Fall Section Inside Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Vol. 47, No. 39
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Sewer infrastructure construction in Viking starts this week
The Town of Viking will begin construction work to our water and sewer infrastructure near and on-site at Viking School, affecting local traffic, access for busses, parent drop offs and pedestrian traffic on Monday, September 30, 2024. The entire project, done in two phases, is expected to be completed by Friday, October 18, 2024, weather permit-
ting. The project will be done in two phases. Phase 1: The first part of this project affects the intersection at 55 Avenue & 51 Street. Identified on the map as Phase 1. This portion of the project will require barricades to be setup, with detours that may affect access to the street. This part of the project will include water line work, that may affect your home,
sometime during this phase of the project. The water outage duration is estimated at four (4) hours, weather permitting. This portion of the project is expected to begin Monday, September 30, 2024, and be concluded by Friday, October 4, 2024. Phase 2: The second phase of the project requires construction crews, beginning at 56
Avenue & 50 Street (Main Street) to install a new sewer line, underground across the school field to the intersection at 56 Avenue & 51 Street. Identified on the map as Phase 2. This part of the project, the contractor will erect fencing, barricades for traffic, and direct all vehicle traffic of the detour. This part of the project is expected to begin Monday, October
7, 2024, and be completed by Friday, October 18, 2024, weather permitting. Once the work in Phase 2 is completed the area affected in the school grounds will be fenced off with snow fence to mitigate foot traffic across it during wet weather. In the spring the contractor will return to seed the grass. The Town of Viking works closely with our
engineering company, and this work was identified as a priority project as part of our 10-year Capital Plan to be completed the fall of 2024. We have provided a map with the areas identified. The Town of Viking and the construction contractor follow industry standards for safety for their workers, and the residents of our community.