Unit 8 energy

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Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a la misma. Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información (directa, materiales analógicos y digitales). Lectura de textos propios del área. Utilización de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para buscar y seleccionar información, simular procesos y presentar conclusiones

Conocemos el concepto y tipos de energía. La energía eléctrica produce distintos efectos: luz, calor, movimiento.

ESTÁNDARES DE APRENDIZAJE 1.3 Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos 4.1 Hace un uso adecuado de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como recurso de ocio. 5.1 Usa de forma autónoma el tratamiento de textos (ajuste de página, inserción de ilustraciones o notas, etc.).

4.1 Identifica la energía y sus cambios, así como las distintas fuentes y usos de la misma 4.2 Identifica diferentes formas de energía: mecánica, lumínica, sonora, eléctrica, térmica y química 4.3 Observa la intervención de la energía en los cambios de la vida cotidiana. 4.4 Valoración del uso responsable de las fuentes de energía en el planeta 4.5 Analiza críticamente la producción de residuos, la contaminación y el impacto ambiental. 4.6 Valora la necesidad de cuidar el medio físico.

UNIT 6 ENERGY 1. - ENERGY Energy is the ability to do a work and the ability of matter to produce changes. All living things and machines need energy in order to work and move.

The wind has got energy. It has got the ability to move a boat or blow down a tree.

A fuel like petrol has got energy. When petrol burns, it moves the parts of an engine.

Foods have got energy. The food that we eat allows us to move, write, think and react. To carry out the three vital functions.

The Sun produces a lot of energy. The Sun can burn our skin, make plants grow and warm the Earth´s surface.

2. - FORMS OF ENERGY There are many different forms of energy.  Light energy comes from sources of light such as candles, the Sun or a torch.  Electrical energy comes from batteries, generators and power stations. Lightning is electrical energy.  Thermal/heat energy is the energy matter has got depending on its temperature. Fires, stoves and radiators give out heat because their temperature is higher than their environment.  Mechanical energy is produced by movement. For example, the energy of water flowing in rivers.  Energy from fuel comes from burning coal, oil and natural gas. 

Chemical Energy , is the energy we get from the food we eat

Kinetic Energy is the energy of matter in movement. For example when you ride a bike you use kinetic energy









You can change energy from one type to another. For example when you ride a bike you change chemical energy into kinetic energy to give movement.



3. - WHERE DO WE GET ENERGY? We use energy for many things in our daily lives. We use it to keep warm, for light, to work machines and to move objects. We get the energy we use from different sources. Energy sources are resources from which we obtain energy. There are renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.

RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Renewable energy sources regenerate continually in a natural way. They can never run out. The Sun, the wind and moving water such as rivers, waves and tides are sources of renewable energy.

NON- RENEWABLE ENERGY Non- renewable energy sources are produced slowly. They can run out because we use them quickly and don´t let them regenerate. Nature takes millions of years to make these energy sources.

Coal is used as fuel in industry and for heating our homes.

Oil is processed in oil refineries to produce fuels such as diesel, gas, butane and petrol.

Natural gas is a fuel that has many uses. We use it in boilers to heat our homes and for cooking with our ovens.

4. - USING ENERGY EFFICIENTLY Our modern world uses a lot of energy. The energy we use comes mostly from nonrenewable sources. These energy sources have allowed us to improve our quality of life. However, some of them create problems.

   

Petrol, diesel and coal produce gases that pollute the atmosphere and damage people´s health. We are consuming these energy sources very quickly. Some of them are starting to run out. Large facilities for producing energy can be ugly. They ruin the natural landscape. Some forms of energy create dangerous waste products. Batteries, for example, have to be disposed of safely.


REUSE: To use something again. REDUCE: To cut down the amount of waste you make. RECYCLE: To make new products from materials you don not use again.



5. - CONSERVING ENERGY Because of the problems caused by energy consumption, conserving energy is important. There are various ways to use less energy. Here are four of them:

   

Use low energy light bulbs. Turn off the light when you leave a room. Use public transport or walk. Don´t waste hot water, only use what you need.

QUESTIONS 1. - Choose the correct definition of energy: a) Something that can explode. b) The ability of an object to move. c) The ability of matter to produce changes. 2. - Complete the descriptions of different forms of energy with the words in the box. Electrical fuels light mechanical thermal a) …………………energy comes from sources of light such as the Sun. b) …………………….power comes from batteries and power stations. It is transported by electrical pylons and power lines. c) ……………………energy is the amount of energy matter has got depending on its temperature. d) We got energy from burning………………….like coal and oil. e) ………………….energy is produced by movement, such as the water in rivers.

3. - Match the sentences halves about energy: a) The wind…………. a) ……give us energy to move and think. b) Fuel……. b)…….gives us heat and light. c) Foods……. c) ……moves sailing boats. d) The Sun…… d) ……powers machines like cars. 4. - Copy and complete the table with the words in the box Battery Light bulb

Electrical energy

candle coal electricity pylon moving water natural gas

Light energy

Energy from fuel

fire generator power line

Mechanical energy

oil radiator

Thermal energy

5. - Are these sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. a) There are very few forms of energy. b) The amount of thermal energy something contains depends on its temperature. C) Mechanical energy is produced by light. 6. - Match the vocabulary to the definitions. a) Energy sources a) to have nothing left of something. b) Regenerate b) resources that give us energy. c) Run out c) to produce more of something. 7. - Choose the correct answers: a) We use energy for few/ many things in our daily lives. b) Renewable energy sources regenerate continually/ occasionally. c) These energy sources can never run away/run out. d) Wind turbines convert the mechanical/ thermal energy of the wind into electricity. 8. - Name four things we use energy for. 9. - Name sources of renewable energy and sources and sources of non-renewable energy. 10. - Are these sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. a) Our modern world doesn´t use much energy. b) The population of the world is growing. c) The energy we use comes mostly from renewable sources. d) Coal is used in car engines.

11. - Choose the correct answers: a) Low energy bulbs save energy because they are… 1) ……….more expensive. 2) ……more energy efficient. b) Turning off the light saves energy because….. 1) …...you aren´t wasting electricity. 2) …….dark rooms are warmer. c) Using a bus instead of a car saves energy because the bus…. 1) …...is slower. 2) …...transports more people than several cars. d) Using less hot water saves energy because…. 1) …… energy is needed to heat the water. 2)….. Hot water creates steam. 12. - Unscramble the letters to spell three energy sources. Iol loac tranual sag

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