Caribbean Vybes Magazine - April 2023

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HelpASurvivorofDomesticViolence CHARISSA CAESAR'S COURAGE April 2023 What St. Kitts Men Really Think About St. Kitts Women Duane O'Connor 2023 T&T Calypso Monarch WaysTo
Books can be purchased by clicking the following link:

The Deception is in the Perception

Zephani wanted a strong black woman in his life- a woman who would complete his world, who was proud of her African heritage, and who was not afraid to embrace it. Surely God had someone for him, but would he listen to God? The Deception is in the Perception explores themes such as love, discrimination, prejudice, family and societal values,morality,andreligion. Ithasmemorablecharacters,atouch ofhumouranditisa sensitivestorythatwillstaywithyoulongafterthelastpageisturned.

Ex Rated: The Deception is in the Perception Part 2

When Adah Bynoe's boss announces the possibility of expanding the business to the CaribbeanislandofSt.Kitts,herthoughtsareonceagainrevertedtoherfirstlove,Zephani Elias.Meanwhile,EvaKeenanfantasizesaboutherfutureandguardsherrelationshipwith Zephanilikeadeliriouswarden.

Inaquesttosatisfytheirdesires,secretsareexposedandvaluesarecompromised.Adah and Eva eventually learn that there is more to loving Zephani than materialism and Zephani realises that everything is not as promising as it seems. As they all struggle to keepitreal,theypainfullydiscoverthatsometimeslovecanbeillusiveandaselusiveasa dream.

Roy Ain’t Ugly No More

Twanaisontopoftheworld!She’sinlove,sheissurroundedbywonderfulfriendsandis learning to navigate her career through the pandemic. After her world collapses by a shockingrevelation,shestrugglestopickupthepiecesofherlife.Sheis feelinghopeless until a charismatic gentleman enters her life. However, instead of having a loving relationship,sheexperiencesfuryandhate.

Adult non-Fiction Books can be purchased by clicking the following link: 2

Unveiling the Mask: My Testimony Vol. 1

Immersed in darkness, jettison in the abyss, Unveiling the Mask: My Testimony Vol. 1 chroniclesthegut-wrenchingdetailsofdefeatingmyenemies.Whenlightshinesbrightly andevilisexposed,detractorsanddarkenedantagonistswillcondemnthemessenger,the messageandthetruth.Todealwiththedebilitatingtrauma,Iworeamaskofsilence.

For us to heal, we must face the past. Today, I stand like a lighthouse to provide illuminationforthosewhoaregoingthroughorhavegonethroughsimilarexperiences,or worseevents.Novictimisbeyondrecoveryandnothinginyourpastshouldpermanently makeyoudonamask.It’stimetomakecrucialchangesinyourlife.

C.O.P.E: Be Resilient

C.O.P.E: Be Resilient is the spark that you need to ignite the flame. This book is for the individualwhofeelsmarginalized,rejected,spurned,andconfused.Itisforsomeonewho knowsanindividualwhohasbeenthrough tough timesandwantstohelphimorher,to not only survivebut tosucceed.Thisbookcandidlymixeswisdomwith acompassionate touch,tostrengthenyourresolve,yourphysical,mental,emotional,andspiritualhealth.

Celebrating 65 years of St. Kitts & Nevis Carnival

In this publication, you will explore the culture of St. Kitts and Nevis, by tracing the ChristmasFestivitiesfromslavery,toemancipation,colonialism,statehood,independence and post-independence. Interviews with veteran calypsonians, historians, pioneers, and musiciansarealsofeaturedincelebrationoftheAnniversaryofCarnivalwhichstartedin 1957.

Children Fiction Books can be purchased by clicking the following link: Contact the Author by using the following link: 4

Cari and the Talking Bird

ItwasanotherdayinPelicanHavenwhenanunusualsounddisturbsCarifromhersleep. She investigates the sound and is surprised to see a talking bird on her window sill. Her lifechangeswhenthebirdfliesthroughthewindowandintoherbedroom.Inmeetingher newfriend,shelearnsaboutthehistoryandcultureofherislandandSt.KittsandNevis.

Cari, BB and the Lost Artifact

Join us as we explore Book 2 of the fascinating Caribbean Vybes Series. This time Cari’s grandmothersendsheronanerrandtoherfriends’homeBartandBartleyknownasBB. While there, they reveal their amazing recent discovery to her. It’s a golden axe with magicalfeathersattached,whichbelongstotheGreatCaribChiefTula!Whenthefeathers are touched, KAZAM, they are whisked away on a journey of splendor, suspense, and excitementtodifferentCaribbeanislands.

ThisbookisAMUSTREADasyouwouldgetcaughtupinawonderfuladventureofCari, BBandtheLostArtifact.

Songcanbepurchasedbyusingthelinkbelow: ContactLightningStormManagementat: 6

Some people think that courage is for the valiant only. They think that it's for the experienced fighters or those who are self assured and who have the encouraging cheerleaders to chant and gyrate that they are awesome and can doit.Whoopee!

Wake up from your slumber if that’ s yourviewofcourage.

Courage is trembling under the glaring brightness of the thousand flashes of the cameras to capture your most humiliating experience but moving on. Courage is shaking with fear but rescuing people anyway. Courage is protecting strangers when their friends and family turn a blind eye. Courage is having conversations that society deems

as taboo. Courage is being unapologeticallyyou.

I selected Charissa because she shared a personal experience to enlighten and empower other women. In this darkened world her light is radiant. In a culture where celebrities are applauded for teaching little girls to shake like jello when they cannot even spell their names, her standard should be applauded.

I absolutely love mirrors as they reflect the soul. When you are on your life's journey, do not trivialise your higher purpose by condescending to the whims of rotten souls found in common places, such as on your job, or in your neighbour’s home. Sometimes they may evenbefoundinyourownhome.

Shine light in darkness, reflect the good of God, go forward with faith, not failure and be courageous. Be wise in all you do, be discerning with your environment and don't ever let the wickedness in othersdestroythebeautyinyou.



Publisher’s Page


Merita Tyrell-Mitchell is a licensed marital and family therapist.

Sharon McNeal is a motivational speaker.


Make-Up Artist:

Malisha Francis

Business Name: Berry Art Treats

Note: British and American spelling is used.

Aarti Gosine Photographer of Trinidad & Tobago Carnival pictures S. Young
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She’s still loving me

A song we’ve all sung along to Ofawomanonceagainbeingrewarded Forhersuffering,fromturningablindeyeto



Whenhisselfishness doesn’t work out in his favor






She’s still loving me


Manifesting: Make Room For Your Best Relationship

Before attempting to answer the question, close your eyes for a second and say the word love. Feel the sound of the word rolling off your tongue and immerse yourself in the sensations and emotions it evokes in your body. What we know to be true is that each person will have their own unique individual experience.

It is impossible to generalize about the impact of a relationship any more than one can generalize about the effects of a storm. There are no guarantees that a romantic connection will be successful, and while there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, some relationships are more stable than others. How does one identify the first signs of falling in love? Despite how this question might be construed, there is no hidden meaning.

Relationship red flags are common knowledge, but what about green flags in relationships? These are not talked about as much as their counterparts. However, more than ever, they are needed in the discussion. How many of you can recall receiving guidance from an authority figure on what it takes to have a successful relationship. How many of you have heard the old adages, "don't let a man or woman lay their hands on you, don't let them embarrass you in public, and don't let them have multiple partners with you." While these are all good to know, it is essential that parents also educate their children on


the qualities that they should look for before they can invest in a relationship.

How many of you have parents who set the example of what it means to be in a relationship built on love? This is not to blame anyone; however, our family of origin taught us many things we have learned to accept in our relationship. Before you decide to become romantically involved with another

most about yourself? What are you passionate about? We often get lost in relationships because we have not truly discovered ourselves. Some of us act like carbon copies of others in our relationships. Every relationship should have realistic goals and expectations. While not all relationships will end like fairy tales, they should have the capacity for growth.

Every person in a relationship should be willing to contribute to that relationship. Relationships should not be based on what you can get but on what you can give. Every partner must be willing to give their best. It is a fact that no relationship is perfect, but what are some excellent qualities you possess as well as desire in a partner?

Every person should be able to ask themselves these comfortable yet uncomfortable questions.

person, there are some questions I would like you to ponder. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and admired yourself? When was the last time you spent quality time with yourself? What do you value and love

 am I genuinely vested in the relationship?

 is this person someone I can trust wholeheartedly?

 is my partner interested in my well-being and growth?


 does my partner respect my wishes and my boundaries?

 are my needs being fulfilled? Relationships are based on connections. Our connection to be seen, heard, and to be loved. They are the extraordinary interactions that we create. If you ever question your worth and where you stand in someone’s life, that should be all the proof you need to walk. As you walk, enjoy what is ahead and never look back.

Love is not powerless; it is not blind You have the power to choose who you fall in love with. However, you must be willing to unload the unnecessary baggage and release any expectations you have of yourself. Draw on your experience to manifest the connections that you need. Your next relationship is waiting patiently for you.

Merita is a licensed marital and family therapist with over nine years of experience. She assesses and treats mental and emotional disorders, health and behavioral issues, and interpersonal problems within the family context.

View her articles “Coping with Grief

During the Holidays” and “Time To Call the Doctor. Is This Pain Normal” in the Love & Life category on the website


Merita Tyrell, M.S, LMFT


I remember a man hugging me and telling me Daddy loves me when I was very young. Then he disappeared. So when I was in relationships and my boyfriends disappeared I wasn't angry for long. It’s what men did I told myself. I had no other man around me. Women raised me: my mother, an aunt, and my grandmother. And they taught me everything about men. Men are dogs. Men only care about a woman's body. Men feel that women are bitches.

One day a woman offered me a lift. In her car was a book entitled What St Kitts Men Really Think about St. Kitts Women. I sucked my teeth. The woman told me not to judge the book by the title. She offered to lend me, and curiosity caused me to take it.

I contacted the writers and asked them to share my story because it could save a young woman from destruction. It’s a short book (so if you don’t like to read like me, you would like it) but it has left a long-lasting effect. Empty vessels make the most noise and the whistling and cat calling and dribbling over a woman's body from loud men was not how every man behaved. I started going to places outside my neighbourhood and dressing differently. I started loving me and smiled more.

My only wish is that more positive men in St. Kitts society would be more vocal to drown out the noise of the ignorant and negative men who plague our society.

From the Authors

This book is to empower the minds of women, so that they can LOVE and APPRECIATE themselves without the necessity of a MAN. So when men see you, they will RESPECT you and the BOND formed will be UNBREAKABLE.

The book is available:

E-book link:

Paperback link:

If you wish to join the conversation feel free to comment on Click Love & Life in the menu and then click on the Reflections article. At the end is the opportunity to comment.


Why the Most Needed Skills on a Date

Are Sometimes Not the Sexiest Ones

Some people look for other qualities on a date than just looking sexy. Others prefer seeing another aspect of a personthanjusttheirphysicalappearance.

And sometimes your date has seen it all, so they want to see something more than just that. They want to see beyond what the eyescan.Theywantsomethingdifferent.


So, let’s find out why sometimes the most beneficial skills or qualities on a date aren’t alwaysthesexiest:

1. Showing personal interest tells how interested you are. Remember you are with someone, not yourself, so avoid talking about yourself throughout. Take a personal interest in the other person,askquestions,andlistenwithinterest.

● We deem people who make everything about themselves arrogant and boring. Everyone loves to feel needed and important, so putting in the effort to show your date that they areinhighregardandvaluedmaysecureyouaseconddate.

2. Beingyourselfisbeautiful. Faking your identityis the last thing you want to do on a date. Faking to impress is a wrong move many people make. Who doesn’t love someone who is not afraid to be themselvesunapologetically?

● We admire people who aren’t afraid to own up to their strengthsandflawswiththeirheadshigh. Be yourself, show who you are, and you will find your person.

● Make the other person on the date feel comfortable to be themselvesaswell!

3. Having fun creates a relaxed environment. Going on a date is to get to know each other and have fun. Don’t unnecessarily pressure yourself to be perfect or have a perfect date. Go to enjoy the day andmakethebestoutofit.

● Avoid focusing on rushing into a relationship. A first date isn’t to decide if you want to marry this person, but hopefully go on anotherdate.


4. Sincere compliments show attentiveness, not flatter. Both gentlemen and ladies appreciate a genuine compliment, not mere flattery, to gain their attention. Givecomplimentswhenrelevantor needed, not unnecessary flattery that will make the other feel uncomfortableandcringe.

● A simple “you look great” or “beautiful” or “handsome” is fine. Still, you might want to compliment something other than their physical appearance, like or their great taste in music, intelligence,orlaughter.

5. Dressing appropriately for the occasion shows how you feel. Dressing appropriately for the occasion shows how important it is to you. Dressing inappropriately can create the impression that you do notcareaboutthedateorthepersonyouaremeeting.

● Take the time to ensure that you look your best. Wear clothes that fit well and enhance your natural, good qualities. Beclean,well-groomed,andsmile!

● Think about the setting and dress code of the location no need to overdress for a coffee date or underdress for a dinner date.Justmakesureitisappropriate.

Remember, some skills


admirable but aren’t sexy. So ask yourself, “Will I give those skills or qualities a chance?” Allow yourself to see other qualities, sexy or not, and open doors to beautiful relationships you will cherish.


The Secret to Managing Your Emotional Triggers

Are you sometimes surprised by your emotions? You suddenly feel very sad or angry, even when part of you knows it’s out of proportion to what’s going on at the moment. If so, you could be experiencing anemotionaltrigger.

That’s the psychological term for when your reaction has more to do with your past than thepresentsituation. In the most serious cases, triggers can be related to post traumatic stress disorder. To a lesser extent,

they’re also a routinepartoflifefor mostadults.

For example, you may like your job and enjoy working with your boss. Then, one day you want to quit because she looked in your desk drawer without asking first. When you examine your response more closely, you remember how you felt when your parents or your spouse violated your privacy in similarways.

Healing your sore spots will help you to be happier and


more successful. Try these strategies for dealing with emotionaltriggers.

Short Term Strategies for DealingwithEmotionalTriggers

While triggers are commonplace, they can still wreak havoc. You want to avoid outbursts that could derail your career or relationships youcareabout.


1. Slow down. Resist the impulse to react immediately. Give yourself time to think things through. Count to ten or take a walk around the block.

2. Breathe deeply. The way you breathe can help you soothe yourself and clarify your thinking. Inhale through your nostrils rather than your mouth. Lengthen yourexhalations in order to relax.

3. Distract yourself. If you’re still overwhelmed, you may want to think about something else until you’re

in a safe place. Repeat positive affirmations or plan what you’re going to make for dinner.

4. Communicate directly. Be assertive. Advocate for your needs and enforce your boundaries. Show others the same consideration you want for yourself.

5. Rehearseyourresponse. If your triggers are predictable, you can practice what to do in a neutralsetting.Look in a mirror or write out what you want to say.

6. Set limits. Treat yourself with patience and compassion. You may need to avoid some situations while you’re working your wayuptonavigatingthem.

Longer Term Strategies for DealingwithEmotionalTriggers

Managingtriggersisimportant,but you need to dig deeper. Addressing the root causes will help you to enjoy greater peace of mind.



1. Take time for daily reflection. Increasing your self-awareness is key. Sit down and observe your thoughts without making judgements. Try journaling.

2. Accept your feelings. Acknowledge difficult emotions without blaming yourselfortryingtosuppress them. Stay connected with how you're feeling throughout the day.

3. Tolerate uncertainty. Triggers often involve feeling helpless. Face the reality that some things are beyond your control and devote your energy to the areas in your life where you can make positive changes.

4. Seek support. When you’re ready, talk about your triggers with someone you trust. Let your family and friends know how they can help you. Developing close relationships also gives you a sense of security that can

make triggers less intense.

5. Show respect. Describing someone as being triggered is sometimes an insult used to dismiss their experiences. Validating others creates a healthier environment for each of us.

6. Consider counseling. For more assistance, you may want to speak with a mental health professional. Therapy can give you greater insights into your behavior and teach you valuable coping skills. Ask your doctor for a referral or contact organizations like the American Psychological Association.

Triggers are stubborn things, but you can develop the skills to manage them. Empower yourself by taking care of your emotionalhealth.


Charissa Caesar

1st Runner-Up in the St. Kitts-Nevis National Carnival

Queen Pageant 2022-2023

Recipient of the Most Popular Online Award and also the Chairperson Award


Interview with Charissa Caesar

What makes you unique?

My ability to see life from a spiritual perspective rather than just the physical.

What do you like most about yourself?

My tenacity and assertive nature are some things that I’ve grown to admire and embrace. I’ve learned to love those parts of my inner being as they are a big part of who I am.

If you could meet any famous person in historywhowould it be and why?

It would be Bob Marley. I watched one of his interviews where the interviewer asked, “Are you a rich man? Do you have a lot of possessions?” Bob’s response was, “Possessionsmakeyou rich? I don’t have that type of richness. My richness is life, forever.”

That stuck with me from that day. His wisdom reminds me of my grandfather and I really love to engage in conversations with my granddad. I always keep my ears open to my elders as they see life through a more experienced lens. I believe that I would really enjoy having a conversation with Bob Marley if I had the chance. I’m very big on wisdom! He would surely teach me a lot.

What has been a challenge you’ve experienced in life and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge in life was not being certain of who Charissa really is. I really struggled with the idea of who I was supposed to be because I was trying to see myself through different people’s ideas of who Charissa is. I would say I’m still overcoming this challenge because as I grow, and as the days go by, I learn something new about


myself while at the same time, still unlearning things that I thought were factors that contributed to my being.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Looking for love outside of yourself only sets you back from discovering that true love really comes from within. The respect you give to yourself sets the tone for how much others respect you!

What in life do you feel most grateful for?

Life itself is really the one thing I’m most grateful for; being granted opportunities for a new start every day to employ our specials gifts, is the ultimate blessing! Jesus did encourage us to give thanks in all circumstances, for me that is enough.

Whydid you deserve the first runner up?

How would you define success?

Success to me is achieving all of your aspirations and materialistic possessions aided by strong morality and spirituality.

Psalms 128:2 says: You worked hard and deserve all you've got coming. Enjoy the blessing! Revel in the goodness! My placement in the pageant really reflected the hard work that I put in for the 4 short months so I can surely say that it was well deserved.

Why did you decide to compete in the pageant?

My decision to compete in the National Carnival Queen Pageant was merely to honor my Mother, Joann Dorsette. To show her that despite all of her toil and misfortunes in her early years, she is a remarkable woman, who has raised a


remarkable woman. My mother is the human embodiment of the lotus flower, though she bloomed through the mud, she rose without stains.

What were some highlights of the show and what were some of the challenges?

Being able to create salubrious relationships with some of my pageant sisters was my favorite part of the journey. The challenges were more internal. I was having so many intrusive thoughts coming on to the show. Even down to the very day of the show, I was going through a roller coaster of emotions which was making it super difficult for me to actually be proud of my progress as a first timer.

Do you think pageantry objectifies women?

I most certainly don’t believe that pageantry objectifies women. I think that is a common misconception among society. I see pageantry as an opportunity for young women to aid in their upward mobility in life and to showcase latent talents and even develop and nurture new skills. Pageantry to me is merely a stepping stone.

Describe what you did for your talent

What do you think are some of the biggest problems facing young people today?

The illusions of the media, comparing their lives to the celebrities they follow and even peers. Wishing for a life like someone who may appear to have it all.

My talent was a true story, the story of my late grandmother, Lorraine Dorsette, who was, unfortunately, a victim of Domestic Violence. I played my mother and showcased the horror of such social Ill and the effects it has on those who are familiar with it. It was entitled the evolution of a wonder woman; it was a compound theatrical piece, I did a dramatic piece, then transitioned into song by Christopher Martin “Between the Lines” and ended with a powerful afrobeat dance to the song Wonder Woman by WSTRN.


Why was your platform important to you?

playing with my little brother and having comical conversations with my mother.

I chose domestic violence against women as my platform because it hit close to home, and I’ve witnessed the traumas, my mother and her siblings had to endure because of this.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What do you do for fun?

Fun for me is spending time with my loved ones, having a laugh, whether it be a relaxed afternoon or any time of day. Trying new foods with my cousins,

Hopefully fulfilling one of my aspirations; specifically owning an establishment that caters to underprivileged children, and children of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis on a whole.


Women Empowerment

The importance of empowering women cannot be understated. Women make up more than half of the world’s population, and their ability to contribute to society is immense. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, women continue to be marginalised and face persistent discrimination which limits their opportunities in both the public and private spheres.

Empowering women has the potential to reduce poverty and inequality in societies, creating a ripple effect of positive benefits. Women have an incredible capacity to lead and be agents of change, but in order to do so they need to have access to vital resources. Unlocking the potential of women requires providing them with education, training and access to capital and technology, as well as addressing issues of safety and security, health and reproductive rights, and address systematic issues of gender-based

violence. By inspiring and supporting women, there is a huge potential to create a more equal and just society.

Empowering women means supporting them to lift themselves out of poverty, gain financial independence and achieve their desired career goals. It also means addressing the fundamental problems of gender inequality and eliminating discrimination. This could include enacting and enforcing laws that protect the rights of women, fighting for social justice and equality, and confronting harmful patriarchal attitudes and practices.

Empowerment of women also has economic and social implications that could be felt in all facets of society. It can also increase economic growth and human development, improve access to healthcare and nutrition, reduce the prevalence of gender-based violence,


and promote women’s political and economic participation.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment is essential for creating a healthier and more productive world. By fostering dialogue and engaging in awareness raising activities, it is possible to promote a culture of mutual respect and understanding. Empowering women of all backgrounds and ages is key to making lasting changes in communities and countries across the globe.



Helping a Survivor of Domestic Violence

You’ve experienced your friends navigating through challenging times. Being an observer of those close to you going through devastating events is emotionally painful and even frightening. Yet, you recognize that you’ve got to stay strong so you can be there for your friend.

Perhaps in the past, one of your friends had an abusive partner and you didn’t know what to do to help. The following strategies will enlighten you about how to best help a survivor of domestic violence.

1. Acknowledge to yourself what you’re feeling about the violence.This must be your first step. Otherwise, your feelings, be they fear, disgust, or anger, will literally leak out of you on to your friend who needs you. And you surely don’t want that to happen.

So, recognize your feelings and resolve them within yourself before making any efforts to help your friend.

2. Prepare yourself that your friend who’s been abused might show physical signs of harm. Bruised eyes, face, or arms, cuts on the face, and possibly even broken bones or worse can result from a domestic violence incident.

Remind yourself that even though your friend might appear to have been greatly harmed, the fact is that she’s alive, walking, and talking. Also, remember that these physical signs will heal and hopefully not leave scars.

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3. Ask questions that empower your friend. With asking simple questions first, you can help your friend begin to re-build a personal sense of empowerment. For example, when you first see her and are walking toward her, ask, “Is it okay if I hug you?” She’ll likely say, “Yes.” You can then state, “I’m so relieved to see you.”

Ask her another empowering question: “Would you like to talk about it? If so, I’m ready to listen. If not, that’s okay, too.” Avoid asking probing questions.

Instead, ask questions that give your friend choices and require her to say either that she wants to answer or she doesn’t. When you do, you’re helping her resume a position of power and choice in her own life.

4. Make yourself accessible. Your friend may be feeling fear and confusion about where her life is heading. Let her know how to quickly get in touch with you. Give her all your phone numbers and offer to let her stay with you for a few days if she doesn’t wish to be alone at night.

Use your own judgment on these issues to recognize whether she’s depending on you too much or not getting better and more self-confident as time passes.

5. Suggest your friend call a counselor or domestic violence professional/advocate. If you see behaviors or signs in your friend that concern you, bring up the notion of getting some professional assistance.

The best way is to use gentle honesty. “I’m concerned about you losing so much weight so quickly and you’re crying quite a bit. Have you considered calling a counselor to talk to? It might help you to heal emotionally. I’ll go with you the first time or two, if you want me to.”

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If your friend refuses to get professional guidance now, try to secure an agreement with her that if she’s not better in a certain period of time (4 weeks, for example), she’ll agree to seek help after that time passes.

6. Check in with your friend regularly. It’s good for her to know that you’re thinking about her and that you “have her back.” Send her texts, give quick cell phone calls, or even stop by after work to let her know you’re there for her. She’ll most likely appreciate it and acknowledge that fact to you.

Even though you might feel helpless, there are several ways you can help and support a friend who’s a victim of domestic violence. Examine your own feelings first and be prepared to see signs of abuse against your friend. Ask her empowering questions and be easily accessible.

Ask your friend to consider getting professional help if she’s not better and check in with her frequently. You can be a great support and the best friend ever to those close to you who have experienced domestic violence.

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Trinidad and Tobago Carnival 2023

Photographer Aarti Gosine

Trinidad & Tobago Calypso Superstar

Duane Donald O’Connor

Duane O'Connor born to parents Ruthven & Shirley O'Connor both deceased, was born 30th December 1979 in Trinidad & Tobago. It has been said that Caribbean countries only appreciate their calypso greats when they have passed on, but when it comes to Calypso Superstar, Duane Donald O’Connor, that isn’t the case. This amazing artiste is realizing huge fame while he’s still very much alive, following his dethronement of defending champion Karene Asche at the 2012 Calypso Monarch


competition, held at the Queens Park Savannah on February 20, 2012. Remaining true to his social and political art form, his two songs, “The Hunt is On” and “Long Live Calypso,” received the judges’ collective nod to take home the crown to the world. and the one million dollars first prize at the Dimanche Gras show.

There is no doubt that this was Duane’s year as he also won the Young King competition in 2012, as well as the Tuco North Zone Calypso Monarch title and the 2012 Social Commentary Category Competition. Duane is a unique talent with a love of music evidenced by the number of years he has been singing. Leaving his audiences captivated by his melodic sounds, Duane combines calypso lyrics with mesmerizing rhythms that literally make the heart soar.

Born in Port of Spain, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, he was drawn to calypso music at an early age. When he was just a toddler, he showed signs of having an ear for music, which his parents noticed immediately. Influenced by his father, who was a prolific composer/songwriter and his mother until her death in September 2013, they supported him wherever and whenever he performed. Duane had the love and encouragement of family right from the very start.

Duane successfully participated in calypso competitions throughout grade school and later went on to the University of the West Indies. Using his education and musical abilities, he masterfully combined these attributes to send a message of unity, responsibility and harmony

His long lists of credits include: winner of Stars of Tomorrow in 1994 and 1999, seven-time Stars of Tomorrow Awardee, two-time Stars of Gold Awardee, eight-time Young Kings finalist, five-time National Calypso Monarch semi-finalist, five-time Unattached Calypso Monarch finalist, and winner of the Emancipation Calypso Monarch title in 2003. Songs to his credit include “Status”, “Forget the Branch”,“StandT&T”,“Thriller”and“JouvertMorning”tonameafew.

Starting with his capture of the Tuco North Zone Calypso Monarch title during Calypso History Month in October 2011, and all of his wins in 2012, Duane has finally achieved the success and recognition that had been eluding him over the past few years.

In combination with his musical career, Duane also serves as a Police Officer, where he works with youth in the Arts throughout the Western part of the country. Never in the history of the Trinidad & Tobago Police Department has a police officer ever captured the prestigious Calypso Monarch title, a


title Duane proudly wears. He credits his composer Larry Harewood and his brother Dave Villafana, Marva Mc Kenzie along with other relatives and friends for his huge success over the years.

In recognition of his huge win, many articles appeared in various publications including Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, CTNT World, Trinidad Express and Guardian Media. Videos of his winning Dimanche Gras performance can also be seen on YouTube.

The generously proportioned 6 feet 7 inch entertainer is a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Junior Calypso Organization Committee where he stands on a solid foundation as he performs to keep calypso alive. Duane was also a finalist at the 50th anniversary of Independence of Trinidad and Tobago in 2012. He again in 2015 made the calypso monarch finals with two Gregory Ballyntine (GB) compositions.

In 2016 and 2017 he was a semi finalist in the National Calypso Monarch Competition. in 2016 he won the political category with a calypso entitled “Modern Nursery Rhymes”. In 2018 and again in 2019 Duane O’Connor was a finalist in the National Calypso Monarch. In 2020 Duane placed 5th in the National Calypso Monarch with his songs “Not in here" and “12 feet and under", for 2021 he was set and ready for the virtual season with his composition entitled, “Wegotake it in May".

For 2023 he remained a headline act at Kaiso House Calypso Tent singing “D Ting Fix”. Duane was among the semi finalists for the Calypso Monarch 2023 and just missed out of the top 12 placing 13th out of the 40 semi finalists.

He also opened a “cultural tent experience 2023” at his cultural space on Ariapita Avenue in Woodbrook where he showcased young and upcoming talented musicians, dancers, singers, pannist and the experience was magical.

He is presently pursuing his law degree at K Beckles & Associates. He is also a proud father of one Ta'zyah O'Connor and husband to Donessa Wickham also a police officer.

The outcome of the Calypso Monarch was that Duane Ta’zyah O’Connor Jr. won the Calypso Monarch 2023 No other joy can be brought to the faces of Duane Jr. parents and relatives.


Trinidad & Tobago Calypso Monarch 2023

Duane Ta’zyah O’Connor

Born on March 19, 2002, in Port of Spain Trinidad, Duane Ta’zyah O’Connor has always been a charismatic individual. Growing up in calypso and attaining a love for it, his music career began at the age of six at Newtown Boys R.C. School where he copped five consecutive school titles at his schools calypso competition. He also entered into the National Parang competition under the guidance of Alicia Jaggassar in 2014, where he was crowned the best male vocalist.

In 2015 after writing his SEA exams and successfully passing for his school of choice, St. Mary’s College, he started his professional career under the name Ta’zyah O’Connor as he entered the National Junior Calypso Monarch competition. In 2016 he sang “Dear Doctor” and left the competition with 2nd place and best social commentary. Re-entering in 2017 he left with best north zone performer, most outstanding performance for his age group, best performer at semi-finals and best nation building.

Not stopping there, he went on to capture the Njac Jewels calypso competition crown. In the following year, 2018 he victoriously attained the title of being the National Junior Calypso Monarch and also winning the Njac Pathfinders Competition with his song, “Man of Integrity”. He went on to Barbados where he had the honor of being one of their guest performers at their national level competition and in both 2019 and 2020 he placed second.


While still attending St. Mary’s College, unbounded by his possibilities, he started a band by the name of STEEM, where he doubles as the band’s lead vocalist and band leader.


O’Connor has always been known to be one of sartorial elegance with music and a stage presence that blends the old school style with a modern twist, never disappointing his audience and always leaving them in awe

Ta’zyah has now embarked on his senior calypso level journey. He performed at the taste of Carnival Dimanche Gras Show and went on to being a semi-finalist in the Diamond Jubilee Calypso Competition. In 2023 for the first time on his first entry,

Ta’zyah was accepted into Kaiso House Calypso tent, made it as a finalist in the Young Kings Calypso Monarch Competition where he placed 2nd and was crowned the National Calypso Monarch 2023.

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