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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide

Calhoun Community College Mission: The Mission of Calhoun Community College is to ensure student success and promote community development and cultural enrichment. The mission will be accomplished by: Providing quality, innovative instruction Ensuring open access Promoting lifelong learning Valuing diversity Securing partnerships for economic development Providing comprehensive student support services Institutionalizing assessment, accountability, and improvement Providing a supportive, responsive environment Ensuring opportunities for professional development Website: Contact Information: Bethany Clem, Dean of Business/CIS, Technologies, and Workforce Development 256.306.2839 Jim Swindell, Assistant Dean for Technology Education 256.306.2539 Ann Coleman, Coordinator of Cooperative Education and Technical Curriculum 256.306.2938 Angela Henderson, Alabama Fatherhood Initiative Case Manager 256.306.2914 Terri Bryson, Director of Development 256.306.2583 Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide Gwen Baker, Dual Enrollment Coordinator 256.306.2665 Aaron Jordan, Career Coach Jackie Warner, Career Coach Saralyn Mitchell, Career Coach Vaneesa Thompson, Career Coach Program/Services: • Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees: Offerings range from established programs in Aerospace Technology, Design Drafting Technology (including 3D modeling), Machine Tool Technology (including CNC Programming), Industrial Technology (including Industrial Maintenance, Electrical, Instrumentation and Robotics/Automation Options), Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and Process Technology. ‐Other Degree Programs: Accounting Barbering Business Computer Information Systems Cosmetology Cosmetology Nail Program Art Computer Graphics Graphic Animation Graphic Design Electronic Imaging Music Education Program Music Industry Communications Photography and Film Communications Theatre Associate Degree Nursing (Traditional) Associate Degree Part‐time Evening Nursing Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide Clinical Laboratory Technology Dental Assisting EMS Massage Therapy Physical Therapist Assistant Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Mathematics Pre‐Engineering Social Sciences Criminal Justice o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Students must submit applications to Calhoun and have received a high school diploma or GED. Course fees are $95 per credit hour.

Summer Camps: Four Summer Camps are offered at Calhoun: ‐Robotics and 3D Modeling/Animation and Music Camp: The Calhoun Community College “Virtual Journeys” Technology Camps incorporate hands‐on physics, engineering, and computer design to build a working robot or to create animated 3D models. In addition, there will be a camp for the Decatur Youth Symphony that will offer master classes in winds, percussion, and strings and an introduction to robotics, 3D modeling and animation, and sound recording technology. Each camp runs five consecutive days with a steady progression of knowledge‐based challenges presented each day of the camp. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: The Robotics and 3D Modeling and Animation Camps are open to all students entering 6th through 12th grades for the coming school year. The Youth Symphony camp is only for those students that are members of the Decatur Youth Symphony Orchestra. There is a cost for these camps.

‐SWeETY Camp: This is the Summer Welding and Electrical Technology camp for area high school girls. This is a weeklong camp that is a fun and challenging introduction to electrical technology and welding and career opportunities in those fields. Space is limited to 20 participants. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Area high school girls in 9th through 12th grade. This is a free camp. ‐STeP Camp: This is the summer Science and Technology Preview camp. This

weeklong camp is a challenging and exciting introduction to the field of process technology and the many career opportunities in this growing area. Space is limited to 20 participants. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Area high school girls in 11th and 12th grade. This is a free camp. ‐CMI Technology Educators’ Camp: This week long camp offers the opportunity

for area high school administrators, counselors, and classroom teachers to learn

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide about exciting careers in the technical fields and how to better advise students about these jobs. Space is limited to 40 educators. o

Dual Enrollment Opportunities: Dual Enrollment/Dual credit is a program that allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes, either at the college campus or at the high school, and to receive both high school and college credit. Students may participate in any college level course in English, foreign languages, mathematics, science, or social science; any occupational/technical course; or any other courses agreed upon by the school system and the college. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Eligible students are in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade who have a “B” average in their completed high school courses and who have written approval of both the high school principal and the local superintendent of education. Some schools limit participation to 11th and 12th grade students. Students must meet the course prerequisites prior to enrollment. To apply for the program, students may pick up a dual enrollment application packet from their high school guidance counselor, from the admissions office at Calhoun, or online at Cost for the courses are dependent upon the course credit hours. Most courses are 3‐4 hours, with the cost for 1 credit hour being $95.

The Co‐Operation Program: The Co‐Operation program is a joint effort among local companies, Limestone and Morgan County Economic Development organizations, and Calhoun Community College. The intent of the program is to provide paid, part‐time, cooperative student work experiences as students complete their AAS degrees in Aerospace Technology, Design Drafting, Electrical Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Industrial Maintenance, and Process Technology. This program also includes a Pre‐engineering Co‐Op option for students expecting to pursue a degree in engineering. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Area high school administrators, counselors, and classroom teachers. There is a stipend for educators that attend this program.

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? To apply for the AAS degree Co‐Op position, students must complete and submit a Co‐Operation Program Application, have successfully completed 12 hour of coursework at Calhoun, be 18 years of age and eligible to work in the United States, maintain 3.0 GPA or better in Program coursework and a 2.5 GPA overall, adhere to Calhoun’s attendance policy, and be chosen by a selection committee. To apply for the pre‐engineering co‐op positions, students must be a sophomore status, have declared pre‐engineering as his/her major, have a 2.5 overall GPA, have taken Calculus II and Physics I, and have taken or are taking EGR 101, Engineering Foundations.

Robotics Center: Governor Riley announced the selection of Calhoun as the site for the new robotics park and plans for its construction earlier this year. The Park will be a collaborative venture between the state of Alabama, the two‐year college system, AIDT, and robotics industry leaders. Plans call for three buildings to be built on the 53‐acre

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide site across from Calhoun’s Decatur campus. Phase 1: The Robotic Maintenance Training Center will house an industry‐training program. Phase 2: The Advanced Technology Research and Development Center will feature a test facility for companies currently in the robotics manufacturing industry. Phase 3: The Integration and Entrepreneurial Center is expected to be a collaborative consolidation of technology involving higher education and industry. The robotics campus will consist of three individual training facilities each targeted to a specific industry need. The first building, scheduled to be complete in 2010, will be a 40,000 square foot facility where technicians will be trained to work on robotic machinery. Trainers supplied by top robot builders will staff it. The first plant will be home to several major robotics and automation brands and each will have a significant space for training and product demonstration. Plans are for 450 people to be trained at the facility each year. The second facility will be used by NASA and the U.S. Army Missile Command for the purpose of research, development, and testing of leading edge robotics for military and space exploration projects. The structure will have appropriate infrastructure to support these activities with substantial outdoor areas for testing in a variety of environments. The third building of the robotics campus will allow companies to build and adapt robots for new industries. Start up plants will be able to set up manufacturing lines to integrate software and equipment, test systems and train maintenance and production staff. All three buildings will have an investment of approximately $71 million including robotics equipment. o

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Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Students, Industry, Government and Entrepreneurs will have access to the center for training purposes.

Career Coaches (see Governors Office of Workforce Development) Non‐Credit Business and Industry Training: In addition to a wide range of traditional and credit courses, Calhoun is committed to providing short‐term training to the business community as well as non‐credit community education. Industrial and Maintenance Training includes courses in: OSHA 30‐Hour Construction/General Industry OSHA 10‐Hour Construction/General Industry Basic Electricity Blue Print Reading Forklift Safety Introduction to Electricity Introduction to Hydraulics Lockout/Tagout Machine Guarding Mechanical Maintenance Microcontrollers SMAW GTAW (Pipe Welding )

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide Precision Measuring Instruments SMAW GTAW (Pipe Welding) Precision Measuring Instruments SMAW GMAW FCAW (Structural Steel) Trinity Workplace Learning (PRIMEed) Electrical Plumbing‐‐Apprentice Level 1 Welding Courses are also offered in allied health programs, healthcare professional certifications, Commercial Truck Driver (CDL) classes, Computer Information Technology, Quality Training, Professional Development, and SpaceTEC Certification Courses. For a complete listing of courses offered in these categories please visit: o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: There are different fees associated with each training program or class. Please contact Jim Swindell with Calhoun for more information.

Tech Prep Consortium: The Calhoun Tech Prep Advanced Technologies Consortium is administered by the Calhoun Technologies and Workforce Development Division and is one of hundreds of Tech Prep partnerships across the United States. Members of the Consortium include: Calhoun Community College, Athens City Schools, Decatur City Schools, Hartselle City Schools, Limestone County Schools, Madison County Schools and Morgan County Schools. The program was established in 1990 and seeks to provide career/technical students with a seamless transition between high school, college, and career. Tech Prep allows students to receive postsecondary credit for technical competencies mastered in high school and gives them access to hands‐on experience in the career of their choice through apprenticeships, cooperative education, and other on‐the‐job training experiences. Articulation, the mechanism that allows students to receive college credit for technical skills mastered in high school, is the cornerstone of Calhoun Tech Prep. Other activities include CHOICES, the High Tech Symposium series, and the annual Career and Workforce Expo (see Decatur‐Morgan County Chamber of Commerce for the Career and Workforce Expo description). High Tech Symposium: The High Tech Symposium program is presented annually by the Calhoun Tech Prep program and consists of at least four (4) one‐day seminars presented over the course of the school year. The series offers an opportunity for junior and senior students attending high schools within the Advanced Technologies Consortium to take part in a variety of work‐based learning experiences. Each symposium focuses on issues involving the importance of technology in the industrial sector and the importance of career/technical education in preparing to enter the workforce. The program is one of several Calhoun Tech Prep programs designed to keep students involved in career/technical education and prepare them to eventually enter the technology workforce. This year, 35 students from fifteen area high schools took part in the series.

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide Symposium events have included Robotics and tours of local industries. Lunch and chartered bus transportation are provided for each Symposium. CHOICES: Each year the Calhoun Advanced Technologies Consortium presents CHOICES to all eighth grade students within the consortium. CHOICES is an interactive classroom seminar that gives middle and high school students a chance to see into the future and recognize the importance of the personal and academic decisions they make today. The success of the CHOICES program is built on classroom volunteers from all walks of business, industry and the community who volunteer to spend time in classrooms in our area presenting the program and helping the students of today, and workforce of tomorrow, begin to make good CHOICES in life. CHOICES presenters are asked to commit to teaching at least one CHOICES class. The commitment includes two 50‐minute classroom sessions on consecutive days. Teachers involved provide classroom schedules and Calhoun works with volunteers to find the best fit for their schedules. Calhoun provides the entire curriculum, teaching materials and all classroom supplies; volunteers provide their time, dedication, and the benefit of their experience to the young people in these classrooms. CHOICES make a compelling case for the way education ‐ or the lack of it – will eventually affect each student’s options. Professional Development: Professional Development for counselors is another key element of Tech Prep. Each year the program presents a Business Industry Certification (BIC) seminar for instructors of career/technical programs in service area high schools. Calhoun Tech Prep also supports workshops for counselors, participates in the annual Alabama Career Development Conference, and provides funding for Consortium counselors and educators to attend a variety of career/technical professional development conferences and workshops. Career Groupings that are included in the consortium are: agriscience, business and marketing, family and human services, health services, and technical. o Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Contact Gwen Baker at Calhoun or your local school system Career Tech Director for a list of programs that articulate from high school to Calhoun for credit and for those who qualify for specific services and programs listed above. All 8th graders in the Tech Prep Consortium qualify to receive the CHOICES program.

Grant Writing: Grants have two purposes for Calhoun: (1) to serve as a catalyst for ideas and programs, and (2) to permit college objectives to be met more quickly and, perhaps, more fully. The mission of the Grants Administration Office is to work with faculty and staff in order to attain the College's Elements of Student Success by researching external funding sources to meet identified needs, preparing and submitting proposals, and manage role in meeting the changing economic needs of our community by developing partnerships with industries, and faith‐based community groups for funding of projects that will benefit our College, community and most importantly our students. o Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Funding and services allocation is dependent on specific grant characteristics.

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Alabama Fatherhood Initiative: This program is directed towards non‐custodial parents (dads or moms) who are unable to make child support payments due to unemployment or lack of job skills to make a livable wage. The goal of the program is to help non‐ custodial parents develop and maintain positive relationships with their children and to enhance their ability to support their children. Services provided include: skills assessment, short term skills training, counseling, resume writing, job readiness classes, job search skills, job development, job coaching, esteem building, adult education (GED) open enrollment and involvement in Decatur Youth Services S.T.A.R. Program. o Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Non‐custodial parents who have court‐ ordered child support payments. Participants must work while participating in the program, pay child support, complete assessment satisfactorily, and meet attendance and other requirement specified by the program. These services are free. Adult Education and GED Program: The adult education program provides academic instruction up to the college level. Areas of instruction include: reading, English, mathematics, social studies, science, English as a second language, preparation for the Alabama High School Exit Exam, Preparation for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, and preparation for the General Educational Development (GED) high school equivalency test. An individualized program of study is planned based on one’s goal and skill level as determined by assessment tests given at the time of enrollment. o Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Anyone 16 years of age or older and not enrolled in school is eligible for Adult Education. Open enrollment allows students the opportunity to enroll at any time. Adult Education services are free to those who are eligible.

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