Thursday, May 8, 2014
SHS duo off to Austin Political Ad paid for
by friends
Council of Tom Clayton for City
Page 13A
Election Day is Saturday May 10
ESD1 honors its B.E.S.T.
Page 1B
Volume 51 Number 3
$1 Springtown, Texas 76082
Out at First
BY NATALIE GENTRY It’s decision time. Voters will head to the polls from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, May 10, to determine who will represent them in one place on the Springtown City Council and three places on the Reno Council. In Springtown incumbent Tony D. Smith will run against Tom Clayton for Place 3. Two seats went unchallenged. Annette Burk in Place 1 and Greg Hood in Place 5 are unopposed. In the city of Reno, incumbent Ken Parnell is challenged by Carol HouliPLEASE SEE ELECTION, PAGE 3A.
Hitting the road for Jesus Each Monday local folks walk and pray for Springtown BY MARK K. CAMPBELL The Tabernacle is an appropriate meeting place. Every Monday, without fail, Christians of all ages settle into pews downtown and prepare to fan out over Springtown, seeking blessings for the area. It’s called the Move, Pray, Obey prayer walking ministry and Mary Orms is a believer. Most of those that gather at the Tabernacle each Monday at 6 p.m. are from First Baptist Church of Springtown. But all are welcome to become part of “Team MPO,” Orms said. Beginnings Orms is a runner, and she said she became convicted when out for a jog in 2011. “The Lord just put it on my heart. I was asking: ‘How do I love people that I don’t know?’ “He said, ‘You pray for them.’”
During Springtown’s second bi-district game, a Graham Steer rumbles down the SHS base paths, but Porcupine fi rst baseman Russell Gideon made the putout by a whisker. STORY ON PAGE 13A. Photo by Mark K. Campbell
Orms prayed as she ran and she said she soon was shown that positive things were happening in those peoples’ lives because of the prayers. She then took what she believed was the next step. “When you take one step of obedience, you can then take the next step.” That sent her to Pastor Hal Kinkeade at First Baptist Church of Springtown. Orms attends there. “He told me to bring it as a ministry. He was very much in agreement with it, because the Lord had been putting similar things on his heart.”
All a-buzz
BY NATALIE GENTRY When it was all said and done, Heather Williams couldn’t believe she had sat still and allowed someone to shave her head. “I’m bald,” Williams said with a laugh. “I sat there looking at my daughter while they did it and just kept saying ‘I love you.’” For Williams, love is what the One Mission Kid’s Cancer Buzz-Off was all about. Expansion She said it was a chance to do On Aug. 26, 2013, Team MPO something to help others, and to started its town walks. continue to help even after the event Since then, the group has met every was over. Monday – with a single exception. “Words can’t describe how amaz“The ice storm,” Orms said. “I ing the experience was,” she said. went out to run that day and fell; it was just too bad. We made it up on
Springtown woman shaves head to support kids with cancer
“There were so many people there giving their hair and their time to raise money for such a wonderful cause.” Williams and the other “buzzees” – as those who have their heads shaved are called – have until October to continue raising money to help pediatric cancer patients and their families. “So far, I’ve raised $690,” she said. “But I’ve heard that now that it’s done a lot of people receive most of their donations. “Other people can see that it really did happen and that this is a legitimate event and they are inspired to give,” Williams continued.
All in all, a total of $130,000 was raised and 211 heads were shaved on May 4 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. The event was slated to raise awareness and money for patients and their families at the Pauline Allen Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. When asked if she will do it again Williams said, “I’ll either do it again next year or help others raise money.” She said she’d like to wait until her hair is long enough to give as well. “I want to help in some capacity,” she continued. “My youngest daughter is determined to do it next year so maybe I’ll be helping her raise money.” To help Williams continue to raise funds, visit her personal Buzz-Off webpage at: http:// m y. e 2 r m . c o m / P e r s o n a l P a g e . aspx?registrationID=2198037.
Heather Williams had her head shaved during the Kid’s Cancer Mary Orms said God answered her question about how to help her Buzz-Off at the AT&T Stadium in Arlington on May 4. Williams participated in the event in honor of her mother who died of leukemia neighbors; she leads a local prayer walk group. Photo by Mark K. Campbell in 2010.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
Getting Ready to Make a Splash
NEWS DIGEST Cheerleader car wash here May 10 Springtown High School cheerleaders will wash and dry cars for donations Saturday, May 10 at the POJO Car Wash. Funds raised will go toward cheer camp. The event runs from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at 429 E. Hwy. 199.
SISD awards days are May 15-16 With School Board Achievement Award certificates, the SISD will recognize students who have won or advanced beyond the district level in academic and co-curricular activities that offer post-district competition. Awards will be given at the high school Thursday, May 15 at a 7 p.m. assembly at the SHS auditorium. On Friday, May 16, board trustees will pass out certificates to seventh graders at 8:30 a.m. and eighth graders at 9:30. at the Springtown Middle School cafeteria. The public is invited to both events.
JH Honor Society induction moved Springtown Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society induction date has been moved from May 20 to Monday, May 19. The time remains the same, 7 p.m.
May 23 last testing signup date Registration for the July TAKS exit level testing for those out of school continues until May 23 at 5 p.m. Sign up online at or register in person on the day of testing at Springtown High School. The TAKS exit level English language arts and/or math dates are July 7-9. Those who were formerly tested under TAAS and TEAMS will take the appropriate level TAKS test. On test day, arrive at SHS at least 30 minutes before the test time. A photo ID is required: driver’s license, DPS ID, military ID, school ID, or resident alien card. Contact SHS campus test coordinator Tammy Shaw – – for more information.
The Splashpad in Springtown Park remains on schedule for its Memorial Day opening. Workers still scurry around the facility daily, getting it ready for the water park’s premiere later this month. Photos by Mark K. Campbell
It’s a ‘Turf’ Job What a difference a few days make. The field turf at Porcupine Stadium was completely stripped Friday, May 9. Four days later, workers had already resurfaced the field and were laboring at making fine tunes on the turf. The entire replacement process was done at no cost to the school district, Superintendent Mike Kelley said. Photos by Mark K. Campbell
Election Day is this Saturday, May 10 at City Hall.
“I have done my part, now it’s up to you, please don’t miss out on your one last chance in this election to make the change and elect a councilman who has and will always stand up for and with the people, promote and help you with your business, apply the laws and rules fairly and equally across the board, never using my elected position to benefit myself directly or using the power granted a councilman by the voters as a hammer against anyone, citizen or not.”
Thank you for your support
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Local man charged felony injury to child by NATALIE GENTRy Randall Jamal Sloan, 25, was arrested on May 2 and charged with first-degree felony injury to a child with intent to cause serious bodily injury or mental anguish after he allegedly broke the leg of a 4-year-old girl while she was in his care. According to investigator Josh Pitman with the Parker County Sheriff’s Office, Sloan was watching his girlfriend’s 4-year-old daughter and the couple’s younger children at their home in the 100 block of Every Monday at 6 p.m., members of Team MPO – Move, Pray, Obey, adorned in neon Jody Lane when the incident yellow t-shirts – fan out from the Tabernacle to cover Springtown in prayer. occurred. Photo by Mark K. Campbell The girl’s mother told investigators that the four year old was fine that morning when the mother left for work around 6 a.m. She said her daughter ran to her and gave her a hug and kiss before she left. Sloan reportedly called the girl’s mother around noon and
Each Monday local folks walk and pray n EACH, FROM PAGE ONE.
that Friday, though.” She added, “Every single week, we have covered Springtown in prayer.” This isn’t just a Baptist thing, Orms said. “We’re all about the unity of the body of Christ and how much power there is in bringing the whole body together,” she said. Before the team splits up from the Tabernacle, a short devotional is conducted. Then, the group – includ-
ing a 92-year-old woman, a preacher in a back brace, and a man with a prosthetic leg – splits up and ventures forth into various parts of Springtown. They don’t knock doors. But they will approach someone working in their yard, for instance, Orms said, and ask if they can pray for them. “Nine out of ten times, they say yes,” Orms said, noting that everyone has something they need prayer for.
said he had spanked the child and now her leg was swelling and she was having trouble walking. According to the report, the mother called a family member to take the girl to the hospital while she drove from her work in Irving to meet them there. Sloan reportedly told investigators that he had pulled the girl off the couch by her leg while attempting to discipline her and about 20 minutes later noticed her leg was swollen. Dr. Jayme Coffman, a doctor with Cook Children’s Hospital Child Advocacy Resources and Evaluation (CARE) Team reported that the girl had a fractured left femur and bruising on her abdomen, lower back, and buttocks. According to Coffman the broken bone was consistent with a non-accident injury. The doctor also noted that the injury would require a great
Joining up Anyone interested in Team MPO can contact Orms at A weekly email is sent to all. “We will be here every Monday at 6 o’clock,” she said, adding that when the time changes, the group meets at 5 p.m. “We’ve walked in the dark. We’ve walked in the rain. We’ve walked in the snow when it was 27 degrees. “There has not been a Monday when we did not cover this city in prayer.”
Randall Jamal Sloan, of Azle was arrested May 2 and charged with felony injury to a child with intent to cause serious bodily injury or mental anguish. Photo courtesy of the Parker County Jail.
deal of force to inflict. According to the Parker County Sheriff’s Office Sloan denied causing the marks on the child’s abdomen. As of May 6, Sloan remained in the Parker County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bond.
RV Blaze
Election Day fast approaching Springtown residents will vote at City Hall, located at 102 East 2nd Street in Springtown. han, Reno voters should vote at Reno City Hall, loThe race in Place 3 pits incumbent Bonnie cated at 195 W. Reno Road in Reno. Firefighters from Springtown and La Junta work to extinguish a Recreational Vehicle Black against challengers G.G. “Randy” Martin, The Springtown Independent School District (RV) in the 100 block of Howard Newby Road at 2:15 on May 1. No one was injured III and Gilbert Morrow. as well as the town of Sanctuary canceled their and the flames were contained to the vehicle and carport. Photo by Natalie Gentry Billie Steele, incumbent in Place 5, retains her general elections since no there were no chalseat, unopposed. lenges to incumbents. n ELECTION, FROM PAGE ONE.
Springtown Epigraph
Published weekly at 109 First Street, Springtown, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Springtown, Texas, 76082. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 557, Springtown, Texas 76082 USPS No. 964-220
109 East First Street Annual subscription rates: $36 Parker, Wise and Tarrant counties ($32.50 P.O. Box 557 Springtown, Texas 76082 senior citizens 65 and older); $42.50 elsewhere in and outside Texas. Phone:817- 220-7217 The Epigraph does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements Fax: 817- 523-4457
beyond the cost of the advertisement itself. Any erroneous reflection upon the character or reputation of any person or firm appearing in this newspaper will be corrected when called to the attention of the publisher.
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The entire content of each issue of The Springtown Epigraph is protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the publisher.
© 2014 The Springtown Epigraph
“Twice Is Nice” Antiques & Collectibles
113 S. 1st Street • Springtown (On the Square)
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas Property Code, INNERSPACE STORAGE which is located at 1905 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, Texas 76082 will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Sale will be at 10:00 a.m. on May 24, 2014 at 1905 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, Texas 76082. Property will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. Seller reserves the right to not accept any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property in each space may be sold item-by-item, in batches or by the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces(s) of the tenant listed below, with brief description of contents in the space(s). TENANT’S COMPLETE NAME as shown on rental agreement: WANDA & JONNY HEARN; ADAM KINSEY; FRANCES WILSON; TIMOTHY ROGERS; RACHEL GARCIA; MARK ASHBURN - All household goods. SPRINGTOWN-GOSHEN CEMETERY ASSOCIATION will have their annual business meeting and luncheon. Bring a covered dish and your drinks on May 18th, about noon. We will provide paper goods and ice. Location: Goshen Cemetery. Come and join us! If you need any further information, please feel free to contact Dianne at 817-597-1530. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On May 19, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. the City of Springtown Zoning Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing and consider a request for a zoning variance to allow a detached 1-room apartment on the property at 118 N. Avenue C, Springtown, Texas, also known as a part of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1 of the Mary E. Wright Addition, Parker County, Texas. This meeting will take place in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 102 E. Second Street.
Springtown 3x5
BREAKFAST PRICES EC-12th Grade.........$1.50 Reduced ......$.30 Adult ..........$2.00
SCHOOL MENU MAY 12 - MAY 16 EC through 12th GRADE
LUNCH PRICES EC-4th Grade ...... $2.00 5th-12th Grade ..... $2.25 Reduced ..............$0.40 Adult .................... $3.25 Students may prepay for their meals.
PK - 12th GRADE
BREAKFAST: Everyday - Various Juices & Cereals, Toast, Milk Variety, Jelly Assortment, Buttermilk Biscuit, 100% Apple Juice MONDAY - Cheese Sticks, Toast, Cocoa Puffs Cereal TUESDAY - Sweet Roll, Apple Cinnamon Cereal, Toast WEDNESDAY - Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Cocoa Puffs Cereal, Apple THURSDAY - Pancakes, Toast, Cocoa Puffs Cereal, Fruit Cocktail Cup FRIDAY - Breakfast Stick, Toast, Cocoa Puffs Cereal, Pear Cup
PK - 8th GRADE Everyday - Choice of one meat, two vegetables, and one grain/bread with milk
MONDAY - Cheese Pizza, Breaded Chicken, Cheeseburger, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Carrots, Rosey Applesauce, Wheat Roll TUESDAY - Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Roasted Broccoli, Pinto Beans, Tater Tots, Mandarin Oranges, Wheat Roll WEDNESDAY - Steakfingers, Popcorn Chicken, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Pear Cup, Wheat Roll THURSDAY - Taco Salad, Refried Beans, Chicken Fried Steak Sandwich, Corn, Orange FRIDAY - Cheese Pizza, Hamburger, Broccoli, Baby Carrots, Apple
9th - 12th GRADE MONDAY - Nachos, Chef Salad, Hamburger, Ranch Style Beans, Corn on the Cob, Peach Cup, Orange TUESDAY - Pica De Gallo Chicken, Chicken Fried Steak, Pojo Sandwich, Broccoli, Carrots, Black Beans, Fruit Cocktail, Mandarin Oranges WEDNESDAY - Chicken Nuggets, Corn Dogs, Chef Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Spinach, Baby Carrots, Pear Cup, Wheat Roll THURSDAY - Taco Salad, Asian Chicken, Mixed Vegetables, Broccoli, Refried Beans, Apple, Banana, Rice, Wheat Roll, Brown Gravy FRIDAY - Cheese Pizza, Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Sweet Potato, Green Beans, Garden Salad, Applesauce, Banana, Breadstick
This menu is sponsored by ...
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*Menus are subject to change.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
Building a Springtown-based board game no trivial pursuit by Natalie GeNtry Game on. The Springtown Elementary School (SES) third and fourth grade Gifted and Talented (GT) class is creating a game titled “Go Round Springtown” that will feature business cards from local business. The project combines two standards from the Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) including building busibrian Hulett, new head football coach/athletic director, ness and city planning. “The students took their interests in both spoke to the Springtown Optimist club about his sportelements and decided to make a game ing philosophy. Photo by Mark K. Campbell about businesses in Springtown, including the concept of City Planning and the very special landmark of our hometown and school, Walnut Creek,” said SES GT coordinator, Mary Vallari. “They also incorporated the animals that live in the creek into the game based on information that was shared with them from
New coach: Kids 1st, wins 2nd by mark k. campbell Since taking the reins as Springtown’s latest head football coach/athletic director, Brian Hulett has been making the rounds in town. He has spoken to several gatherings and stopped by the Optimist Club May 6. Hulett lauded his predecessor, Brad Turner, and added that he is installing his own fitness mindset that includes improved strength and conditioning. The new coach/AD said he is bothered by the “myth of the old coach,” that it’s all about “just winning games. I’m on a mission to get rid of that stigma.” Hulett watched his father coach for 39 years – 31 as an athletic director. “I learned a lot of things from him, good and bad.” An only child, Hulett said his small town upbringing – he graduated from SpringlakeEarth High School in far West Texas – meant he participated in almost everything that came along. He played all sports, showed animals, competed in UIL contests, and even was a groundbreaker by signing up for what was then known as Home Ec., he said. “I think I’ve done everything you can do,” he chuckled. Hulett began his coaching career in Cisco – “a great place” – then headed to Pampa for 18 months. From there, he ventured to Eastland for six and a half years. “I came back right down the road from my main rival,” he said of the Eastland-Cisco duel. Now that he’s in Springtown, Hulett said his family is in the process of buying a home here. And he’s a fan of Springtown’s youth. “I like our kids,” he said. But an athletic culture change is coming. “I talked to our seniors,” he said. “I told them the change would be hardest on them, that I’m asking them to change.” Hulett noted that “our physical fitness is not where it needs to be” and “we’ve got a ways to go.” He has implemented a “new age meets Olympics” attitude. The new fitness concept ap-
plies to more than football players. The AD said he invited basketball players to join the workouts, too. He said about 130 youths are currently working out. Hulett said he also impressed on the Porcupines that they represent Springtown “where you are, all the time. We’re trying to ‘train the brain.’ “I take a hardline on discipline – and making kids act right – over wins. I think in the long run, the community will buy into that. “I was clear with Mr. [Mike] Kelley [SISD superintendent] when we went through the hiring process that if you wanted a win-first person, don’t call on me. I can’t be who I’m not.” What kind of football team will Hulett lead on the newly refurbished Porcupine Stadium field Aug. 29 against Decatur? It will depend on the kids, he said. “I don’t think set offenses win – kids win,” he said. Those kids will undergo a summertime fitness routine called POJO Maker and some will play 7-on-7 football as well. By Aug. 29, Hulett’s new staff will be in place, months of strength and conditioning will be completed, and a new mindset installed for Porcupine athletics. The Hulett era will begin.
the first and second grade GT class through their projects on the water and animals in Walnut Creek, she said.” The game itself has characters which are either evil or good. These characters have the ability to morph in and out of animal or supernatural form on their quest to get to Walnut Creek first by drawing student-created playing cards. The outcome of Walnut Creek depends on whether a good guy or bad guy pulls the succession of cards needed to win the game. A good guy saves Walnut Creek for the community to continue to enjoy, but a bad guy wins, has the right to privately develop the creek for his personal use. “These kids have been very creative and have come up with all of these very innovative and original ideas,” Vallari said. “I
have merely facilitated when necessary. It is their game.” In addition the students created a company to market their game. They had to select positions and create a logo or slogan – “Cuz Run is Our Game” – as well as a jingle and an advertisement. The students also had to decide who to market their game to, develop a budget, and create the prototype of their game. This prototype had to include setup, rules, playing pieces or cards, and the game board itself. The SES GT third and fourth grade class includes: Marleigh Applebee, Lillian Beck, Kasie Burk, Zoe Eudey, Kaidence Jones, Jasmine Roach, Kenzie Rowell, Logan Shaw, and Todd Smith. “Go Round Springtown” will be on display May 20 during the SISD GT Showcase at Springtown High School.
Crawdad Boil at Brookshire’s
the first-ever crawdad boil at the Springtown brookshire’s was a huge success. Store manager mark baumann was pleased, and surprised, with the speed that the shellfish sold. “We bought five sacks (30 pounds each) and the first one was gone in about 25 minutes.” baumann said. all five sold in approximately an hour and a half. “i definitely want to Amy Kaplan, State Farm have another boil later in Agency is proud to introthe month before the sea- duce Sandra Luevano. son ends.” baumann said. Sandra brings 10 years Photo by Natalie Gentry experience as a State Farm representative. Fluent in spanish, Sandra 817-677-2494 is licensed in property/ 2505 E. Hwy. 199 casualty and life/health Springtown policies. Sandra is also State Farm Bank Certified. Sandra is eager to help Above Ground Pools, Hot Tubs & Custom Decks you with all your insurance needs. Stop by and say hello and see how she can No Credit Check 0% Interest help you today!
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For over 75 years, the Tabernacle has served as the spiritual and cultural heart of Springtown. Renovations have begun to preserve her for future generations. You can help make this a reality while at the same time enjoying some great food. Each Tuesday during the month of May, Texas Bistro And Café will donate a portion of all proceeds to the TABERNACLE RESTORATION FUND. Have a heart and do your part by visiting Texas Bistro And Café each Tuesday in May. Thank you Texas Bistro And Café !
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Springtown observes Day of Prayer by carla noah stutsman As in years past, Springtownians gathered early on the morning of Thursday, May 1 to pray together on the National Day of Prayer. A delicious breakfast and plenty of hot coffee helped wake the sleepyheads in the bunch. Johnnie Conway, Pastor of Hilltop Family Church and emcee for the prayer breakfast, kicked things off with welcoming remarks. The invocation was delivered by Danny Morrow, Pastor of Fundamental Baptist Church. Door prizes were plentiful and Conway enlisted help from his wife and granddaughter to hand them all out. The Springtown Elementary School Children’s Choir, led by Sallie McPhetridge, sang “God Bless America” prior to the Pledge to the American Flag, led by Kallie Conway. the springtown Elementary school children’s choir performed “God bless america” and the national anthem at the national Day of Prayer breakfast. The choir then sang The National Anthem which was followed by the Pledge to the Christian Flag. John Forrest, Parker County Attorney, delivered the keynote remarks. Forrest spoke about the importance of strong Christian leadership. A video message from the National Day of Prayer prefaced prayers delivered by spiritual leaders in the community, including: • Hal Kinkeade, Pastor of First Baptist Church, who prayed for the President and leaders of our nation, state, county, and local cities. • Conway, Senior Pastor of Hilltop, prayed for churches, Neighbor to Neighbors, and Cares and Shares. • Ken Roe, Elder at Springtown Church of Christ, prayed for the U.S. Military. • Josh Richards, representing Cornerstone Community Church, prayed for families. • Mike Kelley, SISD Superintendent, prayed for students, teachers, faculty, staff, and parents in the educational system. • Mark Campbell, editor of the Springtown Epigraph and The Azle News, prayed for the media. • Gary Veazey, Pastor of Outreach of Love Church, prayed for local businesses and the Springtown Area Chamber of Commerce. • Mark Krey, Springtown City Administrator, prayed for police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. Signifying the end of the service, a message in song was performed by Shannon Veazey, Worship Minister at Outreach of shannon Veazey sang for those who came together to Love Church. The benediction was delivered by Vaughn Baker, Pastor of Silpray at springtown’s prayer breakfast. Photos by Carla Noah Stutsman ver Creek Methodist Church.
The theme for this year’s National Day of Prayer was One Voice United in Prayer. That theme was complemented by scripture found in Romans 15:6, which says “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
John Forrest, Parker county attorney, delivered the keynote address at springtown’s national Day of Prayer celebration thursday, may 1.
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Friday, May 9, 2014 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. refreshments will be served.
HERRING BANK 108 Industrial Ave. • Azle
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Obituaries Roy A. McRoberts
Nelwyn Sherrill Tharpe
Herby Wood
April 28, 2014 at home. more than ten years. Sherrill graveside service will be held Memorial service was at 2 loved to quilt and faithfully read at Azleland Memorial. A mep.m. Wednesday in Alexander’s the Bible every morning. Bemorial service will be held SatMidway Funeral Home Chapel. ing an outdoors enthusiast, she urday, May 10, 2014 at 2 p.m. Roy was born July 24, 1943 spent many hours sitting on the at Azle Christian Church, 117 in Jacksboro to Beauford T. and porch enjoying the birds. Church St. Azle, Texas 76020. Dorothy E. McKown McRobSherill was preceded in death Herby was born in Fort Worth erts. They both preceded him in by her parents; and a brother, and lived in Azle all his life. death along with his first wife, Bobby Joe Branch. Survivors include parents; Geneva McRoberts. Survivors include daughHerby and Deborah Wood sibSurvivors include wife, Laters, Theresa Arnold and husling; Wayne Wood many aunts, nette; children, Barry, Freddy, band, Bobby, of Springtown uncles and cousins from Azle Leslie and Michael; siblings, and Sandy Cobb and husband, and the surrounding areas. Bill, Donna and Tommy; nuPatrick, of Red Oak; grandchilmerous grandchildren and dren, Madelynn Herndon and The Springtown Epigraph, Herby Wood, 39 of Azle great-grandchildren and many husband, Tyler, of Springtown, died May 3, 2014. A private May 8, 2014 Edition Roy A. McRoberts, 70, a lov- friends. Nelwyn Sherrill Tharpe, 71, Shelby Arnold of Springtown, ing husband, father, brother, beloved mother and grandmoth- Timothy Cobb, Tyler Cobb, grandfather and great-grandThe Springtown Epigraph, er, passed away Sunday, May 4, Natalie Cobb and Jenny Cobb father, passed away Monday, May 8, 2014 Edition 2014, after a long struggle with all of Red Oak; siblings, Lee cancer. Branch and wife, Jane of MagFuneral services will be held nolia, Arkansas, Donald Branch at 10 a.m. Friday in the sanc- of DeBerry, Diane Branch, tuary of Springtown Baptist Wayne Branch and wife, Dedi Temple, 201 J E Woody Road, of Springtown, Michael Branch Springtown. Interment at Spring and wife, Janice of Kilgore, Creek Cemetery in Weather- Ronnie Branch and wife, Linda after a courageous nine year ford. Visitation from 6 to 8 p.m. of Stephenville, Dieanne MidThursday at the church. dleton and husband Donald Ray battle with cancer. Sherrill was born Sept. 28, of Granbury; numerous nieces Funeral services were held at 11 a.m., Tuesday at Alexan- 1942, in Richland Parish, Loui- and nephews; and a host of lovder’s Midway Funeral Home siana, daughter of the late Har- ing family and friends. Chapel, with burial immediate- rel and Maggie Branch. She 1-800-593-2747 The Springtown Epigraph, ly following at Jaybird Cem- was a dedicated member of the Springtown Baptist Temple for May 8, 2014 Edition etery. James R. Plowman She was an avid musician Norma Plowman who played the upright and electric bass in numerous 913 N. Elm St. bands, but bluegrass held a speWeatherford, TX 76086 cial place in her heart. Beverly was preceded in Our family serving your family since 1908 death by her father, Dallas Allen. Survivors include daughter, Alisha Polly; mother, Bille Beverly Allen Polly, 51, Massey Allen and brother Brad passed away into the arms of Allen. angels at her home peacefully The Springtown Epigraph, with her family by her side, May 8, 2014 Edition Wednesday, April 30, 2014,
Beverly Allen Polly 2014
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Liver Infection: Management Options Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by a virus. This type of infection can go undetected in the human body for years before there is any sign of liver damage. Signs and symptoms of the infection may include feelings of tiredness, fever, loss of appetite and yellowing of the skin and eyes. Hepatitis C can be transmitted when an infected person’s blood gets contaminated with a healthy person’s blood. This may occur as the result of an accident in a healthcare facility among health care workers themselves, sharing dirty needles from illicit drug use, or a blood transfusion. Transmission via transfusions occurs less now with new standards of care in place. Complications of hepatitis C may include scarring of the liver and liver failure. Many people who are infected with hepatitis C may not require treatment as long as the liver is not impaired. Blood tests are used to monitor the status of the virus. Treatment for hepatitis C typically requires a combination of drugs. Ribavirin (Rebetol, Virazole) is usually used in combination with Peginterferon Alfa-2a (Pegasys). Ribavirin helps kill the virus by causing mutations in the viral DNA. Peginterferon helps boost the immune system to fight the virus. The FDA recently approved two new treatments for hepatitis C. They are sofosbuvir and simeprivir.
The City of Springtown, Texas, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING to allow public comment on a Texas Community Development Program infrastructure project (TCDP Contract No. 711451). The project involved sewer system improvements. The intent of the public hearing is to review program performance and receive public comments. The public hearing shall be as follows: DATE: May 19, 2014 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: City of Springtown City Hall, 102 East Second Street, Springtown, Texas Should you not be able to attend and wish to comment, please mail your comments to City of Springtown City Hall, Post Office Box 444, Springtown, Texas 76082.
Location: Hilltop Family Church 1227 Cottondale Rd Saturday, May 10, 2014 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Springtown Volunteer Fire Department Carter BloodCare Bus Contact: Kevin Fisher (817) 694-7583 or for information 800-366-2834
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
End-of-year activities for SISD highlighted By Natalie GeNtry As the school year winds down campuses in the Springtown Independent School District (SISD) gear up for their ‘end-of-year’ events. While all schools in the district will be closed on May 26 for Memorial Day and have a two-hour early release on May 30 – the last day of school – many other activities are specific to each school. Springtown High School The SHS Band will have drum major tryouts on May 8. May 10 is the day of the SHS Dance banquet at the Texas Star Ranch, and the SHS Choir banquet in the cafeteria. The National Honor Society induction ceremony will be on May 13 in the auditorium at 7 p.m. May 15 is the day of the Academic Award Ceremony, which will take place in the auditorium at 7 p.m. The SHS Choir concert is set for the auditorium at 7 p.m. on May 16, while the band banquet will be in the cafeteria on May 17. Baccalaureate is May 18 in the auditorium at 7 p.m. On May 19, the FFA Awards Ceremony is slated for the SHS cafeteria. May 22 is the day of the SHS band concert, and May 23 is the set date for the SHS dance spring recital in the auditorium at 7p.m. Graduation is on May 31 at the Porcupine Stadium at 8 p.m.
On May 16 the awards day will take place at 8:30 a.m.11:00 a.m. and the Peer Assistance & Leadership banquet will kick off at 6 p.m. SMS National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony will be held on May 20 at 7 p.m. The SMS band concert will be held on May 22 at SHS. Finally the eighth grade Promotional Day of Celebration is May 23 at iT’Z Indoor Family Fun Center in Fort Worth. Springtown Intermediate School On May 9 the fifth grade honor choir will go to the Sandy Lake competition and the sixth grade band will go to the NRH20 band competition. The sixth grade choir heads to the NRH20 competition May 16 and the Green Club will visit the Grapevine Aquarium. May 22, is fourth grade Orientation Night at 6:30 p.m. Celebrations and Rewards Day is on May 23. May 27 is the fifth and sixth grade recognition assemblies and the sixth grade Fine Arts Night (Art, Band, Choir). The time for this event is still to be determined.
Goshen Creek Elementary School The Welcome to Kindergarten Program is May 8 at 5:45 p.m., with the Kindergarten musical following at 6:30 p.m. May 16 is field day. The awards ceremonies for first, second, and third grades Springtown Middle School The SMS choir concert is on will be on May 29 with the ceremonies for kindergarten and May 12, at 6 p.m.
Bike Rodeo returns May 16 2 rides to be given away again this year
The annual Bike Rodeo is not only fun for features. When a bike has been safety-approved and inyoungsters but is conducted with safety in mind. fourth grade on May 30. It is slated for Friday, May 16 at 4 p.m. at the spected, the owner can take a spin through an obstacle course set up nearby. old Hinkle Elementary, 516 East 3rd Street. Reno Elementary School Not only is everyone given free water, but two As he has for decades, Dr. Larry Murphy inLate night Thursday Kinder- vites all local young bicycle riders to get their new bicycles will be given away at the Bike Rogarten registration is May 8 un- rides checked out for free. deo. til 7 p.m. Murphy has conducted the event for 30 years, Murphy and his helpers make sure kids’ bikes May 22 is Jeans for Troops are safe; they check out chains, tires, and other in conjunction with elementary PTAs. Day; staff may wear jeans in exchange for $5 donation in support of GI GO Fund. See details at Reno Play Day is May 23. On May 27 RES will host In The summer camps season sports camps, each child after N’ Out Burger Cookout Trailer as well as a fitness program for the first one registered can at- Elite volleyball Fundraiser at 5-6:30 p.m. The Springtown youths overseen by tend at half price. Once again, SHS head event is $5 per ticket. The traditional camp slate be- volleyball coach Leighann new head football coach Brian May 27 is also the Reno Hulett begins in early June. gins with volleyball for grades Strickland has invited a pair Rocket Celebration. 4-9. Slated for the SHS gym, of successful women to lead The end-of-year parties will POJO Maker the fee is $50. It runs June 2-5. an elite camp. be on May 30 before early disTwo camps are scheduled for New this year is a “speed and The 2014 Metro Elite Volmissal. strength camp,” the 2014 POJO June 9-12. leyball Camp is run by Julie The dates have not been set Maker. A girls’ basketball camp at Green and Hollie Huston. year for Reno Summer ReadIt will run for six weeks from the SHS gym costs $50 for Green, the head coach at ing. This program allows stu- June 2-July 17 with the week of those entering grades K-9. It Coppell where she won backdents to read and earn school July 4 off. runs from 1-3 p.m. to-back 5A state titles in 2011 supply items. Also on June 9-12, a base- and 2012, was the ESPN NaTwo sessions are planned. Boys entering grades 9-12 will ball camp will take place in tional High School Volleyball Springtown Elementary the MPF. For grades 3-9, the Coach of the Year in 2011. attend from 6:45 to 8:30 a.m. School Girls in grades 7-12 and boys fee is $60, and it runs from She has Springtown roots, May 20 is the District Gifted in grades 7-8 will work out 4-6:30 p.m. having once coached here. and Talented Showcase at SHS from 8:45-10:30 a.m. On June 16-19, boys’ basHuston, also connected with from 5-6 p.m. Some session ending times ketball and softball camps SHS, has 12 years coaching The SES Field Day will be on are subject to change according are slated. with her squads reaching the May 23. The hoops camp is for grades playoffs each season. She curto workout length. Those students who qualify The POJO Maker fee is $100 K-8 and runs from 1-3 p.m. at rently leads the Saginaw Chfor the ‘end of year’ AR party and due by May 31. the SHS gym. isholm Trail High School volwill celebrate on May 28. The Lady Porcupine softball leyball program. Dates are: The awards assembly for diamond is the site of that camp. June 2-5 The elite camp, set for the kindergarten, first, second and The cost is $60 for grade 3-9; it SHS gym from 2-7 p.m. July June 9-12 third grades will be on May 29 runs from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. June 16-19 31-August 2, is a “rigorous, on the hour starting at 8 a.m. A football camp for grades high-intensity” camp for inJune 23-26 The fourth grade graduation 7-9 will be conducted in the coming 9-12 grades. July 7-10 will be in Hinkle gym on May MPF July 28-31. The evening July 14-17 The deadline for regu30 at 10 a.m. All campers will exercise camp – 7-8:30 p.m. – costs lar registration is July 21. in the Multi-Purpose Facility $45. There’s a $10 late fee after Kindergarten registration More information on sum- that. (MPF) on the SHS campus. Future kindergarten students mer sports camps is available For more information, call can register at their respective Sports camps at 817-220-3040, the SISD Huston at 512-495-4994 or campuses on May 5–9. For kids attending usual athletic office. email
Summer camps start in June
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J & E maintains, services, and sells a variety of heating and air conditioning systems. All technicians are licensed. J & E's service area is large because of its popularity. However, the business is based in Springtown, at 1825 West Highway 199, about a half-mile out past the high school. The pros at J & E will analyze your needs and deliver a custom recommendation, a free estimate. If you have budget concern, financing is available with approved credit. J & E uses high-quality RUDD airconditioning products. The company also specializes in RUUD heat pumps and furnace installation and maintenance, serving both residential and business customers. To keep comfortable as the seasons change, call J & E at 817-220-4506.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
C andidate Q uestionnaire 2014 G.G. “Randy” Martin, III’s response was not published in last week’s Azle News. Here it is, along with the reprinting of the Place 3 candidate’s responses.
Reno City Council Place 3 Bonnie Black 1. I have served as a council member in Reno for several terms, and this is the FIRST time I have seen the peace and cooperation that we enjoy with this council team. It is actually a pleasure to serve, and I look forward to the meetings. In the past, there was so much strife and fighting within the council that we could hardly accomplish anything. My motto: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” 2. We need to keep the current team on the council, so that we can continue to grow and prosper. Bonnie Black 3. I was a Flight Attendant for American Airlines for almost 19 years; I retired in 2003 when we moved to Reno. When I saw the problems facing the city of Reno, I decided to run for a seat on the city council. I didn’t want to enter this arena in ignorance, so I enrolled at Tarrant County Junior College in a Texas State and Local Government class. I have been an avid defender of the U. S. Constitution and personal liberty of all citizens. I believe in small government, low taxes and personal freedom, and will do whatever I can to accomplish these things. 4. Reno has such a rich history. I like the fact that we are rural, but still a close community. The citizens care about each other, and are willing to help their neighbors. We now have a great Police Department, Volunteer Fire Department, Municipal Court, Water and Street Department; and we are blessed with exceptional workers such as Joe Polino, the mayor’s “right hand man,” Walt Leonard, our City Attorney, and all our city staff. Our Mayor, Lynda Stokes, is doing an excellent job to keep the city moving forward. 5. We still have much work to do with our streets and roads. We have ongoing “conversations” with drilling companies over the damage to our roads, but I feel there will be a compromise reached soon.
1. Why are you running for office? 2. What can the council do to make Pelican Bay better? 3. Please provide your work and personal background, including skills and knowledge that will make you the right person for the position. 4. What’s good about Pelican Bay? 5. What’s the biggest issue facing Pelican Bay? There was no “Child Endangerment” – there was “Leaving a child in a vehicle” which is a Class C misdemeanor, ticketable with up to $500 fine, not arrestable. And public intoxication, which is also a misdemeanor Class C, ticketable, and jailed until sober. I want protection but, I want more professional protection – something that Reno Police can’t provide. I fear the police more than the criminals; I want a well-staffed and knowledgeable department watching over me and the rest of Reno. Of course you know what I mean – Parker County. When the police that serve the citizens are more dangerous than the criminals it is time to rethink the circumstances. Oh, and the Mayor and council that voted to allow gas wells, and once the earthquakes start, then want to rescue the citizens from something they themselves wanted.
Gilbert Morrow 1. I want to help promote a better way of life for all in Reno, and to hopefully reduce spending and cut taxes; a welcome thing to all citizens I believe. Let it be said I think the current council is doing a lousy 3. I have 25 years in a successful small handyman business, job, and, yes, I think I can do and before that commercial and residential maintenance for 15 better. years. I have some college (TCJC), computer programming basics (Linux mainly, some Windows), dabbled in web design 2. Reno needs better thinkfor myself. ers. The current council has gotten the horse before the 4. Well, the people are great people. Parts of the City – not cart by spending a lot on the so much. We have a great volunteer fire department. All the cart, only to realize that somecitizens of Reno seem to be law abiding and not lawless seedy one forgot to buy the horse characters, as once described. first. Meaning there are citizens needs and concerns such 5. High taxes and angry citizens wanting less of a tax buras the 65 year or older tax den. Money left in the citizens’ pockets helps the citizens more freeze that should have been Gilbert Morrow than taking more and more from them. Reno has very little in the tax code from the very growth except where taxes are concerned and that seems to beginning and providing services for the $1.1 million budget grow every year, regardless of slow population expansion. the current council wants. I agree with Art Johnson and Condie Prioleau about the tax money going in but not the right things G.G. “Randy” Martin, III being done for the citizens. 1. I want to bring a level playing field for all citizens and Not to mention the reining in of the police. I was stopped by to be a positive influence for both the council and the citithe sergeant for making a legal traffic maneuver. Thus at the zens. To remove the three minute limit restriction the council time because of the stop I was falsely under arrest, although not has imposed on the citizens of Reno, and to help make Reno cited and was nonetheless falsely detained and embarrassed by proud of its council in all aspects by making better choices the action; I filed a complaint to the Chief. The next was the and keeping the citizens up dated through a working web site arrest made by the Reno officer for “Child Endangerment.” and newsletter to the citizens of Reno. I plan to be a working Reading the arrest circumstances the officer was totally wrong. council member.
Make Your Vote Count
Area Candidates City of Reno Place 3: Bonnie Black, incumbent G.G. “Randy” Martin, III Gilbert Morrow
2. They could find out what the pulse of the citizens is: to make sure they know what the citizens want and share this info to all recipients. 3. My background experience starts when I first went to work for my Dad in the structural moving business as early as 7 years of age. I then worked at Hugh Moore’s gas station for two summers and weekends to buy my first car; a 1960 Volkswagen Beetle. Boy, was I proud of that. At the age of 15, I worked at Buddies #3 grocery store in Ft. Worth, stocking and sacking groceries. I got married at the age of 16 and went to work in the oilfield profession from 16 to the age of 27. During that time I was trained in oil-field related skills such as H2s gas training, Key Man Drillers Course, Red Cross First Aid and Instructor, Dale Carriage’s Effective Speaking Course, and Hartford Loss Control Time Management Training Course. I worked as a floor hand, a derrick hand, a driller, a safety engineer, a rig manager, and a superintendent. During the course of my oil-field experience I entered in a family oil-field rental business, a roustabout business, and a welding service business. The success of these was achieved because of the work schedule; which was a 7 day on and 7 day off routine. Later, when the schedule became a 30 days overseas on and 30 days off routine, I used the time off to expand my personal success in business. When the oil-field came to a stop in the 1980’s I continued on in the oil-field welding business until I got hurt from a tank blast and was off for a short time. I then re-entered the structural moving service, moving mobile homes, houses, buildings, etc. to support my family and myself. I have always been a business man engaged in working for the public and serving the public in one way or the other since I was a kid. I have never filed bankruptcy even through the toughest years of business. I always paid my bills. I have since gone back and gotten my G.E.D. and graduated from Weatherford College. I attended Mike Jones Auctioneer School and passed. I joined the Texas Association of Structural Moving (TASM) in the early 90’s, became a member, served as director on the board, and later as the vice-president of the board. I have also served as a member on the House Movers Museum Board. I served a term in office as the Mayor of the City of Reno, Parker County in 2007, and I know I can be a positive influence on our city council. I have lived in Reno since 1998 and I am currently the president of Just Right Transportation Service Inc. located in Azle. My wife, Judy, and I have seven kids and 39 grandchildren. I’m pro-life, a proud member of the NRA , and a life member of the Texas State Rifle Association. The experience I have as a businessman and in serving the public will be a positive influence to the City of Reno and the council. I always look for solutions to issues. I believe if you find a problem, you have to seek a solution; don’t be a finger pointer, be a problem solver! Think positive! 4. The people are what’s good about Reno. They’re just down to earth people with real values. 5. I want to get the Parker County Sheriff’s Department to be more pro-active with the City of Reno and making crime control a real priority for everyone. We need a team that shares info between the city and county as a whole. I will get the political agendas out of the way and start serving the people and start fighting crime in the county as a whole for everyone. We all want a safe place to live. I will get communications to the people by informing the citizens of where they’re at on everything from taxes and budgets to roads and water. They really need to have a newsletter that goes out and more public forum to get people involved and working on the real problems and coming up with solutions that are positive for the citizens of Reno.
Dunn’s Fish Farm
Vote May 10, 2014
The Goshen Creek Café will be sharing a table with the Goshen PTA at Mayfest to collect donations and sell raffle tickets for a basket of gathered items from local bussinesses and restaurants. All monies will go to help needs of a Goshen Creek teacher, Mrs. Mona O’Brian.
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Delivery of Channel Catfish, Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, Black Crappie and Grass Carp are available for Pond & Lake Stocking. 10-day notice & permit required for the purchase of Triploid Grass Carp.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
AutoZone Construction Construction continues on the new AutoZone store going up at the corner of Hilltop Drive and Highway 199. Photo by Mark K. Campbell
sPRingtown Police DePt.
call RePoRt
Monday-Sunday, April 28–May 4, 2014 Accident minor ............................................. 1 Accident major ............................................. 1 Assault ......................................................... 1 Assist officer .............................................. 13 Alarm ........................................................... 1 Criminal mischief ......................................... 1 Disturbance ................................................. 1 Domestic disturbance .................................. 1 Reckless driver ............................................ 5 Meet complainant ........................................ 5 Suspicious person ....................................... 3 Suspicious vehicle ....................................... 5 Theft ............................................................ 1 Missing person ............................................ 1 Warrant service............................................ 1 Motorist assist.............................................. 2 Traffic hazard ............................................... 3 Investigation ................................................ 6
Phone call .................................................... 2 Prisoner transfer .........................................11 Other.......................................................... 15 Request patrol ........................................... 41 Vehicle maintenance ................................. 13 Report writing ............................................ 36 Security check ......................................... 161 Animal at large............................................. 2 Pursuit ......................................................... 1 Traffic stop ................................................. 99 Traffic control ............................................... 9 911 Hangup ................................................. 1 Welfare concern .......................................... 1 Impound lot ................................................ 10 Out of vehicle............................................... 2 Out at station ............................................. 47 School security ............................................ 9
Reno Police DePt.
Ribbon Cutting for True Value
investigations The following offenses occurred or were reported April 27 through May 2 and are being investigated by Reno police. April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1 May 2
May 3
1600 block E Reno Road........................................................... Criminal mischief 4300 Knob Hill Road........................................................................ Vehicle crash 1600 block E Reno Road................................................... Harassing phone calls 4700 block E Highway 199 ..................................................................Hit and run 100 N Cardinal Road ................................................................Noise disturbance 4500 block E Highway 199 ........................................................................ Pursuit 800 block E Barry Street.................................................. City ordinance violation 1900 block Lady Bird Lane ...................................................................... Burglary 1000 block Mustang Court................................................................... Animal call 1600 block N Cardinal Road...........................................................Warrant arrest 1400 block Arvel Circle ...................................................... Person with a weapon 11000 block FM 730 ................................................................ Underage drinking 800 block N Cardinal Road.............................................................Warrant arrest 800 block N Cardinal Road............................................................ Narcotic arrest
If you have information regarding any of the incidents above, please contact the Reno Police Department at 817-221-2500.
Lake Report Conservation Level Lake Bridgeport 836.00 Eagle Mountain Lake 649.10 Richland-Chambers Res. 315.00 Cedar Creek Lake 322.00 Lake Arlington 550.00 Springtown Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors help celebrate the ribbon cutting for the Higginbotham Both- Lake Benbrook 694.00 er’s True Value hardware store with store employees and Manager Philip French. The location also provides paint, Lake Worth 594.00 plumbing, and electrical supplies in addition to the outdoor living and building materials. True Value is open *Data provided by USGS May 6 Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–7 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m.–6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Photo by Natalie Gentry
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- I am still in the Plumbing Business
Annual BBQ
To all the customers of Landers Plumbing For some reason Landers Plumbing Co. was completely left out of the Verizon SuperPages under Plumbing Contractors and under Business Listings dated May 2014 for Azle, Springtown and Business: 817-444-3054 Weatherford. Cell: 817-965-2156 We appreciate your Don Landers M-10078 business.
Private nonprofit schools located in the attendance zone for Springtown ISD are asked to contact Toni Farmer, Springtown ISD at 817220-1700 for a consultation meeting regarding your school’s participation in the following federally funded programs. For the 2014-2015 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant; Title I, Part A: Improving Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged Students, Title I, Part C: Migrant Students, Title II, Part A: Professional Development for Teachers, Principals and Others, and Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students. All private nonprofit schools wishing to participate must be in compliance with all federal and state regulations governing the education of students, teachers, and parents including but not limited to P1, 107-110 No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Current SISD campuses will meet on Tuesday, May 20 at 9:00 am to evaluate the current federal programs and to plan for the 2014-2015 school year. Anyone interested may attend. It will be held in the board room of the Administration Building located at 301 E. 5th St., Springtown, Texas, 76082.
Silent Auction Bounce House • Fire Truck Tours Bring the Kids - Fun for the Entire Family!
La Junta Volunteer Fire Department
4480 E. Hwy 199, Springtown
Springtown Lions Club
Football Sign-Ups
Location: 1230 Old Cottondale Rd. (across from SLC)
Online Registration May 1st – May 31st Visit to find the link to register
In Person Registration Dates: Saturday May 17th: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday May 31st: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm *Fittings and equipment handouts will happen after teams have been selected.*
Flag Football is offered to players ages 4–6 (Pre-K – Kindergarten) Grades 1st – 6th will be registered for tackle football
Registration Fees: Tackle Football $150.00 ($125 each additional sibling) Flag Football $75.00 Be on the LOOKOUT for Upcoming Information on our 2nd Annual Football Academy Camp!
OPINION Thursday, May 8, 2014
Turning down for what by starting from the bottom
nce again, we are delving into today’s youth as – like generations of old people (over 30) before us – we can claim with absolutely certainty that this group of young ‘uns is the worst ever. Especially when it comes to music. If you Bible Decode the Revelation, you will likely find words like “Miley Cyrus” and “Gaga.” Yes, decoders from prior generations uncovered “MTV” and before that “Beatles” and the one before that “Frankie” (Sinatra), but we’re right this time! That brings us to “Turn Down for What.” It was only by a freak of nature that I stumbled upon this song by DJ Snake and Lil’ Jon. Somehow I passed
by a modern music station and there was “Turn Down for What” in all its catchiness. And I mean catchy. Even though I’m from a generation that reveled in such dense lyrics as “They’re coming to take me away! Ha! Ha! Hee! Hee!” and “One- eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater” – everything wasn’t Dylan – I was clueless when it came to what “turn down for what” could mean. So, I consulted that beacon of interpreting what kids are saying today, the online Urban Dictionary. True, it’s about as reliable as Wikipedia only with a lot more cuss words, but the phrase was there. Here’s what the site said “turn down for what” means: “a rhetorical question used by teenagers. ‘Turn up’ is the act of getting drunk or high and
being reckless. So ‘turn down’ would mean sobering up.” And what invincible 19 year old wants to stop having fun – turn down for what, indeed. Each genON YOUR eration has a song like this. MARK Remember Mark K. Campbell “Rock and Roll All Nite” (where you were encouraged to “party every day.”) What about “Fight for Your Right” (to party!)? How many parents tripped over their kids listen-
ing to KISS and the Beastie Boys? Here is the entirety of the lyrics to “Turn Down for What”: Fire up your loud. Another round of shots. Fire you up. Turn down for what. That’s it. There’s another aspect to the popular dance tune: the video. Any adult with kids over 10 will be mortified to see the video. It’s a comedic grind-athon with wild youngs ‘uns (and eventually adults) gyrating non-stop. You might want to keep a closer eye on your six-year-old angel if he/she’s going around belting out “turn down for what!” Anyway, this is another chance to mess with your kids. This summer, maybe change the oil
or dust the cupboard while lying in wait, and when the teens pass, whip around and shout “Turn down for what!” They’ll love it. Even better…make it your ringtone. Kids enjoy nothing more than their parents/grandparents trying to be hip. And, when they get tired of you bellowing “Turn down for what!” in front of their friends or when ya’ll are at Starbucks, you can always switch to the other groovy song out right now, “Started from the Bottom” which contains the line “started from the bottom now we’re here!” You might want to avoid the explicit version, though. After all, you are the adult. In theory. Mark K. Campbell is the Epigraph editor and that might be the most confusing headline ever.
How to never have another bad day
hen my kids were that I have suffered deep loss and grief little, we often recently. And yet, I can’t think of a bad read to them the day. How can that be? classic children’s The secret is perspective. My perbook, Alexander spective is that life is not made up and the Terrible, of days, but of moments. Even in the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. darkest days (and I have had some We’ve all had those days, right? stretches that were so dark that mediThe day starts off with cation was necessary), a malfunctioning alarm there are still moments clock or a headache or an where I can see God’s early morning phone call grace. On the worst of or text message. It gets us days, there are God-mooff on the wrong foot. As ments: a note, phone call or Mrs. Sweetie says, “Some email of encouragement… days I wake up grumpy. an unexpected hug…enOther days I let him sleep.” couraging words from the And the day continues: pages of Scripture…words late for work…intolerant of affection, appreciaboss…insubordinate emtion, or affirmation…and ployees…unreasonable sometimes nothing more customers…unreliable LIFE MATTERS than remembering some vendors…indigestion after of God’s promises to those lunch…spilled coffee… Gerry Lewis who belong to Him. speeding ticket on the way Joshua 1:5 – I will never home…you get the point. leave you nor forsake you... Matthew And then there are those days that 28:20 – I am with you always, to the put the previously mentioned events very end of the age… Philippians in perspective: a bad medical re- 4:7 – The peace of God, which tranport…death of a loved one…divorce scends all understanding, will guard papers…civil litigation…really bad your hearts and your minds in Christ days. Jesus… Jeremiah 29:11 – 'I know What if there were a way to never the plans I have for you,' declares the have another bad day? Well, sign me Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to up! harm you, plans to give you hope and Actually, I’m already signed up. If a future…” 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your you were to ask me when was the last anxiety on him because he cares for bad day I had, I couldn’t identify one. you. If you don’t know me, you might think Our lives, and our days, matter so I’m either exaggerating, flat out lying, much to God that He invades our moor that my life has been amazingly ments with reminders of His goodtrouble free. Not so. ness. I have experienced every one of Goodbye, bad days. Hello, Godthose things I mentioned, with the moments. exception of civil litigation (and the Azle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis is director of divorce papers were my parents’, not missions for the Harvest Baptist Association, mine). If you’ve read my columns which is headquartered in Decatur. He writes a over the past few weeks, you know blog at
Email your letters to Letters should be brief and focus on a single issue. All letters are subject to editing. Please include a daytime phone number, even on emails.
Because of an Internet snafu, Laurie Moseley’s “Historical Highlights” will return next week.
Did Annie Oakley offer to lead women into war?
omeone told me that Annie Oakley tried to volunteer for the Spanish-American War and intended to bring other women with her whom she had trained to shoot. I decided to check it out. Remember, she was the young sharpshooter who traveled with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Born August 13, 1860 in a rural log cabin in western Ohio, she was named Phoebe Ann Moses and called “Annie” by family. Her parents had been Quakers in Pennsylvania, and Annie was the sixth of seven children. Her father died when she was only six. Her mother married again, but she was widowed again. When Annie was nine, she and a sister were put in a “poor farm.” Soon those in charge “bound her out” to a family who only wanted her for the work she could do. Once, the wife put her outdoors in freezing weather with no shoes because she fell asleep while doing the darning.
When later reunited with her family at age eleven, she began hunting to help support the family. She sold the game to restaurants in the town of Greenville, Ohio. By the time she was fifteen, she had helped pay off the mortgage to her mother's farm. People all around knew of her shooting skills. On Thanksgiving Day, 1875, Francis (Frank) E. Butler, age 25, was in Cincinnati to perform his marksmanship traveling act. He told a hotel owner that he would bet $100 that he could outshoot any local the hotel owner could find to put up against him. The man knew about Annie. Out of 25 shots each, Annie hit all 25, but Butler missed his last shot. (The thought just occurred to me that he could have missed that last shot on purpose!) Although he was ten years older than the 15-year-old Annie, he began courting her. They married August 23, 1876, and lived in Cincinnati for a while. When they later began performing together, she took the name Oakley; some believe it came from the neigh-
borhood in Cincinnati where they lived. In 1885 they joined Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show. Once when Sitting Bull, the Sioux Chief, saw her shoot, he called her “Little Sure She PAGES FROM Shot.” was only five WESTERN feet tall. The HISTORY show toured and J’Nell L. Pate Europe, she and Frank performed before Queen Victoria in England, and the heads of state of Italy and France, among others. The German Kaiser Willhelm II, at his request, held a cigarette for her as she shot off its ashes. (Years later the statement surfaced and was widely circulated that if she had
shot the Kaiser and not his cigarette, she might have prevented World War I.) Annie was so proficient with her gun she could snuff out a candle, hit dimes tossed in the air, shoot corks off bottles, and split a playing card held edge-out. In the show she shot a cigar that Frank held in his teeth. Annie earned more money than any performer in the show other than Cody himself. She was the first real superstar in the U.S. Annie and Frank performed with the Buffalo Bill Show for nearly 17 years. In 1901 they were in a train accident, and she had five spinal operations. When she recovered, she was offered a stage play written for her called The Western Girl in which she used her guns to catch outlaws. In 1904 a burlesque performer was arrested for cocaine use, and she falsely gave her name as “Annie Oakley.” News stories thus libeled the real Annie, and she spent six years and won 54 out of 55 lawsuits to clear her name.
Letters to the Editor policy
Publisher Kim Ware Director of operations ...................Johnna Bridges Bookkeeper ................................ Tonya McDowell Office manager ...............................Shirley Castor Advertising Director ................Stephanie Cravotta Advertising Assistant .................... Amber Plumley
Editor Mark K. Campbell Reporter........................................Carla Stutsman Reporter......................................... Natalie Gentry Design, graphics ............................... Ryan Burger Design, graphics ............................ Cynthia Rotter Design, graphics ..............................Clay Cravotta
Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a space-available basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Springtown Epigraph, P.O. Box 557, Springtown, TX 76082 Email letters to:
Annie and Frank retired and enjoyed hunting, giving shooting lessons to women and performing for charity events. She died November 3, 1926 of pernicious anemia at the age of 66. Frank, her husband of 50 years, died 18 days later. Some say he was so distraught that he quit eating. All their fortune had been spent on family and charities. She has been inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Fort Worth. Of the sources I checked about her offer to train women for war, three said it was for World War I. One of them cited both the Spanish-American War and World War I. When the U.S. government ignored her offer for the latter, she instead gave shooting demonstrations at army camps to raise money for the Red Cross. I wonder if she came to Camp Bowie, located on the west side of Fort Worth? Retired history professor J’Nell Pate of Azle hasauthoredseveralbooks,manyofwhich are on sale in the lobby of the Azle News.
109 East First Street • P.O. Box 557 Springtown, TX 76082 • Phone: 817-220-7217
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
Please: Take time to look twice for motorcycles
riday, July 19, 2013 had been ordinary in every way. A Lakeside woman continued her campaign against “bandit signs.” A “ghost” Buzzy was being installed in the new turf at Hornet Field. Vinny and the Jets were set to play in the Music in the Park Summer Concert Series. And Texas Health Azle won an award. I was also working on the story about Shorty Robinson’s remains being found in his front yard in Pelican Bay, where his wife had buried him after cutting his throat. Okay, that one was a bit unusual. I was looking forward to the weekend. About 10:30 that night, I went onto my back porch to smoke a cigarette before bed. Little did I know that less than a month later I would smoke my last one after 38 years of steady puffing. I took the equipment I carry with me at all times: iPhone,
iPad, police scanner. Call me a techno-junkie, but I like to be informed at all times. With Dad in the nursing home, the phone is always on and usually hooked to my belt loop with the ever-handy Cliphanger (contact me for a 5-star review of this handy gadget). Even when I sleep, those tools are on – volume set on high – within reach on my nightstand. Anyway, I smoked, scrolled through Facebook on the iPad, and enjoyed a steamy July evening. About 11 p.m., as I was thinking of packing it all up to head to bed, the scanner began emitting its all-too-familiar tones. A recent switch from local police dispatch to Tarrant County Fire Alarm dispatch on the part of the Azle Fire Department had brought about some differences in the tones, and I still had to listen carefully to figure out which department was being called out. That night, it was the Eagle Mountain Fire Department. EMFD works a lot in the Azle
“Fire Alarm, we area, but when the have a Signal 12.” tones are specificalThat’s cop-speak ly for them, it usufor a fatality. ally means the call What? Just like is on the east side that? Oh, God. His of Eagle Mountain poor family. Lord, Lake, and that was help them, comfort the case that night. them, bring them Here at the News, peace. In Jesus’ we generally don’t name, Amen. cover what happens I wondered how a on the other side of family gets through the lake. OVER THE something like that. Good. I don’t I continued to have to get dressed RAINBOW listen for a few and go out. My bed Carla Noah minutes, but what I was calling me. heard was so heartI decided to listen Stutsman breaking. I sought a few more minutes, the solace of my though, before making the effort to go back inside. bed with a heart heavy for the The scanner crackled with unknown family of this namethe information. There was less, faceless person who had a motorcycle wreck on Boat just died so violently. The sound of the phone ringClub Road. Dangit – probably some ing jolted me from a sound young kid going 100 miles an sleep. Really? It’s Saturday, the hour, weaving in and out of only day I get to sleep in. But traffic. “Fire Alarm, show us on who would be calling at 6 a.m. The nursing home? scene.” Through sleep-blurred eyes, I Maybe this will be one of the looked at the screen. It was my lucky ones who walks away.
sister, Darla. Oh, no. Something is wrong with Dad. “Darla? What’s wrong?” I heard her draw a deep, ragged breath before she spoke. “Marc was in a motorcycle accident last night on Boat Club Road. He didn’t make it.” Marc is the youngest of my sister’s three sons, but only by ten minutes. He’s an identical twin. He and his twin brother, Mike, had turned 29 that March. Marc had left his wife, Kortney, and 5-year-old daughter, Saydee, at home that night when he headed to the store – literally for a pack of cigarettes. That fact stuck with me, and I quit smoking a few weeks later. Our family’s grief has been unspeakable, but we’re hanging in there. It’s important for me to say that I don’t hate motorcycles – even now. I grew up with a father who loves anything with wheels or wings and an engine. Fast cars, motorcycles, airplanes, gokarts – you name it and we rode
it. They’re fun, when they’re operated properly and safely. But motorcycles are hard to see on the road. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been surprised – or had the stuffing scared out of me – by a motorcycle while driving. Responsible motorcyclists are everywhere, and God bless them. In my mind, they have every right to enjoy the road. But irresponsible motorcyclists are out there, too, and it’s every other motorist’s job to be on the lookout for both types. Not because it’s a law, but because every motorcyclist is someone’s son, nephew, husband...Daddy. Maybe even Mommy. May is National Motorcycle Awareness Month. I have two requests. 1. Look twice for motorcycles. 2. Live every day like there is no tomorrow. There may not be. Carla Noah Stutsman is an Azle News reporter and would give anything for just one more hug from Marc Stepich.
Toyota picks Plano for North America headquarters
oyota Motor Corporation on April 28 announced its decision to locate the headquarters of Toyota Motor North America headquarters to Plano. Toyota said the move is “designed to better serve customers and position Toyota for sustainable, long-term growth.” Within the next three years, Toyota’s three separate North American headquarters for manufacturing, sales and marketing and corporate operations will relocate to a single, stateof-the-art campus in Plano, just north of Dallas. Toyota’s North American finance arm also plans to move its headquarters to this new, shared campus. Altogether, these moves will affect about 4,000 employees, Toyota said. Gov. Rick Perry said Toyota is making a $300 million capital investment in the move and the state has offered Toyota an incentive of $40 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund. “We’re proud that both the
Tundra and Tacoma bear the words ‘Made in Texas’ and we’re excited our state will be the nexus for Toyota’s North American operations moving forward,” Perry said, adding that Toyota's Texas operations presently include its $2.3 billion manufacturing facility in San Antonio that supports 2,900 jobs, and combined with its 21 on-site suppliers, Toyota supports 6,000 jobs in San Antonio. Grand jury probe begins A Travis County grand jury assigned with a special prosecutor convened in mid-April to examine Gov. Rick Perry’s veto last year of legislation to fund the state’s Public Integrity Unit, a division of the Travis County district attorney’s office tasked with investigating public corruption. Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, who heads the Public Integrity Unit, was arrested for drunken driving in April 2013, pleaded guilty, served half of a 45-day jail sentence and was released.
P e r r y asked for Lehmberg’s resignation, but Lehmb e r g chose to continue in office. P e r r y STATE then veCAPITAL toed the ublic HIGHLIGHTS PIntegrity Ed Sterling U n i t ’ s budget. Travis County, however, came up with money from its own budget to maintain the entity’s functions. Decision sets coal back Texas Railroad Commission, the state agency that regulates energy-producing industries, lamented the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6-2 decision on April 29 to uphold the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.
“By upholding the EPA-written Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and overturning a lower court decision, the Supreme Court has made it increasingly difficult to burn coal to produce electricity,” according to a Railroad Commission statement published the day the court rendered its decision. “Going forward, natural gas, renewables and nuclear energy must shoulder an even bigger load in order to ‘keep the lights on’ cheaply and reliably in Texas, and throughout America,” the agency further stated, adding, “As a result of today’s holding, some coal-fired power plants may be forced to limit or shut down operations.” Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas cast the dissenting votes in the 6-2 decision. The U.S. Clean Air Act requires the EPA to write rules to enforce laws passed by Congress. The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule requires Texas, as an “upwind” state, to reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions that cross
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state lines. Such pollutants react in the atmosphere to form fine particles and ground-level ozone and are transported long distances, making it difficult for other states to achieve air quality standards, according to the EPA. Graduation rate is near best According to the National Center for Education Statistics’ “First Look” report released in late April, for the class of 2012, Texas posted a graduation rate of 88 percent, tying with three other states for second highest. Iowa posted a graduation rate of 89 percent while the national average was 80 percent. Texas Education Commissioner Michael Williams lauded the report and noted that Texas’ overall graduation rate exceeded the national averages release in both 2011 and 2012. Williams also pointed out the Texas class of 2012 had the highest graduation rate in the country among AfricanAmerican students and tied for the highest graduation rates for
white and economically disadvantaged students. Enforcement result comes in Texas Department of Public Safety on April 28 announced state troopers arrested some 1,374 motorists for driving while intoxicated during the agency’s March 7 to March 23 spring break enforcement period. A Texas Department of Transportation grant allowed increased patrols in high-risk locations during the times when alcohol-related crashes are most frequent. Furthermore, the DPS reported, stops made during the enforcement period resulted in 18,826 speeding citations, 3,266 seat belt/child safety seat tickets and more than 23,400 other citations, plus 848 fugitive arrests and 713 felony arrests. Veteran state reporter and legislative analyst Ed Sterling is member services director for the Texas Press Association, whose 518 member newspapers have combined circulation of 3.7 million.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
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Nice season, Porcupines!
Atex Trash Service ATEXTRASH.COM - 817-344-8464
Azle Dental Care Brooke Porter, D.D.S. 912 Boyd Rd. - Azle - 817-444-1763
Azle Vision Source 601 N.W. Parkway, Suite B - Azle - 817-444-1717
Chicken Express 502 E. Hwy. 199 - Springtown - 817-523-0009
Cliff’s Goodyear Auto 1088 E. Hwy. 199 - Springtown - 817-220-5959
Eagle Crest Villa 133 Denver Trail - Azle - 817-444-3249
Exxon Tigermart Corner of Hwy. 199 & FM 51 - Springtown - 817-523-5560
Farmers Insurance Rick Phillips
Congrats on reaching the postseason! You made Springtown proud!
401 Old Springtown Rd. - Springtown - 817-220-4363
First Baptist Church Springtown 500 N. Main - Springtown - 817-220-5229
Garrett’s Springtown Drug Store North Side of the Square - Springtown - 817-220-7227
Gieb Veterinary Clinic 724 Hwy. 199 E. - Springtown - 817-523-7210
Highland Furniture North Side of the Square - Springtown - 817-220-5570
Hilltop Family Church 1227 Old Cottondale Rd. - Springtown -817-220-5570
Howell’s Cafe 329 Hwy. 199 W. - Springtown - 817-220-7915
Larry D. Murphy, D.D.S. On the Square - Springtown - 817-523-4648
Moss Rehabilitation Center 407 Old Springtown Rd., Ste. 114 - Springtown - 817-220-6677
Pinnacle Bank 726 E. Hwy. 199 - Springtown - 817-220-5504
ProMax Power Sports 123 Hwy. 199 E. - Springtown - 817-220-2453
Shinola’s Texas Cafe Off Hwy. 199, Behind Springtown Florist - 817-523-0010
Springtown Epigraph On the Square - Springtown - 817-220-7217
Springtown Family Dental 434 Hwy. 199 E. - Springtown - 817-523-5963
Springtown Family Health Center 499 E. Hwy. 199 - Springtown - 817-523-5402
Springtown Sports & Fitness 332 W. First St. - Springtown - 817-523-2966
Sutton Printing 418 Hwy. 199 E. - Springtown - 817-220-2101
The Dog House Pet Salon 1103 N. Main (Hwy 51) - Springtown - 817-503-5114
The Lube Center 324 Hwy. 199 - Springtown - 817-523-3151
The merchants on this page support our youth in all their activities. Support them by shopping at home - every chance you get.
Photos from Graham bi-district game by Mark K. Campbell
Way to go, POJO!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
SHS duo off to Austin
Springfield, Sutton to vie at state track meet by mark k. campbell Springtown will be represented at the state track meet by a pair of talented athletes. Dillon Springfield will race in the 110-meter hurdles in Austin May 10. The day before, Savannah Sutton will venture to the triple jump pits on the University of Texas campus. Springfield has a solid opportunity to medal, coach Brad Legan said, noting that the Porcupine’s regional time among the top qualifiers. The junior is nursing a leg injury, but Legan did not think that would deter Springfield from going all out in Austin. The best regional time to reach the state meet is 14.33 seconds by Trevor Greenfield of Seminole. However, Springfield has run the high hurdlers under 14 seconds this year. In 2013, the 110 hurdles was won by a Houston Washington athlete with a time of 14.17. This Saturday, May 10, rain porcupine Dillon Springfield will race in the 110-meter hurdles in austin at state track. Photo by Mark K. Campbell is forecast for Mike A. Myers
Savannah Sutton is one of the nine top triple jumpers in 3a in Texas. She competes at the UT-austin campus Friday, may 9. Photo by Mark K. Campbell Stadium in Austin. None of the nine competitors competed in the 2013 race. In the triple jump, Tonye’cia Burks’ 39 feet, 5 inches leads all incoming qualifiers. Last year at state, she finished with the bronze. Lady Porcupine Savannah Sutton leapt 35-9 at the Texas Tech University track to finish as the Region I-3A runner-up and punch her state ticket. Last year’s winning leap was a whopping 40-1.5 by Feleicenne Axel from Columbus will also compete May 9 at UT. One other leaper, Tristyn Allen, returns from vying at the state meet last season. Sutton will hit the pits beginning at 4:30 Friday. Springfield competes at 12:45 Saturday, weather permitting.
110 hurdles
1. Trevor Greenfield, 14.33 Seminole 2. Davon Jernigan, 14.42 Navasota 3. Reese Thompson, 14.42 Argyle 4. Dillon Springfield, 14.59 Springtown 5. Chance Richards, 14.62 Kaufman 6. Dylan Truesdale, 14.74 Rockport-Fulton 7. J.J. Jackson, 14.76 Caldwell 8. Hayden Everitt, 14.81 Seminole 9. Xiaoxing He, 14.81 Cuero
Triple jump
1. Tonye’cia Burks, 39-5 Kilgore 2. Feleicenne Axel, 38-8 Columbus 3. Kenjia Collier, 38-6 Houston Worthing 4. Katherine Raby, 37-6.5 Kilgore 5. Tristyn Allen, 37-1 Sealy 6. LaShya Cole, 36-9.25 West Orange-Stark 7. Teshuna Sheppard, 36-7.75 Atlanta 8. Rethola Eaden, 36-3.5 Wichita Falls Hirschi 9. Savannah Sutton, 35-9 Springtown
Postseason appearance ends in bi-district for SHS Game one is a 2-1 thriller on the road by mark k. campbell In his first season as the Porcupines’ head baseball coach, Stan Gideon led Springtown to the playoffs. SHS faced off against Graham in a three-game series. The Steers won the first two games. In the first bi-district clash, Graham edged Springtown 2-1. Gideon said Porcupine Ryan Hester pitched “amazing.” He also doubled. In the defensive game, hits were few. Collin Rector, Zach Lund, and Russell Gideon accounted for SHS’ other safeties. “We played real well,” the coach recalled. Game two moved to the Porcupine diamond on a lovely May 2 evening. This time, Graham got three runs early and did not trail en route to a 13-3 win. Gideon said the game “was no indication of the success nor the level of play that this team achieved this season.” Springtown used a 4-0 finish to 6-3A play to reach the postseason third out of the district. “It was a great season,” Gideon said. “Our guys stepped up and played well when it mattered the most. “Our seniors were the catalyst and the leaders to help put the team on the right path to the playoffs.” He singled out Jake Jordan, who went 4-0 in 6-3A, as a Graham baserunner heads for second, but porcupine third baseman Garrett well as Rector, Hester, Garrett Josh White runs down a long Steer fly ball at the Springmauldin makes the play to end the inning. town diamond. Photo by Mark K. Campbell Mauldin, and Russell Gideon. Photo by Mark K. Campbell
Eight netters are Academic All-State
In a season termed “outstanding” by Springtown High School tennis coach Ron Elston, the memorable year was capped when eight SHS athletes were named Academic
Four others were named to All-State. Leading Springtown on that the First Team. Three were boys – Phillip elite roster was Amanda Glover who became the first-ever SHS Schneider, Jacobie Strange, and tennis player to land on the su- Caleb Whiteman. Lady Porcupine Savannah perlative Elite team.
Sutton landed on that special listing, too. Those who earned places on the Second Team were Chandler Wright, Rayanna Havens, and Kolyn Waldrop.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
ESD1 honors its B.E.S.T. Wander award created, bestowed by carla noah stutsman A new format and a newly created award shook things up a bit during the annual Parker County Emergency Services District 1 awards banquet, held at Springtown High School Saturday evening, May 3. The event has followed tradition in the past, with a few remarks followed by a sit-down, catered meal, a keynote speaker and finally, the presentation of awards. This year, the event started earlier and led off with a meetand-greet hour featuring heavy hors oeuvres – enough for a
meal for most people – in the school’s cafeteria. Then everyone moved into the auditorium where a video presentation depicting the activities of firefighters from all five stations within the district during 2013. The “house” awards were presented next. Those receiving top honors from each station included:
Terrell • Business of the Year: Brookshire’s • Citizen of the Year: Norma Lutzar • Top 5 Responders: Kyle Carley, Richard Hunter, Rowe, Clay Crawford, Ben Overholt
La Junta VFD • Officer of the Year: Tony Scarlato • Firefighter of the Year: Springtown VFD • Officer of the Year: Jason Robert Scheiderich • Rookie of the Year: Matt Hinton • Firefighter of the Year: Thomas • Top 5 Responders: Robert Dustin Rowe • Rookie of the Year: Jesse Kruger, Dennis Samples, Scarhonored full-time EsD1 firefighters assemble on the stage at springtown high school.
clockwise from above: David Pruitt, left, receives the first b.E.s.t. award, while matt Wander, right, accepts the first matt Wander b.E.s.t. award from silver creek VFD Deputy chief Jason Ingram. chief Jim bradshaw presents Jason low, right, with an award for being a top responder for the Peaster VFD. liz Giles, center, is presented with the commissioners award by commissioners mark Jack, left, and robert Worshay.
lato, Scheiderich, Scott Kennett Reign VanDertuin • Rookie of the Year: Sam Minnich Peaster VFD • Top 5 Responders: Minnich, • Officer of the Year: Everett David Nitschmann, Tyler Ramsey, Elliott • Firefighter of the Year: Nick Walker, VanDertuin Keynote speaker Chief Rick Kevin Edwards • Rookie of the Year: Donald Frye then took the stage. Frye served as a firefighter Strait, Jr. Junior of the Year: Cody for the city of Hurst from 1977 to 2002. He was that city’s Fire Cook • Top 5 Responders: Edwards, Chief and Emergency Management Coordinator from 1995Jerry Ward, Michal Morris, 2002. He was a past president Mark Schwartz, Jason Low of the Tarrant County Fire Chief’s Association as well as Silver Creek VFD • Officer of the Year: Matt the Northeast Fire Department Association (Haz-Mat and Wander • Firefighter of the Year: Alan Bomb Unit). Frye also served as a volunMorgan • Rookie of the Year: Thomas teer firefighter and training officer in the Granbury area, where Beavers • Top 3 Responders: Wander, he and his wife Ann live. After retiring from the city Clinton King, Beavers of Hurst, Rick became an assistant professor and CoordinaAledo VFD tor of Fire Technology Program • No Officer of the Year • Firefighter of the Year: for Tarrant County College and
served as its Department Chair for Fire Technology, Criminal Justice, Environmental Health and Safety from 2010-2011. District Awards Following Frye’s remarks, three district-wide awards were PLEASE SEE WanDEr, PAGE 2B
lt. clay crawford, right, receives a springtown VFD top responder award from assistant chief Jim bradshaw.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Wander award bestowed ■ WANDER, FROM PAGE 1B
presented. Two new awards – each based on the District’s motto of Brotherhood, Excellence, Service, and Teamwork, or B.E.S.T. – were presented this year. A B.E.S.T. Award, as well as a Matt Wander B.E.S.T. Award will be awarded to individual fi refi ghters in the future who Randi Renee Brooks exhibit the qualities described in the motto. Firefi ghter David Pruitt was Chief Bradshaw, left, presents LaJunta VFD Deputy honored with the first In addition to the B.E.S.T. Chief Tony Scarlato with that department’s Offi cer of motto requirements, the Matt the Year Award. Wander B.E.S.T. Award was created to honor the young man for which it is named. Wander, according to District offi cials, has shown great courage, determination and dedication to his duties as well as BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN continued education and trainThe following individuals ing in his quest to become the who list addresses in the Azle best fi refi ghter he can be. Hisor Springtown areas were inpursuit of excellence continues dicted on criminal charges durwhile he battles a serious ill- ing the month of March by a ness, and Wander has earned Tarrant County Grand Jury. the respect and honor of his • Michael Allen Vogel, 28, of brothers in the fire service. Azle, was indicted for indecenThe inaugural Matt Wander cy with a child with sexual conNorma Lutzar is congratulated by all fi ve District Dep- B.E.S.T. Award was given to tact, a second-degree felony. The offense allegedly occurred uty Chiefs after being named Citizen of the Year by the none other than Matt Wander. Springtown VFD. Lutzar provided a barbecue meal for The Board of Commissioners Sept. 1, 2011, in Saginaw. Vothe entire VFD staff at her own expense to show her ap- Award was given to Adminis- gel is out of jail awaiting trial trator Liz Giles. after posting $15,000 bond. preciation to the firefighters. • Chelsea Nicole Smith, 23, of Azle, was indicted March 11 on a charge of possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram. Smith was convicted and sentenced to 24 months deferred adjudication for the state jail felony charge on March 21. • Randi Renee Brooks, 34, Rubio is reported to be in A 15-year-old girl reported of Springtown, was indicted missing from Parker County good condition and appears March 11 on a charge of theft has been located and reunited well. Her family was notifi ed of property, less than $1,500, and immediately came to pick with her family. with two or more prior conHill County Sheriff’s Offi ce her up. victions for theft. The charge Parker County investigators contacted the Parker County is a state jail felony. The alSheriff’s Offi ce at 2:14 p.m. requested that Rubio be quesleged offense occurred Dec. Thursday, May 1, in reference tioned by Hill County investiga- Abigail Rubio 22, 2013, in Westworth Vilto runaway Abigail Rubio, who tors regarding her disappearance. .. missing girl found safe lage. Investigators said foul play is had been reported missing one • Tiffany Marie Jenkins, 24, not suspected at this time and week earlier. “We are pleased to discover Offi cials said Rubio ap-believe Rubio left her home and she has been located and will of Pelican Bay, was indicted proached a constable in Hill school willingly. No further in- be with her family soon,” said March 11 on a charge of endanCounty, located southeast of formation will be released due to Parker County Sheriff Larry gering or abandoning a child, criminal negligence, a state jail the young girl being a juvenile. Parker County. Fowler.
Tiffany Marie Jenkins
Earl Jay Evans
Area residents indicted by Tarrant Grand Jury
Rubio found safe
Missing girl located in Hills County
felony. The alleged offense occurred Dec. 16, 2013, in Pelican Bay. Jenkins is out of jail awaiting trial after posting $10,000 bond. • Chelsea Marie Hargiss, 24, of Springtown, was indicted March 11 on a charge of theft of property less than $1,500 with two or more prior theft convictions, a state jail felony. The alleged offense occurred Dec. 22, 2013 in Westworth Village. Hargis posted $5,000 bond and is awaiting trial while out of jail. • Earl Jay Evans, 54, of Pelican Bay, was indicted for failure to register as a sex offender on March 11. Evans was subsequently convicted of that charge – a third-degree felony – and sentenced to three years in the state penitentiary on April 9. • Rocky Lee Brown, 34, of Springtown, was indicted March 14 on a charge of manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 3 or 4, less than 28 grams, a state jail felony. The offense allegedly occurred Nov. 30, 2013, in River Oaks. Brown posted $3,500 bond and is out of jail while awaiting trial. • Gary Wayne McMillan, 63, of Azle, was indicted March 14 on a charge of possession
of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. McMillan was subsequently true billed, convicted and sentenced to 36 months’ probation on the charge on April 1. • Tammy Biegler Cartwright, 41, of Pelican Bay, was indicted March 17 on a charge of credit or debit card abuse. She is out of jail awaiting trial after posting $5,000 bond. • Daniel Nolan LeBlue, 52, of Azle, was indicted March 17 on a charge of possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram. The alleged offense occurred Oct. 2, 2013. LeBlue is out of jail awaiting trial after posting $10,000 bond. • Curtis Blake Johnson, 29, of Azle, was indicted March 25 for driving while intoxicated (DWI) felony repetition. The alleged offense occurred Oct. 4, 2013. Johnson is awaiting trial out of jail after posting $5,000 bond. • Autumn Elliott, 34, of Azle, was indicted March 26 for possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram. Elliott was subsequently convicted and sentenced to seven months in a state jail facility April 14.
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Parker County arrests The following individuals who list addresses in the Azle and/or Springtown areas were arrested by various law enforcement agencies and booked into the Parker County Jail during the week of April 27-May 3. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 25-year-old Springtown woman April 27 and charged her with assault causing bodily injury – family violence. She posted $1,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail April 28. A 32-year-old Azle man was arrested by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies April 28 for insufficient bond for a prior charge of theft of property $50-$500. He posted $2,000 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail three hours later. Officers from the Parker County Special Crimes Unit (PCSCU) arrested a 47-yearold Springtown man April 28 for insufficient bond for a previous charge of manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance – penalty group 1, less than one gram and a warrant for possession of a controlled substance – penalty group 1, less than one gram. As of May 5 he was held in the Parker County Jail in lieu of $22,505 bond. Willow Park police arrested a 42-year-old Springtown man April 29 and charged him with public intoxication. He paid a $200 fine and was released from the Parker County Jail later that day. Cessily Nicole Gaston, 24, of Springtown was arrested April 29 by Springtown police and charged with DWI and possession of a dangerous drug. She posted $3,250 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail April 30. Springtown police arrested a 28-year-old Springtown man April 30 for warrants for failure to appear in court and no seat belt. He posted $509 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail on May 3. A 20-year-old Azle woman was arrested April 30 by Weath-
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
erford police and charged with assault causing bodily injury – family violence. She posted $1,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail May 1. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 27-year-old Azle man April 30 for a warrant for manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance – penalty group 3, 4-28 grams. He posted $7,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail May 1. A 28-year-old Springtown woman was arrested May 1 by Springtown police and charged with driving with an invalid license with previous convictions and no insurance. She posted $750 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail on May 2. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 58-year-old Springtown woman for a warrant for cruelty to non-livestock animals – failure to provide food, water, care, or shelter. She posted $2,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail on May 2. Joshua David Perry, 27, of Azle was arrested May 1 by Springtown police and charged with assault of a public servant, resisting arrest or transportation, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct or abusive language. As of May 5 he was held in the Parker County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bond. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 27-year-old Springtown man May 1 and charged him with driving with an invalid license with previous convictions and no insurance. He posted $750 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail three hours later. A 49-year-old Springtown man was arrested May 1 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for insufficient bond for prior charges of burglary of a vehicle and theft of property, $50-$500. She posted $7,510 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail an hour and
Sheriff warns of ID fraud scam Parker County Criminal Investigation Division is investigating a case of identification theft and fraud in which merchandise was recovered. Sheriff’s investigators believe the items were purchased with a stolen credit card. Sheriff Larry Fowler said a local woman contacted his department after she grew suspicious of activity an acquaintance requested of her. On April 16, the woman reported she met a man on a website who began sending her gifts. As an online relationship progressed, the man began sending her additional expensive gifts for men, women and children, requesting her to send them to an address located out of the country. The woman voluntarily turned the items over to the Sheriff’s Office. The items include a 55” TV, two gold and diamond rings, three gold necklaces with jewels, about one dozen items of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, three pairs of shoes, and two smart phones. Sheriff’s investigators said the case is typical of those associated with identity theft by
stealing someone’s credit card and purchasing items over the Internet. Once the suspect gains the trust of a victim, they have the items shipped to the victim’s address. The suspect(s) ask the victim to send the items to another address outside of the United States, leaving all traces of the merchandise leading back to the victim. Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said the incident is a typical scam case, where victims may feel flattered or special, placing their trust with the suspect. Fowler said most often, the suspects sell the items for profit overseas. “It’s a cycle which takes advantage of people, using them as their ‘go-to person’ in the scam,” Fowler said. “We want to make the public aware of these scams and caution them against associating with persons they are not commonly familiar with. “These sorts of actions should be a red flag to individuals who conduct business over the Internet or anyone who meets people through Internet sites, especially if you are not the one making initial contact.”
a half later. Randall Sloan, 25, of Azle was arrested May 2 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for a warrant for injury to a child, the elderly, or disabled with intended serious bodily injury or mental anguish. As of May 5 he was held in the Parker County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bond. Officers from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department arrested a 37-year-old Springtown man for a Johnson County warrant for failure to appear in court. He was released to Johnson County authorities May 6. A 19-year-old Azle man was
arrested May 3 by Reno police and charged with possession of a controlled substance – penalty group 1, less than one gram. He also had active Reno warrants for failure to appear in court, expired inspection sticker, and speeding. As of May 5 he was held in the Parker County Jail in lieu of $8,295 bond. John Anthony Reason, 44, of Springtown was arrested May 3 by Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers and charged with DWI, second offense. He posted $2,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail on May 4.
Parker County emergenCy ServiCeS DiStriCt #1
Em Erg Ency c alls
SPringtown Fire DePartment Saturday-Friday, April 26 -May 2 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29
April 30 May 1
May 2
6:34 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 6:50 p.m................. Brush fire .................................................... Springtown area 12:58 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 8:12 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 1:12 p.m................. Illegal burn ....................................................... LaJunta area 6:30 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 12:09 p.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 2:21 p.m................. Vehicle unlock ............................................. Springtown area 4:31 p.m................. Vehicle accident ....................................... City of Springtown 5:55 p.m................. Down power lines .................................... City of Springtown 7:05 p.m................. Road hazard ............................................... Springtown area 9:41 p.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 12:58 p.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 7:06 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 8:20 a.m................. Fire/smoke investigation ............................. Springtown area 10:52 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 1:07 p.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 2:13 p.m................. Structure fire ............................................ City of Springtown 11:57 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 2:03................ Lift assist .................................................. City of Springtown
LaJunta voLunteer Fire DePt. Saturday-Friday, April 26 - May 2 April 26
April 27 April 28 April 29
May 1
6:51 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 12:25 p.m................. Illegal burn ....................................................... LaJunta area 3:53 p.m................. Illegal burn ....................................................... LaJunta area 9:57 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 3:07 p.m................. Vehicle accident .......................................... Springtown area 5:51 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 8:51 p.m................. Vehicle accident ............................................... LaJunta area 8:49 a.m................. Snake removal ................................................. LaJunta area 12:46 p.m................. Vehicle accident ............................................... LaJunta area 1:48 p.m................. Vehicle accident .........................................Silver Creek area 10:12 a.m................. Fire/smoke alarm ............................................. LaJunta area 2:30 p.m................. Vehicle unlock .................................................. LaJunta area 4:31 p.m................. Vehicle accident .......................................... Springtown area 4:45 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 1:12 p.m................. Grass fire ......................................................... LaJunta area 2:13 p.m................. Vehicle fire .................................................. Springtown area 4:20 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area
SiLver Creek DePartment Saturday-Friday, April 26 - May 2 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 May 1 May 2
5:45 p.m................. Illegal burn .................................................Silver Creek area 8:00 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 9:05 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 1:46 p.m................. Vehicle accident .........................................Silver Creek area 3:48 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 10:12 a.m................. Fire/smoke alarm .......................................Silver Creek area 11:36 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 10:37 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 10:08 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area
May 10
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014
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817-237-7871 8305 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76135
1227 Old Cottondale Road, Springtown, 817-220-7177 LAJUNTA BAPTIST 5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-221-3989 IGLESIA BAUTISTA HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC Nueva Jerusalen 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown 817-433-8220 817-677-2907 ASSEMBLY OF GOD INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD BAPTIST CHURCH 114 Porter Drive, Azle 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817-237-4903 817-237-8441 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH LAKE WORTH BAPTIST 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth 817-237-9433 817-237-4163 NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown 6409 FM 730 S., Azle 817-523-4462 817-444-4311 OUTREACH OF LOVE METROPOLITAN BAPTIST Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 817-237-2201 BAPTIST MIDWAY BAPTIST ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown 300 South Stewart, Azle 817-221-LOVE 817-444-3219 NEW HOPE BAPTIST AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area 350 Agnes N., Springtown 817-221-2184 817-523-7271 NORTHWEST BAPTIST BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth 408 S. Ash St., Springtown 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 817-220-4238 SILVER CREEK BAPTIST AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-444-2325 817- 626-5556 NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST CHURCH BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar 817-707-2741 817- 444-3484 PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle 940-433-5477 817-237-0892 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 301 S. Stewart, Azle 1 block off Hwy. 199, 817-523-0074 east of David’s Patio, SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST TEMPLE Springtown, 817-221-2241 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown 817-523-0376 CENTRAL BAPTIST 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594-5918 UNION BAPTIST CHURCH 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 817-613-1441 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno CLEAR FORK BAPTIST Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., Weather- 817-221-2110 ford, 817-594-1154 WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST 836 NW Parkway, Azle COTTONWOOD CREEK BAPTIST 817-444-3752 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 BIBLE CROSSWAY BAPTIST CHURCH COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 1355 Northwest Pkwy., Azle 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno 817-691-0000 817-444-7117 CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH CROSSING FELLOWSHIP Corner of FM 730 South & FM 1886 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle 817-270-8476 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-237-4135 817-624-2111 FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH 1411 Carter Road, Springtown 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-220-5828 817-221-3444 FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH CATHOLIC 171 Green Branch Road, Weatherford HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-454-4582 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF AZLE 817-444-3063 1017 Boyd Road CHRISTIAN 817-444-4828 THE CHURCH AT AZLE FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 401 Beverly Rd., Azle 817-444-9973 817-237-3891 AZLE CHRISTIAN FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) 700 Charbonneau Tr., 117 Church St., Azle west side of Effie Morris Elementary 817-444-3527 817-237-2624 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE 35 West Forty Estates., Azle 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside 817-688-3339 817-237-8113 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 817-594-3043 817-444-3484 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE 4th & Main, Paradise 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP 940-433-5539 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 817-825-0485 FM 920 in Peaster LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN 817-596-8805 FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 404 Main St., Azle 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville 817-308-2557 817-594-3916 THE ABBEY CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-238-1404 817-523-7011 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 737 Boyd Rd., Azle 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 817-444-LOVE Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 WORD OF FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1¼ mi. S. of LaJunta FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 817-677-2577 5th & Main in Springtown 817-523-5477 CHURCH OF CHRIST GRACE BAPTIST AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST 3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 336 NW Parkway across from Radio Tower 817-444-3268 HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH BRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 109 W.N. Woody Rd. 817-564-3946 (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH 817-444-7102
MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209
4300 Williams Spring Rd., Fort Worth 1 mile west of 820 on Jacksboro Hwy. JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265
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a’s arc&iAUTOMOTIVE GTIRE SHOP Rural Gas Supply “Celebrating 13 years serving Azle area”
636 Profit St., Azle, Tx
BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY Specializing in Family Eyecare CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown Therapeutic Optometrist 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 601 B 817-599-7655 NW Pkwy • Azle FOUNTAIN OF FAITH 4397 E. Hwy 199, Springtown 817-304-4739 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 HARVEST FOR CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 1108 NW Parkway (Hwy 199), Azle 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-740-5774 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER EPISCOPAL 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown Celebrating over 25 years in business ST. ANNE’S EPISCOPAL 817-221-2551 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth JUBILEE HOUSE 817-237-1888 11210 Hwy. 199 W., Poolville AZLE PROVIDENCE REFORMED 817-271-8008 EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford LIBERTY LIGHTHOUSE Rodney Gatlin, D.C. 817-596-7476 120 S. Main St., Springtown 400 Boyd Court ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 817-523-0222 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks OASIS CHRISTIAN CENTRE 817-739-0504 CHURCH & HEALING SCHOOL GOSPEL 1121 S.E. Parkway, Azle CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-7919 817-319-7364 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH WITNESSES 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 212 Pearson Lane, Azle Equipment and Labor 817-221-2242 940-636-9158 LUTHERAN SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown (MISSOURI SYNOD) 682-229-1433 1313 SE Parkway, Azle SPRINGTOWN 7TH DAY 817-237-4822 ADVENTIST HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) Hwy. 199 4 miles west of Springtown 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 817-221-HOPE 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle METHODIST 817-313-1793 BOYD UNITED METHODIST Locally Owned & Operated GOSPEL WAY COWBOY CHURCH FM 730 North in Boyd 420 Jaybird Ln. (FM 2257/ Hwy 199) 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST Springtown, 817-225-8755 7955 Reed Rd., Azle LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH 817-444-0226 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay FIRST UNITED METHODIST 817-444-3547 200 Church St., Azle 10% OFF New Systems JESUS NAME HOUSE OF PRAYER 817-444-3323 with this ad. 2813 E. Hwy. 199, TACL #B00028986E LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP third drive past Boyd Feed Store 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 817-221-4426 SILVER CREEK NEW LIFE FAMILY FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST 525 W. Hwy. 199, Springtown 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-523-2045 817-444-1382 NEW LIGHTED WAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-444-1577 817-523-7874 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth POOLVILLE UNITED METHODIST PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 1 block W. of FM 920 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s (behind Poolville Post Office) SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH 817-599-3601 603 SE Parkway, Azle THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 817-444-3058 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER (THE MORMONS) 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 817-221-2551 OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS UNIVERSAL LIGHT OF CHRIST 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 6117 Graham St., Lake Worth 817-237-5075 817-881-3889 PENTECOSTAL REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP GRACE CHAPEL 202 Pearson Lane, Azle UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AMERICAN STANDARD - GOODMAN 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817-677-5963 817- 237-4844 SOULS HARBOR IGLESIA CRISTIANA JUDA 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-726-2065 TACLB021367C PRESBYTERIAN WESTERN HARVEST GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP CENTER 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-594-2744 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH CHURCH OF FORT WORTH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle Meeting at Northwest YMCA 940-577-1954 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800 WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH CONVENANT ORTHODOX 790 CR 3696 • Springtown PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 817-880-5488 “Everyone otta know an Auto Pro”
1227 Old Cottondale • 817-220-7177
“Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”
Clarks Precision Machine & Tool
ISO 9001:2001 Compliant Check us out on our web site
11480 FM 730 S
Clay Stanton
SELL your business,
service or goods in this space!
Call Johnna to reserve this space.
302 Palo Pinto 1088 E. Hwy 199 Weatherford Springtown 817-594-3888 817-220-5959 Front Row (L-R): Anita White, Bob White, Kari Wright and Mark Reynolds Back Row (L-R): Jim Cleaver, Bruce Duncan, Richard Woodman and Jay Morrill
Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-596-4811 •
“Not Just a Tire Store” Complete Automotive, Light Truck & Diesel “We are making drivers smile”
Wednesday, May 7. 2014
817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi 817-220-7217 - Springtown -
Ad Classifi cation 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...................... Carports 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services
24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 .........Garden, Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted
001 Air Conditioning/Heating 014
46................Legal Notice 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49...................... Masonry 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56........................ Notices 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage
AIR WORKS BY SCOTT. A/C & Heating Service and installation, residential & mobile homes, Honest and Fair. TACLB017017E. 817-7248680 Boyd, TX.
006 Asphalt Paving
A sphAlt & G rAvel
Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125 008 Autos, Trucks Get rid of those yard cars, as well as good used cars. Arvin 817-9258768.
69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74... Too Late to Classify 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81..................Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent
RATES Up to 16 words, first insertion:
Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00! Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word • Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change • Boxed display ads also available (All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)
ALL TYPES OF EXCAVATING Tanks • House Pads • Clearing Also ..
WEATHERFORD ANTIQUE FAIR MAY 16TH & 17TH, 10A-6P, 1825 E. Bankhead Drive 76086 (at grounds of the Pythian Children’s Home). Contact Mitzi North 817680-7420 or Corky Hyatt 817-2397443. VENDOR SPACES AVAILABLE!
Sand • Top Soil • Gravel
817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215 MOTORHOME:29’Jamboree, 1 slide-out, new generator. 817-444-4012.
Carports and Patio Covers. All steel construction. Off-duty firefighter. 817-925-0922.
019 Cement Work ART’S CONCRETE. All types of concrete: foundations, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc. Free Estimates. 20 years experience. 469-348-6379. Allen Chesney Concrete All Types of Concrete Work Residential - Commercial Foundations, driveways, sand, gravel, demolition, haul-off, retaining walls 817-271-4541
Bobcat & Tractor Service • Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing
TOM'S BOBCAT SERVICE 444-5069 • Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing
028 Farm Equipment
All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.
Kiley Chesney Construction Dirt & Concrete Work
2005 Mercury Marquis, 4.3 ltr., loaded, 25,200 miles, $7,500/ OBO. 817-444-6700.
2006 John Deere 2320 24HP, 4x4, 3-cylinder diesel, 70 hours, TURF tires, foldable ROPS, cat 1, brush guard with JD200X QA loader, QA 50” bucket, joystick valve and JD62D on ramp 62” belly mower. $12,500. 817-475-5906.
023 Computers/Services HomeComputerWiz. Computer repair specialist: hardware & software. Call today! Terry Jones 817-821-5034. Email: Website:
024 Electrician 2003 Chevy Tahoe LT, 209,000 miles, body excellent condition, interior good condition, $6,000. 682-229-1797.
Advertising Works! 014 Campers & Trailers
BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 TECL#25253.
Dump Truck Hauling
2012 RV - 39 ft. Park Model. Call for more details 682-970-6663 or 817-626-0708.
☺ All types materials delivered ☺
Excavation—Final Grade—Demolition We Shape the World to Fit Your Needs! You have a Friend in the Business!
Cliff Hall
1989 Massey Ferguson 1030 Diesel Tractor, new brakes, battery, runs great, $5,750/OBO. 817-585-0366.
All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding, 817-444-6461. BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213. RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@ KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645
Saul SalinaS All Types of Fencing Farm and Ranch
817-690-6246 • 940-393-9454
For Sale
36” Electric cooktop; double oven; misc. house and office furnishings, etc. 817-929-0503. Big, good hay bales; freezer, almost new, $300; refrigerator, $300. Can see at 223 Carlton Court, (Veal Station). 817-980-0006. Bookcases and fireplace insert. 817444-1394.
RV FOR SALE: 2012 Trail Runner Travel Trailer, 26 ft., $19,900. 817626-0708 or 682-970-6663.
Excavating Continued next column...
034 Garage Sales RETIREMENT SALE!! Quilts & Stuff, 900 NW Parkway, Azle is Closing. EVERYTHING 20% OFF! Hours: Wed-Fri, 10A-5P. 817-270-0452. RESALE SHOP Now Open at 5210 E. Hwy 199 Springtown Moving Sale Friday-Saturday, 636 Stribling Circle, Azle. Furniture, clothing, odds & ends and more. MOVING SALE 537 Harbor Crest Road, Azle (Stribling Addition behind Azlewood), Friday, 7AM - 3PM, Saturday, 7AM - Noon. Large Estate Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9A-5P, 102 Pasadena Blvd, Mineral Wells.
Multi-Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, 8A-4P, 1023 Leslie Lane, Azle. Moving Sale (Rain or Shine) May 8th-10th. All sizes clothes, jewelry, Harley Davidson stuff, furniture/some antiques. 157 PR 3797, Springtown. See signs Old Cottondale Road (by Lions Club). 817-353-1503.
May 9-10, 7A-? 7204 S. FM 51, Boyd (Salt Creek Arena). Lots of baby girls clothes and items; men’s, women’s, kid’s clothes; household items.
Sand, Dirt & Gravel Qualified Family Business Since 1938
Doublewide mobile home, 3 bed/2 bath, 1,386 sq. ft. Must be moved, $38,000; Triplewide mobile home, 3 bed/2 bath, 1,803 sq. ft. Must be moved, $34,000. Call 817-220-7921; 817-688-5266, leave message if no answer.
LAST BIG SALE! Friday-Saturday, 8A-4P, 295 CR 4770 & 221 CR 4770, Boyd, off FM 730 between Azle & Boyd. Antique farm equipment and misc.
021 Child Care
2004 Buick Rainier, V-8, full power, $6,500. 817-905-9095.
For Sale
Garage Sale Saturday, May 10th, 7A-12P, 105 Cora Court, Springtown. Furniture, clothes, toys.
Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645
ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTER has a loving place for your child. Ages 2 weeks-12 years, ABEKA pre-school, 3 meals, 2 snacks. Service to all Azle schools and SES. Mon-Fri, 6A-6:30P. 817237-3711; 817-994-5228.
Garage Sale May 9th, 10th, 11th, 8AM to 5PM, 250 Browder Road, Springtown.
J.A.M. Concrete
REDUCED! $1,850/OBO. 1960 Ford 3/4 truck, runs and drives. The bed floor is rusted in front and it’s in Azle. Cell 972-8352088.
Springtown Epigraph THE
For Sale Continued next column...
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: MONDAY BY 5:00 P.M. Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD OR DISCOVER by phone.
Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.
Nobody does it better!
034 Garage Sales Multi-Family Friday-Saturday, 8A-3P, 324 Creek View Meadows Drive, Springtown. Dining room, bedroom, Avon, Cape Cod dishes, assorted misc., Prom dresses size 2-4. BRING YOUR FRIENDS! You won’t believe what we have at 7211 Nine Mile Bridge Road, between Azle and Lake Worth. Friday & Saturday, May 9th & 10th. We even have Mother’s Day covered for you! Saturday, 8AM-1PM only. Clothes sizes baby to adult, household items, toys, baby items, bedding sets, etc. 174 Browder Road, Springtown. AHS DRAMA BOOSTER FUNDRAISER GARAGE SALE & CAR WASH Saturday, 8A-2P, ARBY’S PARKING LOT. MultiHousehold Contributions. Lots of Treasures!
035 Garden/Mowing Service J. Martinez
ConstruCtion Landscaping Natural Stone Work Tree Removal Concrete Work Yard Work and Cleaning 817-688-3999
034 Garage Sales Moving Sale Saturday, 8A-3P, 6255 Silver Creek Azle Road. Housewares, furniture, knickknacks, hospital beds. Moving Sale! Everything goes! Saturday, 5/10, 7A-4P, 644 Clearbrook, Azle. Tools, yard items, sofa bed dining table, chairs, recliner, dressers, treadmill, TVs, kitchen items. Lots More! Multi Family Yard Sale ThursdaySaturday, 7A-? 1039 W. Hwy 199, Springtown.
035 Garden/Mowing Service FREE ESTIMATES. Mowing, weed eating, scrap haul off, property clean up. Call Brett 817-881-2357. Tree trimming, removal, mow, weeding, cleanup, tilling, rake leaves, haul-offs. Free estimates. Kevin 817-363-0010. INFERNO LAWN SERVICE. Off duty firefighters providing a dependable lawn service you can trust. 817-7347448. Honest and dependable lawn care, mowing, and tree trimming. Handyman Services. Call Robert 817-966-9552. MANDO’S TREE SERVICE. Take downs, trimming, lot clearing, haul offs. Senior Discounts. Save Big Money! Call 817-808-2873. 20 year expert.
Find a Landscaper in the classifieds
Chad's Tree Service
Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing
817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943 Insured for your protection
Nana’s Treasures Estate Sale FridaySaturday, 9A-4P, 320 W. 4th Terrace, Springtown. Lots of treasures, 1990 Buick Century. Everything must sell. Friday, 8A-?; Saturday, 8A-12P, 6066 Midway Road (behind flea market). Household items, TVs, vacuum cleaners, men’s & women’s clothing, karaoke machine & tapes. CLOSING SHOP-INVENTORY SALE May 10th, 9A-3P, Frames N Things, 108 W. Main St., Azle. Indoors. Saturday, 8A-5P, 605 Walnut Creek Drive, Azle. Desk, sleeper couch, large table & 6 chairs, tools, lots of men’s suits and clothing, Tom Tom’s, computer with printer & speakers, misc. Yard Sale/Bake Sale. Cornerstone Apostolic Church, 1801 FM 730, Boyd Road (by Fireworks Warehouse) May 9th & 10th, 9A-4P. Rain or Shine, behind church. Large Sale - Cleaning Out Storage! Saturday & Sunday, 8AM, 1516 Scotland Avenue, Azle. Estate/Yard Sale, Springtown area, 432 CR 3690 (5 miles north of Springtown off FM 51) Saturday, 10A-3P. Sewing: designer fabrics, notions, PFAFF 1471 embroidery/ sewing machine; Ceramics: greenware, molds, paint, porcelain dolls, accessories, patterns; housewares; jewelry; collectibles; tools; misc. Saturday, 8AM, 1012 Carpenter Street, Azle. Downsizing from large home to small. Getting rid of lots. House, garden, garage. Book Sale over 3,000 Books! Friday & Saturday. Paperbacks, 5 for $1; Hardbacks, 3 for $1. On 730 N. between Peden & Reed Road.
Garage Sales Continued next column...
Lic. #4346 & #6537
Commercial & Residential Sprinkler Installation & Repair • Landscaping Tractor Work • Drainage • Lot Grading Rock & Stonework • Sod & Hydromulching Family Owned & Operated Since 1989
Experience with Competitive Prices
817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545
Best Lawn Guarantee in Town Landscape Dependable and Reliable Online Account Sprinklers Management Lawn Care
• Sod • Stone Work • Flower Beds • Fencing • Trees Email: • Clean Up
LI 19046
Campfire Lawn & Garden Trees trimmed-removed Full lawn care & haul-offs
Insured • Azle since 1962 Compare Prices
No Job Too Small
Terms Available 817-444-0861 A.W. Teater All major credit cards accepted
817-690-4011 cell
Garden/Mowing Service Continued next page...
817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 035 Garden/Mowing Service
ROHAN LAWN SERVICE. We provide mowing, weedeating, edging, blowing. Free Estimates. Call 817-929-6269; 817-444-0178, after 6PM. lorenzorrohan@hotmail. com.
Firefighter Tractor
Tree Service
All work is done by off duty professional firefighters
Tree Removal & Trimming · Brush Hog · Box Blade Front Loader · Tiller · Truck & Trailer for Hauling
Help Wanted
CNA • 2-10
Take Downs, Trimming, Lot Clearing, Haul Offs
Senior Discounts Save Big Money!
Call 817-808-2873 Fr ank’s
Lawn Service Mowing • Weed Eating Edging • Trimming
Fr ank sugg, Jr.
Jason’s Lawn Service
Free Estimates, Competitive Rates, Lawn Maintenance, Raking, Hedge/Shrub Trimming, Scrap Metal Haul-Off
Call Jason at 682-333-6382
RNA Lawn Services
Serving Our Community since 2007.
Reliable Ser vice at a Competitive Rate.
Unwanted debris removed at a reasonable rate. Call Tom 817-4488578.
Alfalfa 100# Arizona/California leafy green bales. Buy 100 get one free special. 817-798-7712. NO Blister Beetles(See us on Facebook AzleAlfalfa).
Help Wanted
LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. Contact Jon 817319-9073. Business is Booming! Now interviewing servers. Apply in person, Shinola’s Texas Cafe, Springtown. Hard Worker needed, General Labor for construction and cleanup tasks. Valid DL required. Apply in person. Tommy Miles Homes, 917 East Hwy 199, Springtown. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. Wise Ready Mix now hiring Mix Drivers, Class B-CDL. Apply in person, 1349 NW Parkway, Azle. Double L Plumbing in Azle is looking for a young mechanically inclined individual to become a Plumbing Apprentice. Get the opportunity to learn a well-paying trade. Must have high school diploma, pass a drug test and have good driving record and clean criminal record. Please call 817-444-3100. EXPERIENCED CHEMICAL APPLICATOR - IMMEDIATE OPENING. Experienced Commercial Chemical Applicator needed. Knowledge of treatment for common lawn problems required. Some sales and customer service required. Must be clean-cut, honest, professional. TDA license a plus. Must have valid DL, SS# and a clean record. Compensation based on relevant experience. Classic Green, LLC 817-479-9503 or service@ Vance Godbey’s Restaurant now hiring Dishwashers & Caterers for part-time work. 817-237-2218. Upscale Resale Shop in Weatherford hiring, 25-30 hours per week. 817599-3510.
Continued next column...
Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design
Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding
817- 220-1141 817-444-9574
Help Wanted
NOW HIRING Automotive Technician $7500.00 SIGN ON Bonus for Chrysler Certification Seeking an Experienced Wholesale Parts Advisor for a Growing Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Dealership to join our Team in a fast paced environment.
605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas
Class A CDL Drivers with 2 years experience Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more
Trucking Company
• Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding
House Cleaning
Looking for hard working, high energy person to work for a fast paced house cleaning business. Must have house cleaning references. Must pass random drug test. Must have own vehicle and auto insurance. Must be dependable, prompt and efficient. Azle area, part-time only, non smoking. Please call Sue at 817237-8032 or 817-343-7157. Full-time Maintenance Person needed. Current Texas DL required. Electrical, plumbing, welding experience wanted. NO JOB DESCRIPTION. 817-444-1622. Expanding my business in the Azle area. Looking for highly motivated individuals. 817-301-4268. Drivers: Home Daily! New Equipment, Great Pay & Benefits (Weekly), Paid Orientation, 18 months experience, CDL-A required. 855-4114988. Help wanted to clean Boyd Post Office. Call 903-617-3120. Fast paced electrical contracting company needs Electrician. Must have residential experience, Licensed preferred. Commercial experience not needed. No others need apply. 817-939-0102, leave message.
Help Wanted Continued next column...
Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201 Let my 40 years of experience work for you. Integrity and quality work at affordable prices. BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-8216377. PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866-3743559. DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. SPRING SPECIAL: 20% Off w/this Ad! 817-629-9608. WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555. ROBERT’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. I do additions, kitchen & bathroom remodel, ceramic tile, foundation repair, painting, pressure washing, roofing, fencing and decks. Call for Free quote. 817-964-2562. AZLE HOME REPAIR & REMODEL. No job too big; no job too small. 30 years experience. Contact Doug Batey 817-361-2361. Handyman Service, over 35 years experience for all your home needs call 817-907-2487. HANDYMAN/REPAIR SERVICES. Quality work at affordable rates. Free quotes, 20 years experience. Gary 817-798-0778.
Sebastian Enterprises CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Since 1995
817-239-9571 817-237-9571
Many Happy Local Customers Since 1978
Home Improvement Continued next column...
T&M CLEANING. Cleaning done the way you want. 15 years experience, reliable, references. 817-333-8786.
• Interior & Exterior • Bed • Commercial Residential • Texture • Tape • Seal & texture • Sheetrock repair/replace • Remove old wallpaper/seal & texture • Pole fence painting • Pressure washing Cabinetry/Wood Work/Staining
Call Steve
Job Wanted
PART-TIME. Female Caregiver for Children, Elderly, Disabled Adults, Azle/Springtown or Lake Worth areas only. References. 817-5843358.
Honest, reliable House Cleaning Service. References available. 479216-3675.
Home Improvement
Steve Feltman Painting
• Insulation SPRING • Kitchen/ SPECIAL Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks
Call Devin at 817-629-9608
Hiring “Class A” Flat Bed Drivers and Frac Sand Haulers. 2 years of verifiable driving exp. $500 BONUS after 90 days, plus Benefits.
Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815
Devin’s Handyman Service
Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567.
Quality Inspector. Seeking a selfmotivated gauging inspector. Must be familiar with Aerospace blueprints and able to use all equipment that is associated with said job. DO NOT apply in person. Send resume to
LOOK Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement
Home Improvement
Appointment Setter needed parttime, $8/hour plus commission. Call Nicole 817-444-0371.
Drivers: Excellent Benefits & Bonus Program! Earn $.48-$.54 CPM. Haul Flatbed loads for Trinity Logistics Group. CDL-A, 2 years experience. EOE/AA 800-533-7862 or www.
BRIAN HENSLEY 817.229.7668
Jodi Dusek, H/R Mgr.
Eagle Maids with an Eye on Detail 817-618-3245. eaglemaids@gmail. com.
Part-time Counter Help needed. 817-677-2494.
Custom Homes
For consideration of all positions apply to:
MAID TO SERVE CLEANING CO. Reliable/Insured. 817-602-1696 Robert.
Framing Carpenters wanted. Must have own transportation and hand tools. 817-691-6617.
No positions available at this time
817-444-7711 • 817-444-7774
USED CAR SALESMAN. Buy Here Pay Here Lot looking for Experienced Car Salesman. 817233-2633; 817-444-5074.
817-946-6787 817-444-4198
Karl Klement Properties, Inc.
SEASONAL MOWER. Multiple types of mowers, grounds keeping, FW, valid Texas DL & HS/GED required, $13/hour.
Drivers: CDL-B: Great Pay, Hometime! No-Forced Dispatch! New Singles from Dallas to surrounding states. Apply: or 1-866-2248948.
exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs
Competitive salary, paid holidays, vacation and continued training.
Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323 Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 Family Owned• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED SPRING DISCOUNT 10% OFF
Chapman Carpentry Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable
Employees needed for 2014 opening of New Dealership A Not-For-Profit Hospital • EOE Decatur, TX • Job Line: 940-626-2525
Exterior Painting Free Estimates
No positions available at this time
For all of our available job opportunities, visit
Irrigation Repair
040 Home Improvement 817-406-4023
Affiliated with Baylor Health Care System
Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum
20 year experT
Wise Regional Health System
Help Wanted
J ohn K idd P ain ting
Accepting Applications for a
Call, Text 817-291-3955 or Email
Mando’s Tree Service
AZLE AREA - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - MEDICAL BILLER. Growing Department is seeking an experienced A/R Clerk/Medical Biller. 2+ years experience preferred with knowledge of Medicaid billing a plus. Salary commensurate with experience. Company benefits available. Call 817-444-2516, 8AM to 5PM for directions to office to fill out application.
Azle Manor • 817-444-2536 721 Dunaway Ln. • Azle
Jon Reed, Owner
Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday
Excellent Salary, Company Benefits Apply in person, E.O.E.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Masonry Azle, TX 2012 Great Sports Wildfire 750cc engine, 464 miles, 95 mpg, 4 speed/reverse, tags & inspection, $7,300/OBO. 817-585-0366.
commercial • residential
Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates
Experienced House Cleaning with excellent references. 817-800-9421.
Your Cleaning Service
Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806
Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL
2007 HD Sportster 1200 Low, black, garage kept, 3389 miles, windshield, upgraded pipes, passenger back rest/luggage rack, hard saddlebags. Asking $6,500. Contact Bill 972-3724557.
U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.
Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936.
our pros may be out chasing fairy dust
Backgrounds Checked
Precious registered Border Collie puppies for sale. Call 817-929-6190.
We furnish Tools & Chemicals
Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”
817-690-0924 • Hot, Cold, Corrective • 26 yrs exp • Vet References • Prompt • Reliable Service
2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $8,000 817228-2255.
One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed
You’ll love the care you get! ACROSS 1 paper based in Pearsall: “____Nueces Currrent” 5 long period of time 6 this Lawrence moved Exxon HQ from NY to TX 7 21-across recorded a version of Ray Charles’ hit “What’d _ ___” 8 dip in gravy 9 TXism: “___ ____ irons in the fire” 16 sidekick of Crackle and Pop 18 the 2nd bullet to hit JFK entered the back __ ___ ____ 21 this TX Roy sang in 4-octave range (init.) 22 TX Kenny Rogers sang “____ _ Can Make it on My Own” 23 TXism: “table grazed” 24 TX Tech grad Demetrio Lakas was pres. of this Central America country 30 star actress in 1990 “Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III” 34 __-47 assault rifle 35 gourd that has tasty fruit (2 wds.) 36 what’s left after eating an apple 37 TXism: “_____ la vista” (see ya later) 39 TXism: “half ______ _____” (zebra)
43 1937 Hop-a-long Cassidy film: “Texas _____” 44 TX Tommy Lee Jones is one in “The River Rat” 45 MLB league for Astros and Rangers (abbr.) 46 “out on a ____” 47 George W. to George H. 48 nat’l gun group 50 genus of moths 53 boot width 54 TX actress Duncan (init.) 24
5 6
by Charley & Guy Orbison
Copyright 2014 by Orbison Bros.
9 17
40 44
15 19
32 37
42 45
36 39
21 29
43 46
55 TXism: “_____ the 48 49 50 51 52 47 town” (celebrate) 53 54 55 56 collection of historical TX info. 56 57 58 59 this is low among Cowboy fans 9 TX Waylon sang 59 60 this TX Rather was “You Asked Me __” CBS anchorman 10 Highlands: “Pearl __ 60 61 TX Ted Poe’s work 31 ___ ___ Jacinto” time zone (abbr.) 61 11 state where Emmitt 62 home of the Ozona 32 is enshrined 62 Lions (abbr.) 33 12 TXism: “false-alarm chili” DOWN 38 13 TXism: “_ _____ 1 this Monty played 40 for sore eyes” for the Rangers in 24 nickname of TX’s 14 first colony to break 1991-92 26th gov., Ferguson 41 42 with England (abbr.) 25 rock guitarist need 2 TX Charley Pride’s 15 affirmative vote in “I’ve Just Found 26 a Gulf tide 49 the TX legislature Another ______ 27 TX Sunset Carson 51 17 illegal deer hunters For Loving You” film: “_____ Billy 52 19 TX Tanya sang “One 3 in Wichita Co. on the Kid” (1946) Love __ _ ____” hwy. 370 28 “M” of TX “MD 57 20 Bowie Co. birthplace 4 hit of 21-across: Anderson” center 58 of Bonanza’s “Hoss” 29 “San ______” “____ the Lonely”
ex-Cowboy Jones was “___ Tall” to do this is human this TX Brown won ‘60 shot put bronze New Orleans team __ Paso, TX rattlesnake casa TXns see these big mammals at the zoo ____ & Eve ____ “Bum” Phillips TXism: “does a bull ____ milk?” (no) cowboy contest “_____ and burn”
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 059
Pool Service
Summer will be here soon. Is your pool ready? If not, call Gannon Swimming Pool Service 817-2303838.
Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday
Roll Off Container Service
Buying Cars & Trucks
Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.
Slab Leaks
817-444-3054 M10078
Storage Buildings Built To Last!!! We build quality buildings at affordable prices. We’ll beat all competitors prices! 817-770-3057.
40x50 building for rent 3 miles west of Springtown 817-713-7495.
Drains Cleaned Water Heaters
081 Business/Commercial
191 Monticello Dr. • Springtown
Plumbing Repairs
Springtown area: 3 acre gravel lot for lease. 817-657-5682.
Advertising in the Classifieds is the best way to make some extra money.
Ash Creek Storage
“The Solution To All Your Plumbing Needs”
STORAGE UNITS West Side Storage 20-5813 1350 Liberty School Rd, Azle 817-220-2469 7-2 • 81 81
5x10 $25/month
Insurance Claim Specialists
Now Leasing Storage Units Try the classifieds! Commercial & Residential
6 Months ... $125 817-246-4646 075
QUALITY UPHOLSTERING. Free Estimates. Pick-up and Delivery Service. 817-727-6836.
Well Drilling
Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.
Welding owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614
426 e hWY 199 • SpringtoWn Strong Winds and Hail in This Area Have Caused Damage that Cannot Be Seen From the Ground.
Please Give Us a Call for a Free Roof Inspection.
Here Before The Storm, Here Long After.
Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction 28 Years in Azle
Certified PREFERRED CONTRACTOR State Applicator # 106
Robert Burge
Roofing & Remodeling Residential 817-344-8465 Commercial
New Construction Add On’s Electrical Painting
Plumbing Sheetrock Roofing Remodeling
Flooring Fencing Free Trimming Landscaping
Houses for Sale
FSBO: 3 BR 2 BA brick home on 6.5 acres with barn, 4 car carport, 18x30 gunite pool, 20x30 shop w/30x25 awning. FM 730 N. $230,000/OBO. 817-965-2156.
FOR SALE OR RENT: 6,700 sf office/warehouse at 1750 N. FM 51, Springtown. Several offices, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, large meeting room, warehouse area, loading dock, all on 1 acre. $169,000 or $1,600/mo. 817-220-5339; 817-7980891.
Office Space for Rent. $450/mo. (approx. 550 sq. ft.) 116 S. Main Street beside Springtown Chamber of Commerce. 817-220-7828.
Commercial Building For Rent: Over 2,000 sq. ft., small office, $500/mo. 120 Porter, Azle. 817-444-0090.
40x40 building with office and rollup door at Hwy 199 & New Highland Road, Springtown. 817-313-7821.
Corner of Main St. & Locust • Azle
9-1 7-23
Professional Office Space For Lease. 800 sq. ft., 1230 E. Hwy 199, Suite 104, Springtown. 817-220-2150.
40x60 metal building on 1 acre for rent. 1661 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. $800/mo. $800 deposit. 817-3609318.
Convenient Location
CommercialResidential Serving Springtown, Azle, Boyd, Weatherford Area
Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock, tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495. HALF LOADS! Top Soil, Sand, Gravel, Compost, Tractor Work. 817907-7410 or 817-221-2125.
• Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs
Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good! DESIGN
art METAL z o C BUILDING SYSTEMS Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design Office
Fax 817-237-0904
Mark Cozart 817-233-6668
Large 4 bedroom on 1 acre. New paint on interior. Located at 150 Browder Road in Springtown. Financing Available with Low Down Payment. Call Mitch 855847-6806.
Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028
ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.
We’ll be here after the storm. PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217
CALL Cliff Hall
(817)221-2681 We go the extra mile to ensure you get more for your $. On House Pads, Driveways, Lot Clearing & Tractor Work, Etc.
SAND • DIRT • GRAVEL Dozer and Tractor Work
Jerry W. Mitchell
16x56 Crestridge 2/1½
32x44 Crestridge 3/2 28x76 Schult 4/3 28x72 Homestar 4/2
Stk#2562 Stk#2046 Tape & Texture
$36,900 $41,900 $48,900
NEW HOMES - 2014 MODELS 16x60 Champion 2/2 16x72 Champion 3/2 28x68 Champion 4/2 32x68 Champion 3/2 32x68 Champion 4/2 · New, Used Repos · Mobile Home Insurance · Service After the Sale
Version 2
• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing
1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown
Find a Welder in the classifieds
Stk#0834 Stk#0819 Coming Soon Porch House Tape & Texture
$28,900 $34,900 $52,900 $69,900 $72,900
4272 E. Hwy 199 · Springtown, TX 76082 · Lic. #35875 In Business 10 Years · Open Monday - Saturday
Find a home in the classifieds
086 Mobile Home/RV Lots
Sportsman’s Park RV Community
1100 Sportsman Park Rd, Azle 817-444-0922
086 Mobile Home/RV Lots PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lots for rent: 1708 GALE DRIVE, $155/ mo. $50 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-246-4646. gtatx. com. Hablamos Español.
Life is Better at the Lake
Call About our Move-In Specials for May
Texas Star RV Park Inc.
14504 FM 730 N. • 6 miles North of Azle • Large Lots RV Spaces by • Nice & Clean Day, Week or Month 30 amp - $325/mo. Laundry Facilities 50 amp - $350/mo. - Free Internet (Electric, Water & Sewer included)
3-2-2 brick, total electric, security & sprinkler systems, covered patio, nice yard, fenced. 1702 sq. ft., excellent condition, $138,000. 817444-6887. FSBO: 4-2-2, built 2002, 2100 sq. ft., hardwood flooring, NEW AC, Sprinkler System. 781 Quail Lane. 817-996-2759.
Units starting at $450/mo., trash service paid. 817-221-3112; 817235-2284. 2-2, Springtown, $750/mo. 817-2204095. Pelican Bay: 1524 Partridge, 1-1, $295/mo. $250 deposit. S&R, CH/ window unit. Owner/Broker 817988-9954. 2 & 3 BR mobile homes for rent, Springtown and Azle ISD. 817-3609318. Pelican Bay: Split level 3 BR 2 BA. Lease or Sell. Move-in: $1,420. With pets, $200 additional each pet: $155 weekly lease. 817-929-0503. Trailer for Rent. 1 bedroom, partly furnished, in Briar, No Pets. $500/ mo. with $200 deposit. 940-7833836. SHARP 3BR 2BA DW, treed acre, fully applianced, pantry, 2-car carport, no pets, non smoking, 1 year lease, $800/mo./deposit. 215 Dorothy, Springtown. 817-205-1255.
We May have the Perfect Place for you if you are a...
• Paved Streets • Mail Service • Covered RV Spaces • Free Wi-Fi • Laundromat • Adult RV Park • No Road Noises
AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. Also, RV lots & rentals and mobile home lots for rent.
085 Mobile Homes for Sale TURN TO THE EXPERT In Financing Mobiles on Acreage & Land. Quick & Easy with No Credit Check or Qualifications. Any or No Credit. 817-994-3730 7 days til 11PM Pictures Available We buy used mobile homes with clear titles. K&P Homes, Inc. 817677-3446.
086 Mobile Home/RV Lots RV space with 20x20 outbuilding. Hwy 199 between Springtown & Azle. $300/mo. water & trash service provided. 817-360-9318. RV Spots for Lease, free wifi and water, $300/mo. plus electric. Call James 817-332-4442.
Heritage RV PARK
Call To See If We Can Move Your RV FREE
Covered & Open Spaces
• Free Wi-Fi • Laundromat • Mail Service • Tiny Houses & RV Rental
Dauenhauer Contractors, Inc.
Metal Buildings · Pre-Engineered · Shops / Barns Arenas / Churches · Aircraft Hangars
Metal Building Erectors
3 BR 1 BA fixer upper, large lot, carport, some upgrades done. Must See! 817-946-6787.
817-221-2002 Quality Family Business Since 1938
Mobile Homes For Sale
K&P Homes, Inc.
084 Mobile Homes for Rent
Metal Building Specialist
FOR SALE: 6704 sq. ft. lot in Azle (1908 Gale Drive). Has electric, city sewage, gravel driveway and includes gas lease royalties. 817237-5118. INVESTMENT PROPERTY SALE OR LEASE. 3.76 acres behind RaceTrac Gas Station on 730 N., Azle. 817360-0523.
We buy cars & Trucks Copper • Aluminum • CAns
Between Azle & Springtown
Pecan Acres RV Park Inc. 12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle
RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month We now have Pull-Throughs! • • • • •
Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi
817-846-8190 Call for Rates - 817-291-4679
We’ll relocate your RV here for FREE! (up to 50 miles)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 088
Rent Unfurnished
4-plex, 2-2, Azlewood, $695/$400 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039. SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $600/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-875-8406. 2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 bath duplexes, 1 car garage, fenced backyard, all appliances, all brick, great location. Stewart Bend Duplex Homes in Azle. 817-444-2362. PELICAN BAY: 1904 PELICAN DRIVE N., 3-2-1, $735/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817246-4646. Hablamos Espanol. 2,000 sq. ft. brick home on 1 acre, 3-2+gameroom or 4/2, hand scraped wood floors, ceramic floors, Springtown schools, Pets Welcome. 24 hour recorded message 866-4635719. Optional Rent to Own. FOR LEASE: 3-2-2, fenced, clean, NO PETS, near Azle H.S. 620 Oak View Court. 817-994-6316; 817-9995395. 3-2.5-2 Azlewood, 2-story, WBFP, extra study, $1,200/mo. $1,000 deposit, $35 application fee. 817444-0205. WATERWOOD APARTMENTS 500 E. 7th St., Springtown CALL TODAY! 817-523-4308. Rental assistance available with some units. Energy Efficient Appliances, Playground. NOW TAKING RENTAL APPLICATIONS for 1 Bedroom Units starting at $443. 3 bedroom, central AC, all appliances, great location with trees, no dogs, $875/mo. 817-444-3636. Nice 3-2-2 brick home, auto sprinklers, fenced yard, $895/mo. $650 deposit, references required. 817-239-1271. Azle Duplex: 325 Lochridge. 2-1 w/covered carport. Fridge, stove and dishwasher furnished. W/D hookups, ceiling fans, very clean, small backyard w/storage building. Yard maintenance included. Mostly seniors. $725/mo. $600 deposit. No pets, 1 year lease. Call for senior discount. 817-372-2514 or text 817372-8626.
Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle
(817) 444-2362 1 & 2 Bedrooms
APARTMENT 700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712
1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Rent based on income. TDD:
Crestwood Apartment Homes 525 Commerce St. 817-444-0030 Mon-Sat 9-6 • Sun 1-4 1, 2 & 3 Large Bedroom Floor Apartments Plans Pool • Water paid
From $590/mo.
Azle Creek Apartments 519 West Main St. • Azle
The Bryants Co. 817-220-2021 Dana Bryant/Realtor 817-613-7189
3-2 Dw on 2.906 ACRes. Peaster ISD. $79,900 2-2 triplewide on 8.74 acres. Double horse barn, corral, pond and 24 x 24 workshop $137,500. 3-2 on .830 acres. Easy access to town. Older home on nice wooded lot.
CommeRCiAl RentAls! Azle Pkwy CenteR -
13.58 ACRes inside city limits. Excellent and convenient location for business. $155,000 1 ACRe restricted lot on cul-de-sac. $18,500 1.26 ACRes on restricted cul-de-sac. $18,500 13 ACRes, WILDLIFE EXEMPTION! $97,500
4.510 ACRes with water, septic and electric, ready for your home and $950 deposit animals! Slidell ISD. $42,500
neAR Azle hosPitAl 1,980 sq.ft. $950/mo
(Water, Trash & Sewer Included)
• Newly Remodeled • Friendly & Quiet Community • Laundry On Site
Pet Friendly!
(size restrictions and additional fees apply)
TexSCAN Week of May 4, 2014 AUCTIONS
DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED in Hutchins, TX. Become a driver for Covenant Transport! No experience needed. CDL training gets you ready ASAP! Earn $750/week + benefits! 1-888-778-0460
AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! Guaranteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265
316+/- ACRE White River Ranch Auction, Calico Rock, AR. Minimum Bid $800,000. Sealed Bids Due by May 27. Atlas RE Firm, #2276. 5%BP. 1-501-840-7029,
DRIVERS SHORTHAUL FLATBED/CHIP Minimum one year experience, sign-on bonus $500.00, Referral pay, apply online: www. woodfi or call recruiter: 1-800501-6020 ext. 13.
11 ACRES, George West/Alice off Hwy. 281. Views, south Texas brush, some coastal pasture. $2344 down, $427/mo. (9.9%, 20 years). 1-866-286-0199. www.
Call for appointment
OTR DRIVERS NEEDED 31¢ per mile. $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH Plenty of home-time, lots of miles. Call or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, INJURED IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT? Call Martin Ramos 915-373-3372 ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, InjuryFone for a free case evaluation. Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 PAID CDL Training! No experience needed. Never a cost to you. Don`t wait, call now, Stevens Transport will sponsor the cost of your LOANS FOR LANDLORDS! We finance 1-800-675-5910 CDL training. Earn up to $40K fi rst year and from 5-500 units. As low as 5.5%, 1-4 family IF YOU USED the blood thinner PRADAXA $70K third year. Excellent benefits, 1-888-726- townhomes, Condos OK. Contact B2R at and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhag- 4130, EOE 1-855-940-0227 ing, required hospitalization or a loved one PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR drivLOOKING TO SALE land? Reach over died while taking Pradaxa between October 2010 and the present. You may be entitled ers, APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass, 2-million readers for one low price in the to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. passenger policy. 2012 and newer equip- Texas Statewide Advertising Network. ment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-749Johnson 1-800-535-5727. 1-800-528-7825; 4793 for more detail.
Sell It In The Classifieds!
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illigal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Real Estate Deadline Monday by 12:00 PM
1/1 - $475 & Up 2/1 - $595
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Classifieds real estate
Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday Rent Unfurnished
Azle News The
817-270-3340 The Springtown Epigraph 817-220-7217
Here’s a key to making some extra income.
AVERITT EXPRESS New pay increase for regional drivers! 40 to 46 CPM + fuel bonus! Also, post-training pay increase for students! (depending on domicile) Get home every week + excellent benefits. CDL-A required. 1-888-362-8608 apply @; EOE - Females, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. ATTENTION DRIVERS Top pay $$$. Be a name, not number! Quality hometime, BCBS plus pet and rider. Orientation signon bonus. CDL-A required 1-877-258-8782, BRING YOUR PET-You’ll both love the National Carriers family! 6-months. TT Experience/Refresher Training Program with 3-6 months. Consistent year-round miles. 1-888.440.2465 or
SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $4397 Make and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N
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MEDICAL BILLING and insurance trainees needed. Obamacare creating immediate need. Online job training gets you job ready. HS Diploma/GED and internet required. 1-888-368-1638.
WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. Call for more information: 1-903-878-7265, 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354
AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA approved training.Financial aid if qualified. Housing and job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. Dallas:1800-475-4102 or Houston: 1-800-743-1392
Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................. $550 290 Newspapers, 871,154 Circulation
North Region Only ...... $250
CLASS-A DRIVERS Dedicated: Dallas, Tx to 93 Newspapers, 297,505 Circulation REAL ESTATE Laredo, return Home often. Terminals in Dallas, $ and Laredo 53’ dry van. Require: 1-year OTR ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEWLake Medina/ South Region Only ..... 250 97 Newspapers, 366,627 Circulation experience 1-800-950-8326 Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 down, $235 month CLASS-A DRIVERS: $2,000 Solo Sign- (12.91%/10yr), Guaranteed financing, more West Region Only ....... $250 On Bonus, $4,000 Teams! $45-55K avg. information call 1-830-460-8354 98 Newspapers, 205,950 Circulation yearly based on experience. Excellent To Order: Call this Newspaper Bonus Potential. Great Benefits. 1-year ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, OTR required. Call 888.570.1923 www. pier, ramp. Owner finance. Granbury direct, or call Texas Press Service 1-210-422-3013 at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is
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321 W. Main Street, Azle
Make some extra income with the Azle News Classifi ed Section.
Springtown Epigraph The
817-220-7217 109 East First St. • Springtown
Last Puzzle Solution T O O A D A M
It Could Rain Money For You... In Our Classified Section!
Azle News The
817-270-3340 321 W. Main St. Azle
817-220-7217 109 East First St. Springtown