Thank you for your commitment to sharing Gospel-focused compassion, hope, and help with women and men facing pregnancy decisions. In Fiscal Year 2024, Care Net invested your support into key strategies that saved 53,886 babies from becoming the next victims of abortion and enabled 102,066 clients to hear the life-transforming hope of the Gospel. Every accomplishment in this Annual Report is because of you…and I sincerely hope you are encouraged by the impact you are making in this world.
May God bless you daily as you serve Him faithfully!
Roland C. Warren President & CEO
Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.
1,064,817 LIVES SAVED
Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.
Care Net’s Pro ABUNDANT Life Initiatives
Each of Care Net’s four strategic initiatives, illustrated below, are designed to serve the unique needs of women and men making pregnancy decisions and encourage them to fully embrace the abundant life that is found in Jesus Christ. Care Net’s four key strategies are covered and supported by our Abundant Life Prayer Network, as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance to achieve our Pro Abundant Life mission.
Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) is Care Net's strategic initiative that provides immediate pregnancy decision coaching to women and men at risk for abortion. PDL coaches also offer the hope of the Gospel and connect callers to local affiliated pregnancy centers to further support a life decision.
Pregnancy Centers are local, nonprofit ministries that provide compassionate support to women and men faced with difficult pregnancy decisions. Care Net provides centers with the training and resources they need to serve their local communities with excellence.
Care Net seeks to influence the culture by transforming hearts and minds so that regardless of what the laws are, abortion becomes unthinkable in our homes, churches, and communities.
Care Net’s goal is to turn pro ABUNDANT life passion into action.
Care Net is equipping churches to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men in their communities that are facing pregnancy decisions. Care Net also offers spiritual and emotional post-abortion recovery and care resources.
Major Accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2024
• Pregnancy Decision Line doubled the amount of callers served and added bilingual coaches to the team
• Care Net’s affiliated pregnancy centers saved 53,886 lives from abortion
• Care Net held its largest Conference with 1,700 attendees in Aurora, Colorado
• Care Net’s affiliated pregnancy centers shared the Gospel with 102,066 clients (7% increase!)
• Roland Warren’s new book The Alternative to Abortion: Why We Must be Pro Abundant Life was released
Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) is a national hotline that provides immediate pregnancy decision coaching, medical support from Registered Nurses, and pregnancy center referrals to women and men facing pregnancy decisions.
of pregnant callers were actively considering or pursuing abortion %
of callers considering abortion verified that they chose life %
of callers considering abortion had a follow-up conversation with a PDL coach %
of callers considering abortion scheduled an appointment at a local pregnancy center %
Each pin represents a call/calls taken by a
From the Pregnancy Decision Line Team
“Because of your generosity we have the opportunity every day to share God’s hope and love with abortion determined women and men on the phone. We are seeing God do amazing things and it is because of you and your faithfulness to Him in giving! Thank you so much! I believe one day in heaven you will meet countless mothers and fathers whose lives have been impacted because of your generosity. I pray God’s blessings on you and your family!” Thank You
Care Net provides education and training, print and digital client resources, and staff support to help pregnancy centers maximize their impact in local communities.
53,886 Clients chose LIFE after visiting a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center
Who We Serve
As a first time mummy, I was overwhelmed & the services I received helped guide me through the unknown. Family Life Pregnancy Center TEHACHAPI, CA Titiana
1,249 Pregnancy Centers
• 5,362 pregnancy center staff, volunteers, and board members received training through Care Net University
• 1,700 attendees received training at our National Conference in Aurora, CO
28,582 Pregnancy center staff and volunteers
How We Support
• 193,047 copies of Care Net’s Before You Decide client resources (tip cards, brochures, and magazines) were distributed to pregnancy centers
New pregnancy center clients
• Affiliate coaches made 4,500 support calls to pregnancy centers
From the Center Services, Care Net University, and Conference Teams
“We offer partial scholarships for Care Net University courses, generously provided by donors like you, to our affiliated pregnancy centers that express a financial need. Financial needs can range from a center just starting out and still low on funding, to a natural disaster that caused flooding and structural damage, completely wiping out a center’s budget. On behalf of our affiliates, I want to THANK YOU for providing an opportunity to advance the professional development of pregnancy center staff who would not be able to access these learning opportunities without financial assistance.”
Maddie Massie Associate Director of Care Net University
Care Net’s Church Engagement resources help strengthen the Church’s response to abortion: Making Life Disciples (abortion prevention) and Abortion Recovery & Care (post-abortion healing).
41,193 Churches partnered with Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers
1,367 individuals participated in Making Life Disciples training
305 Individuals were trained to lead a Making Life Disciples group or an Abortion Recovery & Care group
Abortion Recovery & Care LEADERS & PARTICIPANTS
Forgiven & Set Free Bible Study Participants Gatesville Prison, TX
& Set
Forgiven & Set Free (abortion healing for women) books distributed
234 Reclaiming Fatherhood (abortion healing for men) books distributed
Thank You From the Church Engagement Team
“I am incredibly grateful for your continued support. Your faithful partnership allows for Care Net’s church engagement efforts to equip churches to serve women and men faced with pregnancy decisions and those with abortion in their past, through our programs like Making Life Disciples , Forgiven & Set Free , and Reclaiming Fatherhood . These initiatives and your generosity empower churches to provide comprehensive care, from compassionate support to spiritual healing, transforming lives and fostering discipleship. Thank you for your vital role in this mission, helping us to change hearts and heal wounds in communities across our nation.”
Andrew Wood Senior Executive Director of Church Engagement
Care Net is committed to being a voice of compassion and reason in the public square and challenging the culture to think critically about the value of human life, the importance of marriage and strong families, the important role of fathers, and the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
• Millions Reached on Social Media, Including Nearly 4 Million on Facebook Alone
• Advertising Campaign on Moody Radio Stations Across the Country
901,719 Visits to Care Net’s Website
More Than 100,000 Individuals Engaged with Care Net’s Online Resources
137 Blog Posts On Care Net’s Website
This 40-day devotional shares stories from Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line and guides readers through prayers and Bible verses to help them pray for women and men considering abortion.
Thank You From the Marketing and Communications Team
“Care Net uses traditional media and social media to help Christians understand the importance of being not just pro-life, but Pro Abundant Life. Your support is creating a groundswell of enthusiasm for this unique, Biblical, and much-needed message in our nation’s churches.”
Vincent DiCaro Chief Outreach Officer
AWC Centers
San Antonio
Horizon Pregnancy Resources
San Antonio
The Pregnancy Help Center of Brazosport Lake Jackson
This course teaches the knowledge and practical skills men need to care for their pregnant spouse or partner and their child from infancy through toddlerhood.
Care Net’s research shows that the father of an unborn child is the most influential factor in an abortion decision. After 2 successful national projects, Care Net launched its first regional Fatherhood Project in Texas and provided 5 pregnancy centers with $81,500 of funding, resources, training, and staff support. visit to learn more about these courses!
Pregnancy Care Center
Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center
Healthy Dad
This new course (requested by dads served at pregnancy centers) teaches dads how to take steps to improve their personal health, relationships, and finances.
(as of November 2024*)
59% INCREASE In total men served
15% INCREASE In men attending their partner’s ultrasound appointment
30% INCREASE In men attending parenting classes
216 CLIENT DADS Enrolled in a Doctor Dad® course
*This project concludes in January 2025. NEW COURSES FOR
“Ten of the men we've seen this year made a profession of faith and 2 babies were saved by dads who were able to change a mom’s mind about abortion. Praise God!!! Those are the numbers we are most pleased with!”
RONNIE WHITEHEAD | Fatherhood Champion from Lake Jackson, TX
Care Net’s Network of LIFE-AFFIRMING SUPPORT IN 2024
15,119 Ministry Partners provided
186 Churches Participated in Making Life Disciples training to help women and men facing unplanned pregnancies
Bethany came to Insight Pregnancy Services looking for an abortion. A mother of 2 teenagers, getting pregnant was completely unexpected. Upon seeing the baby’s heartbeat, Bethany chose life! After choosing to carry her baby, this Care Net Affiliated Pregnancy Center continued to support her with many follow-up appointments. Bethany is a hard worker and has changed her lifestyle around to have a healthy pregnancy for both her and her baby boy. The coolest thing about this picture is that a local photographer reached out to the Pregnancy Center and had told them that God placed it on her heart to bless Bethany with a FREE maternity shoot! These pictures are from that shoot. Bethany had her sweet baby boy in May 2024!
A Note from Care Net’s Board Chair
I have served as a Care Net board member for the last 9 years. During my tenure, I have seen up-close the work this ministry does to help pregnancy centers around the country provide Christ-centered care and compassion to those struggling with decisions surrounding an unplanned pregnancy.
Additionally, I have witnessed the expansion and amazing work of Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL). The PDL coaches provide compassionate, life-affirming, and medically-accurate coaching to women and men considering abortion, resulting in approximately 35% callers choosing life!
And, I have witnessed what can happen when the Church embraces unplanned pregnancies as an on-ramp to discipleship – an opportunity to go beyond just helping Care Net save the lives of the unborn, to partnering strategically with us to ensure moms and dads have the opportunity to experience abundant life found in a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ and in community with other believers. I am thrilled to see Care Net’s network of church partners continue to grow.
Friend, the numbers cited in this report don’t begin to tell the story of the impact you are helping make through your steadfast support of the sacred work of Care Net. Together, with God’s help, we are countering the culture’s destructive messages about the intrinsic value of human life and lives are being saved…both now and for eternity. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support!
TOM MASON | Care Net, Board Chair
God does not make mistakes; therefore, every beautiful human being He knits in the womb should be treated with dignity, love, and respect. Our human selfishness has blinded us to the magnificent potential of life and has confused expecting parents into believing lies. We support Care Net because they not only support these parents in tangible ways, but also offer truth and grace by sharing the message of everlasting life offered through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
TOM MASON Board Chair
Retired GM & Focus on the Family Executive Atlanta, GA
KATHLEEN PATTERSON Co-Chair Professor, Regent University Norfolk, VA
Retired SVP and CMO, Interstate Batteries Plano, TX
BRUCE HELLEN Owner, Sagacity21 Derry, NH
JENNIFER MURFF Professor, Regent University Williamsburg, VA
DAVE MOJA CPA, Moja & Company, LLP Reidsville, GA
Senior Project Manager, Public Strategies, Inc. Ashburn, VA
Sr. Counsel, VP of Center for Life, Alliance Defending Freedom Phoenix, AZ
Founder & President, Life Equip Global Colorado Springs, CO
WARREN President & CEO
Ex Officio Board Member
VINCENT DICARO Chief Outreach Officer
ERIN FORSYTHE Senior Vice President of Strategic Programs
KATHRYN LOBUGLIO Senior Vice President of Administration & Operations