Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide
Decatur Career Center Mission: The mission of the Alabama Career Center System, a representative of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development, is to ensure that Alabama has a comprehensive workforce development system that is efficient, effective, and responsive. Website: Contact Information: Abott Wood, Site Manager Felicia Williams, WIA Manager Venessa Edmonds, Career Center Specialist Business Services Decatur Career Center 1819 Bassett Avenue SE Decatur, AL 35601 Phone: 256.355.0142 Program/Services: The Following Services are Free to Anyone: • Job Referral Services: Job seekers benefit from having professional customer service Information is available on jobs in the local area as well as statewide or national. • Community Resources Information: Information is available on the many community resources provided in the tri‐county area such as housing, childcare, health care and many others. • Resource Room Services: Internet ready computers provide access to job opportunities from all over the world. Resource Room Services are open to the general public from 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday‐Friday. You can: ‐Use the computer for job search, career exploration, etc. ‐Resume Preparation ‐Assistance with Unemployment Compensation Claims ‐On‐line KeyTrain Remediation for WorkKeys Testing ‐No cost nationwide calling ‐No cost usage of fax machine, copiers, computer ‐Computer Training Tutorials/Workshops‐ including tutorials teaching operating systems Windows 98, 2000 or XP and popular software programs such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Access, Excel and PowerPoint. Foreign language tutorials in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese are also available. Typing training tutorials can be accessed as well. ‐Referral to Community Services and Partner Services ‐Skills assessments to help identify personal assets for career planning.
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Adult Education: Classes to improve math and reading skills, preparation for GED testing as well as classes for the non‐English speaking adult who needs help speaking, writing or understanding the English Language are available. Labor Market Information: Data is available on wages and employment trends, occupational requirements and state‐by‐state labor market conditions. Federal Bonding Program: Bonding of eligible job seekers who cannot obtain commercial bonds required by perspective employers is available. WorkKeys Testing Vouchers: Payment vouchers to cover the cost of three WorkKeys tests required to obtain the Alabama Career Readiness Certificate can be awarded to individuals who demonstrate the skills required for the Silver Level CRC Keytrain Assessment.
Program/Services Available to Qualified Applicants: • Business Services: Employers benefit from interviewing office space, job posting services, grants to upgrade workers’ skills, funds to add new staff, specialized workshops for employers, and Department of Labor information on the labor market. ‐WIA On‐The ‐Job Training (OJT) Program: Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, the Workforce Development Division of ADECA administers the program. This program gives individuals an opportunity to learn job skills and allows employers to train new employees while saving money on training costs. A training plan is created by a Service Representative and the employer that defines training objectives and goals of the trainee(s). Employers make all hiring decisions and tailor all training to meet their needs. Employers may receive up to 50% reimbursement of hourly wages to pay a trainee. This reimbursement serves as an incentive to encourage employers to hire individuals who do not have all the required skills for a particular job. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Trainees must meet Workforce Investment Act (WIA) eligibility requirements. Employers must have Workman’s Compensation or an approved on‐site accident insurance. The training agreement must be approved before the trainee begins work and full‐time employment is generally required. Employers must also provide an average wage of $9.00 an hour and the trainee must receive the same wages and benefits as other employees holding the same or similar positions. Likewise, the trainee must abide by the same company policies as other employees.
‐WIA Incumbent Worker Training Program: Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, the Alabama Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Incumbent Worker Training Program is administered by the Workforce Development Division of ADECA. The program provides funding for customized employee training for existing businesses that are experiencing difficulties in staying competitive. Businesses may use public or private training depending on the nature of the training. Through this customer‐driven program, Alabama is able to effectively retain businesses and to keep businesses competitive through skills upgrade training for employees. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: For‐ Profit companies needing assistance with remaining competitive. Companies must be current on all state tax obligations, have an operation in Alabama for at least two years prior to application date (may be waived), demonstrate the anticipated outcomes on business operations and indentify the transferable skills acquired by employees, and finally present a training program which provides new and/or upgraded job skills that are vital for the company to maintain or increase competitiveness in a global economy while also providing job security for the workers. The maximum grant amount is $50,000.00. Please note that this funding may not be used to pay trainees’ wages.
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Training and Educational Services: Services and funds provided to improve worker employability and productivity through advanced training or educational services are available. Money is provided for tuition, books, uniforms, and necessary tools. The primary mechanism for doing this is through Individual Training Accounts. Individuals who express an interest in securing WIA funds for training are interviewed by a staff member who determines eligibility for WIA Youth, Adult, or Dislocated Worker Funding. The Alabama Consumer Information System is the guide to approved training programs that can be funded by WIA. The chosen field of study must be high wage/high demand for our area. WIA will pay from $2,000 up to $9,000 depending on the category of training either short‐term or up to 104 weeks o Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Individuals who qualify for WIA Youth, Adult, or Dislocated Worker Funding. To see if you qualify you must be interviewed by a Career Center Staff member. Training taken must be an approved training program in high wage/high demand field for our area.
Services for the Disabled: Vocational Rehabilitation assists people with a broad range of disabilities. Assistance to prepare and train individuals to become qualified job applicants and help with matching interest, skills, and abilities for the best job are available. o
Youth Services: This program encompasses a variety of services to prepare young people for the work world. Activities for qualified youth may include literacy skills training, financial aid for continued education or training, on‐the‐job training and career counseling services. ‐Job Corps: A vocational, academic, and social skills training program for youth ages 16‐24. Training is provided at residential settings located throughout the nation. There are currently two centers in Alabama (in Gadsden and Montgomery). ‐Youth Success Program, Lawrence County: Northwest Shoals Community College is the grantee. The Decatur Career Center is responsible for eligibility determination, information/reporting, and follow‐ up services. Our youth facilitator maintains an office at NWSCC on Wednesday of each week. He and the Youth Success Program Coordinator visit sites together in Lawrence County to recruit youth. This program provides tutoring, counseling, GED testing assistance and internships. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Any veteran of the United States Armed Forces.
Relocation Assistance: WIA eligible adults and dislocated workers who are unable to find suitable employment in the local area and have received a bona fide, self‐sufficient long‐duration job offer outside of a 75 mile radius of his/her residence may be eligible for us to $1250.00 for actual moving expenses not paid by another source. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: For WIA purposes, youth are defined as being between the ages of 16‐21. Youth must meet federal income guidelines to qualify.
Veterans Services: Veterans receive priority consideration for all employment services. Job referrals are provided as well as transition assistance, counseling, and referral to other supportive services. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Disabled individuals who have received a professional/medical determination of disability status.
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: WIA eligible adults (meeting federal income guidelines) and dislocated workers who are unable to find a job in the local area.
Rapid Response Services: A team of representatives made up of partner agencies responds to massive layoffs and closures of businesses. Displaced workers are made aware of the various programs and services offered to them through the Rapid Response Meetings. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds? Companies downsizing 50 or more individuals and the workers who are displaced by the layoff or closure.
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Mobile Career Center Bus: The Career Center can schedule the mobile unit for Career Center activities such as visits to local schools, Rapid Response Meetings, Career/Job Fairs, and general marketing purposes. There are computers with Internet access and a 52‐inch flat screen monitor for presentations. o
L.E.A.R.N Program and MyBiz: This program offers training, online resources, and counseling for those displaced workers wishing to start their own business. o
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Contact the Career Center if you are interested in utilizing the Career Center bus to check for availability.
Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Dislocated workers should contact Career Center for qualification details.
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