中华之声 - 2019年十二月 第四十一期 Issue41

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201�年 DECEMBER ISSUE #�1 第�1期

2020 Perth

中华新年文化节 Chinese New Year Fair

Chung Wah awarded the 2019 Association Award

中华会馆获颁2019社团友谊奖 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY


中华会馆 年度会员大会

2019 Annual General Meeting

How to support children when they are ‘defiant’ or ‘rebellious’? 如何教育“叛逆”期的孩子?

Festivities • Shopping • Dining • Free 3-Hour Parking Options

visitperth.com.au #thecityatchristmas



201�年 DECEMBER ISSUE #�1 第�1期

2020 Perth

中华新年文化节 Chinese New Year Fair

中华会馆 年度会员大会

2019 Annual General Meeting

Chung Wah awarded the 2019 Association Award

中华会馆获颁2019社团友谊奖 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY


How to support children when they are ‘defiant’ or ‘rebellious’? 如何教育“叛逆”期的孩子?

Cover photography 封面摄影 Shuren YUAN 袁树仁

Styling design 造型设计 Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

2019年的11月份,西澳的气 温自2003年以来破纪录的出现 了高达40度的高温,中华会馆在 十月十九日今年度的会员大会也 出现有史以来破纪录的最热闹的 场面。但愿即将在2020年2月2日 举行的中华新年文化节的人潮也 可以更创新高。

过去三个月中华会馆好事 连连,不仅各类服务组、文化组获 得多项社区奖,社区活动也包罗 万象 (查阅中华消息8-13页) 。 希 望读者能特别关注的是,即将到 来的2020年是中华会馆建馆110 周年,会馆是属于西澳所有华人 的,我们希望您可以一起来参与。 新上任中华会馆理事会团 队的竞选口号是“弘扬传统,与时 俱进” ,我们欢迎华人社区积极的 表达意见。如您想知道这团队的 更多背景与信息,请翻阅这期《中 华之声》的第38页。

我们的杂志特别针对华人 家庭的读者群,每期还专门有教 育心理家给父母带来的育儿经, 这期的专题是如何教育“叛逆期” 的孩子。 (查阅亲子乐20-21页) 十二月是一个充满着假期 气氛的月份,在此祝愿读者圣诞 快乐、新年愉快,预祝大家在鼠年 一帆风顺、阖家安康。

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰

Season of Celebration

On one Saturday in the Spring of 2019, the maximum temperature recorded was 40 degrees, which was the highest recorded for November since 2003. In the same season, Chung Wah Association also had an unprecedented number of members attending its Annual General Meeting held on 19 October. Hopefully, the upcoming 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair, to be held on 2 February 2020, will have a record-breaking crowd and that the hot weather will stay away on the day of the event.

For the past three months, the Association was filled with good news and fabulous events (pages 8-13). A special highlight of our events was the Historical Stories and Photographic Exhibition that marked the beginning of the celebrations of the 110th anniversary of Chung Wah Association. Chung Wah Association belongs to all people of a Chinese heritage and members of the Chinese community in Western Australia. We hope to see you participate in the celebration of our 110th anniversary events. The new Executive Committee would like to meet the needs of the modern era, so that the legacy of Chung Wah Association can be passed on. We encourage our community members to actively communicate with us for the future of Chung Wah Association. You may find out more about the background information of the individual members of the Executive Committee on page 38.

Families in WA with a Chinese heritage are our main target readers. We have a parenting topic written by a Perthbased educational psychologist in every issue. In this issue, she talks about how to support children when they are ‘defiant’ or ‘rebellious’ (pages 20-21). December is a month of festive spirit and celebrations across the world. I would like to wish all readers of the Chung Wah Magazine, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a safe and healthy Year of the Rat.

Chief Editor 主编

2020 Membership Renewal Reminder


Your Chung Wah Association membership 2019

subscription will expire on 31 December 2019. Renew your membership now to continue to enjoy discounts and receive Chung Wah Magazine in the post.

您的中华会馆2019年会籍将于2019年12月31日到期。 续新会籍确保您继续享有会员优惠, 并定期收到给您邮寄的《中华之声》 会刊。 2020 Annual Membership Fees 年会费

Category 类别 Family 家庭

Individual 个人

Standard 普通

$40 $30

Concession 优惠

$25 $15




To renew you can either 续新会籍您可以

By Cheque 支票 Post to PO BOX �3, Northbridge WA �8�5 By Credit Card 信用卡 Call (08) 9328 8�5�

By Cash 现金 In person at 128 James Street, Northbridge WA �003

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)电子转账 BSB Number: 08�-00� Account Number: 50-820-922� <insert Your Name & Chung Wah Membership Number>




Seeking Volunteers 招募志愿者 Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team



Congratulations to the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team, who participated in seven races in the Dragon Boating WA Grand Prix Regatta No 1 on 10 November 2019 and won first place in all the seven races. Well done, team! Dragon boating is a traditional Chinese sport that can improve the coordination, patience and persistence of an individual and a team. Please contact us if you are interested in joining the team. 恭喜中华龙舟队,于11月10日参加西澳州的 龙舟联赛在七场比赛中,大获全胜,连夺七场 比赛的第一名。龙舟是非常锻炼个人和团队毅 力、耐力和协调的中华民族的竞技体育项目。 希望参与龙舟赛的朋友们,可以加入我们的 团队。

Contact Us 联系我们:

Chung Wah Association中华会馆 08 93288657 | chungwah@chungwah.org.au


The Historical Group

The Historical Group is seeking new volunteers. If you have an interest in history and education, please join. People with IT, archiving and interviewing skills are also sought. There will be two major projects coming up, including Chung Wah Association’s 110th anniversary celebrations in 2020 and the 200th anniversary of the first Chinese settler in WA in 2029. 寻 找 新志 愿者加入 。如果 您对历史 和教育深感兴趣,欢迎您加入,对资讯科 技、保存资料和采访工作有经验的人士, 也希望您加入出一份力。紧接下来的两个 项目,包括中华会馆110周年庆的历史回 顾工作,以及为2029年华人来澳200周年 的历史资料收集工作。


Beginner Classes for Di Zi 笛子 Liu Qin 柳琴 Zhong Ruan 中阮


All ages welcome

Sunday �2.��pm - �.��pm

Location: Chung Wah Association Fees:


Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

�2� James St. Northbridge $�0 all three months

Teresa 0��� ��� ��2

It is a great honour for me to be elected as the President of Chung Wah Association for the next two years (2019 – 2021) by the members at the last Annual General Meeting (AGM). Over 400 members sacrificed their time to attend the AGM. Thank you very much.

Chung Wah Association will celebrate its 110 th anniversary in 2020. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to members of the past executive committees and the predecessors of the Association for their contributions in the past 110 years. Next year, it is time for the Association to nominate new Life Members as part of the celebrations. We hope that these Life Members will continue to help the members and the Association in various ways, to bring the Association into the 21st century. Our long-time member, Australian-born Chinese, Ms Kayleen POON, has reactivated the Historical Group to keep the records of the Association up to date. We welcome those who are interested in history to join this group.

“Groups of Talent Get Together” is the translation of the four most important words displayed in the Chung Wah Hall. I encourage young talent to join and get involved in the Youth Group as they are the future of the Association. As such, Mr Cong MA, our Executive Committee Member, had been appointed to reactivate and lead the Youth Group. I wish them well in the coming years.

Dragon Boating, a competitive sport in Chinese heritage, has become more and more popular in our society today. I am pleased to inform members that Chung Wah Association has become a member of Dragon Boating WA and participated in the first race organised by the Dragon Boating WA at the Champion Lakes Regatta Centre. We won first place in 7 races an exciting finish. Congratulations to the team led by Mr Feng SHEN and coached by Mr Shengjia LIN.


本人感到无比荣幸在最近这次的中华会馆年度会员大会中, 获广大会员的支持成功被选上2019 - 2021这两年的会长一职。非 常感谢当天超过400位出席的会员朋友。


Dear Members,

2020年,中华会馆会欢庆110周年庆。趁此机会,向过去110 年来为中华会馆出钱出力的多届理事会成员和前辈们,致万分的 敬意。为了庆祝这特别的一年,中华会馆将会接受永久会员的提 名并选出多位永久会员。衷心希望这些资历丰富的永久会员们可 以辅助会馆和其会员,迈入21世纪。 服务会馆多年、土生土长的澳洲华裔邝彩铃,正重整中华历 史小组帮助会馆保存所有的历史记录。欢迎对历史深感兴趣的有 志之士,加入这个团队。

“群贤毕集”是多年来常挂在中华会馆礼堂的四个关键字。 我在此呼吁年轻一代的栋梁之才加入我们的青年部,为中华会馆 未来的发展出一份力。我们的理事会委员之一的马聪先生,将会 担起重任,重组中华会馆青年部,希望青年部可以在未来的日子 里发光发热。 龙舟赛,是一种甚具华人传统特色的竞技体育项目,日渐普 及到世界各地。中华会馆已经是西澳龙舟协会的会员之一,并参 加了由西澳龙舟协会举办的本赛季的第一场大赛,在Champion Lakes 水上运动中心举行的第一场大赛,在激动人心的比赛中赢 得了7场比赛的第一名。恭喜由队长沈峰和教练林圣嘉的带领的 中华龙舟队。 接下来,珀斯中华新年文化节将在2020年2月2日周日隆重 举行,这将会是中华会馆承办这个活动的第九年。我特别要感谢 前会长叶俊帆在2012年启动这意义重大的文化活动,以及感谢 刚卸任的丁少平会长,这几年来为这文化节增添更多色彩。 最后,我谨此祝各位圣诞节快乐,新年愉快。

The Perth Chinese New Year Fair will be held on Sunday 2nd February 2020. It will be the ninth consecutive year that Chung Wah Association has held this event. I would like to thank Past President, Mr Sammy YAP, who initiated this important cultural event, first held in 2012, for the benefit of the wider Australian community, as well as the Past President, Mr DING Shao Ping DING, who made this event bigger and more interesting. Finally, I would like to wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ting CHEN陈挺 President, The Chung Wah Association Inc 会长, 中华会馆 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版






中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1 2 6

编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 新春贺词 Chinese New Year Greetings 西澳州长 WA Premier Mark McGowan 反对党领袖 Leader of the Opposition Lisa Harvey


多元文化部长 Minister for Multicultural Interests Paul Papalia


中国驻珀斯总领事 Chinese Consul General of Perth Zhihua DONG

中华消息 CW News


中华人物专访 - 徐天送 Profile Interview Tien Shang SU


移民心声 Migrant’s Voice


华人之光 Grace NG

Front(前排)Kemei SHAO 邵克美, Jiping ZOU 邹纪平, James CHONG 张(Trustee信托人), Ting CHEN 陈廷, Yudy KODRATJAYA 许俊豪, Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮, Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰

Back (后排) Ai Lin LING 林爱琳, LiFang WU 吴立方,Michael LI 李良励,Ben LIM 林民耀,Cong MA 马聪

何教育他们? How to support children when they are ‘defiant’ or ‘rebellious’?


校园天地 The School Yard

家有一老 Elderly 30

养生之道 Good Health

疼痛管理 Pain Management


西医治疗 Western Medicine 中医治疗 Traditional Chinese Medicine


松柏长青 Community and Aged Care

活动参与 Events and Activities 26

长期活动 Regular Activities


中秋节活动 Mid-Autumn Festival Feature


图片集锦 Photo Gallery

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive 22

中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme


有奖问答 Quiz

家爱 Family 18

秘制食谱 Secret Recipe

七彩捞生 Fruit ‘Yee Sang ‘Tang Yuan’汤圆 Glutinous Rice Ball Soup


亲子乐 Parenting



Chung Wah Magazine quiz winner Ziyun CHEN won this generous prize from Morish Nuts. 恭喜有奖问答得奖者陈滋云获得了Morish Nuts 盛情赞助的礼品

珀斯历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Perth

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657

电子邮箱 Email

传真 Facsimile

(08) 9227 5694

chungwah@chungwah.org.au www.chungwah.org.au

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

版权 发行


COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiry E-mail: editor@chungwah.org.au


Editorial team


Chief Editor


Executive Editor






叶俐廷 陈薇

Jeffrey CHA



Administration Lesley WONG

电子邮箱 E-mail Address principal.rossmoyne@chungwah.org.au 联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898

中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, SUBIACO WA 6008

电子邮箱 E-mail Address principal.perth@chungwah.org.au 联系人 Contact Details 刘隽校长 Jun LIU 0466 310 260

Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

普通话节目 Mandarin Program FM 90.5 Every Sunday 10 am to 11 am 每周日上午10点至11点

CW Lion Dance Troupe

Shuren YUAN

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3


Carl ONG

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0406 492 944

Chung Wah Chinese Radio

Abbie CHEN

Cover Photo


58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155

CW Women Subcommittee

封面摄影 袁树仁

Willetton Centre


Visual Designer

卡尔 汪


Elvie YAP


联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

电子邮箱 E-mail Address principal.morley@chungwah.org.au

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

(08) 9328 3988

电子邮箱 E-mail Address principal.leeming@chungwah.org.au

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

通信地址 Mailing Address

电话 Telephone

Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

网址 Website


中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming


中华舞蹈团 中华华乐团



CW Dragon Boating

CW Cultural Dance Troupe CW Chinese Orchestra CW Cantonese Opera CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club 电子邮箱 E-mail Address



中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office



版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材 中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.




HON MARK McGOWAN MLA Premier of Western Australia

It is my pleasure to wish Gong Xi Fa Cai to all readers of the Chung Wah Chinese New Year Magazine and to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year 2020 in Western Australia.


The Lunar New Year is a highlight of Western Australia’s cultural festival calendar, attracting large crowds keen to celebrate this auspicious time of year with family and friends.

In this State, diversity is our strength, and the Western Australian Chinese communities are a significant and vital part of our multicultural society.

The McGowan Government recognises Western Australia’s cultural diversity as one of our greatest strengths and celebrates the many contributions of the WA Chinese communities to the progress and development of this State. China is a very important tourism market to Western Australia.

Chinese visitors will now have even more opportunity to visit Western Australia, with a new trial of direct flights between Shanghai and Perth with China Eastern Airlines. The trial will start on January 15 and is a result of a partnership between the State Government, through Tourism WA, Perth Airport and Tourism Australia. China Eastern will operate three flights each week over five weeks on Airbus A330s.

These direct flights are available until February, 17 offering 3,480 seats from Shanghai to Perth. Boosting tourism opportunities in WA helps create jobs and improves our local economy.

I encourage people to take up the opportunity and make use of these direct flights between Perth and Shanghai over the peak Lunar New Year season. On behalf of the Western Australian Government — may Chinese New Year bring you joy and prosperity, health and happiness throughout the Year of the Rat.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


恭祝《中华之声》新年特刊杂志的所有读者及在西澳大利亚 州庆祝2020年农历新年的所有读者们,恭喜发财。 农历新年是西澳大利亚州一个重要的文化节日庆典,吸引了 众多热衷于与家人和朋友一起庆祝这一吉祥时刻的大众们。

在西澳州,文化多样性是我们的优势,西澳华人社区更是我们 多元文化社会的重要组成部分。

麦高文政府认识到西澳大利亚州的文化多样性是我们最大 的优势之一,并赞扬西澳华人社区为该州的进步与发展做出的诸 多贡献。 中国是西澳大利亚州非常重要的旅游市场。

中国游客现在将有更多的机会来访西澳大利亚州,即将进行 的一次新尝试,由中国东方航空运行的,从上海到珀斯的直航。 该试点将于1月15日开始,由州政府联合西澳旅游局,珀斯国 际机场和澳大利亚旅游局共同合作的成果。


这些直航的试点航班将试运行至2月17日,提供从上海到珀 斯的3,480个座位。 扩大西澳州的旅游机会有助于创造更多的就业机会并改善我 们当地的经济。

我鼓励人们抓住这个机会,并在农历新年高峰期利用珀斯和 上海之间的这些直飞航班。 最终仅代表西澳大利亚州政府,祝愿大家农历“鼠年”欢乐, 繁荣,健康和幸福。

Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests

I am delighted to have this opportunity to wish Gong Xi Fa Cai to Western Australian Chinese communities. Chinese New Year in Western Australia is a time of street festivals, happy crowds, dragon dancing and fireworks.

Western Australia is a hub of cultural diversity celebrating festivals that originate from all over the world. The Chinese Lunar New Year is one of our largest community events and one that brings people together to welcome in good luck, good fortune and good health for the year ahead. The McGowan Government recognises Western Australia’s cultural diversity as one of the greatest strengths and appreciates the many contributions made by the WA Chinese communities to the progress and development of the State.

The Year of the Rat is a time for new beginnings and renewals, a time for founding new initiatives and evolving new projects including the trial direct flights between Shanghai and Perth by China Eastern Airlines. I wish all readers of the Chung Wah Special Edition Magazine success, happiness, prosperity and good health in the coming Year of the Rat.

HON LIZA HARVEY MLA Leader of the Opposition

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the Chung Wah Association and look forward to the New Year celebrations!

Over the years, Western Australia has embraced the Chung Wah Association and the contribution that Chinese immigrants make to all aspects of our society. With the New Year approaching, we will all embrace just what a fantastic example our two cultures can achieve through working together with hard work and perseverance. West Australians will continue to work with the Chung Wah Association to nurture good fortune, wealth and longevity to seize the day as new possibilities approach to shape a strong future for our families and communities. Wishing you great happiness and prosperity in the New Year!

CONSUL GENERAL ZHIHUA DONG Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth

2020 is the Year of the Rat in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. It also marks the beginning of a new round of the Chinese zodiac cycle. As the Chinese Spring Festival is around the corner, on behalf of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, I would like to wish all members of Chung Wah Association Happy Chinese New Year and great blessings for the coming year. 2020 is the 110th anniversary of the establishment of Chung Wah Association. Generation by generation, for over one hundred years, setting their foot in Western Australia. Apart from retaining the traditional Chinese culture, the Chinese community has also made positive contributions to enrich the local cultural diversity, as well as contributing to the economic and social development of WA. I believe, with the concerted effort of the new leadership, the Association will continue to flourish and expand. In 2020, we would like to see the overseas Chinese and the mainland Chinese continue to work together to make China and other parts of the world a better place for all. We sincerely hope that Chung Wah Association and its members will keep on acting their bridging role to consolidate the friendship between China and Australia.

西澳公民与 多元文化部部长

我很高兴有这个机会,预祝西澳华人社 区恭喜发财。

西澳大利亚的农历新年庆祝, 由包含街 头节目、欢乐的人群、舞龙和烟花等共同组成。



西澳大利亚州是世界各地庆祝各类多样性文化节日的中心。农 历新年是我们最大的社区活动之一,它将人们聚集在一起,迎接来 年的好运,富足和健康。 麦高文政府意识到西澳大利亚州的文化多样性是我们最大的 优势之一,并赞赏西澳华人社区为西澳州的进步与发展做出的诸多 贡献。

农历鼠年是新的起点也是农历新纪元的开始,新项目新方案 开启的好时机,包括中国东方航空公司在上海和珀斯之间进行的直 航试飞。 祝《中华之声》新年特别期刊的所有读者在来年的鼠年中成 功、幸福、繁荣和健康。


我非常荣幸地祝贺中华会馆,并期待新 年的庆祝活动!

多年来,西澳大利亚州一直紧密与中华 会馆保持良好地关系以及中国移民对社会各 方面所做的贡献。随着新年的临近,我们致 力于通过努力工作、共同努力,将两种文化 彼此交融,共创辉煌。

西澳大利亚人们也将一如既往地 和中华会馆合作,共建好 运,创造财富和长寿的未来,把握当下,为家庭和社区塑造美好 的将来。 祝您新年快乐,万事如意!

中国驻西澳总领事 董志华

2 0 2 0 年 是 中 国 农 历鼠 年,也 是 新 一 轮农历生肖年的开始。值此新春佳节来临 之际,我谨代 表中国驻 珀斯总领馆,向中 华 会 馆 全 体 会 员 致以节日的 问 候 和 美 好 的祝福!

2020年是中华会馆成立110周年。一百多年 来,一代又一代新老会员扎根西澳,在保留中华传统文化特色的 同时,为丰富当地多元文化、助力西澳州经济社会发展作出积极 贡献。相信在新一届领导集体带领下,全体会员携手共进、努力耕 耘,中华会馆一定会欣欣向荣、蓬勃发展!

2020年,在中国政府的领导下,在全国各族人民和海外中华 儿女共同努力下,中国即将实现全面建成小康社会的第一个百年 目标。衷心希望中华会馆及广大会员继续关心中国的经济建设, 为促进中国与西澳州友好关系向前发展、筑牢中西澳友谊之桥贡 献力量!




2019 Annual General Meeting 文/ 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷




he Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Chung Wah Association was held at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre on 19 October 2019. This was the most unprecedented AGM for Chung Wah Association, total count of 407 votes this year. Both of the candidates for President position played an important role in the immediate past Executive Committee (EXCO) team, they were Ting CHEN and Sheila REJEK. With overwhelming support by more than 70% of the total vote, the new EXCO team led by Chen Ting won, the results 287 votes against 120 votes. A Life Member of the Association, Ms. Esther CHANG, was the returning officer of the 2019-2021 election, she announced the new Executive Committee for 20192021 as the list below: President: Senior Vice President:

Dr Ting CHEN


Vice President: Jiping ZOU Honorary Secretary: Assistant Secretary: There was a full house at the cultural centre, attendees included members of the Council of Elders, past Presidents and Executive Committee members, elderly members from the aged care services, parents and teachers from the Chinese schools, members of social groups and community leaders.

The two hour 2019 AGM was conducted smoothly as per the agenda. The efforts of and results achieved by the immediate past President, Shao Ping Ding and his team were highly complimented. The minutes of the 2018/2019 AGM, annual report and financial report were passed at this AGM. As reported by the Honorary Treasurer, Ms Jen Nie CHONG, in the annual report, the principal activities of the Chung Wah Association during the year were to provide welfare services, eduation, cultural and social activities to their members and the community. The surplus from operating activities amounted to $ 445,711 for the year ended 30 June 2019.

Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer:

Jen Nie CHONG Michael LI

Kemei SHAO Ailin LING

The new President of the Association, Dr Ting CHEN gave his speech saying that he will ensure that his team will use their greatest efforts to run the Association in the next two years as promised. They will diligently and carefully work for the welfare of the members and to ensure Chung Wah meets the needs of the modern era so that the legacy of Chung Wah can be passed on.

Members may access the full annual report 2018/2019 on Chung Wah’s website at chungwah.org.au

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


澳历史最悠久最大的华人最大 的社团—中华会馆于10月19日 在中华文化中心成功举行了两年一 度的会员大会和会馆选举。这次会 员大会出现了有史以来最高的会员 投票率,最后统计共有407的有效选 票。 这次竞选出现了前所未有最激烈的 龙凤斗,两名候选人:陈挺和苏翠妹都是 过去两届理事会的理事成员。结果,秉持 着“团结就是力量”竞选口号的陈挺团队, 以287:120(70.5%比 20.9%)高票胜出。 这场在中华文化中心举办的年度会 员大会,长达两小时,场上座无虚席,出 席者包括中华元老会成员、历届会长和理 事会成员,长者服务的老会员、中文学校 的家长和教师、各活动组的会员和华人侨 领等等。当天卸任的会长丁少平和理事会 过去两年所付出的努力和取得的成绩,被 高度表扬。

这场会员大会按照议程进行得十分 顺 利 。会员 大 会 还 通 过了去年会员 大 会 的纪要,和2018-2019年度报告和财务报 告。财长张娟妮在年度报告中指出, 中华 会馆在18-19财年的主要活动为会员及社 区提供社区与长者服务、中文教育、文化 及社区活动,截至2019年6月30日,营运 收入盈余为$ 445,711澳元。 中华会馆永久会员兼2019-2021选 举的竞选主任,郑婉婉在现场宣布20192021理事会成员名单如下: 会长:陈挺博士 高级副会长:许俊豪 副会长: 邹纪平 秘书长:张娟妮 副秘书长:李良励 财长:邵克美 副财长:林爱琳

新 上 任 会 长 陈 挺 发 表 感 谢 词 ,说 到: “感谢在场的每一位会员在百忙中抽 空 来 支 持中华 会 馆今天的选举,我们的 团队会尽心 尽力实践对会员作出的竞选 承诺,致力于团结全体西澳华人。弘扬传 统,与时俱进。”

中华会馆会员可以到 会馆主页 chungwah.org.au 下载全版的2018/2019年度报告

文◎Liandy LI 李灵滇 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

The 2019 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Annual Concert was held at midday of 13 October 2019 at the Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge. The concert was classified into eight major group songs and six minor group or solo songs, played in an alternate way. There was a new feature added in this year’s program. To make it more interactive, the audience voted for their favourite songs played at the concert. Ms Teresa Tan, the instructor of the group, concluded the concert with her speech, and she expressed her great appreciation for the efforts of every member of the orchestra team, volunteers and the audience, for making this event possible. She also gave her special thanks to the invited guest performer, Stella Huang, who is a famous Yangqin musician in Perth. She hopes to see a bigger joint effort to continue to grow the orchestra group.

中华华乐团第二届周年演奏会在10月13日星期天中午于北桥 中华会馆成功举行。12点演奏会准时开始,这次的演奏会由八个 乐团演奏的合奏曲目和六个小团体节目交替进行,并新加入了投 票互动环节。 华乐团团长兼指挥王慧兰老师致辞,对每一位团员,每一位 义工,到场观众,包括扬琴表演嘉宾黄晓萱女士等到场嘉宾表示 感谢。乐团的成长离不开每个人的努力,期待未来有更多的人,更 多种不同的乐器参与到这个大家庭中来。

Chung Wah Association awarded the 2019 Association Award


On 24 October 2019, the Annual Friendship Award 2019 was held at the Pan Pacific Hotel. This is the second year that the Australia China Friendship Society Western Australia (ACFSWA) branch has hosted this event. Chung Wah Association was awarded the 2019 Association Award. The Hon. Paul Papalia CSC MLA, Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, presented the award to the newly-elected President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting CHEN.

2019年10月24日,2019年年度友谊奖在泛太平洋酒店举行。这是澳中友好协会西澳分会(ACFSWA)连续第 二年举办该活动。中华会馆喜获2019年协会奖。公民事务与多元文化部长Paul Papalia CSC MLA将奖项颁给了新当 选的中华会馆主席陈挺博士。

Chung Wah Association committee embers attended the United Nation’s 74th Birthday in Perth

中华会馆会员参加了在珀斯举行的庆祝联合国成立74周年活动 文◎Helene FUNG 冯恺盈 | 译◎Yves 若水

On 25 October 2019, Chung Wah Association’s newly-elected Vice President, Ms Jiping ZOU, and immediate Past President, Mr Shaoping DING, attended the United Nations Day 2019 Gala, to celebrate the United Nation’s 74th birthday, and to congratulate the award winners who had made significant contributions in the categories of Human Rights, Education, Gender Equality, Environment and Young Professionals.

2019年10月25日,中华会馆新当选的副主席邹纪平女士和前主席丁少平出席了2019年联合国日庆 祝活动,共庆联合国成立74周年,并祝贺在人权、教育、两性平等、环境和年轻专业人员等方面做出了重 大贡献获奖者。

Ms Helene FUNG, Dr Sandy CHONG, the United Nations Association of Australia WA President, Ms Jiping ZOU and Mr Shaoping DING.

Senator Dean Smith visiting Chung Wah Hall Dean Smith 参议员访问中华会馆 文/译◎Lesley WONG 黄小娟

On Tuesday, 24 September 2019, Immediate Past President Shaoping DING, Past Senior Vice President Dr Ting CHEN and Past Honorary Secretary Sheila REJEK met with Senator Dean SMITH, Federal Member for Perth, and his assistant, Ryan HADJI, regarding the Chung Wah Hall heritage building renovation and refurbishment plan. At the meeting, Senator Smith was presented with a concept plan and was shown around the building and the historical collection. In 2002, the Chung Wah Hall was given heritage listing as a building of national as well as state significance. In 1910, it was the first Chinese community building in Australia. Chung Wah will turn 110 years old in 2020 and the Association has sought Senator Smith’s support in sourcing much needed funding for the project.

2019年9月24日,丁少平会长、陈挺首席副会长及苏翠妹秘书长在中华会馆北桥礼堂与联邦上议院 Dean SMITH参议员及其助手Ryan HADJI讨论了关于中华会馆北桥文物建筑的修缮和翻新计划。会上,丁会 长向Dean SMITH参议员展示了百年北桥礼堂的翻新概念图,并向Smith参议员介绍展示了会馆礼堂建筑以及一些重要的历史收藏 品。1910年,中华会馆礼堂是全澳唯一的华裔社区建筑物并于2020年被列为澳大利亚国家历史古迹之一。会馆礼堂建成至今已 110周年,是华人在西澳甚至澳大利亚发展历程中留存下来的重要历史载体。我们寻求Dean SMITH参议员的支持和协助, 希望能为该项目筹集急需的资金,以对该历史建筑进行翻新。



Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Concert 2019 中华华乐团演奏会圆满成功






WA Chinese community celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

70周年“情系中华·同心筑梦”大型文艺演出圆满落幕 “From China with Love. Dream in Unity.” Theatre Show

文◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

2019年10月5日晚,作为西澳侨 社共庆建 国70周年系列活动的重头戏, “情系中华·同心 筑梦”大型文艺演出在珀斯The Regal Theatre 剧场隆重上演。本次演出得到中国驻珀斯总领 馆和澳大利亚中国总商会珀斯分会的大力支持, 由中华会馆与华星艺术团主办,中华会馆会长、 珀斯华星艺术团团长、国庆系列庆祝活动筹委 会主席丁少平先生担任总策划,澳大利亚河南 ( 中 原 )联 谊 会 、西 澳 福 建 同 乡 会 、西 澳 广 东 同 乡 会 暨 总 商 会 、澳 中 传 统 文 化 促 进 会 、 西 澳 中 华 总 商 会 、大 华 联 会 、西 澳 河 北 文 化 商 贸 联 合 会 联 合 主 办 ,3 7 个 华 人 社 团 及 商 家 联 合 协 办 。中 国 驻 珀 斯 总 领 馆 董 志 华 总 领 事 、西 澳 州 长 代 表 南 区 上 议 员 杨 帅 先 生、 西 澳 反 对 党 领 袖 代 表 、反 对 党 影 子 社 区 服 务部部长Tony Krsticevic先生、Canning市长Paul Ng、 Cockburn市长Logan Howlett、Gosnells市长 Glenn Dewhurst等政商界嘉宾、社团侨领、赞助 商代表们与现场观众1000余人欢聚一堂,共同 观看了演出。 当晚,珀斯Regal Theatre剧场灯火璀璨, 河南省杂技集团在团长李维超先生的率领下如 约而至,与珀斯华星艺术团的艺术家们一起,为 西澳广大民众呈现了一场中澳艺术家联袂上演 的精彩的艺术盛宴。为了促 进中澳两国的文化 交流,中华会馆和华星艺术团已多次主办各项 文化、艺术交流活动,今年又联合广大侨社以一 台高水平文艺晚会的形式展示中国和中华传统 文化的新面貌、新形象,表达对祖籍国的美好祝 愿,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年中澳建交 47 周年,华人抵达西澳 190 周年以及中华会馆 成立 110 周年。

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

On 5 October 2019, the “Building toward a Dream” theatre show was the most significant event of the entire 70th China National Day celebrations. It took place at the Regal Theatre. This event was supported by the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, as well as the China Chamber of Commerce in Perth. The then President of Chung Wah Association, Mr Shaoping DING, was the principal director of this event. He is also the leader of Huaxing Art Troupe. The event was co-organised by 37 Chinese associations, societies and businesses. There were over a thousand spectators at the show. Some of the invited guests were the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, Ms Zhihua DONG, representative from the WA Government, Mr Pierre YANG MLA, representative from the WA Opposition, Mr Tony KRSTICEVIC, then Mayor of City of Canning, Mr Paul NG, then Mayor of City of Cockburn, Mr Logan HOWLETT and then Mayor of City of Gosnells, Mr Glenn DEWHURST. A troupe of Chinese acrobats from the Henan Province in China showcased their skills and expertise in front of the audience. In conjunction with this fascinating presentation, there were a number of WA musical performers and artists, who also performed at the show. This exhilarating marvellous theatre show highly impressed the audience. It marked the beginning of a new chapter for the Chinese community in Perth. The show is also part of the celebration of the 190th anniversary of the arrival of the Chinese in Western Australia and the 110th anniversary of the founding of Chung Wah Association.

Choir Concert and Photo Exhibition

文◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

On 22 September 2019, the 70th China National Day Choir Concert and Photo Exhibition was held at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta. It was coorganised by 37 Chinese associations, clubs and societies, and businesses under the leadership of Chung Wah Association and Huaxing Art Troupe.

2019年9月22日, “爱我中华”建国 七十周年合唱音乐会及图片展作为国庆系 列庆祝活动的首个活动在中华文化中心拉 开序幕,用歌声表达对祖国的深厚感情, 用照片展示70年来新中国的发展成就和 中澳各领域的交流。本次合唱音乐会及图 片展得到中国驻珀斯总领馆和澳大利亚中 国总商会珀斯分会的大力支持,由中华会 馆与华星艺术团主办,澳大利亚河南(中 原)联谊会、西澳福建同乡会、西澳广东 同乡会暨总商会、澳中传统文化促进会、 西澳中华总商会、大华联会、西澳河北文 化商贸联合会联合主办,37个华人社团及 商家联合协办。

中华合唱团、西澳福建同乡会、西澳华人 妇联华人 之 声合 唱 团先 后 演唱了《 少林 英雄》、 《今天是你的生日》、 《我的中国 心》、在老艺术家林祥培先生的指挥下, 西澳福建同乡会新老成员上台合唱《爱拼 才会赢》,赢得观众阵阵掌声。合唱音乐 会在周永军老师的指挥中,在70名大合唱 队共同合唱“我的祖国”和“澳大利亚我 的家”的歌声中落下帷幕。

The fascinating concert was kicked off by the voices of children from the Jiayin Junior Choir, singing the Australian national anthem, followed by the China national anthem. The crowd was full of emotion singing these anthems together with the children.

After the opening there were another seven choir groups: Happy Tone, Yisheng Choir, Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Teacher’s Choir, Chung Wah Choir, Fujian Association Choir and WA Chinese Women Association Choir. All groups presented beautiful songs.

The wonderful show was concluded by a group of 70 singers, conducted by Mr Yongjun Zhou, a famous singing instructor in Perth. The songs were “Australia My Home” and “My Motherland”.

音乐会在佳音少儿合唱团的歌 声中 拉开帷幕,随后来自佳音少儿合唱团、快 乐合唱团、艺声合唱团、中华会馆黎明中 文学校教师合唱团、新疆同乡会合唱团、


“Parallel” Table Tennis Friendly Match

2019年9月30日,首届“PARALLEL”杯乒 乓球友谊赛在中华会馆文化中心举行。本届赛 事由,由中华会馆主办,西澳华人乒乓球协会承 办,多家社团共同协办。特此组织了这场乒乓球 比赛活动。报名参赛的协会团体超过十五家,其 中还有个人参赛者。

On 30 September 2019, the inaugural Table Tennis Friendly Match, named after the exclusive sponsor “PARALLEL”, was held at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta as part of the 70th China National Day celebrations.

Chung Wah Association hosted this event with the assistance of the WA Chinese Table Tennis Society, as well as several other organisations. The Table Tennis Friendly Match was highly anticipated by the community. It received overwhelming participation from numerous Chinese community organisations, as well as individuals.


2 第一名 冠军 西澳浙江总商会队 1st Place WA Zhejiang Society 第二名亚军 西澳广西同乡会队 2nd Place WA Guangxi Society

第三名季军 澳大利亞江苏联合会队 3rd Place WA Jiangsu Society







190 Years of Chinese in Western Australia and the 110th Anniversary of Chung Wah Association Celebrations with Historical Stories and Photographic Exhibition

纪念华人抵达西澳190周年暨中华会馆成立110周年庆典启动 文◎Kaylene POON 邝彩玲 | 译◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇


人抵达西澳190周年图片展暨中华会馆成立110周年启动仪式于2019年10月12日晚在中华文化中心举 行。纪念活动在中华龙狮团的精彩表演中拉开帷幕,中华会馆丁少平会长、西澳州长代表杨帅上议员、 反对党领袖代表Mike Nahan博士、中国驻珀斯总领馆董志华总领事分别上台演讲,肯定和赞扬了华人为西澳 社会做出的努力和贡献。出席的两百多名政商界嘉宾、华社侨领和社区长者中,包括年届93岁的Bill Chiew (他的父亲是中华会馆创会会员之一)。 晚6点,在中华 会 馆 华乐团演奏的音 乐 声 中,嘉 宾 陆 续 到达 文化中 心 。舞台大 屏 幕上循环播 放的幻灯片, 为现 场嘉宾 展 示了西 澳 华人 从早 期 移民及定居 之初的珍贵历 史图片,给大家 留 下 了深 刻 的 印 象。

首位 演讲 嘉 宾 是 邝 彩玲女士代表Betty Walker女士追溯她 的中国血统和找寻更多家族信息的历程 的故事。Betty Walker女士是西澳史上 首位华人移民周满(Moon Chow)的第五 代后裔。她最初并没有意识到她的中国血 统,但后来非常高兴知道自己和西澳洲历 史的联系。

第 二位 演 讲 嘉 宾 是 雷 明 伟 先 生 。雷 先 生 是 中 华会馆第一位会长雷 华 的 后 裔 。他 特 意 从 Broome驱车来 到珀 斯参加这个招待会。 他介绍了他的祖先是 如何在1870年代到墨 尔 本,然 后与家 人移 居 珀 斯 。雷 华 曾 经 是 墨尔本的著名商人,并 因其为华人社区 筹 款 所 做努力而受到表彰。1877 年,雷 华先 生被 授 予墨尔 本

医院 的终生 总督。雷华协助在北 桥 詹姆 斯街建立中华会馆会所,并为华社争取权 益。后来一家人搬到Geraldton。 他们的 子孙后代现在已遍布澳洲各地。 第三位 演讲 嘉宾 是David Kennedy 先生。他是在40年 代 末 期 ,他 的 母 亲 过 世 后 才 发 现 自己 具 有 中 国 血 统。像雷华一样,David Kennedy 先生作为华 兴兄弟的后代在移居 珀斯之前是在维多利 亚洲生活。20世纪初 期,亚裔混血 儿受到 歧视,生活非常艰难, 充满各种挑战。David 和他的兄弟现在掌握 了足够的信息,正着手写 一本有关华兴兄弟家具厂 (Washing Bros. Furniture Factory)的书。 该家具厂在珀 斯默利街创业并搬迁多次。等到明年,读 者们就能阅读到更多关于华兴兄 弟的故事。

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

第四位演讲嘉宾是 熊芳伦女士。熊女士是 中华会馆的资深会员。 她是二战后由英联邦 国家派到西澳学习深 造的年轻本科学生。 熊女士以建筑师学位 毕 业 后,受 聘 于 西 澳 公 共 工 程 部 。她 先 后 设计了珀斯地方法院、 珀斯美术馆、Graylands 精神病医院 等一 些西澳主 要的建 筑物 。1 9 8 5 年,她 调

到西澳房屋部门,为许多国家住房项目设 计,并赢得多个奖项。1988年,由于设计 工作被承包,她就开始担任经理的职务。 熊女士还是中华会馆的荣誉建筑师,她在 25年前设计了中华会馆文化中心。熊女士 和她的家人至今为中华会馆奉献 了50多年,她在演讲末鼓励年 轻一 代投入志愿者服务, 为当地 的 社区 服 务并 挑 战自己。 最后的演讲嘉 宾是来自美国的Mike Nahan 博士。他谈到 他在澳大利亚国民大 学攻读博士学位期间 结识了他的夫人。他的 夫人是来自马来西亚的 华裔。他们来自不同的文 化背景,却 在 澳 大 利 亚 这 个有着丰富灿烂多元 文化的 国家安居乐业。

许多嘉宾是多年不见的老朋友,他们 从历史图片中重温往事,叙旧寒暄,畅想 未来。招待会在他们的谈笑风生中缓缓结 束。 本次纪念华人抵达西 澳19 0周年活 动,通 过 当代西澳华人的个人 经历,讲述过去190 年间的西澳华人移 民鲜为人 知的故 事,展示澳洲华人 发 展 历程以 及华 人为澳洲社会各 个领域的发展所作 出的努力和贡献。


hung Wah Association hosted this reception on Saturday, 12 October 2019 at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta to commemorate 190 years (18292019) of the Chinese in Western Australia as well as the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Association.

Two hundred guests were greeted on arrival, with the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra performing on the stage with a backdrop of historical photographs being shown on the large screen. A photographic exhibition ‘190 Years of the Chinese in WA’ captured some of the stories of the Chinese in Western Australia, which impressed guests with the depth of the Chinese’s presence from the time of early settlement. The commemorative event kicked off with a wonderful performance by the Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe. The then President of Chung Wah Association, Mr Shaoping DING, the Hon Mr Pierre YANG MLC representing the WA Premier, the Hon Dr Mike NAHAN MLA representing the WA Opposition and Consul-General Madam Zhihua DONG, delivered their speeches, affirming and praising the efforts and contributions of the Chinese to the Western Australian community. Senator Dean SMITH sent a congratulatory message, which was read by the MC, Helene FUNG. Other dignitaries included Mr Michael Stanley GILLIS, the Hon Consul-General of the Philippines, Mr David MICHAEL MLA, Mr Yaz MUBARAKAI MLA, Mr Mark IRWIN, Mayor of City of Stirling, Mr Glenn Dewhurst, Mayor of City of Gosnells, Mr Logan HOWLETT, Mayor of City of Cockburn, Mr Max HIPKINS, Mayor of City of Nedlands, and representatives from several Chinese community associations and business leaders, as well as grassroots community members, including Mr Bill CHIEW (93 years old), whose father, Mr TS CHIEW, was a founding member of Chung Wah Association.

The first guest speaker was Mrs Kaylene POON, on behalf of Mrs Betty WALKER, a descendant of the first Chinese in Western Australia, Chow Moon. Kaylene acknowledged that today was the anniversary of Chow Moon first setting foot in Fremantle in 1829. She shared Betty’s journey in tracing her Chinese ancestry as she uncovered more and more information. She was initially unaware of her Chinese roots but was thrilled to make an important connection

to Western Australian history. The talk ended with the tantalising recent discovery of a photograph, which Betty hopes is that of Chow Moon.

The second guest speaker was Mr Douglas FONG, a great-grandson of Louey Wah, the first President of Chung Wah Association. Douglas travelled from Broome to give an account of how his ancestor landed in Melbourne in the 1870s before moving to Perth with his family and his brother, Henry Louey, and family. Louey Wah had been a prominent merchant in Melbourne and was made a Life Governor of the Melbourne Hospital in 1877 in recognition of his fund-raising efforts within the Chinese community. Louey Wah was instrumental in establishing the Chung Wah Hall in James Street, and was a leading voice for the rights of the Chinese within the local Chinese community. After his passing in 1915, the family moved to Geraldton and Doug’s grandfather, Louey Ling Tack, partnered with Sydney Fong, another prominent Chinese. Descendants of these families now live throughout Australia. The third guest speaker was Mr David KENNEDY. He spoke about discovering his Chinese roots in his late 40s, only after the passing of his mother. Like Louey Wah, the Wah Shing brothers started life in Victoria, Australia before moving west. In early 20th century Western Australia, children of mixed marriages with Asian parentage were discriminated against, and life was very difficult and full of challenges. Using all their researched information, David and his brother are now writing a book about Wah Shing Bros Furniture Factory, which was started in Murray Street, Perth and had moved several times. We will have to wait until next year to read more about the Wah Shing story.

However, many members would be unaware that Florence was the honorary architect of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, which she designed 25 years ago. Florence and her family have been happily ensconced in WA for over 50 years now and she finished by encouraging the younger generation to volunteer, “to challenge yourself to be involved in your local community as you will not regret it”.

The final guest speaker was the Hon Dr Mike NAHAN MLA, a migrant from the United States of America. He spoke about meeting his future wife, a Chinese migrant from Malaysia, at the Australian National University while studying for their PhDs. They came from very diverse backgrounds but have made a life in Australia. He challenged the audience to consider what defines an Australian, which was an apt conclusion to the presentations. It was a valuable experience to learn through the personal experiences of contemporary Western Australian Chinese, the stories of the lesser-known Chinese immigrants and early settlers in Western Australia, as well as their contributions to the development of the Western Australian community. The evening concluded with further refreshments and many people renewing acquaintances.

The exhibition was curated by Kaylene Poon, the Honorary Historical Advisor, assisted by Chung Wah office staff. Thanks are extended to the Australia Chinese Traditional Culture Federation for the use of the display panels. The organising committee was headed by Andy Yuan, with Doreen Chin, Lesley Wong and Kaylene Poon.

Acknowledgements 组委会特别感谢本次招待会的:

MC司仪:Helene FUNG冯恺盈

AV system operator 音响操作人: Suardi SUMIATI林温祥

Sponsors 赞助商:

All volunteers involved 所有的志愿者

• David ROGERS 先生 (Westminster Broking保险公司)

• 杨林林女士 (Origin Group 澳瑞集团)

• 宋廷光先生 (Sushi Master)

• Nella FITZGERALD 女士 (A2 sized historical photos)

• 陈新民先生 (Little Dragon Chinese Restaurant) • 袁浩波先生 (Yuan’s Fresh Meat)

• Shirley TEH夫人 (Dessert甜品)



The fourth guest speaker was Mrs Florence ONG, who is a long time Chung Wah Association member. Florence described life as a Chinese student post-World War Two, when Commonwealth countries sent their young undergraduates to Australia to study and gain work experience before returning home. Graduating as an architect, Florence started work at the Public Works Department and designed several major buildings, including the Perth District Court, Perth Art Gallery and Graylands Mental Hospital. In 1985, she moved to the Department of Housing and won several design awards for many state housing projects. In 1988, she took on a managerial role when design work was outsourced.



Year Celebrations, and to lead Chung Wah Association’s rebuilding after the Association experienced leadership turmoils.

Chung Wah is more than Culture

中华不只是文化 - Tien Shang SU (TS) 徐天送先生


TS saw it as an honour and privilege to serve the Association, and he most values the new friends he has met, the experience and skills he has learnt, and knowing that he has contributed to Chung Wah Association to make it a unique and better association for all Australian Chinese in Western Australia.

徐天送觉得能为会馆服务荣幸之 至,他最重视他所遇到的新朋友, 他所学到的经验和技能,并且知 道他已为中华会馆做出了贡献, 使其成为服务于西澳大利亚州所 有华裔的组织机构。

文◎Helene FUNG 冯恺盈 译◎Yves 若水

1996–98 elected unopposed as Vice President, Chung Wah Association


1998/99, 1999/2000, 2009-2011 elected unopposed as President, Chung Wah Association


2010 nominated as Chairperson, Chung Wah Centenary Celebration

被推选为中华会馆 百年庆典主席

r Tien Shang (TS) Su studied M law and graduated from London University. He migrated to Perth from Malaysia in 1984, because his late wife fell in love with Perth. He is the founder and Principal of the law firm Su & Co, Barristers and Solicitors.

TS joined Chung Wah Association as a member in or around the late 1980s to early 1990s, during the presidency of Dr Pek GOH. He remembered that it was a federal election year and he had read in the newspaper that John Howard had said that there were too many Asians in Australia (when in fact, the Chinese population in Australia was less than 5%), which made him feel unappreciated. TS then decided to get active and campaigned for the Labor Party candidate as a volunteer in the seat of Swan. He also joined the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Chung Wah Association, because he saw Chung Wah Association as the leading Chinese association in WA for all West Australian Chinese – a view which he still maintains today.

TS started his involvement as an editor for Chung Wah News from 1994 to 1998, and also for Chung Wah’s 85th Anniversary Magazine in 1995. His capabilities have been recognised over the years and he was elected as Chung Wah Association’s Vice President in 1996. After serving two years in that capacity, he was elected as Chung Wah Association’s youngest ever President for a one-year term from 1998-99. At the time the President was elected every year. TS was elected for another one-year term from 1999 to 2000. To minimise the Association resources. TS proposed for an increase in the term of the President from one year to the current two years, and was re-elected for a two-year term from 1999-2000. He was recalled back for a subsequent two-year term in 2008-10 to organise the Chung Wah Centenary

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

In 2009, as President of Chung Wah Association, TS led a group of about 25 local Chinese community associations to hold various celebratory events and activities to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China 2009, which include a formal dinner at Burswood Hotel Ball Room attended by Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, well known journalist Paul Murray, academics from the University of Western Australian, leaders from the community and the Chinese Community of 400 invited guests and a celebration concert the next day at the Burswood Theatre attended by over 2000 WA Chinese community members and friends.

In 2010, TS also chaired the Chung Wah Association Centenary celebrations, including the historic grand gala dinner, the Chung Wah Centenary Magazine 2010, and the designation of a number of West Australian Chinese to be “Chung Wah Centenary Ambassadors”. They were well known personalities and respected in their respective fields: they were Peter YU, Pek Cher GOH, Dr Neale FONG, John Chan, Alison FAN, Les FONG. The dinner was attended by 1000 invited guests including the WA Governor, the State Premier, Federal and State leaders of the Australian parliaments, judge, business leaders and members of the Association and the WA community. From 1998-2010, TS was the Chairperson of Chung Wah Autumn Centre. He was also the Chairperson of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care’s Independent Board of Management.

In recognition of TS’s contributions, he has been conferred the Life Membership of Chung Wah Association. TS believes that his most significant contribution to the Association is mentoring the young and new members of the Association, and he is extremely proud that he was able to introduce many new leaders and past Presidents into the Association, including past Presidents Thomas GOH, Richard TAN, Sammy YAP and the immediate past President Shao Ping DING and current President Ting CHEN. He is also very proud of the fact that the Community and Aged Care, as well as Chung Wah’s Chinese schools and membership, experienced substantial growth under his leadership.

Another significant decision which TS is proud of is that with the unanimous support from the Council of Elders and Trustees, he sold a piece of Chung Wah Association’s land in Balcatta to pay the final instalment of the construction costs for the Balcatta Cultural Centre building and car park.


TS’s vision for Chung Wah Association “Once you recognise your past, then understand your present, then you can have vision for the future,” said TS.

他于1984年从马来西亚移 徐天送先生毕业于伦敦大学法律系。 民到珀斯,因为他的先妻喜欢上了珀斯。他是Su&Co律师事 务所的创始人。

徐 律师于20世 纪 8 0 年代 末 至9 0 年 代 初期 加入中华 会 馆,当时的 会长 是 吴 伯子医 生 。他记得当年刚 好 是联 邦 政 府 选举年,他记得当年在报纸上看到John Howard表示澳大利亚的亚洲人太多(事 实上,澳大利亚的华裔人口不到5%),这 让他觉得这句话对亚裔不敬。 随 后,徐律师决 定积极参 与竞选 工 作,作为志愿者支持Swan选区的工党。他 还加入了西澳中华总商会和中华会馆,因 为他认为中华会馆是西澳华裔社团的主 要社团 - 他今天仍然坚持这一观点。

徐律师于1994至1998年期间开始担 任中华会馆新闻编辑一职,并在1995年 参与中华会馆八十五周年纪念刊汇编工 作。多年来,他的工作能力得到认可,并于 1996年当选为中华会馆副会长。在这个职 位上工作了两年后,他被选为中华会馆有 史以来最年轻的会长,任期一年(19981999)。 徐律师建议将会长任期从一年 增加到现在的两年,并在1999年至2000 年再次当选为期两年的会长。他在200810年间回任了两年会长任期,并在会馆经 历了领导动荡之后重新领导并参与了中华 会馆的重建工作。 2009年,作为中华会馆会长,徐律师 领导了一群大约25个华裔当地社团协会举 办了各种庆祝活动,以纪念中华人民共和 国成立60周年,包括在Burswood 活动场 馆举行的晚宴和在Burswood剧院举行的 庆祝音乐会。

成为中华会馆百年庆的“大使”:他们是 Peter Yu、 吴伯子医生、Neale Fong房医 生、曾源国、Alison Fan、Les Fong。

从1998年至2010年,徐律师曾担任 中华秋园主席。他也曾担任中华社区和长 者服务的独立管理委员会主席。 为了表彰徐律师的贡献,他被授予中 华会馆终身会员资格。

徐律师认 为,他对会 馆的最 重要贡 献是指导会馆的年轻和新成员,他非常自 豪能够将许多新领导人和前任会长介绍给 会馆,包括前任会长吴立政、陈和水、叶 俊帆和会长丁少平和现任会长陈挺。 他也为社区和长者服务以及中华会 馆中文学校和会员们在他的领导下成长而 感到自豪。

徐律师感到自豪的另一个重要贡献 是,在元老会和信托人的一致支持下,他 将部分中华会馆在Balcatta的土地出售, 以支付Balcatta文化中心大楼和停车场的 最后一期建设费用。

His vision for Chung Wah Association in the next five years is for the Association to remain the peak Chinese association in Western Australia, and continue to be progressive and relevant to the community, to local governments and to the State.

To do that, TS would like to see Chung Wah Association strive to be an open and transparent association, be mindful of its Constitution, and to continue to attract quality and capable civic-minded people into the Association. TS would also like to see the younger generation and new migrants get involved in Chung Wah Association and it’s many activities. To meet Chinese from all over the world, so that they can share their experience, broaden their mindsets, to grow and develop new skills, and make new friends.

徐天送对 中华会馆的愿景

徐律师说: “我们必须对过去 有认同感,才可以对现在有一定的 理解,继而才能对未来有愿景。”

他寄望中华会馆在未来五年, 可以继续保持中华会馆在西澳大 利亚华人社团的领军作用,并继 续保持进步,与社区、国家和地方 政府融汇贯通。中华会馆还应继 续作为华裔社区在西澳大利亚州 华人社区事务方面的代言人。 要做到这一点,徐律师希望 看到中华 会 馆 努力成 为一 个 开 明、透明度高的组 织,注 意其章 程,并继续吸引优秀和有能力的 有识之士进入会馆。 徐律师还希望看到年轻一代 多参与中华会馆的活动,并与来 自世界各地的华裔们见面,以便 他们分享经验,拓宽思路,发展新 技能,结交新朋友。

2010年,徐律师还领导了中华会馆 百年庆祝活动,包括了庆祝晚宴、百年纪 念刊,以及成功邀请了几位知名人士愿意 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版



及澳大利亚的优点,不外于风景宜 人、气候温和、蓝天碧海,更多的还 有其友善的民众、悠哉的生活、高水平的 教育体系和生活质量。许多移民不惜投资 大量时间、金钱和更多的付出,仅为了拿到 澳大利亚的永居身份。然而,有限的工作机 会,则让很多移民因此却步。

Who gave you the first chance?


谁给你第一次的机会? Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑

ustralia is known for its beautiful scenery and weather, clean air and water, and what’s more, the friendly, laid-back nature, excellent education system, and high standard of living. Many migrants invested plenty of money, time and effort to apply for a permanent residency status in this country. However, its limited job opportunities, especially for the migrant communities, are one of the major drawbacks for migrants, and which makes them think twice before moving here.


According to the 2016 Census, 256,504 migrant graduates aged 25-34 came to Australia, with 84% of them coming from non-English speaking-countries. Having English as a second language and without local experience presents a major challenge for migrants to get their first job in their chosen profession. As a country with one of the highest minimum hourly wages, $19.49 per hour as at September 2019, most employers are very cautious and selective in hiring new staff. As migrants without local experience, we should really appreciate the employer who gave us the first chance.

For me, I am really thankful to the Past President of the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr Wilson Wu, who introduced me to Dr Sandra Liu, the former Chief Editor of the Oriental Post. It was my first job offer working as a journalist in an ethnic community newspaper in Australia, so to speak, and it was 17 years ago when I was an international student in this country. As the economy in Australia becomes tougher, it is harder for fresh graduates, especially migrants, to find their first jobs. Research from welfare organisation, Anglicare, has found that entry-level jobs have been decreasing over time. In 2006, these kinds of jobs made up 22 percent of overall job advertisements. It is just 10 percent in October 2019. Over the years, I have witnessed many people finding their first jobs in Perth through volunteering and networking. It is a good first step to identify the industry and the job that you intend to work in and try to experience the Australian work culture by doing internship and work placement.

Azurra Migration is proudly partnering with BUPA in Australia to help you make your health a priority! 安居移民与BUPA 携手合作帮助您了解健康保障

根 据 2 016 年澳 大 利 亚 人口普 查 的 统 计 数 据 显 示,年 龄 介 于2 5 至 3 4 岁的 256,504名移民背景的大学毕业生中,有 84%来自非英语国家。由于缺乏当地的工 作经验和英语非第一语言,致使数以万计 的移民在寻找首份工作上,面对重重的挑 战。

澳大利亚的最低时薪的标准非常高, 截止2019年9月份是每小时 $19.49, 因此 难怪雇主们在聘用员工方面特别谨慎。个 人认为,作为一个完全没有当地工作经验 的移民,我们应该感恩首位愿意雇用你、 信任你的能力的雇主。 对我而言,我非常感激曾是西澳中华 总商会会长吴明国先生,是他介绍我认识 在澳大利亚的第一位雇主刘怡心医生,当 年《东方邮报》的主编。17年前,当我还是 一名国际学生时,这是第一份和我学历相 关的工作。 若干年后的今天,澳 大利亚 经济面 临 重创 的年代,毕业 生 找 第一 份工作 真 不容 易,对于初到贵 境的移民更 是 难 上 加难。一份由福利机构Anglicare的调查 报告显示,初级工作机会有不断下滑的现 象。2006年,在聘雇广告中的初级工作广 告占22%,截至2019年10月份,这个比率 仅有10%。

过去这些年来,我见证过许多新移民 在珀斯的第一份工作,都是通过从事相关 的义务工作和商务上的联谊活动。 澳大利 亚职场新人,可以尝试识别自己的目标公 司和职务,申请有关工作的实习机会,以吸 取澳洲工作环境的经验。


Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading? 终身医疗保险 (LHC) 是政府推出的一项方案,旨在鼓励 人们尽早办理并坚持购买住院保险。 年满31周岁后的第一个7月1日之前尚未办理适当级别的 住院保险,每延迟一年,您将需要额外支付2%的住院保 险费用,直至70%封顶。 尽快加入BUPA住院保险,可避免或减少交付终身医疗 保险附加费。 立即办理,享受BUPA 私人医疗保险的众多福利,包括 · · · · ·

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Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

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An inspiring teacher – Grace NG

人类灵魂的工程师 - 黄宝玉老师 文/译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

While all migrant families wish to see their children excel academically in mainstream studies, they also hope that their children have a strong understanding of their mother tongue language at the same time, which in our case is the Chinese language. In order to nurture a versatile bilingual second generation, the community language teachers play a vital role. In this “Chinese in Feature” column, we would like to honour the winner of the 2019 Outstanding Community Language Teachers Award – Grace Ng. In 2013, Grace started to teach in Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming. Before migrating to Perth in 2012, in her past 30 years, Grace was engaged in the education industry in Malaysia. She operated her own tuition centre, kindergarten, and childcare centre professionally before migration. Her teaching scope was very wide, ranging from kindy to secondary education and adult classes, and from language to secondary maths, history, economics and accounting subjects. Grace migrated to Australia with her professional in Early Childhood Education. “As a responsible teacher must be a life-long learner, I never fail to have language training and conference in China every year. Last year I was in Xiamen and this year I am going to Guangzhou. I am also very active in participating in whatever local professional development on education, teaching, and learning, beyond just teaching language. I always believe that equipping myself with new

knowledge, skills, and technology is the best way for me to keep contributing to this industry and to my students,” said Grace.

Currently, Grace is finishing her five-year double degree in secondary education at Murdoch University, majoring in mathematics with a minor in the Chinese language. She was invited to be one of the speakers at the 25th National Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Federation of Australia in July this year which was held at UWA. She shared her ways of teaching with all the attending teachers from the different Australian states.

Being a Chinese community language teacher for the past six years, Grace sees the rapidly growing demand for learning Chinese language from the non-Chinese background students, as well as Chinese background students. However, there are not many Chinese languages teachers with a qualification in education and Grace would like to urge the government and schools to provide more training and professional development opportunities for these enthusiastic teachers in the near future.

每个移民家庭都希望自己的孩子可 以成为主流教育的精英当儿,也同时 掌握自己身文化的母语。在培育这 优秀的双语下一代,中文社区语言老师 扮演着极为重要的角色。

这期“华人之光“一栏的人物,正是 刚获颁西澳多元文化部2019年杰出社区 语言教师奖的黄宝玉。自2013年起,黄老 师开始在中华黎明中文学校执教。在2012 年移居珀斯之前的30年,黄老师在马来西 亚一直是在从事教育专业,拥有成功经营 幼儿园和补习中心的经验。曾涉及的教育 门系包括幼儿教育、中学教科、成人班、 历史、语言、数学、经济学、会计等科目。 黄老师是以她的幼儿教育专业获得永久 居留并独立移民澳洲的。

黄老师认为办教育是一辈子的事业, 一个有责任心的教师会不断地学习和鞭策 自己。基本上,黄老师每一年都会参加中 国举办的年度中文语言培训班和研习会, 还有积极参加澳洲当地与教育和学习有关 的专业进修班。她相信只有通过不断提升 自己的知识、技能与科技并进,才可以有 助于改善这个领域的发展 。目前,黄老师 是默多克大学中学教育双修本 科的准毕 业生,主修数学教育,副修中文教学。 此外,黄老师也乐于分享自己多年的 教学经验与心得给同行。2019年的澳大利 亚中文教师联会的 第25届全国研讨会在 西澳大学举行,黄老师受邀成为其中一位 工作坊演讲员,对来自全国不同地区的中 文教师,分享她如何增加学生的中文词汇 和提高写作能力的方法。

黄老师在西澳中文语言教育领域这 六年一路走来,除了看到更多的华人父母 对中文教育的重视,其他非华人背景的族 群也开始对中文教育的学习感兴趣, 政 府也越来越重视中文教育的发展。目前, 中文已 经 是 主流学 校 五 大 外语之一。然 而,拥有教育资历的中文语言导师不多, 希望政府和学校可以提供更多的培训机 会给中文教育的导师。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版




Shiah Lam CHIN

Experienced volunteer cook for multiple non-profit organisations including Chung Wah.


多家非营利机构包括中华会馆 的义务厨师,烹饪经验丰富。

文/译◎Shiah Lam CHIN 陈夏兰

Home and Garden


ood is an inseparable part of every Chinese New Year. In Chinese culture, superstitions intertwine with food to bring about special dishes intended to bring good luck for the new year. Auspicious meanings are represented by a food’s appearance or pronunciation, and common homophones include words for prosperity, success, and family togetherness.


以食为天,华人对饮食十分讲究,尤其是农历新年。 在华人传统文化中, 许多新年美食都以吉祥寓意来署 名,其中这些传统美食的装饰或名称,一般都以欣欣向荣、名成利就、阖家安康之类的祝福相连。

Fruit ‘Yee Sang’ 七彩捞生

When Yee Sang is eaten, the ritual is to toss the mixed ingredients high in the air, with a shout of ‘Loh Hey’, which literally means to ‘move upwards’. It is symbolic of the wish for our fortunes to rise and expand during the forthcoming year. 每当春节食用“七彩鱼生”这道菜肴时,主要体现“捞起“的仪式,即食用者拿着筷子捞起盘里的七彩材料, 边说吉祥语。这个动作寓意大家在未来一年可以风生水起。 Ingredients A:

• 1 carrot (grated)

• ½ radish (grated)

• 1 apple (shredded) • 1 pear (shredded)

• 50g pickled ginger

• 10 pickled leek (shredded) Ingredients B:

• 100g fried and chopped peanuts • 50g fried sesame seeds

Sauce (cook till dissolved) • 5 tbsp plum sauce

• 6 pickled cucumber (shredded) • 60g pickled radish (shredded)

• 1 mango (shredded)

• 5 strawberries (sliced) • 5 shredded lime leaves

• 100g fried wanton skins

• 2 tbsp water


Season shredded radish with 1tsp of salt for 10 minutes, drain and squeeze out the water. Arrange all ingredients on serving plate, sprinkle with Ingredients B. Pour in sauce, mix well and serve.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

材料 A

• 1条胡萝卜(刨丝)

• ½ 白萝卜 (刨丝) • 1粒苹果 (切丝) • 1粒梨 (切丝) • 50克酸姜丝

• 10粒甜酸荞头(切丝) • 6条甜酸黄瓜(切丝)

• 50克甜酸萝卜(切丝) • 1粒芒果 (切丝) • 5粒草莓 (切片) 材料B

• 100克 炒香花生碎 • 50克 炒香芝麻碎 • 5片酸柑叶丝 酱料(煮溶):

• 5汤匙酸梅酱 做法:

• 100 克炸云 吞皮 • 2汤匙水

1. 用1茶匙盐腌白萝卜丝10分钟,取出榨干水份

2. 将所有材料A排入大碟里,撒上材料B,淋上酱料,拌匀即可。


‘Tang Yuan’ 汤圆 (Glutinous Rice Ball Soup)

For many Chinese, Tang Yuan is usually eaten together with family members. The round shape of the balls and the bowls in which they are served, come to symbolise the family togetherness and everything will go smoothly in the coming new year. 对许多华人而言,汤圆是一家团聚食用的一道美食。 其小球状圆形象征着一家人团圆,和和美美。 Ingredients


• 400g glutinous rice flour • 4tbsp sugar

• 7tbsp ‘tung mien’ flour (wheat starch) Fillings (mixed):

• 100g peanut (fried and grounded) • 100g white sesame (fried and grounded) • 100g sugar

• 5tbsp peanut butter Sweet Soup:

• 2.1 litre water

• 2pcs pandan leaves • 4 slices ginger • 300g sugar


1. Mix 6 tbsp glutinous rice flour with wheat starch, then pour in 300ml boiling water, stir well until cooked. Then add in remaining glutinous flour, 4 tbsp water and knead well. Then divide into portions. 2. Flatten one portion of dough and wrap up one portion of filling in round shape. After all the wrapping, cook them in boiling water for about 3 minutes. Remove and rinse with fresh water.

3. Boil 2.1 litres water, then add in 2pcs pandan leaves, 4 slices ginger and 300g sugar, and boil for about 3 minutes over low heat. Remove pandan leaves and ginger slices, and filter the soup.

4. Boil the syrup, then add in the glutinous rice balls to boil for about 1 minute, remove and serve.


M or

抢先 看 Nu 最畅 ts 圣诞销的 礼篮



• 400克糯米粉 • 4汤匙 白糖 馅料(拌匀)

• 100克花生 (炒香,碾碎)

• 100克白芝麻 (炒香,碾碎) 糖水:

• 2.1公升水 • 300克糖 做法:

• 7汤匙 澄面粉

• 100克白糖

• 5汤匙花生酱

• 四小片姜

• 2片香兰叶

1. 先取出6汤匙糯米粉和澄面粉拌匀,然 后加入300ml 沸水,将粉冲熟,接着将 剩余的糯米粉加入,并加放4汤匙水,一 起拌匀搓透,搓好将它分作粒,等候包 裹。 (可以一半加红色搓匀)

2. 每一粒粉团用手压,然后包上馅一份, 包好用手搓圆。依此类推全部包好,接 着,用适量开水,分数次将它煮熟(约三 分钟)捞起,用清水漂冻。 3. 煲2.1公升水,烧开后,将300克糖、四 小片姜,2片香兰叶全部加入,慢火煮开 3分钟,将香兰叶、姜捞起,将水隔净候 用。 4. 将 糖水烧 开,然 后将 熟 的 粉 团 加入糖 水,再煮约1分钟。

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Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged two and five. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 颜宝玉,教育与精神发展心理医师,2007年西澳大学心理科硕士毕业,育有两位分别两至五岁的孩子,有经验处 理儿童、青少年和成人所面对压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧和愤怒的问题。热衷于帮助特殊儿童(如:自闭症、过度活 跃症和读写障碍)和其家人。



译◎Yves 若水


s parents, we are all too familiar with the times when our children do not do what was asked and sometimes even flatly refuse to perform certain tasks or routines. Some parents talk about the ‘terrible twos’: ‘rebellious teenage years’ and power struggles, often entering an escalating trap of yelling at their kids. This results in both parents and children feeling hurt. Do children rebel? Yes, maybe. As part of their development, they learn that they are individual beings who have their own thoughts and feelings. They learn to exert and express themselves. Depending on how their parents react or respond, they may learn different ways of expressing their individuality.

On the other hand, how useful is it to think that they are being ‘defiant’ or ‘rebellious’? I particularly think that these labels carry too much negative connotations. They affect how parents react to children’s behaviour and diminish the curiosity in understanding the children’s feelings (e.g. anxiety, hurt, jealousy) and needs that underlie their defiance. They imply that children need to comply and ‘get their act’ together and parents are ‘fine’ and need not change. Well, I could recall a time (or many times) where the incident of a yelling match could have been handled differently if I did not have a stressful day at work. These labels also put huge responsibilities on children to know how to act while their brains are still developing and thus can get overloaded at times.

A more useful way of looking at their behaviour is to see their behaviour as a form of communication – that their needs are not met; that they need someone bigger, wiser, stronger and warm to help them to get through this phase of their life. Note that it is a phase. It shall pass. It does not imply a fixed characteristic or personality nor that something is wrong with the children. Having said that, how do parents support their children when they are yelling “I hate you” in their face and not giving in? Here are some tips for parents to consider across different developmental stages. Don’t take it personally. It is easier said than done. I too feel hurt when my children call me names. When I shift my internal dialogue of “How dare he say this to his own mum?” to “He is overwhelmed now and he needs me to be calm to regulate his feelings”, it expands and opens me up to be more forgiving. It doesn’t mean that his name-calling is right. It doesn’t mean that he wins and I lose. It means that I am being the adult in the room and a role model to him that I can choose to

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

respond rather than react when I am overwhelmed emotionally.

Act, don’t react. Take a deep breath, pause and calm down. Describe his/her actions and label possible feelings in a calm tone. Try to tune into what your child may be feeling and empathise. It sounds cliché but you will notice your child’s shoulders drop or him/ her bursting into tears when you get the right feelings. Children don’t just ‘seek attention’. They usually yearn for connectedness, understanding and love. On the contrary, if you are furious with his/her ‘lack of manners’, you won’t be able to empathise or connect in a meaningful way. Your furious gas tank may just drive the two of you further away from each other. They may shut down emotionally and feel like they are not being heard. Provide boundaries, limits and guidance. It’s not just about the warm and fuzzy. It’s also about problem solving and giving guidance. When the storm is over and both you and your child feel calmer, you can discuss ways to prevent the same incident from happening again. More importantly, set up four to five family ground rules that everyone agrees on. Include your children in this process and let them have a say. When they break the rules, they know the consequences and are therefore more likely to comply. Catch them being good. Be specific and warm in your praise. Notice the

Give choice and control. Even though they are young, they need freedom to explore, play and make choices. Imagine everything was decided for you from morning until bedtime, day in day out, would you try to rebel? I would! Treat them as you want to be treated respectfully. Ask and value their

opinion. Offer choices in the routine. It can be as simple as colour, choice of movie or activities. When you share power and control, they have less need for power.

Be curious and seek to understand. When we maintain a positive view of our children, be curious about their state of mind and seek to understand who the individual child is and what he or she needs at any given developmental

stage, we can often work out factors that influence their behaviour (the true hidden iceberg underlying the defiance/ refusal). References 参考

• https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-tohandle-defiant-children-620106


positives and give them the attention. Children thrive when they are being seen in their parents’ eyes.

• https://www.huffpost.com/entry/7-newways-to-navigate-defiance-from-yourchild_b_4564781

• https://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/30/health/ parent-acts-defiant-children/index.html


们可能会封闭自己的情感,感觉似乎不被 理解。

提供界限,限制和指导。不仅仅是温 暖和关爱,当中还要有帮助孩子解决问题 和提供引导。当“风暴”结束并且您和您 的孩子都 感到平静时,您们可以讨 论如 何防止同一事件再次发生的方法。更重要 的是,建立四至五个,每个人都同意的家 庭基本准则。让您的孩子参与这个过程, 并让他们有发言权。当他们违反规则时, 他们知道后果,因此更有可能遵守。 放 大他们做 对的事。您要具体而热 情地称赞。关注他们好的方面并给予足够 的重视。当孩子知道父母在关注他们时, 孩子们会更加力争上游。

为父母,我们对孩子们不按要求做,有时甚至断然拒绝执行某些 家务事或例程的时刻非常熟悉。一些父母谈论“可怕的两岁孩” : “叛逆的少年时期”和权力斗争,常常情绪升级,陷入对孩子大吼大叫 的陷阱。这导致父母和孩子都感到非常受伤害。 孩子们会叛逆吗?是的,也许吧。作为成 长的一部分,他们了解自己是具有独立思想和 感觉的个体。他们学会发挥和表达自己。根据 父母的反应或回应方式,他们可能会学习不同 方式来表达他们的个性。

另一方面,判定他们“反抗”或“叛 逆”又有多好多有用呢?我特别认为这些 标签带有太多的负面含义。它们会影响父 母如何面对孩子的行为,并减少了父母理 解孩子的情绪(例如焦虑、伤害、嫉妒)和 对其抗逆背后的需求的好奇心。他们意味 着孩子们需要尽力遵循教导、 “父母是对 的,不需要改变”。这让我回想起一次(或 多次),如果不是因为我那一天工作压力 大,那么我和孩子“相互呼吼似的比赛”, 可能有更好的处理方式和结果。要知道他 们的大脑仍在发育来学习应对,因此有时 会变得超负荷。然而,这些标签给孩子们 带来了巨大的责任。 一种更有用的方法来看待他们行为, 就是将他们的行为视作一种沟通形式 – 沟 通着他们的需求没有被满足到;沟通着他 们需要一个更大、更有智慧、更壮大、更 带有温暖的人来帮助他们度过人生的这 一阶段。请注意,这是一个阶段。它也会 过去。这并不表示孩子有固定的特征或个

性,这也不表示孩子有什么毛病。话虽如 此,当孩子面对父母,脸上流露出“我恨 你”而不屈服时,父母该如何教育他们? 以下是横跨不同成长阶段,父母可以考虑 的一些技巧。

给予选择和控制权。即使他们还很 年轻,他们也需要自由探索,玩耍和做出 选择。想象一下,从早晨到晚上就寝,日复 一日,一切大小都他人决定,您会尝试反 抗吗?我会!尊重的对待他们,就如同你 希望别人怎么对待您一样。询问并重视他 们的意见。在日常生活规律中提供选择。 它可以很简单,例如让他们选择颜色,电 影或活动。当您共享权力和控制权时,他 们对“控制权的渴求”就会减少。 好 奇并 想要了解 。当我们对孩子 保 持正面看法,对他们的心理状态保持好奇 心,并设法了解每个孩子在每个特定的发 育阶段的需要时,我们经常可以找出影响 其行为的因素(隐藏在反抗/拒绝的“冰 山”背后的真相)。

别把不愉快的事放在心上。说起 来 容易,做起来却很难。当我的孩子生气并 嘲弄我时,我也会有一阵痛心。当我把心 里原来想的“他怎么敢这样对妈妈?”, 变为“他现在不知所措,他需要我保持镇 定来调节自己的情绪”时,这样会让我更 宽容和开明地处理。这并不意味着他嘲弄 妈妈是对的,也不代表他赢了、我输了。这 意味着我选择作为一个成人和他的榜样, 让他学到,当我有难以承受的情感时,我 一样可以选择“回应”而不是“大反应”。 采取行动,不要做出反应。深呼吸, 停下来冷静一下。以镇定的语气,描述他/ 她的动作并形容他所面对的感受和情绪。 尝试感觉和同理孩子的心情。这听起来有 些陈词滥调,但是当您同理得准确时,您 会注意到孩子会开始软化并放声大哭。孩 子们不只是“寻求关注”,他们通常渴望情 感上联系、理解和关爱。相反地,如果您 对他/她的“没礼貌!”感到愤怒,这种情 绪和反应会促使您和孩子的距离拉远。他



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Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动

Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

11:00am - 2:00pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm - 3:00pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Chung Wah Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

2:15pm - 4:15pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六

11:30am -3:30pm

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm - 3:30pm

Wednesday 周三

6:00pm -9:00pm

Table Tennis Club 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Saturday 周六

Sunday 周日

Sunday 周日

Location 地点

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Per term 每学期 $50

Teresa TAN 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员 Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员 $1 for members 会员

Ben LIM 0424 153 838 liontroupe@chungwah.org.au

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au Baohe LIU 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052

$5 for members 会员 $7 for nonmembers 非会员

May KE 0434 148 590 Maya 0435 425 898

(Beginner 11:30am - 12:30pm)

4:00pm -8:00pm

Contact 联系人

Each class 每堂课 $10 for members 会员 $16 for nonmembers 非会员 $10 for members 会员

9:00am - 2:00pm

10:00am -12:00pm

Fee 收费

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

9:00am 6:00pm 9:00am 2:00pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10:30am 12:00pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

10:00am 11:30am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

11:00am 12:00pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac. org.au

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约



Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 中华珀斯中文学校


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校



About Pain Management

More than 3.24 million Australians have chronic pain. 53.8% are women (1.74 million) and 46.2% are men (1.5 million). The prevalence of chronic pain was estimated to increase from 3.24 million Australians in 2018 to 5.23 million people by 2050. 文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 译◎Yves 若水

What’s new in pain management?


Australia was the first country in the world to develop a national framework for pain, as 200 delegates gathered to develop a National Pain Strategy, which provides a blueprint for the treatment and management of acute, chronic and cancer pain. Pain Australia launched the new National Strategic Action Plan for Plan Management on 17 June 2019. As reported in the West Australian newspaper in June, the new strategy, funded by the Federal Government and developed by Pain Australia, calls for the pain to be treated in the same way as mental health, with Medicare funding up to 20 medical and groups sessions to help people get it under control. The first National Pain Strategy also calls for a national one-stop website to educate people about how to manage pain without drugs and where to find help. And doctors will be re-educated about pain and told to stop prescribing drugs and start ordering exercise and psychological management strategies to treat it.

Painful Facts

Pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention. Chronic pain affects an estimated 1 in 5 people in Australia.

Eight in 10 people living with chronic pain caused by injury, cancer, surgery, nerve damage, arthritis, migraine musculoskeletal damage or other causes are missing out on treatment that could improve their health and quality of life. 65.6% of Australians with chronic pain live in urban areas compared to 34.4% in regional areas. In 2018, Australians paid $2.7 billion in out-of-pocket expense to manage their pain and 9.9 million days of work were missed because of the condition.

The health and lost productivity costs of pain will rise from $139.3 billion last year to an estimated $215.6 billion by 2050, a recent study found.

Alternative Pain Relief

According to an online newsletter produced by the Harvard Medical School, there are eight non-invasive pain relief techniques that may reduce your pain. Cold and heat.

Try asking a physical therapist or chiropractor for their versions of these tried-andtrusted treatments, which can penetrate deeper into the muscle and tissue. Exercise.

Try gentle aerobic activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Physical therapy and occupational therapy.

Physical therapists guide you through a series of exercise, designed to preserve or improve your strength and mobility. Occupational therapists help you learn to perform a range of daily activities in a way that does not aggravate your pain. Mind-body techniques.

Try meditation, mindfulness and breathing exercises, etc, to help you to restore a sense of control over your body. Yoga and Tai Chi.

List of Common Forms of Pain • Adolescent Pain • Arthritis

• Back Pain

• Cancer Pain

• Childhood Pain

• Complex Regional Pain Syndrome • Fibromyalgia

• Headache and Migraine • Musculoskeletal Pain

• Neuropathic (Nerve) Pain • Orofacial Pain • Pelvic Pain

• Persistent Post-Surgical Pain • Visceral Pain

If you would like to know more about one of the above common forms of pain, you could also find help and resources, and true stories from people who are living with pain from the Pain Australia website:

ht tps://w w w.painaustralia.org.au/ about-pain/common-forms-of-pain.

Find a Pain Service

There are three levels of pain services that may benefit you. Levels 1 and 2 Facilities will require a referral from a GP.

Level 1 Facility: These are called Multidisciplinary Pain Clinics. They are located in public and private hospitals and are staffed by physician and nonphysician healthcare providers. Level 2 Facility: These are called Pain Management Services. The Director of the Facility is a physician or someone with appropriate medical training.

Level 3 Facility: These are called Pain Practices. A pain practice can be a single healthcare provider licensed in their speciality with pain medicine training or the equivalent.

If you have lived with chronic pain for at least six months, you may be eligible for a rebate through Medicare for allied health services to help manage your condition. This will happen once your GP prepares a Chronic Disease Management Plan and a Team Care Arrangement or a GP Management Plan.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Many studies have shown that they can help people manage pain caused by a host of conditions, from headaches to arthritis to lingering injuries. Biofeedback.

This technique involves learning relaxation and breathing exercises with the help of a biofeedback machine. Watching and modifying the visualisations gives you a degree of control over your body’s response to pain. Music therapy.

Listening to your favourite music can distract you from pain or discomfort. Therapeutic massage.

Massage can ease pain by working the tension of our muscles and joints, relieving stress and anxiety.

Source 资料来源: https://www.painaustralia.org.au/ about-pain/painful-facts

超过324万澳大利亚人患有慢性 疼痛。其中妇女占53.8%(174万 人),男性占46.2%(150万人)。 慢性疼痛的患病率估计将从2018 年的324万澳 大利亚人增加到 2050年的523万。


澳大利亚是世界上第一个制定国家 疼痛框架的国家,有200名代表聚集在一 起制定了《国家疼痛战略》,该战略为治 疗、管理急性、慢性和癌症疼痛提供了蓝 图。澳大利亚疼痛协会于2019年6月17日 发布了新的《国家计 划管理疼 痛行动计 划》。

据 西 澳 人 报 六 月份 的 一 份 报 道 指 出,这项新策略由联邦政府资助,由澳大 利亚疼痛学会制定,要求以和心理健康同 等待遇的方式治疗疼痛,Medicare资助 了多达20次医疗和小组形式,帮助人们控 制它。




疼痛是人们寻求医疗护理的最常见 原因之一。在澳大利亚,约有五分之一的 人患有慢性疼痛。

十分之八的人因受伤、癌症、手术、 神经损伤、关节炎、偏头痛、肌肉骨骼损 伤或其他原因而遭受慢性疼痛,控制疼痛 可以使他们的健康和生活质量得到改善。 患有慢性疼痛的澳大利亚人中有65.6%居 住在城市地区,而边远地区则为34.4%。 在2018年,澳大利亚人支付了27亿 澳 元的自付费 用来管 理 他们 的 痛楚,基 于这种情况,导致错过了990万天的工作 日。 最 近的一项研究 发现,由于疼 痛而 诱发健康和生产力损失的成本将从去年的 1393亿美元增加到2050年的预估2156亿 美元。

第一个国家疼痛策略还要求建立一 个国家一站式网站,以教育人们如何在不 使用药物的情况下控制疼痛以及在何处寻 求帮助。并且医生将接受有关疼痛的重新 教育,并被告知停止开药,且开始定制运 动和心理治疗策略来治疗疼痛。



根据哈佛医学院的在线新闻 通讯,有八种非侵入性止痛技术 可以减轻您的疼痛。 冷 热。尝试向物理治疗师或脊椎 治疗师询问这些经 过尝试 和信 任的治疗方法的版本,这些方法 可以更深入地渗透到肌肉和组织 中。 运 动 。尝试 轻 柔的有氧 运 动,例 如散步,游泳或骑自行车。

物 理治疗和职业治疗。物理治疗 师将指导您进行一系列锻炼,以 保 持或改善您的力量和活动能 力。职业治疗师可以帮助您学会 以不加重痛苦的方式进行各种日 常活动。

常见疼痛类型 • 青少年疼痛 • 关节炎 • 背疼

• 癌痛

• 童年痛

• 肌肉骨骼疼痛

• 神 经 性( 神 经 ) 疼痛 • 口腔痛

• 骨盆疼痛

• 复 杂 的 区 域 性 疼 • 持续性的术后疼痛 痛综合症 • 内脏痛 • 纤维肌痛

• 头痛和偏头痛 如果您想进一步了解上述常见的一种疼痛 形式,还可以从Pain Australia网站上找到 帮助和资源,以及生活在痛楚中的人们的 真实故事:https://www.painaustralia.org. au/about-pain/common-forms-of-pain.


心 身技 巧。尝试进 行调解、正念 和呼吸练习等,以帮助您恢 复对 身体的控制感。

疼 痛治疗服务的三个层次可以使您 受益。级和二级设施将需要GP的推荐。

瑜伽和太极拳。许多研究表明,它 们可以帮助人们管理由多种情况 引起的疼 痛,从头痛到关节炎再 到挥之不去的伤害。

二级设施:这些被称为疼痛管理服务。该 机 构的主任是医师或接受过适当医学培 训的人员。

视化效果可以使您对身体对疼痛 的反应有一定程度的控制。

一级设施:这些被称为多学科疼痛诊所。 他们位于公立和私立医院,由医师和非医 师保健人员提供服务。

三级设施:这些称为疼痛练习。止痛药可 以是一家专业的医疗服务提供者,其专业 知识经过止痛药培训或同等学历。

如果您患有慢性疼痛至少六个月, 则可能有资格通过Medicare享受有关专 职医疗服务的返利,以帮助您控制病情。 一旦您的全科医生准备了《慢性病管理计 划》和《团队护理安排》或《全科医生管 理计划》,这种情况就会发生。

生物反馈。该技术包括借助生物 反馈机学习放松和呼吸运动。观 看和修改可 音乐疗法。聆听您喜欢的音乐可 以分散您的痛苦或不适感。

按 摩治疗。按摩可以减轻肌肉和 关节的张力,减轻压力和焦虑,从 而减轻疼痛。 资料来源: https://www.painaustralia.org.au/ about-pain/painful-facts




Joey FUNG - A registered pharmacist with seven years working experience 冯玮琪 - 拥有七年工作经验的注册药剂师


Pain Management 疼痛管理 Pain is usually classified as either acute or chronic.

Acute Pain

Acute pain is the most common type of pain, usually associated with common injuries or illnesses like cuts and sprains, or trauma from a severe accident or major surgery. Acute pain is of sudden onset and is usually the result of a clearly defined cause such as an injury. Acute pain normally resolves with the healing of its underlying cause. Minor acute pain can be easily treated through over-the-counter medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, physician therapy or exercise, or alternative treatments. Acute pain from trauma or major surgery may require stronger medicines or more intensive therapies. If not appropriately treated, acute pain can turn into chronic pain.

Reference 参考资料:

• https://www.medicinenet.com/pain_acute_ and_chronic/views.htm • https://intermountainhealthcare.org/services/ pain-management/chronic-pain-vs-acute-pain/ • ht tps://uihc .org /health -topic s/dif ference between-acute-pain-and-chronic-pain

• https://www.mydr.com.au/pain/chronic-painmanagement • https://www.healthline.com/health/chronicpain/chronic-pain-treatment-options • https://www.healthline.com/health/chronicpain/chronic-pain-treatment-options#takeaway

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain lasts at least 3 months and in many cases has become a disorder in itself, rather than a symptom of an underlying illness or injury. The severity of chronic pain can be mild, moderate, or severe. The primary goal of pain treatment is to return the patient to optimal function. Treatments of pain can be classified as either non-medical or medical.

Non-medical treatment options for various forms of pain include exercise, stretching, observation, rest, weight reduction, heat or ice applications, and various alternative treatments including physical therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, TENS machine, manipulation, electrical stimulation, biofeedback, psychological counselling and surgical procedures.

Medical treatments include three types of drug forms to treat pain (analgesics): Non-opioid drugs, opioid drugs, and drugs that are used to complement other analgesics (adjuvant drugs). Nonopioid drugs include paracetamol, aspirin, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Opioid drugs include tramadol, morphine, codeine, methadone etc. Adjuvant drugs are often used for other purposes, but can also be very effective in the treatment of pain. Examples of adjuvant pain medications include muscle relaxants, antidepressant medications , antiseizure medications, topical anesthetic sprays, pain patches and nerve blocks with anesthetics. In conclusion, various combinations of many of the above have been used to successfully treat pain. For example, muscle relaxant might be combined with ice applications and a non-opioid pain reliever to treat a specific type of back pain. New treatments are on the horizon, but the key to optimal pain management will always be clear communication between the doctor and the patient.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

“ 疼痛通常分类为 急性或慢性。” 急性疼痛

急性疼痛是最常见的疼痛类 型,通常常见于 伤害或 疾 病,比 如:割伤和扭伤、严重事故或主要 手术造成的创伤有关。急性疼 痛 是突发性的,通常是由明确定义 的原因,例如伤害所引发的。急性 疼 痛,通常可以根治其 根本原因 来解决。轻度急性疼痛可以通过 对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬等非处方 药,物理治疗或替代疗法轻松治 疗。由于创伤或大手术所引起的 急性疼痛可能需要更强的药物或 更深入的治疗。如果得不到恰当 的治疗,急性疼 痛会转变 成为慢 性疼痛。


慢性疼痛持续至少三个月, 并且在多数情况下已转变成一种 疾病,而不是潜在疾病或受伤的 症状。慢性疼 痛的严重程度可分 为轻度、中度或重度。疼痛治疗的 主要目标是使患者恢复到最佳状 态。疼 痛的治疗可分为非医学或 医学治疗。 非医学治疗针对各种形式的 疼 痛包 括 运 动 、拉 伸 、观 察、休 息、减 轻 体 重、热或 冰敷以 及各 种 替 代 疗 法,包 括 物 理 治疗、催 眠、针灸、按摩、整脊、TENS机、 操纵、电刺激、生物反馈、心理咨 询和手术程序。

医学治疗包括三种类型的用 于治疗疼痛的药物(镇痛药):非 阿片类药物、阿片类药物以及用 于补充其他镇痛药的药物(辅助 药物)。非阿片类药物包括扑热息 痛,阿司匹林和非甾体抗炎药。阿 片类药物包括曲马多、吗啡、可待 因、美沙酮等。辅助药物通常用于 其他目的,但在治疗疼痛方面也有 显著效果。辅助止痛药包括肌肉 松弛药、抗抑郁药、抗癫痫药、局 部麻醉药喷雾剂、止痛药和麻醉 性神经阻滞药。 综 上 所 述,多种 方法的 综合 运用已成功用于治疗疼痛。例如, 肌肉松弛剂可与冰敷和非阿片类 镇痛药一起使用,以治疗特定类型 的背部疼痛。新的治疗方法即将出 现,但 最 佳 治疗 疼 痛的关键 始 终 是医生与患者之间的有效沟通。 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷


浅谈中医治疗“痛证” 的特点和优势

The features and advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment in Pain Management “ 痛证”是一个非常普 通的症状,可以说人 人 都 经 历过 。中医 对 痛证 有 独 特 的 见 解 ,认 为 身 体“不通则痛,通则不痛”。 简单解释一下,就是人之所 以感觉到痛,是这个部位的 穴位,或一段经络不通畅了。 用疏通经络的方法,把阻滞 的地方通畅了,气血调和,痛 就消失了。 一、中医治疗 痛证有如下的特点 和优势:

1. 整 体 观 念 。中医不仅 治痛,同 时还要考虑自然环境、生理变 化、心理情绪变化以及家族遗 传等 等的因素。每个人都 不能 一概而论地服用止痛剂。 2. 因人而异。不同的人用不同的穴 位,不同的经络,不同的中药。

3. 治本为主。中医治疗痛证很 少 使用止痛的中药。主要是祛除 引起痛证的病因,而不是“头痛 医头,脚痛医脚”。 二、中医治疗“痛证”的具体方法:

1. 中药方:以理气活血为主,兼治 本,或补气,或养血,或滋阴, 或温阳,处方因人而异。

2. 针灸是非常有效的治痛方法。 主要是以疏通经络为机理,解 除痛证的“不通”问题。经络通 畅,气血丰富供应,痛证自然消 失。而且针灸是最自然的疗法, 不用服药,无副作用,有时能起 到“针后痛减”、立竿见影的明 显效果。 3. 推 拿 。按 摩穴位,循经 推 揉 经 络,也是治疗痛证的有效方法, 与针灸机 理相同,但患者没有 对针的恐惧和紧张。不过对于 复杂的痛证,就不如针灸的效 果好。

4. 拔罐。常用于某一固定的穴位 痛点,大多数 适用于急性肌肉 的损伤,但不适用于慢性痛证, 不能长期使用,易伤气血。

三、注意事项:急性重症的痛证, 需及时看西医明确诊断,以防误 诊。中医治疗的大多是属于慢性 反复发作的痛证。

Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.


傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床已有36年工作经验。

ain is a very common symptom that people get. I would say almost everyone experiences it. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner has a different view of ‘pain’. In our view, ‘pain’ occurs when the body circulation is blocked. To explain in a simple way, the reason people feel pain is mostly because there is a clot or blockage in a part of the acupuncture point or a section of the meridian is not smooth. With the method of dredging the meridians, once the blockage becomes smooth, the blood is reconciled and the pain disappears. The Pain Management in TCM treatment has the following characteristics and advantages:

1. Overview. The TCM practitioner does not merely cure pain, but also considers various factors, such as the natural environment, biological and psychological changes, and emotion change, as well as family history. Taking painkillers for all sorts of pain is not the right way.

2. It varies from person to person. Different people use different treatment for different acupoints or meridians, or different Chinese medicines.

3. Treat the root cause. The TCM practitioner rarely uses pain relief Chinese medicine treatment to treat pain. The main method of treatment is to eliminate the cause of the pain. The specific methods of TCM treatment of pain:

1. Traditional Chinese medicine: It is mainly to manage the ‘qi’ and revitalise the blood circulation, as well as treat the root cause of the ‘pain’. Nourish the blood and ‘yin’ energy, and keep the ‘yang’ energy warm. The prescription varies from person to person.

2. Acupuncture is a very effective method of pain management. The main benefit of this treatment is to clear the meridians, ensuring no blockage and allowing a smooth circulation of the ‘qi’ and ‘blood’, in order to make the pain

disappear. Another great advantage of using acupuncture is it is the most natural way of treatment; there are no medication and side effects. Furthermore, in some cases, it brings an immediate effect as the pain is gone right after the acupuncture treatment.

3. ‘Tui Na’ massage. Similar to the concept of acupuncture, using the right force to massage the meridians in the right flow can also be an effective way of treating pain. Its advantage over acupuncture is that patients of Tui Na massage can avoid the fear of having needles stuck to the body. However, for complicated pain, this is not as good as acupuncture.

4. Cupping. It is often used for a fixed acupoint in pain. Usually, this method is used for acute pain caused by muscle injury, however it is not suitable for chronic pain. It is not appropriate to be used as a long term treatment as it might bring bad effects to the ‘qi’ and blood. Special note: For acute severe pain, you need to see a Western medical practitioner for a timely diagnosis to prevent mistreatment. Most of the TCM treatments are for chronic pain and pain relapse.

译◎Yves 若水 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版




多元文化背景下的长者福地 文/译◎Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 中华社区及长者服务

在中华社区和长者服务中心(CAC) 度过的一天 对于来自不同文化背景的长 者而言是有意义且愉快的。早晨到达CAC 后,长者们会被鼓励去参加各种类型的活 动,比如太极,英语课,计算机课,烹饪课 和故事班等等。这些活动是中华常青学院 的一部分内容,旨在增强长者们的自我决 策和独立能力。最近的一项消费者满意度 调查显示,大多数的长者客人们每周至少 参加一次CAC举办的活动,并且80%的长 者们表示在参与CAC的活动中获得了不错

的体验。就长者们最喜爱的活动而言,麻 将和烹饪课是CAC长者们最受欢迎的两项 活动。在烹饪班上,义工与长者们一起烹 饪美味佳肴,这为建立起中华CAC与长者 们之间的紧密联系提供了绝佳的机会。在 烹饪班上,长者们也经常互相讨论食谱和 餐食,由此创造了让长者们结交朋友和增 进社交互动的机会。

来了很多乐趣。中秋节特别活动是动感十 足的,全天里各种活动轮番上演,比如猜 灯谜,月饼制作演示,文化表演,幸运抽 奖等等。所有的活动尊重来宾和长者的文 化背景,老少皆宜。长者们被鼓励去参加 任何他们感兴趣的活动。在参加了由杰出 的 CAC团队组织的多样活动后,每个人都 度过了非常美好的时光,一天里都充满了 欢声笑语。正因为各种各样的项目和社区 活动,中华CAC被长者们誉为“福地”。每 个人都在CAC享受着充实的幸福和快乐。

most popular activities in CAC hubs. In CAC’s cooking class, volunteers and support workers make delicious meals with the consumers. This provides a fantastic opportunity to build close relationships between CAC and consumers. Consumers often discuss the recipe and meals of the cooking class with each other. By doing so, consumers are able to make friends and boost their own social interaction skills.

event with a full day of activities including quiz booth, moon cake making demonstrations, culture performances, lucky draw and much more. The activities are culturally appropriate and age-friendly. Consumers are very welcomed to get involved in any activities that they are interested in. Everyone had a fantastic time, taking part in many activities organised by the hard-working CAC team. The day was filled with lots of joy and laughter. With the variety of activities and community event, CAC is recognised as a “blessed place” by consumers. Everyone enjoys a full of happiness and pleasure in CAC.

同时,中华CAC也热衷于在节日期间 为长者们组织特别活动。中华CAC的中秋 节特别活动为长者们和广大社区成员带

A Blessed Place for Elders in Multi-Cultural Background A day in Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) is meaningful and enjoyable for elders from diverse cultural backgrounds. After arriving CAC community hubs in the morning, elder consumers are encouraged to get involved in various types of activities, such as Tai Chi, English Class, Computer class, cooking class and storytelling etc. These activities are part of Chung Wah Evergreen College, which aims to empower elders’abilities of selfdetermination and self-independence. According to a recent consumer satisfactory survey, most consumers attended CAC activities more than once in a week, 80% of consumers stated they had a good experience when involving in CAC activities. In terms of the consumers’ favourite activities, Mah Jong and Cooking class are two of the

Meanwhile, CAC is passionate about organising special events for consumers during Festivals. CAC’s Mid-Autumn Festival event has brought a lot of fun to consumers and wider community members. It was an action-packed

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

中华社区与长者服务中心(CAC)致 力于与社区成员们建立起积极的关系。长 期以来,CAC一直为社区举办各种类型的 社区演讲和健 康 讲座,例如认 知障碍讲 座,长者客人联谊互动,医疗保险讲座等 等。许多人已经从这些讲座中获益,这些 活动帮助了来自不同文化背景的新移民了 解到更多的医疗信息和政府服务知识。对 于不熟悉英语的来宾们,CAC会提供不同 语言的版本以避免语言和文化障碍带来的 不便。许多来宾对中华CAC的社区讲座给 予了高度赞扬,他们认为,这些社区讲座

How to build connections with community events that are full of variety? Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC)’s commitment is to build positive relationships with community members. CAC has held different types of community presentations and health talks for the community for many years, such as Dementia Talk, Consumer engagement Group, Medicare Talk and much more. These events have helped many people, especially those who are new migrants and from diverse cultural background, to gain knowledge of healthcare and government services. CAC also provides different language versions of events for the audience who are unfamiliar with English. This helps people who are from non-English speaking background to engage in this community. Many 将来CAC将致力于与社区建立更紧密的 关系,并鼓励更多的社区成员参与各种多 元文化的活动。如果您有兴趣参加CAC举 办的社区活动,请随时与我们联系:

In the future, Chung Wah CAC will be dedicated to build close relationships with the community and encourage more people to involve in a variety of cultural-friendly events. If you are interested in participating Chung Wah CAC’s community event, please do not hesitate to contact us:

质量超出了他们的期望,讲座的内容也非 常有益。组织社区讲座响应了中华CAC“ 共创一个更美好的社区”的愿景。举办社 区讲座为人们提供了一个融入社区并与彼 此社交联系的机会。

同 时,C AC开始为社区 组 织节日活 动。今年中秋节,CAC主动邀请社会各界 人士在Balcat ta社区中心一起 庆祝 。这 是CAC首次在中秋节举办这样的活动,让 朋友和家人聚在一起,以社区为单位庆祝 这一重要的文化活动。许多来自亚洲文化 背景的家庭的长者和孩子们一起参加了 这次活动。C AC的CEO郭郑素雯 女士表 示, “很高兴看到这么多年轻人在我们的 Balcatta社区中心结交新朋友并共渡佳 节。这次活动使我们的社区更加紧密地联 系在一起。”

participants have spoken highly of CAC’s community talks. They said the quality of the community talks is over their expectations, contents in the talks are very informative. Organising the talks is correlated with CAC’s vision of “Build a better community for all”. The community talks provide an opportunity for people to engage in the community and build connections with each other.

Meanwhile, CAC organises Festival events for the community. CAC has taken the initiative to invite the public to celebrate this year’s Mid-Autumn festival at Balcatta Community Hub. It was the first time CAC had undertaken such an event for the mid-autumn festival where friends and families came and celebrated this important cultural event together as well as in a big community. Many families who have Asian cultural background are involved in the event with their elders and kids. CAC’s CEO Mrs Theresa Kwok said “It is beautiful to see so many youngsters making new friends and playing together at our Balcatta Community Hub. This event brings our community another step closer together.” 电话 Tel:


电子邮件 Email: enquiry@chungwahcac.org.au 地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care https://www.facebook.com/chungwahcac/ 微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

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如何接触到丰富多 彩的社区活动?




2019 Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations

中华中文学校中秋庆典 文◎Chung Wah Chinese Schools 中华中文学校 | 译◎ Yves 若水


he Mid-Autumn Festival was shared and celebrated among 500 Chung Wah Chinese School parents and the general public, including 200 students, performers and volunteers, who flowed in and out of the Chung Wah Cultural Hall on Saturday, 21 September 2019, to catch a glimpse of the talent show by Chung Wah students and teachers. Chung Wah Lions opened the show with impressive acts of strength and courage. The physical and mental strength of the Chung Wah Lions, kicked off the show with high intensity. Ten powerful and colourful lions, big and small, graced the floor and centre stage, dancing to the amusement of the audience. This rich heritage and culture continues to capture the audience’s imagination, young and old!

A broad range of talents and performances from solo to group singing, choirs, traditional dances, martial arts, Chinese musical instruments Guzheng and Chinese yoyo diabolo, kept the audience interested till the end of the show when the grand prize was drawn and claimed. Awards were presented to winners of the Drawing and Painting, Calligraphy

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

and Homemade Lantern competitions in recognition of the wonderful efforts and participation by the students, while many proud parents and grandparents looked on.

Lanterns and artworks by Chung Wah students set the mood for a fabulous evening of festivities. Moon cake, lantern, Chinese food, drinks, dessert, ornaments, arts and craft stalls, as well as the kids activity amusement corner, filled the atmosphere of a Chinatown environment. This was an interactive and informative concert enjoyed by all and explored by enthusiastic students who were presented with decorative lanterns to take home.

中华龙狮团以令人印象深刻的力量 和激情的表演开始了这场演出。龙狮团所 展现的力与美, 以精湛的高强度表演拉 开了帷幕。十只大小各异且色彩缤纷的狮 子在地板和中央舞台上翩翩起舞,引起观 众们的极大兴趣。这种丰富的文化底蕴传 承地表演吸引着无论老少观众的关注! 从独唱到集体演唱、合唱团、传统舞 蹈、武术、中国民乐古筝等,各种各样的 才华表演,一直吸引着观众直到表演结 束并获得赞赏。


年度中华中文学 校中秋 庆 典于2019年9月21日星期 六在中华会馆文化中心举行。共 约500位中华中文学校的家长和 公众(包括200名学生,表演者和 志愿者)共享这一盛事并一同欣 赏中华学生和老师的才艺表演。


中华学校学生制作的灯笼 和艺 术品营造了一 个美 妙的 欢 庆氛围 。月饼、灯笼、中 国菜、饮料、甜点、摆件、 手工艺品 摊 位以 及 儿 童 活 动 娱 乐区等,仿佛就 像一个充斥着喜庆气氛 的唐人街。


这 是一 个互动 式、内容丰富的活动, 相 信所有人都乐在 其 中,当晚 赴 约的这 群充 满热情的学生们,还都各 自带走一个大会送出的灯 笼带回家。

绘画、书法和自制灯笼比赛中优胜 者当晚获 颁相关 奖项,以肯定 学生们的出色表现和学习 成果,许多引以为豪的 父母们和祖 父母们



Executive Committee


陈挺 | 默道克大学化学博士 | 10年理事会成员 |会长 • 来自中国福建,1995年移居西澳

• 2011-2017年,历任副会长,秘书长,现任高级副会长、 《中华之声》总编 • 2013-2017年 担任西澳多元文化部部长咨询顾问委员会委员

• 1997年起至今服务华社22年,中华新年文化节和2019年珀斯中华文化节发起人之一

许俊豪 |科廷大学会计硕士 | 2年理事会成员 | 首席副会长 • 来自印度尼西亚泗水,1995 年移居西澳

• 注册会计师、理财规划师,珀斯Westindo会计事务所董事长

• 2017年-2019年度中华会馆副会长,中华社区长者服务董事会成员,摩利中文学校家长会主席,曾任财长。 • 赞助了珀斯中华新年文化节、中华舞狮团、中华文化中心20周年庆典及中华新年舞会 • 来自中国广东广州,1987 年移居西澳

• 西澳大学讲师,曾任教Murdoch和 ECU大学讲师,澳州翻译认证局(NATTI)专业翻译 • 1998 年加入中华会馆理事会,连续 15 年为中华会馆理事会义务服务

• 2015年重启中华会馆妇女部并任妇女部部长; 2018年重启中华合唱团并任合唱团秘书

张娟妮 | 莫道克大学商业学士 | 参与会馆40年 | 秘书长 • 出生于珀斯,父母早年由马来西亚沙巴移民西澳,注册会计师

• 从小开始参与并服务会馆,参与各种舞蹈演出及会馆各项活动

• 2011年起进入会馆理事会,曾担任会馆财长、副秘书长和副财长,现任文化与活动部部长

• 2012-2019年担任珀斯中华新年文化节多元文化晚会总策划,2019年珀斯中华文化节舞台节目总策划

李良励 | 科廷大学海底工程硕士 | 参与会馆6年| 副秘书长 • 来自中国北京,2011 年移居西澳

• 机械工程师,并管理多项机械工程项目

• 2013–2018 曾就职于中华社区与长者服务部,两次荣获杰出员工称号

• 2013年至今,中华会馆义工,协助会馆各项大中小型活动,中华文化节及中华龙舟赛等

邵克美 | 科廷大学商科学士 | 参与会馆14年| 财长 • 来自中国南京,1996 年移居西澳

• 注册会计师,财务系统管理会计师

• 2017-2019任中华会馆副财长,曾任 2015 年会馆审查委员会独立委员

• 中华会馆乒乓球组召集人,澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会副会长,参与组织各项文艺表演

林爱琳 | 科廷大学税务硕士 | 参与会馆4年 | 副财长 • 来自马来西亚沙捞越,2011年移居西澳 • 在读注册会计师, 现任会计师

• 2015-2017 曾在中华会馆办公室任职会计及行政人员 • 中华会馆志愿者,积极参与会馆各种社区活动

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Unity is Strength


邹纪平 | 英国文学/语言学硕士 | 15年理事会成员 | 副会长



弘扬传统,与时俱进 Our Mission:

To ensure Chung Wah meets the needs of the modern era so that the legacy of Chung Wah can be passed on

Dr Ting CHEN | PhD (Chemistry), Murdoch 10 years EXCO member | President

• From Fujian, China. Migrated to Western Australia in 1995

• 2011-2019, Previous Vice President and Honorary Secretary, Senior Vice President of Chung Wah, Chief Executive of Chung Wah Magazine

• 2013-2017, member of Advisory Committee of the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests of WA • Community leader and volunteer in the wider community for 22 years since 1997. One of the initiators of Perth Chinese New Year Fair and Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival 2019

Yudy KODRATJAYA | MAcc, Curtin

2 years EXCO member| Senior Vice President

• Migrated from Surabaya, Indonesia to Western Australia in 1995

• CPA and Financial Planner, Managing Director of Westindo Group

• 2017-2019 Vice President, Chairperson of School Management Committee of Chung Wah Chinese School, Morley

Jiping ZOU | MArt (Literature & Linguistics), ECU 15 years EXCO member | Vice President

• Migrated from Guangzhou to Western Australia in 1987

• Current Lecturer in UWA, previously lecture in Murdoch and ECU, NAATI Certified professional translator and interpreter

• Board member of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care

• Joined Chung Wah in 1998, loyal volunteer, served in Chung Wah Executive Committee for 15 years

Jen Nie CHONG | BCom, Murdoch

Liangli (Michael) LI | MEng(Subsea), Curtin

• Sponsor of Perth Chinese New Year Fair, Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe, Cultural Centre 20th Anniversary Celebration and Chinese New Year Ball

Over 40 years with CWA | Honorary Secretary

• Born in Perth, Western Australia. CPA. Parents migrated from Sabah, Malaysia • Participated and served Chung Wah since early childhood, actively involved in programming activities of all Chung Wah major events

• Joined Chung Wah EXCO since 2011, acted in the roles as Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer and Honorary Treasurer. She is also the Chairperson of Cultural Development and Activities Subcommittee • Director of Perth Chinese New Year Fair Gala 2012 – 2019 and Programme Director of Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival 2019

Kemei SHAO | B Com, Curtin

14 years with CWA | Honorary Treasurer

• Reactivated and is the Chair of Chung Wah Women Sub-Committee since 2015, and reactivated and is the secretary of Chung Wah Choir since 2018

6 years with CWA | Assistant Secretary

• Migrated from Beijing, China to Western Australia in 2011

• Currently a Mechanical Engineer and managed several engineering projects • 2013-2018 worked for Chung Wah Community and Aged Care and twice commended for outstanding work during this period

• Chung Wah Volunteer since 2013, assisting in many community events such as Perth Chinese New Year Fairs, Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival 2019 and Dragon Boat Festivals

Ai Lin (Aileen) LING | MTax, Curtin 4 years with CWA | Assistant Treasure

• Migrated from Nanjing, China to Western Australia in 1996

• Migrated from Sarawak, Malaysia to Western Australia in 2011

• 2017-2019 served as Assistant Treasurer, she was an independent member of the Discipline Review Committee in 2015

• Worked for Chung Wah as an Accounts and Administration Officer in 2015 - 2017

• CPA, a Financial System Accountant for 20 years

• Helped to initiate the Table Tennis Group; participated in Chung Wah Cultural Performances since 2005 as Vice-President of Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association

• Currently working as an accountant, working towards her CPA

• Chung Wah volunteer, actively involved and contributed in many Chung Wah community events



Finance and Business Information 金融与商业信息 What is SME Australia? 什么是澳大利亚中小企业?

In Australia, a SME (small-to-medium enterprise) has 200 or fewer employees. Microbusinesses have 1–4 employees, small businesses 5–19, medium businesses 20–199, and large businesses 200+. Australian SMEs make up 98% of all Australian businesses, produced one third of total GDP, and employ 4.7 million people. SMEs represent 90 per cent of all goods exporters and over 60% of services exporters. 在澳大利亚,中小企业(中小型企业)的雇员不超过200名。微型企业有1–4名员工,小 型企业5–19名,中型企业20–199名,大型企业200+名。澳大利亚中小型企业占澳大利 亚所有业务的98%,占国内生产总值的三分之一,雇用470万人。中小企业占澳大利亚 货物出口量的90%,占服务出口量的60%以上。 https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Small_and_medium-sized_enterprises

How many SME companies are there in Australia? 澳大利亚有多少家中小企业公司?

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I have the ability to work in Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) market space with commercial business lenders. PO Box 69 Applecross WA 6953 我有能力与商业贷款机构共同为中小企业(SME)服务。

T: +618 9228 1888

I also havelinda@imperialfinance.com.au alternative business lenders who provides other lending options to small businesses. imperialfinance.com.au 我也有其他商业贷款人的联系,为小企业提供其他贷款选择。

Using the employment measure of small business, there were 2,065,523 small businesses in Australia employing less than 19 people, accounting for 97 per cent of all Australian businesses by employee size. There were 51,000 medium sized businesses, employing 20 to 199 employees, which is 2.4 per cent of all firms.

Linda Lai 黎婉静 Authorised Credit Representative

以小型企业的就业指标为准,澳大利亚有2,065,523家小型企业,雇员人数少于19人, 按雇员人数计算,占澳大利亚所有企业的97%。有51,000家中型企业,雇用20至199名 员工,占所有企业的2.4%。

Australia Imperial Financial Services Pty Ltd t/as IMPERIAL FINANCE Australian Credit Licence No.384390


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Small business sector contribution to the Australian economy 小型企业对澳大利亚经济的贡献

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0421 888 689

Parliament of Australia released an Executive Summary PDF document version on 15 October 2018

PO Box Applecross WA, 6003 +618 9228 1888



https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_ Library/pubs/rp/rp1819/SmallBusinessSector




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《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中华会馆编辑出 版。成立于 1909 年的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实 力最强的华人社团,得到澳大利亚联邦、西澳洲、珀 斯市和各个地区政府的共同承认,是西澳超过 14万华 人的官方代言人。 每一期的《中华之声》,通过素材丰富的人物专访、 背景介绍、相关知识和信息的深度和广度挖掘,来对每 一个与会员和本地华人密切相关的不同主题,进行全面 演释和报道,我们力求通过多样的形式和风格,来传达 中华会馆关于“凝聚华人精神、传承中国文化、加强人 道关怀”的理念追求,以此来记录中华会馆乃至西澳华 人社会百年以来的生活历程和历史变迁。 本刊向会员和包括商业机构、政府部门和其它非盈利 性组织在内的全社会各界人士免费寄送,同时在中华会 馆网站www.chungwah.org.au中有电子版可供阅读和下载。 我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布广告,将您的产品和 服务信息与我们的读者分享。我们具有全方面专业才 能的工作团队,能够使您的广告展示更加优化。

The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organization in Western Australia. We are recognised by the federal, state, and local governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000. Each edition of the magazine has a major theme or topic to report and explain matters and information that impact our members and the Chinese community. This is done through comprehensive research and interviews, and expressed via storytelling and reporting based on fascinating and factual materials and information. We strive to use a variety of styles and formats to spread the messages of the Association in promoting cohesion within the Chinese community, preserving our rich heritage, and increasing our efforts in people services. In the process, through this, generates a historical record for the Association and the WA Chinese community of their life experiences and changes. The magazine is posted to our members, the business community, government departments, and other non-profit organisations. The electronic version is available on our website www.chungwah.org,au. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people with a variety of expertise that can help you to optimise your business’ exposure and presentation.

《中华之声》广告费标准 Advertisement Rates For Chung Wah Magazine 位置 Position

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电话 Tel: (08) 9328 8657 | 电邮 E-mail: editor@chungwah.org.au



中华珀斯中文学校小读书郎们的第一个中秋晚会 文/译◎Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 中华珀斯中文学校

9月21日晚,中华会馆四所中文学校 联合举办的中秋晚会在中华文化中心圆满 落幕。作为中华中文学校这个大家庭最新 的成员,中华珀斯中文学校也精心准备了 多个节目,除了婀娜多姿的传统舞蹈、学 校武术班的功夫基本功演示,还有各班学 生载歌载舞的合唱《读书郎》和《世上只 有妈妈好》。 “读书郎”们稚趣横生的舞蹈 动作和清脆爽朗的歌 声给现场带来阵阵 欢笑。 因为这是孩子们参与的第一台中华 中秋晚会。刘隽 校 长带领老师们未雨绸 缪,在教 育中国语言 文化 知识的 同 时组 织同学们 勤 加排 练,并由本 校的舞 蹈老 师——毕业于北京舞蹈学院的资深舞蹈教 师雷洪敏女士设计了与歌曲配套的舞蹈动 作,帮助学生们领会歌曲意义和精䯝,引 导他们在演唱时把歌曲的内涵和意韵都 表现出来。

相信他们在自己参与的第一台中秋 晚会上的表演,将成为他们中文学习历程 中的一件可资记忆的乐事。 图为学生们认真排练、努力演出的图景。

Perth School – Kids’ First Mid-Autumn Festival Concert

The four Chinese schools of Chung Wah Association celebrated the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival together at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre on Saturday, 21 September 2019.

As the youngest member of the Chung Wah family, Chung Wah Chinese School (Perth) performed in several activities for the concert program that night, including graceful traditional dancing, martial arts performance and two Chinese songs presented by the students’ choir. This was the first Mid-Autumn Festival Concert in which the kids from the Perth School had participated. Hence, before the concert, the Principal, Ms Juan Liu, along with all the teachers, organised the students from the different classes to learn the songs while they were learning the curricular Chinese

language and cultural knowledge. Ms Hongmin Lei, the Dancing Teacher of the Perth School, who graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy and was a senior dancing teacher, designed some dance movements and manoeuvres for the choir, so as to help them to better understand and present the meaning and connotation of the songs. Their first performance at the Chung Wah Mid-Autumn Festival has truly become a nice memory in their journey of Chinese learning.

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Term 3 Activities 中华乐思中文学校2019第三学期活动集锦 文◎Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 译◎ 叶俐廷 Elvie YAP

师生同台献艺 中华中文学校中秋晚会

Teachers and Students Performed together at the Mid-Autumn Festival event

2019年9月21日,是中华中文学校第 三学期的最后一天。学校在当晚组织了一 年一度的中秋晚会,中华乐思中文学校唱 游班、舞蹈班及武术班的同学在林芯妤、 王春萌和陈丽丽老师的带领下登台演出了 精彩的节目。学校老师和部分家长也和唱 游班的孩子们一起登台演唱了歌曲。我校 同学不但积极参加当晚的演出,同时也有 大量美术、书法和灯笼作品参加了中华中 文学校的中秋比赛并获奖。 21 September 2019 was the last school day of Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) for the term. Our teachers and students participated in the annual Mid-Autumn Festival event of CWCS. Students from our iextra-curricular classes, such as Choir, Cultural Dance and Martial Arts, presented fascinating programs under the guidance of their teachers. In addition, many of our students won prizes in the drawing, calligraphy and lantern making competitions.

西澳中小学生中文作文大赛 WA Chinese Essay Writing Competition

中华乐思中文学校六名同学参加了 在第三学期举 行的西澳州中小学生作文 大赛,今年共有近30所学校的150多件作 品参赛。我校参赛同学的作品在激烈的竞 争中脱颖而出,八年级的郭彦辰、李源成 同学分别获得年级组第三、四名,十一年 级的陈瑞怡获得优秀奖。

The CWCS Rossmoyne has six students participating in the WA Chinese Essay Writing Competition held during the third term of the year. There were 30 schools which submitted more than 150 pieces of essay writing work. Our representatives in Year Eight, Yanchen GUO and Yuan LI, were the second runner up and third runner up respectively. Also, Ruiyi Chen from Year 11 was awarded the Excellence Award.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


Father’s class activity

中华乐思中文学校一向重视把传统 及文化活动融汇到课堂教学中,在有限的 教学时间内让学生学到文化和语言双重知 识。今年我校一年级A1班许玲玉老师特别 组织了父亲节专题课。同学们在课上不但 学习了用中文说“爸爸我爱你”,而且还 为爸爸制作了精美的领带,并把祝福语写 在卡片上。这堂课不仅培养了学生的语言 表达能力,而且锻炼了他们的动手能力, 还教育孩子们了解父亲对孩子对家庭的付 出和辛苦,教会他们表达对父亲的爱和感 恩,是一堂成功的语言课,也是成功的文 化活动课。 At CWCS Rossmoyne, it is part of the curriculum to integrate traditions and cultural activities with class lessons, in order to enable students to learn both culture and language within the limited teaching hours. The class teacher from Room A1 conducted Father’s Day themed activities for the day, and students learned how to say ‘I love you, Dad’ in Mandarin, as well as making a tieshaped artwork for their beloved father. This was a meaningful lesson that teaches students to express their love to their father in words. Furthermore, it helps them to have a better understanding about the sacrifices and contributions of a father in a family.


Chung Wah Chinese School participated in the 2019 WA Chinese language Speech Recital Competition

中华中文学校踊跃参加2019 西澳中文朗读大赛 文/译◎ 叶俐廷 Elvie YAP

11 月3日, 201 9 年西澳“ CCC A”杯 中文朗读大赛在西澳的男子私校Scotch College举行。这连续举办了六年的朗读 比赛,吸引了上百位不同年龄、文化背景的 参赛者。派出学生参加此次比赛的中文学 校近二十家,其中包括了中华会馆的三所 中文学校: 中华黎明、乐思和摩利中文学 校。代表学校参加比赛的学生,都取得优 异的成绩。 A1组:七岁以下 (7 years old and below)

二等奖得主 Second Prize

刘晗妤 (乐思 Rossmoyne) 李思娴 (乐思 Rossmoyne) 陈孝勇 (黎明 Leeming)

李诺雅 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

优胜奖得主 Merit Prize

翁才旭 (乐思 Rossmoyne) 高嘉奕 (黎明 Leeming)

On November 3, the 2019 WA’s CCCA Cup Chinese language Speech Recital Competition was held at the Memorial Hall of the Scotch College. This was the sixth year the competition has been held consecutively. It has successfully attracted over hundreds of students from different age group and cultural background, total of more than twenty schools took part in this competition. Student representatives from Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Leeming, Rossmoyne and Morley, were performed well, some achieve the top prizes. A2组:一年级及二年级 (Year 1-2)

A4组:五年级及六年级(Y5- 6)

黄秉坤 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

孙永章 (黎明 Leeming)

二等奖得主 Second Prize

赵博雅 (乐思 Rossmoyne) 翁筱涵 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

廖曼婷 (摩利 Morley)

纪念奖得主 Consolation Prize


唐韬 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

纪念奖得主 Consolation Prize (乐思 Rossmoyne)

A3组:三年级及四年级(Y 3- 4)

二等奖得主Second Prize 何芷薇 (黎明 Leeming) 张善恩 (黎明 Leeming)

吴丽莎 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

汤郅杰 (乐思 Rossmoyne) 许凯昱 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

优胜奖得主Merit Prize 陈韵伊

(黎明 Leeming)


(摩利 Morley)

纪念奖得主 Consolation Prize

第一名得主 First Prize 纪念奖得主

Consolation Prize

陈浩文 (黎明 Leeming) A5组:12-16岁 (12 -16 years old)

二等奖得主 Second Prize 谢秉恒 (黎明 Leeming)

B1组: 七岁以下-曾在中国接受中文教育 (Below 7 years old – Studied in China before)

第一名得主 First Prize

刘立心 (乐思 Rossmoyne)

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Term 3 Activities 中华中文摩利学校2019第三学期活动集锦 文/译 ◎Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华中文摩利学校

2019父亲节茶会 Father’s Day Morning Tea

本校于9月14日举行了父亲节茶会。各个家庭及家长们都带了食 物一起分享,庆祝父亲节。为了响应环保,部分家庭还自备餐具;在庆 祝佳节之余,也以实际行动保护环境。

A Father’s Day Morning Tea was held on 14 September 2019 at the school canteen to celebrate Father’s Day. Parents and families shared food and spent a wonderful morning at the school.

2019中秋月饼制作活动 Mooncake Making Activity

为了庆祝中秋节以及让学生们体验该节日的传统习俗,本校副校 长,Regina,于9月7日示范冰皮月饼的制作。学生除了认识到中秋月饼 的由来,也亲手制作和享用月饼。

To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and introduce its traditional practices to students, our Deputy Principal, Regina, demonstrated mooncake making at the school. Students also joined in to make their own mooncake. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版


We would like to find out how well our members know our Association.

作为中华会馆会员, 您对中华会馆有多了解呢? When will the 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair will be held? 2020中华新年文化节会在哪一天举行

A. 25 January 2020 C. 2 February 2020

B. 29 January 2020 D. 7 February 2020

Tell us in 30 words or less, what you like about Chung Wah. 请以30个字或以下写出你喜欢中华会馆哪方面呢?

Enter Now 如何参加

To enter this exclusive prize winning quiz for members, tell us the answer to the above question and provide your full name, email address, address and membership number before 20 January 2020. Please send your answers and details to one of the following contacts: 想要参加这项进公开给会员的有奖问答,请回答以上问题,将答案联同参加者名字、电子邮箱、地 址和会员号,在2020年1月20日之前发到以下的联系方式

• 传真Fax: (08) 92275694 • 电邮Email: editor@chungwah.org.au • 邮寄Address: PO Box 73 Northbridge WA 6865

答对的一位参加者,可获由Morish Nuts所赞助的一个 价值$48的果仁礼袋庄以及免费获得一年的中华会馆 会员会费。 A sponsored gift of the award-winning Morish Nuts cabin carry bag valued at $48 and one year FREE Chung Wah Association membership fee will be rewarded to a selected participant who provided the correct answer.

Happy Chinese New Year






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