CRY Update Magazine - Issue 73

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@CRY_UK CardiacRiskintheYoung In this Newsletter CRY Online CRY’s bereavement support programme CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2017 Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 Email: Visit our websites: Toreceivetheonlineversion oftheCRYUpdate,visit: subscribe CardiacRiskintheYoung | 9 | 16 | 22 | 24 News and Events | Raising Awareness | Our Fundraisers Update 73 | May to August 2017

CRY Update 73 May to August 2017

Tom West Newsletter Editor

As Deputy Editor of the CRY Update it is my responsibility to put together this newsletter, and ambition that you find all the CRY news, events and fundraising in these pages to be of interest.

I always endeavour to ensure the information printed in this newsletter is accurate, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you notice something amiss. CRY receives an incredible amount of support and I know occasionally an error will slip through, however any fundraising corrections will be clearly demarcated at the beginning of the subsequent issue’s fundraising section.

I would appreciate hearing from you at or on 01737 363222 if you have any feedback or comments regarding previous issues. Thank you for your help.


Alison Cox MBE Founder

Professor Mary Sheppard Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Rebecca Zouvani Fundraising Manager

Head Office:

Unit 1140B

The Axis Centre Cleeve Road


KT22 7RD

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor welcomes letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY). Articles pertaining to health-related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.

Inside Update 73

Meet Our Representative News from the Chief Executive CRY Online

CRY Screening Report

Alison’s Column

CRY’s new Facebook support resources

CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Report

Research News

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2017

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100

Our Fundraisers

Raising Awareness in the Media Report

Fundraising Events 2018

For more details regarding the events shown on the cover, please turn to the corresponding page references below. Images are listed clockwise from top left:

1. The Why Not Run event held in memory of Ben Daniels. Page 36.

2. ‘The Long & Short of It’ team, winners of the Richard Waight Memorial Golf Day held in memory of Richard. Page 62.

3. A CRY cyclist from the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey event. Page 24.

4. Walkers at Potters Fields Park for this year’s CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. Page 22.

5. CRY Patron Vincent Regan with Richard and Donna Fell at the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. Page 22.

Submission guidelines: We include activities in the “Our Fundraisers” section that raise £100 or more.

Entries appear in the “Our Fundraisers” section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised.

If you can supply a writeup or photos for any fundraising activities you have taken part in, please email

of CRY Patrons

Members of Parliament throughout have been highlighted in red.

6. A 24-hour event held at the John Belfield salon in memory of Jordan Burndred. Page 32.

7. Runners completing the Manchester 10K in memory of Emily Rose Dunn. Page 37.

8. The Cardiff University Rowing Club on a charity cycle in memory of Jennifer Bucknell. Page 31.

9. A coast to coast challenge in memory of James Campbell. Page 33.

10. A cycling team at the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100. Page 25.

11. Supporters at Beth’s Hoe Down Showdown Charity Day held in memory of Bethany Mycroft. Page 51.

12. Andrew Quew

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 2
completing a bungee jump in memory of Gemma Quew. Page 55. 13. Supporters at the 20th annual Howard Jennings Memorial Golf Tournament. Page 43.
Copyright © 2017 Cardiac Risk in the Young. Registered Charity No. 1050845 A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No. 3052985 Registered Office: Helmores UK LLP, 13/15 Carteret Street, Westminster, London, SW1H 9DJ
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My name is Joseph Tanner and I’m proud to be a representative for CRY and all the work they do.

I hope to raise more awareness for CRY in this role and be an advocate for the charity’s cause.

I got involved with CRY after suffering a cardiac arrest in 2008 at the Hastings Half Marathon.

After a three-week stay in hospital, I was diagnosed with Brugada Syndrome, a rare condition that impacts the way electrical signals pass through the heart.

I soon got involved with CRY and have run many charity events since, including running a store in a

Meet Our Representative

local shopping centre in Brighton.

I was also co-author of a myheart Booklet, another CRY publication. By regularly attending myheart meetings I help support people coming to terms with their own heart conditions.

One of my main goals is to get CRY publications out to as many families as possible, to make sure they have the support they need.

A young person can feel so alone after being diagnosed, and a family should never suffer the loss of someone to an undiagnosed heart condition. 3
Joseph Richard Tanner Representative in Brighton

News from the Chief Executive

Thomas Cook’s ECG donation

We’d like to thank Thomas Cook for providing CRY with a new ECG machine due to a £6,000 donation from The Thomas Cook Children’s Charity. The machine will be used as an essential aid to CRY’s screening programme, which screened over 8,900 young people between May and August of this year.

CRY was nominated for The Thomas Cook Children’s Charity community grant by a member of its staff, Lauren Harrison, who has been personally affected by the tragedy that young sudden cardiac death causes. Lauren’s stepbrother, Ally Calvert, collapsed and died in July 2015 from a previously undiagnosed heart condition. He was just 18, enjoying some time out with friends near his home in South East London.

Thomas Cook Children’s Charity Trustee, Matthew Harding, said: “We are delighted to be able to support CRY, young people, and their families by donating funding for a much needed ECG machine for early detection.”

On behalf of all of us at CRY, I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff and customers of Thomas Cook for supporting us through its children’s charity. An

ECG machine is a vital piece of equipment within our nationwide screening programme and any new additions and upgrades to our machines mean we can be assured of providing the most accurate and up-to-date testing for the thousands of young people who come to us to be screened every year.


Richard and Donna Fell interviewed by ITV

May 3

Richard and Donna Fell were interviewed by ITV News after carrying out more fundraising for CRY, this time by hosting an annual charity football match in memory of their son, Josh.

Josh, aged 15, died whilst playing football six years ago. Even though it’s a tragedy that will never be forgotten, Josh’s parents have been totally committed to helping others as they honour Josh’s name. At their annual football match, held in the week of what would have been Josh’s 21st birthday, they had some help from ex-Hull City players, including former team captain Ian Ashbee.

“I don’t think we’d have got this far without the charity CRY,” Josh’s mum, Donna, said. “From losing Josh we were given the information from the coroner that introduced us to the charity, and since then they’ve supported us no end.”

“It’s just incredible that they’ve had the courage to do this after a tragedy like the one that they have suffered,” CRY Founder Alison Cox added. “It’s extraordinary; the commitment is amazing, the energy they’ve put into it. But also what they have actually achieved has meant that Josh will never be forgotten. And I think they find that a wonderful inspiration.”

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 4
@Drstevenjcox drstevenjcox
Here are some of CRY’s media highlights from May to August, featuring radio appearances, interviews, key events and new initiatives from CRY.

News from the Chief Executive

vigorously can increase the risk of cardiac issues. However, exercise can simply highlight an already underlying problem rather than being the direct cause. Keeping fit and active is important, and CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma addressed just that in a talk on the final day.

Seeing the influence of CRY research at such a major event is always incredibly encouraging. Professor Sharma has become a world renowned leader in cardiology and multiple CRY Research Fellows presenting their findings only furthers the reach of our message.

“You learn to live with it,” Richard Fell, Josh’s dad, said. “It’s six years on this June. You get up in the morning, you try to be normal. You can be normal, but he’s never away from you. Josh is always in your heart.”

Because of the efforts of Josh’s parents in his name, 1,200 young people have been screened and £150,000 has been raised for CRY. Josh will never be forgotten.

June British Cardiovascular Society

Annual Conference

June 5-7

The annual British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Conference was another highlight of the 2017 summer calendar. Multiple CRY cardiologists were in attendance to show findings of their research through talks and poster presentations, including the work of Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro (looking at the impact of body size on cardiac structure for those at risk) and Dr Keerthi Prakash (looking at the difference in exercise performance for those with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy based on ethnicity).

Sometimes there can be a fear that exercising too

For more on the BCS Conference, turn to page 21.

Professor Sanjay Sharma speaks with More or Less

June 12

To gauge how many football players have died due to cardiac arrest over the last 10 years, BBC’s More or Less did a little homework. They think that 45 of the 64 players from recognised teams around the world who died in this span (in training or during a match) died of a cardiac arrest, whilst 20 of those 45 were from countries in Africa. This is particularly striking not just because of the high percentage, but because players from African countries only make up around 17% of the world’s recognised footballers.

The statistics and records used for this research were by no means perfect, as the hosts made very clear, what with possibilities of some deaths not being reported, questions over the accuracy of where players are from and some of the non-official records they had to work with. However, even when taken with a pinch of salt, there seems to be an issue.

Professor Sharma provided some expertise, saying that “data arising from the United States certainly shows that sudden cardiac arrest amongst black basketball players for sure is around threefold more common than in white counterparts. There is data from the National Collegiate Association of Athletics in the U.S. that shows that the overall risk of sudden cardiac death during sport is around 1 in 48,000. But when someone actually examines this more closely that risk is considerably higher in black athletes and it’s 1 in 18,000 in black males.

“The precise reasons are not clear,” Professor Sharma 5
Professor Sanjay Sharma Professor Sanjay Sharma presenting on the importance of exercise

added when explaining why black athletes are more susceptible to cardiac arrests. “But one thing that is well recognised is that black athletes do get thicker ventricles compared to white athletes. By that I mean that the left pumping chamber, the left ventricle, is thicker in a black athlete than a white athlete, which may be a situation that causes abnormal electrical disturbances that can cause a sudden death.”

A lot of work still needs to be done to provide more certainty as to why black athletes are more at risk. It’s an important concern to take note of as we aim to raise awareness of sudden cardiac death.

National meeting



The national myheart meeting was held at Friends House, Euston, with 13 young people (aged 14 to 35) registered to attend. This was the first myheart meeting for 2 new members. CRY myheart cardiologist, Dr Michael Papadakis, offered the opportunity for those attending to informally discuss any medical queries.

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk

July 9

Thank you to each of the 1,423 walkers we had at this year’s CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk.

In addition to the £650,000 that CRY has raised over the history of this event, it’s always a special day from an emotional standpoint. Families who have been affected by a cardiac condition close to home or a young sudden cardiac death, can meet one another, providing comfort in solidarity as many around the UK have been impacted and are working together with CRY to raise awareness.

Interview with Cycling Weekly



I spoke to Cycling Weekly for an article on whether you should worry about “pushing your heart too hard”, which gave me another valuable opportunity to highlight the importance of screening and how easily problems can be picked up. I was also able to provide some reassurance that even if a screening does pick up a cardiac issue, it isn’t necessarily a huge detriment to the person’s life.

The most common condition affects at least 1 in 700 people and can be cured with an ablation procedure. The vast majority of conditions we detect result in lifestyle modifications that do not stop people from doing sport. Research has shown a 90% reduction in cardiac deaths as a result of screening.

You can read the full article here:

I had the privilege of speaking just before the walk began, and looking out on the wave of people gathered together for one amazing cause was a touching experience as always. The iconic backdrop of London Bridge made it that much better, as did the presence of CRY Patron and Hollywood actor Vincent Regan. I’d also like to thank our team of volunteers, as the event couldn’t have run without their dedicated efforts.

For the full article on the day, turn to page 22.

England Athletics raise awareness for CRY

July 15

CRY always strives to screen as many young people as possible, and raising awareness in any manner necessary is essential to making that happen.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 6
News from the Chief Executive

News from the Chief Executive

An article from England Athletics was posted on their website to draw more attention to the work CRY is doing to encourage more young athletes to get screened. It’s a great example of how sports can raise awareness and the impact was immediate, as one family saw the message and reached out soon after the article was published.

You can read the article at:

BBC 5 Live Drive interviews Connor Goldson, Professor Sanjay Sharma and Paul Daniels July 27

An interview with BBC 5 Live Drive helped shed more light on CRY and the risk of sudden cardiac death. Brighton & Hove Albion football player Connor Goldson discovered he had a swollen aorta at a routine health test, and said the following when asked if he ever thought there could have been a problem with his heart:

“Not at all. There had been a few heart things in my family, like down the generations. But, personally, I had never felt anything. I felt fit. I’d played four or five football games the month before. I’ve always played football and I’ve never ever felt any effects or anything wrong personally.”

Professor Sharma called in to answer the question of whether or not grass roots athletes could be screened more in the UK in addition to professionals; similarly to Italy, where amateurs are routinely screened and research has shown an 89% reduction in sudden cardiac deaths.

Professor Sharma said that we may be able to follow Italy’s gold standard in the future, and proceeded to explain that CRY screens 20,000 young people and trains six cardiologists each year, so that we have experts who can pick up on anomalies and also reduce the amount of false positives.

CRY Representative Paul Daniels ensured the debate did not just revolve around elite athletes in sport. Paul stressed the need for there to be much greater awareness of the importance of cardiac screening for all young people, including those participating in grass roots sport as well.

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 July 30

This summer’s Prudential RideLondonSurrey was another stellar success. It was a great experience to support the riders on route again, cheering everyone on as they flew past at Newlands Corner in Guildford. It was particularly exciting to see 61 cyclists clad in their red and white jerseys to support CRY, with 15 riders taking part in the 46 mile event and 46 riders completing 100 miles.

In total, it was the biggest team CRY has ever assembled for the event.

You can read the full story on page 24.


Interview with Islabikes August 10

I sat down for an interview with Islabikes to share some insight on young sudden cardiac death and how screening helps to prevent it.

In 20% of young sudden deaths there are some warning 7

signs; the red flags are exercise-related chest pain or exercise-related passing out. However, in 80% of cases there are no warning signs at all, which is why we encourage parents to put their child forward for CRY’s free cardiac screening when their child turns 14.

There are two main areas of conditions that we’re looking for. One is to do with the ion channelopathies, which means there is a problem with electricity in the heart. We can see most of those with an ECG test.

These conditions include long QT and Brugada Syndrome. The challenge with these conditions is that once a young person has died the electricity goes, so you can no longer see that electricity in the heart. So we can only make certain diagnoses with 100% certainty in life.

Then there are structural conditions known as cardiomyopathies. These conditions have been known about for a bit longer than electrical conditions, so we have a better understanding of them. These are when there is a thickening of the heart muscle and that also affects the electricity of the heart. You can see these conditions on an ultrasound and an ECG.

Those are the two main areas of conditions, although there is also Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, which affects at least one in 700 people. That is a condition that can be cured with an operation. Many athletes have had it and subsequently returned to sport at the highest level.

The interview was also to inform parents about the importance of screening to detect any anomalies before they can be aggravated.

Once your child has reached the age of 14 we would recommend they come along to a CRY screening. The vast majority of sudden cardiac deaths occur after the pubertal spurt when a person’s heart has stopped changing.

It’s incredibly easy to book into a CRY screening. Simply go to the website. It’s completely free for anyone who wants screening. They’ll then have an ECG and consultation on the day, and an ultrasound as well if that’s required.

Finally, the powerful message from us is that exercise is incredibly important: it’s good for your mind, your body, and it’ll make you live longer. We are absolutely pro exercise.

However, we also want to raise awareness that there are times when people do have cardiac abnormalities and exercise can exacerbate those problems. So, it’s always important to know if there is an underlying issue.

You can read my full interview here:

New Facebook support resources

August 14

We continued to expand our bereavement support programme at CRY this summer through the addition of new Facebook groups for those affected by sudden cardiac death.

These groups will make it easier for people to share their experiences and connect with others, as private groups for bereaved mums, bereaved dads, bereaved siblings and bereaved partners, along with a more general group for ‘Family and Friends’, are now available.

You can read more by turning to page 14.

Craig Siddall speaks to BBC Radio Sheffield August 25

Since losing their daughter, Madeline, due to an undiagnosed heart condition in 2011, Craig and Ann Siddall have been faced with the unthinkable challenge of trying to grieve and continue their lives. It took them a long time before they could even consider fundraising, but they’ve now turned their tragedy into motivation to ensure that others don’t suffer in the same way.

“I just wanted to give a little plug to my wife, Ann, who is doing the Great North Run on the 10th of September,” Craig said to BBC Radio Sheffield. “She’s raising funds for a charity called CRY... Obviously, you can imagine [our daughter’s death] was devastating. But these last few years, since we’ve got our heads somewhat straight, Ann has started fundraising and she’s already raised in excess of about £8,000.

“We’ve got a venue booked for next July where we’re going to carry out cardiac screening for 100 local youngsters,” Craig continued, “to try and stop the things that happened to us happening to other people.”

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 8
News from the Chief Executive

As part of the CRY Online segment we will include Facebook posts from Chief Executive Dr Steven Cox (found at drstevenjcox), providing thoughtful responses to news and events from the last few months.

The cardiac risks for African football players July 14

Every time there is a collapse of an elite athlete it will draw in media attention to ask why this has happened. In a recent BBC article the question was asked, “Are African footballers more at risk?”

It is true there are many factors which influence the risk of sudden cardiac death. Ethnicity is one of them, which is why it is a focus of the CRY research programme led by Professor Sanjay Sharma. We need to understand why this is the case.

When African athletes are screened they are much more likely to have abnormalities on their ECG compared to other athletes. This will prompt further investigations before they can be reassured. But we also know that African athletes are more at risk of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD) compared to other athletes. The key challenge is to identify markers which will help to distinguish between those who are at greater or lesser risk.

Similarly, we know that males are at much greater risk than females. By studying the way athletes adapt to exercise (both males and females) we are getting much better at understanding how the heart responds to exercise.

Nevertheless, we still have some way to go before we can explain why this gender difference exists.

Of course, sport in itself is another factor. Participating in competitive sport increases your risk significantly if you have specific cardiac conditions, which are the leading cause of death for athletes. This is why there is a growing consensus that all athletes should be routinely screened. However, it is always important when looking at risks to also look at the larger picture and competitive athletes make up a relatively small percentage of the population. So, although athletes are at greater risk, the vast majority of young sudden cardiac deaths are not in athletes. This is why CRY stresses we should be testing all young people.

We have achieved so much through research in the past 25 years, but like all of medicine there will always be important questions that need answering. By getting to the bottom of why these differences in ethnicity and gender occur we will be making further strides towards understanding the causes of young sudden cardiac deaths and how to best prevent them.

For more information on CRY’s research led by Professor Sharma, go to:

CRY’s funding July 14

Since 2005, CRY has funded just short of £5,000,000 to support fast-track NHS cardiology referral services for families after a young sudden cardiac death and expert pathology investigations after a tragedy. This year alone CRY will be providing over £800,000 of grants which will fund the CRY Centres at St George’s Hospital in London.

This funding includes full grants for 8 clinical cardiology doctors (CRY research fellows) who are training to become specialists in YSCD. We have now trained more than 25 specialist doctors, many of whom have now become cardiology consultants in hospitals throughout the UK. The most recent appointment is Dr Abbas Zaidi, who took up his consultancy post in Cardiff this September.

CRY is also funding 2 physiologists at the centre. These physiologists will conduct the clinical tests that families require as part of the NHS referrals.

CRY also funds a nurse who will support the families at the time of the referral and be involved with the testing. The nurse is important for the ajmaline (provocation) test. This enables SADS families to have all tests done on the same day as the first appointment, often just weeks after 9
CRY Online

the referral has been made. We also try to see families on the same day, so they are together when they are tested. This is something which is very difficult for other clinics to emulate and only possible because of the way in which CRY works in partnership with St George’s and Professor Sharma’s team of specialists.

For over a year, CRY has been funding a cardiologist at the centre to work with Professor Sharma and the clinical team to increase the number of families we can offer support to at this unique centre.

CRY has recently started to fund an administrator to help with all the arrangements around booking families into the clinics to offer an easier, hassle-free service to the bereaved family. CRY is not only funding the staff to provide the specialist cardiology services, CRY is funding the cardiac machinery (ECG/ECHO/VO2 max exercise bike) required to conduct the tests as well.

CRY also funds the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology. This centre consists of a team working under Professor Mary Sheppard, dedicated to identifying the cause of death of more than 200 young people every year. The vast majority of these tragedies will be because of SADS deaths, where no clear cause of death has been identified after the initial post mortem investigations.

Now, a report is produced within 2 weeks, but before the centre was established it could take up to 2 years for families to find a cause of death. These are essential investigations to not only help understand what has caused the tragedy, but to provide vital information which informs how other family members are tested.

This is a truly unique, comprehensive clinical service which would not be possible without CRY. Thousands of people are benefiting from this service every year, at probably the largest inherited cardiac conditions referral service in the world.

Whilst CRY might be considered a small organisation compared to some larger charities, it demonstrates what can be achieved when a sizeable proportion of the funds donated to the charity (approximately 25%) are allocated directly towards essential services for bereaved families.

Often CRY supporters are more aware of the huge investment CRY makes into screening which is illustrated by the 23,500 young people we test each year. It is important to also stress how much we are doing to provide NHS services through our research grants.

How important is expertise? July 21

I am often asked why there appear to be more deaths in footballers than in other sports, especially considering many footballers are routinely screened. Well, the first issue is that not all footballers are screened. Just because most of the top level professional players have to be tested does not mean they will all have been tested.

Another issue is expertise. Although the majority of professional footballers are screened regularly, unless the results are read by a cardiologist who specialises in these conditions, anomalies can be missed. This is why all doctors who attend CRY screenings have extensive knowledge of these conditions.

To see Professor Sharma explain this in more detail, go to CRY’s YouTube channel here:

Also, it is important to stress that not all people at risk of sudden cardiac death will be identified through screening. Some conditions will not show up on an ECG. In the Italian research which is often cited, they showed there was an 89% reduction in sudden deaths. This still leaves a small but significant proportion of people who will be screened and still experience a cardiac arrest.

Furthermore, the fact that participation in football is so

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 10
CRY Online
Professor Sanjay Sharma, Dr Michael Papadakis and Dr Elijah Behr with some of CRY’s Research Fellows

widespread naturally means there are more likely to be more deaths in football. There is also the issue that these events are often in the public eye with many spectators. In sports with less or no spectators there is a greater chance it will not be commented on in the media. Only a small percentage of the 12 young deaths every week are mentioned in the media.

The fact that some people can be screened and still suffer a cardiac arrest is one of the major reasons why research is so important to help us identify ways to reduce this figure, to work towards a time where all people at risk are identified through screening.

Interview with BBC Radio Wiltshire and Dawn Cubin August 1

It is important to put the comments of the cardiologist from this interview (who argued that screening should be voluntary and a mandatory programme is “not the way forward,” due to issues such as false positives and the possibility of cardiac conditions being missed altogether), and the National Screening Committee (NSC) into context, seeing as my response to the NSC was not included.

Screening programmes are not perfect. There will be false positives

(people asked to go for further tests after initial abnormal findings - before they are later reassured) and false negatives (people where conditions are missed). This is the case for other programmes like breast cancer screening.

The CRY screening programme is overseen by Professor Sharma. CRY provides a specialist doctor (trained by Professor Sharma) at the front line for the initial consultation and review of the ECG, so we have a very low number of false positives in our programme.

Those people who are referred for further tests have abnormalities which any doctor in the country should refer for further tests if identified in clinic/GP surgery. An abnormality that is identified on the ECG or medical questionnaire needs to be further assessed before a person can be reassured. It may be someone with T-wave inversions on their ECG and they need an MRI, or someone

suffering from palpitations or exercise related chest pain which could be caused by a cardiac problem.

Many of the people who are referred after the CRY screening programme could have been referred to a cardiologist by their GP instead of CRY. This is just one of the ways in which CRY supports the NHS in providing a specialist service where the initial tests (ECG and ECHO) have already been conducted.

It is really important to stress that CRY do the follow up test for the vast majority of the false positives on the same day as the initial ECG test. This is something the NSC and critics of screening continue to ignore! Criticising CRY’s screening programme because of the false positive rates seen in other programmes, where untrained people have been reviewing the ECGs, is quite ridiculous.

It is also important to state that whilst many people refer to cardiac screening as “controversial,” it is already routine across all sports for elite athletes to be screened. This can also be the case in some other professions, such as flight pilots for obvious reasons. I expect this is because the airline industry is far better at calculating risks than government policy advisors. However, what continues to be controversial is why the focus is so often on elite athletes and they are the only ones being routinely offered these potentially life-saving tests when the vast majority of the young people who die suddenly are not elite athletes.

This is where CRY and the screening programme led by Professor Sharma has always taken the lead, making sure all young people can have the chance to be tested. The fact that any person between the age of 14-35 can go to and book an appointment to have an ECG and consultation with a specialist, either at our National Centre for Screening in London or at a local event, just shows what can be achieved when communities come together to support families after tragedies.

I can only imagine what could be achieved if we received support from the NSC. But that is unlikely as it would appear the current priority is to keep trying to kick the ball into the long grass. As long as we keep finding the ball this is not something which is going away.

We will need to do all we can to ensure the NSC, at the next screening review in 2018, discard their historical bias and subjective view of the evidence, and take a more pragmatic, objective stance. They need to acknowledge the progress that has been made in recent years, the role screening has in preventing young sudden cardiac deaths and the horrendous impact these tragedies have on thousands of people every year.

At least the Office of National Statistics is now acknowledging the data the NSC is using is flawed. 11 CRY Online

Social media highlights

Social media is a vital part of how CRY interacts with supporters and, first and foremost, raises awareness of young sudden cardiac death and what can be done to tackle it – from preventative measures (screening) to bereavement support for those affected by a tragedy.

In this new CRY Online segment, we’ll look back at the four-month period the Update covers and include a small selection of social media highlights, such as Facebook posts that reached an amazing amount of people, or supporters who tweeted memorable photos at us.

If you aren’t active on social media, this will offer you some insight into what we do online and what some of our supporters share.

CRY’s most wide-reaching post on Facebook was a link to a Daily Mail story on Taylor Muir, who tragically died from the same cardiac condition that claimed the life of her older sister, Jodie, three years earlier. With 74 likes, 48 comments and 176 shares, Taylor’s story clearly resonated with many people.

of people, spreading awareness of CRY and the event itself for the coming years.

As you can see below, our social media accounts had an impressive reach between May and August, with interaction from the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk and the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey events providing a boost in July. CRY recorded a total of 2.83 million ‘impressions’ (the number of times a tweet or post is displayed on someone’s personal feed) from Facebook and Twitter. As our followers and reach increase, so does awareness for CRY and young sudden cardiac death.

As for Instagram, CRY’s most popular post from May to August was (as you might have guessed) from the 2017 CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. 163 likes and several comments helped ensure that the post was seen by plenty

Interacting with us on social media is an easy way to keep up to date with any CRY information you might need. You will receive updates on upcoming events and screenings; and photos from fellow supporters. Every share of a post helps spread awareness about CRY a little further. So, if you’d like to follow along, here’s where you can find us:

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 12 CRY Online
CardiacRiskintheYoung @CRY_UK CardiacRiskintheYoung

Behind CRY’s Facebook page (over 25,100 likes), the CRY Twitter feed is our most-followed social media account at over 14,900 followers.

An August 8 post, sharing the startling fact that 80% of young sudden cardiac deaths have no family history or symptoms, led the way for May to August with 93 retweets and 51 likes. It’s clear that such statistics shock a lot of people and rightfully spark a strong reaction, which is why we need to raise as much awareness as possible – so more people know.

Dr Chris Miles, a Clinical Research Fellow at St George’s Hospital, London, shared a photo of some filming at the hospital on the importance of screening, whilst a couple of photos from some of our supporters stood out as well.

Thanks to Lichfield Taekwondo and Laurie Ketley for their fundraising efforts and for sharing these great photos with us! 13 CRY Online

CRY’s new website

This June, thanks to continuous hard work behind the scenes, CRY launched a new version of its main website.

The CRY website is a fundamental part of how we operate and stay connected to supporters, from the organisation of fundraising events to the simple sale of Christmas cards, and now our online presence is greatly improved.

One of the primary flaws of our old website was its limited mobile functionality. The vast majority of internet users now browse on mobile devices (primarily their phones) rather than computers, which made it more problematic that our old website could be difficult to navigate on mobile phones and was detrimental to the delivery of information as a result. Now, our mobile web experience makes it easy for anyone to scroll around, swipe through key news and event write-ups on our homepage and access anything they need without technical confusion.

Our website is also more social media friendly now, with clearly defined areas of information. This helps make it easier to share content, whether it’s our page of screening FAQs or details of how to register for an upcoming event. Two clicks (or two taps of your screen) is all it takes to share a page and spread awareness of CRY to your family and friends.

And this isn’t all we’ve done to make your online experience

easier. When it comes to looking into fundraising events, you can search with your postcode and use our ‘Map View’ feature on the ‘Upcoming CRY Events’ page to see exactly what’s going on in your local area.

Another point of emphasis is security, something we hold in the highest regard at CRY. Our old server had a couple of weaknesses that needed addressing, so upgrading our web server has made all our information and data as secure as possible. Furthermore, our new server and format make it far easier for us to update the website going forward, both in terms of functional tweaks for user experience and security upgrades.

All of this goes hand in hand with our ISO 27001 certification from the British Assessment Bureau. This business information security standard shows how CRY excels in this area. We do everything we can to ensure all data is secure (and ‘data security’ is also why we don’t retain any credit card information, for example), which is particularly relevant with new data protection regulations (GDPR – see flyer enclosed in this mailing) coming into force in May 2018.

As you’d expect, this plethora of upgrades makes daily administrative tasks easier for our staff as well. The website is running better than ever and our heightened traffic and search engine ranking make that abundantly clear: our traffic doubled in the first month following the launch of the new site and has been at least 25% higher than before launch in each month since. While the number of visitors our website receives each month may sound somewhat insignificant in the grand scheme of CRY’s work, it is a valuable indicator that awareness is increasing.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 14 CRY Online

792 young people were screened at our National Screening Centre at St George’s Hospital, London, funded in memory of Jack Thompson and by donations from the BGC charity day.

Sports screenings included: Colchester United FC, Kia Super League Women’s Cricket, Millwall FC, Birmingham EIS, Lawn Tennis Association, Bolton Wanderers FC, Exeter Chiefs Premiership Rugby, Ipswich Town FC, Leicester Tigers Premiership Rugby, AFC Wimbledon FC, England Women’s Rugby, Northampton Saints Premiership Rugby (and their Academy), Worcester Warriors Premiership Rugby, Gloucester Premiership Rugby, Harlequins Premiership Rugby, Loughborough EIS, Newcastle Falcons Premiership Rugby, Wasps Premiership Rugby, Kent County Cricket Club, London Irish Premiership Rugby, Saracens Premiership Rugby, Northants County Cricket Club, Yorkshire Carnegie Rugby (Leeds) and Bath Premiership Rugby. A total of 683 athletes were screened.

At 64 family memorial screenings 6,440 people were screened. These were held in memory of: Adam Rowbottom (Oxon), Robert Daniel Smith (Langley Park), Matthew Dewhirst (Shropshire and Wellington), Debbie Rendle (Cornwall), Josh Fell (North Humberside), Craig Lunt (Isle of Man), James Patterson (Essex), James Campbell (Middlesbrough), Tom Lovatt (Stoke on Trent), Yasmin Caldera (Portsmouth), Laura Hillier (Northamptonshire), Charlotte Adams (Essex), Jonathan Hayman (Devon), James Nicholas (Merseyside), Matthew Seymour (Renfrewshire), Richard Merriman (Hemel Hempstead), Ben Daniels (London), Isabelle Tudisca (Essex), Jack Thomas (Blackwood),

CRY Screening Report

Peter McAvoy (Dundee and Perth), Lily Webster (Stowmarket), Ashley Goodwin (Gloucester), Marcus Armstrong and Jack Atkinson (Essex), Neil Ward (Derbyshire, Rotherham and Sheffield), Jack Boulton (Bristol), Jordan Grant (Lancashire), James Nicholas (Liverpool), Aaron Dixon (Cheshire and Northwich), Jordan Burndred (Staffordshire), Andrew Gard (Colchester), Jenny Bucknell (South Somerset), Richard Waight (South Yorkshire), Robert Heyes (Bolton), Freya Dalrymple (Orkney), Anthony Fitzgerald (London), Daniel Hughes (Derbyshire), Dean Mason (Carmarthenshire) and Andrew Macleod (Isle of Lewis).

100 young people were screened at 1 school screening, which was held at Wellington College, Crowthorne.

At 7 further screenings 983 people were screened. These were held at Pioneer Working Men’s Club, Stoke on Trent; Sir Harry Smith Community College, Peterborough (funded by Defibrillators For All); Wrekin College, Wellington (funded by the Lady Forester Trust); Unilever UK Ltd, Leeds; Knutsford Methodist Church, Cheshire; Cambridge United Football Club, Cambridge; Edinburgh House, Bury (funded by the JD Foundation).

What happens at a screening?

The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within the heart.

Small stickers are placed at strategic points on the chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (called electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of the heart is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes two to three minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire.

If a more detailed image is needed (about 5–10% of individuals), an echocardiogram can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of the heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform.

The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

Screening in memory of Richard Merriman at the JFK School, Hemel Hempstead

Nicola Merriman, Richard’s mum: “I never thought in the early days I would have the strength to do this, but I was determined to do it to help others, so our son did not die in vain. I could not have done it without the help and support of my husband, family and friends. We enjoy helping young people at our screenings; it’s so rewarding. We also sell homemade cakes on the day and do a raffle to raise more funds for future screenings. We get so many people thanking us for the opportunity to get their children’s hearts screened and have had some amazing donations sent to us. We will keep going as it saves others and keeps our son’s memory alive. The first year we did our heart screening, our local MP Mike Penning came to support us, also putting it on his website. This year, Harry Winks, a professional football player for Tottenham Hotspur, donated his signed football shirt, which will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Having support from high-profile individuals means a lot to us, and the CRY screening team have been fantastic, very supportive and are a pleasure to be with.” 15
Between May and August 2017 CRY screened over 8,900 people, mostly through family memorial screenings.

The development of CRY’s bereavement support programme

When I started CRY in 1995, I increasingly became aware of how affected families were left floundering not only for an explanation as to what could possibly have caused their tragedy, but also some understanding as to how much it was happening, as well as the genetic implications.

Professor Bill McKenna at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, was at that time considered the leading doctor in the country regarding young sudden cardiac death, and CRY’s fundraising was dedicated to providing his clinic with its own echocardiogram machine. This was so that he could expand the family young sudden cardiac death clinic; which was limited at the time because his echocardiogram was shared with another department.

Consequently, the St George’s clinic became the first clinic in the country to provide a specific service for young sudden cardiac death. Being referred to this clinic not only gave the family the security of knowing they were being tested by an expert, but it also was the first opportunity for Bill to get some statistics which very quickly shot up from 1 death a week in the UK to – at that point – 4 deaths a week.

It became increasingly clear to me that the distress of the family was greatly exacerbated by the lack of information available about what had killed their child. It was terrifying for them to learn that the condition that had caused the death was genetic, thus leaving other family members at risk which hugely compounded their suffering. Many also found that they needed to talk about what had happened and their feelings, and found it difficult to do this with other distraught family members who were grieving too.

It was obvious that there was a desperate need to develop a programme that could both provide clear information about every condition that could cause a young sudden cardiac death, and widen the individual support available.

We have always been proud that we have never asked, or accepted an invitation, for sponsorship. Although this initially greatly limited our scope, it uniquely enabled us to make completely independent decisions about the campaigns we chose to run, as well as explain to our fundraisers why these had been chosen. It ensured absolute transparency for the families that fundraised for CRY and freed up decisions that needed to be made as to which initiative we should progress next, whilst also giving

our doctors complete freedom to determine our next project and the research that needed to be undertaken.

There have been a number of sponsorship approaches in the past – some subtle, others more blatant. Inevitably, these organisations have their own agenda, but CRY is a pioneering charity that is constantly able to challenge the restrictions, the inaccurate information promulgated, and the frustratingly inaccurate statistics produced by the government’s own Director of Screening.

Not succumbing to the offers that were made to us enabled us to be unfettered by any obligation to others, and greatly facilitated the progress achieved in areas not previously tackled. It was crucial we could be free to address these.

But we made one vital exception…

From the very beginning, mothers that I spoke to were always grateful to get information, know that they were not alone, and that the statistic of being “1 in a million” that they were almost invariably given by their GP was a gross misrepresentation of how many young sudden cardiac deaths there were every year. But this had never been challenged, and so the convenient illusion that it was too rare to support – and that therefore nothing could be done – remained the status quo.

More than anything I found that mums needed to talk to other mums to learn that it was possible to find a way to survive their terrible tragedy. I felt if we could train parents – affected mums and, if possible, dads too – to talk to other mums and dads, it could make a massive difference.

So, I approached the Department of Health (DoH) with a proposal for offering individual telephone support to newly bereaved family members, by others that had received counselling training so they had the confidence to speak to a person they had never met, on the phone, but whose suffering they understood better than any other.

The DoH was very supportive of this idea and the Secretary of State for Health, Yvette Cooper (left), announced their support at our 2002 Parliamentary Reception, giving us a 3-year grant of £100,000 to fund the training of our first group.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 16 Alison’s Column
Alison Cox MBE CRY Founder

This seamlessly led to the development of CRY’s Bereavement Support Programme which has changed very little to this day, 22 years later. It paved the way for the formal instigation of CRY’s bereavement support service and we now train a new bereavement support group every 2 years, which also includes the training of siblings and partners.

The ‘students’ who volunteer their time to train are committed to a 2-year residential course, for 6 weekends on alternate months each year. At the end of this time they achieve a British Association of Counselling Certification for Skills and Theory, which gives them the confidence that they are equipped to provide telephone counselling. This DoH grant undoubtedly liberated the extension of our support programme at a critical time when we were treading water as to how we could move forward our service provision for affected families.

This was the backdrop to progressing the multi-faceted support system we have in place today, which offers the peer-to-peer support that still underpins how we connect with and support bereaved families.

This support system is committed to individual one-to-one telephone support taken by our bereavement supporters, who have helped 388 bereaved family members over the last 10 years alone. This support is offered to them for 6 months. Every family that contacts CRY is also given the option of having a 1-hour call with me to answer their immediate questions – particularly with helping them understand the role of the pathologist and coroner in identifying the cause of death; and I have taken over 2,000 of these ‘first’ calls.

Group support was initially introduced in 2003 at the annual CRY Family Conference that we held for many years at the Institute of Child Health in London. In the morning, this offered the opportunity to listen to leading cardiologists, such as Professor Sanjay Sharma (left), explain the different causes of young sudden cardiac death; as well as our pathologist Professor Mary Sheppard explaining the importance of expert pathology

to identify the cause of death; and a coroner detailing their role and why the verdict of ‘natural causes’ – that so deeply upset our bereaved families – had to be used. In the afternoon, there were group meetings for the bereaved with 2 trained bereavement supporters in each group. This

event provided a very welcome opportunity not only for those affected to meet each other, but also for them to have the chance to question the expert doctors and coroner that were speakers.

As people started becoming familiar with websites, so had the opportunity for all the medical information to become instantly available. The next important step was when Steve joined our team in 2000. He immediately tackled the development of a CRY website which was particularly for families to quickly access details explaining all conditions that could result in young sudden cardiac death, illustrated by increasingly sophisticated diagrams.

Our Family Conference subsequently became unnecessary, so we then introduced Regional Bereavement Support Days around the UK for families in various parts of the north, south, east and west of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These events gave bereaved families the opportunity to spend the day with others bereaved, and have the chance to tell their story and listen to those of others in smaller groups with a bereavement supporter. Very often this was the first time they had managed to tell their story, and in doing so it broke a very important barrier in coming to terms with their tragedy. Listening to others affected helped them understand how others coped with their tragedy.

But the more I spoke to families, and the more confident people became in discussing their personal terrors and troubles, the more aware I became of the distinction between the different aspects of grief. Mums and dads in particular were often deeply troubled by not understanding each other better after the loss of their child, and both were almost invariably anxious to learn more about how to help their siblings.

So, in 2011, we held our first individual aspect of grief event with our Siblings Day in a hotel in Birmingham just next to the station (to reduce travel difficulties), which included 2 bereavement supporters in each of the 2 groups. The 17 Alison’s Column
A CRY Regional Bereavement Support Day in Bristol (2008)

deeply touching outpouring of emotion and trapped feelings that were expressed at this event was unforgettable, and not only inspired the development of individual events for mums, dads and partners as well, but lead to the Aspects of Grief booklets, of which our most recent, on A Friend’s Grief (below), launched this November.

Our booklets, both in print and online, have reached thousands of people affected by a young sudden cardiac death, and the ‘Grief Library’ now includes booklets about managing Christmas and anniversaries to offer support to those struggling with the most difficult times of the year.

Another major opportunity to develop our bereavement support programme came with the arrival of CRY Patron and opera singer Kathryn Harries on the CRY scene. She suggested that we incorporate a walk for our bereaved families and their friends, which she thought would best be held in a beautiful part of London.

We began to understand the importance of just peacefully walking, and with the great organisational skills of Fundraising Manager Rebecca Zouvani (left) we created our London

Bridges Walk where 8 bridges were selected to co-ordinate with the (at the time) most recent CRY statistic of 8 young sudden cardiac deaths a week.

It was a walk that was led by Kathryn for many years and has morphed into one of the most significant events on the CRY calendar, with an average of 1,000 bereaved and their friends, dogs, children and babies in pushchairs attending. I have never seen a more moving vista than the stream of 1,000-plus people stretched out in a long winding path, walking across the London Bridges with their CRY balloons softly waving in the summer breeze.

Crucially, this event has led to the development not only of an annual walk held through the beautiful old city of Durham, but also inspired WalkandTalk events in Middlesex organised by Jeff and Sandra Markham, and Geoff and Linda Goodwin in Gloucestershire.

We are totally committed to maintaining and developing the many facets of our Bereavement Support Programme. It is such a vital part of CRY. This summer, our programme grew even further as we introduced new bereavement support groups on Facebook, catered specifically for different people based on their relation to the friend or family member they have lost. We now have groups for bereaved mums, dads, siblings, partners and friends, which we hope will provide comfort to those who want to connect and share with others who have experienced a similar loss. There are more details on the following page.

Our message to all those affected by a young sudden cardiac death is that we cannot take your grieving from you. We cannot grieve for you. But we can do everything possible to reduce your suffering and reassure you that we will be there for the long haul.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 18
Kathryn Harries cutting the ribbon at the start line of the 2016 CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk

CRY’s Facebook support resources

CRY’s new Facebook bereavement support resources

Our bereavement support services are an integral part of CRY’s aim to provide help for those that have suffered the tragedy of a young sudden cardiac death.

Talking to others who have been affected can greatly reduce the isolation many feel as they struggle to come to terms with their loss and we are pleased to now be able to offer a further option for families and friends.

In August, we launched new Facebook groups where people (aged 18 and over) can connect to share their thoughts and feelings. It gives them an opportunity to discuss how they manage their grief with others who have been similarly affected.

Talking to others who have experienced a similar loss and knowing that you’re not alone can help significantly and our hope is that CRY’s Facebook groups will provide great comfort.

Creating private Facebook groups for all aspects of grief –bereaved mums, dads, siblings, partners and ‘Family and Friends’ – allows anyone who has lost someone to young sudden cardiac death to join.

We believe that having groups with this level of specificity is the best way for people to connect. It is often easiest to relate to others when they share more common ground, as, for example, parents will understand the unique aspects of grief that surface after the loss of a child better than anyone else.

As these groups are private, ensuring that the discussions can only be seen by members, you will need an invitation from CRY to join. To maintain more privacy, CRY will have access to the groups as an administrator, but will not actively moderate them.

Any concerns or questions you may have about cardiac screening should either be discussed with your cardiologist or sent in an email to CRY.

If you would like to register to join one of the groups, please complete the registration form on the CRY website: 19

CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Report

The CRY pathology laboratory is a national sudden death laboratory with an established national database. Both Eleni Konstantinou and Khari Edwards, our laboratory bioscientists, are very experienced in handling the cases referred to us. Both are now very skilled with the complex procedures we employ within the laboratory to examine the hearts sent to us from families who have been affected by a young sudden cardiac death.

We had 91 cases from May to August 2017, which maintains our numbers compared to previous years. There is a very good turn around time for issuing a report to the coroner, with an average of 11 days in 2017. We also obtained consent to retain tissues for research in 50% of the cases referred to us, which is valuable for forming a biobank for research into the causes of sudden cardic death. We are also increasingly getting splenic tissue material (see bar graph to the right), which is valuable for doing genetic investigation of the sudden cardiac deaths (the molecular autopsy) which will be valuable for families in the future.


We have established the unit as a national and international training centre for cardiac pathologists.

Dr Lillian Edwards from Basildon in Essex came for training, as Basildon has a cardiothoracic centre. She came from March to July 2017.

Our clinical colleague Professor Sebastian Lucas from St Thomas’s Hospital visits for Professor Sheppard’s opinion on complex autopsy cases of cardiac disease.

Our academic clinical fellow from the London Deanery in pathology training, Dr Joseph Westaby, spent June and July doing research within the CRY department of cardiovascular pathology. This is a major achievement for us in obtaining this training position, which recognises the excellence of our department in promoting training in cardiovascular pathology and

research. He presented our research at several meetings.


Robert Anderson, a world renowned cardiac anatomist, is a member of our department studying congenital cardiac anomalies which can cause sudden cardiac death.

Dr Angeliki Asamaki is doing basic research into pathophysiological mechanisms in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and channelopathies such as Brugada syndrome. She is collaborating with us.

Invited lectures/meetings

• Lecture on cardiology section training day, Royal Society of Medicine, London.

• Lecture on sudden cardiac death, Argentinian Society of Cardiology, Rosario, Argentina.

• Lecture and presentation on cardiac infection, St Thomas’s Hospital’s Cardiac Pathology Group, London.

• Lecture on cardiac autopsy and sudden cardiac death, British Division of the International Academy of Pathology, Belfast.

• Lecture and seminar on coronary dissection, European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona.


• Wessex SpR - teaching course on cardiac pathology.

• Cardiovascular Pathology Course, St George’s University of London.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 20

CRY at the 2017 British Cardiovascular Society Conference

The annual British Cardiovascular Society Conference, hosted at the Manchester Central Convention Complex, featured a main theme of “cardiology at the extremes” this year.

Multiple CRY cardiologists were in attendance, including Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro and Dr Keerthi Prakash, who talked, respectively, about the impact of body size on cardiac structure for those at risk and the difference in exercise performance for those with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy based on ethnicity.

CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma was also at the conference and had an interesting conversation with CRY Chief Executive Dr Steven Cox.

Specifically, about the excellent research published recently which further refined the recommended criteria for reading and interpreting ECGs – and which will also reduce costs, through the reduction in unnecessary tests.

When it comes to analysing ECG results, interpretation problems can arise due to differences between the general public (or ‘non athletes’) and professional athletes. This is often because the high volume of intense training done by athletes can cause structural and functional changes to the heart, that would be considered abnormalities if observed in the heart of a non athlete.

ECG criteria have been refined over the last few years. The 2010 ESC criteria established some guidelines for ECG interpretation, but over time were shown to have relatively high false positive rates and did not account for different ethnicities. The 2012 Seattle Criteria further developed the guidelines and took into account differences between ethnicities. However, the criteria still did not address certain

anomalies that could appear on ECG readouts.

Professor Sharma explained to Dr Cox that CRY’s research looked at these ‘nonspecific anomalies’ to further refine the Seattle Criteria: “Research conducted by several CRY Research Fellows between 2010 and 2016 identified that the vast majority of these anomalies were nonspecific. Through that came the Refined Criteria – also known as the CRYteria – which divided completely normal ECG features into the ‘green zone’, definitely abnormal features into the ‘red zone’ and created a brand new ‘amber zone’ for nonspecific anomalies. If you had two of these nonspecific anomalies you went into the ‘red zone’ and required further investigation; but if you had just one of these nonspecific anomalies and were asymptomatic and had no family history, then no further tests would be required.”

This approach creates a greater level of specificity to determine which athletes need further testing, and has been so successful that the guidelines have been incorporated into the new international guidelines that were published in the European Heart Journal and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology this February.

Professor Sharma added that there is work to do when it comes to analysing and reducing the higher probability of sudden cardiac death in black athletes – possibly due to black athletes often having thicker left ventricles, which can cause abnormal electrical disturbances that can lead to sudden death – but CRY’s research has been extremely valuable in furthering the battle against cardiac risk.

ECG screening in young athletes

Recent research from Professor Sharma and CRY Research Fellows Dr Harshil Dhutia and Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro, amongst others, helped reinforce the benefits of the Refined Criteria for analysing ECGs.

Between 2011 and 2014, 4,925 previously unscreened athletes between 14 and 35 years of age were evaluated by cardiologists with a health questionnaire, physical examination and 12-lead ECG, interpreted using 2010 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommendations to begin with. Athletes with positive screenings had additional tests, whilst the costs of these secondary tests were calculated based on the 2014/2015 UK National Health Service tariffs.

After all testing had been completed, 15 athletes were diagnosed with serious cardiac disease. In the process, the research found that the new Refined Criteria reduced the overall cost of screening from $110, according to the 2010 ESC criteria, to $87; with a major reduction from $35,993 per serious diagnosis to $28,510 as well.

21 Research News
Professor Sanjay Sharma Dr Keerthi Prakash at the British Cardiovascular Society Conference

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2017

On Sunday 9th July, 1,423 walkers assembled in London’s Potters Fields Park for CRY’s annual Heart of London Bridges Walk

A warm and sunny morning, this was the 11th year of CRY’s flagship event and the second year of a new start venue of Potters Fields Park, on the banks of the Thames, which provided a great opportunity to raise awareness of CRY with the public passing by.

From 8am, members of the CRY team, as well as an army of wonderful and enthusiastic volunteers, arrived at the start venue to set up the marquees, press tent and bold CRY signage as well as being on hand to meet and greet the walkers.

As in all previous years, many of the families who had signed up for the walk were (with the help of the CRY Press Team and our official photographer) keen to make contact with their local media to “tell their story” in a bid to help raise awareness of CRY and the work we do. As ever, it was one of the most humbling events in CRY’s busy calendar of raising funds and awareness.

Set against the iconic backdrop of Tower Bridge, it was incredibly moving to be with so many people preparing to walk in memory of a friend or family member. It was particularly poignant to be able to provide an opportunity for many longstanding CRY supporters to meet up with others who had been similarly affected by young sudden cardiac death – some of whom have travelled to London to take

part in the event every year since its launch in 2007.

The slightly revised route was to take the walkers across six London bridges, passing many of the city’s most famous landmarks (images of which kept popping up on social media throughout the day!)

Walkers came in groups – large and small – whilst others chose to walk on their own or as a couple.

Ahead of a minute’s silence, CRY Patron, stage actor and Hollywood star, Vincent Regan, addressed the crowd before leading the walk, alongside the Fell family (Rich, Donna and daughter Jasmine) from his native Yorkshire and the Humber:

“Every week in the UK, 12 young people (aged 14-35) die suddenly from undiagnosed heart conditions. I know from a personal perspective the pain and devastation this can cause, having been approached by a family who live close to my home in the North East, following the tragic loss of their son Josh, aged just 15.

“I was shocked as Josh’s parents, Rich and Donna Fell, told me of the scale of young sudden cardiac death. I was therefore honoured when they asked if I would support them in raising funds and awareness to help the charity

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 22

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2017

Cardiac Risk in the Young in the work it is doing to detect, prevent and protect young people dying needlessly from undiagnosed cardiac conditions.”

Dr Steven Cox added: “This is CRY’s most important event of the year, which is dedicated to all the young people who have died suddenly from cardiac conditions. The hundreds of families and friends who are walking together through the streets of London are creating a huge amount of awareness of young sudden cardiac death and the work CRY is doing to stop these tragedies.

“CRY families go to incredible lengths to reach out to the public and make sure everyone knows about screening, research and everything CRY is doing to prevent young sudden cardiac deaths – and it’s so powerful when members of the public stop to ask our walkers ‘what’s it all about?’ and ‘what can we do to help?’. I even heard of some walkers having £20 notes pressed into their hands on the train journey into London, by fellow passengers who had been so moved by their experience.

“It is a unique opportunity for families to come together, to walk in memory of the person they loved, where they can feel safe in the knowledge they are not alone. I would like to thank everyone for joining us on July 9th and being part of this special day.”

Since its inception, over £650,000 has been raised by this event – so let’s keep on stepping up to this annual challenge and walk together to stop young sudden cardiac death.

This event wouldn’t have been such a success without the support of our dedicated volunteers. Thank you!

Martin Appleby, Hanna Barclay, Jenny Bergman, James Boag, Jenny Boag, Lucy Bowyer, Mariana Chitic, Nia Crockford, Eloise Crowson, Kerry Ferne, Ann Fitzgerald, Barbara Holland, Jim Holland, Kelvin Holt, David Jewell, Vipul Kaila, Julie Lockton, Koula Louki, Tina MacMillan, Elizabeth Merritt, Helen Merritt, Wendy Moss, Tim Munyanyi, Harriet Pearce Willis, Jo Pickard, Janette Pollard, Lesley Pope, Roger Pope, Ramila Raval, Becci Robinson, Pete Robinson, Sue Robinson, Gemma Sanford, James Slade, Laurie Taylor, Linda Taylor, Cathy and Mia Thurlow, Karthi Velayutham, Marion Wilson, Matt Wilson, Julia Woodrow, Gerry Wright and Sarah Wright.

We’d also like to thank various organisations and sponsors for their support, including: Eat Natural, Hippeas, UNUM, Chubb Insurance, ServiceMaster Clean, London Bridge City, JD’s Food Group, Just Smile, Richard Short. 23

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 2017

CRY cyclists were:

Sean Adams

(In memory of Ben Rendall)

Simon Balmford (In memory of Rupert Spurling)

Paul Barnes (In memory of Jemima Wilson)

Samuel Bell (In memory of Ian Hoggarth)

James Berryman

Nicholas Blomfield (In memory of Anthony Fitzgerald)

Amy Boswell

(In memory of Anthony Fitzgerald)

Kieran Bristow (In memory of Isabelle Tudisca)

Russell Clarke (In memory of John Ibbotson)

Grahame Coleman (In memory of Adam Green)

Luke Downing (In memory of Kris Cook)

Sam Downs, Caron and Rob Dubery, Freddie Edwards (In memory of Matthew Cragg)

Christopher EllisKeeler

(In memory of Anthony Fitzgerald)

Niall Gallagher, Kiley Ganderton (In memory of Anthony Fitzgerald)

Louise Glysen (In memory of Charlie Van Der Craig)

Thank you and congratulations to the 61 CRY cyclists who took part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 on Sunday 30th July 2017. 46 cyclists took part in the 100-mile event and 15 cyclists took part in the 46-mile event.

The route, as usual, started from the Olympic Park in Stratford, continued south west to Hampton Court, then down through the Surrey boroughs of Woking and Guildford, before taking on the hill climbs of Mole Valley on the way to the spectacular finish line at The Mall, Westminster.

The CRY RideLondon team wore the CRY branded cycling jerseys during the ride. These helped to raise awareness for the charity and have proved incredibly popular since they were introduced.

The CRY cyclists were encouraged and supported along the route early in the morning at Piccadilly by Diana Hunt, in Leatherhead by Maria Carter, Jo Pickard and Paddy Wilson, in Wimbledon by Becci Robinson and Julien and Rowena Upson, and in Westminster near the finish line by Hanna Barclay, Judith Cromwell, Diana Hunt, Lorraine Kennedy, Megan Kennedy, Lisa Ramsay, Elizabeth Rigney and Sara Sheridan. Marie Fitzgerald and Natasha Hansford were also cheering along the course with family and friends.

CRY Chief Executive Dr Steven Cox was

supporting the cyclists at Newlands Corner and CRY Founder Alison Cox MBE was also cheering along the route. While the event was under way, Jenny Boag, Lucy Bowyer, Cara MacMillan, Tina MacMillan, Ben Robinson, Sarah Wright and Rebecca Zouvani began to prepare for the cyclists’ return at the Green Park Hilton Hotel with refreshments, banners, balloons, displays of photos and literature, and massage couches.

The cyclists started to arrive at the hotel, bikes in tow, from 11am onwards and were welcomed by CRY staff and volunteers.

After having their photo taken and being handed a CRY medal, they were offered a massage, shower and some refreshments. The well-earned massages, kindly provided by volunteers Andy Clarke and Andy Tibbott, and the showers were greatly appreciated by the cyclists.

Some of the cyclists who were unable to go to the Hilton Hotel went to meet CRY staff Nicola Taylor, Rosie Peploe and Hiddy Denizer at the designated “Meet and Greet” area in Green Park.

As it was a very pleasant and warm afternoon, cyclists were able to enjoy sitting, relaxing and picnicking in the park with their family and friends, also chatting to other cyclists about their experience and planning their route home.

It was wonderful to meet so many of the CRY team – 42 of the 61 cyclists came to meet us at Green Park and/or the Hilton Hotel and we are so grateful to all of our cyclists for taking on this challenge and choosing to do so for CRY.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 24

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 2017

Christine Goodair (In memory of James McGowan)

Dan Gooding (In memory of Harry Dubois)

Nick Grogan, Zoe Hallett, Michael Harvey (In memory of Jannik Lam)

James Heal, Martin Holmes (In memory of Charlie Van Der Craig)

Andy Hunt (In memory of Matt Hadfield)

Ben Jacobs (In memory of Anthony Fitzgerald)

Antony Jaycocks (In memory of James Phillips)

Laura Jennings (In memory of Amy Osborne)

Libby Jones, Wai Lee, James Leeming, Stuart Liddle, Callum Little, James Massey (In memory of Ben Rendall)

Alison Mayger (In memory of Claire Mayger)

Carol McAlister, Laura McCartney, Daniel McQuillan (In memory of Ben Rendall)

Barry Mott, John O’Brien (In memory of Jemima Wilson)

Stewart Page (In memory of Isabelle Tudisca)

CRY have charity places for next year’s Prudential RideLondon-Surrey event. The ballot closes on Friday 5th January 2018 or when 80,000 entries have been received, whichever is sooner, and the event will take place on Sunday 29th July.

Julie Parker (In memory of Charlie Van Der Craig) 25

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 2017

Alexander ParsonsMills

(In memory of Robert Worboys)

Kayleigh PhelanSmith (In memory of Kris Cook)

Dale Platts (In memory of James Murgatroyd)

Edyta Protasiewicz, Susanna Riviere (In memory of James McGowan)

Michael Roderick (In memory of Jemima Wilson)

Michelle Sidwell, Steven Thompson, Matt Truswell (In memory of James Murgatroyd)

Hannah Tweedle, Andrej Vaughan (In memory of Simon Pangborn)

Simon Vevers (In memory of Anthony Fitzgerald)

Alex Veys (In memory of Jemima Wilson)

Claire Wadey (In memory of Alex Hubbard)

Mark Walker, Victor Watson and Rob Williams (In memory of Charlie Van Der Craig)

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 26

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100 2017 27

Our Fundraisers

Entries appear in the following section according to when CRY sends written receipt for funds raised. The following fundraising was receipted from May to August 2017.

Corrections from last issue

Unfortunately, due to having so many fundraisers to acknowledge and there being some overlap with memorial fund names, there can occasionally be mistakes.

We always strive to enforce new methods to eradicate such administrative errors, but we apologise if you have ever been affected in some way by this.

If you see a mistake in the Update or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Below are some corrections from issue 72.

InMemoryof AndrewCooper

A donation of £691.57 from Alison and Mark Cooper was included in Update 72 as a donation for their son, Andrew, but it was incorrectly placed by a photo of Sandra and Barrie Cooper’s son, Andrew.

We apologise to both families for including this entry alongside the wrong photograph.

InMemoryof TaylorPanton

In Update 72, it was incorrectly stated that Wendy Panton had sent in a total of £33,004.54, including £22,204.54 raised throughout 2016 on the Virgin Money Giving Someone Special page in memory of Taylor.

This figure included the offline total of the page as well as what had been raised online, and the figure actually raised on the page in 2016 was £1,330, which was the donation that should have been included in Update 72.

We apologise to the Panton family for this mistake and any confusion caused.

InMemoryof JamesPaterson

Heather and Robert Stanley sent in a donation of £690 raised through taking part in the Thames Path Challenge.

We apologise for originally placing this donation next to a photo of James Patterson, the son of Peter Patterson, in Update 72.

InMemoryof LeonardAbbott

Susan Abbott sent in £200 from donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her father.

InMemoryof CharlotteAdams

• Birkett Long LLP sent in a total of £1,965 raised in respect of the Make a Will month completed by under 35s:

“Birkett Long targeted under-35s in its Make a Will month during March to raise funds for Cardiac Risk in the Young, the charity it supported throughout 2016 in memory of former colleague Charlotte Adams.

“Charlotte, from Chelmsford, died aged 23 from sudden adult death syndrome in November, 2014.

“David Feakins, Paralegal in the Wills, Trusts and Probate team in Chelmsford, said: ‘Younger people often don’t think about making a will, but it’s so important if they own property or have children, so their loved ones know their wishes in the event of their death.’

“The firm has already raised nearly £12,500 for CRY and boosted this figure with an amazing £1,965 to be added to The Charlotte Adams Memorial Fund to pay for cardiac screening.

“A massive thank you to David Feakins, Caroline Woodham and Zara Fletcher of the Chelmsford office.”

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 28

InMemoryof PaulAdams

Zoe Brewin took part in the Color Run Birmingham and sent in £130.

InMemoryof JocelynMarloweAinsworth

Michael Ainsworth sent in £1,270 after taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof LeighAldridge

Lianne White took part in the Color Run Brighton and sent in £240.

InMemoryof DaniellaAramo

Mr and Mrs Cowmeadow sent in £150 in repsect of a will service provided by WW & J McClure Solicitors.

InMemoryof MarcusArmstrong

Michelle Barrick sent in £100 in appreciation of the screening of her two children.

InMemoryof TonyAshcroft

Dawn Welch sent in £200 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her fatherin-law.

InMemoryof JackAtkinson

• Clare Ling sent in £648 in memory of her son.

• Hayley Owen sent in £640 raised from a quiz and raffle.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof StuartAttridge

Allan Lewis sent in £100 raised from the sale of food at a cricket match.

InMemoryof AlanBain

• Kathleen Bain sent in £312.48 received from a screening event.

• Patsy Walls sent in £275 collected at her Ruby Wedding party.

• Firth Primary School sent in £339 raised from the sale of hand made cotton bags.

InMemoryof Tracey-AnnBaker

Mrs Baker sent in £100 raised by the Function Room Regulars coffee mornings at Middleton Towers.

InMemoryof CeciliaBarriga

Don and Doug Webb sent in £200 raised by the Croydon Harriers to celebrate their 80th Birthday, in memory of Cecilia.

InMemoryof MichaelBennett

Kathryn Hall took part in the Spartan Super Race and sent in £285.

InMemoryof StevenBicker

Glen Bicker sent in £460 raised from a charity cricket match. 29

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof StevenBlair

Susan Blair sent in £225.

InMemoryof GraemeBlenkinsop

• Lesley Bryant sent in £100.

• Jennifer Blenkinsop raised £735 through her Virgin Money Giving page.

InMemoryof MatthewBond

John Potts sent in £1,300 in respect of the annual Matthew Bond Cricket Festival:

“For the 5th time since the sudden and unexplained death of our colleague Matt Bond in March 2013, Duff & Phelps held the annual Matt Bond Memorial Cricket Day, this year at the beautiful grounds of HSBC Sports Club in New Beckenham on August 17, 2017.

“After a slight delay at the start due to rain overnight, the sun shone eventually and the cricket got underway! 10 teams battled all day for the trophy and after 20 matches, it came down to a final between Hilco and the All Stars teams. Hilco this year proved too strong for everyone and deservedly lifted the trophy for the first time.

“It was a great day, enjoyed by everyone with over £1,300 raised for CRY.

“Thank you to all the players that took part and everyone that assisted in organising another successful day.”

InMemoryof SarahBooth

• Ita and Robert Booth sent in £100 on behalf of Vivyienne Davis.

• Amy Vincent completed a skydive and raised £552.

• Halifax Foundation sent a matched fund donation of £500, in respect of Amy Vincent’s skydive.

• Invest N.I. have sent in £350 raised from a weekly premier league score predictor competition

InMemoryof DanielBoreham

Chelmer Valley High School sent in £196 from their annual Teachers vs Sixth Formers Football Match.

InMemoryof JackBoulton

• Wellsway School sent in £337.64 raised through various fundraising activities.

• June Boulton sent in £661 raised from a coffee morning.

InMemoryof HarleyCurtisBrandon

Michelle Vaughan sent in £100.

InMemoryof MarkBritton

Mark’s sister-in-law organised a movie night and raised £1,500.

InMemoryof EmmaBroad

Julie Wright sent in £100 raised in respect of the Isle of Wight Festival.

InMemoryof BenBroadbent

Rosie Mawer took part in the RB Hull Marathon and sent in £270.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 30

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof SteffaniBroughton

Martin Evans took part in the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £875:

“Having completed the Greater Manchester Marathon 2016 last year for CRY in memory of Steffani Broughton, I decided to participate in the Edinburgh Marathon this year on 28th May for the same cause. Similar to the Manchester Marathon a year earlier, the weather was favourable with it being a very sunny day.”

InMemoryof AlexBrown

Sam Middleton took part in the London to Brighton Cycle and sent in £340.

InMemoryof DannyBrown

Ashleigh Sharp sold her car and sent in £250.

InMemoryof DavidBrown

Sarah Jones at Ageas Insurance Ltd sent in £790.33 raised from a charity day.

InMemoryof HazelBrown

Barbara Weston sent in £153 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes.

InMemoryof KaylaBrown

Sharon Wilson sent in £166.60 raised at a fundraising shopping event.

InMemoryof LeanneBrownhill

• South Shropshire Motorcycle Club held social events and raffles and sent in £500.

• Andrew Vass sent in £190 raised from a soul and motown night.

InMemoryof AlexBuckler

Jan and Colin Juneman sent in £200 raised from a coffee morning held at Bruton Community Hall.

InMemoryof CarlBuckley

Louise Barlow sent in £444 raised by Carl’s work colleagues at Complete Cover Group.

InMemoryof JenniferBucknell

• Michael Keane sent in £100 in appreciation of the screening his son received.

• Hillary and Bill Durrant sent in £100 from the Whist players of Oake Rainbow Whist Drive.

• Hillary and Bill Durrant sent in a further £385.50 raised from a collection held at a recent screening.

• Cardiff University Rowing Club sent in £844.47.

“Dr Jenny Bucknell was a rower at Cardiff University Rowing Club, who sadly passed away on 5th April, 2011, at just 23. It later transpired that Jenny had the heart condition known as ARVC.

“Due to the close, personal connection, the rowing club was very keen to raise money for CRY. We attempted to cycle the distance of the Tour de France in 7 days. 31

Our Fundraisers

“However, we exceeded this distance in just 4 days. Over the whole week, ending with a 12-hour spin, we managed to cycle the distance of the Tour de France AND the Giro d’Italia as well as an extra 570km just for good luck!

“It was a very tiring week but it was all worth it as we managed to raise £1,555, which was split 50:50 between CRY and the rowing club. It is a great pleasure to have raised so much money for such a worthy charity, one that is so prevalent within our club.” Helen

• Rebecca Elliott sent in £220 collected at NatWest Bank, Congleton.

• Nicola Burndred raised a further £2,640 during a 24hour event at the John Belfield salon.

• Jasper Woolrich took part in a Born Survivor race and raised £105.

• Stephanie Mottershead took part in the Edinburgh Marathon and sent in £778.

InMemoryof JordanBurndred

• Nicola Burndred sent in £11,781.32 from a range of fundraising activites, including: £8,515.75 raised from bag packing at Marks & Spencer, £105 raised from the Congleton School Fair, £283 raised from a raffle at an Elvis event hosted by Jason Dale, £131.45 raised from collection pots in local shops, £712 raised from a dance group, £400 raised from a golf club night, £427.91 raised from other fundraising events, £609.71 raised in respect of sponsorship from a group who took part in the Muddy Cave Run and a further £596.50 from other donations.

InMemoryof RobertBurns

Doreen Burns sent in £1,400 raised from a football tournament, raffle, tombola and cake stall.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 32

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof NathanButler

The Wolstanton Residents Association held their Christmas in Wolstanton evening and raised £200.

InMemoryof GrantJohnButler

Lorraine Ayres took part in a Channel Swim and raised £1,168.

InMemoryof GrahamButton

Sarah and Cemlyn took part in the Saundersfoot New Year’s Day Swim and raised £550.

InMemoryof MichaelCadman

Ian Cadman sent in £418.10 raised from a sponsored beard shave by friend and neighbour Graham Turner.

InMemoryof YasminCaldera

• Nicola Caldera sent in £100 donated at a recent screening.

• Kate Earwicker took part in the Great South Run and sent in £743.53.

InMemoryof AlistairCalvert

Alice and Trevor Wheaton sent in £525 raised at a festival.

InMemoryof JamesCampbell

• Karen Campbell sent in £1,985.50 raised from ‘A Night at the Races’.

• Zetland Ladies Club sent in £350.

• Chris Tyerman took part in the Coast to Coast Challenge and raised £2,329.50.

InMemoryof MatthewCarscadden

Brian Hyde sent in £100.

InMemoryof DanielCash

Linda Massey sent in £412 raised at a charity night.

InMemoryof AdeleCashman

Richard Goodison took part in the Great Bristol Half Marathon and sent in £550.

InMemoryof SuzzanneCassidy

The Coundon Social Club Fundraising Team held a music festival and sent in £1,707.50.

InMemoryof LukeChapman

• Marie Crocombe sent in £1,530 raised by Old Halesonians Rugby Football Club.

• Adele Cane sent in £200.

InMemoryof KatrinaChristopher andCheryl Christopher-Webber

• Vivienne Christopher sent in £645 from activities at the Heskin Farmers Market fundraising weekend.

• Craig Stevens sent in £400 from Newmarket Racing Days fundraising. 33

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof TomClabburnandClaire Prosser

• Hannah Dunn abseiled the Spinnaker Tower and raised £390.

• Lloyds Banking Group sent a matched giving donation of £250 in respect of Hannah Dunn’s abseil.

• Colin Overton sent in £1,774 raised by Ealing Eagles Running Club.

InMemoryof AlexClark

Yash Singh sent in £486.38 from the Cambridge University MedSoc Ball.

InMemoryof MichaelClarke

Katie Bridges sent in £8,152.28 raised throughout 2016.

InMemoryof JaneMaxineCoe

Ann Armstrong sent in £200.

InMemoryof AngelaColligan

Elaine McDermott sent in £216 in memory of her niece.

InMemoryof JamesColman

• Stuart Lee took part in the Colman 4 Mountain Challenge and raised £786.21.

• Stuart Lee sent in £6,574.09 raised in respect of sponsorship for the 4 Mountain Challenge.

• Richard Ponsford sent in £1,301.20 from taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof JennyConway

Staffordshire Police HQ sent in £385 raised through their Dress Down Fridays.

InMemoryof KrisCook

Nicola Tait took part in the Great South Run and sent in £423.90.

InMemoryof EarnestCooper

Barrie Cooper sent in £310 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of his father, Earnest, and his children, Ian and Andrew

InMemoryof BruceCousins

• Jackie Cousins sent in £100 from her market stall sales.

• Jackie Cousins sent in a further £232.60.

InMemoryof PeterCox

Jenna Ceeley sent in £200.

InMemoryof RowenaCrabb-Minshall

• Jae De Wylde-Minshall sent in £702 raised by giving talks, including £252 from the Masons at Aveland Lodge, £350 from Paul Mann at The Buffalos Club, Norman

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 34

Our Fundraisers

Trigg Lodge and £100 from Claire Saunder.

• Betty-Ann Abbott sent in a total of £457.11 raised from a ‘Jae’s Jewels’ belly dancing evening.

InMemoryof MatthewCragg

• Paul and Debbie Cragg sent in £4,750 raised at an annual golf day, organised by Graham Phillip.

• Esher Church School raised £500.

• James Munro at Hampden & Co Bankers sent in £2,000 raised through a Burns supper.

• Cobham Rugby FC sent in £1,500.

InMemoryof CharlieCraig

• Mark Smith sent in £336.74 raised from a cake sale.

• Ann Wilson sent in £5,000.

• Amy and Sara Crumpton held bake sales and raised £735, including a donation from Tudor Grange Academy.

• Helen Gilbert sent in £100.

• James Hampshire sent in £200.

• Halesowen Cycling Club sent in £1,010 raised at an event held at the club.

• Sharon Ratcliffe sent in £2,135 raised from a charity auction.

• Andrew Lomas sent in £339 raised from a raffle held as part of a family fun day at The Printers Arms.

• Seamus Anderson sent in £100.

InMemoryof HayleyCrook

Deb Crook sent in £1,100 and Betty Crook sent in £200.

InMemoryof SuzanneCresswell

Ed and Mary Cresswell sent in £330 representing donations in lieu of gifts to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, in memory of their daughter.

InMemoryof AdamCunliffe

Luke Coulson raised £260 from taking part in the Three Peaks Challenge.

InMemoryof StuartCutler

Dave and Natalie Cutler raised £284.60 from the sale of cakes and biscuits.

InMemoryof FreyaRoseDalrymple

• Kevin Moar donated £500 represtenting prize money received from Highland Distillers in respect of fundraising activities with Orkney Rowing Group.

• Ingrid Dalrymple sent in £5,155.52, including: £5,080.52 from family and friends taking part in Walk for Freya, £146 from a screening event collection and further donations of £75.

• Ingrid Dalrymple sent in £500 raised from the firm of George Bain. 35

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof BenDaniels

• Jan Davies took part in the Thames Path Challenge and raised £1,823.06.

• Simon Phipps at JDM Lettings sent in £500.

• Geoff Heppell took part in the Coast to Coast Challenge and raised £2,927.

• Mark Gately donated £250 from the Rotary Club of Bexley regarding sponsorship for the Why Not Run event.

InMemoryof NeilDarby

Heather Darby sent in £808 from a charity golf day at Heysham Golf Club.

InMemoryof ThomasDay

• Rosie Day sent in £535 from a head shave.

• Stephen Quick sent in £100.

InMemoryof JakeDean

• Janine Dean sent in £1,672.20 raised from Newcastle College’s fundraising.

• Janine Dean sent a donation of £150 raised by The Strand, Longton.

InMemoryof MatthewDewhirst

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in a total of £9,486, including: £1,800 raised from the ‘Fun, Fashion and Fizz with Royston Blythe and Nick Maenko’ event, £807 raised at a recent screening, £220 raised through a coffee morning with Ellesmere College Parents Society, £410 from a pamper event with OSKA, £500 from Crewe Alex Supporters Club, screening donations totalling £806 and £200 raised from a cake sale following a screening event at Wrekin College.

• Suzanne Bellis sent in a matched fund donation of £750 from Barclays.

InMemoryof WilliamDiack

Sally Diack took part in the Hertfordshire Spring Triathlon and raised £120.

InMemoryof LukeDickinson

Pat Dickinson sent in £110 raised by the Rossendale Male Voice Choir.

InMemoryof AaronDixon

• Jane Gleave sent in £100 raised in respect of a retirement gift from Weaver Vale staff.

• The JD Foundation donated £25,000.

• Edco Seal & Supply Ltd sent in £250.

• Deborah Dixon sent in £1,088.80 from Cuddington AFC.

• Deborah Dixon sent in £109.22 from a collection pot held by Lisa Hayes.

• Deborah Dixon sent in £1,604.10 raised by Tytherington AFC.

• Deborah Dixon sent in £218 collected at a screening held at The Grange School.

InMemoryof MartinDoig

Janet Doig took part in walking the 46 mile Pathfinder March and raised £835.

InMemoryof AdamDonnelly

Julie Donnelly sent in £116, including £100 from Bite Sandwich Bar and £16 from carrier bags by ‘RHEN FECWS’.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 36

InMemoryof AdamDrawbridge

Ann Fleming sent in £300.

InMemoryof MichaelDrewandDanielHurley

Pat Drew took part in the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon and raised £1,331.06.

InMemoryof AndrewDrysedaleand RichardFindlay

John Elder sent in £100.

InMemoryof EmilyRoseDunn

• Felicity Hayes took part in the Brighton Half Marathon and raised £390.

• Frankie Dunn, Robert Dunn and Fliss Hayes ran the Manchester 10K, raising £500:

“My husband, sister and I ran the Manchester 10K on Sunday 28th May. We completed the race in a time of 1 hour, 10 minutes and 50 seconds, which is not bad considering the giant costumes! We had a great time and raised around £500 for CRY in memory of Emily Rose Dunn.” Frankie Dunn.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof DylanHowellsandChrisCrowley

James Welch took part in Swim the Serpentine and raised a further £1,186.53, making a total of £1,386.53.

InMemoryof RichardDyson

The Godmanchester Scout Group organised the Richard Dyson Memorial Walk and raised £1,525.

InMemoryof AnnieEdwards

Robbie Winters sent in £100.

InMemoryof JosephJamesEdwards

Jackie Edwards and Stuart Ranson raised a total of £2,050 when taking part in the 2017 Torbay Half Marathon.

InMemoryof RoryEmbling

• Chris Embling sent in a total of £1,055, including: £100 from the sale of eggs, £317 raised at a garden party organised by Rory’s aunt, Helen Gaythorpe, £638 raised at Rory’s 3rd Party in the Park and £161 raised at the retirement party for Sue Wright. 37

Our Fundraisers

• Royds School, Oulton, sent in £1,089.49 raised by staff and students.

• Reptile Rendezvous & Furry Friends have raised £208 from various fundraising activities.

• Chris and Anne Embling sent in £378 raised at a presentation evening at Ackworth Junior Football Club.

InMemoryof SebastianEnglish

• Olivia Chapple sent in £100 in recognition of Steph and Rupert Hunter’s Points of Light Award.

• Charlie Corner took part in the Brooks Fleet Half Marathon and raised £420.

InMemoryof Sebastianand HowardEnglish

Tamara Short took part in the Stockholm Marathon and raised £350.

• Chris and Anne Embling sent in a further £310.72 raised through a pub games night.

• Tateshall Lodge sent a donation of £500.

• Anne Marie Hodgson donated her £300 broker’s fee.

• Wayne Mills took part in a charity 100-mile cycle ride and raised £1,067.

InMemoryof MorganEvans

• Deborah Orr took part in the Bear Grylls Survival Race 5K and raised £300.

• Seoras Orr took part in the Bear Grylls Survival Race 5K and raised £135.

InMemoryof JoanneEvansandClairLiversage

Gavin Evans took part in a family mountain walk and raised £625.

InMemoryof HarryFaulkner

• CRY Representative Jeff Markham collected a cheque for £800 on behalf of Cestreham Lodge No. 6674.

• James Harris took part in the Rock and Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon and raised £143.59.

InMemoryof JoshFell

• Rich and Donna Fell sent in a total of £5,290, including: £620 raised by the Hull City Supporters Club, £1,700 raised in respect of sponsorship for the annual Ex

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 38

Tigers Charity Football Match, £225 raised from the Ex Tigers Charity Football Match and family fun day and £100 received from a lady who saw Josh’s story in a local magazine.

• Rebecca Newton-Howe raised £206.38 from various fundraising activities:

“Rebecca Newton-Howe and a group of friends recently took part in the NCS Programme and as a team chose to do fundraising for CRY, in memory of Josh Fell from Hornsea, who used to attend their school.

“Their efforts took them a week of planning and gaining donations, and then a week of doing activities such as a 15-mile bike ride, tombolas, raffles, meeting Rory the Tiger (Hull City mascot), cake sales and bag packing in Tesco.”

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof AndyForbes

• Mark Anderson organised a charity football match and raised £850.

• Liz Kingsmill sent in £5,032.80 raised in respect of sponsorship for the Tesco Supply Chain participating in a walkathon.

InMemoryof SarahGamble

• Adam Morris took part in the Tour De Zibrant and raised £634.

• Anthony Coyle-Dowling took part in the Tour De Zibrant and raised £755.00.

InMemoryof CaroleGant

Sandra Blanchard donated £150.

InMemoryof AndrewGard

Kim Willetts sent in £436 raised at the Frinton Lawn Tennis Club.

InMemoryof JennyFinney

Samantha Hall completed the London to Southend-on-Sea Challenge and raised £921.50.

InMemoryof AnthonyFitzgerald

• Andrew Dobbie sent in £285 from the members of UNISON’s Water, Environment and Transport Group.

• Marie Fitzgerald sent in £10,000 raised through various events by Virgin Media.

• Teddy Bevan raised a total of £305 when taking part in the 2017 Vitality London 10,000.

InMemoryof JaimieGault

Ballyclare Colts Football Club donated £250.

InMemoryof SalenaGerman

Jackie German sent in £205, including: £105 from collection boxes at her brother’s shop and £100 from the sale of a large Lego model.

InMemoryof CallumGill

Kay Leslie sent in £500 from Pink Home Loans. 39

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof MichaelGrace

Kerry Grace took part in a memorial football match and raised £1,142.50.

InMemoryof JordanGrant

John Grant sent in £870 raised by the members of Preston & District Catenians.

InMemoryof AdamGreen

• Helen and Jon Bramall sent in £100 in respect of a screening at Market Drayton.

• Tom and Judy Green sent in £140 raised at a recent screening event.

• Philip Brindley sent in £446.87.

InMemoryof DavidGreen

• Anthony Reith took part in a Fundraising Day and raised £315.

• Gabby Broadhurst took part in the Bognor 10K and raised £2,062.

InMemoryof JamesGreen

Shelagh Green sent in £125.

InMemoryof OliverGriffin

Linda Pratley sent in £3,318.11 raised through her year as District Chair of Isle of Wight & Hampshire Inner Wheel.

InMemoryof HenryGrootveldtandAashiSinha

Abby Taylor took part in the TCS Amsterdam Marathon and raised £460.

InMemoryof JosephHalliwell

Joanna Halliwell sent in £500.

InMemoryof BenHammond

• Edward Chantler took part in the Leeds Castle Aquathlon and raised £215.

• Caroline Jerrim took part in the Southampton Half Marathon and raised £218.10.

InMemoryof MarkHancock

Jill Salt sent in £277.91 raised durning her year in office as Biddulph Town Mayor.

InMemoryof MarkHancock, DavidMossand JordanBurndred

Mark Keeling sent in £250.

InMemoryof ThomasHardman

• Chris Hardy took part in the TH96 Fun Run and raised £195.

• Mr and Mrs Whitbread sent in £200.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 40

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof MeganHarding-Jones

• Veronica Straughan sent in £100.

• Katharine Harding-Jones sent in £863.70 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her daughter.

InMemoryof DavidHargrave

Tom Mitchell took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £305.

InMemoryof KevinHarrison

Anne Harrison took part in the Thames Path Challenge and raised £890.

InMemoryof JasonHart

Harry Bright sent in £650 raised from a charity cricket match.

InMemoryof KendoHau

Misti Selby sent in £115.

InMemoryof JonathanHayman

• Marion Hayman sent in £200, with £100 from Trevor Eardley and £100 from Elly Fursland and Al Sullivan.

• Marion Hayman sent in £170 raised at a screening event.

InMemoryof NeilHeckman

• Kate Heckman raised £1,055 by taking part in the 2017 Vitality London 10,000.

• Megan Walker raised £505 by taking part in the 2017 Vitality London 10,000.

• Jodie Bradley raised £415 by taking part in the 2017 Vitality London 10,000.

InMemoryof JosephHerrington

Amy Johnson took part in a Zumba event and raised £390.98.

InMemoryof MatthewHesmondhalgh

• Sarah Taylor sent in £515.75 raised from CRY’s got Talent 2017:

“A good night was had by all with six acts in total... Act 1 – Rita read a poem in Pam Ayres style that she had written about CRY and the fundraising events held by ‘Team Matt’ and the people who helped support Matt’s fund.

“Act 2 – Jasmine sang a beautiful version of Adele’s ‘When We Were Young’ to her own piano playing backing track.

“Act 3 – Charlotte and Rebecca ballet danced a routine to Ghost.

“Act 4 – Hana Jo played the ukulele and sang two numbers, one by Kate Nash and the other by Justin Bieber.

“Act 5 – Magician Joe gave a mesmerising magic act that left the audience spellbound.

“Act 6 – Garstang Taekwondo gave a varied display of martial art routines with ages ranging from 5 to 53.

“After all the acts had performed the audience were invited to vote by placing a card heart in voting boxes. Whilst the votes were being counted, everyone enjoyed refreshments and some lovely homemade bakes. The 41

Our Fundraisers

raffle was drawn and then results were announced with first place going to Hana Jo.

“All acts were presented with thank you certificates and Hana Jo received the CRY’s Got Talent 2017 trophy in memory of Matthew Hesmondhalgh. A total of £515.75 was raised for Matt’s fund, including a generous donation of £100 from the taekwondo team.”

• Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in £4,498.20, including: £220 from Arthur Cartain, Royal Masonic Lodge; £50 from Kathy Pinon, KP School of Dance; £61 from J Wilkins through a sports/arts/games quiz sheet, £3,115 from the Garstang Patchwork Quilters Biennial Quilting Exhibition, £30 from Nicola Clark completing the Liverpool Marathon; £54.48 raised from a collection pot at The Fish & Chip Plaice, Garstang; £67.72 from Emma Wright’s 30th birthday party; £50 from Mr & Mrs Till’s golden wedding anniversary celebrations; £100 from Mr M Kelly; £185 from Quilter’s Quarters; £70 from J Proctor from a ride organised for Central Lancs VMCC; £275 from the sale of books in Landscape Surgery and £220 from the Catterall Gala.

• Nicola Clark took part in the Liverpool Rock and Roll Marathon and raised £249.20.

• John Cookson donated £615.10 in relation to a recent screening event in memory of Matthew and his granddaughter, Melissa.

• Garstang United Reformed Church sent in £180 raised at recent communion services.

InMemoryof RalphEdwardHicks

Simon Thorn sent in a total of £736, including: £115 commemorating the wedding of Jonathan and Lizzie Iggulden in Winchester College, £440 in respect of the baptism of Theo Matthews and the marriage of Ed and Fenella Moores, and £181 at the marriage of Shohta and Jiyoung Alexandra Ueno.

InMemoryof LauraHillier

Tony and Joan Hillier sent in £556.39 collected at a recent screening day.

InMemoryof BenHilton-Woosey

Daniel Murray took part in 24 challenges in 1 year and raised £1,051.84.

InMemoryof JohnHinckley

Margaret Hinckley sent in £1,247.20.

InMemoryof PatrickHockton

Millicent Farley took part in a skydive and raised £1,215.

InMemoryof ParisHolden

Jennifer Drury completed a skydive and raised £270.

InMemoryof NicholasHolland

Gemma Holland sent in £240 raised through the Grace Bear Campaign at Spinney Motorhome.

InMemoryof BarbaraHorne

David Hughes sent in £1,680 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes.

InMemoryof StewartHoward

Jane Howard sent in £1,722 raised from an Easter car boot sale at Tesco, Thetford, and fundraising at B&Q, Gaywood.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 42

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof LianaHoyland

• Georgia Danso took part in the Great Scottish Run and raised £402.

• Kairen Hoyland took part in the East Midlands 10K and raised £1,115.

InMemoryof AlexHubbard

Sam Barnes raised a total of £1,225 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof DanielHughes

• David Hughes sent in a total of £10,928.22, including: £728.22 from various fundraising activities, £10,000 donated by Unite and £200 from members of the Etwall and Hilton Rotary Club.

• Audley and District Probus Club donated £100 raised through a tombola.

• Tom Casson raised £375 from the Great North Swim.

InMemoryof PollyHughes

Julia Hughes sent in £100 on behalf of a friend.

InMemoryof NormanHutchinson

Garry McGrotty sent in £13,965 from the CP Hire Golf Day.

InMemoryof JamesHuxley

• Shirley Neal sent in £507.37.

• Alysa Freeman sent in £1,152.43.

InMemoryof ElfredaIles

Mrs K Hood sent in £265 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes.

InMemoryof CamillaIrvine

Wendy Irvine sent in £600 raised at a party to celebrate family birthdays, her wedding anniversary and the passing of Camilla’s 21st birthday.

InMemoryof JamesJackson

Matthew Miller took part in the Chester Marathon and raised £295.

InMemoryof NestaMaryJames

Mr G James sent in £110 received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of his mother.

InMemoryof CaradocJames

Martyn Williams at Saundersfoot NYDS Ltd sent in £410 raised through sponsorship and from a bucket collection at a New Year’s Day swim.

InMemoryof ReeceJeffrey

• Derbyshire County Football Association sent in £250.

• Lisa Jeffrey sent in £110.

• Phil Sharpe took part in the Milton Keynes Marathon and raised a total of £670.

InMemoryof HowardJennings

Keeley Ashley sent in £1,480.36 raised from an annual memorial golf tournament:

“The 20th annual Howard Jennings 43

Our Fundraisers

Memorial Golf Tournament took place on Saturday 10th September, 2016, at Bulbury Woods Golf Club in Dorset and raised an incredible £1,480.36.

“There were 12 players this year and the day was filled with enjoyment and laughs! Many of the players have supported the event since the first tournament in 1997. The weather began damp and chilly, but sunshine soon brightened the day.

“The trophy was won by Phil Utting. Second was David Anderson, who also won the Nearest the Pin. Third was Julian Dye. The booby prize was won by Jay Hardwick!

“Becker (Sliding Partitions) Ltd generously sponsored the refreshments for the day. There were also substantial contributions from Monroe Hairdressing of Corfe Mullen, Golfclubs4Cash and DWB Long Ltd, Greengrocer.

“Huge thanks goes to everyone that has supported the event over the past 20 years.”

InMemoryof StevieJivani

• Melissa Loan took part in the Paris Marathon and raised £100.

• Helen Overell sent in £150 raised by the Mole Valley Poets:

“Mole Valley Poets held a poetry evening on Saturday 1st July, 2017, in which members of the group read from their own work. There were collections for sale including the group’s most recent anthology ‘Murmuration’ which is dedicated to the memory of Stevie Jivani, daughter of one of the group’s former members. The takings amounted to £150 and this was donated to CRY.”

InMemoryof LisaJohnson

InMemoryof LucyAdenaJessop

The Deepings School sent in £458.70 raised from various fundraising activities.

InMemoryof ThomasJevon

Mrs S Jevon sent in £130 representing donations in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her husband.

Keith Bolton sent in a donation of £425 raised from The Bromley & Croydon Christian Football League’s Knockout Cup Competitions.

InMemoryof DarrenJoliny

Maria Joliny sent in £545 raised in lieu of birthday presents for Bridie McCann’s 80th Birthday:

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 44

“Bridie McCann celebrated her 80th Birthday in style, surrounded by her loving family and friends. Sadly, one special person was missing, Darren Joliny, her grandson who passed away suddenly playing football in 2012 at the age of 21.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof JennyKerwood

Claire James raised a total of £265 when taking part in the 2017 Vitality London 10,000.

InMemoryof AlannaKetley

Laurie Ketley took part in the Wolf Run and raised £1,630.

InMemoryof GraemeKilpatrick

Danielle McKay sent in a donation of £1,885 raised from a family fun day.

“As a family, we have done various events and fundraisers for CRY since this affected us, including charity football matches and 5K runs. Therefore, it was only natural for Bridie to request donations instead of gifts.

“A fabulous night of food, drinks, dancing and karaoke was had by all and a sum of £545 was raised by those involved.”

InMemoryof EthanJones

Keith Weston sent in a total of £830 raised from giving various talks.

InMemoryof BenKanfiszer

Karen Southwood at Berkhamsted Motorcycle & Car Club Ltd sent in £1,000 raised at a charity trial.

InMemoryof JoeKellogg

Pauline Inwood sent in £150 raised from an open garden event.

InMemoryof JamesKing

Foundation Scotland sent in a match fund donation of £250 in respect of Iain Brown taking part in the Stirling Scottish Marathon.

InMemoryof SophieKonderak

John and Lesley Konderak raised £176.28 from collection boxes at Knighton Conservative Club.

InMemoryof PatriciaAngelaLaird

Rothmans Chartered Accountants sent in a further £3,200 bequested by the late Patricia Angela Laird.

InMemoryof JannikLam

• Allen Talbot took part in the Thames Path Challenge and raised £1,301.37. 45

Our Fundraisers

• Caroline Wright sent in £200 on behalf of the Pope family, in honour of Janet Baldam on her birthday.

• Burston Garden Centre sent in £255.

• Jennifer Woods raised £525 from a sponsored walk.

InMemoryof StephenLamb

Michelle Hankinson, Victoria, Shona and their dance friends gave a performance and raised £2,516.55 towards a screening in Northumberland.

InMemoryof MichaelLand

• Nichola Butler at Co-op Funeral Care sent in £275 raised from a remembrance festive tree and raffle.

• John Blackburn sent in £355 raised in respect of sponsorship for walking the Old Man of Coniston in the Lake District.

InMemoryof MatthewLangford

Pearl Langford sent in £121.75 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her son.

InMemoryof MarkLeach

Valerie Bugg sent in £200 raised from a tuck shop.

InMemoryof CarliLansley

Tommy King sent in £250 on behalf on BACB.

InMemoryof RobbyLebita

Karen O’Connor raised £127 from the Birmingham 10K.

InMemoryof KrisLedgard

• Jenny Perry sent in £500.

• Sean Maloney sent in £160 raised through going ‘Dry for CRY’.

InMemoryof JosephLeyland

• Sarah Bromley took part in the Stratford Half Marathon and raised £470.

• Ian Leyland sent in £661.08 donated by a local craft club.

• Geoff Slinn has donated £200 raised from a Whist drive.

• Tesco stores sent in a matched giving donation of £375.33 raised in respect of Maria Leyland’s bag packing event.

• £500 was raised at the Tean Community Singers concert:

“On Friday 16th June, the Tean Community Singers held a June in Bloom concert at The Venue, Tean, in memory of Joe. They sang an array of songs accompanied by The Outlaws.

“The night was a huge success and a total of £500 was raised. This will be funding the running of another screening day.

“Thank you to Viv Laws for organising the event!” Charlotte Leyland.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 46

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof JamieLoncaster

• Jane Wride organised a fundraising event at her work and raised £258.

• Graham and Jenny Loncaster sent in £720 raised from a bun sale and football match.

• The Ridings Medical Group sent in £125.40 raised through a book sale.

InMemoryof StevenLowry

Samanda Greer took part in the Lisbon 10K and raised £155.

InMemoryof MartynLuckett

Brenda Luckett sent in £1,566.75.

InMemoryof AlanLumley

• Nicky Harris took part in a charity run at Wilmslow Running Club and raised £1,200.

• Jenny Lumley took part in a Zumbathon held at Hummersknott School and raised £500.

• Deidre Harris took part in a Zumbathon held at Hummersknott School and raised a further £1,835.91.

• Barnard Castle School sent in £4,010.

InMemoryof SeanLuty

Vicky and Tania sent in £127.27 raised from collections held in Tesco Express, Baildon.

InMemoryof NormanMacKenzie

Lorna Anderson sent in £182.77 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her father.

InMemoryof AndrewMacleod

• Murdo Macleod sent in £295, including: £100 from the proceeds of a treasure hunt held by the Western Isles Classic Car Club and £50 from Andrew’s grandmother to commemorate Andrew’s birthday.

• Murdo Macleod sent in a further £534, including: £100 from a talk at the ‘Black Cairdeas’ group, £24 from the Mad Hatters office sweep, £50 from Caroline Ross and £10 from Do, £150 from the sale of handmade country shelves made by Don Wilson, £150 raised from a collection held at a presentation ceremony regarding the Master and Brethren of the Stornoway Masonic Lodge Fortrose 108 and a donation of £50 from Duncan and Isobel Macleod.

• Rachel Campbell sent in £3,222.

• Steven Hankinson sent a donation of £250 raised from the sale of calendars in the Western Isles.

InMemoryof JackMaddams

The Sellens family sent in £800 raised from a concert by Faversham Mission Brass.

InMemoryof LadyPatriciaMaddocks

Julia Hughes sent in £1,420 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her mother.

InMemoryof LauraMain

Dorothy Sim took part in the Baker Hughes 10K and raised £250. 47

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof MarieManhire-Clark

Phil Hughes took part in the Dubai Marathon and Abu Dhabi Triathlon and raised £504.32.

InMemoryof BalinderMann

• Swakeleys School for Girls took part in a non uniform day and raised £771.18.

• Jarinder and Narinder Mann sent in £1,385 raised from the Just Walk event:

“We thought this would be a good event to take part in as it would have been Balinder’s 21st birthday on the actual day, which was Saturday 13th May. This was a good way of celebrating and remembering her on her 21st birthday. We needed to do something as I couldn’t just do nothing, even though it is tough to get through the day without her. All our family and friends supported us this day by either taking part in the event or sponsoring us. My employers kindly matched my donations that I collected from my work colleagues.

InMemoryof LeonAshleyManners

Julie Hatton took part in a charity latin dance matinee and raised £513.

InMemoryof JamesMarkham

Jeff Markham sent in £377.10 raised by Steven and Dee at a flyball event.

InMemoryof JohnMarshall

• Maureen Marshall sent in £300, including: £250 from collection boxes at Edge Hill University and a £50 donation.

• Michael Vella sent in a total of £4,903.55, including: £4,500 raised through Skem Athletic Football Club and a further donation of £403.55.

“We thoroughly enjoyed the day which was also full of emotions, both happy and sad. The last part of the walk was the hardest as we had to go up a very steep hill, but it was worth it and we made it to the finishing line. This was a 20K walk and we did it in 5 hours. I hope we made Balinder proud.

“We hope this money will help the charity and all the people affected by this silent, deadly killer and prevent any other deaths.” Narinder Mann.

• Maureen Marshall sent in a further £1,252.88, including: £400 from Wabtec Faiveley UK, £500 from The Balancing Borselino Brothers, £55 from a Slimming World group, £47.88 from a David Higham shop and a further £250 from collection boxes at Edge Hill University.

InMemoryof DeanMason

Drew Stephens sent in £281.80 in lieu of gifts to celebrate his 30th Birthday.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 48

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof DanielMatthews

Hartpury College football students raised £531.

InMemoryof NathanMaylon

Darren Ward took part in the London to Paris Cycle and raised £1,285.

InMemoryof PeteMcAvoy

• Peter McAvoy sent in £350 raised from the sale of Glasgow Celtic FC Club Captain Scott Brown’s football top.

• Robbie Singer sent in £250 raised from a grant from the Rotary Club of Perth.

• Blair and the #4Pete Team sent in £990 raised from a football and fun day.

• Patricia Duncan took part in the Kiltwalk and raised £290.

• Zeshan Ullah sent in £160 raised from a pool competiton.

• Mr G Valentine and Mr A Gregory sent in £500 raised from the oil rig Transocean Leader.

• Kelly McConnell sent in £454.44 raised through sponsorship of a skydive.

InMemoryof CaitlinMcCart

David Goodfellow sent in £177.50 raised through an annual hockey tournament involving members from Uddingston Hockey Club and Glasgow University students.

InMemoryof RichardMcGlynn

Joan McGlynn sent in £220.35 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her husband.

InMemoryof JamesMcGowan

• The Haugli family sent in £1,000:

“The memory of James and his wonderful smile will always be with us. He brightened up every person he met.”

• Christine Martin sent in £120 raised in respect of sponsorship for completing the Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim.

InMemoryof CarlMcGraffin

Edward Cooper took part in various fundraising activities and raised £496.

InMemoryof LiamMeadows

Carol Stenning held a tombola at her work and raised £125.

InMemoryof AlanMercer

Union of Catholic Mothers sent in £100 raised from a raffle and in respect of a talk given by Joan Mercer.

InMemoryof RichardMerriman

• Helen Osgerby sent in £100 in appreciation of the screening that her children received:

“I took my children to be screened in Hemel Hempstead last week and was moved to tears by the story of a young man called Richard Merriman, who has sadly passed away. His mother was there and had written a moving article about her terrible experience.

“I am so grateful to CRY that my children can be screened and this gives me some peace of mind. Many thanks to Mrs Merriman and all the other amazing volunteers that make this possible.” 49

Our Fundraisers

• Nicola Merriman sent in £600 raised through a raffle and donations received at the JFK School screening event.

“Mazza Indian very kindly had a night for CRY in memory of our son, Richard, for his birthday. We all had a brilliant night and the food and hospitality was amazing!

“The staff went out of their way to make our night special. Thanks to my friend Mandy Taylor for suggesting the restaurant do this for us as well.

“As we were getting settled at our tables, our local MP, Mike Penning, paid us a surprise visit and sat and had dinner with us. He said we would always have his support.

“£650 was raised at the Mazza on the night, with £50 from Mandy Taylor too.”

InMemoryof DavidMiles

Laura Miles sent in donations totalling £335.09 received at a recent screening.

InMemoryof RosieMitchell

• Helen, Claire and Victoria took part in the Lidl BananaMan Triathlon and raised £100.

• Andrew and Rachel Mitchell sent in £1,711.57 raised from the sales of the RosieFeast cook book, produced in memory of Rosie.

• Mandy Taylor sent in £105 raised from a football card.

• Nicola Merriman sent in £650 raised from a fundraising night at an Indian restaurant:

InMemoryof JamesMoorfoot

• Joseph Brewer sent in £250.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 50
Tottenham Hotspur football player Harry Winks donated a signed shirt for the JFK School screening to be auctioned off to the highest bidder

Our Fundraisers

• Peter Smurthwaite at PBS Construction (North East) Ltd has sent a donation of £100 on behalf of Bridlington Town Football Club.

• Edward Woodmansey sent in £4,625 raised from a ‘Night at the Races’ themed evening.

InMemoryof GeorgeMorgan

Melanie Barlow sent in £420 raised from the George Morgan Cup squash event.

InMemoryof JonathanMorgan

Elaine Roe donated a hand painted picture for a raffle and raised £377.

InMemoryof OwenMorris

• NatWest Roath, Llanishen & Rumney chose to support CRY as their charity of the month and sent in £226.

• Judith Miller sent in £1,500 raised through a ride in Owen’s name.

• Rachel Bevan took part in a walk around Wales and raised £588.

InMemoryof PatriciaMoss

Michael Moss sent in £440 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of his wife.

InMemoryof DavidMoss

• Peter Mousikou took part in the Birmingham Half Marathon and raised £590.

• Dawn Moss sent in £3,184.91, including: £690 donated by Mags Shore in lieu of gifts for her 50th birthday celebrations, £834 raised from an annual Mossy Fishing Match, £277.91 raised from the Mayor’s Ball, £1,223 from the Biddulph Arms, £110 from BHMC and £50 from Dolven Funeral Services.

InMemoryof PaigeMoth

Mr and Mrs Lewis sent in £100 in memory of their great granddaughter.

InMemoryof JodieandTaylor Muir

Mairead Fagan sent in £156 raised by colleagues at SCD.

InMemoryof AndrewMurch

Aberfeldy and District Inner Wheel sent in £175.

InMemoryof JamesMurgatroyd

• Martin Spare sent in £100 on behalf of James’s former colleagues at SRM Industries.

• John Hooley took part in the Ramathon and raised £315.

InMemoryof BethanyMycroft

• Amanda and Adrian Topp sent in donations totalling £2,190 raised at a screening event.

• Amanda and Adrian Topp sent in a further £10,700 from various fundraising events, including: 51

Our Fundraisers

£1,089.16 from a general collection by Bethany’s parents, £110.12 donated in memory of Bethany’s great grandmother, £447 from Clowne Gala, £100 from Whirlowdale Park Sheffield Coffee Group, £1,200 from Brigg House Bay Golfers and £7,673.13 from Beth’s Hoe Down Showdown Charity Day

InMemoryof PardeepNagra

Maya Patel took part in the Great Birmingham Run and raised £470.

InMemoryof JamesNicholas

Marks & Spencer Prescott Cables sent a matched giving donation of £1,500.

InMemoryof RichardNorthedge

Derek and Pat Northedge sent in £100 in memory of Richard’s birthday.

InMemoryof AndrewOliver

Sarah Holmes raised £5,000 from various fundraising activities throughout 2016.

InMemoryof ThomasPadmore

Karen Padmore took part in the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and raised £258.50.

InMemoryof BenPalmer

Yvonne Barber at Trafalgar School sent in £102 raised from the sale of cherries from a tree planted in Ben’s memory.

InMemoryof CeriPalmernéeHowells

• Sarah Guise took part in the Macclesfield Half Marathon and raised £195.

• Alison Howells sent in £1,828 raised from a fashion show at Malbank High School.

InMemoryof JeanIngledewPalmer

Mr W B Palmer sent in £655 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of his wife.

InMemoryof RobertPalmer

Wendy Howells sent £758.15 raised from a ladies festival.

InMemoryof TaylorPanton

• Wendy Panton sent in a total of £5,475, including: £5,175 worth of donations and £300 raised from various fundraising activities at St Margaret’s High School.

• Garry Henderson raised £280 from the Stirling Marathon.

InMemoryof AndrewParr

Barton W.I. sent in £819 raised from a coffee morning.

InMemoryof ChristopherParr

Alex Thompson took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £760.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 52

InMemoryof KevinPaterson

Kathryn Paterson sent in £102.31 received at a recent screening event.

InMemoryof AndrewPatterson

• Chris Swaby took part in various fundraising events and raised £2,050.

• Mark Sewell took part in the Bolton and Manchester 10K and raised £1,195.

InMemoryof JamesPatterson

• Mr and Mrs S Benton sent in £900 raised from Brentwood Circle of the Catenian Association’s monthly raffles and fundraising events during their Presidential year.

• Peter Patterson sent in £3,000 raised at a charity dinner and dance held at Campion School:

“The £3,000 represents CRY’s share of the proceeds from the charity Dinner and Dance held at The Campion School in Hornchurch on 25th February, 2017. The other three charities who benefited were the Teenage Cancer Trust in memory of former pupil Jack Chester, the UK Sepsis Trust in memory of former pupil Patrick Dear and the Motor Neurone Disease Association.”

Our Fundraisers

including: £50 donated by Peter in respect of proceeds from a lottery and premium bonds prize, a further £900 donation and £50 from the ladies group of The Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church.

• Kelvin Wilson sent in £3,000 raised from a golf day.

InMemoryof MichaelPatterson

Phil Ball sent in £1,178 raised from the Michael Patterson Memorial Competition, held by Lichfield Tae Kwon-Do.

InMemoryof DamienPatton

Constance McGrath took part in the Belfast City Half Marathon and raised £367.

InMemoryof AdamPearmine

• Nick Bond at Space Interior Systems Ltd sent in £750.

• Lynette Blacklock sent in £100.

InMemoryof DylanPemberton

Jacqueline Simpson raised a total of £150 when taking part in the 2015 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof BenjiPercival

Jenny Cox raised a total of £1,322.42 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof JamesPettifer

Eamon Hartnett took part in the Ealing Half Marathon and raised £620.

• Peter Patterson sent in donations totalling £1,000, 53
• Mr Butterworth sent in £250 raised from a raffle at Upminster Circle of the Catenian Association’s June meeting.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof DuncanPhillips

• Andrew Moore took part in the TCS Amsterdam Marathon and raised £600.

• Beth Phillips sent in £132.50 raised in respect of a run/walk/cycle around Draycote Water, including a £100 donation from Bishop’s Tachbrook Horticultural society.

• Beth Phillips sent in a further £1,588

InMemoryof Christopherand StevenPhillips

• Jane Phillips sent in £4,472 raised as follows: £344 from a netball tournament and £4,128 in respect of sponsorship for Donna and Steve Stone participating in a 9-day challenge.

• Donna and Steve Stone sent in £885 raised through completing a Premier League cycle challenge.

InMemoryof JackPhillips

Liam Guy took part in the Bath Half Marathon and raised £140.

InMemoryof StanleyPhillips

Geoff Gillan sent in £366 raised through a JustGiving memorial page.

InMemoryof SaraPilkington

• Isobel Giles raised £2,097.47 when taking part in the Brighton Marathon.

• James Llewellyn sent in £5,000 raised by the Collingwood College Charity Fashion Show.

InMemoryof SaraPilkington andJordanBurndred

Deborah Dixon collected a donation of £1,000 on behalf of Equilibrium Asset Management LLP.

InMemoryof SaraPilkington andMattCragg

Lilli and Grace took part in the London to Amsterdam Cycle and raised £2,658.96.

InMemoryof HannahPointing

Joe Konderla took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £190.

InMemoryof GaryPope

John Aitken completed the Greater Haywards Heath Bike Ride and raised £1,679.

InMemoryof ThomasPottle

Mr and Mrs Pottle sent in £400 raised by the staff at a local Primark store and an additional personal donation of £100 in memory of their son.

InMemoryof CraigPowell

Luke and Alex took part in the Isle of Wight Challenge and raised £1,585.

InMemoryof ShannonPowell

• Northwood College have sent in £365 from an annual talent show.

• Peggy Jameson sent in £150.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 54

InMemoryof RobertPoysor

• Diane Tolley sent in £667.15 raised from a pub quiz held at the Horn and Trumpet pub.

• HUGS Dudley donated £450 towards a screening event in Bewdley.

InMemoryof GemmaQuew

• Sandown Bay Academy sent in £1,422.24.

• Andrew Quew raised a total of £769.40 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

• Andrew Quew completed a bungee jump and raised £185.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof KetanRadia

• Raj and Jaimini Chauhan, along with their 10-year-old daughter and other members of a group called 7events, climbed Mount Snowdon to raise money for several charities and donated £1,500 to CRY.

• Amit Joshi raised £100 in respect of sponsorship for taking part in a trek up Ben Nevis.

• Ecclesiastical Insurance sent in £125.

InMemoryof ClaireReed

Graham Hunter sent in £434 raised through a raffle and speaker’s fee at the Ladies Luncheon Club in Eastleigh.

InMemoryof AlexandraReid

• Ava and Harriet took part in the Spotlight 10K and raised £1,340.

• Helen Thorneloe completed a coast to coast walk and raised £1,798.06.

• Helen Thorneloe sent in a further £500 from ASDA Rotherham in respect of her coast to coast walk.

• Caroline Green held a coffee morning and badge sale and raised £711.62.

• Anya Lotay sent in £1,168.

InMemoryof BenRendall

• Jane Hawkins sent in £125 in respect of her participation in the Langport Ladies Triathlon.

• Kate Rendall raised £1,865 from the Immortal Sprint Triathlon.

• Rachel Webber took part in the Langport Triathlon and raised £185. 55

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof DebbieRendle

Jill Johnson sent in £345 raised at a concert given by the Cornwall Symphony Chorus.

InMemoryof ScottRennie

John and Jo Perkins sent in £200 to mark their wedding on 28th July.

InMemoryof SianRoger

• Hannah, Claire and Emily took part in the Oxford Half Marathon and raised £640.

• Andrew Siveter raised a total of £1,051.20 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof StephenRogers

Deborah Speed took part in the Sunderland Big Walk and raised £760.

InMemoryof AdamRowbottom

• Ulrike Rowbottom sent in £150 received at a recent screening.

• Anthony Rowbottom took part in the London to Berlin Cycle and raised £6,078.27.

InMemoryof DanielleRowe

Stewart and Caron Coates sent in £600 raised through a 5K inflatable obstacle race:

“On Sunday 21st May, 2017, me and my husband, Stewart, took part in a 5km Inflatable Obstacle Race at Wolverhampton Race Course. This was a run over

12 obstacles and was done in memory of my daughter, Danielle Rowe, who suddenly lost her life to sudden cardiac death in May, 2016, at the age of 24. Danielle is the stepdaughter of Stewart, who supported me during the race by physically getting me over a couple of obstacles and with his words of encouragement.

“In preparation for this event, we went out running 3 times a week for a month, to build up our fitness ready for the big day. On the day it was warm but breezy; perfect conditions, and after 48 minutes we’d finished. It was great fun for a great charity.

“We raised £600 in sponsorship. Thank you to all who contributed.” Caron Coates

InMemoryof KieranRutterand ChristopherParr

Steven and Alisha Rutter sent in £7,000 in memory of their son, Kieran, and to enable Dianne and Martin Parr to hold a screening event in memory of their son, Christopher.

InMemoryof CraigSalmon

Gemma Bamford sent in £150 raised through fundraising for St George’s Day.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 56

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof KevinSands

Alan Sands sent in £200 raised in lieu of gifts to celebrate his 80th birthday.

InMemoryof RickiSavage

Chris Perrin took part in a 24-hour football match and raised £3,575.

InMemoryof KevinSayer

Valerie Scarfe sent in £118 raised at the Jubilee Hall, Loddon.

InMemoryof WendyScourfield

Loraine Whatmore sent in £187 raised through the Whitland Week Dog Show and a donation by Allen and Partners Veterinary Surgery.

InMemoryof BryanSelwood

Suzanne McClure sent in £992 raised through various fundraising activities in 2016 at Lloyds Banking Group.

InMemoryof AndyShawandWillSmith

Paul, Sue and Matt Shaw sent in £500 raised at Risley Cricket Club

InMemoryof JackSheriff

Elizabeth and Liberty took part in the 2017 Isle of Wight Challenge and raised £4,499.05.

InMemoryof EvanJamesShonfield

• Ben Moston sent in £115.

• Mark Bygraves sent in £100.

• Peter Shonfield sent in £116 raised from Bev and Carol’s garden party:

“Bev and Carol from the Unicorn Primary School held a cake and tea party on behalf of Evan’s mum, Sharon. £116 was raised on behalf of CRY. Evan’s parents would like to thank Bev and Carol and all those that attended, baked and made donations. The day was a great success despite the weather.

“Awareness of CRY’s work was promoted at the event too.” Peter Shonfield

InMemoryof GreggShoults

Gardening World Limited sent in £100. 57

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof MadelineSiddall

• Sherwood Junior School held a sponsored run as part of Global Running Day and raised £167.

• Isabel Laycock took part in the Lincoln 10K and raised £361.50.

InMemoryof TomSievert

Lucy Sievert sent in £562.35 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her husband.

InMemoryof MichelleSinclair

Karen Armstrong cycled from Radisson Blu Hotel in Durham to York and raised £205.

InMemoryof AashiSinha

• Dr Bhate raised a total of £1,265 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

• Ajay and Suman Sinha sent in £5,257.61 raised from a cake sale.

InMemoryof KevinSmart

Deborah and Stephen sent in £245 raised from a ‘Lads v Dads’ football match.

InMemoryof DavidSmiley

Nicholas Wibberley sent in £409.09 raised from a collection pot.

InMemoryof BenSmith

• Lindsey Collier took part in the Tough Mudder North West and raised £560.

• Paul Jackson sent in £100 in lieu of floral tributes from Trojans U16s.

InMemoryof BenjaminMichaelSmith

Mike and Caroline Smith sent in £2,226.56 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of their son.

InMemoryof DarrenSmith

Ann Fisher sent in £190.

InMemoryof RobertDanielSmith

• Linda Smith sent in donations totalling £2,830, including: £510 from the Pelaw Grange Charity Night, £52.68 from a collection pot held at Langley Park Co-Op, £150 from Katherine Garrett, £2,092 from a charity night at Langley Park WMC and £25.32 from a copper pot.

• Marks & Spencer, Arnison Centre, sent in £1,804 raised through CRY being chosen as their Charity of the Year.

InMemoryof SamStanderwick

• Harry Delves sent in £500 in respect of the Making a Difference Locally scheme.

• Lee Shaw sent in £300 from Warren’s Warehousing & Distribution (Midlands) Ltd.

• Liz Edwards sent in £215 raised from a school fundraising event.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 58

• Colin Pritchard sent in £2,090, including a matched giving donation of £1,045 from the Wrekin Housing Trust, raised from a zipline challenge.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof KennethStapleton

Pamela Stapleton sent in £400 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her husband.

InMemoryof AndrewStevens

Gill Kennerley sent in donations totalling £140.

InMemoryof ArthurStevens

InMemoryof PhilipStanding

• Sue Fisher sent in £200 raised from a cake sale and raffle held at a screening day at Mountbatten School.

• Daniel Keating sent in £2,540 received in respect of sponsorship from UWMFC Old Boys football games in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

• Mountbatten School held a non-uniform day and raised £1,031.61.

Barbara Stevens sent in £249 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her husband.

InMemoryof IanStrange

Patricia Strange sent in £100 raised in respect of Ian’s birthday.

InMemoryof NicolaSwaysland

Katie Swaysland raised a total of £850 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof SteveTanner

Graeme Morris organised a 7-a-side football tournament and raised £175.

InMemoryof HannahTaylor

Beryl Whittingham sent in £100 on behalf of Inner Wheel of Harwich & Dovercourt. 59

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof KelseyandZac Taylor

• Darren Jopson took part in the Wirral Half Marathon and raised £150.

• James Taylor took part in the Liverpool Rock and Roll Marathon and raised £425.

InMemoryof ArthurTeaney

Georgina Jackson sent in £230 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her partner.

InMemoryof DaleTennent-Butler

• George Sewell completed a skydive and sent in £353.33.

• Jemma Griggs set up a JustGiving Memorial Page and sent in £315.

• Kings Langley School sent in £2,000 raised from an annual football tournament.

• Howard Button took part in the Santa Run and sent in £3,175.

InMemoryof JackThomas

• Kimberley Davis and Jade Thomas held a cake sale and raised £158.30.

• Blackwood RFC and Junior teams played for the Jack Thomas Memorial Cups and raised £2,101.77. Rhymney RFC U15s also took part and donated a further £30.

• Karen Stone raised £325.32 from a skydive.

• June Thomas sent in £685.37, including: £50 from Ystrad Mynach Lodge, £69.37 from Asda, Blackwood, £150 from Asda, Brynmawr, £63.40 from Betty’s Boutique, Blackwood, £62.60 from Joy Greenaway, £170 from Samantha Link, £100 from Betty and Rowland Thomas and £20 from Vicky Styles.

InMemoryof JackThompson

• CF UK donated £26,576 raised from the 2016 BGC Charity Day.

• Hayden Youth Association hosted a charity football match beween Hayden and Wilmington Grammar School For Boys, Jack’s local football team and school, respectively, and raised £3,603.78.

InMemoryof NicholasThomas

Jenny Thomas sent in £219 raised through a basketball tournament.

InMemoryof ChristianThunhurst

Sean Aldridge sent in £320 raised from a fundraising day.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 60

InMemoryof IsabelleTudisca

• Andrea Mena took part in the South Coast Challenge and raised £725.86.

• Leo and Della Tudisca sent in £315.

• Mary Mudd took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £610.

Our Fundraisers

• Della Tudisca sent in £200.

• Lloyds Bank Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £500 in respect of Mel Miller’s charity pamper day.

• Lloyds Bank Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £500 in respect of Fatima Dadabhai’s pamper day.

• Lloyds Bank Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £500 in respect of Emily Read’s pamper day.

• Lloyds Bank Foundation sent in a matched giving donation of £500 in respect of Corrine Kelly’s pamper day.

• Della and Leo sent in donations totalling £1,450, including: £1,000 from The Tigers football team in Essex, £200 from the Redbridge Rotary Club and £250 from Gants Hill Townswomen’s Guild.

• Toyota (GB) Charitable Trust sent in £1,500.

• Jolie Whittingham took part in the Nuclear Races Mud Run and raised £230.

InMemoryof JoyceandSianTurnball

John Turnball sent in £500.

InMemoryof SianTurnball

John Turnball sent in £100.

InMemoryof SheilaViner

Mrs D Buglass sent in £380 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her mother.

InMemoryof ChloeWaddell

Fiona Waddell sent in donations totalling £10,135, including: £10,000 from Swim Trafford and £135 collected at a screening. 61

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof RichardWaight

• Ken Waight sent in £225.01 representing donations received at a recent screening.

• Ken and Jackie Waight sent in £700 as an advance of proceeds from the Richard Waight Memorial Golf Day.

• Ken Waight sent in a further donation of £5,000 from this year’s golf day:

days, including 16 ‘ever-presents’. Another nine have only missed one year. 63% of this year’s entry played last time. 15% of this year were Doncaster GC members and 23% played for the first time in 2017.

“The Hole in One competition raised £500 and there was nearly £1,000 from the raffle. In the auction, a Chester Races experience, later doubled up, made nearly £900, whilst ‘four-balls’ vouchers from 14 different golf clubs made £1,089.

“We have now held seven Charity Golf Days at Doncaster GC with the latest Richard Waight Memorial Golf Day held on Friday, May 19, 2017, raising over £10,000 for the first time. Absolutely magnificent! It means that the total monies raised since 2011 now exceeds £53,000, with most given to Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and SADS UK.

“This year’s total includes donations from St James Palace, Polypipe and the Worshipful Company of Founders, as well as many smaller amounts. Monies raised will be used to continue our defibrillators programme with SADS UK and for our new work with CRY, holding a screening day in Doncaster for the first time. A massive thank you to all of you who played, helped out or just supported us on yet another great day for all those involved.

“This year we again had 100 players in 25 teams, teeing off from midday. Participants came from across the UK, including Newcastle, Sunderland, Cambridge and London. We welcomed Tim Noddings’ team from Oakdale GC at Harrogate for the first time, whilst Dave McCullough again flew in from Northern Ireland for the event.

“A total of 269 golfers have now played in our seven golf

“Congratulations to all the winners.”

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 62
“The competition was won by The Long & the Short of It (above), led by Mike Stanley and Simon Smales, with United We Stand second and ProAktive third.

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof MartinWailes

• Ovo Energy Ltd sent in £1,000.

• Joseph Key donated £272.42.

InMemoryof BenjaminWalker

• Prince William School sent in £1,072.04 raised through various fundraising events.

• Andy and Nicola Walker sent in £475.30 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of their son.

InMemoryof GarethWalker

Kathryn Walker sent in £380 raised from a Crown Green Bowling Tournament.

InMemoryof VanessaLynneWalker

Bernard Kemp sent in £185 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of his daughter.

InMemoryof ThomasWall

• Derek Gammage sent in £200.

• Bobby Sellen sent in £460 raised through a JustGiving page.

InMemoryof NeilWard

• Elaine and Ian Ward sent in £701.53, including: £400.53 raised from a pamper evening organised by Emma Carlin, £141 from Dove Church Ladies Group, £80 from

Calow Ladies Group and £80 from the funeral of Mrs Ernestine Audrey Procter.

• Elaine Ward sent in a further £7,998.33, including: £500 from Coach & Horses Pub, £250 from Amber Valley Rotary Club, £100 from Alfreton Inner Wheel Club, £35 from Heage WI, £20 from Holmesfield WI, £931.50 raised from a screening at Gosforth and Wickersley, £463 in donations, £270 from donations received at the Swanwick screening, £204 from donations received at the Abbeydale screening, £116 from Church Wilne Rotary Club in respect of a talk by Elaine, £1,000 from the Daniel Martin Music Festival at Coal Aston Village Hall, £65 from Draycott & Wilne in respect of a talk by Elaine, and £4,043.83 from an afternoon tea organised by Kate Cannon.

• Nigel Marsden sent in £1,000.

• Barclays sent in a matched giving donation of £1,000 in respect of Kate Cannon’s afternoon tea held in Ranmoor.

• Rotary Club of Wirksworth sent in £300.

• Dr K Hobbs sent in £266.34 raised from a non-uniform day held at David Nieper Academy.

InMemoryof PeterWaring

• Alison Bloor took part in the Run to the Castle Ultra Marathon and raised £1,568.50.

• Alison and Neil Bloor sent in £750 raised by the Baildon Runners.

InMemoryof AlexWatley

John Watley took part in the Watley Run and raised £145.

InMemoryof GeorgeWatson

Keith Walker sent in £1,300 raised through his ‘Marching to 50’ event. 63

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof WilliamWatts

Lee Watts sent in £460 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of his father.

InMemoryof LilyWebster

Ian Harvey sent in a total of £19,750, including: £8,000 from a Barclaycard Charity Golf Day held at Brocket Hall Golf Club and £11,750 raised through Stowmarket Golf Club choosing CRY as their Charity of the Year.

InMemoryof SallyWells

Francesca Clements took part in the Great South Run and raised £360.04.

InMemoryof ChristopherStuartWheeler

Marie Hill sent in £193.26 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her son.

InMemoryof EmlynWibberley

Ben Brook sent in £180 raised from the Putney Cricket Club’s 6-a-side Tournament.

InMemoryof NeilWickers

• Mark and Dawn Summerfield sent in £2,835 raised from a fundraising event held in their home.

• Bill and Irene Wickers sent in £750 donated by Mark Summerfields’ mother, Mark, Dawn and two brothers.

InMemoryof DaveWilliams

Folkestone Invicta FC sent in £250.

InMemoryof DavidWilliams andPaulSykes

Susan Williams sent in £150 raised from a memorial game at Ashford Town Football Club.

InMemoryof PeteWilliams

Henry Land took part in the Great South Run and raised £311.26.

InMemoryof SarahWilliams

Kate Hopkins sent in £1,200 raised from the Cuckoo Fest.

InMemoryof JemimaWilson

• Harriet Levitt organised a charity raffle in her beauty salon, Idyllic Beauty and Day Spa, in Cranleigh and raised £155.

• Jessica Spokes sent in £320 raised from a 1Rebel fitness class.

• Jamie Dunnett sent in £100.

• Gemma Nash sent in £200.

InMemoryof KevinWilson

• Dominic Cooper took part in the Berlin Marathon and raised £479.75.

• Andrew Greene sent in £290 raised at a charity football match.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 64

Our Fundraisers

InMemoryof DavidWood

Theresa Ives sent in £393.81 raised from baking, crafting and holding a raffle.

InMemoryof JakeWood

Jason Mitchell raised a total of £400 when taking part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon.

InMemoryof OliviaWoodward

• The Prison Service Charity Fund sent in £680 in sponsorship of Charlie and Paula’s skydive.

• 41 Club, Kings Lynn sent in £250 in respect of Charlie and Paula Gilbert’s skydive.

• Charlie and Paula Gilbert sent in £2,036 raised through a skydive, including £280 from John Gamble and £250 from Round Table 54, Kings Lynn.

InMemoryof OliviaWoodwardand MeganJebson

Ellen Montague sent in £278.62 raised from an awards ceremony held at Sheffield Hallam University:

“The Platform Project Awards are an annual awards ceremony held by Level 6 Events Management students from Sheffield Hallam University during the Live Event Management module, in order to celebrate the success of the whole year group’s efforts in the planning and delivering of charity events.

“In 2017, Eventscape hosted the event (made up of students Ellie Montague, Gwen Rees, Jasmin Myton and Lucy Parkinson), rebranding it as ‘Portal’ with the tagline ‘Think Beyond Your Wildest Imagination’, and designing a night to not only include the awards ceremony, but also to act as a graduation celebration.

“The event was a night to remember, with guests being treated to a delicious 2 course meal, along with entertainment including the awards ceremony, a live band, a raffle and a popcorn and candy floss machine!

“Fellow students, alumni and tutors from the Events Management cohort at Sheffield Hallam were able to socialise, network and enjoy the night together. Sadly, last year, two Events Management students, Megan Jebson and Olivia Woodward, passed away from cardiac related issues, so Eventscape decided to donate all proceeds towards CRY in their memory.”

InMemoryof RobertWorboys

• Emma Watson took part in the Bear Grylls Survival Race and raised £190.

• Georgina Worboys sent in £17,250 raised by the Bedford Tangent Club.

• Abigail Toombs took part in the Victoria Park Half Marathon and raised £520.

• Oliver Barron completed the 2016 Arran Challenge and raised £17,092.

• Laura Westwell took part in the 2017 Brighton Marathon and raised a total of £1,116.70.

• Gillian Carlin completed the Rob Worboys Arran Challenge and raised £1,095.

InMemoryof JulianWort

Shirley Wort sent in £3,500 raised from a charity golf day organised by The Frome Lions Club. 65

Our Fundraisers and General Fundraising

InMemoryof SamWright

Dani West sent in £455 raised from holding a memorial walk around Allestree, followed by a meal and a balloon release to commemorate Sam’s 25th birthday.

InMemoryof ValerieWrycraft

Pauline Wrycraft sent in £808.70 representing donations received in lieu of floral tributes in memory of her daughter.

InMemoryof MichaelYorston

Mahrie Prince sent in £475 raised from a fundraising sale in her village.

• Adams’ Grammar School sent in £1,466.32 raised through a sponsored walk, mufti days, busking and a cake sale.

• AECOM Limited sent in £100.

• Simranjit Ahluwalia sent in £135 raised through Twickenham School’s 5-a-side Football Tournament.

• The Ambleside Centre sent in £821.22 raised through donations from parents, including a large donation from the family of Ahson Akhtar.

• Andrew Appleby took part in the Salford 10K and raised £526.49.

• Amanda Arrowsmith sent in £1,000 raised by the Biddulph Moor Scout Group.

• Mo Askin sent in £1,100 raised by the Walton Open Group.

• Simon Bennett took part in a Tough Mudder South West and raised £985.

• Lady Botham has sent £1,000 on behalf of Beefy’s Foundation in respect of a sponsored walk by William Whitaker.

• Bramhall & Woodford Rotary Club sent in £500.

• Bridge Innovation Centre sent in £100 raised from InSite Technical’s participation in the Pembrokeshire Coast Triathlon.

• John Bruen took part in the London to Paris Cycle and raised £1,755.

• Reiss Buckland took part in the Tough Mudder London and raised £355.

• Mrs T Cassidy sent in £100 raised by the Seaton Ladies at a coffee morning.

• Ryan Cavender took part in the Robin Hood Half Marathon and raised £145.

• Therese Charles took part in the Giant’s Causeway Coast Sportive and raised £823.93.

• Amy Charlesworth sent in £160 raised from a swimathon:

“My 8-year-old daughter, Amy, took part in the annual swimathon on Saturday 8th April, to raise money for our chosen charity – CRY.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 66

Amy swum 2.5k (100 lengths) unaided, continuously, and took 80 minutes to complete it!” Phillie Charlesworth.

General Fundraising

• Kevin Clarke sent in £200 from a cockney fun day held at Romney Sands Holiday Park.

• COFRA Treasury sent in £828.43.

• Joanna Collins took part in the South Coast Challenge and raised £540.

• Isla Craig took part in the Bear Grylls Survival Race 5km and raised £100.

• John Davidson at Redhill Bowling Club sent in £126.40 raised from a charity day.

• Deepings Interact Rotary Club hosted and participated in various charity events and raised £200.

• Danielle Dennis at Ae3 Media Limited sent in £4,439.50 raised at the British Mortgage Awards 2017.

• Leon Dore (above) donated £1,151.50 raised from the sale of his artwork at a private viewing.

• Rebecca Elliot took part in a Tough Mudder and raised £250.

• Charlie Elmer took part in the Paris Marathon and raised £725.

• Emma Fernandez sent in £383.40 in respect of Tom completing 60km in 6 weeks.

• Sue Fisher sent in £200.

• Collette Fitzgerald raised £3,415 from a fundraising 67

General Fundraising

event at Tír Na nÓg Gaelic Football Club.

• Margaret Foster sent in a donation of £900 from the School of Health Sciences in Nottingham.

• Craig Gallagher took part in the Leicester Marathon and raised £619.

• Angela Gault sent in donations totalling £413.61 from a screening event.

• Haberdashers Monmouth School for Girls sent in £505.30 raised through various fundraising activities.

• Tracy Hanley sent in £100 in sponsorship of her daughter, Amber, taking part in a Tough Mudder.

• Joe Haskins at Rotork Controls Ltd took part in the Monster Race and raised £450.

• Herts Ferrari Owners Club sent in £2,005 raised from their christmas ball raffle.

• The Heston Catholic Club Golf Society sent in £648 raised during their 2016 season. CRY was chosen as the charity to support by club captain Mr E Harnett.

• Natalie Hostombe sent in £203 raised by Westside Lawn Tennis Club as part of the Prince Player Day.

• Nicola Hutchison sent in £212.50 raised from a dress down day at Premier Group.

• Tom Inman sent in £400 on behalf of Emblem Lodge No 6727.

• Ipsos MORI UK Ltd sent in £150.

• J M Iredale sent in £182 donated by the Freemasons L63 St Mary’s Lodge from the Relief Chest Scheme.

• Linda Joyce sent in £420 raised from a finals day event.

• Joanna Keane completed various fundraising activities to celebrate Kaplan 2016 and raised £737.50.

• The King Edmund School sent in £281.60 raised at their sports day.

• Hillary Kite sent in £255 from her garden open day.

• Martin Knowles sent in £2,519.60 collected during his year as captain at Moseley Golf Club.

• KP Snacks held a silent auction and raised £537.11.

• Larne High School sent in £200 raised from Year 14 Formal Committee.

• Larissa and Steve took part in LEJOG cycle and raised a further £216.

• Dennis Lennon sent in £620 raised from the proceeds of an Inch Art Group exhibition.

• The Lions Club of Basildon & Wickford sent in £100.

• Llija, Christian and Daniel took part in the Green Park Fun Run and raised £287.

• Stephen Locke sent in £272.19.

• Mace Foundation sent in £130.44 from the Como Team.

• Michael Maranzano took part in the London to Brighton Challenge and raised £1,110.25.

• Mark, Iain and Pierre took part in the Marathon Des Sables and raised £1,763.24.

• Marks & Spencer, Northwich, chose CRY as their Charity of the Year in 2016 and donated £1,695.66.

• Markyate Vilage School & Nursery sent a donation of £197.20 raised at their summer productions.

• Gary McElkerney sent in £295 raised through a white collar boxing night.

• Garry McGrotty sent in £300 raised from the members of Portstewart Football Club.

• James McIntyre sent in £100 in appreciation of a screening he received.

• Millie McKelvey gave a talk to her old prep school, held a cake and jewellery sale and raised £400.

• Katie Moey sent in a total of £2,445 from taking part in the London Spring 10K.

• Brenda Morgan sent in £100 raised through holding monthly coffee mornings at Crick United Reformed Church.

• Sherry Murray took part in the London to Brighton Bike Ride and raised £1,885.

• Tess Musician donated £100.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 68

General Fundraising

• Rebecca Myers took part in an inflatable 5K run and raised £364.10.

• Newington Community Primary School sent in £1,688.69 raised through their Newington Rocks event.

• David Nocon at the Newcastle University Sports Centre sent in £140.

• North London Installed Masters Freemasons sent in £100.

• Thomas Oatey at Harper Adams University Students’ Union sent in £2,000 raised from the RAG Committee’s charity of the year fundraising.

• Nicole O’Hara sent in £305 raised through completing dry January.

• Aisling O’Meara sent in £2,102.38 raised through Monitor Social Committee’s year of fundraising throughout 2016.

• Paul O’Toole took part in the Isle of Wight Challenge and raised £365.

• Anthony Parson donated £100.

• Lucas Penn, Rob and Adam completed the Pyrenean Raid Challenge and raised £800.

• Sam Phillipson took part in the Rome Marathon and raised £948.50.

• Jacky Pickering completed the Rutland Water Cycle and raised £181.

• Adam Powell sent in £213.11 raised through the National Citizen Service in Rotherham.

• Alex Prior took part in the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £559.77.

• Annie Purcell and the Wolves 71 took part in the Spring Wolf Run and raised £239.

• Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School sent in £677.85 raised through a non uniform day.

• Queen’s School in Bushey sent in £128.03 raised through fundraising by the pupils of Sutherland House.

• Queen’s School sent in £950 raised from a sponsored head shave by teacher Mr O’Donovan.

• RAF Northolt sent in £943.99 raised from fundraising activities.

• Nimalka Rambukpotha took part in the Thames Bridges Trek and raised £973.

• Craig Redfern took part in the Run in the Dark Manchester 10K and raised £755.

• Larissa Redman-Windsor cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats and raised £870:

“From the 14th-30th April we covered 920 miles by bike.

“I say we, but on day 3, when covering 213 miles, I started to get stabbing pains in both knees. They got so painful that I had to stop the ride, and with a trip to A&E I ended up on crutches and rest, so we had to call for backup, aka ‘the dads’, to bring a camper van to our location for me to then support my husband on the ride.

“It has been an amazing adventure. We have seen some amazing places, scenery and wildlife, along with days that have been long and tough and others that have been mind blowing!

“Whilst on the tour we met two other inspirational parties, including a group of five who were also cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats for charity. We first met at the start line, a week later we bumped into them for coffee and cake, and amazingly we saw them again at the finish line!

“The other party were an older couple who were walking over 1,000 miles (from John O’Groats to Lands End) for charity, doing so self supported after taking three months out of their time to cover the distance.

“In the process we have worn our CRY charity t-shirts and rattled our charity pot which has been attached to the bike, whilst posting updates to our JustGiving page. We have been shown kindness, generosity and massive support from family, friends and strangers who all made the adventure even more memorable.

“We are hoping that by raising money for CRY we have helped raise awareness of the charity and what it can do to help those affected by unknown heart conditions or prompt people to go for screening.

“Having a younger brother who has an underlying heart condition and now has a pace maker, we are fully aware of the difference screening and research can make.

“I am massively proud and honoured to have been with my husband whilst he made it to the finish line at John O’Groats and that all his hard work, energy and determination has raised as much money as it has. 69

General Fundraising

“It will be a lifetime memory and we are pleased we did it for CRY, and I’m sure we will do another adventure again for the same charity.”

• The Reverend B Cunningham sent in £361.40 collected in the Oundle School Chapel.

• The Reverend P Finlinson MA sent in £183.43 raised from the weekly Chapel collections at Derry House, Worksop College.

• Eileen Richford sent in £200 in respect of the Councillors Ward Community Funding Scheme.

• Matt Richmond sent in £341 raised from a football match at Loughborough University.

• Scott Rickson took part in the Thames Bridges Trek and raised £390.52.

• Philip Robert-Tissot sent in £250 in respect of his son’s screening.

• Steve Rouse completed the Millport Cycling Challenge and raised £237.

• Sainsbury’s, Leatherhead, donated £1,450.

• Lisa Savage sent in £100 from SPP Pumps Ltd.

• Savoo Limited sent in £500 in respect of the March competition.

• Bethany Sear and members of KSWBC completed a 1-million metre row and raised £1,252.38.

• Sevenoaks & District Football League sent in £100 raised through this year’s Sevenoaks Charity Cup Competition.

• Sheffield High School for Girls Year 13 Sixth Form students sent in £147.09.

• Tamara Short took part in the Stockholm Marathon and raised £1,900.

• Deborah Shudra took part in the Color Run and raised £135.

• Julie Small sent in £636 raised from Eastleigh Juniors FC’s fundraising activities.

• Carl Smith and Sarah donated £500 in appreciation of Lucy’s recent screening.

• Elen Smith took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon and raised £207.

• St Dominic’s Sixth Form College sent in £118.51 from a cake sale.

• Ian Stafford took part in the Colchester Half Marathon and raised £210.

• Will Stockton took part in a Double Enduroman event and raised £355.85:

“Most people haven’t and won’t experience what a Double Ironman is like as an event. I wanted to give a quick overview of my race experience to allow others who might have never considered ultra events the chance to step into the unknown as I did on Saturday morning.

“The race began at 9am at Avon Tyrell in the New Forest – the start of the race is unlike anything I’ve experienced in the ultra events previously. With such small numbers on the start line (16 for the Double Continues and a handful more for the swim events) there was no rush to get in the water or any uncertainty about if you’ve joined the queue in the right place for your predicted swim time! Due to the nature of the race, competitors will be separated by hours rather than minutes, so gaining a few meters on the start line is insignificant.

“With a countdown from 10 the race was underway – the first two laps are completed without passing directly by the lap counters to allow the field to spread out. This gave me a chance to find my rhythm early in the water and adapt to the temperature.

“I only managed one open water swim this year, which was in sub 10°C water at Salford Quays, but I felt the cold temperatures would prepare me for what I might experience in the race officially classed as ‘Chilly’.

“With the swim making up such a small proportion of the overall time, the focus is on saving energy and being as efficient in the water as possible – I took a couple of fuel stops to ensure I maintained body temperature and didn’t exit the water running on reserves. Fortunately, the lap

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 70

Raising Awareness in the Media Report

counters do a fantastic job keeping track of everyone in the water, otherwise I might have been in the lake for a few more laps than intended.

“I exited the water in a time of 2 hours 41 minutes, which was inside my target of 3 hours – this was a nice boost going into transition as it gave me the opportunity to push on with the early laps on the bike.

“After a quick shower and a bowl of porridge, I was out onto the bike for the longest stage of the race: 20 laps of an 11.6 mile circuit. I settled into a strong early rhythm and got to know the course well – I wanted to identify the parts of the course where I could find free speed to help save the legs for the night.

“The target heading into the bike stage was to be at half way by the time we transitioned into the dark; I was slightly off the pace and had to stop one lap earlier than planned for lights and high-vis! This wasn’t the news that I wanted after nearly 7 hours in the saddle.

“Fortunately, my support team were one step ahead; the suggestion from the pits was to head straight back out and get to the 12 lap mark and ‘break the back of the cycle stage’ before taking a shower and food stop.

the bike into my bed for a 20-minute nap before a quick shower and then the run leg would start!

“This didn’t happen…

“Whether this was as a result of my support team pushing me out onto my feet or if I came round while in the shower, I’m not sure! However, the run started well and I soon found a pace which felt sustainable. I was pleasantly surprised by how my legs felt and had been well fuelled on the bike.

“The main concern I had during the early laps was the weather. I couldn’t seem to get comfortable with my layers, although this was soon replaced by the realisation that I had at least 10 hours left to race! I knew I was hitting roughly 15-minute laps and this soon became a big target which really helped keep my pace up!

“I had a few short breaks at base camp which were always a nice distraction from what was happening on the course – I made some good early progress and got through marathon distance in good time. It was only in the last 15 laps where I really felt my legs become heavy – a few paced laps with my support team helped me sustain the 4mph pace and provided a welcome distraction from the trail. As competitors in front of me started to finish and complete their last lap in reverse I knew I was getting close to that moment myself.

“The toughest laps of the race were always going to be the early hours of Sunday morning, as the combination of a drop in temperature and lack of sleep made staying awake on the bike a challenge. Most of the laps would finish with a strong coffee before heading out again – I was completing most of the laps as pairs with the occasional one lap burst to keep morale up and food reserves well stocked.

“As my weakest discipline of the race, I’m always relieved to get the bike racked. There were certainly no exceptions this time, although there is something special about riding through the night and seeing the sunrise, knowing that you might have to wait for it to set again to see the finish of the race. I had convinced myself that I would roll off

“People always talk about staying in the present in long endurance races, focusing on this lap and maintaining forward momentum. It’s always a mental challenge to maintain this mindset throughout and not be distracted or disheartened by the duration left to run. Ultimately, this just adds to the challenge and is what separates those who excel in these events and those who suffer!

“I was pushed right to the end by my support team – a target of 7:45pm had been mentioned a few times coming into the last laps. This meant sustaining the 15-minutea-lap pace and ensuring that any fuelling was done on 71

General Fundraising

the move. I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t fussed about reaching this target, because I knew I was in good shape to finish inside my original target time and wouldn’t have to lap in the dark! However, this idea sparked something off in my head, and, although not fully willing, I did push on and continued to hit the 15-minute lap times.

“Making the turn onto the last lap was meant to be a momentous occasion – this is what you’ve worked for over the last 34 hours and the countless hours sat on the turbo trainer or in the gym in the lead up to the race! As I had on the bike and the swim, I wanted to enjoy the last lap and was already deep in thought as to what food I would have when over the line.

“The last few steps of the race were spent celebrating with the few who had been there to watch the race unfold, including my amazing support team, the race organisers and marshalls.

“As always, there is a massive sense of relief crossing the line, knowing that the hard work was enough to get you through and that you’ve joined an exclusive group of people.

• Lou Tassell at Optimal Vitality sent in donations totalling £365.

• Paul Thomason sent in £200 from the Eaton Park Residents Association held at the Bellringer Public House.

• Rebecca Tidman took part in the Bear Grylls Survival Race 10K and raised £460.

• Faye Trigg sent in £670 from Millers Barn Golf Park raised through competitions, open days, entry fees, away days and raffles.

• CRY Patron Andrew Triggs-Hodge sent in £50 raised from a talk he gave at Surbiton High School.

• Lauren Tyrell took part in the London to Paris Cycle and raised £2,545.

• University of Exeter Swimming Club sent in £184.

• Waitrose, Leatherhead, sent in £150 raised from the Community Matters scheme.

• Peter Walker sent in £400.

• Claire Walshe took part in the Ealing Half Marathon and raised £205.

• Danny Wareham took part in the Vodafone Big Bold Challenge and raised £220.

• West Lothian Clarion Cycle Club held a raffle and raised £256.

• Richard Wheeler took part in a Santa Run and raised £1,065.

• Melissa Whiffin sent in £272 raised from ESR Project Team’s Dress Down Friday.

“Going into this race I knew it would stretch me more than ever; that’s one of the thrills about going further than before! Writing this report a few days on from the race, it’s safe to say I will be back and I will go longer… much longer!”

• The Strand Public House sent in £100.

• Jude Streeks took part in a palace to palace bike ride and raised £280.

• Nicola Sutcliff cycled from the Radisson Blu Hotel in Durham to York and raised £265.

• Janice Swankie sent in £185 in lieu of gifts at her recent birthday party.

• Sarah Wickins took part in the Big Heart Bike Ride and raised £1,185.25.

• Sam Williams took part in the Bath Half Marathon and raised £340.

• Winton Capital sent in a matched giving donation of £250 in respect of Astrid Stealey’s participation in the Ealing Marathon.

• Holly Woodside-Coventry sent in £657.74 raised from colleagues at Together Financial Services Limited.

• Ann Wright sent in £120 in lieu of gifts to celebrate the 65th birthday of her husband, Ian.

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 72

Fundraising Events 2018

Please contact the fundraising team on 01737 363222 or email if you are interested in any of the following events. For more information and a full list of events visit

All participants in mass-participation events who contact the CRY fundraising team (whether they have their own place or a CRY charity place) will receive a welcome pack containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and either a T-shirt or vest (depending on the type of event).

Spartan Race Series

Throughout 2018

The Spartan Race series integrates obstacles with natural terrain to create the best racing experience possible. There are 3 levels of adult races, as well as a range just for children.

Parachute Jumps

Assorted dates

London Landmarks Half

Marathon 2018

March 25

This event is a brand new, closed road, central London run. It is the only half marathon to go through both the City of London and City of Westminster.

ASICS Greater Manchester


April 8

To give you an idea of how fast this course is, at the recent ASICS Greater Manchester Marathon on April 2nd 2017, 86% of the top 50 recorded a PB or SB and 50% of the top 250 got a PB. This race is your best chance to get a PB.

Brighton Marathon 2018

April 15

With a stunning backdrop in one of the country’s most vibrant cities, the race gets bigger and better every year. CRY welcomes runners with their own place.

Virgin Money London Marathon 2018

April 22

CRY always has a limited number of charity places available for the Virgin Money London Marathon, but these have already been allocated as demand always exceeds the number of places available. We welcome own place

runners to join CRY’s team.

Edinburgh Marathon Festival

May 26-27

The Edinburgh Marathon Festival includes a marathon (voted the fastest marathon in the UK by Runner’s World in 2008), a half marathon, a 10K and a 5K.

London 10,000

May 28

Starting and finishing in St. James’s Park, runners will enjoy the sights of the city and pass some of London’s most iconic landmarks, including Nelson’s Column, St Paul’s Cathedral and Big Ben. CRY has places for this event and welcomes runners with their own place.

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2018

June 24 (TBC)

Join CRY for the 12th annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. This event offers the opportunity to show support for CRY, remember young people, raise funds and help raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death (the confirmed date will be announced shortly).

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 and 100

July 29

This cycle was introduced after the success of the race event for the London Olympics. The event comprises a 100mile or a 46-mile cycle route on closed roads through the capital into Surrey’s countryside. If you would like to take part in either cycle, CRY has places and also welcomes any own place cyclists.

Wye Valley Challenge

August 11-12

A new Ultra Challenge that takes in

the breathtaking Wye Valley, on the England and Wales border, and areas of outstanding natural beauty for the entire 100km journey.

Simplyhealth Great North Run

September 9

The Great North Run is the world’s leading half marathon. The 13.1-mile course runs from Newcastle upon Tyne to South Shields and attracts many worldclass athletes.

CRY Heart of Durham Walk

October 6

The 5-mile route starts and ends at Durham Amateur Rowing Club and passes along the River Wear and through the beautiful city of Durham. The walk is suitable for all.

Royal Parks Half Marathon

October 7

This stunning central London half marathon takes in the capital’s worldfamous landmarks on closed roads, and four of London’s eight Royal Parks – Hyde Park, The Green Park, St James’s Park and Kensington Gardens.

Cardiff Half Marathon

October 7

The Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon has grown into the UK’s second-largest half marathon.

CRY Great Cake Bake



This is a fun and simple way for our supporters to get involved in Raising Awareness Week. Get your family, friends, colleagues and children involved in baking, eating and raising money for CRY. And compete to see who will create this year’s showstopper!

Issue 73 | May to August 2017 74

Our Fundraisers

By fundraising for CRY you will be helping to:

• subsidise CRY’s national cardiac screening programme

• fund CRY’s bereavement support programme to provide counselling and support to affected families

• support research into young sudden cardiac death (YSCD)

• develop the myheart Network to support young people living with cardiac conditions

• provide all CRY literature and information free of charge

• develop the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP), and the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology

Our Patrons

CRY Update 73 May to August 2017

The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD.

Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the London Marathon or the Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, sponsor forms and other resources.

If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events.

Visit for more information or contact the CRY office for a fundraising ideas pack.

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high-profile personalities to give their time to become CRY Patrons. For more information visit

“It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.”

Current Patrons of CRY:

Rob Andrew MBE

Clive Clarke


• John Barrowman MBE

• Jack Clifford

• Jeremy Bates

• James Cracknell OBE

• Baroness Ilora Finlay

Michael Hoey


• John Inverdale

• Rob Key

McDowell MBE


There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we also accept credit/debit card donations over the phone.

For further information please call the CRY office on 01737 363222 or visit

All your help is greatly appreciated.

Our Mailings

1. CRY Update magazine

Postal mailing of CRY’s regular (three issues a year) news and events magazine. Includes reports from the CRY CEO and Founder; supporters’ fundraising; articles about screening, myheart, research, pathology, raising awareness initiatives, massparticipation fundraising events; and much more.

2. CRY enewsletter

Monthly email newsletter; 3 emails per year with links to the online version of the Update magazine; plus occasional emails about major CRY events and initiatives.

• Ben Brown

• Nick Easter

• Simon Halliday

• Tom James MBE

• Gary Longwell

• Lee Mears

• Pixie Lott

• Bill Neely

• Sir Steve Redgrave CBE

Roger Taylor MBE

• Jonny

• Kathryn Harries

• Pat Jennings

• Emily Maitlis

• Lawrence Okoye

• Vincent Regan

• Professor Gaetano Thiene

Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE


• Matt Wells

• Andrew Trimble

• Ray Wilkins MBE

• Joe Root


• Graeme

• Phil Packer

• Andy Scott

• Gregor Townsend MBE

• David Walliams

• Alison

• Sir Clive Woodward


If you would like to subscribe to – or unsubscribe from – either of these mailing lists, please let us know:

• Complete the online form;

• Call the CRY office; 01737 363222

• Email the CRY office; 75

Our Mission

When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD).

Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions.

These conditions include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and other diseases of the heart muscle, as well as electrical heart disorders which can lead to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS).

CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD through raising awareness amongst the general public and medical community, providing expert cardiac pathology, improving early diagnosis through screening, supporting young people diagnosed and funding research.

1 in 300 young people CRY tests will have a potentially lifethreatening heart condition.

CRY believes cardiac screening should be available to all young people aged between 14 and 35.

CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, bereavement support, help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD.

In 80% of cases of young sudden cardiac death there are no prior symptoms of a heart defect.

CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge.

For detailed information about cardiac conditions and CRY’s range of literature visit medical-information

CRY is grateful for grants or donations from trusts and foundations. We would like to thank the following for the generous support they have given us: A & R Woolf Charitable Trust • The Bailey Will Trust • Borrows Charitable Trust • Cecil Rosen Foundation • The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust • The Christopher H R Reeves Charitable Trust • CMS Cameron McKenna Foundation • E C Graham’s Charitable Settlement • The Edith Murphy Foundation • G C Gibson Charitable Trust • G M Morrison Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation• The Lady Forester Trust • Leathersellers’ Company Charitable Fund • The Lynn Foundation • The Oakdale Trust • The Oliver Stanley Charitable Trust • Pannett Charitable Trust • The Rachel & David Barnett Charitable Trust • The Redevco Foundation • The Rest Harrow Trust • Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Charitable Foundation • The Stanley Grundy Foundation • The Steel Charitable Trust • Thomas Cook Children’s Charity • Tudor Foundation Inc • UKH Foundation • Vernon N Ely Charitable Trust Registered Charity No. 1050845 ofToreceivetheonlineversion theCRYUpdate, subscribe @CRY_UK CardiacRiskintheYoung Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 Email: Visit our websites: Awareness 16% Screening 36% Research 25% Fundraising 13% Governance 3% Support 7% Pathology Cardiology Screening We are very proud that over 84p in every £1 we spend goes into supporting CRY’s key aims. Without the fantastic support we receive this wouldn’t be possible. CardiacRiskintheYoung

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