Carinbundi Family & Friends Newsletter

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Family & Friends

CARINBUNDI NEWS January/February 2022

Australia Day Celebrations The Day Services team enjoyed a number of activities to celebrate this year's Australia Day. Luke & Robbie created a poster showing what being Australia means to them. Amber enjoying some Billy Tea. (Hope there was damper!)

Weaving Workshop Carinbundi joined up with Creative Regions to participate in a community weaving workshop held at HSG.

Carinbundi Family Newsletter - Phone 07 4158 9600 or

CEO Update Welcome everyone to this latest Carinbundi newsletter, and the first for 2022 – this edition is full of pictures and stories that reflect the participation of our customers in activities in and around Bundaberg. This latest variant of the COVID strain has hit our community as we expected it would, and my thanks must go out to all Administration and Management personnel for not only being prepared well in advance for this, but also for the part they all play in ensuring we adhere to QLD Health’s many directives to ensure we stay as safe as possible. I would like to also thank our customers, and their loved ones/carers for also complying with the ever-changing directives we must adhere to from QLD Health. Of course, we have not been immune at Carinbundi from Omicron – several staff have been exposed to it through being close-contacts, or have contracted it directly. I am comfortable that we have a range of controls and measures in place to keep these staff safe and isolated, to protect not just them and their loved ones, but also the customers they support. We do constant reporting to QLD Health as well, to ensure Carinbundi is complying with the regulations and expectations of this peak body.

We continue to look for new Support staff to ensure we have the right amount of support needed for our growing customer base, and to cover any current staff member who may contract the Omicron virus. My thanks goes out to everyone at Carinbundi for your compliance with all the changes we have to send your way – you all do a great job! Carinbundi would like all customers and families to remember that we are here for you at all times. Our mission is to ensure continuity of service, no matter what happens around us, and to ensure the ongoing safety of our customers. If a customer should contract COVID, or be deemed a ‘close contact’, Carinbundi has measures in place to ensure we continue supporting that customer and their loved ones – the way in which we do that may change, but the support will be there for them. On a lighter note - the following pages show that we all do our best to ensure our customers can be out and about and have fun – as much as possible….. so please enjoy the read ahead. Stay safe and stay well. Clive Pearce, CEO

Your Life. Your Choice.

Christmas 2021 Photos

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A visit from Santa Claus in December brought lots of laughter and got everybody into the Christmas spirit. Thanks to Bunnings for arranging Santa's visit!

Girls' Friendship Group Carinbundi has been running their Ladies' Friendship Group for many years. The ladies meet fortnightly to do a range of activities together. The group decides together what they will do the following fortnight. It helps the group learn to compromise and get on with others.

We always try to put the ladies together according to age and interests. If you are interested in knowing more about the group, please contact us at or call 07 4158 9680 and speak to Tania.

We also have similar groups for men and boys.

Your Life. Your Choice.

Being part of our Community Community Encouraging our participants to be part of their community is an important part of what we do at Carinbundi. Whether it is having a day trip or volunteering for another charity, we encourage participation. A recent trip to the Mon Repos turtle centre was a real learning experience for the group and we would like to thank the amazing staff at the Centre for showing us through the interactive displays!

For turtle conservation, Mon Repos is a globally significant site that supports the largest concentration of nesting marine turtles on the eastern Australian mainland, and the most significant loggerhead turtle nesting population in the South Pacific region. The success of the loggerhead nesting and hatching turtles at Mon Repos is critical for the survival of this endangered species.

Where are we? Can you guess where these photos were taken? 1. Jenny at ? 2. Yvonne, Di and Jon at ? 3. Hayley enjoying a day out at ? 4. Amber visiting ? 5. Johan cooking up a storm at ?

Email Your Answers

Your Life. Your Choice.

What's Cooking at Day Services? Learn to Cook Cooking is a popular program at Carinbundi and we run a couple of different sessions to suit our clients. "WHAT'S COOKING?" is on Tuesday & Friday. Clients choose, shop, cook and eat at Day Services for lunch. "COOKING WITH CHOICE" is on a Wednesday. Clients choose a dish, prepare a shopping list, order groceries and bake/cook the following week. Everyone gets to take their dish home to enjoy with family or housemates. For more information on our cooking programs, call our team on 07 4158 9680.

Choice of Activities Everyday at our Day Services Program, our clients are encouraged to make a choice of what activities they want to participate in. We have a range of activities that fit under the following broader categories:

Your Life. Your Choice.





Meals on Wheels Prep; Library Visit; Social Skills; Swimming; Craft; Cooking; Excursion; Music


A typical day could include the following activities for clients to choose from:


Creativity, Independence, Health & Wellbeing, Life Skills & Work Skills.

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Supported Independent Living Vacancies Carinbundi currently have a couple of SIL vacancies in Bundaberg. If you would like to explore this option, call our team to talk about what YOU are looking for. We understand that it can be a very emotional decision to have a loved one move out and live independently but we can support you every step of the way. Our vacancies include: 2 x 2:1 Vacancies 1 x 3:1 Vacancy

Respite & Flexible Respite New Respite Manager Tania Anderson is now managing our Respite House as well as our Flexible Respite team. (As well as our Day Service Program) If it has been a while since you have stayed at the respite house, give us a call to see how we can support you and your family. Maybe you want to learn new skills or meet new friends ........ we are here to meet your needs. We are always looking at new activities for our guests so we welcome your suggestions. Email or make a time to meet Tania to talk about what you are looking for in respite. Phone: 07 4158 9600 or 07 4158 9680

Your Life. Your Choice.

Our Awesome Support Workers Our Support Workers are the backbone of Carinbundi and we are running a social media campaign to make them FRONT & CENTRE. We asked them the question, "What is Your WHY", to better understand what is important to them and why they chose to work in the disability sector. Follow us on social media to learn more about three of our support workers - Jodie, Ken & Nicole.

Carinbundi Website Launch New Website is almost ready to launch. The site has been designed to navigate more easily to find what you are looking for. We have included a BLOG page to tell our clients' stories or, better still, give them a platform to tell their stories in their own words.

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To stay up-to-date with what is happening at Carinbundi, sign up to receive regular newsletters and updates via our Mailchimp account. Get updates directly to your email.

Carinbundi Foundation The Carinbundi Foundation is starting to organise some events for 2022. Mark these in your diary! If you would like to be part of the organising Committee, please call Debra Phillips - 4158 9641 Christmas in July WATCH this SPACE! Photography Comp 19 August - 10 October.

Your Life. Your Choice.

High Tea 14 May 2022 at HSG.

Coming up in 2022 After-School Program Many families will be familiar with our Vacation Care programs which have been running for many years and have proven to be very popular. After having several inquiries into an After-School Program, we have decided to develop a centre-based program.

After-School Program Ideas

We want to think outside the square with this program and develop something that every kid wants to come along to. To put forward your ideas, email Tania using the link or

Newsletter Revamp We are giving our Family Newsletter a facelift to better match in with our new website. The wrapping may look a bit different, but it is still all about showing photos of your loved-ones learning and enjoying their life. We also want to keep you up-to-date with what is happening at Carinbundi. What would you like to see in the Family Newsletter? We would love to get your feed-back. Perhaps a column from our NDIS Intake Manager, column from a client in SIL, Crossword or quiz?


We are Hiring Recruiting the best support workers is our mission. Getting the right staff with the right attitude is paramount for us. You may see us advertising for staff on a regular basis and we wanted to assure you that we do this to ensure we never miss out on that awesome support worker. If you know anybody who you think would make a great support worker, please ask them to contact our HR Department at

We are also recruiting for a new Health & Wellbeing Officer. For more information, go to SEEK. Carinbundi Family Newsletter - Phone 07 4158 9600 or

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