CRY Update Magazine - Issue 69

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Cardiac Risk in the Young News and Events | Raising Awareness | Our Fundraisers

Update 69 | January to April 2016

In this

Newsletter Anniversaries

| 12

CRY at intu Uxbridge

| 14

myheart website relaunch

| 17

Interview with Dr Finocchiaro

| 19

BBC Lifeline appeal

| 20

Virgin Money London Marathon 2016

| 22

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CRY Update 69 January to April 2016 Editor Dr Steve Cox

Chief Executive

Deputy Editor James Slade

Newsletter Editor

As Deputy Editor of the Update it is my responsibility to put together this newsletter, and it is my ambition that you should find all the CRY news, events and fundraising in the following pages to be of interest. I always endeavour to ensure the information printed in this newsletter is accurate, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you notice something amiss. CRY receives an incredible amount of support and I know occasionally an error will slip through, however any fundraising corrections will be clearly demarcated at the beginning of the subsequent issue’s fundraising section. I would appreciate hearing from you at or on 01737 363222 if you have any feedback or comments regarding previous issues. Thank you for your help.


Inside Update 69 Meet Our Representatives News from the Chief Executive Alison’s Column Extra CRY News CRY Screening Report myheart News CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Report

3 4 12 14 15 17 18

Research News BBC Lifeline Appeal Virgin Money London Marathon 2016

19 20 22

Our Fundraisers Raising Awareness in the Media Fundraising Events 2016/17

28 84 90

Alison Cox MBE Founder Sara Santos Vidal PA to Professor Mary Sheppard

For more details regarding the events shown on the cover, please turn to the corresponding page references below. Images are listed clockwise from top left:

Rebecca Zouvani

• Helen Picridas and Team 147 take part in the Thames Bridges Trek in memory of her fiancée, James Pettifer, page 65 • Captains Kate Hood and Christine Ross lead a year’s fundraising at East Berkshire Golf Club in memory of Lewis Marsh, page 59 • CRY Patron Pixie Lott presents a BBC Lifeline appeal for CRY, page 20 • Actors Vincent Regan, Adrian Rawlins and Mark Addy attend a theatre gala in memory of Josh Fell, page 43 • Fiona Shoults holds the third annual Greggstival in memory of her brother, Gregg, page 69 • CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE presents a machine funded by Beefy’s Charity Foundation, page 15 • 118 CRY runners including Patron Bill Neely take part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2016, page 22 • Richard Wade climbs to the summit of Aconcagua in memory of his fiancé, Lesley Boden, and unborn daughter, Rosina, page 31 • Della Tudisca organises a ladies’ day in memory of her daughter, Isabelle, page 73 • Matteo Perucchini wins the solo category of a 3,000-mile rowing race across the Atlantic, page 82 • CRY Patron Simon Halliday and Mark Jackson run the Bath Half Marathon in memory of Howard and Sebastian English and James Graham, page 8 • Rita Courlander sells British goods at the Luxembourg International Bazar in memory of Oliver Thompson, page 72 • Sue and Chris Dewhirst organise a 21st birthday concert for their son, Matthew, page 39

Fundraising Manager Head Office: Unit 1140B The Axis Centre Cleeve Road Leatherhead KT22 7RD

Submission guidelines: We include activities in the “Our Fundraisers” section that raise £100 or more. If you can supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the deputy editor at Entries appear in the “Our Fundraisers” section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles can only appear in the “Raising Awareness in the Media” section if we receive permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. Images of CRY Patrons and Members of Parliament throughout have been highlighted in red.


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health-related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

Copyright © 2016 Cardiac Risk in the Young. Registered Charity No. 1050845 A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No. 3052985 Registered Office: Helmores UK LLP, 13/15 Carteret Street, Westminster, London, SW1H 9DJ

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Meet Our Representatives it undertaken in Denmark. It took more than two years to get the results back but they showed conclusively that James had died of long QT. This vindicated Sanjay’s original diagnosis, and there followed DNA testing for the family. All tests came back negative, and it was a massive relief that our daughter Abi was clear.

Jeff and Sandra Markham Representatives in West London When in November 2001 our son James collapsed and died outside the family home, we were devastated. How could a seemingly fit and active 21-year-old die without warning? At the time of James’s death Sandra was recovering from a broken leg, and our GP made a house call. He thought James may have died from a cardiac arrhythmia. His thoughts proved to be invaluable. During research we found CRY, and they – along with close friends and relatives – were amazing. CRY introduced us to the then Dr Sanjay Sharma, and he thought James had died from long QT syndrome. The family were all tested but nothing conclusive was found.

We then turned back to James’s death certificate, and after several unsuccessful starts, had a successful outcome in the High Court ordering a fresh inquest. This was undertaken, and James’s death was then correctly recorded as “Cardiac Arrhythmia Long QT”. Throughout this long process we had really good support from our coroner and coroner’s officer. We had also maintained close contact with CRY, had received great support from the Bereavement Support Programme, and we thought it was now time to give something back. In 2014 we offered to become CRY Representatives, to support other families with their inquests. We have also been working closely with CRY to ensure all coroners offer the same excellent level of service given to us, and receive appropriate training. We have also undertaken visits to local schools. The first was to talk to sixth form students following the death of one of their peers, and

the second to talk to the whole school about the work of CRY and assist in their fundraising for CRY. We feel this is a very good way of raising awareness, and hope to make many more school visits. After several years of running “Walk and Talk” with five other founder members, we were delighted that in the autumn of 2014 CRY agreed to endorse and help with the advertising. We agreed in 2015 to start a second walking group run by Linda and Geoff Goodwin in Gloucestershire, and if this proves successful we hope to open other groups across the UK in 2016. For more information please visit

The original inquest came and went but we remember little about it. James’s death was recorded as “Unascertained” with “Natural Causes”, but as time passed we became more and more unhappy with the verdict. We understood DNA testing was not available on the NHS at this time, but a friend arranged to have


News from the Chief Executive Dr Steve Cox

CRY Chief Executive

@Drstevenjcox drstevenjcox

January BBC and ITV cover the Tonbridge Angels’ fightback January 9 and 11 The first CRY screening event funded by the Football Fightback initiative in memory of Tonbridge Angels players Junior Dian and Jack Maddams attracted the attention of the BBC and ITV local news. Junior collapsed and died aged 24 during a trial for Tonbridge in July 2015, and his death sparked a call for action throughout nonLeague football in Kent and the south east. CRY supporter Roger Maddams, whose 17-year-old son Jack (pictured) died in March 2008 having played for the club, has had a significant role in the subsequent fundraising. Football Fightback has beaten their target of raising £28,000 for screening 800 young sportspeople through CRY. I was glad to visit the Angels’ Longmead Stadium myself that weekend, alongside former footballer and CRY Patron Andy Scott and British Olympian Dame Kelly Holmes MBE, who grew up in the area. Dame Kelly spoke of her support for the screenings and had an ECG herself at the event, telling BBC South East Today: “If you’ve seen a friend [collapse] or you know of somebody else or you’ve seen it in your sport and something happens, then automatically

At Longmead Stadium with Patron Andy Scott, Dame Kelly Holmes MBE, Tom Tugendhat MP, supporter Roger Maddams and staff and players of Tonbridge Angels


you’re going to be thinking, ‘Oh my God, well what if it happens to me?’ – so actually having a place and a system that can give peace of mind must be so much better.” The sudden death of Junior has had a big effect on his teammates at Tonbridge, and Angels Captain Tommy Parkinson spoke to ITV Meridian during his screening, saying: “You look at Junior pre-season, I mean he was as fit as anyone – but it could happen to anyone. I think it’s something that should be done in schools, or more frequently at the doctor’s, because you never know if your heart’s all right or not.” Football Fightback has already booked a further two screening weekends in 2016. For the BBC South East Today report please visit bbc9116ff For the ITV Meridian News report please visit itv11116ff

Dyffryn Taf screening on ITV Wales January 23 ITV reported on the first CRY screening in memory of Dean Mason (pictured) to use the new equipment funded in his memory at his former school, Dyffryn Taf, in Whitland, Carmarthenshire. Dean was 26 when he died on holiday in June 2010, and his family have since raised over £110,000 for CRY. In 2015 the Masons funded a full mobile screening unit of three ECG machines, an echocardiogram and a van to transport them, in addition to having already funded screening for over 600 in south Wales with another weekend booked for next year. Dean’s brother, Daniel, explained that it is the frequency and impact of young sudden cardiac death – and the common absence of any warning signs – that motivates his family to fund screening in their community: “The screening, we think, is vitally important because it’s a

Dean’s family with the echocardiogram funded in his memory at the screening

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

News from the Chief Executive large number of people that it affects, and such with my brother the first symptom of a problem was his passing.” For the ITV Wales News report please visit itv23116dm

Ruth Lowe interviewed by BBC Radio Lancashire January 29 Presenter Graham Liver spoke to CRY National Representative Ruth Lowe on BBC Radio Lancashire’s breakfast show, in relation to northwest charity Heartbeat’s screening of amateur Lancashire footballers. The interview was preceded by several members of the public recorded answering questions about heart disease affecting young people. Paraphrasing, many people commented along the lines of: “As long as you eat right and go to the gym you’ll be okay.” Heartbeat CEO Jill Rogerson, in the studio with Ruth, agreed that this is a belief we need to change. Jill used the statistic that there are at least 12 young sudden deaths a week from inherited heart conditions, before Ruth went on to describe the circumstances of the death of her son Andrew Parr (pictured) in April 2004. Ruth was away for Easter, calling to check on Andrew and remind him of a dentist’s appointment. Preston police picked up the phone, and said she needed to speak with her sister. Pathology later confirmed that Andrew had suffered two heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) in the period before his fatal cardiac arrest; he had complained of indigestion in the weeks prior. Ruth has been organising CRY screenings in Lancashire for nearly 10 years, saying that she feels it has helped with her grief and if she can help in some way, she must. She outlined the symptoms to watch out for that might make someone consider attending – but also stressed that these conditions don’t always offer warning signs and can affect anyone, however fit and healthy: “It is indiscriminate.” Ruth offered the example of a confident young swimmer who attended with his friend at one of her screenings, and was diagnosed with Wolff-ParkinsonWhite syndrome – a potentially fatal cause of arrhythmias.

CRY Information Day January 30 Our 2016 CRY Information Day was held at the Holiday Inn, Sutton, with 27 Representatives and Bereavement Supporters in attendance. I attended with CRY Founder

Alison Cox MBE, Community Fundraising Manager Ben Robinson, Family Screening Manager Tony Hill, Bereavement Support Programme Manager Lily Burke, and Senior Administrators Maria Carter and Sue Kelly. The CRY Information Day is a chance for our Representatives to get together and hear about the progress we’ve made over the previous year, as well as our plans for the future. It was my first such event as CRY’s CEO and I really enjoyed the opportunity to discuss our future initiatives with some of CRY’s most dedicated supporters.

February Julie Badon on BBC Radio Leeds February 5 Julie Badon was interviewed by Liz Green on BBC Radio Leeds about the sudden death of her son Adrian (pictured) aged 27 in June 2014. Adrian had been expecting his first child. Julie admitted that speaking on the radio about her son’s tragedy was “a difficult thing to do”, but she feels there needs to be more awareness of cardiac risk in apparently healthy young people: “We wanted to make something positive come out of something bad, that’s the only way that I can deal with it.” Presenter Liz mentioned Danny Jones, the rugby league player for nearby Keighley who collapsed on the field in May 2015, and that his widow Lizzie had sung on the show. “It’s not a new phenomenon,” Julie replied. “But what I wasn’t aware of at the time was that it affects at least 600 young people every year, and it may be more if it’s properly reported. On Adrian’s death certificate it says ‘no definitive anatomical cause’, so it’s really hard to research in relation to that when that’s what you’re given.” Olivia Bedford, a talented young singer joining Julie in the studio, then sang “Live, Laugh and Love” live. The song was written and recorded by Olivia in memory of Adrian, and is available from with 20% of proceeds to CRY.


News from the Chief Executive CRY intu shop raises awareness in Uxbridge February 15–21

BBC Lifeline appeal February 21 and 24

Shopping chain intu’s Uxbridge centre nominated CRY to be one of their charity partners for 2016 and donated the use of an empty retail store for the week beginning Monday 15 February. Several of intu’s centres had previously played host to indie-alternative band Miccoli for their “Hit the Malls” 2014/15 tour for CRY, but it was another musician we were associated with on this occasion. We offered clothing and apparel for sale donated by our fantastically supportive Patron Pixie Lott in order to raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death and our screening programme.

We were delighted to be invited to raise awareness and funds through the BBC’s Lifeline charity programme in February, a huge opportunity for exposure on BBC One and Two. Alongside the BBC production team, we developed a thread which connected the tragedy of young sudden cardiac death to the lives being saved through proactive screening. We are very grateful to the families of Matt Beadle and Adam Donnelly for giving us permission to tell their stories in the programme, and to myheart members Sian Donnelly and James Bailey for sharing the stories of their diagnosis and treatment.

For the article please turn to Extra CRY News on page 14.

Nicola Everill interviewed on Signal 1 Radio February 16 Jordan Burndred (pictured) died in October 2015 after collapsing in the pool on holiday, and mum Nicola Everill spoke to local radio station Signal 1 about her four months of campaigning since the tragedy. “Through losing Jordan, it’s just giving us something to focus on, and if we can save people from going through what we’re going through then that makes me feel a lot better about myself,” she said, adding that she thinks the support for her fundraising is down to Jordan himself: “17 years is a short time but people say so many wonderful things about him it’s unreal.” The first CRY screening in Jordan’s memory was due to take place the next day at the James Bateman Junior High School, and Jordan’s family have already funded and booked another day in September, with two more planned for 2017. “I don’t want it to be just this year or next year,” she explained. “We need to get the message out there because before this happened to Jordan I wasn’t really aware of how important it was – and I think people now need to understand that this could happen to them at any time, at any point in their lives.” For Nicola’s interview please visit


At the Theatre Royal Haymarket with CRY Patron Pixie Lott, myheart Representative Sian Donnelly and CRY Founder Alison Cox MBE

Holding the nine-minute programme together was CRY Patron Pixie Lott, who knew Matt through her dance school where he was a teacher, and knew of Adam through her sister. Pixie offers us a lot of her time to help raise awareness and she was extraordinarily busy in February rehearsing to play Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I went with Alison to the Theatre Royal Haymarket to watch Pixie deliver her pieces for the film and she was brilliant – a true professional. Also speaking was CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma from the CRY centre at St George’s Hospital, London, who leant the weight of his expertise to the necessity and viability of our national cardiac screening and research programmes. Thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of everyone involved, our message directly raised over £10,000 through donations and reached over a million people. For more about our BBC Lifeline appeal please turn to the article on page 20, or to watch the programme please visit

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

News from the Chief Executive BBC Inside Out West Midlands explores screening for young sudden cardiac death February 29 Dr Ranj Singh presented a feature on the BBC’s Inside Out West Midlands programme considering the case for screening young people for cardiac conditions. Dr Singh interviewed Nicola Everill, mum of Jordan Burndred, who died suddenly aged 17 last year; Dr Bode Ensam, CRY Research Fellow; the British Heart Foundation (BHF); and me. The UK National Screening Committee (NSC) declined to be interviewed. This film highlights the incredible strength of CRY families taking forward screening in their local communities. Nicola speaks passionately about the driving force of her bereavement at the screening funded and organised in her son’s memory, saying: “I just can’t bear the thought of letting another family go through what I’ve been through. It’s been absolute hell, it’s been a nightmare. So I find the courage and the strength to get days like today up and running, and then it makes me feel like I’m keeping Jordan’s memory alive.”

I also made clear that it is false information for the NSC to say there is no management pathway after a diagnosis – there is so much doctors can do. When a condition is identified the person will receive lifestyle advice (e.g. avoidance of high-risk activities and/or certain drugs/ medications), sometimes treatment and sometimes corrective surgery. When this lifestyle advice is followed it will dramatically reduce the chance of a cardiac arrest. Many people who are identified with cardiac conditions will be able to continue playing sport, exercising and living a healthy life. However, for some conditions, competitive sport is a bad choice and the sooner a young person finds this out and adjusts their lifestyle, the better. The most important muscle in their body is their heart. Most deaths are not in elite athletes and that is why screening in grassroots sport and within local communities is essential. Giving local young people the chance to be tested is the motivation of so many tirelessly selfless bereaved families like Jordan’s. “Every child’s life is important,” Nicola says. “Jordan can’t be saved, sadly – but there’s a lot of people out there that can.” For a corresponding BBC article, with clips from the programme, please visit

March BBC Radio Scotland visit Arbroath school screening March 8 Dr Singh visited the James Bateman Junior High School CRY screening day to show how they operate; CRY Research Fellow Dr Bode Ensam (fourth from left) explained our thorough, ECG-led procedure for the programme

However, the film also shows the weakness of the way the government and those groups who are against cardiac screening understand the debate. Dr Anne Mackie, NSC Director, questioned in a statement whether there was “an overall benefit” to cardiac screening. The BHF’s Dr Mike Knapton acknowledged sudden cardiac deaths are devastating, but said tests aren’t “sufficiently accurate”. Dr Singh visited our office in Leatherhead to interview me and I explained that the ECG is a powerful test to identify young people at risk. Some people will be identified with cardiac conditions who would otherwise have lived a normal life; not every person with an undiagnosed cardiac condition will die young. However, the consequence of not knowing can be a tragedy and that is why screening is now routine in many sports, careers like piloting, and in many institutions where there has been a young sudden death.

Michael Cadman (pictured) was 17 years old when he died of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) in December 2007. Two days of screening in his memory – at his former school, Arbroath High School – drew the attention of local radio and press including BBC Radio Scotland. Michael’s sister Jennifer explained to reporter Andrew Anderson why Michael’s family had worked to raise the profile of the event, drawing attention to the difference media engagement can make. Andrew also spoke to 16-year-old Arbroath pupil Cameron, who described his screening as “simple as could be”, before Teresa Brennan, the CRY cardiac physiologist who carried out Cameron’s ECG, illustrated the numbers of CRY screenings taking place every week, as well as the reasons for the screening programme: “When you’re young you’re obviously on the whole much fitter and much livelier,” saying that young people don’t necessarily pay much attention to symptoms even when they have any. “If you get the opportunity to have a test done, why not have it done?”


News from the Chief Executive National Mums Bereavement Support Day March 12 The National Mums Bereavement Support Day was held on March 12 at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham and seven mums registered to attend. CRY Founder Alison Cox MBE led the day, assisted by trainee Bereavement Supporters Sue Fisher (pictured above left) and Marion Hayman (pictured below left), and counsellor Andy Usher.

BBC Radio Orkney visit northernmost CRY screening March 12 Fionn McArthur, BBC Radio Orkney presenter, visited a Saturday screening at the Pickaquoy Centre, Kirkwall – the furthest north a CRY screening team has ever been. Over the weekend 200 young people in Orkney were being screened in memory of Alan Bain (pictured), who collapsed aged 30 in July 2011. CRY screening doctor Stathis Papatheodorou explained the reasons for the screening and the process on the day. “From what you’re saying there it’s very difficult to actually target those who are most at risk,” Fionn said, “really you just need to screen every young person?” Dr Papatheodorou confirmed, pointing to the simplicity and sensitivity of the tests to find conditions which usually present no symptoms.

memory of Howard and Sebastian English (pictured). A decade later, with fellow runner Mark Jackson, he took part in the event for the last time, again to raise awareness and funds for CRY. After retiring from an international Patrons Simon Halliday and Lee Mears with Mark rugby career Jackson (Bath RFC scrum-half Chris Cook’s step-dad) for Bath and England in 1992 due to injury, Simon had an operation on his ankle which made long-distance running a painful challenge – but possible. Tragically, Simon’s final Bath Half Marathon was motivated by the death of another friend, and the first sponsor of his 2006 event, James Graham. Simon reported on his JustGiving page, where he’s raised over £4,500: “Bath Half record was broken, not by me! A tight calf two miles in condemned me to a slow pace, especially as my strapped ankle already protesting. The last 20mins a nostalgic pleasure, lost to panto horse but beat Bath rugby ball. A final thanks to you all!” We are very grateful for Simon and Mark’s determination to undertake another half marathon for CRY’s benefit.

Sir Ian Botham’s Beefy Foundation makes a third £20,000 donation March 23

Nancy Gibson, the principal fundraiser for Alan’s fund, was “absolutely delighted” with their first screening: “We were completely surprised about how quickly it had all got booked up, it was booked up within the day which is a record, they say… Now we’ve just seen how successful it is and how many people are really getting behind it we’d love it to become an annual thing.” Another screening has been booked for April next year.

CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE made a third £20,000 donation to CRY this year to go towards the purchase of an echocardiogram. Beefy’s Charity Foundation has funded a full mobile screening unit (comprising a van, four ECG machines and an echo machine) over two years.

Simon Halliday runs the Bath Half Marathon March 13 Our Patron Simon Halliday first ran the Bath Half Marathon in 2006 with a host of former rugby club players and internationals, raising over £100,000 for CRY in


Patron Sir Ian Botham OBE with an ECG funded by the Beefy Foundation

For more information please turn to the CRY Screening Report on page 15.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

News from the Chief Executive Incognito graffiti artist donates artwork March 31 BBC Radio Stoke reported on the donation from an anonymous local artist (he or she is only known by their pseudonym, “Professor Pigment”) of a mural for the recently named Jordan Burndred Stand at Kypersley Sports and Social Club, Stoke-on-Trent. The memorial features Jordan’s likeness with the words: “Missed by friends. Family. Stoke-onTrent.”

April Pixie Lott screened by CRY Our Patron Pixie Lott was booked to undergo her own cardiac screening with CRY in April, and she was very glad to use her heart check to help spread CRY’s message. Pixie said: “I have also experienced CRY’s pioneering screening programme first hand – having been tested by CRY’s team of experts earlier this year. I was lucky enough to have been given the all-clear but it’s vital that screening – and CRY’s many other services – can continue delivering support to young people and their families across the UK.”

Wedlake Bell donate Premier League promotion April 9 As part of London legal firm Wedlake Bell’s ongoing support for their charity of the year, CRY was donated a great awareness platform at Selhurst Park for the Premier League fixture Crystal Palace FC vs Norwich City FC. CRY’s message that at least 12 young people die suddenly every week in the UK and our screening services at www.testmyheart. org were advertised on the big screen for a near-capacity crowd of 24,960.

Dr Malhotra discusses cardiomyopathy on BBC World News April 12 News broke on the morning of April 12 that 26-year-old James Taylor, CRY Research Fellow an England international cricketer Dr Aneil Malhotra just beginning to establish himself in the side, had been forced to retire following a diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). James had posted a picture on Twitter from hospital and seemed to be doing well to stay positive. Former footballer Fabrice Muamba, whose dramatic sudden cardiac arrest on live television shocked the sporting world in 2012, wished James well with the advice that “having life is a great option”. CRY Research Fellow Dr Aneil Malhotra spoke that evening on BBC World News Today with presenter Karin Giannone. Dr Malhotra described the condition ARVC, and confirmed that “exercise is very good, there are multi-faceted benefits of exercise”, but said screening was crucial to identify those who have potentially life-threatening conditions and reduce the risk of a cardiac event like Fabrice’s. For a statement from my interview with Sky Sports News following James’s diagnosis please visit For an interview with Research Fellow Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro about his scientific review, “The Safety of Exercise in Individuals with Cardiomyopathy”, please turn to Research News on page 19.


News from the Chief Executive Family of George Watson on BBC Radio Derby April 16 BBC Radio Derby’s Aleena Naylor visited the parents of George Watson (pictured) at their home to talk about their participation in the Derby 10K the next day, Sunday 17 April. Marie and Dave spoke of the sudden death of their 17-year-old son in January 2015 from myocarditis – an inflammation of the heart – and why they were now running for CRY. “He was fine – he was fit, he was healthy,” Dave described. “He was a typical teenager really, liked his bed, he’d got a little job, he was at college, he was bright, he was intelligent, he used to run, walked everywhere.” The couple have two younger children, and Marie said that after speaking to CRY Founder Alison Cox MBE, subsequent family testing thankfully revealed there was nothing hereditary that might have been passed through their family: “We’ve since had results and they’re both fine, Billy and Scarlet, as are me and Dave.” Marie and Dave have now set up a memorial fund for George and a huge group of 41 were due to take part in the 6.2-mile race the next day. “They consist of family and friends – people that run, people that don’t run, people that haven’t until now. We have six teachers from George’s old school.” Team George have now surpassed their fundraising target, with a total of over £8,000 raised between seven JustGiving pages for the event.

Spring National myheart Meeting April 17 A national myheart meeting was held at the Holiday Inn in Sutton, with 11 young people aged between 14 and 35 registered to attend. This was the first myheart meeting for two new members. Counsellor Alan Jones led the group in the morning for the members to discuss how they have coped with their condition, and any other related issues that might have arisen since their diagnosis. After lunch, myheart Consultant Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis offered the opportunity for those attending to informally discuss medical queries in a question and answer session.


myheart Consultant Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis

Kent Sports News speak to Rio Ferdinand at Why Not Run April 17 Former footballer and England Captain Rio Ferdinand again showed his support at the Why Not Run event hosted by Farringtons School in memory of Ben Daniels (pictured). “I think CRY is a fantastic cause and raising awareness is key, and events like this do that.” He made an excellent point in the interview, stating that successful charity sport events like Why Not Run do a great job of exposing young people to the importance of screening through their participation: “I think everyone needs to do it and sport is a great vehicle in driving that and making people aware of it. The more events like this we have the better.”

Image credit: Kent Sports News

Paul Daniels, Ben’s dad and Why Not Run organiser, said: “It’s a legacy in his name to raise awareness that young people can be screened for their cardiac health, to give people the opportunity to raise money for that screening, and then through CRY to put on that screening.” To watch the interview with Rio and Paul on YouTube please visit

The BMJ criticises Italian screening proponents April 20 The cardiac screening debate as presented in the April 20 issue of British medical journal The BMJ (bit. ly/bmj20416dc) was very interesting. I use the word “interesting” because of the unacceptable way in which they chose to present the arguments. Rightfully, there was a backlash on social media criticising the paper. One of the most eminent sports cardiologists, Professor Domenico Corrado, was criticised by Belgian researchers for not sharing his data with academics outside Italy: “An Italian researcher who led the only group that has shown that screening young people reduces sudden cardiac

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

News from the Chief Executive death has refused to share the group’s data with other researchers and England’s health secretary.” The request appears to have been to share new data from Italy’s athletic screening programme, prior to the professor having the opportunity to publish them: “Specifically, [Health Secretary] Hunt wanted to know whether there were any data not in the public domain and, if so, whether these data could be provided to the UK National Screening Committee.” Professor Corrado’s response to the Belgian researchers was: “We were analysing new data on sport-related mortality in the Veneto region of Italy during the last decade and that updated data were not available for public release yet.” Academics invest a huge amount of time and energy in collecting and analysing data. It is shocking to me that they can be subjected to criticism for not sharing these data with other academic institutions prior to having the opportunity to publish. Do we no longer trust the process of peer review? It is the responsibility of a journal’s reviewers to ensure there are no gaps in an accepted paper’s analysis and the conclusions are valid. The research from Professor Corrado criticised in The BMJ has been published in The New England Journal of Medicine (, the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical periodical in the world; and JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association, jam20416ab), the most widely circulated medical journal in the world. Most of the attention around the screening debate has focussed on sport and antagonists may argue the harms are greater than the benefits, or the numbers of deaths do not warrant action. But I would be very surprised if every major sport in the UK had not suffered a tragedy at a high level since CRY was founded in 1995. When we started screening the Team GB Olympic athletes in 2007, I was aware one of the elite triathletes had recently died. A year later, a highly ranked squash player died. In 2009, a year later, one of the rowers died; he had just missed the grade for the team we had tested. Two years later, just weeks after we screened the England U18 hockey team, one of their U16 players died. Leading up to the London Olympics in 2012 we screened just under 1,500 elite/podium GB athletes. All of the deaths in these sports occurred at the level just below the group of athletes we had tested as part of the Philips-funded Olympic programme. The following year another U18 squash player and an U18 ASA swimmer died. At 2015’s ESC (European Society of Cardiology) Congress there was a telling moment during a debate on whether or not to screen young people. The speaker was saying young people should not be tested with an ECG. A well-respected German cardiologist took the microphone and said this

was wrong. He asked all the cardiologists in the packed crowd to raise their hands if they had tested their own children. Overwhelmingly, hands were raised around the room to say they had. For Professor Corrado’s pivotal 2006 research paper on the Italian pre-participation screening programme please visit

118 CRY runners take part in the Virgin Money London Marathon April 24 The London Marathon took place on Sunday 24 April and we were so pleased to have another huge host of runners, 118, raising awareness and funds for CRY. This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and it is phenomenal how well everyone works together to make it such a success, so I would also like to thank the 16 massage therapists and 21 volunteers for helping to make the day special for our inspiring runners. CRY Patron Bill Neely amazingly took part for the seventh consecutive time for CRY, having run the marathon every year since 2010 in memory of Katrina Brown – an incredible achievement! We were as ever proud to see so many friends and family members cheering every one of our runners along the route, and it was lovely that so many of you visited our post-race reception at the Hilton London Green Park. Thank you to the Hilton for again hosting our runners and supporters after the race. It was a bitterly cold morning but that did not seem to cool anyone’s enthusiasm. For more information please turn to the article on page 22.


Alison’s Column Anniversaries In this nuclear age, when incidents and information can be shared worldwide at the touch of a button, we are constantly told of the terrible impact of critical life-changing events. Anniversaries respecting innocent bystanders killed in war, or servicemen during a Alison Cox MBE battle, create a dignified CRY Founder reminder of the loss and its often catastrophic consequences for those affected. They provide a safe haven for those who need to relive their personal memories and also provoke later generations that have not been exposed to war, who were too young to have borne witness to how their relatives died. At a personal level, no suffering can be more acutely felt than by those parents, relatives and friends affected by the sudden death of an apparently fit and healthy young person. CRY has created a library of booklets to help the bereaved better understand – and normalise – their feelings of grief. In this group of booklets addressing the different “Aspects of Grief” we most recently included Anniversaries following a young sudden cardiac death.

died and be sociable, innovative events when everyone is talking and remembering. Others are sober, sad times saved for grieving when they visit the grave, have quietness, and need dedicated time to reflect. Over the last 20 years I have been privileged to have had many examples shared with me both of an anniversary made public, or one of deeply protected privacy. Some years ago an elated mother called me to say that she had just celebrated her son’s 21st birthday with a party on the spot where he had died many years earlier on the football pitch. She was astonished – and relieved – that it had gone so well. Her courage in confronting her tragedy had inspired her friends and relatives to feel comfortable talking about him, reminiscing, enjoying reflecting on the good times they had shared. She found great joy in hearing new stories about him from relatives and his friends. Talking about the person who has died – bringing them into the present and thus part of life, as well as the lives of friends and family – not only keeps memories alive but also encourages others to spontaneously talk about them too.

The reception for this booklet was unprecedented – within two weeks of being launched we received further requests for over 200 booklets. This was in addition to over 2,000 being sent out to the bereaved families on our mailing list. Anniversaries for our families can be a time of uncompromising dread. It is a date that can be deliberately skipped around, avoided, or forgotten. Their fear of not coping; the indignation they can feel at the indifference of others; wondering if it will be worse than last year; the confirmation that another year has passed without their beloved child, sibling or partner in their lives anymore and forever. Managing their fluctuating emotions – absorbing them into their everyday life – is an enormous, exhausting and ongoing challenge. Some anniversaries are private, known only to themselves. Not revealed or spoken about to anyone. The first day of their child at school; the despair when their beloved sibling left home to start university; their first date with the person who became their life partner. Some carefully selected anniversaries they choose to make public, inviting others to join them. These can be celebrations of the short life of the young person who


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Alison’s Column

The CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk is attended each year by hundreds of those affected by a young sudden cardiac death in their family

Is there a way that CRY could find to further reduce suffering for our bereaved families? Some tell us that a word, a sentence or a story from one of our Grief booklets has provoked a line of thought that has really helped. A person might not agree with the author, but if they linger long enough to think about it, that can help them to know themselves better. And of all things that is the key. After such a catastrophic event no one is ever the same again. The “you” that you were has become a “new you”. As children grow up, and get to better know and understand themselves, it helps them appreciate the difficulties of others. It is called maturing. When an adult has to start to get to know their “new you” it is so much more difficult. Old friends are constantly trying to get you back to the person you once were. The person that was their friend. You have to explain – clearly enough for them to accept it – that you will never be that way again. The “new you” is constantly reflecting back to moments/ incidents/anniversaries that remind you of how things were “before”. “After” is about covering new ground thick with old memories. Anniversaries are not only planned occasions but can be unpredictable moments in time that leap out and catch you; swift and silent.

The success of our London Bridges Walk perhaps illustrates most clearly what can hugely help those bereaved by a young sudden cardiac death. Knowing that everyone around you has suffered like you; knowing they will understand the most innocuous comment; knowing that whatever you talk about to the stranger beside you they “get it and get you” in a way that few can because they have been/are there too. Knowing they have coped, are at the walk to show it and learn more, finding that the path ahead is not as lonely as they had feared. That there are thousands of people every year affected by a young sudden cardiac death in their family and struggling to understand the “new you” they have become. The quality of their lives, so brutally affected, holds a future that will astonish them if they spend time getting to know themselves – and in doing so they will inspire many others in their own struggle to come to terms with their tragedy.


Extra CRY News CRY pop-up shop at intu Uxbridge We were grateful to be donated a shop space by retail chain intu’s Uxbridge shopping centre for a full week from Monday to Sunday, February 15 to 21. The aim was to raise as much awareness as possible of young sudden cardiac death and CRY’s screening programme, drawing in shoppers with the opportunity to buy clothes donated by our Patron Pixie Lott. We were also raising awareness of the upcoming BBC Lifeline appeal, presented by Pixie, which was to be broadcast at lunchtime on February 21. The celebrity sale came after intu Uxbridge’s announcement of their 2016 charity partners, choosing to raise funds for CRY and two other charities. We are very grateful for intu Uxbridge’s support and will be continuing to work with them throughout 2016. The CRY shop was staffed by fundraising personnel and volunteers during the week, and thanks to Pixie’s generosity there was plenty of stock – ranging in price from £5 to £50 – so the clothes racks were busy yet never emptied.


CRY volunteer Tina MacMillan reported: “It was a pleasure! I thoroughly enjoyed talking to people about CRY and raising awareness of its very important message.” Over the course of the week the shop managed to raise £2,531.40 for CRY. Pixie’s clothes raised over £2,100, and the rest was raised through sales of CRY merchandise and donations at the shop, as well as from collection pots located elsewhere in the shopping centre. We remain extremely grateful to our volunteer shop assistants; thank you so much for all of your help and enthusiasm. CRY volunteers were: Lindsay Barnes; Jenny Boag; Wendy Harrington; Dinah Kerton; Birte and Munseng Lam; Tina MacMillan; Anna Mahoney; Jeff and Sandra Markham; Phil Marrs; Hannah Meekings; Massoumeh Nayyeri; Daniel Reilly; Keir Roger; Hannah Tobin; Alison Walton; Julie Wells; and Deborah and Michael Wilkin. For more information about CRY’s BBC Lifeline appeal with Patron Pixie Lott please turn to the article on page 20.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

CRY Screening Report

Between January and April 2016 CRY screened over 9,500 people, mostly through family memorial screenings. At our regular CRY clinics 1,029 young people were screened. Clinics were held at Newry Shamrocks Clubhouse, Newry, and the University of Ulster, Jordanstown campus (funded by the Northern Ireland Fund); and the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St George’s Hospital, London (6 funded by the Tom Clabburn and Claire Prosser Memorial Fund). Sports screenings included: Gillingham FC, Sevenoaks FC, Tonbridge Angels FC (funded by the Football Fightback Fund); England RFU U16s, England RFU

Counties U18s, Bradford Bulls RFLC, Castleford Tigers RFLC, Huddersfield Giants RFLC, Hull KR RFLC, Leeds Rhinos RFLC, Wakefield Wildcats RFLC, Wigan Warriors RFLC, RFL Championship, Athletics EIS, Cycling EIS, Bisham Abbey EIS, Holme Pierrepont EIS, British Triathlon Academy, England Women’s Cricket, Middlesex CCC, GB Taekwondo and England Squash. A total of 2,057 athletes were screened. At 27 family memorial screenings 4,272 people were screened. These were held in memory of Josh Merrick (Manchester), Neil Desai (Surrey), Dean Mason (Carmarthenshire), Matthew Thoppil (Newcastle upon Tyne), Matthew Hesmondhalgh (Lancashire), Matthew Cragg (Surrey), Jack Thomas (Blackwood), Adam Swanwick (Lancashire), David Moss (Stoke-on-Trent), Jordan Burndred (Stoke-on-Trent), Zoe Teale (Birmingham and Stourbridge), Harry Dubois (Altrincham and Salford), Joseph Halliwell (Cheshire), Matthew Seymour (Inverclyde), Martyn Luckett (Devon), Michael Cadman (Angus), Alan Bain (Orkney), Ollie Marsden (Devon), David Green (Bognor Regis), Owen Morris (Cardiff), Ben Daniels (Kent), Stuart Cutler (Livingston),

Charlie Ibrahimi (Teddington), Aaron Dixon (Cheshire), Shamil Hamid (London), Julian Wort (Somerset), Stewart Howard (Norfolk), Lewis Marsh (Sandhurst) and John Marshall (Lancashire). A total of 1,936 young people were screened at 14 school screenings, which were held at Felixstowe Academy, Suffolk; St John’s School, Surrey; Canford School, Dorset; Bryanston School, Dorset; Cheltenham Ladies College, Gloucestershire; Cranleigh School, Surrey; Reed’s School, Surrey; University of Gloucestershire; Sedbergh School, Cumbria; Eton College, Windsor; Wellington College, Berkshire; The Royal School, Armagh; and Millfield School, Somerset. At 2 further public screenings 192 young people were screened. These were held in Whitchurch, Cardiff, and Pontypridd, Rhondda Cynon Taf (funded by Welsh Hearts). At 5 further private screenings 503 young people were screened. These were held in Camberley, Surrey; Wirral, Merseyside; Barry, Vale of Glamorgan; and Weston, Staffordshire.

Funds for echocardiogram donated by CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE On 23 March 2016, Beefy’s Charity Foundation, the charitable trust founded by CRY Patron and Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE, granted the funds for an echocardiogram – completing the donation of a full CRY mobile screening unit in just over two years. The trust donated funds for a screening van in 2014 and funded four ECG machines in November 2015, just a few months before this donation. Sir Ian is pictured with his grandchildren and an ECG funded by Beefy’s Charity Foundation. For our raising awareness video voiced by Sir Ian please visit


CRY Screening Report CRY screening in memory of Michael Cadman at Arbroath High School (AHS), Angus, on March 8 and 9 Ian, Jessie and Jennifer Cadman, Michael’s parents and sister: “The screening team really were excellent across the board – interacting with pupils, providing reassurance, liaising with the AHS team, and dealing with several media outlets requesting interviews. We and AHS were very impressed with the team and found them to be friendly and approachable, and we very much appreciate all their hard work and willingness to squeeze in some walk-in requests by pupils on the day.” Headteacher Bruce Pandrich: “The two-day screening programme at AHS was a great success with so many pupils screened. Mr and Mrs Cadman and their daughter Jennifer were supportive throughout the preparations for the screening, and over the two days – with other members of their family and friends – provided invaluable encouragement and support. We are proud to have Michael as a former pupil and he was in our thoughts throughout the screening, which was such a fitting tribute to him.” Ellen Wilson, form S5: “The opportunity to get my heart screened by CRY was something I didn’t need to think twice about before signing up for it: it was a must. I’d never had any worries about my heart before my scan but, like Michael, I could just be oblivious to potential problems. So I must thank Michael’s family for allowing senior pupils at AHS the chance to have our hearts checked so that hopefully tragic deaths like Michael’s can be avoided in the future.”

CRY screening in memory of Julian Wort at Oakfield Academy, Somerset, on April 23

What happens at a screening? Cameron Burns, form S5, Arbroath High School: “The screening consisted, in terms of what I had to do, of taking my shirt off and lying relaxed on the table. Teresa Brennan, the cardiac physiologist, did the rest. Teresa rubbed the specific parts of my chest with some special wipe in order to make the readings from the heart clearer. She then stuck some stickers on the places she had previously wiped and clipped the clips to them. I felt nothing of this, Teresa and I just had a wee chat about school and her job, no worries crossed my mind at all.” The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple, non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within the heart. This part of the process only takes two to three minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5–10% of individuals), an echocardiogram can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of the heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

Shirley Wort, Julian’s mum: “We held our third screening day on April 23 at Oakfield Academy in Frome, Somerset. “93 young people were screened on the day. My friend Paula Smart helped us to set up on the Friday evening, and also helped all day on the Saturday. “We were very grateful to Tony and all the team for all their hard work and dedication. “We have had lots of lovely feedback from everyone and hopefully raised awareness of the importance of screening.”


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

News relaunch As part of CRY’s 20th anniversary awareness and support initiatives, the unique myheart website www.myheart. was relaunched in response to feedback from our members. Central to the new website is a members-only area featuring an online forum – a confidential place where myheart members can connect with each other to discuss any issues or concerns related to living with their diagnosis. It’s also a great place for members to gain support and discuss their experiences with other young people who have a cardiac condition. The members’ blog is another new way for myhearters to share their thoughts and stories with each other. The new website also features videos from CRY myheart Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis, who answers FAQs such as how to safely exercise with a cardiac condition. Videos from myheart members offer personal insight into how best to cope with a diagnosis as a young person; or the way they approached treatment, such as ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) surgery. Details of future myheart meetings are also regularly updated on the website. Held twice a year, each session comprises group counselling (to discuss any social challenges that have arisen), informal Q&A with Dr Papadakis and the opportunity to meet and talk to others who have been similarly affected. Visit to explore for yourself!

Up the Pace 2016 CRY was again very kindly invited to hold a stand at Up the Pace, an annual event in its sixth year organised by Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC) at the At-Bristol Science Centre on March 5. Kanika Bhateja, CRY myheart Coordinator, attended to let the attendees know about CRY’s support services for young people diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition. There were around 100 young pacemaker and ICD patients of BRHC who attended Up the Pace along with family members. The education day – featuring a combination of workshops, discussions, talks, training sessions and games – offers the patients and their families the opportunity to share experiences with each other as well as being a rich source of condition-centric information and guidance. Cardiac physiologists, cardiology doctors and specialist cardiac nurses were all available to offer their expertise throughout the day.

The myheart stand at the event gave Kanika the chance to speak to the patients who were learning to adjust to their device and also those who had more recently undergone ICD implantation surgery and were still getting used to it. Thank you to BRHC for giving us the opportunity to raise awareness of the myheart Network at this event.


CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Report Professor Mary Sheppard, Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Eleni Konstantinou, Laboratory Technician Khari Edwards, Laboratory Technician Sara Santos Vidal, PA to Professor Mary Sheppard

By Sara Santos Vidal, PA to Professor Mary Sheppard: Eleni Konstantinou and Khari Edwards, the CRY pathology laboratory bioscientists, are now fully trained. Both are now very skilled with the complex procedures we employ within the laboratory to conduct the cardiac pathology for families who are affected by a sudden cardiac death. The CRY National SADS Database is fully computerised and fully functional. We had 85 cases from January to April in 2016, a slight decrease from 88 during same period in 2015.

There is a dramatic improvement in turnaround time since 2015 – with a consistent 8-day average every month so far in 2016 – so families can get a report from the coroner rapidly. We also obtained consent for research in 50% of the cases, which is crucial for further understanding of the causes of sudden cardiac death. Visitors We have established the unit as a national training centre for cardiac and forensic pathologists: • Dr Chandroth Navin Pankajakshan, from Malaysia, visited from January to April. • Forensic Pathologist Dr Kunasilan Subramaniam, from Malaysia, visited from January to April.

• Consultant Pathologist Dr Elizabeth Webb, from Leicester, visited in January. • Dr Jon Lomasney, from Northwestern University, Chicago, visited in April. Invited Lectures/Meetings • Invited speaker on “Cardiac pathology: what can it tell us in sudden death in police custody” at The Royal Society of Medicine, London, on January 16. • Attended board meeting of the Association of European Cardiovascular Pathology (AECVP), Padua, Italy, on January 30. • Invited to participate in NHS England/Academy of Medical Sciences roundtable on a stratified approach to cardiovascular disease on March 17. • Invited speaker at the South London Inherited Cardiac Conditions (SLICC) Network on April 22. • Invited speaker to interactive workshop on pathology of inherited structural cardiac disorders at the Nowgen Centre, Manchester, on April 24. Teaching • Examiner of PhD on sudden cardiac death for Copenhagen University, Denmark. • Teaching workshop at the Hunterian Museum, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, on March 11. • Teaching “MSC in Genomic Medicine” at St George’s, University of London, on March 14. Inquests Professor Sheppard attended one inquest in Bristol, going for the full day and speaking to relatives, which is a vital part of her work with CRY.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Research News Interview with CRY Research Fellow Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro Edited excerpts from an interview with Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro, who has been a CRY Research Fellow since 2014, and had the paper “The Safety of Exercise in Individuals with Cardiomyopathy” published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology in April 2016. Why can exercise be considered a risk for people diagnosed with cardiomyopathies? Cardiomyopathies are a varied group of diseases which are characterised by mechanical and/or electrical abnormalities. They are a common cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes. Intense exercise involves a series of physiological changes. These are well tolerated in individuals with a normal healthy heart, whereas they may constitute a trigger for potentially fatal arrhythmias in subjects affected by cardiomyopathies. Therefore, both American and European guidelines suggest individuals diagnosed with cardiomyopathies avoid competitive exercise.

Is exercise always important, regardless of whether someone has a cardiac condition? Yes. Exercise has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of cancer, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Sports including climbing, gymnastics and weightlifting have a high static intensity

Aerobic exercise is recommended in patients with heart conditions such as heart failure and coronary artery disease. Individuals with cardiomyopathies are not excluded, but given the risk of fatal arrhythmias related to their condition, explosive bouts of exercise and very strenuous exercise should be avoided.

Why are certain types of sport particularly discouraged for cardiomyopathy patients? There are a few sports that are considered to be at low risk for sudden cardiac death even at a competitive level. These include sports with low static and low dynamic intensity, such as bowling, golf or billiards. Generally, all other sports are considered not safe for patients with cardiomyopathies if practised at a competitive level.

Sports including basketball, football and tennis have a high dynamic intensity

Sports including boxing, cycling and rowing have both a high static and high dynamic intensity

Are there significant differences between the cardiomyopathies in terms of risk due to exertion? Recent studies showed that certain cardiomyopathies, such as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), are likely to be significantly impacted by long-term exercise and sport. This condition is characterised by arrhythmias developing during exertion and the disease seems to be affected and worsened by sporting activities.

Can an ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) help reduce the risk of intensive exercise? Yes, it may do. However there is only one multicentre experience on this specific issue. We don’t have definitive data on risk and harms of competitive sport in patients with ICDs. Both American and European recommendations advocate exclusion of patients with cardiomyopathy and ICDs from most competitive sports, with the possible exception of those characterised by low static and low dynamic intensity.


BBC Lifeline Appeal

A nine-minute BBC Lifeline appeal for CRY was broadcast on Sunday 21 February 2016 on BBC One and Wednesday 24 February 2016 on BBC Two, watched by over 1,000,000 people in the UK and raising over £10,000.

CRY was chosen to be the charity Lifeline promoted in February, and the broadcast was lent some star power when our Patron Pixie Lott agreed to present the appeal. The 25-year-old singer has been superb in her efforts to help raise awareness over the past six years and her commitment to be the anchor for our film in a hectic period – just before her West End debut starring in Breakfast at Tiffany’s – was outstanding. Raising awareness of young sudden cardiac death is a cause close to Pixie’s heart as her childhood dance teacher Matt Beadle (pictured left) died following a cardiac arrest, aged 32. “He had a successful career in West End musicals, and was someone I really looked up to.” The film also features the story of Adam Donnelly (pictured below left), a close friend of Pixie’s older sister, who died suddenly when he was 17. Adam’s mother, Julie, and sister, Sian, go on to speak emotionally about the shock and pain of Adam’s death, as well as its medical consequences for them both.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

BBC Lifeline Appeal

Julie and Sian Donnelly were left without a reason for why Adam died, and did exceptionally well in the film to communicate the importance of that diagnosis, which eludes so many affected families. Through contacting CRY, they both went on to be diagnosed with Brugada syndrome, and Sian underwent a procedure to fit an implantable cardioverter defibrillator to restart her heart in the event of an arrhythmia. It has since saved her life three times. “If we hadn’t been screened as a family, I could have lost two children,” Julie says. “That doesn’t bear thinking about.” Pixie’s presentation and compelling interviews with the subjects of the film, including CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma, really hammered home the frequency as well as the impact of young sudden deaths like Matt’s and Adam’s. We were very pleased with the BBC creative team’s convincing structure, which successfully linked the tragedies with the importance of CRY’s work in supporting families, research and screening. After 24-year-old James Bailey describes being diagnosed with a life-threatening syndrome through a CRY screening at his school, and now being completely cured and back on the football pitch again, CRY’s proactive initiatives are shown to have come full circle to prevent future tragedies. In addition to the CRY appeal’s terrestrial broadcasts on BBC One and Two, the social media impact of the film was huge. We reached over 700,000 people through the Thunderclap launch alone, and we received great feedback about the film. We were particularly glad to learn that the awareness raised was not only responsible for young viewers deciding to get screened, but also prompted contact after young sudden cardiac death – and those affected can now receive our support. To watch the BBC Lifeline appeal or for more information please visit

Lifeline Series Producer Alex Steinitz filming with Professor Sanjay Sharma at St George’s Hospital


Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 Congratulations and a huge thank you to the 118 CRY runners who took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 24 April 2016.

We are very proud of all our runners and grateful to them for choosing to run for CRY. Among our runners was CRY Patron Bill Neely, Chief Global Correspondent for NBC, who took part for the seventh consecutive year in memory of Katrina Brown and finished in 3 hours, 19 minutes and 13 seconds. The weather was unseasonably chilly, especially for spectators and cheerers, however that did not dampen the enthusiasm of the crowds or the incredible atmosphere on the day. CRY staff Nat, Nicola, Rosie and Yassi headed to the start to meet the CRY runners and wish them all good luck. Thank you to everyone who came to meet us before their run. CRY staff, volunteers and supporters cheered at miles 18


and 23 to give our runners an extra boost to keep going. CRY volunteers Graeme Attridge; Bob and Carol Finch; Ed Hannon; Abi Jonas; and Katy, Chris, Lucy and Oliver Turberville waited in Waterloo Place, near the finish, to welcome the CRY runners. The first CRY runner to cross the finish line was Carl Ryde (who finished in a fantastic 2 hours, 23 minutes, 4 seconds) and the first back to the hotel were Richard Gordon and Barry Parker (who finished in a brilliant 3 hours, 19 minutes, 23 seconds and 3 hours, 19 minutes, 33 seconds respectively). As the afternoon progressed, more and more runners came back to the hotel, each of them welcomed with a well-deserved round of applause from CRY staff and volunteers.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 The main reception room was soon full of exhausted and elated runners and their proud friends and family sharing the highs and lows of the day. Alison Cox MBE, CRY Founder, chatted to runners and their families for part of the afternoon, as did the other CRY staff who all enjoyed meeting everyone and thanking them for their extraordinary efforts. A huge thank you to our volunteer massage therapists: Olecia Addo, Michelle Andreou, Andy Clarke, John Daines, Alex Hough, Paige Kern, Leonie Lawson, Rob Lundberg, Emma Smith, Ellie Thomas, Andy Tibbott, Ian and Teija Wynn and Carole Young, some of whom have helped out year after year. Everyone seemed more relaxed and much fresher after a rub down, hot shower and change of clothes! It was a challenging and emotional day for everyone, and especially difficult for those who were running, or supporting the runners, in memory of a young person. It was great to meet so many friends, family members and supporters too. A big thank you to the Hilton London Green Park for once again hosting our post-event facilities, providing lots of extras free of charge, as well as staff to assist with any queries, which was much appreciated. We would like to thank each and every one of our runners for their time, effort and valued support. Well done to everyone!

CRY runners were: Dot Adamson

(In memory of Euan Adamson)

Mehmet Ahmetoglu

(In memory of Rochelle Grogan)

Bernice Allen

(In memory of Matt Beadle)

Rebecca Anderson Samantha Antell Thomas Anthony

(In memory of Matt Cragg and Ethan Jones)

Ricky Archer

(In memory of Nicky Payne)

Chris Avery

(In memory of Stuart Hudson)

Jan Ayirgan Deanna Bailey

(In memory of Kris Ledgard)

James Baker

(In memory of Stuart Pybus)

Caroline Barker

(In memory of Josh Fell)

Francesca Batley

(In memory of Dale Butler)

Karen Bennett Emily Booth Sarah Brown

(In memory of Harry Faulkner and Darren Brown)

James Bruce

(In memory of Olly Griffin)

Anna Buck

(In memory of Martyn Luckett)

Richard Caldwell

(In memory of Tony McCormack)

Aaron Coates

(In memory of Harry Dubois)

Daniel Coene


Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 For our full gallery of images please visit cardiacriskintheyoung Jason Collier

(In memory of Sebastian English)

William Collier

(In memory of Matt Cragg)

Richard Gordon Lorraine Gosling

(In memory of Isabelle Tudisca)

Jack Green

Mark Cooper

(In memory of Ben Daniels)

Michelle Cowen

Chevaun Greenhill

Tim Davenport

(In memory of David Davenport)

Thomas Davie

(In memory of Peter Manlove)

Adrian Thomas Davies (In memory of Matt Cragg)

(In memory of Lewis Marsh)

Shaun Gurney

(In memory of Phil Modric)

Alan Hale

(In memory of Oliver Griffin)

Helen Ditchfield

(In memory of Reece Goodman)

Jennifer Drury

(In memory of Paris Holden)

Fred Edwards

(In memory of Matt Cragg)

Kate Fennell

(In memory of Charlie Ibrahimi)

Nick Fewtrell Chloe Flint

(In memory of Alexander Hampshire)

Sarah Foster

(In memory of Matt Beadle)

Christopher Gadd (In memory of Ben Simpson)

Tanith Galer Katrina Gatty

(In memory of James Love-Smith)

Jamie Gavin

(In memory of Tom Clabburn and Claire Prosser)

Hayden Gibbons Vikki Gibson

(In memory of Kay Wilson)


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 Alex Halse

(In memory of Matt Cragg)

Mohsin Harhara

(In memory of Cecilia Barriga)

Emma Holland

(In memory of Nick Holland)

Bradley Hollingsworth Teresa Hollins

(In memory of Oliver Thompson)

Daniel Holloway

(In memory of Dan Mathews)

Ben Holmes

(In memory of Yasmin Caldera)

Jo Hopkins Richard Hudd

(In memory of Sara Pilkington)

Gemma Hughes

(In memory of Ben Simpson)

Richard Jenkinson Frank Johnson

(In memory of Matt Cragg)

Ceri Jones

(In memory of Mark Price)

Stacey Jones

(In memory of Alex Brown)

James Keeling

(In memory of Kay Wilson)

Ross Kerwood

(In memory of Jenny Kerwood)

John Konderak

(In memory of Sophie Konderak)

Tania Lambert

(In memory of Aaron Dixon)

James Lawson

(In memory of Rob Lamplough)

Sarah Lee

(In memory of Paul Amor)


Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 Mark Lennox Melissa Loan

(In memory of Stevie Jivani)

Andy Loizou

(In memory of Richard Castell)

Hannah Marr James McBride

(In memory of Jack Maddams)

Aravon McCann

(In memory of Áine McCann)

Timothy McMonagle Joe McNulty Paul Mitchell

(In memory of Adam Corsham)

Bex Morse Bill Neely

(In memory of Katrina Brown)

Jake NewboldShankland Rebecca Newman

(In memory of Caroline Johnstone)

Megan Nicholson

(In memory of Harry Dubois)

Holly O’Brien

(In memory of Luke Swift)

Ronan O’Byrne

(In memory of John McHugh)

Daniel O’Donoghue (In memory of Ralph Murwill)

Christopher Osborne Sophie Osborne

(In memory of Camilla Irvine)

Barry Parker Louise Parker Joe Payne

(In memory of Isabelle Tudisca)

Julie Peet

(In memory of Julian Wort)


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 Mark Shaw

(In memory of Sam Wright)

Sara Sheridan

(In memory of Paul Sheridan)

Lorraine Slade

(In memory of Josh Fell)

Simon Smith

(In memory of Stuart Hudson)

Victoria Smith

(In memory of Oliver Thompson)

Adam Steel

(In memory of Alexander Hampshire)

Michaela Stratford

(In memory of Richard Merriman)

Isabelle Sully

(In memory of Luke Eccleston)

Richard Sydenham Pete Teale

(In memory of Zoe Teale)

Hannah Tickner

(In memory of Jack Maddams)

Marina Tomsett

(In memory of Andrew Carter)

Leo Tudisca

(In memory of Isabelle Tudisca)

Sharon Warr Kirsty Waywell

(In memory of David Quinney)

Gemma Wiggs

(In memory of Rich Belton)

Lucy Williams Luke Powell

(In memory of Craig Powell)

Liz Rawlings

(In memory of Claire Prosser)

Gavin Readings

(In memory of Matthew Readings)

Phil Roethenbaugh

(In memory of Richard Merriman)

Carl Ryde Paul Scott

(In memory of Jamie Loncaster)

Amy Seaman

(In memory of Richard Belton)

Peter Shannon

(In memory of Ralph Murwill)

(In memory of Owen Morris)

Jude Wilson

(In memory of Ben Simpson)

Ben Wright Sara Yems

The next Virgin Money London Marathon will take place on Sunday 23 April 2017. Please contact for further information.


Our Fundraisers Corrections and Apologies Apologies to the family of Huw Lewis, as fundraising from the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2015 was recorded incorrectly.

page 55

Entries appear in the following section according to when CRY sends written receipt for funds raised. The following fundraising was receipted from January to April 2016. In Memory of


Rebecca McLeavy organised a charity raffle on what would have been Ben’s 29th birthday and raised £114.

In Memory of


John Deffenbaugh took part in the Berlin and Manchester Marathon and the Reykjavik Half Marathon and raised £2,130.39 in memory of his friend.

In Memory of


Anna Elizabeth took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £416.

In Memory of

Philip Abraham

Paul Dyke, Rachael and Jasper sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Darren Ainsworth

Mrs B Bonsall sent donations of £234.76 received in lieu of floral tributes for her son.

In Memory of

Steven Allseybrook

Sue Allseybrook sent in a total of £347.58: a golf day raised £116; and collection boxes and gift donations from family and friends raised £231.58.

In Memory of

Charlotte Adams

Jackie Dyer sent in £1,348 raised through a tribute night. “A massive thank you to Jackie and Andy (Andy Wilsher Sings) for donating £1,348 from the raffles held at two amazing concerts on December 8 and 9! Everyone had a great time.” Kate Bome.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Paul Amor

Sarah Lee took part in a fundraising day at Cambridge International Examinations and raised £581.78.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Andrew Baker

Steven Buczek sent in £1,130 raised through the third annual memorial golf event held at Roundwood Golf Club, Rotherham, attended by 65 family, friends and golf society members.

Ronnie Armitage

Angela Armitage-Wilkinson took part in a Dry January challenge and raised £275.

In Memory of

Simon Askew

Rob Head took part in the Great South Run and raised £659.26.

In Memory of

Paul Baker

• Clare Ellis-Brown gave up swearing for a week and raised £180. • Clive Fennell raised £158 through a Christmas raffle held at Walton-on-Thames postal delivery office.

In Memory of

Johnny Barker

In Memory of

Stuart Attridge

Alexis Persaud took part in the WestRun London 10K and raised £990.

• Stephen and Julie Barker sent in £405 raised through The Horny Ball. • Jonathon Rowley sent in £100 in respect of The Horny Ball.

In Memory of

Johnny Barker and Robbie Worboys

Henry Angell-James sent in a donation of £600.

In Memory of

Nicholas Barnes

In Memory of

Alan Bain

• Kathleen and Norman Bain sent in a donation of £200. • Stromness Academy held a Christmas service for the local community; featuring pupils, a teachers’ choir and instrumental groups, and raised £304.18.

Phil Barnes sent in £300 raised through a cake bake and a £100 personal donation, making a total raised of £400.

In Memory of

Cecilia Barriga

• Anna Parkinson took part in the Sydney Marathon and raised £644.24:


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Graeme “Tinka” Bell

Gemma Cannell sent in £600 raised by the 150 Club at West Denton Fire Station.

In Memory of

Philip Bergman

“On September 20 I ran the Sydney Marathon wearing the CRY vest to help raise awareness. All donations were dedicated to Cecilia Barriga, a friend who had died suddenly after a dance class when we were 15 years old.

Jenny Bergman sent in £100 raised through the Philly B Cup.

“I’d been training for 18 weeks and, despite a couple of setbacks during training, I was generally feeling ready to give it my all with the simple aim of crossing the finish line on two feet. In the end I managed to surprise myself and completed the course in 4 hours 9 minutes. More importantly, I was smiling nearly the whole way. It might have worn off a bit towards the 35km mark... but coming round the corner and finishing under Sydney Opera House was enough to bring it all back!

In Memory of

“Overall, I loved the challenge and experience of knowing the hard work and change of lifestyle had paid off and that I’d managed to raise awareness for a great charity over the 42km (and a bit, after all the weaving!) distance, as well as nearly £650 for the Cecilia Barriga Memorial Fund.”

Ryan Bilsland

Michael Holmes sent in a total of £1,330 raised through a family fun day, a football match, a pool tournament and a race night.

In Memory of

Jordan Birchall

Kerry Dingwall sent in £550 in respect of sponsorship for his online fundraising.

• Mohsin Harhara took part in the Amsterdam Marathon and raised £191.

In Memory of

• Mike Fleet sent in a donation of £135.

Lucy Mogford took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £179.

In Memory of

Lewis Barry

• Nick Hall sent in a donation of £200. • James and his dad took part in a 30-mile bike ride and raised £405.

In Memory of

Matthew Beadle

Ellen Costello sent in £6,699 raised by Connexions Cuisine as part of their 25th anniversary fundraising.


Lydia Bird

In Memory of

Steven Blair

Susan Blair sent in a total of £455 raised through collection pots at The Tavern, Millport.

In Memory of

Graeme Blenkinsop

Lesley Bryant sent in a donation of £100.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Lesley Boden and Rosina

Richard Wade took part in the Aconcagua Challenge and sent in a total of £7,335.80:

In Memory of

Jack Boulton

“I completed a successful summit of the highest mountain in the western hemisphere, Aconcagua, in memory of my fiancé Lesley and unborn daughter Rosina, who died in May 2013. The expedition, in December 2015, took nearly three weeks and reached 6,980 metres. Through the tough times, I was able to draw upon Lesley’s amazing spirit and determination.”

June and David Boulton sent in a total of £696: Marcus Woodward’s charity golf day at Saltford Golf Club raised £352; the Rotork dress-down day raised £142; and the annual Jack Boulton Trophy golf tournament at Saltford Golf Club raised £116.

In Memory of

Ian Bowen

• Maralyn Bowen sent in £102 raised through Kenny’s aunt donating a Christmas cake and Davina Vaughan selling numbers for the lottery. • Gary Watson raised £265 raised through a National Lottery Bonus Ball raffle and collection boxes at The Bull’s Head.

In Memory of

Neil Bradbury

In Memory of

John Bonner

Catherine Barrand organised “Save a Life” first aid courses and raised £1,269.75: “We ended up running six courses and raising approximately £4,500 to be split between the three charities I was supporting. Approximately 70 people attended and learnt the crucial skills for how to save a life.”

• Finning (UK) held various fundraising events and raised £1,470.40: “On Friday 4 March Caterpillar dealer Finning (UK) held a dress-down day at the company’s head office in Cannock. The fundraising event was organised by Neil’s long-term girlfriend, Amy Windle, who works at the branch. “Employees were invited to wear casual clothes to work in return for a donation to CRY. Amy also organised a fundraising raffle with 17 prizes including three six-month gym memberships, two free personal training sessions and a health check (donated by the Cannock branch of Fitness First), and a Caterpillar-branded men’s watch (donated by Finning). The company also sent in items for an online auction.


Our Fundraisers • Keith Wallis at Surbiton Hockey Club sent in £1,053.40 raised at their annual club charity day.

In Memory of

Gregory Brookes and Melvyn and Greg Dickenson

“Amy Windle said: ‘Losing Neil so suddenly has been devastating. I wouldn’t wish a similar fate on anyone. This is why I’m so passionate about raising awareness and funds for CRY. I can’t thank Finning enough for holding a fundraising event in Neil’s memory. I would also like to thank all those who have generously sent in to the raffle.’ “Stuart Chapman, Human Resources Director at Finning, commented: ‘Like so many people at Finning, I was deeply saddened to hear of Amy’s loss. Neil was known to a number of our employees at the branch, so the news of his sudden death was a real shock. When Amy asked if Finning could assist her efforts to raise funds and awareness, we had no hesitation agreeing.’

Brian Snowball sent in £465 raised through a general knowledge quiz held at Ratby Sports and Social Club.

In Memory of

Steffani Broughton

The Maco Ferns Warriors Team; Martin Evans, Karen Evans, Marjorie Turner, Carla Dempsey, Irene Broughton, Isabel Frazer and Jennifer Stephen, took part in the Platinum Kiltwalks and raised £1,500.

“After liaising with CRY, Amy has also worked with Finning to coordinate the distribution of the charity’s informative posters and leaflets to Finning’s 30-plus branches, raising awareness amongst over 1,500 employees.” • Amy Windle sent in £732.10 raised through a fundraising weekend at Neil’s local pub to commemorate his birthday, and through the sale of wish bracelets.

In Memory of

Alex Brown

In Memory of

Harley Brandon

Robin Adams at AKT11 sent in a donation of £1,500.

In Memory of

Emma Broad

• James Hills-Ingyon sent in £815 raised at a black tie dinner in Hong Kong for the TCK Group. • St George’s College, Weybridge, sent in £1,187.23 raised by the sixth form through taking part in various fundraising events.


Dave Hughes took part in the Worcester 10K and raised £150. “On 20 September 2015, Dave Hughes trained and took part in the Worcester 10K in memory of Alex. Dave trained for the event

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers in advance and had a T-shirt made for the event to raise awareness of CRY. He completed the 10K run in 1 hour and 1 second and raised a total of £150 for Alex’s memorial fund, which will be going toward screening young hearts in our community.” Rachel Dingle.

“I came up with the idea after going to the theatre to watch the show and thought some of our local lads could do this. We had a window cleaner, builder, plumber, barman, electrician and lorry driver. It proved to be a great way to raise funds.” Nicola Burndred.

In Memory of

Kayla Brown

Paul Laughlin sent in £700 on behalf of the team on Shell’s Solepit Clipper platform, in memory of their coworker’s daughter.

In Memory of

Leanne Brownhill

• Lynne Brownhill sent in a total of £995.55, which included: £400 raised by friends and family; £108 collected by Kingfisher Leisure staff, raised in lieu of sending Christmas cards; and £237.55 raised through placing baubles on a Christmas memorial tree. • Co-operative, Ludlow, raised £810 through a prize draw.

In Memory of

Dr Jenny Bucknell

Hillary and Bill Durrant sent in total donations of £4,235, which included: £120 raised through their Christmas whist event; and £300 raised through the annual Chaffcombe village quiz.

In Memory of

Craig Burke

Janine Curran sent in £300 raised at The Pilgrim pub in Liverpool.

In Memory of

Jordan Burndred

• Nicola, Helen and Kevin Burndred sent in £3,902.57 raised through a raffle, disco and Full Monty show at Knypersley Cricket Club.

• Helen and Kevin Burndred sent in £5,000 raised by a local business. • Charles Williams sent in a donation of £250. • Jennifer Renshaw sent in £140.50 raised by herself, her friends and family. • David Singh at Geminor UK sent in £500. • Mike Stanmore at the Natural Oak Company sent in £1,000. • The Explorer section of Scout group 59th Newchapel, Stoke-on-Trent, sent in £100 raised by one of Jordan’s friends. • Carol Hall sent in £1,000 raised at Fenton Community Centre. • Nicola Burndred sent in a total of £3,082.74 raised through a fashion show, Christmas events including a party and raffle, school collection and dog walking by Melissa Clowes: “This is Jordan’s little sister Daisy at her nursery, who raised a great amount for Jordan’s fund, letting a balloon off for her big brother.”


Our Fundraisers • Carol Hall sent in £1,000 raised at Fenton Community Centre.

• Sandra Smith held a cake sale and raffle and raised £580.

“We opened our recently built dyno cell for the day, which houses a 1,200bhp-capable state-of-the-art rolling road. Members of the public and local car clubs were charged to use our facility and see what power and torque their tuned cars were making. The day was a huge success and we were very busy all day, running a total of 22 cars, with some spectacular cars on show such as the new £700,000 Porsche 918 hybrid supercar. I am pleased to announce that our efforts helped raise a total of £1,100 and we would like to donate the full amount to CRY in memory of Nathan Butler.”

• Lauren Lawrence organised a walk to the cloud in memory of her cousin and raised £265.10.

• Christina Bishop sent in £100 through making Christmas cards.

• Sarah Roberts raised £400 through holding a silent auction for her tickets to see Adele at the Manchester Arena. • Pam Hume sent in a donation of £200.

• Angela Butler sent in £1,875 raised by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Newcastle-under-Lyme, through various fundraising efforts: “I was invited to meet with Janine Davies at the RBS European Operations Centre on 8 January 2016 to accept a cheque for £1,875 on behalf of CRY. RBS had chosen CRY as one of their four nominated charities for 2015 and during the year had done various fundraising activities, including having a dress-down day every Friday where all employees sent in £1 each to come to work in their casual clothes. They have also chosen CRY as one of their charities for 2016 so I will be liaising with Janine to discuss ideas for forthcoming fundraising through this year.” • Louise Boffey sent in £300 raised through a raffle at the opening of a new bar, Clockworks. • Nicola Burndred sent in a donation of £145.22.

• Angela Butler sent in a donation of £160 raised through Alan Woolley organising a quiz night at the Porthill Park Cricket Club. • B&M Retail and Porthill Park Cricket Club held a charity cricket match and raised £800.

In Memory of

Nathan Butler

• Steelite International sent in a donation of £500. • Mike Ball, Director of More BHP, sent in £1,100 raised through their rolling road event:


In Memory of

Graham Button

Hollie Button raised £235 through an awareness day.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

• Lodge St Thomas 40 sent in £125 after CRY was nominated by Janice Swankie.

• Basepoint Centres in Dartford sent in a donation of £215.

Michael Cadman

• Ian Cadman sent £188.32 raised by the Rangers of 1st Arbroath Guides from a fundraising night held after the screening at Arbroath High School: “Last night myself and my wife Jessie formally accepted a cheque for £188.32 from the girls of the Rangers section of the 1st Arbroath Guides. The money was raised through a quiz night on 10 March 2016 and the girls themselves voted for the money to go to the Michael Cadman Memorial Fund at CRY. Some of the girls in the picture were themselves screened at the event that took place at Arbroath High School on 8 and 9 March 2016.”

Arabella Campbell

• Clare Northcott held a raising awareness week and raised £664.50.

In Memory of

James Campbell

• Bridget Holmstrom sent in £180.28 raised through the Stokesley Choir holding a collection at their annual Christmas concert. • Karen Campbell sent in £473.03 raised through a cake bake held at the Parkway Centre in Newham: “£473.03 was raised from the CRY Great Cake Bake held at the Parkway Centre, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, in memory of James Campbell. Many friends and family made, baked and decorated so very many, many cakes there was not enough room on the table tops to display everything! We had been given a space, free of charge, in the shopping centre and had a steady stream of cakelovers visiting our stand. Some even came back for more!

In Memory of

Yasmin Caldera

• Jean Spry sent donations of £115 received in lieu of cards during her treatment for illness. • Jane Wroath sent in £100 raised by Annabel, Natasha, Hannah and Maya from Blagdon 1st Guides.

In Memory of

Alex Camilleri

Andrew Sampson at Codeusa Software sent in £1,205.

“It was great to be able to offer a range of merchandise and information leaflets to the public and some new supporters, that will no doubt become friends, were found. Raising awareness is important and events like the Great Cake Bake give people the chance to come to the stall and find out a little bit more about the work that CRY do. There’s always room for cake and spreading the word for such a worthwhile cause and remembering #12aweek.” • Karen Campbell sent in £793.97 raised through a Christmas fayre: “Family, friends and students from Macmillan Academy fundraising group supported by setting up and running stalls. Donations were very generously made by individuals and local companies and the raffle and tombola proved to be the biggest attractions. Special thanks to Kate Fearnley’s boutique, Judith of Scribbelicious, Carly of The Olde Young Tea House, Holly Andrews, and Andreen Campbell of Partylite. • Karen Campbell sent in £590 raised through the second James Campbell Cup: “Funds were raised in memory of James Campbell, cousin


Our Fundraisers of Andy Campbell, ex-Boro and Cardiff footballer. For the second year the James Campbell Cup was played for at Goals in Middlesbrough. The event was attended by a number of friends, family and supporters of the cause and the cup was played for with good humour and spirit on a very cold December 13 morning. The final saw AFC Sheep beat Team Tesco, with strong goalkeeping on both sides the final was tight and went to penalties. The 2016 James Campbell Cup will be hotly contested and funds raised again in memory of a young man who loved to play and watch the beautiful game at all levels. The Campbell family expressed their thanks to all that took part and also supported the players on and off the pitch.” • Kendra McElvaney sent in £100 raised through a B&Q Easter event.

In Memory of

Olivia Chase

Charlotte Parson took part in the Great West Run and raised £631.

In Memory of

Anthony “Budgie” Child

Angie Child sent in £100 raised through Maureen and Dave Hoggs’ line dance disco and raffle.

In Memory of

Emma Chileshe

In Memory of

Andrew Carter

Shirley Pitts sent in £279.80 donated in lieu of gifts at her 65th birthday party.

Mhari-Louise and Jackie sent in a total of £1,776.12 raised through taking part in the London Winter Run, St Albans Half Marathon, London Bikeathon, Herts 10K, Ealing Half Marathon, Dublin Marathon and the Battersea Park Movember Run.

In Memory of

In Memory of

• Mark Griffin sent in £180 raised by Siemens Rail Staff in York by holding a dress-down Friday.

John Challis

Martin Challis rowed an average of 10,000 metres a day for a year and raised £2,536.

In Memory of

John Chapelhow

Jonathan Pickup took part in the Great Cumbrian Run and raised £405.

Katrina Christopher and Cheryl Christopher-Webber

• Stephen Bennett walked coast to coast along Hadrian’s Wall and raised £530.

In Memory of

Tom Clabburn and Claire Prosser

• Anne Marie Reilly sent in a total of £100 raised at the Ealing Mums in Business Christmas night fair. • Isabel Turner sent in £437.20 raised through a book sale held at the BBC. • Luca Fruzza took part in a Metal Gear Solid marathon and raised £958.99. • Chris Chalmers sent in £1,000 on behalf of Whitman & Co.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Harry Clarke

Lisa Clarke sent in £520 raised through a fundraising night to celebrate what would have been Harry’s 21st birthday: “We had a wonderful night with lots of dancing and we all remembered him with much love and affection.” selling the yard sale leftovers to all callers to our farm or passers-by.”

In Memory of

Nicholas Clay

Dee Rudd raised £751.05 through her year as Ladies’ Captain of Formby Golf Club in memory of her son.

• Gail and Steve Morris took part in the Great Manchester Cycle and raised £150.

In Memory of

Glenn Cornwall

In Memory of

Ian Clover

John Robert Clover sent donations of £1,016.61 received in lieu of floral tributes for his father.

Mark Truman took part in the Snowdonia Marathon and raised £605.

In Memory of

Bruce Cousins

In Memory of

Jane Maxine Coe

Ann Armstrong sent in a donation of £200 in memory of her daughter.

Jackie and Alan Cousins raised £101 through a market stall.

In Memory of In Memory of

Jenny Conway

Dawn Johnson sent in a total of £275 raised by Staffordshire Police through a series of dress-down days and donations made in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

In Memory of

Daisy Cope

• Susan Naylor held a yard and a plant sale and raised £500: “£300 was raised through a yard sale I organised last year for three charities. I also grew and sold plants at the bottom of my drive last year which raised £50. The remainder was earned by slowly

Matthew Cragg

• Isabella Hitchcock and Lucy Jenner took part in Swim2Bestival and raised £696.50: “The day started with feelings of anticipation, excitement and determination as the sun shone over the Solent. Filled with porridge and the support of friends and family, we were taken to the starting point at Hurst Castle, ready to begin. “Each swimmer had their own kayak to make sure they stayed on track and swam in the right direction (swimming in the sea is disorientating – during training, swimming in circles and beaching myself happened a lot!). It was a choppy swim with tanker ships and the tide adding to the challenge, meaning we swam further than the set 1.3 miles. “After roughly an hour and 15 minutes seeing nothing


Our Fundraisers

but the murky water, the bubbles from my hands and the kayak guiding me, I finally set foot on the Isle of Wight to the cheers of supporters. The day continued to be beautifully sunny and after a quick shower we packed off to go to begin our weekend at Bestival where we were presented with our medals on the main stage. Bestival was the perfect reward to the challenge of the swim! I did this for Matt Cragg for our shared loved of music and sport!”

• George Gangar sent in £801.14 raised by friends of Matt through organising a music festival. • Paul Cragg sent in £54,481.60 raised through taking part in the Blenheim Half Marathon with Georgia, Paul’s work colleagues, close friends and their children. • Emma Adams raised a total of £1,730 through a Dry January challenge. • Florence Bond sent in a donation of £100. • Andrew Kilgour sent in a donation of £1,000.

In Memory of

Max Curtis

Eleanor Curtis sent in £232 collected in memory of her brother. • John Rosier sent in £1,508 through John’s Investment Chronicle in respect of his 2015 charitable donation. • James Loveder sent in £3,602.50 raised through a raffle at PricewaterhouseCoopers. • Fiona Gravette and Zoe Quick organised a charity evening at Claygate village hall and raised £2,455.

In Memory of

Freya Dalrymple

• Ernie Skea, Orkney Islands Council, sent in £665 raised by a group of young girls involved in a youth project in Orkney. • Julie Drever took part in a half marathon and raised £521. • Marie Logan organised an online raffle to celebrate Peedie Kirkwall Cakes’ third birthday and raised £2,126.58. • Kirkwall Grammar School organised a Christmas fayre, “fotos for Freya”, a dressdown day and a carol service and raised £2,348.24.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers • Ingrid Dalrymple sent in £250 from Pete Moss, Orkney Hot Tubs.

In Memory of

• Rosemary Wylie sent in £100 in lieu of sending Christmas gifts.

Rowena Merritt took part in the London to Amsterdam Cycle and raised £1,605.

• Ingrid Dalrymple sent in £187 raised by the customers of Papdale Stores, Kirkwall, where Freya was a member of staff.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Andrew Dawson

Michael Dean

Patricia Dean sent in a Christmas donation of £100.

Ben Daniels

• David Dennis at Rotary Club of Sidcup sent in £700 in respect of the presentation given by Paul Daniels in memory of his son. • Helena Daniels sent in £109.64 on behalf of the Park Langley Townswomen’s Guild. • Helen Sims sent in £2,196.06 raised at a screening event held at Ravens Wood School. • The ACT Foundation sent in £2,458.65 matched giving in respect of the Pink Elephant Ball. • Jack Gore sent in £1,000 on behalf of the Anthony Sayer Lodge 4225.

In Memory of

Neil Darby

Heather Darby sent in a donation of £845.

In Memory of

Ryan John Darby

John and Barbara Darby sent in a total of £100: Rita Thrift donated £20; the Sullivans donated £60 in lieu of floral tributes for Auntie Sheila; and Ryan’s son Harley Darby donated £20 out of his Christmas money in memory of Daddy.

In Memory of

Claire Dee-Shapland

Jane Paisley sent in £600 raised through ServiceMaster’s awareness week.

In Memory of

Matthew Dewhirst

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in a total of £3,070: Ellesmere College raised £500 from the Snowdon Run; Cathy Dhanda and family donated £50 in memory of Jeevon; the Network with Style Christmas party raised £500; Talke Pit TWG donated £100; Sandback Alex supporters donated £200; a Christmas coffee morning raised £300; the Liscard Lodge donated £200; general fundraising and Christmas card sales amounted to £1,000; and J Stephenson sent in £20 in respect of a cake sale. • Sue and Chris Dewhirst raised £1,540 through a 21st birthday party concert: “Over 100 of Matthew’s friends came together at Ellesmere College to celebrate what would have been his 21st birthday. Music scholars past and present came

In Memory of

Iain Davidson

Gemma Tierney raised £809.79 through a year of running.


Our Fundraisers back together from all areas of the UK to perform to raise funds for heart screening in Shropshire and Cheshire. Performers included Josh Whittaker from Nantwich; Henry Maybury, Daisy Clarke and Dom Simpson – all now professional performers formally from Ellesmere College – and the Chapel Choir led by Tony Coupe, Musical Director of Ellesmere College. Roger Paul, former Musical Director, also returned to accompany many of the artists. “Three members of the Fradley family of Ellesmere College performed: George, who is now at the Royal College of Music, Cardiff; Harry; and baby brother Jakob, all were close friends of Matthew’s. A special birthday cake was commissioned from Sofia Wright of Simply Sofia Cakes, Shrewsbury, which included 100 cup cakes individually designed with a top tier to be raffled. Ticket and raffle sales brought in £1,540 = 44 hearts that can be screened.” • Harrison and Ken Lunt walked Hadrian’s Wall and raised a further £1,140, making a total raised of £1,240.

Hollie since we lost Aaron. “Christmas was Aaron’s favourite time of year and that was where the idea came from to hold a Christmas event in his memory. I have been overwhelmed at the generosity of people and especially the Daniel family for allowing me to hold the ball at Owen House Wedding Barn. The evening was a huge success and everyone said how much they enjoyed it, asking whether I would be making this an annual event. “I raised almost £10,500 from the sale of tickets and a raffle which was held. This included a cheque which was presented to me on the evening from John and Tracey Fielding from Your Life Your Way in Northwich. I also received an offer to sponsor a screening day next year.”

• Gary Dixon sent in a total of £3,718.08, which included: £500 from Cheshire West and Chester; £100 from Inrix; £100 from Deborah Dixon; £250 on behalf of Frank Roberts & Sons; £424 from Waitrose; and £264 from The Iron Bridge pub event.

In Memory of

Luke Dickinson

Pat Dickinson sent in £175 from Mrs L Sadiwskyj.

In Memory of

Aaron James Dixon

• Deborah Dixon sent in £10,303.84 raised through a charity ball at Owen House Wedding Barn in December: “The evening for me was an extremely emotional night but also enjoyable in that all Aaron’s close friends attended with their partners and families. Aaron’s friends have been a huge support to myself, Gary and


In Memory of

Adam Donnelly

• Julie Donnelly sent in a total of £2,752, which included: £55 raised by Gwenda Parry’s shop in Moelfre, Anglesey; and £2,500 raised by Julie’s mother through car boot sales: “2015 has been even better for the CRY stall at the weekly boot sale at Valley on Anglesey. They have collected £2,500 with many thanks to Adam’s auntie Mary who has looked after the stall throughout the year.” • Sue Cooke sent in £260 donated in lieu of gifts at her 60th birthday.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Bailey Drew

• Sam Bonsor raised £280 through taking part in the Windsor Half Marathon 2015.

Nicholas Blythe sent in a donation of £245.

In Memory of In Memory of

Harry Dubois

• Esther Farrington took part in the Tough Mudder North West and Born Survivor events and raised £490. • Robert Hull, Emily Dubois, Megan Daniels, Chris Wood, Alex Reid, Adam Mercer, Joe Robbins, Liz Robbins and Tom Hall took part in the Morrisons Great Yorkshire Run and raised £1,663.36. • Mollie Haywood took part in the Sheffield 10K and raised £219.05. • Mario Dubois sent in £9,164.48 on behalf of the “1,000 Hearts for Harry” campaign.

In Memory of

Richard Dunk

Sarah Dunk sent donations of £100 received in lieu of floral tributes for her husband.

In Memory of

Emily Rose Dunn

• Caroline McAlindon at Compass Minerals UK sent in £6,080 raised through 46 members of Team Compass taking part in the Winsford 10K.

Tom Elton Barratt

Andrew Mulvey sent in £150 raised through the Tom Elton Barratt Junior Squash Championship 2015: “The 2015 Tom Elton Barratt Junior Squash Championships (an England Squash Bronze Sanctioned Event) took place on November 29 at Bishop’s Stortford Squash and Racketball Club, Hertfordshire, with a donation from all entry fees received being given to CRY. The tournament has been held each year since 1984 in memory of Tom, who died from an undetected heart defect. 56 enthusiastic squash players (boys and girls of various ages under 19) took part on the day from counties including Hertfordshire, Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Hampshire, Kent, Norfolk and Avon. “During the day over 90 matches were played using six of the club’s recently painted squash courts. Seven home players from the Bishop’s Stortford Club (Alex Banhidai, Charlie Marrion, Luke Scott-Stevens, Ben Kelling, Bastian Kelling, Ross Butler, William Johnson and Joseph Ryan) took part in the event, the best result going to up-andcoming star Alex Banhidai who won the Boys Under 11s event.”

In Memory of

Rory Embling

• Chris Embling organised a musical evening with Joseph O’Brien and raised £546.50.

• Nicolas and Elizabeth Pasquale sent in £528.05 raised through a film night.

In Memory of

John Aidan Eastwood

John and Gwen Eastwood sent in £1,431.38.

In Memory of

Annie Edwards

• Helen Edwards sent in £250 on behalf of Knill James in Lewes.


Our Fundraisers • Chris Embling sent in a total of £589, including £432 raised through Francesca’s Christmas decoration evening and raffle.

“Chris and Francesca on a market stall selling flowers at Hemsworth Market. We took a large canvas of Rory and promoted the aims of CRY on the day.” Anne Embling.

• Rebecca Hambleton took part in a Baltic zipwire event and raised £159.20. • Chris and Anne Embling sent in £315 raised at a coffee morning held at the home of Rose Howden: “Pictured are the lovely ladies who attended a coffee morning at Rose Howden’s home where we managed to raise £315 for Rory’s foundation at CRY. Many thanks to all who attended.”

• Chris Embling sent in £521.40 raised through a Reptile Rendezvous event and a raffle at Hemsworth Market where Rory’s sister Francesca held a stall: “Reptile Rendezvous are a company which specialises in close-up encounters with strange and wonderful creatures. Rory’s mum Anne and Francesca’s friend Grace were sponsored to hold a tarantula and a python respectively. Anne has arachnophobia and Grace is not too fond of snakes to put it mildly! We managed to raise £450 on the day.”


• Chris Embling sent in £530 raised through the Rory James Embling University Challenge Quiz evening held in Rory’s Return: “Pictured are John Duncan with his daughter Ellana. And pictured separately is John’s wife Kathryn Duncan. John organised and compèred the quiz for us and did a splendid job. Kathryn and Ellana were his trusty helpers and scorers on the evening. “The captain of the winning team, ‘Simple Minds’, was Michael Steer, who appeared in Educating Yorkshire. Christine and Dave Steer completed the victorious team. We raised £530 on the night and hope to make the quiz an annual event.”

In Memory of

Sebastian English

• Olivia Chapple sent in a donation of £100. • Stuart and Rosemary Sinclair sent in a donation of £100. • John and Yvonne Bailey sent in a donation of £100. • Mark Davies sent in a total of £100.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Sebastian English, Howard English and Keith Newton

Phil Austin sent in a further £753 raised through his rowing and crosstraining event, making a total raised of £3,325.

In Memory of

From left to right: Emma Barley, Sophie Rebecca, Matt Delaney, Tim Dixon, Jake Byrne and Nick Mulvey

Morgan Evans

• Angharad Evans sent donations of £506.98 received in lieu of floral tributes for her brother. • Peter Veen sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Phillip Evans

Iola Hobbs took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £175: “I finished my first ever half marathon for you guys in 2 hours and 10 minutes – I was aiming for 2 hours 15 minutes so I’m delighted! My husband (in the picture) ran with me to support me. It was a great experience, 23,000 runners and crowds cheering you on all the way along the route.”

In Memory of

Harry Faulkner

• Andy and Julia took part in the Great Wall of China Trek and raised £2,917.50. • Jake Byrne and the Stortford Squash Team took part in a Tough Mudder and raised £876.95.

• Julian Craxton sent in £168 raised through Edge Grove/Abbey Bowmen’s annual junior archery tournament raffle. • Xena Marshall sent in £100 raised at Slimming World groups in Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne. • Emma Fazakerley raised £650 through taking part in the Windsor Half Marathon 2015.

In Memory of

Josh Fell

• Rich and Donna Fell sent in £300 raised by the Leven Amateur Dramatics Group. • Bethan Wallis took part in a charity boxing match and raised £150. • Rich and Donna Fell organised the fifth ex-Tigers charity football match and family fun day and sent in £750. • Rich and Donna Fell sent in £8,852.50 raised through a Beverley East Riding Theatre charity gala, including £3,905 matched giving from Barclays Bank: “Sunday 8 November saw East Riding Theatre hosting


Our Fundraisers • Tasmin Foulis sent in £209.50 raised by staff and students of Dane Court Grammar School through various fundraising events.

In Memory of

Gavin Findley

Jill Findley organised a charity event at West Winch Village Hall and raised £3,267: a very special evening of entertainment in support of CRY. At the centre of the evening was a performance of A Steady Rain in the theatre’s auditorium, featuring Adrian Rawlins and Vince Regan. The evening also featured fantastic live music, drinks and canapés in the theatre bar, plus a unique auction. All profits from ticket sales and the auction event went to the Josh Fell Memorial Fund.” “In the first photo is Donna, my wife, and Jasmine, our daughter; then Vincent Regan, Hollywood and English film actor, then Adrian Rawlins, who played Harry Potter’s dad in the films; myself; and Mark Addy, also from Hollywood films and English films – but also one of my favourite films, The Full Monty. It was a fantastic night for raising awareness in Josh’s memory!” Rich Fell.

“I organised a charity event at West Winch Village Hall, William Burt Centre, West Winch, King’s Lynn, Norfolk on Saturday 19 March 2016, in memory of my son. Gavin collapsed at the end of the Great North Run on 22 October 2000. He was just 34 years of age. The event was to celebrate that Gavin would have been 50 years of age on March 30 and also to raise the profile of CRY as very little is known of the charity in the East Anglia area. “Over 150 people attended the evening. There was a raffle and auction. A signed Chelsea shirt and signed Norwich shirt were two of the items in the auction. The evening raised £3,267 in total for CRY. The evening was a great success, everyone enjoyed themselves, and it exceeded my expectations.”

In Memory of

Josh Fell and David and Jenni Paul

Glenn Milne took part in Tough Mudder Yorkshire and the Spartan Races and raised £110.

In Memory of

Therese Field

• Tara Field sent in a total of £2,227: a charity Christmas concert raised £465; and a golf day and auction held by Martin Saggers raised £1,762.


In Memory of

Michael Fisher

Stephen Fisher raised £300 from selling tickets for a Christmas hamper raffle.

In Memory of

Sophia Forrester

Aaron Cox sent in £175 raised through a boys’ night out.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Joanne Fotheringham

• Alex Eaton sent in £1,250 raised by the 161 (Ullapool) D/F, Air Training Corps, through taking part in the Great Wilderness Challenge:

In Memory of

Jaimie Gault

Margaret and James Gault sent in a total of £200: £150 from farmers and friends; and £50 in lieu of Christmas cards.

In Memory of

Salena German

Jackie German sent in £190 raised through a collection box in her brother’s shop.

In Memory of

Gary Giles

“This physically challenging fundraising event has taken place in the Highlands of Scotland every August since 1986. The Ullapool Air Cadets have been involved since 1998 and have so far raised a total of £24,725, specifically for CRY’s Joanne F Fotheringham Memorial Fund. Cadets and adult staff members walk a 13-mile route through the wild mountain scenery of Wester Ross. Luckily the weather this year was fine, following an unseasonably wet, windy and cool spell. Everyone really enjoyed the walk and talking to other walkers along the way.

Jackie Cook sent in £300 raised through six-a-side cricket matches between the Lamb Inn football team (Marlborough), Marlborough Town FC and Minal Cricket Club.

In Memory of

Alexander Goodman

Rosemary and Peter Goodman raised £900 through an open house Christmas sale, with donations given in lieu of Christmas gifts, and a homemade cake sale.

In Memory of

Reece Goodman

Unipart Logistics, Bagington, organised dress-down days, raffles and cake-baking days and raised £318: “Taking part this year were: Warrant Officer Colin Boyle, Chairman Peter Harrison, plus Cadets Robert, Stephen, Jessica, Jonathan, Latharn, Somhairle and Lachlan, who between them raised £1,026 in sponsor money. This amount was topped up to £1,250 by the event’s organising committee. The cadets’ enthusiasm for taking part in this adventurous event has never wavered and we are very proud of their endeavours.” • Alex Fotheringham sent in £200 received from Made in Ullapool, Dent An Ullapool.


Our Fundraisers “Reece’s grandma Jaynie Daly works within the customer service office. Throughout 2015 we raised money with events such as dress-down days, raffles and cake-baking days. Thank you to all concerned for their fantastic efforts in raising £318 for a great cause.”

In Memory of

Ashley Goodwin

Linda Goodwin sent in £150 raised by her sister Pam Price and brother-in-law Rob Price climbing Snowdon for Pam’s 60th birthday. “When my husband, Rob, asked if I wanted to do something special to celebrate my 60th birthday, in a flash I said that I wanted to stand on top of Snowdon and hopefully raise some money for CRY. ‘OK,’ he said, ‘let’s do it.’ On the morning of the walk we sat in our hotel in Caernarvon, eating breakfast and looking out at the pouring rain. It seemed that we were in for a very unpleasant walk. “By the time we arrived at the car park for the Snowdon Ranger Path the rain had stopped. Although the clouds were heavy and grey we could see the white tops of the mountains as we began our walk. Part-way up we reached the snowline and continued upwards, sometimes in knee-deep snow. Then the cloud came down and visibility dropped to about 30 metres. On top of the mountain the summit station looked like a huge ice sculpture with snow piled about four feet deep around it. We carefully climbed the icy steps up to the summit cairn with strong winds blowing ice into our faces, stinging our eyes. With freezing fingers we quickly took a couple of photos to prove we had made it. Then after a quick tot of whiskey to drink a toast to Ashley we headed back down the mountain after a challenging but wonderful walk.

In Memory of

Craig Graham

Linsay Graham took part in a skydive and raised £405.

In Memory of

Jordan Grant

• Lisa Grant sent in a total of £150: Richard Baldwin donated £100; and Jill Gaul donated £50. • Michael McMahon sent in £150 donated in lieu of birthday presents.

In Memory of

Adam Green

Tom and Judy Green sent in a total of £299 raised through a raffle, a Christmas hamper/jumper day and donations in lieu of Christmas cards.

In Memory of

Caron Lucy Greenwood

Judy Greenwood sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Adam Griffin

Linda Griffin sent in a donation of £300.

In Memory of

Oliver Griffin

Owen Griffin sent in £125 from the Rotary Club of Spalding and Welland in respect of a talk.

“Thanks to the generosity of my colleagues at the cardiology department of the Alexandra Hospital, Redditch, and also members of my family, I was able to raise a total of £150.” Pam Price.


In Memory of

John Griffiths

Sarah O’Brien took part in the Bimingham Color Run and raised £180.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Leanne Haddrell

Scott Dawkins took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £245.

In Memory of

Declan Hale

BLM, Liverpool, sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of

Matt Hales

Carly Murphy took part in the Great South Run and raised £365.

In Memory of

Shamil Hamid

The New English School in Kuwait sent in £1,070 raised through various fundraising.

In Memory of

Alexander Hampshire

“I knew that Angela was in touch with CRY and that they were helping her. It was also the charity that the family had chosen for donations at Alexander’s funeral. I decided to see if they had an event where I could raise money and awareness for them and found the Thames Bridges Trek. “I chose this because it was 20K – outside my comfort zone but achievable for a 53-year-old Lycra-averse woman! I was wary about having to raise the £150 needed to take part at first but decided to go for it… the support I have had from people has been amazing both with donations and sharing information about CRY.”

In Memory of

Kyle Hancock

Eleanor Alcock sent in £2,020 raised through hosting a racing awards evening: “On 13 February 2016, the Project 8 Racing Awards took place at the Northampton Marriott Hotel. This event is an awards ceremony for Project 8 Racing Saloons and Production BMW Championship racing series. “The evening event had a staggering 156 attendees, which included CRY Representative Tony Hillier and his wife Joan. Tony supported CRY by delivering a short presentation to educate the event about CRY and more importantly educate the attendees how their donations will help.

Alison Steel took part in the Thames Bridges Trek and raised £1,166.38: “In June this year I was at work as normal when I noticed a missed call from my best friend Angela. I knew it must be bad news as she would never call me at work but I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to hear. Her 23-year-old son Alexander had collapsed and died without warning. I have been supporting Angela on a day-to-day basis but it didn’t seem to be enough – I wanted to do something more.

“The charity was chosen as I came very close to CRY in 2011 when Kyle Hancock, my 18-year-old cousin, sadly passed away suddenly whilst at university. We would like to thank all the attendees of the Project 8 event for raising such an amazing amount, thanks to all the support from CRY and especially the attendance of Tony and his wife. A special thanks to all the companies and individuals that sent in prizes to the raffle.”


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Mark Hancock

• John Boschi sent in £221 raised through the Mark Hancock Memorial Ride. • Angela Hancock sent in £243.79 from the Hilltop Methodist congregation, and £20 from Tricia Heathcote, making a total raised of £263.79.

to be the most exciting period in the industry for over a century with the huge programme of modernisation underway providing tangible evidence of the rail renaissance. Dr Lutz Bertling, President of Bombardier Transportation, the evening’s principal supporter, followed this theme and described how he sees the way ahead being based on urban mobility and connectivity, emphasising that ‘innovation is key’.

In Memory of

David Hargrave

Ann and Ernie Hargrave sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Graham Harrison

Pam Woodcock sent in £358 raised through Driffield Town Cricket and Recreation Club’s quiz night and collection box.

In Memory of

Graham Harrison and Albert King

Marie Tennant sent donations of £270 received in lieu of floral tributes for her father, Albert.

In Memory of

Neil Harvey

Matt Johnston at Mainspring sent in £5,183.23 raised through a dinner at the Roundhouse: “The sixth running saw 600 guests from across the rail industry network into the early hours, celebrating news of innovation and growth. Over 130 rail industry manufacturers, suppliers and service providers were represented at the sixth Dinner at the Roundhouse, organised by Mainspring. “Guests heard keynote addresses from leading industry figures and were treated to a captivating presentation from the world’s greatest living explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport, Claire Perry, said the next 10 years promised


In Memory of

Jon Hayman

• Marion Hayman sent in £100 raised through saving loose change over several years. • Marion Hayman helped organise the Four Trigs event and raised £1,289: “On Sunday 7 February the 16th annual Four Trigs run was held in the Sidmouth area. Over 100 runners and a few walkers competed in this gruelling 16-mile race with a massive 3,200 feet of climb. It was particularly difficult this year, due to all the rain prior to the event and this made the course hard going, being very muddy and slippery. “After a very wet and blustery Saturday the day before, we

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers

From left to right: John Keast, Marion Hayman, Robert Hayman and Dr Nick Read

were granted a dry, although windy, window on Sunday 7 February. The runners left in sunshine and nearly all competitors had returned before the rain came in by late afternoon. “After the race many of the competitors sat in the Port Royal Club reliving the race and enjoying their welldeserved Haymans’ pasty. Some competitors also took advantage of and indulged in a free massage, provided by Exeter Physio. Tea, coffee and cakes were also available for those who wanted to stay that little bit longer.” • Joey Weber and Trevor Eardley sent in £250 in respect of a friendly bet.

In Memory of

Ben Herriott

Joe Moore took part in a Tough Mudder and raised £550.

In Memory of

Matthew Hesmondhalgh

• Mrs B Robinson sent in £1,100 on behalf of the Garstang & District Ladies’ Darts and Dominoes Charity League. • Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in a total of £2,673.69, which included: £905.54 raised through a treasure hunt, market stall and a coffee morning; £573.15 raised at her recent screening; and £610 raised through the sale of calendars. • Andrew Kellett raised £250 though taking part in Preesall and Knott End Gala. “A family friend, Andrew Kellett, enjoys renovating old tractors and cars and was invited to take part in Preesall

and Knott End Gala with his Trotters Independent Trading Co vehicle. In return Andrew received a cheque for £250 which he has so very kindly chosen to donate to CRY in memory of Matt.” Paula Hesmondhalgh.

In Memory of

Robert Heyes

• Cath Jones sent in £1,308.50 raised through various events including a themed quiz, a bake sale and a Christmas raffle: “In memory of Rob, our friend and colleague who worked alongside us at AQA in the BSG (IT) department based in Manchester. Rob was taken away from us suddenly and tragically in July 2015. His death has affected us all deeply and he is greatly missed. His partner Rachel is also a friend and colleague and it is hers and the family’s wish for donations to go to help reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac deaths by supporting CRY’s screening programme in the local community. We fully support this and hope our donation will help. “Rob’s colleagues in BSG raised the money by organising two events, a ‘Rob-themed’ quiz featuring questions on the Muppets, Dr Who and Star Wars to name a few (all topics that Rob enjoyed and he would have giggled – in the way only Rob can – about the ‘challenges’ surrounding the answers on the question about the 12 doctors!) along with a bake sale which raised £536 and a Christmas hamper raffle which contributed a further £772.50. Colleagues throughout AQA were marvellous in their support which brought our total raised to £1,308.50. “Although Rob wasn’t the most vocal member of our team he was an active member of BSG’s social group and he would have been instrumental in the organisation of BSG social and fundraising events. His technical wizardry in designing and presenting the quizzes along with his imagination and commitment are missed. Rob is irreplaceable within our hearts and within our team. Our


Our Fundraisers thoughts and prayers remain with Rachel, Evie and the rest of the family.” • Ming Wai Wan took part in a conga event and raised £122. • The Lloyds Banking Group at Speke, Chester House, Tower House and Premier House sent in £150. • Hannah Kirkham sent in £222 raised through an Easter egg raffle.

In Memory of

Laura Hillier

Tony and Joan Hillier sent in a total of £535: £300 donated in lieu of Christmas presents and cards to friends and family; Pauline Hemshall donated £30; Jean Tildersley donated £50; Michael Wreford raised £100 through the annual Blisworth sleigh ride; Mr and Mrs J Orton donated £25; and Bob and Shirley Kingston donated £30.

In Memory of

Daniel Hoare

Kim Adsett sent in £305.90 raised through a dress-down day at West Sussex County Council, Chichester.

In Memory of

Charlie Holden

• Lloyds Bank Foundation sent in £972 matched giving in respect of the Pen y Fan climb.

In Memory of

Nicholas Holland

Gemma Holland sent in £125 raised through the Grace Bear campaign.

In Memory of

Nick Holmes

Ashley Holmes took part in the Blenheim Palace Half Marathon and the Newcastle Stampede and raised £1,590.92.

In Memory of

Philippa Holmes

• John Holmes sent in £500 raised through a quiz at the King William pub: “The quiz takes place every Wednesday with quizmaster Ceri plying us with diverse questions based on his particular whims that week. The atmosphere is brilliant, and each year we choose a charity or two to support. We asked for CRY in 2015 in memory of our daughter, Philippa Holmes, who died of an unknown cardiac issue in 2009. We are really pleased that £500 was raised. The teams are really enthusiastic about the fundraising and many of them donate their winnings to boost the funds.”

• Diane Lees sent in £1,020.31 raised through the SJBstonbury 2015 summer party. • St Thomas More RC Primary School sent in £318 raised through a Christmas jumper day. • Tracy Wilde sent in £200 raised by the warehouse staff at NGF Europe as part of the Good Cause Awards.

In Memory of

Damian Hole

• Phyllis Hole sent in a donation of £171.


• John Holmes walked the Annapurna Circuit and raised £1,777.50.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Stewart Howard

Jane Howard sent in £341.50 raised through a collection at Tesco.

In Memory of

Daniel Hughes

• David Hughes sent in a total of £907.11: Bignall End Cricket Club raised £150; Ravensmeade Primary School raised £701.11, including £368 from a pyjama day; and Mr SA English donated £50: “Bignall-End Cricket Club raised £150 at their beer festival held recently. The photograph is of Phil Grocott presenting me with the cheque.”

“I was invited to Ravens Meade Primary School (Dan’s first school) on November 26 to collect a cheque for CRY. The children and teachers had paid £1 each to wear their pyjamas to school for a day and raised £368. The picture is of Kieron, Chairman of the school council, presenting me with the cheque. I spent half an hour with them while they held their council meeting, they were genuinely proud of what they have achieved and so they should be. The council, made up of children from the school, came up with several ideas for their next event and it was truly inspiring to listen to them.”

• Gina Barnett took part in Vodafone’s Big Bold Challenge and raised £201.26. • Sharon Surman sent in £3,139.40 raised by Banks Sheridan employees who walked 34 miles along the Sandstone Trail: “Banks Sheridan adopted CRY as its chosen charity in memory of local man Dan Hughes, who tragically died suddenly, in his sleep, aged just 28. Dan was a great friend of Banks Sheridan accountant Nathan Shaw, who together with other friends of Dan, have been raising funds for CRY throughout 2015. Banks Sheridan’s aim was to collect £2,000 to add to fundraising totals already accumulated in Dan’s memory. “10 members of the Banks Sheridan team looked to complete the 34-mile Sandstone Trail, which runs from Frodsham to Whitchurch, in one day. On the day of the walk, it soon became apparent that they would beat that amount thanks to the generous donations made by clients, colleagues, family and friends. “Banks Sheridan Director David Morris said: ‘Everyone in the office has been involved in the effort to raise money for CRY. I am delighted at the sum of money we have managed to collect; it is a fantastic achievement by all concerned in the organising and fundraising. It has been humbling to see the commitment, dedication and enthusiasm required in undertaking such an event for our chosen charity. We were all very saddened on hearing the news of Nathan’s friend Dan, and were only too happy to be able to do something positive at a time like this. We are hugely grateful to all our clients and contacts for their generosity.”

“The staff and Dan’s mum, Sue, with a couple of the CRY heart screening team.” David Hughes.

• Grove Junior School sent in a donation of £205.60. • David Hughes sent in £873.74 from the LRBA Funds.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Pamela Ince

Mrs K Ince sent donations of £560.15 received in lieu of floral tributes for her mother.

In Memory of

Caradoc James

Maureen Ward sent in £200 on behalf of Mr Hurlow.

In Memory of

Carlton Ernesto James

Christine Marchant sent in £125 donated by staff from Valley Primary School.

In Memory of

Nick Jarram

2015 at Bulbury Woods Golf Club in Dorset. There were 23 players this year and the day was filled with enjoyment and lots of laughs! Many of the players have supported the event since the first tournament in 1997. “The trophy was won for the second time by Pat Furlong playing for the Becker team. Second was Gary Thompson; third was John Howells who also won the ‘Nearest the Pin’ trophy. Paul Barnard won the ‘Longest Drive’. Graham Allan was the proud winner of the booby prize! Becker (Sliding Partitions) generously sponsored the refreshments for the day. There were also substantial contributions from Monroe Hairdressing of Corfe Mullen and DWB Long greengrocer. Huge thanks go to everyone that has supported the event and continues to do so.”

Caitlin Mogridge and Mell Oliver sent in a total of £300 in respect of the AUCB fundraising event.

In Memory of

Reece Jeffrey

Derbyshire County FA sent in a donation of £250.

In Memory of

Lucy Adena Jessop

In Memory of

Denver Jenkins

Martyn Jenkins sent in £198.82 raised through collection pots at the Jailhouse Rock Bar.

In Memory of

• Suzie Sawyer sent in £1,367.45 raised by the students of The Deepings School. • The Interact group at The Deepings School sixth form held a basketball game and raised £100.

Howard Jennings

Keeley Ashley sent in £2,000 raised at the annual Howard Jennings memorial golf day: “The 19th annual Howard Jennings Memorial Golf Tournament took place on Saturday 12 September


In Memory of

Stevie Jivani

Helen Overell sent in £250 raised through the sale of an anthology of Christmas poems by members of Mole Valley Poets as

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers part of the Mole Valley Arts Alive festival.

In Memory of

“Members of Mole Valley Poets produced an anthology of Christmas related poems for Christmas 2015 and dedicated the anthology to the memory of Stevie Jivani, the daughter of a former member of the group.

Carl and Eunice Johnson sent in a donation of £200.

“Poems from the anthology were used in church services in Mole Valley, readings were given in care homes and copies sold both locally and further afield. A total of £250 was raised for the work of CRY and a cheque for that amount was duly presented in February. Copies of the anthology (with proceeds to CRY) are still available – for more details, see the website: www.molevalleypoets.” Mole Valley Poets.

In Memory of

James and Leon Johnsen

Margaret Wilson sent in £2,055 raised through holding a danceathon: “We have finally done the danceathon with Dancing for Charity. The picture is of my husband (in the black shirt, who along with two other dancers had to change shirts as they were soaking wet with all the dancing). So from left to right we have Lee Marsh, Paul Kelly, John Gauthier, Mike Wilson and Ben Maddison. It was a superb night and great fun for all our dancers.”

Lisa Johnson

In Memory of

Caroline Johnstone

Hayley Martin at Smith & Williamson sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of

Ethan Jones

• Keith Weston sent in a total of £957.50 raised through talks: Godalming Probus, £60; Mr T Parkinson, £20; Crockenhill Active Retirement Association, £87.50; Group 88 Hayes, £30; National Women’s Register, £50; Claygate Women’s Institute, £70; Jacobs Well Women’s Institute, £35; Leatherhead Women’s Institute, £35; Sidcup Ladies’ Luncheon Club, £50; Friends of Ashtead Village Hall, £75; Bexley Ladies’ Probus, £60; Shepperton Ladies’ Club, £50; St Mary’s Thursday Club; Bookham National Women’s Register, £40; Probus Club of Guildford, £75; Dartford Senior Parishioners’ Social Group, £70; and Dorking Rotary Club, £100. • Hilary Wagstaff sent in a donation of £1,310.

In Memory of

Ben Kanfiszer

Bill and Elaine Carlin sent in £300 in memory of their grandson.

In Memory of

Joe Kellogg

Alison Kellogg sent in £1,205.20 raised at their annual charity cake sale.

In Memory of

Jenny Kerwood

Martin Kerwood sent in £100 on behalf of Vanessa Parsons.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Jenny Kerwood and Horace Albert Smith

Pauline Smith sent donations of £375 received in lieu of floral tributes for her father-in-law, Horace.

In Memory of

James King

In Memory of

Jannik Lam

• Melissa Park, Alex, Henry and Josh took part in the Bear Grylls Survival Challenge and raised £670: “We completed the “Bear Grylls Survival Race”, a five-kilometre obstacle race, in memory of our friend Jannik Lam. We started off the race very optimistic, having raised £670, which was over our initial target of £500.

James King Snr held a charity night and raised £1,200.

In Memory of

Nicola Klitzke

Mary Stokes sent in £500 on behalf of the staff at Dawson & Sanderson Travel Agency.

In Memory of

Judith Krish

Jonathan Krish sent in a donation of £250.

In Memory of

Rishi Kukar

“During the race, we had lots of fun wading through muddy rivers, swinging from ropes, climbing over fences and jumping over fire. We threw ourselves into the race and definitely threw some mud at each other (which turned out not to be mud...) and we had the most amazing time and a good laugh. We all crossed the finishing line hand-in-hand in memory of Jannik. We hope that this will motivate you to do the same and spread awareness amongst everyone you know. If you’d like to read more about Jannik please visit”

Parvin Kukar sent in a donation of £250.

In Memory of

Jack Ladley

Daniel Thwaites Brewery held a charity dinner at the Cottons Hotel and raised £272.21.

In Memory of

Sahib Lalli

Mr and Mrs IM Khan and Mr R Khan sent in £100 in memory of their friend.


• Katie Harvey-Lam sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Robert Lancaster

Margaret Lancaster sent in £270 on behalf of the Shooting Syndicate.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Michael Land

• David Thorpe organised a gentlemen’s Christmas dinner at the Kyte Hotel and raised £432.15. • Stephen Whitaker was Captain of Wakefield Golf Club between April 2015 and April 2016 and raised £1,260.

In Memory of

Natalie Lawrence

David Lawrence sent in £100 sent in by Michelle Lewnes from profits of her Mother’s Day stall.

In Memory of

Paul Leach

Janet Ross sent in £2,560 raised through an auction and raffle: “On November 13 it was 10 years since our son Paul died from ARVC. Paul’s family and friends wanted to get together on the day of his anniversary so we decided to have a fundraiser. Paul’s cousin Chantelle organised everything and we had a very successful night raising £2,560 for CRY.”

In Memory of

Kris Ledgard

• Alex Barrow sent in a donation of £4,150. • Tomas Ledgard took part in Kris Ledgard’s Memorial Tournament 2015 and raised £442. • Year 6 students at Bourton Meadow Academy raised £227. “CRY has been something we have raised money for before, after losing Kris Ledgard. So we thought (year 6) about raising money for you as part of our Bourton Meadow Academy Citizenship Programme. The weather was cold so we thought that it would be appropriate to come to school in our pyjamas! This way it would appeal to all of the children at school. It was a fun day, and comfortable too, and all for an important cause! “Until the Kris Ledgard memorial match last year, I

personally did not realise how many people this can affect and will certainly ensure that I get tested when I am old enough!” Rhiannon Price (age 10), year 6.

In Memory of

Jonathan Leigh

• Mark Whitehouse, Rhys Herman, Dave Simmons and Craig Hewitt took part in the Winter Tough Guy event and raised £1,050. • Isabelle Leigh sent in £604.32 raised by family and friends through various fundraising events.

In Memory of

Adam Lewis

• Carrie Edwards took part in Vodafone’s Big Bold Challenge and raised £155: “The day started early but there was a real buzz on the coach over to Nottingham, might have been all the coffee. Once we arrived, we headed over to registration and got our numbers for our events. There were lots of events happening but I had chosen the 10K run. The sun was shining and as we headed to the start line it was like a summer’s day. As we started we broke off in to groups to go at our own pace. Always in your mind, don’t let your charity down and give it all you can. As you go across the finish line there are lots of people cheering you on and you are handed your medal as you cross. It was a great event and a fantastic day, can’t wait for next year!” • Kim Lewis sent in a donation of £1,000. • Neil Smith took part in a boxing match and raised £225.

In Memory of

Huw Lewis

Sarah Lewis, Molly Lewis, Bethan Lewis, Jane Larkin, Helen Burkett, Danielle Wykes, Connie Wykes, Elsa Aybak, Helen Holcombe, Vikki Riddelsdell, Suzanne Moffat, Vicky Moffat, Kirsty Moffat and Spencer Gordon took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2015 and raised £775.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

John-Paul Lipscomb-Stevens

Philip Stevens sent in £120 raised through a talk and photos of his trek in Nepal last year.

• Rosemary Jordan-Jackson raised £200 from a street collection at Father Chrismas on the Pond in Swanland. • Swanland Primary School organised a bakeoff sale and wear-something-blue day and raised £641. • Lee, Paul and David took part in the PDR Construction’s Tour of Europe and raised £2,907.50.

In Memory of

Jamie Loncaster

• Graham Loncaster sent in a total of £8,250.46, which included: a Christmas fayre, wristbands sale, Helen Walker’s fashion show, cake bake and coffee morning; £100 from Matthew Limb estate agent; £150 from Trevor Barningham (local Rotary Club resident); £200 from Busy Bees Beverley; £100 from Peter and Susan Loncaster in lieu of exchanging Christmas presents; and Jenny Loncaster donated her annual bonus of £3,500 in memory of her son. • South Hunsley School organised a football match and bun sale and raised £753.15. “This donation was generated by the pupils and staff on the anniversary of Jamie’s death (14 March 2016). Year 9 (Jamie’s year) had a bun sale – there were literally hundreds of buns to sell! The year 9 boys also played a football match against year 12 (Jamie’s brother Ross’s year). The cheque was presented to us at the assembly for the Indus House (where Jamie was a student) and in turn we also presented a winners’ shield for the recent inter-form competition that was won by Jamie’s form group. This is inscribed with ‘Loncaster Shield’ in Jamie’s memory.” Graham Loncaster. • Ann Popple sent in a donation of £100. • Graham Loncaster sent in £100 on behalf of Jess and Keith Davidson. • Juliette Loncaster sent in a donation of £2,000. • James Thompson Smith sent in a donation of £1,000. • Jenny and Graham Loncaster sent in £210 raised through an annual ladies’ black tie dinner held at the Rotary Club of Humberside. • John Burns sent in £550 raised by Car Care Plan employees as part of their Charity of the Month scheme.


In Memory of

Tom Lovatt

• Kelly Jackson, Head Teacher at Grappenhall Heys Community Primary School sent in £599.90 raised during the school nativity. • Lucy Goodwin sent in £140 from a danceathon and £100 on behalf of Jack Goodwin, Frankly Financial Management, in recognition of his 100th birthday. • Kelly Jackson sent in £245 raised through a book sale at Grappenhall Heys Community Primary School.

In Memory of

Wendy Lovelace Davis

Grahame Davis sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Max Lowry

Kate Hill took part in a Mount Kilimanjaro climb and raised £2,870.

In Memory of

Martyn Luckett

• Sharon Olde sent in £250 for the Martyn Luckett Memorial Fund and £250 for CRY core funding, making a total raised of £500. “On 12 May 2015 our son Bradley Olde, who was just 20 at the time, went out jogging and collapsed with a cardiac arrest. He had stopped breathing for approximately eight minutes when a neighbour passed who knew first

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers aid procedure and applied CPR until an air ambulance arrived, which took Brad directly to Plymouth Hospital. He suffered an hypoxic brain injury, was in hospital for four months and is now on the road to recovery. Because of this event it made us aware of cardiac arrest in the young and also the need for people to be made aware of how important it is to know general first aid and CPR.

the funeral of her husband, George; and the master and brethren of the Stornoway Masonic Lodge Fortrose 108 donated £100.

In Memory of

Andrew Macleod and Alasdair Iain Macdonald

Marina Mackay sent donations of £1,000 received in lieu of floral tributes for her uncle, Alasdair.

In Memory of

Jack Maddams

“On January 24 we held a life saving day in our local village hall which incorporated the arrival of the community defibrillator which the local football club campaigned for. Over 100 people attended for which we did two sessions. It incorporated a video and presentation from a paramedic, Charlotte for Martyn Luckett Trust, Bradley and myself. Then it was hands-on learning how to use a defibrillator, CPR on dummies with the help of the local lifeguards, blood pressure checks, then tea and cakes. The feedback was amazing and altogether we raised £1,000.” Sharon Olde. • Brenda Luckett sent in £1,250 raised through various events.

In Memory of

Andrew Macleod

• Mrs M Macsween sent in £250 on behalf of the Nicolson Institute Parent Council. • Murdo Macleod sent in a total of £2,374.50: the CRY Out for a Ceilidh II music night organised by Rachel Campbell raised £604; the students of Lews Castle College raised £256 through a Christmas hamper raffle; Erin Morrison, Sophie Graham and Catriona Bain sent in £203.40 in respect of the surplus unspent funds from their recent community Halloween party; council colleagues raised £300 through a Christmas hamper raffle; Kathleen Macleod donated £40; a collection box at the Stornoway Library coffee shop raised £66.10; Helen Simmons sent donations of £805 from a retiring collection following

Jade Bowyer took part in an abseil and raised £1,257.

In Memory of

Jack Maddams and Junior Dian

• Roger Maddams sent in a total of £550. • Ian Mackerness sent in a donation of £160. • Janet and Roger Maddams sent in £829.29 from Tonbridge Angels FC. • Ken Thomas sent in £500 raised by the Tonbridge Lions Club: “Tonbridge Lions Club sent £500 to their local football club Tonbridge Angels FC’s Football Fightback campaign that aims to screen 800 young people in the quest to eradicate death through undetected cardiac issues. Lion President James Lark said: ‘We are pleased to support our local football club in their campaign to raise money for the introduction of a cardiac screening programme for young players and I urge others to support this worthwhile cause.’ “The football club is committed to raise £28,000 to meet the cost of screening 800 people that would cover not just the club’s own players but a much wider body of young people across the county. The health campaign grew when the club lost 24-year-old player Junior Dian on the pitch last year. His death rocked the club just seven years after they had lost another teammate, Jack Maddams, 17, from an undetected heart condition in 2008.”


Our Fundraisers

Tonbridge Lions President James Lark hands over the cheque to Tonbridge Angels FC Chairman Steve Churcher

• Jennie Kenny from the Beyond the Grounds Café in Tonbridge sent in £200. • Low Carbon Exchange sent in £500.

In Memory of

Lyra Maharaj

Poplar Primary School held a coffee morning and a raffle and raised £480.60.

In Memory of

Marie Manhire-Clark

Annabel Farley sent in £240 raised by the members of Springfit gymnastics and trampoline club holding a Valentine’s fundraiser: “Springfit members (mostly children) held a Valentine’s fundraiser where they came in anything red or wore anything which had hearts on. We hope the money goes some way to help with the amazing job you do.” Annabel Farley.


“All funds were split evenly between the British Heart Foundation and CRY. These two charities are very much close to our heart as they represent Charlie Clifton and Marie Manhire-Clark who were a big part of Springfit, and sadly both were taken by heart problems in recent years. Here are some of the members getting into the spirit!” Helen Gomez.

In Memory of

Lewis Marsh

• Lisa Boughton took part in the Lloyds Bank Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £175. • Justin Bayliss took part in the DIFC London to Brighton Cycle and raised £445: “It was a great day and I completed it in three and a half hours and got a puncture after about a mile! There’s a notorious hill called Ditchling Beacon about 10 miles from the finish that defeated me also! Walked up most of it! Had a very humbling experience when I finished as I was approached by a couple who had lost their young son three years ago in the same tragic circumstances as Lewis, they were really happy to see someone else supporting CRY as they had four friends doing the same event. Thanks for you support and this is an amazing charity. My wife and I are also promoting yourselves in our children’s schools so hopefully more people will sit up and take notice of your great work.”

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers • David Brambley took part in Vodafone’s Big Bold Challenge and raised £200: “Last year I cycled 70 miles from Vodafone HQ in Newbury to the Olympic Stadium, London, so in order to top that this year I went for a sprint triathlon instead. So I showed up to Eton Dorney lakes the sight of the Olympic rowing events in 2012 along with over 750 other Vodafone colleagues who were all doing events there. It was a spectacular setting and a beautiful day but I still had a feeling of dread in my stomach over what was to come. I had never done anything this mad. Running is in my top five of least favourite activities. or neighbours of Lewis Marsh. Lewis was only two weeks away from his 14th birthday when he collapsed and died from an undetected heart disease. To all appearances he was a fit and healthy young man. We were all deeply affected by the tragedy, so it meant a lot for us to sponsor the Lewis Marsh Memorial Fund, and thereby help and hopefully prevent other families going through the same experience.

“We came to the start of the paddle board and within the first 50 metres I over-balanced and got a nice refreshing dip in the lake as I fell in. The bike ride was a 5km loop around the lake but the second half of the course was in the exposed part in the middle of the lake into a 15km/h headwind which made it very tough going. “Completed the bike ride and headed off for the dreaded 5km run which to me might as well be 500 miles as I had never run that far in one go in my life but it is all about the challenge. I eventually got close to the finish line and put in a little sprint at the end to cross the line with a total time of 1 hour 48 minutes. It was a fantastic day but just remembering why I was doing this and the money I was raising for CRY always was a motivator for me.” • Kate Hood sent in a total of £22,142.50 raised through a culmination of a year’s fundraising efforts at East Berkshire Golf Club by members and their friends. “Since its formation in 1987 the Captain’s Charity at East Berkshire Golf Club remains a key focus of the Captain during their year. Over £500,000 has been raised by the members of the golf club since 1987. In 2015 Club Captain Kate Hood and Ladies Captain Christine Ross decided to support the Lewis Marsh Memorial Fund, part of CRY. “Although a national charity, there is also a personal and local link through the Lewis Marsh fund. Some of the members of East Berkshire Golf Club were either friends

“The total was raised by the golf club in 2015 through many fundraising events held both at the club and members’ houses. They included a charity weekend of golf, an auction, team competitions, as well as cakemaking, wine auctions and a golfing marathon of six rounds in one day. We have been overwhelmed by the support we have received in the last 12 months in helping to raise funds for such a wonderful charity. Thanks to the donations from the members, more young people can be screened, which makes a huge difference to people’s lives. “Gill Weston (Lewis’s mother) added: ‘I am completely overwhelmed with the amount that has been made by the kindness, support and generosity of everyone at East Berkshire Golf Club. This huge sum will give CRY and Lewis’s fund such financial security and I truly thank everyone most sincerely.’” • Bradley Chard sent in £255 raised through various events at the East Berkshire Golf Club with the Captain’s charity.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

• Gill Weston sent in a total of £11,000: Chevaun, Lewis’s sister, raised £2,000 through organising a concert; and the annual Lewis Marsh Football Tournament and various quiz nights raised £9,000.

Pete McAvoy

• Peter McAvoy sent in a total of £2,050: the #4PETE Football Trophy organised by Blair Mudie raised £324; Perth & Kinross Council cake bake sale organised by Caz Noble raised £340; Anne McCallum at Tropics Skincare sent in £63; Jillian McAvoy took part in the Glasgow 10K and raised £1,088; and Tony Carrol and Abby Conlon also took part in the Glasgow 10K and raised £235. • Peter McAvoy sent in £203 from Notley Youths.

In Memory of

John McCall

In Memory of

Janette and Malcolm Pollard sent in £100 in memory of their nephew.

John Marshall

• Maureen Marshall sent in a total of £500 from collection boxes at Edge Hill University and £130 from the Trike at Edge Hill University, making a total raised of £630. • Coca-Cola Enterprises, Abbey Well Water, Edge Hill University, sent in £2,259.60.

In Memory of

Gary Martin

Maggie Whitlock organised a charity craft fair and raised £500.

In Memory of

Dean Mason

• Colin Jenkins sent in £675.75 raised in lieu of gifts to celebrate his 70th birthday. • Gwenfair Mason sent in £150 raised by Tenby Male Voice Choir. • The Radiology Department at Withybush Hospital raised £100 from the sale of second-hand books.


In Memory of

Ian McDonald

Sue Wenman sent in a total of £2,220: a Christmas raffle raised £1,020; collection boxes raised £200; and a skydive raised £1,000.

In Memory of

Stewart McEwan

Katie Thomson took part in the Windsor Half Marathon 2015 and raised £523.

In Memory of

Gareth McGeoghegan

Joanne Thornton sent in a donation of £149.

In Memory of

James McGowan

Alexandra Basirov sent donations of £1,931.60 received in lieu of floral tributes for her brother.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Ellie McKittrick

Margaret McKittrick sent in £130 raised at a Weight Watchers meeting.

In Memory of

Stephanie McLean

Harley Sawyer took part in the Bristol and Bath Marathons and raised £878.

In Memory of

Josh Merrick

• Kay Wilson sent in £100 in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • William Emery sent in £200 raised through a raffle held at the Lodge of Newton 3024’s recent Christmas social evening. • Customers at the Urban Grille, Didsbury, made total donations of £119.24. • Eileen Prendergast sent in £175 on behalf of Urban Angels hair salon. • Eileen Prendergast sent in a total of £11,315.68 raised through the Fairytale of New York Christmas Ball organised by Josh’s parents, including £1,000 matched giving from Barclays Bank. “When the band finished playing, they howled out for more… After losing our beloved Josh in January 2013 to an undiagnosed heart condition, the Merrick family, with the help of their wonderful friends, have become dedicated to raising funds and awareness for CRY and the Josh Merrick Memorial Fund – as a lasting legacy to the kindest, craziest and the most inspirational person we all loved. We decided to base the theme on Josh’s favourite Christmas song, The Pogues’ ‘Fairytale of New York’, which proved to be the best decision ever!

“The guests arrived in their droves adorned in all their finery and were greeted on arrival with a specially created prosecco cocktail, ‘The Swinging Sinatra’. They then took to the red carpet that led them to the main room, passing the iconic Statue of Liberty on the way. The room was spectacularly decorated in black and gold with thousands of twinkling lights which made for a fabulous backdrop as excited crowds gathered for a party like no other in the city that never sleeps. “The event was officially opened by Josh’s mum and dad, Karen and Andrew. The CRY ‘Beaten’ video was then aired and a special video of Josh himself that had been created especially for the event followed. No sooner had the music started than the night came to an abrupt halt as two police officers approached the DJ stand and announced that there had been complaints about the noise level. There was a hush about the room and people were momentarily shocked until the ‘policemen’ burst into song with their opening number, ‘Uptown Funk’! “Guests were able to indulge in the sweet delights of the Broadway-inspired candy buffet, take a wintery stroll and a seat in a snowy Central Park and hail a New York taxi. But by far, one of the most popular attractions of the night was the New York ice sculpture vodka luge. It seemed everyone from 18 to 80 indulged in the unique experience (a few bad heads the next morning!). Guests had the opportunity to bid on some amazing prizes which included memorabilia from Manchester City, Manchester United and Sale Sharks, flying lessons, a hover board, and a seven-night stay in a holiday condo on the beach, to name but a few. “The guests dug deep and through their generosity we managed to raise many thousands on the auction alone! We were also inundated with amazing raffle prizes which boosted our funds even further! The highlight of the night was when X Factor contestant and family friend James


Our Fundraisers Collins and the very talented Amy Quinn took on the roles of Pogues singer Shane MacGowan and Kirsty MacColl, belting out their own rendition of ‘Fairytale of New York’. As the crowd joined in singing Josh’s favourite song the snow began to fall on the guests of New York. We would like to send out a huge thank you to the whole of the Didsbury community and beyond for the generosity and support we have received. All the money we have raised will help to keep young hearts beating.” Jenny Merrick.

In Memory of

Richard Merriman

• Nicola Merriman sent in a total of £350: £175 raised through a Christmas tombola; and £175 through a raffle: “My husband and I did a tombola at my workplace, was so kind of ASSAC to let us do this at their Santa’s grotto, we had great fun and raised £175 for CRY in memory of our son Richard. The other event was a raffle that my friend Mandy Taylor organised on a coach trip to London, it was great fun and raised £175; it made our trip an enjoyable one.”

In Memory of

John Millar

Kirsty MacMillan sent in a donation of £350.

In Memory of

Adrian Mills

Eileen Mills sent in a donation of £370.

In Memory of

Shelly Mills

Jackie Shillabeer sent in a donation of £500.

In Memory of

Luke Morris

• Mandy Taylor and her colleagues at Martin Brower Distribution Unit held a Christmas raffle and raised £500. • Nicola Merriman sent in £700 from the proceeds of an Easter cake sale: “On Easter Saturday we had another cake sale and raffle in memory of our son/brother Richard. It was an open house all afternoon to our family and friends. It’s our third year doing it, Richard loved his cakes; he made weird and wonderful cakes himself, I will never forget the beetroot cake he baked for me – interesting!! His favourite one that I baked was lemon drizzle. We had a very successful cake sale – brilliant! Brings everyone together for a great cause! And we raised a whopping £700 for CRY in Richard’s memory.”


Ian Morris sent in a total of £1,000: Laura Morris’s wedding sweep for the Grand National raised £85; the Lloyds Pharmacy, Brierley Hill, loose change event raised £25; birthday and Christmas gifts in memory of Luke raised £390; and Autonomy4u donated £500.

In Memory of

Owen Morris

• Gill Day sent in £2,400 on behalf of the Roath Ladies Circle. • Richard Melhuish took part in Owen’s Ride 2015 and raised £7,640. • Judith Miller sent in £1,005 raised through a cake sale at a recent screening.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Luke Morton

Gary Bird sent in £170 raised through taking part in 12 marathons.

In Memory of

David Moss

• Paul Draper took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £110.

danceathon, hulahooping, tombola, cards, crafts, nailpainting, bottle tombola, chocolate explosion, name the teddy bear, photo booth and the day ended with a balloon release. During the evening live music was arranged.”

• Dawn Moss sent in a total of £5,117.98, which included: £673.11 raised by Biddulph High School; £100 from Hollinshead Coaches; £500 raised by the Siemens Aid Foundation; and £1,660.40 raised through a concert at the Biddulph Arms.

In Memory of

Andrew Murch

• Iona Coutts took part in the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run and raised £203. £500.

• Alastair Cruickshank sent in a donation of

In Memory of

Daniel Murray

Daisy Hutson took part in Tough Mudder South London and raised £2,050.

“Bethany’s parents spent a weekend at Arrow Farm shop and café raising awareness and funds.”

In Memory of

Bethany Mycroft

Amanda and Adrian Topp sent in a total of £11,100: “To celebrate what would have been Bethany’s 15th birthday, her parents and family organised a celebration day which took place on 5 March 2016. Bethany’s celebration day was a time for friends and family to come together, remember Bethany, raise awareness and valuable funds for CRY. “It was a fun-filled day with a range of different activities organised and included a prize draw, sponsored


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Pardeep Nagra

• Lee and Kevin raised £120 through four Tough Mudders, the Coventry Marathon and Birmingham Half Marathon. • Resham Nagra sent in a total of £1,515 raised through a samosa/curry day. • Kully Nagra sent in a total of £2,385, including £800 raised by the Royal Mail night shift team. • Dalbag Nagra and the Royal Mail Customer Service Team raised £1,001.62.

In Memory of

Ceri Palmer née Howells

Alison Howells sent in £528.43 raised through a Christmas concert and raffle.

In Memory of

Brian Parks

Sheila Parks sent donations of £320 received in lieu of floral tributes for her husband.

• Kully Nagra raised £2,432.50 through the Great Birmingham Run and a Tough Mudder.

In Memory of

• R Nagra sent in a total of £200.

• Dr David Lowe sent in £234.98 in respect of a royalty payment from the sale of a book.

• Resham Nagra sent in a total of £1,187.50: £411.50 raised through sponsor forms; £200 from Asda; and £576 from awareness days held at Wolverhampton Bentley Swimming Baths.

In Memory of

Charles Nash

Chris Nash raised £130 through a wine-tasting event at his university.

Andrew Parr

• Ruth Lowe sent in £831 raised through a flower demonstration evening.

In Memory of

James Paterson

Heather Samuel walked Hadrian’s Wall and raised £555.

In Memory of

Maria Louise Nead

Pamela Potter sent in £100 in memory of her daughter.

In Memory of

Daniel Newman

Nicole Bernard sent in a donation of £130.

In Memory of In Memory of

Richard Northedge

Pat and Derek Northedge sent in £100 in memory of their son.


Kevin Paterson

• Gareth and Katie Hellewell sent in £632 donated in lieu of gifts at their wedding. • Sarah Keep raised £1,112 through taking part in the New York Marathon.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

James Patrick Patterson

• Peter Patterson sent in £240 representing proceeds taken after the Children’s Carol Concert held at the Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Billericay. “After the 11:00am Mass on Sunday 6 December The Most Holy Redeemer Children’s Choir presented the ‘Christmas Story in Words and Music’. This featured various Christmas songs and carols including ‘Hodie’, ‘Little Donkey,’ ‘Away in a Manger,’ and ‘When Jesus was born in Bethlehem,’ a new carol by senior choir member Mark Nuttall.

In Memory of

James Pettifer

• Gary Cruickshank and Team Shrek Powers took part in the Ealing Half Marathon and raised £1,235. • Helen Picridas and Team 147 sent in a total of £7,824 in respect of the Thames Bridges Trek: “My beloved fiancée James Pettifer tragically and very suddenly passed away on April 17 this year from an undiagnosed heart condition. He really was one in a million; the loveliest, kindest man you could ever meet, who always had time for everyone and cared so much about the people in his life. Whilst trying to find a way to fundraise, I stumbled upon the Thames Bridges Trek; a 20km walk which zigzags across 16 bridges from Putney through to Tower Bridge. Our group turned into a team of over 30 people, which included James’s mum Loretta, his two younger brothers Michael and Ryan, my sister, two of James’s aunts, and many of his closest friends and neighbours from his hometown of Hanwell.

Image credit: Arthur Edwards

“The event was well attended by 80 parishioners, family and friends and was the perfect way to start the day ahead of the Christmas Market in Billericay High Street. A retiring collection of £240 was taken for CRY in memory of James Patterson, a parishioner of the Most Holy Redeemer.” • Matthew Chapman organised a private screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens for friends and relatives and raised £200.

In Memory of

Jenni and David Paul

“It took most of us between four and five hours to complete and despite being fairly tough and emotional, it really was a great day. James’s death has left us all devastated, but we all feel determined to help raise more awareness for CRY and young sudden cardiac death. If we can help prevent the same thing happening to another person and their family, then at least something good can come from something so tragic. This is our way of making sure his legacy lives on.”

• Gordon Paul sent in £28,756.82 in respect of various fundraising and donations in memory of his children. • Jillian Queen sent in a donation of £100. • Gordon and Helen Paul sent in £600 raised through a St Patrick’s Day charity ball. • Gary Queen sent in a donation of £120. • Gordon Paul sent in £350 on behalf of A M Order of Purchasers, Edinburgh.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

James Phillips

• Sophie Payne and Matt Murray took part in the Adidas Run Reigate Half Marathon and raised £1,126. • Suzy Kerton sent in £133.18 raised through a dress-up Friday at Clear Books.

In Memory of

Gary Pope

David and Leisa Simmons sent in £120 raised at The Thatched Inn, Hassocks.

In Memory of

Gemma Quew

Ann Ward sent in £170 raised through a carol service held in December.

In Memory of

David Quinney

Julie Flewitt sent in £326.09 raised through the “Pampered Chef” cookery and Christmas event.

In Memory of

Charlotte Rawlings

In Memory of

Shannon Powell

Christina Weeks sent in £983.85 from Northwood College, raised through a series of charity events including a talent show, organised by the Head Girl team, a teachers versus sixth form netball match and a sport-related mufti day.

In Memory of

Robert Poysor

Diane Tolley sent in £320 raised through a Tesco bag pack.

In Memory of

Mark Price and William Leach

Janette Tatterton sent donations of £100 received in lieu of floral tributes for her father, William.

In Memory of

Liam Pridmore

Chris Rowley sent in £1,500 raised through the Liam Pridmore Memorial Ride.


Susan Styles took part in a Yeovil to London Walk and raised £1,565.

In Memory of

Craig Rawlinson

Kay Rawlinson organised three coffee mornings and placed collection boxes in local shops and raised £1,500: “We lost our beloved son in November 2012 to the undiagnosed heart condition ARVC whilst at football training. He was a keep-fit fanatic, spending two or three evenings at the gym, with football training once or twice a week and a football match at the weekend, living life to the full. The money has been raised through three CRY coffee mornings and collection boxes that have been placed in local shops in the village. Alongside this, we have also been raising money and implementing defibrillators for sports venues in the local area, to help prevent further incidences and raise awareness of the condition.”

In Memory of

Claire Reed

• Mike Sisley sent in £7,470.97 raised by the B Natural team taking part in the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race 2015. • Rosemary Sleaford sent in £1,500 raised at the Dogs in Need Agility Society’s show.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Keith Rees

Martin Rees took part in the London to Paris Cycle and raised £240.

In Memory of

Alex Reid

• Elle Cornwall took part in the Mablethorpe Half Marathon and raised £843.79. • Hannah Dawson took part in the Mablethorpe Half Marathon and raised £461.07. • Marsha Raynes sent in £557.85 raised by Kiveton Park Medical Practice.

In Memory of

Miles Reid

• Emma Davies took part in the Leeds Abbey Dash and raised £511. • Felicity Johnson took part in Stratford’s Big 10K and raised £528. “On Sunday 13 September I took part in Stratford’s Big 10K in memory of Miles Reid, who sadly passed away in May this year following a cardiac arrest during football training. The loss of Miles devastated his family and so many close friends around me that I wanted to help prevent other families and friends going through the same heartache caused by this generally undetected problem.

Miles’ twin brother Dane Reid, and friends Matt Powell and Iain Prior who had come to Stratford to support me. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in donations so far and helped me to raise awareness and money for this very worthwhile cause.”

In Memory of

Debbie Rendle

• Adrian Abbott sent in £500 from the Trelawney Male Choir. • Sylvia Pezzack sent in a total of £182: Mousehole Methodist Church raised £75; Kerrier North District U3A raised £67; and £40 was donated following a talk given by Judy Street and herself.

In Memory of

Scott Rennie

Stevie Rennie sent in £250 raised through various activities.

In Memory of

Fay Richardson

Mr A Richardson sent donations of £500 received in lieu of floral tributes for his mother.

“After running Stratford’s Big 10K last year, I set myself the goal of completing the race in less than 50 minutes. I completed the race in 48 minutes which was a new personal best and celebrated by going for pancakes with

In Memory of

James Roberts

Daniel Roberts took part in the Manchester to Blackpool Cycle and raised £150.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Endre Hanak, Zac, Dan, Connor, Ben and Ryan took part in the Tough Mudder South London and raised £150.

Pam Sanger sent in £350 representing a donation from her mum in lieu of payment for singing lessons.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Evan Robertson

Stuart Ross

Halifax Foundation sent in £500 matched giving in respect of Sharon Heggen’s fundraising as Lady Captain of Larne Golf Club, making a total raised of £2,126.40. “I am pictured (centre) handing over a cheque for £2,126.40 to Stuart’s parents, David and Janet Ross.” Sharon Heggen.

David Sanger

Kevin Sayer

Colin Forder and Chris Grice organised a football match and raised £310.

In Memory of

Mair Schmeinck

Alison Schmeinck sent donations of £1,080 received in lieu of floral tributes for her daughter.

In Memory of

Mike Scott

• Marjorie and Allan Scott sent in £100 towards the basketball match organised by Mark Ibbotson. • Craig Ibbotson organised a charity basketball event and raised £2,039.15.

In Memory of

Bryan Selwood

In Memory of

Adam Rowbottom

• Ulrike Rowbottom sent in £2,500 to commemorate Adam’s birthday and a Christmas donation of £500, making a total donation of £3,000. • James Field took part in Run the River 10K and raised £467.86. • Anthony and Lizzie Rowbottom sent in £200 in lieu of wedding favours. • Abingdon Women’s Institute sent in a donation of £206.67.


James Edmund sent in a total of £2,000, including a personal donation and £1,000 matched giving from Lloyds Bank of £1,000.

In Memory of

Paul Sheridan

Benjamin Smith sent in a donation of £1,000.

In Memory of

Jack Sheriff

Elizabeth Sheriff sent in a donations totalling £426.59: £357.75 sent in by guests attending Jack’s grandad’s

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers 90th birthday celebrations; and £68.84 raised through collection pots at Washington Road Post Office.

In Memory of

Joshua Shotton

David James sent in a total of £100.

In Memory of

Gregg Shoults

• Fiona Shoults sent in £13,219.97 raised through the annual Greggstival event: “Greggstival started as a celebration of what would have been my brother’s 30th birthday. When I celebrated my 40th, I called it Fiestival and he said he wanted Greggstival for his 30th. So, we had to continue with his wishes. The first Greggstival came together in a bit of a blur really; Gregg passed away in October 2012 and the first event was June 2013, so not that long after. On the day we stood and looked at the streams of people pouring through the gates and the magnitude of what we had organised hit us!

“Greggstival is a family fun day. There is a kids’ fun fair, a fire engine – emergencies permitting – a dog show, pony rides, birds of prey, craft stalls, food stalls, licensed bar, hog roast, live music all day, tumble and other similar stalls and of course our CRY information post. This year we would like to reach a total of £30,000 raised overall for CRY. We already have two days’ screenings arranged for March next year and are keen to arrange two more as soon as possible after that.” • Kathy Gambell sent in £100 raised as part of her 81st birthday celebrations by her friends at The Church in Hope Street, Sheerness.

In Memory of

Madeline Siddall

• Billie Whitehead held a fundraising event and raised £200. • Anne Siddall sent in £610 raised at Eckington Christmas Festival. • Garry Somes and John Hind sent in a donation of £345. • Joan and Derek Marrison sent in a donation of £500. • Anne Siddall sent in £100 raised by Sherwood Junior School in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

“Every year we say this will be the last year, but we now have such a following in the local villages and their excitement for June 25 this year is already palpable. We just have to carry on!

• Kathie Rees and Linda Millership raised £1,601 when taking part in Morrisons Great North Run 2015.

In Memory of

Ben Skinner

• Julie Harrison sent in a donation of £100. • Burford, Suzy, Charlotte and Logan Scott sent in a donation of £200. • Karen Power sent in a donation of £100. • Rhys Hanger sent in a donation of £130.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Aubrey Smith

• Craig Leitch has raised £535 through running the Glasgow Half Marathon, the Great Scottish Run and the Loch Ness Marathon.

In Memory of

Andrew Stevens

Gill Kennerley sent in a donation of £300.

• Yvonne Scott took part in the Glasgow Half Marathon and raised £370.

In Memory of

In Memory of

• Graeme Mitchie, Grant Hutton and Richard Linton took part in the Copenhagen Marathon and raised £1,395.

Ben Smith

• Jessica Cherrill organised various fundraising throughout 2015 and raised £840. • Christine Smith sent in £400 raised through Debbie Baxter’s fundraising evening for Ben’s lacrosse friends and families.

In Memory of

Matthew Smith

Susan Smith sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Robert Daniel Smith

Linda Smith sent in a total of £1,690.30, which included: £43.38 raised through a Langley Park Co-op collection pot; £16.70 raised through a Chapter One hair salon collection pot; £41.32 raised through a Canterbury Road Co-op collection pot; £320 raised through a Langley Park fish shop raffle; £633.1 raised through a shopping night; £410.70 raised through a coffee morning; Linda, Robert and Josh’s 5p pot raised £45.10; and a Doncaster trip donation amounted to £150.

Gary Stewart

• Karen Cowie organised a coffee morning in Fetterangus Public Hall in memory of her cousin and raised £1,235.87. • Richard Gibbons from The Fishie Pub, Fetterangus, sent in £1,100. • Olive Stewart sent in £8,000 raised through Gary’s annual memorial darts and auction competition: “Over 100 dart players took part. Another great day was had by all. We have all been deeply touched by everyone’s support and generosity.”

In Memory of

Cameron Strathie

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Services organised a Highland dancing competition and raised £226.15: “Sandra Colraine, Development Officer, is employed by the West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust and works with a team of officers to develop the programmes and activities in the area. In addition to this role, Sandra is a well-established dance teacher and dance competition organiser in the

In Memory of

David Staff

Rebecca Sims sent in £600 raised at the David Staff Memorial Race.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers area. For the last 16 years, Sandra has organised a Highland dancing competition which is held annually in February. During the competition, a charity dance section is arranged where dancers of all ages, parents, teachers and siblings of dancers pay a donation and participate in the charity dance. After the event, the money raised is sent to the nominated charity. “Sandra was made aware of CRY via the family of Cameron Strathie, Falkirk, who sadly died at the age of six. Cameron’s older sister Leah is a highland dancer and both Leah and her mum danced in the event and provided information to display at the event to raise awareness of CRY.”

In Memory of

David Styles

Michael Styles sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of

Hannah Taylor and Darren Blanchard

Jim Somerville at Vindicatrix Association, Suffolk, sent in £111.

In Memory of

Suzanne Taylor

Beryl Ewing sent in £150 raised through her handmade Christmas cards.

In Memory of

Zac Taylor

Christine Peters sent in £135.46 raised by the community.

In Memory of

Patrick Swinson

Ray Freeman organised a quiz night and raised £160.

In Memory of

Martin Talbot and Ian Hollingbery

Annie Houghton sent in £300 raised by Dukeries Dragons.

In Memory of

Sarah Tenwick

Emma Tenwick-Ford sent in £2,954.29 raised through her Cycling for Sarah fundraising page.

In Memory of

Christian Thomas

Alison and Emyr Thomas have sent £265 sent in in lieu of wedding gifts.

In Memory of

Chantelle Taylor and Jordan Burndred

Sharon Battiste sent in a donation of £779.

In Memory of

Hannah Taylor

Elizabeth Perrett sent in £100 on behalf of the Caledonian Society of Colchester & District.

In Memory of

Donovan Thomas

Hayley Wright sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Jack Thomas

• Donna Friend of Spirit Hair Team held a raffle and raised £186.59. • June Thomas sent in £180 on behalf


Our Fundraisers of Julia Griffiths, landlady of the Red Lion pub, raised through holding a raffle. • June Thomas sent in a total of £1,631.64: £664.70 raised at a screening day; £140.65 from Cross Oaks Inn; £426.29 from Asda Brynmawr; and £400 raised by Karen James through her creative Christmas tree making. • Hafod Housing Association raised £2,700 through raffles, cake sales, dress-down days and quizzes. “Staff choose a different charity each year and were keen to support CRY in memory of Jack Thomas, the son of a close friend of Housing Officer Michelle Holmes. Michelle explained: ‘Four years ago Jack, one of my closest friend’s sons, suddenly collapsed and tragically died at the age of 15. The reason for Jack’s death is still unknown but it was thought to be some kind of arrhythmic problem within the heart.’

In Memory of

Chris Thompson

Chris Hamilton at Martin Grant Homes sent in £100.

In Memory of

Jack Thompson

Lee Bryant sent in £150 raised in lieu of Christmas gifts for Allan and Jeanie.

In Memory of

Oliver Thompson

• Graham and Cheryle Thompson sent in a total of £200. • Cliftonville Primary School sent in a donation of £354.63. • Cheryle Thompson sent in a total of £125: £100 from Rowena and Christopher; and £25 from Sandra and David. • Graham Thompson sent in £5,328.46 raised through sales of British goods at the Luxembourg International Bazar.

“Since Jack’s death his parents June and Grant have set up a memorial fund in his name and work tirelessly with CRY to raise awareness of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). The money raised will help towards a screening session and staff pulled out all the stops to raise as much as possible. Activities included raffles, cake sales, dress-down days and quizzes. Michelle continued: ‘We were overwhelmed by the support from everyone both within Hafod and beyond. Staff, their families and our contractors were hugely generous both in terms of giving money and donating high-quality raffle prizes.’ “June, Jack’s mum, visited Hafod’s head office recently to receive the donation and was visibly touched by the support shown by staff. She said: ‘We would like to thank Hafod Housing for raising £2,700 for CRY in memory of Jack. This money will go towards paying for a heart screening session on 4 June 2016 at Oakdale Surgery.’” Helen Ball, Hafod Resources.


“Since I learned about Ollie’s sudden death and the work Cheryle and Graham have done in his memory to raise awareness and to fund screenings, I’ve been wondering how I could help. Every year, I volunteer with the British Stand of the International Bazar, I realised that this was my opportunity to help. Graham and Cheryle kindly sent me CRY T-shirts and publicity material to display on the stand and I explained to all visitors to the stand why I was supporting CRY. “In March 2016, €600,000 was distributed to the 98 charities chosen by all the stands and CRY received £5,328.46. In 2015, sales of British tombola tickets alone raised in excess of €25,000 thanks to the extremely generous support from sponsors as well as the fantastic efforts of the ticket sellers who sold over 9,000 tombola tickets. “Every year, over 1,000 volunteers help organise and participate in the International Bazar which celebrates the diverse cultures living in Luxembourg with all profits donated to charities around the world. “The British Stand stocks a wide variety of goods including a selection of toiletries, Christmas cards and crackers plus gift ideas including tea towels, teapots and mugs. They also sell mouth-watering goods including homemade

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Isabelle “Issy” Tudisca

• Della Tudisca organised a ladies’ day and raised £13,271.51:

marmalade, chutneys, teas, Christmas puddings and biscuits. We also sell homemade mince pies, haggis rolls and a selection of whisky shots to enjoy on the day.” Rita Courlander.

“On the last day of school in July last year, we lost our beloved 14-year-old daughter Issy, and our lives changed forever. We know we can’t bring her back, so we have made it our mission to stop as many other families suffering the same trauma as ourselves, by raising as much money as humanly possible to fund screening days and equipment for CRY. We started our fundraising careers with a ladies’ day held on 23 November 2015, in Woodford Green, Essex, to coincide with CRY Awareness Week.

In Memory of

Peter Thomson

Karen Thomson sent donations of £1,554.79 received in lieu of floral tributes for her husband, Peter.

In Memory of

Christian Thunhurst

Lorraine Fernandes sent in £1,500 from the U35’s Reinsurance Group.

In Memory of

Luke Towers

CRY Representative Paula Beck attended Gordon’s School, Woking, and was presented with a cheque for £228.23 in memory of their former pupil.

“We originally planned to keep it small – just a cakes and coffee morning – but were blown away by the offers of support and help. In the end we had nine stalls, ranging from clothes, to candles, to a Christmas stall, nails and beauty and, of course, cakes and coffee. More than 400 people turned up throughout the day – including children from Issy’s school, teachers, friends and families – we even let in some men!


Our Fundraisers “The support was incredible, and we ended up shooing the last few people out at 7pm – too much delicious home-cooked food. What a day and what a success – we ended up making £8,710 on the day and a further £4,561 with the auction – an amazing total of £13,271.51. “Again we can’t thank our friends and family enough for the generosity in both giving items to raise money, but also their time and support and care in the run up to all our events. It has been immensely humbling. So far we have set up two screening weekends next year in our area. Please see our Facebook page #forissy for more details.” • Lloyds Bank Foundation sent in £2,000 matched giving in respect of cake sales held by Melanie Miller, Emily Read, Fatima Dadabhai and Corrine Kelly. • Rachel Barton-Hagger held a cake bake and raised £700.

In Memory of

Chloe Waddell

• Fiona Waddell sent in £850 raised through the Timperley Boneshakers charity bike ride: “Since 2009 Timperley Boneshakers have raised £56k for many deserving charities. On September 26 and 27, the team of 30 cyclists cycled 200 miles and climbed almost 10,000ft through the Welsh mountains over two days from Timperley to Rhos-on-Sea and back. This was probably their toughest challenge to date! In February 2013, at the age of 16, Chloe Waddell from Timperley died suddenly due to an undiagnosed heart condition. Chloe was a dedicated and talented swimmer at Altrincham Swimming Club and Swim Trafford. It was hoped that she would make the Rio Olympics in 2016 but sadly this did not happen.

In Memory of

Samuel Tunney

The family of Samuel Tunney sent donations of £483.93 from the collection at his funeral.

In Memory of

Sian Turnball

John and Joyce Turnball sent in £100 in memory of their daughter.

In Memory of

Darren Uscroft

Robert Wells and Stuart Blanchard raised a total of £3,279.50 through taking part in Morrisons Great North Run 2015.

“The riders set off at 7:30am from Timperley on Saturday. It was a glorious weekend weather-wise. The first day was the toughest with plenty of hills to climb, but ended with a rewarding ride along the sea front to be applauded into the hotel at Rhos-on-Sea. It was an early start the next day again, leaving from Rhos, with a flatter ride back along the coast for part of the way and the hills coming straight after the lunch stop! The riders arrived back at Timperley Methodist, to be greeted by many friends and family.”

In Memory of

Vincenzo “Chinni” Vetere

• Alison Ascott sent in £557.11 raised by Chinni’s old school friends at their annual music gig, Chinstock. • Jonathan Holt-Thomas sent in £300 raised through Chinstock 2015.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers • Ian Carter took part in the Timperley Boneshakers Bike Ride 2015 and raised £155.64. • Fiona Waddell sent in £115 raised through a raffle held at Liz Reid’s 50th birthday. • Manish Negi sent in £1,250 on behalf of ACE European Group. • Fiona Waddell sent in a total of £326.64: £100 raised through sponsorship for Lyn Panel’s weight loss; and £226.64 raised by Altrincham Swimming Club.

In Memory of

Neil Walden

Peter Walden sent in £120 in memory of his son.

In Memory of

In Memory of

George Watson

Marie Watson sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Lily Webster

• Stowupland High School sent in £100 in respect of a charity football match. • Melanie Webster sent in a total of £834.30: £690.30 from Stowmarket High School from their showcase event and charity football match; £144 from Stowmarket High School from their Easter egg hunt; and £174 from the Rotary Club of Gipping Valley raised through quiz nights.

Christopher Walker

Barbara and Nicholas Walker sent donations of £215.64 received in lieu of floral tributes for Christopher.

In Memory of

Neil Ward

• Elaine Ward sent in £100 raised through the Wesleyan Reform Church’s Christmas dinner. • Elaine Ward sent in a total of £6,300.69, which included: £1,550 raised by Dore Townswomen’s Guild; Dronfield Tangent donated £50; Coal Aston WI donated £50; the Freemasons Provincial Grand Charity donated £250; a Dronfield Singers concert raised £1,000; Derbyshire WI’s guess the name of the dog competition raised £45; Pat Millington donated £14; Wickersley School nonuniform day raised £1,512; Elaine Jerrom donated £20; a collection box in raised £10; Margaret Andrews donated £50; the Montgomery Theatre, Sheffield, raised £190.19; the Rotary Club of Dronfield raised £50; the Rotary Club of Abbeydale raised £50; and Jean Hides sent total donations of £500 from her husband Mike’s funeral. • Richard Mather took part in the Chesterfield Half Marathon and raised £107.

In Memory of

Sally Wells

Margaret and Simon Wells organised an Easter coffee morning and raised £280.

In Memory of

Neil Wickers

Bar 39, Darwin, sent in £202.60 raised through a Christmas raffle.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Adam Wilkins sent donations of £345 received in lieu of floral tributes for his mother.

Mark Howard sent in £145 on behalf of Ray’s past and present colleagues at Hulley and Kirkwood.

Christina Wilkins

In Memory of

Dean Wilkinson

• Amada UK sent in a donation of £2,600. • Annette Wilkinson sent in £3,500 raised through Dean’s charity disco held at the Mercure Hotel in Bewdley.

In Memory of

Christopher Williams

• Malcolm Shevlin sent in £100 on behalf of Pure Gym where Chris was a member. • Yorkshire Bank sent in £159 on behalf of colleague Karen Williams.

In Memory of

Joseph Williams

Mrs WJ Williams sent in £475 raised by the staff, children and parents at Laleham Church playgroup.

Ray Wilson

In Memory of

James Winchester

Kelley Webber took part in the Thames Path Challenge and raised £1,150.

In Memory of

David Wood

• Vicky Cooke took part in the Baxter Loch Ness 10K and raised £330. • Port Isaac Rowing Club organised barbecues over the summer in 2015 and raised £600.

In Memory of

Robert Worboys

• Georgina Worboys sent in a total of £550: Sir Nigel Broakes 1993 Charitable Trust, £250; Jeremy Aitchison, £50; My Giving Account of RA McC, £200; and Mr J Thompson, £50. • Carmen Bouthillette sent in £2,500 raised through Ivanhoe Cambridge. • Nellie Ramsey sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Rachel Williams

Susan, John and Wayne Skinner sent in £1,130 raised through decorating their house with Christmas lights.

In Memory of

Lee Wilson

• Carole Wilson sent in £515 in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • Carole Wilson sent in £265 on behalf of Mr SP Wilson.


In Memory of

Margo Wright, Mandi Blake, Stephen Donovan and Lee Donovan

Marie Knight-Morton shaved her head and raised £1,250: “I organised a charity event on 27 October 2015 in memory of my best friend Margo Wright, she died suddenly on 19 October 2014. We had been friends for 15 years, after a chance meeting we both found that we had lost a child. My son Lee (18) to leukemia and Margo’s daughter Mandi to sudden death aged 32 years.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

Our Fundraisers “My son’s anniversary is October 15 and 2014 had been a very difficult year for me, Margo helped me in arranging a family event for my three grandchildren to have a naming ceremony, we purposely arranged it in the October near to Lee’s anniversary so we could celebrate his life and family. It was a wonderful day, but my world came crashing down as my very best friend never woke the next morning, her heart had failed. Margo was only 65 but had known she had long QT syndrome as have some of her other children as well as Mandi who had passed away. “So in the months leading up to the first anniversary of Margo’s death I decided to shave my head for charity and raise money for our two charities; Bright Red and CRY. I also have an affinity to CRY as my nephew Stephen Donovan also died of sudden death aged 23 years. I had mentioned doing it the previous year and Margo insisted I was mad and not to do it as my hair was my pride and joy and very long (20” at the time of shave). This I knew would affect me, it had special meaning for me. “The night was a huge success and I could not have imagined the support I got. The local paper covered the story too. As I had my head shaved I played the song, ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you my friend, and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again’. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. All of Margo’s family attended, it was a very emotional time but looking back at the night, I knew she would be happy with the money raised and going to her charity CRY. No doubt I will be doing other events on special times in their honour so I will continue to spread awareness of your work and support you whenever I can.”

In Memory of

Daniel Young

• Dionne and Craig Young sent in a total of £366.50 raised by the Class of 2005, Fredlongworth High School; and customers and staff at Tesco, Atherton.

• Dionne Young sent in a total of £120: Mr Farnworth donated £100; Mrs Warington donated £10; and Mrs Whitbread donated £10. • Dionne Young sent in £525 raised in lieu of gifts for Mr and Mrs Butler’s 50th wedding anniversary.

In Memory of

Piotr Zimmermann

Mrs A Zimmermann sent donations of £1,172.50 received in lieu of floral tributes for her husband.

General Fundraising • JE Hankey sent in £280.25 raised through a charity auction held by the 7th Military Intelligence Battalion. • Anne Reeve forwarded £200 sent in to celebrate A J Rogers & Sons’ 50th year in business and wanting to give back to the community. • Shaun Ainge took part in a sponsored world marathon relay challenge and raised £594. • Alcester Grammar School have sent a donation of £573.35 raised through a nonuniform day. • Thomas Anderson held a raising awareness week and raised £293.77. • Simon Abdel-Nour sent in £100 from the Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain. • Maria O’Neill sent in £351.94 raised by staff and pupils at Bablake School, Coventry. • Mrs AJ Baker sent in £150 raised by the residents at her retirement village through holding coffee mornings. • William Baker sent in £300 raised through a collection box. • Baines & Ernst sent in a donation of £216.36. • Charlotte Barber took part in the Nantwich Young Farmers Club’s Three Peaks Challenge and raised £1,761.50.


General Fundraising • Councillor Nick Hodges at East Grinstead Town Council sent in £1,000 matched giving from Barclays Bank. • Tara Parrish sent in £108.93 raised through the Barrow Wonders under-eights Tangerines holding party games, a disco, cake sale and a book signing.

• Mike Bastow sent in £150 raised through sponsorship at Margate Rotary Club’s swimathon. • CRY Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE sent in £20,000 from Beefy’s Charity Foundation for the purchase of an echocardiogram. • Chris Bird raised £270 through his JustGiving page. • Aimee Bott sent in £425 from Marks and Spencers, West Bromwich. • Oliver Blackaby sent in £100 in memory of his colleague’s son.

very enjoyable. They all had the classic low moments and they all encouraged each other. The boys also noticed that the stars looked really big out there! Worth going to see the stars alone! The local porters were amazing – helping the travellers, carrying their bags, and providing some local culture. They even helped my son get his gloves on, when he was struggling with cold and tiredness. “Kevin and Oisín are fit. Not everyone got to the very top. There were 23 in the group, 20 got to the crater rim, and only 15 got to the summit. The summit of Kilimanjaro is higher than base camp of Everest – it is two thirds of the height of Everest! The porters looked after the people who could not make it. The boys could cope with the hours of walking, but everyone got a bit of vomiting from mountain sickness from rapid ascent. At the summit, the effective oxygen concentration is 10% (at sea-level, it’s 21%) which did mean the boys were left panting with just walking in the higher parts. Overall, they are very pleased to have achieved this challenge. But it was a lot harder than they thought. Without the intensive support, you would not get to the top.” Loretta Bradley.

• Jasmine Blackwolf sent in a donation of £100. • Oisín and Kevin Bradley climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and raised £2,382. “Well the boys came back today. They are knackered at the minute, but relieved to get back. Oisín got a severe headache on day 3 as they went higher (mountain sickness) – managed with paracetamol. But the leaders took the group down a bit overnight to help acclimatise. Days 4 and 5 are very hard – they walked eight hours 7am to 5pm, then set off again at midnight and walked for eight hours overnight to the summit and another five hours down, two hours break then walk another two hours to the last camp on Friday night. “They did the 6-day route. A ‘7-day timetable’ is an option – it would be easier but the boys said they were a bit fed up of camp by the end. Camp conditions were basic. Food was basic. But the great camaraderie made the challenge


• Loretta Bradley sent in £1,160 raised through collections after Masses by Fr Michael O’Doherty in respect of Kevin and Oisín Bradley’s climb up Mount Kilimanjaro. • Louise Bradley sent in a donation of £135. • Timothy Sendell sent in £200 raised by Bridgend Embroidery and Edwards 3JJJs through a raffle and donations.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

General Fundraising • Will Buchanan sent in £330 raised through the Pop-up Royal Oak event. • Jean Jackson sent in £200 from the members of the Bunyan Bridge Club. • Tim Butt sent in a donation of £453. • Cavangna Group UK sent in a donation of £250. • Gavin Chapman took part in Wheels Hero’s 100 and raised £555. • David Kennedy sent in £150 raised through Choir 1 Garstang’s Christmas Sing. • Katie Murphy sent in £317.50 on behalf of the CIB Finance Team at the Royal Bank of Scotland, raised through various fundraising events including a fat-fest competition and bake-off. • Beverly Clark sent in a donation of £100. • S and J Clark sent in a total of £200. • Janice Swankie sent in £100 raised by members of the Club of Aberbrothock Lodge 40. • John Cockrell took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £100. • The Co-operative Bank, Chelmsford, raised £213.45 over Christmas. • Janet Cooke-Thompson sent in £120 raised by Cookestates. • Dr Rupa Huq MP sent in £100 received from ComRes in respect of research participation. • Corporate and Institutional Banking sent in £329.49 raised at a recent office bake sale. • Cotteridge Boys’ Brigade held their 59th Birmingham Steadfast Camp and raised £150. • Simon Counsell took part in a football marathon and raised £190. • Despo Coney, Rita Antoniou and Sam Bell took part in the London Trekathon and raised a total of £432. • John Connolly sent in £1,000 raised by the students and staff of Copley Academy. • CRY Representatives Carl and Eunice Johnson

accepted a donation of £1,000 when they attended Richard Cox’s birthday party at the Rotary Club of Windsor St George. • Nathan Curran raised a total of £875 when taking part in Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2015. • Lorna Dane sent in a donation of £250. • Ian McCall sent in £1,200 raised by William Dunne and the Portadown NI Supporters Club. • Michelle Edmonds took part in a climb up the O2 and raised £295. • James Edmund sent in a donation of £200. • John Ritchie at Ellipse sent in a donation of £450. • George Elson took part in the Thames Path Challenge and raised £715. • Brian Wildsmith sent in £265 on behalf of Emmanuel Church, Cheadle. • Mike Pierce from Enfield and District Veteran Vehicle Society organised an event in Derbyshire which included a raffle and raised £180. • Martin Felstead sent in £100 on behalf of Esher Rugby Club. • Pat Proctor sent in £100 on behalf of Gables Luncheon Club. • Mark Fairchild sent in a donation of £136. • Films @59 held a festive bake-off and raised £136.40. • Mr A McNeill and Mrs C Russell sent in £500 raised through a charitable collection at the First Ballymena Presbyterian Church at their Harvest Sunday Service. • James Freir and Lizzy Smuk took part in the Yorkshire Coast 10K and raised £310. • Steven Fryer took part in a skydive and raised £580. • Maurice Fulton sent in a donation of £205. • Vicky Edge sent in £100 from the Fundraising Furniture Shop in Hayes. • Tanith Galer and Kirsty Sullivan took part in the Ealing Marathon and raised £1,725.


General Fundraising • Tom Gent took part in the London to Berlin Cycle and raised £580. • Krystle Gerrard sent in £150 through the sale of show programmes at Krystle Jayne’s dance academy. • Paul Longmire at Gorvins Solicitors sent in £1,537.37 raised through their 2015 charity fundraising. • Jane Gransden sent in a total of £160: the Freemasons donated £100; and the annual shanty carols evening aboard the Edith May barge raised £60. • Amanda Hall sent in £101 raised by four children at her school through baking, selling cakes and making their own T-shirts. • Mr T Dakin sent in a donation £200 raised by the Hallam Chapter Rose Croix 922. • Alexander Halliday sent in a donation of £500. • Mark Griffin sent in £183 raised through a sponsored quiz in the Red Lion, Beaninster. • Nicola Harris sent in £750 raised at a 50’s rock ‘n’ roll black tie dinner at the Reigate Manor Hotel: “Each February a small independent team of us hold a themed black tie dinner at the Reigate Manor Hotel. At the event we hold a raffle, where we raise funds for a chosen charity. This was our fifth year running the event and we chose to donate the funds from the raffle to CRY, because it is a cause close to one of our member’s hearts.

be able to tell CRY that we raised £750 from the raffle for them. We would like to say a big thank you to their Community Fundraising Manager, Ben, for his great communication and help with the information and assets that we needed to promote the charity at the event. Many thanks and best of luck for the future with your work.” The Caterham Ball Committee: Nicola Harris, Emma Harris, Keith Harris, Carly Sandle, Sally Court, Marie Harris and Suzi Quaife. • Mr C Guthrie sent in £467.59 on behalf of Harvey House, Aylesford School Sports College. • Stewart Hastie and John Machin took part in a Dry January challenge and raised a total of £1,005. • Paul Henderson took part in a 24-hour run and raised £1,066.35. • David Henry took part in the Bearded Munro Challenge and raised £1,409.32. • Matilda Henry and Mary Pratt took part in the Nuclear Blast Race and raised £140. • Lisa Harding sent in £114 on behalf of Hibberts LLP raised in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • Gill Baxter sent in £100 from members at the High Wycombe Tangent Club in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

“This year, on February 20, we entertained 120 guests at a ‘50s rock ‘n’ roll-themed black tie event, with a five-course meal, themed entertainment and a DJ to dance the night away. CRY provided us with some great promotional material to put out on the night, including leaflets, posters, balloons and some lovely sashes, which we all wore for the raffle. “A fantastic night was had by all and we are pleased to


• Dr Ian Butterfield sent in £500 raised through a non-uniform day at Hindley High School. • Peter Holdridge sent in £220.56 raised through a collection held at the Derbyshire Federation of the Women’s Institute carol service held in Derby Cathedral. • Angie Howland took part in the Bournemouth Marathon and raised £670.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

General Fundraising • Julia Horner sent in £250 raised by members of the Inner Wheel Club of Purley.

• Allie Morris took part in a skydive and raised £1,040.

• Seema Jehwal sent in a donation of £439.18.

• Jodie Murphy took part in the Cardiff and Pembrokeshire Half Marathons and raised £440.

• Staff at the John Proctor Travel Team sent in £350 raised in lieu of sending Christmas cards. • Robert Kennerley sent in a donation of £100. • Morris Cameron sent in a total of £966.58 which represents the final monies of Kilroot Rec FC. • Stefan Kirwan sent in a donation of £155. • Lady Lumley’s School in Pickering held a non-uniform day and raised £560. • Lakeland, Chelmsford, sent in a donation of £408.08. • Paul Lafferty sent in a donation of £123.70. • Tania Lambert sent in £372 raised through Charities Trust’s “Sponsor Me”.

• The National Counties Building Society sent in a donation of £305. • The Nationwide Building Society sent in £600 through the Community Match Scheme. • Derek Netherton sent in a donation of £250. • Lisa Browne sent in £193.38 raised by the students of Newcastle-under-Lyme College. • Sean Nolan took part in a paddle surfing event and raised £1,505. • Gina Goddard sent in £190 raised by the staff of Northgate Primary School in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• John Leach sent in £135 raised at a monthly soup lunch event at The Hurst Methodist Church in Kingsley.

• Anusha Baboolall and Louise O’Leary sent in £228.61 raised by year 11PQ through holding a fundraising week at the Notting Hill and Ealing High School.

• Marcos Castro at the London Metal Exchange sent in £100 in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• Mr F Barrington-Ward sent in £735 raised through the members of Old Wykehamist Lodge 3548.

• The Lord Taverners sent in a donation of £547.58.

• Gary Orr sent in £250 raised by his son from taking part in a parachute jump.

• Malcolm Caird sent in £550 raised through a six-a-side cricket tournament held by Lurgashall Cricket Club. • Hamish Macmillan raised £530 when taking part in the Windsor Half Marathon 2015 in memory of two friends. • John Gleaves sent in £200 on behalf of the Mannings Heath Golf Club. • Ailsa Marsh took part in a London to Paris cycle and raised £494. • Jane Martin and her colleagues at Royal Mail sent in £700 raised through taking part in a Tough Mudder. • Fiona Mathews took part in the Berlin Marathon and raised £600.

• Stacey Hunt at Personal Group sent in £250 sent in from their charitable trust. • Chloe Rayner raised £256.64 through taking part in the Southampton Half Marathon. • David Openshaw sent in a donation of £295. • The staff and students of Ouse House, Sharnbrook Upper School, sent in £323.02 representing a year’s fundraising. • Mark Chatley sent in £150 raised by the students and staff at the Palace Wood Primary School raised through their Christmas performance.

• Mediaedge CIA Holdings sent in a donation of £1,000.

• Parmiter’s School, Garson, sent in a donation of £183.59.

• Elizabeth Hoy at Menzies Chartered Accountants sent in £300.

• Shona Paterson sent in £253 raised through a singles badminton tournament at University of St Andrews.


General Fundraising • Rebecca Hams, Sogno Atlantico Campaign Manager, sent in £500 raised by Matteo Perucchini through rowing solo across the Atlantic: “5 January 2016: Matteo is taking part in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, this is a rowing race from La Gomera in the Canaries to Antigua in the Caribbean (3,000 miles). Matteo is taking part in the race as a solo rower, there are 26 teams taking part, mainly pairs and fours. The race started on Sunday 20 December 2015 and when he left he had to have everything on board he would need for 100 days at sea. He has a water-maker to desalinate sea water and he will be consuming 6,000 calories per day (freeze-dried foods, high-protein, highfat snacks and sweets). This is to sustain 16–18 hours of rowing per day, currently the seas are okay (20–25ft waves) and the weather is more favourable than it was (over Christmas there was a big storm).

“As Matteo nears land he is starting to think about what life on land will be like when he returns, he is also starting to crave something cool to eat/drink like ice cream, and he fancies a pizza! Matteo will have changed physically and mentally during the challenge, he has lost weight, but also showed courage and determination when faced with the challenges that make this adventure the world’s toughest race. Matteo is approaching 400nm to go, his family will be travelling out to Antigua at the end of this week and we hope he will arrive by the middle of next week ready to share his tales from the ocean.” For the finale of Matteo’s trip visit www.sognoatlantico. com • Louise McAleer sent in £2,916.74 raised in 2015 by the staff of Newtownards branch of the Progressive Building Society. • James Rule sent in £161.90 raised through RBS Finance at Bishopsgate’s quarterly fundraising. • Andrew Rettie sent in a donation of £500. • Catherine Roberts took part in four marathons and an ultra marathon and raised £180. • Mike Robbins took part in the Yorkshire Marathon and raised £125. • Robins & Day, Sale, sent in a donation of £280.

“2 February 2016: Matteo has now been at sea for 44 days. In this time he has covered nearly 2,400nm. There have been good times (he has seen whales, dolphins and various fish) and more challenging times (seasickness, storms, equipment failures and minor injuries). Throughout the challenge Matteo has been spurred on by his desire to cross the Atlantic and to help raise awareness of two charities (Associazione Neuroblastoma and CRY). Matteo has found the support from friends and family has really helped, especially in the more challenging times like when he was confined to the cabin for three days during a storm. The storm later turned into Hurricane Alex!

• John Lawrenson at Rolls-Royce DGS sent in a further donation of £1,068.55 raised through local activities such as raffles, cake sales, Christmas jumper wear and various other events. • Hazel Rowlands sent in £281.09 raised through the retiring collection at her choir’s concert at St Boniface Church. • Nicky from Run to Live, Leatherhead, sent in a donation of £450. • Barbara Meineck sent in £350 raised by the members of Ruxley Church. • Paul Sands took part in the London to Brighton 75-mile offroad challenge and raised £883.89. • Kelly Sanford took part in a hospital walk and raised £187. • Terri Shanks sent in a donation of £2,750. • Anne Davis at Shanks Waste Management sent in £600.88 raised through a cake bake.


Issue 69 | January to April 2016

General Fundraising • Emma Smith sent in £317.01 raised by Bourne House at Glyn School.

• John Hannett, General Secretary at Usdaw National Young Workers’ Committee, sent in £150.

• David Tapley at Software Development sent in £120 raised in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

• The Vernon N Ely Charitable Settlement sent in a donation of £25,000.

• Tom Sowman took part in the Jersey Marathon and raised £623.91. • Ben Forsyth sent in a total of £700 from the Spokes Racing Team, Scotland: “We as a team have chosen to donate to CRY after one of the riders (myself) was diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in the 2015 season. Although my personal dreams have been shattered, I would like to say a massive thanks to CRY as they may have just saved my life by detecting that I had an irregular heart beat in 2013, and if it wasn’t for this detection I would never have come to learn of my condition.”

• Ben Vulliamy sent in £200 raised through an auction held at York University FC. • Yvonne Waterhouse sent in £100 on behalf of the West Yorkshire Cross Country League. • Jade Campbell sent in a total of £6,396.08 raised by Wedlake Bell representing several months’ fundraising.

• The students and staff of St Mary’s Catholic Academy raised £155.35. • Mrs A Stevens sent in a total of £693.69 raised through Foxbridge Golf Club. • Hannah Stubbs took part in a skydive and raised £574. • Dennis Tailor sent in £848.74 raised through various fundraising events in 2015. • Peter Jackson sent in £1,000 from Tim Murtagh’s Benefit Year Fund. • Una Tod sent in £200 raised through a Christmas evening at her nursery.

CRY Representatives Carl and Eunice Johnson attended the Wedlake Bell six-aside cricket day at the Oval on Thursday 10 September 2015; they helped with the charity raffle and gave a short talk about CRY

• Mark Williams sent in £100 from the Tonbridge and District Football League Management Committee.

• Anna Lewis at Wedlake Bell sent in £1,000 relating to the Coward Endowment.

• Tania King sent in a total of £238 raised by the students of Tormead School throughout the 2015 autumn term.

• The Wellington Townswomen’s Guild sent in £250 in respect of a raising awareness talk by CRY Representative Ian Morris.

• Rachelle Stretch sent in £235.41 representing Gift Aid donations gathered by Trinity Hall, Cambridge, raised through the Trinity Hall Boat Club 25-hour ergothon.

• Steve Whitehead sent in a donation of £135.

• The Students’ Union at the University of Nottingham sent in £111.60.

• Lucy Witter took part in the London to Berlin Cycle and raised £550.

• Synectics Solutions sent in a donation of £3,097.32.

• Woodhouse Academy sent in a donation of £638.96.

• Kim Watson sent in £1,062.40 raised through collection boxes at Whitmore High School.


Fundraising Events 2016/17 Please contact the fundraising team on 01737 363222 or email if you are interested in any of the following events. For more information and a full list of events visit All participants in mass-participation events who contact the CRY fundraising team (whether they have their own place or a CRY charity place) will receive a welcome pack containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and either a T-shirt or vest (depending on the type of event).

2016 Big Fun Run Birmingham September 10

It’s all about getting involved, having fun and enjoying the whole experience of the day. The events aren’t timed, just get together with friends and family, do something healthy and enjoy the great outdoors.

Morrisons Great North Run September 11

The Great North Run is firmly established as the world’s greatest half marathon! CRY welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to join the CRY team.

Windsor Running Festival September 24–25

The setting for the Windsor Running Festival is one of the most beautiful in the UK. CRY has a limited number of charity places for the Running4Women Windsor 10K, which takes place on September 24, and the Windsor Half Marathon, which takes place on September 25. If you would like to apply for a place or find out more information, please contact us. CRY also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to join the CRY team.

CRY Durham Riverside Walk

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon

please contact us. CRY also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to join the CRY team.

The Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon starts and finishes in stunning Hyde Park. Over 16,000 runners take part in the 13.1-mile route through Central London each year, taking in the spectacular sights of the capital and the beautiful Royal Parks. CRY welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to join the CRY team.

Virgin Money London Marathon

October 9

Manchester Half Marathon October 16

The Manchester Half Marathon is a new superflat and superfast closedroad course with superb entertainment, outstanding crowd support and a glorious finish outside Emirates Old Trafford, Lancashire Cricket Club.

Vitality WestRun London 10K November 6 TBC

A major new event in the West London calendar, celebrate one of London’s most attractive boroughs! Set in the beautiful streets of West London, this flat 10K run starts at 9am on the popular New King’s Road, and takes a picturesque route around the streets of Fulham on fully closed roads.


October 1

Brighton Marathon

Join us on the seventh CRY Durham Riverside Walk to raise awareness and funds. The walk pairs beautiful countryside with the stunning backdrop of the city and cathedral for incredible views. Registration is now open so if you would like to take part, please visit the CRY website or contact us for further information.

The Brighton Marathon is one of the UK’s favourite 26.2-milers. With a stunning backdrop of the sea in one of the country’s most vibrant cities, the race gets bigger and better every year. CRY has a limited number of places available so if you would like to apply for a place or find out more information,


April 9

April 23

CRY has a limited number of charity places available for the Virgin Money London Marathon 2017 and welcomes anyone who has been successful in the 2017 public ballot who would like to run for CRY. Demand for Golden Bond places always exceeds the number of places we have available so please apply as soon as possible.

Bear Grylls Survival Race Assorted dates

Whether you are a seasoned athlete or up for your next challenge, test yourself with a 5km course with more than 20 obstacles and two or more unique Bear Grylls Survival Challenges. CRY has places for these events so if you would like to register or find out more information, please contact us.

Spartan Race Series Assorted dates

The Spartan Race Series integrates obstacles with the natural terrain to create the best racing experience possible. There are three levels of adult races, as well as a range of races for children. CRY has places for these events so if you would like to register or find out more information, please contact us.

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates

Please visit for further details.

Issue 69 | January to April 2016

CRY Update 69 January to April 2016 Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support Programme; the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP); the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St George’s Hospital; and the CRY myheart Network to support young people living with potentially lifethreatening cardiac conditions. CRY also requires funding to support

medical research into YSCD; subsidise and expand our national screening programme; develop our education programme; and further our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the London Marathon or the Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources. If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events.

Our Patrons

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our charity.

Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE,

John Barrowman MBE, Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Clive Clarke, Jack Clifford, James Cracknell OBE, Brian Dooher, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Baroness Ilora Finlay, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Tom James MBE, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Rob Key, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor William McKenna, Lee Mears, Bill Neely, Lawrence Okoye, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Joe Root, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, Andrew Trimble, David Walliams, Alison Waters, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE, Sir Clive Woodward

Visit for more information or contact the CRY office for a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to All your help is greatly appreciated.

We can send regular information to CRY supporters via two distribution/mailing lists: 1. CRY Update magazine – postal mailing of CRY’s regular (three issues a year) news and events magazine. Includes reports from the CRY CEO and Founder; many pages of supporters’ fundraising; articles about screening, research, pathology, raising awareness initiatives, mass-participation fundraising events, etc; and much more. 2. CRY enewsletter – sent monthly via email; includes a link to an electronic version of the CRY Update magazine, as-and-when each new issue of the Update is published. If you would like to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, either of these two distribution/mailing lists, please let us know by: • Visiting the CRY website and completing the online subscribe/ unsubscribe form at • Calling the CRY office on 01737 363222 • Emailing the CRY office at

Sir Ian Botham OBE Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” For more information about CRY’s Patrons, please go to


Cardiac Risk in the Young Registered Charity No. 1050845

Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other diseases of the heart muscle, as well as electrical heart disorders which can lead to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency

of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. We aim to put them in touch with people who have the knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD.

In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. For detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY visit

CRY is grateful for grants or donations from trusts and foundations. We would like to thank the following for the generous support they have given us: Albert Hunt Trust • Biggart Trust • The Bailey Will Trust • The Black Family Charitable Trust • Cecil Rosen Foundation • The Christopher H R Reeves Charitable Trust • The Davey Foundation • E C Graham’s Charitable Settlement • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity • Global’s Make Some Noise • Hasluck Charitable Trust • The Hilary Awdry Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • The Kirkby Foundation • Ladbrokes in the Community Charitable Trust • Mazars Charitable Trust • Mrs H C Beer Charitable Trust • Munro Charitable Trust • Pennycress Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Rachel & David Barnett Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Tudor Foundation Inc • The Whitehead Monckton Charitable Foundation

Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 Email:

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