862,000 Unborn Children Are Aborted Each Year
86% of Women Having Abortions are Single
Of Men Were Attending Church Regularly at the Time Their Partner Had an Abortion
Of Women Were Attending Church Regularly at the Time of Their First Abortion
Never before has our nation seen such a dichotomy surrounding abortion. Due to restrictions placed on surgical abortion providers during COVID, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of telemedicine and chemical abortions (oral medication) across the nation. More women than ever are experiencing dangerous “do-it-yourself” abortions in the loneliness and solitude of their own homes. At the same time, because of recent legislative victories (Texas Heartbeat Law, etc.), some parts of the country have more limits on abortion than ever before. The result is two-fold. Many women are making frantic decisions to abort within the more stringent gestation limitations of state laws. AND, simultaneously, tens of thousands of women, who can no longer legally consider abortion, are seeking support to navigate the challenges of a “crisis pregnancy.” Care Net, through the Continuum of Care which we have built in our Pregnancy Decision Line, our network of affiliated pregnancy centers, and Making Life Disciples partner churches, is uniquely positioned to have a significant impact on abortion in America, and to save lives both now, and for eternity.
OUR MISSION Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.
OUR VISION Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.
4 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES To carry out our Pro Abundant Life objectives, and make abortion unthinkable in the U.S., Care Net has four strategic initiatives. Three of our strategic initiatives provide a comprehensive Continuum of Care for those considering abortion and those who have chosen life for their unborn children. Our fourth strategic initiative consists of a robust public education campaign aimed at influencing the culture and making abortion unthinkable in our culture.
BECAUSE the only source of true and lasting transformation is the Gospel. Care Net helps lead people into transformative relationships with Jesus Christ, breaking the cycle of repeat unintended pregnancies, and connecting pregnancy center clients to the local church for discipleship and long-term support. BECAUSE 86% of abortions in the United States are among unmarried women, Care Net promotes healthy marriage as a critical factor in preventing abortions and as the optimal environment to raise children in accordance with God’s design for the family. The best way to ensure children thrive in life is when they are raised by their own, married parents. BECAUSE the father of an unborn baby is the most influential factor in a mother’s decision to abort, we work to break the cycle of abortion by engaging the father. Positive father involvement prevents abortion, and postbirth, children with involved, responsible, and committed fathers fare far better in various ways. BECAUSE our culture-at-large no longer values the sanctity of human life and the sanctity of the family as God designed it, we seek to influence the culture by transforming hearts and minds so that regardless of what the laws are, abortion becomes unthinkable in our homes, churches, and communities. BECAUSE those who have experienced the pain of abortion are often the best to minister to those currently considering abortion, Care Net seeks to equip the Church to facilitate forgiveness and healing through Christ to those suffering from past abortions. In turn, those who have experienced healthy recovery from abortion will be equipped and empowered to serve those who are currently making pregnancy decisions.
Strategic Initiative
Pregnancy Decision Line was created to meet the “immediate need” of women and men making pregnancy decisions by offering immediate pregnancy decision coaching with trained staff. As the nation’s first national call center offering immediate assistance to those considering abortion, Pregnancy Decision Line is uniquely positioned to have a significant impact on the number of abortions in the U.S. Eight out of ten callers to Pregnancy Decision Line are actively seeking or considering abortions. Circumstances of the last year have magnified the need for Pregnancy Decision Line. A rapid increase in the number of chemical abortions (taking oral medications to induce an abortion) has increased access to abortion - even during a pandemic nationwide. The need for immediate care for those considering abortion has never been greater.
“THANK YOU FOR LISTENING” A woman called PDL and shared that she had made an abortion appointment prior to the phone call. In the middle of our call, the client paused to thank me for actually listening and asking how SHE was doing and feeling. The client shared that at the abortion clinic, they didn’t care about her thoughts and feelings at all. They simply cared about giving the information and scheduling the abortion. The client stated that her experience with PDL had been so much different. When the conversation turned to spiritual things, the client shared that she was a Christian. After some discussion about her faith in Christ, the client said she now “knew that God wanted her to let her baby live.” - Recounting of a recent call to Pregnancy Decision Line. By one of Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line Couches
Measurable Objectives and Expected Results For FY2022 2021
Engage expert in pro-life “telephone ministry” to perform detailed operational audit of all aspect of the Pregnancy Decision Line program. The audit will be performed with a high-level of engagement from current PDL staff members.
Spiritual Conversations with Callers
Number of PDL Clients Making a Pregnancy Decision in FY21
Callers Referred to Their Local Pregnancy Center for Ongoing Conversation and Support
87% WOMEN 13% MEN Gender of Mission Critical Clients
Those Considering Abortion Are Moved Toward a Decision for Life
Strategic and Operational Audit
Because the need for Pregnancy Decision Line is greater than even before, and because of the rapid increase in chemical abortions (via oral medications), Care Net has made the strategic decision to perform an in-depth operational audit of our Pregnancy Decision Line program. Performed by an expert in pro-life “telephone ministry,” the audit will yield a new plan to reach an even greater number of clients considering abortion, with even more effectiveness in forming transformational relationship which lead to life decisions and sharing the Gospel.
2022 Analysis of the PDL Operational Audit and development of a comprehensive and multi-phased plan to increase program effectiveness in reaching those considering abortion and serving them to effect trasformational change resulting in positive pregnancy decisions and relationships with Jesus Christ.
Begin implementation of Phase One of new program plan to offer best-inclass service to anyone considering abortion.
Strategic Initiative
PREGNANCY CENTERS The global Covid-19 pandemic, the resulting mandatory “shelter in place” orders, personal quarantining, state-specific executive orders for businesses to reduce services and limit public interaction DEEPLY impacted pregnancy centers nationwide over the past year. More than 47% of Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers suspended inperson services for some time during the pandemic. Many turned to “phone only” counseling options. Those offering medical services - pregnancy testing, STD/STI testing, and ultrasounds - faced significant challenges in maintaining their services in their communities in 2021. Pregnancy centers were not the only organizations impacted in these ways during the last year. Abortion providers, too, were impacted in similar ways. And one significant, and likely long-lasting, change brought about was the use of telemedicine, the attainment of abortion-inducing oral medications, and the rapid rise in “chemical” abortions over surgical abortions in the country. This paradigm shift is being seen in the attitude of pregnancy center clients nationwide. No longer are clients resigned to the fact that they must seek care (either from an abortion provider or a pregnancy center) at a brick and mortar location. Clients are coming to EXPECT immediate, virtual care from any provider they choose. Pregnancy centers are shifting their ministry model to adapt the changing attitude and expectations of their clients. Care Net has been in lock-step with our centers through it all…...equipping them to meet new requirements to serve clients during a pandemic, helping them learn and implement new “telephone coaching” skills, and encouraging them to continue and increase their fundraising activities in uncertain economic times. In the Last 13 Years at Care Net Affiliated Pregnancy Centers
1.946 Million
Desired Outcomes for our Affiliated Pregnancy Centers in 2021* JAN. 2021 Increase the percentage of clients “considering abortion” to an average of 52% nationwide
Women Who Visit a Care Net Pregnancy Center Choose Life for their Unborn Baby
Decisions for Christ, Re-Dedications to Christ
Gospel Presentations IN 2020
IN 2020
Centers Offering Ultrasound
$74,500,625 In Free Services and Material Aid in 2020
99.2% of Center Clients Report Having an Overall Positive Experience at a Care Net Affiliated Center
Clients Served in 2020
Texas Rapid Response
On September 1, 2021 the Texas Heartbeat Law went into effect, limiting the period a woman could legally obtain an abortion to appoximately the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. Almost instantly, pregnancy centers in Texas were inundated with frantic clients, needing to know IMMEDIATELY if they were pregnant, and many making rapid decisions to abort their unborn children in the immediate wake of this new law. Thankfully, many pregnancy centers were newly trained and experienced in “phone ministry” and were able to meet this increased need. However, the needs of our centers, our partner Making Life Disciples churches, and clients are rapidly changing. For this reason, and to best serve those facing pregnancy decisions in Texas, Care Net is allocating resources to serve centers and churches on the ground, with employees physically located in Texas.
Affiliated Pregnancy Centers
DEC. 2021 And of those clients, increase the percentage of clients whose last known intent is to choose life for their unborn children to 78%
Increase the percentage of Gospel presentations to new clients to 39% on average across the nation
*Care Net gathers statistical information from its affiliated pregnancy centers on a calendar year basis.
Strategic Initiative Continued
HOW CARE NET EQUIPS AND EMPOWERS PREGNANCY CENTERS Care Net empowers our network of 1,200+ community pregnancy centers to minister to people making pregnancy decisions by providing them with quality online professional development training and reliable operational guidance to grow organizations that are competent, organized, and well equipped. We accomplish this through our Centers of Excellence© program - a combination of best-in-class online training courses and a myriad of printed resources for staff training and for use with pregnancy center clients. Centers of Excellence University already offers eight online courses, on a variety of relevant topics in pregnancy center ministry and operations. Current projects include the development of new online courses and the establishment of “Pregnancy Center Leadership Certification” for those who complete a series of courses.
Developing THREE NEW Online Courses
• Pregnancy Decision Coaching • Gospel Compassion • Trauma Competent Coaching
Measurable Objectives & Expected Results For FY2022 2022 Development of THREE new Centers of Excellence University online courses
Establishment of “Pregnancy Center Leadership Certification” program
This entire course was so helpful with getting my mind back to the work of the ministry and setting me back on the path of team leadership again. This year of lockdowns in my state of CA have been excruciatingly difficult to navigate. I needed this reminder to get back to the work of the ministry with excellence. Oh did I need this breath of fresh air again. It breathed life back into my leadership. JANETTE CHUN, CEO BIRTH CHOICE CENTERS, AFTER COMPLETING ORGANIZATIONAL ESSENTIALS COURSE
1,039 Attendees
Keynote Speakers
Days of Conference
Engaging Fathers Pilot Program
Care Net’s commissioned research shows that women considering abortion are most influenced by the father of the baby. To more actively engage fathers in pregnancy decisions, and minister directly to them at pregnancy centers, Care Net has launched a pilot program to equip centers to increase their capacity to minister to men. Care Net is committed to helping our network of pregnancy centers and their church partners to effectively serve and disciple men throughout the pregnancy decision process and embrace abundant life in Christ. The Pilot Project will work closely with ten selected pregnancy centers to implement or enhance their ministry to men by offering training, on-site visits by Care Net staff experts, and other resources. At the completion of the pilot we will analyze the impact of the project to determine how to best move forward and expand equipping pregnancy centers and churches to best serve men, women, and families.
2022 Completion of Engaging Fathers Pilot Program
Facilitate 72 online class cohorts through Centers of Excellence University
Care Net National Conference, August 2022, Phoenix, AZ
Strategic Initiative
CHURCH OUTREACH & ENGAGEMENT Care Net believes that “life decisions require life support,” and that the Church is God’s chosen instrument to provide long-term support and discipleship to women, men, and families. This support empowers them to choose life for their unborn children and ABUNDANT life for their families through a transformational relationship with Jesus Christ. The Making Life Disciples ministry resource was developed to equip the Church to specifically minister to those making pregnancy decisions, and to offer those in their congregations and communities the ongoing and long-term discipleship they need to realize an abundant life through Christ. Based on our experience and feedback from pregnancy centers and churches connected through Making Life Disciples, Care Net is developing a new and improved version of the training that is designed for small groups or to provide one-on-one mentoring to emerging life disciples. More than ever, Making Life Disciples is an important tool to prepare churches to respond to an increase of women, men, and families who need support because of legislative changes, like the Texas Heartbeat Law.
2,606 ORGANIZATIONS Have Accessed the Making Life Disciples Training Program Since 2016
15 VOLUNTEER REGIONAL COORDINATORS Helping Churches and Individuals Implement Making Life Disciples Ministries
28,121 CHURCHES Actively Involved In Supporting and Working with Affiliated Pregnancy Centers in Their Communities
Measurable Objectives & Expected Results For FY2022 2021 Update our online version of Making Life Disciples training, adapting it for one-on-one mentoring, small groups, and individuals to go through the course at their own pace
1,000 individuals volunteer to bring Making Life Disciples to their church
My church has been financially supporting our local pregnancy center for over 15 years. This year we attended their virtual banquet and were moved by the story of a client who was set on abortion but chose life for her baby girl. At the end of the virtual banquet, one of the attendees remarked, “What’s next? Whom do the women turn to for support? Are they connected to a church? Can we be that church?” THIS is the void that Making Life Disciples was created to fill. God has been working in our hearts, and we are ready to use MLD to help us minister to individuals facing pregnancy decisions. Thank you! MICHAELA HOYLE, KNOTTY OAK BAPTIST CHURCH IN COVENTRY, RI
Abortion Recovery & Care
Because those who have experienced the pain of abortion are often the best to minister to those currently considering abortion, Care Net seeks to equip the Church to facilitate forgiveness and healing through Christ to those suffering from past abortions. In turn, those who have experienced healthy recovery from abortion will be equipped and empowered to serve those who are currently making pregnancy decisions. Care Net is launching a powerful initiative to bring compassion, hope and healing to the post-abortive, through the Church. We are adapting our Forgiven & Set Free Bible study for a virtual platform, designed for churches to use as a small-group study.
Over the years, hundreds of thousands of women and men have experienced restoration and redemption through these post-abortion healing Bible studies. The studies are biblically based, Gospel-centered and lead directly to the foot of the Cross. Our strategy is to create a network of churches, organizations and individuals to more effectively connect people nationally to local help and to track the impact of our efforts. This will equip the Church to minister to this group, and empower those experiencing healing from abortion to serve those currently facing unplanned pregnancies and considering abortion.
2022 Maintain at least 20 Making Life Disciples Regional Coordinators throughout the year
Complete adaptation of Abortion Recovery and Care bible study for online learning and facilitating
Strategic Initiative
PUBLIC EDUCATION Returning America to a culture of life will require more than simply changing laws…. we must overturn Roe v. Wade one woman, one man, one child, one family at a time, making abortion unthinkable in our culture. Care Net is a voice of compassion and reason in the public square, advocating for the culture at large to consider the value of human life, the importance of marriage and strong families, the important role of fathers, the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the need for long-term discipleship within the Church for those making pregnancy decisions.
Visitors to Our Website
Through Our Social Media Outreach Annually
Have Taken One of Care Net’s Free, Online Courses
with Care Net by Downloading Ebooks, Taking Free, Online Courses, Using Devotional Materials, Signing a Pledge
Measurable Objectives for FY2022 2021 1 Million visitors to Care Net’s website
125,000 new contacts activily engage with Care Net through digital content
REACHING THE CULTURE Connect with Care Net, and be part of the Pro ABUNDANT Life movement
Subscribe to Our Blogs
Instagram @care_net
For Those Making Pregnancy Decisions
YouTube @carenettv
Twitter @inspirelifenow Put Your Pro-Life Passion Into Action
Pinterest @care_net
LinkedIn @care-net
Care Net on Family Faith & Life with
Roland Warren President and CEO
Vince DiCaro
Chief Outreach Officer
CareCast Podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and Soundcloud
2022 Produce 24 podcast episodes of Care Cast, sharing Care Net’s vision on family, faith and life
Increase Care Net’s influence through the media by implementing a strategic plan for earned media appearance
...FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Never before has Care Net had such an opportunity to impact so many lives both now, and for eternity. Will you lock arms with us, to be an integral part of the Pro ABUNDANT Life movement, with your financial support? Your partnership will impact lives through every facet of our ministry…. • The immediate compassionate care to those considering abortion through our Pregnancy Decision Line • Meeting the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of women and men making pregnancy decisions through our network of 1,200+ affiliated pregnancy centers • Empowering churches to offer mentoring and long-term discipleship to women, men and families who have experienced an unplanned pregnancy • Making abortion unthinkable in our culture through our extensive Public Education programs
Would you please
PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER joining us in the sacred work
of reaching those considering abortion with the transformational power of the Gospel, so they are empowered to choose life for their unborn children, and abundant life for their families?
Look among the nations and watch – Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you. HABAKKUK 1:5
44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200 Lansdowne, Virginia 20176
Questions? Please contact Care Net’s Donor Care Specialist at or 800-718-5909
44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200, Lansdowne, VA 20176