Calhoun Dual Enrollment

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Application for Workforce Development Funding Checklist Date: December 12, 2012 Brief Description of Project: Calhoun Community College Career/Technical Dual Enrollment 2013. This program has expanded to such an extent that additional funding is needed to continue the program in the spring at levels established during the fall 2012 semester. Career/Technical Dual Enrollment supports high school and college programs in Career Technical disciplines including Advanced Manufacturing, Computer Information, Green Energy, Business Administration, Health Science and related programs. Requesting Organization: Calhoun Community College PART A: The application package must be submitted in original and one photo copy and will include each completed form, the project narrative, and attachments (if applicable) in the order listed below: X Form I: This Checklist X Form II: Project Proposal Cover Page and Signatures X Form IIA: Regional Council Certification Statement (Signed by the Chairperson for each Region) X Form III: Project Summary (Not to exceed 3 pages) X Form IV: Project Budget X Form IVA: Project Budget Backup X Form V: Project Narrative (Not to exceed 10 pages) PART B: The application should specifically address the following criteria: 1. Y Does this application address priorities identified by regional WFD council strategic plan (Attach a signed certificate from each regional council affected; cite the strategy or strategies in the regional council strategic plan addressed by the proposed activities) 2. N/A Does the relationship of proposed actions and outcomes directly address the solicitation for grant proposals (Applicable only if RFP was issued in solicitation by the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development) 3. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the stated need is based on objective and current data 4. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise stated that the applicant is capable and willing to carry out planned activities with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. (Use past performance on WFD projects/grants, if applicable.) 5. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that community resource leveraging is available to maximize impact of grant funds on application 6. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise acknowledged that the project is part of an overall workforce development plan and that there is collaboration with regional and community service providers and stakeholders GOWD Form I (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 1 of 2

7. NA Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the activities can be sustained by the grant recipient beyond the grant period. Not applicable for dual enrollment applications. 8. Y Evidence is attached demonstrating support for the application from area employers, economic developers, and elected officials 9. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the proposed activities are practical and will effectively address the stated needs 10. Y Anticipated outcomes align with stated needs 11. Y Do proposed performance measures and target levels of performance address meaningful and realistic goals (e.g., number obtaining employment, number retaining employment, average wage increases). Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ GOWD Form I (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 2 of 2


Part2t Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each



ofthe following forms and the project narrative. COVER PAGE

This Application for Funding is for the following (please check only one category per application):

_X_ Dual Enrollment (For ,.Credit" Courses Only) _ Short-Term / Non-Credit Training

Customized Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives

Project and Contact Information Project


Calhoun Community College Career/Technical Dual Enrollment

Amount of Funds Requested: 975,000 Service Provider/Fiscal Agent: Calhoun Community College

Mailing Address: P.O. Box216, Decatur



Name and Title ofProject Contact (Individual responsible for grant negotiation): Gwen Baker, Dual Enrollment





Phone: 256-306-2545

Physical Address(s) of Training / Equipment (inelude..lQqU41ry): Name of Fiscal Contact (ifdifferent from above): Jack Burrow

Title: Dean ofBusiness and Finance




Email: Phone:256-306-2545


As the person authorized to act on behalfofthe service provider/fiscal agent, I certii/ that the informatron submitted in this application is accurate. I also certii, that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements. President


Date GOWD Form ll (Version



February 29,2Ot2],


FORM IIA: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CERTIFICATION NOTE: If project covers multiple workforce development regions, certification must be provided by all regional councils. The exception is for a state-wide project application, which requires certification from one regional council - typically the council where the project is headquartered.

I certify that the Calhoun Community College Career/Technical Dual Enrollment 2013 proposed by Calhoun Community College addresses workforce development priorities, strategies, and targeted occupations identified by the Region II Workforce Development Council or addresses immediate priority training needs not initially identified through the strategic planning process. I also certify that the Region II Workforce Development Council or its applicable committee has reviewed the project application and recommends funding the proposed activities. This project directly addresses workforce development in the following industry and targeted occupations identified as priorities in the regional council’s strategic plan: Industry or industries: Target occupation(s): This project directly addresses the following strategy or strategies identified in the regional workforce development strategic plan: The Regional Council assigns this application a priority rating of (ranging from 0-5, using the ranking system below): 5 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as critical (limited to 2 applications per funding cycle) for this Fiscal Year (FY) and has excellent projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 4 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as very important for this FY and has very good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 3 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as important for this FY and has good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 2 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is less important for this FY. 1 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is not important for this FY. 0 – Does not meet strategies or targeted occupations identified for this FY.

NOTE: Regardless of whether the application is not approved and/or receives a 0 rating, please send this statement to the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development for documentation purposes. Proposal recommended in the amount of $ by Region Council.

Mary Ila Ward Printed or Typed Name & Date

_____________________________________ Signature Regional workforce development council chair or designee (must be voting member of the regional council)

GOWD Form IIa (Version – February 29, 2012)


FORM III: PROJECT SUMMARY Provide a brief overview of the project, responding to each item listed below. Summary must be no more than three (3) pages and must provide a clear, concise, well-constructed, and to-the-point description of the project in areas indicated. I.

Project title: Calhoun Community College Career/Technical Dual Enrollment 2013


Service provider/fiscal agent: Calhoun Community College


Total funds requested: $ 75,000 Sep30)


Estimated start date of training (based on start of semester, receipt of equipment, etc.) and length of course(s): October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013


Identify the industry sector(s) and targeted occupation(s) and how this project will address each: (Must meet the strategies identified in the regional council’s strategic plan) The top five targeted industries in the Region II Workforce Development Council’s strategic plan for 2010-11 were: Aerospace And Defense; Manufacturing; Information Technology; Health Science; Construction; and Energy (Emerging). Calhoun Community College is requesting $75,000 to continue our successful Career/ Technical Dual Enrollment Scholarship program for spring semester 2013. The scholarship program is used to provide students opportunities to begin training for careers within these industries. The program expanded to such an extent in fall 2012 that additional funding is needed to continue dual enrollment at existing levels. During the 2011-12 year the college awarded a total of 227 scholarships. This fall we have already awarded over 165 scholarships. The growth has been mainly in traditional career/technical areas while the EMT-Basic programs continue to be strong and to attract interest from area school systems.

(Projects are funded on FY basis, Oct1 –

By continuing to provide Dual Enrollment scholarships in career/technical fields, Calhoun will address the Workforce Development and Education Goal of the of the Region II strategic plan – “Provide a workforce that is confident, capable, and competitive” – by allowing young people to begin preparing for the workforce while still in high school. The scholarships will also help provide trained workers for the area’s top 10 occupations: Healthcare Practitioners & Techs; Architecture & engineering; Computer & Mathematical; Production; Installation; Maintenance & Repair; Healthcare Support; Management; Business and Financial Operations; construction & Extraction; and Transportation & Materials. Calhoun has had a continuously growing career/technical Dual Enrollment program for the past several years, thanks in large part to the scholarships made possible by Workforce Development funding. $175,000 was received for the 2012-13 school year. Calhoun awarded $75,000 in career/technical tuition scholarships only for the fall and has obligated $46,000 for EMT-Basic programs for the spring leaving only $54,000 to provide tuition for career/technical dual enrollment and books and supplies for career/technical and EMT-Basic students. The program cannot be sustained at this level of funding. Financial need is a major barrier to high school career/technical students seeking to participate in Dual Enrollment and the scholarships are essential in helping meet that financial need. Without additional scholarship funds for the coming school year, Calhoun will be not be able to continue Dual Enrollment career/technical classes on several high school campuses and will be unable to assist students seeking to take career/technical classes on the Calhoun campus. Calhoun Community College currently has Dual Enrollment agreements with 91 area public and private high schools and home schools. During the fall 2012 semester Calhoun offered Dual Enrollment in 71 classrooms on 21 high school campuses – 22 of these classes were career technical classes. This compares to 62 total classes and 13 career/technical classes at 20 schools during the fall 2011 semester.


Additionally, high school and home school students attended classes on the Calhoun Decatur and Huntsville campuses or through Distance Education. Using Workforce Development and VIA Wired scholarships, Calhoun has established career tech Dual Enrollment classes in advanced manufacturing, welding, machine tool technology and drafting at five area high schools including the Huntsville Center for Technology and is working with the Madison County Career Technical Center to establish classes there as well. EMT-Basic dual enrollment classes – the first in the state – have been established on three high school campuses. These programs are becoming increasingly sought after by area high schools because of the hands-on technical experience in health care that the classes offer students. Students are taking these classes not only to enter the workforce directly but to prepare for medical school and to meet the prerequisites for the two year college paramedic program. Additional funding is critical for all these dual enrollment opportunities to continue. Calhoun Community College is part of the Alabama Community College system, follows Alabama State Board of Education policies and procedures including Alabama Bid Laws and receives annual audits form the State Examiner’s Office of Public Accounts. The Calhoun Business Office maintains financial records, processes financial transactions, pays professional fees and payroll salaries. The Business Office is familiar with federal grant requirements through experience with numerous federal grants. Calhoun has a strong history of financial stability and grants management and currently manages federal grant awards from the U S Department of Education, U S Department of Labor, U S Department of Transportation, U S Department of Commerce and the National Science Foundation.


Target population(s) to be addressed by proposed activities (e.g. High School, Dislocated Worker, Adult, Youth, Other): High School students


Proposed activities: (Summarize how this project addresses specific and immediate training needs in the service provider’s area, documented demand data, hiring and expansion announcements, etc., if applicable): Continuation of Career/Technical Dual Enrollment with Calhoun Community College at established levels. Calhoun’s Dual Enrollment program in the fall 2011 semester included 791 students and 100 of these students were in career/technical programs. Spring enrollment in Dual Enrollment included 783 students and 127 were in career/technical programs program. During the fall 2012 semester 860 students participated in the program including165 in career/technical and EMT-Basic classes. Career Technical scholarships have increased the number of career/technical students participating in Dual Enrollment at Calhoun from virtually none to over 100 each semester. Additional funding is necessary if we are to continue the successful programs that have been established in career/technical Dual Enrollment including the welding class at Priceville High School; classes in Machine Tool Technology, Drafting and Advanced Manufacturing at Limestone County Career Technical; EMT-Basic programs at Bob Jones, Grissom and Decatur City Schools; Drafting/Engineering at Austin High School, Hartselle High School and the Huntsville Center for Technology; Machine Tool Technology at Austin High School and Computer Science at the Huntsville Center for Technology. We will also continue to provide opportunities for students who do not have access to technical programs at their area high schools to take technical courses on the Calhoun campus. Due to the additional students and programs we are requesting funds to continue the program at the established level. In addition we are working with several area high schools to begin new programs. Targeted areas include Applied Technology [includes Aerospace Technology, HVACR, Automation/Robotics, Design Drafting Technology, Electrical Technology, Industrial Maintenance, Machine Tool Technology and Process Technology] (15.0613); Business Administration [Accounting Technology] (52.0201); Child Development (19.0708), Computer Graphics (50.0401); Business Administration (52.0201); Computer Information Systems (11.0101); Dental Assisting (53.06001); Emergency Medical Services (51.0904), Nursing (51.1601), Physical Therapist Assistant (51.0806); Practical Nursing (51.1613); Renewable Energy (15.0613); and Surgical Technology (51.0900). Career


Technical Scholarship funds will be used to pay for tuition and purchase textbooks and supplies in all these areas and $75,000 is requested to continue to provide these scholarships.

A unique use of these funds will be to continue to support Calhoun’s very successful EMT-Basic program on high school campuses. This program was recognized by the League for Innovation in the Community College as an Innovation of the Year for 2011, nominated for a Bellwether Award for 2011 and is a finalist for a Bellwether Award for 2012. Sparkman High School was the pilot high school and, following that success, EMT has been established at Bob Jones, Grissom, Austin and Decatur high schools. These programs have now become a model for high schools across the state and the success of EMT Dual Enrollment has been recognized by area legislators and emergency medical and health care professionals. Thirty-three students have completed the program at Sparkman High school, 38 at Grissom, 36 at Bob Jones High School, and 16 in our joint class between Austin and Decatur high schools. 21 students are currently enrolled in EMT-Basic at Grissom High School and 34 students are expected to register for the programs at Bob Jones High School and Decatur City Schools. Scholarship funding is critical for many of these students. Workforce Development scholarship funds will allow us to continue to offer EMT at these schools and extend this opportunity to students throughout the Calhoun service area. Without the funds these programs will not be available.


Anticipated outcomes and targeted levels of performance (based on start date & ending 30Sep): State the applicable outcomes (Respond with NA where appropriate): a. Total number of participants to be served 300 b. Of those in a. above, Completers 285 =95% of those participating c. Of those in b. above, Completers earning college credits 280 e. Of those in a. and b. above, Entered related employment ____# ____% of completers The students involved in career/technical dual enrollment are often 10th and 11th grade students so accurately tracking entry into employment is not possible. 45 of the seniors who received scholarships during the 2011-12 year are registered for Calhoun this fall. Forty EMT-Basic Dual Enrollment students have taken and passed the NREMT exam since the program started. All students who have completed this program are employed in field or are pursuing college or the military with most focusing on healthcare as a goal. f. Of those in e. above, Retained related employment ____# ____% of completers g. Of those in b. thru f. above, Continuing education or training ____# ____% of completers h. Of those in b. above, Currently employed - Skills upgrade only ____# ____% of completers i. Equipment installed or upgraded ___________ date(s) (Only if critical to this project.) j. Credential(s) to be earned by completers: _____________, _____________, _____________


Is there expressed legislative interest in this specific proposal? Yes (If answered Yes, please identify the legislator(s) and corresponding House and/or Senate district(s).) Sen Arthur Orr, District 3; Rep Howard Sanderford, District 20; Rep Terri Collins, District 8; Rep Mac McCutcheon, District 25; Rep Mike Ball, District 10; Rep. Wayne Johnson, District 22; Rep Bill Holtzclaw, District 2; Rep Micky Hammon, District 4; Rep. Phil Williams, District 6.


Has there been or will there be other funding solicited from other sources for this project (i.e. Perkins funds, line item or earmark in ETF, etc)? Yes (If answered Yes, please provide background to include the source, amount, date requested, outcome if known, etc.) The Calhoun Tech Prep Consortium has agreed for the past two years to allow Tech Prep funds to be used to provide classroom materials and supplies for Career/Technical dual enrollment classrooms. $9,000 is budgeted for this in the 2012-13 budget.


Identify all anticipated sources of revenue and estimated amounts (e.g. tuition/fees paid by Individual Training Accounts (ITA), Pell Grant, Scholarships, etc.) N/A GOWD Form III (Version – February 29, 2012)



Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged funds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. Budget Item

Cost (Requested)

Salaries Benefits Individual Training (scholarships/tuition/fees) Staff Development/Training Travel In State Computers/Technology Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovation/Construction Equipment Books Other *Projected Revenue TOTAL


Leveraged/Donated (Non-requested)





*List all sources of projected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) – does not include funds requested in this application. Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.

This project has no revenue, however, the Calhoun Tech Prep consortium does budget funds in support of Career/Technical Dual Enrollment for high school students and high schools within the college service area.

GOWD Form IV (Version – February 29, 2012)


FORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentage of time charged to project. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units. I.

Program Staff Salaries (Position title/function of staff assigned to project-specific program services activities, salary/wage, percentage of time charged to project.) N/A


Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position included in project budget.) N/A


Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training of individuals. Indicate the projected cost of the course(s), regardless if requesting funding) Austin High Grissom High LCCTC Hartselle Huntsville Ctr. For Tech Grissom/Bob Jones/DCS EMT Individual Tech Students Books Supplies Total

Drafting & Machine Tool Adv. Manufct. & Drafting Adv. Maufct., Drafting, Machine Tool Drafting Drafting, Computer Science, Welding EMT-Basic

13,500 7,000 16,700 7,000 7,500 9,800 3,500 5,000 5,000 75,000


Staff Development/Training (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to providing and/or attending; staff members attending training for new equipment, etc.) N/A


In-State Travel (Costs and justification of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses.) N/A


Computers and Technology (Itemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.)N/A


Public Relations, Outreach (Details of media advertising and other public outreach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.) N/A

VIII. Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, training supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.) Calhoun has been requiring students in the EMT-Basic program to return supplies (shirts, suture scissors, stethoscopes, pen lights) but funds are needed to replace damaged, worn out and 9

lost items). Funds are also needed to purchase drafting kits and boards, tools for machine tool classes and advanced manufacturing classes, and welding supplies. IX.

Renovation / construction costs (Itemized estimate of building expenses, if applicable.) N/A


Equipment (If applicable, attach a vendor price & specifications sheet for proposed equipment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.) N/A


Books (attach itemized list if applicable). $5,000 to supplement funds already received to purchase textbooks for students involved in EMT-Basic, Machine Tool Technology, Drafting and Design, Computer Information Systems, Advanced Manufacturing, Welding and other technology classes.


Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.) N/A

XIII. Projected revenue (list all sources of projected or potential revenues, e.g., tuition, fees, other grants – does not include funds requested in this application) N/A

GOWD Form IVa (Version – February 29, 2012)

FORM V: PROJECT NARRATIVE N/A for Dual Enrollment Respond to each item as directed. Respond with NA if an item is not applicable to the proposed project. Responses must be in the order of the items listed and labeled as each item is labeled. The narrative must be no more than ten (10) pages. Attachments, including letters of support and data documentation, should follow the project narrative and be separately labeled. An index listing attachments and page numbers is recommended if attachments are referenced in the project narrative. I.

Statement of Need a. Describe the needs to be addressed by the proposed project; include applicable data and research-based information. (Recommend: Expansion and hiring announcements, regional workforce development council strategic plan, the Alabama State of the Workforce Report available at , and Labor Market Information available at b. Describe how the proposed project will address the needs. c. Provide a list of businesses/organizations for prospective job placement and attach letters of support from area employers (letters are not counted against the 10 page maximum).


Project Activities a. Provide a timeline and description of project activities, including purchases, recommended training provider(s), start date of training, etc. b. Provide the Classification Instructional Program (CIP) codes for training activities involving “for credit” courses. c. Describe the skills, knowledge, and abilities that will be gained by the targeted group.


Individuals and Industries Served 10

a. Identify the population(s) to be served by the project. b. Identify the industry sectors and occupations to be served by the project. c. Describe how those businesses or industry sectors will benefit from the project. IV.

Project Outcomes and Performance Targets a. State the anticipated outcomes of the project in measurable terms. Include a target level of performance for each outcome. b. Describe how it will be known if the proposed project was an overall success.


Non-duplication a. Describe how the service provider and the regional workforce development council have ensured that the proposed activities do not unnecessarily duplicate activities in area. Evidence must be given that funds will be used efficiently and that duplication is avoided. b. Explain if this is a capacity building expansion of an existing program (describe current capacity, how much will this project expand current capabilities, how will the current class schedule change (e.g. Currently the lab has 12 welding booths, adding these 12 additional booths will double our training capacity; Propose to add a night class) GOWD Form V (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 1 of 2


Collaboration a. Identify other stakeholders and workforce development partners and describe their roles in meeting the goals of this project. b. Describe how this project was planned with active involvement from stakeholders, particularly the regional workforce development council(s).

VII. Leveraged Resources a. Describe other programs, organizations, and resources that will be supporting this project State specifically what aspects of the project will be supported by these leveraged resources. Assign a monetary value to each resource. b. Describe other funding sources that will support this project (e.g. DOL grants, corporate donations, Perkins funds, etc.) VIII. Sustainability a. Describe how the benefits or activities of this project will be sustained beyond the funding period. NOTE: Funding is for current fiscal year only. IX.

Capacity of Service Provider a. If applicable, describe the outcomes that were realized with grant funds provided by the Department of Postsecondary Education or otherwise through the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development over the past three years. Describe the degree to which the goals of the funded projects were achieved.


Marketing Strategy 11



Describe the public relations, promotion and outreach plan to meet enrollment goals, promote job placement for completers, ensure public awareness, etc.

Special Characteristics of Project a. Describe any unique characteristics of the proposed project that are not addressed above. This may include characteristics such as: 1. Measures of employer benefits or other exceptional levels of employer participation and commitment. 2. Unique inter-program coordination relationships. 3. Development of career pathways or more effective practices. 4. Addresses an immediate hiring or training demand.

GOWD Form V (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 2 of 2


LETTERS OF SUPPORT 1. Bill Holtzclaw, Senator District 2 2. Arthur Orr, Senator District 3 3. Mike Ball, Representative District 10 4. Terri Collins, Representative District 8 5. Micky Hammon, Representative District 4 6. Wayne Johnson, Representative District 22 7. Mac McCutcheon, Representative District 25 8. Howard Sanderford, Representative District 20 9. Phil Williams, Representative District 6 10.Automatic Screw Machine Products Company 11.Toray Carbon Fibers America, Inc. 12.City of Madison Fire and Rescue 13.City of Madison, Office of Mayor 14.Athens High School 15.Bob Jones High School 16.Decatur City Schools 17.Grissom high School 18.Hartselle City Schools 19.Morgan County Schools

ALABAMA STATE SENATE Alabama State House 11 S. Union Streel Montgomery Alabama 361 30-4500



BILL HOLIiZCLAW sbb s.nabr 2nd Dftlrict PO Bo. tSOl M!d8o.r,



December 12,2012

Chaiman: Conlract R€view L€Otsletbn Oommllb€ Chairmen: \letErana and MillLrry AfiaiF Vita Chthman: Tenn€cs€a \4ilt6t AJ$torlty Fimnc€ and TaEton. Genoral


Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of WorKorce Develooment Governor's Office of WorKorce Develooment P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 3613G2130

Banking and In6u|anc6 Smsll BrJsine66 Childr€n, Youth Afbi|g, end Hu6an Ro€or,|c€s Local Leoislaton No. 4 Comn€rce, Tnnsporbtiijn, and Ullliiies

Dear Mr. Fortner: I am writing in support of the grant application being submitted by Calhoun Community College to the Office of Workforce Development for funds to continue the highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment programs established by the college in high schools throughout our area. Through Dual Enrollment students are introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting, machine tool technology and EMS.

As a member of the Alabama State Legislature, I see many benefits from the Calhoun Community College program. lt meets the Workforce Development goal of targeting funds to prepare individuals for employment. lt also provides expanded career and technical education dual enrollment activities. The scholarship will help provide trained workers for the afea's top 10 occupations in the areas thal include healthcare, architecture and engineering, computer science, production, construction and transportation. Evidence of the program's success can be found in the continued increase in the number of students who participate in career/technical dual enrollment. Five years ago there were no students involved in career^echnical dual enrollment with Calhoun. This fall, thanks in large part to the scholarship program, approximately 165 students are enrolled in career/technicar dual enrollment classes at area high schools and on the Calhoun college campuses. In conclusion, I fully support the efforts of Calhoun Community College as they seek Workforce

Development funding to continue to provide this great opportunity to our area's youth and employers. Sincerely,

4L tLzfez...l-Bill HolEclaw



Sllre SeNlre







?56-?60-2 | 47









Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Worldorce Development Governor's Office of Worldorce Dwelopment P.O. Box


Montgomery, AL 36130-2130 Dear Mr. Fortner:


am writing to the grant application of calhoun community college to the -support office of worldorce Development for funds to continue the careei/technical oual Enrollment programs established by the college in high schools throughout our area.

There,are many benefits from the calhoun community college program. It meets the workforce D-evelopment goal of targeting funds to prepare individuals for employment, It also provides expanded career and technical education dual enrollment actiities.

In conclusion, I fully support the efforts of Calhoun Communit5r College as they seek worldorce Dwelopment funding to continue providing great opportunities to our area's youth and employers.









HousE: 334-242-aGAA

cT: 256-7',' 2-A730 EmarLt mikeball@knology.nel Df sTRf

December 12,20'12

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of WorKorce Development Govemor's Office of WorKorce Develooment P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 361 3G21 30 Dear Mr. Fortner: am w1!r19 in support of the grant application being submitted by cathoun community college I to the Office of Workforce Development for funds to continue the highly successful careerftechnical Dual Enrollment programs established by the college in high schools throughout our area. Through Dual Enrollment students are introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafiing, machine tool technology and EMS.

As a member of the Alabama State Legislature, I see many benefits from the Calhoun community college program. lt meets the workforce Development goal of targeting funds to prepare individuals for employment. lt also provides expanded career and technicai education dual enrollment activities. The scholarship will help proyide trained workers for the area's too 1O occupations in the areas that include healthcare, architecture and engineering, computer science, production, construction and transportation. Evidence of the program's success can be found in the conunued increase in the number of students who participate in career/technical dual enrollment. Five years ago there were no students involved in careerftechnical dual enrollment with calhoun. This fall, thanks in large part to the scholarship program, approximately 165 students are enrolled in careerftechnic-al dual enrollment classes at area high schools and on the Calhoun college campuses.

ln conclusion, I fully support the efforts of calhoun community college as they seek worKorce Development funding to continue to provide this great opportunity to our area'i youth and emproyers.

(tza( Sincerely,

Mike Ball


Morgan County ttgislatlv! Deletation Oticr, In.. 2128 6w Av.nuo SE. Sult Stt4 De.atur, Al 35601 (256) 25al21il6 Ofic. (2s51 26atL2l,|{




December I



2l De6tur, Al




(256)Zlt{:t50 C.ll


20 12

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemor's Office of Workforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36 130-2 1 30 Dear Mr. Fortner:

I am writing in support ofthe grant applioation being submitted by Calhoun Community College to the Office of Workforce Development for funds to sontinue the highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment programs established by the college in high schools throughout our area. Through Dual Enrollment studen6 are introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting machine tool technologr and EMS, As a member of the Alabama State l€gislatur€, I see many benefits from the Calhoun Community College program. It meets the Workforce Development goal oftargeting funds to prepare individuals for employment. It also provides expanded career and technical education dual enrollment activities. The scholarship will help provide trained workers for the area's top l0 occupations in the areas thar include healthcare, architecture and engineering, computer science, production, construction and transportalion. Evidence of $e program's success can be found in the continued increase in the number of students who participate in career/technical dual enrollrnent. Five years ago there wer€ no students involved in career/technical dual enrollment with Calhoun. This fall, thanks in large pan to the scholarship program, approximately 165 students are enrolled in career/technical dual enrollment class€s at area high schools and on the Calhoun college campuses.

In conclusion,


fully support the efforts of Calhoun Communiry College as they seek Workforce

Development funding to continue to provide this great opportunity to our area's youth and employers. Sinceroly,

e-.-- 4a'; Terri Collins



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December 7, 2012

Mr. Roger Fortrrer Coordinaor of Workforce Development Govemor's Office of Workforce DeveloDment P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36 I 30-2 I 30 Dear Mr. Fortner:

I am writing in support of the grant application being submitted by Calhoun Community College to the Oflice of Workforce Development for funds to continue the highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment progams established by the college in high xhools throughout our ar€a. Through Dual Enrollment students are introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting machine tool technologr and EMS.

As a member of the Alabama State l,€gislahrg I see many benefits from the Calhoun Community College prograrn. It meets the Workforce Development goal oftargeting funds to prepare individuals for employment. It also provides expanded career and technical educ,ation dual enrollment activities. The scholarship will help provide trained workers for the area's top l0 occupations in the areas that include healthcare, architecture and engineering computer scienc€, production, consruction and transportation. Evidence of the program's success can be found in the continued increase in the number of students who

participate in career/technical dual enrollment. Five years ago there wet€ no students involved in career/technical dual enrollment with Calhoun. This fall, thanks in large part to the scholarship program, approximately 165 students are enrolled in career/technical dual enrollment classes at area high schools and on the Calhoun college oampuses.

conclusion, I fully support the efforts of Calhoun Community College as they seek Workforce Development funding to continue to provide this great opportunity to our area's youth and employers.




Micky Hammon MFVjaw

<!'ii /-:"'


-d,4b_ ''-o

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wi:ffiid',, "




DrsrRlcr No. 22 PosT OFFtcE Box 1 17 RYLAND, ALABAII A 3575-'

HousE: 334-242--1 492 DrsrRrcT: 2!j6-7O1-5463



December 12,2012 Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemor's Office of Workforce Develooment P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 361 30-2't30 Dear Mr. Fortner: I am writing in support of the grant application being submitted by Calhoun Community College to the Ofiice of Workforce Development for funds to continue the highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment programs established by the college in high schools throughout our area. Through Dual Enrollment students are introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting, machine tool technology and EMS.

As a member of the Alabama State Legislature, I see many benefits from the Calhoun Community College program. lt meets the Workforce Development goal of targeting funds to prepare individuals for employment. lt also provides expanded career and technical education dual enrollment activities. The scholarship will help provide trained workers for the area's top 1O occupations in the areas that include healthcare, architecture and engineering, compuler science, production, construction and transportation. Evidence of the program's success can be found in the continued increase in the number of students who participate in career/technical dual enrollment. Five years ago there were no students involved in careerftechnical dual enrollment with Calhoun. This fall, thanks in large part to the scholarship program, approximately 165 students are enrolled in career/technical dual enrollment classes at area high schools and on the Calhoun college campuses. In conclusion, I fully support the efforts of Calhoun Community College as they seek WorKorce

Development funding to continue to provide this great opportunity to our area's youth and emproyers.

z>r-/+ Sincerely,

Wayne Johnson

..:;-1-',t. , '<;, .!


1r -.: \Ai.rr r,{itil r r,rl :hfr.ltrrrri\- r-Lrttr_r^f .{.Q-t_$




NO. 25








FAX 256 /539-5444

LEGtSt,ATtVE OFFTCE 334 /242-7105

December 10,2072

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Governo/s Office of Workforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, At 36130-2130 Dear Mr. Fortner: I am pleased

to voice my support of the grant application being submitted by Calhoun Community College to the office of workforce Development for funds to continue the highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment programs established by the college in high schools throughout our area. Through Dual Enrollment, students are introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting machine tool technology, and EMS. Numerous benefits have come from the Calhoun Community College program. lt meets the Wor6orce Development goal of targeting funds to prepare individuals for employment, and it also provides expanded career and technical education dual enrollment activities. The scholarship will help provide trained workers for the area's top 10 occupations in the areas that include architecture and engineering, computer science, healthcare, production, construction, and transportation. Evidence of the program's success can be found in the continued increase in the number of students who participate in career/technical dual enrollment. Five years ago there were no students involved in

career/technical dual enrollment with Calhoun. This fall, thanks in large part to the scholarship program, approximately 165 students are enrolled in career/technical dual enrollment classes at area high schools and on the Calhoun college campuses. I

strongly support the efforts of Calhoun Community College in seeking Workforce Development funding to provide this wonderful opportunity to our area's youth and employers.

so they may continue


(uilthtl,*,^ Mac Mccutcheon

.i 't /:\'





a.rJr'r :,. ;..i .; rrtrr r,jI ."1'!-ur.rr ! rri


otslRlcT No. m






rED t oF lroxoR Foi

50X 1@23








LE6|SLAT|VE OFFICE 25a/53$1 gae BO{r,tE 256/AA1€3qO




iroNTGo$EFY 3ta/242.1366





D€cember 10, 2012


Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Devetopment Govemor's Office of Workforce Devetooment P.O. Box 302130 AL 36130-2130

^iontgomery, Dear Mr. Fortner:

I woutd tike to express my support of the Calhoun Community Cottege's grant application for funds to continue their highty successful career/technicat dual enrotlrnent programs. Through dual enroltment, students are introduced to the many opportunities avail,abte in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting, machine tool technology, and FrMs. Cathoun's program has produced many positive results.


meets Workforce Devetopment's goat

of targeting funds to prepare individuals for emptoyment. lt atso provides expanded career and

technical education dual enrollment activities. These schotarship funds witt help provide trained workers for the region's top 10 occupations in the areas that inctude healthcare, architecture and engineering, construction, computer science, production, and transportation.

The Calhoun program's tremendous success can be measured by the continued increase in the number of students who participate in career/technicat dual enrollment. Five years ago there were no students involved in career/technical duat enroltment with Calhoun. This semester. approximately 165 students are enrotted in career/technical duat enrottment ctasses at area high schoots and on the Calhoun college campuses, thanks in large part to the schotarship program.

lwhoteheartedty support the efforts of Cathoun Community Cottege as they seek WorKorce to continue to provide this great opportunity to our area,s youth and

Development funding employers, Very sincerety,

Alwad&&p/ Howard Sanderford




DfsTRrcn ?-ga-sa9-s442 EnArr.: phllhousa44O

December 11,2012

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemo/s Office of Worfforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-21 30 Dear Mr. Fortner: It is with great pleasure I write in support of the WorKorce Development Grant Application of Calhoun Community College. Approving this application will insure the continuance of the college's highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment programs that have been established in high schools throughout our community. These progrElms introduce students to the countless .opportunities available in areas such as advanced manufacturing, drafting, machine tool technology and EMS.

These career/technical courses benefit scores of young people in our community. Each year students graduate high school with the priceless skills and abilities necessary for careers in healthcare, architecture and engineering, computer science, production, construction and transportation. lf this grant application is approved, it would undoubtedly accomplish the WorKorce Development goal of largeting funds to prepare individuals for employment. This fall, approximately 165 students are enrolled in career/technical dual enrollment classes. I believe that the current successes and future promises of these programs are evident and should be supported. As such, I strongly urge the favorable consideration of Calhoun Community College's grant application.




Phil Wlliams

12/L2/20t2 12:19 FAI








A Automatlc S;crew Machine Products Company A Lawson Products Co.

P.O. Box 1608 Decatur, AL 35602 Phone: 256-353-1931 Fax: 25A-365-0274

Docenrbsr 1l ,2012

Mr. Rogcr Fortn:r, Project Managcr Governor's Offir:c of Workforcc Developm€ot ,101 Adams Avorue, Suitc 320 P.O- Box 30213t) Montgomcry Al, 36130-2130 Deeu

Mr. Fortos':

I am writing in s upport of Calhoun Community Collcge's grant application to thc Worldorcc Dwelopoerrt Bc,ard for firrrds to support carcer/tccbnical Dual Enrollmcot, to contiruc thc Dual Enroltment Machine Tool Teclrrrology Program at Austin High Schoot and to snpport similal progtams at other area schools. As President/COO of Automatic Screw Machine Products, Inc. (ASMP), voting mcrabs of the Region II Workf lrcc Dwclopmart Council, and Former Chairmary'curent member of the Robotios Tochnclory Park Exccutivc Board, I am greatly involved in Calhoun's Tecbnologies prograrns and w<,ll awarc of their outreach cfforts to arca bigh scbools and tbair many progfilm$ to proorote the transition between secondary and post s€co[dary cducation, especially in tbc technolory ficldr, ASMP is also a strong supporter of our ares schools and in the €ffort to onsurc thet prcparing sndents for the workforce begius in eleme,atary school and continues through middle and high school. Programs such ac Dual Erupllment arc critical to this cffon and establishing strotrg career/tecbdical Dual Enrollmcnt opportunities will providc many students thc opportunity tr begin actually baining to cntcr thc workforce while still in high school. A zuccessfirl prog rm can then servo as a bcst practicc site and & templatc fo! otbcr schools to

follow. I encouragc yolo strongly consider coutinued funding for the successfr-tl career/technicsl Dual Enrollmcnt prognm at Calhoun Community College, tbe cffort to gpntinuc and 5trcngthen the Machine Tool Tt:cbnolory curriculum at Austin High Scbool, and provide additional Dual Enrcllm€nt oppornrnities for all students. Sincerelv.



-,74-'tl I -////

qd/*Jlvq Mike


Presidcot, COO AutomaticSMP Decahr, AL



Toroy Corbon Fibers Americo, Inc. P.O. Eox


Dccolur, Alobomo 35602



FAX: 12561260-2627

December 13,2012

Mr. Roger Fortrer, Project Manager Govemor's Offrce of Workforce Development 401 Adams Avenue, Suite 320 P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-2130

Dear Mr. Fortner:

I am writing in support of the grant application being submitted by Calhoun Community College to the Office of Workforce Development for funds to continue the highly successful career/technical Dual Enrollment programs established by the col.lege in high schools throughout our area. Through Dual Enrollment, students are being introduced to the many opportunities available in areas such as advanced rnanufacturing, drafting, machine tool technology and EMS programs. This program has been very successful the last two years. Toray has a commitment to the community and to workforce development. As a company, we feel that career/technical Dual Enrollment is an effective effort by the college to reach students in local high schools and strengthen the transition between high school and college. Involving high school students in hands-on, real world technology course work can keep them engaged in school, help them begin to understand the applications of the concepts they are leaming in high school and introduce them to the many careers available to them in technical fields. Toray supports the statewide effort to continue workforce development awareness and training while students are still in school and career/technical dual enrollment is a critical component ofthis process.

I strongly encourage you to consider continued funding for the successful career/technical Dual Enrollment program at Calhoun Community College and the role it has played in developing a strong and effective workforce for our area.



cLtg of nadLsow ftre


Ralt h a-^hh

I o gAve

nfe awd



10 December 2012

Dr. Marilyn C. Beck, President Calhoun Community College P. O. Box 2216 Decatur, AL 35609

RE: Letter of Support Dear Dr. Beck: Madison Fire & Rescue enthusiastically supports calhoun community college in their effort to provide a dual enrollment Emergency Medical rechnician program for-Bob Jones High School and James Clemens Higfr School. We feâ‚Źl that this bro6o, embodies the purpose of workforce Development and we support you in your request for funding. W9 are happy to provide meeting space for the class and any logistical support and supplemental instruction needed. The fact that this particular cours-e is being'held within a workplace emphasizes it truly meets the intent of workforce Developmeit and is worthy of funding by the Regional Workforce Development Council.


. . . .|n .cnnclusion, I fully support the efforts of Calhoun Community College as they seek workforce Development funding tr provide this great opportuniiy for orir comminity.


Ralph Cobb Fire Chief

cc: Gwen Baker Mark Brannon

1A1 MLLI Rcad . ^AudLgow,

ALabav, a 357 59 . 1 eLephawa 25c_772-:a326


Fax 25t


City of Madison

Office of the Mayor Troy Tdock

100 Hughes Road

Madison, AL 35758 2s6.772.s601

December 12,2012

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemor's Office of Workforce Develooment P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-2130




I am writing in support ofthe Calhoun Community College effort to secure additional funding lor highly successful career/technical dual enrollment programs that have been established at Bob Jones High School and in many high schools throughout our area. Many Madison City students have benefited from Dual Enrollment opportunities offered by Calhoun Community College. The success of the classes in our school and others has led to expansion of the program throughout the college's service area and an increase in student participation for the fall 2012 semester. As a result, additional funding is needed if all students are to continue to be allowed these opportunities for the spring 2013 semester and in the future. The Dual Enrollment scholarship program is encouraging students to begin to prepare for their careers, remain in high school and to consider careeritechnical education beyond high school. Additional Workforce Development funding is vital to the continued success of career/technical Dual Enrollment in our high schools.

I have a strong commitment to the success ofall our students and will provide the necessary support to ensure the success ofthis project. I fully support Calhoun Community College in their efforts to secure this additional grant funding. Sincerely.

Troy Trulock Mayor

L2/66/2412 22:45




t't\mx F gh Silpil HIG}IWAY A1 NOBTH

&th*t, $hhma 35Ell O''NE



Deccmber 7, 2012

Mr. Roger Fortrcr, Projcct Managcr Coordinator of Workforcc Dcvelopmerrt Govcmor's Officc of Workforce Developmant P.O. Box 302130 Montgomcry,


361 30-2130

Dear Mr. Fortncr:

contirued fimding As principal of Athens High school, I am writing to expr63 my support &r will erllow for baroer/fcchnical Dual cnrollmcnt for Calhoun Commuity College, This funding to continue thc highly succcssfirl Dual Enrollmcnt programs in career/tcchnical high schools classes tirt haue becn cstabliihed at Limestone Ca$er Tcohnical Ccntd and oiher in our area.

m cokg"

offered Many Athcns High School students hav€ taken pan in thc Dual Enrollme'lrt opporhnitics tft-ugh the Career Technical Centq. Expanding Dual Enrollmentbcyond tilil'" ti includi c$ccltech is rcaching many shrd€nts who have not becn able to participate to seriously ".rdu*i"s in tr,c progEm in the past. tt is also encorrraging snrdents to remain in school and e-aucation boyond higb school. The continuancc of Workforce Dcvelopmcnt .,"ill extcnd ttresJopportuniti€s to cvcn morc students in thc future. "onsider schoiarships


will providc the Attrcns city Schools has a commitm.ent to thc success of our students and Community Calhoun J"pport to en$'re the success of this projcct. I frrlly support n Collegc in their effons to sccut this gtant.


%_{s Sinccrely, Chnstopher Principal

D. Bolen




Bob Jones High School


Mr. Roger Fortrer Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemor's Office of Workforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 361 30-2 I 30


Mr. Fortner:

I am writing in support of the calhoun community college effort to secure additional funding for highlv successful

career/technicar d*r that have been esrabrished at Bob Jones High School and in many high ,"t oof. throigl?ut our area.


Many Madison city students have benefited from Dual Enrolment opportuniries offered by calhoun community college. The succesr ortrr" our school and others has red to expansion ofthe program throughout the college's"r*r"r-in service area and in r"ur" in rtua.ii participation for the fall 2012 semester. As a isult, additional funding is needed if all students are to continue to be alrowed these opportunities foi the spring 20r 3 semester and in the furure.


The Dual Enrollment schotarship program. is encouraging students to begin to prepare for their careen, remain in high schoor and to consider car""r/iecioicur

Additionalworkforce Development funding is vital

Dual Enrollment in our high sihools.

I have



"au"ution-u"yoia ;th;;;ntinued success of career/technical

a strong

commiffnent to the success ofafl our students and wil provide the necessary support to ensure the success of this;roject. I fully support calhoun their efforts to secve this fund;;:



c"r-*ity cd'# i,


Robby Principal


AL 35758 PHONE: (256)772-BJHS FAX: (2s6)772-6698

DECATUR CITY SCHOOLS Office of the Supeintendent

J02 Fourth Avenue, NE Decatur, Alabama 3560l

Telephone | 2 56 ) 5 5 2-3000 FA,Y (256) 55 2-398 r E ma

December 7.



:,\up e nn


nd ent@)dc s. ed u


Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemor's OfIce of workforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery. AL 36130-2130 Dear

Mr" Fortner:

I am wnting in suppon of the Calhoun Community College effort to secure additional funding fbr highly successful career/technical dual enrollnent programs that have been established at Austrn High School, Decatur High Schooi and ln many hlgh schools throughout our area. Many Austin and Decatur high school students have benefited from dual enrollment oppomrnities offered by Calhoun Community College. The success ofthe classes in our school and others has led to expansion ofthe program throughout the college's service area and an rnorease in student participation for the tall 201 2 sernester. As a result, additional funding rs needed if all students are to continue to be allowed these opponunitres for the spnng 2013 ssrnester and rn the future. The Dual Enrollment scholarship program rs encouraging students to begin to prepare fbr therr careers. remain rn high school and to consider oareer/technical educatron beyond high school. Additronal Work{brce Development funding is vital to the continued success of career/technrcal dual enrollment rn our high schools.

I have a strong commitment to the success ofall our srudents and will provide the neoessary support to ensure the success of this project. I fully support Calhoun Community College rn their effons to secure this additional grant finding.

Edwrrr C. Nichols. Jr. Superintendent

Tirgif I.

Qrissom 3{Af, Scftoof

7901 Bailcy Cove Road Huntsville. Alab na 35802 (2s6) 428-8000 Fax (256) 428-8001

December 12,2012

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Governor's Office of Workforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36 1 30-2 I 30


Mr. Fortrer:

I am writing in support of the calhoun community college effort to secure additional fimding for the highly successfirl csâ‚Źer/technical dual enrollment programs that have been established at Grissom High School and in many high schools thrcughout our area Many Grissom students have benefited from Dual Enroltment opportunities offered by Calhotm Community College. The succegs ofthe classes in our school and others has led to eipansion of the program throughout the college's service area and an increase in student participation for the tall2012 semester. As a result, additional funding is needed if all students are to continue to be allowed these opportunities for the spring 2013 semester and in the future. The Dual Enrollment scholarship program is encouraging students to begin to prepare for their careers, remain in high school, and to consider career/technical education beyond high school. Additional Wor*f,orce Development funding is vital to the continued success of career/technical Dual Enrollment in our high schools.

I have

a strong commitrnent to the success ofall our students and will provide the necessa4/ support to ensure the success ofthis project. I firlly support calhoun community college in their efforts to secure this additional grant firnding.

Virgil I. Grissom High School

Accredited by Southern Aesociation of Colleges and Schools



305 College Street NE Hartselle, Alabama 35640 256-773-5419 / 256-773-5433 (fa\)





Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Develooment Governor's Office of Workforce Develooment P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-2130 Dear

Mr. Fortner:

I am writing in support of the Calhoun Community College effort to secure additional funding for highly successful career/technical dual enrollment programs that have been established at Hartselle High School and in many high schools throughout our area.

Many Hartselle High students have benefited from Dual Enrollment opportunities offered by Calhoun Community College. The success of the classes in our school and others has led to expansion of the program throughout the college's service area and an increase in student participation for the fall 2012 semester. As a result, additional funding is needed if all students are to continue to be allowed these opportunities for the spring 2013 semester and in the future.

The Dual Enrollment scholarship program is encouraging students to begin to prepare for their careers, remain in high school and to consider career/technical education beyond high school. Additional Workforce Development funding is vital to the continued success of career/technical Dual Enrollment in our high schools. I have a strong commitment to the success of all our students and will provide the necessary support to ensure the success of this project. I fully support Calhoun Community College in their effo s to secure this additional grant funding.


?1-/-4a Mike Reed, Ed.D. Superintendent

,%tr.- â‚Źr*,**,/-f-'A 1325 POINT MALLARD PARKWAY S.E

9".-z-- .lr/L/"".",ssant



TELEPHONE: 256-353-6442

December 7 ,2012

Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Govemor's Office of Workforce Development P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-2130


Mr. Fortner:

I am writing in support of the Calhoun Community College effort to secure additional funding for highly successful career/technical dual enrollment programs that have been established at Priceville High School and in many high schools throughout our area. Many Morgan County students have benefited from Dual Eruollment opportunities offered by Calhorur Community College. The success of the classes in our school and others has led to expansion of the program throughout the college's service area and an increase in student

participation for the fall 2012 semester. As a result, additional funding is needed if all students are to continue to be allowed these opportunities for the spring 2C 13 semester and in the future. The Dual Enrollment scholarship program is encouraging students to begin to prepare for their careers, remain in high school and to consider career/technical education beyond high school. Additional Workforce Development funding is vital to the continued success of career/technical Dual Enrollment in our high schools.

I have a strong commitment to the success of all our students and will provide the necessary support to ensure the success of this project. I fully support Calhoun Community College in their efforts to secure this additional grant funding. Sincerelv.

_ ;-, ,// >qz/ //^/ -/ e'/D?Z -'.' -./ ''or-/^ "


Billy W. Hopkins, Jr. Morgan County Board of Education Superintendent


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