CRY Update Magazine - Issue 50

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Cardiac Risk in the Young Update 50 April to December 2009 News and Events

• raising awareness • our fundraisers

Cardiac Risk in theYoung (CRY) Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail: Visit our websites: • Registered Charity No 1050845


from the

Deputy Chief Executive

Dr. Steven Cox CRY Deputy Chief Executive The year leading into CRY’s 15th Anniversary has once again seen some major developments in raising awareness of CRY, the impact of young sudden cardiac death and what can be done to prevent tragedies. There have been just under 1,500 articles published in the regional media, with articles in the national media published on a monthly basis. Three quarters of a million people visited the CRY website with 16,500 downloads of the David Walliams Video. The number of people registering for our e-newsletter doubled and over 1,000 more people have requested to receive the CRY Update. In the last year over 6,500 people were screened by CRY. Many of those tested were athletes representing Great Britain, including world and Olympic champions. However, the vast majority of people that CRY tested were in local communities. CRY’s mobile screening is fundamental to enabling specialist services to be accessed by local communities, testing thousands of people every year. So much of what we do is to try and ensure that families who want support find CRY. Over 250 families who had suffered bereavements have contacted CRY for support. Importantly, more than half of the families that have contacted us have done so within a year of their tragedy. The number of people receiving help from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology continues to increase, establishing this as one of the most important initiatives that CRY has developed. In 2009 in excess of half a million pounds was donated to CRY online. This includes almost £100,000 worth of Gift Aid. 15,000 donations were made online, with the average amount being around £35, highlights the reality that the strength of CRY is the thousands of individuals now behind us enabling change to happen. We now have 24 staff working within the CRY office, with many more in the field supporting our screening programme as well as the team with Professor Sharma at St George’s, with little space in our current office for more staff and a lot of hotdesking! At the same time as a growing body of support for CRY in local communities, there is also an increased demand for screening. Welcome news, but with such pressure on our screening calendar leaving new bookings having to be made for 2011. The opportunity that has opened up with our move to St George’s is phenomenal at a time when the CRY Centre for Sports Cardiology at the Olympic Medical Institute had to move due to closure of the institute. This subsequently allowed us the chance to have the whole base of our screening and Research Fellowship programmes under Professor Sanjay Sharma within a 20 minute journey from the CRY office. This

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has significantly increased the convenience for us and our clinicians in developing our programme. St George’s was where Sanjay trained and held the first specialist centre as a result of CRY’s donation of an echocardiogram machine facilitating the first family clinic in the country to deal with inherited cardiovascular conditions. This is a massive step forward for CRY and we look forward to recruiting and training our next 4 doctors so that they can become active in the field and help with the next stage of the expansion of our screening programme. £500,000 is currently ringfenced with CRY for screenings in local communities. These are funds that CRY cannot use for other activities like bereavement support, research or raising awareness. We are reviewing our ringfenced procedures with the aim of giving families the option to choose to support the vital research we are also publishing, as some of you have shown an interest in this. Recently we had a significant paper published in the leading world journal, Circulation - a first for CRY and indicating just how crucial this work is. In the next Update there will be more information on the research that has been done and its importance on the world stage. Each Research Fellow is a major long-term commitment for the charity to support. Although they are essential for the development of the screening programme, this part of their training represents only a portion of how their time is allocated. Research Fellows are also instrumental in taking forward CRY’s research programme. Most important is their role within the NHS at the Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions Clinic, where they spend the majority of their time supporting families through the testing process after a tragedy. Often appointments are only weeks after the GP referral has been sent.

Raising Awareness In CRY’s 15th Anniversary year it has been important for us to look at all areas that can help us raise awareness. The recent online debates sparked by Daily Mail journalist Jan Moir have shown how quickly messages can travel and responses escalate. Consequently, it is only appropriate that we focus time in developing our online presence on platforms other than our website. CRY now has a Twitter fan page to help stimulate general debate. Please forward any ideas for “tweets” that we can circulate or initiatives that will help to increase the numbers of people who are signed up. We are also actively using Facebook to raise awareness and to circulate CRY information and messages. These are important resources for us to raise awareness at a very low cost and any help you can give to help promote our presence in each of these is greatly appreciated. This is being co-ordinated in the CRY office by Mair, with some welcome direction from Richard Hinkley.

Screening booklet Last year we were granted a significant donation by the James Tudor Trust to design, print and circulate a screening booklet. This has now been completed and is ready for circulation in local communities. It has been designed to appeal to a variety of different users, including sports clubs, GP surgeries, schools and leisure facilities. The 8 page booklet covers


from the

Deputy Chief Executive

some of the most common questions that are asked, the pros and cons of

evaluate the costs of setting up a widespread service within an excellent

screening, what people should expect on the day, how the programme is

clinical environment.

supervised and the important role of research in what CRY do. The booklet can be downloaded on the page or ordered from

The screening will be available to anyone born in 1995, the year that CRY

the office. Any support in promoting this booklet in your community would

was founded. These young people will have recently turned 14 years old,

be greatly appreciated.

the youngest age that CRY offers cardiac testing.

CRY Philips Test My Heart Tour 2010

As CRY grows, and the demand for screening increases, CRY needs to

Our national screening service is a high priority. After the success of CRY

answer crucial questions; when a national screening programme is put in

Philips Test My Heart Tour in 2009, with thousands of people tested over a

place what will it look like; where will people be offered testing (hospitals,

2 month period, we are planning a second tour commencing in September.

GP surgeries, schools); when should testing be offered and how often;

We intend to use the same format and will be looking for Supermarket

how to best use limited resources to maximise the number of people being

locations or similar venues that can provide easy access and parking for

offer the testing.

the trailer and visitors. We will be announcing more information once the final arrangements are confirmed.

ICAP Screening Project

This grant will not only offer testing to 1,000’s of young people, identify young people with serious life threatening conditions, but also help to inform us on these crucial questions. This grant will change people’s

The incredible ICAP grant for screening in the South East will have a

perceptions of cardiac conditions in young people, helping them to

major impact in raising awareness during CRY’s 15th Anniversary year.

understand the tragedy of inaction and what can be done to prevent it.

Up to 10,000 young people will be tested over the next 2 years. We plan to keep this rolling out thereafter. In 2007 CRY launched the athlete screening programme with Philips which was part of a major research initiative looking at the role of screening in elite athletes. This ICAP grant

If you know of anyone in the South East who would like to be tested who is born in 1995 they should register an interest on our website for testing at

is the first comparable grant for research and screening for the general public. The screening will be carried out at weekends at St Georges Hospital and will help us to understand if people are willing to travel to a centre for specialised services not routinely available on the NHS and clearly

Inside Update 50 Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive Meet our County and Divisional Representatives News from the Chief Executive Other CRY News Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) CRY screening report Postcard Launches London Marathon Other Running Highlights Test My Heart Tour Bridges Walk Parliamentary Reception 2009 Raising Awareness Week Running and Skydiving for CRY Our Fundraisers Our Fundraisers in Northern Ireland Raising awareness in the media Fundraising highlights 2010 CRY Mission statements

Page 2 Page 4 Page 6 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 20 Page 26 Page 30 Page 32 Page 34 Page 36 Page 42 Page 74 Page 76 Page 91 Page 92

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor, or its Officers. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered as an endorsement for said product or procedure.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 3

Meet our

County Representative

Charlotte Luckett County Representative for North Devon My brother Martyn moved to Swindon to live with me in April 2005 to find work and get some life experience away from home. Whilst he was with me I think he learnt a

At this point the doctor called back, I listened to Martyn’s side of the conversation from my bedroom. From what I gather, the doctor told him to go and see him in the morning if he was still ill. For some reason I woke up and went to the living room. The next few minutes are a blur. Martyn had collapsed and was unconscious. I put Martyn into the recovery position and called an ambulance. The paramedics spent what seemed like hours with him. We got in the ambulance and drove to the hospital. I was taken into the relative’s room, where I waited for a few minutes.

lot about life without our parents’ support and I believe he actually found himself as an individual.

The doctor came in and told me to sit down. He informed me that Martyn had passed away a few minutes ago and that they did everything they

After three months, Martyn decided to move home with his new

possibly could to save him. I just looked at him and said nothing.

determined attitude. We decided to make his last weekend in Swindon the best. It started on Friday night when we got a takeaway meal and watched ‘Big Brother’. On Saturday morning we took part in a local primary school’s fun run, 1.5 miles with 250 entrants, Mart came 61st and completed the run in a good time. After lunch in the local park with a friend of mine, we went home to prepare for his last night in Swindon. The night out was brilliant, filled with lots of dancing and drinking. Martyn loved dancing and he always had women looking at him because of his

The post mortem revealed no cause of death, so we were advised, because of the way Martyn had felt the previous day, to send Martyn’s heart to Southampton University for further research. This was a hard decision to make for my family. It took five weeks to get an answer and, in the meantime, we had the funeral which is the hardest thing that we have ever had to do as a family. There were 450 people at the funeral. My other brother, Nick, and I gave a tribute.

outgoing nature. Towards the end of the night I decided to leave Martyn because he was chatting to some girls and I did not want to cramp his style. By the time I got home, he was waiting outside for me with some chips as he didn’t want me to go home alone.

We were informed that Martyn died of myocarditis, I looked on the Internet and came across a website called Cardiac Risk in the Young. Myocarditis is a viral infection that attacks the heart muscle, in worse cases it proves fatal. Although myocarditis is not hereditary, it would

The next day, like most people with a hangover, Martyn felt the need for junk food and went to the local chippy. On his return he mentioned that

appear that Martyn had an underlying heart condition, which made his heart susceptible to myocarditis.

he felt a little funny across his chest. The funny feelings lasted all day, but he did not feel any pain so he did not make a big deal about it. In the afternoon, we went to the local lake to walk my dog and play crazy golf. Martyn was sweating quite a lot, but it was a very hot day and he usually sweated a lot. Back home, Martyn was still feeling a little weird and started to feel a bit dizzy and feverish so he went for a nap before ‘Big Brother’. I rang Mum, as I did every evening; she was a little concerned and asked me to ring the NHS Helpline for their advice. They told me a nurse would call back within four hours. I asked my neighbour, Nicola, to pop around

How can someone at the age of 19 just collapse and die? Although Martyn was quite lazy in his working life, he was always active and competed nationally with his motorcycle trials and represented the South West on a number of occasions in the sport. My family have all been screened for potential heart problems and, at present, my brother, Dad and I are fine, however, my Mum has been found to have the condition that Martyn had. At least we are aware of Mum’s condition now and can control and monitor it. CRY have offered us support and counselling to come to terms with Martyn’s death.

to check on Martyn. Nicola, Martyn and I sat together in the bedroom, laughing and joking. Nicola told Martyn he had probably caught a cold and to drink water and get plenty of rest. Once Nicola left, Martyn went to sleep for an hour, I woke him later because he wanted to watch Big Brother. He said that he felt much better; it was as though he had never felt ill earlier.

I have been told by doctors that nothing I did would have saved Martyn because of the severity of the viral infection. It has taken me a long time to realise that at least I can look back now and say that we had so

The nurse from the NHS Helpline rang and was concerned that Martyn had felt dizzy and had feelings across his chest, so she recommended I phone my doctor for his opinion. My doctor’s surgery said a doctor would

much fun that weekend because we were both so unaware of what was going to happen.

call back within thirty minutes. It was now 11.30pm and Martyn was back to his normal self, so I asked if he minded whether I went to bed because I was working in Bristol the next morning and would have to be up early.

To read the full version of this article, go to Charlotte’s page at

I told him if he still felt ill in the morning I would take him to my doctor. He told me not to worry and to go to bed. I told him to wake me in the night if he needed me.

4 • CRY update • Issue 50

Meet our

County and Divisional Representatives

Shelagh Green

Anne Thomas

County Representative for Lothian (Edinburgh)

Divisional Representative for South Glamorgan

Having been together since meeting

Our son Gareth died in his sleep,

at Aberdeen University, James and I

aged 21 years, on 25 February

finally got round to getting married in

2007. He had graduated from

November 2001. Six months later James


went off to play cricket and didn’t come

International Politics and Law the

home. He collapsed during a game and

previous summer. He had recently

was rushed to nearby Edinburgh Royal

moved into a house with his oldest

Infirmary – when I arrived the medics had been trying to revive him for

friends and they were all busy

some time, but without success. My handsome, witty, intelligent “other

finding jobs, playing five–a–side

half” was gone. As you can imagine, that sort of thing turns your world upside down in an instant. Emily, James’ cousin’s wife, had her world turned upside down in much the same way 8 years earlier - her husband Rupert collapsed and died while playing tennis. Too much of a coincidence, further investigation suggested a genetic link (James and Rupert’s mothers were identical twins….which makes for interesting research). The postmortem attributed James’ death to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but the suspicion now is that it was probably arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). At the same time as losing a son, brother and husband we were dealing with the implications for the remaining family.





football together and playing in the band they had formed while still at school. Prior to his death Gareth has been fit and healthy and had just returned from his first skiing trip. When he was 10 years old he had complained of chest pain while running around in the sun. His pulse seemed a little irregular and as I was working as a cardiology research nurse at the time I decided to get this checked out. Gareth was seen by a paediatric cardiologist who carried out a number of tests, which were all normal. We were told that Gareth was a fit healthy little boy and that there was no need to mention this episode again.

Three of my brother- in-laws and one of my sister-in-laws now have ICDs fitted, cousins are also being treated and my gorgeous little nieces

A few days after we lost Gareth, I read about CRY and the work that they

and nephews are being monitored.

do. I contacted Alison who gave me some much-needed advice prior to our appointment with the Coroner. Gareth’s heart was examined by Dr

The loss of James and Rupert and the subsequent knowledge that has

Mary Sheppard who confirmed that it was entirely normal and that the

given the family, means we are hopeful our families won’t experience

likely cause of death was an arrhythmia.

the agonies of the sudden and untimely loss of a young person again. I attended the Family Medical Conference in London a few months later

Kathy Moyle

just trying to find out what had happened to Gareth. I was able to have a discussion with Dr Elijah Behr regarding family screening which was

County Representative for Devon (Exeter)

extremely helpful. I talked to one of the CRY counsellors who had lost

Sudden cardiac death syndrome has

who really understood how we all felt.

her adult son a few years before. It helped a lot to speak to someone

taken three members of my family, who all died from long QT syndrome.

Since then family and friends have raised money

My first daughter, Pauline, died in 1979

for CRY by taking part in

aged 16, Rosaleen died in 2002 aged 38 years. Matthew, Rosaleen’s

both Bridges walks and

son died in 2002 aged 17 years.







Without the help of CRY we would be left in the dark. It’s only through

also run half-marathons

CRY’s campaign that we are aware of sudden cardiac death syndrome.

and donated money to CRY. A large amount of money has been raised by Gareth’s Nan and her card group who have donated all by






Christmas and greetings cards.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 5


from the

Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE CRY Founder & Chief Executive

Emily Thornberry MP joins the Cardiac Risk in the Young APPG Emily Thornberry MP (Labour - Islington South & Finsbury) has become the 114th member of the Cardiac Risk in the Young All Party Parliamentary Group.

May CRY Philips Test My Heart tour launched

April Postcard Campaign moves on to North West

2 May The first free heart testing tour of England was launched at Tesco’s Dragonville store in Durham, with the first screening held in memory of

6 April The launch of our North West postcard was in tandem with that of the CRY clinic at Liverpool John Moores University. Our largest ever group of 80 bereaved attended this event. George Howarth MP for Knowsley North and Sefton East spoke about the importance of the CRY All Party Parliamentary Group and how MPs are there to help families if needed; Kevin Wilson spoke about the devastating loss of their son Kevin and the impact this had on their family and Dr Carey Edwards answered questions about the lethal heart conditions that can suddenly strike without warning robbing a family of what often seemed the fittest and healthiest member. For pictures from the launch see page 15, more details can be found at

101 CRY entrants in the 2009 London Marathon 26 April Congratulations and a huge thank-you to all who took part in the Flora London Marathon including CRY Patron and former England Rugby Union International Simon Halliday. Never was anyone more thankful for a leg massage in the bowels of the Hilton Hotel with the CRY team than Simon whose grotesque ankle injury during a rugby match resulted in him being told he would never run again. His rehabilitation and determination have lead to him now successfully (albeit painfully) completing 2 marathons for CRY. Special thanks also go to our magnificent team of supporters who on the day covered the run; collecting our runners from the event and transporting them to their very welcome hot shower and massage in the hotel; looking after waiting friends and family. The fame and skills of our masseurs whose terrific job in softening the hardened knotted muscles of participants facilitating not only their journey home but also their post-run rehabilitation is hugely appreciated by us all.

Levon Morland. The mobile unit, donated by Philips, was divided into 4 rooms and a waiting area. State of the art Philips’ ECG and ECHO equipment was donated for the tests. The CRY screening team, including doctors, were present at all locations throughout the tour and every person screened was seen by the doctor in the consulting room before leaving. For more details and pictures of the tour see pages 26 – 29 or visit

North East Postcard Launch 2 May CRY’s ‘12 a week’ postcard campaign continued with the launch of the new North East postcard which was held in tandem with the launch of the CRY Philips Test My Heart Tour 09. Dr Roberta Blackman Woods spoke about the role of MPs and the contribution they could make to the families welfare at this vulnerable time and Kenny Bowen about the impact on his family in the aftermath of their tragedy. For pictures from the launch see page 15, for more details visit

For more details and pictures see pages 16 – 19 or visit

6 • CRY update • Issue 50


from the

Chief Executive

European Congress of Human Genetics 2009

City of London Police Awards and Charity Gala

24 May

20 June

I was invited to speak at the European Congress of Human Genetics 2009 organised by the Vienna Medical Academy.

The gala night, which pays tribute to the hard work and dedication of its officers and staff, was held at the Grange City Hotel in Tower Hill. CRY Patron and former England Rugby Union international Simon Halliday filmed a heartfelt thank-you tribute to the force, as CRY benefitted from the fund-raising efforts from this year’s dinner dance.

This mammoth conference was a very different experience to any other I had ever been to. The programme ran for 10 hours daily for 3 consecutive days; there were often 6 concurrent sessions/workshops/symposiums or plenary sessions going on. Ours was in room S03 where the symposium was entitled “Counselling in a multidisciplinary cardiogenetics team: a luxury or a need.” This 90 minute symposium was divided between 4 speakers and my talk was titled “Peer support – a critical resource” highlighting CRY’s support service for young people and their families after a diagnosis and bereavement through a young sudden cardiac death.

June CRY Family Medical Conference 13 June CRY’s Family Medical Conference was held at the Institute of Child Health in London. Her Majesty’s Coroner Dr Penny Schofield (coroner for West Sussex) discussed the role of the coroner in young sudden death and Dr Mary Sheppard discussed the role of the expert cardiac pathologist and the importance of the CRY pathology grant facilitating a fast track service for sudden cardiac death. Our expert consultant cardiologists Dr Sanjay Sharma and Dr Elijah Behr spoke about the conditions that can sometimes lead to young sudden cardiac death. After the talks family members were able to put questions to the speakers and to speak to them personally in the intervals. The conference was full with 44 people registered and considered informative and helpful by those bereaved families seeking to understand how it is possible for an apparently fit and healthy young person to die from a heart condition they were completely unaware of.

Before flying out to join The Lions rugby tour in South Africa, Simon met Det Insp Steve Jackson from the Gala Awards organising team to pay tribute to the force’s support for the charity. Simon said, “This is an enormous boost for the CRY charity that an organisation like the City of London Police has chosen to support them, thank you so much.” Steve, who has been with the City of London Police Awards Committee for the last six years, got involved with CRY’s campaign following his own personal experience last summer. For more details and pictures visit

North Regional Bereavement Support Day 27 June A small group of 12 attended the North RBSD, held at the Weetwood Hall Conference Centre and Hotel in Leeds. Groups were supported by CRY Bereavement

Cardiac Networks Meeting, London 15 June I was invited by NHS Improvement - Heart to speak at a national meeting for the Cardiac Networks to discuss arrangements for commissioning and implementing Inherited Cardiac Conditions (ICC) services. Specifically I was requested to give my views on quality markers of a good Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions service representing the patients perspective. This was part of a larger session in which a number of different speakers from different disciplines were asked to give their views on this subject.

Supporters Amanda Barker, Maralyn Bowen, Julie Donelly, Ruth Lowe (pictured) and myself.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 7


from the

Chief Executive

Conclusion of CRY Philips Test My Heart tour

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk

To the astonishment of those attending CRY’s Honorary President Sir Ian Botham dropped into visit the Welwyn Garden City screening event on his way to The Oval during the penultimate week of the tour. He also had his heart tested declaring “CRY now needs this screening trailer on tour permanently throughout the country to develop the screening programme.”

26 July

The tour finished in Brentford, London with an old fashioned tea including home made cakes made by Karen Blease at a reception at Brentford FC’s Griffin Park. Speakers included John Atwell MD of Philips who co-sponsored the tour, Andy Scott who spoke about being diagnosed by CRY’s cardiologist Sanjay Sharma after he felt unwell during a game, and Susan Kramer MP (Liberal Democrat – Richmond Park).

The CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk took place with over 600 CRY supporters participating in the event. This was led by our new patron Phil Packer. Kathryn Harries gave us a wonderful rendition of songs accompanied by her cocker spaniel Dora. We would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who took part and all those who contributed to the smooth running of the day. For more details and pictures of the walk see pages 30 and 31 or visit

August Cheque Presentation by the City of London Police Awards 2 August

14 young people with heart abnormalities have been found so far thanks to CRY and Philips’ first “free testing” tour. Brentford FC are currently managed by CRY Patron Andy Scott, whose own football playing career was cut short after he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. For more details and pictures of the tour see pages 26 – 29 or visit

I was delighted to be invited to the beautiful rugby grounds at Twickenham to be part of the presentation of a cheque to CRY from the City of London Police Awards fund-raising event with CRY Patron Rob Andrew.



James Doherty Represents CRY in Wimbledon’s Men’s Singles Final coin toss

CRY Deputy Chief Executive awarded doctorate from UCL

5 July

7 September James Doherty (14) from Codicote fulfilled his life long ambition by appearing on Centre Court, as he took on the prestigious role as official ‘coin tosser’ for the Men’s Singles Final at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships – representing CRY.

Just 10 months ago, James, was a Junior County Champion and tipped as one of the UK’s future ‘stars’ of the game. The day was also a poignant reminder of the fact he is now unable to play competitive sport, following diagnosis of the heart condition long QT syndrome. 5 years previously Laura John had represented CRY at the coin toss also with Federer and Roddick contesting the final. For more details and pictures visit

8 • CRY update • Issue 50

Following 6 years of intense study and research, CRY Deputy Chief Executive Steve Cox was awarded his doctorate. The newly-titled Dr. Cox studied his PhD part-time at the UCL Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, whilst also working full time at CRY. UCL has recently been heralded as the 4th best university in the world, making Steve’s achievement all the more prestigious.

South West Regional Bereavement Support Day 13 September Nine people registered for the South West RBSD, held at the Bristol Golf and County Club. Groups were supported on the day by CRY Bereavement

News Supporters Barbara Holland, Vanessa Tardiff, Anne Reynolds (pictured) and myself.

Great North Run 2009

from the

Chief Executive

who are dying – often needlessly – from previously undiagnosed heart conditions. An image captured by photographer James McCauley on the day has been used for one of our campaign postcards. For more details and pictures visit


20 September

Royal Parks Half Marathon

Congratulations and a huge “thank you” to all who took part in the BUPA Great North Run in aid of CRY. This year we had a record 80 runners amongst the 54,000 participants, including CRY Patron and former England Rugby Union International, Simon Halliday.

11 October Congratulations and a huge thank you to all the runners who took part in the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon in aid of CRY This year was the second Royal Parks Half Marathon and CRY were fortunate enough to have 24 runners amongst the the 15,000 competitors, many of whom were running in memory of a young person who had died suddenly.

It was an emotional day for everyone, blessed with wonderful weather for spectators but unusually warm for running! Despite the heat and the huge number of entrants, many of our runners still managed to achieve amazing times, which was quite a feat. This was the first year that CRY has had a stall at the Great North Run. Next year we hope to have an even stronger presence as 2010 is CRY’s 15th anniversary year and Sunday 19 September 2010 will be the 30th Great North Run. For more details and pictures from the day see pages 20–23 or visit and

The Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon also provided CRY with a great opportunity to raise awareness of the charity and its aims, so we were delighted to be able to attend the event. For more details and pictures see pages 24 and 25 or visit

CRY joins Twitter 16 October

CRY on the “One & Other” plinth, Trafalgar Square 28 September Sian Thomas (26) from Llantrisant in Wales was delighted to tell us that she had successfully applied for a slot on the “One & Other” plinth at Trafalgar Square to raise awareness of CRY in memory of her brother. Gareth (who studied law and international politics) died suddenly died in his sleep from an undiagnosed heart condition (long QT syndrome) in February 2007, at the age of 21. Since his death, his sister Sian was screened and identified as suffering from the same condition. Sian used her ‘hour’ on the Plinth to reinforce the sobering statistics about the numbers of young people

CRY initially joined Twitter to respond to Jan Moir’s article about Stephen Gately’s death and raise awareness that these sudden deaths can just happen to ‘anyone’. Since then tweets have covered a variety of topics, from promoting upcoming screening days to announcing new patrons and thanking supporters. If you want to follow CRY on Twitter you need to have a Twitter account and you can find us at

CRY ‘paves the way’ for how a national cardiac screening programme could look in 2012 16 October To coincide with Raising Awareness Week, CRY announced the first initiative in the UK to screen every 14-year-old born in the South East in 1995 (the year that CRY was founded). The launch of this important new programme coincides with the announcement of the world’s first specialist, multi-disciplinary ‘centre’ dedicated to young sudden cardiac death, to be based at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, South West London. The screening initiative will help to lay the foundations for a national programme in the future. The focus on 14-year-olds is because postpuberty is the earliest age that proactive screening is viable. This unique programme has been made possible thanks to a significant 2 year grant from ICAP, the interdealer broker. The project is also being supported by Philips Healthcare, who have donated state of the art screening equipment.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 9


from the

Chief Executive

Raising Awareness Week 17 to 25 October Throughout CRY’s Raising Awareness Week and the whole of October our supporters helped us to raise awareness and funds in their local community. Supporters manned information stalls, gave talks at clubs, distributed CRY posters for display, and much more. For more details and pictures see pages 34 and 35.

CRY Parliamentary Reception

South East Regional Bereavement Support Day 24 October 40 people registered for the South East RBSD, held at the Wimbledon Park Golf Club. Groups were led on the day by CRY Bereavement Supporters Margy Al Chalabi, Caroline Gard,

21 October As part of Raising Awareness Week, CRY hosted its annual Parliamentary Reception at Westminster with new CRY Patron Phil Packer as guest of honour. 200 guests attended the event including 40 MPs. Lord Sebastian Coe also stopped by for a few minutes. The event was hosted by Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods MP (Labour – City of Durham), Roger Gale MP (Conservative – North Thanet and Chairman of the CRY All Party Parliamentary Group) and Dr Vince Cable (Liberal Democrat – Twickenham) with key speaker The RT. Hon. Andy Burnham, Secretary of State for Health, who included in his announcements that he was swimming Lake Windermere in the Great North Swim for CRY in 2010.

Stephanie Patterson, Anne Reynolds, Carly Sykes, Vanessa Tardiff, Dianne Tolley (pictured) and myself.

November National Pathology Week 2 to 8 November For details of all the speakers and guests attending the event see pages 32 and 33 or visit

Dr Sanjay Sharma appointed Professor of Inherited Cardiovascular Disease and Sports Cardiology at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust 21 October We are very proud to announce that CRY’s consultant cardiologist Dr Sanjay Sharma has been appointed Professor of Inherited Cardiovascular Disease and Sports Cardiology, to be based at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, South West London. Sanjay will be taking up his appointment on 2 February 2010 – at the start of CRY’s 15th anniversary year – and it is poignant that Sanjay should be returning to the hospital where he (not only) took his final exams to become a consultant but where he first linked up with CRY and declared his interest in this complicated field of medicine. St George’s was also the first hospital in the UK to develop a family screening clinic after CRY’s donation of an echocardiogram machine facilitated the establishment of a specialist clinic in young sudden cardiac death with subsequently whole families being screened together after a tragedy. Sanjay will spearhead the new Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology centre at St George’s, which will combine three essential features of CRY’s mission to eliminate young (aged 35 and under) sudden cardiac death - offering services for ‘affected families’, competitive athletes and the general population. The new centre will provide a ‘one stop shop’ for young people and those affected who wish to be screened for potentially life-threatening cardiac problems.

10 • CRY update • Issue 50

Organised by the Royal College of Pathologists, National Pathology Week had a Cardiac Theme for 2009 and there were numerous events planned all over the UK with Dr Sheppard from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology organising and participating in several of these events in London. Mary organised a well attended conference for clinicians on young sudden cardiac death at the Royal Society of Medicine in London at which she invited me to speak. She also organised an event for students from 2 local secondary schools at the Royal Brompton Hospital to encourage those with an interest in science and medicine to enter the fields of pathology and cardiology who met 2 of our bereaved mothers who had lost sons, Stephanie Paterson and Margy Al Chalabi. For more details of events see the Report from the CRY CCP on page 13

CRY supporter Ann Wilson meets the Queen at school opening 6 November CRY supporter Ann Wilson met the Queen at the official opening of Washington School (Washington, Sunderland) where Ann works in the cookery room teaching cookery to Year 7 children. Ann lost her son James (Jimmy) suddenly in 2004, aged 24 years old.

News She told me that the Queen spoke to her about Jimmy and that she told her about CRY and the work we do. She looked at the postcard with Jimmy and the other 11 young people from the North East and said she was aware of CRY

from the

Chief Executive

December ICAP Charity Day 9 December

Ann baked a colourful bear cake with a red heart on to raffle for CRY and a Pudsy cake to raffle for Children in Need. The newspapers covered stories about Jimmy and CRY.

Meeting called of contributors to Bereavement Charter 16 November Minister of Justice Bridget Prentice called a meeting with those of us who had contributed to the development of the Bereavement Charter. This vital part of the Coroners Bill will ensure that the needs of grieving families are heard and acted upon.

Surgery Supporters Network (SSN) Meeting This was held at the beautiful Reigate Manor Hotel courtesy of The Attridge family. 4 young people attended and felt they had greatly benefited from our usual format of group counselling and a lunchtime visit from Professor Sanjay Sharma who gave up his time to come in and informally discuss any medical anxieties that they may have – the kind of questions you never seem to get time to discuss with your consultant cardiologist.

Postcard Campaign moves to Wales 12 November The launch of the ‘12-a-week’ postcard took place in Cardiff, attended by 40 bereaved families from across Wales. There was significant media coverage with at one point 5 cameras filming including BBC and ITV Wales. Postcards are available to send to both MPs and AMs, and Andrew Davies AM for South Wales Central spoke of the importance of this initiative to raise awareness.

CRY was chosen as one of the charities to benefit from the ICAP Charity Day 2009, thanks to efforts of CRY supporter (and County Representative for Kent) James Brown, whose wife Katrina died suddenly in 2006 aged 31. On ICAP’s annual Charity Day, the commission earned on any deals brokered during the day is split between a number of chosen charities. Personnel and Patrons from the nominated charities may attend the day, and are often requested by the brokers (in their chosen fancy dress – see picture) to speak to clients on the phone to try and encourage them to close a deal! CRY Patron Pat Jennings OBE KSG was a phenomenal success and still being mobbed by supporters four hours after he started touring the four dealing floors. He closed two deals in New York and one in Athens; shook hundreds of hands; had scores of photos taken and signed innumerable autographs on all sorts of unusual things/strange places. The day also featured an in-house auction for ICAP clients and employees with charities receiving the full amount raised for any item they had donated. Bjorn Borg had given one of his unique wooden rackets to CRY 16 years ago and after it achieved its reserve price of £1,000 we were all absolutely delighted with the opportunity that the ICAP auction offered. CRY Patron Jeremy Bates was a huge help in fast-tracking the necessary certificate to authenticate the racket which he achieved by contacting his friend ex Wimbledon champion Pat Cash who was playing in a tournament in China with Bjorn and had the certificate returned within 48 hours signed by Bjorn and witnessed by Pat!

For pictures from the launch see page 15, for more details visit

The funds that CRY receives as a result of ICAP Charity Day 2009 will launch CRY’s new screening initiative to offer screening to young people in the South East born in 1995.

Midlands Regional Bereavement Support Day

For more details and pictures from the day visit

28 November Thirty-five people attended the Midlands RBSD, held at Eastwood Hall in Nottingham. Groups were led on the day by CRY Bereavement Supporters M a r a l y n Bowen, Joan Hillier, Ruth Lowe, Stephanie Patterson and Dianne Tolley (pictured).

Meeting of Implementation Board of Chapter 8 9 December The Implementation Board of Chapter 8 met for the final time after 5 years of extensive debate. In that time the Department of Health fulfilled their commitment to promulgate information about the new Chapter 8 on Arrhythmias on Sudden Death launch in March 2005. Much progress has been made and coupled with governments initiatives of removing barriers to expert referrals out of area and allowing second opinions on the NHS a great deal has been achieved in raising awareness of these life-threatening conditions. Much remains to be done but tremendous interest has been generated in this complicated field of medicine. This is beginning to yield vital research and a better understanding in the medical profession of the terrible impact of the consequences of bereavement from a young sudden cardiac death.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 11


CRY News

CRY was invited to have a stand at Brentford FC’s fun day on Sunday 17 May. Denise Roberts and Christine Smith-Page helped to man the stand. They had taken part in the Just Walk event two weeks earlier and had acquired a signed Brentford FC football shirt which they were raffling to raise more money towards their event. This helped to attract several visitors to the stand. Brentford FC Manager and CRY Patron, Andy Scott drew the raffle. Paul Clabburn and Claire Prosser also helped out on the stand and were promoting the forthcoming Philips Test my Heart Screening event at Brentford FC, funded by their son Tom Clabburn’s Memorial fund.

On 2 November, Ulster TV aired

On 11 November CRY set up a page

the documentary After Aaron.

on Facebook. Within 2 months of

The half hour programme which

setting up the Cardiac Risk in the

told the story about the brilliant

Young page on Facebook we had

life and tragic death of young

over 1000 ‘fans’. It’s another way of

golfer Aaron Lundy who lost

getting news and interacting with CRY. If you are on Facebook search for

his life to a curable condition

our page (Cardiac Risk in the Young) and become a fan to stay updated

called Wolfe Parkinson White

with all of CRY’s news.

Syndrome. Over the course of 2009 our supporters raised Ten





£405.19 via Ebay for Charity. If you would

Threesome Productions, told


his story to raise awareness for more

about sudden cardiac death in young people in Northern Ireland.


12 • CRY update • Issue 50








Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology

The average turnaround time for referrals at the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology was well inside the target of 14 days, for most of the year. During July and August, the centre was slightly over target due to the continuing high number of referrals, Dr Sheppard taking annual leave and attending a number of conferences. The number of cases referred to the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology has been consistently high throughout 2009 with a minimum of 10 cases referred each month. More referrals were received from Scotland in 2009 than in previous years and the centre has also received referrals from hospitals where there has been no previous contact. In May 2009, the centre sent a brief information letter outlining the service provided at the Royal Brompton Hospital for a free specialist cardiac examination done within a period of 14 days to all coroners and this appears to have increased the number of cases referred. Over the whole of 2009, there were more than 150 referrals. As well as clinical work, Dr Sheppard organised several teaching events and conferences. She was invited to Christchurch Canterbury University and Imperial College London to give regular lectures to BSc students and ran sessions for Cardiac Genetic Nurses at the request of the British Heart Foundation. Dr Sheppard was also invited to speak at 6 national and 4 international meetings. Students from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology, Roxanna Georgiou, Kush Patel and Keiko Ogo, have had abstracts accepted to the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2010. During 2009, Dr Sheppard was involved in producing 8 research papers which were published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including: • Papadakis M, Sharma S, Cox S, Sheppard MN, Panoulas VF, Behr ER. The magnitude of sudden cardiac death in the young: a death certificate-based review in England and Wales. European Society of Cardiology. August 21st epub • Edwards CP, Yavari A, Sheppard MN, Sharma S. Anomalous coronary origin: the challenge in preventing exercise-related sudden cardiac death. Br J Sports Med 2009;000:1-3 - to be published in December 2009 • Whyte GP, Sheppard MN, George K et al. Post-mortem evidence of idiopathic left ventricular hypertrophy and idiopathic interstitial myocardial fibrosis: is exercise the cause? Br J Sports Med 2008 April; 42(4):304-5. Dr Sheppard also had 6 referred case reports published and wrote for book chapters of 3 books. She is currently writing Practical Cardiovascular Pathology (Second Edition) which is due to be published in 2010. Dr Sofia de Noronha is currently working on a grant application to the British Heart Foundation to request funding for a researcher to complete a project on normal Heart Weights. A pilot study was conducted at Woking Coroner’s Office and further data was collected from Broomsfield Hospital in Chelmsford during December 2009, with more data collection to follow.


Dr Sheppard organised several meetings during 2009 including ‘Postoperative Deaths’ at the Royal Society of Medicine in June, ‘Adult Cardiovascular Pathology’ at the National Heart and Lung Institute in October, and ‘Sudden Death - UK Experience’ at the Royal Society of Medicine in November. Sudden Death – UK Experience was aimed, not only at pathologists and cardiologists but also at coroners, geneticists, cardiac nurses and genetic councillors. CRY sponsored the meeting and Chief Executive, Alison Cox MBE, spoke about families and bereavement in sudden cardiac death. The event featured lectures by Professor John Camm, Dr Huon Gray, Dr Martin Goddard, Dr Perry Elliott, Professor Sanjay Sharma, Dr Elijah Behr and Dr Paul Brennan who are all leading members in their field of cardiology, genetics and pathology. Dr Sheppard also spoke about the national network of cardiac pathology and the new national database for sudden cardiac death which was launched in December 2009. To close the meeting there was a round table discussion on preventative strategies. Those who attended found the meeting informative and enjoyable and were more aware of sudden cardiac death, prevention, diagnoses, screening and the effects and treatment for surviving family members. Dr Sheppard invited students from two local secondary schools to attend the Royal Brompton Hospital as part of National Pathology Week. The theme for 2009 was cardiac and as a representative for the Royal College of Pathologists Dr Mary Sheppard organised an afternoon of short lectures and demonstrations to encourage those students with an interest in science and medicine to enter the fields of pathology and cardiology. Dr Sanjay Prasad gave a short presentation on cardiac imaging before the students were taken to the Echocardiography department where some willing patients allowed the students to view an echocardiogram with Dr Christine Thorp. Dr Sheppard demonstrated some animal hearts showing the differences between a normal heart and some features of abnormal hearts. Stephanie Paterson and Margy Al Chalabi attended as representatives of CRY and spoke to the students about the work that CRY does with screening and counselling of families following the sudden death of a child, sibling, partner or parent. Both have experienced sudden cardiac death first hand with the loss of a son and with help from CRY have trained as counsellors to help other people who suffer from the same loss.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 13

CRY Screening report Throughout the year we had a mix of school, community and sports screenings. During the CRY Philips Testmyheart tour we screened 2,000 young people, for more details of the tour see pages 26 and 27. At the start of April we screened 120 people in Doncaster through the Stubbings Family Screening. The following week we screened 23 people from Middlesex Cricket Club and 27 people from the British judo team. On the weekend of 18 April we had a busy clinic in Omagh, Northern Ireland, where we screened over 170 people. Seventeen days after its official launch, we screened 77 people at the clinic in Liverpool John Moores University. At the end of April we screened 47 people at Bryanston School. In May, we held our regular Colchester clinic which was followed by our regular Northern Ireland clinic at the start of June where we screened just over 250 people. Shortly after we screened a further 154 people in Omagh, Northern Ireland. At the start of July, we screened 184 people at Sandhurst and as part of our mobile screenings we visited Redcar and Darwen. 37 were screened in Redcar, paid for by the Memorial Fund of Ian Bowen, and 43 were screened in Darwen, paid for by the Memorial Fund of Neil Wicker and David Staff. In July, we also had our regular clinics in Northern Ireland, Cardiff and Colchester – screening a total of 327 across the 3 clinics. Sports screenings in July were held at Fulham FC, where we screened 8 athletes, and for Rugby team Worcester Warriors, where we screened 25 athletes. Towards the end of July, we held a screening for Philips staff in Chichester which screened 89 people and the month finished with a busy screening in Guildford which 178 people attended.

Rugby Seniors, 27 at Manchester City Football Club, 15 from Paralympic swimming in Manchester and 43 from the GB Diving team. In September, we held our regular Northern Ireland clinic, which screened 127 people, and two large community screenings. On 8-9 September, we screened 78 people in Glasgow as part of the Philips Hamilton screening. On 27 September, we screened 105 in Wolverhampton which was funded by the CRY West Midlands ECG Screening Programme. We continued sports screenings through September, including 34 from the GB rowing team at Caversham, 27 from the GB Rugby (England Rugby Under 20’s) team at Twickenham, 8 from the GB Paralympic Swimming team and 6 from the GB Swimming team at Swansea National Pool and a further 16 from the GB Swimming team at Loughborough. In October, our second regular clinic in Liverpool screened 48 people whilst the regular Colchester clinic screened 39 people. In Nottingham we screened 217 people, at Chichester University we screened 59 people and at the Isle of Man clinic at the end of October we screened 391 people. In terms of sports screenings, 26 more athletes were screened from the GB Swimming team in Bath and Stockport, 15 athletes were screened for the Lawn Tennis Association and 13 athletes were screened for the England Rugby Under 18’s team. In November, our regular clinic in Northern Ireland screened 178 people whilst at our regular Cardiff clinic we screened 109 people. Towards the end of November we screened 253 people at a mobile screening held in the grounds of Loughborough University. Our sports screenings continued through November with 35 athletes of GB Badminton screened at the National Badminton Centre in Milton Keynes, 17 athletes from England Cricket at Loughborough, 10 athletes from the Lawn Tennis Association at Roehampton and 11 athletes from the England Rugby Sevens at Twickenham.

We started August in Harwich, where we screened 123 people which was shortly followed by a screening of 100 people in Glemsford. Throughout August there were various sports screenings, including 21 of the England

GB Swimming team with screening staff at Loughborough

14 • CRY update • Issue 50

CRY Postcard Launches 2009 CRY continued the ‘12 a week’ campaign in 2009, with regional postcard launches in the North West on 6 April, the North East on 2 May and in Wales on 12 November. The symbolic campaign (which first started in 2004 to promote the fact that 8 young deaths were, at the time, estimated every week), was re-launched at a national event at Westminster in 2008. Over the past 5 years, around 100,000 postcards have been requested by CRY families to raise awareness and lobby support. This campaign highlights young sudden death tragedies with our 12 silhouettes which accompany all these events.

North West CRY’s North West postcard was unveiled at the LJMU Clinic launch. A poster-sized version of an emotive new postcard - featuring the photos of 12 young people from the North West of England who lost their lives suddenly to previously undetected heart conditions – was unveiled at the ceremony in Liverpool. The Wilson family The postcard includes a picture of Kevin Wilson, who died suddenly from arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) in 2006 at 23 years old. His father Kevin spoke about their devastating loss and the effect on their family. George Howarth MP for Knowsley North and Sefton East spoke about the importance of the CRY All Party Parliamentary Group.

George Howarth MP

North East Families from the North East of England gathered together to help launch CRY’s new ‘12 a week’ postcard campaign in their area of the UK. The launch coincided with the start of the CRY Philips Test My Heart Tour 09. Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods MP spoke at the launch for CRY families.

Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods MP

Kenny Bowen

The North East postcard includes a picture of Ian Bowen, who died suddenly from Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (WPW) in 1996 at 19 years old. His father Kenny spoke of the impact on his family in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Wales The Welsh region postcard was unveiled at a ceremony in Cardiff. The symbolic campaign includes Gareth Thomas who died suddenly from a condition known as long QT Syndrome in 2007 at 21 years old. His mother Anne shared her family’s experience of the tragedy. Andrew Davies AM for South Wales Central spoke of the importance of the postcard campaign in raising awareness.

Anne Thomas

The results of a national opinion poll, commissioned by CRY, show that overall understanding of sudden cardiac death in the young remains low in Wales with over half of people (53%) questioned saying they were not aware of the scale of deaths and the fact that 12 young people are dying every week. As part of its ongoing commitment to increasing accessibility to cardiac screening for young people, CRY has opened a specialist screening unit based at the University of Glamorgan.

Andrew Davies AM

CRY update • Issue 50 • 15

London Marathon


Thank-you to everyone who ran for CRY, not forgetting everyone who supported our runners, both on the day and leading up to the race. At this year’s London Marathon we had 101 runners. Of these, 68 were Golden Bond runners and 33 who donated their places to run for CRY. The total raised so far is a fantastic £172,301.06.

“We were engulfed in a wave of music and drums and Jelly Babies - which are apparently the best type of refuelling as the body loses energy! It was truly inspiring and caused me to run faster than I should.” Simon Halliday

“I was accompanied by two chickens for the first ten miles, who seemed to be at exactly my pace, but then I lost them amidst the carnival atmosphere of East London.” Simon Halliday

“The Rhinoceros finally caught me at 19 miles whilst I was scaling the second, if not third, wall - I watched it shuffle into the distance as I slowed to a genuine snail’s pace. Every water station was like an oasis and yet another excuse to stop, although where the crowds were thickest I kept running. You felt you were letting them down otherwise.” Simon Halliday

“I had wanted to put in a sprint finish, but there was nothing in the tank and I crossed the line at a fast plod, with a big smile on my face.” Simon Halliday

16 • CRY update • Issue 50

London Marathon


“Would we do it again? Pulled groin muscle, the now missing toe-nail and other aches and pains? It would be madness to do it again, but that elusive 5 hour target keeps popping back into our minds. We signed up for the 2010 ballot as soon as we could!!!!” Alison Pearson and Leonie Madigan

“The first 13 miles passed in a flash. We overtook Katie Price and Peter Andre at 11 miles and despite my best efforts, they didn’t seem keen on running with us for some reason!” Alison Pearson and Leonie Madigan

I have to say that as the day grew closer I thought I had to be mad ever to think that I could do it. I’d done all the training and still only covered 16 miles and my 60 year old bones and joints were protesting big time.” Penny Simpson

“In the end, unexpectedly, I had an unforgettable day, one I never believed I could ever have in our life without Ben. It shines like a beacon and maybe will lighten the way ahead, a little.” Penny Simpson

CRY update • Issue 50 • 17

London Marathon


“I loved all 26 miles, didn’t hit the wall, didn’t feel tired, had so much energy left at the end I could’ve run another mile if I had to though my legs might’ve objected somewhat.” Sarah Butterworth

“My medal has been everywhere with me this week, I’m so proud of it, and I know that whatever happens in the rest of my life I will always be able to call myself a marathon runner.” Sarah Butterworth

18 • CRY update • Issue 50

London Marathon


Our runners in 2009: CRY Heart Costume runners: Dominic Bruneau Jonathan Fletcher Carl Fitter

Rebecca Haigh David Hetherington Mark Hughes

Gavin Readings Charlotte Wood Matt Wood

‘Snow White and the 7 Dwarves’ team: Sarah Alcock Martin Bartlett Martin Gibb

Michael Lush Mark Milliken-Smith Carolyn Slater

Rebecca Standish Nigel Taylor

Niall Gallagher Janos Geering Jonny Goode Paul Hadaway Roger Haddrell Simon Halliday (CRY Patron) Ian Harkness Catherine Hartlebury Wendy Hilton Jane Hobbs David Hollidge Martyn Hopping James Iveson Conan Jal Ian Kerrod Stuart Kitteringham Graeme Laycock Michelle Levy Jennifer Livesey Rachel Livesey Chris Lydon Catherine Lyness Leonie Madigan Seni Majekodunmi Elizabeth Mark Pete McCarthy Shelagh McKail Louise Meredith Sam Mitchell

Cassandra Morris John Murwill Phil Murwill Helen Neville Darren Nicholls Sarah Parsons Alison Pearson Steve Peel Eric Phillips Kevin Piper Deborah Rennie Craig Robinson Catherine Sales Cathryn Scott Joe Sears Joe Simpson Penny Simpson Edd Smith Grainne Somers Alex Strong Caroline Sunderland Emily Trembath Matthew Vosper Steve Wilkes Michaela Winter Lindsey Wood

More CRY runners: Daniel Anderson Heather Andrews Helen Armstrong Huw Arthur Jo Bradbrook Alan Bruno Susan Bryden Sarah Butterworth Rosemary Castle Laura Champion Chris Chapman Sajad Chaudhury Hayden Chick Roy Clark Adam Collins Hati Colvin Lucy Conrad Nick Cotter Carla Dolan Rose Dolan Ursula Donnelly Ian Duck Jo Duff Gill East Richard Feist Katy Finch Julia Fonnereau Joanne Foster Sue Fox

Our thanks also to the following volunteers who helped out on the day: Alicia Arthur Martin Arthur Mike Aylott Malcolm Butterworth Pearl Butterworth Sophie Chapman the Donnelly family Tracey Duncan Mark Fawcett Fran Griffin Chris Haigh Alan Hartlebury

Alyson Hartlebury Stephen Hartlebury Charlotte (friend of the Hartlebury family) Paul Hayward Barbara Holland Jim Holland Steve Jackson Natasha Jackson Paddy Jelen James Loder Koula Louki Jeanne Love

Katherine McNamara Gavin Owen Charlie Pearson George Pearson Vicky Pearson Ian Ritchie Alan Stewart Richard Thompson Chris and Katy Turberville and family Catherine Walker

And thanks to the masseuses and masseurs Rachel Arnheim Jenny Barter Nikki Bryce Mark Chan Alis Crawford

Tom East Fionna Friel Emma Gibson Alex Hough Terry Hugill

Martyn Jenkins Elliot Kennard Emily Lawson Christine McConigley

For more photos and full event write-ups, visit

CRY update • Issue 50 • 19


Running Highlights

Great North Run 2009 Congratulations and a huge “thank you” to all who took part in the BUPA Great North Run in aid of CRY on Sunday 20th September 2009. This year we had a record 80 runners amongst the 54,000 participants, including CRY Patron and former England Rugby Union International Simon Halliday It was great to meet so many of our runners and supporters in person on the day and present them with a well earned goody bag and chocolate supply. There was an atmosphere of achievement mixed with exhaustion around the CRY meeting point. Fortunately we seemed to have the best location for sea views - it was a beautiful vista, perfect for viewing the Red Arrows whilst cooling down. Thank you to all who came to meet us. We hope that all of our runners are now feeling less sore than they were at the finish and that everyone has fully recovered! Once again an enormous “thank you” to all of our runners for your huge effort in completing the half marathon and for all of your fundraising for CRY. Thank you also to all who have sponsored a CRY runner for the Great North Run or made a donation. It was a fantastic day. This was the first year that CRY has had a stall at the Great North Run. Next year we hope to have an even stronger presence as 2010 is CRY’s 15th anniversary year and Sunday 19th September 2010 will be the 30th Great North Run. For more details and pictures from the day visit and

20 • CRY update • Issue 50


Running Highlights

CRY update • Issue 50 • 21


Running Highlights

22 • CRY update • Issue 50


Running Highlights

Well done and “thank you” to all the CRY runners in the 2009 Great North Run: Julie Alcoc Adrian Armstrong Alan Atkinson Walter Bacon Edward Blad Nick Blyth Richard Blyth Mary Bucknell Jessica Kate Burns Michele Cochrane Jerry Connolly Michelle Connolly Michael Cottam Victoria Cottam Simon Cox Heather Darby Jen Darby Alice Davies Andrew Dearsley Matt Dickinson John David Douglas Patrick Dudman Alison Edward David Evans Mark Ewins Claire Ferguson Ben Floyd Harriet Fortescue

Elaine Freeman Darren Frost Christopher Gent Victoria Glass Kelly Gleadow Suzannah Goode Shelagh Green Simon Halliday John Harrison Martin Harrison Alexander Hoogewerf Simon Hopper Pippa Hurst-Brown Joanne Ingham Christine Iveson Richard Iveson Rachel Jones Emma Kelly James Kelly Jane Kinghorn John Lancaster Charlotte Luckett Stephanie Marshall Eileen Masterman Helen McAndrew Angus Miers Gordon Murch Peter Murch

Steve Norman Liam O’Callaghan Stuart Ramage Mark Robson Mark Andrew Robson Guy Sage Ian Duncan Seal Michael Shepherdson Andrew Simms Sarah Slater Caroline Smith Steve Smith Dorothy Souter Robert Souter Lucie Spooner Jack Storr Andrea Sweeney Gavin Tatterton James Tayler Sophie Taylor Pat Thompson Tracy Thompson Nathan Tipple Andy Tomlinson Julie Wardlow Robin Wells Dave Williams Peter Woodburn

CRY update • Issue 50 • 23


Running Highlights

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon 2009 Congratulations and a huge thank you to all the runners who took part in the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon in aid of CRY. This year was the second Royal Parks Half Marathon and CRY were fortunate enough to have more than 25 runners amongst the 15,000 competitors lining up at 9.30am on Sunday 11th October. Starting and finishing in Hyde Park, the 13.1 mile route ran across four of London’s Royal Parks - Hyde Park, St. James’s Park, Kensington Gardens and Green Park. Runners also took in some of London’s most historic landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, The Houses of Parliament, Marble Arch and the Royal Albert Hall. As everyone lined up at the start, a little further along the race course, 1116 year old runners were preparing themselves for Pulse3K – a new youth event run over the last 3 kilometres of the half marathon course. Race day provided us with perfect running weather, if a little chilly for spectators, in a beautiful autumnal park setting. A team of Calor Gas employees with corporate team places chose to run for CRY this year and through this event have already raised over £15,000 for the charity for which we are immensely grateful. It was wonderful to meet so many of our justifiably exhausted runners and supporters in person after the race and present them with well earned goody bags and greatly appreciated chocolate bars. There was an atmosphere of achievement mixed with emotion around the meeting point. Thank you to all runners and their families and friends who came to meet us. Thank you also to all CRY supporters who took photographs and cheered our runners on during the day. Once again, we would like to thank all of our runners for their huge effort in completing this half marathon and fundraising for CRY. Your time and overwhelming support are greatly appreciated. So far, this event has raised at least £22,000 for CRY through online and offline donations and funds are still coming in as online fundraising pages close. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored a CRY runner for this event. Your support enables us to continue to save young lives. Next year’s Royal Parks Half Marathon will take place on Sunday 10th October 2010. To register your interest in the public ballot for next year’s event please go to Please






CRY by


Laura Murzell at as we will have a limited number of charity places available should you be unsuccessful in the public ballot. For more details and pictures visit

24 • CRY update • Issue 50


Running Highlights

Well done and “thank you” to all the CRY runners in the 2009 Royal Parks Half Marathon Alex Attelsey Gemma Banks Laura Clarke Benjamin Curtis Nick Goldsmith Alison Haimes Victoria Haimes Flora Hancox Ian Horton Laurie Horwood Danny Hudson

Calista Ibbitson Paddy Jelen Matthew Jones Richard Kenworthy Victoria Latham Jonty McNuff Tony Neale Barnaby Newman Michael Peters Stephen Rennie Carl Richardson

David Rowntree Paul Scourfield Lynne Shand Oliver Smith Tom Stephens Jon Tanner Ellie Waller Katie Warriner Leonie Watson Colleen Williamson

CRY update • Issue 50 • 25


Philips Test My Heart Tour

The CRY Philips Test My Heart Tour 09 was the first free cardiac screening tour in the UK and was made possible through the fundraising efforts of families whose lives have been affected by Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) or Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD); the Gwyneth Forrester Trust; and health and well-being company Philips. The tour visited 13 destinations in England and tested 2,500 young peoples’ hearts to detect any abnormalities that could lead to Sudden Death Syndrome. Testing took place in a mobile unit, loaned by Philips, consisting of four rooms and a waiting area. State of the art Philips’ ECG and ECHO equipment was donated to CRY for the tests. The CRY screening team, including doctors, were present at all locations throughout the tour and every young person screened was seen by the doctor in the tour consulting room at the end of their appointment.

2-3 May Durham, Tesco Extra The tour was launched in Durham, with the first screening held in memory of Levon Morland. The venue for the launch and first screening was at Dragonville one of Tesco’s largest Extra’s in the country. Store Manager David Brooks ensured our unit was placed in front of the main entrance which attracted thousands of people interested in CRY’s work.

21 bereaved were at the first event to unveil an emotive new postcard featuring photos of 12 young people in the North East who lost their lives suddenly through sudden cardiac death.

Jeff Morland, Pete Sutton and Alison Cox

5-6 and 9-10 May Newcastle, Northumbria University The next screening in the centre of Newcastle was also held in memory of Levon Morland, next to the Student Union in the grounds of Northumbria University. Northumbria Uni is the headquarters of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) who supported the tour by facilitating the University venues. Levon was 22 when he died suddenly and his father, Jeff, along with friends and family have raised more than £130,000 for CRY over the past seven years. Part of this money was used to fund the cardiac tests on this CRY Philips Test My Heart Tour.

“The fundraising work of our CRY families and the involvement of Philips means that we can provide a free mobile testing service on this scale for the first time. We hope that this initiative will drive awareness of Sudden Death Syndrome and emphasise the importance of testing.” Alison Cox, CEO, CRY 26 • CRY update • Issue 50

CRY 12-13 May Ormskirk, Edge Hill University The screening in Ormskirk, Lancashire, was held in memory of local resident and Everton youth team footballer and junior international, John Marshall, who died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart condition aged 16. The unit was situated in the VIP car park in front of the main building and reception of Edge Hill University.

Philips Test My Heart Tour

Current Everton star Leon Osman attended the launch and learned all about the screening initiative from John Marshall’s family and Dr. Steve Cox, Deputy CEO of CRY. Leon had known John in his time at Lilleshall and gave an interview where he talked about the devastating impact that John’s death had had on the team and how as a result the players were now tested routinely.

Katy O’Driscoll, Leon Osman, Maureen and Hayley Marshall

16-17 May Manchester, University of Manchester The screening in Manchester was funded by the Gwyneth Forrester Trust, with the unit situated outside the Armitage Centre at the University of Manchester.

19-20 May Sheffield, Sheffield EIS/ICE The screening in Sheffield was also funded by the Gwyneth Forrester Trust, and situated opposite the English Institute of Sport, in front of Sheffield ICE.

“With our heritage in healthcare, including ECG and ECHO machines, Philips is extremely proud to partner with CRY in an initiative aimed at reducing the number of Sudden Cardiac Deaths. Our hope is that this mobile unit will both identify existing conditions in people and raise awareness of the issue more broadly.” Peter Maskell, Chairman, Philips UK

23 May Manchester, Tesco Atherton The screening in Atherton, Lancashire was held in memory of local resident Daniel Young, who died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart defect aged 16. Gary Landry, the store manager of the Tesco Atherton, closed off a section of the supermarket car park providing an excellent environment for visitors and those attending the screening. A series of announcements in the store throughout the day guaranteed all those visiting the store were fully aware of the opportunity that CRY was offering.

The event was also attended by the Rt Honourable Andy Burnham MP – then Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and MP for Leigh - and also by the family of Daniel Young.

26-27 May Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University The screening in Leeds was funded by the Gwyneth Forrester Trust, with the unit placed by the green in front of the James Graham building at Leeds Metropolitan University. The event was supported by Dave Stubbings in memory of his son Carl. A tree has been planted at the University in memory of Carl, who had been a student at Leeds Met.

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Philips Test My Heart Tour

30-31 May Preston, Morrisons The screening in Preston was held in memory of local resident Andrew Parr, who died suddenly of an undiagnosed heart condition when he was 21. Since his death his parents Ruth and Dave have raised over £70,000 for screening in their local community in his memory. Andy Savage, the store manager, offered outstanding support for this event providing a place where the unit was highly visible in front of Morrisons supermarket, near the waterfront. During the afternoon Andrew Lonergan – the Preston North End goalkeeper - came to be screened, as did Scott Wright – ex-Coronation Street star and now Kerry Katona’s personal trainer. Both were most impressed with the CRY/Philips mobile unit expressing their support for CRY’s initiative. The event was also attended by Ben Wallace MP who came to look over the unit and offer his support in Parliament.

Scott Wright, Christine Abram, Ruth Lowe, Andrew Lonergan

2-3 June Nottingham, University of Nottingham The screening in Nottingham was held in memory of squash player and talented sports student, Neil Desai who died suddenly from a heart abnormality when 22 years old. The unit was situated outside the Nottingham University Sports Centre and Guy Taylor, TASS National Manager said “when Neil Desai, one of our TASS athletes, died suddenly last year aged 22, we saw the tragic impact that these conditions can have when left undiagnosed. We are delighted to be able to support this tour and help to provide our TASS athletes an opportunity to be tested at University venues throughout the UK.”

6-7 June Sidcup, Somerfield The screening in Sidcup, Kent was held in memory of local student Adam Donnelly who died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart condition when he was 17. The unit was situated in front of Somerfield Supermarket, Westwood Lane, Sidcup. Julie and Jed Donnelly, from Welling, first became involved with CRY over 4 years ago after Adam’s death. The Donnelly’s are passionate about raising funds to support CRY having to date raised over £30,000. This money has funded a number of screening events in the hope that this will prevent other families from suffering the terrible tragedy that has affected them.

The Donnelly family talk to a news crew

20-21 June Welwyn Garden City, Morrisons The screening in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire was in memory of schoolboy Mathew Blease who died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart defect, aged 13. The deaths of 2 young boys in Welwyn Garden City and the astonishing resuscitation of James Doherty has meant that this community has a very high level of awareness of young sudden cardiac death. The The Bleases with Ian Botham, Pete Sutton and Alison Cox

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Philips Test My Heart Tour

screening unit was situated in Morrisons supermarket, Welwyn Garden City, where it could be seen as you entered and left the store. CRY’s Honorary President Sir Ian Botham and his wife Kathy popped in to view the screening unit on their way to The Oval and were introduced to the surprised young people, who were patiently waiting to be screened in the trailer, by Chief Executive of CRY Alison Cox. Ian also took the opportunity to have his own heart tested.

“The CRY Philips Test My Heart Tour 09 has detected potentially fatal conditions in people that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. The painless procedure I underwent can save young lives and that is why the work that CRY has done with Philips to bring about this tour is so important.” Sir Ian Botham OBE, Honorary CRY President 26-29 June Brentford, Brentford FC The tour finished in Brentford, London at Brentford FC’s Griffin Park, with a screening held in memory of Tom Clabburn who died suddenly from a heart defect, aged 14. Brentford FC are currently managed by CRY Patron Andy Scott, whose own football playing career was cut short after he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The final day of testing was attended by CRY Patron Ben Brown, John Atwell and Peter Sutton from Philips and MP Susan Kramer as well as the CRY families who had supported the screening events throughout the tour and travelled from their own community to bring this unique tour to its conclusion.

Results Initial results showed that: • 1 in 140 had a cardiac problem that may not necessarily cause death but may cause problems in middle age

Ben Brown, Pete Sutton, Alison Cox, Claire Prosser, Andy Scott, Paul Clabburn

John Atwell

1 in 300 who had no symptoms harboured a problem that could potentially cause sudden cardiac death

These conditions, which otherwise may have gone unnoticed, have now been referred into the system so that GPs can arrange appropriate follow-up medical treatment from experts and some have been cured of a condition that could have caused SCD. In all, nine different types of heart condition were identified.

Andy Scott and Professor Sanjay Sharma

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Bridges Walk

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2009 Over 600 men, women, children (and dogs!) from around the country took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges fundraising and awareness walk, on Sunday 26 July, which started at Victoria Embankment Gardens and ended at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge. In its third year, the walk was once again led by Kathryn Harries, international soprano and CRY Patron. CRY Patron Ben Brown also joined the walk with ‘Team Tom’. The route involved crossing Golden Jubilee, Westminster, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Millennium, London and Tower Bridges and included at least 12 famous London landmarks, each representing one of the 12 young sudden cardiac deaths that occur each week in the UK. The day started with participants checking in and picking up a map, song sheet and fact sheet on some of the landmarks, kindly produced by CRY supporter, Paul Clabburn.

Phil Packer, our guest speaker, officially opened the walk and gave an inspirational good luck speech. Finally, before everyone set off, there was an energetic group warm up led by Kirk Douglas, personal trainer and nutritionist; Sylvia, his assistant; and a few CRY supporters who joined them on the stage.

After picking up their CRY balloons and meeting up with friends and family for a chat and photographs, participants moved to the bandstand area for a welcome and introduction to CRY and its latest initiatives by Founder and Chief Executive, Alison Cox MBE. This was followed by a sing-a-long of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” led by Kathryn Harries. Kathryn’s pet spaniel, Dorrie, also joined in and could be heard above the voices of the crowd!

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Bridges Walk

Others took part in support of a young person who had been diagnosed with a heart condition; and some were taking part because they have a heart condition.

Most of the people were taking part in memory of a young relative or friend but there were also a number of people taking part because they felt CRY was a good cause and that the route was interesting - including a group of graduates from Marks and Spencer, who put together a team with their colleagues from around the country.

For more details and photographs visit walk_2009.htm We hope you will join us at the 2010 event on Sunday 18 July. Register online at

CRY would like to say “well done” and “thank you” again to all the participants and to the following supporters and volunteers:-

Kathryn Harries, CRY Patron, for leading the walk; Phil Packer for officially starting the walk; Ben Brown, CRY Patron, who took part in the walk for the 2nd time; David Walliams and James Cracknell, CRY Patrons, for signing press releases / letters to editors; Professor Greg Whyte for his training tips


Foresters, for sponsoring the event and providing volunteers on the day; Westminster City Council (especially the events team and the Victoria Embankment Gardens Parks Office team), St Martins Property Consultants and CB Richard Ellis Management Services for donating the venues (Victoria Embankment Gardens and Hays Galleria); Chubb Insurance, for making a donation to cover all the drinks on the day as well as refreshments for staff and volunteers; Sainsbury’s for donating crisps, savoury snacks and chocolates for all the participants; St John Ambulance for providing valuable first aid cover and the following Hays Galleria shops and businesses for helping to raise awareness and hold

collection boxes on the day - The Horniman Pub; Starbucks; Bagel Factory; Riverside Bookshop and Next.

Participants who agreed to help with media coverage and those who sent in their event feedback

All the CRY staff who helped with admin and support for the event; and the following volunteers for their help before during and after the event Martin Appleby; Nick Bond; Caroline Byrne; Paul Clabburn; John and Pat Dennington; Kirk Douglas and Sylvia; Fran Griffin; Paul Hayward; Mark and Marcia Hearne; Jim and Barbara Holland; Penny Jerrum; Krystyna Juszczyk; Koula Louki; Charlotte MacKenzie; Patsy Mourtzinos; Josephine Pickard; Dulcie Reddick; Natalia Rodrigues; William Snell; Alison Stokes; Paul Vickery; Sue Walton.

Foresters’ volunteers: Adrian Buckland, Audley Clarke, Vernon Elmes, Eddie and Christine Horne, David and Rita Howell, Maureen MacGregor, Ann Osbourne, Diana and Harold Parrett, Ian Sharman.

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Parliamentary Reception Speakers included the Secretary of State for Health The Rt. Hon. Andy Burnham MP, CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma and Phil Packer, who was officially announced as a CRY Patron. Andy Burnham gave the opening address and praised the new initiative to screen every young person born in 1995 in the South East of England as a ‘wonderful step forward’. He said that screening is on the agenda of the National Screening Committee and will be ongoing. He said that he was a regular competitor in the Great North Swim and in 2010 he will compete for CRY.

CRY hosted its annual Parliamentary Reception at Westminster on Wednesday 21 October as part of its Raising Awareness Week. New CRY Patron Phil Packer was Guest of Honour at the proceedings. Calor Gas kindly sponsored the event, with Managing Director Steve Rennie and wife Stevie in attendance. The event was attended by more than 40 MPs who came to show their support for our campaigning. We are grateful to those MPs who managed to find time to attend. Other guests at the event included CRY families and supporters, CRY

Roberta Blackman-Woods, official parliamentary sponsor of the evening,

Bereavement Supporters, members of the CRY Surgery Supporters

spoke next of her pleasure at being present for the North East Postcard

Network and CRY Patrons Ben Brown and Andy Scott.

launch and paid tribute to the work of Jeff Morland in raising awareness and funds for CRY.

The event was hosted by Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (Labour MP for City of Durham), Roger Gale (Conservative MP for North Thanet and

Sanjay Sharma talked about the ‘number of life years lost’ and the

Chair of the CRY All Party Parliamentary Group) and Dr Vince Cable

impact on parents, siblings and children of young sudden cardiac death.

(Liberal Democrat MP for Twickenham).

He shared the initial results from the Test My Heart Tour and how these results contributed to funding from ICAP to fund screening of 14 year olds in London and the South East. With the study planned to cover 5 years, Prof Sharma hopes we will get data that will show the real impact of screening on preventing young sudden cardiac death. Phil Packer shared his experiences from the Bridges Walk held in July,

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Parliamentary Reception

including the impact upon him of meeting bereaved families and the

then handed over to Danii-Marie John, James Doherty and Jade Moore,

importance of supporting those affected.

members of the SSN, to share their experiences.

Alison Cox expressed her thanks to the CRY team, the Trustees, Roger

The Reception received a lot of positive feedback from those who

Gale and Sanjay Sharma. She announced Sanjay Sharma’s new

attended and was again a powerful reminder of the importance of our

position as Professor at St. Georges Hospital and launched the new

work and the progress that CRY’s campaign is making.

Surgery Supporters Network (SSN) Newsletter, declaring CRY would be increasing the number of meetings of the SSN in other UK regions. Alison

Visit for more information.

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Raising Awareness Week

CRY’s Raising Awareness week took place 17 to 25 October. Throughout CRY’s Raising Awareness Week and the whole of October our supporters helped us to raise awareness and funds in their local community. Supporters manned information stalls, gave talks at clubs, distributed CRY posters for display, and much more. Whilst the main aim of the week is to raise awareness, the amount raised from events held that week was just over £12,500.

Stalls and information stands were set up around the UK by supporters, some as part of fundraising events.

Patricia Donnelly had an information stand at The Mall shopping centre & Local gym in Armagh

There was information as part of ‘Wellbeing Week’ at Myerscough Agricultural college, in Memory of Andrew Parr

Joseph Tanner had a stall at Churchill Square shopping centre, Brighton:

CRY Representative Ruth Lowe chatted to the Ladies Circle, in Memory of Andrew Parr, at the Lytham Assembly Room

Martin Appleby and his friend Billy took part in a marathon pub walk raising £1,292

“On the day I raised £87.92 - I thought I would be able to raise more money than that! I learned early on in my day that I need to raise people awareness of the charity before I could raise any money. People don’t like be hassled by charities, usually what attracted people to my stand was the balloons ‘cause their child wanted one. People would then ask me what this stand is about, before asking for a balloon.

In Northern Ireland, Patricia McKeown held a Charity Dance at the Armagh City Hotel

Some people had heard of CRY but many hadn’t, so I gave them information leaflets and directed them to the website.

Sylvia Pezzack held a CRY day at Mousehole Methodist Church in Memory of Debbie Rendle

Michael Bickell rode his Horse ride to Moorwell Ham in Memory of Robyn Bickell and raised £2,500

Thanks to all who organised something, some of the events included:

Amanda Smith organised displays at four police headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in Memory of Paul Wilkins

Memorial football match for Jack Boulton at The Crown Field, David Boulton raised £7,872

Halloween Ball with Rock’n’Roll theme at The Concorde Club held by Sue Williams in Memory of David & Steve Williams

Shirley Wort held an All Day Coffee Morning at her house, in Memory of Julian Wort and raised £361

Holly Yorston organised a charity concert performance at St Peters Catholic Comprehensive School, in Memory of Eloise Howlett

Sharon Stables raffled “Mr FortyWinks”, in Memory of Lee Stables and raised £272.10

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I talked to them about my own experience - I found the day to be very beneficial. Like it says on the tin, Awareness Week is just about raising awareness, so next year I will return again, hopefully sell some merchandise but the day is mainly giving information and talking to people and raising their awareness.”


Raising Awareness Week

Trina Kamis had an information stall at a local car boot sale in Hull, in Memory of Matthew Kamis

Steven Harbour took information stalls to local school and WI meetings in Memory of Phillipa Harbour and raised £25

Rishka Romaniszyn had an information stall in Orkney in Memory of John Magowan and raised £300

Elizabeth McCluskie held information stands at various locations in N. Yorkshire in memory of Alyn McCluskie

Benita Davies had an information stall at Innovation in health, Birmingham in Memory of Paul Davies

Magda Wilson distributed literature at Richmond FC Rugby club

Ash Chudasama distributed literature to promote a world record attempt that they will soon be undertaking in memory of one of the group’s fathers

Mary Abraham had an information stall at her local Tesco in Southampton in memory of Philip Abraham and raised £99.82

Kathleen Moyle had an information stand at Exmouth Tesco in memory of lost family members

Emma Veysey distributed literature and sold Christmas cards in the Teddington area and raised £20

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In Memory of Ibby Abdi Hannah Lines took part in the British 10K London Run and raised a final amount of £334 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Stuart Attridge Jo Powell took part in the Adidas Women’s 5K challenge and raised £210.

In Memory of Rachel Bacon Walter Bacon took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £342 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop “We are pleased to inform you that Rosie Barnard entered and completed the Great South Run 2009. She has kindly donated a third of the money raised to CRY in our son’s memory, totalling £100. As you are aware, Graeme tragically died on 4 August 2006 from a massive heart attack at the age of 21 years.” Jan and Paul Blenkinsop.

In Memory of Graeme Bell Kelly Gleadow took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £730 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Nathan Butler Ruth Rowson sent in a donation of £147 from the Potters ‘Arf Marathon.

Patrick Dudman took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £600 through online fundraising.

Mark Ewins £530.

Claire Ferguson took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £825 through online fundraising.

Ben Floyd took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £2,370 through online fundraising.

Alexander Hoogewerf took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £402

Pippa Hurst-Brown took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £825 through online fundraising.

Angus Miers took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £868 through online fundraising.

Dorothy Souter took part in the Great North Run and raised £105.

Lucie Spooner took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £645 through online fundraising.

Sophie Taylor took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £375 through online fundraising.

James Taylor took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £750

Andy Tomlinson took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £1,060

In Memory of Nick Cottam

Michael Cottam took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £1,062.21 through online fundraising.

Victoria Cottam took part part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £1,501.51 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Andrew Croxon Lauren Blayney completed the Adidas 5K Run in September and raised £160.

Edward Blad took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £1,271.

“I thought I would send you a quick note to update you on our Great North Run day! Our team of 5 were running in memory of my dad Nick Cottam who sadly died from SDS in January. As the Great North Run was something he has always said I would never do, I thought that this would be the best way to do something in his memory. Our team was “Team Nicks 6”, we have raised £2,563.72. Please see attached the final picture of myself, Victoria Cottam, Caroline Smith and Steve Smith. We had one team member who had to pull out and the other completed it in under 2 hours so by the time we got to take the picture he was home!” Mike Cottam

Nick Blyth took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £835.

In Memory of Neil John Darby

Richard Blyth took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £558.

Jen Darby took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £550.75.

Mary Bucknell took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £659.20 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Luke Dickinson

In Memory of Nicholas Collins Ruth Collins took part in the British 10K London Run 2009 and raised £635 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Adam Connolly

Sheila De Cordova sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Mary Bucknell completing the Great North Run.

Jerry Connolly took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £1,580 through online fundraising.

Michelle Connolly took part in the Great North Run 2009 and raised £1,360 through online fundraising.

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Matt Dickinson took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £480.

Rebecca Dickinson sent in a further sponsorship donation of £700 in respect of Matthew Dickinson completing the Great North Run in memory of his brother, Luke.

Running In Memory of Martyn Dobson

Simon Hopper took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £441.35





Chris and Ellie Gent sent in an additional donation of £140 for the Great North Run.

In Memory of Jason Goode and Tom Clabburn

Suzannah Goode took part in the Great North Run and raised £130

Jane Kinghorn took part in the Great North Run and raised £2,335 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Rio Dodwell Aisha Dodwell raised £1,190, through online fundraising, after taking part in the Great South Run 2008.

In Memory of Adam Donnelly Cheryl Morgan and her daughter Rochelle Gibbs took part in the Adidas Women’s 5K Challenge in September and sent in a further donation of £170.

In Memory of James Green

Shelagh Green took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations of £70

Steve Norman took part in the Great North Run and raised £1,102.50 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Benjamin Dwyer “Please find enclosed a cheque for £600, raised through our participation in this year’s Great North Run. We ran in memory of my nephew Benjamin Dwyer, who died in January this year, aged 23 years. I was the official CRY runner - Peter Woodburn - but my wife Lynda Woodburn also contributed money raised through sponsorship for her own place.” Peter Woodburn

In Memory of Nick Guild Elizabeth Guild took part in the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon and sent in donations totalling £1,850.

In Memory of Leanne Haddrell Matt Cotton raised £155, through online fundraising, after completing a 10K run.

In Memory of Nolan Foley David Foley took part in the Colchester 10K Run and raised £250.

In Memory of Graham Harrison

John and Judy Harrison sent in a donation of £5,069 in respect of the Great North Run.

In Memory of Andy Forbes

Mr Lampard sent in a donation of £500 in respect of Laurie Horwood completing the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Mr Horwood sent in a donation of £175 for the same event.

Mr & Mrs Rhodes sent in a sponsorship donation of £100 in respect of Laurie Horwood and the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

Robin Wells took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £2,291.52.

In Memory of Kieran Formby Jessica Kate Burns took part in the Great North Run and raised £648 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Luke Francis Hannah Norman took part in the Paris Marathon and sent in donations totalling £1,000.

In Memory of Vicki Furlong Lucy Ellis took part in the Albert Bartlett Edinburgh Marathon 2009 and raised £1,130 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Michael Gage Diana Littler took part in the Paris Marathon on 5 April in memory of her younger brother, Michael, who died suddenly from aortic dissection. She sent in donations totalling £1,291.

In Memory of Elizabeth Gent

Chris Gent took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £1,310.

• Mrs J Harrison sent in a further donation of £1,295 in respect of the Great North Run. •

Christine Iveson took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £2,145.

In Memory of David Harrop

Jennifer Harrop sent in a donation of £800 from the Santa Fun Run on 2 December 2008 in memory of her husband David.

“Thank you so much for all your support leading up to and on Marathon day. It was great to feel part of a team and I really appreciated the massage and shower after the race. I was a ballot place runner who chose to run for CRY after the loss of my brother-in-law Dave Harrop in September 2007. There is not a day that passes that we don’t miss Dave and we cannot thank CRY enough for the support we have been given during this very difficult time.” Heather Andrews sent in a further donation of £222 for the London Marathon.

In Memory of Simon Hewett Dawn McMorrow and James Lewis took part in the ‘Run to the Beat’ half marathon in London in September 2009 and raised £582 for CRY. James lost his cousin Simon Hewett to the condition in 2008. Simon was a keen sportsman and marathon runner so the two wanted all money raised sent to the memorial fund in his honour. The day was a great success and both runners clocked pleasing times for ‘first-timers’. Having gotten over their aches and pains the pair plans to run their first full marathon in April.

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CRY In Memory of Oliver Marsden

In Memory of Nina Horndorf-Dearsley

Joseph Marsden took part in the Plymouth Half Marathon and raised £2,040, through online fundraising.

Andrew Dearsley took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £1,846.02

In Memory of Laura Moss

In Memory of Nina Jelen

Julie Wardlow took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £310.

Paddy Jelen took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October 2009 and sent in donations totalling £982.

In Memory of Lisa Johnson Roy Lovatt took part in the Potters ‘Arf Marathon and raised £257.

In Memory of Paul Leach Deborah Renie took part in the Flora London Marathon and raised £2,092.60.

In Memory of Andrew Murch

Ali Edwards, Allan and Andrew Glen took part in the Great Edinburgh Run and raised £859.50.

Gordon Murch took part in the Great North Run and raised £1,616 in memory of his son Andrew. “The Run was an amazing experience for us, not only taking part, but also meeting other families and teams. I particularly appreciated running the final couple of miles with a member of Adam Connolly’s team - both of us novice runners. I have always seen this as a one-off target. However, the others in my group are already speaking about next year!” Gordon Murch.

Peter Murch took part in the Great North Run and raised £1,028.84 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Jonathan Leigh Jack Storr raised £1,046, through online fundraising, after completing the Great North Run.

In Memory of Michael Looker Sofaya Looker-Ere took part in the Mini South Run 2008 Fun Run in memory of her uncle, Michael, and raised £205.

In Memory of Daniel Lowes Joseph Hall took part in the Edinburgh Marathon 2009 and raised £263, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Ralph Murwill We have received a donation of £250 in respect of John Murwill taking part in the London Marathon.

In Memory of Charlotte Pistra

Shelagh McKail took part in the Flora London Marathon and raised £344.

David Greer took part in the Ignis Asset Management 10K event and raised £525, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Rowan Preston Angelo Tomasso took part in the BUPA Great Manchester Run and raised £180.

In Memory of Carrie Raymond (nee Beeks) In Memory of Martyn Luckett Charlotte Luckett took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £570.

“I lost a very close friend, Carrie Raymond, on 18 April 2004. As it was Carrie’s 5th anniversary this year I decided to run a 10 mile race and raise some funds for CRY. I work for Swiss Post International in the UK, and Swiss Post sponsor the Bern Grande Prix 10 mile run.” Clare Wheeler sent in an additional off-line donation of £145.

In Memory of Kayleigh Marie Reid In Memory of James Edward Lumley Michael Lumley took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised £154.

In Memory of Simon McNamara Tom Littlechild raised £345 after he took part in the Luxembourg Marathon.

Liam O’Callaghan took part in the Great North Run and raised £332 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Scott Rennie

Carl Richardson sent in a donation of £195 from the Dog and Hedgehog Half Marathon.

Friends and family of Scott Rennie took part in the BUPA 10K and raised £1,810.

Carl Richardson took part in the Hinckley Half Marathon and sent in additional sponsorship of £415, through online fundraising, making a total of £860.

In Memory of Jack Maddams Michael Hutton raised £568.50 through online fundraising after completing the Reading Half Marathon.

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Running •

Richard Morris took part in the BUPA 10K run and raised £6,681.33, through online fundraising.

Harriett Fortescue and friends Emma and James Kelly and Andrew Simms completed the Great North Run and raised £8,955.

Xstrata PLC sent in a donation of £1,500 in respect of James Kelly running the Great North Run.

The Calor Team raised an additional donation of £128.21 in respect of the Royal Parks Half Marathon. This donation was forwarded to us by Dan Davis.





through Bath city centre in October. “I’m so grateful to CRY for the support my family received when my brother died so unexpectedly at the age of 38. I wanted to do something to help the charity that had helped me so much. When I found out Rich had died my heart asked, ‘can some good come out of this?’ I wanted a constructive edge to the grieving process.” Sarah Buckley

In Memory of Liam Ross

Mark and Alison Harrison took part in the BUPA Great Manchester 10K Run in May and raised £235.

Pat Thompson took part in the Great North Run and sent in a fundraising donation of £700.

In memory of Alastair Sankey

In Memory of Stevie Wiggins

Julie Warner took part in the Paris Marathon and raised £857, through online fundraising.

Leighton Jones raised a further £300, through online fundraising, after completing the Paris Marathon.

In Memory of Sarah Simpson Deb Sawyer completed the Great North Run and raised funds totalling £395.

In Memory of Sarah Williams James Martin took part in the Great Scottish 10K Run and raised £160.

In Memory of Kevin Wilson

In Memory of Andrew Stevens

Mark Cotson took part in the Manchester 10K and raised £230.

We have received a donation of £408, through online fundraising, for the Duchy Marathon.

In Memory of Emma Sumner

John Lancaster took part in the Great North Run and raised £495 through online fundraising.

David Billing took part in the Bath Half Marathon and raised £815 through online fundraising.

Victoria Glass took part in the Great North Run and raised £935 through online fundraising.

Michael Blackwell took part in the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon and raised £485.

Jon Brydges took part in the Reading Half Marathon and raised £1,000 through online fundraising.

Dawn Burnett sent in a donation of £235 from the BUPA 10K run.

Natalie Candy took part in the Bath Half Marathon and raised £227.50.

Peter Commane raised a final amount of £111.20, through online fundraising, after he took part in the Paris Marathon.

David Daniel took part in the Bartlett Edinburgh Marathon 2009 and raised £824.

Sharon Downes took part in the Glasgow Women’s 10K race and raised £160.

Tracy Draper took part in the Albert Bartlett Edinburgh Marathon and raised £250 through online fundraising.

Ian Duck took part in the London Marathon and raised a further £150.

David Evans took part in the Great North Run and raised £165 through online fundraising, in memory of his friend Will.

Lucy Fenner sent in donations totalling £277.74, after completing the Brooklands 10K event.

In Memory of Leon Walker

Katy McDonnell sent in a donation of £646 in respect of the BUPA Great Yorkshire Run.

Lloyds TSB sent in a matched giving donation of £400 in respect of Stephen McCormick completing the Great Yorkshire 10K run.

In Memory of Bethan Webb Lauren Webb sent in a donation of £178.19 in respect of the Cardiff Half Marathon which took place on 18 October.

In Memory of Neil Wickers Andrea Sweeney took part in the Great North Run and raised £1,000.

In Memory of Richard Mark Wiggin Sarah Buckley, Richard’s sister, took part in the Bath 5K Canal Run on 4 October and raised £850. Eleven friends joined her for the three-mile run

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Thomas Fox raised £110, through online fundraising, after completing the Sussex Beacon Half Marathon.

Tim Osborn raised a further £185, through online fundraising, from the Water of Life Half Marathon.

Neil Fradgley raised a further £278, through online fundraising, after completing the Reading Half Marathon.

Claire Oxley took part in the BUPA Great Manchester Run and raised £140.

Elaine Freeman sent in a donation of £150 after she completed the Great North Run.

David Parkinson took part in the British 10K London Run and raised £260 through online fundraising.

“I want to thank all your team for the wonderful support you gave me at the London Marathon. I did enjoy the experience and was extremely tired but invigorated.” Janos Geering sent in a donation of £156.

Kevin Piper took part in the Flora London Marathon and raised £110.

Mrs J Reddin took part in the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £300.

Julie Gray took part in the Blackpool Half Marathon and raised £107.

Mark Robson took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £669.30.

Richard Halt raised £235, through online fundraising, for the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

Mark Andrew Robson took part in the Great North Run and raised £600 through online fundraising.

Rebecca Harris raised £500, through online fundraising, after completing the Reading Half Marathon.

David Taylor raised £150, through online fundraising, after taking part in the Great Manchester Run.

Graham Hepburn took part in the Edinburgh 10K Run and raised £122.

Hannah Hudson raised a final amount of £436, through online fundraising, after completing the Great West Run.

Tracy Thompson took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £533.53.

Calista Ibbitson took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and sent in a donation of £320.06.

Nathan Tipple took part in the Great North Run and raised £139.26 through online fundraising.

Joanne Ingham took part in the Great North Run and sent in donations totalling £446.

Alice Jackman took part in the Great North Run 2009 and sent in donations totalling £942.

Matthew Jones took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £110.

“Please find enclosed a donation of £450 from the fine efforts of my wife Karen who completed the Ignus 10K Run in Glasgow on 9 May in a very respectable 57 minutes. We were introduced to CRY via the mother of Steffani Broughton who sadly died unexpectedly and still unexplained. We wish you every success in your endeavours to find reasons and eradicate the issue of why so many young people are dying in this manner.” Mr E J Walker

Dave Williams took part in the Great North Run and sent in £70.

Rachel Jones took part in the Great North Run and raised £287 through online fundraising.

Colleen Williamson took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £375.

Sarah Kebbell took part in the Lexus Croydon 10K and raised £140.

David Lane took part in the Jane Tomlinson’s Run for All and raised £125.

The Colchester & Tendring AC took part in the 10K Colchester Road Race and sent in a donation of £1,000.

Graeme Laycock raised £565.60 from the London Marathon and Ironman Austria.

Kathryn Marwood took part in the Jane Tomlinson Junior and Mini Fun Run and raised £105.

Angela Mawby took part in the Chippenham Half Marathon on 13 September and raised £325.

Cheryl Morgan and her daughter Rochelle Gibbs sent in a donation of £170 after taking part in the 5K run in Hyde Park.

Helen McAndrew raised £457.50, through online fundraising, after completing the Great North Run 2008.

Helen McAndrew raised £240, through online fundraising, after completing the Great North Run 2009.

Melissa McConnell took part in the Glasgow Women’s 10K and raised £845.

Grace McEvoy completed the Adidas Women’s 5K Run and raised £230.

Sarah McHugh raised £215, through online fundraising, after taking part in the Sussex Beacon Half Marathon.

Matthew Nicholson raised £125, through online fundraising, from the Armagh 10K run.

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In Memory of Jessica Allan

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Billy Warden took part in a sponsored skydive on 11 August and sent in a donation of £184.09. Joe Simpson took part in a skydive and raised £365. Iain Allan took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145. Paul Butler took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145. Ryan Eley took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145. Lauren Redhead took part in a tandem skydive and raised £145.

In Memory of Carl Dawson Maria Dawson sent in a donation of £3,500 from the recent parachute jump.

In Memory of Clare Everett-Allen

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“Please find enclosed a cheque from my company, Knight Frank LLP, in connection with a sponsored parachute jump I am undertaking on 25 July in memory of my sister, Clare.” Kate Everett-Allen sent in a donation of £100. Kate Everett-Allen sent in sponsorship donations totalling £990 in respect of the parachute jump. Kate Everett-Allen sent in a further donation of £125 from her recent parachute jump.

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James Finney completed a skydive on 24 May and raised £100 through online fundraising. Karen Finney sent in a further donation of £135 from the event.

In Memory of Jade Johnstone Matthew Jane and Rebecca Leach took part in a tandem skydive and raised a total of £290.

In Memory of Kira Louise Lloyd

Gregory Hennessey took part in a tandem skydive and raised £125. • Clive Hill took part in a tandem skydive and raised £125. • Shane Lewis took part in a tandem skydive and raised £125. Andrew Lloyd took part in a tandem skydive and raised £125. Andrew Thomas took part in a tandem skydive and raised £125.

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In Memory of Neville McIntosh Kirsty Robinson sent in additional sponsorship of £130 in respect of a skydive she took part in.

In Memory of Jack Maddams Sam Ervin and her boyfriend Sam Shearer took part in a tandem skydive and raised a further £890.

“On the 25 July I jumped out of a plane 2 and a half miles above Oxfordshire, attached to a bow legged man with a hangover, and stared death in the face. The freefall was an attack on the senses even the best author would struggle to describe. Once the chute opened all the individual components of my being, one by one, realised I was miles up in the sky hanging from a man hanging from a big umbrella. The bit between there and the floor is a blur of dizzy spells, talking gibberish, exploding pain and absolute despair at how I ended up there. I spent a full 2 minutes after landing, on my knees, trying desperately to make sense of what just happened. My dozen or so jump buddies however had a whale of a time. Give me a good book over that any day.” Michael Turner


In Memory of Jenny Finney

Kate Everett-Allen raised a further final amount of £945, through online fundraising, in respect of the parachute jump. Lisa Munday took part in a sponsored parachute jump and raised £391.50. Liz Potter raised a further £425, through online fundraising, in respect of her skydive. John Clark raised £700, through online fundraising, in respect of the parachute jump. Joanne Berry raised a further £565, through online fundraising in respect of her skydive.

“On 25 July, myself and 14 friends all jumped out of a plane over the skies of Banbury in Oxfordshire. The skies were clear and the weather good but the nerves were most definitely jangling and faces grew paler by the second as the moment we climbed into the plane drew nearer! The team was made up of 2 groups jumping for different charities, half of us were jumping for CRY in memory of my much-missed sister Clare Everett-Allen and the other half were jumping on behalf of UNIQUE, a charity which supports the families of children born with genetic disorders. Clare tragically died from viral myocarditis on 27 December 2007, two weeks after giving birth to her and Steve’s daughter Emily. Emily herself was born with a genetic condition and Steve has gained significant support from UNIQUE throughout this time. The group of 15 jumping were made up of both friends and family and we were supported by 30-40 others who came to cheer us on and whose support was invaluable. Everyone had very different experiences of the day, half had to be restrained because they couldn’t wait to get back in the plane the moment they’d hit terra firma, the other half (myself included) decided that if God had meant us to fly he’d have given us wings! Regardless which camp we were in on the day, there was a wonderful atmosphere and the day felt like a real celebration of Clare’s life. I’m very grateful to all who took the time to skydive for charity and the fact that they were brave enough to accept the challenge in the first place is hugely appreciated.” Kate Everett-Allen


In Memory of Charlie Morettes “I performed a tandem skydive on 5 July in Charlie’s memory and have raised in excess of my £600 target. I am absolutely terrified of heights so accomplishing this was a massive challenge for me.” Tracey Perry sent in a further donation of £130.

Quddsiya Anwar took part in a sponsored parachute jump and raised £125.

James Banks took part in a tandem skydive and raised £150.

Kate Herriotts took part in a tandem skydive and raised £400.

Sarah Langley sent in sponsorship donation of £445 from a recent skydive. She also raised £100, through online fundraising, making a total amount raised of £545.

Gavin Owen took part in a skydive and raised £145 through online fundraising.

Andrew Towell took part in a tandem skydive and raised £125.

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In Memory of Liam Adams

In Memory of Marcus Armstrong

Kate Mitchell raised £3,655 through online fundraising.

Tony Armstrong sent in a further donation of £4,400 raised during the Marcus Armstrong Memorial Football match. This makes a total amount raised of £7,675.14.

In Memory of Jessica Allan

“We were married on 26 September and instead of having gifts we decided we would collect for charity. Our neighbours and good friends Wendy and Iain Allan lost their daughter Jessica in February 2008 when her heart suddenly stopped, and ever since they have raised lots of money for CRY through various activities. We decided we didn’t need gifts and the money could be put to better use helping the lives of others.” Colin and Victoria Mizen sent in a donation of £480.

Tony Armstrong has sent in further donations totalling £1,310.

Tony Armstrong forwarded a donation of £500 from Chassis Cabs and £700 from John Hayes and friends.

Tony and Jackie Armstrong sent in a donation for £1,250 from Sean Mills and friends and £25 from Ackland Madge.

In Memory of Jane Allen

In Memory of Stuart Attridge

“4th October 2009 saw an almost uniquely British competitive sporting event - the Brompton World Championships. Equal parts cycle race and eccentric celebration of a design classic, it’s a race in which all 600 competitors race their Brompton folding bikes around a 13km course in the grounds of Blenheim Palace. Although the dress code calls for suit jacket, shirt and tie to be worn (in a nod to the bike’s commuting day-job) it’s a serious race - this year won by a three-times winner of the Tour of Spain.

On 8th November 2003 my sister-in-law, Jane Allen, died of a heart attack in her sleep. Her family have since been helped immensely by CRY’s work in the area of bereavement support and screening and have raised some impressive amounts of money by running long distances. I felt I might be able to use the race as a platform to raise some further funds and profile. It was a beautiful, crisp, early autumn day with a slight headwind but no rain, which was a relief: a track with some fairly exciting descents and fallen leaves could become evil when wet. The sight of 600 welldressed cyclists (some very well dressed indeed - there was also a prize for best outfit) running to their machines to unfold them and head off around the course was quite something - as if rush hour at Waterloo station had been transplanted to Oxfordshire. The race itself was great fun. Being able to ride as fast as possible knowing there are no cars coming the other way, or buses likely to pull out in front of you, is liberating. It’s a difficult race to pace yourself on - not a sprint (you’d keel over after the first of two laps if you tried that) but you also don’t want to finish with too much “in the tank”, knowing you could have pushed harder. It’s also quite a bizarre experience as you race to the best of your ability chasing not a pack of lycra-clad athletes, but seemingly a group of civil servants! When the results were published I found I’d come in 217th position out of 550 finishers which I was very happy with given that my training amounted to nothing more that pedalling a bit faster on my route to work. A follow-up email around friends and contacts, with an action photo in novelty sportswear, managed to elicit even more sponsor money and I was thrilled to raise more than double my target of £250. The total now stands at £521 + gift aid.” Richard Hinkley

In Memory of George Armstrong “Recently we had a friend who died very suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 60. George was a great supporter of CRY and his family wish was for people to donate to CRY in his memory in lieu of flowers. The result of this gesture is a massive £2,340!” Margaret Gault

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“About a month ago our local Rotary Club asked me to speak to them about CRY as they had all known Stuart and were very interested. Last night at a dinner they presented me with a cheque for £500 and the promise that next year CRY would be their main charity.” Rosemary Attridge (CRY supporter).

Mrs S Coulson sent in a donation of £100.

Mags Alvis and Steve Atttridge took part in the Three Peaks Challenge on 6-7 September and raised £332.

Bethen Paice sent in a further donation of £378 in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge 2009. To date they have raised £1,689.50.

The Reigate & Redhill Tangent Club sent in a donation of £140 from a raffle held at their last meeting.

Mr & Mrs Hanley held a charity Golf Day and raised £485.

Rosemary Attridge sent in a donation of £656 from the rock band night held on 23 November in Leigh Village Hall by her friends for CRY.

The Edith Lilian Harrison 2000 Foundation sent in a donation of £20,000.

In Memory of Alastair Beattie Mark Stephenson held a Pros Day at the Golf Club and raised £300.

In Memory of Claire Beer

Andrew Black took part in the London to Paris Cycle Ride on 10 June and raised funds totalling £1792.

• Margaret Hawkroyd donated £100 as sponsorship for Andy Black on his cycle ride. In Memory of Graeme (Tinka) Bell

Gemma Cannell held a Tinka Charity Night on 26 September 2008 and raised £1,500. £600 was made up of a donation from Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue.

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Gemma Cannell sent in a donation of £600.

Gemma Cannell held a fundraising night at West Denton Fire Station and raised £2,260.

In Memory of Kasia Ber

“Please accept a cheque for £350. This was raised by Kasia’s friend, John Steele, who very kindly had a full body wax without screaming! Well done John.” Diane Ber

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two days prior and my mam baked her lovely cakes. The sun came out so we were able to enjoy sitting outside. Thank you to everyone who popped in to give their support and took CRY leaflets.”

“A sponsored coast to coast bike ride took place on the 2 May 2009. Our close friend Jeff Kinkade presented a cheque of a fantastic £1,635. Jeff and his friends started from Cumbria to Tynemouth and the weather stayed good for them. The money raised will go to our daughter Kasias memorial fund within CRY. Kasia died from a genetic heart condition long QT syndrome, the sudden noise from a mobile phone startled her setting her heart into an abnormal rhythm. Many thanks to all the boys raising awareness and the wonderful cheque to a very worthy charity.” Diane, John and Chris Ber

In Memory of David Berry

Diane Ber sent in a further donation of £133 from the Coast to Coast Boys.

Diane and John held a Hawaiian themed Garden Party and raised £1,077.“We held a Hawaiian theme garden party on the 4 July to raise awareness and funds for Kasia’s memorial fund within CRY. If it was not for CRY, we would not have known why our beautiful Kasia died.

We held this event in our own garden as this is where our Kasia grew up and we have many happy memories of her playing, and felt her close by. The weather was great and the sun shone all day.

With the support of family and friends we raised over £1,000. Our special friends Margaret and Tommy very kindly travelled from Glasgow to give their support and catered all of the food which was beautifully presented.

Kasia’s dad, John, made a bar out of wood he had left from his decking and it was decorated in a Hawaiian theme - that went well with the men wanting to be barmen! Everyone turned up dressed for the occasion. Kasia would have loved all of this for her, as she always enjoyed her holidays and dressing up.

We would like to thank everyone for their help and hope to hold this event, same time same place, each year for our special daughter.” Diane Ber

“Please find enclosed a donation of £892.43 that we have collected since we lost our son David on 30 May 2009. He was 17 years old and the most wonderful person you could wish to meet, he loved everyone and everyone loved him. His death was very sudden. He was not unwell at all and we have found out that he had a heart condition called Ebstein’s Anomaly. We as a family have lost a very wonderful young man and feel his loss greatly but hope that this very small donation will help someone in some small way.” Dave and Debbie Berry

In Memory of Steven Bicker

“It was my 50th Birthday on 6 June this year. I did not want presents, so very kindly family and friends donated cheques amounting to £170 in memory of my son Steven Bicker, who died suddenly on 23 January 2006.” Carol Bicker

Glen & Carol Bicker sent in donations totalling £265 from the cricket game at Kent County Cricket Club. They wanted to thank the cricket club and Steven James Hair Salon, why kindly donated the raffle prizes. “CRY has been a tremendous support to us since Steven passed away and I hope the cheques can help in some way, to others in the future, who suffer a loss.” Carol and Glen Bicker

In Memory of Max Biles

Trudy Fleming sent in a donation of £100.

Jonathan Whittle sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Mathew Blease

Sir Frederic Osborn School held a sponsored walk in memory of Mathew Blease. Carol Lindsay, Bursar sent in a further donation of £647.26.

Mr McQuillan sent in a donation of £100.

Karen Blease sent in a donation of £359.30.

Karen Blease sent in cheques totalling £467.59 from the golf event.

“This money was raised at a Dog Show organised at the school. Mat Blease was a student at our school.” Bernadette Ryan, Sir Frederic Osborn College, Herts, sent in a donation of £200.

Karen Blease sent in a donation of £243.

Sian Mackie, Hertfordshire Girls Football Partnership League, sent in a donation of £440.

Diane Ber sent in £206.00. “This was raised at a Coffee Morning I held on 12 September at my home. I decided to have this event

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WGC Ladies Youth football team - raising awareness in memory of Mathew Blease “Welwyn Garden City Ladies Youth is the team that I run and my son Mathew, who died, used to help coach them. Most of them were in Mathew’s year at school and all of them were friends of his. Mathew enjoyed coaching them and could see hidden talents in some of the girls that I could not see - and he was always proved right. When Mathew died the girls were devastated and always talk about him and have helped me enormously to cope with Mathew’s death. When we moved from our old club and started WGC Ladies Youth they wanted the club to be called after Mathew but it wasn’t really appropriate. They wanted to do something else and I suggested having the CRY logo on the shirts. They thought this was great. We aim to do the CRY Bridges Walk in 2010 wearing the shirts.

a 2:1 degree at Bournemouth University in accounting and finance and was looking forward to a well paid career. He is very much missed and loved and always will be. The total money raised was an amazing £3,200, which was split between the two charities thus donating £1,600 to each. We would like to thank all those who organised, helped, played, donated and came to the football match. Over the three football matches a fantastic total of £8,670 has been raised.

Miss L Bryant sent in a donation of £100 in memory of Graeme.

“We have great pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £500 in memory of Graeme who was so tragically taken away from us on 4 August 2006. Shirley, his Aunt (sister of Janice, Graeme’s mother) and I got married on Sunday 2nd August and make this donation to you, in Graeme’s memory to help you in your determination to do all that you can to prevent such unnecessary deaths in the future.” Shirley and Richard Heywood

The shirts were new for the 2009/10 season. Last season the team were League and Division Winners and did not lose a single game along the way!” Karen Blease.

In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop

“We are pleased to inform you that we held a third Charity Football Match on 26 April 2009 in our son’s memory. As you are aware, Graeme tragically died on 4 August 2006 from a massive heart attack at the age of 21 years.” Jan and Paul Blenkinsop sent in a donation of £1,600. A third charity football match in the memory of Graeme Blenkinsop was held to raise money for CRY and St Marys Hospital Breast Care Trust Fund. Both charities are very dear and important to the family and friends of Graeme.

In Memory of Daniel Boughey “The Crewe’s Missiles Mini Club held its annual charity run from Crewe to Barmouth on 26 April. We are enclosing a cheque for £200. The money has been raised by donations, raffles, etc. We started off in Crewe and drove to Barmouth, having a number of stops on the way. A great day was had by all.” Ms Claire Hudson, Crewe’s Missiles Mini Owners Club.

In Memory of Jack Boulton Graeme was a keen sportsman and played football from an early age. Along with football he also enjoyed golf, cricket, badminton, skiing and many other sports. The match was between GKN Westlands FC (a local Isle of Wight team) and friends of Graeme, which was held at the GKN football ground. Friends and family attended, including many from the mainland. Money was kindly and generously donated from donations, raffle tickets, on the spot fines from the referee, Brian Hayward (well the players can’t help it if they looked untidy, missed goals, and were a little bit too cheeky to the ref), snack sales at the ground and at the BBQ venue of the Victoria Tavern, in East Cowes. The game ended in a four all draw. A raffle was drawn at the Tavern and some of the fantastic prizes included a signed Portsmouth Football shirt and a chance to feed tigers and paint with Lemurs at the IW Zoo. Graeme died in his sleep on 4 August 2006 of a totally unexpected heart attack. All of his family and friends thought of him as a gentle giant who was fun loving and enjoyed the odd beer and night out! Graeme had just obtained

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David Boulton sent in a further donation of £6,605 from the charity football match between Keynsham and Saltford, making a total raised of £7,872.

In Memory of Ian Bowen

The Pig and Whistle raised £100 in memory of Ian from charity bottle they keep on the bar. This donation was forwarded to us by Maralyn Bowen.

• Maralyn Bowen sent in a donation of £196 from their recent screening session. In Memory of Sam Bradley

Simon Walker organised a memorial football match at Winslow, raising £897.83.

Mrs C Bonthrone sent in a donation of £100.

Lynn Geen held an ‘Open House’ event on 16 November and raised £300.


In Memory of Wesley Bray


Dorset times played by our musicians. With an enthusiastic audience of friends, and with the help of a raffle, we raised a magnificent £777 and enjoyed an evening with a difference. It was especially poignant as it would have been Alex’s 23rd birthday.” Charles Buckler sent in a donation of £777.

Bray Financial Services sent in the following donations: £4,679 from Ken Bray, £1,000 from Zurich Insurance and £3,125 from Peter Morris towards the Wesfest.

In Memory of Alex Buckler

A Classical Recital - St. Thomas’s Church, Salisbury, Thursday 16 April 2009. “Edward Marsh, baritone, accompanied by Peter Ford on piano, performed an evening of songs during a Charity Recital held in memory of Alex Buckler. Edward was at Kings School, Bruton with Alex when he died in January 2004, aged 17 years. The friends of Alex have continued to hold events in his memory, and Edward wanted to donate the proceeds of his first solo recital to CRY in Alex’s memory. Edward is now in his third undergraduate year at the Royal Edward at St. Thomas’, Northern College of Music in Manchester, Salisbury where he studies with Colin Iveson. He has performed in many operas and concerts at the college, and is now starting on his solo career. The recital of songs varied from Purcell, Handel and Bellini to English songs by Butterworth and Vaughan Williams, and was attended by nearly 100 people, including the parents and sister of Alex. A total of £400 was raised and donated to CRY.” LtoR Dr Glynn Jenkins, Director of Music, Paul Marsh King’s School Bruton, Edward Marsh, Juliet Brown, Edward’s singing tutor at Bruton

Jan Juneman sent in a donation of £420, “Raised in memory of Alex Buckler at a Coffee Morning held in Bruton’s Community Hall on Saturday 9 May, organised by Jan and Colin Jeneman, Charles, Ros and Jenny Buckler and wonderfully supported by the communities of Bruton King’s School where Alex was a pupil when he died.”

Dylan Amey took part in the Big Bike Ride from Wales to Chamonix and sent in an additional donation of £335.

Dr Alan Atkinson sent in a donation of £663 representing sponsorship for the Great North Run and £700 from Caroline McPherson, Trustee of the McPherson Charitable Trust who agreed to match the amount raised. Total donation £1,363. “I ran in memory of Alex Buckler, a student at Kings School, Bruton who sadly died when I was a teacher at the school and witnessed the death of a seemingly healthy, vibrant lad in our dining hall from an undiagnosed heart condition. His parents, Ros and Charles Buckler, continue to raise funds for CRY at various functions.”

“On 15th November the New Hardy Players put on an evening of entertainment at St Michael’s Church, Pen Selwood entitled Dorset Voices, in aid of CRY. Coming over the border, for the first time from their native Dorchester, the New Hardy Players provided an amusing evening from the works of Thomas Hardy, William Barnes and other modern pieces, many of which are written by the Players themselves. These were interspersed with songs, West Gallery Carols and old

In Memory of Robert Burns Doreen Burns arranged a five-a-side football match on Sunday 3 May and a cake stall and raffle a few days later and raised £1,200 in memory of her son Robert.

In Memory of Steven Burrows “My wife and I had a joint 70th Birthday Party and on the invitations requested no presents. Instead we mentioned that a donation to CRY would be gratefully received. Donations totalled £435 which was smashing. The effort was in memory of our son Steven, who died aged 34, in the year 2000. Our daughter Janette has worked for the charity over the years and raised lots of cash. We are very proud of her and her husband Craig. They both helped to organise the event and provided the venue, their home.” Trevor and Sylvia Burrows.

In Memory of Nathan Butler

Penny Norton and her colleagues at Areva have held several book club events. At the most recent she raised £880 in memory of Nathan. Angela Butler forwarded the cheque to CRY.

“We at the Stone & District Cricket League would like to make a donation to the Nathan Butler Memorial Fund, to be used for screening young cricketers in our area. Nathan played cricket for Porthill Park Cricket Club and was a regular player in our Sunday Cricket Section. We hope that by contributing to this worthwhile charity we can help other young cricketers avoid the tragic occurrence that robbed us of a very talented player.” G Cooper, Treasurer, sent in a donation of £500.

“This money has been donated by Ian and Lisa Powner who had their daughters, Maisie and Imogen, baptised and asked for donations instead of presents. These donations were shared between CRY and the NSPCC.” Angela Butler forwarded a donation of £202.

The Royal Bank of Scotland UK Operating Centre, Newcastle held a fundraising event and raised £251.60. Caroline Shaw forwarded the donation.

Arthur Butler and Mary Bury held a Garden Party on 19 July and raised £203.80.

“In recognition of my recent efforts, my employer, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group has awarded me £250 which I have chosen to give to CRY.” Caroline Shaw, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (Community Cashback).

“Our nursery had a reunion on 12 September in the form of a barbecue fun day. All the proceeds raised were for charities. The committee has chosen three charities of which CRY was one. We had a child (Nathan Butler) who attended Southlands but tragically died aged 17 years old. Nathan’s mum, Angela, has educated us all about the wonderful work that CRY undertakes and trust you can put our donation to good use.” Fran Connell, Southlands Nurseries, sent in a donation of £2,242.

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“I recently celebrated my 50th birthday for which I had a fabulous party evening and asked for no presents, but donation to two charities, one of them being CRY. Please accept these cheques for £335 in memory of Nathan who was a lovely young man and whose parents are our dear friends.” Bernadette Hancock.

In Memory of Graham Lewis Cataldo Davies

“Please find attached a donation for £600 from the Willink School. The money was raised by the school holding a non-school uniform day in May.” Mrs K Lee, Assistant Headteacher

“Our friends, Lee & Yvonne Walklet, recently got married abroad and held a wedding party when they came home where they held an auction and raised £500 for CRY.” Angela Butler forwarded a donation of £500.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £380.11 in memory of Graham Lewis Cataldo Davies who died on 18 April 2007. This money was raised at a charity concert held in the evening at Wynstone’s School, Gloucester, on Friday 6 November, organised by Suzanne Cataldo, Graham’s mother.” Keith Davies.

In Memory of Michael Cadman

The crew on board the Subsea 7 Vessel Rockwater 1 sent in a donation of £5,000. This donation was forwarded by Jane Usher.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £500 in behalf of Bob Dunsmore, Venture Partnership Director.” Kim Lough, BA Senior Secretary, Subsea 7

“The money was donated in the form of sponsorship to my friends and colleagues who completed the Grand Fondo Nove Colli challenge on 24 May in Italy.” Ian Cadman sent in a donation of £1,000. “We knew riding 130 miles up and down long arduous climbs was going to be hard but when a 110 degrees was thrown into the mix it became a completely different monster. Riders were dropping like flies and the ambulance crews never stopped but it was a fantastic occasion that all of us want to experience again. Team Subsea 7 gave a really good account of themselves and all returned unscathed. I was expecting certain members to throw their bikes in skips at the first opportunity but didn’t. They seemed to want more. Sicko’s!!!

Ian and his family came out and their support was greatly appreciated. The amount raised so far is in the region of £18,000. Our initial target was £5,000 but that was reached within a fortnight so I had to keep raising the bar. Thank you again to all those who sponsored us.” John Meager.

In Memory of Goran Carlsson Mr Stacey Marshall sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of Ben Carter Gill and Stephen Roberts sent in a donation of £115 “in lieu of gifts from our Silver Wedding celebration which was held in October in memory of our precious and deeply missed nephew Ben Carter.”

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In Memory of Josephine Chatterton Monica Chatterton held a Garden Party on 5 July and raised £180. Jan Leach, CRY representative, attended this event.

In Memory of Anthony Child (Budgie)

On 30 May 2009 Robin Green and Ina Cogger took part in a 20 mile walk and raised £375. This donation was forwarded to us by Angela Child.

Angie and Jack Child sent in a donation of £900 from the 5th Line Dance event held in August. Special thanks to be passed onto Kim Ray and the Bluegrass Line Dancers.

“We had our 5th annual line dance on the 22nd August 2009. Our friends Kevin and Janet Randall, who originated the idea of doing this event, moved to Corfu to live earlier this year. We were a little concerned with this fact in mind, whether the event would continue. We need not have worried, because another dear friend of ours Kim Ray and the Bluegrass Linedancers, took the event on. A great night was had by all. Entertainment was provided by Kim herself doing the disco part of the evening, and very entertaining it was too. Live entertainment was provided by Natalie who as per normal did two great sets, to keep everyone on the dance floor. We didn’t know that raising money could be so much fun. With a combination of ticket sales a raffle, plus many kind donations and a previous rafflle. We managed to raise the sum of £900.” Angie & Jack Child.

In Memory of Katrina Christopher “This money was raised by the Coppull Angling Club of which Katrina’s fiancé is a member. He has asked me to also thank Ian Holland, Peter and Christine Stazic, Terry and Sandra Green, Johnny and Karl and Charnock Richard Fishing Club for all their hard work.” Viv Christopher sent in a donation of £3,668 towards her daughter’s Memorial Fund on behalf of Katrina’s fiance Mick and their two little girls, Erin and Sadie.

In Memory of Tom Clabburn

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“Drayton Manor High School students raised £100 for Tom’s CRY fund on Thursday 2 April, by holding a cake sale. Year 10 students, including Tom’s sister, Ellen, did the baking and were helped out by Year 9 on the day of the sale. Huge thanks to all those who baked and sold and to all those who bought and ate.” Paul Clabburn

“Earlier this academic year, Year 9N at our school held a fundraising week for your charity. I am now delighted to enclose a cheque for £929.58 raised by the girls through a variety of methods.” Ms A Peric-Matthews, Notting Hill and Ealing High School.

• “A book and cake sale held by the family and friends of Tom Clabburn

Munson’s Café in Ealing sent in a donation of £100.

Andrew Wilson raised £290, through online fundraising.

In Memory of David Cochrane

raised more than a thousand pounds for his memorial fund. More than 150 leaflets promoting CRY’s TestMyHeart tour were also handed out at the event in Ealing, which was organised by Tom’s mum, Claire Prosser. Among those visiting were BBC journalist Carley Bowman, a CRY supporter who organised a group of friends to take part in last year’s CRY London Bridges Walk. Her son, Ben, aged two has battled with a serious heart condition since birth but it didn’t stop him enjoying the cakes.” Paul Clabburn and Claire Prosser (Tom’s parents) sent in a donation of £1,039 from the proceeds of the book sale.

Paul Clabburn sent in a further donation of £126 from the book sale.

“Tom Clabburn’s mum, Claire Prosser, raised nearly £300 for Tom’s memorial fund on Friday 24th July with another book sale. Following the success of her first book sale in May, Claire had so many books left over that she thought she’d hold a second sale at her place of work, the BBC’s White City building. She was delighted by the generosity shown by those who bought books and made donations and for the support of colleagues in the BBC’s College of Journalism - especially Alex Gerlis, Chris Walton and Judith Gamse.” Paul Clabburn and Claire Prosser sent in a donation of £293 from the recent book sale.

Alex Gerlis sent in a donation of £500 from the Book Sale organised by Claire Prosser.

Susanna Reid, BBC Breakfast, sent in a donation of £240.

Alan Stewart and Vicky Pearson held a book sale on 24 July and raised £300.

Shelagh Green, CRY Representative, collected a cheque for £6,879.18 on behalf of CRY, from the Lodge Hopetoun St John’s sponsored walk on 9 May.

The Lodge Hopetoun St John sent in a further donation of £1,443.78 from the Sponsored Walk on 9 May making a total raised of £8,322.96.

In Memory of Jeremy Cole Nigel Cole raised £4,010, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Adam Connolly

Jerry Connolly sent in a donation of £600 in memory of his son Adam, who passed away in August 2008 from HCM.

“I am pleased to enclose cheque to the value of £2,500 to CRY in memory of Adam Edward Connolly, who sadly died on 28 August 2008, aged 25.” Gary Dudham

Jerry Connolly sent in a donation of £465. £150 was raised by Debbie from the sale of Christmas Cards, £278 from the Christmas Concert that was held in St Andrew’s Church Billingborough and £37 from the Christingle service held at Horbling Browns School.

In Memory of Matthew Cooper Alistair Macfarlane raised funds after taking part in the 500km Yucatan Peninsula sponsored cycle ride: “In November 2009 I headed off to Mexico for the toughest physical challenge of my life, by taking part in a charity bike ride to raise money and awareness of CRY. The cycle took 6 days and I am pleased to report that I completed the journey almost without a hitch. The route took me from the colonial town of Merida through the famous Chichen Itza and on to the finishing point at the coastal town of Tulum. It was certainly as challenging as I had anticipated and I was glad to have done as much training as I did - but even so there was nothing I could do to prepare me for the heat and humidity of the region. The majority of the participants suffered in the 30°C plus temperatures and a few had to take cycling breaks during the day. I was determined to pedal every single inch of the journey as I knew that the support I had been given deserved my best efforts, so I did just that from the start line right through to the finish. I was also determined to complete it in memory of my best mate Matthew Cooper, who died suddenly in 2003 aged 22.

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Mexico is an amazing country and travelling through it in the way that we did meant that we got to see, smell and taste parts that the average tourist would never experience. The encouragement that we got from the small children who would run out from crumbling houses when we passed waving and shouting “Hola, hola” was fantastic. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported me and to those who donated to help raise an awesome total of around £3000. Many people have asked if I would ever do it again. My answer is that I will think about it while I let my various body parts recover!”

In Memory of Neil Darby “We raised money for CRY this summer by hosting three separate events in memory of my brother, Neil Darby, who suddenly died aged 28 years old in January 2009 from an undiagnosed heart problem. The three events we now organise annually are a football match between Neil’s cricket team - Carnforth Cricket Club for whom he was captain and the local football team Carnforth Rangers FC for whom I play; then a return event with the same two teams playing a 20/20 cricket match; and finally in June we hosted a golf day at Heysham Golf Club where we had 100 golfers taking part in an 18 hole team competition! We feel that these events are important to us because they help us keep the memory of Neil and also raise awareness about cardiac risk in the young.” Gavin Darby sent in a donation of £3,334.19.

In Memory of Carl Dawson

Mr & Mrs C Dawson sent in a donation of £100.

Liberty Syndicate Management sent in a donation of £1,000.

In Memory of Tony Cooper

“I am writing on behalf of Sean Duggan, Group Editor of the South London Guardian series and the Surrey Comet and enclose £150 in memory of Tony Cooper. Sean kindly came to speak to the team here at London Communications Agency about local newspapers and in return for his time we asked him if we could make a charity donation on his behalf. Tony Cooper, from Sutton, died in March, aged 38, from a heart attack. He was a hugely popular teacher and the lead singer for a Cheam-based band. Just after his death, Glyn Technology School, in Ewell, launched the Tony Cooper Memorial Fund appeal to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young.” Emma Cassidy, London Communications Agency. Glyn School of Technology held a memorial service for their teacher, Tony Cooper. CRY supporter, Rosemary Attridge, attended the service and collected a cheque for £3,321 for CRY.

In Memory of Nick Cottam Mrs Anita Cornmell sent in a donation of £180 in lieu of gifts at her recent wedding.

In Memory of Bruce Cousins Mr & Mrs J Cousins sent in a donation of £186.20.

In Memory of Peter Cox Robin Welch raised £2,415, through online fundraising, at a Boxing Event at Portsmouth Guildhall.

In Memory of Rowena Crabb-Minshall “On Thursday 12 November, ladies from Curves in Stamford shimmied their socks off in support of CRY. Bellyfit instructor, Ms Jae, led the Turkish belly dance workshop through an exotic programme of camels, hip circles, shakes and shoulder waves and numerous other contortions amid much hilarity and good will. Rosie Hargreaves, who runs Curves, provided much-needed refreshments and her support and enthusiasm for the event was fantastic. We are delighted to enclose a cheque for £120 in memory of Rowena Crabb-Minshall (1983-1999).” Jane Minshall

In Memory of Simon Cullum

In Memory of Neil Desai

Urmi Desai sent in a donation of £3,500 for the Cardiac Screening Day to be held at the University of Nottingham on 2 June.

• Coombe Hill Infants’ School sent in a donation of £180 in memory of Neil, who was a former pupil of the school. •

Tom Power made a donation of £125 from the Chesham Squash Club’s Charity Raffle in memory of Neil Desai.

Tiffin School sent in a donation of £913.85.

Jamie Littlejohns raised £610, through online fundraising, from the Tough Guy 2009 event.

In Memory of Luke Dickinson

The Three Legged Pub Crawl raised £956.38 in memory of Luke. This money was forwarded to us by Rebecca Dickinson.

“On Saturday 4 April 2009, family and friends of Luke Dickinson took part in the Luke Dickinson Charity Three Legged Pub Stagger. The event involved couples (some in fancy dress) tied together ‘three legged’ and attempting to stagger round six local pubs in the Haslingden/Helmshore area. Everyone donated at least £10 to enter and other donations were received throughout the day. We initially raised £606.38 from this event in Luke’s memory. A subsequent donation of £350 from a local business - Next Generation Home Improvements Ltd of Haslingden - brought the grand total raised up to £956.38.” Rebecca Dickinson.

“I enclose a donation of £1,249.07 raised by students from St. Aidan’s Church of England Technology College.” Gemma Casement.

Marilyn Cullum held a coffee morning in memory of her son, Simon, and raised £300.

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In Memory of Christopher Dixon

Aimee Norman sent in a donation for £475 from the Swanage To Corfe Castle Walk (August 2008) in memory of Christopher Dixon.

• Penelope Peat raised £130, through online fundraising, in respect of the Swanage to Corfe Walk. In Memory of Adam Donnelly

We have received two donations, totalling £188.50 in memory of Adam. £100 was donated by his grandmother who runs an Antique Fair each month and she has a refreshment stall at the fair for which all the proceeds are donated to CRY. £88.50 was donated by the Crafield Club, when Julie Donnelly visited them on Wednesday 27th May. They had asked for a speaker to go along to talk about CRY. After Julie’s talk, they had a collection for CRY.

Lynn Lyons held a fundraising evening at Battersea Ironsides Rugby Football Club on 6 June and raised £850.

Julie Donnelly forwarded two donations. “A small corner of Anglesey devoted to CRY - I run an indoor market and book sale every Tuesday at Valley on the Isle of Anglesey. I have set up a permanent stall at the market where people make donations of saleable goods and all proceeds go to the Adam Donnelly Memorial Fund.” Eleanor Webb (Adam’s grandmother) sent in a donation of £300. Julie also sent in a donation of £100 from a lady at her church.

In Memory of Adam Drawbridge Mrs K A Fleming sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her great nephew, Adam.

In Memory of David Eastty “Our Ladies Club is called the MNO Club (Mums Night Out) which started over 40 years ago. As part of our Programme of Events we do fundraising for local charities, and at the end of the year we ask our members the charities they would like us to support. In this instance we were approached by Linda Eastty, one of the newer members, to support CRY.” Joan Aldridge, Secretary MNO Club, sent in a cheque for £150.

Because of the generous response for raffle donations, we chose to sell some of the items on the night. Through this, along with selling more raffle tickets, we raised a total of £250. 60 people attended on the night, everyone enjoyed themselves and we all danced the night away!!” Lisa Jenkins

In Memory of Sebastian English

Alex Freeman sent in a donation of £120 towards the Three Peaks Challenge.

• GW and PM Owens sent in a donation of £100 in memory of their Great Nephew, Sebastian, who would have celebrated his 21st Birthday on 7 June. •

James Myddelton sent in a donation of £400 in memory of his greatnephew, Sebastian.

Mark Davies sent in a donation of £500 from the Three Peaks Challenge event.

Alex Freeman sent in a donation of £130 towards the Three Peaks Challenge.

AXA Investments Management (Smile Project) sent in a donation of £6,500.

Mark Davies sent in a donation of £500 in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge, in memory of Howard English (Sebastian’s father).

Mark Davies sent in a further donation of £100 in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge, in memory of Howard English.

Clare Henderson sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the Haslemere Rugby Club’s team who took part in the Three Peaks Challenge in May.

“The money was raised from The Sebastian English Golf Day which is held annually and this was the fifth year. It was held on 1 October at Clitheroe Golf Club. Richard Heslop initiated the idea and organised the event yet again this year. It was a fabulous afternoon of golf/ walking about with forty close friends of ours - true CRY supporters followed by a dinner.” Steph Hunter sent in donations totalling £490 from the golf event.

Mrs Alex Freeman sent in a donation of £2,352.50 in respect of the Haslemere Rugby Club Three Peak Challenge (May 2009.)

In Memory of Reginald Edge We have received a donation, in lieu of floral tributes, of £145 in memory of the late Reginald Edge.

In Memory of Andrew Emery Lisa and Joanna Jenkins held a boat party on 10 October and raised £250. “On October 10 2009, I held a charity boat party on the River Thames. This was in aid of my close friend Andy Emery who sadly passed away in his sleep last year. I organised a raffle which I was so pleased to have such fantastic prizes donated. A few to mention were IMAX tickets at the Science Museum, Dorking Hall cinema tickets, Denbies Vineyard tour tickets, 6 months worth of Kit Kats and designer bags etc.

In Memory of Guy Evans “Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000 as a donation in memory of my beloved son, Guy Evans. This represents 50% of the proceeds of a raffle and Silent Auction held at Guyfest 2009, a celebration of my son’s life held at the Cornerstone Arts Centre in Didcot, Oxfordshire on Saturday 22 August, a year and one week after Guy died.” Beth Chesney Evans

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“The sun shone, the sky was blue and I know Guy was up there smiling down on us. GUYfest 2009 had been a year in the planning – a special event to celebrate the life and passions of my beautiful twin son, Guy Evans, who died of a suspected sudden heart arrhythmia in a motorbike accident last August. The idea behind GUYfest came from two friends with whom he had worked as a volunteer at the Vibe Youth Centre in Didcot, organising monthly rock gigs. From modest beginnings, GUYfest soon snowballed into a day-long event at Cornerstone, the town’s new arts centre, on Saturday 22 August 2009. The day began officially at noon with a procession of motorbikes riding into the town from the village where we live, bright red GUYfest pennants fluttering from their sides.

There was non-stop music in Cornerstone’s cafe/bar – Couture@ Cornerstone – where Guy’s friends took it in turns to play 20-minute “bar gigs”, including an extraordinary young man who produced some terrific rap music using just his voicebox and the microphone! Upstairs, we set up a “quiet room” with a small exhibition of some of Guy’s favourite things. We set up a big round table in the middle of the room and covered it with posters and flyers together with newspaper cuttings - reports of the night he died in a motorbike accident, the inquest which concluded he had suffered a heart arrhythmia, and the subsequent campaign we ran to get improvements in the way 999 operators respond to motorbike accidents. We placed his book of remembrance on the table for people to sign and write messages. We had comfy seats for people to sit and swap memories and two tables carried literature and posters from CRY and the Child Bereavement Charity to help people understand what had happened and to point to sources of support. The star auction prize in the Silent Auction – a day filming with BBC TV’s Top Gear programme plus a ride round the track with the Stig and tickets to the show – proved a big draw and people came from Oxford and beyond for a chance to win it. The afternoon’s activities came to an end at around 5.30 p.m. when we drew the raffle of more than 30 raffle prizes generously donated by local businesses and individuals. Special items included a watercolour painted by Guy’s 84-year-old grandfather, a set of jewellery made especially for the event by a friend at work, and merchandise and tickets for gigs donated by Guy’s favourite rock bands.

The bikers – all close mates, three of whom were with Guy on the night he died - roared up to the entrance to Cornerstone, revving their engines as loudly as they could to make sure we got off to a very noisy and conspicuous start! The bikers then joined friends, family and onlookers on the forecourt, where the MP for Wantage and Didcot, Ed Vaizey, performed the official opening. We’d fixed up a big red and white ribbon and bow (the colours of Guy’s Yamaha motorbike and leathers) across the main entrance and Ed managed to snip the ribbon first time with great aplomb! From then on, more than 400 people came in and out during the day to remember Guy, have some fun and raise some money for CRY and the Child Bereavement Charity.

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But the day wasn’t over – as we began clearing away the exhibitions, the evening rock gig got underway in the auditorium, the stage Photos By Peter Greenland dominated by a massive GUYfest banner and the space lit up by a light show and lasers. Motion in Colour – a band Guy knew well through working at the Vibe – kicked off the gig, including performing “Close Your Eyes” a haunting and moving song written specially for Guy by singer Adam Barnes. They were followed by Oxford band, Phantom Theory and then London hip hop singer and martial artist, Mr Shaodow, took to the stage for an equally energetic performance. The gig finished with a terrific drum and bass performance by DJ Marcus Taylor from Wantage – a close friend of Guy’s who has now set up his own record label.


In Memory of Andrew Gard

And just to make it extra special we gave everyone GUYfest balloons and a “goody bag” filled with his favourite Haribo sweets, chocolate, badges and a souvenir postcard. By 11 p.m. we were all completely exhausted – it had been an incredibly long day after a long year of careful planning and organisation involving many people. But we were really happy that the day had gone so well. It was everything we’d hoped it would be – full of fun and laughter, as well as some tears, a lovely party atmosphere and a wonderful tribute to the special young man who was only with us for 17 years but who made such an impact on so many lives. My darling Guy – I really hope you enjoyed it too. Mum xxx” For a full write-up and






Lisa Munday raised £530 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Andy Forbes

Roger Park and all the staff at the Frinton Garden Centre raised £200 through various collections in memory of Andrew.

• The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos held an end of year raffle and raised £1,241.85 for CRY. This donation was collected by Caroline Gard, CRY Divisional Representative. •

“We recently organised a raffle and auction to remember our colleague Andy Forbes who sadly passed away on 30th April 2008. We raised a total of £1,962 and The Tesco Charity Trust has added a 20% top up.” Steve Garton, Operations Director, Tesco Stores Limited, sent in a donation totalling £2,354.40. Tesco Stores Limited sent in a donation of £907.20.

“I recently celebrated my 65th birthday and wanted to show my appreciation to CRY so asked for donations instead of presents. Ruth Lowe has been my rock for several difficult months and has seen me through a tough time for me personally. This is my way of saying ‘thank you’ in a small way for all you do.” Pearl Willis sent in a donation of £150.

In Memory of Peter Gray “Please accept a cheque for £480 in memory of my late husband Peter Gray. The money was raised through a Memorial Concert given by his family and friends in April 2009. Peter died suddenly on 9 February 2008 as a result of WPW syndrome. We hope that this donation will help to prevent further tragedies.” Jenny Gray

In Memory of Oliver Griffin Ventnor Bowls Club held a President’s Charity Day on 12 July and raised £660 in memory of Oliver Griffin.

In Memory of Leanne Haddrell

In Memory of Laura Fox

“We collected £86.26 from a collection tin placed at Cascades in Tewkesbury which is where Leanne worked and £45.69 from a tin at The Wheatpieces Public House in Tewkesbury.” Mary Haddrell sent in a cheque for £131.95.

The customers and staff of Wickham Market Eat Inn Restaurant raised £205 for Neill’s Beard Waxing. This money was sent in by Kate Fox.

In Memory of Brian Fraser “Please find enclosed a donation of £850 for CRY. We collected the money at the funeral of my father-in-law, Brian Fraser, who died suddenly at the age of 64. Brian was aware of his heart condition and would want the research to continue.” Sarah Fraser.

In Memory of Rhian Nadine Fry

Colleen Fry sent in a donation of £141 from collection boxes at Morrison’s Supermarket.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £500 donated to your worthy cause on behalf of the St Edmund Hall Junior Common Room. The motion was proposed by Frankie Rudge-Robinson. We hope this helps you continue your good work.” Andrew Bambury, St Edmund Hall JCR Charities Officer.

Colleen Fry sent in a further donation of £105 from collection tins.

In Memory of Vicki Furlong

St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals sent in a donation of £150.

Maureen Moss and the Physiotherapy Department at University Hospital, Aintree, held a ‘Sponsored Grey’ and raised £360 in memory of Vicki.

Chelmsford Lioness Club sent in a donation of £125 from various fundraising events.

In Memory of Stewart Gardner

In Memory of Clare Everett-Allen


In Memory of James Haggerty

Jackie Haggerty sent in donations totalling £1,001.

Mrs Jackie Haggerty sent in a donation of £535. “This was raised by the Conservative Club who held a race night in memory of James making an incredible £535 and everyone had a very enjoyable evening.”

In Memory of

Harvey Hague-Armitage

“In May 2009 Harvey’s best friend Adam Caine, along with friends from St John’s Church, Heath Hayes, successfully completed the gruelling Three Peaks Challenge, climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon. Organised by George Green and Bill Caine (Adam’s dad) the other climbers were Paul Holding, James Holding, Richard Arm,

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Mike Hughes, Terry Croxall, Alan Langley, Mark Newton and Ian Carlisle. Harvey’s friend Adam said after, ‘It was the best thing I have ever done.’” Christine Hague-Armitage sent in a donation of £1,853.52 from the Three Peaks Challenge and also a pigeon racing night; “A Pigeon Racing evening provided much hilarity and stiff competition, with prizes awarded to both adult and child winners. It was also an opportunity for George to show his PowerPoint presentation of the Three Peaks Challenge; and everyone was in awe of the climbers’ achievement. Heartfelt thanks go to George Green, Adam and Bill Caine, and everyone involved in the events.”

for your fantastic team who provide not only the amazing research into SADS but the ‘human element’ which you give to the people who have lost their loved ones.” Steve Haw.

In Memory of Charlie Headland Ann Headland raised £100 at her CRY stall at the Christmas Fair in memory of Charlie.

In Memory of Laura Hillier

Tony, Joan and Matthew Hillier sent in a donation of £250 from Towcester & District Tangent Club.

• Nadine Howes held a charity fun Day on 3 May at Milton Football Club and raised £2,017.50. The day included a fancy dress football match, barbecue and stalls.

In Memory of Jodie Hanson Kyla Hanson took part in a 500km row at her local gym in memory of her sister, Jodie. She raised £250.

In Memory of Joey Hanzich Patrick Dewhurst raised £720, through online fundraising, after completing the Trailplus Triathlon.

In Memory of Graham Harrison

in a

“We would like you to accept this donation in memory of Graham Harrison, our friend and neighbour, who died last year at the age of 18. The money was donated by our friends and family as an alternative to gifts to celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary.” Steve and Clare Wilson sent donation of £312.50.

In Memory of David Harrop

Mark Moore, Social Secretary of the Old Alleynian Football Club, sent in a donation of £1,150.

The Old Alleynian Football Club sent in a further donation of £4,095.37 in memory of their much missed friend and player David.

Jennifer Harrop sent in a donation of £2,055, via Skyline, in respect of the Kilimanjaro Open Trek.

Poynton High School and Performing Arts College sent in a donation of £500.

In Memory of Christopher Haw

Steve Haw sent in a donation of £500 for the Jedi Festival which took place on 26 July. “Keep up the outstanding work everyone, you are all valued and very much respected by so many people in so many communities.”

“Please find cheques totalling £1,076 donated by The Jedi Music Festival. I am hoping very much that this annual event, which raises awareness of SADS, will continue to generate much needed funds

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The Walnut Tree Inn sent in a donation of £167.

Hati Colvin raised £1,198.10 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Craig Hodgkinson Kevin Horton raised £1,439.01, through online fundraising, after completing the COSMIC London to Paris Bike Ride.

In Memory of Tony Hogan Tricia Dinn raised £100 from an Easter Egg Raffle she held at her place of work (Credibility HMRC).

In Memory of Lauren Holly Matt Stevens sent in a donation of £1,378 in respect of the Kilimanjaro Trek.

In Memory of Jonathan Hooper David Jolly sent in a donation of £505 in memory of his godson, Jonathan Hooper, who died in 2004. The money was raised, in lieu of presents, to celebrate Mr Jolly’s 65th birthday party in May.

In Memory of Nina Horndorf-Dearsley Peter Ellis took part in a sponsored swim and raised £232.

In Memory of Stewart Howard “Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,070. The money was raised as follows: £40 collected by staff at Tesco. Pete and Nicky raised £30 in Penny’s and £2,000 at the Car Boot sale on Easter Sunday. Please thank all the staff at Tesco -

Our without their support I would not have done this.” Jane Howard


In Memory of Justyn Johnson Sophia Johnson raised a further £145, through online fundraising, on the sponsored Give Up Alcohol.

In Memory of Lisa Johnson

Eunice, Carl, Gareth and Seth sent in a donation of £160 in memory of Lisa Johnson who would have celebrated her 33rd birthday on 14 May.

Eunice Johnson sent in a donation of £360 in respect of Carl’s 65 mile walk in Northumberland in August (St Cuthbert’s Way).

Eunice Johnson forwarded a sponsorship donation of £133 in respect of Carl’s sponsored St Cuthbert’s Way Walk in August plus an additional donation of £100.

In Memory of Caroline Johnstone

The Bishop’s Stortford High School raised £2,000 in memory of Caroline from a Non Uniform Day and Sporting Activities on 1 April. Mike Aylott, CRY supporter, collected this money on our behalf.

In Memory of Josh Howell “A fancy dress fundraising event was held in honour of Marine Josh Howell, and the proceeds are being split between CRY and the Marines Benevolent Fund. Josh is my little brother. He died of sudden heart failure, aged 21, last July.” Laura Howell sent in a donation of £555.

In Memory of Gavin Hughes Douglas Irvine raised £950, through online fundraising.

The School House, Bishop’s Stortford College sent in a donation of £779.29.

Lesley Johnstone sent in the following donations from the Cazfest: sponsored silence: £85, Tennis Club donation: £100, Glaxo Smith Kline: £500, Little Hadham Parish Council: £850, Aon Insurers: £500 and personal donations: £274. Also £283 and £85 from the sponsored silence, making a grand total of £2,308.

Hugo Hunt took part in the Mazda London Triathlon and raised £395, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Daniel Ingerfield

“The fundraising was initiated in memory of the sudden loss of one our members of staff last year - Daniel Ingerfield, who was my brother. I know that the enclosed donation will be well used, in continuing the good work of CRY.” Gareth Ingerfield sent in a donation of £2,095.65 raised within the Financial Crime Department of Abbey National. We have received a matched giving donation of £2,095.65 from Abbey National.

In Memory of Nick Jarram

In Memory of Jade Johnstone John and Janice Johnstone held a Family Fun Day in memory of their daughter Jade, who died on 28 January 2008. They raised £1,160.

Grace Jarram sent in a donation of £1,307.93 in memory of her son, Nick, who passed away on 14 March 2009.

“City College students and staff have raised £850 for CRY by organising a photographic print sale. Following the tragic death of 26-year-old former City College photography student Nick Jarram last summer, victim to an undiagnosed heart condition, lecturer Sam Baxter, along with Art and Design staff and students decided to organise a sale of photographic images to raise money for the charity. The sale of staff and students’ work resulted in the fantastic sum of £850 being raised. Grace Jarram, Nick’s mother, received a cheque for the charity from City College and said: ‘This is very moving and helps to make the memory of Nick live on.’” Sam Baxter

In Memory of Nathan Jennings Dave and Jenny Jennings held a Charity Day at Mid Kent Golf Club on 21 November. “The response from the members was terrific, raising £1,000.” Dave and Jenny Jennings.

In Memory of Jerome Kaemena “The JK10 charity event took place on Saturday 23 May and raised between £5,000 and £5,500. Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,000 as your share of the donated funds which we hope will help your charity to change lives and provide support.” Stephen Shepherd,

In Memory of Claire Keen & Paul Byrne “This money was raised during a corporate ‘fun day’ where male employees baked cakes, and all other employees paid to taste each cake and vote for the winner. Our winner was Brett Cave and his Extra Lemon Lemony Cake.” Ellen Mould, SE Controls, sent in a donation of £173.50

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In Memory of David Keirl “Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,037 which is the total my family and friends raised at a recent charity event. My brother-in-law David Keirl died on 26 September 2008, aged 30, of SADS and we as a family wanted to celebrate his life by holding a golf competition and have a band/raffle/ auction on the anniversary of his death. The day and night was a huge success and we were able to get through it due to the fact we were raising money.” Debbie Keirl

In Memory of Alison Linforth Richard Cummings sent in a donation of £250 from his employer’s Charity Scheme after he took part in a sponsored bungee jump.

In Memory of Ian (Lenny) Linington

“I contacted CRY in October 2008 to let you know about some fundraising I was doing in memory of a good friend, Lenny, who died of heart failure last July, aged 29. I have held various concerts in the autumn and sold 400+ CDs and am now in a position to send you the first instalment of our donation. This cheque for £2,463 represents money raised at Sevenoaks School, from staff and pupils who have supported the concerts and CDs. I know this money will be well spent. Well done for all the fantastic work you all do.” Jon Drury, Head of Russian, Sevenoaks School.

Jon Drury sent in a further donation of £878 from the concerts in autumn 2008.

In Memory of Judith Krish Jonathan Krish sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of gifts for the 30th birthdays of his niece and nephew. This donation was made in memory of his daughter Judith Krish.

In Memory of Anthony Lancaster “The lovely ladies of the ‘Thursday at Eight’ group in Hull have been busy fundraising following the talk I gave them in April 2008 about CRY and the death of my son, Anthony Lancaster (2002). They invited me to collect the cheque on Thursday 17 September - a staggering £850 - not bad for a group of quite elderly ladies! I was very touched indeed.” Pauline Jolly forwarded the donation of £850 to CRY.

In Memory of Robert Lancaster Martin McColl Limited hosted a Golf Tournament on 25 June and raised £2,000 from the auction.

In Memory of Nigel Roberts Lee We have received a donation of £735, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Nigel Roberts Lee.

In Memory of Vicky and Phillip Lee Sylvia Treanor sent in donations totalling £900 from sponsorship of the Fun Day and collection tubs.

“Ian Linington (Lenny), a good friend of mine, died in July 2008 aged 29, from what appears to have been heart failure. I am a musician and songwriter, and while dealing with my own grief, I wrote a song simply called ‘Lenny’, which had been in inspired in part by a reading his parents had chosen for the funeral. During August last year, I recorded ‘Lenny’ and eleven other tracks, and had a batch of CDs made, with the intention also playing a string of gigs to raise money. The CD, entitled ‘In each place’, was launched at the renowned 12 Bar Club in London’s west-end, in front of 90 friends and relatives, and over £800 was raised. I also held a concert at Sevenoaks School, where I teach Russian, and all the proceeds from ticket and CD sales went to CRY. Since then, I have played numerous gigs in and around London, selling 391 copies of the CD to date, resulting in a total of £3341 raised.” Jon Drury

In Memory of Kira Louise Lloyd

In Memory of Jonathan Leigh David Leigh sent in a donation of £500 from the LeydonSmith School of Dance Live Show 2009. “This money was raised earlier in the year by one of Pontefract’s largest dance groups; over 200 people of all ages took part. Katherine Leydon-Smith runs the group and every three years produces the ‘Live Show.’ This feast of dancing runs for a week and all proceeds go to nominated charities.” David Leigh.

In Memory of John Lester and Mrs L Lester Mrs L Bentley sent in a funeral donation of £180 in memory of her “dear mother who died on 3 October, aged 86 and her brother, John, who died on 26 June 1987, aged 29, of cardiomyopathy.”

In Memory of Huw Lewis “Friends and family of Huw Lewis, who died of HCM in October 2002, continue to raise funds in Huw’s memory on behalf of CRY. They recently donated an additional £1,000 to CRY from the annual Huw Lewis Memorial six-aside tournament held each May in Kilgetty, Pembrokeshire.” Jonathan Lewis.

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“On Saturday 14 February we held a ‘Have a Heart for Valentine’ event. The evening was a great success. We had donations from the local community shop, Kira’s grandfather’s work, my husband’s work and a friend’s business.” Melanie and Andrew Lloyd sent in donations totalling £1500.

Melanie and Andrew Lloyd sent in donations totalling £2,895.40. They were made up as follows: £400 from Tesco stores for the bag packing, £1,362.40 from Andrew and five of his friends completing a Skydive, £858 from Kira’s Day and £275 from donations from the local schools and a family relative.

In Memory of Rachael Marie Lord Sandra, Bruce, Martin and Nathan Lord held a Memorial Garden Party on 27 June in memory of Rachael and raised £1,990.60.

In Memory of Martyn Luckett “Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,000 from our Motor Cycle Trials School held on 7 and 8 August this year. We had 69 adults and kids doing training, we held a BBQ with a live band and bar and a very large draw, which itself raised a lot of money. We had around 50 prizes. We will be taking a photo at a cheque presentation evening on Friday 13

Our November. This date is Martyn’s birthday. He would have been 24 on that day so it will be special.” Brenda Luckett.

In Memory of Amanda McCarthy Pete McCarthy sent in an initial donation of £500 in respect of him taking part in the London Duathlon on 13 September 2009. “On Sunday 13 September 09, myself (Pete McCarthy) and my great friend Dave Bentley, undertook to complete the London Duathlon, to raise funds for CRY in memory of my beloved daughter Amanda, who sadly died on October 12th last year. The day started early, with a wakeup call at 0600, in order to make sure we could have a decent breakfast of porridge and bananas before heading off to Richmond Park to make our start time of 0905. We arrived in Richmond Park at the competitor’s village at around 0730 and began the process of registering and racking our bikes. This was the first multisport event Dave and I had ever taken part in, but any nerves or apprehension quickly disappeared as we realised how professionally organised the whole event would be, and how varied the levels of ability were. At 0905 we were off on the first of 3 legs of the race (a 9km run). This went well and we were able to take in the great spectacle that is Richmond Park, with deer and other wildlife all around you at every turn. This run warmed the legs up nicely for the second leg, the bike.


In Memory of Allyn McCluskie

We have received a donation of £680.65, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Allyn McCluskie who passed away on Friday 12 June 2009.

Alice McMahon sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her greatnephew Allyn. This money was collected from her friends in Scotland.

Elizabeth sent in a donation of £2,429.23 from various fundraising. This includes £238.23 from Filey School which they raised during their non-uniform day, £100 from First Choice card shop and £875.20 which Karen Neesom raised from a raffle.

A social evening was held at the Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland Queen Elizabeth II Lodge No. 64 and the prize bingo raised £300.

In Memory of Tommy McDermott-Headington “Tommy’s Memorial Day - Saturday 8 August. You will be pleased to know we held the above event which went very well and we enclose a cheque for £602.50 for CRY. In total we raised £1,205 which we had previously agreed to split 50% in support of both The British Heart Foundation and Cardiac Risk in the Young. Thomas James Headington died on 17 June 2009. He was 33 years old and died suddenly from a heart attack at the Lister Hospital in London.” Ken Headington.

In Memory of Paul McGlynn Kathryn McGlynn held ‘Coffee Morning at McGlynn’s’ and raised £640 in memory of her brother, Paul.

In Memory of Jonathan McGrath “One of our pupils (Jonathan McGrath) sadly died and the school had a collection for him.” Mrs Hogan, Bursar of Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College, sent in a donation of £230.

We set off on this leg (20km) and were just finding our stride when we hit heartbreak hill!! This was one of the most difficult parts of the course, and was made worse by the fact that we knew we had to do 2 laps on the bike, and so would have to endure this hill again - nightmare. Once complete on the bikes, and now with very heavy legs, we entered transition for the final leg, a 5km run! The first half mile of this leg was very difficult as the muscles and blood flow had to change from producing a cycling action back to a running action, and to be honest I’m sure we looked as strange as we felt running this final leg! We completed it though, and for 2 fellas who are getting on a bit (mid-40s) we did it in a respectable time of 2 hours 15 minutes (including transition times). Most importantly, though, we did it with the help of our families, friends and work colleagues. We have received approximately £900 in sponsorship for this event, and that money has gone directly to CRY in order to help fund the fantastic work they are doing. We plan to keep taking on new challenges in order to support CRY and are truly thankful that you all keep digging deep with your help and support both financial and supportive.

In Memory of Simon McNamara

“Following the sudden death of my friend Simon McNamara last year, his family and friends have been organising charity events in aid of CRY as a way of remembering Simon and allowing his legacy to live on. I arranged for a charity day in aid or CRY at my firm, Pinsent Masons.” Oliver Mangiapane sent in a donation of £201.35.

Jon McNamara sent in a donation of £170 in memory of his brother, Simon.

Anna Nesbitt sent donation of £462.

Freda and Mike McNamara sent in a donation of £325 from their recent quiz/supper evening.



“A quiz and supper night was held in Rolleston Village Hall on Saturday 5th September to raise funds for,

So once again, many thanks from Dave and me, and thank you for all for supporting such a worthwhile cause xxx”

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Fundraisers •

Rachel Anderson took part in the Three Peaks Challenge in September and raised £120.

“On 17th July 2008, our ‘baby’ brother, Simon McNamara, died suddenly, at the age of 25, while on holiday with his friends in Croatia. The cause of his death was an acute arrhythmia attack (we don’t know what caused/ triggered it).

and awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young - CRY. Our son Simon was just 25 years old when he died while on holiday in Croatia last year, of a sudden cardiac arrhythmia attack. Since then our family and friends, along with Simon’s many friends have raised over £22,000 for CRY. The quiz night was a huge success, with £3,500 raised for CRY - a magnificent effort by everyone involved. Our thanks go to so many who supported us on the night, and those who gave generous raffle and auction prizes, as well as donations.” Freda, Mike, Jon and Kate McNamara

Susan Wheeldon donated £250.10, through online fundraising.

Sue Wheeldon organised a Fundraising Quiz on 25th September 2009 at NHS Nottinghamshire County, Birch House, Rainworth, Mansfield. A total of £250.10 was raised for CRY. The event was organised by the Charities Network, with information about CRY on every table and on a board. There were several ‘last minute’ teams that entered so there was quite a bit of ‘table splitting’ going on. After the event a “thank you” was given by Sue Wheeldon on behalf of Freda and Mike McNamara. Sue also gave a brief explanation of what CRY will use the money for; encouraged all those present who had young friends or relatives to contact CRY about heart testing; and urged people to spread the word to their friends. The Question Master was Lindsay Scatcherd who did a first class job. The winning team won a hamper, medals and a ‘trophy’ which they can keep until the next quiz event. There was also a raffle, which saw a whole raffle book sold out! The raffle prize was a day at Eden Spa which was won by Gill Oliver. The atmosphere was brilliant and everyone said how much fun they had whilst raising money for a good cause.

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Simon was young, fit and healthy. Just weeks before he died, he had completed the 3 Peaks Challenge to raise money for The Lord’s Taverners. Soon after Simon’s death, we - along with a group of Simon’s friends from Durham University; and from Nottingham, where he grew up - decided to complete the 3 Peaks Challenge in his honour. So it was that we found ourselves on Friday 18th September 2009 beginning the long trek up to Fort William to start the hike up Ben Nevis. It started hot and sunny, but by the time we finished (5 hours later) it was pitch black (thank goodness for the head torches). My Dad said we looked like miners returning from the pit! The amazing support team were ready and waiting for us with hot drinks, bacon butties and soup - how would we have survived without them? Then it was back into the mini buses for the long drive through the night to Scafell Pike in the Lake District. Despite sleeping bags, eye masks and travel pillows, very few of us got any sleep and it was soon time to pile out of the buses and start climbing Scafell Pike at 4.30am (head torches on again as the sun didn’t rise until we neared the peak around 6.30am). A good bit of singing kept all 17 of us going despite the dark, lack of sleep and lack of proper food. We completed Scafell in 4 hours and piled back into the buses (after some much appreciated sustenance from our support team). Final drive to North Wales to tackle Snowdon. Despite this supposedly being the ‘easiest’ of the 3 peaks, the other peaks and long drives had taken their toll, and everyone was incredibly weak and tired by this point. But, with a few additions to the group as support, and yet more singing along the way, we made it to the top. It was there on the top of the final mountain that we met and talked to Mike Gatting, ex-England cricket captain and immediate Past President of The Lord’s Taverners, the charity Simon had supported during his 3 Peaks Challenge only 15 months previously.



Was it fate that he was there or just a massive coincidence? To our group it felt as though Simon was there himself, watching over us and telling us how proud he was of our success. We took time to have a bit of bubbly at the top of Snowdon before making our way down for the final time. Two hours later we made it back to the mini buses. We had made it – challenge completed as a full team. It was an incredibly draining challenge, mentally and physically, but at the same time the most fantastic and amazing experience for all of us. I have never known such a brilliant team effort – an already close group of friends are now just that bit closer. Never has a shower and bed been so welcoming. Now we’re all back home and back to work – a few minor injuries and many aching muscles. So far, we have raised almost £3,000 for CRY – well worth every painful step!” Kate and Jonny McNamara (Simon’s older brother and sister)

He added that Fabian was hard-working, a keen sportsman and a highly proficient musician.

For more pictures, visit

In Memory of Tommy McWilliams

Frances McWilliams raised £340 from various fundraising event between 6 March and 24 July 2009.

• St Luke’s High School sent in a donation of £400.

In Memory of Jack Maddams Roger Maddams had a bucket collection on 13 April at a football match between Sutton United & Carshalton Athletic Club and raised £254.04 .

In Memory of John Magowan Rishka Magowan sent in a donation of £300 in respect of Raising Awareness Week.

In Memory of Fabian Maingot Olivia Beckhurst wrote a press release for a friend organising the Fabian Maingot Memorial Concert in aid of CRY and the BHF. She sent in a matched giving donation of £175. “A special concert at the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School in West Kensington celebrated the life of a pupil who died aged 18. Fabian Maingot, who was a pupil at Cardinal Vaughan, died suddenly of heart disease 10 years ago this month.

“He was a boy of whom any parents might be justly proud. The ten years since Fabian died have passed very quickly. But time has not dimmed his memory. It will live forever in the hearts of those who knew and loved him,” he stated. At the concert, the band was joined by alto saxophonist Jason Yarde as well as vocalist Obenewa Aboah. The school’s singing group, the Schola Cantorum performed; the school choir sang Tippets’s Five Spirituals; and there was a performance of Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C, with sixteen-year-old Isaac Morris as soloist. A tribute from Fabian’s godfather, Leroy Logan, stated: “Fabian’s legacy still lives on in my heart and mind as a warm glow of peace and joy, reminiscent of the last time I saw him on his birthday. Despite the pain of losing him at such a young age, the significance of his achievements as a role model and a loving son overrides some of the sorrow.” The school bursar’s assistant Brendan O’Sullivan said that the concert went tremendously well, adding: “Some of the performances were exceptionally good.”

In Memory of Jonny Malpas John Bell raised a further £622.40, through online fundraising, in respect of the Lands End to John O’Groat’s Cycle Ride.

In Memory of Mark Marden Alison Marden held a Charity Ball on 16 May, in memory of her son Mark. A donation of £955 was sent in.

In Memory of Adrian and Christopher Markham Mr & Mrs Markham sent in a donation of £500 in memory of their sons.

In Memory of James Markham Jeff Markham raised £925 through online fundraising.

The school’s Big Band, of which he was once a member, played a concert last Wednesday in St John’s church, Smith Square, Westminster, to raise money for the charities British Heart Foundation and Cardiac Risk in the Young. Paying tribute to the teenage young man’s life, the school’s headmaster stated: “Fabian was an outstanding young man, an ornament to his family and to his school.”

In Memory of Paul Marrs Anna Dasey sent in a donation of £200 from the Dress Down Day at the Metropolitan Police SCD26 New Scotland Yard in memory of her son-inlaw Paul.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Oliver Marsden

Liz Wood and Josh Harmer held a Frock Exchange evening on 19 January 2009 and raised £400.

• Kevin Marsden sent in a donation of £1,797 from the Ollie Marsden Memorial Rugby Match. • The

University of Plymouth held its Varsity event between 16 - 18 March in memory of former student Oliver Marsden, who passed away during rugby training. Kevin Marsden attended a cheque presentation on behalf of CRY. He collected £4,074.67 in memory of Oliver. In addition The Barrel House Concert raised £121, the Seven Stars Golf Society raised £150 and an additional £80 was raised for the memorial rugby match. Total donation: £4,452.67

Kevin Marsden sent in a donation of £1,485 from the Oliver Marsden Memorial Rugby Match held on 29 March 2009.

The University of Plymouth Students’ Union (UPSU) sent in a donation from student volunteers of £147.49 in memory of Ollie Marsden. This money was forwarded to us by Claire Massey, Volunteer Manager.

Sonia Jordan held a Frock Exchange and sale at school in memory of her nephew, Oliver, and raised £530.

“We are delighted to make a donation to CRY following a collection amongst our members and their guests at our recent Annual Dinner.” Justin Ratcliffe, Council for Aluminium in Building, sent in a donation of £750.

Kevin Marsden sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Sam and Martin’s cycle ride to France.

Amy Dewick took part in a charity boat trip and raised £800.

Mr C J Pengelly sent in a donation of £1,000 from the Freemasonry Organisation of Devon.

In Memory of John Marshall

Maureen Marshall sent in a further donation of £500 from the collection boxes at Edge Hill University. This makes a total of £3,500 collected to date.

The Edge Hill University staff barbecue raised £189.

Hayley Marshall held a Family Fun Day and Golf Tournament and raised £170.

Hayley Marshall sent in a donation of £173 in respect of the Golf Weekend.

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“I held a raffle and auction to raise money for CRY in memory of my brother John Marshall at a Golf Weekend on May 9 in Wales. A day of fancy dress golfers and golfers’ WAGS [“wives and girlfriends”] and lots of fun! We raised £340 in total which I was amazed at, for such a small number of people! Thanks to everyone who helped out and donated!” Hayley Marshall

Maureen Marshall sent in a donation of £230 raised by the Queen’s Inn, who raffled an Everton shirt.

Maureen Marshall sent in a further donation of £206 from the Everton Shirt.

Hayley Marshall held an evening on live music, comedy acts and a raffle on 6 June in memory of her brother, John, and raised £1,300.

“This charity night was held at The Engine Rooms - www.engine-rooms. - which is a music and arts centre. They let me have it free, as well as donating money from the bar takings and playing in their band too. All free entertainment, we had bands playing live music - including John’s younger brother Michael - a comedy act, and raffles with some fabulous prizes donated from local businesses and also Everton FC and Liverpool FC. Prizes included restaurant vouchers, tickets to Liverpool Echo Arena concerts, signed footballs, salon vouchers, gym memberships, shopping vouchers and many more. We also held an auction for a mini ‘Superlambanana’ (famous in Liverpool!!) and for football boots signed by Everton’s Phil Jagielka. A fantastic night all round for John, and everyone really enjoyed it - especially as £1500 was raised despite the venue’s capacity being around 60 people (paying just £5 a ticket for the night) - some very generous people!

Our This was a big step for me to do a night in memory of John, but I am so glad that I did and that the money raised can go towards another successful screening in memory of such a wonderful big brother.”

In Memory of Tony Mead Inspector Vince Puffitt sent in a donation of £800 in memory of his friend and colleague.

In Memory of Ian Merchant Dennis Merchant sent in a donation from the collection tin of £100.


I would also like to thank everyone who helped raise the donations and specially the door staff (you know who you all are). I couldn’t have done it without you. Finally I would like to give a massive thank you to the bar/ venue who allowed me to use their space, sound equipment and alcohol for the bands all for free - they were fantastic help and would love to hold another charity gig there soon! Overall we raised £800 - more than anyone expected. So, one final “thank-you” to everyone who took part, attended and donated. It was a great night and I hope to organise many more.” Sophie Sandles

In Memory of Charlie Morettes

Allison Spalding raised £107, via Samantha Symons’ fundraising page.

In Memory of Vincent Mooney We have received a donation of £215, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Vincent Mooney.

• •

In Memory of Leslie Thomas Moore We have received a donation, in lieu of floral tributes, for £350 for the late Mr Leslie Thomas Moore.

In Memory of Liam Morefield

Alex Morefield sent in a donation of £230 in memory of his son, Liam, who passed away on 8 February 2009.

Sophie Sandles held a charity gig at The Frog and Fiddle Public House on 19 November in memory of her friend, Liam, and raised £754.

“After a long month of planning, posturing and bugging people to the high heavens to come to the event, the night had finally come. Although I panicked about not having enough people, every one came together in the end. There was a buzzing atmosphere and I have to say special thanks to the bands who played for free and helped rake in the donations. The whole night was a great success. We had a short speech from Siobhan Guyan - she talked about the charity and most importantly spoke about Liam Morefield; how caring and giving he was and that this night was in memory of him as he passed away due to cardiac arrest. It was a lovely and touching speech and she was very brave for doing so.

Allison Spalding sent in a donation of £300. Allison Spalding sent in a donation of £820.

In Memory of Tom Morgan “Tom Morgan, my brother, passed away from acute cardiac failure on 15 June 2009 and the coroner advised we spoke to you for support which we have done and found very helpful. Tom was 30 years old. We held a charity football match in Tom’s memory on 16 August, Great Missenden FC vs. Eldorado Diamonds FC. Tom played for Great Missenden FC on a Saturday with myself as a striker and on Sundays for Eldorado Diamonds FC.” Dan Morgan sent in a donation of £320.

In Memory of Levon Morland

“Jim Henderson of Coptrin Limited is a longstanding supporter of CRY and every year he holds a party on his farm in Belfield, a small village near Selby, North Yorks. ‘Kelfest Rock the Barn 2009’ was held on 8 June and was the best attended we’ve had so far with around 200 guests turning up. Live music was supplied by Barkin’ Billy and the Scrapyard Dogs and Nick and Rhiannon Phillips, with disco provided by Steve Clayton.” Jeff Morland sent in a donation of £599.15.

The Rotary Club of Derwentside raised £1,505.

The Amicus Peterlee branch of the union (now known as Unite) sent in a donation of £200. This was forwarded to us by Jeff Morland.

“Please find enclosed a cheque to the value of £5,000 which is part of ongoing fundraising by us lot up North.” Jeff Morland.

Howden-le-Wear and Hunwick Parochial Church Council made a donation of £200 to CRY. This was forwarded to us by Jeff Morland.

In Memory of Madeleine Mulcahey Mark Luscsombe-Whyte raised a final amount of £1,750, through online fundraising, after he completed the 800km walk from St Jean Pied de Port in France.

In Memory of Paul Mulford Mr & Mrs Finney sent in a donation of £400.

Throughout the night everyone had a good time listening to the music and being amongst friends. It was specially touching to see, talk to and enjoy the music with Alex Morefield - Liam’s mother. I hope she enjoyed herself and I know we both will be sorting some more charity events.

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In Memory of Ralph Murwill

Mrs Maureen Bignell and the residents of King’s Park, Canvey Island held a raffle and collected £1,047 for CRY. CRY supporter, Mr Phil Eastty, collected the cheque on behalf of CRY.

Brian Lester took part in the Just Walk 2009 and raised £1,100, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Shaun Palmer “The money was raised by holding a charity Go-Karting Day at Stretton Circuit 2000 Stroughton, Leicester. We also had T-Shirts made in memory of Shaun. This all took place on Saturday 28 February 2009. It was a great day enjoyed with family and friends.” Mandy Palmer sent in a donation of £450.

In Memory of Pardeep Nagra “I have enclosed a cheque for £3,882.54 following a charity event which took place on 20 June 20009 at Eclipse Kickboxing, Wolverhampton. This was a charity Kickathon. The event had all ages from 4 years to adults all taking part in this fun day. This was in memory of my brother, Pardeep Nagra, who died at the age of 26 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ian Morris who represented CRY on the day of the event.” Kulbir (Kully) Nagra.

In Memory of Scott Nicol

Stuart Nicol sent in a donation of £680 raised from the proceeds of the CDs sold from the concert in memory of Scott.

Stuart Nicol sent in a further donation of £175 from the sale of merchandise and donations at the concert.

In Memory of David Nunoo Paul Lester took part in the Mazda London Triathlon and raised £1,035.

In Memory of Chris O’Callaghan

In Memory of Andrew Parker Pamela Conn held a Charity Evening at Westhills Hotel on 10 October and raised £2,003.73. “My partner passed away in his sleep last year (10.10.08) at only 28 years old, 8 weeks after our little boy was born.” Pamela Conn.

Tim O’Callaghan raised a further £100 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Andrew Parr

“Please find enclosed a cheque for the sum of £1,420 raised by holding a Robbie Williams Tribute night. It was very well attended, especially by women who didn’t seem to mind that it wasn’t the real Robbie Williams! Stuart Homer very kindly donated £22 from the sale of the photographs he took during the evening and gave his time free of charge. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of Tony Slater. He organised the event for me.” Ruth Lowe.

In Memory of Robert O’Kane “We raised £2,640 during our sponsored walk of the West Highland Way, 8 to14 June, to Cardiac Risk in the Young in memory of our son, Robert O’Kane.” Lesley & Robert O’Kane, Mark O’Kane, Willam Forbes, Matthew Sullivan, Theresa O’Kane, Lisa Clark and Angela Forbes. “We wanted to do an event in memory of Robert and this walk was on Robert’s to do list to be attempted at a later date.

“Please find enclosed two cheques totalling £524 raised from a collection at Preston North End Football Club on 14 March. We are always grateful to PNE for allowing us to hold a charity collection and to the PNE supporters who give so generously.” Ruth Lowe

“The students of Myerscough College held a Valentine’s Disco and raised £140.50. The Student President, Mark Rear, chose the charity CRY after recently becoming aware of SADS and the screening that CRY offers. He came along to our recent screening at the college and helped to promote the event amongst the students and his friends.” Ruth Lowe forwarded a donation of £140.50. [PHOTO: ‘Parr Valentines Disco’]

“Please find enclosed cheques totalling £665 raised from a Music Extravaganza Evening held at Preston Minster on Saturday 13 June. Jon Christos, a classical star and broadcaster was instrumental in organising three choirs for the evening - Preston Choral Group ‘Company of Voyces’, Highfield Priory School Choir and Ashbridge

The sun shone brightly which was a blessing and seven of us walked 98 miles through some breathtaking scenery. What a challenge, considering the majority of us barely walk anywhere. Blisters and sore feet aside, we had many laughs on the way and managed to complete the walk. A big thank you to Robert’s former work colleagues at Parks Motor Group who raised £910 in sponsorship for us, and also to all our family, friends and work colleagues who sponsored us the rest.” Lesley O’Kane

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screening in Preston, especially among young footballers. Sir Tom’s grandson was in Andrew’s class at school and I taught his granddaughter Lauren, so the family know about the work of CRY. The total contribution to CRY donated from the Sir Tom Finney Day is £4,500 (£2,250 matched giving already sent in May.)” Ruth Lowe.

Independent School Choir. All choirs were superb. Singing in the Minster and to a large audience was quite an experience for the children but it didn’t phase them. Jon Christos and Jenny Williams finished the evening by singing eight wonderful songs that left you wanting more.” Ruth Lowe.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £2,250, donated by Barclays Bank, as matched giving, on behalf of Mike Rafferty, Neil Simpson and James Morrissey who attended the recent Gala Dinner to pay tribute to Sir Tom Finney.” Ruth Lowe.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000. The money was raised through a Casino night organised by Soulaid, an organisation based in Leyland that holds Motown and Northern Soul nights, to raise money for local causes. This is the second event to help fund CRY’s screening in Preston. I was presented with the cheque at a Soul evening on Friday night. We are always amazed how generous people are.” Ruth Lowe.

“I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque in the sum of £400 for Andrew’s fund, given to me by friends of mine, Ann and Keith Coles. This donation has been organised by Keith’s brother who is a member of the Masons.” Ruth Lowe.

“The event was held to raise funds for 3 charities – EDN (Eating Disorder Network) Disabled Cricket and CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). Councillor Christine Abram and Ruth Lowe organised the function with a splendid raffle and auction and serving tea and coffee with homemade cakes. Classical star and broadcaster Jon Christos got the choirs together for this event. We were treated to youngsters from Ashbridge Independent School Choir and Highfield Priory Choir as well as the Company Voyces from the Minster. The Finale was a duet from Jon Christos and Jenny Williams who rounded off a splendid evening of musical talent. The whole evening was a great success and we raised around £1600 in profit for our charities. Thanks must go to Turners of Grimsargh who sponsored our evening and to LAT Creative who designed and printed our posters, tickets and programmes. I continue to be thankful for the generosity of people whenever we hold our fund raising events and will continue to support CRY.” Cllr Christine Abram

“Please find enclosed a cheque in the sum of £990.08 donated by my husband Dave. He has requested that the royalties from his book (Commercial Managements of Projects) be donated to CRY in memory of Andrew. Dave dedicated the book to Andrew as he was writing it at the time of Andrew’s death. Andrew took a great interest and was inquisitive about the progress Dave was making.” Ruth Lowe. “Please find enclosed a cheque totalling £2,250 raised from the Sir Tom Finney Day held in March. The whole day was a wonderful tribute to Sir Tom who is a true gentleman both on and off the pitch and is revered in the world of football. He was a loyal player for Preston North End and scored 30 goals for England in 76 matches and was never booked once! Many sporting greats honoured Sir Tom during a ‘This is Your Life’ style celebration which took place during a Gala Dinner. It was like a ‘who’s who of football.’ Special guests included former Preston North End defender Mark Lawrenson, Sir Trevor Booking, Lawrie McMenemy, Gordon Banks, David Gold and many more. The proceeds from the special celebration benefitted several local charities chosen by Sir Tom. I felt very honoured that he wanted to support cardiac


In Memory of Jennifer Paul Gordon Paul sent in donations from colleagues and relatives, totalling £475, in memory of Jenni, who passed away on 15 September 2008, aged 16.

In Memory of Emma Peek

We have received a donation of £832, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Miss Emma Peek, who passed away on 16 March 2009.

Linden Davies raised £305, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Alexis Phillips-Martin Emma Phillips sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her brother, Alexis.

In Memory of Jonathan Picker Gary Hodges took part in the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and raised £400.

In Memory of Charlotte Pistra “My twin sister, Charlotte Pistra, tragically collapsed and died while at an army ski camp on 10 December 2008, aged 25. She had just completed a race, which we later found out she won, when she just collapsed at the bottom of the run. She was airlifted off the mountain but unfortunately she never regained consciousness. Charlotte had previously been tested for a heart condition about 4 years ago after having a racing heart beat. No diagnosis was made and she was given the all clear to join the army and start Officer training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in April 2006. On further investigation after her death, it has been confirmed that Charlotte had ARVC. Being Charlotte’s identical twin sister, I have since been tested and been diagnosed with ARVC and had an ICD implanted on 3 February 2009. At Charlotte’s funeral on 29 December 2008, and at a memorial service held by her Regiment, we collected for three charities. We were made aware of CRY by a family friend after Charlotte’s death and thought it a very appropriate charity. I therefore enclose a cheque for £855.” Victoria Pistra.

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Fundraisers In Memory of James Poynton

We have received a donation of £100 from Charles Stephens (Birkenhead).

• The Birkenhead District Scout Council held a bucket collection at a recent Gang Show and raised £411 in memory of one of their cast members, James Poynton.

the things Olivia liked. Lots of fundraising took place. The children made pink bows, there was a football tournament, a bike ride and an auction night where lots of fantastic items were donated and we raised £14,000 towards the tree. The money left over amounted to £6,000 which we are donating to CRY.” Olivia’s mum

In Memory of Rowan Preston Russell Preston raised £1,323, through online fundraising, after he completed the London to Brighton Bike Ride.

In Memory of Graham Price “It gives me pleasure to enclose £709.09, raised from the Basketball Tournament we held at Hereford Cathedral School in memory of my brother Graham.” Kath Davenport “The basketball tournament was h e l d at Hereford Cathedral School sports hall on the 23 August 2009 to raise money for CRY in memory of my brother Graham Price, who died in January 2009 of a heart attack. The day was a huge success, with 18 teams entering to play and more people watching. Winning team members were Andy Crisall, Jon Butlin and Henry Langford. The total raised at the end of the day (including our Just Giving page) was £2,410. A big thank you to everyone who gave up their time and money to help us with this event.” Kath Davenport

In Memory of Annie Purcell We have received a donation of £285.50, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Annie Purcell.

In Memory of David Quinney

In Memory of Tim Read “At our Ladies Night the Worshipful Master, Kevin Parsons, and his Lady, Irene Parsons. Expressed the desire for half the profit from the raffle should go to your charity. On their behalf I enclose a cheque for £416.50.” David H Laurence, Treasurer - Canute Lodge No 4876

In Memory of Edward (Ed) Reading Steve Reading held a Charity Golf Day at Rowlands Castle Golf Club, Hampshire and raised £3,193.50.

In Memory of Malcolm Reed

“Please find enclosed a further cheque for £500. This is matched funding from Deloitte for the coast to coast cycle ride that one of our directors took part in on behalf of CRY last year.” Anna Ludgate, Manager for Deloitte LLP.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £200 raised by the management, staff and the proprietors of the Stirrpus Country House Hotel - The Reed Family in memory of Malcolm Reed.” Colin Reed, Managing Director.

Anna Ludgate, Deloitte LLP, sent in two donations totalling £1,007.47. £959.47 was raised at a summer ball raffle, ad hoc events and the collection box and there was also a donation of £50 from a client.

In Memory of Anton Reid The Asda store at Bloxwich raised £200.

In Memory of Matthew Reid

Mrs Chris-Smith Page donated £297 from the auction of the Brentford Team 2009 signed shirt. Rebecca Zouvani, CRY Fundraising Manager collected the cheque.

Christine Smith-Page raised £845, through online fundraising, from the Just Walk event.

Mick & Dot Quinney sent in a donation of £200 in lieu of floral tributes for David’s granny, who recently passed away.

• “Please find enclosed a donation of £100 from Garstang Football Club in memory of David Quinney. David played football for Garstang and since his death their annual golf competition has been held in his memory and the trophy named after him. We feel honoured that his football club remember him in this way and are most grateful to them for their donation to CRY.” Mick, Dot & Catherine Quinney In Memory of Olivia Raby “After Olivia’s death the children from St Ambrose Barlow RC High School wanted a lasting tribute and a wrought iron tree was suggested with items on it reminding us of

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In Memory of Debbie Rendle

Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £100 which she recently received from her local Carnival Committee. This is in memory of her daughter, Debbie, who was once a Carnival Committee member, as well as a much loved person of the village.

“Unfortunately, owing to bad weather, we were unable to go ahead with the charity row, but the rest of the day went ahead. Judie Street (CRY Representative) as arranged came along and talked about CRY and I can speak for everyone present that it was very interesting and moving. I will continue to try and make people aware of your work in remembrance of our daughter, Debbie Rendle.” Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £535.


In Memory of Tyler ‘Bing’ Rose

In Memory of Scott Rennie

Ms Novella Jones, SHV Holdings N. V. sent in a donation of £1,000.

We have received donations, in lieu of floral tributes, for £727.80, plus a further donation of 200 Euros.

“Please find enclosed a matched funding cheque for £250. This is paid by E.ON UK in recognition of the money raised by our employee Carl Richardson for CRY.” Sian Pearce, E.ON UK plc

“Earlier this year I ran a 10k run in memory of my friend, Scott Rennie, who died suddenly of heart failure in March. Myself and other school friends raised money via the Just Giving website. When I told my firm, Price Waterhouse Coopers about our efforts, they were keen to match a donation of £250, which I enclose.” Simon Lowth

“We held a 10th Birthday Party for the Onion Marmalade shop. We had party games such as Pass the Parcel, Hide & Seek and Pin the Tail on Gromit which, as well as lifting spirits and raising money also raised a lot of awareness about CRY and its activities.” Helen Saunders sent in a donation of £250.

Andrew Wiklund raised £160, through online fundraising, for the Npower Fans Ashes event.

In Memory of Peter Reynolds

Marks & Spencer, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, raised £607.21 in store.

• “This money was raised through Bydales School’s sustainability week. Pupils made cakes and sold them to the staff. I am a food technology teacher at Bydales School, Marshe-BySea, Cleveland and also the Aunt of Pete Reynolds.” Mrs Jean Hebden sent in a donation of £140.


Leah Rowland sent in a donation from her employer, The Royal Bank of Scotland, of £500 and some additional cheques from the Peru Trek, making a total of £640.

• Leah Rowland raised a further £1,365, through online fundraising, after she took part in the Peru Trek. This makes a total of £2,865.

In Memory of Liam Ross

Allied Bakeries donated £175 in memory of Liam Ross who died on 16 December 2008, aged 13 years.

HS Administration held a Dress Down Day and raised £102. This donation was forwarded to us by Colin Ross.

In Memory of Sian Rowland We have received a donation of £810, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Sian Rowland. “I do hope this money will help others, either through screening other young people or as additional research or equipment to help prevent this shocking way to die.” Mrs C M Rowland

In Memory of Lucie Rowlands We have received donations totalling £425, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Lucie Rowlands.

In Memory of Alan Roy “I am delighted to enclose a cheque for £675 for CRY. This was raised by Carol Roy, a member of our staff having her very long, beautiful hair cut to shoulder length.” Paula Ewing, Shop Direct Group

In Memory of Stewart Sands We have received donations totalling of £1,773.70, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Mr Stewart Sands.

In Memory of Kevin Sayer Norwich Union sent in a matched giving donation of £242.50 in respect of Suzanne Littlechild and the annual Charity Football Match 2008 held in Loddon, Norfolk.

In Memory of Phil Reynolds

In Memory of Michael Seddon

Mikey Reynolds raised £1,050 through online fundraising.

Henry Seddon took part in the Hadrian’s Wall Walk and raised £2,047.50, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Alex Roberts “Please accept the enclosed cheque for £450 which represents the contents of the Bottle on the Bar in the Village Home Pub in Gosport. It is donated in memory of Alex Roberts, nephew and much missed friend in the pub.” Robby Roberts, Landlord

In Memory of Luke Rogers

Angela Rogers held a book sale and raised £535.

Angela Rogers sent in a donation of £464.

In Memory of Thomas Shackleton “The money was raised at a concert to celebrate the life of our son Thomas Shackleton who died suddenly, five years ago, at the age of 21. Thomas was a great musician and a member of a band called the Slow Emotion. As a tribute to him the band joined together for a concert at a local pub. The money was raised by donations and from the sale of tickets. Thomas died from an inflammation of the heart and so your charity is very dear to us. I hope this money will help to research and raise awareness of young people who are at risk from cardiac arrest.” Rita Shackleton sent in a donation of £300.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Paul Short

“This money was donated by the members of C3 Imaging, in Formby, Merseyside, in memory of our son Paul who died on 16 January 2004, aged 30. The money was raised once again by my colleagues putting their small change (shrapnel) into a charity bottle. I retired earlier this year but they insisted on carrying on until the bottle was full to the top before I could take it. I cannot thank my friends enough for their support over the last five years.” Frank and Collette Short sent in a donation of £230.

In Memory of Ben Simpson “Our London Golf day was held at Farleigh Court, Surrey on Saturday 8th August where we had 28 golfers playing for the Ben Simpson Claret Jug. The day is a celebration of Ben’s life where his friends get together and enjoy a game of golf and raise money for your fantastic charity. We had glorious sunshine this year (for a change) and we all had a great day in memory of Ben. The golf day raised a total of £1,010 for the Ben Simpson Memorial Fund, within CRY.” Ian Ritchie

In Memory of Terri Smyth “My beautiful daughter Terri Smyth died of long QT syndrome in September 1999, aged 20 years, leaving her daughter Ella, who was just 7 weeks old and the rest of her family devastated. My son Michael has also been diagnosed with the same condition but thankfully is on medication. I am enclosing a cheque for your charity for £186 after I recently completed the Wirral Walk (15 miles). Thank you for all the work you do raising awareness of this silent killer.” Tina Morrison

In Memory of Timothy Spooner

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £500 towards the valued work you do supporting families who have lost loved ones through sudden unexplained death. We at Blisworth Football and Supporters Club unfortunately experienced losing one of our young football players to SDS last year (FA Cup Final day). Timmy Spooner, a 21-yearold fit young man with his whole life ahead of him, collapsed while resting between games during an inter-club five-a-side tournament. A number of our players and management staff worked hard to resuscitate him until the paramedics arrived, who took control and continued the CPR stabilising him for transfer to hospital. Unfortunately Timmy arrested again in the ambulance and again in the hospital, eventually losing his fight for life. This affected a lot of people emotionally on that day, not least his brother Johnny and his father. It left us all reflecting on the life of a truly wonderful young man who always had a smile on his face, a true club man and good friend. We at the Football Club wanted to so something in honour of Timmy and decided to organise a fundraising day in his name to enable the club to construct a memorial in his name. This is finally coming to fruition and is set to be opened on 30 May 2009 during a five-a-side tournament which we hope will become an annual event, enabling us to continue supporting good causes like yours in the years to come.” P A Burton, Treasurer, James King Blisworth Footballer & Supporters Club.

Nadine Howes held a charity fun day on 3 May at Milton Football Club and raised £2,017.50 in memory of Timothy. The day included a fancy dress, football match, barbecue and stalls.

The Walnut Tree Inn sent in a donation of £167.

Kristopher Hawkins took part in the London to Paris Cycle Ride and raised a further £150. Total raised to date is £2,170.80.

Bugbrooke Rugby Union Football Club sent in a donation of £300 from the Timothy Spooner Memorial Day.

In Memory of Martyn Simpson Martyn Simpson’s family and friends sent in a donation of £250.

In Memory of Lily Sims Mrs J Randall sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her dear mother, Lily Sims, who passed away on 3 May 2009. Lily’s grandson Robert suffers from dilated cardiomyopathy.

In Memory of Katy Smith Mrs P Smith raised a final amount of £1,936 after completing the London to Paris Walk-Gym.

In Memory of Matthew (Mattie) Smith

“On 27 April of this year, a group of friends and I held an event honouring our dear friend Matt Smith. Matt was one of the most caring, genuine and giving people I have ever known and had his whole life before him. Sadly, in November 2006 he went into hospital for a viral infection that spread to his heart. Matt passed away on 26th of that month, when he was just 18 years old. He is survived by his parents Gary and Sue as well as his two brothers Michael and James and sister Lily. Matt was an enthusiastic fan of Rugby Union. He loved playing and was a committed fan of both the Leicester Tigers and the England team. In memory of Matt we hold an annual memorial rugby match, remembering him through the game he loved.” Robert Hammond sent in a donation of £523.65.

“Once again a Go-Karting event was held in memory of Mattie at Pontefract Raceway Karting on 1 November. This event was again sponsored by DS Smith Packaging and a total of £320 was raised. Family and friends had an enjoyable afternoon and the winner of Mattie’s Memorial Cup this year was a Mr Chris Bingham.” S C Witney sent in a donation of £320.

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“Please find enclosed two cheques totalling £140 in respect of Matt Smith, aged only 18, who passed over with viral myocarditis on 26 November 2006. This money was raised in June in honour of what would have been Matt’s 21st birthday on 3 April 2009. This was attended by family and friends in aid of CRY.” Susan Smith (mum).

In Memory of Lee Philip Stables

Sharen Stables forwarded a donation of £100 from Tilly’s Tea Rooms.

Sharen Stables sent in a donation of £100 from the Legends Charity Classic Golf event.

Our •

“I am pleased to inform you, that following an application from Sharen Stables for a donation towards the Lee Philip Stables Memorial Fund at CRY, the Trustees have awarded a grant of £2,000.”

Sharen Stables sent in donations of £200 donated by Mr Chris Wren from his 50th Birthday Party and £272.10 from raffling ‘Mr Fortywinks’ during the Raising Awareness Week. Total donation £472.10


In Memory of Ian Strange “Would you kindly accept this cheque for £100 in memory of my dear son Ian whose birthday was on 16 May. Without your help and support duirng the past 10 years I never would have achieved so much in my personal and professional life. I know I speak for many when I say ‘Thank you’. Patricia Strange

In Memory of Cameron Strathie In Memory of Kim Stacey

The students of the Garston Taekwondo Club, Ewest TKD and Streetwise Club in Hemel Hempstead raised £170. The money was sent in by Master Dave Sealey (5th Dan Taekwondo).

The students of the Garston Taekwondo Club in Hertfordshire held a Fun Night in memory of their friend Kim, and raised £160.

In Memory of Neil

David Staff

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £222.22 which was collected recently during an event we held. Your charity is one which is very close to our hearts as we lost my cousin’s little boy, Cameron Strathie in January 2006 to ARVC and any chance we get to raise money we hold it for your very worthwhile charity. My daughter, Emma, was chosen to be a Lady in Waiting at our local gala day and we soon set about making preparations for this big day. She chose a Spongebob Squarepants themed arch. I know Cameron would have loved this day and all the work leading up to it. He is never far from our thoughts and we all think of him often.” Julie King

In Memory of Carl Stubbings

Wickers &

Mr & Mrs Carl Lindley sent in a donation of £500 in memory of Carl.

• A charity night at the Two Gates Bowling Club raised £320 for CRY. This was forwarded to us by Irene Wickers. •

The Lloyd Charity Committee, Darwen, sent in a donation of £3,500.

Irene Wickers sent in a donation of £219 from a tombola stall at Darwen Market on Friday 5 June.

Irene Wickers forwarded two cheques for £4,200 and £42.40. £4,200 has been raised by Sainsbury’s in Darwen (bag packing)

In Memory of David Styles

We have received a donation of £100 from Mr P Geitcie-Cott.

We have received donations totalling £1,465 in memory of the late David Styles.

In Memory of Suzanne Taylor “My friend Gill, together with her friend Lal, decided to host an ‘open house’ fundraising day where as well as tea and coffee, Gill provided bacon butties and even a pot of soup! We had a raffle and various stalls including cakes, plants, table top sale and I brought along my home-made cards to sell. The day went off remarkably well and was very well attended. Most of the people were parents, and as we had displayed boards and CRY posters throughout the house, it certainly brought CRY awareness to the forefront. It was a great success and we managed to raise a total of £260 to help with CRY’s campaign.” Beryl Ewing sent in a donation of £260.

In Memory of Gareth Llywelyn Thomas

during the last twelve months. £42.40 was from the collection box at Sainsbury’s.

Members of Gareth’s band ‘Across the Mourning Sky’ donated £170 to Gareth’s fund. A further donation of £260 was received from family and friends of Mrs Suzanne Keating, in memory of her husband, Ron Keating. The total donation of £430 was sent in by Anne Thomas.

“I enclose a cheque for £1,646.70 which has been donated by the Noble Court Caravan club. Apparently they had started collecting for CRY and when they saw Sian’s Plinth story in the local paper, asked her to come to their club to accept the cheque. The organiser was Doug Williams.” Anne Thomas

Gwilym Hopkin completed the Lon Las Cymru Challenge and raised £947.50, through online fundraising.

Aled and Gwilym Hopkin completed the Lon Las Cymru cycle route in August and raised a further £116.30 in memory of Gareth.

Darwen Rotary Club sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of Andrew Stevens

Gill Stevens sent in donations totalling £1,648.52. They were made up as follows: The Isle of Wight Keep Fit Assocation £1,500, Cowes Police Station £123.37, The Apollo Theatre £10.15 and £15 from Mr & Mrs J Farrell.

Andrew Stevens Memorial Fund (In memory of Chris Dawe). Matthew Prout took part in the Property week Sprint Triathlon and raised £1,220, through online fundraising.

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Our •

Fundraisers In Memory of Christian Thunhurst

“I believe that Ann Thomas has made you aware of a fundraising night we held recently at the Pontypridd Ex-Servicemen’s Club. It was a night with ‘Devious’, an excellent rock band from the area. Over 150 attended and it was a really good night with everyone enjoying themselves. There is no doubt it will raise the awareness of everyone in this area and, of course, it is a small contribution to the excellent work being done by Anne to raise the profile of the charity as well.” Wayne Griffiths, Devonalds Solicitors, sent in a donation of £1,380.

Nicola Thunhurst raised £15,667.28, through online fundraising.

• John Thunhurst sent in a donation of £136.43 from his Masonic friends. In Memory of Hannah Turberville

Brian Turberville sent in two further donations of £1,400 and £140 from the Snowball Charity Ball. This makes a total of £12,288.76 from this event.

In Memory of Malcolm Thomas Mr Colin Lade sent in a donation of £250, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Dean Malcolm Thomas who passed away on 16 January, aged 35.

In Memory of Mary Joyce Thompsett

Richard and Sheila Owen sent in a donation of £250 in memory of the late Mrs Joyce Thompsett.

Mr M Blackburn sent in a donation of £150 in memory of the late Mary Joyce Thompsett.

D John Roques, CA sent in a donation of £500 in memory of the late Mrs Joyce Thompsett.

“My mother Joyce Thompsett died on 25 June this year. She asked that all donations went to CRY. Her granddaughter and my daughter, Hettie Lane, was tested by your charity at Canford School in December 2008 and through this testing was diagnosed with long QT syndrome. My mother thought that the work you do was of great importance and wanted to support your charity.” Angela Lane. We have received funeral donations amounting to £1,646.

• Chris Turberville raised £5,601, through online fundraising, through various fundraising activities. •

Gerard Stubbs took part in the London to Paris Cycle Ride and raised £1,370.

In Memory of Joyce Twydell We have received a donation of £385, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Mrs Joyce Twydell.

In Memory of Jack Vickery “Please find enclosed a cheque for £500. Our students donated ‘loose change’ every Thursday during form period. This was during the Spring Term and was in response to the death of a student, Jack Vickery, who died from SADS in 2007.” Peter Lloyd, Sir Thomas Rich’s School, Gloucester

In Memory of Matthew Wallbank In Memory of John Thompson Mrs Lesley Thompson recently celebrated her 60th birthday and sent in a donation of £125 in lieu of presents.

In Memory of Nicholas Thorne

The Cumnor House School, Danehill, raised £12,170.71 at their Fair in November 2008. CRY representative, Rob Thorne, collected the cheque.

• “I am writing to you on behalf of Reigate Young Farmers Club, which is a youth organisation for people aged 10-26. We meet every Friday evening and take part in a variety of activities and recently had a mock auction of our unwanted Christmas presents to raise money for a charity of our choice. I automatically thought of CRY as I have a slight heart condition and appreciate where the money people donate goes to. I also have a friend who lost her brother, Nicholas Thorne, seven years ago. His face is one of the eight on CRY’s South East postcards. So when the club leaders asked if anyone had thought of a charity to donate the money to, I stood up and spoke to my fellow members about CRY; what it stood for, how you help families who have lost loved ones to unknown heart conditions and how you promote heart screening. You can imagine how pleased I was when we voted and CRY won the vote!” Isobel Newbury (13 years old), Reigate Young Farmers Club. Rob Thorne, CRY representative, collected the donation of £236.68 on behalf of CRY. •

“Please find enclosed a cheque in the sum of £415.24, being monies raised through the Year 10 students of St Bede’s School, who held a mufti day here at the school in aid of your charity under the guidance of their Head Teacher, Mrs T Taylor

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“Please find enclosed cheques totalling £6210.68 that has been raised in memory of our son Matthew Wallbank, who died on 24 May 2008. The donations are broken down as follows: Rotary Club Charity Walk - On 10 May 2009 we took part in a 7.5 mile walk along with Matthew’s Aunties June Harrold, Pamela Greeenwood and Beryl McManus. £1,381 is enclosed in cheques. 10k Charity Run - On 10 May 2009 Matthew’s cousins Daniel Harrold and Rachel Bates, along with Rachel’s husband Malcolm Bates, took part in a 10K Charity Run. They raised a total of £284. The Matthew Steven Wallbank Memorial Dinner Dance - On 16 May 2009 the Matthew Steven Wallbank Memorial Dinner Dance took place at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel & Spa, Clayton-Le-Moors. This was organised by ourselves, Matthew’s sister Rebecca and his best friend Eddie Whittle. The evening consisted of a three course meal, an auction

and a raffle. There was also entertainment by a live band Twist and Shout! and music by Chameleon Discos. The auction was done by local radio DJ Ricky Kirby and prizes included a framed signed

Our Burnley shirt, that went for £275 and a coach holiday that went for £250. £4,150.68 is enclosed. Also Matthew’s grandma Eileen Wallbank passed away on 18 May and his granddad Bob Wallbank requested that donations be made to CRY. We enclose £395. We are very proud to send this money to CRY in memory of our precious son Matthew. CRY is a wonderful charity that has helped us tremendously in dealing with our loss. We have tonight presented a large cheque to CRY representative Sue Jarvis, which will feature in our local papers to raise awareness of SADS.” Steven and Lesley Wallbank . “We are very proud to send this money to CRY in memory of our precious son Matthew. CRY is a wonderful charity that has helped us tremendously in dealing with our loss. We have tonight presented a large cheque to CRY representative Sue Jarvis, which will feature in our local papers to raise awareness of SADS.

Rebecca Wallbank raised a further £125, through online fundraising, in respect of her grandparents Bill and Alice Fisher’s 60th Wedding Anniversary. The final amount raised was £460.

In Memory of Edward Whitty We have received a donation of £207.64, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Edward Whitty.

In Memory of David Williams

Thamesmead School, Shepperton, raised £1,368.33 in memory of David Williams. British Airways Community Vo l u n t e e r i n g Awards made a donation of £500 in memory of David. Total donation of £1,868.33

David Williams Memorial Fund - in memory of Steve Williams. Sue and Lisa Williams held their second annual Halloween Ball in memory of son David and husband Steve. “The evening was a great success and we managed to raise £755 for David’s Memorial Fund.” Sue & Lisa Williams sent in a donation of £755.

Sue Williams sent in a further donation of £290 from the Halloween Ball.

In Memory of Sarah Williams The Cuckoo Pint held a fundraising event with a raffle and auction and raised £1,135.

In Memory of Neil Wickers

In Memory of James Wood

Jacqueline and John Squelch recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary and asked for donations to be sent to Neil’s Memorial Fund in lieu of presents. Bill and Irene Wickers forwarded the donation of £220. They are grateful for everything their friends have done to help during the last twelve years.

Neil Wickers Memorial Fund - In memory of Edith Bury. “Edith and Alan Bury have been a wonderful support to us since Neil died. Whenever we have held any fundraising events, up would pop Alan with a donation. They are two lovely people and we were saddened to hear of the death of Edith - such a lovely lady.” Irene Wickers sent in donations totalling £405, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Edith Bury.

Irene Wickers sent in a donation of £300 from the tombola stall recently held outside Darwen Market and £478 from the Christmas Raffle.

“I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £380 which was raised in James’ memory. £20 was collected in the Radiology Department of the Rivers Hospital over the Christmas period instead of members of staff giving Christmas cards amongst themselves. The remaining £360 was raised on 8 March by our local tennis club who had their annual family tournament day for James’ cup. Despite a very sunny start, the day became very cold, wet and windy but 21 couples took part and braved the weather until the end. It is always a very fun and light hearted day encouraging parents to play tennis with their children and one that James would so have enjoyed taking part in. It is lovely to see so many happy faces brought together to keep James’ memory alive.” Gill Wood

Pauline Wallace sent in a donation of £500.

Pauline Wallace made a CAF donation of £500.

In Memory of Julian Wort

In Memory of Stevie Wiggins

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,000 from the Witham Vale Farmers Charities Committee, for Julian’s Memorial Fund. Bernadette Pole had visited our local Takeaway and saw some CRY posters and our collection box, etc., and phoned me the next day to enquire about our sad loss and the fundraising that we have done for CRY equipment for our local hospital. She explained that she would like to give locally.” Shirley Wort

Simon Mulholland sent in a donation of £353 from the ‘Stars in the club’s eyes’ event which was held at Preston Grasshoppers on 18 April.

• Simon Mulholland forwarded a donation of £330 from Michael Smith’s 60th Birthday Party. In Memory of Paul Wilkins Mandy King raised £254, through online fundraising.

In Memory of Amy Williams “Last Saturday I held a bingo night, at home, for family and friends in aid of CRY. We donated half of the prize money from each game to CRY and also sold raffle tickets and hand made Christmas cards in memory of my friend’s daughter, Amy Williams, who died suddenly, four years a g o , from an unknown heart defect, aged 11.” Debbie Edgar sent in a donation of £200 in memory of Amy.


“Please find enclosed cheques totalling £361, for Julian’s Memorial Fund. My husband and I recently held an All Day Coffee morning at our home on 27 October. I printed

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some invites for family, friends and neighbours, made some cakes, and what a wonderful response we had. We had people coming in from 10am until 4pm, we had a ‘Bring and Buy’ table, name the Bear and Dolly plus a raffle for various bottles and chocs and tins of biscuits etc, that were given to us. My husband is now an expert tea and coffee maker! I think we must have had over 50 people come through our door on that day.” Shirley

In Memory of Louise Worth

In Memory of Mark Stephen Young

Lee Parkin sent in two donations totalling £10,486.66: £8,986.66 from his fundraising this year and £1,500 from an award given to him by his employer, HSBC.

• HSBC sent in a matched giving donation of £8,990 in respect of the fundraising activities of Lee Parkin throughout the year. General Fundraising •

Jenny, Anna and Katie raised £3,799.10, through online fundraising, after completing the London to Paris Bike Ride.

“At our recent Silver Wedding celebration party we requested that our guests wishing to give a gift should instead make a donation to CRY.” David & Gillian Aldred sent in a donation totalling £250.

David Allen took part in the BHF London to Brighton bike ride and raised £777.

“Project Orion initiated a safe working initiative by means of charitable donations for every 100,000 hours worked safely without a lost time accident. The charities have been nominated by members of the workforce and enables safe working to result in the charitable donations to good causes. To date the project has worked in excess of 150,000 person hours without a lost time accident. The monies have been split equally between five charities nominated by the workforce. We therefore have great pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £200.” Paul Gaynon, Project HSE Manager

The AMEC Project Safe Working Initiative sent in a further donation of £200. This was forwarded to us by Paul Gaynon - Project HSE Manager, AMEC Power & Process Europe

Ansford School, Somerset, sent in a donation of £244.49.

Martin Appleby sent in a donation of £272 in respect of the sponsored Raising Awareness Marathon Walk. Billy from the Cross Keys pub also took part in the walk.

Martin Appleby sent in a further donation of £1,020 in respect of the sponsored walk from Hammersmith to Hammersmith, via Kingston.

“Please accept a cheque for £330. This was raised by Jeannette Atherton, who organised a tuck shop at work and raised the money through selling crisps, chocolate, fruit and drinks to her colleagues over the past 12 months. Jeanette organised the tuck shop herself, using her own money and time. The scheme was only going to run for one year but has been so successful it is carrying on for as long as it is wanted.” Sue Jarvis

“As CRY’s County Representative for Lancashire, I wanted to do something special during CRY’s Awareness Week in October 2008. Unfortunately, all the venues I looked at were fully booked at that time. However, my local ASDA store at Clayton Green, Chorley said that they would be holding a number of events throughout February linked to the British Heart Foundation. So it seemed significant that I was able to book 14th February (Valentine’s Day), a day full of hearts. Together with Jeanette Atherton, I was able to talk to many parents and young people about CRY and to give them details of the screening day at Myerscough College, Preston, on March 6th and 7th organised by Ruth Lowe, Lancashire’s divisional representative. In addition, we raised £200 for The Louise Worth Memorial Fund.” Sue Jarvis Sue Jarvis sent in a donation of £200 from the Bay Mare at Astley Bridge, Bolton, plus £50 from her husband’s colleagues at Pressport for sponsorship donation for Matthew Atherton who ran the Blackpool 10K in May and a further £50 donation from Marie, Stephen, Jessica and Conor Atherton for the same event. “Please find enclosed a cheque for £535.39. Helen Hodgkins, the school nurse at Bolton School, helped to organise a ‘dress-down’ day at the Girls Division of the school in July 2009. I would like to thank Helen, the school staff and the girl students for raising such a fantastic amount on money.” Sue Jarvis

In Memory of Daniel Young

Dionne Young forwarded a donation of £155.50 from Mrs Cabberall, after the death of a family member.

• “Every year we run a football competition to raise money for local charities. We are pleased to be able to donate to your charity the sum of £100.” Ian Williams, The Atherton Charity Cup •

Paul Hodson, Atherton & Tydesley Round Table, sent in a donation of £250.

Dionne Young sent in a donation of £670 from the Charity Evening in memory of Daniel.

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CRY representative Martin “The Hips” Appleby and his friend Billy “The KitKat Kid”, walked a marathon on Saturday 24th October 2009 to raise awareness and funds for Cardiac Risk in the Young. They set off from the Cross Keys Pub, Hammersmith, in heavy rain, just before 8am and continued along the South bank of the Thames to Kingston, stopping off for lunch at the White Hart Pub in Kingston, where they were met by their friend and CRY supporter, Nick Bond. Martin’s daughter, Nicky, and partner Colm, joined them in Twickenham for the final 10 miles of their walk. They attracted attention from several passers-by, including a CRY supporter from Twickenham, wearing their eye-catching CRY T-shirts and sweatshirts, and with CRY balloons tied onto their rucksacks. They distributed CRY leaflets to anyone who had a young family.

Our On the return leg of their walk, they stopped for their first pint at the Bell and Crown, Strand on the Green, where they were met and encouraged by more friends, Jerome and Janie. They reached the Cross Keys Pub just before 5pm for another well earned pint. It was one of Martin’s ambitions to run the London Marathon but having had four hip replacements, he has never been able to able to achieve this. This walk was his opportunity to fulfill his ambition, albeit at a more leisurely pace.

Reigate on 25 June and raised £1,030.67 for CRY.

Bourne Grammar School sent in a donation of £150.

“The church choir recently did two concerts entitled ‘Musical Memories’, which were well attended. I am pleased to send you a cheque for £340 to be used for your work with the young. This was specially requested by one of our young men in the church.” Mrs S Hutchinson, Briercliffe Road Church, Burnley, Lancs.

Ellie Brogan held a fundraising morning with raffle, tombola and cake stall, on 14 February and raised £550 for CRY.

Sarah Brookes and Andrew Barker sent in a donation of £175.

Gill Butler (Big Hands Management) held a Magical Evening in May and raised £450.

Cardinal Griffin Catholic High School held a ‘Battle of the Bands’ in February and raised £557.31.

The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School sent in a donation of

Martin and Billy said “The last 5 miles were the hardest, but it gave us a real sense of achievement!” Although the purpose of the walk was to raise awareness, Martin and Billy also managed to raise £1292 from friends, family and regulars at the Cross Keys.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £200 as a donation to your charity on behalf of Arqiva. This donation is made following the unexpected death of one of our employee’s children.” Brett Alldrit, Team Manager.

Brian Snaith, Autodata Limited, sent in a donation of £250

Simon Bailey raised £965.12, through online fundraising.

Barclays Bank, Leeds, sent in a matched giving donation of £750 in respect of Hilary McKay.

The Big Heart Bike Ride in Sinai. The Big Heart Bike Ride Action for Charity sent in a donation of £13,321.12. We have also received a donation of £250 from Savills Limited, which was sponsorship for Sonya Fuller, making the total £13,571.12.

“I recently spent a week at Blackburn Rovers football club attending a sports and exercise medicine clinical attachment with Dr Phil Batty

who offered me teaching, expertise and hospitality at no expense. Phil mentioned an involvement with CRY and as thanks for both his and Blackburn Rovers generosity I am sending the enclosed donation of £300. Any thanks are due entirely to them.” Dr Paul Simpson

Sue Bolingbroke held a Raffle and Quiz Night at the Market Pub in



Lisa Cartwright sent in a donation of £859.87 in memory of her partner who passed away on 12 July.

The annual Chardstock Street Fayre took place on 5th September. CRY representative, Kerri Montague, went down and officially received the cheque for £1,000 on 18 October, on behalf of CRY. Ann-Marie Dixon was involved in the arranging of the event.

The Heart Smart Group (Cardiac Rehabilitation Scheme) at Charwood Borough Council held the ‘Kicking our way to Fitness Challenge’ and raised £3,462.50 for CRY. Sarah Gadsby (CRY County Representative) collected the cheque on behalf of CRY.

Mrs E Glover, Treasurer of the Chaseside Flower Club, sent in a donation of £100.

Stephen Chew took part in the Mazda London Triathlon 2009 and raised £245.

The annual City of London Police Awards Ceremony raised a total of £5,000. D I Steve Jackson went along to Twickenham RFC with his colleagues Ollie Shaw, Sam McMillan and Mick Kelly, who took the photographs, to officially present the cheque to Rob Andrew and Alison Cox.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £1,200 which was raised as a result of a barbecue held recently - when the sun shone for a whole day! As previous years I had anticipated raising around £500 and was amazed at the final total. This event is held in the garden of one of our members. His family helped with the cooking, and we needed them as we had over 70 people attending. The support of members, their families and friends was overwhelming. Your leaflets were distributed around the place to raise awareness of your organisation and what the funds are used for.” Richard Johnson, Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club

“To raise the money we did many fun activities at school at which most of the school was involved in and the whole school supported us. This included: St Valentine’s Day cards and notes, ‘Guess the teacher when they were a child’ game and a small quiz. After we raised the money, the Charity Committee decided the money raised should go to CRY as soon as we heard the excellent and valuable causes CRY helps.” Clitheroe Royal Grammar School sent in a donation of £101.90

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Nick Tissot and Ed Coley sent in donations amounting to £340 from the Isle of Wight Kayak event which took place on 11 August.

Tessa Murray, J P Morgan Cazenove Limited, sent in a matched giving donation of £250 for Ed Coley and the Isle of Wight Kayak event.

On Tuesday 11th August Nick Tissot and Ed Coley finally got to have a go at kayaking round the Isle of Wight in under 24hours. Wind and weather forecasts were not ideal but we had got bored of waiting (as had family and friends) and it was getting slightly embarrassing replying to all the congratulatory texts from those who had thought we had kept to our original date two weeks earlier. So, at 12.10am, after a large supper, very little sleep and with food bags, a shower radio and a GPS gadget taped to the kayak, we set off from Cowes in the dark. Approximately 16hrs 45mins later and after seasickness and about 57 flapjacks, we made it back into the Cowes harbour to complete the trip about 3 hours ahead of schedule. It was a long day but a huge amount of fun and a great experience. Just over a month after the finish we passed our fundraising target of £10,000. We have been overwhelmed with the level of support. Special thanks should be made to our support crew on the day; Hugo, Stuart and Kim (who kindly let us use his boat as the ‘mothership’ to follow us round) really made this possible following us from start to finish as well as lending us flares and radios (one of which is somewhere at the bottom of the Needles), life jackets and giving sound advice such ‘you can’t have a break now we’re having lunch’. Hugo even became our spokesman on Solent FM.” Ed Coley and Nick Tissot

For full event write-up visit

Michele Cochrane sent in a donation of £499 from the Cross Channel Relay Swim.

Mrs Y Coop, St Anne’s Parish Church, Singleton, sent in a donation of £254.80 in lieu of wedding presents for Mr & Mrs Carrol.

James Correia celebrated his 21st Birthday on 18 April and raised £1,021 for CRY.

“Staff and s t u d e n t s , including Nikki Laing and Laura Cranshaw of Coventry University raised funds for your charity, and in support of their efforts we would like to add a further donation of £200.” Hazel Swift, Coventry University Charity Group

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Mark Cox and Gerry Williams gave a breakfast talk entitled ‘Talking Tennis’ to the Men’s Breakfast Group and received a donation of £100.

Laura Cranshaw sent in a donation of £195.80 from various fundraising activities.

Credit Agricole Asset Management (UK) Ltd made a donation of £400.

The Cross Keys Public House raised £230.95 and £73.13 from a whisky bottle on the bar. Total £304.08

Dalehead Foods, Cambridge and Bury St. Edmunds, sent in cheques totalling £5,005 after colleagues competed and won, for the second time, the Samworth Brothers Challenge.

The team took part in the fundraising event organised by fellow food manufacturer Samworth Brothers on 6 June, which saw them complete a 13.5km canoe course, a 20km walk followed by a 35km bike ride. “We won the first ever challenge back in 2007 and were keen to retain our title of champions however the most important thing is that event itself raised a staggering £340,000 for a number of UK charities. The Dalehead Team was raising money for Cardiac Risk in the Young, it is a charity that is particularly relevant to us after the daughter of a colleague died very suddenly aged just 22. There is no getting away from the fact that the challenge was totally exhausting however knowing we were raising money for such a worthwhile cause was enough to keep us going to the finish line and I would particularly like to thank everyone who supported our fundraising.” Tom Begg, Dalehead’s Team Coordinator

Mike Davies raised £850 from a charity rugby match.

“I enclose a cheque for £239 from a raffle held at the Dolman Theatre, Newport. Could you please mention the Gwent School of Dancing who put on the show and everybody who helped with the raffle.” Mrs J Dovey

Dover & District Skittles Association raised £300 for CRY. Tara Gore, Divisional Representative, collected the cheque on behalf of CRY on 7 November.

E.ON Uk sent in a donation of £100 in recognition of money raised by one of their employees, Gillian Hindson.

Keith Evans sent in a donation of £100 for CRY.

“Every month the Revenue’s Service of Falkirk Council has a Dress Down Day where employees donate money to a nominated charity. This month’s chosen charity was Cardiac Risk in the Young.” Steve Buck sent in a donation of £100.

Our •

Vernon Elmes, Foresters Heathrow Branch, sent in a donation of £200 after CRY fundraising manager Rebecca Zouvani and Martin Appleby gave a talk about CRY.

Gadsby Wicks (Solicitors) sent in donation of £500.

The Board of Directors of Graphics Four Limited sent in a donation of £100.

Grazia Magazine sent in a donation of £300.

Myra Gregory held a Charity Dance at The Monaco Ballroom, Hindley, Lancashire, and raised £500.

Peter Austin sent in donations totalling £1,931 from Guildford Hockey Club’s participation in Row to Rome event which took place on 23 March.

“Every week our division hosts a cake sale, the proceeds from which go to a staff nominated charity. CRY was our chosen charity in February 2009, with several members of staff having a close association with you, so I am pleased to enclose a cheque for £314.08 towards helping save lives.” Eleanor Small, Cake Sale Coordinator, Hachette Children’s Books

Kristopher Hawkin sent in a donation of £250 for the London to Paris Bike Ride.

Marian and John Herbert recently celebrated their Pearl wedding anniversary and sent in a donation of £100 in lieu of presents.

Will Hindmarch sent in a donation of £500 from the Isle of Wight Kayak event.

Linda Hiscott sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her brother who died suddenly of a heart attack, aged 42, in November 2008.

The Grammar School Hipperholme raised £108.50 from their School Ball.

“Your charity interested us because it was a nationwide activity. This is why we decided to give the money we raised with our various Bake sales to you (£800) and are glad to be able to support your project.” Jacob Ferguson-Lobo, Secretary, Hockerill Anglo-European College sent in a donation of £800.


“Kent RaG is the charity fundraising arm of Kent Union, the students’ union at the University of Kent. Each year RaG raises money for numerous charities, one of which is yourselves!” Kirsty Sutton, Student Activities Manager, sent in a donation of £241.26.

The Cadets of Kent Wing Air Training Corps raised £2,219.30 during their training for participation in the annual Nijmegen marches. The cadets are aged 13-19 years old.” Tara Gore, Divisional Representative for CRY, collected the cheque and gave a personal insight into what the charity is about.

“Last Saturday I had my 60th birthday party at the local rugby club, partly because my son plays for them. I was celebrating having 60 good years and hopefully the opportunity to have a good few years yet. I held a charity raffle for CRY. I supported this charity because of the sadness and loss it must cause families and friends when a young, seemingly healthy person dies in the prime of their lives.” Christine Kerrin sent in a donation of £255.

Kim Lawrence sent in a donation of £125 to CRY after Kidsunlimited Nursery held a fun day.

“At our recent Annual Dinner, we had the pleasure of having as our guest speaker Alan Campbell, the Olympic oarsman. We hold a raffle at this event and it is our custom to donate half the proceeds to a charity of the speaker’s choice. Alan has nominated CRY, so I am pleased to enclose a cheque for £390.” Paul Raines

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £105. This is the amount I made on the stall I had at Brentford Football Club’s Fun Day.” Katrina Holland

Mark Holloway took part in the Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycle ride and sent in a further donation of £370, making a total raised of £597.

“We are an amateur dramatic group and this money was raised earlier in the year from some of our performances.” Lorna Betts, Knutsford Phoenix Theatre Group, sent in a donation of £150.

The Inner Wheel Club of Bedlingtonshire sent in a donation of £100.

Christina Jacklin sent in a donation of £705 in respect of the Mount Kilimanjaro challenge (Summer 2009.) “We hope that your charity continues to be well supported in order to allow you to continue the excellent work.” Christina Jacklin

Ledbury Research sent in a donation of £180 on behalf of Frank Rheinboldt.

“The Lloyds TSB Foundation established the Matched Giving Scheme to encourage members of staff to get involved in the voluntary sector and help fundraise or give their time to charities throughout the UK. I am delighted to tell you that following the recent endeavours of Mrs Sarah Lawley, your charity has been awarded £500.” Tina Claeys, Grants Admin Manager, Lloyds TSB

Sandra Hartley, Lloyds Banking Group, sent in a donation of £325 from a Dress Down Day.

Phillip Jackson raised £1,828, through online fundraising, after completing the Bronte’s Big Walk.

Mrs Kerner sent in a donation of £100.

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Andy McGuinness took part in the Brussels to Paris Cycle Ride and sent in donations totalling £650.

Lesley McLaren raised £1,120, through online fundraising.

Mr & Mrs S Martin took part in a 15 mile sponsored walk in memory of a family member who died last year, aged 38, from SCD and sent in £245

David Massey raised £1,085, through online fundraising, after completing the Coast to Coast Ride.

“On behalf of Mizuho International, I am pleased to present your charity with a donation of £250 in recognition of our colleague, Graham Halliday, who survived a cardiac arrest last May. As a result of this experience, Graham learned he has a genetic condition affecting his heart rate and rhythm. He is now well on his way to recovery and keen to raise awareness about this condition in the young.” Karen Neffar, Head of HR

“I am delighted, on behalf of Penguin Group, to enclose cheques totalling £338.92. I organised a cake sale here in the office, for a couple of reasons. One, because a colleague lost her 18-year-old son a few years ago to Sudden Cardiac Death. I cannot begin to imagine the profound effect this has had on her family. But she soldiers on...... Secondly, a former colleague sudenly died in January from the same condition. He was only 40.” Lynn O’Neill, Penguin Charity Co-ordinator

Lynne O’Neill, Penguin Group Charity Co-ordinator, sent in a matched giving donation of £338.92. This matched funds she raised in February from a cake sale at the offices in the Strand.

Zoe Radnor took part in the Two Castles event and raised £122.

“At our Committee meeting in December it was resolved that we would raise money at our recent Birthday Rally to support the work of your charity, on the recommendation of our member Brian Tutt.” Geoffrey Miller, Treasurer, Range Rover Register Ltd. sent in a donation of £100.

Andrew Moore raised £2,815, through online fundraising after completing the Cambridge To Brussels to Paris to Biere Bike Ride.

Rob Rawlinson took part in the Coast to Coast Bike Ride and raised £155.

“The collections for the month of May have been allocated to your charity and I enclose a cheque for £567.40 to assist you in your work.” Denis Salmon, Hon. Treasurer, Morden College Chapel, Blackheath.

“Our grandson, Tom, collapsed with this dreadful condition at a school boat-race one hot day in summer. Fortunately, it was possible, by pure chance, to give him the resuscitation he needed and he survived, although his return to health was via a long and troublesome road, beginning at Guy’s Hospital. Since then, we have tried to promote interest in and support for CRY, as they were there to give responsible and knowledgeable help exactly when it was needed. Added to this they are sponsors of on-going research into the causes of the condition and into the reasons why there are no advance symptoms to warn parents and families.” Howard Kennett forwarded a cheque for £870.50. This was a contribution from Morden Probus Club over the last 12 months.

“This year I have embarked on a year long charity fundraiser to raise as much money as possible for three charities. To raise the funds I set myself a target of travelling over 1000km during the year using human powered transport only. The distance only includes organised events and not the training I have had to complete. Some of the events I have completed so far are the UK Ironman 70.3 Triathlon and the Hadrian’s Wall Trek. I am currently preparing for the London to Paris Cycle in September and Dublin Marathon in October.” Chris Rhodes sent in a donation of £100.

“At last all our sponsor money is in from our Penalty Shoot Out, as well as raising money for such a worthwhile cause we’re working towards Agility & Healthy Heart Badges.” Yvonne Thornton, 1st Robertown & Norristhorpe Brownies sent in a donation of £200.

Hazel Robertshaw took part in the Sandstone Trail race on 4th October 2009 and raised £142 for CRY.

Simon Roberts took part in the Lands End to John O’Groat’s Cycle ride and raised £1,027, through online fundraising.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £143.27 which was collected as a result of our monthly dress down day. Your charity was nominated by our member of staff, Angus Miers.” Suzanne Riddoch, Trustee & Depositary Services, Royal Bank of Scotland

“I am pleased to enclose a donation of £241.52 collected during the 2008/09 Academic Year by our Raise and Give (RAG) Charity Board of the Students’ Union, Royal Holloway University of London. Donations were received from the generous students of our campus, and beyond. We hope the donation is of use to your work, and we commend you for the excellent work you do for such a vital cause.” Charlotte Bassam-Bowles, RAG Board

“St Aidan’s is part of Durham University and when each student arrives here, they make a charity donation. As the Charities Committee, we decide where this money goes and who to help. Martha Wright, a student at St Aidan’s College, put your charity forward to our committee.” Catherine Peach sent in a donation of £150

The Munro Trust made a donation of £750. This was forwarded by CRY supporter Kenny Bowen.

“Through active participation in a recent 12 week well-being challenge (Shape Up National Grid) employee, Ashleigh Winter has been invited to make a £100 donation to the charity of her choice. “I’m pleased to let you know that Ashleigh has nominated Cardiac Risk in the Young as her chosen charity.” Trish Handsley, National Grid sent in a donation of £100.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £119 which we received for recycling some of our old mobile phones. George Stones, our Telecoms Customer Services Manager, has asked for your charity to be added to the list of charities we like to support.” Linda Dalton, NEDL Telecom Networks

John Ogden sent in a donation of £245.

Ormskirk Friendship Club sent in a donation of £100.

Rebecca Owen raised £237, via her Wedding Fundraising Page.

A Parven sent in a donation of £100.

Tracey Peers and staff at Barclay’s Contact Centre Coventry raised £235.

Pendleton College, Salford sent in a donation of £1,549.98.

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Our •

St Andrew’s 75th Diamond Anniversary Summer Ball 2009. “It is with enormous pleasure that I enclose a cheque for £8,500 as a donation to your charity. I am Chair of the parents association at St Andrew’s Prep School just outside Pangbourne in Berks. About 18 months ago a sub-committee of about 12 of us got together and started to organise a charity ball to raise funds for two chosen charities and a school project. The Committee spent a while researching and discussing various charitable options and eventually decided that CRY would be one of our chosen charities. The planning and organisation of the Ball was hard work but culminated in an amazing evening at the end of June. We held a silent auction, a conventional auction, sold balloon lottery tickets and ran a very busy bar. The end result, thanks to the generosity of our parents and guests, was a very healthy profit that we would like to share with you. We all very much hope that our contribution will make a difference to the worthwhile work that you do.” Karen Brown

The Parish Church of St George the Martyr sent in a donation of £101.40

St Mary’s Church, Grassendale, sent in a donation of £150 for CRY.

“During Lent our school took part in a number of fundraising activities for charity. This year CRY was chosen as the charity to which we would like to donate the proceeds and we enclose a cheque for £986.97 and hope you find these funds of assistance.” John Philpott, Headteacher, St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, Kent.

Diana Erdwin, Sandmaster (UK) Limited, sent in a donation of £200.

“I am pleased to enclose a cheque for £972.64 which was raised by our members for CRY, the Captain’s Charity. The 2008 Captain was Mr Giles Hinchcliffe who wishes me to pass on his thanks for all the work you do for this most worthy Charity.” Jackie Hoga, The Sand Moor Golf Club Ltd.

Savills Limited sent in a sponsorship donation of £250 towards Sonya Fuller and the Big Heart Bike Ride in Sinai

Mr A Sawko sent in a donation of £300.

Sevenoaks School sent in a donation of £500.


Severn Vale Housing Society sent in a donation of £100 for CRY.

“The committee and volunteer helpers of the Shell Centre wish to make a donation of £250 to your organisation.” Janet Horstwood, Treasurer.

J Shelton sent in a donation of £100.

Jonathan Shelton took part in the Tour de France and raised £870, through online fundraising.

Hayley Shirley sent in a donation of £100 from various fundraising.

Jane Smith took part in the Just Walk 2009 event and raised £268.

“The South Staffordshire Junior Charity Competition is run every season for boys aged 11-14 years and our aim is to raise as much money as possible for worthy causes.” Tony White, Treasurer, South Staffs Junior Charity Competition sent in a donation of £500 from the season 2008/09.

Miles Standish sent in a donation of £100 from his father.

Jo Stokes took part in the John O’Groats to Lands End Cycle Ride and raised £700.

The University of Surrey Mountaineering Club held a sponsored climbing event and raised £396.89.

“I was allowed to nominate CRY as my charity as I lost my daughter to ARVC 11 years ago.” Trudi Syman sent in a donation of £431 from the quarterly charity quiz night.

Joseph Taylor has raised a further £147.02, through online fundraising.

The Trallwn Quiz, Pontypridd raised £100 for CRY. This donation was forwarded to us by Doug Williams.

The Tredegar Conservative Club, Newport, held an auction and raised £259.20. Special thanks go to Matthew Hand for his generous bidding.

A donation of £845 was received through The University of Northumbria. This was forwarded in memory of a fellow student.

Philip Waghorn sent in a donation of £340.

“O2 Films conducted some filming at Her Majesty’s Prison Wandsworth and as we are not allowed to accept a fee from the filming company we asked that they donate money to charities. I hope this small contribution will help your very important charity to carry on its work.” David L Taylor, Governor HMP Wandsworth, sent in £1000

Mark Ward raised £129, through online fundraising.

“This money was raised by me as captain and the members and staff of Wellshurst Golf Club in East Sussex during the 2008/09 season. Each year it is the incoming captain’s prerogative to nominate a charity for which the members of the club will raise funds. I was moved by the work done by CRY to support families

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caught in the terrible situation of having lost someone so young, as well as the work done to implement screening of young people at risk, so nominated you as my charity. The whole club have been united in the work undertaken this year to support CRY and as the outgoing captain I am delighted to be sending you this cheque for £1,000.” Paul S Eros, Captain 2008/09 Wellshurst Golf Club

“This money was raised at an annual darts tournament at the Wheel of Fortune Public House in Alpington; play for the bob Baldwin Memorial Cup. It was raised from the entrance fees and raffle. A great evening was had by everyone.” Christine Bloomfield sent in a donation of £240.

Claire Wilson sent in a donation of £1,535 in respect of the Vietnam Open Cycle ride.

“Please find enclosed some money for CRY from the Wimbledon Club. We have the charity pots on our bar and one of our members recently had a birthday party and asked only for donations to CRY.” Amanda Spicer sent in donations totalling £220.

Robin Wright took part in the Canoes around Lincolnshire event and raised £510.

John O’Groats to Lands End - 1000 miles Motorcycle Challenge in One Day. “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100. This has been donated by Jack Lilly Motorcycles (Shepperton) as sponsorship to the Wey Valley Advanced Motorcyclists (WVAM). On 9 August eight members of WVAM set off from John O’Groats at 03.30 to attempt to ride to Lands End by 22.30 hours. This was not the first time the WVAM had made this trip, though this year an attempt to complete over 1000 miles in one day was added. At 22.05, all eight riders arrived safe and sound at Lands End (with no incidents along the way, except one emergency stop for the call of nature!) and with a couple of extra roundabouts negotiated, the final recorded distance in the day was 1000.6 miles. David Lilley chose CRY as a worthy recipient for their donation.” Richard Little, WVAM and the men of JoGLE09

Mr & Mrs S Young and Mr & Mrs T Dare sent in a combined donation of £100 for CRY.

Our Fundraisers in Northern Ireland In Memory of Lauren Gallagher

Mrs Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £147 from a collection box at Centra in Ballymagorry.

• Louise and Bernard McShane organised a charity Golf Competition on 4 May and raised £2,728.85. •

Blanche and John Gallagher sent in various donations totalling £1,300.23. St Columba’s Primary School raised £700, Glenelly Players donated £440 and Mary McCallion donated £50 from her 50th birthday.

Mr & Mrs McAleer recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and asked for donations to be sent to CRY. Blanche Gallagher forwarded the donation of £500. Blanche Gallagher sent in donations totalling £185.40. £145.40 was from a charity box at the Centra Store, Ballymagorry and ‘copper monies’ from Dee and Jerry Logue amounted to £40.

Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £156.30 - £55 from Christies Bar and £101.30 from the charity box at Centra, Ballymagorry.

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The Dixies Pub, Strabane, held an impromptu quiz on Friday 27th November 2009 and raised £125 for CRY.

• Michael O’Dufaigh and Sean O’Daimhin took part in a sponsored cycle ride from Mailin to Mizen and raised £2,500 for CRY NI fund.

In Memory and

Christopher Bowes Annabel Jamieson


A donation of £200 has been received

In Memory of Christopher Bowes “Please find enclosed cheques totalling £2,500. This money was raised in memory of Christopher Bowes who died of a coronary anomaly, aged 16 years. This would have been the tenth anniversary of his death and we decided to do something positive to mark the occasion. The proceeds were raised from a Charity Balloon Release which was held at Belfast’s Royal Academy Playing fields at Mallusk on Sunday 1st November 2009. It was a horrible wet and windy day but friends turned up to remember our lovely son and release a balloon in his memory. Our thanks to all who gave so generously.” Steven & Lucinda Bowes

In Memory of Jaimie Gault Margaret Gault sent in donations totalling £2,321. She sends her special thanks to the pupils and staff at Larne Grammar School for their wonderful donation of £1,926.08.

In Memory of Graham Kennedy Paula Vaughan took part in the Belfast City Marathon and raised £200 in memory of her brother-in-law, Graham.

In Memory of John McCall

Matthew Nicholson took part in the Run Armagh 10K Challenge on 19 April and raised £3,000 in memory of John McCall.

Run Armagh 10k Challenge 19 April The first Run Armagh road race event attracted 500 entrants, with all proceeds going to CRY as its nominated charity.

Our Conditions on the day were perfect - bright and sunny, offering clear views of the Armagh countryside as runners passed through the rural sections of the course. Our sister event in Canada also started at the same time as the Armagh event, however it was 7am for them out in Ardrossan, Ontario. 22 runners took part, sporting the Run Armagh bibs, t-shirts and medals. The event organisers would like to thank all the supporters and volunteers from the local Armagh community for coming down to support the entrants on the Mall East, and those who lined the course. The event sponsors were instrumental in making the event a huge success - these include Sport Northern Ireland, Emersons supermarket and wine store, Kukri clothing, Powerade and the Classic Mineral Water Company. All proceeds will go to the nominated charity, Cardiac Risk in the Young. Race results and lots more photographs are available via the event website at “ Matthew Nicholson, Run Armagh Race Director

For full write-up and more photos, visit

Ian Millar forwarded a donation of £1,800 from the Royal School Armagh Senior Rugby Tour to Australia. “The tour will consist of 36 boys and 4 staff which will be the largest number of boys that we will have taken abroad. It is an excellent mix from Years 12, 13 and 14. We will be playing 10 games with matches in Sydney, Astonville and Brisbane. As part of the Tour we again decided to support a charity. The charity supported by the tour book is the CRY organisation which has particular significance to our school after the death of John McCall.” Ian Millar, Tour Brochure Organiser.


In Memory of Oisin McGuinness “My son Sean and I raised £300 by taking part in the Newry Marathon and Fun Run held on 26 May 2009. We ran in memory of our dear friend, Oisin McGuinness, who died whilst playing football on 14th March 2009. Oisin was 16 years old and a strong, athletic lad. He played soccer, hurling and Gaelic football. His huge funeral paid testimony to Oisin’s popularity.” Siobhan McCaffery sent in a donation of £300

In Memory of Richard Martin Kesh Young Farmers held a street collection in September and raised £600.

In Memory of Michelle Sinclair

“I enclose cheques to the value of £2,250 in aid of Cardiac Risk in the Young raised in our concert with the Leading Ladies in memory of Michelle Sinclair. Please use it towards the work of your charity.” Nora Henry, Maze Presbyterian Church

The Catering Committee of the First Ballymena Presbyterian Church sent in a donation of £300.

General Fundraising •

The Armagh SRC Sports Students raised £101.90.

Ian McCall forwarded a donation of £2,071 from the Armagh Charity Ball Committee which was held in the Armagh City Hotel.

“On behalf of the Ballywillan Drama Group I am pleased to be able to forward a cheque for £500 as a donation towards your wonderful work. As with last year’s contribution we were able to make a collection bag packing at a local supermarket.” Carlton Mullineux (Chairman)

Barrie Beswick and colleagues took part in the Belfast Marathon Relay and sent in a donation of £575.

The Northern Ireland Supporters Branch in Botanic Inn raised £450 at their recent Quiz.

Dr Martin Collins (CRY representative) attended a Graduation Ceremony at the Police College of Northern Ireland on 9th October and collected a donation of £1,625. “I had a very pleasant time although the weather for the ceremony, which was held outside, was not kind. Still, the drill afterwards was impressive.” Dr Martin Collins

“On behalf of Convoi B.V. (UK Branch) and Philips Medical Systems (UK), please find enclosed a cheque for £500 as a contribution towards your valuable work in raising awareness of cardiac risk in young people.” S. Dennison, Project Manager, Convoi BV - UK Branch

The Banbridge Youth Club Trustees sent in a donation of £500.

The Richill Presbyterian Church Men’s Mission held a five-a-side soccer tournament and raised £710 for CRY NI screening fund.

Laura Cummings took part in the Belfast Marathon Walk and raised £120.

Loughhall Football Club raised £914.

Mr L H McQuitty, Hon. Secretary, First Ballymena Presbyterian Church, sent in a donation of £500 for CRY.

“We are pleased to inform you that we at Friends’ School Lisburn, Young Enterprise Group, are donating a sum of £250 to your charity. For the last school year, we set up and ran a company through which we sold different products to both pupils in the secondary and preparatory school. Most of our members participate in sporting activities, and so we are happy to present you with this donation.” Hannah Wilson, Managing Director.

Susie Hamilton-Stubber, Royal School Armagh Horse Jumping Club, raised £1,600. This donation was forwarded to us by Ian McCall.

In Memory of Charlene McCoy Aine McCoy held a fundraising event on 30th May and raised £1,000 in memory of her sister Charlene.

CRY update • Issue 50 • 75



“Please accept this donation of £580 which was given on my husband’s 80th birthday.” Mrs A Hart

Ian McCall sent in two donations of £500 from the Tully Lagon branch of the Pony Club and £1,049 from the Iveagh branch.

Shane McDonnell took part in the Newry City Marathon and raised £522.

Jacinta Morris took part in the Belfast Marathon and raised £234.

Rachel Rutherford and Jonathan Forbes sent in a donation of £150 in lieu of wedding favours - 1 August 2009.

“As a result of sixth form charity collections throughout the school year the students have requested that a donation of £250 be made to CRY.” E McMurray, Head of Sixth Form, Newry High School.

Alison Turner sent in a donation of £665 in lieu of gifts at her recent wedding.

“Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £790 raised in lieu of presents at Sam Wilson’s 60th Birthday Party.” Sam & Marie Wilson. (Two cheques sent in for £710 and £80).

Raising Awareness

in the


Headline page index Page 77 Don’t let my Lisa’s death be in vain Flintshire Standard 19/11/09 Page 77 A condition which kills young people in their prime News Letter (Belfast) 22/10/09 Page 77 700-mile ride in Ollie’s memory Herald Express (Torquay) 03/04/09 Page 77 Agony of losing a healthy teenager Southall Gazette 26/06/09 Page 78 Amy’s tragic tale could save lives Bolton News 06/04/09 Page 78 Armagh school prepares for tour News Letter 23/06/09 Page 78 A hearty response to screening Chiswick Times 03/07/09 Page 78 Bridges to a better future The Argus 23/07/09 Page 78 Bid to halt early heart attack Eastbourne Herald 06/11/09 Page 79 Caravan park residents make a generous gesture Pontypridd & Llantrisant Observer 29/10/09 Page 79 Campaign for youth heart monitoring Scarborough Evening News 20/10/09 Page 79 Burnley’s knock around the clock Lancashire Telegraph 08/09/09 Page 79 Byford takes cup win Clacton Gazette 10/09/09 Page 79 Brilliant tribute Oxford Mail 25/08/09 Page 79 Brothers’ 254-mile challenge in memory of lost friend South Wales Echo 03/08/09 Page 79 Brothers’ north-south ride in memory of a tragic friend South Wales Echo 08/08/09 Page 80 Kyla’s row in for sister Pocklington Post 07/05/09 Page 80 Concert tribute to Daniel Bolton News 13/06/09 Page 80 Heart screenings on offer Londonderry Sentinel 03/06/09 Page 80 Cycle team to raise awareness of deadly illness Bath Chronicle 07/08/09 Page 80 Cyclists create a buzz on charity ride through Italy Newbury Weekly News 10/09/09 Page 80 Charity money in Matthew memory Lancashire Telegraph 23/09/09 Page 80 CRY charity boosted by fundraising effort News Letter 11/11/09 Page 80 Shaun’s hair raising tribute to lost cousin Scarborough Evening News 12/11/09 Page 81 Special night celebrates a special life Ulster Star 03/04/09 Page 81 Generous runners show they are the best of British The Daily Telegraph 27/04/09 Page 81 Dance will raise vital cash for CRY Harwich & Manningtree Standard 08/05/09 Page 81 Dinner to honour Anton Express & Star 27/06/09 Page 81 Dad runs for baby Kayleigh Westmoreland Gazette 24/07/09 Page 81 Family walk in footballer’s memory Dover Mercury 30/07/09 Page 81 Mother backing health crusade South Wales Evening Post 13/11/09 Page 82 Family raises money for heart screening Liverpool Echo 13/05/09 Page 82 First Run Armagh is a success The Ulster Gazette & Armagh Standard 23/04/09 Page 82 Players and supporters in tribute Western Gazette 03/12/09 Page 82 Family anguish at son’s death Malton & Pickering Mercury 22/04/09 Page 82 Emotional tribute to young people who died Northampton Chronicle & Echo 05/05/09 Page 82 Screen saver for hearts The Sun 28/05/09 Page 83 Fundraiser with heart Frinton & Walton Gazette 30/04/09 Page 83 Stars drop in to help heart screen day for the young Lancashire Evening Post 27/05/09 Page 83 Don’t miss out on screening chance Harwich & Manningtree Standard 17/07/09 Page 83 Funds boost for heart campaign Lancashire Evening Telegraph 23/11/09 Page 83 Fitness girl dies in sleep Express & Star 10/11/09 Page 83 Every week, 12 fit and healthy youngsters like Adam Daily Mail 18/08/09

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Free heart tests in memory of Tom Brentford, Chiswick & Isleworth Times 12/06/09 Stars to play in memorial day for Aaron Lundy Coleraine Times 19/08/09 For absent friends Runner’s World 01/09/09 Mums on the run to aid CRY charity Bath Chronicle 01/10/09 Fun and games all in the name of Jade Northampton Chronicle & Echo 01/09/09 Rugby legend cops charity cheque in force Oct ‘09 Heart charity set to benefit from match Herald Express 01/04/09 Garry inspires marathon bid Cumberland News 10/04/09 Tragedy of Bees fan who died in his sleep at 14 Hounslow Chronicle 01/07/09 Toddling raises cash for CRY Northern Echo 19/11/09 Heart check for triathlete Frinton & Walton Gazette 21/05/09 Heart tragedy parents on a mission to save young lives Manchester Evening News 25/05/09 Don’t let them die like their mother North Wales Daily Post 07/11/09 Michael’s family praises support for campaign Malton & Pickering Mercury 16/12/09 Help for CRY Linlithgow Gazette 03/07/09 Timmy’s memorial garden is opened Northampton Chronicle & Echo 09/06/09 Marathon effort for CRY charity Coleraine Times 29/04/09 How to reduce the risk of heart disease Healthy Heart supplement in the Sunday Telegraph by InFocus Media 31/05/06 Hidden heart killer that hits the young Manchester Evening News 07/04/09 Tragedy of girl’s sudden death Northampton Chronicle & Echo 28/05/09 Youngster’s tragic death inspires coast-to-coast walk Lancashire Evening Post 11/06/09 Ibbotson’s legacy still helping future heroes Surrey Mirror 30/07/09 Outstanding score clinches Good victory Harwich & Manningtree Standard 10/07/09 Losing him was like a light going out South Wales Evening Post 28/11/09 McDowell supports CRY charity News Letter (Belfast) 16/09/09 Marathon women set the pace for first Dorset run Western Gazette 09/04/09 Young lives saved by heart check-ups Birmingham Mail 03/06/09 Sian dedicates her ‘plinth-time’ to dead brother South Wales Echo 12/09/09 £15,000 raised in memory of tragic teenager Hartlepool Mail 01/10/09 Tragic Stephen not alone Daily Echo Bournemouth 21/10/09 Thousands raised in Jack’s memory Bristol Evening Post 24/10/09 Tragic Claire fronts high profile campaign Heartland Evening News 07/04/09 Screening alert for heart risks Birmingham Mail 23/04/09 Screening campaign launched in city The Northern Echo 04/05/09 On the run for tragic Caroline Hertfordshire Mercury 26/06/09 Sister in charity walk tribute Express & Star 06/07/09 Hear our CRY Evening Gazette (Teesside) 15/06/09 Screen hearts to save young lives Daily Express 23/06/09 Boys help dad cross finish line Frinton & Walton Gazette 13/08/09 Getting to the heart of the problem with CRY Leatherhead Advertiser 03/09/09 Tribute Tom Reid UCL News 09/12/09 Darwen families’ ten years of campaigning pays off Lancashire Evening Telegraph 03/04/09

Fundraising Events 2010 A few ideas... Peru Trek 17-26 April Immerse yourself in ancient Peruvian culture and experience diverse scenery, including tropical Andean rainforests, snow-capped mountain ranges and Machu Picchu, one of the world’s most important archaeological finds. If you would like to receive an information pack, please go to

Virgin London Marathon 25 April Our golden bond charity places have now been allocated, however we are still looking for runners with their own place to join the CRY team. We are particularly interested in people willing to run in a CRY costume .We offer a welcome pack, running vest, support from the CRY fundraising team, after race massage and refreshments at a central London Hotel. Please email Laura at

China Trek 8-17 May Immerse yourself in tradition, history and ancient mythology and experience something others will only dream of as you walk part of the Great Wall. This is an ideal event for those with a passion for culture, a sense of adventure and the desire to do something challenging for a good cause.

‘Just Walk’ - sponsored UK charity walk 15 May ‘Just Walk’ is an exciting sponsored walking event over the South Downs in West Sussex where you and your friends can choose to participate in walks of 10km, 20km, 40km or 60km in length. You can find out more details and register for the 2010 event by visiting: CRY is also looking for volunteers to man a CRY stand at the start of this event - contact if you would like to help with this.

London to Paris Bike Ride 12-16 May, 26-30 May, 2-6 June,14-18 July, 18-22 August , 8-12 September Starting in London, the four days of cycling will take you through beautiful and historical villages, allowing you to see some of the most famous landmarks in England and France. If you would like to receive an information pack, please go to

BUPA London 10,000 31 May CRY has charity places for this event, and we also welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY. You can apply for your ‘own place’ via the event website Please e-mail if you are interested in a CRY charity place; are an ‘own place’ runner wishing to run for CRY; or if you would like to run in a CRY Heart Costume.

Super Heroes London 5km Run / Walk – Greenwich Park 13 June

If you have ever wanted to get involved in a 5km run, here is your chance. On Sunday 13 June at Greenwich Park, London, over 1,000 ‘Super Heroes’ are expected to take part, raising over £100,000 for charity! Free Super Hero outfit for all that enter! (subject to availability). CRY is looking for volunteers to take part in this fantastic event. With just a small registration fee and raising the suggested minimum sponsorship you could become a Super Hero for the day! No previous experience is required and with a bit of training the 5km distance should easily be within your capabilities. The spirit of the event is ‘taking part’ not ‘winning’ so you can run, jog or walk - you decide! With places extremely limited you should book early to avoid disappointment! To book your place email or call us on 01737 363 222 for more information.

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 18 July This annual event will once again start at Victoria Embankment Gardens and finish at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge. The 2010 Bridges Walk will follow the same route as the 2009 event - crossing Golden Jubilee, Westminster, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Millennium, London and Tower Bridges and passing at least 12 famous London Landmarks, each representing one of the 12 young sudden cardiac deaths that occur each week in the UK. You can register online at

Adidas Women’s 5k Challenge 5 September CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/running vest to wear, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. If you nominate CRY, we will receive £5 of the entry fee.

‘Just Bike’ sponsored UK charity bike ride 18 September Just Bike is an exciting sponsored bike riding event around Coate Water Country Park (near Swindon) where you and your friends can participate in rides of 50km or 100km in length. To find out more and register for the 2010 event please email

BUPA Great North Run 19 September The Great North Run has grown over its long history to become the world’s biggest half marathon and Britain’s biggest running event with 50,000 entries. If you would like to run for CRY with a charity place or your own ballot place, please e-mail Junior fundraisers (ages 3 to 16) can enter the BUPA Great Run Junior/Mini Event the day before (18 September). CRY does not have any charity places for this event, but if you get your own place then we can provide you with a CRY T-shirt/ running vest, plus sponsor forms and other fundraising items. All entrants receive a race pack and will be presented with a finisher’s pack and medal once they cross the finish line. For details go to the Junior/Mini section at 5km Race Manchester 26 September (TBC)

The run series is a collection of 5km races taking place in selected locations in the UK. Over 4,000 people are expected to take part to raise funds for hundreds of different charities – and you could be among them! All you need to do is pledge to raise at least £100 for CRY and register online for a place at CRY has places for this event; if you are interested please contact

Super Heroes Manchester 5km Run / Walk – Heaton Park 13 June

If you have ever wanted to get involved in a 5km run, here is your chance. On Sunday 26 September at Heaton Park, Manchester, over 1,000 ‘Super Heroes’ are expected to take part, raising over £100,000 for charity! Free Super Hero outfit for all that enter! (subject to availability). CRY is looking for volunteers to take part in this fantastic event. With just a small registration fee and raising the suggested minimum sponsorship you could become a Super Hero for the day! No previous experience is required and with a bit of training the 5km distance should easily be within your capabilities. The spirit of the event is ‘taking part’ not ‘winning’ so you can run, jog or walk - you decide! With places extremely limited you should book early to avoid disappointment! To book your place email or call us on 01737 363 222 for more information.

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon 2010 10 October

CRY will have a limited number of places for this event. If you would like to apply for a charity place or have your own place for this, please e-mail

CRY Raising Awareness Week 9 to 17 October Details about our annual Raising Awareness Week will appear on the CRY website as they are confirmed. Please contact if you would like to get involved.

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates

For further details, please visit For more information visit

CRY update • Issue 49 • 91

Cardiac Risk in the Young Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail:

Our Mission The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our Charity. These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35.

CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD. In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

Our Patrons The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our Charity. Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, Mark Cox MBE, James Cracknell OBE, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, John Inverdale, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Robert Jones MBE, Gary Longwell, Graeme McDowell, Professor W J McKenna, Emily Maitlis, Bill Neely, Phil Packer, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor OBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, David Walliams, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE and Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.”

To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD. By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support service, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at Royal Brompton Hospital, the CRY Centre for Sports Cardiology (CRY CSC) and the CRY Surgery Supporters Network (CRY SSN) to support young people living with potentially lethal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an established event such as the London Marathon or the Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources.

If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit htm or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to the Giftaid page on our website: uk/giftaid.htm

CRY is always extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Malcolm Chick Charity • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation, Inc.

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