August 21 Tofield Mercury

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Your LOCAL Media since 1918! Volume 106 Issue 51

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tofield summer program holds a Medieval Day


The Town of Tofield summer kids program held a Medieval Day on Thursday, August 15 in the Tofield Arena and the Living Backwards Medieval Society came out to host the afternoon. The kids were invited to dress up in their best medieval garb to watch combat demonstrations and participate in the medieval games. Kari Janzen Staff Reporter

The Town of Tofield summer kids program held a Medieval Day on Thursday, August 15, in the Tofield Arena and the Living Backwards Medieval Society came out to host the afternoon. The kids, aged 4 to 12, were

invited to dress up in their best medieval garb to watch combat demonstrations and participate in the medieval games. The Society, originally based in the city, now operates out of Tofield. “Our Society was established in 2009 in Edmonton. In 2024 we moved our home base

out to Tofield as the majority of our active membership is out here in Beaver County,” Vice President Jody Parrish said. The Society currently has 15 members, but Parrish said they are looking for more, and all ages are welcome. “Currently we have 15

members on our roster, though we are actively recruiting more folks. We are a family friendly club and encourage all ages, but children do need parental supervision,” she said. “Our Society is focused on building a strong historical understanding of the time period of 1000-

1500 Current Era (CE). We are interested in the cultural, artistic, and militaristic aspects of this period. These aspects are re-created using experimental archeology, research from archeological digs, as well as the writings and art of the time period. Ultimately, we want to educate specta-

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tors and participants on what the medieval period could have looked like,” said Parrish. The summer season is quite busy for members of the Society, as Parrish said there is usually some event to attend every weekend. “Our Society Continued on Page 3

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