CRY Update Magazine Issue 62

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Cardiac Risk in the Young News and Events | Raising Awareness | Our Fundraisers

Update 62 | September to December 2013

In this

Newsletter Bupa Great North Run 2013

| 18

CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013

| 21

Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013

| 24

McColl’s ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’ | 26 CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013 | 28 CRY Great Cake Bake 2013

| 30

CRY Christmas Carol Service

| 34

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CRY Update 62 September to December 2013 Editor Alison Cox MBE Founder and Chief Executive

Assistant Editor James Slade Newsletter Coordinator

Contributors Dr Steve Cox

Deputy Chief Executive

Mair Shepherd

Communications Officer

Pam Fernandes

Medical Secretary to Dr Mary Sheppard

Rebekah Goddard myheart member Rebecca Zouvani Fundraising Manager Head office: Unit 1140B The Axis Centre, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7RD This magazine is printed on chlorine-free paper taken from a sustainable source using vegetable-based inks.


Inside Update 62 Meet our County Representatives News from the Chief Executive Other CRY News Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive CRY Screening Report myheart News Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Research News Bupa Great North Run 2013 CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013 McColl’s ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’ CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013 CRY Great Cake Bake 2013 CRY Christmas Carol Service Our Fundraisers Raising Awareness in the Media Fundraising Events 2014

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On the cover – for more details regarding the events shown, please turn to the corresponding page references below. Images are listed clockwise from top left:

Submission guidelines: We only include activities in the ‘Our Fundraisers’ section that raise £100 or more. If you would like to supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the assistant editor at

• McColl’s ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’, page 26 • Helen Thornloe walks from coast to coast in memory of Alex Reid, page 70 • The King’s School (Worcester) students present a cheque for funds raised from a 24 hour rowing challenge in memory of Scott Rennie and cake sales in memory of Sebastian English, pages 71 and 49 • CRY Patrons Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Simon Halliday, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Andy Scott and Phil Packer MBE at the CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013, page 28 • Bristol primary schools take part in the CRYride Mini in memory of Jack Boulton, page 39 • CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013, page 21 • CRY Patron Pixie Lott at her clothes sale for CRY, page 8 • Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+, page 24 • Hebridean Cycle Challenge 2013 in memory of Andrew Macleod, page 59 • CRY Christmas Carol Service, page 34 • CRY Great Cake Bake 2013, page 30 • Charity football match held in memory of Adam Dabell, page 45 • Graham Idehen completed the Bristol 10K and the Tough Mudder event in memory of his son, Rio Dodwell, page 47

Entries appear in the ‘Our Fundraisers’ section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles may only appear in the ‘Raising Awareness in the Media’ section if we have permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. Images of CRY Patrons and Members of Parliament throughout have been highlighted in red. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Meet Our County Representatives

Jackie and Alan Cousins County Representatives for South Yorkshire In September 2009 we lost our only son, Bruce, suddenly to an undiagnosed heart condition. Bruce was found sitting on his sofa about to start his supper with the TV remote control still on his lap and one of his favourite films about to begin. He was living alone at that time and we did not find him until his girlfriend came the next morning to say she could not get him to answer the door or his phone. Bruce had been dead some hours before he was discovered.

a heart anomaly but this took many weeks to be diagnosed and we found this time to very harrowing. We had not noticed the CRY advert in the Mail before Bruce died, but after contacting them we were helped by Alison and the team who directed us to the hospital and consultant who could help us with the screening of ourselves and our daughter, and encouraged us to attend a bereavement session, which we did when Bruce had been dead only 10 weeks. We found a room full of heartbroken people just like ourselves. I wish we had taken our daughter along as adult siblings are often the forgotten mourners and, as in our case, often have to deal with becoming an ‘only child’ - something they never dreamt would happen. Bruce’s friends helped us to get permission for his ashes to be interred at Sheffield United’s ground at Bramall Lane as Bruce was a long term season ticket holder for the ‘Blades’. We hope he is pleased with that decision! His friends also hold an annual charity night where all his favourite music

is played. They will not let him be forgotten. For one of your children to die before you is not the way of things, life is turned upside-down and it is wrong. A year to the week after his death our daughter presented us with our first grandchild, and at her christening at the end of 2011 as I left the church the vicar whispered to me, “Daisy has her own guardian angel,” – I hope that is true.

He was only 35 years old and a big 6’3”, handsome, popular man. His friends all say: “There was never a dull moment when you went out with Bruce – a good time was guaranteed.” On looking back it is difficult to know how we coped with the suddenness of his death, the man who would have been there for us for the rest of our lives was gone. He had been robbed of so many years of life. I found it very difficult to ‘invade’ his home without his permission. Bruce was eventually found to have


News from the Chief Executive was also the evening of his 56th birthday! We were very glad to have the opportunity to highlight this by Freddie (son of CRY’s Chairman Hugh Mulcahey) presenting him with a cake for the special occasion.

Alison Cox (MBE) CRY Founder & Chief Executive

September CRY Sibling Grief website chosen as Mail on Sunday ‘Website of the Week’ September 8 Mail on Sunday columnist Sarah Stacey chose CRY website www. as her website of the week, explaining the importance of CRY’s Grief booklet addressing sibling bereavement: “Every week in the UK, 12 young people die from an undiagnosed heart condition, often leaving siblings whose grief may be less noticed than the parents. Bereavement experts at CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young, have produced a downloadable booklet, ‘Sibling Grief’, which tells the stories of ten of these forgotten mourners.”

CRY Banquet at Shiplake College September 28 CRY was donated a superb banquet by Thomas Franks for a celebration of the charity’s 18th birthday, which was held at Shiplake College on September 28. Guests included CRY Patrons Rob Andrew MBE, Simon Halliday and John Inverdale; members of the CRY Board of Trustees; Professor Sanjay Sharma and most of the CRY doctors. I was so pleased that John agreed to MC the event as it


Speakers included CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma, who travelled straight from Heathrow having just arrived from Qatar.

Professor Sanjay Sharma and myself with CRY Patrons Simon Halliday, John Inverdale and Rob Andrew MBE

October Over 200 take part in CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 October 5 A tremendous thank you to the 218 people who participated in the 4th CRY Durham Riverside Walk on Saturday October 5. Due to the great efforts of our supporters the event continues to grow in popularity, with over 50 more people taking part than in 2012.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

News from the Chief Executive Especial thanks are due to CRY supporters Jeff Morland and Steve Percival for once again being instrumental in planning and organising this event, and to Carl Higgins, who stepped in to lead the warm up when the designated fitness instructor could not attend at the last minute.

To view the completed research video, please visit

For more details and photos from the event, please see the article or visit walk_2013.htm

CRY Representative Peter Teale invited to Aston Villa FC launch of ‘Villa in the Community’ October 7 CRY Representative Peter Teale (pictured) visited Villa Park stadium to represent CRY at the launch of Aston Villa’s new charity initiative, ‘Villa in the Community’, which focusses on the health and fitness of young people in Birmingham and the surrounding area. Peter was introduced to the football club’s players and managing director at the event.

STAMP Productions announce CRY as joint winner of 2012 ‘Project Charity’ competition October 8 CRY and another charity were selected from a large number of applicants to be joint winners of STAMP’s philanthropic competition, ‘Project Charity’, which sees the professional video production company produce a short film worth £5,000 for the chosen candidate. STAMP Managing Director Ben Uttley said: “We not only have considerable expertise in this area, but we know just how rewarding it is to work with such amazing and inspirational charities.” STAMP worked with CRY to direct, shoot and edit the five minute film about CRY’s screening and research.

CRY International Medical Conference 2013 October 11 - 12 Every year the CRY International Medical Conference invites experts in the fields of sports cardiology, inherited cardiac diseases and young sudden cardiac death to present developments in their research. The conference, held in London, creates an opportunity for those involved in the care of athletes and young people to gain up to date knowledge relating to the effects of training and the diagnosis and management of individuals with inherited cardiac diseases, in the hope of preventing young sudden deaths in the future. We had exceptionally positive feedback from the 2013 conference, with many commenting on the event’s great organisation, excellent speakers and detailed presentations.

From left to right: Dr Elijah Behr, Professor Domenico Corrado, Professor Sanjay Sharma and Professor Mary Sheppard

Leading national and international sports cardiologists invited to present their research for the conference included Professor Domenico Corrado (Italy), Professor Mats Borjesson (Sweden) and CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma, who gave their own presentations as well as co-chairing sessions over the two days with experts Dr Elijah Behr, Dr Erik Solberg (Norway), Dr Rory O’Hanlon (Ireland), CRY myheart Network Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis and Dr Graham Stuart.


News from the Chief Executive Other talks at the event included interesting contributions from Professor Jamie Timmons; CRY Consultant Pathologist Professor Mary Sheppard; Dr John Buckley; and former CRY Research Fellows Dr Abbas Zaidi, Dr Nabeel Sheikh, Dr Hari Raju, Dr Sabiha Gati and Dr Navin Chandra; as well as a presentation on the underestimated prevalence of sudden cardiac death in young people from CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox. Particularly well-received highlights of the first day included Professor Sharma’s presentation entitled ‘Common symptoms due to rare conditions’ and the ‘Case studies in sports cardiology’ afternoon session which Professor Sharma led with Dr Behr. On the second day, Dr Graham Stuart gave an important talk regarding the cardiovascular screening of children under the age of 14.

McColl’s Halloween fundraising, please see the article or visit for a special thank you to McColl’s staff from Chairman James Lancaster.

November Thomas Franks announce over £8,000 raised for CRY November 1 The managers and staff of caterer Thomas Franks have been incredibly busy raising funds for CRY in 2013, putting on cake sales, barbecues, sponsored walks, school fundraisers and a charity ball. On November 1 they announced they had raised a fantastic total of £8,202 throughout the year.

McColl’s Retail Group launches ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’ initiative October 8 - 31 McColl’s Retail Group launched a nationwide fundraising initiative in partnership with CRY. The staff in McColl’s, Martin’s and RS McColl shops and stores not only raised funds by promoting the specially produced Halloween magazine packs but engaged with their communities, including many CRY families, to have fun in fancy dress and help raise awareness of CRY. CRY’s partnership with McColl’s has a special significance as Chairman and CEO James Lancaster’s son Robert tragically suddenly died from an undiagnosed heart condition aged 21 in March 2007. The McColl’s Chairman has since become a CRY Trustee as well as an active and valued supporter. For more details and pictures of 6

Thomas Franks employee Richard Thompson walked from Swanley, Kent, to Wembley Stadium for CRY in April 2013, raising £370

South Regional Bereavement Support Day November 2

From left to right: Barbara Holland, Bruce Lord, Stephanie Paterson, Vanessa Tardiff, Sarah Willis

20 people registered for the meeting held at Wimbledon Park Golf Club. This Bereavement Support Day is partly funded by the James Paterson Memorial Fund. Groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Barbara Holland, Bruce Lord, Stephanie Paterson, Vanessa Tardif, Sarah Willis and Mike Taylor.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

News from the Chief Executive Interview on BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire breakfast show November 19 I was interviewed by BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire regarding the death of Adam Middleton, who died of an undiagnosed heart condition aged 23 in February 2011. Adam’s mother, Donna Mayall, was raising funds for a two day screening in the local area and due to launch a fundraising event on November 20 at Warwickshire College, where Adam had been a pupil.

I was delighted that CRY Patrons Baroness Ilora Finlay, Simon Halliday, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE and guest of honour Andy Scott gave up their time to come and support this important reception to raise awareness of CRY and young sudden cardiac death (YSCD) in the House of Commons. Our myheart booklet was compiled to provide a crucial resource for young people suddenly diagnosed who can struggle with the reality of finding they have to live with a potentially life-threatening heart condition. As CRY’s pioneering screening program continues to develop we need to consider the growing number of young people who have been identified as being at risk of sudden cardiac death, and our myheart network has been developed exclusively to support them.

Donna Mayall presents the annual Adam Middleton Award to Ross Jarvis at Warwickshire College in June 2013

Siblings National Bereavement Support Day November 23 15 people registered for this annual event held at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham. Groups were led by CRY Bereavement Supporters Joan Hillier, Vanessa Tardif (pictured) and myself.

myheart booklet launched at CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013 November 27 More than 30 MP’s and Lords attended the 2013 CRY Parliamentary Reception, which we used as a springboard to launch our myheart booklet for young people who have been diagnosed with a potentially lifethreatening cardiac condition.

CRY Patrons Sir Steve Redgrave CBE and Pat Jennings OBE KSG present the myheart booklet

The support and camaraderie offered by members of the myheart network, and the contributions of ten of their stories for this booklet, along with our regular myheart meetings and the myheart newsletter, is an invaluable tool to provide both information and comfort to those who may feel threatened by their diagnosis. CRY Chairman and MC for the evening Hugh Mulcahey introduced the following speakers: Mike Gapes MP, CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma,


News from the Chief Executive CRY Patron Andy Scott and myself. Given the focus on the new myheart booklet, guest of honour Andy Scott described his experience of being diagnosed by Professor Sanjay Sharma with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which ended his career as a football player imposing his new career as a football manager. Member of the CRY All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Mike Gapes MP spoke very movingly about his daughter Rebecca, who tragically died of sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) aged 19 in May 2012.

out the very positive effects that the charity has. Raising awareness of these potentially fatal heart conditions and how they can be treated if identified in time is crucial. I hope that by me telling my story more young people will consider it is worth having their heart tested by CRY.”

Second CRY Great Cake Bake raises over £19,000 November 29 Following the success of the Great Cake Bake in 2012, we resolved to go ahead with this fundraising initiative again and give CRY’s Raising Awareness Week, running from November 23 to December 1, another flagship fundraising event for our supporters to rally behind.

From left to right: CRY Chairman and MC Hugh Mulcahey, Mike Gapes MP, CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma, CRY Patron and guest of honour Andy Scott

For more details and pictures from the CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013, please see the article or visit reception_2013.htm For more details regarding our myheart booklet, please see the appropriate entry in ‘Other CRY News’ or visit, where you can also download a digital copy.

Olympic rower and gold medal medallist Tom James MBE announced as new CRY Patron November 28 Tom James MBE won gold medals for rowing at the 2008 Beijing and 2012 London Olympics. In the run up to the London Olympics Tom was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation by CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma, and with his help was able to manage his condition and win gold for Great Britain. He contributed his own experience of diagnosis with a cardiac condition for the introduction to CRY’s myheart booklet. Tom said: “I became a CRY Patron following my own treatment and from finding


The nationwide interest our Great Cake Bake inspired for the second year; over 100 people requested information packs in the build up to the event. A special thank you to all those who organised, baked and donated money for CRY. We loved hearing about all the busy fundraising and raising awareness events around the country, and we have received some great pictures demonstrating the hard work that went into making each of these cake stalls, raffles and coffee mornings so popular. CRY raised £19,201.75 from the Great Cake Bake 2013. For more details, please see the article or visit htm for the individual stories from our supporters.

December CRY Patron Pixie Lott hosts Christmas clothes sale December 8 CRY Patron Pixie Lott donated a glamorous wardrobe including dresses, shoes, coats and other apparel for a Christmas charity clothes sale for CRY and Rays of Sunshine. I was delighted to be a part of this along with CRY staff and volunteers and very much enjoyed having the chance of catching up with Pixie and the family again.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

News from the Chief Executive of the carol service by presenting a cheque with his wife, Margaret, to CRY Patron Pixie Lott for over £170,000 raised by McColl’s, working in tandem with CRY, for this Halloween fundraising initiative. For more details about the CRY Carol Service, please see the article or visit concert_2013.htm

CRY Patron Simon Halliday releases autobiography with profits to CRY December 10

The sale raised £1,652.50 for each charity.

Over 500 attend CRY Carol Service December 9

The autobiography of former England rugby international and CRY Patron Simon Halliday, ‘City Centre – High Ball to High Finance’, was published on December 10 to strong reviews. Simon has pledged all royalties from the sale of his book will go to CRY and Help for Heroes.

CRY Christmas Message published online December 18

St John’s, Smith Square, was packed to the rafters for this unique event. CRY staff waited outside the superb venue beautifully dressed in Dickensian costume to contribute to the remarkable atmosphere of the occasion. CRY Patrons Pixie Lott, Bill Neely, Andy Scott and Roger Taylor MBE were there to help celebrate CRY’s 18th birthday, and the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London, and the Orchestra Nova (led by conductor George Vass) were joined by pupils from Sandcross Primary School in Reigate for a selection of everyone’s favourite carols. James Lancaster, Chairman and CEO of McColl’s Retail Group and CRY Trustee, opened the second half

I recorded a CRY Christmas Message in December for the first time. I wanted to use the opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us over the years, and to let our bereaved families know that we are thinking of them during this terribly difficult time of the year. It was the last message from our rented office which has been CRY’s home for 14 years. I spoke about CRY’s history and development and the huge progress we are making in screening more young people and funding crucial medical research, only made possible by our supporters’ steadfast dedication. To view my Christmas message, please visit www. youtube. com/ watch?v=BHXy6dF7w0


Other CRY News myheart booklet launched for CRY Raising Awareness Week

myheart booklet authors at the CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013 with CRY Patrons Sir Steve Redgrave CBE and Andy Scott

On November 27th, during CRY’s annual Raising Awareness Week, the myheart booklet was launched to focus on the growing numbers of young people who – thanks to greater awareness and early diagnosis – are learning to live with a potentially fatal heart condition. CRY’s myheart Network, originally launched in 2002 as the Surgery Supporters Network, has been exclusively developed to provide support and information to these young people and their families. Meetings funded by CRY are held at venues around the UK and include group counselling, an informal Q&A with an expert cardiologist and the opportunity to talk to others who have been similarly affected. It is often listening to how others are coping with a similar condition


which can be of the most comfort in a crisis, and the new booklet – with an introduction from twotime Olympic gold medallist Tom James, who was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in the run up to the London 2012 Games – features 10 personal ‘essays’ from young men and women who recount their experience of being diagnosed with a heart condition. Chief Executive and Founder of CRY, Alison Cox MBE, says: “Since CRY was first established in 1995, much of my time – both as a CEO and as a trained counsellor – has been dedicated to supporting bereaved families. However, as the charity evolved, it became clear that there was another group of people also desperately in need of support – but in a different way.” CRY’s screening programme now tests over 12,000 young people every year which, combined with increased awareness, has led to more young people being routinely diagnosed. Around 1 in 300 young people aged 35 and under who are tested by CRY are found to carry a potentially fatal condition.

James Bailey, a 21 year old university student from Bristol, became involved with CRY following his shock diagnosis with WolffParkinson-White syndrome. He said: “It took me ages not to panic if my heart ever started racing. The physical scars may have healed quickly but it still felt strange that everything had seemingly gone back to normal, whilst I was at the same time being acutely aware that things could have turned out so differently. So many of my friends from the myheart network have lost siblings and parents. Maybe that’s why they’re so determined to live life to the full. They’ve done amazing things since becoming involved with CRY; spoken in Parliament, met celebs such as David Walliams, Pixie Lott and gold medallists, carried the Olympic torch, and even been asked to ‘toss the coin’ at the start of the Wimbledon men’s final! But perhaps more importantly, we’ve all met each other and will always be there for support.” For more information or to download a digital copy of the new booklet visit uk/2014/01/01/booklet

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Other CRY News ‘In a Heartbeat’ radio documentary wins British Public Radio award Nottingham Trent University graduate Briony Harrison won the British Public Radio (BPR) Gold Award on September 5th for her journalism documentary ‘In a Heartbeat’, which focussed on young sudden death and featured CRY prominently. Briony explained: “I decided to choose the topic for my dissertation after a friend lost her boyfriend to a sudden cardiac death. He was 21 and very fit and active, so it came as a total shock. I made the feature with the intention of informing as many people as possible about sudden cardiac death syndrome (SCDS) and sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). I also wanted to raise awareness of ECG screening, to let people know that if they were worried, they could get their hearts checked out to put their minds at rest. Mostly I just wanted to tell the stories of the families who have

had to cope with losing a young person and to highlight how hard they work to raise money for CRY so other families won’t have to go through the same thing.” Briony’s documentary incorporated interviews with medical professionals as well as bereaved partners and parents. Briony spoke to CRY Deputy Chief Executive Dr Steve Cox and CRY Research Fellow Dr Sabiha Gati about SADS and the importance of screening young people, and Briony also visited a CRY screening in Wolverhampton for the documentary. Gold Award judge Amanda Brown commented: “Her interviewing technique was excellent, whilst dealing with such sensitive material she was able to draw out her interviewees and get to the root of the story… This is an issue that has been in the news but has largely been unexplored from such a personal perspective. This is a piece of audio that could go straight to air.”

You can listen to Briony’s outstanding radio documentary, published in full, at www.

Roses and Pirates release single for charity Buckinghamshire indie band Roses and Pirates held a launch party on September 27th for their new release, ‘Fay’s Song’, choosing to use the single to raise awareness of CRY. ‘Fay’s Song’ was written in memory of their friend and drummer, Fay Howell, who suddenly died aged 25 in March 2013. “It was a great turn out and an enjoyable night with an emphasis on remembering Fay, emotional yet positive at the same time. The girls are going to continue to raise money for the charity with gigs they do.” Clare Starr.

Lancashire Schools FA supports CRY for 2013-14 season The Lancashire Girls U17s team travelled to Gothenberg, Sweden, for the Gothia World Youth Cup


Other CRY News in July, and wore the CRY logo on their team strip throughout the competition. The Gothia Cup is one of the largest football tournaments in the world, with over 30,000 players from over 1,000 teams taking part. The Lancashire Girls dominated their group but were unlucky to be eliminated in the knock-out stages.

commissioned cards from Ling Design and Powell Publishing, along with several winter scenes painted by CRY supporter John Bennett.

Following the U17s’ impressive results at the Gothia Cup, the Lancashire Girls warmed up for matches in their CRY T-shirts throughout the subsequent domestic 2013-14 season.

CRY Christmas Cards 2013 2013 has been a very successful year for our charity Christmas cards, selling over 700 packs of cards and raising just under £7,000 for CRY’s core funding initiatives. Every year, CRY County Representatives Rosemary Attridge and Katy Turberville (pictured) dedicate their time to carefully select the new Christmas card designs. 2013 had a wide range of designs offering specially


We would like to sincerely thank everyone who sold CRY Christmas cards on our behalf, and a big thank you to the following supporters who volunteered their time to help sell our cards in shops: Carol Finch, Rosemary Attridge, Frances Presley, Carl Johnson, Eunice Johnson and Janette Pollard at Cards for Good Causes shops; Kitty Hartnell at Ealing Charity Christmas Card Shop; and Anna Aristodemou at A Cut Above salon. We really appreciate the time everyone has spent raising funds and awareness for CRY. Thank you to everyone who purchased CRY Christmas cards in 2013. CRY’s new designs for 2014 will be available to purchase in September.

easyfundraising and easysearch

During 2013 CRY supporters raised £212.65 by shopping and searching online with easyfundraising and easysearch, which was nearly 50% more than in 2012. You can raise money for CRY while shopping online through the easyfundraising link www.

By using easysearch every time you search the web CRY receives 50% of the fees paid by advertising sponsors. You can use the link cry. whenever you search the web to help raise money for CRY.

eBay for Charity Over the course of 2013 our supporters raised £984.84 via eBay for Charity, which was more than double the £481.46 raised in 2012. If you would like to raise funds for CRY through eBay then see ebayforcharity/index.html

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive media throughout, facilitating sharing your stories, upcoming events, writeups and articles. Another significant change is the dedicated place for memorial funds where each will have its own page, and where everything everyone has done will automatically be updated and easy to share with your supporters. We hope you will find the new website does justice to your aspirations and everything you have been dedicated to achieve with CRY.

Dr Steve Cox

CRY Deputy Chief Executive – new CRY website ready to launch in July “We are almost there with the new website!” How many times have I said that over the past 5 years! A number of people and companies have taken on the task but unfortunately fallen at the first or second hurdles. However, once we put our faith in Nat Jenkins and kept it all ‘in-house’ we were able to have full control of everything we are trying to achieve. One of the greatest challenges was simply the magnitude of the job with over 4,500 pages needing to be transferred onto the new system and tagged to show up in various places throughout the site. Another key issue was to design a site that would make everything easier to access knowing that different groups of people visit the site daily and use it in many different ways. Coordinating this, without compromising our ‘top page’ Google rankings for key search results like “sudden cardiac death”, “cardiac screening”, “SADS” and “CRY” has not been easy. Well, at last we are ready and our new website is due to go online in July! There are many changes that will help us manage the ‘back end’ of the site. One of the key differences is the way we have introduced social – new screening website launched Many of you will have seen the new ‘testmyheart’ website. This has been designed to accommodate the feedback you have given us during the past few years. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this, and please remember that comments on our new design and/or how we can improve this further will always be appreciated. CRY video with Honorary President Sir Ian Botham OBE Our supporters are often asked to give presentations on CRY’s behalf. Your stories are the most powerful message we have and why CRY receives such fantastic support, so we are developing an increasing number of resources, mainly videos and PowerPoint presentations, that you can use when required. A great resource is the short video we have made with Sir Ian Botham talking about CRY and our main aims and objectives, which will soon be available from our site at www.c-r-y. CRY International Medical Conference videos We were very proud to recently receive a message from Dr Michael Papadakis (myheart Network Cardiologist) that all the videos for the 2012 CRY Conference have been used for the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) eLearning

platform website. This is an area where clinicians throughout the world access educational talks as part of their continuing professional development (CPD). Dr Papadakis has put an enormous amount of work into achieving this and the end result is a fantastic testament to the quality of the speakers at this major event which CRY annually hosts in London. Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics video with Dr Abbas Zaidi We recently uploaded the video of Dr Abbas Zaidi and Professor Sanjay Sharma discussing Abbas’ time at CRY, his involvement with CRY families at St George’s Hospital, his experience of our screening programme and the research that lead to him being selected for the Pete Hinchliffe Award. If you have 15 minutes to watch this, it is a great way to get a better understanding of what CRY Research Fellows do and why they are so important to CRY: hinchliffe_travel_award_2012.htm Future CRY screenings We are expanding our CRY Research Fellows to 7 this year, however the demand for screening is also increasing dramatically and 2015 weekend screening events are already fully booked! Although amazing and unprecedented, the news screenings are booked so far in advance can prove disappointing for CRY families who find the wait frustrating. We would urge all families who anticipate having a screening event in the near future to book their date as soon as possible. As always, our thanks for your ongoing support. Best wishes,


CRY Screening Report Between September and December 2013 CRY screened nearly 3,500 people, mostly through family memorial screenings. At our regular CRY clinics 643 young people were screened. Clinics were held at the University of Ulster (Colerain and Jordanstown campuses); Foyle College, Derry (funded by the Northern Ireland fund); and Colchester Hospital (funded by the Andrew Gard Memorial Fund). At the ICAP clinics 281 young people were screened. These screenings are

held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, in St George’s Hospital, Tooting. Sports screenings included: Essex CCC, Bedford RFC, Manchester EIS, England Cricket U17s and Women’s Academy, England Rugby U17s and U18s, England Women’s Rugby, UK Athletics EIS, Team SKY Cycling, England Cricket U19s, Bradford RFL, Roehampton LTA and Crawley Athletic Club (funded by Toshiba Medical Systems). 410 athletes were screened in total. 2,057 people were screened at 16 family memorial screenings. These were held in memory of Claire Reed (Eastleigh), Christopher Parr (Leek),

Lewis Marsh (Sandhurst), Tom Reid (London), Nathan Butler and James Haggerty (Newcastle-underLyme), Sara Pilkington (Durham), Ben Newton (Cambridgeshire), Joseph Herrington (Cambridge), Jack Maddams (Rochester), Debbie Rendle (Cornwall), Daniel Young (Manchester), Andrew Parr (Lancaster), Tom Clabburn (Ealing), Caroline Johnstone (Bishop’s Stortford), Christian Thunhurst (Guildford) and Ben Daniels (Bromley). 92 young people were screened at a school screening held at the University of Surrey (Guildford), funded by the Student Heart Health Trust.

“Between January 1st 2013 and 2014 CRY tested just under 14,000 young people, 45 of whom will have been diagnosed with cardiac conditions that could have killed them at any time. 140 apparently fit and healthy young people will have been diagnosed with cardiac conditions that may not have been immediately life threatening, but can now be monitored to avoid major complications in their 4th decade of life.” Dr Steve Cox, Director of Screening and Deputy CEO.

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and only takes 5-10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on the chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (known as electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of the heart


is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes 2-3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% – 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the

ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of the heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

News Up the Pace 2013 Up the Pace is an annual education day held by Bristol Children’s Hospital for patients with a pacemaker or ICD and their families. Patients ranging from a few months old to 18 years old have the opportunity to attend workshops covering areas such as resuscitation and heart rhythms, as well as listen to a talk given by a young adult about their experience of growing up with a pacemaker or ICD. Different groups including charities and pacemaker/ICD companies are invited to hold stands so families can wander round taking leaflets and asking questions. Two of the myheart members, Amber Andrews and Rebekah Goddard, represented CRY and answered any questions people had about the myheart group. This is Rebekah’s account of the day: “Up the Pace on Saturday 9th November was a huge success for everyone concerned. Not only did it allow us a chance to help other parents and children in a similar situation to ourselves in giving them advice and support, but it also gave us the chance to understand just how many rare heart conditions there are out there.

My youngest daughter, Jessica (aged 6), was able to come along with me, and I think she too benefitted from the day. She told me in great excitement how ‘there were doggies with pacemakers, just like me!’ and it’s reassuring that she gets so excited about being so special. She sees it as something to be proud of, and she was so pleased to go and tell the other kids how much she loves her device. I like to think that we all got something out of the day! Also attending were two of the largest suppliers of pacemakers and ICDs, who were on hand to chat to families about the technical side of having a device, allowing people to get answers about things which may not have been answerable by their own cardiologists. One rep even brought with him a fake see-through chest, so you could physically see how a device and its wires are fitted - a real eye opener! I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to come to events like this one, knowing that we can also give a bit back and hopefully make a difference even to just a handful of families. I want to thank CRY for asking me to represent them at such an amazing day, and hope that with each year that passes, it reaches out to even more people who can benefit from sharing and learning about different experiences.” Read Rebekah’s story at

I, myself have come across, and learnt about, a large number of heart conditions over the years, but Saturday’s event allowed me to meet a few more people, with even more conditions that were new to me. This makes CRY’s work even more valuable than ever. The rarer the condition, the more alone you can feel, which is why ‘Up the Pace’ and the work that CRY does is of great value to so many families. Just knowing that someone else knows how you feel is a massive relief, both as a parent and as a child. I have now come full circle with the help of CRY. At first, as a young person discovering how to cope with a newly diagnosed heart condition, and now as a parent myself, to a daughter who has inherited my condition.

From left to right: Andrea Andrews, Amber Andrews and Rebekah Goddard


Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) By Pam Fernandes, Professor Mary Sheppard’s Medical Secretary at the CRY CCP.

Professor Mary Sheppard, Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Pam Fernandes, Administrator Struan Bourke, Senior Laboratory Technician Fiona Maleady Crowe, Laboratory Technician

Throughout the year we have had over 430 cases referred in total for 2013, which is a dramatic increase compared to 234 in 2012, reflecting the high esteem and national reputation of the CRY Centre for Cardiovascular Pathology laboratory.

The CRY CCP at St George’s Medical School, London

New Location of CRY Research Centre Professor Mary Sheppard was appointed to Chair of Cardiovascular Pathology at St George’s Medical School, London, in September 2013 in recognition of the ground-breaking work she has done in collaboration with CRY determining the cause of death in young sudden deaths over the past 5 years.

Senior Technician; and Fiona Maleady Crowe, Technician. With new staff members in place our turnaround time will improve.

Lectures and Inquests

Forensic Medicine of Italy annual meeting, Perugia, November 1st - 4th; Maternal Deaths - Royal Society of Medicine, London, November 13th; and Association of Inherited Cardiac Conditions, Cardiff, November 25th.

Professor Sheppard was invited to the following international lectures: European Society of Pathology (ESP), Lisbon, August 31st - September 4th;

Professor Sheppard continues to attend inquests, attending 4 inquests from September to December on sudden death cases from within the UK.

It has been a challenge to transfer her laboratory and set up a new department at St George’s Medical School. Despite this transition period, Professor Sheppard was still able to process and establish a cause of death in 61 cases referred from October to December 2013. The turnaround time in these 61 sudden death cases was 24 days on average. With the change of location to St George’s, three new members of staff joined Professor Sheppard’s team: Pam Fernandes, Administrator to Professor Sheppard; Struan Bourke,


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Research News Dr Harshil Dhutia, Dr Aneil Malhotra and Dr Lynne Millar joined the existing team of CRY Research Fellows; Dr Greg Mellor, Dr Ahmed Merghani and Dr Rajay Narain. Former CRY Research Fellow Dr Abbas Zaidi had the paper ‘Clinical significance of electrocardiographic right ventricular hypertrophy in athletes: comparison with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and pulmonary hypertension’ published in the ‘European Heart Journal’ on 17th September 2013. CRY Communications Officer Mair Shepherd interviewed Dr Zaidi to ask about his research. Why did you conduct this research? We know that screening young people with an electrocardiogram (ECG) can detect heart disorders which can cause sudden death. We also know that young people with heart disorders are more likely to die suddenly during exercise, and that’s why CRY is heavily involved in the screening of athletes. This research was aimed at improving the ability of ECG screening to pick up heart conditions in athletes. What was the study about? The study was about ECG (or heart tracing) findings in athletes. Current European guidance suggests that certain findings on the ECG should be considered abnormal, and might be a sign of an underlying ‘sudden death syndrome’ such as a cardiomyopathy. But we had noticed that some of the ECG findings that the European guidance says are abnormal are actually quite common in healthy athletes. We suspected that these changes, like right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) on the ECG, were really just a sign of healthy changes that occur in the athlete’s heart, rather than truly being a sign of an underlying heart problem. We decided to look into this in more detail. What is right ventricular hypertrophy? Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is a finding on the ECG. In some cases, it may be a sign of abnormal enlargement or thickening of the right ventricle. For

example, people born with a hole in their heart may have RVH on their ECG. Why is it important to look at right ventricular hypertrophy? It’s important to look for RVH because it may be a sign of abnormal enlargement of the right side of the heart. If a young person was found to have such a condition, they would then be advised not to take part in intense sporting activity, as it might be dangerous. What did the results show? The results showed that a lot of healthy athletes have RVH on their ECG, much more often than in non-athletes. In fact, RVH was twice as common in athletes (12% of all athletes screened had RVH on their ECG). We went on to test these athletes with detailed investigations including heart scans and exercise testing. We found that none of the athletes with RVH on their ECG actually had anything wrong with their heart. We then went on to perform testing in two groups of patients with actual diseases of the right ventricle, such as a hole in the heart. Although some of them had RVH on their ECG, there were always other ECG abnormalities in addition. It was only the athletes that had RVH on their ECG without any other abnormal changes. What are the implications of the results? The implications are that if you see RVH on an athlete’s ECG, you probably don’t need to perform any further tests, because it is likely to be a normal, healthy change that occurs in people who train regularly. However, if the athlete with RVH has additional ECG abnormalities that are more strongly associated with inherited heart disease, or has symptoms like blackouts, or if somebody in their family has died unexpectedly or had heart disease at a young age, the situation is different. In such cases, you should go on to test them further for problems of the right side of the heart. The wider implication is that if it is recognised that RVH is a normal finding on the athlete’s ECG, it will avoid the need for a large number of additional investigations like heart scans, and will avoid causing unnecessary distress and disruption to the athlete. The European Society of Cardiology has acknowledged this work and it is likely that the guidelines for interpretation of the athlete’s ECG will be amended to incorporate our findings. Ultimately we hope our work will improve the understanding and detection of conditions that can cause sudden death in young people.


Bupa Great North Run 2013 Congratulations and a huge thank you to the 55 runners who took part in the Bupa Great North Run in aid of CRY on Sunday 15th September 2013.

This year’s race saw over 55,000 runners take part! Everyone seemed to enjoy another fantastic race day and the weather was mainly dry before a torrential downpour. For the fourth year running CRY had a stand in the Bronze Marquee, which was excellent for raising awareness amongst passers by. The whole area that was allocated to us was CRY-branded and had plenty of literature and CRY information for runners and spectators who were not familiar with the charity and wanted to find out more. 40 of the CRY runners came back to the marquee and were welcomed by our volunteers Jane, Ed, Les, Iris, Jordan and Dylan. A special thank you to Alison Edwards who ran in a CRY Heart costume - our costumes are a great way to raise awareness


for CRY. We also want to thank everyone who went to meet our volunteers at the CRY stand, despite feeling exhausted. As always, it was a challenging day for everyone, and especially difficult for those who were running in memory of a partner, family member or friend. Once again, we would like to thank each and every runner for their huge efforts in completing the half marathon and fundraising for CRY. Their time and valued support are truly appreciated. Congratulations and well done to them all!

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Bupa Great North Run 2013


Bupa Great North Run 2013 We look forward to hopefully seeing some of you again next year. The date of next year’s event is Sunday 7th September 2014. Please email for further details.

CRY runners were: Julian Bailey

(running in memory of Andy Baker)

Kelley Barlow

(running in memory of Stuart Parkinson)

Bob Bennell Claire Brassington (running in memory of John Plant)

Gabby Broadhurst (running in memory of David Green)

George Roy Carter (running in memory of Bobby Dorka)

Matthew Robert Carter

Kirsty (Capt.) Davies-Walters (running in memory of Nick Guya)

Colin Dibbert

(running in memory of Nick Guya)

Angela Dixon

(running in memory of Diane and Michael)

Alison Edwards (running in memory of Andrew Murch)

Karen Flintoft

(running in memory of Lewis James Barry)

Max Foreman (running in memory of Craig Rawlinson)

(running in memory of Bobby Dorka)

Jody Gardner

Karen Cartwright

Kelly Gardner

(running in memory of Liam Hipkin)

Paul Clark

(running in memory of Graeme Bell)

Nicole Collingwood (running in memory of Neil Darby)

Kelly Jane Gleadow (running in memory of Graeme Bell)

Mick Glynn Michael Gray Matthew Ian Green

Adam Cook

(running in memory of Nick Guya)

Wayne Corcoran

Nicola Green

(running in memory of Lloyd Walsh)

Pete Cowen

(running in memory of Kevin Paterson)


(running in memory of Kevin Paterson)

Karen Marie Gwynne John Harrison

(running in memory of

Graham Harrison)

Simon Heseltine (running in memory of Levon Morland)

Barry Holcombe (running in memory of Andrew Holcombe)

Caroline Howe (running in memory of Andy Baker)

Aran Morland (running in memory of Levon Morland)

Vicki Nee

(running in memory of Adam Green)

Kevin Nicholas (running in memory of James Nicholas)

Paul Opie

Emma Hutchinson

(running in memory of Paul Steven Loach)

Mike Jarrett

Sarah Rippon

(running in memory of Zoe Teale)

Mark John Kenny (running in memory of Thomas Hardman)

Zoe Louise Kyle (running in memory of Sarah Gamble)

Adam Lawton

(running in memory of Liam Wood and Nathan Butler)

Sarah Lovell Julie Malpiedi

(running in memory of Mathew Phillip Thoppil)

Greg Mason

(running in memory of Zoe Teale)

Anna Semens (running in memory of Kevin Paterson)

Deb Smith

(running in memory of Luke Macleod)

Lisa Sullivan

(running in memory of Sean Farrell)

Ian Tattershaw (running in memory of Reece Jeffrey)

Dennis Tailor Peter Teale

(running in memory of Zoe Teale)

Steve Walker

(running in memory of David Green)

Jennifer McKenna

Sophie Wharton

Jamie Morgan

Tony Wheatman

(running in memory of Andy Baker)

(running in memory of Craig Wilson)

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013

A huge thank you to the 218 participants (and some four-legged friends in CRY T-shirts!) who took part in the 4th CRY Durham Riverside Walk on Saturday 5th October 2013 on another mild and sunny day. The event has grown steadily since 2010 and in 2013 more people took part than ever before.

As in previous years, it was a poignant yet positive occasion. It was very moving to see everyone coming together to walk in memory of a friend or family member, and have the opportunity for people to meet up with friends and CRY staff, as well as raising awareness of CRY’s ongoing work to help reduce the incidence of young sudden cardiac death. Just before midday, once everyone had checked in, CRY Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani made a short speech to thank everyone for coming and introduced CRY supporter Steve Percival, who spoke about the walk and raising awareness. Steve then introduced Carl Higgins, who led a very entertaining and fun warm-up after the designated fitness instructor was unable to attend at the last minute. As one of the instigators of the event, it seemed appropriate for CRY supporter Jeff Morland to officially start the walk, so he led the walkers (some with baby


CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 buggies, toddlers and/or dogs) as they set off. Following the beautiful River Wear, walkers had a striking view of Durham Cathedral and the autumnal sunshine provided a stunning backdrop for the walk. Following an extensive landslide, the route was reduced to just over 5K in distance. We would love to see everyone again next time and hope to see even more new faces too. We will hold the 2014 event on October 4th, so please keep this


date free if you are interested in attending. For further information please email We never forget that most of the walkers who take part in the Durham Riverside Walk do so for a very personal reason – and all of us at CRY appreciate their tremendous effort and courage in taking part. For more details and photos from the event visit

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013

It would be almost impossible to run an event like this, so far from the CRY office, without the help of our dedicated volunteers, so a big thank you to: Deborah Anderson; Dr Anthony Bash; Mark Bell; John and Diane Ber; Kenny and Maralyn Bowen; Sue Burlinson; David (Joe) Crow; Jack Doyle; Sheila Fox; Mark Gilbank; Janice Gilson; Linda and Geoff Goodwin; Terry and Don Granner; Alan Hayman; Danielle Headley; Carl Higgins; Jeanette Hyde; Allison Johnston; Amanda Law; Jeff Morland; Wendy Moss; Steve Percival; Ted and Emily Philo; Janette Pollard; Julie Slater and Jen Strayghan.


Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013

Thank you and congratulations to the 23 CRY runners who took part in this event at the new venue of Greenwich Park. The music, as always, was uplifting and the atmosphere electric. A special mention goes to the runners from the Four Pillars Hotels Group and Zoom Media. Both companies had very kindly chosen CRY as their charity of the year and were represented at the event. This year CRY had a charity marquee at the event and volunteers from the Challenge Network - Celeste, Joanna, Mara, Laura, Jordan, Alice, Tho, Audrey, Joshua, Churchill, and their mentor, Bridget (pictured) – joined our staff to help promote CRY and cheer our runners with flags and banners. Upon finishing, CRY runners were presented with a goody bag and thanked for their tremendous efforts as they came to visit us at the CRY stand. A special mention for Steve Busby who ran in a CRY heart costume - thankfully it wasn’t raining!


The 2013 event was the sunniest and warmest it has ever been for Run to the Beat and one of the highlights was a closely guarded secret until the event day itself - the main stage act, Jessie J! We thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the runners who worked so hard to support us and we would like to thank our volunteers from the Challenge Network and the friends and family of our runners for cheering on the CRY team. If you would like to run for CRY in the Run to the Beat 10K in 2014, please email

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013

CRY runners were: Sarah Ball

running in memory of Trinh-Ny Ha and Clive Squires)

Chris Blackburn Steve Busby

(running in memory of David Forway)

Jonathan and Sian Butcher

(running in memory of Adam Pearmine)

Stephanie Edwards Kristina Evans

(running in memory of Daniel Nicholls)

Darryl James Hayter (running in memory of Rupert Spurling)

Sarah Henry

(running in memory of Stevie Jivani)

Rebecca Marie Kealey

(running in memory of Thomas Hardman)

Alexis Persaud

(running in memory of Stuart Attridge)

Courtney Scott Joanna Seldon

Jonathan Vickers (running in memory of Laura Main)

From the Four Pillars Hotels Group: Adam Carroll Craig Bradfield Coley Ainsley Donald

Elizabeth Henegahan Kerry Lewis Vincent Seri Fazio Katherine Swingler From Zoom Media: Alex Peacock

(Managing Director)

Alastair Graham


McColl’s ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’

On October 8th, McColl’s Retail Group launched a campaign in partnership with CRY throughout their 1,280 UK stores called ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’, producing and distributing a special £1 Halloween pack – with 50p of every £1 going straight to CRY. Inside the pack kids could find a Halloween magazine with tips for safe trick or treating, scary costume ideas, spooky party games to play and delicious recipes for frightening food and drink. The pack also included McColl’s vouchers, Halloween stickers and cards to take trick or treating to raise awareness of CRY. McColl’s managers and staff put a fantastic amount of effort into the campaign, making CRY flyers and collection cans prominent at their tills, heavily promoting the £1 packs and dressing up in their creepiest costumes as Halloween approached. Some stores even put on CRY fundraising events themselves, including raffles, prize draws, sponsored chest waxing and even a zombie dip! CRY supporters made a huge difference to raising awareness of the McColl’s initiative in their communities, preparing press releases and contacting the local media for photoshoots at their local McColl’s and Martin’s shops with staff and customers in Halloween costumes or CRY T-shirts.

At the CRY Christmas Carol Service on December 9th, Pixie accepted a cheque on CRY’s behalf from McColl’s Chairman, CEO and CRY Trustee James Lancaster for £171,333 raised by the Halloween campaign. We would like to thank all the McColl’s staff and customers, our fantastic CRY supporters, CRY Patron Pixie Lott and CRY Trustee James Lancaster for their contributions to making such a terrific total possible. For more pictures from McColl’s Halloween fundraising and a special thank you to McColl’s staff from Chairman James Lancaster, visit

Singer, songwriter and CRY Patron Pixie Lott also helped to spread the word by penning an open letter to regional newspapers, describing the importance of CRY’s aims and directing readers to the ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’ website:


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

McColl’s ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’


CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013 CRY’s new myheart booklet, ‘Young, fit and suddenly diagnosed with a life threatening heart condition...’, was officially unveiled at the 2013 CRY Parliamentary Reception on November 27th. As CRY Chief Executive and founder Alison Cox describes, the new publication features “photos of 11 young people in bright colours, rather than the black and white we have used for our bereavement booklets”. Reflecting this theme, the positive mood of this year’s CRY Parliamentary Reception allowed attendees to celebrate the many hundreds of young people whose lives have potentially been saved due to screening, early diagnosis, greater understanding and improved awareness. It was a great honour to welcome for the first time CRY Patron Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, who was himself affected by young sudden cardiac death (YSCD) when his best friend and training partner died beside him in his home from a previously undiagnosed heart condition. CRY Patron and football manager Andy Scott was the guest of honour invited to speak at the reception, and other CRY Patrons at the event were Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Phil Packer MBE, Baroness Ilora Finlay and Simon Halliday.

CRY speakers from left to right: CRY Chairman Hugh Mulcahey, CRY Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE and CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma

Mike Gapes, MP for Ilford South, movingly spoke about the tragic sudden death of his daughter Rebecca in May 2012 and the immense support he has since received from CRY and the Bereavement Support Programme.


CRY’s Chairman, Hugh Mulcahey, introduced the speakers to attendees including cross-party MP’s, bereaved families, members of the myheart group, CRY Research Fellows, Trustees and Patrons. Alison presented the Rt Hon George Howarth (pictured on page 29, top left), MP for Knowsley North and Sefton East, with a special watercolour of Knowsley Hall painted by CRY supporter John Bennett in memory of his daughter, Laura. George was one of the first members of the CRY All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) and acts as Secretary, and he memorably spoke at the 2009 launch of the North West ‘12 A Week’ postcard campaign.

Mike Gapes MP was followed by former professional footballer (now football manager) Andy Scott, whose playing career came to an abrupt end when he was suddenly diagnosed by CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma with a potentially fatal heart condition. However, just as the authors from the new booklet had described, he told the audience that this had not held him back, just taken him in a different direction.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Parliamentary Reception 2013 Over 30 MP’s and Lords came along to meet and mingle with other delegates, including long term supporters Kevan Jones MP, Sir Roger Gale MP, Dr John Pugh MP, Tim Loughton MP and Crispin Blunt MP. It was also wonderful to welcome the new Shadow Minister for Public Health, Luciana Berger MP, and Shadow Minister for Children and Families, Steven McCabe MP.

As in previous years, the reception received very positive feedback from all those who attended. The event was a powerful reminder of CRY’s ongoing work and pioneering initiatives and was a fitting way to thank both CRY staff and supporters, especially piquant during the charity’s 18th birthday year. For more photos from the event please visit

CRY Patrons from left to right: Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Simon Halliday, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Andy Scott and Phil Packer MBE


CRY Great Cake Bake 2013 The 2 CRY Great Cake Bake took place on Friday November 29th as part of our Raising Awareness Week for 2013. We are delighted to say that we have raised £19,201.75! We had over 100 people sign up for Great Cake Bake information packs and we are really pleased that we have continued to receive support for the event in its second year.

a recipe for a chocolate cake by his mentor and managed to bake a delicious cake after the 3rd attempt.


We received some great stories and lovely photos about everyone’s jampacked fundraising events, and we would like to thank all those who took part in the CRY Great Cake Bake for the hard work that went into making these fundraising events so enjoyable. For all the details and photos from the events, please visit Bake_2013_Writeups.htm

• Gemma Bamford raised a total of £233.50 in memory of Craig Salmon. • Janet and Paul Batson: “We held a cake bake on the 15th November and approximately 90 people came. We made tea/coffee, lots of cakes, held a raffle and had a basket sale. There was lots of chatter, family, friends and neighbours who were so supportive. Asda donated a beauty hamper and Makro donated 40 muffins so we are very grateful to them. Thank you also to my helpers Yvonne Bradshaw, Kate Batson, Karen Kilby and Kim Blockley. We had an amazing day and raised £460 in memory of Mark Batson!”

• Lisa Bramwell and Judy Broad raised a total of £620 in memory of Dave Bramwell and Emma Broad. • Lucie Bray raised a total of £160 in memory of Wesley Bray. • Judy Brookes raised a total of £220 in memory of Greg Brookes. • Rosalind Buckler raised a total of £27.70 in memory of Alexander Buckler. • Hollie Button and her friends raised a total of £837 in memory of Graham Button.

• Anna Aristodemou held her event on December 6th at ‘A Cut Above’ hair salon and raised £125.90. • Karen Ashworth raised a total of £100 with her fundraising efforts. • Sally Ashworth: “On 29th November 2013 I held a coffee morning for the CRY Great Cake Bake. We had an amazing response from friends, neighbours and family and raised £320. I dedicate this to Julia Davison from New Zealand who was living with our daughter in London and went to sleep age 27... she is always in our thoughts.”


• Sinead Bode: “I work in a salon, ‘Essensuals Ealing’, where we hosted our cake bake on Friday through the day. We asked clients to leave donations while having their hair done and managed to raise £130! A big highlight of the day for all of us was that our 19 year old apprentice, who has never baked before, was given

• Viv Christopher: “Here is a photograph of the children involved in raising £68.51 by selling cakes at St Mary’s Church, Eccleston, near Chorley, in memory of Katrina Christopher and Cheryl Christopher-Webber. Thanks gang and well done!”

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Great Cake Bake 2013 ate their way to raising £70. I baked fruit cake, mince pies, cookies, jammie biscuits, a heart shaped Victoria sandwich and cheese scones in memory of my second cousin, Robert Allan, who died in 2010.”

• Farah Hamid raised a total of £2,200 with her cake sales at the Kuwait English School in memory of Shamil Hamid. • Charlotte Henderson raised £200 in memory of Martyn Luckett. • Margaret Horwood raised £80 in memory of Andy Forbes. • Suzanne Hunter raised £180 with her fundraising efforts.

• Paul Clabburn and Claire Prosser raised £837 in memory of Tom Clabburn. • Jackie and Alan Cousins: “Daisy (aged 3) raised £25 from her tea party in memory of Bruce Cousins.”

• The CRY office raised £132.73 with their fundraising efforts.

• Rachel Gillespie sent in £345 in memory of Matthew Gadsby.

• Reigate Grammar School raised £113.74 with their fundraising efforts. • Lauren Gold raised £504 in the memory of Daniel Newman from her bake sale., Cision UK and Public Health England all helped raise money for CRY. • Linda Goodwin raised a total of £151 in memory of Ashley Goodwin.

• Mandy Ghaleb: “Staff at King’s Wood School, High Wycombe,

• Amy Jessett: “I have managed to raise £123.09 with my cake baking at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle and have donated this straight to the fundraising page in memory of Stephanie McLean.”

• Tom and Judy Green raised £711.70 in memory of Adam Green.

• Gill Kennerley raised £583.25 in memory of Andrew Stevens. • Liz Kerwood raised £366 in memory of Jenny Kerwood. • Katie Lambert raised £45 in memory of Jenny and Adam Lambert. • Ben Lee raised £74.47 with his fundraising efforts. • Koula Louki raised £550 with her fundraising efforts.


CRY Great Cake Bake 2013

• Sue Meekings raised £80 at Fordwater School, where she is headteacher, in memory of Luke Meekings. • Cat Miller: “After losing one of my best friends, Pippa Chowne, to sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), I’ve been extremely determined to raise awareness and money for this charity. So, as CRY Awareness Week rolled up again for 2013, I was eager to promote and fundraise around my school once more. Of course, the cake sale is always one of the highlights of this week, and the highly anticipated event did not disappoint. To jazz it up even more, I added a wide variety of cookies to the mix, complementing the array of cupcakes (many decorated with CRY logos), gingerbread men, Swiss rolls, Victoria sponge and flapjacks. Swarms of students came in to buy, ravishing almost all of the delicacies! However, the remaining treats I sold around school for the remainder of the day and even took some to the parents’ evening being help that night for the guests to much on, thus creating even more awareness. Overall I’d say it was a hit! In addition to this, I also sold red ribbons and received many


kind donations in the charity tin. Posters and information leaflets were stuck around school, and I even made easy step-by-step instruction leaflets on how to donate online and register for screening alerts. Over the course of the week I managed to raise a total of £129.21, as well as further promoting the charity and really enjoying myself in the process.”

and between us we’ve raised even more than last year’s event! Looking forward to November 2014 already.”

• Juliette Morton, Bosch Rexroth Ltd: “With a selection of scrumptious coffee cake, yummy fudge and vanilla cupcakes and gooey millionaire’s shortbread up for grabs, we raised a fantastic £154.50 with Wakefield’s Bosch Rexroth CRY Cake Bake event on Thursday 28th November.

• Rosie Northcott held a cake sale at Hayes Primary School, Bromley and raised £238.30 in memory of Arabella Campbell and Stephen Goodwin. They were very grateful to Piers Moore who donated his time to baking cakes for their event. • Georgina Oakley: “These are a few photos from our event – we held the cake bake and also a Christmas bauble decorating competition, managing to raise £150 in total.”

It’s really heart-warming to see how much the people here at Bosch Rexroth are willing to support the work CRY do for young people in Britain, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to everyone who has donated. Alastair Johnstone, our Managing Director for Bosch Rexroth UK, kindly donated an additional £100 to CRY after hearing about the event which was great! The event was held in memory of Jonathan Leigh - Thankyou everyone!

• Jeannette Orme raised £450 in memory of Cheryl ChristopherWebber and Katrina Christopher.

I hope this year’s CRY Cake Bake week has been an amazing success

• Sandra Pikesley raised £150 in memory of Gareth Beckett.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Great Cake Bake 2013 • Rachel Redsell raised £210 in memory of Sam Wright. • Sarah Rippon raised £22.50 with her fundraising efforts. • Sue Robinson raised £20 with her fundraising efforts. • Adele Rowlands raised £372 in memory of Jon Haynes. • Graham Setter raised £25 in memory of Adam Green. • Natalie Sharp raised £572.04 at work in memory of Cheryl Christopher-Webber, a former colleague. • Christine Slater raised £210 in memory of Tim Jones. • Linda Stiller raised £255 in memory of David Stiller. • Michaela Stratford raised £104.26 in memory of Richard Merriman. • Judie Street raised a total of £270 in memory of Ewan Bellamy and Debbie Rendle. • June Thomas raised £1,092.72 in memory of Jack Thomas. • Hilary Wagstaff: “I raised £920 for the Ethan Jones Memorial Fund. Here is a photo of the cake sale I had at Cranmore School after the one in the morning at my house. Fabulous support as usual!”

School, Malpas, Cheshire, on the Thursday 28th November as part of the CRY Great Cake Bake. Staff and students baked and bought cakes and biscuits to sell at break and lunchtime. A group of sixth-formers manned the stalls. We also had an amazing heart-shaped cheesecake, made by a local postman, which I raffled in the staffroom. By raising awareness to the cause, we also received lots of donations. Yesterday I picked up a cheque for £442 to be put in the Ian Bowen Memorial Fund, to help pay for the heart-screening session which has been booked in Ian’s memory to be held at the school in May.” • Jo Wesley raised a total of £297.50 with her fundraising efforts.

• Dani West, fundraising in memory of Sam Wright: “We had a very successful response to the plea for donations and as you can see the hamper (pictured below) ended up being enormous. In total after selling cake slices, cupcakes, brownies, raffle tickets and even samosas in Raising Awareness Week, we raised £485.” • Keith Weston raised £240 in memory of Ethan Jones. We are pleased to announce that the third CRY Great Cake Bake will be taking place on Friday 28th November 2014. For more information or to register for your information pack please email

• Elaine Ward raised £414 in memory of Neil Ward. • Gary and Denise Watson: “We held a cake sale at Bishop Heber High


CRY Christmas Carol Service

Over 500 people gathered in the prestigious setting of St John’s, Smith Square, on the evening of December 9th to enjoy a wonderful evening of carol singing and choral music to help mark CRY’s ‘coming of age’. Sponsorship was organised by leading retail group McColl’s – whose Chairman and CEO, James Lancaster, became a CRY Trustee following the sudden death of his 21 year old son Robert in 2007. The generous support from many of McColl’s partners and suppliers allowed all proceeds from ticket sales to benefit CRY directly – an amazing tribute to the charity’s work in its 18th year and the ongoing mission to reduce the incidence of young sudden cardiac death.


Guests including CRY Patrons Roger Taylor MBE, former tennis player; Pixie Lott, singer; Andy Scott, football manager; and Bill Neely, ITN News correspondent, were greeted at the entrance to the magnificent church by members of CRY staff, all traditionally dressed in Dickensian costume. Alongside professionals from the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London, and the Orchestra Nova, over 40 pupils from Sandcross Primary School

in Reigate were invited to ‘take to the stage’ and sing some of Britain’s best loved carols. The award winning school choir (with members aged 7-11) received rousing applause from the audience, impressing everyone with their obvious talent. Their stamina and courage were just as impressive, as they had travelled up from Surrey for early rehearsals before performing with professional musicians of veritably high calibre (led by acclaimed conductor, George Vass).

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Christmas Carol Service The venue (as well as the official programme) was decorated with a selection of fantastically coloured, festive posters – submitted by pupils from Sandcross Primary, as well as other Surrey primary schools. Unusually for such an event at St John’s, Smith Square, the second half of the concert began with an official cheque presentation from CRY Trustee James Lancaster and his wife, Margaret, who were proud to announce a grand fundraising total of £171,333 from the recent UK-wide Halloween initiative organised by the retailer

and supported by many hundreds of staff and customers. CRY Patron Pixie Lott accepted the

cheque and spoke on behalf of the charity. It was a very special evening for all.

James Lancaster said of the occasion: “Christmas is a season filled with family celebrations but it can be a very painful time for those affected by the loss of a family member or friend. Whilst it is difficult, it is important for us all to take a moment to remember those who have suffered the loss of a young person who has been much loved. For many, CRY has provided great comfort to people worried, uncertain or who simply need someone to talk to. I would like to thank Alison for helping to co-ordinate this event on behalf of CRY; all those who took part; and all of you who have kindly made donations to support CRY.” For more details and pictures from the event visit


Our Fundraisers Corrections and Apologies from Update 61 Corrected entries appear in the appropriate fundraising section. Apologies to the family and friends of Robert Lancaster, as funds donated by Martin McColl Ltd were incorrectly stated to have been raised in memory of James Lancaster, not Robert Lancaster.

page 58

Apologies to the family and friends of Barry Noake, as the previous two issues did not include funeral donations in his memory.

page 65

Apologies to Ben Woodhouse, as his fundraising event and picture were not included as part of the Priory Community School’s total fundraising.

page 83

In Memory of

Steven Allseybrook

Susan Allseybrook completed a charity bike ride and raised a total of £1,465.

In Memory of

floral tributes for the late Andrew Baker. • Ian Smith sent in a donation of £1,076 which represents donations in lieu of floral tributes and fundraising. • Jamie Morgan took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised a total of £1,295.

Marcus Armstrong

Karen Masters, Barclays, sent in a matched giving donation of £526 in respect of the Marcus Armstrong Memorial Golf Day.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Bob Baldwin

Christine Bloomfield sent in a donation of £180 raised at a raffle and darts tournament, playing for the Bob Baldwin Memorial Cup, at the Wheel of Fortune public house.

Stuart Attridge

Alexis Persaud took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ and raised £500.

In Memory of

Lewis Barry

In Memory of

• Mark and Carol Barry sent in a donation of £2,550 in respect of ‘Spadger’s Ride’ in memory of Lewis.

• Aelita Gontar sent in a donation of £270 in lieu of

• Darran Gale sent in a donation of £259 in respect of the Rat Race Crossing coast to coast bike ride in memory of Lewis.

Andrew Baker


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Cecilia Barriga

The Old Croydonians sent in a donation of £118.

Banham. I shall be talking about my book ‘Fishing with Harry’ and how royalties have helped to pay for free CRY cardiac screenings with 90 young people screened in March 2013 and another event already booked for March next year.” You can find Tony’s radio interview at

In Memory of

Daniel Bartle

Glenys Davies and the Bridgend and District Ladies Darts League held charity matches and raised £400.

In Memory of

Mark Batson

Kate Batson, Paul Batson, Janet Batson and Steven Nightingale took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £100.

In Memory of

Gideon Baws

Tony Baws sent in a donation of £734.32 in respect of royalties from the sale of ‘Fishing with Harry’, a novel about his relationship with his step-father, which was published on 15th September 2011 with all profits going to CRY. Tony gave a radio interview with local Maldon station Saint FM on 22nd October 2013 regarding his new book and his support for CRY: “The one hour programme is ‘Writer’s Block’ and the host is Sarah

In Memory of

Matthew Beadle

• Helen Foster took part in the Brighton Big Fun Run and raised £260.

• Mark Needham took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £1,360.

In Memory of

Graeme ‘Tinka’ Bell

Paul Clark took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised a total of £1,057.

In Memory of

Richard Belton • Holly Fairclough took part the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 and raised a total of £210. • Ann and Alan Belton sent in a donation of £100.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

• Julie Bellerby organised a raffle on a night out in her local club and raised £127.

Aaron Hemsley took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £754.

Kasia Ber

• “Please accept this donation of £205 from our son Chris’s football team. They held a charity football match.” Diane and John Ber. • ‘Kasia’s Team’; John Ber, Diane Ber, Chris Ber, Janet Brown, Karen Robinson, Deborah Smith, Peter Lamb, Shirley Lamb, Julie Bellerby, Peter Bellerby, Julie Kincade, Jeff Kincade, Tommy Fitzpatrick, Margaret Fitzpatrick, Vicky Dunn, Laura Dunn, Mick Dunn, Denise Dunn, Claire Burlinson, Donna Terry, Linda Bagnall, Carl Higgins, Leanne Harris, Lisa Quinn, Sarah Osborn, Kyle Osborn, Lewis Smith, Thomas Hunt, Kristian Leybourne, Matty Barron, Adam Brown, Stacey Proudlock, Chris Baker, Karren Robinson, Dawn Lavery, Anita Foster, Dawn Sanderson and Sylvia Smith, took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £690.20.

Mathew Blease

In Memory of

Major Lesley Boden

St Peter’s Church, Elmsett, held a memorial service and raised £230.

In Memory of

Sarah Booth

Ita Booth submitted an application to the Santander Charity Foundation, Milton Keynes, and they have made a donation of £5,000.

In Memory of

Jonny Bickers

Matthew McSwiggan completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £249.98.

In Memory of

Maxwell Biles

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £160 as a donation from our rugby 7’s competition, organised by James Fox and held at the club on 3rd August.” Eddie Casey, Treasurer, North Dorset Rugby Football Club.

In Memory of

Steven Blair

Susan Blair sent in a donation of £2,000 in respect of a sponsored cycle event around the Isle of Cumbrae.


In Memory of

Jack Boulton

• Dave Boulton sent in donations totalling £1,838 in respect of the Big Bike Ride.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers • Louise Riddoch, Wellsway School, Bristol, sent in a donation of £2,819.49 in respect of the CRYride Mini. On Tuesday July 2nd, staff and pupils from Wellsway School, Saltford School and other schools in the area welcomed Dave Boulton and the CRYriders on day 4 of their 13 day cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats in memory of Jack Boulton.

In Memory of

Jamal Dean Bouzid

Margaret Frame sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her grandson.

In Memory of

Sam Brighouse

Natalie Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Vida Scannell and Alice Aylward took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised a total of £1,285.

In Memory of

Louise Brignull

Jane Ward took part in Just Walk 2013 and raised £3,677.10.

In Memory of “Congratulations and thank you to all the students from Wellsway, Saltford, Marksbury and St John’s who took part in the CRYride Mini on Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of the CRYride team en route from Land’s End to John O’Groats. It was a fantastic occasion with a total of 39 teams taking part and cycling out on the track for 3 hours. It was a real pleasure to see 6th form students out there competing alongside some very young primary school pupils. Just before 1pm we welcomed the CRYride team who had set off that morning from Taunton on day 3 of their 13 day journey. The students gave them a huge welcome and they were applauded again as they entered Lansdown Hall for a well-earned lunch. A big thank you to all the fantastic 6th form students who did an amazing job helping to run the event and to all members of staff involved in supporting in any way, in particular Mrs Gravell who has organised numerous cake sales and did a fantastic job decorating the hall.” Louise Riddoch.

Gregory Brookes

David and Hayley Liepins sent in a donation of £1,317.77: “You may now recall we have held a golf day for the last four years in honour of the memory of our dear friend, Gregory Brookes, who died so tragically in October 2009 of sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). Once again the event has taken place this year and we did a few things differently. The inclusion of a raffle was an absolute brain-wave and has helped to generate far more income than any previous year.”

In Memory of

Katrina Brown

• Lauren Stewart took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £185. • Charles McKay took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £370.


Our Fundraisers • Natalie Graham took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £950. • Robert Brown took part in the Pembroke Three Peaks Challenge and raised £1,332.88. • Chris Brown took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £1,486.59. • Heather Blaser took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £309.14. • Rachael Bruce took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £100.

In Memory of

Dr Jennifer Bucknell

• Dr Helen Miller completed the London to Paris cycle ride and raised £1,525. • Bill and Hillary Durrant sent in a donation of £2,070 which was raised at the craft, coffee and cake event held at Horton on October 19th, in memory of Jennifer:

• James Tully took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £289.12.

“We had a truly brilliant two hour event on Saturday 19th October at Horton, near Ilminster, Somerset. Bill, myself, Mervyn, Rosemarie, Nicola and Alan have worked tirelessly since spring making hand crafted items and our sincere thanks go to everyone who came and purchased vast quantities, and to those kind supporters who helped with coffees, cakes, raffle prizes and the door.”

• Tom Pexton took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £605.

• Hillary and Bill Durrant sent in a donation of £170 raised at a quiz night.

• Seve Wallaker took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £285.

• Christopher Webb took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £380.

In Memory of

Craig Burling

In Memory of

Francean Buckland

Freya Buckland sent in a further donation of £636.44 in respect of fundraising events in memory of her mother, making a total raised of £1,043.44.

In Memory of

Alex Buckler

• St Michael’s Parochial Church held an evening of ‘call my bluff’ by Larry Skeats and raised £358.78. • Rosalind Buckler sent in total donations of £185: £160 was raised by the Ballands Bowmen Archery Club’s annual competition and raffle and £25 was donated by a neighbour in respect of the ‘call my bluff’ evening at St Michael’s Parochial Church.


Michelle Burling sent in total donations of £4,000 in respect of charity nights and fundraising.

In Memory of

Nathan Butler

• Angela Butler sent in a donation of £1,580 in respect of the Nathan Butler Memorial Cricket Tournament: “The Nathan Butler Memorial Cricket Tournament was held on 25th August at Porthill Park Cricket Club. The event was organised by Nathan’s friend, Daniel Hancock, and consisted of six teams of six players taking part in the tournament. The whole day was a really fun day attended by lots of Nathan’s friends and family and thoroughly enjoyed by all.”

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers • Angela Butler sent in donations totalling £505: Mrs Sonia Eld made a personal donation of £100 and £405 was raised at a charity cricket match, via the Stoke City Old Boys and Porthill Park, on 6th September. • David Hulson sent in a donation of £1,135.20: “On 25th August myself and three colleagues completed an 85 mile cycle ride in memory of Nathan. We are a team of coroner’s officers, working at the coroner’s office in Stoke-on-Trent. We followed an 85 mile circular route, hugging the Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire coroner boundary. We commenced our journey from the coroner’s office in Stoke, finishing at the cricket club in Porthill, Newcastle-under-Lyme, where young Nathan had been a player. On our arrival back at the cricket club we were applauded by a large crowd who were there to take part in a charity cricket match (also in aid of CRY) in memory of Nathan. It was a most moving experience. The riders were: Dave Hulson, Dave Price, Steve Finney and Steve Wootton. The course was ax very tough one, taking in some very steep hills in the Leek and Staffordshire Moorland areas.” • Angela Butler sent in a donation of £640, which represents donations made at the recent screening event.

In Memory of

Nathan Butler and Natalie Lungrin

Karis Lungrin sent in a donation of £500. “Karis Lungrin is the daughter of our friends, Julie and Tony Lungrin, whose beautiful daughter Natalie suddenly and tragically died on 27th September 2012 from SADS. Karis organised for every Friday at work for the last few weeks to be ‘Dress Down Friday’ and everyone made a donation for being able to ‘dress down’. On the last Friday they organised a ‘food fest’ where everyone brought in home-made delicacies which were then sold. Through her efforts she raised the fantastic amount of £500 which she has donated to Nathan’s fund in memory of her sister, Natalie.” Angela Butler.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Angela Butler forwarded a donation in lieu of floral tributes of £445 on behalf of her friend Caroline Lowe. Caroline’s dad, David Mason, died in September 2013.

• Rik Whaley completed the Deep River Rock Belfast Marathon and raised £269.

Nathan Butler and David Mason

Darren Casement

• Ciara McCleery completed the Deep River Rock Belfast Marathon and raised £330.

In Memory of

Nathan Butler and Liam Wood

Angela Butler forwarded a donation of £1,000 from AFC Saints football team for the Nathan Butler Memorial Fund in memory of one of their players, Liam Wood.

In Memory of

Daniel Casey

Angela Turnbull completed the ‘She Runs Windsor’ run and raised £530.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Anna Woodfield sent in a donation of £114:

Miles Nixon, Old Halesonians Titans, shaved his head and raised £100 in memory of his friend.

Arabella Campbell

“I decided to raise money in memory of one of my dear classmates, Arabella Campbell, who died suddenly in May 2013. She was a lovely, happy, funny girl who will be missed by many. In memory of Arabella, my family decided to hold a dessert evening. Everyone paid an entry fee and most of them brought a dessert. The winner was a rainbow cake. All of the desserts that people brought were so tasty. The event was great fun.”

In Memory of

Stephen Carey

Joy Bowman, Mairi Carey and Katy Carey took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £165.

In Memory of

Luke Chapman

In Memory of

Beverly Chawner

Mr G Chawner sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Anthony ‘Budgie’ Child

“We have just had our 8th annual charity line dance on the 24th August. Yet again it was brilliantly supported by all our line dance friends. This event as usual was organised by our good friend Kim Ray and her bluegrass line dancers. Entertainment was by Natalie Thurlow who is a tremendous talent, especially on the line dance circuit. With the aid of our dancing friends we managed to raise the sum of £1,040 on the night, to whom we give a huge thank you for their utmost generosity and kindness.” Angela and Jack Child.

Mark Carrotte

Kelly Carrotte completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £762.60.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Pippa Chowne

The pupils of Bablake Senior School sent in a donation of £320 in memory of Pippa.

In Memory of

Cheryl Christopher-Webber

Stuart Ramsay completed the Knaresborough Bed Race and raised £520.

In Memory of

Katrina Christopher and Cheryl Christopher-Webber Harry Gibbs, Immediate Past Master, Lodge of Perseverance 345, Blackburn, sent in a donation of £300 in memory of Katrina and Cheryl: “During my year in office CRY was one of the nominated charities.”

In Memory of

In Memory of

Harry Clarke

“I have pleasure in enclosing a donation of £900, which we raised at our recent fundraising event in memory of Harry, which was attended by all our fabulous family and friends. We enjoyed a hotpot supper and lots of dancing!” Lewis, Lisa and Jack Clarke.

Tom Clabburn

Victoria Pearson, Panayiotis Sinnos and Lucy Gillett completed the Ealing Eagles 10K Run and sent in £2,003, making a total raised of £2,173.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Nick Clay

• Charlotte Clay completed the Investec Ashes 2013 Cycle Challenge and raised £420. • Christopher Clay completed the Investec Ashes 2013 Cycle Challenge and raised £1,106.25.

Darren Clark

Total Lindsey Oil Refinery chose the charities CRY and When You Wish Upon A Star to benefit from their ‘Total Accident-Free Turnaround and Inspection’. CRY Representative Rich Fell accepted the cheque for £3,000 on behalf of CRY.

In Memory of

Angela Colligan

Elaine McDermott sent in a donation of £118 in memory of her niece.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Bruce Cousins

Jackie Cousins sent in total donations of £523: £125 was raised at her collectables stall; £294 was raised at the annual get-together organised by Nathan Fereday and £104 was raised at an autumn sale.

In Memory of

Hayley Crook

Jenny Crook completed the She Runs Windsor 10K and raised £1,330: “Almost three years ago my world stopped. That was the day I found that my sister, Hayley, had passed away in her sleep aged 23 from sudden adult death syndrome. I still struggle with the words to express how it feels to be totally consumed by grief. Those of you who have also had the misfortune to experience losing someone close will know the feeling of stolen emptiness you are left with when a person you love is taken too soon. I am constantly amazed and dumbfounded by the strength in my family and others who have experienced this loss to keep going even in the darkest of times. It is this strength that motivated me to find the courage to do something in memory of my sister Hayley. A conversation at work one day led to myself and ten friends from work - Agatha Fielder, Angharad Small, Fiona Wallis, Rebecca Gonzalez, Samantha Gray, Emma Lane, Lorna Cox, Ellen O’Sullivan, Louise Bird and Amy Nixon - signing up to the ‘She Runs Windsor’ 10K event.

The only setback on the day was that it happened to be the hottest day of 2013 so far! At 10.30am we all lined up (perhaps a little too close to the front) and took off. After making a bit of a sprint start I realised I was going to have to slow down if I was ever going to make it round the course. The heat was quite unbearable to run in, but thanks to the amazing supporters who turned up to watch and cheer on the day - and also the volunteers handing out water along the route - my team mates and I all managed to keep going. The fastest from our group was Agi who finished the race in under 55 minutes. I managed the 10k in 62 minutes which was I was very happy about. Afterwards we all celebrated with a couple of drinks in Windsor. It was a great day and an amazing experience to run around Windsor Great Park. I am really thankful to all of the girls who took part in the race with me and all the people who so generously donated to CRY.”

A coin drop charity scheme at work enabled us to raise an immediate £1,000 and alongside this we set up a JustGiving page for friends and family to donate through; and we began training! On Monday the 6th of May it was race day! It was the first time that this event has taken place but there was a fantastic atmosphere.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Jo Cullimore

Pat Cullimore, President for the NFU Ladies Monmouthshire, sent in donations totalling £1,756 in memory of her daughter: “I chose CRY because I lost my youngest daughter, Jo, on 19th October 2005, nine days after her 25th birthday and 12 weeks after she gave birth to my first grandchild. The post mortem could not find a reason for Jo’s death. Mrs Dian McDonald kindly came along to our lunch of 9th October to formally accept the cheques and enlighted everyone on what CRY does and stands for. The money was raised through a harvest raffle, collections at our lunches etc., but the main money was raised at a charity skittles and supper evening at Usk Conservative Club in September.”

In Memory of

Simon Cullum

Maureen Cullum held a bucket collection on August 14th at Great Yarmouth Racecourse and collected £208, plus an additional £50 was donated by Milwood Surgery in Bradwell, making a total raised of £258.

In Memory of

Adam Dabell

John Dabell sent in a donation of £500 raised during the Adam Dabell Memorial Football Match:

The teams came out at the start of the match looking evenly matched and with great skill kept pushing forward; but when the goals started to come it was Imberhorne alone - out for blood after the last 2 years’ defeats - who kept scoring. The final score when the whistle went was 5-0 to Imberhorne - Miles Pitt scored 1 and Steve Palmer scored an incredible 4!

“On what had threatened to be a wet night, but turned out to be a mainly dry if particularly cold night, there was a very large capacity crowd of extremely good-natured young people for the 10th Annual 6th Form Memorial Match. The Sackville vs Imberhorne ‘Old Boys’ match kicked off the evening and, with sheer enthusiasm, kept us entertained before the main event. As always, the Sackville vs Imberhorne 6th formers treated us to 90 minutes of excellent football - the stand, indeed the whole ground, came alive with some very robust support for both sides.


Our Fundraisers The town deputy mayor, Nick Hodges, attended for most of the match, had photos taken with both teams and presented the cup, trophy and medals at the end. As we’ve heard in previous years, Nick’s comment was that he had been most impressed with the amount of Twitter activity and blog entries by young people of the town in advance of the event - clearly showing that this was now a well known community event. Speaking to both teams he said that they had shown admirable sporting skill. The good-humoured support from the large crowd of young people attending, clearly demonstrated to all that the majority of young people are a great credit to their local community.

In Memory of

Kevin De Silva

Paragon Law completed the ‘Trip to Jerusalem’ and raised £2,362.87.

In Memory of

Matthew Dewhirst

• Phillippa Charles, the Garfield Weston Foundation, sent in a donation of £3,000. • Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in a donation of £80.50 from Jem’s Dress Agency (a ‘Buy for CRY’ event) and £700 from Andy Main and George Dicken who completed a marathon run, making a total raised of £780.50.

In Memory of

Aaron Dixon

I thanked Richard Tramontin of East Grinstead Town Football Club for their kind support of this annual memorial event in memory of Adam; and also thanked Steve Hill - the West Sussex Sports Coordinator - whose idea the match originally was. Steve and I also announced the creation of a memorial match tie with an extremely attractive design featuring both 6th form emblems and timeless appropriateness. Advance orders for the tie, which costs £10, are being taken; and for each tie sold, a minimum donation of £2 will be made to CRY.”

• Gary Dixon sent in a total of £4,300: £4,200 was raised in respect of the recent group skydive and a further £100 was an additional donation. • Jadie Hassell sent in £13,014.49 raised in respect of the recent group skydive.

Photos courtesy of The East Grinstead Courier & Observer

In Memory of

Ben Daniels

The Friends of Hollydale Open Space held a charity walk on Sunday 22nd September and raised £275.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Rio Dodwell

Graham Idehen completed the Bristol 10K and the Tough Mudder event and raised £2,132.47: “After 5 months of training - very long runs in the snow, rain and baking sun; and going to the gym 6 times a week - I can finally take a well deserved break as an official Tough Mudder!

In Memory of

Adam Donnelly

I’m over the moon at having completed the course in under 2 and a half hours and feel a massive sense of achievement. More importantly, by doing both the Bristol 10K and the Tough Mudder event I’d like to think I have raised more awareness for CRY. I hope the kind sponsorship from all of you will help them in their fight for their cause and hopefully what happened to my son will not happen to somebody else. The Tough Mudder event was very hard but at the same time very enjoyable. It was made harder due to the fact I injured my ankle 1 mile into the course... followed by my knee... followed by my calf... but it didn’t manage to stop me from hobbling over that finish line! I want to thank you all for your support and I am truly overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. In total I managed to raise £2,133 for CRY in memory of my son Rio and I know I’ve made him proud!

Katie Webb completed a 230 mile cycle ride and raised £3,043 in memory of Adam. “At one of our mobile screening sessions, Katie Webb was screened and found to have WolffParkinson-White syndrome (WPW). Katie has since had treatment for this condition and wanted to do something for CRY in memory of Adam. At the beginning of the football season last year, Katie said that she would cycle from the ground of the team that ended up at the top of the Premier League to the ground of the team that ended up at the bottom of the league. Although it looked at one point like it might have been Manchester United and Wigan Athletic, the final table showed Queens Park Rangers at the bottom of the league and Manchester United at the top - a distance of over 230 miles for Katie to cycle!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much!”


Our Fundraisers A presentation evening was arranged at Our Lady of the Rosary parish club in September, where Katie presented myself, Jed, and Sian with a cheque for £2,131. Special thanks should be given to Welling Round Table who donated £600 and Our Lady of the Rosary parish club who donated £100. During the presentation evening, a raffle and auction were held which raised even more money. The bike that Katie rode was auctioned and Redcroft Fire Maintenance Ltd bid £500 for the bike so they have very kindly paid for it twice! At the end of the evening they then presented Katie with the bike, so she has said that she will do more bike rides in future! The total raised by Katie overall (including Gift Aid) is going to be over £3,200 so we are eternally grateful to Katie for her marvellous effort.” Julie Donnelly.

The bike itself was very kindly donated to Katie by local firm Redcroft Fire Maintenance Ltd. Katie set off on the cycle ride from Old Trafford on Sunday 28th July, followed by her mother, Denise, and friend, Alex Rantell, in the back-up car. The cycle itself passed without any mishaps apart from the wet weather and a bicycle chain that wouldn’t always behave itself! On the Monday, they stopped at Derby County’s ground; Tuesday they visited MK Dons’ ground; and their final stop was at QPR’s Loftus Road stadium on Wednesday 31st July. Katie had great support along the route as she told people what she was doing.

In Memory of

Adam Drawbridge

Mrs K A Fleming sent in a donation of £100 in memory of her great nephew.

In Memory of

Neil Drew

Phil Drew sent in a donation of £777.80 raised at the golf day in memory of Neil: “This year’s event had a great turnout for the golf and on the night of 14th September 2013 where we raised extra funds for this cause.”


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Harry Faulkner

• Donna Faulkner sent in cheques totalling £475. • “Please find enclosed a cheque for £15,000 in memory of Harry Faulkner, who died suddenly in February 2013. This reflects the fundraising efforts of Berkhamsted School, where Harry was a much-loved member of our 6th form.” Michael Bond, 6th Form Headmaster, Berkhamsted School.

In Memory of

David Elliot

• Janice Gilson sent in a donation of £300 in lieu of floral tributes for her mum, who died on August 3rd. • Nicola Slater and Keith Gilson took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £114.

In Memory of

Sebastian English

• Ben Pinsent completed ‘five rounds of golf’ and raised £910 in memory of Harry. • Vikki Spratt completed a skydive on September 14th and sent in a donation of £589, as well as JustGiving donations of £1,336, making a total raised of £1,925: “We weren’t sure if the jump would go ahead due to the weather however I managed to jump at the end of the day and it was an incredible experience that I will never forget. I am so very grateful to everyone that has sponsored me and have been touched by everyone’s generosity.”

• John, Yvonne and Rose Bailey sent in a donation of £200. • Jo Wootton, The King’s School, Worcester, sent in a donation of £610 in respect of cake sales held in memory of Sebastian. • Richard Kimber recently completed a cycle tour in the Alps and raised £200.

• Julian Craxton sent in a donation of £50 in respect of the Abbey Bowmen Archery Tournament on November 3rd and £75 raised at the Radlett Squash Club Junior Tournament, held on November 10th, making a total raised of £125.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Josh Fell

Rhian Nadine Fry

Donna Fell sent in a donation of £2,660 raised at a charity shoot and through customer donations.

• Uckfield Community Technology College sent in a donation of £307.20 which represents fundraising throughout the year. • Colleen Fry sent in total donations of £380: £360 was raised at the Christmas fair on November 2nd, held at Maresfield Village Hall and £20 was donated by Wendy Lawrence.

In Memory of

Jake Gallagher

Sarah Pyatt sent in a donation of £1,700 in respect of Jake’s Disco Bash. “A charity disco was held on Friday 6th September at St Vincent’s Social Club, Houghton Regis, to raise money and awareness for CRY in memory of Jake Gallagher.

In Memory of

Nolan Foley

Kieran Hufford raised £550 in respect of the dress for charity event held in memory of Nolan.

In Memory of

Sophia Forrester

Jake Higginbotham completed the Leeds Half Marathon and raised £160.

In Memory of

David Forway

Steve Busby took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised a total of £360.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers The disco was a huge success. We had 150 people attending and there were 35 raffle prizes up for grabs including hotel stays, a mobile phone and beauty treatment. We also had an auction, a live rock ‘n’ roll band and children’s entertainment. I am going to make it an annual thing – ‘Jake’s Bash’ – and all funds will be donated to CRY in Jake’s memory.” Sarah Pyatt (Jake’s mum).

In Memory of

Salena German

Jackie German sent in a donation of £132 from the collection box in her brother’s shop.

In Memory of

Alexander Goodman

Rosemary Goodman sent in a donation of £350 raised at the cream tea afternoon held in August in memory of Alexander.

In Memory of

Ashley Goodwin

In Memory of

Lyndsey Galligan-McLaughlin

James Galligan sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Andrew Gard

• The Emmanuel Church, Waltonon-Naze, held a musical evening over three nights and raised £800. • Susan Webb sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the screening held in memory of Andrew.

A group of CRY supporters walked from Gloucester to Bristol over 2 days to raise money for CRY in memory of Ashley Goodwin. Andy Price, Brockworth Albion FC, sent in a donation of £770: “The sponsored line marker push of 43 miles was completed on Saturday, still aching a little but a great experience. Everything went well and it was great Geoff was able to join in for the last few miles after his operation. We think the 33 miles on the Friday was a tough ask on ourselves but luckily everybody was keen Saturday morning to finish it off!

In Memory of

Jaimie Gault

• Margaret Gault forwarded a donation of £500, which was raised by the Ballyeaston Tractor Group on their 40th anniversary. • Margaret Gault sent in donations totalling £1,060: £75 raised in lieu of sending Christmas cards, £265 raised by Farmers & Friends and £720 raised by the Shilnavogie Sheep Dog Society.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Adam Green

• Vicki Nee took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised a total of £1,410. • Eddie Foulkes completed the Potters ‘Arf Marathon and raised £336.73.

We set off from Brockworth at 7.00am, arrived at Almonsbury at 7.30pm and completed it on Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Bristol City Community Trust let us carry out the bucket collection and we managed to raise a wonderful £770 for CRY.”

• Ashley Young Farmers held a disco and a tractor rally and raised £2,000 in memory of Adam. “£2,000 was raised by Ashley Young Farmers and friends who took part in a western theme summer disco and a vintage tractor rally.

In Memory of

Jordan Grant

• Jemma Gavin completed a skydive and raised £870. • Linda Butcher sent in a donation of £300: “A group of friends recently raised money in memory of Eileen McKavanagh in order to purchase a defibrillator for a local school. The project was completed and the defibrillator presented in July. The enclosed £300 is what remained in the fund, and we decided that we would like to donate it to CRY.” • H E Hadden sent in a donation of £100.


Seen presenting the cheque are (left to right) Karl Hockenall (Chairman), Karina Woodcock (Treasurer), Me (Tom Green) and Fiona Frost. Many thanks for your help.” Tom Green.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Kyle Hancock

Paige Salt completed a skydive and raised £500 in memory of Kyle: “Today was a very special day as I did a tandem skydive in memory of my best friend Kyle Hancock. He died of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome on 16th October 2011. Kyle meant a lot to us all so I wanted to show everyone how much we will miss him. The skydive took place on Sunday 8th September at 8am and family and friends were there to support me from the start. I’ve raised just over £850 in total plus more to collect. • Karolyn Scott, Tracey Lowe and Stan Lowe completed the 22 mile Bridgnorth Walk and raised £390. • Mike and Sam sent in a donation of £285 raised at their wedding speech sweepstake.

In Memory of

Michael Grundy

Michael Pattinson completed the Robin Hood Half Marathon and raised £4,379.13.

In Memory of

Cathy Hall

• Stephanie Walkden completed the Walking Snowdon event on September 11th and raised £141.

The experience of the skydive was amazing and has now made me feel like doing it all over again. Doing it for a charity so close to my heart made me feel so proud! I jumped from 15,000 feet in the sky and the adrenaline rush when I was just about to jump was amazing, cried and laughed from the top to the bottom! Kyle will have been so proud of me and I hope he realises how much he means to everyone. I’m so glad I met such a lovely lad like Kyle.

• Sam Hall, Chris Hughes, Trevor Woodgate, Marie Morrisette, Steph Walkden and Ellie Bolton completed the Tenby Half Marathon on July 14th and raised £691.70. • Sam Hall completed the Tenby Half Marathon and raised £859. • Chris Hughes completed a ‘Walk Up Snowdon’ and raised £191.

Just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated and won the auction prizes, and thanks to my Mum and Davie for travelling all the way from Scotland,


Our Fundraisers and a massive thank you to everyone who came along and watched me dive - I am one proud girl.”

In Memory of

Jon Hayman

Marion Hayman sent in £410 raised through online donations.

In Memory of

Joe Herrington

• Brad Herrington sent in £152.02 in respect of in flight collections at Thomson Airways.

In Memory of

Tom Hardman

• Lauren Duffin and Grant held a charity evening in July and raised £6,220 through ticket sales, raffle and an auction. • Margaret Hardy forwarded a donation of £100 from local MP Jim Dobbin.

• Brad Herrington sent in £800 in respect of the third Joe Herrington Memorial Fishing Match: “I set this up for Joe’s friends and their families so they could enjoy something that Joe was passionate about. We all met at Home Farm Fishery, Little Walden, and there were 17 teams of 2 anglers, but such is the popularity of the day that most teams had an entourage of ‘teammates’ so there were over 60 people there.

• Rebecca Marie Kealey took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised £180.

In Memory of

Nick Hardy

Jen Hardy completed the Spartan Sprint Edinburgh and raised £270.

In Memory of

Sarah Ellen Hayes

“Sarah died suddenly on 29th August 2013, aged 23, while we were on holiday in Madeira, from arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), as diagnosed by Professor Mary Sheppard. This Saturday her friends from York University and family and friends from Castleton held a tea and cake day in her memory (Sarah loved baking and decorating cakes) and raised £1,100 for CRY.” Helen Hayes.


The fishing was hard on the day so my team of ‘expert’ helpers were kept busy sorting out all the problems the learners came across. We ended with a total weight of 217lbs with dog biscuit off the top being most successful and the most fun. The winners were Nat and Paul Carter, second were Sam Copeland and Archie Miller, third were Josh Fulcher and Jake Herrington (Joe’s little brother). The nicest thing for Daniela and I was that everyone there knew Joe. Everyone is looking forward to next year.”

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Pete Hinchliffe

Dr Robert Hinchliffe sent in a donation of £1,000 in respect of the annual Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics. The 2012 award was given to CRY Research Fellow Dr Abbas Zaidi in recognition of his outstanding achievements that year.

In Memory of In Memory of

Matthew Hesmondhalgh

Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in a donation of £135 in respect of the sponsored bike ride along the Guild Wheel and a donation of £223 in respect of the rag bag scheme, making a total raised of £358.

Ian Hoggarth

• Barbara Hoggarth sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Geoff completing the Way of the Roses cycle ride.

In Memory of

Richard Hill

• Nicola Hill completed the Trans Pennine Challenge and raised £915.78. • Laura Hill completed the Trans Pennine Challenge and raised £205. • Theresa Elliott completed the Trans Pennine Challenge and raised £308.57.

In Memory of

Laura Hillier

• Tony and Joan Hillier sent in donations totalling £600. Mr & Mrs Eady donated £100 and the Blisworth Canal Festival raised a further £480.68. The remaining £19.32 of the £600 sent in was a small donation from Tony and Joan. • Tony Hillier sent in donations totalling £1,576.15 in respect of the Great Manchester Swim and the Great London Swim.

• Paul Jacques completed the Outlaw Triathlon and raised £653.45. • Thomson Reuters sent in a matched giving donation of £945, in respect of Mark Smith’s Great Nottinghamshire Bike Ride.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Topten Bingo, South Yorkshire, held a presentation evening on September 1st in memory of Joe. CRY Representative Jackie Cousins accepted a cheque for £1,150.

Andrew Barnes took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £1,835.

Joe Holdsworth

Philip Jefferies

In Memory of

In Memory of

Melodie Holmes

Russell Seymour completed the Bristol Half Marathon on September 15th and raised £345.20.

In Memory of

Stewart Howard

Jane Howard sent in donations of £655 raised at a car boot sale, £337 from a sale at the local church and £10 from Mrs Terrie Madden, making a total raised of £1,002.

Reece Jeffrey

Ian Tattershaw took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised a total of £435.60.

In Memory of

Nathan Jennings

Dave and Jenny Jennings sent in a donation of £1,900 which was raised by the Mid Kent Golf Club at a golf day held in memory of Nathan on September 15th.

In Memory of

Fay Howell

Clare Starr and her team held a footy fun day and sold Nikki’s pictures and raised a total of £156.50.

In Memory of

Marilyn Amelia Hudson

Legal & Contract Services Limited sent in a donation of £1,000.

In Memory of In Memory of

Christopher Hynd

Isabel Hynd sent in a donation of £182 in respect of the Forth Road Bridge Walk.


Stevie Jivani

• Jenny Joyce completed the Leeds Half Marathon and raised £1,324. • Alice Sharp completed the Leeds Half Marathon and raised £1,025.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Maureen Jivani sent in a donation of £275 in lieu of floral tributes for the late John Lafferty.

The Farnham Youth Football Club held a tournament in July and raised £281.35.

Stevie Jivani and John Lafferty

Ricky Jones

In Memory of

In Memory of

Ian Johnson

Matthew James Kamis

Jean and Laura Johnson held a coffee morning and sent in £400:

Trina and Albert Kamis sent in a donation of £350 raised at car boot sales during the summer.

“We could not have done it without the help and support of good friends and family who all helped on the day by bringing lots of lovely homemade cakes and buns to sell. We also sold generously donated bric-a-brac, shoes and bags and costume jewellery.”

In Memory of

Lisa Johnson

The Sunbeam Mission Tuesday Fellowship sent in a donation of £100. CRY Representatives Carl and Eunice Johnson had attended the fellowship and spoke about losing their daughter and the work that CRY does.

In Memory of

Ethan Jones

• Stephen Shaw took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £965. • Rob Giles, Leatherhead Round Table, sent in a donation of £1,000 raised during the 2013 ‘Car Run’ event, from Bookham to Brooklands. Ellie Kamis, niece and car boot sale assistant

In Memory of

Lucy Agnes Jones

We have received a donation of £126.72 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Lucy Agnes Jones.

In Memory of

Michael Kentzer

James Cooper completed the Nijemgen Marches 2013 and raised £240.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Jennifer Kerwood

Bill Badger took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £1,105.

In Memory of

Robert Lancaster

Martin McColl Ltd sent in a donation of £1,280 in respect of the Lancaster family golf day.

“My son Tim Langdon took part in the Maldon Mud Race across the River Blackwater in Essex, on Sunday May 5th. This is a charity event held every year, with half the money raised going to a charity of the participant’s choice and half to the Maldon Mud Race charity. Tim nominated CRY as his choice in memory of his brother, and my son, Joe Langdon, who died in November 2007 aged 36 from an undetected heart condition. As a family we had a huge amount of support from CRY both through screening and bereavement counselling, for which we will always be grateful. The race itself was a really great event and held on a sunny and warm day. Lots of mud everywhere!” Jenny Langdon.

In Memory of

Michael Land

• Charlotte Marston completed the Way of the Roses cycle ride and raised £697.23. “Charlotte Marston, retail manager at the Specsavers Bradford Darley Street Store, and her brother Josh, completed the epic 170 mile Way of the Roses cycle route from Morcecambe on the west coast to Bridlington on the east coast in three days.” Paul Garnett, PR Coordinator, Specsavers.

In Memory of

Jason Paul Langdon

• Ruth Cain forwarded donations totalling £150 from Paul Davies, James Spiers and Dave Elliott.

Jane Martin sent in a donation of £1,097.55 raised from the fundraising event held in July in memory of Jason.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Tim Langdon sent in a donation of £150 in respect of the Maldon Mud Race.

Kerry Nelson sent in a donation of £250 from collection tins at the recent golf day.

Joe Langdon


Mark Law Hing Choy

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Paul Leach

Gemma Anderton sent in a donation of £871.63 raised at the charity football match and raffle.

In Memory of

The trials school was part of Martyn’s life, he was a keen motorcycle trials rider. He passed away suddenly in July 2005. We actually raised £1,900, we gave £1,300 to CRY and £600 to the North Devon Chemo Appeal as my nephew has lymphoma cancer. Pictured are some of the friends who helped. Charlotte could not make it so she sent along her husband Andrew and new baby George!”

Kris Ledgard

Alexander Hosking completed the Milton Keynes Marathon and raised £780.92.

In Memory of

Martyn Jordan Lee

• Rebecca Lee completed the Bupa Great Manchester Run and raised £495. • Lianne McDonald completed the Bupa Great Manchester Run and raised £225.

In Memory of In Memory of

James Love-Smith

Valerie Moffat sent in a donation of £225 raised from collection boxes.

In Memory of

Martyn Luckett

Andrew Macleod

• The annual Hebridean Cycle Challenge took place on June 15th. Murdo Macleod sent in a donation of £9,000: “The ‘Hebridean Cycle Challenge’ is a competitive road and mountain bike race with the option of running the off-road section instead of cycling it.

Brenda Luckett forwarded a donation of £1,300 raised at the annual motorcycle trials school event: “This money was raised at our annual motorcycle trials school held in August, We had around 70 riders taking part and we had a BBQ with a band and bar. Also, we had a large draw. There was also a cake someone donated which was decorated with the CRY logo on top, this was auctioned.

The challenge begins with a 33.6 mile road cycle from the Creed Enterprise Park, outside of Stornoway, to Miavaig in North Harris. The race then continues with a 10.5 mile off-road section through the Harris hills from Miavaig to Bowglas and ends with a 0.9


Our Fundraisers mile road section to finish at the Scaladale Centre, Ardvourlie, North Harris. Competitors can enter the event as soloists, or as teams of two, with the changeover point in the team event being at the start of the off-road section at Miavaig.

• Murdo Macleod forwarded a donation of £100 from Mr and Mrs Matheson. • The Nicolson Institute Parent Council sent in a donation of £250. One hour after the start of the above challenge, the ‘Hebridean Charity Cycle’ departs from the same start point at the Creed Enterprise Park, and ends 21.3 miles later at the Scaladale Centre in Ardvourlie, Harris. This is a non-competitive event which caters for casual cyclists, who this year have chosen to support the ‘Andrew Macleod Memorial Fund’ which was set up within Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), for the purposes of providing future cardiac screening within the Western Isles.

In Memory of

Jack Maddams

• Thomas Giddings raised £2,010.54 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Scott Syme raised £127.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Neville Vaughan raised £567.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Mrs M Voznick raised £287.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Dave Naylor raised £147.50 in respect of the Tour De Kent. • Richard Brewer raised £280 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Tom Berry raised £207.51 in respect of the Tour de Kent.

Full event details are available on the Hebridean Cycle Challenge website at www.hebrideancyclechallenge. and the full race report (as written by Peter Thompson, the very gritty competitor who finished last) can be accessed there.”


• Paul Starkings raised £330 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Janet Maddams raised £469 in respect of the Tour de Kent.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers • David Holmes raised £874.75 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • John Sullivan raised £157.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Jo Elsmore raised £178 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Robert Walters raised £210 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • John Pettman raised £137.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Adedayo Oke raised £125.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Craig Humphrey raised £177.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Sam Shearer raised £282.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Darren Hare raised £142.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Roger Maddams raised £1,088.68 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Darren Tristram raised £162.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Philip Barden raised £2,056 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Rob Sellens raised £317.50 in respect of the Tour de Kent. • Thames Water Utilities Limited sent in a matched giving donation of £1,774 in respect of Rob Sellens’ fundraising.

In Memory of

Laura Main

Jonathan Vickers took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised a total of £1,140.

In Memory of

Peter Manlove

Adam Watts completed the Ironman UK event and raised £1,488.18: “After checking my bike tyre pressure and making sure all my nutrition and spares were secured, it was time to get my wetsuit on and start to switch on for the long day 5:55am I was in the murky waters of Pennington Flash along with 1,700 other people who were either a sucker for punishment, having a mid-life crisis or clinically insane. The transition to the bike went smoothly, despite a short queue for the portaloos. The first part of the bike was a point-to-point section to where the 3-looped course began. I made good time here and despite the horrendous hill at start of the loops, I was comfortably ahead of my target bike time. I cannot explain how glad I was to get off the bike when I got to T2 to change from the bike to the run. Yet this was short lived - as I sat down to change my shoes and socks, my lower back seized up completely and I couldn’t either get back up to stretch it, or lean forward to get my trainers on… Somehow, when I started moving, everything (for the first time since 6am – it was now just after 4pm) started to click into place! I managed to pick people off in front of me who had come into transition at the same time as me, so the extra time I took seemed to work in my favour... This boosted my confidence that I was feeling in better condition than the other people on the course and I somehow managed to maintain this pace – and again, seeing Faye, Craig and my mum at regular intervals on the 3 loop course kept me going despite the torrential rain, and the hours of pain I’d already gone through! The course surprised me, and I surprised myself in so many ways throughout the day! The biggest surprise for me though was, by far, how I felt on the day. I woke up so nervous I could barely eat and by the time I was halfway through the bike I think I had already welled up about 5 or 6 times - and if I’m honest I was struggling to maintain my focus.


Our Fundraisers However, all that being said, I would do it all again and again for the feeling I had as I heard the words “Adam, you are an IRONMAN!” over the tannoy as I crossed the finish line in front of the town hall. With the crowd cheering it was like nothing I have experienced before and is something I will remember forever! I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who sponsored me - it means so much to me, and I’m sure it does to CRY as well. It is a charity close to my heart who do amazing work and the money I raised - currently around £1,300 and hopefully this will still continue to rise) will be used wisely and will do a great deal of good. Thanks again.” You can read the full story of Adam’s Ironman experience at

In Memory of

Lewis Marshall

Donations totalling £480 were received at the screening held on September 21st in memory of Lewis.

In Memory of

Ollie Marsden

• Sassie Tickle completed the Torbay Half Marathon and raised £386.70.

In Memory of

Rob Martin

Gail Cameron completed the Tough Mudder challenge and raised £365.64.

• Mike Edwards completed the Plymouth Half Marathon and raised £450. • Kevin Marsden sent in a donation of £400 in respect of the Ollie Marsden Memorial Rugby Match 2013.

In Memory of

John Marshall

• Barclays Bank, London E14, sent in a matched giving donation of £750 in respect of a fundraising evening Hayley Crosbie held in memory of John.

In Memory of

Dean Mason

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £5,083.90. This fantastic amount was raised by our friends Delme and Jane Williams during their year as captains of their golf club at Bancyfelin. Having known Dean they chose CRY as their nominated charity.” Gwenfair Mason. • Kathryn Heywood completed the Cardiff Half Marathon on October 6th and raised £213.

In Memory of

• Gwenfair Mason forwarded a donation of £625 raised by Camrose Vintage Working Day at their annual show.

• GCA & United Utilities sent in donations of £500 for the John Marshall Memorial Fund and £500 for the Joe Parkinson Memorial Fund.

• Gwenfair Mason sent in a donation of £718 raised by Pembrokeshire Bridleways Association, who organised a sponsored ride in memory of Dean.

John Marshall and Joe Parkinson


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Richard Mason

Val Mason forwarded a donation of £200 from her cousins, Sheila and Jack Payton, in lieu of gifs for their golden wedding anniversary.

In Memory of

John McCall

Betty Preston recently celebrated her 80th birthday and sent in a donation of £510 in lieu of gifts.

In Memory of

Tommy McDermott-Headington

Ken Headington, The Football Association, sent in a donation of £750 raised at Tommy’s Day, a memorial football tournament held on 25th August.

In Memory of

Paul McGlynn

‘Team Paul’; Patsy Gilthorpe and Liz Mellor, took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised just under £100.

In Memory of

Oisin McGuinness

Paul McGuinness completed the Sheffield Half Marathon on May 12th and raised £852.

In Memory of

Stephanie McLean

Team ‘White Teddy’; Joanna McLean, Lesley McLean, Neil McLean, Tammi McLean, Harry Tulip, Rachelle Henderson, Kate Fagleman, Sarah Fagleman, Sarah Carter, Mark Hallett, Freya Wood, Grace Duchett, Katie Taylor, Georgina Ellison, Simon Coward, Michael Carling,

Charlotte Oliver, Johanna Gallant, Mary Kinsley, Alice Johnston, Peter Kirby, Margaret Heley, Jess Ledingham, Leigh Ann Clark, Rebecca Lohoar, Doug Lohoar, Sophie Crumbley, Melissa Reilly, Helen Park, Charlotte King, Hannah Tobin, Victoria Lillie, Thomas Lillie, Sophie-China Cabourn, Janet Cabourn, Nigel Cabourn, Carol Ellen Holmes, Harley Sawyerr, Claire Johnston, Aoife Garrigan, Andrew Bolland, Josh Close, Teresa Duchett, Lalith, George Macklon, Duncan D Stephen and Margaret Wood, took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £11,901.84.

In Memory of

Ian Merchant

Barbara and Dennis Merchant sent in a donation of £112 from the collection box at their old shop and made a personal donation of £38, making a total raised of £150.

In Memory of

Josh Merrick

• James Taylor completed the Greater Manchester Marathon 2013 and raised £465. • Mrs Prendergast forwarded a donation of £169.35 raised from collection boxes. • Carmel Merrick forwarded a donation of £476.05 in respect of Josh’s brother, Keir, who completed the Tough Mudder challenge. • Marks and Spencer, Manchester, sent in a donation of £169.35 raised at the store.

In Memory of

Richard Merriman

• Jade Lewis held a fun day at the Old Bell Pub and raised £220.78. • “Every Friday we hold a jeans day where staff pay £1 for the privilege. Your charity was nominated by Rebecca Ottaway.” Iain Digby, Grass Roots Group PLC, sent in a donation of £380.92.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Matthew Moody

Leon Moody sent in a donation of £278 in respect of his charity hair cut and a book sale at the station.

“We held a balloon race, had a bottle in the bag stall (you could win anything from a bottle of water to a bottle of whisky), we held a raffle and sold tea, coffee and cakes. Absolutely everything was donated by our local town people.

In Memory of

Levon Morland

• Colin Austin, Ranch Secretary, Unite the Union, sent in a donation of £100. • Clare Morland, Alan Morland, Aran Morland, Brendan Morland, Kelly Morland, Lucy Scott, Emma Louise Brown, Jan Spence, Marianne Mortemore, Christine Todd, Pat Lawson, Ted Philo, Emily Philo, Rhiannon Phillips, Susan Phillips, Catherine Lordan, John Lawler and Jamie Ditchburn took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £118.

A very good friend of mine allowed us to use her shop (Dickenson’s Emporium). Our local radio station, Moorlands Radio, gave us fantastic publicity in the couple of weeks prior and it was also covered by our local newspaper, The Biddulph Chronicle. Everyone in our town pulled together for this event by donating, making cakes, putting up posters and fliers and most of all by supporting us on the day.” Dawn, Steve and Rob Moss.

In Memory of

Gregory Morris

Diane and Les Hall sent in a donation of £550.

In Memory of

David Moss

• Dawn Moss sent in donations totalling £1,500: £114.95 from a collection box and £1,385.05 raised at a coffee and cake event.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers • Glenys Jones held a coffee and cake event and raised £160.

• Susannah Stevens completed the 10K Nixon Buggathon and raised £300. • Jennifer Hunt completed the 10K Nixon Buggathon and raised £280. • James Jarrett completed the Richmond Park Walk and raised £110.

In Memory of

Barry Noake

Lynne Noake sent in donations totalling £631.73 in lieu of floral tributes for her son, Barry Noake.

In Memory of

Libby Moss

Paul Moss sent in a donation of £357.

In Memory of

Ben Obiora

Paula McNicholas sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of

James Nicholas

Kevin Nicholas took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised £2,594.50.

In Memory of

Daniel Nicholls

• Beth Baron completed ‘Beth’s Bokwathon’ and raised £155. • Kristina Evans took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised a total of £275.

In Memory of

Jason Nixon

• Alex Williamson sent in an additional £850 in respect of his bike ride in memory of Jason. • The Santander Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £282 in respect of the sponsored walk completed by David Halladay.

In Memory of

Joe Parkinson

Paul Boden completed the Wiggle Mountain Mayhem 24 hour bike endurance event and raised £283.50. “The race started as usual with a Le Mans style run to your bike. This turned out to be a half mile run around the arena before mounting the bike and setting off for the first lap. The course was just under 7 miles long and 95% of the lap was contained within the woods on single and double tracks. For such an ‘all ability’ course I thought the climbs after the midway point were brutal. Seeing professional and top team riders off their bikes and pushing or running with them made me feel a little better when I had to dismount to ascend. Lap one is always a stop-start affair with the masses of riders bottlenecking on tight parts of the course. Somehow I gained a puncture halfway through the first lap, just as the heavens opened for the first of many times during the weekend.


Our Fundraisers After changing the tube I had no more mechanical issues and it was simply a case of cycling through boggy and plasticine covered trails for the remaining twenty plus hours!

In Memory of

Andrew Parr

Having a couple of ‘senior moments’ on the night laps, I decided to rest up for a few hours; have some food and a change of clothes; and check my eyelids for holes. Then I went back out at 4.30am for a couple more laps.

• Ruth Lowe forwarded a donation of £457, which was raised at a charity casino night on September 21st organised by The Heartfelt Group in memory of Andrew.

When I finally crossed the finish line at 12.20pm I had completed 10 laps (2 more than last year) and clocked up well over 100km in sticky conditions… I was exhausted but satisfied with that.

“We had a great night on Saturday 21st September 2013. The Heartfelt Group held a casino night at Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Club to raise funds for CRY.

I would personally like to say ‘thank-you’ to the sponsors for taking the time to donate for this challenge. At points of the event when things went mentally dark it’s these donations that kept me spurred on… it very much appreciated.” Paul Boden.

People were very generous in offering raffle prizes and in total we had 25 prizes on a beautifully laid out raffle table. I was fortunate enough to win a sapphire gin set - bottle of gin, cocktail shaker, etc all arranged in a basket.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers • Ruth Lowe forwarded donations totalling £364 which were received at the screening held at Lancaster University.

In Memory of

Christopher Parr

• Donations totalling £428 were received after the screening event held in memory of Christopher. • John Barrett completed the Potters ‘Arf Marathon and raised £100. We did ‘Play Your Cards Right’ and blackjack using chips - no real money was used. At intervals we stopped for ‘pig racing’ - little fluffy battery operated pigs racing down a board. Well, it was so exciting as the crowd shouted out the name of their pig to win - it was quite funny!

In Memory of

Kevin Paterson

Kathryn Paterson, Kathryn Cowen, Sheila Slater, Joseph Slater, Maureen Bass and Robert Bass took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk and raised a total of £167.

In Memory of

Damien ‘Dee’ Patton

The person with the most chips at the end of the evening won a basket full of goodies for a night in – beer, wine, crisps, popcorn and chocolates; whilst the loser got a free pack of cards and dice. We had great fun and enjoyed a hot supper of chilli, curry or hotpot what more can you want?

• Jeff Robinson completed the Lisburn Half Marathon and raised £155. • John-Paul Patton completed the Lisburn Fun Run and raised £316.

We must thank all our supporters for their generosity and continued support, as fundraising is getting harder in the present climate.” Christine Abram.

In Memory of

Duncan Phillips

• Mrs Beth Phillips sent in donations totalling £120 in memory of her husband. • Integrated Services (part of the Wolseley Group) sent in a matched giving donation of £133 in respect of the lads who play football together on a Thursday evening at St Nic’s Park, Warwick.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Sara Pilkington

• Tim and Richard Hudd completed the Southend Half Marathon on June 9th and the British 10K on July 14th and raised a total of £970.75. • Anthony J Curran, Project Manager, 4th European Healey Meeting 2013, sent in a donation of £400: “In May of this year the Austin Healey Club UK hosted an event in Crieff, Scotland for Healey owners from Europe and the rest of the world. In total 500 guests attended the week-long event and brought their cars with them. In addition guests at the event were encouraged to support a number of charities via an auction and a raffle at the gala dinner on our final night. Your charity was one of the charities chosen for support.”

In Memory of

Gary Pope

• David and Leisa Simmons sent in £650 in respect of recent fundraising events. “Since the sudden loss of our son Gary in July 2011 at the age of 30, family and friends have continued to fundraise for CRY. We are pleased that by the end of 2013 we had successfully raised enough to purchase a third ECG machine for CRY’s screening clinics. In February 2013, Gary’s friends Nick Dodd, Louise Shaw and Garry Rolfe raised funds by successfully climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. On 10th May 2013 Gary’s brother Rob’s band Murdoch’s Crazy Eyes held a charity gig and auction at Mannings Heath Hotel, Horsham, raising a magnificent £2,000 towards cardiac machinery.

• Jonathan Pilkington, Julie Pilkington, James Reynolds-Payne and Elaine Cole took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £220.

We sincerely thank Gary’s cousin Aron Pope’s law firm Fox Williams for choosing CRY as their charity of the year where staff have competed in events throughout 2013 including a Triathlon and the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk on the 7th July, raising well over £2,000.

In Memory of

We completed our fundraising year with Gary’s friend Sian Harrison competing in the Great South Run in Portsmouth on 27th October raising over £600, and David and Leisa Simmons raised £750 by organising several charity events including Christmas raffles during two Elvis nights at the Thatched Inn, Hassocks.

Charlotte Pitstra

• Greg Hartwell completed the Buachaille Dash and raised an additional £239.29, making a total raised of £630.28. • Laura Duckworth completed the Buachaille Dash and raised £205.

In Memory of

John Robert Plant

Claire Brassington took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised a total of £790.


We are so grateful to everyone who has participated and supported family and friends in helping us to achieve well over £22,000 for CRY since 2011. We hope to continue our fundraising throughout this year and we wish Gary’s cousin Hannah Secrett and her friend Carrie Jenner all the best of luck in the 2014 London Marathon as they run for CRY in Gary’s memory. We are sure he will be with them every step of the way.” Lesley and Roger Pope.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

James Read

Gillian Griffin took part in a family fitness fun day and raised £443.50.

In Memory of

Claire Reed

• Andrew Reed completed the Eastleigh Park Run 5K and raised £4,161.50.

• Harry Jefferies completed the Blenheim Triathlon and raised £895.

In Memory of

Rowan Preston

• ‘Team Alpo’; Helen Porter and Lesley Reilly, took part in the CRY Durham Riverside Walk 2013 and raised a total of £500. • Helena Renshaw and the Class of ‘93, Cheadle Hulme School, held a reunion on September 7th, and raised £154.24.

• Andrew Reed forwarded a donation of £648 from Waitrose, Chandlers Ford, as part of their ‘Community Matters’ scheme. • Andrew Reed took part in the Winchester charity basketball match and raised £415.90. • Andrew Reed sent in a donation of £351.11. • All Saints Church, Botley, sent in a donation of £300.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Matthew Price

Lynne and Paul Marshallsay sent in a donation of £237, in lieu of gifts for their ruby wedding anniversary, in memory of their nephew.

In Memory of

Gemma Quew

Martin Baldwin sent in a donation of £692.28.

In Memory of

Dave Quinney

The Shovels Pub at Hambleton held their annual charity fun run and raised £500.

Malcolm Reed

Andrew Chaundy sent in a donation of £200, which was raised at the charity day at Reading Golf Club, making a total raised of £5,200.

In Memory of

Alex Reid

• Shivani Patel, Managing Director or Infinity, sent in a donation of £200: “I am writing on behalf of the 11 members of our LEAP group, ‘Infinity’. LEAP (Leadership Enterprise Advisory Programme), is aimed at schools such as ours, the Grammar School at Leeds, to encourage young students to learn and appreciate the skills and techniques required to create a successful business. We came up with the idea of creating handmade jewellery which we sold at


Our Fundraisers numerous events. We chose CRY because many of our girls in the group were very close to Alex Reid, who we tragically lost at a very young age.” • Tracey Stimson sent in a fundraising donation of £502. • Katy Masters sent in £600 of online donations. • Anna Butler, the Students Union Physiotherapy Association (SUPA), Nottingham University, sent in a donation of £252 which represents fundraising in 2013 in memory of Alex.

That amount of miles is challenging in itself over that time, but to see the terrain we climbed and scrambled… I found muscles that I had not used in quite a while! My general walking practice is once every two months I walk in Derbyshire for a pub lunch! It certainly was the most beautiful place to challenge yourself and to wake up early to start the day with the wonderful mirror images we had of Ennerdale Water or the views down Borrowdale and Patterdale after the steepest of climbs, was truly rewarding.

• Tayla Shelley completed the Nijmegen International 100 Mile March and raised £242.50. • Rosalyn Barber held a coffee morning at Kiveton Park and raised £145. • Helen Thornloe completed the coast to coast walk and raised a total of £1,265.43: “The aim was to undertake a walking challenge to raise money and awareness for CRY in memory of Alex Reid. Was it a challenge to complete the 90 miles in 5 days? You bet! Did I raise money and awareness? Every fellow walker heard or gave to my clinking CRY collection tin as it grew ever heavier with the generous donations along the way! My limbs are aching like they never have (yes, even worse than the good old Inter-Counties with 17 matches in one weekend!) from the speed my fellow walker Sue and I had to walk to complete each section on the five consecutive days - averaging 18.5 miles per day. So, yes, it certainly was a challenge but even so I will be going back to do the East Section to complete the walk once again to raise funds for CRY. Thank you to everyone who sponsored me already and to those who would like to now. I have over £700 so far on the JustGiving site and around £150 cash in the pot, so with a little extra help I will get to my target of one thousand pounds!” Helen Thorneloe.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers “The 24 hour rowing challenge took place on 14th and 15th December 2012 in the boathouse of the King’s School, Worcester. Over 40 students were involved and kept four rowing machines in action for the duration of the event, managing to row 1,350,000m in total. They raised £1,000 in sponsorship from the sponsored row. The money was raised in memory of Scott Rennie who was Head Boy at King’s in 2002 and an outstanding rower himself. The event was such a success that it is to be repeated on the 13th and 14th of December 2013, once more in support of CRY.”

• Stevie Rennie sent in donations totalling £520:

In Memory of

Debbie Rendle

• Barclays Bank sent in a matched giving donation of £124.59 in respect of Susan Simon’s coffee morning, held on June 29th, in memory of Debbie. • Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £557 and a further £70 in respect of a coffee morning and screening event, making a total raised of £627.

In Memory of

Scott Rennie

• Jo Wootton, rowing staff at The King’s School, Worcester, sent in £1,000 raised in respect of a rowing challenge:

“Following the wedding of family friends Ian Woodcock and Lisa Swehman on 21st September, I enclose a donation of £260. Also, following the wedding of family friends David Woodcock & Cassie Brennan on 19th October, I enclose a donation of £260.”

In Memory of

Scott Rennie and June Kerrigan

Stevie Rennie sent in donations totalling £200: Paul, Anneke, Ben and Nelleke Loader donated £100; and the Rennie family donated £100, in lieu of floral tributes for late family friend June Kerrigan.

In Memory of

Mike Robinson

Paul Bunton arranged a tennis tournament and a dinner and raised £178 in memory of his friend.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Adam Rowbottom

Critchley Charitable Trust sent in a donation of £3,500.

In Memory of

Craig Salmon

Joyce Salmon sent in a donation of £528.80 which was raised during the Marchington screening held in June.

Lee Philip Stables

• Sharen Stables sent in a donation of £123 in lieu of gifts to celebrate the 90th birthday of family friend Gladys Windle. • Sharen Stables sent in a donation of £100 from Ulverston Health Centre WRVS.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Phil Standing

Kevin Sayer

Mike Williams completed the Dorney Tri Challenge and raised £1,599.16.

Phil Scarfe sent in a donation of £370 in lieu of gifts to celebrate his 60th birthday.

In Memory of

Claire Dee Shapland

ServiceMaster Contract Services sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the British Franchisee of the Year Award for Customer Service.

In Memory of

Max Sheppard

In Memory of

Gareth Stanley

Ric Moylan sent in a donation of £2,156: “On 8th June 2013 I held my first charity boxing event at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, in memory of my best fiend, Gareth Stanley. With over 300 guests the night was a fantastic success and will now become an annual event.”

Jamie Bailey took part in the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 and raised a total of £3,100.

In Memory of

In Memory of

• Sarah Becker completed the British 10K London Run and raised £235.

Joshinder Singh Manku

Parminder Bansal took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £1,631.

In Memory of

Darren Smith

• Huw Rodgers completed the Darren Smith Walk from St David’s to Bridgend and raised a total of £3,000.


Ben Steele

• Peter Walters completed the British 10K London Run and raised £350. • Alistair Ring completed the British 10K London Run and raised £210. • Alex Geach completed the British 10K London Run and raised £160. • Derek Conway completed the British 10K London Run and raised £140. Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Patrick David Swinson

We have received a donation of £379.40 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Patrick David Swinson.

In Memory of

David Tallis

Katie Lovett sent in a total of £920 which represents donations made in lieu of presents for her 40th birthday.

In Memory of

Hannah Taylor

“My sister’s 40th birthday party was held at Southport Yacht Club on 27th July, in aid of CRY. It was a great, fun night with lots of dancing and just under £1,000 was made on the night for CRY. Katie gave a short speech about the work of CRY and - as you can see from the photos - Katie ran the London Marathon for CRY a few years ago.

The memorial horse show for Hannah was held at Wix Equestrian Centre on July 27th and raised £787.30 which was forwarded by Captain Charles Bull.

In Memory of

Vicki Taylor

Ian Taylor sent in a donation of £1,545.73 in respect of a 128 mile walk, a junior cardio tennis event and a family race night.

In Memory of

Dale Tennent-Butler

CRY is a charity close to our hearts as a family, as our brother David died of sudden adult death syndrome in 1990, aged 18. David was a real night person and he loved to party and he would have been up on the dance floor at the party having lots of fun! We think the work you do in highlighting this is just brilliant and we will continue to support you in the future.” Jo Johnston.

• Angela sent in a donation of £1,300 raised by the Langlebury Cricket Club at their annual match. • Camelot UK Lotteries UK Limited sent in a donation of £3,050 in respect of the Ladies Langlebury Cricket Team annual charity match, which took place on August 26th.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Sarah Tenwick

Teresa Tenwick-Ford sent in donations totalling £1,169: Asda Newark nominated CRY as their charity of the month and raised £719; Paul Clark and the members of Westfield Lodge raised £200 at a charity barbecue; and Teresa also donated a fee of £250 paid in respect of the article about Sarah in ‘That’s Life’ magazine, published 11th July 2013. “Many thanks go to Andrea, Dean and their team for all their help with the 24 hour awareness event at ASDA Newark. We raised £740 on the day, and they donated the month of May to our charity so we are waiting to rejoin and see how things have gone. It was amazing that so many people got involved and asked loads of questions about CRY, so we were able to pinpoint them in the charity’s direction, we had a great day, and LA Fitness loaned us an exercise bike for the occasion which we kept going for the whole event. We were also fortunate that local companies like LA Fitness, Calor Gas, Julia Keats and other donors enabled us to hold a raffle. Our thanks also go to all who made this day possible and an enjoyable event.” Teresa Tenwick-Ford.

In Memory of

Gareth Thomas

Stephen Nutt completed the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £826.20.

In Memory of

Jack Thomas

• Jan Norris sent in a donation of £1,250, raised at the London Open Taekwondo Championships. • Legal & General, Cardiff, held a dress down day and raised a total of £1,668.78.

In Memory of

Oliver Thompson

• Sandra Hartshorn, Luxfer Gas Cylinders Ltd, sent in a donation of £250. • Mr & Mrs G Thompson sent in a donation of £100. • Cliftonville Primary School held a nonuniform day and raised £563.94.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Alan Thorpe

Thomas Wall

Caroline Metcalfe sent in an additional donation of £150 in respect of the Forest of Dean Half Marathon she ran in memory of her brother, making a total raised of £570.

Chris Wall completed the ‘Tom’s Troopers, Tower Bridge to the Eiffel Tower’ cycle ride and raised £3,568.

In Memory of

Matthew Wallbank

In Memory of

Christian Thunhurst

Eddie Whittle completed the Madness for Charity event and the Manchester 10K and raised £2,218.75.

John Thunhurst forwarded a donation of £100 from a friend.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Ty Townsley

CRY volunteer Linda Goodwin attended the Coney Hill Rugby Club on Sunday 6th October 2013 and collected a cheque for £1,032.

In Memory of

Hannah Turberville

Sir John Lawes School, Harpenden, sent in a donation of £921.64.

In Memory of

Chloe Waddell

Damaris and John Darby took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised £1,340 together.

Neil Ward

• Audrey Hobson sent in a donation of £5,000. • Elaine Ward sent in a donation of £3,258 from the Inner Wheel Club of Dronfield and £155 from the ‘Music in the Gardens’ Rotary event, making a total raised of £3,413.

In Memory of

Alexander Watley

• Paddy Roadnight took part in a cycle event in May and sent in an additional donation of £340, making a total raised of £680. • Georgina Mattack organised an event at the Slug and Lettuce, Winchester, and raised £200. • Val and John Watley sent in a donation of £500.32 in respect of the Watley Run.

In Memory of

Neil Walden

Eve Dustin completed the Great Manchester Run and raised £390.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Lily Webster

• Catherine Albertelli and Robbie Salt took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised a total of £277. • Alex Das took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £112.50.

In Memory of

Aimee Wellock

James Wellock sent in a donation of £575: “Sadly in 2005 I lost my sister - bubbly, loving, fullof-life Aimee Wellock - to a previously unknown heart condition aggravated by a violent assault. Over the past years, we have had brilliant support from both our family and friends, as well as the charity CRY.

• Joe Riley completed the 4 in 4 Marathon Mission and raised £644.30. • Kyle Allen sent in a further donation of £560.80 in respect of fundraising at the Slug & Lettuce, Winchester, making a total raised of £760.80. • Rachael Batho sent in donations totalling £1,278.91 on behalf of the team at the Red Heart Memorial Foundation: “£78.91 was raised from entry fees for the Red Heart Relay that took place on 14th July. The event involved over 30 runners and drivers, covering 70 miles of the South Downs Way in 14 hours. I am pleased also to include £1,200 which was raised from our Red Heart Ball held on 24th August 2013. Once again we had wonderful donations for our raffles and auctions, and our 60 guests were amazingly generous. This is in memory of our friend, Alex Watley, who died suddenly on 30th December 2011. He is always in our thoughts and forever on our minds.”


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Our Fundraisers Sunday 4th August 2013 was the day of my first 10K. I’d been training since January and after raising £713.75 (incl. Gift Aid) thanks to my awesome family and friends, the day had finally come. Both excited and nervous, I joined the thousands on the Knavesmire at York Racecourse to start the run, along with my ‘pacesetters’, Martin and Rachel, and my ‘cheerleaders,’ my wife Nicola and my mum Jackie. The race started off well, I jostled for position and before I knew it I was already at the 5km mark in under half an hour. With space to run into and the promise I might make my first ever 10km in under an hour for the first time, I powered on. I finally completed the course in 57 minutes 58 seconds - 5 minutes faster than my previous best! Woo hoo!” James Wellock.

“John and I recently celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. We held a lovely garden party in which we had a fantastic group playing, a great singer and catering provided. It was a fun afternoon. As usual all our friends and family supported us on this day and we requested that there were no gifts, but maybe a small donation to our chosen charity, CRY. It has been nine years since we lost our son, Richard Whitehead, and without the continued support from CRY and our family and friends life would have been a lot harder for us.” Pam Whitehead.

In Memory of

Emlyn Wibberley

O. Hereford sent in a donation of £220.

In Memory of

David Williams

Sue Williams sent in a donation of £570 raised at a Halloween party.

In Memory of

Hugh Williams

In Memory of

Richard Whitehead

Pam and John Whitehead sent in a donation of £815.

Mark McKeeman completed the Deep River Rock Belfast Marathon and raised £1,518.16.

In Memory of

Joe Williams

• David Scott raised £500 in respect of the Virgin


Our Fundraisers Active London Triathlon. • Nationwide Building Society, Buckinghamshire, sent in a donation of £236.50. • Samantha Larman, Nationwide Building Society, sent in a donation of £202.17.

General Fundraising • Donations totalling £280 were received at the screening held on October 20th in Northern Ireland.

In Memory of

• Altrincham Grammar School for Girls held a summer fair and raised £1,538.44.

Matthew Pullan completed the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £150.

• Amershal Town Council held a musical concert in the memorial gardens in July and raised £652.39. CRY Representative, Ulrike Rowbottom, attended and gave a short talk on the work of CRY.

Craig Wilson

In Memory of

James Wilson

Bethany Thomson completed the Junior Great North Run on September 14th and raised £145 in memory of her uncle.

In Memory of

Liam Wood

Sonia Eld took part in the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 and raised a total of £730.

In Memory of

Sam Wright

CRY volunteer Dani West sent in a donation of £200: “The money was raised from a collection at Pride Park Stadium, Derby, on Saturday 21st September. The football match on the day was between Derby County and Reading, and we received great feedback and generous donations from fans of both teams.”

In Memory of

Daniel Young

Tom Bradbury completed the Manchester 10K and raised £165.


• Baddesley Ensor Social Club held a fundraising event and raised £505. • The Bank of Scotland Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £500 in respect of Karen Cowie’s darts exhibition. • Bedstone College held a non-uniform day and raised £200. CRY Representative Ian Morris collected the cheque on behalf of CRY on November 15th. • Paul Birch completed the Kilimanjaro Climb and raised £540. • Chris Blackburn took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised £145. • The Bolton Society of Chartered Accountants (BSCA) held their annual dinner on 17th October and raised a total of £1,140. CRY Representative Ruth Lowe attended the event and talked about the work of CRY: “Dave and I attended the BSCA Annual Dinner on Thursday evening. They raised £1,115 on the evening. I was also given a cheque for £25 to forward onto you which was given to Keith Higson. I have attached a photo of the VIP guests of the evening. The gentleman in the centre is the president and he is standing with his wife. Their names are Keith and Beverly Higson.”

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

General Fundraising • Mehmet Dalman, Cardiff City Football Club Chairman, sent in a donation of £25,000 in respect of Cardiff City FC’s ‘Thanks a Million’ community charity campaign. • Cliftonville Primary School, Kent, held a non-uniform day in July and raised £500. • Darwen Subscription Bowling Club held a charity day on August 25th and raised £100. • Tom Stoddart and Lee Smith sent in a donation of £370: • Lucy Bowyer sent in £335 of online donations. • Breathing Space Spa, Harpenden, sent in an additional £100 in respect of the 10th anniversary event. • The staff at HMP Bronzefield sent in a donation of £524.40. • Joy and Steve Brookes sent in a donation of £340, which was raised at their 35th wedding anniversary party, and a further £340 which represents a matched giving donation from United Utilities, making a total raised of £680. • Sean Broughton completed the Profile Security Coast to Coast Challenge and raised £250. • Jacob Biddulph, Vice Chairman, Brony UK Convention Limited, sent in a donation of £8,025: “BUCK is the largest convention in Europe for ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’, reaching nearly 1,200 attendees at our 3 day event this year. Our charity auction, held on Saturday 24th August, at the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, raised £8,025.” • Bullers Wood School raised £250 and donated to CRY at the request of student Megan Chappell. • Bury & Walkers LLP sent in a donation of £1,000.

“Please find enclosed a cheque for £370 from the profits of our charity ball, which took place on Saturday 5th January 2013. The annual Derbyshire Scouts County Ball saw over 300 adult scouters come together to celebrate and commend all the hard work that scout leaders do voluntarily throughout the year. For 2013 our county commissioner’s charity has been CRY.” • Jason Dix completed the Modball Rally 2013 and raised £1,817.69. • Gary Donnelly took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £1,966.25. • Lisa Dyson sent in a donation of £500 which was raised at the charity horse show on October 6th. • Adam Eastwood completed the Ironman UK event and raised £551. • Some of the students at Eltham College took part in a cross country run and raised £1,805. • Tom Fair sent in a donation of £248 in respect of the Investec Ashes 2013 Cycle Challenge. • Paul Frossell completed a sponsored weight loss challenge and raised £520. • Lisa Gilbert sent in a donation of £100.

• Canton sent in a donation of £545.

• Mick Glynn took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised £237.

• Callum and Lewis Clark completed the Brighton Big Fun Run and raised £170.50.

• Wendy Green completed the Great Scottish Half Marathon and raised £142.


General Fundraising • Andrew Grey completed a 3 mile sponsored swim and raised £220.

Sunday mornings spent climbing Pen y Fan certainly paid off.”

• Amanda Griffin completed the Mount Everest Trek with Ben Mobbs and raised £526. • Karen Marie Gwynne took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised a total of £505. • Martin Hamid sent in a donation of £153. • Ian Hardman sent in a donation of £100. • Hart District Council sent in a donation of £1,000. • Frances Elks and Liz Johnson, sent in a donation of £211.80: “Our company, Hachette Children’s Books, hosts a weekly cake sale with one month’s proceeds going towards a staff-nominated charity. CRY was the chosen charity for May 2013.” • Jonathan Hooper, personal trainer, Hoops Health and Fitness, sent in total donations of £2,759.08 in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge: “A group of 16 clients from Hoops Health & Fitness completed the 3 peaks of Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours. We left Tonyrefail at 5am on Saturday 3rd August drove all day up to Ben Nevis, started our climb at 4:50pm to be met by very difficult conditions on the mountain, 70 mph gusts and -7 wind chill, luckily the weather brightened up on the way down and we all made it back to the minibuses and were on our way to Scafell Pike by 10pm. We arrived at Scafell Pike at 3:50am, started climbing in darkness and completed it in just over 4 hours, again difficult weather conditions, drizzle and low visibility. We arrived at Snowdon in good spirits knowing that we just had one final hurdle ahead of us, we completed it within the 24 hours, it rained heavily for the whole time we were on the mountain, I was very proud of everybody that took part and completed it despite the challenging weather conditions. The hours of training in the gym and


• The Lifestyle Project, organised by Humberside Police and Alishia, Becky, Alice, Cara and Angel, held cake stalls, tombolas, car boot sales and a bucket collection, and raised £1,021.26 for CRY. • Scott Humphreys completed the Cardiff 10K and raised £235.50. • Andrew Jackson completed the Bupa Great Manchester Run 2013 on Sunday 26th May and raised a total of £4,206. Andrew was misdiagnosed with long QT syndrome after he collapsed during a hockey match, however, CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma invited Andrew to London for testing and confirmed that he has a fully functioning heart. “My plan was to run under 45 minutes, so when I saw the time was 42mins 46secs I was happy with that. Had it not been so hot on the day, I think I really could have gone under 40 minutes, but it wasn’t about the time, and it wasn’t about me at all really. I was running for CRY, to raise money but more importantly to raise awareness of what this amazing charity do. I want to say a massive thank you not only to CRY, but to all the people who have sponsored me and who continue to do so. Most of the money has come from family and close friends, but I’ve also had donations through my work place and other kind-hearted people who have got to hear about my story. It really is a fantastic cause and I hope to do much more to help the charity in the near future.” Andrew Jackson.

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

General Fundraising • Julie Levi completed a cycle ride from north to south Wales and raised £250. • Simon Lowe completed the London to Brussels cycle event and raised £1,500. • Graeme Lucas took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised £810. • Marine Resources, Hamble River Boat Yard, held a boat show party and sent in a donation of £310 for CRY: “The 2013 Marine Resources Boat Show Party, held on Thursday 19th September, was once again a resounding success. Around 450 people attended the event, raising over £620 for our nominated charities, CRY and the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

• Timothy Jackson took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £1,237.50.

So far the boat show parties have managed to raise over £5,000 for these great charities, thanks to everyone involved! The night started off well with the America’s Cup showing on the big screens; and the glow in the dark glasses proved a popular hit on the dance floor.

• Sam Jones took part in the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 and raised £280. • Alun Kelly completed the Run Armagh 10K and raised £322.10. • The Keswick to Barrow Walk committee (BAE Systems) sent in a donation of £2,500. • KMI Water construction team were awarded £750 by working safely and accident free on their construction site, located in Preston. By reaching 250,000 working hours without a reportable accident on the contract, the management rewards the site teams with a pledge to donate cash to a charity/organisation of their choosing. Tom Horton, KMI Communications team, sent in a donation of £750. CRY Representative Ruth Lowe collected the cheque on behalf of CRY. • Gayle Mason, Legal & General, Kingswood, sent in total donations of £220.44 raised in respect of employee book exchanges.

Exhibitors and industry professionals danced the night away at our new exciting venue, POPworld, until the early hours of the morning - letting off some steam after a busy week at the PSP Southampton Boat Show 2013. We drew the raffle on the night and some fantastic prizes were won.


General Fundraising • Ali McCable completed the Buchaille Dash and raised £310. • Christopher McKay completed the ‘Coast to Coast and Home Again’ challenge and raised £2,800 for CRY. • Jennifer McKenna took part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and raised £316.36. • Elizabeth McMongale completed the Dublin Flora Women’s 10K Marathon and raised £345. Marine Resources would like to thank all the generous companies who donated raffle prizes as well as Printing Crazy, SLAM, The London Boat Show and for their continued support. A special thanks has to go to the team at POPworld, Southampton for helping make the night a success.”

• Harriet McSherry completed the Jane Tomlinson Hull 10K and raised £421.50. • Fiona Meehan completed the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £868.19. • Mark Moore took part in a charity football match, having recently survived a sudden cardiac arrest, and raised £173. Mark’s sister, Sarah, sent in a further £1,500, making a total raised of £1,673. • Brian Murray sent in a donation of £101. • The National Citizen Service Team sent in a donation of £929.10 from fundraising events during the summer.

• Helen Marsh completed the DM Keith Skoda Mini Sportive event and raised £179.40.

• Pupils at Newburgh Primary School, Warwick, chose CRY as their charity for the last academic year and raised £243.56.

• Steven Martin took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised a total of £450.

• Sylvia Nicoll and John Poulton held a wine tasting event on September 28th and raised £100.

• Kevin Martinez-Joyce completed the Eton Super Sprints and raised £327.27.

• Bridget Ortman took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised a total of £275.

• Karen Mason completed the 2013 Shakespeare Half Marathon and raised £227.

• Northern Powergrid (North East) Limited sent in a donation of £141 in respect of recycling of old phones.

• John Matthews completed the Morecambe to Bridlington coast to coast cycle ride and raised £1,410.91.

• Karen Parker completed the Tonbridge Lions Triathlon and raised £255.

• Robert McAllan completed the Hebridean Cycle Challenge and raised £480.

• Ali Paterson completed the Tough Mudder event and raised £415.


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

General Fundraising • Hayley Payn completed the Marlow 5 Run and raised £105.

• Simon Rigby took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £690.

• The Phoenix International Charity sent in a donation of £100 raised from the sale of their Christmas cards.

• The Royal Grammar School, Guildford, sent in donations of £2,452.02 in respect of the rugby and hockey tour to New Zealand and Hong Kong.

• The students of Priory Community School, WestonSuper-Mare, sent in a donation of £4,126.75 from various fundraising activities held during the year. 11-year-old Ben Woodhouse and his Jack Russell Terrier, Charlie, walked 18 miles on May 27th 2013 to raise funds and awareness for CRY: “Ben has various health issues including asthma, absence seizures, memory loss and suspected arthritis; but he loves to help others. Both of Ben’s grandads died of heart attacks before he was born and he never got the chance to meet them, but they would be incredibly proud of him - as we all are. Ben raised £460 for CRY.” Tracy Woodhouse.

• Joanna Seldon took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised a total of £510. • Shirley Ellis, ServiceMaster Contract Services, sent in a donation of £200 in respect of the CRY Shiplake College banquet. • Courtney Scott took part in Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 and raised a total of £640. • Shirehampton Men’s Club held a skittles match on August 25th and raised £700. • Navraj Singh took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised a total of £295. • Mary Singleton completed the 40K Just Walk and raised £335. • Debbie Smith sent in a donation of £200 raised at a tombola stall and collection boxes. • Jilly Snell completed the Caernarfon Castle to Cardiff Castle fundraiser and raised £3,116.43. • The Spayne Lindsay Foundation sent in a donation of £2,500. • Spire Homes (LG) Ltd sent in a donation of £100.

• Result Pictures, who supported the ‘Treat CRY this Halloween’ initiative with McColl’s Retail Group, sent in a donation of £510. • Emma Haworth, RFL (governing body of the Rugby League), sent in a donation of £100: “During the Super League season, players that are awarded man of the match have the opportunity to donate money to a charity of their choice. I enclose a cheque on behalf of Darrell Goulding of Wigan Warriors, from the 2013 Super League Season.”

• The 6th formers of St George’s College, Addlestone, sent in a donation of £332.48. • St Nicholas CE VA Primary School, Dorset, held an annual book sale and raised £100. • St Stephen’s Church, Cheshire, held a coffee morning and raised £195. • Dane Stanley completed the Ironman event and raised £534.05.


General Fundraising • Sunbury Manor School held a mufti day on October 4th and raised £774.40. • Swanbourne Methodist Church sent in a donation of £100.65 raised during an open air service. • The 1st Tadcaster Guides, North Yorkshire, held a sponsored walk in July and raised £341.

to this week is a charity called CRY, which seeks to raise awareness of conditions that can lead to young sudden cardiac death.” • Staff at the United Utilities, Samlesbury, sent in a matched giving donation of £700. They held a coffee morning and lunch event along with a raffle in July. • United Utilities Group PLC, Warrington, sent in a matched giving donation of £700 in respect of Jenny Upton’s Salmesbury Summer Fundraiser. • Nichola Vasey completed the British 10K London Run and raised £840. • Kathryn Wass took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and raised a total of £410. • Elaine Walker sent in a donation of £112. • Karen Soulsby, Treasurer, Warley Wasps Swimming & Polo Club, sent in a donation of £212.85:

• Kevin Price, Treasurer for the Stragglers, sent in a donation of £417: “This donation comes about at the request of That Ealing Feeling, who were runners-up in this year’s river relay, run on 8th September 2013. The race is a baton relay, run over five stages, from Virginia Water to Kingston-upon-Thames and is organised by the Stragglers.”

“Following a recent sponsored swim here at Warley Wasps Swimming Club, and as part of our 125th year celebrations, the child who swam the furthest on the night got to choose the charity who would receive our donation. Club Captain, 11 year old Dominic Soulsby (pictured), swam for 3 hours solid and achieved 7,200 metres. All of the swimmers did very well, from the 4 year olds through to the county swimmers.”

• Thomas Franks Ltd sent in fundraising donations totalling £3,422.91, including £600 from a BBQ at the Colchester High School summer fete. • Audrey Spima sent in a donation of £560 from ‘Torchwood 4 Fans’. • Sian Packer sent in a donation of £617.26. On the BBC series ‘Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is’, Christina Trevanion nominated CRY to receive the money she made at auction during the programme: “The charity that I have decided to give my money


Issue 62 | September to December 2013

Fundraising Events 2014 Please contact Ben, Cara or Nicola on 01737 363222 or e-mail if you are interested in any of the following events. For more information and a full list of events in 2014, visit All participants in mass-participation events who contact the CRY fundraising team (whether they have their ‘own place’ or a CRY charity place) will receive a ‘welcome pack’ containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and either a T-shirt or vest (depending on the type of event).

A few ideas… Moon’opoly Moon Ride July 26

Take part in this themed 50 mile cycle ride through the capital around streets and stations made famous during your childhood. This overnight cycle starts in Southwark; a quick visit to the Old Kent Road and a trip north over Tower Bridge to Fenchurch Street Station is only the start of your night time journey.

Prudential RideLondon–Surrey 100 August 10

CRY welcomes any ‘own place’ cyclists for the 2nd RideLondon-Surrey 100. Starting at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, participants will cycle the roads across London and into Surrey, following the famous road race route of London 2012, finishing 100 miles later on The Mall. They will be followed by some of the world’s greatest cyclists who will be taking part in RideLondon Classic, so riders must be able to finish this exciting new challenge in less than 9 hours.

Isle of Wight Challenge August 23 - 24

Many sail around it, thousands have ‘rocked’ at its festivals, and now you can walk, jog, or run it on the Isle of Wight Challenge! A stunning backdrop for an endurance challenge, the 100 km or so coastal path heads out from Cowes past the famous Needles and spectacular coastlines, dramatic white cliffs and sandy beaches.

Spartan Race Series August 30 – October 11

The Spartan Race series integrates obstacles with the natural terrain to create the best racing experience possible. There


are three levels of race: Spartan Sprint - 5+ km and 15 obstacles; Spartan Super - 13+ km and 21 obstacles; Spartan Beast - 20+ km and 26 obstacles; and new for 2014 is a range of races for children. CRY has places for these events so if you would like to register for the event please contact the fundraising team.

Bupa Great North Run September 7

This event is firmly established as the world’s greatest half marathon! CRY has a number of charity places and also welcomes any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

Sure Run to the Beat 10K Join the CRY team in the brand new Run to the Beat 10K where runners will make their way around a course situated at the exciting new venue of Wembley Park. CRY has a number of charity places and also welcomes any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

Windsor Half Marathon September 28

The setting for the Windsor Half Marathon is one of the most beautiful in the UK, the start and finish being the Long Walk with Windsor Castle as the backdrop. CRY has a limited number of charity places for this event and also welcomes any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

October 4

The 5th CRY Durham Riverside Walk will start and finish at Durham Amateur Rowing Club. The 7km walk is in the beautiful Wear Valley, following the river, with views of the city and cathedral. Please e-mail to

Zombie Evacuation Race Series October 18 - 25

The Zombie Evacuation Race is a 5km interactive obstacle course race. The aim of the ‘Evacuee’ is to navigate the 5km course and get to the finish line with at least one of their ‘LifeTags’ left on their belt. On their way around the course they will be challenged by differing terrain, different route choices and a variety of themed obstacles. CRY has places for these events so if you would like to register for the event please contact the fundraising team.

Bupa Great South Run

September 14

CRY Durham Riverside Walk

register your interest and we will advise you when online registration opens.

October 26

The Bupa Great South Run is Europe’s leading 10 mile road race, with 21,000 runners. It is on a fast, flat course through Southsea and passes some of Portsmouth’s naval heritage, including HMS Victory and the Mary Rose. We don’t have charity places but would welcome any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

CRY Raising Awareness Week November 22 - 30

The setting for the Windsor Half Marathon is one of the most beautiful in the UK, the start and finish being the Long Walk with Windsor Castle as the backdrop. CRY has a limited number of charity places for this event and also welcomes any ‘own place’ runners who would like to run for CRY.

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates

For further details, please visit

Issue 62 | September to December 2013

CRY Update 62 September to December 2013 Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support Programme, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) and the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St George’s Hospital, and the CRY myheart Network to support young people

living with potentially fatal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the Virgin London Marathon or the Bupa Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources. If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white

water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit events.htm or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

Our Patrons

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our charity.

Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John

Barrowman MBE, Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, James Cracknell OBE, Brian Dooher, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Tom James MBE, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Rob Key, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor William KcKenna, Bill Neely, Lawrence Okoye, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steven Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, Andrew Trimble, David Walliams, Alison Waters, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE, Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to


Cardiac Risk in the Young Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with

cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD.

In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

CRY is extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • The Black Family Charitable Trust • The Celtic Charity Fund • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • The Davy Foundation • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity • Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation, Inc.

Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 Email:

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