Even t Plan n in g Toolk it Your guide to planning and hosting successful, trauma-informed events and programs related to sexual & relationship violence.
Th i n gs-t o -Co n si d er Ch eck l i st
In t r odu ct ion Hosting community events about power-based violence, such as sexual and relationship
violence, can be an effective and rewarding way to raise awareness, foster dialogue, build skills,
[ ] What are my goals for the event?
[ ] What are the expected costs for the event?
strengthen relationships, support essential services, and otherwise contribute to positive social
[ ] What type of event will most effectively achieve my goals? (See pg. 4)
[ ] Have I created a budget sheet?
change. This event planning guide was developed by Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence to assist you with planning and
executing successful community events about
[ ] Who do I want to reach with the event?
power-based violence, not only during Sexual Assault
[ ] What time(s) and location(s) would work best for this audience?
Awareness Month in April and Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, but also at other times
[ ] What are the sources of funding for the event? [ ] Have I requested/applied for funding early enough to allow for revisions and resubmissions of the budget, if needed? PLANNING DETAILS
throughout the year.
For any given event, it is helpful to start with an overall
[ ] What date(s) do I want to hold the event?
vision. Close your eyes and imagine that you just finished hosting the perfect event. What was the focus of your event? Where did the event take place? What happened during the event? Who was there ? and how were they impacted? What did you ultimately achieve? Consider your event?s goal(s) and use this toolkit as a guide for executing a successful trauma-informed event.
Abou t CARE t o St op Violen ce CARE to Stop Violence provides free, confidential advocacy and
[ ] Are there similar events happening around the same time that could be potential collaborations?
[ ] What trauma-informed practices will I use to ensure my participants?physical and emotional safety ? before, during, and after the event? (See pg. 6)
[ ] For outdoor events, should I plan for and advertise a ?rain date? in case of inclement weather?
[ ] Have I considered the accessibility needs and logistics for the event?
LOCATION [ ] What type of space do I need for the event, and what spaces are available?
simultaneously empowering the campus community to prevent violence through educational presentations, events, and outreach
[ ] What are the setup needs for the event (e.g., stage, lights, tables)?
[ ] Have I reviewed all policies related to my use of the space?
Collabor at in g w it h CARE
[ ] Have I reserved the space early enough to guarantee use for the event?
The CARE to Stop Violence team is always looking for opportunities to raise awareness of power-based violence and
[ ] If I am planning an outdoor event, what spaces can I use as a backup in case of inclement weather?
CARE?s services. Our Outreach Team specializes in collaborating on events with groups on and off campus. CARE Outreach Peers are available to table at your event, provide a brief informational announcement about CARE to the audience, or help you plan and execute your event. Use this form to contact our Outreach Team: go.umd.edu/CAREOutreach 2
[ ] What can I include in the event to encourage attendance (e.g., guest speakers, refreshments, other incentives)?
[ ] Are there any major holidays, observances, or University activities that could impact attendance?
therapy services to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment, while
[ ] Who are collaborators I can approach to help promote/support the event?
[ ] Will Responsible University Employees and Mandated Reporters be in attendance? (See pg. 7) M ARKETING AND PROM OTIONS [ ] What are the most effective methods of advertising for my audience? [ ] What marketing avenues will I use for the event? [ ] Should I invite media to the event? If so, are there any privacy concerns or need for a photo release? Photo: Decorations, like these candles from CARE's Purple Light Night, can help make a space feel warm and inviting. 3
Cr eat in g a Pr oject Plan After you have identified your event goal(s), create a project plan. Your plan can help you keep track of progress towards your event and create accountability within your organization. Developing a plan with areas of work and project due dates should be one of the first steps in the event planning process. An effective project plan should be clear, realistic, and complete. Please refer to our Things-to-Consider Checklist (pg. 3) for planning suggestions.
Photo: T-Shirts from CARE's Clothesline Project
Ev en t Go a l s & Ty p es o f Ev en t s Before you can begin planning an event, it is helpful to establish the goal(s) of the event. Different types of events and activities will impact your audience in different ways. Make sure to develop your event with your community?s needs in mind. Aw ar en ess
Healin g
Awareness events are useful for sharing information about power-based violence, promoting resources, and establishing new relationships in the community. Awareness can be an essential first step toward other goals.
Events with a healing focus are designed to
Examples: Tabling, Clothesline Project, Denim Day
Fu n dr aisin g
Start by dividing your event into areas of
To put your project plan into action, you will
work, or its basic components (e.g., logistics,
need to assign steps to the members of your
outreach, funding). This makes it easier to
organization. Be sure to consider not only
identify specific planning steps. For example,
individual strengths but also opportunities for
organizing a spoken word performance at an
members to challenge themselves for personal
event might involve some of the following
and professional development. Remember to thank all individuals, groups, and
1. Identify potential speakers and the role you?d like them to play in your event. 2. Reach out to each speaker with your and receive feedback on how they
with other survivors and support networks.
might participate in the event.
Examples: Candlelight vigils, Self-care events,
3. Prepare an estimate of each speaker ?s
like trauma-informed yoga
honorarium, which typically includes
A St ep Tow ar d Pr even t ion
performance fees, lodging, and
Power-based violence prevention is an ongoing process of changing community norms and
money to support an issue or organization
event as a ?step toward prevention.? For
related to power-based violence.
example, an event focused on community
Fundraising activities can be incorporated
engagement would enhance the abilities of
into other types of events to support
community members to collectively change
power-based violence prevention,
policies, systems, and social norms.
sponsors that helped contribute to the event?s success!
Pr oject Du e Dat es
proposed event to gauge their interest
providing spaces for self-care, and connecting
individual behaviors. Look for ways to use your
Examples: Teal Color Run, Benefit
Design at ed Roles an d Respon sibilit ies
support survivors by uplifting their voices,
Fundraising events are designed to raise
advocacy, and services.
Ar eas of Wor k
transportation and add to your event budget.
Planning an event may take longer than you think, so it is important for you to give yourself plenty of time. Decide on due dates for specific steps and check-in meetings leading up to your event. Depending on the type of event(s) you are planning, you may need only a few weeks of preparation or up to several months. Your project plan should be shared with everyone involved in planning and updated frequently.
Af t er t h e even t , w e r ecom m en d h oldin g a debr ief w it h you r or gan izat ion . - Wh at w or k ed w ell du r in g t h e even t plan n in g pr ocess? - Wh at didn't w or k w ell? - Wh at w or k ed w ell du r in g t h e even t
Examples: Workshops on these topics, panel
it self ?
- Wh at didn't w or k w ell?
Concerts 4
- Wh at cou ld w e do dif f er en t ly n ext t im e t o im pr ove eit h er t h e plan n in g pr ocess, t h e even t execu t ion , or bot h ? - Wh at w er e ou r ar eas of st r en gt h du r in g t h is pr ocess (as in dividu als, as an or gan izat ion , or bot h )? Wh er e do w e st ill h ave r oom t o gr ow ? 5
Cr ea t i n g a Tr a u m a -In f o r m ed Ev en t
Addit ion al t ips f or cr eat in g a t r au m a-in f or m ed even t :
trauma by hearing what they have to say and
When creating an event about power-based violence, be mindful of the impact your event and its messaging may have on your audience, as well as the volunteers and staff involved in your event?s execution. An event about the prevention of violence will most likely have survivors of power-based violence in the space. The following are key components of a
Create an environment that is affirming and trauma-informed approach to hosting an event: inclusive of the diversity among survivors by: -
Safety ? ensure that the physical space and
as CARE, or the Counseling Center. -
Consider asking advocates, chaplains, or other
pr om pt ly r epor t in st an ces of sexu al m iscon du ct t h at t h ey becom e aw ar e of t o t h e Tit le IX Of f icer in t h e Of f ice of Civil Righ t s an d Sexu al M iscon du ct (OCRSM ).
trained individuals to attend your event to
RUEs, as def in ed by Un iver sit y policy,
provide support to attendees.
in clu de all Un iver sit y adm in ist r at or s,
Center the voices of those who have been impacted by power-based violence by:
Affirming that violence can be experienced by
Employees (RUEs) an d ar e r equ ir ed t o
Helping survivor-speakers prepare in
su per visor s, f acu lt y m em ber s, law en f or cem en t , coach es, t r ain er s, an d r esiden t assist an t s. It also in clu des
advance for the event (CARE can provide you
in dividu als w h o ar e per ceived as h avin g
leave your event, have access to resources,
because of the identities we hold, such as
with support for how to do this).
t h e au t h or it y or du t y t o t ak e act ion or t o
race, gender, sexuality, disability,
Having a back-up plan in case a
r epor t sexu al m iscon du ct t o t h e
Trustworthiness and transparency ? let the
socioeconomic status, etc.
survivor-speaker decides they no longer want
audience know what to expect at your event, -
Inviting speakers who reflect the audience
to share their story (sharing one's story can
your intentions, and where they can seek
you are seeking to engage.
be empowering, but can also trigger,
r equ ir em en t s, especially if t h er e w ill be
Partnering with groups that are often
overwhelm, or cause a range of other
su r vivor s sh ar in g t h eir st or ies at you r
underrepresented or unheard.
public space (example on pg. 9).
refer them to additional support resources, such
ar e con sider ed Responsible University
and impact everyone in different ways
with a content warning, if your event is in a
believing them without judgment. Be prepared to
M ost Un iver sit y of M ar ylan d em ployees
activities allows space for folks to disengage,
help, if needed. Additionally, have signage
Provide support to individuals who may disclose
M an dat ed Repor t in g
Letting survivors know in advance if media
Considering other ways or avenues for
Un iver sit y. It is im por t an t t o in f or m you r par t icipan t s abou t r epor t in g
even t . For m or e in f or m at ion on r epor t in g, visit ocr sm .u m d.edu . Un der M D Law , all adu lt s in t h e St at e
Awareness of cultural, historical, and gender
will be present so they can make an informed
survivors to provide other avenues for
issues ? ensure that all underrepresented
decision about how they want to participate
survivors to share their experiences (for
h ave an obligat ion t o r epor t su spect ed
voices are heard, acknowledge power
(photo/video, direct quotes, etc.). If you invite
example, have a visual display where
or con f ir m ed ch ild abu se an d n eglect ,
differences, etc.
media, please ensure they are aware of any
participants can write their stories,
Peer support ? ensure that your audience
boundaries survivor-speakers request (not
messages, etc.).
members understand their role in
having their name printed, their photo taken,
prevention and supporting their peers.
etc.). Additionally, contact the Office of
Collaboration and mutuality ? include
Strategic Communications, in advance, for
survivor 's voices in the planning process.
assistance and approval.
uplifting and represent various voices and stories.
h appen ed in t h e past , t o law en f or cem en t or Ch ild Pr ot ect ive Ser vices. Alt h ou gh t h e r epor t in g r equ ir em en t s f or m em ber s of t h e Un iver sit y Syst em of M ar ylan d (USM ) ?pr of ession al em ployees? ar e dif f er en t , gen er ally
Empowerment, voice, and choice ? ensure that your materials, speeches, etc. all are
Photo: CARE Peer Advocates at Take Back the Night 2018
even if t h e in ciden t (s) m ay h ave
expect t h at all USM st af f m em ber s w ill
Questions? Contact CARE's Outreach Team to request a consultation!
r epor t su spect ed or con f ir m ed ch ild abu se/ n eglect . Please r ef er t o t h e USM ?s
Ch ild Abu se & Neglect Repor t in g FAQ f or m or e in f o.
For m or e in f or m at ion on t h is appr oach :
Please n ot e: CARE St af f ar e n ot RUEs, du e
h t t ps:/ / w w w.sam h sa.gov/ n ct ic/ t r au m a-in t er ven t ion s
t o t h e of f ice's con f iden t ialit y st at u s. 6
On Cam pu s Even t Resou r ces Pow er -Based Violen ce Even t Resou r ces Fin din g an d Reser vin g a Locat ion
Tr an spor t at ion
STAMP Event & Guest Services
Dept. of Transportation Services |
Conferences and Visitor Services
Event Parking
h elp w it h
Meeting Facilities and Services
Dept. of Transportation Services
plan n in g
Memorial Chapel Reservations
Bus | Charter Request
Recwell Athletic Fields and Facilities
Food an d Dr in k
cam pu s. Th is is
Reservation Information
UMD Catering Options
n ot an
University Libraries Room
STAMP Event Catering Options
Th e f ollow in g r esou r ces can
even t s on
exh au st ive list of even t opt ion s. In dividu al pr ogr am s an d sch ools m ay h ave addit ion al r esou r ces f or
Information and Reservation Portal Un iver sit y Depar t m en t s & Pr ogr am s-Gen er al Even t Plan n in g Resou r ces Student Organization Resource
Speak er s
University Calendar of Events
Alisa Zipursky, Founder of
Break the Silence Speaker 's Bureau
Conferences & Visitor Services Main
University Chaplains
HopeWorks (Howard County) Speaker 's Bureau
UHC Medical and Behavioral
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Reser vin g/ Ren t in g Equ ipm en t
Speaker 's Bureau
and Events Ot h er Logist ics University of Maryland Police Department (UMPD) | Special Event
you .
It's On Us Jewish Women International
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
PreventConnect Rape. Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
(RAINN) Speaker 's Bureau
Resou r ces ABA Planning Accessible Meetings
Local Resou r ces
and Events
Aha! Moment
CDC Health Communicator ?s Social
DC Rape Crisis Center
Media Toolkit
FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture
NSVRC SAAM Event Planning 101
House of Ruth
SGA Funding Requests
Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse
r esou r ces available t o
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network On lin e Even t Plan n in g
per son al
ot h er
Speak er ?s Bu r eau s & Ot h er Recom m en ded
STAMP Marketing
Counseling Center
Facilities Management | Moves
End Rape on Campus
Pathways to Safety International
M ar k et in g
Main Page
STAMP Event Technology Rentals
see if t h er e ar e
UMD Policy on Food Vending
an d plan n in g.
Break the Cycle
Men Can Stop Rape
Em ot ion al Su ppor t Ser vices
STAMP Event and Guest Services
an d Tech n ology
n et w or k s t o
University Health Center | Ground Floor Monday-Friday | 9 AM-5 PM No Appointment Needed Office | 301.314.2222 health.umd.edu/care | uhc-care@umd.edu 24/ 7 Crisis Line | 301.741.3442 Fall & Spring Semesters
Nat ion al Resou r ces
Know Your IX
Center (SORC)
even t su ppor t Use you r
CARE t o St op Violence
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Questions? Contact CARE's Outreach Team to request a consultation!
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence Planned Parenthood
go.umd.edu/CAREOutreach 8
Photo: A Content Warning Sign from CARE's Clothesline Project 9