool Marathon 2011 and raised £983.70.

CRY update • Issue 60 • 71

Fundraising Events 2013 - 2014 Please contact Ben, Cara or Nicola on 01737 363222 or e-mail if you are interested in any of the following events. For more information and a full list of events in 2013, visit All CRY participants in mass participation events that contact the CRY team (whether you have your ‘own place’ or a CRY charity place) will receive a fundraising pack containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and a t-shirt.

A few ideas... Run to the Beat 8 September 2013 We welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. Please contact the fundraising team for a runner’s pack.

Great North Run 15 September 2013 We welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. Please contact the fundraising team if you are an ‘own place’ runner or would like to run in a CRY heart costume.

Windsor Half Marathon 29 September 2013 CRY has a limited number of charity places for this event and also welcomes any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. Please e-mail to apply for a place, or if you have your have your own place, for a runner’s pack.

CRY Durham Riverside Walk 5 October 2013 The 4th CRY Durham Riverside Walk will start and finish at Durham Amateur Rowing Club. The 7km walk is in the beautiful Wear Valley, following the river, with views of the city and cathedral. To register online please go to or if you would like to volunteer at the event please e-mail

Royal Parks Half Marathon 6 October 2013 If you are interested in this popular event, which has a route encompassing several of the picturesque royal parks of London, please e-mail We don’t have any charity places but would welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

Halloween Moonriders 25-26 October 2013 With a rich history steeped in centuries of ghastly tales, London is one of the world’s spookiest cities, where history still haunts the streets, buildings and ancient towers. As the moon casts shadows over Halloween 2013, join hundreds of fellow riders on our creepy 100km cycle of the city. Pass the haunted landmarks, as you pedal between our frightening pit-stops, enjoying a real Halloween celebration. It will certainly be a Friday Fright Night you won’t forget in a hurry... For more information or to register for CRY visit

CRY Awareness Week 23 November-1 December 2013 If you would like to be involved in CRY Awareness Week 2013 please e-mail As well as the opportunity to hold an awareness stand or event, we are looking forward to continuing the success of the first Great Cake Bake, held during the 2012 Awareness Week, by holding our second annual event on Friday 29 November and will have special packs to send out with hints, tips and other goodies.

Virgin London Marathon 13 April 2014 Every year CRY has a number of guaranteed Golden Bond places for this event. If you are interested in a CRY Golden Bond place, are an ‘own place’ runner who would like to run for CRY or would like to run in a CRY ‘heart costume’, please contact the CRY fundraising team.

Just Walk 10 May 2014 Just Walk is an exciting charity sponsored walk for anyone wanting to fundraise. This walk is open to anyone who is keen to get their walking boots on and hike for CRY - you can choose either 10km, 20km, 40km or 60km routes - so something for everybody. This charity walk offers enthusiastic walkers the chance to experience a breathtaking charity walk over the picturesque South Downs in West Sussex. Now in its 8th year!

BUPA London 10,000 26 May 2014 CRY has a number of charity places for this popular event and we also welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. Please contact the fundraising team to register your interest or for more information.

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk July 2014 (Date TBC) Join us on the 8th CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk to raise awareness and funds for CRY. The walk’s 8km (5 mile) route will start at Victoria Embankment Gardens and finish at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge. Please e-mail if you would like to register your interest and we will advise you when registration opens.

Prudential RideLondon – Surrey 100 August 2014 (Date TBC) CRY has a limited number of charity places and also welcomes any ‘own place’ cyclists for the 2nd RideLondon 100. Starting at The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, participants will cycle the roads across London and into Surrey, following the famous road race route of London 2012, finishing 100 miles later on The Mall. They will be followed by some of the world’s greatest cyclists who will be taking part in RideLondon Classic, so riders must be able to finish this exciting new challenge in less than 9 hours. To find out more please contact the fundraising team.

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates For further details, please visit

CRY update • Issue 60 • 87

Cardiac Risk in the Young Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail:

Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include conditions such as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC); hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM); Wolff Parkinson White syndrome (WPW); long QT; Brugada syndrome; and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young.

CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. CRY aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD. In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

Our Patrons

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our charity. Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John Barrowman,

Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, James Cracknell OBE, Brian Dooher, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Baroness Ilora Finlay, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Rob Key, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Graeme McDowell MBE, Bill Neely, Lawrence Okoye, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew TriggsHodge MBE, Andrew Trimble, David Walliams, Alison Waters, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE and Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE

Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD. By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support service; the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at the Royal Brompton Hospital; the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St. George’s Hospital and the CRY myheart Network to support young people living with potentially lethal cardiac conditions. CRY also requires funding to support medical research into YSCD; and to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the London Marathon or the Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources.

If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of overseas trekking and cycling events. For more information visit or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

CRY is always extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • The Black Family Charitable Trust • The Celtic Charity Fund • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity • Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Malcolm Chick Charity • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation, Inc.

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