The holistic ministries of The Salvation Army
VOL. 19, NO. 01 • SPRING 2013
CONTENTS Building Character SPRING 2013 • VOL. 19, NO. 01
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The thinking Salvationist
Caring is published quarterly by The Salvation Army and seeks to: RECLAIM ‘ACTS OF MERCY’ as imperatives to holiness. BRING THE ARMY’S MINISTRIES of evangelistic and social outreach into one holistic ministry. DESCRIBE EXEMPLARY PROGRAMS seeking to integrate the goals of the Army’s holistic ministries. FOSTER INNOVATION and the development of creative approaches to ministry. EDIFY, ENLIGHTEN, ENRICH AND STIMULATE DISCUSSION among Salvationists involved in caring ministries. PROVIDE A FORUM FOR EXAMINATION of critical social issues within the Army. REPORT ON IMPORTANT AND RELEVANT RESEARCH in areas of holistic ministry. REVIEW CRITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF SCHOLARS AND WRITERS within relevant fields of ministry. EXAMINE THE SALVATION ARMY AS AN ORGANIZATION in respect to its history, purpose, mission and future. STAFF
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It’s all in the modeling By Robert Docter
MOST PEOPLE HAVE A difficult time explaining character. It does have several different meanings. Some immediately think of an actor playing a particular part in a play; others might think of it as a specific written or printed figure representing a particular sound. Neither of these meanings pertains to the word so essential for us to examine. The dictionary links the word “character” to one’s ethical and moral principles, that part of us that requires us to examine our values concerning the rightness or wrongness of a particular action. Most of us have little awareness of the values that dictate our action, and many of our own values shift depending upon the circumstances. Character is taught in schools only as a by-product of learning ways to behave, of rules to follow. Character seems not to be a vital part of most curricula. Students learn the rules cognitively— taken into the brain. As such, they fail miserably to affect behavior without the presence of the authority figure. Students seem to not adopt the rule as their own. It belongs to someone else. Because rules pertaining to character development are not measured in schools by any standardized state or national test, they are taught only as a
function of classroom management. Some churches do a little better. The preaching or teaching cognitive format, however, reveals examples in support of the teaching, and then, following the teaching, innumerable models live out the verbal message. Cognition alone, however, fails as a satisfactory approach to character development. It must be accompanied by modeling by individuals living out their own positive values. Young children develop character through attending to the modeling of their parents and other caregivers. Often, the family assumes this responsibility. Possibly, on occasion some other adult assumes a significant role: an athletic coach, a teacher, a caring pastor or Sunday school teacher can be important. Modeling, underlined by explanations of the rationale behind certain choices, remains the principal method. People take on the characteristics of those with whom they choose to associate. In adolescence, character’s principal modeling comes from the peer group. The adolescent tests the appropriateness of the lessons taught by his earlier models. This child needs to be trusted that his choices between right and wrong rest on firm foundations. These areas reveal character and need consistent modeling: 1. A commitment to ethical behavior—This concerns the notion that right action and wrong action reveal one’s morality. We are not perfect people. If God wanted us to be perfect he’d have made us that way. He wants us, however, to strive to choose what is right. Continue to evaluate your own trustworthiness. 2. A commitment to
Connect with Bob website: twitter @CaringMagazine email:
Robert Docter, Ph. D., is the editor in chief of New Frontier Publications.
otherness—Self-centeredness betrays any goodness in a person. We need to commit to empathic behavior, to altruism, to the Golden Rule, which is seen within the writings of every major religion of the world. We need to recognize that cultures differ within a common bond of humanness. We need to respect those differences. Above all we must practice the love Christ taught us. Practice the title of this magazine. Caring! 3. A commitment to perseverance—Complete the job. Finish the work. Resist procrastination. Hang in. Show up. 4. A commitment to egalitarianism—Act on the belief that all people have equal, political, social and economic rights. Model it at all times. Be multicultural. Respect all people. 5. A commitment to living an operational belief system—Act on what you believe. Make your belief system interpersonal by sharing it. In this way, people will understand you. Confront doubt. Exercise morality. Confess it to others. Practice Christian love. 6. A commitment to a disciplined lifestyle—Know the rules of the common culture. Obey them. Teach them lovingly. Model them consistently. Model involvement in world affairs. Take a stand without being judgmental. Live with a commitment to health. 7. A commitment to personal growth—Work to improve every facet of your life: physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual. Live holistically. You are a complete person, and you are responsible for your own growth. Model that commitment for those around you. w
“Just a quick comment—I enjoy reading Caring magazine to the point that I think it’s probably my favorite Army publication. Your interview with the woman who was born in a Booth Home in the 1960s included one of the sweetest things I have ever read. Ms. Callister related a conversation she had with an expectant mother during a recent visit to the home; her words were touching, inspiring, and heartfelt. What a powerful testimony! Thanks for printing these uplifting words.” —Lt. Joshua Sneed, The Salvation Army College for Officer Training at Crestmont
“Transparent and open discussion is key to addressing the issue and creating solutions that both honor God and each other.
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The Salvation Army’s effectiveness in mission is held captive by patriarchal practices and old fashioned methodology. It’s a mission imperative that we can correct. We also lack integrity and credibility on serious justice issues in the world that revolve around gender inequality when our own system is the perpetrator of such things. Here’s some ideas on solutions: 1. While we are waiting for a better option financially for women to be remunerated in America perhaps we could just simply make the woman the only recipient of financial compensation instead of the men. We could do that for a hundred years and then switch back again just for fun and equality. I’ve a hunch that if only the women were getting ‘paid’ the solution would appear much faster. 2. Appoint married women to senior executive roles—the system will have to make adjustments and in the ‘pain of process’ be liberated from gender stereotypes. We will never be ready for Read the article in our Fall 2012 issue. this—we really should just get to it. 3. Teach gender equality from Scripture in our corps and institutions (training colleges). Our egalitarian roots are so central to our good news proclamation (salvation) that we miss the whole story if we don’t fully embrace the liberating truth of God’s will in our lives, marriages and movement. Here’s to God’s kingdom come in all things, particularly gender equality and freedom for all of God’s people around the world. God bless The Salvation Army.” —Major Danielle Strickland, corps officer, Edmonton Crossroads Community Church, Canada and Bermuda Territory
What will matter is your character By Christin Davis
IN THOSE EARLY MORNING HOURS on the way to school, my parents always listened to KNX 1070. I didn’t pay much attention to the issues of the day—things like the economy and politics didn’t phase me at all, really—but I well remember the bouncing prose of a scruffy voice telling a simple story. It ended the same each day. “This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.” For over 14 years Josephson provided those morning commentaries, and thanks to my parents, I heard many of them. They were catchy, relatable, and always had a message—a reminder to pay attention to character. He explains it as “a morally neutral term describing the nature of a person in terms of major qualities…No one is born with good character; it’s not a hereditary trait. And it isn’t determined by a single noble act. Character is established by conscientious adherence to moral values, not by lofty rhetoric or good intentions.” We’ve been paying more attention to character these days, especially after seeing what a lack of character can do to society. Bernie Madoff, Jerry Sandusky, and Lance Armstrong come to mind, and that’s before we consider the four mass shootings in the last six months of 2012 in which four individuals took the lives of 51 people. Mark Mattioli, the father of a 6-year-old Sandy Hook Elementary School victim, gave a unique testimony in January in front of a gun violence taskforce in Hartford, Conn. “The solution may not be as easy to implement as I might hope, but it’s a simple concept,” Mattioli said. “We need civility across our nation. What we’re seeing are symptoms of a bigger problem…the lack of civility. …We need common decency to prevail.” We need to cultivate character, because as Teddy Roosevelt said, “to educate a person in the mind and not the morals is to educate a menace to society.” Beyond his radio commentary, Josephson founded the Josephson Institute to “increase ethical commitment, competence, and practice in all segments of society.” It conducts trainings in businesses and schools across the country, focusing on academic, social and emotional, character and physical safety improvement, with proven results.
He focuses on the Seven Cs of character: conscience, compassion, consideration, confidence, control, courage and competence. The organization’s 2012 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth, based on survey data with 23,000 high school students, showed for the first time in a decade that students are cheating, lying and stealing less than in previous years. Students who admitted to cheating on an exam in the past year dropped from 59 percent in 2010 to 51 percent in 2012. Students who said they lied to a teacher in the past year about something significant fell from 61 percent in 2010 to 55 percent in 2012. Students who said they had stolen something from a store in the past year dropped from 27 percent in 2010 to 20 percent in 2012. Almost all (99 percent) of students agreed that “it is important for me to be a person with good character” and 93 percent said they are satisfied with their own ethics and character. Are you satisfied with your ethics and character? “Efforts by parents, teachers, and others to instill these values are important, but ultimately, character is both formed and revealed by how one deals with everyday situations as well as extraordinary pressures and temptations,” Josephson wrote. “Like a well-made tower, character is built stone by stone, decision by decision.” This issue of Caring focuses on “Building Character,” featuring stories of The Salvation Army intentionally developing character in those in our programs and communities. As Josephson says, “What will matter is not your competence, but your character.” w Connect with Christin website: twitter @CaringMagazine email: Christin Davis is the managing editor of New Frontier Publications.
UN works to end violence on women A new report released by the United Nations (UN) shows that despite the Elimination of Violence Against Women law enacted in 2009, women are still victims of violence in Afghanistan. The UN has subsequently called on Afghan officials to take “much greater steps to both facilitate reporting of incidents of violence against women and actually open investigations and take on prosecutions.”
Anti-blasphemy laws common A new analysis by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life found that as of 2011 nearly half of the countries and territories in the world (47 percent)––including Italy, Ireland and Greece––have laws or policies that penalize blasphemy, apostasy (abandoning one’s faith) or defamation (disparagement or criticism of particular religions or religion in general). U.K. less Christian According to new data from the United Kingdom’s once-a-decade census, the number of British residents identifying as Christians dropped 13 percent since 2001. However, Christians still make up 59 percent of the U.K.’s total population.
Doggy de-stress Dalhousie University in Canada created a puppy room to help students cope with the stress of exams and end-ofterm assignments. Studies show that interaction with dogs significantly reduces a person’s heart rate and blood pressure.
China becomes top Bible publisher Amity Printing Company Chairman Qiu Zhonghui announced in late 2012 that the publisher had printed its 100 millionth copy of the Bible last July, making China the biggest publisher of Bibles worldwide. Chinese government spokesperson Guo Wei said, “The Chinese government respects and protects religious freedom and will continue to support printing and publishing Bibles in China.”
Skateparks for youth The Tony Hawk Foundation raised $126,000 through the sale of old decks skateboarded by legends and signed by high-visibility musicians. A record breaking $38,425 was made off of a single deck signed by Bob Marley and skated by Jamie Thomas. All proceeds will fund skateparks in low-income areas in the U.S.
Tempting America A new study on the “changing state of temptation” in America shows 60 percent of people say they are guilty of procrastination and worrying—while 44 percent of people believe they spend too much time on media, according to the Barna Group.
Stress plagues working Americans Out of 13 aspects of work conditions rated in Gallup’s annual Work and Education poll, U.S. workers are the least satisfied with on-the-job stress and the money they make. Americans favor contraceptives A poll from LifeWay Research indicates that the majority of Americans favor employer-provided free contraceptives— even if those employers are religious.
Plugged in Only 11 percent of cell phone owners say that they sometimes worry that they are spending too much time on their phones, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Computer compliments Four students from Queens U in Canada started a Compliments Page on Facebook, including such postings as: “Annie Dearden smells like rainbows and happiness” and “Your spirit is that of a young joyous dolphin.” The idea has spread to 56 universities across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.
Ending modern-day slavery
Shift in Congress While the majority of Congress remains Protestant, the institution is far less so today than it was 50 years ago, with 56 percent of Congress identifying as Protestant, according to the Pew Forum.
Million-dollar book Congregants of one of the nation’s oldest churches, Boston’s Old South Church, voted to auction off a 372-year-old hymn book that’s expected to fetch up to $20 million at auction.
Over 60,000 young Christians attended the Passion 2013 conference in Atlanta’s Georgia Dome. They came together from 56 countries and 2,300 universities, according to organizers, “to shine a light on modern-day slavery.” The event focused on four key goals: awake, prevent, rescue and restore, and identified 19 nonprofit organizations working around the world to eradicate modern-day slavery and human trafficking.
Church to college Churchgoing youth are 70 percent more likely to enroll in college than unaffiliated peers, according to a study published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Logging on with ‘Jesus’ According to SplashData, the word “Jesus” is now one of the web’s worst passwords, ranking among the top 25 most frequently used and easily guessable log-in phrases. This is the first time “Jesus” cracked the list, while “password” yet again ranked as the most transparent password on the list. Harmful spirituality According to the British Journal of Psychiatry, people who identify as spiritual— as opposed to those who identify as religious, agnostic or atheist—were more likely to develop a “mental disorder,” “be dependent on drugs” and have abnormal eating attitudes,” like bulimia and anorexia.
Musical therapy The Salvation Army’s community music access program in Australia is bringing rock and pop music to disabled people and aged care homes. “[We saw] a great need for music, not only as entertainment but also as a therapeutic tool, and nobody else was meeting this need,” said Stuart Lees, program director. “It’s a cross between creative ministries and community care. The Salvation Army, being so rich in music culture, seemed to be a perfect fit.” From the Australian Warcry
Moment of silence Out of respect for the victims and families in Newtown, Conn., all three of The Salvation Army’s World Record Bell-Ringers agreed to share the 2012 record—ending the competition at 80 hours—after holding a 27-minute long moment of silent ringing to recognize each of those who were lost that day.
Hanes helps Hanes donated 250,000 pairs of socks to be distributed at Salvation Army residential facilities. Additionally, the company provided 25,000 pairs of socks for superstorm Sandy survivors, to be distributed in the hardest hit areas of New York and New Jersey where the Army continues to serve.
Gold medalist helps Army Nathan Adrian, four-time Olympic medalist, served as the honorary chairman of The Salvation Army’s World Record BellRinging Contest and guest hosted the third annual Rock the Red Kettle Concert in Los Angeles, featuring artists such as Bridgit Mendler (pictured above). The world champion swimmer has a long history of supporting The Salvation Army, including as a young volunteer bell-ringer in his hometown of Bremerton, Wash.
knows what it’s like to struggle. Her story is one that’s filled with heartbreak, but also an unusual resilience to rise above. Oliver grew up destitute in Compton and Santa Ana, Calif., with her mother and five siblings. Her mother was a complicated, verbally and physically abusive person. One morning Oliver’s mother told her she had walked around “the night before with a claw hammer trying to decide whether to bash our skulls in.” It was a hostile occurrence that was not uncommon for the young girl. Oliver explained that in order to get away from the chaos, she would seek refuge at The Salvation Army in Santa Ana, Calif. “I literally would go next door all the time for safety and it was just a nice refuge to have a place to go and get away from the home I was at,” Oliver said. “All the people I encountered there were so loving and I really believed in them.” She recalled receiving an unusual gift from The Salvation Army one Christmas, but her excitement turned to disappointment. “It was this stuffed pillow doll, so it wasn’t a doll and it wasn’t a pillow, and being just 9 years old, I was thinking really, is this it? But every night when I would cry myself to sleep and I was laying in my bed scared, that pillow was right there under my cheek,” she said. “I cried so many times that it smelled horribly and I can Connect with Erica website: twitter: @caringmagazine email: Photo by Erica Andrews
still feel the fabric under my cheek. The love that I got in that moment went beyond anything.” Through the love and encouragement Oliver received from outside sources, like The Salvation Army and her teachers, she thrived in school. She continuously made the honor roll in high school and planned to become a professional dancer or lawyer. A car accident her senior year decided for her on the latter. “I have always had this sense about what was right and what was wrong and I would stand up for anyone that didn’t have a voice and speak for them,” Oliver explained. “I wouldn’t let it happen and I didn’t care what the cost was to me. I’d speak before I’d let anyone be hurt.” Through a scholarship, Oliver began a law program at UCLA in 1994. After graduation she began working as a paralegal, and later joined Heller Ehrman, which was considered one of the top firms in Los Angeles at the time, but has since closed. Her new career brought a luxurious lifestyle that she had never experienced, but it also came with the consequence of not having as much time to be with her young son. “My son, Aaron, was about 18 months old and he was crying all the time because I was working crazy hours,” Oliver said. “My boss said to me, ‘you’ll get used to it,’ and I said, ‘no, I don’t want to get used to this— he’s my son, I want to be his mother.’” In order to spend more time with him, Oliver decided to take on less at work—but not before helping to start a new organization. In 2005, Oliver and her fellow colleagues created Christian Legal Aid to better serve those in their community who couldn’t afford legal assistance. “We knew we had to do this as Christians and we knew there was no organization of Christian attorneys in Los Angeles providing services to the poor,” Oliver said. “We decided to organize it and see what we could do. We fully expected it would be hard to keep it going, so the fact that we’re still around after all these years is a testament to God’s grace and mercy. It was solely to bridge that gap of faith and justice.” The State Bar of California estimates that there are 8,361 potential clients for every one attorney willing to provide free legal aid. With over 1.5 million people below the poverty line in Los Angeles County, the need is overwhelming. Oliver felt a calling to be more involved with the organization, and in 2011 quit her job to become the president and director for Christian Legal Aid. The organization currently holds one to four free clinics a month, which Oliver says are like a “legal emergency room.” “The idea is that if we can do legal urgent care, we can avoid certain kinds of litigation and we can help them on the spot,” Oliver said. Erica Christian Legal Aid deals with a variety of clients who Andrews is need help in everything from domestic abuse issues to imthe assistant migration to care for veterans. One client who had suffered editor of Caring. domestic abuse from an ex-husband and was trying to
restart her life particularly resonated with Oliver. The woman had found a pet to help her not feel so alone and then it went missing. When the woman went to search for her lost cat in a close-by apartment complex, the owner called the police saying she had trespassed. With this arrest now on her record, she could not go to nursing school. “She wanted the arrest and badge of shame gone,” Oliver said. “She wanted to be declared factually innocent.” Oliver and her staff of volunteers helped her to file the necessary paperwork and spoke on her behalf in court. The judge heard both sides and declared the woman innocent. “When we left the courtroom she started crying down the hallway, on the elevator and outside because she was overwrought with emotion,” Oliver said. “Each time we have seen her now, she has gotten stronger and stronger. Now that she has this weight lifted off her shoulders, she has so much more strength than she even realizes.” Oliver knows one act of kindness can truly change someone’s life. “When I’m in the office, some of my favorite moments are watching the volunteers,” Oliver said. “Sometimes I just start crying because I feel like the little girl at Salvation Army who now gets to say thank you—that I can say to the people who gave me the pillow thank you—for taking care of me. And I get to tell the volunteers what they may not hear from their clients, which is thank you for showing that kind of love.” w
IT’S NOT OFTEN that people who are
Captain Jon-Phil Winter is the corps officer at The Salvation Army in Chattanooga, Tenn. Photos by Jon-Phil Winter Scott Fogg Gaye Jeffers Connect with Jon-Phil website: programs_cafe.asp email: jon-phil_winter@
homeless get a round of applause. So the ReCreate Café in Chattanooga, Tenn., started with karaoke—a chance to take the limelight and be affirmed. “I stepped out of my comfort zone to experience something wonderful,” Jessie said. Now, the cafe offers acting and art classes. In 2011 a city wide art show invited people to interpret a psalm of their choice through the lens of the city of Chattanooga. The show included poetry, film, dance, visual arts, and sculpture. “[This art show] has truly opened doors and windows to a world I only dreamed of,” said Jason, a poet. The cafe has also become a venue for musicians and other artists, with shows in the past year by Andrew Osenga, Message of Mercy, Christopher Williams, UpRock, and Derek Webb. Those who might not normally do so, are coming to The Salvation Army. Recently, the ReCreate Café put on a production of “Godspell.” The play featured homeless and non-homeless people as cast and crewmembers and brought together participants from six different schools and colleges in the area. “It was so amazing to work with a cast and production team with so many backgrounds and experiences,” said Kyle K’hayl Dusina, stage manager for the play. “‘Godspell’ wasn’t a job for me. It was a life-altering experience.” All of the ticketed performances sold out as over 500 people came to see each show. Through ticket sales and donations all expenses were covered, including paying the cast and crew. The professional standard of the production demonstrated the level of commitment to the community that is served. One homeless member of the cast found a job as a direct result of his involvement. “Being in the cast of ‘Godspell’ has shown me that I can do anything,” Chet said. As one “Godspell” song chorus says: “We can build a beautiful city, yes we can, yes we can. We can build a beautiful city, Not a city of angels, we can build a city of man.” w
Cultivating innovation A NEW AEROPONIC GARDEN IN ILLINOIS IS HELPING PEOPLE EAT By Bersabe Vera and Lorna Nelson
NEARLY 9 MILLION PEOPLE over the age of 50 are at risk of hunger
in the U.S., according to Feeding America. The Salvation Army in Blue Island, Ill., is working to curb that number by providing seniors with fresh and healthy meals using an innovative technique called aeroponics. An aeroponic garden can grow over 35 types of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. Located on the roof of The Salvation Crossgenerations Community Center, the garden’s 30 towers equal up to 10 acres of conventional farmland. “You just have to monitor the nutrients that are going in and make sure the water is running otherwise it takes care of itself,” said Maria Bell, aeroponic gardener. “Volunteers say it’s rewarding to see the fruits of their labor land on their plates.” The new garden officially opened in July 2012 with the help of an AARP grant. It requires no soil, less water and takes up little space, and the harvested food is served to the seniors directly from the garden. For just $2 per meal, seniors can enjoy fresh and nutritious meals five days a week. A six-week class taught participants how to use the high technology planting system, including how
Left: Chef Chris Fron explains an element of the aeroponic garden to Lt. Bersabe Vera. Right: The Salvation Army Blue Island Corps Community Center’s aeroponic garden has 30 towers, the equivalent of 10 acres of conventional farmland, on its roof.
to plan sufficiently based on this harvesting method. “This is quite a unique system,” said John Bell, garden volunteer. “This is the only apparatus that doesn’t require any dirt. It is simply air and water.” The new aeroponics garden creates a cross generation ambiance. The seniors enjoy learning and staying connected with the next generation, and the garden creates a sense of unity between seniors and youth. This project has helped to cut down loneliness and boost self-confidence and connectedness through generations. “This initiative is so futuristic and it has been a wonderful way for us to involve our seniors and to invest in a way to fight hunger in our community,” said Lt. Bersabé Vera, corps officer for the Blue Island Corps. Now the plan is to connect these newly-skilled seniors with local schools and students to join in the fight against hunger and youth obesity. w
Lt. Bersabe Vera and Lt. Lorna Nelson are corps officers for The Salvation Army Blue Island Corps Community Center in Blue Island, Ill. Connect with Chicago website: SalvationArmyChicago
The Global Hunger Expedition By Bob Poff
with serving starving people was in, of all places, Acapulco, Mexico. I was there on a mission trip, and had gone with our host to watch the sunset at the beach. A small group of us geared up for a spectacular evening. Not long after we sat down to watch, a group of young children appeared out of nowhere and began a mini concert for us. I couldn’t understand the Spanish language, but I couldn’t miss the beautiful smiles and sincerity of their mission. I asked our host why they were doing this, and she replied, “the children are hungry.” Being an over-the-top, “let-me-fix-this” type American, I immediately reached for my wallet. My guide stopped me, indicating that the children were likely not singing on their own, but had been sent by an out of sight adult, who would be the true recipient; the children would not benefit. She suggested, and I readily agreed, that we buy food and give it directly to them. It was a profound moment in my life. My first experience of feeding children on a global basis. There would be others: Albania, Costa Rica, Haiti, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos Islands, to name a few. Fast forward 14 or so years, and now my wife and I founded “The Global Hunger Expedition.” After living and working in the Caribbean for three years, two of them in Haiti, Vicki and I knew it would not be possible to return to business as usual. Our lives had been forever changed, and we knew that our next adventure would need to include feeding people, especially children, on a global basis. The Global Hunger Expedition is just as it sounds: An expedition to end hunger. It is, however, much more than sending food to starving people. It is about empowering people in less developed countries to find solutions to care for themselves, and to help provide the necessary resources to become self sufficient. Our work includes packaging food in the U.S.—and hopefully other locations soon—to be sent abroad. This food is highly nutritious, and designed to be culturally appropriate. The food is sponsored by donors (35 cents for one serving), and packaged by volunteers. It is then sent to various locations around the world, which are both willing and able to receive it. Because Vicki
and I are Salvationists, we have a special affinity for Salvation Army programs where food is desperately needed. We work hard to see to it that we are aware of the needs, and in communication with the leadership in that area to determine the best course of action. Each serving of Global Hunger Expedition food also represents local empowerment, since five cents from each package is devoted to a project somewhere in the region where the food is being served. From digging a well, providing a kitchen at a school, or a micro-enterprise project, these are designed to be part of an overall strategy to end hunger in that specific area. Contact Bob to host a food packing event in your corps and community. w
Bob Poff is the founder and president of The Global Hunger Expedition. Connect with Bob twitter @GlobalExpoBob email:
Bible correspondence course brought Charlie Woods to Christ By Jared McKiernan
Locked up in solitary confinement, Charlie Woods never expected to one day become a Christian. He certainly never envisioned a life as a church pastor. After all, he was never much for religion. Little did Woods know, he was about to receive a piece of mail from The Salvation Army that would change everything. Born in Burbank, Calif., Woods found his way into trouble early and often despite being raised in a Jewish household and routinely dragged to temple by his mother. “What I would do is sneak out of there and go hang around the deli across the street,” Woods said. “That’s how much I hated religion.” Woods’ older sister became heavily involved with drugs and was placed in a juvenile detention center. He chose to emulate his older sibling’s behavior, and it wasn’t long before his experimentation developed into an addiction to methamphetamines. During his drug use Woods met and later married AnnMarie, an addict with three children from a previous marriage. Shortly before Christmas 1997, with a 4-month-old newborn son, Charlie Jr., at home, Woods was slated to appear in court for failure to pay a ticket for driving on a suspended license. When he failed to show up to court, the judge issued a $1 million warrant for Woods’ arrest. He eluded punishment until he was caught jaywalking several weeks later and began a 365-day sentence at the now-defunct Men’s Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, Calif. His stint behind bars took a turn several weeks into his sentence when Woods was placed in solitary confinement. Jared Completely isolated, he hit rock bottom. McKiernan, “They lock you up for 23 hours a day,” Woods said. “That is an editorial gives you one hour a day to get out.” assistant for A guard delivered his mail one day, including a package New Frontier from The Salvation Army. Inside was a Bible and the Army’s Publications. Bible Correspondence Courses, sent to him upon the sugPhotos by gestion of Ann-Marie’s mother. He didn’t think much of it, Tim Schaal at first. But slowly, his curiosity mounted, and before long,
If you get them into the Bible, the potential for change is unbelievable.
They would write little notes that said things like ‘Good job!’ I felt they really cared. As crazy as it might sound, in [prison], you have nothing. You feel worthless, but even those little, twoword notes can make you feel a little less worthless.
Woods couldn’t put down his Bible. “As I started doing these courses,” Woods said, “I could tell it was God’s working. I developed a hunger, and that year I read the Bible three times through.” Since 1947, The Salvation Army’s Extension Studies Bureau has offered free Bible study courses to inmates across the country as well as their families. The courses—offered at elementary, intermediate and advanced levels––are designed to help the reader systematically navigate through the Bible and apply the concepts and teachings using a fundamental approach. Bob Zerhusen, assistant to the director of extension studies in the Western Territory, likened the courses to the Parable of the Sower (Matt 13). “Our studies are very evangelistic,” Zerhusen said. “We’re planting a lot of seeds. Some of the inmates are re-dedicating their lives to Christ and some are doing the studies, but doing them for the wrong reasons. Then there are some that have never read any Bible. Those are my favorite. If you get them into the Bible, the potential for change is unbelievable.”
Upon return, the lessons are graded by volunteers, and the inmates are awarded a certificate upon completion of each course. Inmates who complete the entire series of courses with a 70 percent average receive a final certificate. Volunteer graders often write feedback for added encouragement. Woods said it was this type of small gesture that allowed him to see that The Salvation Army was a genuine organization that truly cared about him. “You never know how much it matters,” Woods said. “They would write little notes that said things like ‘Good job!’ I felt they really cared. As crazy as it might sound, in [prison], you have nothing. You feel worthless, but even those little, two-word notes can make you feel a little less worthless.” But, Woods’ enthusiasm dwindled after he was released from the detention center, and he began to drift. “When I got out of prison, I wasn’t plugged into any church,” he said. “I started smoking a little more, praying a little less. Pretty soon, I wasn’t praying at all.” It wasn’t until Woods crossed paths with Rob Stoffel, a pastor at Calvary Chapel South Bay, that he was invited to attend a Sunday worship service at the church. Though he and Ann-Marie were finally sober, organized religion was still not something he was ready for. “I remember them saying that anyone can be re-
deemed, even if you’re this or that or tattooed. Just Woods completed the program and was selected the word ‘tattooed’ really resonated,” said Woods, as an associate pastor of the church. He is now paywho has garnered a museum worth of body art over ing forward the same love and encouragement he rethe years. “I realized that if that’s what this is about, ceived from The Salvation Army when he was behind God is really real. It was that simple. My heart told bars. He leads a high school ministry team, consoles me to come back to Calvary.” victims of tragedy through prayer, and ministers overBefore long, Woods became an invaluable mem- seas, but it’s his work with Free Indeed––a ministry ber of the church and arose as a leader in the con- program to help overcome addiction—that’s given him gregation. Consequently, he enrolled in Calvary’s the biggest opportunity to give back. School of Ministry. “Over the last nine years, I’ve watched people “As I started getting involved with the Calvary grow in the program,” Woods said. “Because I went School of Ministry, everything I had learned in The through [the same things], God’s using me to help them through. I was a dirty, Salvation Army courses came Connect with Jared rotten, lying, cheating, dope flooding back into my head,” website: fiend, but he sent his Word Woods said. “The things I to heal and deliver...And for learned in those courses are twitter @CaringMagazine me, it all started with those still the foundation of my email: Bible courses.” w walk today.”
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PHOTOS OF EMPOWERMENT Partnering for photovoice workshops Three years following the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that rocked Haiti, The Salvation Army continues to work in affected communities toward tangible recovery. The Army is rebuilding its own Delmas 2 compound, a mainstay in Port-au-Prince for 60 years, that will include kindergarten, primary and secondary school buildings for College Verena, which is responsible for the education of more than 1,500 area children, as well as a new church to accommodate weekly worship for more than 500 attendees. Construction is expected to conclude in early 2014.
Beyond the city, construction teams including young people in need of well paying jobs and new skills, work to repair and rehabilitate schools throughout Haiti. In partnership with The Salvation Army, New York-based nonprofit Project Istwa welcomed 17 children ages 10 to 14 for one week of photovoice workshops in Jacmel. The nonprofit promotes self-empowerment, awareness and self-expression among Haitian youth, teaching the children about digital photography and photo composition, along with the ways images can Connect with Project Istwa convey different website: messages. w twitter @ProjectIstwa email:
Follow The Salvation Army Haiti recovery and development work at
BUILDING SUCCESS IN CHARACTER It’s not all about IQ By Christin Davis
In a room with nothing more than a table and chair, not a psychologists and medical doctors, presented by Paul Tough single distraction existed for the 4 to 6-year-old child. Nothing, in How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power except a marshmallow. of Character, argues that character is more crucial than the IQ The fluffy treat sat alone on the table, placed there minutes measured on standard tests in achieving success. before with the promise of a second marshmallow to come if Character. she didn’t eat the first. This goes against the popular thought that to be successful Delayed gratification. Self control. Strategic reasoning. children need as much cognitive stimulation as possible in the These qualities, according to psychologists Walter Mischel first three years of life in order to arrive in kindergarten ready and Ebbe B. Ebbesen who first conducted this experiment at to learn, the result of the 1994 Carnegie Corporation report Stanford University in 1970, would result in life sucStarting Points: Meeting the Needs of Our Youngest cess. Children. Christin Davis Yet, just one third of the original 600 children to Just think “Baby Einsten” sales ($20 million beis the managing take part in the experiment resisted long enough to fore it was acquired by the Walt Disney Company editor of New Frontier in 2001). receive the second marshmallow. So what is it that Publications. makes some children succeed while others do not? To clarify, this research does not downplay the importance of education, but rather is shifting And what can we do to guide kids toward success? Photos the thought, as Tough writes, from “what matters New research from economists, neuroscientists, courtesy of Ed Covert and Julia Yu
most is how much information we can stuff into her brain” to “whether we are able to help her develop a very different set of qualities: a list that includes persistence, self-control, curiosity, conscientiousness, grit and self-confidence. Economists refer to these as noncognitive skills, psychologists call them personality traits, and the rest of us sometimes think of them as character.” One such economist, James Heckman from the University of Chicago, wondered if a GED recipient (roughly 1 in 7 of those with a high school credential) has the same success in future outcomes as a student who completed four years of high school. As Tough details, Heckman analyzed large national databases and found that at age 22 just 3 percent of GED recipients were enrolled in a four-year university, compared to 46 percent of high-school graduates. Further, GED recipients didn’t fare any better than high school dropouts in important future outcomes like annual income, unemployment rate, divorce rate, or use of illegal drugs. He concluded that the psychological traits that had allowed the high-school graduates to make it through school—such as an inclination to persist at a boring and often unrewarding task, the ability to delay gratification, the tendency to follow through on a plan—were all valuable in college, the workplace, and life in general. So where do nonprofit organizations, specifically The Salvation Army, fit in? “Character development is so much a part of spiritual maturity, and has just about everything to do with success in life,” said Dr. Jack Anderson, a family psychologist and director of The Salvation Army Western Territory’s Officer Care and Development Department. “If you look through most of the New Testament epistles, I’d say 80 percent of the teachings are about character building. It’s totally integrated into our theology.” Anderson specifically pointed to 2 Peter 1, which lists the following qualities: goodness, knowledge, self control, perseverance, kindness, and love—elements of good character. “There is a contrast between IQ, cognitive ability, versus emotional maturity, character traits,” Anderson said. “Character building has both an internal component as well as a social component. Internally, the mature person learns awareness of emotions and how to regulate them—emotional intelligence. Socially, the mature person learns to develop understanding and empathy for others—the Golden Rule.” If you look at recent violence in our society, Anderson said, as well as many other social ills, it is not due to lack of cognitive ability, but poor character development—for example, an intelligent bank robber who lacks the character trait of goodness. “Having an average level of intelligence gets you on the playing field of life, but character traits will determine whether
you do something worthwhile with your life,” Anderson said. Understanding that character building begins with one’s parents, the Caldwell, Idaho, corps began Baby Haven in 2006, an educational incentive-based 2-year program focusing on healthy families, starting at pregnancy. It offers classes from communicating with your child, to family finances to breastfeeding in both English and Spanish. A nutritionist visits family homes for a five-class series on healthy eating, and the couponing class teaches how to create a calendar of meals for the month, stock a pantry, and budget. Parents receive credit for attending class, during which childcare is provided, and can use that credit to buy items like diapers or shampoo— things that are not covered by food stamps. With 220 registered clients, Program Director Rebeca Johnson said she hopes to begin literacy classes for parents so they can help their children when they start school. “Everything that we do builds some sort of character,
FURTHER READING How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough (HMH, 2012)
Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations, by Alex Harris and Brett Harris (Multnomah Books, 2008)
Parenting from the Inside Out, by Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell (Tarcher, 2004)
Starting Points: Meeting the Needs of our Youngest Children (Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1994)
Left: Campers practice archery at Camp Redwood Glen. Above: The 2012 Oakland Chinatown Corps day campers and leadership trainees.
either integrity, responsibly, truthfulness, helping one another out or paying it forward,” Johnson said. “We’re building family values.” Anderson said it’s these values, more than anything else, that impact individual character building. “Parents model and exhibit character, which influence a child’s brain development in something called mirror neurons,” he said. “If a child grows up with a hostile or emotionally distant parent, the child’s brain mimics this and can later replicate the destructive aspects of their childhood.” While other adults can have a positive effect on the child, Anderson said, it’s the people he or she is around most that have the most influence. Ed Covert, camp director at The Salvation Army Redwood Glen Camp in Central California, uses empirical data to explain the effect of camp on a kid’s life. Covert began collecting data, modified from the American Camp Association (ACA) youth development outcome measurements, on campers relating to spiritual well-being, affinity for nature, responsibility, interest and exploration, and teamwork in 2012. His staff collected 800 surveys last summer, and used the data to continually tweak programming. “Grit is the key to success; the old school description of that stuff was risk and resiliency, but now we call it grit,” Covert said. “What are those non-cognitive things that allow a kid to rise above their circumstances? What is it about a kid that comes from the same environment as siblings but one rises above the path of dysfunction? “That is the Holy Grail for camp,” Covert said. “If we figure out what it is that helps that one kid rise above circumstances, and if we could bottle it and include it in every meal, we would.” It may just be the perfect setting to develop grit. Take swimming, for example. To cannonball into the deep end during free time, you have to have a bracelet that indicates you passed the swim test. “If a kid shows up one summer and is not able to pass a swim test, but the next summer comes back and does pass it, we're celebrating when he comes up out of the pool super excited that he
made it this year,” Covert said. “There are people that recognize what that success means, and high-five him when they put the band on his wrist. It might seem like an unimportant success, but we celebrate it.” It’s also a place for kids to develop new skills—say, archery. “We intentionally keep targets close so that every kid who comes out to the range has the opportunity to experience success, regardless of what their actual skill level is,” Covert said. “If that kid is able to stick a few arrows in the target, he’s likely to try that again.” Anderson said programs like camping can have a significant impact on a child. “In the richness of the camp experience, for kids who don’t have good homes, this is their first exposure to what healthy relationships, structure and rules look like” he said. At 13, after spending each summer attending a day camp for kids ages 5 to 12 at The Salvation Army Oakland Chinatown Corps, Julia Yu entered a three-year leadership program focusing on youth development. Yu was later hired as a teaching assistant, then a teacher and finally as director of the summer day camp for 250 kids in 2012 at age 18. “The teenage years are confusing; things are changing in life, that’s where you start thinking for yourself,” Yu said. “In addition to basic skills like public speaking and child safety, the program gave me courage to explore and helped me build pride in myself. To do something right, at an age when you are seeking acceptance, and realize that I am a good person does so much for a teen.” From infant to adult, our impact and influence on an individual’s future success must include fundamental questions about how parents affect their children, how human skills develop, how character is formed, and how The Salvation Army fits into each one. We need character. We need grit. w Connect with Christin website: twitter @CaringMagazine email:
READING WITH MEANING Mission: Literacy teaches reading and Scripture By Dawn Sharp
Nearly 68 percent of eighth graders in the U.S. read below the proficient level and approximately one quarter are unable to read at even the most basic level, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress. One of the major reasons students drop out of school is tied to low reading achievement level, as cited by the Alliance for Excellent Education. Since its inception in January 2006, Dawn Sharp, The Salvation Army’s Mission: Literacy M. Ed., is program has become recognized as an the child care effective tool in teaching children readand literacy ing skills and Scripture at the same consultant for time. The Salvation Army in the Mission: Literacy is a multicultural New Jersey literacy curriculum proven to raise Division. children’s reading skills as they learn 30 Bible stories. Each 28-page storybook has full-color illustrations that draw the reader into the story, with texts vetted by the Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship, an arm of the American Bible Society.
Lt. Laura Lunnam and her son, Nathaniel, read together.
The program is designed for the nonprofessional reading tutor, providing easy-to-follow lesson plans for each Bible story. Its target audience is children struggling at a first to third grade reading level. Lori Mission, a literacy tutor from the Columbus West Mound Corps in Ohio, noticed a significant change in one of her students. “Brenda did not used to enjoy reading, but when learning to read helped to answer her questions about God, reading took on a whole new meaning to her,” Mission said. “Not only does Brenda now understand the concept of the existence and person of God, but this program has provided enough of a basis in terms she can understand for her to accept Jesus into her heart and to share what she has learned with her friends.”
Explore the Mission: Literacy tutoring program volume one at
There is no doubt that David is not just becoming literate in English, but also in the Word of God.
Over the past six years, the children in the program have consistently improved their reading skills. Children receiving at least 16 tutoring sessions have an average increase of seven points on the curriculum’s pre/post test scores––roughly equivalent to half of a grade level. Major Kathy Foster, now retired, also noticed a substantial change in one of the young students involved in the program. “David, would often misbehave because he did not like to read,” Foster said. “Now, it is difficult to re-
strain him from grabbing the book because he can’t wait for his turn to read. David’s spiritual growth is evidenced daily. There is no doubt that David is not just becoming literate in English, but also in the Word of God.” The program has now expanded to over 1,500 Salvation Army personnel spanning 40 states where over 4,000 children have participated in Mission: Literacy. It is also being used in Australia and New Zealand, and by summer missionaries in Kenya, Ghana and the Marshall Islands. Major Jan Hendrickson, Mission: Literacy coordinator for the Central Territory, said the program is truly “reaching hearts and changing lives one word at a time.” w Connect with Dawn website: twitter @SalvationArmyNJ email:
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We must be aware of what is happening in our world and be prepared to inject a Christian perspective into conversations. We must be “teachable,” thinking Salvationists.
he Salvation Army today exists in 126 countries. Its 15,765 corps are made up of 1,132,823 soldiers. That’s over one million individual minds who have committed to the principles and practices of The Salvation Army as a movement, and who claim to follow the ways and likely feel overwhelmed. Too often, when a current issue comes up in conteachings of Jesus in their everyday lives. Each of those individuals live in environments versation, we hear “Oh I don’t know enough about with a variety of conversations, meetings and that to be able to comment,” or “I figure someone makeup. For these minds—created by God, with must know what they’re talking about, so I’ll just the capacity to think, engage and form ideas—to leave the decision-making up to the decision-makbe a strong force in a world, which so desperately ers.” It is all too easy to be so caught up in the goings needs new ideas, they must be active and willing to on of our daily lives that we simply “don’t have the time” to look outside our immediate view. As Salvathink. They must be “thinking Salvationists.” In his 2004 lecture at William Booth College, tionists, we must challenge this attitude of accepted General Shaw Clifton (Ret.) asked, “What does ignorance. We must be aware of what is happening it take to be a thinking Salvationist?” He pointed in our world and be prepared to inject a Christian out that in order to be a thinking Salvationist, one perspective into conversations. We must be “teachmust have both a knowledge of his history as a Sal- able,” thinking Salvationists. The beauty of today’s fast-paced, informationvationist and a knowledge of the present day. Clifton writes in Selected Writings Vol. 2, 2000- accessible world is that information is readily avail2010 (Salvation Books, 2010), “Unless we know able to us too. Ten minutes a day spent reading the where we have come from, we cannot know who headlines and delving into those topics to which we are today… a thinking Salvationist has a knowl- God draws your attention, will slowly dissolve the edge of our past, a sense of our history, so that she “I don’t know enough about that to comment” urge. or he can think intelligently and in context about When prayerfully considered, God will use our minds by developing thoughts, opinions and perthe present and the future.” He emphasizes the importance of being simulta- spectives on issues that we previously knew nothneously aware of the world today, writing, “A sense ing about. While this prospect is exciting, it must be of history is not enough on its own. A sense of the noted that this may be uncomfortable at times and social, moral and political trends of the present day Clifton’s call for thinking Salvationists comes with is also crucial to the thinking Salvationist. Keep- a warning. In the same volume, Clifton writes, “It sometimes ing in touch with and understanding the world, beyond the often introspective confines of The Salva- takes enormous moral courage to be true to oneself. tion Army, is absolutely central to our soul-saving Let all aspiring to be a ‘thinking Salvationist’ note this. There may be a price to be paid. You may and soldier-making mission under often be misunderstood.” Yet as our calling God.” Casey O’Brien— to be a Salvationist came with the warning Today, globalization and the Ina Salvationist from of self-sacrifice for living counter-culturally ternet have made the accessing of Sydney, Australia, with and speaking the words of God, we must be information and knowledge, and a master’s degree in ready to experience such misunderstandings therefore the capacity for the world policing, intelligence and counter-terrorat times for the importance of speaking God’s to form opinions in a split-second, ism—recently spent truth into a messy, chaotic world. much easier. On a daily basis we are a year as a policy Romans 12:2 urges: Do not conform any bombarded with information, facts, intern at The Salvation longer to the pattern of this world, but be transpropaganda and issues—watch the Army’s International formed by the renewing of your mind. We need news for half an hour and you will Social Justice Commission in New York.
We need Salvationists to consistently challenge the thinking of those around them through intelligent, scripturallybased conversation, and that cannot be done until Salvationists themselves are challenging their own thinking.
Salvationists to consistently challenge the thinking of those around them through intelligent, scripturally-based conversation, and that cannot be done until Salvationists themselves are challenging their own thinking. The Salvation Army is blessed with many intelligent, educated people who are contributing to academic debate across the world. However it is my belief that The Salvation Army is full of Salvationists who hold the knowledge and capacity to contribute to conversation on social justice issues in their own areas of life, yet are simply staying quiet. The circles in which you move and the things on which you think are your God-given area of expertise, and the knowledge and lessons you have gained through moving in this area are unique to you. We need soldiers, future officers and current officers to recognize that whatever it is they are called to do, that ministry is inextricably linked with their calling to be a Salvationist. Whether you are called to be a lawyer, a receptionist, an exercise scientist, a courier, a Salvation Army officer or an information technology specialist—God has a plan for you to use that calling in your ministry as a Salvationist. Let me share a little from my own experience. Upon completing a bachelor’s degree in social science (criminology), I felt a strong calling to undertake further education. This had not been in my plan-
ning for my future, and I was largely unimpressed at the concept of more years on a student’s (lack of) income and the thought of writing more essays. My plan was to work as a criminologist for a few years in prison reform, and then enter the School for Officer Training to fulfill my calling to be an officer. This new calling for further study was unmistakable, so I began to explore what it could be that God was asking me to study. Through a series of events, the answer became clear—a dual master’s degree in policing, intelligence and counter-terrorism and international security studies. What? I wrestled with this concept and questioned how God could possibly use this in ministry in The Salvation Army. I began to study and slowly but surely understood that God did, indeed, have a plan. As issues of power, war and conflict were discussed in classes, I sensed God’s desire for his truth to be spoken in these discussions. I became aware of a common mentality among my classmates, which I, as a relatively young, non-military-background, Christian female did not have. I realized that by challenging this mentality through my essays and class discussions, God was using me to be his mouthpiece and inject his perspective into an otherwise unchallenged conversation. We need strong Christian voices who are aware of not only their own contexts, but of situations in
In our ever-changing and growing world, we as The Salvation Army must be prepared to form God— inspired, counter-cultural opinions. the broader world, and are prepared to speak truth into these situations. Before we attempt to speak truth into the world, we must be 100 percent sure that the truth we are speaking is, in fact, God’s truth. As Clifton said, “Being a man of God transcends any thought or aim of being a thinking Salvationist. We can hold all the views we like on Army history, Army personalities, Army policies, Army methods, Army theology, or the Army’s future and still not be godly. The greatest need is our personal holiness.” In our ever-changing and growing world, we as The Salvation Army must be prepared to form God-inspired, counter-cultural opinions. Let us be vigilant in keeping up with the movements of the world in an effort to stay ever-relevant, intuitive and entrepreneurial in the way in which we share God’s love with the world. Let us be present where God has placed us and use the knowledge that he has given us to educate others about what Connect with Casey we know. website: Let us be thinkemail: ing Salvationists. w Photos by John Docter, Nikole Lim and Tim Schaal
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Read more from the International Social Justice Commission at salvationarmy. org/isjc.
Download “Jesus and Justice,” a Bible study resource on understanding social justice as a lifestyle, rather than a series of acts at
Find out what The Salvation Army is doing about issues of ethics at salvationarmyethics. org/issues.
Left: Kevin Wilkinson, Gianna Persico, Ismael, and Amy Morrison at a missions fair to raise support for Ecuador students. Below: Andrea Flores in front of her home in Babahoyo.
Sponsoring college in Ecuador By Vivian Gatica
While in Ecuador, Amy Morrison, Kevin Wilkinson, and gence Agency, almost 29 percent of the Ecuadorian populaGianna Persico, missionaries from Downey First Christian tion lives below the poverty line. Students belonging to this Church, met Ismael, a young man who could not afford to population would have to take on a full-time job in order to go to college. The three collaborated and decided to pay not pay for tuition, which would leave no time to attend school. only for Ismael to go to college, but others as well. From “I guess since that number seemed so small in the big this, The University Project was born. picture I felt I could tackle a problem of $500 over a year “I feel like [The University Project] was someeasily,” Wilkinson said. “It wasn't super easy, thing God brought together," Morrison said. but we've been doing it.” Vivian Gatica A university education in Ecuador costs roughMorrison, Wilkinson, and Persico created is an intern with ly $500 a year—barely enough for textbooks in the University Project to find sponsors in the New Frontier Publications. the U.S. However, according to the Central IntelliUnited States to fund the education of students
I want to help other people with what I learn in school and in the future help students just as [The University Project] helped me.
in Ecuador at a four-year university. Sponsors donate $40 a month to The University Project, which disburses the scholarship money to the students at the beginning of each month, and each student is responsible for monitoring his or her
expenses. Eighteen students are currently in the program. Each one is asked to commit to living a life that honors God, maintaining at least a B average in school, participating in church community, writing at least four letters to their sponsors, and being willing to help peers with resources such as tutoring or book loans. One student, Becsy Bravo, dreamed of becoming a dentist to help those in her hometown of El Recreo.
“I want to be a dentist to bring back smiles to the people in my community, and I wanted to help my parents financially since dentistry is a well-paid profession in my country,” Bravo said in her native Spanish language. This is Bravo’s third year studying dentistry at the University of Guayaquil, and she is already giving back. Bravo and her peers conduct what she referred to as “dental brigades,” which go to an elementary school in the community to teach kids about dental hygiene, and provide them with free dental cleanings. “I like being able to help those in need even if you do not know them,” she said. Andrea Flores, another student in the program, wants to go to medical school to eventually treat sick children in her community. She said, “I want to help other people with what I learn in school Connect with Vivian and in the future help website: students just as [The University Project] twitter @CaringMagazine email: helped me.” w
Major Mary Duskin, then Heartland divisional volunteer services director, and Major Evie Diaz, Heartland divisional commander, recognize Rose Mary Hulse as Life Service Volunteer for the Central Territory in 2012 at the Peoria civic luncheon.
Committed to compassion By Curtiss A. Hartley
You can find Rose Mary Hulse, 90, out serving others homes and brings practical gifts like pencils, writing paper and stamps. When members of the corps are ill at home, almost every day. “She really is an amazing person,” said Major Donna she visits to lift their spirits and make sure they are warm and have enough food. Miller, Peoria, Ill., corps officer. “She’s always willing Hulse insists her age doesn’t slow to do anything. The phrase, ‘Compassion in action’ epitomizes Rose Mary.” her down, but her faith fuels her deMajor Curtiss A. Hartley is a Central Hulse offers a hand wherever she is needed at the sire to serve and show God’s love. Territory officer who corps, whether it be cleaning the building, helping “When people recognize that you now serves in Papua have a personal relationship with in the kitchen during birthday parties or funerals, New Guinea as territothe Lord, that means a lot,” she said. transporting people to church, or setting up a new rial director of support When Miller started a new prolibrary for the corps. services. She also visits people in the hospital and nursing gram for seniors, “Young at Heart Photos by Jeff McSweeney and Rich Draeger
Drop-In Center,” Hulse helped to get it off the ground. The Central Territory recognized her as the Life Service Volunteer in 2012. Hulse’s association with The Salvation Army goes back more than 50 years. She was first referred to a position with the Army in Peoria in 1959 while at business college. Her husband, Robert, had sustained multiple injuries from military service in Okinawa, and they had two young daughters, Rosalie and Roseann, to care for. “All [Robert’s] money went to treatment, so that’s why I went back to business college,” Hulse said. “They had this address and the name of the place, and asked me to go there and talk to them, and they hired me on the spot.” It turned out that although this was her first contact with The Salvation Army, it was not her first connection. “My great aunt and uncle were some of the first Salvationists in the U.S.,” Hulse said of Kate and Will Lane of Kansas. “They were friends of the founders, William and Catherine Booth.” Like the Booths, Hulse’s passion for volunteerism stems directly from her compassion for others. Her memories of one young mother, Marylyn, whom she helped years ago, still resonates with her. “If I only volunteered for one person, it would be for Marylyn and her three young children,” Hulse said of the family she picked up at a bus stop on a cold day. “I went
around the block and stopped to ask if someone was coming for them. She said no, that she was just going to get groceries, so I took her to Kroger to get her groceries.” Hulse continued checking in on the family, who then lived at the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) and helped them get furniture through The Salvation Army when they relocated to a housing project. She continued to buy Marylyn’s groceries until one day Hulse put Marylyn and her kids on a bus to Bradenton, Fla. “I heard from her once in awhile,” Hulse said. “Her kids were in school, and she was doing good. She would write to me, and the last Connect with Curtis line was always, ‘I website: will never forget you.’ That always email: stuck with me.” w
She would write to me, and the last line was always, ‘I will never forget you.’ That always stuck with me.
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CONNECTION INITIATIVE Western Territory aims to link 22 ARCs with nearby corps By Derek Linsell
The Western Territory annually admits 7,500 men and women into its 22 Adult Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs), a cost-free and biblically-based program to overcome addiction. Roughly 2,500 (33 percent) of these beneficiaries graduate, yet the majority are not found worshipping in one of the territory’s 249 corps—the center of Salvation Army worship, growth and social care within a community. Historically, the Army has not effectively transitioned ARC alumni to corps membership, and the Western Territory devised a plan to change this—the ARC-Corps Connection Initiative. “We have an abiding responsibility to those who are lost in their addictions and those who have found peace through God from their addictions,” said Territorial Commander
Commissioner James Knaggs. “Let us rededicate ourselves to the least, the last and the lost. Let us work in the name of Jesus with deep faith in him.” A creative caucus met in fall 2011 to discuss bridging an individual from the ARC to the corps. The two operate in separate facilities, but each acts as one-half Derek Linsell of the recovery process rather is the CEO and than the whole. The ARC proPresident of Apricot grams work toward healing, but Consulting, a global consulting firm that the standard stay is six months; works with corpoongoing care, engagement and rations and non connection is needed at the profits on innovation, corps. change manage“There are so many who ment, leadership development and come to ARCs feeling isolated corporate social from God. What are we going to responsibility. do about the distance that sepa-
rates people from God?” said Major Man-Hee Chang, ARC Commander in the West. “The ARC-Corps Connection Initiative is to build a bridge to shorten the distance, inventing a connection to lead men and women of ARCs to make a first step on the road to recovering, restoring and deepening a relationship with God in our corps.” The initiative has three goals: track graduates, educate people on recovery ministry, and help build relationships, and is being tested in three pilot locations—Honolulu, and Anaheim and Pasadena, Calif.—each with its own recovery ministry director. “There's a strong fellowship developed being in the ARC program, like being in the Marine Corps,” said Ryan Lehman, the recovery ministry director at the Anaheim-Praiseworks Corps and an ARC graduate. “They say, ‘once a Marine, always a Marine,’ and it’s the same way with the ARC. There's a camaraderie there...but to have that disappear would've been devastating to my recovery. Had I not plugged into this church, which is a recovery community, I can't say I would've succeeded in my recovery.” The ARC software underwent an upgrade to more effectively connect with graduates and non-completers of the program, a new alumni website will soon launch and ARCs are better using social networking to connect with individuals. “The upgrade allows us to more systematically share information with the nearest corps officer about family contacts they can make to support the family while the beneficiary is still in program, and then to follow-up as the beneficiary leaves the program,” said Captain Jim Boyd, ARC Command secretary for program. To educate all involved parties—cadets, officers, ministry leaders and congregation members—on the principles of recovery, the territory implemented training ranging from understanding the recovery process to how to have a conversation with a benefi-
They say, ‘once a Marine, always a Marine,’ and it’s the same way with the ARC. There’s a camaraderie there...but to have that disappear would’ve been devastating to my recovery. ciary. Prepared by the ARC Command, a trial “ARC 101” class in Southern California last spring taught 50 officers and soldiers how to work with people with addictions. At the College for Officer Training (CFOT), second-year cadets now take a required “Introduction to Addiction and Recovery” course. “The simple goal of this course is to have each cadet understand the addiction mindset; it is not simply regulated to drug and alcohol recovery but explores various other addictions as well,” said Major Tim Foley, CFOT principal. “The cadets are challenged to think ahead to their future ministries to find ways
to combat addictions, start ‘celebrate recovery’ programs and gain a greater appreciation and understanding of ARC, Harbor Light and other treatment programs operating in the Western Territory.” For the first time, cadets are also being given the opportunity to complete fieldwork placements at ARCs. On a Sunday morning at the Anaheim-Praiseworks Corps, 40 percent of the 325 attendees are from the Anaheim ARC. To create a solid salvationism foundation, the corps invites beneficiaries and congregates alike to participate in corps programs including an art show, zumba classes that meet at the ARC and a volunteer fair. “We are diligently working at connecting each individual with the best opportunity that fits individual ability, time requirements and corps need,” said Envoy Michael Freeman, ministry leader of Anaheim-Praiseworks Corps. “The more connections the better. The ARC is not ministry that our corps reaches out to, but they are part of our corps.” To include ARC beneficiaries in Sunday school classes, the Pasadena Tabernacle Corps increased its available adult classes from two to nine in addition to its five kids’ classes. Class attendance
jumped from 40 adults to 120 adults; youth attendance remained roughly 40 kids. “The ultimate goal is not just about a Sunday school lesson, but developing relationships and support and friendship,” Major Darren Norton, Pasadena Tabernacle corps officer said. “We want people from the ARC and the Tab to mix, learn each others’ names and get to know each other.” In addition, during the last three months of the program, beneficiaries now attend the Tab for Sunday school and worship, followed by a shared lunch with the congregation. In the first three months, beneficiaries attend a chapel service at the ARC. “When a guy or lady completes the ARC program after six months, I want very much for him or her to think, ‘Where else would I go to church but at the Tab? That’s my family,’” Norton said. Honolulu is connecting beneficiaries to corps close to his or her home to aid a more seamless integration post-graduation, and is inviting families to take part in corps activities and ministries. Many beneficiaries have joined with youth missions program Revolution Hawaii to connect with the area’s homeless individuals. Results are evident at the pilot sites as individuals are coming to corps deliberately, and being connected. The initiative will soon expand to San Diego and Phoenix as it spreads across the territory, connecting ARCs and corps alike. Corps are also looking at ways to provide housing and employment to graduates as data reveals the significant impact an extra six months emphasizing sober living and employment can have on a graduate. “God did not allow Cain to evade responsibility when he asked, ‘Am I my brother's keeper?’ We have an obligation to each other,” Chang said. “When we are in genuine, Christ-directed relationships with others, all holding responsibility to each other, providing for the basic needs of others, we will find love and fulfillment in our mission.” Then, Chang said, we can all share the same testimony:“Your Connect with Derek people will be website: my people, and twitter @InnovateApricot your God my email: God” (Ruth 1:16 NIV). w Photos by John Docter
Reflections of a Former Atheist By Robert Docter
The story of one second chance is captured in a new Frontier Press title, Reflections of a Former Atheist, by Major Glen Doss. In it, Doss tells a story of the war between belief and nonbelief. How does one move from a childhood belief system, fully accepting Christian principles, into a posture of atheistic nonbelief and total rejection of the prior belief system? Growing up, Doss read major works by major authors in his deep, hidden sanctuary within a “patch of woods” near the family’s southern Arkansas farm. He wrestled with deep thoughts, trying to make sense of life and of God. “Few things are as intoxicating as a teenagers first taste of arrogance,” he writes, realizing that his “new god was none other than—myself.” He made what he describes as an exhilarating leap both into maturity and to atheism. Much of the book deals with Doss’s life in the military, where he was stationed with the Air Force from 1967-1968 at Bien Hoa, Vietnam. In major battles, wherein he saw “hoochmates” killed, his responsibility was often to carry the dead or dying to an aid station. As the battles raged, some soldiers sobbed, screamed and cried. “And then there was Joe;” as Doss describes: “When the world around us seemed to be falling apart, Joe went about his day unperturbed.” Doss said to him once, “While the rest of us are shaking in our boots, wondering if our number is going to be up next, or getting drunk at the club— doing just about anything to keep our sanity, you sit calmly reading your Bible, maintaining that steady, unworried demeanor. Why is that?” “I place my trust in God, and I believe he will do what’s best, and he knows what that is far better than I do. So, why should I worry,” Joe said. Doss replied, “Okay, that may work for you; me, I don’t believe in God.”
So I’ve heard,” Joe said. “I know—and how is that going?” Doss writes that he immediately felt angry: “He challenged my assumptions, my fundamental worldview—and suddenly I grew insecure.” After the war, Doss’s absence of faith made him feel powerless as his travels as an editor/reporter for Stars and Stripes brought him into proximity with desperate and hurting people. He did not like himself, and seemed disgusted with his arrogance. Time moved on. Now married with two children, Doss brought his self-contempt home, unable to show much affection, lost in his own loathing. Battling the idea of suicide, Doss checked himself into the Naval Hospital in San Diego. A year later, with his family gone, his anxiety and discontent elevated. By summer 1986, his resources were exhausted and he recognized that the “death wish was winning.” Then Scripture came to him—Be still, and know that I am God (Ps. 46:10a NIV). Repeating the verse, Doss writes that the experience was “a warm, warm feeling of familiarity.” A bolt of “sheer energizing power” shot through him, and “I was overcome by waves of refreshing grace.” The new convert needed a church, and it had to be one that existed for “helping hurting, suffering, broken people—not simply to preach and pastor.” Through an article in People Magazine that described the election of Eva Burrows as General, Doss found The Salvation Army. He researched the organization and began attending the San Diego Citadel Corps where he was introduced to all things Army. Within a few years, Doss felt a call to full-time ministry and entered training. Ordained and commissioned two years later, he began putting his own “practical Christianity” into action. w Robert Docter, Ph.D., is the editor in chief of New Frontier Publications. Connect with Bob website: twitter: @CaringMagazine email:
TO VIEW IN PRINT THE JUST CHURCH by Jim Martin (Tyndale Momentum, 2012) is the latest work by the International Justice Mission, sharing tangible, accessible strategies to help your church respond to God’s call to seek justice, defend the widow and orphan, and rescue the oppressed in far-off places and right in your own community. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE: FINDING YOUR TRUE IDENTITY IN CHRIST by Mark Driscoll (Thomas Nelson, 2013) delves into what it specifically means to be “in Christ”? He provides the secret to shedding false identity: understanding that a Christian’s most pronounced form of identity is based on what Christ has already accomplished. OPERATION SCREWTAPE: THE ART OF SPIRITUAL WAR by Andrew Farley (Baker Books, 2013) channels the brilliance
of C.S. Lewis by communicating scholarly theological concepts of spiritual warfare with clarity. He implores the reader to discover the victory over spiritual darkness that has been secured by Christ, so that they may rest more confidently in the fact that they are more than flesh. GOD IS ALIVE AND WELL by Frank Newport (Gallup Press, 2012) is grounded in more than a million Gallup interviews, arguing that the aging of the baby boomers, the influx of Hispanic immigrants and the links between religion and health could portend a bright future for faith in America, which could be on the cusp of a religious renaissance. SALVATION SOLDIERY by William Booth (Salvo Publishing, 2012), subtitled “A series of addresses on the requirements of Jesus Christ’s service,” is something of a hidden secret in Army literature, but is reprinted now as its themes and lessons are as pertinent today as they were in Booth’s time.
ON THE WEB—To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, selfinjury and suicide. Take a look at the 2013 Heavy and Light tour, and expect an interview with the founder in the Summer issue of Caring.—This network provides a variety of services and resources across 16 countries to address the pervasive employment gap faced by the world’s poor.—Founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective: to create boutiquequality, classically crafted eyewear at a revolutionary price point. For every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need.
GOD’S WARRIORS travels to six countries on four continents with CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour to examine the intersection between religion and politics and the effects of Christianity, Islam and Judaism on politics, culture and public life. Watch the series at category/gods-warriors/.
STORYCORPS SHORTS: SEPTEMBER 11 STORIES is a collection of memories about those lost. Since 2005, StoryCorps and the National September 11 Memorial and Museum have worked to record at least one story to honor each life lost. Watch the award-winning shorts at pov/storycorps911/ and listen to recorded stories at topics/september-11/. BROOKLYN CASTLE follows five members of the chess team at an inner city junior high school that has won more national championships than any other in the country. The kids’ dedication to chess magnifies their belief in what is possible for their lives. Watch the trailer at
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