CRY Update Magazine - Issue 48

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Cardiac Risk in theYoung Update 48 Autumn 2008 News and events z raising awareness z our fundraisers

Cardiac Risk in theYoung (CRY) Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 e-mail: Visit our websites: z z Registered Charity No 8451050

Meet our County Representative Nicholas Dee Shapland County Representative for Berkshire From the day Claire was born her sparkling blue eyes and smile brought warmth to everyone who met her. As she grew up, her personality embraced the love of her family, considered others and enjoyed life. Until you become a parent you have no idea of the adoring love that develops for your own children. They are truly the embodiment of one's life. In 2004 my wife Lorraine and I separated. This caused considerable pain to the family and in particular to Claire who was at Bournemouth University studying Fashion and Design. When she was home from university we would meet for a meal, go to the pictures or she would come to my house to teach me to cook. In February 2005 we went to see the film Ray. Claire later produced a painting of Ray Charles to hang in my office, which today has pride of place. On 2 July 2005, Claire's graduation was held at Wimborne Minster. The following day she flew to Spain for a holiday. I went over to spend a few days with Claire and my son Mark and to celebrate my birthday. The weather was superb, both Mark and Claire looked radiant and the food and wine flowed at restaurants where we drank a toast to Mark and Claire's future. Aged 24 and 22, both were well adjusted, happy in all walks of life and, I felt, well prepared for the future. As a father, what more could I ask for? On 15 August Claire phoned to ask if we could go to the pictures. On 19 August she drove out to my house and we went to the Pizza Hut in Newbury. We both ate very well and talked about everything under the sun. As Claire felt a little tired we decided not to go on to the pictures but to drive back to my house to watch a DVD. I started to fall asleep and Claire decided to go home. I saw her to her car and kissed her goodnight. I got a text at 11.30pm to thank me for a lovely evening, and that she would phone me on Sunday. On Saturday 20 August I arranged to play golf. As I arrived at the course my phone rang. Lorraine appeared not to know what to say, then told me that Claire had died in her sleep. I immediately drove to the house with my mind churning in disbelief. As I approached I was met by a young policeman who took me through to the house and up the stairs to her bedroom.

Claire was laid on her bed, looking up to the ceiling. She looked so at peace. Her death gave us no warning or preparation, just devastation and an indescribable pain that runs through my body every day. The days after were simply a time of self-preservation and caring for loved ones around me. There was no knowledge as to why Claire had died. She seemed perfectly healthy. Our doctor, who also looked after Claire, told me her death was probably unavoidable. The police who attended the house following Claire's death were caring and supportive right up to the coroner's report on 16 November 2005. This gave the verdict on Claire's death as sudden adult death syndrome. A short time after the coroner's report I spoke with my brother who told me about a friend whose son had died, aged 13, on the school rugby pitch. The friend said that I should contact CRY, and in particular Alison Cox, founder of the Charity. This I did, and Alison explained the situation about young cardiacrelated deaths and how in past years this would have been put down to ‘natural causes’. With CRY's research, explanations for these deaths were beginning to surface. Without the involvement and support of CRY, my family and I would have been in total limbo regarding the cause of Claire's death. Following my conversation with Alison, arrangements were made for Claire's heart to be sent to Dr Mary Sheppard at the Royal Brompton Hospital to carry out a further autopsy. My immediate family and I were subsequently referred to Professor McKenna at the London Heart Hospital. We received cardiac screening and I had a gene screening test. These are ongoing tests to prevent another young member of our family dying of cardiac failure. In the three years since Claire's death I have experienced many things and learned that there is nothing more important than love and life itself. In 2006 I supported Mark on a Tour de France charity cycle ride to raise money for the CRY Claire Dee Shapland Memorial Fund. Mark, Keith, Nick and Jonny (Team Buzz) cycled 900 miles from Cherbourg to Montpellier and raised £6,000. Mark recorded each day in pictures and text (see One day they were cycling past a field of sunflowers and decided to dismount, take their clothes off and run through the flowers. Mark got the lads to put their caps on top of the sunflowers and photographed them. In my office today, I have a not only a large picture of Ray Charles to remind me of Claire but also a 28" x 20" picture of three large sunflowers with caps and sunglasses on their heads. It brings a warm smile to my face each day. To read the full version of this article, go to Nick’s page at CRY Update Issue 48 |


Newsletter from the Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE


CRY Founder & Chief Executive What an extreme variety of CRY activity and progress this issue of Update covers. The diversity of fundraising events is particularly energising to read about and, as you can see, we recognise and appreciate every one – from Ben, Connor and Callum, members of the Class Six group at Elmstead Primary School who sold themselves as teachers’ slaves for £5 an hour (raising £29.66 for four hours hard labour) to the Lancaster family's magnificent inaugural Clay Pigeon Shoot in memory of Robert, an event that raised £164,000. Over the last three years the number of our Regional Bereavement Support Days held around the UK has grown, with events this year being added in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Our first Bereavement Support Day was launched in the South East in 2006 at the request of Alastair and Stephanie Paterson and funded by them in memory of their son James. This led to the development of other RBSD events. The South East day is now so well established that it is fully booked before the closing date. In only its second year, the London Bridges Walk has been a remarkable success and an event that now attracts considerable media attention as well as very significant funds for CRY. The walk, lead by CRY Patron Kathryn Harries, has developed its own niche as an informal and vibrant fundraising activity that provides participants with an opportunity to see some of the most beautiful landmarks in London. The 2008 turnout included our largest single team to date – 100 (predominantly) young people fundraising for CRY and walking in memory of Tom Clabburn. This Update also covers some terrific accolades and achievements, including further academic recognition for CRY's consultant cardiologist Dr Sanjay Sharma and more outstanding sporting success for CRY patron Andy Scott. Immense interest is now being generated by our raising awareness campaigns and is reflected in unprecedented media coverage – clearly demonstrated by the attention focused on the re-launch of CRY's postcard campaign highlighting the increase of young sudden deaths in the UK from eight to twelve a week. In 2005, when we first launched this campaign with our Honorary President, Sir Ian Botham, we were aware that the statistic of eight deaths a week was an underestimate. With the Office of National Statistics (ONS, 2006) now indicating that this figure is so much higher, we still believe the new figure to be an underestimate and unlikely to be the final, true figure. Those people who are surprised by CRY's progress need only talk to our families – those bereaved and those who have been diagnosed in time – to understand the passion and commitment that is driving forward our agenda for change. This is how and why CRY has made such astonishing progress in so short a time. With best wishes


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CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 20 July The CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk took place with over 600 CRY supporters participating in the event. We would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who took part and to all those who helped to ensure the smooth running of the event. See pages 13 and 14. If you would like to view more pictures from the London Bridges Walk visit:

August Brentford FC in partnership with CRY 6 August CRY was delighted to announce an innovative partnership with Brentford Football Club, now managed by CRY Patron Andy Scott. Brentford took the decision to donate secondary sponsorship of their away kit to CRY for the 2008/09 season, so that on away day matches the team displayed the CRY logo on the backs of their shirts. More details at

September Dr Sharma elected to elite sports cardiology body CRY Consultant Cardiologist Dr Sanjay Sharma was voted onto the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR) Sports Cardiology Section Nucleus, an elite committee tackling the complex issues of sports cardiology. Sanjay is the only British representative in this group, further endorsement that he is one of the leading sports cardiologists in the world. We are lucky indeed to have him heading the CRY screening programme. Sanjay also had a paper published in the British Medical Journal. The paper, entitled ‘Preparticipation screening for cardiovascular abnormalities in young competitive athletes’, highlighted the proportion of young athletes with unsuspected heart disease who are at increased risk from exercise-related sudden death.

Charity Clay shoot boosts CRY 10 September The inaugural Robert Lancaster Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot held by the Lancaster family attracted some of the world's premier shooting and business personalities. I would like to thank the Lancaster

Newsletter from the Chief Executive family who independently organised this incredibly successful event for CRY core funding boosting the total raised by their activities for Robert's Memorial Fund to over ÂŁ200,000 in 2008. We are hugely grateful for their fantastic donation which has enabled us to fund a fifth CRY Research Fellow.

New role for Kevan Jones MP 6 October Kevan Jones MP (left) was made Under-Secretary of State for Defence and consequently has had to resign as Chair of the CRY APPG. However, Kevan will remain a member of the APPG and a strong supporter of CRY's campaign.

KCL students raise awareness for CRY 6 August Students from the King's College London Cardiology Society Committee held a display at the College's 'Welcome Fairs' event to raise awareness of CRY and YSCD among the students. Huda Hamid, KCL Cardiology Society President, said the event was a great success. "This is a big deal for us as we will have more members taking part in our future events and also more funding to run bigger and better events during the year."

CRY office re-painted! 10 October Our thanks to Pfizer for including CRY as part of their community engagement initiative. Four volunteers from the Walton Oaks branch of the pharmaceutical company set to work to give the downstairs of the CRY office area a much needed fresh coat of paint.

CRY International Conference 10-11 October

South West Regional Bereavement Support Day 20 September Twenty people registered for the South West RBSD, held at the Bristol Golf and Country Club. Groups were lead on the day by CRY Bereavement Supporters Caroline Gard, Barbara Holland, Vera Looker and Anne Reynolds (pictured, left to right).

Community radio coverage 29 September

CRY's annual two day medical conference focusing on young sudden cardiac death attracted speakers and delegates from around the globe, including many international experts in the field.


Friday's theme, 'Sports Cardiology: From Theory to Practice', reviewed the broad phenotype of conditions causing YSCD in athletes and the practical skills required (ECG, ECHO, MRI) for diagnosing inherited cardiac conditions. Current methods to diagnose conditions and prevent YSCD in athletes were examined as well as the pros and cons of cardiac screening in athletes. On Saturday 'Diagnosis and Management of Inherited Cardiovascular Disease' looked at the broad phenotype of conditions causing YSCD in the wider community and the methods used to diagnose these conditions. The role of expert cardiac pathology after YSCD was examined to determine not only an accurate cause of death but to focus on the diagnosis and management of first degree relatives. The methods used in assessing and managing case studies were evaluated, with a specific focus on families following a YSCD. For information about the 2009 CRY International Conference visit

Television programme on YSCD 1 October

James Cracknell OBE becomes CRY Patron October 15

I was interviewed on HOPE FM, a community radio station based in Bournemouth. The interview went out during a two hour programme exploring a range of medical conditions and disabilities.

John Hayes MP joins APPG 29 September We are pleased to announce that John Hayes MP (Conservative, South Holland & The Deepings) has become the 108th member of the Cardiac Risk in the Young All Party Parliamentary Group (CRY APPG). For more information about the CRY APPG and its activities visit

BBC East Midlands broadcast an edition of their Inside Out programme looking at the issue of young sudden cardiac death in the UK. CRY supporter Andrew Gadsby talked about the loss of his son Matt (right), with contributions from CRY's Honorary President Sir Ian Botham and CRY Research Fellow Dr Carey Edwards (pictured left and right respectively). The programme received very good viewing figures and, according to a BBC East Midlands spokesperson, was very well received.

We were delighted to announce that British rowing champion and double Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell OBE (right) had become a Patron of CRY. Speaking about sudden death syndrome James said "I am delighted to have become a Patron of CRY to help raise awareness of this condition and the work CRY are doing to combat it. Undiagnosed cardiac conditions are a genuine risk to sports people across the country and it is essential to make people aware in an attempt to prevent future tragedy." CRY Update Issue 48 |


Newsletter from the Chief Executive CRY Raising Awareness Week 10 to 18 October Throughout CRY's Raising Awareness Week and the whole of October our supporters helped us to raise awareness and funds in their local community. Supporters manned information stalls, organised fundraising events, gave talks at clubs, distributed CRY posters for display, and much more. Several brave volunteers also took part in a Parachute Jump Day on our behalf on Sunday 12 October at Brackley airfield, near Oxford. By the end of Raising Awareness Week there were almost 20,000 visitors to the CRY website, up by more than 5,000 on the week before.

MP (Conservative Shadow Minister for Children). For details of all the speakers and guests attending the event, see pages 11 and 12 or visit

South East Regional Bereavement Support Day 25 October We were fully booked after forty people registered for the South East RBSD, held at the Wimbledon Park Golf Club. Groups were lead by CRY Bereavement Supporters Margy AlChalabi, Caroline Gard, Joan Hillier, Barbara Holland, Vera Looker and Stephanie Paterson (below, L–R).

CRY supporter on BBC Radio 13 October Coinciding with CRY's Raising Awareness Week, CRY supporter Claire Prosser appeared on BBC 1’s Breakfast show to talk about the loss of her son, Tom (right). CRY Chief Executive Alison Cox was also on the programme. The show went out at 8.20 am, the most viewed section of the programme. Later the same day a documentary created by Claire, Life after Tom, was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in the early evening. Claire also wrote companion pieces for BBC News Online and Radio Times. These can be viewed at Prior to appearing on the Breakfast sofa with Claire, Alison carried out interviews on seven consecutive BBC local radio stations (Essex, Cambridge, Wales, Radio Scotland, Berkshire, Ulster and Southern Counties) – all before 7.30am! To cap events on Monday, Brentford FC appeared on Sky Sports wearing their CRY away shirts.

New CRY postcard design unveiled 14 October Bereaved families assembled on College Green outside Westminster for the re-launch of CRY's postcard campaign. The new postcard design highlights latest statistics indicating that every week 12 young people in the UK die from undetected heart conditions. To access CRY’s interactive 'video postcard' featuring interviews with the relatives of the young people featured on the postcard visit

CRY Parliamentary Reception 15 October

November New CRY screening clinic opened in Wales November 1 CRY's screening programme continues to expand with the opening of a new screening clinic in Wales, based at the University of Glamorgan. Heart tests at this initial screening were free of charge as the event was funded by donations in memory of Gareth McDonald and Mark Stephen Young.

Simon Halliday speech November 3 CRY Patron Simon Halliday (left) spoke at the Annual Dinner of the Richmond Heavies Rugby Club. The 200 guests, including top rugby personalities, were informed about CRY’s work during the speech. The 'Heavies' kindly made out a cheque to CRY for £500 to thank Simon for his speech.

CRY praises health SCD initiative 7 November A national pathology database has been established to provide vital information about the frequency and demographics of sudden cardiac death as well as an assessment of families linked to these tragic conditions. The announcement was made by the Department of Health (DH) and a collaboration of pathologists and heart experts. CRY welcomed the new initiative, which comes just months after the Charity opened its new fast-track expert pathology unit at London's Royal Brompton Hospital.

The following evening saw CRY's annual Parliamentary Reception held in the Terrace Marquee at Westminster. This year's guest of honour was new CRY Patron James Cracknell OBE (pictured above, with members of CRY’s Surgery Supporters Network). Other speakers on the night included the Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP (Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport), the Rt Hon Dr Vince Cable MP (Lib Dem Deputy Leader and Shadow Chancellor) and the Rt Hon Tim Loughton 6

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Two more MPs join CRY APPG 12 November Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell (Romford, pictured far left) is the 109th MP to join the CRY APPG, followed by Lib Dem MP for Cheadle, Mark Hunter (near left), the 110th member who joined after our Parliamentary Reception in October.

Newsletter from the Chief Executive Julie ‘retires’ from Kids for CRY November 17 Julie Tanner has stepped down as editor of the Kids for CRY section of our Update brochure. As you can see from the recent picture of Julie (left), after five years in the role she is a ‘kid’ herself no more! On behalf of all at CRY I would like say a huge thank-you to Julie for the fantastic work she has put into Update. From this issue onwards we have decided to streamline the activity pages and will now celebrate the special efforts of our Junior Fundraisers alongside the rest of our fundraisers with a special ‘Kids for CRY’ logo. In the meantime, we trust that 101 Reasons (at least) to Get Up in the Morning, Julie’s wonderful book for CRY, featuring favourite sayings and words of wisdom from an array of celebrities, will continue to run and run!

BBC Radio coverage November 17 CRY Supporter Colin Simpson joined me for an interview with BBC Radio Leicester to highlight YSCD. Colin’s daughter Sarah (left) died suddenly aged only 20 in 2007.

Song for CRY 17 November James Poynton (left) wrote the words for a wonderful song he called 'Girl' when he was only eight years old. Just before his 12th birthday, James died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart condition. The song has now been recorded by the band Daywalker (right) to help raise funds for CRY. You can find out more and download ‘Girl’ from www.

CRY '12 a week' postcard launched in Northern Ireland 20 November The launch of CRY's Northern Ireland '12 a week' postcard was attended by two government Junior Ministers – the Rt. Hon. Jeffrey Donaldson (DUP) and Gerry Kelly (Sinn Fein). In spite of the fact that it was the first time the Northern Ireland executive had met for 152 days, the ministers still received permission to speak at the CRY event, Government Ministers Gerry Kelly (Sinn Fein, left) and Jeffrey Donaldson (DUP, right) with CRY CE Alison Cox

which was covered by Ulster Television, BBC Radio and the local and national press. CRY printed 10,000 postcards for distribution in Northern Ireland which were all taken on the day and lead us to undertake a further print-run to meet demand. For further information about the Northern Ireland postcard launch, please visit

CRY 'silhouette' postcard sent out to supporters When our new '12 a week' postcard campaign was launched in October on College Green outside Westminster, one particularly striking image was captured on the day. With 12 life-size silhouettes positioned on the green, Big Ben can be seen striking 12 noon in the background. This powerful image has now been made into a CRY campaign postcard and copy has been sent to all supporters on the CRY mailing list. To view the silhouette postcard on our website, go to

December Matt Wells becomes CRY Patron 3 December Matt Wells, a member of the GB rowing team and an Olympic medallist in Beijing, forwarded to us the fee he received for signing first day covers. This was Matt's second donation to CRY, again earned as a result of his post-sporting success. We were further delighted when Matt became a Patron of CRY."I chose CRY as my charity of choice for two reasons. Firstly, a close friend's brother recently passed away with cardiac symptoms and secondly I am aware of the work CRY does as I have been treated as an athlete in the Olympic Medical Institute in Northwick Park. Thank you for the good work you do."

New appointments for Dr Mary Sheppard 9 December In recognition of the work being done at the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) and an indication of her high profile amongst her peers, Dr Mary Sheppard has been confirmed as sub-editor for all cardiovascular papers submitted to Histopathology, the official journal of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP). Furthermore, Dr Sheppard has been nominated as national representative for cardiovascular pathology on the subspecialty committee of The Royal College of Pathologists.

Andy Scott wins top managerial award 7 December Congratulations to Brentford FC manager and CRY Patron Andy Scott (left) on being voted the 'London Manager of the Year' at the BBC London Sports Awards 2008.

Jim Dowd MP joins CRY APPG 9 December We are pleased to announce that Jim Dowd MP (Labour, Lewisham West, pictured left) has become the 111th member of the CRY APPG.

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Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP)

Since opening in April 2007 the CRY CCP, the Charity's diagnostic and research laboratory and office, has become well established within the National Heart and Lung Institute at the Royal Brompton Hospital. Research Fellow Sofia De Noronha is running the laboratory very smoothly along the health and safety guidelines established by Imperial College. CRY’s equipment is up to date and working well, making us fully functional and independent of the hospital laboratory. This has led to a significantly reduced turn around time for cases sent to the Centre. Dr Mary Sheppard, who heads the unit, is able to issue her pathology report for coroners and refer pathologists within two weeks, a substantial decrease from the past when it may have taken her up to a month to issue such a report. We have also seen a dramatic 80% increase in the referral pattern. The total number of CRY cases referred in 2007 was 78; from January 2008 to December 2008 the total number of CRY cases referred was 141. The turnaround time of all CRY cases has been kept below 14 days for most of 2007 and 2008, the exceptions occurring when Dr Sheppard has to be out of the office attending conferences or taking annual leave. Our large database of 2000 hearts has resulted in several research projects. Two of these were publications in 2008, nine have been presented as posters at meetings, five have been submitted as papers and four are in preparation. Sharleen Hill, a student under the supervision of Dr Sheppard for her research project, completed her study of sudden cardiac death in young people and was awarded a both a first class honours degree and an award for 'Outstanding student of her year' (2008). Both Sharleen and another student under the supervision by Dr Sheppard, Agata Prowaski, were awarded travel bursaries of £1000 from the British Division of the Academy of Pathology. They presented their research at the US and Canadian Academy of Pathology in March 2009. Our research in the future will emphasise arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), idiopathic left ventricular hypertrophy (ILVH), exercise-related sudden deaths as well as tie in with clinical follow up of families to correlate clinical and genetic diagnoses with pathological diagnoses. Dr Sheppard's secretary, Kathrin Hault, left the Centre in autumn of 8

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Top left: the CRY CCP office at Royal Brompton Hospital Top right and middle: Dr Mary Sheppard and Research Fellow Sofia de Noronha Above: Dr Sheppard speaking at the 2008 CRY international Conference in London

2008 to take up medical studies and has been replaced by Jemma Wells who now fulfills the role of Medical Secretary at the centre very efficiently. For more information about the CRY CCP, go to the coroner/pathology section of the CRY website at

CRY Screening report CRY screening staff kicked off the second half of 2008 with a tour of several Premiership and Championship football clubs around the country. This was undertaken as part of a research study being conducted by Dr John Rawlins, a CRY Research Fellow working under Dr. Sanjay Sharma at King's College London. Dr Rawlins study involves the use of ultrasound techniques to examine cardiac adaptation in sportspeople.

We have also continued to develop our schools screening programme, with return visits to Canford and Giggleswick schools. For the first time we made visits to Bristol Grammar School and Colne school in Colchester, the latter event by funded by the Andy Gard Memorial Fund through the efforts of Caroline Gard. Top: West Midlands ECG screening day, October 2008 Middle: The Roberts Family screening in Cambridge, funded by the Alex Roberts Memorial Fund Bottom: CRY Wales clinic launch, November 2008

Over a two week period in July we visited Fulham, Chelsea, Middlesbrough and the Championship side, Wolverhampton Wanderers, as well as the England Women's football team. Later in the year we returned to the Premiership with a screening at Blackburn Rovers and finally paid a visit to Brentford FC, managed by CRY Patron Andy Scott who has led the club to League One for the 2009/2010 season. Our sports screenings have not been limited to football. The Philips 'Save Our Athletes' campaign continued with screenings of the England Under 18 Men's basketball team, the U18 England cricket team, more athletes from the UK Athletics development squad and finally members from the British fencing squad. We have also continued to link up with the English Rugby Football Union (RFU), visiting the Senior and Saxons squads as well as the U18 squad. We also screened the Worcester Warriors rugby team for the first time and carried out our annual screening of the GB Rugby League U16 squad. In July the screening team headed to Cambridge for the Roberts family screening. More than 80 people were screened the event, paid for the Alex Roberts Memorial Fund. In September we travelled to Tamworth, Staffs, where we screened 112 people at the West Midlands ECG Testing Campaign event in memory of David Bick, Matthew Gadsby and Jamie Simpson. Our regular CRY clinics continue to slowly expand across the country. As well as clinics in Colchester, Northern Ireland and at the Olympic Medical Institute in London, we launched our first Wales clinic at the University of Glamorgan in Cardiff. This took place in November, funded by donations in memory of Gareth McDonald and Mark Young. Below, clockwise from top left: at Chelsea FC, Clare and Rebecca with Blackburn FC’s Aaron Mokoena, Fulham FC and U18 England Cricket

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CRY Parliamentary Reception 2008

Above, left: Professor Greg Whyte Right: New CRY Patron and Guest of Honour James Cracknell OBE with the Rt Hon Andy Burnham, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

CRY in Parliament CRY hosted its annual Parliamentary Reception at Westminster on Wednesday 15 October as part of its Raising Awareness Week. We were delighted to have new CRY Patron James Cracknell OBE as our Guest of Honour at the proceedings.

The event was attended by more than fifty MPs who popped in to show their support for our campaigning – fewer than in previous years but, as ever, a number of other events were also taking place at Westminster the same evening. We are very grateful to those MPs who did manage to find time to attend. Other guests at the event included CRY families and supporters, CRY Bereavement Supporters, members of the CRY Surgery Supporters Network, CRY Patrons Jeremy Bates, Ray Wilkins, Pat Jennings, Kathryn Harries, Roger Taylor and Andy Scott. Also attending were representatives from Philips, medical professionals, envoys from major sporting organizations as well as CRY Trustees and CRY staff. The event was hosted by Kevan Jones MP, Tim Loughton MP and Dr Vincent Cable MP. Together with the launch of CRY's '12 a week' postcard campaign, the event marked one of the key events in CRY's 2008 Raising Awareness Week. Speakers included the Secretary of State

for Culture, Media and Sport, Andy Burnham MP, CRY Consultant Cardiologist Dr Sanjay Sharma and Ann Keen MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary for Health Services at the Department of Health (DH). Olympic rowing gold medalist James Cracknell was officially announced as a new CRY Patron. He and Andy Burnham unveiled CRY's new large display board carrying the signatures of many top UK sports personalities who have expressed their support for CRY's proactive screening programme. The signatures on the board are: Rob Andrew MBE, Jeremy Bates, Roger Black MBE, Chris Boardman, Sir Ian Botham OBE, Alan Campbell, Adrian Chiles, Clive Clarke, Mark Cox MBE, James Cracknell OBE, Tasha Danvers, Montell Douglas, Tony Doyle MBE, Nick Easter, Andrew Flintoff MBE, Darren Gough, Sally Gunnell OBE, Simon Halliday, Tim Henman OBE, Chris Hoy, Colin Jackson CBE, Pat Jennings OBE, Ally McCoist, Paula Radcliffe MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Professor Greg Whyte and Ray Wilkins MBE The Reception received a lot of positive feedback from those who attended and was again a powerful reminder of the importance of our work and the progress that CRY's campaign is making.

“People have gathered here this evening with their own experiences of loss, trauma, tragedy. The highly effective campaign that CRY has launched this week really brings that home. We are on a journey to learn and understand more about what level of support we can put in place. You have full support in Parliament for making sure that we as a society do better to prevent these – sadly preventable – deaths, year on year.” The Rt Hon Andy Burnham

From left: the Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP, the Rt Hon Dr Vincent Cable MP, the Rt Hon Tim Loughton MP, the Rt Hon Ann Keen MP, CRY CE Alison Cox and Dr Sanjay Sharma

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CRY Parliamentary Reception 2008

From left: Dr Sanjay Sharma (Consultant to CRY Board), Dr Tim Bowker and Miles Standish (CRY Trustees), James Cracknell OBE, the Rt Hon Andy Burnham, Professor Greg Whyte (Consultant to CRY Board) and Hugh Mulcahey (CRY Trustee)

From left: CRY Patrons Jeremy Bates, Kathryn Harries, Roger Taylor MBE, Pat Jennings OBE; the Rt Hon Tim Loughton MP and the Rt Hon Vincent Cable MP (event Hosts)

“How lucky I am to have a strong heart. I've been in a sport where the heart and the lungs are the fundamental things that power you along. Every story here shows you think your family's okay. There is no warning and that's a horrible thing. I feel nervous for my little boy. There is no reason not to spend £35 to get him screened and make sure that he will be able to do everything that he wants to do if he can.” James Cracknell OBE

From left: CRY Representative Caroline Gard, CRY Patron Andy Scott, CRY SSN members Rebekah Goddard, Fiona Campbell, Arie Hunt and Caroline Byrne

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CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2008

Doing the Bridges Walk Following the success of CRY's inaugural Heart of London Bridges Sponsored Walk in 2007, the event took place again in 2008. With more than 600 people stepping out for CRY, the event raised well over £70,000 for our work. The walk was led once again by CRY Patron Kathryn Harries. Starting at Victoria Embankment Gardens and ending at Hays Galleria near London Bridge, the route involved crossing eight London bridges – Golden Jubilee, Westminster, Hungerford, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Millennium, Southwark and London. Each bridge represented one of the eight (now estimated to be twelve) young sudden cardiac deaths that occur each week in the UK.


Participant Wayne Griffiths rounded up everyone at the bandstand for a welcome speech by CRY Founder and Chief Executive, Alison Cox. This was followed by Kathryn singing a couple of beautiful songs, despite having had very little sleep the previous night. Kirk Douglas, a personal trainer and nutritionist, then led an entertaining and motivational warm up which proved extremely popular. It was another emotional day for the vast majority taking part in memory of a young relative or friend. Some walkers said that they were walking in memory of their mother or father. A number also participated in support of young people diagnosed with heart conditions. As well as the personalised back signs provided by CRY, some bereaved families also chose to have photographs printed on their T-shirts. Once again we had teams and individuals from around the UK, including Wales and Scotland as well as Ireland, all taking part to raise awareness and funds for CRY. 12 | CRY Update Issue 48

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2008 We would like to thank the all the companies and organisations involved for their sponsorship and support – in particular Chubb Insurance Company of Europe, Foresters, St Martins Property Group, City of Westminster Council, and the retired Senior and Voluntary Service (CVS) for supplying the knitted teddy bears! – and to those who helped with media coverage, enabling us to secure two national newspaper articles and 76 regional articles. Thanks also to CRY staff and volunteers who helped with admin and support on the day with marshalling, sorting drinks, registration, handing out certificates and inflating balloons. Above all, we would like to express our gratitude to all of you who took part, ensuring a truly fun day for all and a most effective consciousnessraising event. Hope to see you again this year!

An interview with

Ben and Harriet Why are you here? Ben: My mum asked if we would like to combine a weekend with them and a charity walk. Harriet and I travelled down to Oxford from Liverpool on the Saturday morning, then we all went to London on the Sunday morning for the walk. How was the walk for you? Harriet: The walk was very enjoyable this year, mainly due to the weather and the general atmosphere among the participants. Last year, when we all did the walk in aid of Kidney Research, it rained the whole day. We did not think about the expense or travelling time. This was my last weekend with my family before I fly out to Dubai for three years. It was all organised for us by my mum and we just felt pleased that we could help in a small way for such a worthwhile charity. We realised how lucky we ourselves were to be walking for the cause and not in memory of a loved one or friend. How did you find out about the Bridges Walk? Ben: It was brought to our attention by my mum. After doing the walk last year, she decided to do it again this year but for a smaller, less well known charity. After looking on the CRY website and reading the tragic stories we were only too pleased to help. What thoughts will you take away from this day? Harriet: The day really brought it home to us that the majority of the people on the walk were doing it in memory of a loved one. Although I am moving out of the country with work at the end of August and will not be able to compete next year, I know that my parents were so moved by the event that, if at all possible, they will be joining everyone again next year. I met Ben and Harriet at the walk and particularly wanted to profile their family. Although none of them had been directly affected by SCD, they had chosen to share their last weekend together in England for three years by walking for CRY. Alison Cox

If you would like more information about the 2009 CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk please email CRY Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani at or phone the CRY office on 01737 363222.

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Running for CRY In Memory of Cecilia Barriga Sharon Simons and her daughters Emma and Katie took part in the Women's Challenge 2007 and raised £241 in memory of Cecilia. z BW Interiors sent in sponsorship money of £150 for Paul Farran who ran in the Stockholm Marathon on 31 May 2008.

In Memory of Ian Bowen "Having moved down south to Cheshire months ago, I took a job as a postman and found myself running up and down peoples' drives. I never dreamed I could run a mile, let alone 13! But three stones lighter and 20 months later I found myself up in Newcastle with my friend Shaz at the start of the Great North Run. Lacking confidence, I put a rather slow time on my entry form and ended up at the back end of 52,000 runners. We were only able to jog and weave in and out of the crowds in front. 30 minutes later and we still hadn't reached the start but seeing Chris Hoy, Rebecca Adlington and Ellie Simmonds really spurred us on. The crowds were fantastic and we stuffed our faces on everything going – I even had a half pint of beer! We were soon on South Shields seafront, with the Red Arrows giving a tremendous display overhead. Watching them and running at the same time wasn't easy but the crowds got our attention back and the finish line beckoned. Two hours and eight minutes – not a fast time, but a great experience and I'll be back next year to beat the two hours! Before I moved to Cheshire I lived in Marske by the Sea and worked at Corus (British Steel) with Kenny Bowen, whose son tragically died aged 19 in 1996. Kenny works tirelessly to raise funds for CRY and I was delighted to support him in his efforts. Between us, Shaz and I raised £965 for the Ian Bowen Memorial Fund, thanks to the generosity of our colleagues and friends who recognised the truly worthwhile cause for which we were running." Gary Watson

In Memory of Katrina Brown Natalie Crossland took part in the Chicago Marathon in 2007 and raised £917 in memory of Katrina.

In Memory of Katrina Christopher "I made it, my first 10k race! What a fantastic event the Great Manchester Run is. My first run and it certainly won't be my last. I ran what you would call a 'slow, steady race' in just over an hour. I discovered that, if you write your name on your t-shirt, people shout words of encouragement en route. 'Bob' from Emmerdale cheered me on! The atmosphere was electric. I did a shout out for CRY on the official race tannoy and ran in my official CRY t-shirt." Pam Goulding raised £239 in memory of Katrina Christopher

In Memory of Ryan Darby Kelly Flaherty took part in the Adidas Women's 5k Challenge and raised £751 in memory of Ryan.

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In Memory of Adam Drawbridge Paul Moss took part in the Great North Run and raised £310 in memory of Adam.

In Memory of Sebastian English Philip Simmons sent in an additional £700 after taking part in the Great South Run in memory of Sebastian.

In Memory of Andy Forbes Ceri and Jim Laird took part in the St Alban's Fun Run and have now raised raised £790 in memory of Andy Forbes.

In Memory of Mark Gallacher "On Sunday 7 September, Emma Ralston and Fiona MacDonald ran the mountainous trek that was the Glasgow Half-Marathon for CRY. We chose this charity in memory of Mark Gallacher, best friend of Emma's brother, Daryl, who sadly died of sudden death syndrome in 2006. Having only ever run as much for a taxi after a hard night out, it really was a challenge to make it round the 13.1 miles. In order to do so they sacrificed the salsa dancing, forfeited the fishnets and surrendered the stilettos, trading them for trainers in their ambitious and demanding training programme. All was worthwhile on the day, with both completing in under two hours and raising £750. Thanks also to Emma's dad, Jacky, who contributed his sponsorship from the Glasgow 10k on the same day." Emma Ralston sent in a further donation of £391.40.

In Memory of Chris Haw Suzanne Forster took part in the Great Manchester 10k Run on 18 May and raised £100 in memory of her friend Chris Haw.

In Memory of Andy Hill John Adams took part in the Great North Swim and raised £759 in memory of Andy.

In Memory of Rebecca Holt Lucy Sefton sent in a further donation of £105 after taking part in the Great North Run in memory of her cousin Rebecca Holt.

In Memory of Polly Hughes "Enclosed is the money I raised from the New York Marathon last year (£600.87). I ran the Marathon in memory of my best friend, Polly Hughes. She was a healthy, beautiful 23 year-old girl who died on 27 February 2007. From the sponsor forms and the Just Giving web page I have raised £2,000. It was a hard and painful experience running the marathon, but I loved every minute of it. My finishing time was five hrs 42 mins and 56 seconds. I'm hoping to improve my time for the London Marathon in 2009 and to raise more for this great charity!" Sabrina Hussain

Running for CRY In Memory of Michael Jeffrey

In Memory of Paul Simpson

Holly Peters took part in the 2007 Great North Run and raised £470 in memory of Michael Jeffrey.

Chris Eastwood raised £765 via Just Giving after taking part in the Windsor Half Marathon.

z Darren Ettles took part in the 2007 Great North Run and sent in donations amounting to £585 in memory of Michael. z Alison Jeffery sent in two final cheques for £160.50 to bring the total raised in memory of Michael Trevellyan Jeffery to £3,300.50. "On behalf of all who walked the course of the Great North Run and who took part in other charity events in his memory, we thank you for the vital research work carried out by yourselves and for your campaign to raise awareness. We are all proud to have helped raise funds for your charity."

In Memory of David Staff The David Staff Memorial Fell Race organised by the Darwen Dashers Running Club raised £458.

In Memory of Denver Jenkins "My wife and I ran the Lincoln 10k to increase our fundraising. I ran in one of your heart suits and my wife in a CRY vest. We got a lot of interest and had a great time. We hope to continue our fundraising very soon." Martyn and Alison Jenkins raised £546.50 in memory of Martyn's brother Denver who died suddenly in July 2006. Martyn and Alison later ran the Great North Run and sent in a further donation of £904.31. "This was our third fundraising event and we are already planning our next."

In Memory of Paul Leach Emma McGough took part in the Middlesbrough 10k run on 21 September and raised £499 in memory of Paul. "Please find attached a photo of Libby (left) and me (right) after we completed the run, looking a bit worse for wear! However, we're both very proud to have completed it in a reasonable time and to have raised so much for a worthy charity." z Amanda Ransome (bottom right) took part in the Adidas Women's 5k Challenge on 7 September and raised £161 in memory of Paul.

In Memory of Jack Maddams Rob Maddams took part in the Great South Run and raised £166 in memory of his brother, Jack.

In Memory of Luke Morris Piers Milligan took part in the Great South Run and raised £196.24. "CRY is a charity close to our hearts here at Danwood and be sure I shall be keeping up the training in order to complete the BUPA Great South Run 2009!"

In Memory of Mike Scott Glen Dewsbury and Brian Davis took part in the Blackpool Marathon on 27 April and raised £355 in memory of Mike.

In Memory of Gareth Llewellyn Thomas Ion Rhys Davies took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and sent in a donation of £245. z Stephen Nutt took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and sent in a donation of £140.

In Memory of Christian Thunhurst Alex Mawer sent in a donation of £770. "As you will be aware, Lexington Communications recently completed a 10k run on 20 July on behalf of CRY and in memory of Christian Thunhurst." Alex raised a further £4,025 via Just Giving for the BUPA Great Capital 10k run in memory of Christian.

In Memory of Louise Worth Sue Jarvis has sent in a further donation of £753 in respect of the Blackpool 10k Race to make the total amount raised £1,270. "On Sunday 11 May 2008, my husband Ken and friends, Jeannette and Yvonne (a manager at Fujitsu who organised the entries), arrived in Blackpool only 20 minutes before the beginning of the race. All the roads to the promenade were blocked off and the roads into town all had road works! There were 3,000 runners and in the brilliant sunshine I was glad I wasn't one of them! John Wild, Neil Skellam, Ian Wood (all Fujitsu employees), together with John's son, Luke Wild, and Jeannette's son, Matthew Atherton, were in the middle of the pack as the race began. None had ever run before and though they had done a little training they felt a tad unprepared compared to the running club racers (no excess fat and buns of steel) placed at the front to try for the race record, or at least a personal best. There were the usual fancy dress runners: the Tiller Girls, dragons, St Trinians Girls, Superman etc. as well as a troupe of army cadets in full gear with loaded backpacks and a fireman in full kit. There were several other runners in CRY T-shirts and vests which meant that even more funds would be raised. At 10.45am the competitors in wheelchairs were first to set off. At 11.00am the main race began. The race record is 29 minutes and a few seconds so we thought that we would be OK for at least an hour before our first team members put in an appearance at the finishing line. We wandered down to the lower promenade and waited by the filter lanes that competitors walk down once past the post. Unfortunately, the record wasn't broken but the winner came in at just over 30 minutes. Next to arrive was the first wheelchair competitor and then the first woman. In dribs and drabs the club runners finished before the first

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Running and skydiving for CRY 'normal' runners, with a few more wheelchairs interspersed. Imagine our amazement when Matthew Atherton flew past the post in 42 minutes and 27 seconds! (I have to mention he is only 19 years old and a PE student and was out the night before with his girlfriend at the movies eating an extra large bucket of popcorn and a seriously oversized Coke!) Then came Neil in 52 minutes. The last team member crossed the line in one hour and nine minutes. Luke, who is only 18, finished in just under an hour. Both Luke and Neil are full-on redheads and running in the heat must have been torture for them. n total they raised an amazing £1,270. Matthew has even said that he is now going to train to run a marathon! I want to thank all of them for taking the time to find sponsors and for running the race in Louise's memory." z Karen Barksby sent in a donation of £128 from Lafarge Plasterboard Limited after taking part in the BUPA Great Yorkshire Run on 7 September. z Tracey Bennett took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations amounting to £175. z Russ Davey and Donna Redgewell completed the Great North Run and sent in a donation of £667. z Rosaline Emslie sent in a donation of £100. "Please find enclosed two cheques which I have managed to fundraise for the charity." z Jane Evans took part in the Great North Run and raised £470. z Alison Goodliffe took part in the Great North Run and raised £158. z Jack Hegarty raised £200 after taking part in the Rotterdam Marathon. "I completed the course in 3 hours and 56 minutes, which is a slight improvement on London last year!" z Ms G Kidney completed the Silverstone Half Marathon and raised £235. z Andrew Markham took part in the Great North Run and raised £240. z Simon Moss took part in the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £247. z Jack Oakshatt took part in the Great North Run and raised £260. z Karen Paulton sent a cheque for £500. "I raised £270 in the Great Manchester Run on 18 May. The rest of the money was donated by Dave Forster who ran for CRY in the London Flora Marathon earlier this year." z Mitchell Porter (left) forwarded a further donation of £190 from his participation in the Silverstone Half-Marathon, making a total of £210. z Dean Preston took part in the Great North Run and raised £235. z Mark Robson took part in the Great North Run and raised £500. z Rajinder Sanghera took part in the Great North Run and raised £470. z Kathryn Scott and some of her colleagues at Rhode & Schwartz took part in the Fleet Half-Marathon and sent in a donation of £1,639. z Lavinia Seward took part in the Berlin Marathon and raised £400. z CRY Trustee Miles Standish (left) took part in the Royal Parks Half-Marathon in London on Sunday 12 October and has so far raised £2,557.00. z By taking part in the Great North Run Oliver Vernon-Harcourt raised £1,090, Phillip Aconley raised £115 and Matthew Nicholson raised £1,469.

In Memory of Philip Abraham "When asked by CRY to explain my experience of the charity skydive I couldn't wait. If you have relatively few inhibitions and are prepared to give it a go, you will love every bit of the experience. I can't say I wasn't a little nervous but as soon as you let your fear go it is an awesome experience. The skydive was programmed for 8.15am but due to thick fog was put back to 11.30am. This wasn't ideal as it gives you more time to think about the crazy thing you're about to do! However, once my name was 16 | CRY Update Issue 48

called by the announcer I was pumping with adrenaline. I was shown a short demonstration of the jump and then it was all systems go and we walked down the strip towards the plane. The plane climbed and circled until we reached 12,000ft. This was it! As it was a tandem jump I was attached to an instructor, so there was no going back. They opened the hatch and I was the third to jump. I couldn't wait. Soaking up everything I moved to the front of the plane. We rocked on the edge of the hatch for a moment, then let go and plummeted down towards the earth. They say you reach speeds of up to 120mph and drop for a minute but it didn't seem like that at all. There was such a buzz and the feeling of freefalling was awesome. The views from the air were incredible. The landing went without a hitch and I can honestly say there was nothing to worry about. I'm so proud of myself for doing it and for raising money for the charity that means a lot to me and my family. I couldn't ask for anything more." Richard Abraham raised £145 in memory of his brother Philip.

In Memory of Lisa Freer Lindsay Smith, Shaun Freer and Nicola Dolby took part in a tandem skydive and raised £1,005 in memory of Lisa.

In Memory of Stewart Gardner Karen Gardner and her brother Dave Wills took part in a tandem skydive and sent in a donation of £452 in memory of Karen’s husband Stewart who died suddenly whilst on holiday in France on 18 June 2008.

In Memory of Neville McIntosh Kirsty Robinson (Nev's fiancée) and Estelle Williams took part in a parachute jump and raised £3,097 in his memory.

In Memory of Jack Maddams Samantha Ervin and Sam Shearer took part in a tandem skydive and raised £250 in memory of Jack.

In Memory of Mark Marden Laura Marden took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145 in memory of Mark.

z Danni Hollows took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145. z Matthew Lapsley took part in a tandem skydive and raised £140. z Louise Molloy took part in a tandem skydive at the Cornish Parachute Club and raised £200. "My husband was diagnosed with Brugada seven years ago and luckily survived. He now has a defibrillator implanted and lives a happy, normal life." z Tara Monaghan took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145. z Adele Pendleton took part in a tandem skydive and raised £115. z Amanda Rossiter took part in a tandem skydive and raised £140. z From a tandem skydive in 2007, Jack Sheehan has now raised £175.

Our Fundraisers In Memory of Philip Abraham Mary Abraham sent in a donation of £152 which was raised at the 'Strawberry Teas' Garden Party held on Sunday 13 July in memory of Philip James Abraham.

In Memory of Marcus Armstrong Tony Armstrong sent in further donations of £5,710 raised during the Marcus Armstrong Memorial Football match. This makes a total amount raised of £8,985.14.

In Memory of Carl Ashcroft We have received two cheques from Persimmon Homes – a donation of £1,500 from the sale of Show House items and a donation sent by Leila King for £473.12 on behalf of Persimmon. "This has been raised over the last seven months by way of various raffles and dress down days in our offices and sites."

In Memory of Stuart Attridge Rosemary Attridge held a charity ball at the Reigate Manor Hotel on 31 October and raised £10,540 in Stuart's memory. Rosemary has also forwarded further donations totalling £230.31.

z Roy Ball forwarded a donation of £146 from Pat Windsor for raffle money collected at the Marine Hotel, Paignton.

In Memory of Richard Barker We have received a donation of £436 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of the late Richard Barker.

In Memory of Deborah-Ann Barnes "During the course of 2007 I organised two events to raise money for CRY. I was supported in my efforts by all my colleagues at Welland House Residential Home. One of the male carers had his head shaved and, in conjunction with the bric-a-brac stall selling items donated by other members of staff, we managed to raise the princely sum of £700. As you may be aware, my daughter Deborah-Ann Barnes passed away in 2006 from young sudden cardiac death." Mrs Joyce Baff

In Memory of Nicholas Barnes "Please find cheques to the value of £928.42. This has been raised over a period of months, ending with an evening at St Aidan's Church, Gravesend, when the bulk of the cash was raised. We hope to continue our fundraising when we move to a new parish in the New Year." Rev Philip John Barnes and Mrs Frances Barnes

In Memory of Cecilia Barriga The pupils of St Joseph's Junior School, London SE19, sent in a donation of £300 raised in memory of Cecilia as a result of a sponsored maths test during Lent. z Sophie Bates has sent in sponsorship donations of £130 for her abseil.

In Memory of Gareth Beckett Sandra Knapman sent in a donation of £390.50 in memory of her son Gareth Thomas Beckett. "On 14 September 2006 my lovely 22 year-old son Gareth Thomas Beckett came home to his partner Gemma. He was grubby from work and said he would just have a quick bath and give her a kiss once he was clean. Gareth never came back down the stairs on his own. He collapsed on the landing. Gemma called the paramedics and ourselves. The paramedics worked on Gareth and we did get him to the hospital. They tried in vain to bring Gareth back to us, but after 45 minutes everything stopped. Gareth and Gemma had been together since the age of 16. Gareth has two sisters, Hannah 25, and Katie, 14.

z Mrs C Eyre made a donation of £130 at the CRY Pathology Launch. z Terence Conway sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Stuart. z Julian Challis sent in a donation of £260 following the disco dance arranged by Rosemary Attridge. z Michelle Jackiewicz raised £865 after taking part in the Mazda London Triathlon in Stuart's memory.

In Memory of David Bakewell We have received donations to the value of £540 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of the late David Bakewell.

In Memory of Andrew Ball Roy Ball forwarded cheque for £359.44 from Father Christmas (Alan Weavin). z Sheila Clarke and Eve Linforth held a collection day at the ASDA store in Oldbury on 12 April and collected £150.

Our lives have stood still since that night. Gareth was a fun-loving, handsome, 'fit' young man with a great future ahead of him. His friends and family all comment on his amazing smile and great blue eyes. My friends at W Jordan Cereals in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, competed in a swimathon and gave me a cheque for CRY on behalf of Gareth which we would like you to accept with our fondest wishes."

In Memory of Laura Bennett "I am pleased to enclose cheques totalling £355.55 in respect of fundraising activities at Stafford Improvement Division. The events were instigated by Rebecca Winnall whose son was in Laura's year at junior and senior schools. The activities included a raffle for one of my paintings (£162), a raffle of other prizes, a dress down day (£159.60) and provision of toast for staff as a 'one off' by Rebecca (£18.95), plus separate donations from Heather Farr (£10) and £5 from Vulnerable Children. The centre nominates a different charity each year and Rebecca pushed CRY's case because she knew of Laura's tragedy." John Bennett

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Kasia Ber Diane Ber forwarded the following donations from CRY collection tins: £56 from the Sportsman's Club, £24 from Shah's shop and £27 from the Horden Cricket Club, making a total collected of £107. z Beauty therapist Lauren Marley raised £380 after she waxed the legs and chests of two men.

In Memory of David Bick Ursula Bick forwarded a cheque for £400 towards the West Midlands screening programme. The money was donated by members and friends of their family specifically for the Tamworth screening in September. Ursula also forwarded the following donations in memory of David: z A donation of £600 for the West Midlands ECG fund. "This money was collected at the Tamworth screening which took place on Sunday 28 September. Despite a few hiccups prior to the screening, all went smoothly. Tony and his team were wonderful. We admired the way everyone worked together and all agreed it was a great success. We look forward to our next session which is due to take place next March." z Cheques to the value of £540. "This is the total collected in donations in memory of our very good friend Joseph Taylor. Joe died on 8 June after a long illness and his funeral was held on 18 June. His daughter, Joanne, specifically asked for donations in lieu of flowers. Joe was an exceptional man. Kind-hearted and generous with a wonderful sense of humour, he was a gentleman in every sense of the word. He was greatly interested in our involvement with CRY and encouraged us to raise awareness of the organisation in our son's memory. He was delighted to hear that a screening was going to be held in Tamworth in September. Prior to his death he specifically asked that any money raised should go to the West Midlands screening programme in the hope it would help to save young lives."

In Memory of Steven Bicker "On Friday 21 November 2008 Canterbury Cricket Club held a quiz evening. The proceeds of the raffle have been kindly donated to CRY. Please find enclosed a cheque for £375 in memory of our son Steven who died on 23 January 2006. Thank you for your continued support. We attended the Bereavement Support Day at Wimbledon in October and we again found this of great comfort." Glen and Carol Bicker

In Memory of Mathew Blease We have received a donation of £1,229 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Mathew Blease. z "Please find enclosed a donation of £200 we have acquired from local businesses. This donation is in memory of Mathew Blease who died suddenly on 1 February 2008. Mathew was a friend of my son. They played in the same football team, Panshanger Yellows FC, managed by Matt's dad Steve for the last six years. We hope that this donation can help towards providing support to families like Mathew's who have suffered such a tragic loss." Colin E Cox z Karen, Steve and Mark Blease sent in a donation of £440 in memory of Mathew. "This money was raised from the auction of six FA Cup Final tickets kindly donated by Tom Barnsley, Assistant Sports Sponsorship Manager, McDonald's Restaurants Limited." Karen, Steve and Mark also sent in further donations totalling £915 in memory of Mathew. z Mrs M Will sent a cheque for £475. "These are the proceeds of our fête, raised by the children of Panshanger School in memory of Mathew Blease, a member of Panshanger Football Club." 18 | CRY Update Issue 48

In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop Jen and Paul Blenkinsop sent in a cheque for £533 in memory of Graeme. "Kevin Ebbs, who works part-time at the The Ship and Castle public house, again kindly organised a quiz on New Year's Day 2008 to raise funds for CRY due to the loss of Graeme. We cannot thank Kevin and the patrons of The Ship and Castle enough. We hope this donation goes a little way in saving a young life." Jan and Paul sent in a further donation. "We held a second Charity Football Match on 27 April 2008 in our son's memory and raised a fantastic sum of £3,560. As you are aware, Graeme tragically died on 4 August 2006 from a massive heart attack at the age of 21. It was agreed that the money be shared between CRY and St Mary's Breast Care Nurse's Trust Fund. We are therefore very pleased to enclose a cheque for £1,500. The sum of £280 was donated directly via the Just Giving website. Everyone, especially Graeme's friends, thoroughly enjoyed themselves again and asked that we repeat it next year, which we will endeavour to do." z "Enclosed is a cheque (£100)in memory of Graeme who would have been 23 on 18 March". Lesley Ann Bryant

In Memory of James Boothby We have received a donation of £519.87 in lieu of floral tributes for the late James Henry Boothby.

In Memory of Daniel Boughey "On 23 March 2008 Crewes Missiles Mini Club organised a Car Rally to Barnmouth. We had 29 members of our own club start off from our local community centre in Crewe. Along the way we had three stops. We met another 24 Minis from other Mini clubs at Bala Lake making a total of 53 Minis. From Bala we all drove in convoy to Barmouth where we spent the afternoon. We managed to raise £405. All the money came from donations and raffle tickets sold. We first started this in 2007 and we are now considering making this an annual event as it is becoming so popular among our members. We all agree that CRY is a good cause to support." Claire Hudson, Crewes Missiles Mini Club

In Memory of Ian Bowen Kenny Bowen has forwarded a donation of £1,100 from Tees Power Fund (Tees Valley Community Foundation) in memory of his son Ian. Maralyn Bowen has forwarded the following donations in memory of Ian: z A donation of £107 in lieu of floral tributes following the death of her mother. z A cheque for £207 from their recent Screening Day. z A cheque for £198. "On Friday afternoon I went along to Morrison's with Chris, Emma, Sue and Lil. We had a tombola stall and gave out CRY leaflets. We were all pleased at the amount we raised as we were only at the store for three and a quarter hours." Maralyn also sent in £195 when she held another tombola in Morrisons. z A cheque for £300 for Ian's Memorial Fund from George Morris, Steward of Marske Cricket Club. "George is a good friend of Kenny's and he arranged a race night and a 'Pie and Pea Supper' for us. We all enjoyed the evening." z A cheque for £300 for Ian's Memorial Fund from the Burden Prep Golf Day, arranged again by Glen Shepherd and Frank Spencely. "They raised £200 on the day. During the evening a cheque for £100 was presented to Kenny from Tony Cook, Brockway Conveyors. Everyone enjoyed the day (they were very lucky with the weather) and all enjoyed the evening." z A further cheque for £140.50 from Marske Cricket Club. "Kenny and myself went to their Presentation Evening and the money from the raffle was donated to CRY."

Our Fundraisers z Caroline Emmerson and the Dormanstown Delegates Juvenile Jazz Band raised £100 in memory of Ian. z June Hewitson made a donation of £120 in lieu of buying Christmas presents for her niece and nephews.

In Memory of Steffani Broughton "I enclose a cheque for £400 in memory of my niece Steffani Broughton who died in her sleep aged 17. Instead of birthday presents I asked my friends to donate to CRY while at my party." Kayreen Cumming

In Memory of Mary Burnham Birgit Holdsworth took part in a one mile sponsored swim in memory of her friend Mary Burnham and raised £100.

In Memory of Robert Burns The annual five-a-side football match was held in memory of Robert and raised £750.

In Memory of Katrina Brown Tom Mitchell took part in the Michelob Ultra London Triathlon 2007 and has raised £912 in memory of Katrina Brown. We have also received a further contribution of £300 from Tom's employer, Marsh Magic, and further cheques from Tom totalling £4,945 in respect of the Land's End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride. z "Please find enclosed my cheque for £100 from the sale of bands etc. I am so very proud of my son-in-law James Brown and son-in-law Graham Collins who will be cycling from Land's End to John O'Groats in aid of CRY. I know that Katrina would have been immensely proud of all that James has done! Mrs M Clark (Katrina's mother) z James Brown raised £575 in memory of Katrina, his 'amazing wife'. James also sent in further donations amounting to £175 in respect of the Land's End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride. This was followed by a further donation from James, Tony, Graham and Nigel for £2,500 raised by their cycle ride. z Graham Collins' donation of £987.01 from the Land's End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride was followed by further donations totalling £451.70 from Queen Mary's Grammar School and Wragg & Co. in support of his taking part in the event. z Mr and Mrs Allen sent in a donation of £200 in respect of the Land's End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride. z Lucy Williams, Chubb Insurance Charity Committee, sent in donations totalling £450 in memory of Katrina.

In Memory of Alex Buckler "Colin Juneman was one of Alex's teachers at King's School, Bruton, and has been a tremendous support to us all, along with his wife Jan. This summer, to mark his retirement, he invited friends and colleagues to a Golf Challenge and dinner. We were presented with a cheque for £500 raised by those present and I enclose a further £65 contributed by friends who couldn't attend. They all came back to the Golf Club, having had some very taxing but enjoyable golf." Rosalind Buckler Rosalind Bucker sent in a further donation in memory of Alex. "Ballands Bowmen held a two-day Archery Shoot as part of the South West Challenge on our farm and 144 archers took part. Once again they held the raffle in aid of CRY, ransomed lost arrows and sold wrist bands and pens. Some of the archers also camped overnight with their fee being donated, and so altogether we are enclosing a cheque for £400."

In Memory of Jamie Bucknell Julie Lister (Jamie's aunt) sent in the following donations: £2,208 from the Family Music Evening, £18 from collection boxes at McCall's store and £25 from Lea Club Members.

In Memory of Nathan Butler Carole Alcock sent in a cheque for £126.20 for the Nathan Butler Memorial Fund. This was raised by Alastair Norton and friends and members of the Burton Manor Sports Association. They held a New Year's Eve disco, raffle and games." Carole sent further donations totalling £860 "raised in memory of my 16 year-old nephew Nathan Butler. We held a celebration for my 50th birthday and had donations instead of gifts." z Arthur Butler and Mary Bury held a Garden Party on 10 August and raised £200 in memory of their grandson Nathan. z Mrs K Young sent in cheques totalling £150 in memory of her mother Mrs Winifred Sumnell, raised at her funeral on 19 September. “It saddened her deeply that so many and especially Nathan are unable to enjoy the long life which she herself enjoyed until she passed away in her 90th year." z Mr and Mrs Bissontok part in the 'Potters Arf Marathon' and raised £300. Angela Butler has forwarded the following donations in memory of Nathan: z Two cheques totalling £705 of which £605 was donated by Mr Chell, raised at a variety night on 11 March. z Three cheques – £65 from her father's funeral (Giuseppe Davies, who sadly passed away on 6 June), £25 from friends Julie and Steve Smith who celebrated their Silver wedding anniversary and £66 raised at a social night at Porthill Park Cricket Club where Nathan was a member. z A cheque for £76 donated by the staff at Blackfriars and Merryfields School and further cheques totalling £260 in memory of her late father. z A donation of £110 from Mrs Minnie Wilson in lieu of presents for her 90th birthday. z Cheques totalling £480 "for donations received following the sudden and sad death of our cousin Geoff Wilson. Geoff's wife, June, very kindly requested family flowers only and donations to CRY in memory of Geoff who died from heart disease and also in memory of Nathan." z Penny Norton and her colleagues at Areva held several book club events. At the most recent she raised £880 in memory of Nathan.

In Memory of Graham Button Alison Button raised £272.50 when she and her sister took part in the 2007 Boxing Day Swim in Tenby, Pembrokeshire. “Hundreds of people turned out to support and raise money for various charities, but we want our money to go to the Graham Button Memorial Fund at CRY.

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Our Fundraisers Graham was a wonderful husband, father, son and brother who is loved and missed very much by all his family. He was only 36 when he died suddenly on 14 October 2006. We hope that this donation will go some way to prevent any future families going through a tragedy like ours." Alison sent in a further donation of £935 raised by holding 'An Evening with Karen Wilson, Psychic Medium' on 27 September in Budworth Hall, Ongar, Essex. “Karen Wilson, who is based in Pembrokeshire, offered to travel to Essex to do the show for CRY following a reading I had earlier this year which brought me such great comfort. It was a truly enjoyable evening for all and our gratitude goes to Karen for sharing her gift and raising money in memory of my darling husband Graham."

In Memory of Peter and Peter Button "We lost our lovely son last year. Peter Junior was 37 years old. Sanjay Sharma has said Peter Junior was high risk Brugada syndrome and our daughter Susie has now been tested but is low risk. In November 2007 my lovely husband was told he had lung cancer and died on 10 March. So, in seven and a half months, I had lost a son and my husband, my daughter had lost her lovely brother and lovely daddy, and dear little Joseph lost his daddy and granddad. Part of all of us died when we lost Peter Junior, his daddy went all the way. The above donations of £448.50 were from friends and family of Peter Senior." Faiga Button z Graham Harris sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Peter and Peter.

In Memory of Kenneth Byrne Karen Byrne sent in cheques amounting to £2,546. “This was money raised at a charity ball we organised in memory of my late husband Kenneth Byrne. The Cairn Hotel in Harrogate hosted an evening of entertainment on 22 September in support of CRY.”

In Memory of Michael Cadman

In Memory of Andrew Cannon "£613.40 was raised by employees at the CPS at their annual Sports Day in memory of Andrew. It was a big success and we were able to give CRY a lot of publicity." Debbie Cannon

In Memory of Ben Carter "Please find enclosed a cheque for £500 which has so kindly been donated to Ben's Memorial Fund by the staff and pupils of Ben's former school, Sir William Stonier Community School. The money was raised through a school fayre in memory of both Ben and Jamie Ollier, another former pupil who also died of a heart condition in 2006. I would like to sincerely thank not only the year 9 pupils but in particular Mr Chris Steele, whose efforts and dedication led to the whole event being a great success." Yvonne Carter (Ben's mum)

In Memory of Graham Lewis Cataldo-Davies Abraham Nashaat raised £1,116 during a non-uniform day at his school in memory of his good friend Graham who died of SADS on 18 April 2007. z Keith Davies sent in donations totalling £345 which were raised at a school concert on Friday 6 November 2008 at Graham's old school, Whystones School at Whaddon, Gloucester.

In Memory of Anthony Child Chris Gordon has forwarded further donations amounting to £2,407.82 from his Mission: Implausible charity event in memory of Anthony Child. z "On 9 August our very good friends Janet and Kevin held their annual charity line dance for CRY. Once again the evening was very well supported, with everyone having a great time dancing the night away. We were entertained by Natalie who gave us two great sessions of new and old songs, also our good friend and CRY supporter Kim choreographed a dance to 'Warwick Avenue', which she taught us and we all enjoyed. So with great pleasure we are sending you cheques for the grand sum of £962. We would like to say a big thankyou to all who came and supported us with their generous donations and buying raffle tickets but a really big thanks to Janet, Kevin and Kim. Without their continuing support this event would not take place – thanks guys." Angie and Jack Child

In Memory of Tom Clabburn Linda Panzer sent in a donation of £536. "Little Ealing Primary School held a second-hand toy sale/cake sale on Thursday 9 October to raise funds in memory of Tom, one year on. A total of £536 was raised. CRY materials were displayed to further raise awareness, as were the collection shakers. Notification of the radio broadcast on the 13 October was also given.

"Following a request from the crew onboard the Subsea 7 Vessel Rockwater 1, I am pleased to enclose a cheque of £1,000 for the Michael Cadman Memorial Fund. I hope this donation will be of great help to your charity and best wishes for your future work." Jayne Usher, on behalf of the Rockwater 1 Welfare Committee 20 | CRY Update Issue 48

The reaction amongst the school community was amazingly strong. Nonbakers baked, donations were of a high standard and people were generous beyond expectation – literally just handing over money or saying 'keep the change'. Stories of other children dying under similar circumstances were being told. Everyone from headmaster to caretaker, teacher and pupil were really touched, especially as it wasn't so long ago that Tom attended Little Ealing. Tom caused quite a stir and people reacted accord-

Our Fundraisers ingly – children and parents alike. The school was incredibly supportive, notably Sue Butcher who helped with the sale and crowd control!" z Nearly £1,000 has been raised for CRY and the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund by Year 9 students at Notting Hill and Ealing High School in West Ealing. Helena Lacey, a student at the school who had known Tom all his life, organised the event. It was so successful that it was the most money ever raised by a class during the school's charity week. The events were: Monday – staff cakes were sold outside the staff room, a notice was read in assembly in heart costumes informing the school about the charity week. Posters were put up around the school. Tuesday – staff cakes were sold outside the staff room, student cakes were sold in the canteen at break, an assembly and a powerpoint demonstration on CRY were held, raffle tickets were sold at lunch. Wednesday – staff cakes were sold outside the staff room, CRY wristbands and raffle tickets were sold at lunch, ordering candy canes for friends at lunch. Thursday – staff cakes were sold outside the staff room, student cakes were sold in canteen at break, CRY wristbands and raffle tickets were sold at lunch, ordering candy canes for friends at lunch. Friday – all of the above, an ‘own clothes day’ (£1 if you wore red, £2 if you didn't). At lunchtime in the hall we had 'I'm a teacher, get me outta here' event where five teachers had to do tasks whilst the school laughed. It cost 40p to get in. z Tom's mother, Claire Prosser, sent in a donation of £350 in lieu of work she carried out for the Radio Times.

In Memory of David Cochrane "In April 2006 the members of Lodge Hopetoun St John No. 1232, a small Masonic Lodge located in Linlithgow, West Lothian, were stunned to hear that one of their youngest members had tragically died from an undetected heart condition. David Cochrane, aged 22, a former dux of Whitecross Primary School and Head Boy at Graeme High School in Falkirk, had recently graduated from Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University and was to join the Royal Navy officer training course later that year. David had several part-time jobs to help his parents support him through university. His kind nature, willingness to help others and big smile made him popular with all who knew him. David was a keen amateur sailor and fly fisher and his community spirit was simply outstanding. On one occasion he singlehandedly rescued a sailing party in trouble on Loch Sweene, Argyllshire.

He took complete control of the situation and got the passengers to the shore before returning to the capsized boat in which the captain was trapped. Without thought for his own safety, he plunged into the water and rescued him. On another occasion, David put his first aid skills to good use to aid of a man attacked by thugs in a local shopping area. Members of David's Lodge, along with family members and friends, have decided to honour his memory and each year will make efforts to raise funds for CRY. In the first year, 2006, it was hoped a few hundred pounds could be raised. Everyone was delighted when a total of £2,200 was announced. In 2007 it was decided that a real team effort was needed and a sponsored walk on the local canal footpath was organised. The 18 miles from the Bridge Inn at Ratho near Edinburgh to the Brig Inn at Linlithgow, along with the heavy rain, did not put people off and this event and a few others raised a fine total of £7,000. This year there was doubt as to whether the previous total could be matched or beaten. Again it was agreed that the local canal footpath provided excellent walking facilities. The walk was arranged this time from The Falkirk Wheel to Linlithgow (a mere 15 miles). Colleagues from Lodge Camelon joined the ranks and in the end over 70 walkers – plus five dogs – took part. In addition to the sponsored walk, a Stars in Their Eyes evening, a bowling competition and charity auction were held. On Friday 20 June CRY Representative Shelagh Green was presented with a magnificent cheque for £10,738. Shelagh thanked the Lodge and its supporters for the wonderful support given to CRY and made special reference to the support given by David's mother Katie and her family. Speaking on behalf of all who participated in the various fundraising projects, Ray Newton the secretary and a Past Master of the Lodge commented that "Whilst David has been taken from us, his memory will already be with us and his thoughts on life and what he achieved in his short life are, and always will be, an inspiration to us all." Ray Newton, PM Sec, Lodge Hopetoun St John No. 1232 z Npower sent in a matched giving donation of £141 in memory of David.

In Memory of Jeremy Cole Nigel and Jenny Cole sent in a cheque for £4,746. This was the balance of money raised from the 'Fun with Flowers' event.

In Memory of Katherine Conroy We have received a donation of £1,146.20 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Katharine Margaret Conroy.

In Memory of Simon Cox Mrs Carole Cox has forwarded c h e q u e s amounting to £189 in memory of her son Simon. "Simon's brother, Jason, and his girlfriend, Sophie, cycled the London to Brighton ride earlier this year and this is the amount collected so far."

In Memory of Donald and Hazel Croutear We have received donations amounting to £210 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Donald Charles Croutear and £180 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Hazel Mary Marcella Croutear.

In Memory of Simon Cullum St Peter's Parish raised £764.53 in memory of Simon. This money was presented at the CRY Pathology launch in London.

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Neil Darby Heather Darby has sent in a donation of £3,503.79 in memory of Neil John Darby. This money was raised at various fundraising events, including the Manchester to Blackpool Bike Ride and shaving off the moustache of Mark Gardener.

In Memory of Ryan Darby "On Saturday 27 September we held another charity night in memory of our son Ryan. The evening was a great success with a disco, buffet and great raffle prizes. We have pleasure in enclosing cheques to the value of £7,000, this being the amount we raised on the evening from the entrance tickets and raffles (Pimlico Plumbers donated £2,000 and Metrogas Amateur Association Limited donated £150). We hope this helps towards your continued work in research and the screening of young people, also the support you show to bereaved parents like ourselves." Barbara and John Darby

In Memory of Robin Davies We have received a donation of £596.60 in memory of the late Mr Robin Davies.

In Memory of Luke Dickinson "Five months after Luke's death I have settled myself to write to people who sent donations in his memory. Please accept the enclosed cheque of £350 in memory of our wonderful son who died when he was having a great life, with a future full of promise. May this help in a small way the important work of CRY. Thank you for the help you have given me." Pat Dickinson

In Memory of Christopher Dixon Mrs Aimee Norman and friends completed a sponsored walk from Swanage to Corfe and back in memory of their friend Chris Dixon. They raised £445.71 in his memory.

In Memory of Scott Donkin Shaun Bailey (Secretary) sent in a donation of £1,315.43 in memory of Scott Donkin. "This is made from the funds of Derwentside Sub-Divisional Police Welfare Club (Consett Police Club)".

In Memory of Adam Donnelly Adam Donnelly Memorial Ball 28 June 2008 Following the success of the ball we organised in 2006 we decided to do the same again this year, with the hope that we could at least match the money raised last time. 120 tickets were sold for the event at the Woodlands Banqueting Centre in Swanley and the evening was a wonderful success. We raised £6,370, much more than we had expected. So many kind and wonderful people attended the dinner, gave raffle prizes or organised items that could be auctioned on the evening. It has made us realise once again that we are blessed with a wonderful circle of friends and family. Everyone sat down to a delicious four-course dinner, washed down with a couple of glasses of wine. Jed did the after-dinner speech in which he talked briefly talk about what we as a family are doing with CRY, what we hope to achieve and the success of last year's screening event we organised. 22 | CRY Update Issue 48

Our very dear friend Sandra Clark then acted as auctioneer for the evening and again did a fantastic job in getting people to bid for items. We had ten items to be auctioned which raised over £4,000 towards the evening. Sandra then asked everyone to raise their glasses to Adam who, had he been there, would have loved being the centre of attention and Guest of Honour for the evening! It was then down to the main business of the evening which was getting onto the dance floor. We had really good feedback from the evening and hope that everyone who attended had as good a time as we did. We will definitely be organising another ball in a couple of years." Julie Donnelly z Mary Roberts sent in a donation of £100. "On 25 April Adam would have been 21 years old. I cannot give him a present so please accept this cheque in his memory. He was a warm, loving boy who is still greatly missed by his family." z Lyn Lyons held a social event at Battersea Ironside's Rugby Club on 14 June. The event raised £1,500 in memory of Adam. Julie Donnelly forwarded the following donations in memory of Adam: z Donations totalling £255: "This was made up as follows: £75 from Rochelle Gibbs, £50 from Melanie Hodges who took part in the Hydro Active Women's Challenge, £100 from my mother in lieu of birthday presents and £30 from Pam Blake." z Donations of £100 from her mother in memory of Adam on his 21st birthday and £103 raised by Siân during the swimathon on 19 April 2008. z Cheques to the value of £600 raised by their friend Jeff Hewitt during the same swimathon. "The companies that sponsored Jeff were CM Utilities Limited (£500) and Express Pipe Laying & Repairs Limited (£100) respectively." z Cheques to the value of £5,870 raised at the Adam Donnelly Memorial Dinner/Dance. "An additional £500 has been donated by our friend Mrs Toni Branch. Toni organised an end of year prom at her daughter's school in the summer and £2 from each ticket sold was donated to a charity. She very kindly chose CRY." z A cheque for £100. "This is the amount raised by my aunt at the dinner club she organises. The ladies meet each month and usually have a guest speaker. My mother spoke about CRY at the last meeting and the raffle money raised was donated to CRY."

In Memory of Adam Drawbridge Rachel McLoughlin, HR Business Partner, CSC Computer Sciences, sent in a donation of £2,000 in Adam's memory. "Adam Drawbridge was a young member of staff who was employed on our Graduate Programme. Sadly, Adam recently passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition. His parents have confirmed that they would like any donations to be made to your charity." z We have received donations totalling £340 in memory of Adam: Philip Tinsley sent in a donation of £100, Mrs K Fleming sent £100, Mrs E Drawbridge sent £100 and Mrs S Blackman, £40.

In Memory of John Eastwood John and Gwen Eastwood sent in a donation of £5,000 raised from the Lincoln 10k Race on 27 March 2008 in memory of John Aiden Eastwood.

In Memory of Sebastian English "You will recall that AXA Framlington Velocity team completed last summer's London to Brighton bike ride. I am delighted to inform you that AXA Framlington has elected to make an additional payment in respect of our achievement and in further recognition of the worthy cause." Paul Armatage forwarded a cheque for £1,000. z "My dad was a member at a historic Manchester Dining Club and I am enclosing a cheque for £300 from them." Bill Corlett, Honorary Treasurer of the John Shaw's Club

Our Fundraisers z "Frank Drewett, who coached many members of the XV over the years, heard about our Three Peaks Challenge and felt he would like to contribute. Frank is in the process of making some unique lamp stands and wants to donate the proceeds. The lamp stands will all be crafted from the rugby posts that stood at Twickenham from 1936 until the 1951-52 season and then used at Rugby School on Old Big Side until the mid-1970's." Rupert Hunter forwarded donations totalling £1,250. z Rupert Hunter forwarded donations totalling £150 from P G C Davies, W J G Powell and Mr A Sayles (£50 each) in memory of Sebastian. z Bath Rugby Club donated £1,600 in respect of CRY Patron Simon Halliday's Bath Rugby Christmas DVD. z Richmond Football Club forwarded a donation of £500 in lieu of the speaker's fee when Simon Halliday attended their Annual Dinner. z "I have always sent a donation in memory of my dear, late, great nephew Sebastian on his birthdays and at Christmas. I am now enclosing a cheque for £100 on the occasion of what would have been his 20th birthday. So wonderful to know that because of the existence of the Fund perhaps some youngsters may have been spared. The new diagnostic unit must be of tremendous value." GW and PM Owens z "We are pleased to enclose a cheque for £3,000, being monies collected at a charity day held at the club. There is also a cheque enclosed for £20 from Down to Earth raised at the same event. All the best from all at Haslemere Rugby Club." Will Oxley, Hon Treasurer z The Sporting Club Dinner have donated £5,000, forwarded to CRY by David Trick. z Mr and Mrs J W Bailey sent in a donation of £200 in memory of Sebastian. z "The Fourth Annual Sebastian English Memorial Golf Competition was held on Thursday 25 September in the wonderful Lake District. The dreadful weather we have had all summer held its breath for two glorious days as 17 intrepid golfers took part in a Stapleford competition around the challenging Windermere Golf Club Course. The views were great and the golf wasn't bad either! Best individual score and winner of the 'coveted green jacket' went to 19-year old Emma Seddon with 39 points. Best Male score shared between Steve Nicholson and Richard Skan with 36. Female runner up was Lynette Newington with 20 (pretty good for her first ever comp!). 3 ball Team Stableford was shared between Nigel Seddon, Peter Brown and Chris MacColl and Steve Nicholson, Paul Harriman and Mark Hancock with 44 points each team. Pre-dinner drinks were held on a steamcruiser which glided away from the jetty at Langdale Chase Hotel on to a ripple-free lake with a perfect sunset. Dinner was delicious and a credit to the chef and staff at the hotel. A hilarious dinner speech was given by Pepe Fowler (who, quite frankly, should have her own TV show). The stand up bingo and raffle were as well-supported as ever and the evening carried on into the very early hours of the next morning, with a few tired looking faces at breakfast a few hours later! The whole event raised a four-figure sum and already plans have started for next year's event ." Nigel Seddon sent in a donation of £1,068 from the Golf Day z "We are pleased to enclose a cheque for £200 following our fundraising for CRY this term. The money was raised from a raffle on our Open Day." Mrs Sue Hall, Russell Baker Housemistress, St Catherine's School, Bramley, Surrey z The Haslemere Junior Tennis Club tournament raised £212.

In Memory of Catherine Farrar We have received a donation of £400 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of the late Mrs Catherine Farrar.

In Memory of Leanne Faulkner "We will always remember Leanne as a fun-loving girl. She looked forward to her future and was making ambitious plans to travel the world once she had finished her studies. She had only just returned to her home in Portugal after visiting Abingdon College where she planned to study for her A levels, the first step towards her dream vocation as a fashion designer, when she became unwell. Her condition deteriorated over the following days when it became clear to us that she was seriously ill. Leanne's heart became too weak to fight her illness and she died at the young age of 15, with her mother and father by her side at Santa Maria hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, on 8 March 2006. The precise cause of her death is still not known to us. We would like to assist CRY in their campaign to raise general public awareness and reduce risk in others through supporting research and screening programmes. At the same time we feel that we can also raise awareness in Portugal where such risks in the young are evidently overlooked by the medical profession." Michelle Faulkner sent in donations of £500 and £1,549.30. This money was raised during fundraising events in Portugal and Oxfordshire in memory of Leanne.

In Memory of Thérèse Field "The Stargazers Dance School which I run put on a charity song and dance show at the Granville Theatre, Ramsgate, on Saturday 19 July in aid of CRY and in memory of my sister Thérèse Field. The show was called 'It's Showbiz' and featured around 70 people ranging from ages four to 45. They performed routines to songs from musicals such as Fame, Anything Goes, Hairspray, Me and My Girl and We Will Rock You as well as modern pop songs and old classics. This show raised £1,902 for Thérèse's memorial fund. A local scout group walked past my husband's office where he had a display up for CRY and a lady came in and said one of their group had died suddenly and that they would be doing a small fundraiser for CRY at their next meeting. They brought £43 into his office a week later – separate cheque enclosed." Tara Gore

In Memory of Andy Forbes "Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,300 which has been collected by Premier Foods in memory of Andy Forbes. Premier held a dress down day in Andy's memory on 23 July 2008. Sophy (Andy's wife) works for us here at Premier and we are all thinking of Sophy and her family at this very difficult time." Alison Pateman, Premier Foods plc CRY has received two separate donations from Tesco: z Steven Garton, Director, Tesco Store Ordering, sent in a donation of £2,678.40. "Andy had worked for Tesco for over eleven and a half years. He was a good leader who inspired his team and also enjoyed being part of the Tesco football team at any given opportunity. His sudden death was a huge shock for all his colleagues at Tesco and especially his team mates. Together with donations from Andy's colleagues, Tesco suppliers, money raised through a raffle at our annual Store Ordering Fun Day and with the 20% which Tesco add to charitable donations, we would like the amount to be added to Andy's Memorial Fund which Sophy has set up in his memory." z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,544 raised in memory of our friend and colleague Andy Forbes for his Memorial Fund. £2,120 of this was raised at an event attended by Tesco Directors from Stores and Distribution who knew Andy both through work and socially. An additional 20% has been added by Tesco's Charity Trust." Briony Rutt

In Memory of Rhian Nadine Fry "Please find enclosed a donation of £440 raised at a cofee morning held by our kind neighbours and friends in Maresfield Park and surrounding areas. Fortunately, we were blessed with a beautiful, sunny day and the event took place in the garden." Colleen Fry z Mr P Hammer sent in a donation of £500 in recognition of Richard and Adam Fry's fundraising efforts.

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Vicki Furlong "Please find enclosed cheques totalling £2,000. The donations have been made in memory of my late wife, Vicki Furlong, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on 5 October 2008. For my family and I, CRY has been an extremely helpful organisation providing us with timely information and support. Alison Cox and Dr John Somauroo, our local cardiologist (Countess of Chester Hospital), have helped support and guide us through this incredibly difficult time for which we are grateful." Dr Niall Furlong z "Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £525 which have been donated in memory of our daughter, Mrs Victoria Furlong, who died suddenly on 5 October 2008 from what is thought to be sudden adult death syndrome." Andrew White z Gail Fullbrook, Headteacher at Frodsham CE Primary School, sent in a donation of £160 raised by some of the parents in memory of Vicky.

In Memory of Matt Gadsby

cricket match between the members of the Lamb Inn football team (Marlborough), Marlborough Town Football Club and Minal Cricket Club, all of whom Gary used to play for." Jackie Cook, Treasurer, Minal Sports & Social Club

In Memory of Cameron Gillies "I recently retired and asked my friends and family to donate to two of my charities instead of giving gifts, so please find enclosed a cheque for £250. My son died 12 years ago at age 17. The cause of death was given as acute cardiac insufficiency as a result of viral myocarditis, following a severe throat infection. We had no idea he even had a throat infection as he was a very fit and healthy young boy. Cameron was a well-loved and well-liked young person who enjoyed life and had a great many friends. We talk fondly of him often and of all the things he used to get up to as a young boy. Two of his friends have actually called their children after him, so I feel that was a nice thing to do. I hope this money will go towards research to help find a cure to help other young people. Keep up the good work and all the best for the future." Mrs Lilian Gillies

CRY has received two donations from National Grid: z "In memory of Matt Gadsby, a fit young man who died while playing football, our department in National Grid at Warwick have been organising a series of fundraising events to raise money and awareness of the West Midland screening programme to be held in September 2008. To date we have raised £161 which the company will match through its matched giving scheme. I do hope that this donation, albeit small, will go some way in help getting an early diagnosis to as many people as possible so that fewer families will have to endure the pain and shock of this ultimately treatable condition." Irene Shepherd, National Grid z Bruce Russell from National Grid sent in a further donation of £325 to raise money and awareness of the West Midland screening programme. "A group of individuals took part in a ‘1lb4£1’ challenge. Basically, you lose a 1lb and donate a £1 to charity. We chose your charity, as a member of a team, Sarah Gadsby, is Matt's wife." z The Queen's Head, Newton Regis, sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Matt.

In Memory of Cheryl Glasborow "In October 2007 Kathy, my friend and I, attended our first CRY Bereavement Day at Wimbledon Park Golf Club. Whilst driving home and discussing the events of the day and how they had affected us, we decided we wanted to raise money for the charity in Cheryl's memory. Ron and Donna were in agreement. Kathy's church, St Joseph's, donated their hall. Gina in the office printed the tickets in Cheryl's favourite colour, lilac. All we had to do was think of 150 people we knew who had been in Cheryl's life at one time or another to fill it! We contacted our families, old friends and neighbours, people we had met on holiday, Cheryl's old school friends, girls from her Brownie and Guiding groups, current friends and neighbours. We had a fantastic response. Many bought the £10 tickets or made a donation if they could not come. After a few weeks we were sold out!

In Memory of Andrew Gard Caroline Gard forwarded a cheque for £1,100 from the last two clinics at Colchester and various fundraising monies handed in during the last few months. Caroline also forwarded a cheque for £211.02 from Frinton Free Church who held a quiz night. z Frinton Rotary Club raised £1,200 from a Sportsmen's Dinner and book sale. z Tom Brooks and Alex Unitt took part in the Mazda London Triathlon and raised £100 in memory of Andrew.

In Memory of Stewart Michael Gardner We have received two donations for £806.07 and $5,000 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Mr Stewart Michael Gardner.

In Memory of Mark Geddes "Please find enclosed a cheque for £700 as my donation. This is in memory of my husband who suddenly passed away in December. He had a mitral valve prolapse." Najeeda Geddes

In Memory of Vernon Gibbons Mrs L Gibbons forwarded a donation of £250 from colleagues at Vernon's place of work.

In Memory of Gary Giles "Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 in memory of Gary Giles who died several years ago. The money was raised last year by a six-a-side 24 | CRY Update Issue 48

Next, we needed to get raffle prizes so we called on local shops, fitness places, the cinema and the theatre who all gave generously. Friends and family also gave us donations. One neighbour donated a week's holiday in a cottage in Rye. The chairman of Charlton Athletic Football Club donated four tickets to the first match of next season. The music and the buffet was organised by friends Gabriel, Zoe and Judy. I contacted the local newspaper and asked them if they would report on the event and they agreed. Donna's partner Ben offered to take photos. We were all set – it was really happening!

Our Fundraisers We arrived at the hall on 10 May at 5pm. Plenty of friends had offered to help set up tables, dress them, put out nibbles, organise the raffle table, put up pictures of Cheryl around the walls, tie CRY balloons at the entrance and set out the buffet. Time flew by and people started to arrive just before 7.30pm. Soon the hall was filling up, the music was playing, people were greeting one another, chatting and catching up with one another's news, drinks were flowing and the buffet was going down a treat. Five pairs of ladies sold raffle tickets at £5 a strip or 3 strips for £10 and at 9pm Cheryl's older sister Donna and her best friend Caroline pulled the winning raffle tickets – 23 in all, without the aid of the mic, which had a technical fault at the time. When we knew how much money had been raised we quickly filled in a dummy cheque our bank had given us and invited Allison Spalding, CRY's Representative from the Kent area, to join Ron, Donna and myself on stage. We were absolutely delighted to present Allison with a cheque for £2,477. Everybody had been so generous. It was amazing – Cheryl would be so proud. Allison said a few words about the work of the charity and how important fundraising is. We then cut the cakes, one with red roses for CRY, and the other white with lilac and pink roses in loving memory of Cheryl. The rest of the evening was spent on the dance floor. Oh what a night!” Sandra Glasborow, Cheryl's mother z Sandra held a coffee morning on 20 November 2008 in memory of Cheryl. "Cheryl died from cardiomyopathy, a sudden death. With your support we had the strength to carry on (thank you)." She raised £250 from the event and £88.93 from the sale of Christmas cards.

In Memory of Reece Goodman "Our family and many friends would like to make a donation on behalf of my beautiful grandson Reece Callum Goodman aged one year and one week old, who sadly lost his fight for life on 2 October 2006 to a rare heart condition. In the past we have raised a good amount of money for CRY and will continue to do so via a great bunch of family, friends and work colleagues, on this occasion playing charity games of football and rugby. Also included is a £500 donation from my employer, Unipart, for whom Reece's mummy also works. They have been a great support to me and my family and I know they will continue fundraising in the future as Reece was close to everyone's hearts. If it helps to raise awareness for other families and can save just one life we will go on forever raising money for CRY." Jayne Daly (very proud Grandma) sent in donations totalling £952 in memory of Reece. z "My name is Ryan Goodman and I sadly lost my little cousin Reece to dilated cardiomyopathy in October 2006. On 12 September I was at my Aunty's wedding. My cousin Reece Goodman was remembered on the day with a balloon release. After the sit down meal I decided to do a collection for CRY while my family were together and I raised £63.44." Ryan Goodman, age 11

In Memory of Ashley Goodwin "On 21 July 2007 our youngest son Ashley died suddenly and without warning. This fit and healthy young man had celebrated his 35th birthday only the day before. Throughout his adult life Ashley contributed to and raised money for numerous charities. He had completed two London Marathons in 2005 and 2006 and intended to walk the West Highland Way in 2008 to raise further funds. Following his death his lifelong friend Mark, with whom Ashley had planned the walk, announced that he still intended to undertake it in honour of his friend's memory and asked whether anyone would like to accompany him." Linda and Geoff Goodwin sent in a donation of £897 from this event.

In Memory of Andrew Graeme Paul Graeme sent in a further donation of £200 in respect of his wife's 60th birthday party.

In Memory of Oliver Griffin Kate Piddington sent donations totalling £1,310 from Reckitt Benckiser towards sponsorship money raised by herself and Anna Morecambe for the London to Paris Bike Ride in September. "This is in memory of Oliver Griffin who died on 2 February 2008. Reckitt Benckiser are the employers of Olly's cousin Jemma and they have been very generous with both this cheque and also by catering events." Kate Piddington z Jemma Pratley sent in cheques to the value of £1,785 towards the memorial fund of her cousin Oliver. "It was raised by holding a quiz night for family and friends and through selling redundant office furniture!". Jemma sent in a further donation of £1,745 raised at a quiz night on 18 October.

In Memory of Leanne Haddrell Mary Haddrell sent in cheques totalling £440 in memory of her daughter Leanne Marie Haddrell. “Leanne tragically died on 1 May 2008 at Cheltenham General Hospital due to myocarditis. It was very sudden as she was an extremely fit and healthy young lady. She was 21 years old." Mary also forwarded the following donations: z "We held a 21 hour Rowathon and Fancy Dress Aqua Aerobic session at LA Fitness in Cheltenham, together with a raffle, on 8 and 9 September which raised £1,902.69. Secondly, a local pub, The Wheat Pieces in Tewkesbury, held a charity bingo night and raffle on 29 September and raised a total of £688.80, organised by Mr James Collie and his wife. z Three cheques amounting to £739.34: a donation of £500 from Zurich Cares Small Grant where Mary's son works, £216.17 from a bucket collection held at the Tesco where she works and £23.17 from a collection tin in her local newsagents, Northway News, in Tewkesbury.

In Memory of Harvey Hague-Armitage H-Fest, Friday 18 January 2008 "Harvey was a gifted and passionate musician who played the flute and drums with, in his words, "Strength, Determination and Mercy Forever". It was in his memory that Cardinal Griffin Catholic High School hosted an evening of contemporary music featuring many of its talented young musicians. Information about CRY was displayed in the school foyer alongside a collage of friends' photographs from Harvey's private collection stored on his phone and computer, with others taken by his mum. This popular display attracted favourable comments from Harvey's colleagues, many of whom had not seen their dodgy and maybe embarrassing images before! The event was organised by Harvey's 15-year old sister Alice with help from fellow student Emma Bullock, alongside the untiring enthusiasm and practical support of music teachers Tim Baker and Yvonne Griffin. Head teacher Michael Burrowes generously offered his skills in ways in which only a Head Teacher could – advice on all matters managerial and musical, manning the school gates and most importantly sweeping the hall at the end of the evening. The hall was transformed by James Gill's artwork, his creative skills producing a delightfully accurate cartoon depicting Harvey doing what he loved most – playing the drums. Special thanks to Harvey's brother Charles for the lighting, also to Stafford's Gatehouse Theatre for the loan of their equipment. Harvey's friend Christopher Dean, drummer with 'The Oxymorons', very kindly allowed all fellow drummers to use his kit on the evening. Harvey's band members Dan and Nic from Hell and High Water were special guests for the evening. They joined over 300 youngsters, and a few less young, to experience a variety of music from solo acoustic pieces from Adam and Emma to heavy metal-based rock from the bands. The English department's Garry Webster demonstrated his digital dexterity with the guitar.

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Our Fundraisers cancer of the sinus. Kerry was a treasured pupil of mine, enjoying preparing her ALCM in Electronic Music. She was also a teacher at Musicland in Wolverhampton. On 8 September 2007 Harvey Hague-Armitage died unexpectedly, aged 17. Harvey was looking to study music at university. He played flute and drums, with plans for a career as a professional drummer. The concert was dedicated to both Kerry and Harvey. With ticket sales, raffle and DVD orders, we raised £800. I am delighted, considering that we could only seat 80 people! Thank you to all who contributed in any way. The money has been divided equally between the young cancer patients' unit at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital and CRY. The evening comprised performances by some of the diploma students and a selection of candidates from the Spring and Summer sessions. The music performed was extremely varied, including Xylophone, Voice, Keyboard and Piano, Trumpet, Violin, Flute, Cello and Drum Kit. All performers had their certificates presented by the Mayor and our special guest, Mr Philip Aldred. Thanks go to Philip for taking time to come and present awards and for his kind words. Special congratulations also to Philip on his new appointment as Chief Examiner in Music from all at Wolverhampton. The concert was an immense success with every performance enjoyed by all. The standard was exceptionally high and a wonderful tribute to Kerry and Harvey who were themselves an inspiration to us all."

In Memory of Ric Halliday

Harvey's sister Alice surprised everyone with her vocal rendition of Annie Lennox's 'Into the West', sung especially for her brother. Light refreshments encapsulated Harvey's inimitable style: Jaffa cakes and ASDA chocolate bars. By the end of the evening there was a steady trickle of condensation dripping from the ceiling of the school hall, a testament to the amount of energy and evaporation emanating from all those lively bodies! H-FEST was an unquestionable success with a total of £1,024.11 pledged to CRY. Alice's post-evening comment was "That was the best evening ever." z Harvey's mother Christine sent in a cheque for £376.60 towards Harvey's memorial fund. "My 17 year-old son was a gifted and talented musician, playing the flute and drums, 'preferably loud!' With Harvey's passion for music in mind, I decided to undertake a musical challenge and raise funds for CRY at the same time. In February I bought a viola much to the amusement of the rest of the family (and entertainment for the local cat population!). I imagined that Harvey would be laughing whilst commenting on the viola as a piece of firewood compared with his love of the flute and drums as 'proper instruments'. In July I asked family and friends to sponsor me to take the London College of Music's Grade 3 exam in music performance. I passed with distinction and raised £376.40." z Jayne Davis, CRY's Wolverhampton Representative, sent in a donation of £403.50. "As a London College of Music representative I was delighted again to be invited into the Mayor's Parlour to give a charity concert. Recently we lost two very special people at our centre. On 29 September 2002 Kerry Murray passed away aged 26 after a year-long fight against 26 | CRY Update Issue 48

Donations totalling £500 were received from Mrs S Halliday in memory of Ric. The donations were in lieu of flowers from family and friends. Also included were donations from staff, friends and customers of Caseys in Canterbury.

In Memory of Josephine Harris Mrs Joy Austin held a Car Boot Fair in memory of her step granddaughter Josephine.

In Memory of David Harrop Caterham School has sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Andrew Hartlebury "We raised £200.35 on 30 January 2008 by having a charity football match in aid of CRY on the anniversary of my best friend and work colleague Andrew Hartlebury. He died suddenly of myocarditis aged 21 during a game of football. Although the amount is not massive, we sincerely hope that it helps in some way. A massive thank-you to all who donated." Lee Clark

In Memory of Chris Haw Mrs Lesley Haw sent in donations totalling £120. This money was raised during the Keswick to Barrow Charity Walk in May 2007 in memory of Chris. z Steve Haw sent in a donation of £730 which was raised during the Jedi Festival in memory of Chris.

In Memory of Kallista Heavey Mrs Lorraine Vernon and the Silverdale Line Dancers made a donation of £200 via Just Giving in memory of Kallista Lilly-Ann Heavey. z Jean Edwards, Chair of Governors at Mill Hill Primary School, sent in a donation of £25.

Our Fundraisers z "Please accept this donation in memory of Kallista Heavey. We had a cake sale at school organised by Ciaran McGeever." Lyn McIntyre sent in a donation of £95.

In Memory of Oliver Hewitt A cheque for the sum of £1,150 was donated by Oliver's friends. The money was raised from a Hollywood-themed charity evening held at the local pub The Lazy Hill. It was a wonderful night and everyone walked along the red carpet. The official photographer donated £5 for every photograph ordered. The room was decorated in black and gold with family and friends dressed in their best attire. After a buffet and raffle they danced the night away." Julie Collins, Oliver's mum z Julie also sent in a cheque for £330. "This was raised by Oliver's Aunty Margaret. One Saturday she held a coffee morning at Shelfield Methodist Chapel. There was an Allsorts table, freshly baked cakes which sold out very quickly and a raffle. The event was well supported and she had some kind ladies helping out who worked very hard. It was a wet day so everyone enjoyed a nice cuppa and were very happy to sit in the warm and chat." z Oliver's colleagues at Bridal Court Job Centre adopted CRY as their charity for 2007. Throughout the year they held fancy dress days, cake stalls, bottle tombola, summer ball and a 'staff Santa's Grotto'. They raised £500 and presented the cheque to Oliver's family. z Grace Collins took part in the London to Paris Open Bike Ride (Route 2) in June and raised £2,038. z We have received donations amounting to £733 in respect of Sophie Lockley's participation in the London to Paris Bike Ride in memory of Oliver.

In Memory of Andy Hill "Please find enclosed donations to CRY to the value of £1,200 in memory of my late husband Andy Hill. This was raised from a football match held in his memory. I hope that it will help you continue your excellent work." Mrs Pippa Hill z John Adams took part in Great North Swim and raised £759 in memory of Andy.

In Memory of Laura Hillier "Please find enclosed two cheques, £220 and £20, for Laura's Memorial Fund. The cheque for £220 represents a personal donation from Joan, Matthew and I: £200 in respect of Christmas and the remaining £20 a personal donation from Mrs A Hillier in memory of Laura. The separate cheque for £20 is from Mrs Pauline Hemshall, also in memory of Laura." A R Hillier

In Memory of Tony Hogan

In Memory of Simon Hewett John Garner, Brian Wreford, Nick Ullett and Geoff Smith took part in the Luberon Mountain walk on 2 - 4 September 2008. John Hewett sent in donations of £60 from GRT Smyth, £100 from BW Wreford and £225 from JCB Hewett, making a total of £385.

In Memory of Greg Highwood-Mack Andrew Burtt, Portsmouth Grammar School, sent in a donation of £200. "At our December school carol service a retiring collection was taken for two charities, one of which was CRY. CRY's cause was promoted by one of our sixth form pupils, Camille Mack, whose family has been involved with your charity." z Chris and Elizabeth Mack took part in the London to Paris Bike Ride and sent in a further donation of £100.

Patricia (Tricia) Dinn, Tony's partner, sent in a donation of £2,676. "To mark Tony's first anniversary I wanted to do something positive so decided to organise a charity race night and donate the proceeds. The race night was held on Saturday 5 April 2008, the same day as the Grand National, so that put us in the right mood for betting! It was attended by 150 of Tony's family and friends – there was even a waiting list for tickets. We had a raffle (many thanks to everyone who donated prizes, especially local businesses Bobbers, Liaisons and Taskers) and an auction for a signed Everton shirt. Overall, a fantastic night was had by all. Tony died suddenly last year aged 48 years and the cause was recorded as arrhythmia. As you will appreciate, the total unexpectedness of this was devastating for me, his partner of 10 years, for his mum and all his family and many friends. Tony was fit and healthy and enjoyed life to the full. He enjoyed watching Liverpool FC, ran our son's Sunday league football team, played five-a-side football with men he'd been friends with for 30 years, was in a quiz team, loved his job and most importantly was devoted to his family, all of which made our loss seem even more unbearable."

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Our Fundraisers z Tricia sent in a further donation. "Many of Tony's family and friends wanted to mark his 50th birthday on 29 May 2008 by raising a glass in celebration of his life. So the idea was formed to have the Tony Hogan Memorial 'Halfs Marathon'. Not an afternoon of sporting endeavour, but a halfs marathon with a difference: half a pint in 13 pubs around Liverpool City Centre. The fantastic sum of £1,414 was raised by a £55 charge to take part, sponsorship and donations from those who couldn't make it. The event took place on Saturday 24 May and Tony would have been so pleased with the turnout – about 80 family and friends took part with many others turning out in support. The sun shone and everybody had a fantastic day. We all thought it would be a good idea to do something positive to mark his 50th birthday and donate the proceeds. Many thanks to everyone involved and especially to Kenny Smith for coming up with the concept and doing all the organising and collecting of monies."

In Memory of Andrew Holcombe "Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 which I wish to donate in memory of my dear son Andrew Holcombe who collapsed and died whilst playing football on 17 July 1997. I was unaware Andrew had any heart problems. Today (14 October) would have been his 30th birthday and thought this to be a tribute to him. Keep up the good work." Jane Turner

In Memory of Lauren Holly Lyndsay Butler took part in the Kilimanjaro Trek in October 2007 and sent in donations totalling £1,615 in memory of Lauren. z Matt Stevens forwarded a donation of £1,669.93 from BUPA International in respect of the Kilimanjaro Trek. z We have received a donation of £750 in respect of Tim Stevens taking part in the 2008 Kilimanjaro Open Trek in memory of Lauren. Lyndsay Butler also sent in the following donations: z A donation of £252.50 which was collected on the gate at the English Hampshire Lavender Open Days. z Cheques for £250 and £257.50, the proceeds of a raffle and a barn dance. Both events were organised by Lyndsay and Nick.

In Memory of Stewart Howard Jane Howard has sent in cheques totalling £515. The money was raised in memory of Stewart by holding two car boot sales.

In Memory of David Howorth "I am enclosing a cheque for £100 in memory of my grandson David Howorth who died suddenly at the beginning of April and wish you success in your good work." Myrtle Howorth

In Memory of Matthew Glan Hughes Fay and Paul Hughes sent a cheque for £1,050 in memory of Matthew. "The money was collected throughout the year by Year Seven at Whitchurch High School, Cardiff, who chose CRY as their nominated charity. Matthew's father Paul is a teacher at the school and was presented with the cheque."

In Memory of Polly Hughes We have received a donation of £440 from Julia Hughes and £800 from Camilla Scarlett. "On 14 May 2008 I organised a recital in aid of CRY in memory of my cousin, Polly Hughes. The event took place just over two years since Polly left us so 28 | CRY Update Issue 48

suddenly and came about because I wanted to do something both to commemorate her death and to make a difference to other families' futures, if only in a small way. I programmed a concert of sonatas by Corelli to be performed by myself (on baroque violin) and a colleague, Tim Smedley, on baroque cello. Polly's father John Hughes spoke very bravely about CRY and the tragedies it seeks to prevent. The occasion was generously hosted by Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and was attended by family, friends and strangers. The recital raised £1,240." Julia Hughes

In Memory of John Ibbotson Sue Ibbotson and the ladies from the Walton Open Group raised £1,500 in memory of John. CRY Representative Elaine Dunn collected the cheque.

In Memory of Caradoc James Richard Jelly (Llanion Warriors Rowing Club) sent in a donation of £2,150 after taking part in the Celtic Challenge. "As a rowing club we are taking part in a biannual 100 mile sea race from Arklow in Ireland to Aberystwyth in Wales. Two members of our team have been affected by the sudden death of relations at young ages due to heart issues."

In Memory of Philip Jefferies "Please find enclosed a cheque for £181.30 from my daughter's school (Longridge COE School) who held a non-uniform day on Wednesday 2 April to support my fundraising activities in memory of Philip Jefferies. I sometimes work (on supply) and volunteer there. I stayed for the whole day and assisted in all the PE lessons. I was exhausted by the end of the day!" Jennie Lock z "Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £225.50 raised by myself in completing this year's Yorkshireman Off-Road Marathon on 14 September. This is in memory of my late brother-in-law Philip Jefferies who collapsed and died in March last year." Andrew Barnes z Mrs Cathy Jefferies sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her husband Philip.

In Memory of Howard Jennings "Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,682 raised from our charity golf tournament on 7 September 2008 in memory of Howard Jennings. This total includes a donation of £400 from Becker (Sliding Partitions) Limited." Keeley Ashley

In Memory of Nathan Jennings "And yet another year has passed since we lost our beloved son Nathan and again we have held a charity day in his memory at Mid-Kent Golf Club for all his friends. The entry of 97 was fantastic and raised £1,600. As in the past, we are going to donate to the Captain's chosen charity, the local hospice, a small thank-you to him and the club for their support for Nathan's day. I have enclosed a cheque for £1,500." Dave and Jenny Jennings

In Memory of Craig Johansen "14 September sees the fifth anniversary of our beloved son's sudden death. Please accept this donation in Craig's memory. Thank you for all the wonderful work CRY is doing." Pat and Ejler Johansen sent in a donation of £250 in memory of Craig.

In Memory of Lisa Johnson "Please accept this donation of £100 in memory of Lisa Johnson. We would like it to be used for screening of young people." Emma and Carl Johnson (parents), Gareth Johnson (brother), Seth Johnson (son)

In Memory of Simon Johnson Emma Hemmingway has sent in cheques totalling £1630.26. "Please find

Our Fundraisers enclosed cheques from the cricket and bowls charity day which I held on 20 July. The total amount enclosed is £492. I held this fundraising event for my brother, Simon Johnson, who died suddenly last March whilst working on a yacht in Italy. I would like to thank you for the support I was given by your charity. You all do a fantastic job and I am proud to have been able to help your worthy cause whilst raising awareness in my local area."

In Memory of Caroline Johnstone We have received donations totalling £755 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Caroline Elma Johnstone. z Mrs Lesley Johnstone sent in donations amounting to £1,110.01 raised at a coffee morning and during the Fairy Fun Run, £190.00 from further donations in memory of Caroline and £1001.60 from holding a further coffee morning.

In Memory of Jade Johnstone Mr and Mrs Johnstone sent in donations amounting to £1,938.81 raised during the August Bank Holiday Fun Day in memory of their daughter Jade. "My daughter died of sudden cardiac death on 28 January 2008. My daughter's name is Jade Johnstone and she was nine years old."

In Memory of Matthew Kamis "On 31 August Joe Bean and Sam Birks held a table top sale at the Nafferton Village Hall in memory of our son, Matthew James Kamis. Joe and Sam took part in the Humberside Police Lifestyle 2008 competition and are members of the North Frodingham Drum Corps. Joe and Sam presented a cheque to Andy and Jane Wilson who teach the Drum Corps." Tricia and Albert Kamis sent in a donation of £202.25.

In Memory of Claire Keen and Paul Byrne Emma Keen took part in the Cleveland Way Walk and raised £340 for the Claire Keen and Paul Byrne Memorial Fund. Emma sent in a further donation of £550. "This was raised by our local pub the Hare and Hounds during a pub quiz. This is an annual event and this year they decided to donate the proceeds."

In Memory of Anthony Lancaster Pauline Jolly sent in £50 donated from the 'Thursday at Eight' group and £200 donated in lieu of floral tributes at the funeral of her late father Edward Hulme.

In Memory of Robert Lancaster Robert Lancaster Charity Shoot 10 September 2008 The first Robert Lancaster clay pigeon shoot went with a bang and raised £164,000. The Robert Lancaster Charity Fund has now raised a gross total of more than £200,000 for CRY since the start of 2008. The shoot at Bisley Shooting Ground in Surrey was a complete sell out and attracted some of the shooting world's leading shots and London's top business people. The shoot was made up of ten stands, two pool shoots and a

team flush. Tim Charnley took the individual honors, while teams from Bovale Ltd, AAC Capital Partners and SSL International took first, second and third team prizes. The pool shoot was won by Betton Cambidge, part of the Long Mountain Shoot team. A total of 100 shooters made up 25 teams ranging from first time novice to highly experienced shooters. The shoot was followed by a lunch, a live auction and a silent auction with the most popular prizes including 'Your weight in Galaxy chocolate', donated by Mars; a Jonathan Palmer track day, donated by Cadbury; Penfold wines and a box at the O2 Arena to see Tina Turner live, donated by Gallaher. Our thanks go out to all the companies and individuals who supported the event and helped raise so much. If you would like to organise a charity clay shoot for CRY please contact Charlotte Berkin on 07879 424332 or z Margaret Lancaster sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Robert. z Graham Keen raised £4,465 via Just Giving after completing the South West Walk in memory of Robert.

In Memory of Joe Langdon Tamsin Langdon sent in donations totalling £2,777 in memory of her husband Joe. The money was raised from various fundraising activities throughout the year including football tournaments and haircuts. Tamsin sent in a further donation for £750 from Camelot. It was donated as an extra from the football tournament held in memory of Joe. z "I belong to the Women's Fellowship from Gillingham Methodist Church, Kent, and we would like to donate £200 from our funds in memory of my friend's son who died playing football. His name is Joe Langdon. He died on 14 November 2007 aged 36 years and left a wife and two small daughters aged three and five years old. We do hope this donation will help in some way in your work in CRY's campaign." Mrs M Field

In Memory of Jack Large "Please find enclosed the final donations of a charity bike ride I entered in July. The final figure by my calculations is £1,264. In July 2007 my son Jack Nicholas Large passed away very suddenly whilst out skateboarding with his friends. He had returned only an hour before from Germany on an exchange trip with his school. I became aware of CRY as Jack had an undetected heart problem. As CRY helped and supported us at this tragic time, I decided to do something to raise funds and for Jack's memory. We both enjoyed cycling and the ideal opportunity came with the annual Manchester to Blackpool Bike Ride. The ride took place on 13 July and I completed the 61 miles in three hours 38 minutes. I intend to do this race every year to raise funds for CRY so I will be in touch soon! Thanks once again." Nick Large z "Children in Year Six at our school have been raising funds for charity by selling toast and orange juice at break times. We have decided to donate the money to your charity in memory of a talented ex-pupil at our school, Jack Large, who sadly died suddenly last July, aged 13. Please find enclosed a cheque for £180 which we raised during four weeks." Hannah Collin, Year 6 pupil

CRY Update Issue 48 | 29

Our Fundraisers In Memory of Daniel Larkin Tricia Larkin (Daniel's mum) sent in a cheque for £1,000 for the Daniel Larkin Memorial Fund. "The money was raised through various events by family and friends over the last year. People's generosity always inspires us and it is always a great tribute to Daniel's memory." Tricia sent in a further donation of £700. "The money has been raised by family and friends through a football match and charity evening. We hope this donation will help towards your continuing research and excellent work."

In Memory of Paul Leach The Artie White Foundation sent in a donation of £341, the proceeds from a charity football game dedicated to Paul which took place in 2007. z "At our annual Staff Conference in November 2008 I was presented with an 'Outstanding External Achievement' award in recognition for the events I have done to raise money for CRY. I was touched that my employers, Fabrick Housing Group, recognised my achievement and presented me with an award, along with a contribution to a charity project of my choice. I have chosen CRY; please find enclosed a cheque for £100 with a photograph of the presentation of my award by Bob Brady, the Chair of Fabrick Housing Group." Emma McGough

In Memory of Iain Lees Lindsay Lees sent in a donation of £1,045 in memory of her husband Iain. "Iain died suddenly from dilated cardiomyopathy aged 35, leaving behind his wife (myself), and son Owen Lees. Iain was a very healthy, fit person who ran his own building company. He was a very kind and loving man who always put himself out to help others. His death was, and still is, a huge loss in our lives and living without him has affected all of his family and friends. On 15 March this year we ran a charity night in Iain's memory where we did raffles, auctions and had a band to raise money in his memory. Iain was also a member of the local football club, Shakerley Arms, who also raised £400 in his memory. Last year a close friend (Simon Carsberg) raised over £1,000 running for your charity. I consider your charity as a fantastic thing and would love to donate this money to help prevent the tragic death of my husband happening to other young people."

In Memory of Jonathan Leigh "Please find enclosed a cheque for £142 from a raffle at a Shoe and Handbag Party and donations from Jonathan's work colleagues (£64 and £78)." Isabelle Leigh z David Leigh sent in a donation from the family for £730.

In Memory of Mark Liengie "I enclose two cheques totalling £883.42 raised at a raffle and bingo night for CRY in memory of Mark Liengie (an event pictured in Update 47). Parishioners donated generously and I had plenty of volunteers to help me, including family and neighbours. Mark was a sculptor and artist who died suddenly on 31 December 2001. The post-mortem revealed influenza but no other symptoms. I have been helped to cope and understand sudden deaths by speaking to Alison Cox and her devoted team of people. I hope to continue to help in the future." Heather Liengie 30 | CRY Update Issue 48

In Memory of Alison Linforth John, Eve and Gemma Linforth sent in a cheque for £115, raised by work colleagues at RBS Brindley Place, Birmingham, in memory of their daughter Alison. "These donations are a great help to enable us to continue our testing in the West Midlands. Many thanks for your continued support." John, Eve and Gemma sent in a further donation of £200 for the testing fund raised at the Cosford Air Show in June.

In Memory of Ian Linington Janet Linington has forwarded donations totalling £1,930 and $40 in memory of her son Ian who died suddenly at the beginning of July aged 29.

In Memory of Kira Lloyd "Our daughter Miss Kira Louise Lloyd was born on 12 June 1997 but sadly and tragically became an angel too soon on 22 June 2008, just ten days after her 11th birthday. Kira was our only child, a beautiful, funny, energetic, happy, caring and loving little girl who lived each day to the full and never wanted a day to end. Kira started and ended each day with a smile, song and dance. Kira had a smile that will never be forgotten, much like her character in life – once seen, never forgotten. She enjoyed most things in life and had many hobbies and interests. She enjoyed singing, dancing, listening to music, TV, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, going to shows, computer games – the list could go on as there was not much in life Kira did not enjoy. Kira was a keen runner, swimmer and recently achieved her 1,000m swimming badge. The most joyful thing that Kira will be remembered for was her way of caring for others, especially elderly members of our community. Kira was always happy to help and was proud of others' achievements in life rather than her own." Mr and Mrs Lloyd sent in a donation of £780 from the charity night organised in Kira's memory, Have a Heart for Halloween, at the end of which 11 helium-filled balloons (one balloon for each year of Kira's life) were released.

In Memory of Martyn Luckett The North Devon British Motorcycle Owners Club presented a cheque (right) for £250 to CRY County Representative Charlotte Luckett in memory of Martyn. Charlotte also collected a cheque (below right) for £500 from the Launceston Motorcycle Club raised at various fundraising activities throughout the year for the Martyn Luckett Memorial Fund. z Martyn’s mother Brenda Luckett sent in a cheque for £2,300 raised from the Motorcycle Trials School. "The school was held in August. We had two days of training and a barbeque

Our Fundraisers which 250 attended. We had a band and bar. Also enclosed is a cheque for £107.10 from Sheri Risby. He and a mate, Melvin Burge, organised a cycle trial – pushbikes, that is, not motorbikes – at Peter Tary in August. They did it for fun and donated the entry fees because they all knew Martyn so well." Brenda also forwarded a cheque for £560 (above), raised from the 2008 Heart of London Bridges Walk.

In Memory of Niall MacLennan

In Memory of Paul McGlynn "It all started with one of us saying 'Surely we can manage to make a sponge and put the kettle on…' and turned into a bonanza of bun-making, lavender bagstitching and bunting-hanging in a quest to raise a few pounds for CRY. Our beloved Paul, who died in January 2006, loved Battenberg, loved cake! So we got started. Women baked, men gardened and were in charge of logistics. Children painted signs and wrapped parcels in readiness for June 14. It was a great day, with tombola, bran tub and crafts to accompany the tea and cakes. Family, friends and neighbours were all very supportive, with about 70 guests in all. The weather did its best - just one shower of rain and a few windy gusts. We were really thrilled to find that, at the big count, we'd raised £574.90. Now for a lie down…no more recipes…until next year!" Kathryn McGlynn

Caroline Staples forwarded cheques totalling £200.66 raised from various collection boxes.

In Memory of Amanda McCarthy On Saturday, 3 January 2009, Wattisham Station Clay Target Club staged a charity competition shoot in aid of CRY. The day was a great success and all down to the hard work and enthusiasm displayed by the club committee and friends and colleagues at my work place. The weather on the day was great. Crisp and cold, just as we like it’ and not a drop of rain in sight. About 75 individuals actually shot in the competition and with prizes for best overall shot, best female shot and best junior shot. Everyone felt they had something to aim for (no pun intended). The overall level of shooting was superb, with some really high scores being achieved by novice and experienced shooters alike. Along with the shoot, a raffle took place with prizes donated from many establishments including Ipswich Town Football Club, Shooting Times and our local shooting shop The Mallard Barn. The raffle was well supported and helped boost our overall total, as did the hotdog and refreshment stand which did brisk trade all day.

In Memory of William McKie Mrs M McKie sent in donations amounting to £427 in memory of William McKie who recently passed away.

In Memory of Lyndsey McLaughlin and Tommy Winters "Recently I organised a charity football match for a friend who passed away suddenly at 39. Money was raised for a headstone for his grave. We would like to donate the balance of £300 to CRY because four years past, in January, my brother's wife, Lyndsey, died of a heart defect. My brother got involved with CRY and ran the London Marathon in memory of his wife. CRY helped my brother get through what was a very hard part of his life." T McLaughlin

In Memory of Cara Macey-Lillie BAE Systems and Spirit Aerosystems held a charity cycle run in June 2007 and raised £500 in memory of Cara Macey-Lillie.

In Memory of Jack Maddams We raised over £1,000 and the club is considering making this an annual event titled "The Amanda McCarthy Memorial Shoot" so hopefully any of you reading this and living within reaching distance of Wattisham Airfield near Ipswich will have the chance to come along and support this worthy cause next year. My next planned event in aid of CRY is the Flora London Marathon so if you are reading this and would like to make a donation please visit Many thanks." Pete McCarthy

In Memory of Scott McCollin The Kingfish Restaurant sent in a donation of £105 raised from their collection box.

In Memory of Hannah McDonogh Jade Shipley sent in a donation of £403.69 from the Fine Art Degree Show Catalogue Sale.

"The Moto in the Community Trust is the charitable arm of Moto, the UK's largest motorway service operator. A member of staff at Moto Medway, Jack Maddams, died unexpectedly in his sleep from a syndrome relating to a rare cardiac electrical failure. MITC has been in communication with Jack's father, Roger Maddams, and we understand that the family is organising a football tournament fundraising event in conjunction with CRY to remember their son. The Trustees of the MITC have agreed to donate £2,000 in memory of Jack and in conjunction with the family's activity. We would be grateful if this donation could be assigned to the fundraising total in memory of Jack. We hope this donation can be used to help you continue to carry out ongoing research, your bereavement support and your screening services. We know that CRY has been a great support to Jack's family at this extremely difficult time." Claire Willis, Moto in the Community Trust z Roger Maddams has forwarded a donation of £250 from Lawrence Graham LLP in memory of Jack and a donation of £900 raised by the Kent Schools Football Association during a fundraising dinner in honour of Jack. z The Haverbury Housing Partnership sent in a donation of £250 in memory of Jack.

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Mark Marden "A Memorial Charity Ball was held on Saturday 1 March at the Royal York Hotel in York. It was organised by the family and friends of Mark Marden, an occupational therapy student at Canterbury Christ Church University, who died of acute myocarditis in February 2007 aged 18. The Black Tie event was supported by 160 guests who enjoyed a splendid three course meal followed by dancing until 1am. Guests included friends of Mark from York, his home town, and fellow students from Canterbury. A key event was a short talk by David Leigh from Pontefract, who lost his son, Jonathan, in 2005. David and his family have been successfully organising fundraising events for CRY and his speech about the charity, its aims and work to raise awareness and screen young people for undiagnosed heart conditions received a standing ovation from the guests. This was the first time David had spoken publicly for CRY! The ball managed to achieve a fine balance between a memorial for Mark, a fundraising event and above all a FUN time for all. The total raised so far has reached £4,600." Mrs A Marden z Laura Humphrey has raised £2,379 via Just Giving in memory of Mark.

In Memory of Leon Ashley Manners "Myself and friends became aware of your charity and the good work undertaken by yourself and co-workers through a mutual friend, Julie Hatton. We take part in a charity cycle ride each year, the proceeds of which are given to deserving charities. In July last year 12 of my employment colleagues, past and present, together with friends, undertook a 170 mile ride from Middlesbrough to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, and back, riding there one day and back the next. We were supported by a further two people who followed in a van with spare cycle equipment for contingency purposes, should a rider need to drop out for any reason. The proceeds of this have now been collected and I would like you to accept the enclosed cheque for £1,000 as a contribution to the Leon Ashley Manners Memorial Fund. I hope this will go someway in helping you to continue with your good work and prevent future deaths of young people by diagnosing possible heart conditions." Mr W Humphrey

In Memory of Paul Marrs Mrs Phyllis Marrs sent in a donation of £220. "Once again I have nominated CRY for my department's dress down day, SCD26 Branch of the Metropolitan Police, New Scotland Yard, in memory of my son-in-law Paul Marrs."

In Memory of Oliver Marsden "I enclose a donation which was raised by my company in response to my younger brother's death. Oliver Marsden, aged just 21 years old, unfortunately died of sudden death syndrome on 22 October 2008 whilst training with our local rugby team. While donations will never bring Oliver back, I hope that it will stop another family having to go through the tragedy of losing a loved one." Joe Marsden sent in a donation of £158. z We have received donations totalling £2,429.97 in lieu of floral tributes for Oliver.

In Memory of Lewis Marsh Sally Reid and Gill Weston (formerly Marsh), Fund Managers, sent in a cheque for £3,000 for the Lewis Marsh Fund. "Once again the Sandhurst Town Boys and Girls Football Team have supported the fund set up ten years ago after the death of Lewis Marsh. The club have organised a memorial football tournament every year since Lewis died and have now raised over £33,000. Each year this money enables us to carry out ECG testing at the tournament and the fund has now tested over 800 young people." Sally and Gill have forwarded further donations amounting to £1,300 in memory of Lewis. z "I am pleased to enclose a donation of £110 from the Warren School of Dancing, Sandhurst. During our biannual show we provided information to the audience about CRY and the work that you do and encouraged them to donate, along with the help of Gill Weston who has been a friend of the dance school since her children Chevaun and Sorelle attended. We will continue to support CRY at our school events and hope that we can offer some help to such a great cause, particularly in memory of Lewis Marsh." Hannah Fradgley, Warren School of Dancing

In Memory of John Marshall Maureen Marshall has forwarded donations totalling £250 from the collection boxes at Edge Hill University. This makes a total to date of £1,750. z "Please find enclosed a cheque in the sum of £500 for the John Marshall Memorial Fund, resulting from the Durley Hall staff's fundraising efforts last year." Joan Mitchell

In Memory of Philip Martin "Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 in memory of my youngest son, Phillip Martin, who died suddenly on 6 December 2007, aged 47 years. His 48th birthday is on 26 October. I hope this donation in his memory will help you in the work you do. His chosen charity was CRY." Mrs G M Elliott

In Memory of Nigel Masterman Eileen Masterman took part in the London to Paris Open Bike Ride in July 2008 and raised £1,100.

In Memory of Oliver Montague

In Memory of James 'Slim' Markham Mr A Hadaway sent in a donation of £250 in memory of James.

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Piers Montague sent in a cheque for £180. "This is part of the collection taken at the funeral of my father, Bill Montague, and we would like to donate it in memory of Bill's grandson, Oliver Montague, who died of long QT (LQT). Oliver was diagnosed with LQT at three weeks old and, although being given medication, died at the age of eight and a half months on 27 January 2005. Results from genetic tests carried out after his death showed that he had LQT3, which is unaffected by beta blockers. Bill was very proud of his first grandson and was understandably hit very

Our Fundraisers hard by Oliver's untimely death. The information provided by CRY helped Bill to understand and come to terms with the cause of death. He would thoroughly approve of this donation to help fund the continued work that you do. Bill died in June 2008 aged 67 from head injuries caused by a fall. He leaves his wife Di, two sons and daughters-in-law and three grandsons, two of which are Oliver's brothers who have been tested and are, thankfully, clear of LQT." z We have received a further donation of £309.87 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of the late Bill Montague.

In Memory of Marie and Patrick Moore "I am enclosing a cheque to the value of £140 in memory of my beloved mother who died on 19 June as a result of a stroke. My mother supported many charities throughout her life but CRY and the Cardiomyopathy Society were particularly important to her as we lost my youngest brother, Patrick, to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at age 33 on 16 October 1989." Wendy Moore

In Memory of Charlie Morettes CRY Representative Allison Spalding forwarded cheques amounting to £1,966.80 in memory of Charlie. Part of this donation was made up of £500 from Twin in respect of the Tiger Rides. z Allison also sent in a donation of £550 raised by the 5th Dartford Brownies in memory of Charlie. z "My name is Maria Williams and I set up Grooves Freestyle Dance Club in January 2003. Every year the dancers at Grooves perform a 'Sponsored Groove' to raise money for a worthwhile charity. Towards the end of 2007 the parent of a pupil asked if she could nominate CRY as our charity for 2008. Her friend lost her eight-year old son, Charlie, in May last year and his family had set up a Memorial Fund in his name to help CRY. I didn't hesitate to accept. We had all read Charlie's story in the local papers and it was an honour to contribute to his memorial fund. On Saturday 1 March, 31 pupils at Grooves plus Hannah Holmes, the parent who nominated CRY, danced to a variety of tracks in front of a hall full of supporters. Some of the dancers were only two years old. We had a heart-themed raffle and donations were given for refreshments. Charlie's family did us the honour of coming along to support the event and the local press reported it. We are proud to announce that we raised £1,264.63 and hope to add to this at our performances and events throughout the year." Maria also collected £148.27 at the Dartford Festival in July and raffle at the annual Award Ceremony to bring the total raised in memory of Charlie to £1,412.90

In Memory of Levon Morland The Newfield Inn took part in a Firewalk in August 2007 and raised £1,500. z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £107, money we received for recycling some of our old mobile phones." Linda Dalton, NEDL Telecom Networks

z "Please find enclosed a cheque to the value of £1,807 plus one for £100. Both cheques are from Hetton Lyons Primary School, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne & Wear. Each year the school has a fundraising effort alongside their May Day celebrations. They run parents coffee mornings, raffles etc. and the children do traditional May Pole dancing. I went along four or five times to tell the parents and teachers about CRY, which they had adopted as their charity for 2007. Also find enclosed a cheque for £90 from Mr and Mrs Young and one from Mr B Day to the value of £74. These cheques are part of the sponsorship money we are collecting from the people who took part in Sandra's Walk in April." Levon's father, Jeff Morland Jeff forwarded the following donations in memory of Levon: z Cheques totalling £958.40 raised during the Coast to Coast Cycle Ride. z A donation of £230 from Coptrin Limited and £50 from the Steel and Industrial Manager's Association. z Donations of £2,000 from the Rotary Club of Derwentside and £100 from Thompson's Solicitors. z A donation of £100 from the Unite-Amicus Section, Peterlee Branch.

In Memory of Luke Morris Ian Morris has forwarded cheques totalling £1,250 raised from a charity football match (£400), a memorial football tournament (£500) and a memorial service (£350) held in memory of Luke.

In Memory of Amanda Morrison Mrs Maureen Hunt has forwarded two donations of £125 and £85 in memory of her daughter, Amanda Morrison, who passed away recently. z "My Manager David Morrison has asked me to write to you on his behalf. Mr Morrison and his wife Amanda lost their youngest son, Joshua, aged five some six years ago. Their wish at that time was that donations in Joshua's memory be sent to CRY. I regret to advise you that Amanda passed away suddenly on 22 July 2008. David asked that donations in her memory should be sent to CRY in the hope that they will help to continue CRY's invaluable work." Liz Gardiner, Technical Administrator, South Gloucestershire Council, forwarded donations totalling £100 in memory of Amanda and Joshua.

In Memory of Andrew Murch Karen Bennett, Heartland Film Society, sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Andrew Murch. "This money was raised from a 'Silents are Golden' event we held at which Andrew's father and brother provided the musical accompaniment. The event was not intended to be a fundraiser but as it was so successful we managed to make a small profit. We felt it was only appropriate to donate this profit to the charity that has helped the Murch family through a very difficult time."

In Memory of Ralph Murwill Tracey O'Donoghue sent a cheque for £523.50. "We raised this money by doing a charity car wash and cake sale. The event took place on 26 October 2008 in the pouring rain which, although it was hard work, was enjoyable too. We do hope the money will help in some way to find out more information about this terrible way of losing your loved ones."

CRY Update Issue 48 | 33

Our Fundraisers In Memory of Robert Naylor "Please find enclosed cheques totalling £275 donated on behalf and in memory of my husband Robert Naylor who we lost on 13 March 2008 to coronary artery atheroma. He would have been 60 on this very day, 30 March, and will be very sadly missed. Our son Richard knew his dad would not have wanted flowers at his funeral and instead nominated your charity for donations. I know his dad would have approved and I hope this contribution helps towards making a difference." Glenys Naylor and family

In Memory of Ben Newton "On Sunday 3 February 2008 we held our fifth Birthday Memorial Football Match in memory of Ben Newton. On 7 February 2008 Ben would have celebrated his 21st birthday so we had reason for our fundraising expectations to be particularly grand this year in honour of his coming of age. As explained to you previously, our Memorial Match consists of Ben's old under-16 team-mates playing against a select side made up by Ben's brother Nick (both teams pictured right). Ben's team won again this year with a score of 3–1." Jean Heading z Wendy Anderson raised £476.01 after she climbed Mount Snowdon (right) in memory of Ben.

In Memory of Tracey North The Mile Monsters Three Peaks Challenge. "They called themselves the 'Mile Monsters' as part of Sutton Harriers Running Club. Despite all the planning that went into the event they could not do anything about the weather as they braved the sleet and snow up Ben Nevis. They then had to endure a six hour drive to Sca Fell in the rain and mist. The rain continued as they ascended Sca Fell which made the conditions treacherous and had a serious effect on everyone's morale, but as the group approached Wales and Snowdon the sun eventually came out. All the runners that made it to Wales completed the challenge in less than 24 hours, with the last one to finish, 63 year-old Mick Moakes, completing it in 23 hours 50 minutes with just 10 minutes to spare. 12 of the 13 runners who started the challenge finished it but Tony Staniland sustained a serious injury while descending Ben Nevis and had to pull out after one peak. But even on one leg Tony became an active member of the back-up crew. The successful Harriers were Paul Beasley, Paul Wilbraham, Russ Martin, Eric Round, Mark Smith, Mick Shaw, Keith Brown, Steve Williams, Mick Moakes, Anne Cook, Rob Ellson and Gail Kalsi. The drivers and back-up crew were Ken Hensby, Kev Turner, Phil Hardy and Phil Bird. In total they raised £2,116. The main sponsors were Swan Tool & Die, Coronation Club Kirkby and Abacus Lighting who also helped towards the cost of transport. The presentation took place at the Coronation Club at Kirkby. Mile Monster coordinator Anne Cook presented the cheque to CRY Representative Pat Staniland. Further fundraising took place that night and raised a further 34 | CRY Update Issue 48

£100 for other charities and local groups. They chose CRY in memory of Tracey Louise North, granddaughter of Tony Staniland and daughter of Pat Staniland. Tracey died at the age of 22 of sudden adult death syndrome. Tony Staniland has raised money for CRY before by doing the London Marathon. A big thank-you to them all." Pat Staniland

In Memory of Barry O'Loughlin Francesca O'Loughlin sent in a donation of £125 in memory of her late father Barry.

In Memory of Dominic O'Loughlin The Clifton Rangers Youth Football Club held the Dominic O'Loughlin Anniversary Soccer Festival and raised £1,000 in memory of Dominic.

In Memory of John Owens Kath Sainsbury from the Africa Sport Embassy sent in a donation of £135 raised at a charity football match in Tees Valley in memory of John Owens. "John was a young football loving teenager from Thornaby. He played for many teams and was the only white person to play for a multi-cultural team in Stockton. John attended the Football First programme and was a shining example to all. He died tragically at the age of 17 in June 2005 as a result of sudden adult death syndrome. Each year a tournament will be held in his honour where teams will play for the John Owens Trophy."

In Memory of Simon Pangborn Gillian Pangborn has forwarded separate donations amounting to £922.80 and £200, raised at the treasure hunt and barbeque held in memory of Simon.

In Memory of Andrew Parr Ruth Lowe sent in a cheque for £2,000 in memory of Andrew Parr. "The money was raised through two events organised by Soulaid, an organisation based in Leyland that holds Motown and Northern Soul nights to raise money for local causes. The first, a charity soul evening held at Campbell's Cuerden Residential Park and sponsored by Wendy and John Fletcher, raised £1,000. Wendy had heard me talk about our screening event and the work of CRY on a local radio station and was prompted to sponsor the event, as their son John had died some years earlier from myocarditis. I was thrilled when Soulaid contacted me and told me of their wish to raise money for ECG screening in the Preston area. The second, a casino night held to celebrate Mick Loftus' 50th birthday on 6 August, raised £800. A further donation of £200 made the cheque up to £2,000. We are always amazed how generous people are." Ruth also forwarded further donations totalling £447 in memory of Andrew. z Linda Dowdell from the Royalties Department at Blackwell Publishing sent in a donation of £1,062.10. "Please find enclosed a cheque payment for the Andrew Parr Memorial Fund being the royalties due to our author David Lowe who has instructed that his earnings go to the CRY." z "I enclose some cheques which total £260. The money was raised at my recent 50th birthday. My cousin Steven Burrows died very suddenly eight years ago and our family have supported CRY ever since." Norma Armer

Our Ruth Lowe has also forwarded the following donations: z A cheque for £5,000 from the Deputy Mayor of Preston, Councillor Christine Abram (from her Mayoral Charity Account 2007/8), received at a presentation evening held at the Town Hall on Wednesday 3 September. "At the presentation I was able to say a few words of thanks to Christine and to the team that supported her. She wishes the money to go into Andrew's Memorial Fund so that it can be used for screening in Preston. We were delighted when Christine chose CRY as one of her charities during her Mayoral year. She has worked tirelessly to raise the profile of CRY in the Preston area." z Cheques totalling £175. "The cheque for £125 was donated by KPMG to the Mayor of Preston for her mayoral charities. The second for £50 was donated by Mrs J Cousins." z A cheque for £350 donated by Susan Ainscough. "Susan's grandson was screened at one of the CRY screening events we held in Preston. She is very supportive of the work that CRY is doing and decided to donate the above instead of having favours at her daughter's recent wedding." z A cheque for £500 donated by Queen Elizabeth School, Kirby Lonsdale. "They have taken an interest in the work of CRY and especially the local screening events which they have helped to advertise." z Two cheques totalling £450 donated by National Grid (£400 from their matched giving scheme) and the Rotary Club of Preston. z Donations totalling £328. "This was raised by holding a 'Pampered Chef Pudding and Pimms' evening at our local church hall. Fortunately, it was the only dry night of the week! The event was attended by 60 ladies who enjoyed a cookery demonstration and, more importantly, tasting four sample puddings. £50 was donated by our neighbours, Ian and Val Higginbotham, who were unable to attend the event but wanted to make a gift towards the evening." z A donation of £500 from Volker Stein Ltd (pictured right). "I attended the cheque presentation at St John's Hospice at Slyne Road, Lancaster, on Friday 17 October. I had the opportunity to explain about the work of CRY and left our literature with them." z A cheque for £200. "£100 was raised by holding a Virgin Vie Christmas Shopping event – lots of lovely gifts to choose from, helping us to get into the Christmas spirit. A further £100 has been donated by Mum and her friend, Annie, who busy themselves making greeting cards. All the proceeds they make they give to me to send to CRY. Annie, in particular, has worked hard this year. While Mum has been in hospital six months of the year, Annie has carried on making and selling cards."

In Memory of James Paterson "On 9 August 2008 two friends and I took part in the Mazda London Triathlon in order to raise money in memory of James Paterson. Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 which represents the sponsorship I received from my employer, London & Quadrant Housing Trust. We all thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the event on behalf of CRY and hope to do so again next year." Tom Baldwin, London & Quadrant Housing Trust z Alastair Paterson sent in a donation of £600 following the Bereavement Support Day. z Amanda Paterson raised £1,800.16 via Just Giving after completing the London Triathlon 2008 in memory of James

z Peter Patterson has forwarded a donation of £500 from the Canute Lodge in memory of James. Peter also sent in a donation of £600 in lieu of floral tributes. "Mrs Linda O'Boyle, who died of cancer in March, was a close family friend and during the whole period of her long illness, which she fought bravely, she never complained and considered the loss of our son James to be a greater burden to bear. It was her express wish that rather than flowers at her funeral a collection was taken for CRY and St Luke's Hospice, Basildon, who cared for her during her illness."

In Memory of Mark Phelps "Although my brother Mark died on 18 November 2002, my wife Polly suggested celebrating Mark's life with what would have been his 30th birthday do as close to 6 November as possible and donating the proceeds. I was apprehensive at first. I wondered whether by advertising and charging entry his friends would attend or even remember five years on. I am glad we did! We dressed the function room at the Coach Hotel in Coleshill, put on a Bucking Bronco, buffet and got Mark's friends who are professional DJ's to provide the music. Over 140 people came and danced the night away. It gives me great pleasure to send a cheque for £2,000 raised from the night. The family and I would like to thank everyone who came and supported the charity and also those who helped us to make the night a success." Matt Phelps

In Memory of Mark Pover Stalybridge Celtic Football Club sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Mark.

In Memory of Craig (Daniel) Powell We have received a donation of £317.71 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Craig Daniel Powell who died on 29 May 2008 aged 22. z Mark Powell sent in a donation of £150 in memory of Daniel.

In Memory of James Poynton Robert Gordon sent in a donation of £200 in memory of James. "On 9 June 2006 my friend Jimmy Poynton lost his son James. In September 2007 I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro."

In Memory of Robert Poysor Diane Tolley sent a cheque for £100, the proceeds from two car boot sales she held in memory of her son Robert.

In Memory of James Patterson "Please accept the enclosed donation for £2,000 as a donation from Seniors Section, Stock Brook Manor Golf Club, Billericay, Essex. The funds were raised as the Senior's Captain's Charity during 2007. One of our members lost his son, James Patrick Patterson, in 2005 and we felt that the support given by CRY to James' family warranted our support in return." Steve Haigh (Past) Seniors' Captain

In Memory of David Quinney "On 18 April our friend and neighbour Mrs Rose Clegg organised a fashion display evening with all the proceeds going to CRY. Rose is a sewing teacher and produced a show where her students displayed their work. The evening was a huge success and raised £880. Since our son David

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Our Fundraisers died in January 2005 our local community have been wonderful and have supported so generously every fundraising effort that we have been involved with. We support wholeheartedly the work of CRY and our dearest wish would be that one day all young people will receive cardiac screening and these tragedies may be prevented." Mick and Dorothy Quinney Mick, Dot and Catherine forwarded the following donations in memory of David: z A donation of £1,450 from a charity concert on 15 March they organised in their local village hall. "All the performers gave their time, the evening was a sell-out and was very successful. Thanks to everyone's generosity, after expenses we raised £1,450 in memory of David." z A donation of £100 from their local church, St James, Stalmine. "As we said in our last letter, since we lost David our local community have been so supportive and this is the second time our church has made a donation to CRY. We are so grateful to them." z A cheque for £100 from Garstang Football Club in memory of David, raised at their annual golf competition day where they play for the David Quinney Memorial Trophy. "David played for Garstang FC and loved both football and golf. We feel very honoured to have this competition held in his memory and are very grateful to Garstang FC. Be assured of our continuing support."

In Memory of Anton Reid Tony Oakes organised a fundraising tournament at Rushall Olympic Stadium, Walsall, on 18 November and raised £1,650 in memory of Anton. Our Divisional Representative Ursula Bick attended a presentation and collected the cheque on behalf of CRY. She adds: "Anton was a great friend of Tony, who organised a football match at the stadium. £250 of this was donated by West Bromwich Building Society. Attached is a photograph of the cheque being handed to me by representatives of the West Bromwich Building Society."

In Memory of Matthew Reid

In Memory of Craig Rampton "Please find enclosed a cheque for £300 raised at our Ladies Festival this month. My wife and I chose to support CRY as part of the Craig Rampton Memorial Fund. Craig's father is a friend and I know how devastated he still is after losing him four years ago. Having a son of 19 years ourselves somehow highlights the matter. Sadly, I also lost a friend through SADS. He was a fit, football-playing 51 year-old and I had known him since the age of 17. If he had been screened as a young man he would more than likely still be alive. Well done for all the work you do!" Pete Rann, Worshipful Master, Duke of Connaught Lodge No 1834 z "The £725 cheque enclosed is part of a year's fundraising by my dear neighbour Stef King who is in the Chair for a year with the Masons. It was donated by Mr Dominic Hardcastle at a Ladies Festival in memory of my son Craig." Sherralyn Rampton

In Memory of Malcolm Reed Jonathan Noonan sent in a donation of £1,200 in memory of Malcolm Reed who died on 12 October 2006 from SADS. This was matched by the Bank of America Charitable Foundation who forwarded a donation of £1,200. z A donation of £8,310 was received from Limelight PR. The money was raised from the James Holmes Charity Auction held in November last year. z Anna Ludgate sent in two cheques covering all donations raised by the 100 staff at Deloitte in Southampton. "The first cheque for £2,735.96 covers over the past few months. Once again we had a large raffle at our annual ball, raising £2,000 from this alone. The incentive for hitting the target was the removal of the moustache of our outgoing office senior partner, his pride and joy for over 20 years! As well as our annual ball we hosted an office poker night and have held a number of sweepstakes for various sporting events and other raffles during the period. We will continue our office community investment work and the office staff are all passionate about raising money for this cause." The second cheque amounts to £527. "We weren't quite as active since I wrote in August, but there have been a few key activities I will tell you about. A director from our tax department took part in a coast to coast cycle race in fancy dress and raised £330 of the total, as well as the £170 in additional cheques. Lots of the Southampton and Reading offices sponsored Richard, since the more that was pledged the more outrageous his cycling costume became! Other than that, we continue to have regular dressing down days and run sweepstakes for big sporting events." 36 | CRY Update Issue 48

"Well we did it! We walked 60 long kilometres (that's 37.5 miles in old money) on a very hot 10 May across the South Downs, starting and finishing at Goodwood Racecourse, taking in the stunning scenery and hills of Arundel, Amberley Brooks, Bignor Hill and Graffham Down en route. We started the day with a hearty breakfast and stepped out into the Sussex sunshine at 9.15am – then we put one foot in front of the other and kept repeating until we crossed the finish line at 11.15pm in the torch and moonlight! It was an uphill struggle at times, but we made a fab team and supported each other through some tough and quite emotional bits as well as sharing some amazing moments, breathtaking vistas from the top of some punishing hills and laughs along the way. We were walking for CRY with Matthew Reid and his family in our hearts and minds and when the going got tough it was Matthew's memory that pushed us onwards and upwards! The blisters, heat rash and loss of toenails were all worthwhile. Through the generosity of many friends and family members (and Gift Aid – we are loving the Gift Aid!) we raised the grand total of £1,870.56! We raised the money through Just Giving and the generosity of rugby fans being fed and watered by 'The Scrummery.' The event was brilliantly organised by Across the Divide and the support and encouragement from the team of volunteers and medics was fabulous – we can't thank them enough for all the food, drink and cheeky comments that made us smile! We wore our CRY T-shirts with pride and we are very proud that we did this together with Matthew in our thoughts and extremely grateful to everyone for their generosity and support. We hope that we have helped to promote the work of CRY and that the money raised will help to protect other young people and families." Karen Griffiths, Denise Roberts and Chris Smith-Page z "Please find enclosed cheque for £500. This was the money raised through Just Giving in memory of Matthew from customers at the Scrummery's "Wee fee." We'll probably do it again next year!" Denise Roberts (for Karen Griffiths and Chris Smith-Page)

In Memory of Debbie Rendle Sylvia Pezzack sent in donations amounting to £250, the majority raised by the Mousehouse Methodist Women's Club. Sylvia also sent in donations in memory of Debbie and the late Mrs E H Pezzack. "Recently we held the funeral of my mother-in-law. It was decided that money in lieu of flowers

Our Fundraisers should be divided between the local Methodist Church and CRY. A donation of £169.50 comes from the funeral director. I also enclose cheques for £212.50 collected since the funeral, bringing the total to £382."

In Memory of Pete Reynolds "Please find enclosed two cheques totalling £594 raised in memory of Peter Reynolds. One cheque for £30 is from my father for my running in the Bristol Half-Marathon this year. The second cheque for £564 is from the Cribbs Causeway M&S store where Anne Reynolds used to work. We are still fundraising for Peter and this particular cheque is our effort for 20072008." Lyn Hacker, on behalf of the staff and fundraising team at M&S, Cribbs Causeway store

In Memory of Antony Richards "Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000 for CRY in memory of Antony Raymond Richards." Sonia Browne sent in the donation after they held an auction and casino evening in memory of Antony.

In Memory of Alex Roberts A J Roberts sent in a cheque for £360. "Once again the bottle on the bar in the Village Home pub has been emptied and it was agreed that the contents should be given to CRY. Please accept them in memory of Alex Roberts, a much missed nephew and friend in the Village Home. May I also take this opportunity to thank all our friends and customers for their kind donations in the bottle, thank you."

In Memory of Richard Rogers "Please accept the enclosed donations of £710 in memory of Richard Rogers who passed away suddenly on 7 July 2008, aged 20 years. Thank you for the support and information you have given us." Mr and Mrs Jackson (parents) and Stacey Rogers (sister)

In Memory of Carole Saunders We have received donations totalling £1,517.50 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Carole Angela Saunders.

In Memory of Kevin Sayer Mrs S Forder forwarded a donation of £275 from the Kevin Sayer Annual Football Match which took place on Sunday, 26 August 2007. The same event took place again on Sunday 24 August 2008 and raised a further £242.50.

In Memory of Nina Scanlan Lynne Scanlan and family sent a cheque for £105 towards the Nina Scanlan Memorial Fund. "The money was raised by colleagues at Barton Clough Primary School where I work. It is still so very hard to get by without Nina, and remembering her when she was at Barton Clough as a happygo-lucky little girl always makes us smile."

In Memory of Mike Scott Marje Scott sent in donations totalling £475. "Mary and Barbara held a race night at their home on Saturday 23 February. They very generously provided food and drink for all invited guests, (though local businesses did make donations) and made sure everyone had a brilliant time. It must have cost them a great deal in time and money, not to mention providing a perfect venue. This amount was collected from a small number of people and I can't believe how much they raised. Mary (who I work with) is the instigator behind our 'Naff Raff' at Christmas time and is a

great supporter of CRY. She and her sister Barbara are a pair of lovely, warm-hearted, friendly and sociable ladies." Of the £475 sent by Marge, £450 was raised at the race night and £25 was sent in from her sister in remembrance of Mike's birthday on 17 February.

In Memory of Tabitha and John Shapland We have received donations totalling £537.77 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of the late John Shapland.

In Memory of Jonathan (Jon) Shaw "I wrote to you recently advising that my seven year-old daughter Jessica would be doing a sponsored walk in memory of her godfather Jonathan Shaw. Jessica walked five miles and it took her 80 minutes - in fact she was so excited that she walked, skipped, hopped and jumped! Her dad did the walk with her and only really had to provide additional encouragement during the last mile. She did it without stopping! As you can imagine, we are very proud of her and, as the whole thing was her own idea, we hope she stays such a thoughtful and caring person as she grows up." Mandy Simmons (Jessica's mum) forwarded a donation of £465. z "At last we have collected all of our sponsorship for the Three Peaks Challenge which we completed at the end of August this year. The total we raised was £5,573.52, which is split equally between the Prostate Cancer Charity and CRY. We are pleased to attach cheques in the sum of £2,786.75 and hope this helps in someway to continue the valuable work that you do." Anton J Price, Managing Director, Prism Architectural Limited

In Memory of Ben Simpson Graeme Kemp-Jones raised £255 in respect of the sale of CRY polo shirts and £260 raised at the Ben Simpson Golf Day. "Our London Golf day was held at Farleigh Court, Surrey, on 9 August 2008 where we had 28 golfers playing for the Ben Simpson Claret Jug. The day is a celebration of Ben's life, where his friends get together and enjoy a game of golf and raise money for your fantastic charity." Graeme Kemp-Jones

In Memory of Sarah Simpson Mrs H Simpson sent in a donation of £245 in memory of Sarah. z "I am delighted to enclose a cheque for £500 from The Royal Bank of Scotland which recognises my voluntary work for CRY. Community Cashback Awards are available to staff in all of the companies that make up The RBS Group. We are delighted to help those community groups, schools and charities where our staff are already making an important contribution in their own time." William Simpson, The Royal Bank of Scotland

In Memory of Michelle Sinclair "Please accept the enclosed cheque for £1,565 as a tribute to Michelle Sinclair who tragically died in January 2007. Michelle's mum Kim Sinclair is a member of staff at this school. This money was raised by the children of the school whose fundraising events ranged from baking buns and making badges to sponsored jumps and rollerblading." D McCollam, Principal, Carryduff Primary School

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Matt Smith "On 27 April this year, a group of friends and I held an event honouring our dear friend Matt Smith. Matt was one of the most caring, genuine and giving people I have ever known and had his whole life before him. Sadly, in November 2006 he went into hospital for a viral infection that spread to his heart. Matt passed away on the 26th of that month when he was just 18 years old. He is survived by his parents Gary and Sue, his two brothers Michael and James, and sister Lilly. Matt loved playing rugby and was a committed fan of both the Leicester Tigers and England. In memory of Matt we held a memorial rugby match, remembering him through the game he loved. We felt it a good opportunity to raise money for both the British Heart Foundation and CRY, providing supporters the option to offer money in support. Together we raised £1,400 in Matt's name. We would like to donate £700 of this money to you. Thank you for your help in commemorating and honouring Matt's life." Jonathan Mathews

Starr, who died suddenly on 17 May 2006 aged 33 of a rare heart condition later diagnosed as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). All reached John O'Groats 12 days later on Thursday 26 June, having cycled a total of 934 miles. The team suffered remarkably few mechanical problems: only one puncture and a few minor running repairs. They did, however, endure their fair share of severe weather conditions, particularly in Scotland. Mike said "It was a terrific experience. All four of us thoroughly enjoyed it, and the whole 13 days seemed to fly by. It was tough going in places, notably one day in Scotland where we cycled 110 miles, but we managed to reach all our 12 pre-booked overnight destinations, and finished bang on schedule." So far Adam and Mike have raised £2,050.

In Memory of Paul Stephen We have received a donation of £300 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Paul James Stephen.

z "On Saturday 15 November 2008 I held a go-karting event in memory of Matthew Smith, a close family friend who died in 2006 aged 18. Matthew's family and close friends attended this event and together we are pleased to enclose cheques to the value of £350." S C Whitney

z Laura Stephen sent in a donation of £155 in memory of her brother Paul who passed away on 19 May 2008 aged 31. z Mary Stephen sent in donations totalling £1,000 in memory of Paul. z Glastonbury Festivals Limited sent in a refund donation of £155 in memory of Paul.

In Memory of Timothy Spooner

In Memory of Andrew Stevens

We have received a donation of £891.14 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Timothy James Spooner who passed away on 17 May 2008 aged 21 years. z "Since losing Timmy in May this year, we as a community have been raising money for CRY. We have raised £575 through holding events at the Compass Inn and through donations." Mrs N Howes

In Memory of Lee Stables "Please find enclosed £685.85 in memory of our son, Lee Philip Stables. £20 was raised by Reg and Denise Buckley by auctioning a signed sweatshirt, £97.21 is from my collection tins and £568.64 from our 150 mile motorbike ride." Sharen Stables

In Memory of Kim Stacey The students of the Garston Taekwondo Club, Ewest TKD and Streetwise Club in Hemel Hempstead raised £170 in memory of Kim, sent in by Master Dave Sealey (5th Dan Taekwondo).

In Memory of Jane Starr On 14 June 2008, Mike Aylott and Adam Austin (and two other riders) began a cycle ride from Lands End in Cornwall to John O'Groats in Scotland. Both were raising money for CRY in memory of Mike's fiancée (and Adam's friend) Jane

Gill Stevens has sent in a donation of £295 in memory of her son Andrew and a further donation of £150 from various fundraising events.

In Memory of Daisy Stonach "We are pupils of the Sacred Heart School at Swaffham in Norfolk. Two years ago our friend and classmate Daisy Stonach suffered a heart attack and was cared for by Cosmic at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, but sadly died. We wanted to do something to remember Daisy. As she was very sporty we decided to do a junior triathlon involving cycling, running and swimming. We even managed to get our PE teacher, Claire Foster, to participate with us and together we have raised £600. We have decided to divide the money equally between Cosmic and CRY and have great pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £300." Serena Smith and Rachel Mumford

In Memory of Solveig Stone Mr M Stone sent in a donation of £5,000 in memory of Solveig Stone, as bequeathed in his late wife's will.

In Memory of Greeta Stoneman We have received a donation of £160.33 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Mrs Greeta Maria Stoneman who passed away in June of this year.

In Memory of Ian Strange "Would you kindly accept this cheque in memory of my dear son Ian whose birthday was on 16 May. Ian died very suddenly on New Year's Eve 1998. His birthday is always a very difficult time for me but I am blessed with good friends who, during the past ten years, have always provided a listening ear and a comfy shoulder. CRY has been a tower of support, especially when Ian died so very suddenly. I would never have survived without you. Keep up the good work." Patricia Strange

In Memory of Cameron Strathie "Please find enclosed cheques totalling £653. £633 was collected after my son's seat at Tynecastle Stadium (Heart of Midlothian FC) was vandalised. We had a plaque put on his seat in his memory. This was ripped off and destroyed when two other teams met in a cup game using this stadium. The Scottish Daily Record printed a piece about it and this led to a discus38 | CRY Update Issue 48

Our Fundraisers sion on Edinburgh-based radio station Talk 107. A lot of listeners phoned in wanting to raise money for a new plaque and an engraver offered to replace the plaque so the money could go to charity. Another listener donated a 'Pamper Day' prize. So out of some malicious vandalism came a lot of good. The other £20 was donated by my Aunt Laura and Uncle Ian. In January, on Cameron's second anniversary, the family put verses in the local paper, which is costly. My aunt and uncle chose to give the money for their verses to CRY." John, Deborah, Leah and Keira Strathie

In Memory of Scott Thurlow

z Louise Gillies took part in the West Highlands Walk on 10 May 2008 and raised £282 in memory of Cameron.

Jane Tirimo sent in her annual donation of £100 in memory of Klara.

In Memory of Carl Stubbings Mrs Heather Stubbings has forwarded a donation of £660 from a recent fundraising event.

In Memory of Steven Tanner Adam Milton, Bridget and Robert McKinnon took part in a 12 hour static cycle ride at Folkestone Sports Centre on 24 February 2008 in memory of Steve Tanner. The event raised £2,113. z The Steve Tanner Football Tournament raised £1,022.54. This donation was sent in by Louisa Hills, Folkestone Sports Centre.

In Memory of Adam Tennant Steve Kilroy sent in a donation of £1,190 raised at the Adam Tennant Memorial Trophy Match on 9 November 2008.

In Memory of Gareth Llewellyn Thomas Mrs Alma Thomas raised £195 from the sale of handmade cards and knitted Father Christmas badges in memory of Gareth. z "Please find enclosed £500 for the Gareth Llewellyn Thomas Memorial Fund. The donations have been made in memory of Trefor's sister Carole Jones who died in August." Anne Thomas

In Memory of Nicholas Thorne Margaret Robson from the Lady's Guild of Townswomen raised £950 in memory of Nicholas. The cheque was forwarded by Nicholas's father, CRY Representative Rob Thorne. z "Back in May of this year I had a meeting with St Bede's sixth form students regarding their Rag Week. The meeting was about Nicholas and how he died, what he died of and how we try to prevent other young people dying the same way. After three to four hours of explaining what we are trying to achieve they adopted CRY as one of their main charities to support. Rag Week involves five days of fundraising activities for all sixth form students. This year they raised £27,500, of which they have given £5,000 to CRY. We also have a cheque for £50 from The Bluebell Trust. Hope this helps in many ways." Rob Thorne z "On Saturday 12 July family and friends held a surprise party for Eunice and Robert (Nicholas's mum and dad) to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. We had a collection for CRY and raised £620. We are very grateful to everybody." Mrs E M Wyatt

In Memory of Christian Thunhurst Nicola Thunhurst has raised £14,782.20 via Just Giving in memory of Christian. z John Smoothy, the Chapter of True Friendship, sent in a donation of £340 in memory of Christian. z John Thunhurst forwarded a donation of £141.53 from The Royal Grammar School.

"My wife and I have just had a party to celebrate our Ruby wedding anniversary and instead of accepting presents we held a raffle in aid of three beneficiaries, one of which is CRY. This donation (£100) is in loving memory of our nephew Scott Richard Thurlow who passed away as a result of cardiomypathy nine years ago." Chris and Wendy Thurlow

In Memory of Klara Tirimo In Memory of Richard (Rich) Tomkins "My name is Nancy and I work with Wendy Dunkley. I am sending a donation of £130 in memory of Richard (Rich) Tomkins who passed away on 24 July 2008 at the age of 23. This donation is from all of Wendy's colleagues at The Stroke Association. I was very lucky to have met Rich and to have known him. I will miss him very much." Nancy Connelly z CRY has received donations totalling £471.57 in lieu of floral tributes for Richard.

In Memory of Hannah Turberville We have received £5,396 via Just Giving for the Coroner's Project in memory of Hannah. z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £105 raised during our work's Christmas party raffle which we would like to donate following the death of one of our colleague's nieces, Hannah Turberville, in February of last year." Jayne Wiggins z Sarah Collins Designs held a raffle at the Christmas Fair and raised £320 in memory of Hannah. z "As part of our Christmas Santa collection we are pleased to donate £1,326.37. We appreciate the work people like yourselves do and we hope the money will be used for a great cause." James Burrows, Harpenden Round Table 2007 Fundraising z "Enclosed a cheque for £724.76 for the Hannah Turberville Memorial Fund. This was raised at the Centenary Fête of St John's Church. They did not set out to make money and invited donations for teas and some stalls!" Ms Lesley Richardson z Brian Turberville has forwarded a donation of £551 as part of the proceeds of the Snowball Charity Bash in memory of Hannah held on 6 December 2008. Katy Turberville forwarded a number of donations in memory of her daughter Hannah: z A donation amounting to £375.98 included a donation of £40 from Father Christmas to Hannah, £90 from Christmas Treeasy and £245.987 from the District Cub Carol Service held on 20 December 2007. z A cheque for £250 from Grove Infant & Nursery School. "This money was raised by the teachers. They have had various activities, not sent Christmas cards but donated instead, and held book sales. We are grateful they have raised such a huge amount – they are a strong team of teachers." z A cheque for £100 from Judy Harrison: "She is a piano teacher and taught Hannah. She still teaches Lucy. When a pupil finishes a piano book and does not want it any more, they give it back to Judy. Judy then sells the music for a donation to CRY!"

In Memory of Jim Weaver "Please find enclosed a donation of £100 given by the family in memory of my brother Jim Weaver who died suddenly on 5 December 1997." Helen Weaver

In Memory of Matthew Webb "Please find enclosed a cheque for £620 which was raised by selling CRY badges, but mostly taken at the door for a memorial night in memory of our beautiful son Matthew Webb. This was on Friday 30 May at the Antigallican pub in Charlton, arranged by Matthew's mum." Mr A Webb

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Neil Wickers and David Staff Irene and Bill Wickers forwarded a donation of £250 from their friends Doreen and Brian who lost their own daughter aged 21 to cancer. "We wish to make this small donation to your son's charity. Our daughter's memorial fund was set up to help any good cause. We think all the hard work you have done over the years makes it more worthwhile. We all wish you well for your fundraising events in 2008." Doreen, Brian and family z Shirley Morris and Audrey Mitchell held a tombola stall (right) and raised £360.30. z Jackie Carter sent in a donation of £100 after her son was screened recently. Irene Wickers has forwarded the following donations: z A cheque for £150. "ROSA is a nonprofit making association and this money was raised at their Christmas Festive Sparkle event held in Sunnyhurst." z A donation of £307 received during a screening day a very successful screening on Saturday 21 June. “Everyone turned up on time and the event went really smoothly." z A total of £165.47 from a tombola stall Irene held at Petticoat Lane Market, Darwen, on 5 May, Bank Holiday Monday (above). z A total of £300.40 from a tombola stall held outside Sainsbury's on Friday 27 June." z A donation of £747.87 in memory of Neil Wickers. "On Sunday 22 June Angela Oxley, her family and friends held a charity Fun Day on their farm. They really pushed the boat out and had events including football matches, coconut shyes, a book sale, tombola and face painting." z A donation of £100 from Father Terence Richardson of St Mary's Priory. z A total of £259.50 from another tombola stall outside Darwen Market. z A cheque for £320 raised at the Two Gates Bowling Club. "We had planned a bowling match, but because of the weather (rain again) it turned into a domino match. It turned out to be a great afternoon." z Two further donations amounting to £500 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of Albert Pawson. "Albert was our milkman for 46 years and was a lovely man who turned out rain or shine with a smile on his face." z A donation of £1,380 from a charity night, a raffle and a tombola stall plus £100 donated from the ladies at Joan Derwent Hall Day Centre and a donation cheque for £5.

In Memory of Richard Whitehead Elizabeth Sealey organised a charity netball match (boys versus girls – the boys won 20-17) in memory of Richard. The event raised £226.56.

In Memory of Stevie Wiggins Simon Mulholland sent a cheque for £150 for Stevie Wiggins Memorial Fund. "The money was kindly donated by David Chadwick who used to play rugby with Stevie at Preston Grasshoppers. The club organised a testimonial game for David because of his years of loyalty to the club and David agreed to make a donation from the money raised on the day." 40 | CRY Update Issue 48

Simon also sent in two further donations raised through events held at Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Club in memory of Stevie. "'Star in the Club's Eyes' (above, right) was the second time the event has been held at the end of the rugby season to raise money for CRY. Ten frustrated rock star members dressed up and performed live on stage to a packed club who cast their votes by paying £1 towards CRY at the end of the evening. £700 was raised from the event in votes alone and a certain Mr Adam Baines took this year's title as Rod Stewart. This is the third year we have held the Family Fun Day and we managed to combine a rugby game against a local team, Garstang. We had a spit-roast pig and set off over 100 red balloons in memory of Stevie. We raised a further £325 from the event and hope to build on the event each year." Another £185 was raised through Preston Grasshoppers Annual Players Dinner when two signed Sale RUFC shirts were auctioned off." Simon sent in further donations totalling £377.79 made on the day of the Stevie Wiggins Memorial Screening event held at Preston Grasshoppers on 16 November.

In Memory of Matthew Wilkin Rebecca Wilkin and Nealy Collins held a Charity May Ball at Uxbridge Golf Club and raised £1,001 in memory of Matthew.

In Memory of Richard Willett "I enclose a cheque for £420, being the profits from a concert we gave at our local community hall in April. It is the wish of my husband and myself that this money is used for research into the causes of sudden cardiac death, in particular sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) which killed our son Richard in 2006." Maureen B Willett

In Memory of Amy Williams "Please find enclosed a cheque for £200 in memory of my sister, Amy Williams." Nicola Williams

In Memory of David Williams Sue and Lisa Williams were invited to attend a charity dinner at the House of Commons arranged by the Amalgamation of Racing Pigeon Organisations within the UK. "We had the opportunity to raise awareness, telling our story to approximately 100 people including celebrities. Lisa also managed to read out a very touching poem which we believed really made an impact on everyone in the room. £500 was raised." Sue and Lisa sent in a further donation of £1,614 raised at their Halloween Charity Ball held on 31 October in memory of David. z We have received a donation of £185 in memory of Sue's husband Steve, who sadly passed away on 2 March 2008.

In Memory of Megan Williams "In November last year one of our Brownies, Megan Williams, tragically passed away. One of Megan's family's chosen charities was CRY. In memory of Megan, the Rainbows, Brownies and

Our Fundraisers Guides of Durrington District held a sponsored walk and raised the amazing amount of £1,482.65." Mrs Kim Hayes, Brownie Guide Leader, 6th Durrington Brownies

In Memory of Kevin Wilson "Please find enclosed a cheque for £13,000 raised by the pupils and staff of St Edwards College, Liverpool. I spent a couple of hours there and met Kevin and Margaret (Kevin's parents) and Mr Wazek, the Principal. Kevin was obviously a well-liked and respected ex-pupil and member of staff. The event was held in the main hall and attended by 100 or so pupils and staff. The school had prepared a PowerPoint presentation which included details about CRY, a biopic of Kevin and a pictorial diary of what fundraising activities had taken place. I was asked to speak after the presentation and was introduced formally to the assembly." Ian Scanlan z Rachel Anderson, Teacher Coordinator, Bishop Rawsthorne Student Council, sent in a cheque for £130. "This money was raised by the Student Council and Tutor Group 8 who organised a 'St Valentine's postal service' and a bake sale. We nominated CRY as our charity because our teacher Miss Anderson lost a friend, Kevin Wilson, to SADS in 2006." z "On Friday 7 December St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School held a Christmas Fayre and non-uniform day to raise funds for our school and nominated charity, CRY." P Stewart, Head Teacher, sent in a donation of £482 in memory of Kevin.

In Memory of James Wood "I enclose two cheques, one for £350 representing the monies raised at our tennis club's yearly tennis day for James and the other for £45 which was the value of the CRY merchandise that I sold on the day. Despite pretty awful weather on 16 March we had an amazing turnout and as always the atmosphere was warm and friendly." Gill Wood

In Memory of Julian Wort Shirley Wort sent in a cheque for £450. "This was presented to me from the Ladies Section at Frome Golf Club. Pauline Jones, the Ladies Captain, and Karen Burns, the Vice Captain, have worked really hard this last year to raise this amount. They have done various fancy dress themes, the last one being a 'Chicken run' at Easter. Can you imagine, chickens and bunnies on a bitterly cold day playing 18 holes!" Shirley forwarded the following donations in memory of Julian: z Cheques totalling £1,035.43. "This wonderful amount was raised at a Firewalk evening on 17 May at The Mill at Rode, a pub/restaurant on the outskirts of Frome. The owners Paul and Chris Clark did one for us in 2004 and decided that it was such a good event that they kindly organised this. Many of the staff and customers took part." z A cheque for £270.50 raised from a tombola stall (right) Shirley ran at a gala fête on Saturday 12 July to mark the opening of the new

Frome Community Hospital. "It was a lovely day, with many organisations running different stalls. The picture shows Shirley and her friend Paula Cowler on the stall. They had some wonderful prize donations from family, friends, work colleagues and local businesses." z A cheque for £172.46. "This is made up from Beckington First School, (£133.15) and Kingfisher Takeaway collection box (£39.31). The pupils at Beckington First School are fundraising this school year for Julian's Memorial Fund. A 'Dotty Day' was held just before half-term. They dressed in dotty clothes, some had dotty faces and they did dotty drawings."

In Memory of Louise Worth Sue Jarvis sent a cheque for £532 for the Louise Worth Fund. "This was raised from an event organised by my mother-in-law, Grace Jarvis, held at Nicholson Court at Tideswell in the Peak District on 1 December 2007. Grace arranged a coffee morning, tombola and book stall. She and the other residents made and sold a range of cakes and other goodies to family, friends and tourists. The day was a fantastic success and we hope to make it a regular event." Sue forwarded the following donations in memory of Louise: z A donation for £560 from Yvonne Kaczmar and her colleagues at Fujitsu. "This was raised through having dress down days at work and a themed coffee morning. The company sponsors many charities and have included CRY in their fundraising programme." z A cheque for £200 from Runshaw College. "Louise was an A level student there and this money was raised through the sale of wrist bands, water bottles and a 'Battle of the Bands' event at the college."

In Memory of Daniel Young The following donations have been received in memory of Daniel: £101 from Mrs Dawn Royle, £1,257 from Christine Hatton (£477 of which came via Tesco) in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her dear husband Jack (a great supporter of CRY) and a further donation of £3,365 from Tesco, Crabtree Lane, from an event organised by their social club.

In Memory of Mark Young Lee Parkin sent in a donation of £22,000 in memory of Mark Stephen Young. This was raised by Steve Young and friends through various fundraising activities, primarily the Lee Parkin Golf Day, organised by Lee. Included in the total is a matched giving donation of £11,000 from HSBC.

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Our Fundraisers General fundraising z Lynne Box sent a cheque for the sum of £537. "This represents Abbey's matched donation of the sum that we raised during our fundraising event at our site in Solent last year." Helen Tremble from Abbey also sent in a donation. "Please find attached a cheque for £121.93 which is a donation for a recent charity event we held in our department."

'100 Club' which we organise each year to raise money for charity and this year CRY is one of our charities. One of our members recently lost a grandson at the age of 28 to an unknown heart defect. I hope that this will help a little towards your work for investigating the cause of death by undiagnosed heart conditions in young people."

z Advantage Travel has a dress down day every Friday. Staff take it in turns to choose a charity and this time Nicky Appleby, daughter of CRY Representative Martin Appleby, chose CRY. She sent in a donation of £100.

z "Chipping Norton Town Old Boys FC recently hosted a mini football tournament where several local teams came and completed for the Chippy Charity Cup. One of the aims of the event was to raise a bit of cash for a worthy cause and as a result we would like to donate £100 of the money raised on the day to CRY." Bob Neville, Secretary

z Aspen Insurance UK Limited has made a donation of £10,000.

z City & Guilds sent in a matched giving donation of £200 for Lisa Rockett's fundraising for CRY.

z Clare Astin took part in the Vietnam Open Cycle Ride 2008 and has so far raised £1,945.

z Debbie Wade sent in a donation of £120 raised by the Clacton Tangent Club, a branch of the nationwide Tangent Club of Women. “As Chairman I chose to donate to CRY because a close friend of mine lost her ten yearold son suddenly to heart failure." Debbie Wade

z "I have chosen to support CRY during my year as the Ladies Captain at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club. All the ladies have been very interested in the charity. Some had heard of it and plenty hadn't, but all are keen to support it." Joan Landen sent in a donation of £821.20. Jahanna Head also sent in cheques totalling £750 raised at the Club. "These funds were raised via a raffle which took place during a charity golf day at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club on Sunday 21 September 2008." Barclays Bank sent in a matched giving donation of £750. z "After a recent family reunion the organisers decided to donate any additional money towards a charity. Therefore please find enclosed a cheque for £250 towards the worthy cause of CRY. May I take this opportunity to congratulate your charity on the excellent work that it carries out and wish you all the best for the future." Alan Barr z A donation of £100 was made by Mr James Bayford. z Members of Bees United (The Brentford Supporters' Trust) took part in the London to Brighton Walk. Bruce Powell forwarded a cheque for £575.50 from this event. With the £1,000 donation from Chris Gammon, this makes a total raised of £1,575.50. z "I am the Regional Chairman of the Greater Manchester region of BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) and we organised a charity collection at our recent annual dinner in February. As Chairman, I have the privilege of deciding which charity we wish to support and I would be happy if you would accept our cheque for £1,800 to help with the wonderful work that CRY is undertaking. I have witnessed recently the devastation that the unexpected death of a young person causes to both the family and the local community and I am delighted to donate to this very worthwhile cause." Carol Meggison, Regional Chairman, BIBA, Greater Manchester and West Pennine Region

z Mrs L Gurney, Colbayns High School, sent in a donation of £108.75. z CRY Representative Kenny Bowen forwarded a donation of £650 from the estate of Mrs Freda Collinson. z "Computershare holds a 'Casual Clothes Day' on the last Friday of each month when staff are invited to make a donation to a nominated charity in exchange for being allowed to wear casual clothes for the day. CRY was nominated as recipient of funds raised from April's Casual Clothes Day and I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £252.65." Natasha Bowey z We have received a donation of £330 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Commander Ian Christopher Coulton who passed away on 1 February 2008 aged 51 years. z "Please find enclosed a donation to CRY for £1,000. The money was raised by staff through various activities within Coutts Banking Operations." Mrs W K Street, Manager, Coutts Banking Operations z "The Cross Keys Public House held a Fun Day on 27 April. The day included face painting, a jumble sale, auction and raffle. Special thanks go to Martin, Gerry, Kim and Eve, Dave and Loraine, Lish and Ivor, Derek, Cass, Harry, Jamie, Lindsay and the two girls who did the face painting, Helen and Mike and all the staff and customers." Sam Franklin, Manager of the Cross Keys in Hammersmith, London, sent in a donation of £706. We have also received a further donation of £177.10 collected in a whisky bottle from the Cross Keys. z Graham Crouch took part in the Sahara Open Trek 2008 and raised £2,000.

z The British School of Paris sent in a donation of £6,266.78 for the Race Across America (RAAM) 2008 in June. z The sixth form students of Brentford School for Girls raised £117.96. z Tom Brooks raised £140 via Just Giving after completing the Mazda London Triathlon. z Sue Brown held the 'Rock Blonde Gig' on 20 January and raised £420. z The pupils of Bushloe High School raised £56 during Charities Week. z Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club raised £375 from various fundraising activities. z Amanda Keijzer forwarded a donation of £135.40 raised by the UK Recoveries Department at Capital One. z Mrs May Lloyd, Section Treasurer, Catholic Women's League, Bolton-leSands section, sent in a cheque for £180. "This money comes from the 42 | CRY Update Issue 48

z "At long last I have got all the money in from the Plough Match and this comes to £1,299.90. Of this, £277 is from Barclays and £79.15 from merchandise sales. The rest comes from the event. We hope this will help a

Our Fundraisers little. We did this event for CRY as a 'thank-you' for helping with our son Eric who was ill. With your help – special thanks to Alison – we found out that he has two natural pacemakers in his heart. We thought of a Plough Match because he likes old vintage tractors. It was hard work sorting out this event but it was worth it for all the help you gave us. Those who came said they had a good day and enjoyed themselves." Mrs S A Curtis z "You may be aware that our employee, Chris Jones, made an application to Data Systems & Solutions Charity Committee in support of your organisation. The donation was approved by our Chief Executive Henner Wapenhans. I am delighted to enclose a cheque to the value of £400." Tanya Candy, HR Advisor z We have received a donation of £160 in lieu of floral tributes in memory of the late Mrs Irene Downer of Magor. z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £210 raised from a charity football match between ourselves, Draycott Potters Football Club, and Caverswall FC." B H Hilton (Chairman and Groundsman) z John Dexter sent in a donation of £500 towards the London to Paris Bike Ride z "On Friday 22 February, a group of us from Class Six at Elmstead Primary School raised £29.66 for your charity. The people in my group were Ben, Conor and me, Callum. Our group sold ourselves as teachers' slaves, selling for about £5.00 each for four hours hard work!" Ben, Conor and Callum z "I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £281, raised by boys in Elwyn House under the Youth Enterprise Scheme and they chose CRY as their designated charity." Mr M Sugden z Mrs C Ely sent in a donation of £500 in lieu of presents at her 50th birthday celebration. "Both my children, Lauren (aged 21) and Lewis (19), have Marfan syndrome. Therefore, we are aware of the importance of their yearly echocardiogram and the need to raise awareness of cardiac risks." z Gym members at Exeter Golf and Country Club raised £676.50 in a bid to increase awareness of CRY's work in the Exeter area and to help local families affected by the condition. 'Exeter Exodus' involved teams of club members and staff exercising on aerobic machines in competition over who could go furthest in virtual miles. Mark Searle, Health and Fitness Coordinator at Exeter Golf and Country Club, said: "We wholeheartedly endorse the work of this charity and as a health and fitness club we're well-placed to help. If this event helped one person identify a heart condition early we will have done our duty." Local CRY Representative Kathy Moyle added: "I lost two daughters and a grandson in recent years due to young sudden cardiac death. It was absolutely devastating. Now I do what I can to help others avoid such tragedies. This is a fantastic effort by Exeter Golf and Country Club and the money raised will go towards helping local families." z Sarah Alexander, Farleigh Travel, sent in a donation of £250 as sponsorship from the Firewalk at the Mill at Rode. z Ferryhill & District Angling Club held a local 'fishing match' to raise funds. Lysa Ward sent in a donation of £100 from the event. z Claire Fivash sent in a donation of £345 in lieu of presents at a 60th birthday celebration on 2 August. z Ms Tilly Holder, Flicx UK Limited, has sent in a donation of £782. z We have received a donation of £613.30 from a Christmas collection at the Flint and District Lions Club. z Homemade Cider Tasting Evening at Fylde Rugby Club 25 October 2008 After a number of years of small, informal cider tasting evenings, it was

decided this year to hold a formal event at Fylde Rugby Club and to try and raise money for CRY. Seven brewers were involved and the same recipe was used by all (basically apples, water, sugar and lemons). For most brewers this was their first year of making homemade cider and the results were all excellent. Each brewer had to come up with their own name and design a bottle label for their cider. This led to names such as Macners, Lough on the Rocks, Whole Lotta Rose Terrace, Myradown, Scorton Hopperberg, Grosvenor Grog, Walsh's Whallop, Nelson's Column and Sue's Apple 'Ed appearing on the tasting tables. The event also included food in the form of a huge home-baked apple cake and a number of fine cheeses, generously donated by Dewlay Cheesemakers from Garstang. Approximately 100 people attended the event (including former England rugby captain Bill Beaumont, pictured above, fifth from left), each paying £1 for a tasting glass and making a requested donation of 50p per cider tasted. This raised a grand total of £473. A display of CRY literature was on view and details of the forthcoming screening at Preston Grasshoppers were distributed. At the end of the evening the champion cider was selected (i.e. the tastiest) and this was Simon Mulholland's Scorton Hopperberg brew. Overall, it was a hugely successful and popular evening and it is hoped to host similar events on an annual basis." Craig McIntyre z We have received donations amounting to £215 from Hazel and John Gee. They recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and asked for donations to be made in lieu of presents. z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £100. This donation was requested by Elaine Aggleton who recently participated in some market research for us." J Wickens, Genactis z "Gfk NOP celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007 and as part of our celebrations we raised funds for charities selected by the staff. I am very pleased to inform you that CRY was selected, having been nominated by Tracey Duncan. Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,000 which we very much hope will be of help to you in your work." Phyllis MacFarlane, Gfk NOP Limited

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Our Fundraisers z Catherine Gleeson took part in the King's College Abseil and raised £115. z "My husband Jason died on 7 October 2008 from sudden cardiac death at the age of 47. Shortly after Jason's death my sons and I heard about CRY on BBC Radio 4 and decided to nominate CRY as one of the two charities to receive donations from our family and friends who attended Jason's funeral on 17 October. I have pleasure in enclosing cheques totalling £750 towards the wonderful work that your charity does to promote and protect the cardiac health of young people." Suzannah Goode, in memory of Jason Mark Goode z "I am delighted to let you know that William Grant & Sons operates a matched giving policy. Under the scheme we will donate £1,000 towards funds raised by Jane Loyd, one of our employees in our First Drinks Brands Office who ran and completed a marathon on 13 April to raise funds and support this worthwhile charity. Clearly this charity is important to Jane and therefore we are very pleased to make a contribution." Rosemary McGinness, Group HR Director z The Ladies Charity Committee of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos – St Andreas made a donation of £300, forwarded by Lilliane Malle. z "We have recently held a meeting of the shareholders of G R Lane Health Products and as a result of a request we are very pleased to send a donation of £250." Mrs Janet Groves (Chairman) z Hall & Warren Building Contactors sent in a donation of £500 in respect of Alan Weavin's Christmas lights display (West Midlands ECG Fund). z Judith Harris has raised £550 after taking part in the London to Paris Open Bike Ride in September. z The Hasluck Charitable Trust has made a donation of £2,000. z "We raised a total of £200 during our recent Charity Week for CRY. We hope this will help." Havant College Student Union z Ben Haywood and friends walked the Yorkshire Three Peaks and raised £161.50. z Lorna Liggett, Community Affairs Manager, forwarded a cheque for £200. "During the Christmas period employees at the Home Retail Group Head Office in Milton Keynes entered a departmental Christmas decoration competition. Each entry was awarded £200 for entering the competition and the winners received a further donation for their efforts. This money was to be given to a charity of the department's choice. We are delighted to inform you that one department nominated CRY as their beneficiary." z "A colleague recently lost his wife and the chosen charity was CRY. Please find enclosed a cheque for £132.50 from a collection at Homesafe Doors." H Dilling, Marketing Manager z "I write on behalf of Horley Cricket & Hockey Club to forward to you a cheque for £1,000. This was raised at last November's bonfire night when we raised over £4,000 which we have donated to various local charities. We have been running this event for over 25 years and try to donate to local/children's charities. Having played in a charity golf day last year where money was raised for your charity and having then found out about your work, we felt that the enclosed cheque would be put to good use." John Hunt, Hon Secretary z "I am aware that a couple of months ago my cricket club (Horley Cricket Club) donated to you the proceeds of our annual charity bonfire night. For my sins, I am also a member of the Horley Lions Club. Each year we run a barbeque at this event, the profits of which are donated to good causes. Given the good work undertaken by your charity we are delighted to enclose our cheque for £860 which we hope you will put to good use." Peter Moxley, Vice President z Michael Irwin has raised £880 for his entry into the London to Paris Open Bike Ride in July. 44 | CRY Update Issue 48

z Isle of Man Parish Walk, 21 June 2008. "At 8am I stood at the start line getting ready to start my walk. I looked at the skies and thought to myself, 'The weather doesn't look too bad.' At approximately 9.30am the rain started. What began as light drizzle became heavy rain and, with that, the winds got up. This rain continued throughout the whole day and the event was later confirmed as the wettest Parish Walk in history. Despite this, myself and best mate Marc Barron pressed on to reach our target point of 32.5 miles. Even though the conditions were not very nice I really enjoyed myself and hope to go back to the Isle of Man next year to walk a bit further and hopefully closer to the 85 mile point! I hope the total of £723.50 I raised can help and support CRY. Many thanks to everyone who sponsored me." Alan Johnson z "I have pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £200 raised from the sale of patchwork fabrics and quilting accessories donated by, and in memory of, Linda O'Boyle and Elizabeth Oldfield, two of our members who died from cancer earlier this year." Mrs Delia Ffitch, for Keene Quilters z Keighley Golf Club raised £1,212.23 from various fundraising events during 2007. z Allison Spalding forwarded a cheque for £500 from Kent Fire & Rescue. z "On 25 September 2008 the Kingswood District Trefoil Guild held a fundraising event for the benefit of local charities, CRY being one of them. We have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £100." Janette Day, Guild Secretary z Tony Lilley sent a donation raised by a charity football match held in August 2006. "It has taken some time to collect the funds people promised and we are now in a position to enclose a cheque for £1,885. This represents half the proceeds of the £3,770 collected, the other half will go to the Neurology Department at City Hospital here in Birmingham." z Jade Wan forwarded a donation of £100 on behalf of Lime Communications Limited. z The Lions Clubs International (Hartlepool) took part in a Boxing Day Dip and raised £516.80, sent in by Norman Hope, Dip Organiser. z "I have pleasure in sending you a cheque for £250 for your charitable activities, made at the specific request of, and out of funds provided by, the Freemasons who are members of the Lodge of Ideal Endeavour – L7379". Mark Thomas, for the Relief Chest Officer z Fiona Love raised £527 via Just Giving after completing the Mazda London Triathlon. z The Lucas family sent in a donation of £100 for jacket embroidery completed by Eddie Farrow. z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £500. This donation follows the Annual Milborne St Andrew Sports Club Summer Ball held at Athelhampton House, Puddletown, Dorset, in July 2008. The Sports Club would like to wish you all the very best for the future and we hope that this donation helps." Mike Handley, Treasurer, Milborne St Andrew Sports Club. z Nigel Munn took part in the London to Paris Bike Ride and raised £1,100. z The Munro Trust has made a donation of £750. z "Please accept the enclosed cheque for £250 as a charitable donation from New England Biolabs UK Limited. This is in association with Davin Miller's recent run in the Berlin Marathon." Edward Bagenal, General Manager, NEB UK

Our Fundraisers z "Please find enclosed a cheque for the amount of £154.35 raised by the staff of Newfield Special School. Rather than send Christmas cards to all, many of us chose to donate money to a charity and write a Christmas message that is then attached to a notice board in the staff room, so hopefully we get two messages across!" Val Cotton, Post 16 Tutor z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £267.75 in regard to sponsorship monies collected on undertaking the National Three Peaks Challenge. Our Just Giving page collected £602." Guy Newman z "It is a pleasure to ask you to accept the school's charity collection for £396.21, raised in one day by the House Captains within NWSG. It took hard work, motivation and initiative with these students for their six-hour campaign and was so very enjoyable to take part in. This is a cause that everybody here was willing to support." Maggie Etherington, Bursar, Newstead Wood School for Girls z We have received a donation of £150 from Mr and Mrs J Newton. z The Next Generation Club raised £165 during their Christmas Raffle and first Open Vets Tournament. CRY Patron Mark Cox forwarded the donation. z Staff at Noble Foods Limited in Newark, Nottinghamshire, sent in a donation of £586.17. z "Please find enclosed Orwell's cheque for £215.10 raised in a recent fundraising event." Chris Wyer, Orwell Housing Association z The Washington Cash and Carry Branch of Otto Retail donated £110.57 collected from staff and customers. z I've just returned from completing the London to Paris Bike Ride challenge. I chose to support CRY because friends of ours, Pete and Caroline, have been absolutely amazing in the way they have coped since losing their son to sudden death syndrome. They have greatly increased the profile of the work CRY does and organised numerous events that have raised large amounts of money for the charity over the years.

painful at times, but it wouldn't have been a challenge if it was easy! So far I've raised approximately £1,800 which is down to the generosity of so many friends, family, work colleagues and various other people. I can't express how pleased I am. So if you are thinking about signing up to do this next year then go for it, you'll have a fantastic time. Just make sure you do the training! Shona Oxley z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £455.07. This represents donations made by children, parents and staff at various events held at the school." Mr H Crafter, Headteacher, Park Farm Primary School z Stephen Perry sent in a donation of £710. z Peter and Sarah collected 'loose change' and raised £110. z Sophie Platt and Aisha Numan took part in a sponsored 'Pyjama Walk' on 10 May and raised £250.

My adventure began at 6.30am on 2 July at Blackheath, along with 119 others. I had mixed feelings on that morning – excited about the adventure, worried if I'd be quick enough or be able to make all 285 miles ahead of me. Worries were quickly forgotten as I got chatting to other people and realised that we were all thinking the same. At 7.30am we were on our way, negotiating the traffic and people of London as we headed towards Dover.

z Paul Nixon, Preston Marriott Hotel, forwarded a donation of £545 raised from fundraising activities in January and February 2008.

My first challenge, in the form of a puncture, came just as we were getting out of London. It was to be expected but not so soon in the day. My experience of fixing punctures at the side of the road was limited and although there was an emergency number to call I gave it a go myself. I quickly discovered that one of the advantages of a being a female was that you had to do very little before a male cyclist would offer to help. Looking helpless was definitely the best mode of action in puncture situations! With my puncture fixed I was off again, this time realising that there were quite a lot of steep hills in Kent that I hadn't much opportunity to prepare for in my training in Essex.

z We have received a donation of £100 from Private Eye.

Another puncture and nine hours later we were all at Dover. I've never been so happy to see a 'Welcome to Dover' sign before! The next three days were full of highs and lows, both physically and mentally. Northern France is not flat, contrary to popular belief. It is made up of some stunning scenery that you would probably miss if you were driving in the car. Cycling also gave you opportunities to talk to people. With 120 of us all taking part for various reasons from all walks of life, it was a privilege to have great conversations with so many interesting people. Apart from the first day when we had a ferry to catch, there was no pressure or time restraint as to when you got to your hotel. This allowed everyone to go at their own pace so it really was accessible for all abilities. Those who were quicker tended to stop in cafes for a coffee or beer and made a leisurely day of it, whereas the 'less quick' took their time and got a very big cheer when they arrived in the evening. Overall, it was a fantastic challenge to do and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys cycling. You don't have to be a fast cyclist – I wasn't. You just have to be prepared for long days and lots of hills. It was exhausting and

z The students of HM Prison Service, Training and Development Group, Rugby, raised £182.50. This was matched by £183.00 from the Prison Service College, Rugby.

z Graham Pulford took part in the London to Paris Open Bike Ride in September and raised £1,300. z Gavin Purnell sent in a donation of £900 raised from various office fundraising events, including dress down days. z David Raw sent in cheques totalling £185. "I have recently celebrated my 40th birthday and decided to ask for charitable donations in lieu of presents. After a great response the final sum of money was divided between three charities, namely yourselves, the Alzheimer's Society and the County Air Ambulance. I hope the money will be put to good use and enable you to continue what I believe to be a fantastic job." z Ms Lynn Ridgway took part in the London to Paris Open Bike Ride (Route 1) in September 2008 and raised £603.45. z We have received a donation of £210 raised by Rob and Naeem's Big Bike Ride in November 2007. z "Following our 7th Annual Charity Golf Day for which CRY was one of my chosen charities, I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £1,000." David Butterworth, President, Rotary Club of North Worcestershire z "Our squadron has just completed Initial Officer Training at Royal Air Force College, Cranwell. During our 30 weeks of training a Charities Committee was formed. Your charity was chosen as one we wished to support. We held various fundraising activities including quiz nights, a fancy dress party and an auction. Whilst these events were great fun, the knowl-

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Our Fundraisers edge that the money raised would go to such a deserving cause was always an obvious motivation for us all. We would like to say thank you for the hard work your charity carries out and give you this cheque for £559.53 to help you continue that work." Charlie Todd, C Squadron Charities Committee Chairman z Jane Rudd held various fundraising events instore at Asda, Colchester, during August. This included a second-hand book sale, a barbeque and raffles and raised £600. z Dr Simon Kemp from the Rugby Football Union (RFU) sent in a donation of £696 in respect of Fiona Perry. Fiona attended CRY screenings to gain background experience and had access to data for her third year project. z "On 14 February 2008 the second year Sports Coaching Foundation Degree students at Runshaw College organised a football tournament as part of their Sports Event Management module. The main aim for the event was to organise a fun event for sports students and to raise money for a chosen charity. The students chose CRY as some had friends and family who have passed away suddenly due to cardiac problems and thought CRY worthy and particularly pertinent to sports students. The tournament was a huge success. With over 100 sports students and members of staff taking part we had a fabulous day and the sun shone from start to finish. Through charging entry fee to students, organising a raffle on the day and working alongside Preston Prison Service, the students managed to raise £3,000. Ruth Lowe, your North West representative, joined us on the day, erecting a CRY stall, providing information to our students and encouraging a vast number of students to sign up for heart screening. It is with great pleasure that I enclose two cheques for the total sum of £3,000 to support the amazing work that CRY carries out." Jill Badanjak, Lecturer in Sport z "I am writing on behalf of the 2nd St Albans Rainbow Guides Pack who recently organised a charity evening in which the girls (aged five to seven) performed a 'sponsored silence' to raise money for our two nominated charities this year, CRY and Children with Leukaemia. I am pleased to attach a cheque for £120 which represents half of the total sum we raised during the evening." Mrs Morag Puri, Guide Leader z Anne Jackson attended a morning assembly and presentation at St Andrew's School and spoke briefly on the work of CRY. The school raised £77.42. z Ruth Allington sent in donations totalling £239 raised at the 'Favourite Songs for Summer' concert held at St Martin's Church, Bladon, on Friday 11 July. z "On behalf of the congregation of St Peter & St Paul Church, Kimpton, Hertfordshire, please find enclosed a cheque for £250 as a donation to CRY." Mrs Anne Cole, Treasurer, Parochial Church Council z CRY Representative Sharon Farmer forwarded a donation of £100 from the staff and children at Sandford Hill Primary School. z "I run a small Scrabble Group from which we make money for local charities. I enclose £100." Barbara Short 46 | CRY Update Issue 48

z The SSCSA Tribunal Service Charity Committee sent in a donation of £134.66. z Tony White, Treasurer of South Staffordshire Junior Charity Competition sent in a donation of £500. "We are a charity competition which every season runs a football competition for boys aged between 11 and 14 years and our aim is to raise as much money as possible to donate to worthy causes." z Sir William Stanier Community School has sent in a donation of £297.90 from various fundraising throughout the year. z "We recently held a chapel collection and I am delighted to enclose a cheque for £186.08. This was at the instigation of one of our boys, Rowley Edwards, who is preparing to do a Land's End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride in aid of your charity." Reverend Tim Mullins, Radley College z "On behalf of Team JMR 2008 I enclosed cheques made out to CRY totalling £2,100. The boys completed their bike ride from John O'Groats in eight days and found the challenge both difficult and rewarding. Combined with the total raised via Just Giving, they have raised over £7,000. We very much hope this makes a valuable contribution to the excellent work CRY is doing." Joanna Edwards z Rowley, Milo and Jack (Team JMR) sent in £230 after they took part in the Land's End to John O'Groats Cycle Ride in July. z Jacquie Hamshaw-Thomas sent in a further donation of £585 from sponsorship raised by her son Jack and Team JMR. z Elizabeth Corke, whose son Milo was a member of Team JMR, has now forwarded donations totalling £1134.93. z Mrs C Thorogood sent in a donation of £240. "I would like to send these cheques to you collected by me from friends at my 60th birthday. I hope they will help a little." z World Challenge Team – Thurston Community College "We are a team of eleven students who have spent the last 18 months raising our own money (approximately £3,500 each) to fund a month long expedition to Chile in July 2008. As well as travelling around the centre and north of the country, we will be engaged in a number of tasks and challenges. One challenge will be to climb a volcano that summits above 5,000 metres, another will be to complete a trek in the Atacama Desert. But possibly the most rewarding part of the expedition will be the work we complete in the Arica district to the north of the country. Here we hope to refurbish school buildings or a community centre at the same time as teaching some English to schoolchildren. This gave us the idea to combine our own fundraising efforts with that of raising money for a childrens' charity, and CRY was suggested by a member of our team. Everyone thought it was a great idea and the College Principal gave us permission to hold a non-uniform day alongside our bake sales, various competitions and a talent show in the evening. The whole day was a great success. The team raised £857.21." Helen Wilson, Principal z Alex Unitt raised £550 via Just Giving after completing the Mazda London Triathlon. z Tony and Inge-Lise sent in a donation of £116.15 from collection boxes they had at a recent party. More money to come from our JustGiving page (£909.74). z "I enclose a cheque for £1,024.25 towards your charity, raised at the University of Southampton Medics Graduation Ball 2007 as part of a raffle and auction. I apologise for the delay, However, I am sure it will be used well towards this very worthy cause." Dr Rebecca Clapham, Chair of Medics Graduation Ball Committee 2007 z "On behalf of the students at University of Wales, Lampeter, I enclose a cheque for £700 to support your work. These funds were raised at various events organised by the Rag Committee of 2006/7 when CRY was elected as one of the charities to be supported." Sarah Clement, Rag Officer

Our Fundraisers z Theresa Waite sent in a donation of £150. z Sarah Lungley from Waitrose sent in a donation of £285. "Please find enclosed a cheque from the Waitrose Community Matters Scheme which was nominated by our customers." z Chris Wakefield sent in a donation of £150 which was raised from a quiz held during the Christmas period. z Catherine Walker took part in the Iceland Open Trek 2008 and raised £782. z Professor Greg Whyte (right) sent in donations totalling £685 via Just Giving from sponsorship of Team CRY's participation in the Race Across America (RAAM) 2008. z "I have pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £375 which our students raised at a recent charity fête." Maggie Middle, Charity Coordinator, Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School z Win Tennis Limited held a charity dinner in June and raised £1,497.09. z "Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 from Woodbridge Round Table. This donation results from a very enjoyable visit to the Suffolk Constabulary Air Operations Unit at Wattisham Airfield on 2 June 2008 where they mentioned yourselves as a suitable charity to receive a donation." Phil Bailey, Treasurer, Woodbridge Round Table z Alice Wright sent in £103 after completing a Triathlon.

Our Fundraisers in Northern Ireland In Memory of Lauren Gallagher "Please find enclosed a cheque for £387.50 being monies collected as a result of a walk by Ulster Bank staff where my daughter Deborah Gallagher works." Blanche Gallagher (Lauren's mum)

In Memory of Jaimie Gault Margaret Gault sent in donations amounting to £932 in memory of Jaimie. £802 was from Toreagh Primary School, £30 from Mr and Mrs Marcus and £100 from cash donations. Margaret sent in the following further donations in memory of Jaimie: z Donations amounting to £275. "They are made up as follows: £100 from Newtownabbey Council for attendance at Heath Fair in February, £150 from Councillor Lyn Frazer for taking part in the Belfast Marathon on 1 May and £25 from Mrs and Mrs Freddie Johnston, donated in lieu of a 65th birthday present. z Donations totalling £1,725. "Dr and Mrs James Lyness were married on Friday 8 August and requested their guests to donate in lieu of presents." z Donations totalling £1,890. "They are made up as follows: £400 from Braid Valley Vintage Enthusiasts Limited, £130 from First Larne Mens' Fellowship, £1,000 from Mounthill Fair Committee, £20 from John Robinson and £340 from 2nd Ballyeaston Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Women". z Donations totalling £1,613. "Cullbackey High School raised £1,588 from a non-uniform day and a Harvest Thanksgiving service. Mrs Bertha Agnew made a donation of £25."

In Memory of Aaron Lundy John Lundy forwarded a cheque for £400 from Gary McGuigan Promotions. z Gary McGrotty, Patrick Troland and Aaron's friends ran the Motorcycle Race in his memory and raised £4,400 .

z "Thursday 5 and Friday 6 June 2008 at Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton, marked the choir's annual summer concerts. A threefold purpose this year: firstly to unveil our new uniform; secondly to say goodbye to the Rector of the parish who attended the concerts for the last time as incumbent before retirement and who received a lifetime honorary associate membership of the choir in recognition of his support over 10 years; finally and most importantly to donate a total of £3,100 to charities, including £700 to CRY which was received on their behalf by Christopher Gent. The concert began with the choir making a grand entrance to 'Before the Parade Passes By' and featured a diverse programme of music ranging from 'Fields of Gold' (a Sting number) to 'Cantique de Jean Racin'e (Gabriel Faure) and included Welsh folk songs, songs from the shows and climaxed with 'We'll Meet Again.'

z John also forwarded a cheque from Finvoy Young Farmers' Club who raised £3,060 in memory of Aaron.

A total of 370 people attended over the two nights and an enjoyable time was had by all." Bill Evans, Press & Public Relations, The Stuart Singers z Mrs S Palmer sent in a donation of £700 raised at the above event. “It was a very enjoyable evening." z "Please find enclosed a donation in the sum of £100. This is monies raised by our healthy eating tuck shop in the workplace.” Miss G Andrews on behalf of all staff at Houghton and Sunderland Magistrate’s Court

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Our Fundraisers In Memory of Aine McCann "During the summer holidays Aisling and Aoife McCann from Fermanagh in Northern Ireland arranged a Summer Party at their house in memory of their sister Aine McCann who died of myocarditis in December 2002 aged eight. The sisters contacted their local bouncy castle hire – Mr Inflatable – who they would like to thank for donating a large slide and an assault course free of charge in aid of CRY. Their mum Aravon provided a barbecue for all the kids and the house was made merry with flags and balloons. Everyone had a wonderful day with games galore. Aisling, Aoife and Aravon would like to thank all who helped get together to join in this great event. Hopefully we can do it again next year." Aravon McCann z Five students from Mount Lourdes Grammar School took part in a skydive and raised £1,730 in memory of Aine. z John Lundy forwarded a cheque for £2,000 raised by students and friends of the Dominican College, Portstewart, Co. Derry, as part of the 2007 Annual Sponsored Walk.

In Memory of John McCall The students from the University of Ulster, Coleraine, raised £370 through various fundraising activities in memory of John McCall. z Mrs Ann Crozier raised £600 in memory of John McCall. z "Please find enclosed a cheque from Janice Jameson of Remax for £1,500. Janice has chosen CRY as the associate charity for their business. Also a lady gave a cash donation of £10." Ian McCall z "Please find enclosed an amount of £225. This was raised at a 50th birthday party for my husband Geoff." Barbara Hooks z Mr I Monaghan, Down High School, Downpatrick, sent in a donation of £493.73 in memory of John McCall.

Mary Martin has forwarded the following donations in memory of Richard: z A cheque for £25 from Pauline Armstrong and £310 from Leanne Lapin. "She [Leanne] collected this on the entrance to her 21st birthday party from each person. She was a good friend of Richard's." z A cheque for £435 raised from a raffle and Dutch auction held in Molly's Bar and Restaurant and a cheque for £1,400 raised at the same venue by having a table quiz, another raffle and Dutch auction. "We intend to make this a yearly event."

In Memory of Paul O'Neill The Miss Pole Fitness NI 2008 event raised £296.

General fundraising CRY Representative Ian McCall sent in forwarded a donation of £1,250 from Northstone Limited. Ian also forwarded a cheque for £500 raised by Banbridge Youth Club. z Thomas and Jenny Gribben took part in the Belfast Marathon in May and raised £350. z The Ballywillan Drama Group (BDG) held a pre-Christmas bag packing event at a local supermarket in Coleraine and raised £500. Each year BDG sponsors a charity and this year CRY was chosen. We hope to continue next year." Carlton Mullineux z The Ballywilliam Presbyterian Church sent in a donation of £250 for the NI Fund. z Lynda McCrum sent in a donation of £1,087.22. "I am delighted to inform you that our employees have selected CRY as a charity we wish to support. Each month a nominated charity from both local and national groups received donations from Teleperformance staff, collected through a weekly dress down day." z We have received cheques totalling £921 from Bambridge RFC Ladies Committee for their fundraising quiz night, collected by CRY Representative Carolyn McCall.

In Memory of Richard Martin Devenish College held a raffle after their Christmas Pantomime and raised £578 in memory of Richard. z "The big cheque was raised in an ASDA store in Eniskillen, Country Fermanagh, on Easter Saturday (22 March) by bag packing. The money was raised in memory of Richard Martin (my brother) who died in November 2004 of WPW syndrome. We collected £3,205 which I enclose." Raymond Martin z "The Quarry Products Association NI (QPANI) was delighted to hand over a cheque for £2,826 to CRY Patron Mark Carruthers. The QPANI Charity Quiz Night held at the Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena, was sponsored by J Robinson & Sons. With 17 teams from a variety of member companies across the province in the running, the competition was high. The final winners of the evening were quarry company OMYA, while second place went to the CEMEX team.

48 | CRY Update Issue 48

Fundraising events 2009 A few ideas... CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk Join CRY Patron and International Soprano Kathryn Harries on a 5 mile (8k) sponsored walk crossing the bridges of London from Embankment to London Bridge via Westminster to raise awareness and funds for CRY. The day provides CRY families and supporters with an opportunity to get together and commemorate or support young people whilst enjoying a beautiful walk along the banks of the Thames. Drinks will be available at the start, along the way and at the end (including a fruit punch). Balloons and certificates will also be provided. BUPA Great Run Mini/Junior Event (ages 3 to 16) Sheffield, 5 September CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. All entrants receive a race pack and will be presented with a finisher's pack and medal once they cross the finish line. For details go to the Junior/Mini section at Adidas Women's 5k Challenge 6 September CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. Last year's runners entering for the 2009 race are eligible to invite a relative, friend or colleague to run for only £5 which goes straight to the charity of their choice! Middlesbrough Tees Pride 10k Road Race 6 September CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. London to Paris Bike Ride 9 to 13 September Starting in London, the four days of cycling will take you through beautiful and historical villages, allowing you to see some of the most famous landmarks in England and France. f you would like to receive an information pack, please go to 5km Race Birmingham, 13 September The run series is a collection of 5km races taking place around the UK. Over 4,000 people are expected to take part to raise funds for hundreds of different charities – and you could be among them! All you need to do is pledge to raise at least £100 for CRY and register online for a place at Peru Trek 18 to 27 September Immerse yourself in ancient Peruvian culture and experience diverse scenery, including tropical Andean rainforests, snow-capped mountain ranges and Machu Picchu, one of the world's most important archaeological finds. If you would like to receive an information pack, please go to BUPA Great North Run 20 September The Great North Run has grown over its long history to become the world's biggest half marathon and Britain's biggest running event with 50,000 entries. CRY has now filled its charity places for 2009, but if you would like to go on our 'Reserves' list or have your 'own place' and would like to run for CRY, then please e-mail Junior fundraisers (ages 3 to 16) can enter the BUPA Great Run Junior/Mini Event the day before (19 September). CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. All entrants receive a race pack and will be presented with a finisher's pack and medal once they cross the finish line. For details go to the Junior/Mini section at 5km Race – Edinburgh 20 September The run series is a collection of 5km races taking place around the UK. Over 4,000 people are expected to take part to raise funds for hundreds of different charities – and you could be among them! All you need to do is pledge to raise at least £100 for CRY and register online for a place at 'Just Bike' sponsored UK charity bike ride 3 October Just Bike is an exciting sponsored bike riding event around Coate Water Country Park (near Swindon) where you and your friends can participate in rides of 50km or 100km in length. To find out more and register for the 2009 event visit

China Trek 9 to 18 October Immerse yourself in tradition, history and ancient mythology and experience something others will only dream of as you walk part of the Great Wall. This is an ideal event for those with a passion for culture, a sense of adventure and the desire to do something challenging for a good cause. Royal Parks Half Marathon 2009 11 October The public ballot for places in this event has now closed and CRY has filled its allocation of charity places. However, if you have secured your own place and would like to run for CRY or if you have a place and would like to run in a CRY Heart costume, please e-mail CRY Raising Awareness Week 17 to 25 October Details about our annual Raising Awareness Week will appear on the CRY website as they are confirmed. Please contact if you would like to get involved. To have a look at what our supporters got up to last year go to CRY Raising Awareness Week Parachute Jump Days Marking the beginning and end of Raising Awareness Week there will be two parachute jumps days for daredevils looking for an exciting way to raise funds and awareness for CRY! We have 10 places available at each of these two events. E-mail for more details or to register your interest. Kilimanjaro Trek 30 Oct to 8 November Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the jungle, spectacular wildlife and breathtaking glaciers – experience something that others will only ever dream of! Cardiff Half Marathon 18 October CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. Great South Run 25 October CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if have your own place in this event via the public ballot and would like to run for CRY, then please let us know and we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. Junior fundraisers (ages 3 to 16) can enter the BUPA Great Run Junior/Mini Event the day before (24 October). CRY does not have any charity places for this event either, but, once again, if you get your own place then CRY can provide T-shirt and running vest, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. All entrants receive a race pack and will be presented with a finisher's pack and medal once they cross the finish line. For details go to the Junior/Mini section at New York City Marathon 1 November CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if have your own place in this event via the public ballot and would like to run for CRY, then please let us know and we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. Big Heart Bike Ride 2009 – Sinai Triangle 7 to 15 November CRY is once again one of four heart charities involved in the Big Heart Bike Ride. In 2009 the event moves to the Sinai Triangle – twice the size of Belgium, and part of the Sahara Belt. The route will take in narrow wadis, colourful canyons and rugged granite mountains. You will be camping out under the stars on two nights before finishing on the shores of the Red Sea. Other highlights include a visit to the magnificent pyramids at Giza and an optional sunrise climb of Mount Sinai. For more details and an application form click on 'Overseas events' at Nepal Trek 13 to 23 November CRY is looking for adventurous volunteers for an unforgettable trek in Nepal. With arguably some of the best views in the World this trek is back on the map by popular demand. Takes trekkers through mountainside villages and thick forest, participants will experience awe-inspiring views of the great peaks and glaciers of the Himalayas. The World Famous Annual Santa Run – Newtown, Wales December (tbc) A 4.5 mile fun run with all the competitors dressed as Santa Claus! The 2004 run set a world record for the largest-ever gathering of Santas. Registration costs £15, including free Santa suit. All money raised by participants goes to the charity of their choice, so this is a fun and novel way to raise money for CRY. The 2008 Santa Run also featured a children's race and a wheelchair race.

For more information visit 75

Cardiac Risk intheYoung

Head office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 email:

Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at last 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35.

CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD. In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature published by CRY can be found on our our website at

Our Patrons The urgency of CRY's mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our Charity. Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, Mark Cox MBE, James Cracknell OBE, Nick Easter, Kathryn Harries, John Inverdale, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Robert Jones MBE, Gary Longwell, Professor W J McKenna, Emily Maitlis, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor OBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, David Walliams, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE and Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE

Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It's the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.”

To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD. By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support service, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at Royal Brompton Hospital, the CRY Centre for Sports Cardiology (CRY CSC) and the CRY Surgery Supporters Network (CRY SSN) to support young people living with potentially lethal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation's youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in established events such as the London Marathon or the Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources.

If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to the Giftaid page on our website:

All your help is greatly appreciated.

CRY is always extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: Albert Hunt Trust z Artie White Foundation z Aspen UK z Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust z Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust z Edward Joseph Colclough Trust z Fitton Trust z Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust z Gwyneth Forrester Trust z Hasluck Charitable Trust z Holbeck Charitable Trust z Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust z James Tudor Foundation z Malcolm Chick Charity z Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement z Munro Charitable Trust z Muriel Edith Rickman Trust z Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation z Sir James Roll Charitable Trust z Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust z Tudor Foundation, Inc.

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