Unit 3 i feel good

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Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a la misma. Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información ( directa, materiales analógicos y digitales). Lectura de textos propios de´l área.

Utilización de diversos materiales, teniendo en cuenta las normas de seguridad

Trabajo individual y en grupo. Técnicas de estudio y trabajo. Desarrollo de hábitos de trabajo. Esfuerzo y responsabilidad

Planificación y realización de un proyecto y presentación de informes

Salud y enfermedad. Hábitos saludables (alimentación, ejercicio físico, descanso, utilización del tiempo libre, etc) prevención de riesgos para la salud. Crítica de prácticas nos saludables.

ESTÁNDARES DE APRENDIZAJE BLOQUE 1 INICIACIÓN A LA ACTIVIDAD CIENTÍFICA 1.1.1 Busca, selecciona y organiza información concreta y relevante, la analiza, obtiene conclusiones, comunica su experiencia, reflexiona acerca del proceso seguido y lo comunica oralmente 1.1.2 Utiliza medios propios de la observación. 1.3.1 Utiliza de manera adecuada, el vocabulario correspondiente a cada uno de los bloques de contenidos 1.3.2 Expone oralmente y por escrito, de forma clara y ordenada, contenidos relacionados con el área manifestando la compresión de textos orales y escritos. 1.4.2 Conoce y utiliza las medidas de protección y seguridad personal que debe utilizar en el uso de las Tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación 1.4.3 Presenta los trabajos de manera ordena , clara y limpia, en soporte papel y digital 1.4.4 utiliza estrategias para realiza trabajos de forma individual y en equipo, mostrando habilidades para la resolución pacífica de conflictos. 1.4.5 Conoce y respeta las normas de uso y de seguridad de los instrumentos y de los materiales de trabajo 1.5.2 Presenta proyectos de forma clara y ordenada BLOQUE 2 EL SER HUMANO Y LA SALUD 2.3.1 Reconoce estilos de vida saludable y sus efectos sobre el cuidado y mantenimiento de los diferentes órganos y aparatos. 2.3.2 Identifica y valora hábitos saludables para prevenir enfermedades y mantiene una conducta Responsable 2.3.3 Identifica y adopta hábitos de higiene, cuidado y descanso 2.3.4 conoce y explica los principios de las dietas equilibradas, identificando las prácticas saludables para prevenir y detectar los riesgos para la salud. 2.3.5 reconoce los efectos nocivos del consumo de alcohol y drogas 2.3.6. Conoce y utiliza técnicas de primeros auxilios, en situaciones simuladas y reales.






to heal



protective clothing

processed food










balanced diet

fatty layer


become weaker


starchy food

refined carbohydrates


1.- What are you going to study 2.-Find the words. You can use your dictionary or a computer.

1.- HEALTHY HABITS Look at the picture. This elder couple is from Okinawa, in Japan. Try to answer the following questions: Can you describe the picture? Give some reasons why they live for so long. Now, find out on the internet why people from this part of Japan live for so long.

People are healthy when their bodies function well. When you are ill, the doctor helps you to get better. You are ill when you have an ache, for instance stomachache, throwache, headache, a toohache‌To prevent these illness and to be fit you should practice healthy habits.

2. - HEALTHY HABITS PREVENT ILLNESS 1. - HYGIENE Germs are very small living things that can only be seen under the microscope. When they invade our body, they consume nutrients and produce toxins. Toxins couse diseases and illness. We can avoid germs with hygine habits. 

Brush your teeth after every meal. This helps prevent tooth decay.

Go to the dentist every six months for a check -up.

Have a shower every day. Wash your hands before meals and after you go to the toilet to kill germs and keep illness away.

2. – REST After we study or play, our body needs to recover and we need rest and relax. Sleep about ten hours a day to stay healthy. If you sleep too little, you become weaker and can get ill more easily.

We spend one third (33%) of our lives sleeping

3. - EXERCISE AND SPORT Sport and exercise are essential for good health.  It makes your muscles stronger and makes you more flexible.  It is good for your heart and blood circulation.  It helps you to maintain your correct weight.  It is a way to have fun with your friends.  Wear protective clothing for some sports, such as cycling.

4. - A GOOD POSTURE FOR YOUR BACK Your spinal column supports your back. If you have bad posture, this can deform your spinal


and cause back ache and other problems.


Food gives you the nutrients your body needs to grow and to be healthy. These nutrients are in the carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals and vitamins.






potatoes, pasta, rice, cereal and bread. They give us energy, fiber, calcium and vitamins. Eat at least five portions during the day. Brown or wholegrain carbohydrates are healthier than refined carbohydrates.

Answer: Do foods which contain carbohydrates come from animals or plants?

Proteins are building blocks for the body that contain iron, minerals and vitamins to help our body to grow and repair itself. Eat two or three portions every day. Answer: Do foods which contain proteins come from animals or plants?

Fats are found in butter, cheese and fried foods. Fats give us energy and also provide a fatty layer under the skin to keep us warm. Do not have more than three small portions everyday. Minerals and Vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables. They help our body to heal wounds, build strong bones and teeth, make blood and keep our brain working. We should eat at least five portions everyday. Fibre is the part of the fruit and vegetables we do not use. Our body eliminate fibre in our faeces. Fibre is very important because it helps our digestive system to function well. Fuit and vegetables, cereals, pulses and nuts contain fibre. Wholegrain foods such as wholegrain bread and biscuits, also contain fibre.


A diet is everything a person normally eats and drinks every day.

A balanced diet gives you the right amount of nutrients. What means eating a varied of foods.

A healthy, sufficient diet is different for every person. For example, children need to eat foods containing proteins and calcium to help them grow. People who do a lot of


Here are some general recommendations for a healthy diet:     

Eat five meals a day: breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner. Eat a variety of foods. This helps you to obtain all the nutrients you need. Don´t eat too much processed food because it can contain too much fat and sugar. Don´t eat too much salt because it can be bad for your circulatory system. Drink at least two liters of water a day.

INVESTIGA SOBRE EL ACEITE DE OLIVA Y RESPONDE LAS SIGUIENTES PREGUNTAS: 1.- ¿Qué nutrientes nos aporta el aceite de oliva? 2.- ¿Cuáles son sus beneficios? 3.– ¿Tu crees que es una grasa saludable o no saludable?

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