Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a la misma. Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información ( directa, materiales analógicos y digitales). Lectura de textos propios de´l área.
Utilización de diversos materiales, teniendo en cuenta las normas de seguridad
Trabajo individual y en grupo. Técnicas de estudio y trabajo. Desarrollo de hábitos de trabajo. Esfuerzo y responsabilidad
El cuerpo humano. La morfología externa del cuerpo. Función de relación (aparato locomotor). Funciones vitales. Aparatos y órganos relacionados.
ESTÁNDARES DE APRENDIZAJE BLOQUE 1 INICIACIÓN A LA ACTIVIDAD CIENTÍFICA 1.1 Busca, selecciona y organiza información concreta y relevante, la analiza, obtiene conclusiones, comunica su experiencia, reflexiona acerca del proceso seguido y lo comunica oralmente 1.3 Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos. 3.1 Utiliza de manera adecuada, el vocabulario correspondiente a cada uno de los bloques de contenidos 3.2 Expone oralmente y por escrito, de forma clara y ordenada, contenidos relacionados con el área manifestando la compresión de textos orales y escritos. 4.3 Presenta los trabajos de manera ordena , clara y limpia, en soporte papel y digital 4.4 utiliza estrategias para realiza trabajos de forma individual y en equipo, mostrando habilidades para la resolución pacífica de conflictos. BLOQUE 2 EL SER HUMANO Y LA SALUD 1.1 Identifica y localiza los principales órganos implicados en la realización de las funciones vitales del cuerpo humano: reproducción (aparato reproductor) , relación (órganos de los sentidos, sistema nervioso, aparato locomotor) 1.2 Identifica y describe las principales características de las funciones vitales del ser humano: reproducción y relación 2.1 Identifica las principales características de los aparatos: locomotor y explica sus principales funciones.
A set of
reproductive organs
composed of
Interact with
react to
1.- What are you going to study 2.-Find the words. You can use your dictionary or a computer.
All living things can reproduce. Reproduction is the process through which living things produce other living things with similar characteristics. The Reproductive System is a set of organs which allow us to reproduce. Men and women have different reproductive organs. The female reproductive system is composed of: ovaries, uterus, and vagina. The male reproductive system is composed of: penis, testes, and prostate.
Differences between men and women Other differences between sexes: WOMEN 路 Women also have breasts, a softer voice, less hair, and wider hips than men. MEN 路 Men have a stronger voice, more hair, and a wider chest than women.
Similar characteristics. Use the following link to describe people. http://www.learnenglish.de/ basics/appearances.html
路 Reproduction is the process through which living things produce other living things with similar characteristics. 路 The female reproductive system is composed of these organs: ovaries, uterus, and vagina. The male reproductive system is composed of these organs: penis, testes, and prostate.
ACTIVITIES 1.-Label, write and colour:
2. - Find reproductive organs.
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INTERACTION FUNCTION The interaction function in human beings is very developed. We all have parts of our bodies which help us detect and react to changes. Human beings react to and interact with their surroundings. Like most living things the process uses three types of apparatus: receptors (sense organs), controllers (the nervous system) and effectors (locomotor system: muscles and bones).
ACTIVITY 3: Look at this picture and say which parts of their body they are using to interact with their surroundings
1. - SENSE ORGANS The sense organs receive information from inside and outside our bodies. People have five senses. The five senses are Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch. The five senses capture what is happening outside or inside our bodies and send the information to the nervous system. ACTIVITY 4: Wacth and listen this video and answer the teacher’s questions.
ACTIVITY 3: Look at this picture and tell your partner what you can taste, hear, smell, see and feel. Eg: I use my taste sense to taste grapes.
HEARING: We hear with our ears. Sounds go into my ears. Inside my ear, sounds hit an eardrum. Nerves tell my brain about the sound. My brain tells me what I am hearing. There are three parts to the ear: the
outer, the middle and the inner.
SIGHT: We see with our eyes. They take in tons of information about the world around you — shapes, colors, movements, and more. Then they send the information to your brain for processing so the brain knows what's going on outside of your body. The main parts are: Iris (the color
part), sclera (the
White parte), pupils (the black part), cornea (the
receives information) and optic nerve. (it sends the information to the brain)
SMELL: We smell with our nose. Nerves inside the nose take messages to the brain about the smells that come into the nose in the air. The brain tells what we smell.
TASTE: We taste with our tongue. You need your tongue to chew, swallow, and sing. And don't forget talking and tasting! The tongue is a muscle. It is really made up of many groups of muscles. These muscles run in different directions to carry out all the tongue's jobs. The top of your tongue is covered with a layer of bumps called Taste buds. Taste buds can detect sweet, sour, bitter, and salty flavours.
TOUCH: We touch and feel with our skin. Nerve endings in the skin send messages to the brain that tell us about what we are touching, such as whether it is warm, hot, cold, painful, soft, prickly, rough, sticky
PROYECT 1: Students will separate into small groups: Group 1: Sight -- observe different objects and describe what they look like them with their words Group 2: Sound -- Listen to different animal noises from a cd and make predictions on what it will be. Group 3: Taste -- Without looking, tasting cut up, skinned apples and pears and trying to figure out which one is which. Another option would be to have sugar and salt and try to guess by taste which one is which. Group 4: Touch -- Use descriptive words to explain the sensations of touching :sand, cotton balls, rice, etc. Try to incorporate all sensations: rough, soft, smooth, sticky, etc. Group 5: Smell -- Without looking, smell the various samples: cut lemon, popcorn, fresh baked cookies, etc. Then make a prediction on a piece of paper what each object is. * Using this worksheet, draw pictures or write words in the appropriate boxes with their observations. This list of adjectives will help you.
PROYECT 2: Children have to bring an apple to the classroom and then they think and say something about their sensations with this fruit. First they are in pairs and then in great group.
2. - THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system controls everything you do: thinking, breathing, moving‌ The organs of the nervous system are the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves.
1. - The brain: it is inside the skull. It is the centre of the nervous system and it contains billions of cells. It receives information from the receptors, interprets the information and produces a response. The main parts are: cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus and brain stem.
2. - The spinal cord: It is inside the spinal column. It controls the organs of the body and produces quick and simple orders and responses.
3. - The nerves connect the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord.
The locomotor system (muscles and bones) are the organs which carry out the orders from the controllers. For example, the muscles of the locomotor system move the body when they receive orders from the brain and spinal cord.