definitions 79
ABORTIFACIENT A substance, drug, or device given with the intent of causing the destruction of the embryo or fetus.
Intentionally ending a pregnancy and causing the destruction of the embryo or fetus.
CERVIX The narrow, lower end of the uterus.
Joining of a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg to create the first form of human life.
D&C Dilation & curettage. A surgical procedure that involves stretching open the cervix & using an instrument called a curette to scrape and remove portions of the uterine lining and contents.
EMBRYO Human life in the earliest weeks of development, during which time the organs are formed.
FETUS A developing unborn baby with an observable human structure; the stage following embryo. Latin for “offspring.”
The point at which the pregnancy has completed at least 37 weeks from the mother’s last menstrual period.
In human pregnancy, it is the length of time from fertilization until birth.
IMPLANTATION When the embryo attaches to the inner uterine lining.
LAMINARIA Dried seaweed or kelp formed into narrow bundles that absorb fluid and expand in size when placed inside the cervical canal, causing the cervix to dilate; used in abortion.
The date when a woman starts her last menstrual period before conception. This is the point in time from which the pregnancy and the age of the unborn baby are typically measured.
OFF-LABEL USE The legal use of a medication or a medical device for a purpose for which it has not been specifi cally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 80
PLACENTA A pancake-like structure that provides nourishment to the baby through the mother’s bloodstream.
TRIMESTER An interval of about three months used to measure three successive stages of pregnancy: first trimester, second trimester and third trimester.
UTERUS Female organ where the unborn baby develops during pregnancy.
*For the purproses of this publication, everywhere “abortion” appears, it stands for “induced abortion.”
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