Unit 5 plants

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CONTENTS  Clasificación de los seres vivos. Reino de las plantas. Reinos de los animales. Otros reinos: hongos, funghi  Observación directa e indirecta de plantas con instrumentos apropiados y a través del uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación.  Las plantas: hierbas, arbustos y árboles. Características, reconocimientos y clasificación. Nutrición, relación y reproducción de las plantas. Importancia de la fotosíntesis para la vida en el planeta.  Interés por la observación y el estudio riguroso de los seres vivos.  Comportamiento activo en la conservación y el cuidado del entorno natural.  Uso de medios tecnológicos para el estudio de los seres vivos y comunicación de resultados oralmente.

ESTÁNDARES DE APRENDIZAJE 1.1.– Observa e identifica las características de los seres vivos y los clasifica en relación a ellas: reino de las plantas, reino de los animales, reino de los hongos, otros reinos. 1.2.– Observa directa e indirectamente, identifica características y clasifica plantas. 1.3.– Utiliza guías en la identificación de plantas. 1.4.– Observa e identifica diferentes hábitats de las plantas 2.1.– Identifica y describe la estructura de las plantas, estableciendo relaciones entre su morfología y sus funciones vitales 3.1.– Usa la lupa y otros medios tecnológicos en la observación y estudio de plantas 3.2.– Observa y registra algún proceso asociado a la vida de las plantas 4.1.– Manifiesta una cierta precisión y rigor en la observación y en la elaboración de los trabajos correspondientes 4.2.– Muestra conductas de respeto y cuidado hacia los seres vivos.



Plants make their own food.

They usually have roots, stems and leaves.

They do not have senses.

They are usually green.

They can react to their surroundings but they do not move from one place to another.

They usually reproduce from seeds.

2 - THE PARTS OF A PLANT. Almost all plants have three parts: the roots, a stem and leaves. 1. The roots are under the ground and support the plant. They absorb water and minerals from the soil. 2. The stem grows up from the soil and supports the leaves. Water and minerals pass through the stem to the leaves. 3. The leaves grow from the stem and branches and are usually green.



1. The plant absorbs water and minerals from the soil through its roots. 2. They go up through the stem to the leaves. 3. The leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air. 4. In the leaves, the plant uses energy from The Sun and the substances it absorbs to make its own food.


To reproduce, most plants grow flowers. Flowers grow in the spring. We can see the parts of a flower in the picture. The plant reproduces by growing a fruit from the flower. The seeds are inside the fruit. When the fruit falls to the ground a new plant can grow from the seed.


5. - TYPES OF STEMS. HARD STEM: Plants with a hard stem are called woody.


SOFT STEM: Plants with a hard stem are called herbaceous.

6. - DO YOU KNOW? Most plants are green. They are green because of a substance called chlorophyll which is in leaves and soft stems. Chlorophyll is very important. It takes energy from The Sun so the plant can carry out photosynthesis.

7.- HOW A PLANT GROWS. Plants need lots of sunlight and water and the right kind of soil to grow. During the life of a plant: The stem grows taller and thicker. Branches grow from the stem. The roots grow down into the ground. They divide into smaller roots, like branches. The leaves get bigger and new leaves grow. The plant grows fruit and reproduces.


8. - TYPES OF PLANTS. There are many different types of plants. One way we can classify them is by size: Grasses, or herbs, are the smallest plants. Grasses have a green, thin, flexible stem. Bushes, or shrubs, are bigger than grasses. Bushes have a thin, woody stem, which divides into branches close to the ground. Trees are the biggest plants. Trees have a thick, woody stem called a trunk, with branches that grow high above the ground.

Vegetation is the name we give to all the different plants that grow in a particular place.


QUESTIONS 1. - What are the characteristics of a plant? 2. - What are the three main parts of plants? 3. - Draw a plant and write its parts. 4. - Copy the food in two columns: from plants/not from plants. a) Orange juice e) Sausages

b) chicken f) bread

c) kiwis g) cotton

d) tomatoes h) olive oil

5. - Copy the right sentences about plants in your notebook It can´t reproduce It makes its own food It makes seeds

Its flowers never move It needs air It doesn´t need food

It dies It has no roots It is a living thing

6. - How a plant feeds? 7. - What´s the photosynthesis? 8. - Which part of the plant changes into a fruit? 9. - What does a new plant grow from? 10. - Draw a flower and its different parts. 11. - Do you think is it important chlorophyll? 12. - In what part of the plant is chlorophyll? 13. - How many types of stems are there? Write some examples and pictures. 14. - What types of plants are there? Write some examples and pictures. 15. - What kind of stem does a tree have? 16. - What is the name for all the plants that grow in a particular place?



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