Unit 7 machines

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La tecnología. El camino para la resolución de problemas cotidianos.

Máquinas y aparatos. Conocimiento de algunos operadores mecánicos (eje, rueda, polea, plano inclinado, engranaje, freno, etc.) y de la función que realizan.

Planificación y realización de algún objeto o máquina de construcción sencilla.

Importancia de los grandes avances científicos para mejorar las condiciones de vida.

La importancia del uso respetuoso de la tecnología con el medio ambiente.

Utilización básica de tratamiento de textos.

Búsqueda guiada de información en Internet.

Presentación de sus trabajos impresos o en soporte digital


Relaciona tecnología con el proceso de identificación de un problema, búsqueda de un proceso tecnológico para su resolución y puesta en práctica. Conoce y valora la importancia de algunos de los grandes inventos y su contribución a la mejora de las condiciones de vida. Observa, identifica y analiza objetos y aparatos simples en el entorno. Mantiene conductas seguras tanto en el uso como en el montaje y desmontaje de objetos simples. Observa y analiza el funcionamiento de objetos y máquinas, identificando las situaciones que pueden generar riesgo. Identifica y describe algunos operadores mecánicos (eje, rueda, polea, plano inclinado, engranaje, freno, etc.) reconociendo la función que realizan. Conoce los avances de la ciencia en la vida cotidiana, electrodomésticos, alimentos, fibras textiles, la cultura y el ocio, la música, el cine y el deporte, desplazamientos, etc. Relaciona algunos de los grandes inventos y su contribución a la mejora de las condiciones de vida. Sigue de manera eficaz una secuencia programada para encontrar una información en Internet. Conoce y utiliza el tratamiento de textos de manera básica: titulación, formato, archivo y recuperación de un texto e impresión


A machine is any object that we use to perform a task with less effort or more speed. They help us to save time and energy.

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Machines can be very simple, for example, scissors. Machines can also be very complicated, for example, airplanes. Machines help us to lift weights, to move from one place to another, to do domestic tasks, to heat our houses, to communicate and to play.

Photocopiers make it easy to copy documents

Cranes make it easy to lift weights USEFUL WORDS: Effort Speed Lift Weights

Saws make it easy to cut wood

Cars make it easy to travel

machine tasks

Calculator makes it easy to calculate.

2.- HOW DOES A MACHINE WORK All machines need energy to work. This energy comes from different sources: people, electricity, fuels and wind.

For a machine like a spanner, a canoe or a bicycle to work you need to use force.

Machines like computers need to be plugged into a supply of electricity.

Motorbikes and airplanes can only move if they have fuel, such as gasoline.

3.- SIMPLE MACHINES Simple machines consist of just one piece or very few pieces. They work with one movement. An inclined plane is a ramp that is put between two points that are at different levels. Ramps reduce the force necessary to raise a heavy object from one level to another. A lever is a strong rigid bar that moves on a point of support. When one side goes down the other goes up. The force that is produced at one end of the bar. Levers can lift heavy objects or crush objects. USEFUL WORDS EFFORT PIVOT LOAD CRUSH RAMP


A wheel is a short cylinder that turns on a bar that passes through its center. This bar is called an axle. Wheels move things from one place to another

A pulley is a wheel with a channel around its outer edge. A rope or cable sits inside this channel and goes around the pulley. Pulleys help us to lift objects.

4.- COMPOUND MACHINES Compound machines are made from many parts. Many of these parts are simple machines. Compound machines are very efficient because they use less energy to greater effect. A motor is a machine that transforms the energy it receives into movement. There are motors that work on fuel, electricity, water currents, the wind, or the strength of an animal or a human. We find motors in machines as cars, washing machines, planes, fridges‌.. Other compound machines perform diverse tasks with the energy that they receive: Lamps produce light, stoves produce heat, televisions transform electrical signals into images and sound, computers transform electrical signals into information. USEFUL WORDS AXLE PULLEY EDGE ROPE


5.– USES OF MACHINES TODAY Today we still use simple machines like scissors. We have also invented new compound machines with complex computers and motors. Many of these new machines are robots: they can function without humans.


Agricultural farmers use tractors and combine harvesters in their work. Livestock farmers use machines to milk cows and feed animals. Fishermen use boats with radars to help them find shoals of fish. Industry uses cranes, conveyor belts and other machines. For scientific and medical research, we have got microscopes, X-ray machines and satellites. In our homes we have got washing machines, dishwashers, food processors, printers and vacuum cleaners.

Travelling and transport, we use machines as cars, planes, boats, helicopters….

For recreation and communication, we use machines as mobile phones, tablets, computers, laptops…..



PROJECT 1: HOW MACHINES EVOLVED Now is your turn. You have to inverstigate the history of the plough. A plough is a machine we use to prepare the soil for planting sedes. You have to follow the following steps: First: Find three pictures of the three different ways of preparing the soil along the history. ( useing humans force, using animals force, and using machines) Second: Answer the following questions: A.– What type of energy daes each plough use? B..– Which plough is the best? C.– Which ploughs are simple machines? D.– Which plough is a compound machine? Why?

QUESTIONS 1. - What is a machine? 2. - Name four ways that machines help us. 3. – Name four sources of energy for machines. 4. - Match the words to their definitions. 1. - inclined plane/ramp 2. - Lever 3. – Pulley a) A simple machine that can lift objects or press down with force. b) A machine made up of a wheel, a channel and a rope. c) A flat surface you put between a lower and higher point to help raise objects. 5. - Choose the correct answers: a) Simple machines have many pieces/few pieces. b) Ramps reduce/ increase the force necessary to raise something from one level to another. c) The force exerted at one end of a lever is transmitted to the other end with more/ less power. 6. - Can you think of any machines we have to help us do the housework? 7. - What is a compound machine? 8. - Classify these objects into those that have got and have not got a motor. Bicycle bus helicopter roller skates Sailboat skateboard speedboat surfboard

9. - Match the compound machines 1-4 to what they produce (a-d) 1. - stoves 2. - Computer 3. - Lamp 4. – Television a) Images and sound b) heat c) information d) light 10. - Choose the correct answers: a) The oldest machines were very simple/ complex. b) Humans/ Robots worked these machines first. c) Wild/ Domesticated animals worked the machines later. d) Balances and catapults are variations of the ramp/ lever. 13. - Are these sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. a) Today we don´t use simple machines. b) Compound machines have got complex computers and motors. c) Machines today use the strength of humans. 14. - What is a robot? 15. - Write down five uses of machines today. 16. - What other machines do you and your family use for recreation?.

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