Unit 2 being healthy

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Unit 2: Being healthy


Utilización de distintas fuentes de información Trabajo individual y en grupo Los alimentos. Clasificación de los alimentos según la función que cumplen en una dieta equilibrada. Prevención de los trastornos alimentarios.


Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos. Utiliza estrategias para realizar trabajos en equipo Reconoce estilos de vida saludables y sus efectos sobre el cuidado y mantenimiento de los diferentes órganos y aparatos Conoce y explica los principios de las dietas equilibradas, identificando las prácticas saludables para prevenir y detectar los riesgos para la salud. Reflexiona sobre el trabajo realizado, saca conclusiones sobre cómo trabaja y aprende y elabora estrategias para seguir aprendiendo. Manifiesta autonomía en la planificación y ejecución de acciones y tareas y desarrolla iniciativas en la toma de decisiones, identificando criterios y las consecuencias de las decisiones tomadas




What we eat everyday is called


Grow Obtain energy Stay healthy Recover water

Meat, fish, eggs

CARBOHYDRATES Pasta, rice, oil, butter

VITAMINES Fruit and vegetables

Our Diet Which must be

Healthy and balanced

UNIT 2: BEING HEALTHY 1. - WHY DO WE NEED TO EAT AND DRINK? Because we need nutrients to grow. Food gives us the nutrients our bodies need to grow. Because we need energy to live. Food gives us the energy we need to carry out our vital functions. Because we need to stay healthy. Food gives us vitamins and minerals which help us to stay healthy. Because we need water. To replace the water we lose, we need to drink water and eat foods that contain water, like fruit. We need to eat and drink because we need nutrients to grow, energy to live, to stay healthy, and water.

2. - WHAT TYPES OF FOOD ARE THERE? Nutrition is very important. Our body gets nutrients from the food we eat. PROTEINS: Our body needs proteins to function and grow. Many parts of the body, like our organs and muscles, are formed from proteins. Meat, fish, milk and pulse vegetables contain proteins. CARBOHYDRATES AND FATS: Carbohydrates give our body energy. Fats are bad if you eat too much, but our body needs some. Flour, cereals and potatoes contain carbohydrates. Oil and butter contain fats. VITAMINS AND MINERALS: They help our body to control its functions and defend itself against illness. Vegetables and fruit contain vitamins and minerals.

WATER: Our body needs water to survive. Without it, our body becomes dehydrated and eventually dies.

Our body gets nutrients from the food we eat. Our body gets: carbohydrates and fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals and water.


Our diet is the combination of the different foods and drinks we consume every day. Everybody needs a different diet, depending on their age and their physical activity. Children need more protein and carbohydrates than an elderly person. A marathon runner needs more energy than someone who works in an office.

A healthy diet is a diet that contains the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Remember these rules: Don´t eat more than you need. Don´t eat too many fatty foods. Don´t eat too many sugary foods. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Now check if you have a balanced diet.

QUESTIONS 1. - Match the words to their definitions: 1. - delicious 2. - germs 3. - healthy 4. - junk food 5. - nutritious 6. - soap

a) A substance we use with water to clean our bodies. b) Unhealthy food that you buy. c) A microorganism that can cause disease. d) when something tastes great. e) when something is good for your health. f) something that contains many nutrients.

2. - Where does our body get nutrients from? 3. - Are these sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. 1. - Carbohydrates give our body energy. 2. - Our body can survive without water. 3. - Our organs and muscles contain protein. 4. - Vitamins and minerals make us ill. 5. - We don´t need to eat fats. 4. - Name the four groups of food. 5. - Give some examples for each group of food. 6. - Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Fat fruit Overeat sweets

meat vegetables

1. - To ………………means to eat more than you need. 2. - You shouldn´t eat too many………….. 3. - You should eat more ………………than ……………… 4. - You shouldn´t eat too much………….. 5. - Eat …………….every day. 7. - Copy and complete this table. Add three new foods. FOODS Cheese Meat Orange Pasta Pepper



Vitamins and Minerals


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