Careers in gear

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Aerospace Technology (3M, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Micor) •Machining and Fabrication •Welding and Coatings •Structures and Assembly Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (3M) •Commercial •Residential •Automotive •Industrial •“HVACR is the most wide-open field that you could ever imagine.” --John Holley, CCC HVACR Instructor Design Drafting Technology (TBE, Micor) •Machine Drafting •Architectual Drafting •Civil/Structural Drafting •Computer Aided Drafting

Electrical Technology (3M, TBE, Micor) •Electricity •HVAC •Industrial Maintenance •Instrumentation •Automation/Robotics Machine Tool Technology (TBE, Micor) •Machinist Option •CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Option Process Technology (3M) •Chemical Plants •Power Distribution •Pulp and Paper Welding (TBE)

“I don’t think I can think of a curriculum that isn’t out in a steel mill. It’s not just a guy swinging a sledgehammer.” --Mike Lee, Nucor Information on current and previous slides taken from Mike Selby--COO, Automatic SMP: Powerpoint presentation

“I dropped out of Calhoun’s HVAC program and worked for a year. I am now re-enrolled because I saw that without my HVAC certification, I will not be successful. I lived in Nashville for the year I worked, but returned to Calhoun to continue my education. The instructors are thorough and teach with a hands-on method rather than relying on strictly books.” –Brian McFarland, current CCC student

What is the singlemistakes. most important thing you are looking for intoan “It’s okay to make It’s okay to work hard. It’s okay failemployee? every “Attitude—If you --Mike have the right attitude, you can learn anything.” once in a while.” Lee, Nucor -- Mike Selby Automatic SMP “We can teach you anything about steel. Attitude is sometimes difficult to Company train.” --Mike Lee, Nucor

“Math, math, math, and attitude, attitude, attitude.” --Donna Curry, Recruiting Program Manager, TVA

“Teach “The big your thing kids that critical we were thinking. geared Teach toward them learning to think how ontotheir do was feet.” solve “We make whatever people want made.” --Jimmie Maze, TBE problems.” -- Todd Chancelor, --EdEngineering Lowery, Chemical Superintendent, Process Operator, BP BP “[Individuals “You have toand be able teams] to solve have to problems be ablesystematically.” to make decisions --Ed and Lowery, be creative.” BP --Todd Chancelor, BP

“That ‘can-do’ spirited guy is the key to our company.” — Mike Lee, Vice-President and General Manager, Nucor What is your favorite thing about the Aerospace Technology program? “Coming to school!” --Jessica Braswell, current CCC Aerospace Tech student “He’s giving his gift and he wants everybody to have it.” --Willie Chandler, current CCC Welding Student on Calvin Washington “You can tell he loves what he does.” --Bonnie Jacques, Yellow Fever Team Member on Mark Rose “He’s fired up!” –Darin Liles, Yellow Fever Team Leader on Dr. “Su”

“Be able to recognize effect and cause relationships. Effects are usually observed first.” --Ed Lowery, BP

“If this part isn’t right, he can tell you what the impact is going to be to the consumer.” --Jim Bolte, Toyota

“Think it, design engineer it, manufacture it, integrate it, support it.” are not self“Students need toit,be motivated. I cannot teach motivation. If students --TBE Video motivated, they will not make it in this program.” --John Holley, CCC HVACR Instructor Presentation

“Supervisory from the past have and individuals and teams are “Quality is myduties job responsibility.” --Jimchanged Bolte, Toyota Video more self-directed.” --Todd Chancelor, BP

“We don’t do anything unless it is safe.” -- Jim Forthman, Process Tech Instructor, CCC “Safety—They’re always around making sure we do things right.” --Jimmie Maze, TBE “Safety first.” –Willie Chandler, current CCC Welding student

“[Calhoun] exists to help students succeed.” -- Terri Bryson, Foundation Director, CCC “The instructors put the hay where the goats can get it!” --Bob Jones, Current HVAC CCC Student

“The instructors are helpful and nurturing.” --Scott Allen, Current HVAC CCC Student “My welders are a family; they come together. I don’t even want [a student] to come in this classroom and not feel at home.” --Calvin Washington, CCC Welding Instructor

“They’ve got to be able to share, receive, contribute on a regular basis– to work as a team!” --Mike Selby, Automatic SMP Company “We’ve got to have people who work well in teams.”

--Donna Curry, TVA

“Communication and teamwork are vital.” --Ed Lowery, BP “High school courses that develop communication and team skills” are needed for employment at TVA. --Donna Curry, TVA Powerpoint presentation

“Manufacturing used to be pneumatic. Everything is computer now.” --Todd Chancelor, BP “Initiative plays a big part of it. You have to be able to adapt to change.” --Ed Lowery, BP An interview question: “Describe a time when you had more to do than you could ever possibly get done. What did you do about that?” --Ed Lowery, BP

“Teledyne Brown Engineering products go to where responsiveness, “Knowing notcustomers’ enough. You have to apply.”--Dr. “Su,” CCC ELT/INT “We makeisour parts better.” --Mike Selby, Automatic SMP Company performance, precision, and reliability are essential.” --TBE Video Presentation instructor

“It’s very important that we give our young people options.” --Mike Selby, President, Automatic SMP Company “We will experience major challenges with filling technical positions for many years to come.” --Mike Selby, Automatic SMP Company “We must work closer together to plan, promote, and support the pathway to technical careers.” --Mike Selby, Automatic SMP Company “Exciting opportunities await your students.” --Mike Selby, Automatic SMP Company “Basically, kids need to know there are no free lunches out here. They need to buckle down.” --Dicie Craig on CCC

“These people are serious about this food! They are treating us as professionals.” --Darin Liles, Yellow Fever Leader “What an opportunity for teachers and students! The ‘Get Your Career in Gear’ camp for teachers really opened my eyes to the great programs offered by Calhoun. And the instructors were outstanding!” -- Kim Bell, Yellow Fever Team Member “Until I took this workshop, I was closed-minded about two-year technical programs. I don’t think I would have ever steered my students in this direction. This has been a good experience for me.” --Heather Sparkman, Yellow Fever Team Member “The most notable aspects of these technical programs is the passion instructors have for their students, the partnership with area businesses and industries, and the pride and support of the community.” --Kimberly Evans, Yellow Fever Team Member

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