粽香情浓 The Essence of Rice Dumpling #39

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2019年 第39期 APRIL ISSUE 39

秋 季 刊


The Essence of Rice Dumpling



Sunday 12th May 2019 9:00am - 10:00am

Opening Ceremony

10:00am - 12:30pm Dragon Boat Racing and Presentations 12:30pm - 6:00pm

Cultural Performances, Workshops and Activities: Such as dragon and lion dancing, Tai Chi, Chinese storytelling, craft, kite show, cultural performances

9:00am - 10:00pm

Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival

Monday 13th May 2019 9:00am - 10:00pm

Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival

Tuesday 14th May 2019 9:00am - 10:00pm

Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival

Wednesday 15th May 2019 9:00am - 10:00pm

Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival

Business Forum

Thursday 16th May 2019 9:00am - 10:00pm

Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival

Friday 17th May 2019 9:00am - 10:00pm

Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition Architecture and Construction Forum

Saturday 18th May 2019 9:00am - 8:30pm

Cultural Performances, Workshops and Activities: Such as dragon and lion dancing, Tai Chi, Chinese Art Exhibition, Australian Chinese History Exhibition, Chinese storytelling, craft, kite show, cultural performances

2019 年 5 月 12 日 星期日 9:00am - 10:00am


10:00am - 12:30pm 龙舟竞渡与颁奖仪式 12:30pm - 6:00pm

文化表演、工作坊及其他活动 : 舞龙舞狮表演、太极、讲故事、手工艺、风筝制作及表演、文艺表演等等

9:00am - 10:00pm


6:30pm - 10:00pm


2019 年 5 月 13 日 星期一 9:00am - 10:00pm


6:30pm - 10:00pm


2019 年 5 月 14 日 星期二 9:00am - 10:00pm


6:30pm - 10:00pm


2019 年 5 月 15 日 星期三 9:00am - 10:00pm


6:30pm - 10:00pm



2019 年 5 月 16 日 星期四 9:00am - 10:00pm


6:30pm - 10:00pm


2019 年 5 月 17 日 星期五 9:00am - 10:00pm


6:30pm - 10:00pm



2019 年 5 月 18 日 星期六 9:00am - 8:30pm

文化表演、工作坊及其他活动 : 舞龙舞狮表演、 中国画展、澳大利亚华人历史展览、太极、讲故事、 手工艺、风筝制作及表演、文艺表演等等







2019年 第39期 APRIL ISSUE 39

秋 季 刊


The Essence of Rice Dumpling



Ming Ray KHOR 许明睿 Ming Jay KHOR 许明哲 Esme HE 何芷薇 Cover photography Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

在炎炎 夏日度 过了热闹欢 腾的 农历新年,正值秋季,中华会馆马不 停蹄地给华人社区筹划一系列的端 午节活动。端午节,为每年农历五月 初五,是中国四大传统节日之一。 想 知道会馆五月份端午节的活动详情, 敬请继续翻阅这期的《中华之声》。

或许你错过了二月份在珀斯过农 历年,这期《中华之声》让我们来精 简地给读者报道中华会馆文化组,如 何忙碌地给整个珀斯制造了浓厚中 华文化气息的氛围。其中还包括中华 中文学校以及中华社区及长者服务, 分别给珀斯学汉语的孩子还有亚裔 长者带来的传统节日的过节气氛。

除了传扬文化,《中华之声》也积 极提供一个平台给西澳政府,传达信 息给华人社区。《中华之声》的执行 编辑叶俐廷特别安排专访西澳亚洲 事务部部长Peter Tinley,讲述西澳 政 府在旅游、国际教育方面如何 放 眼亚洲。 作为中华会馆的传播媒体之一, 《中华之 声》也尝试 用不同的方法 回馈 会员和读 者对我们的支持。过 去七期以来,我们都设有一版的《有 奖问答》给了解中华 会 馆会员 赢 奖 的机会。在此也特别感谢奖品赞助商 Morish Nuts。 此外,另外还有两版 列出参与会员优惠计划的所有商家, 身为会员的你可要好好把握这些会 员福利。 养生版还有中西药专人教你,如 何在这流感高峰期,预防疾病来袭。 最后,希望读者在冬季来临之际,注 意保暖,身体健康。 Ting CHEN陈挺 Chief Editor 主编

More Culture, More Variety The last hot summer brimmed with bustling Lunar New Year celebrations. Now that it is autumn, Chung Wah Association continues to fill the month of May with a series of Dragon Boat Festival events and activities. Every fifth day of the fifth lunar month is one of the four most significant traditional Chinese festivals, the Duanwu Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. Find out more about the upcoming programs of this festival in Perth from the inside pages. You may have missed the Chinese New Year events and activities in Perth last February. Don’t worry, we have done a brief but concise coverage of most of the events and activities that we organised or in which our cultural groups had participated. This has also included events of the Chung Wah Chinese schools and Chung Wah Community & Aged Care, which had created a fantastic Chinese New Year atmosphere for the elders and children in Mandarin learning to experience this traditional festival. In addition to promoting our culture, Chung Wah Magazine also provides updates from State Government to ensure the local Chinese community are aware of news and information. In this issue, Executive Editor, Elvie Yap interviews Minister for Asian Engagement, Peter Tinley, on how the WA Government engages with Asian tourist and international education markets. Being one of the communication tools of Chung Wah Association, we at Chung Wah Magazine are trying different methods to reward our readers and members for your support. For the last seven issues, we have been using the Prize-winning Quiz to give away a sponsored prize to our winning reader. Special thanks to our sponsor, Morish Nuts. Besides, we also have two pages of listed participating businesses, who offer a variety of discounts to our members. Hope you could make use of them. We also invited professionals to give some tips on flu and cold prevention during the peak period in our “Good Health” column. Finally, as winter is approaching, please be reminded to keep warm. Wishing you all Good Health.



• The many achievements of the Association incude:


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. • Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services. • Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness. • Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Women’s Subcommittee. • Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia. BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to chungwah.org.au/en/membership BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at admin@chungwah.org.au

中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。 • 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

• 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

• 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组 • 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动

想成为会员: 请浏览网页 chungwah.org.au/en/membership, 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 9328 8657 或 发邮件到 admin@chungwah.org.au

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



亲爱的中华会馆会员们: 为了庆祝猪年的到来,世界 各地的 华人都以自己的方式辞旧迎新,这些庆 祝活动热闹非凡,有的甚至会持续两个 星期。作为珀斯庆祝农历新年的重要活 动,2019年珀斯中华新年文化节已经成 功走过了第八个年头。无论从多元文化 游行到摊位,游戏的安排,从小舞台、大 舞台的演出和大屏幕的展示,都汇聚着 我们台前幕后人员无私的付出和团队的 力量。火火红绸、浓浓年味,凝聚无数 心血和付出的新年文化节赢得了广泛认 可。感谢为本次活动默默奉献的每一个 人,感谢参与、支持的各个社团和媒体。 您们做的不仅是一个新年活动,更是在 做传扬中华传统文化的一件盛事! 此 外,中华会馆新年舞会在本次新年舞会 筹委会主席、元老会主席、陈振发先生 (Dr Bob Tan OAM)的精心策划下,在珀斯泛 太平洋酒店(Pan Pacific Hotel)隆重举 行,来自不同社区的300多名会员朋友们 齐聚一堂,载歌载舞地同庆元宵佳节。 令人欣喜的是,在Lotterywest专项 基金的支持下,我们已经更换铺设了北 桥会馆老旧的电网线路并安装了电视监 控系统、路灯等设施,大大提高了会馆 的安全性。位于Balcatta的中华文化中心 的天花板吊顶、灯光及空调工程也已安 装完毕,以崭新的面貌为会员们提供多 功能的活动场所。再次感谢参与“庆祝中

丁少平 会长 中华会馆


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

华文化中心落成20周年晚宴”的各位会 员朋友以及社团,感谢您们为天花板工 程的集资贡献力量,感谢您们为会馆的 的建设添砖加瓦。 暨新春系列活动及各项修缮工程过 后,中华会馆还有很多在文化与社区服 务方面的工作要做。一场全方位展示中 华民俗与传统文化的大型户外活动 - 首 届“珀斯中华文化节“将于5月12日至5月 18日震撼登场。这场结合“赛龙舟、民间 艺术、中华美食、舞龙舞狮、文艺表演” 等多个模块的节日狂欢,将实现参与者 与中华文化的零距离接触,为市民和游 客带来非同一般的深度文化体验。我们 的中华龙舟队队员们也早已热情高涨, 积极为本次的龙舟友谊赛做准备,顶着 烈日随着鼓声用力挥浆,每周两次风雨 无阻地刻苦训练。 中华会馆将继续秉承“凝聚融合 • 文 化传承 • 人道关怀”的理念,利用会馆的 平台和机制,致力于长老服务、中华语 言、文化和教育的推广,为广大会员和社 区提供优质的服务。中华会馆是所有的 华人华侨和社区同胞的共同机构,我们 期待着广大会员的积极参与,为我们会 馆的建设与发展共同努力! 谢谢大家!



Dear Chung Wah Members, IIn celebrating the Year of the Pig, Chinese people all over the world joyfully live it up in many different ways. The Lunar New Year parties go on for more than two weeks in some places. Being a significant Chinese New Year celebration event, the 2019 Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge attracted people from across Perth to experience the sights and sounds of the city. The day long festival has been running consecutively for eight years. It is the dedication and unconditional contribution of a massive community effort that brings together this fantastic presentation. Red and gold lanterns, a variety of multicultural food, a costume parade, games and performances, and the steady drumbeat of the lion dancers, all combined to bring thousands who gathered to be part of one of the largest community events in Western Australia. We sincerely thank every individual, participating organisation and the media for your efforts in promoting cultural diversity, especially Chinese culture, through this event. In addition, an organising committee chaired by the Chairperson of the Council of Elders, Dr. Bob Tan OAM, also successfully organised the Chung Wah Ball at the Pan Pacific Hotel Grand Ballroom this year, to celebrate the Lunar New Year. This event was attended by 300 members and friends with different cultural backgrounds. We are delighted to share with you that Chung Wah’s main building in Northbridge and the Balcatta Centre have been greatly improved due to funding support from Lotterywest. A new telecommunications system and computer network has been installed at the Northbridge building for better operational use. A new security monitoring system has also been installed and outdoor lights replaced for better public security.

and organisations for donating towards part of this refurbishment project, during the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Balcatta Cultural Centre. Beside the new year events and refurbishment projects, Chung Wah Association continues to improve its services in cultural activities and community services. Soon, we will be showcasing traditional Chinese art and culture through a large outdoor event, which is the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival to be held between 12 and 18 May 2019. As the Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner, this sevenday event is expected to integrate dragon boat racing, art and culture, Chinese cuisine, dragon and lion dancing, and cultural performances. This will be a great opportunity for Perth residents and tourists to experience true Chinese culture in a multicultural city. The crew members of the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team have been training twice a week, in anticipation for the actual race day to showcase their cultural heritage skills in front of a huge crowd. Chung Wah Association will continue to honour our vision of “Through promoting Harmony, preserving our Heritage and practising Humanity”, using the platform and system as a community organisation, to consistently provide quality service in aged care, Chinese language, cultural and education promotion to our members and the community at large. Chung Wah Association is an organisation that belongs to all people of Chinese heritage and members of the Chinese community. We look forward to our members’ active participation and contributions towards building and developing the Association further.

译◎Elvie YAP叶俐廷

Thank you.

Our Balcatta Centre which is regularly used for cultural events and performances, has had new air conditioning and lighting installed, and the ceiling repaired. Thanks again to the support and contributions of members

Shao Ping DING President The Chung Wah Association Inc 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1 2 6 10

编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 2019年“珀斯中华新年文化节” 2019 Chinese New Year Greetings

中华文化组春节出演 2019 CNY ShowCase Chung Wah Cultural Groups

13 终身会员李瑞喜博士 访问中华文化中心 Life Member Dr Simon Lee AO visited Chung Wah Balcatta Centre


移民心声 Migrant’s Voice

18 独家采访 西澳州亚洲事务部长 Exclusive Interview WA Minister for Asian Engagement Hon Peter Tinley

家爱 Family 24 26 28

秘制食谱 Secret Recipe 糯米鸡 Glutinous Rice Bowls

笑口常开 Laughing Sesame Ball

亲子乐 Parenting



校园天地 The School Yard

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive

Promoting positive sibling relationships

养生之道 Good Health




中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

有奖问答 Quiz

做好准备 对抗病毒 Preparing to combat winter virus

中医治疗 Traditional Chinese Medicine

图片集锦 Photo Gallery

42 新年舞会 Chung Wah Ball

西医治疗 Western Medicine


长期活动 Regular Activities


家有一老 Elderly 30

活动参与 Events and Activities

松柏长青 Community and Aged Care

新春长寿宴圆满结束 2019 CNY Longevity Lunch

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Congratulations. ChungWahMagazine quiz winner, Charmaine Soh picking up her prize. Thank you Morish Nuts for your generosity. 恭喜有奖问答得奖者Charmaine Soh 获得了Morish Nuts 盛情赞助的礼品

珀斯历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Perth



中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Campus Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149

中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 8657

电子邮箱 Email

(08) 9227 5694


网址 Website


通信地址 Mailing Address

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Li Hua 0401 686 306

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Campus Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


联系人 Contact Details

陈水玉校长 Ms Emily Tan 0406 492 944

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Campus Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

中华社区与长者服务中心 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988




Published by

中华会馆 Chung Wah Association Editorial and Advertising Enquiry (请查看 Pg.16)

E-mail: editor@chungwah.org.au

(08) 9228 3990


中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

威乐顿中心 Willetton Centre


Editorial team




Elvie YAP

陈薇 张娟妮

Abbie CHEN Jen Nie CHONG

中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Chinese Radio

卡尔 汪

Carl ONG

Saturdays 10 am to 11 am


Chief Editor

执行编辑 Executive Editor 编辑


视觉设计 Visual Designer 封面摄影

Cover Photo

叶俐廷 Elvie YAP

行政支持 Administration 黄小娟

Lesley WONG

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155


广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3


普通话节目 Mandarin Program FM 90.5 Sundays 10 am to 11 am 每周日上午10点至11点

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


联系人 Contact Details

马烜历校长 Dr Ma Xuanli 0403 003 898

中华妇女部 CW Women Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boat Team 中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe 中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 CW Beijing Opera

电子邮箱 E-mail Address




版权所有, 未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出 自中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于 对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。 对题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



金猪如意兆丰年 珀斯民众喜迎春 -暨2019年“珀斯中华新年文化节”圆满落幕 Colourful celebration of the Year of the Pig in Perth 文◎Abbie Chen 陈薇 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

The 2019 Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge, which was held on 10th February, attracted people from across Perth to experience the sights and sounds of the area and welcome in the Year of the Pig. The one-day festival has been running for the eighth year in a row and was supported by the City of Perth, the Office of the Multicultural Interests of Western Australia and LotteryWest. It enabled a truly multicultural community in Perth to share in the joy of the foods and traditions of the Chinese New Year celebrations. “珀斯中华新年文化节”由西澳中华会馆组织,是西澳州规模最大、内容最丰富、影响最大的中华文化品牌活动。2月10日盛 大举办的这文化活动,充分结合多元文化和族群之间的友爱,来共同给珀斯人民带来如此精彩的多元饕餮盛宴。


he streets of Northbridge were transformed into a colourful, loud and proud celebration of not just Chinese culture, but of Perth’s ever expanding cultural diversity. Red and gold lanterns, a variety of multicultural food, costume parade and steady drumbeats of lion dancers combined to bring the thousands who gathered to be part of one of the largest community events in Western Australia. Chinatown in Roe Street, and sections of James Street, Lake Street and William Street were filled with entertainment programs that showcased the cultural heritage of the Chinese during the first half of the day. The nine-hour event between 12pm and 9pm, was started with the all-day event


began with firecrackers lit by Chung Wah President, Mr ShaoPing DING and Office of Multicultural Interests representative, Mr Said Padshah. This was followed by a multicultural parade made up of 14 community groups in Perth, including the Lion Dance Troupe from the Chinese Community Centre, the WA Police Pipe Band, Perth Tropical Entertainment and a variety of multicultural groups. There were hourly lion dances and cultural performances on the street and various Chinese cultural demonstrations. Games and competitions ran throughout the day. The “God of Fortune” and volunteers dressed in the “Piggy” and “Kung fu Panda” mascots ronged the streets to entertain and give away lucky red

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

packets to kids as blessings of good luck and wealth. A seven-foot high Chinese New Year backdrop, designed by Michelle Mok and displayed next to the event major stage, was the most popular photograph-taking spot of the day.

As a cheerful family-friendly celebration, the events were divided into a couple of areas with all involving elements that suit the family. The Chung Wah Chinese Schools and Women’s Committee organised a variety of cultural performances, including singing and dancing, Kung Fu, Taichi, calligraphy, art and craft, as well as a Cantonese opera show at the Chinatown area. Special guest, Brendan Pang, a MasterChef Australia 2018 Contestants,



hosted a cooking demonstration at the Northbridge Piazza area. Also, kids had a great time enjoying themselves with the variety of games and activities around the Kid’s Zone.

The growth of the event and the way that Chinese New Year celebrations are increasingly being enjoyed by Western Australians of all backgrounds, show the positives and strengths of our multicultural society. This can be reflected in the multicultural concert in the evening, the highlight of the second half of the event. The profile of the Fair has increased by leaps and bounds, with large numbers ofparticipants from different

multicultural performing groups, improved media interest and greater coverage of the events.In attendance were representatives from the WA Government, the Minister for Multicultural Interests, the Hon. Mr Paul Papalia, the Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, Mr Tony Krsticevic, the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Mr KeZhong Lei, the WA Minister for Education and Training, Ms Sue Ellery, the Deputy Commissioner of the City of Perth, Ms Gaye McMath, and the CEO of LotteryWest, Ms Susan Hunt. They were invited to be part of the important ceremony, the “Ribbon Cutting” of the show. Over one hundred audience and VIPs attended the

event and enjoyed the multicultural performances.

The multicultural concert highlighted the extensive cultures and diversit y of Western Australia, and showcased the music, dance and traditions from dif ferent countries around the globe. Great thanks to the suppor t and contributions of our sponsors, per formers and volunteers, making this event a success and enabling it to continue to draw ever yone closer together.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



“ 珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文 化 节 ”由西 澳

中华会 馆组 织,是西澳 州规 模 最 大、内容

最丰富、影响最大的中华文化品牌活动。 本届文化节是中华会馆举办的第八届文化

节,于2019年2月10日在珀斯市北桥James Street盛大举行。文化节从中午12点一直持


狮表演、富有特色的多元文化游行方阵、各 国传统美食和民俗摊位、民乐、粤剧、中国


目,积极展示了中国文化和饮食的魅力,深 得当地民众喜爱。当天,前来参加文化节的 游人络绎不绝,活动现场人山人海。





炮声声,揭开了本次新年文化节的序幕;接 着,由中华会馆妇女部副部长付绪琼医生带

领着她们精心策划的多个极富特色的多元 文化游行方阵从William Street出发到Lake Street结束,来自西澳的14个团体参加了游

行,浓墨重彩的展现了精彩纷呈的中国及多 元文化元素。


及中华中文学校三个校区精心策划的文化 演出也如火如荼地在北桥广场和中国城牌 坊徐徐展开,歌舞、粤剧、功夫表演、太极、


环节,引来观众的阵阵掌声。本次活动也有 幸邀请到了2018年澳大利亚《厨艺大师》选

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

手Brendan Pang先生,在北桥广场为大家 现场展示精湛厨艺。



在土著领袖代表吹奏的Welcome to Country

中开始,乐声意味着欢迎大家来到澳洲这 个多元文化的大家庭。西澳州长代表、西澳

多元文化部部长Paul Papalia先生、西澳反


Krsticevic先生、中国驻珀斯总领馆雷克中总 领事、西澳教育与培训部部长Sue Eller y女 士、珀斯市副主席专员Gaye McMath女士、

西澳彩票管理局执行总裁Susan Hunt女士 应邀上台剪彩并向大家恭贺新年,欢快的拉






中华妇女部、中华民乐团、澳大利亚木兰文 化艺术协会、周永军老师、朱俐、纪彦伶、 孜音坊以及西澳其他社区艺术团带来的一


感受到中华传统文化与其他社区文化有机 结合的魅力。观众们在活动中品小吃,赏民 俗,观演出,享快乐,传祝福。




与多元文化游行的14个团体及义工们辛勤 无私的付出,感谢珀斯市政府,西澳多元文

化部,LotteryWest对“珀斯中华新年文化 节” 一贯的支持和赞助。

Special thanks to our sponsors, performers and volunteers 特别鸣谢赞助商、演出者和志愿者

Sponsors 赞助商: City of Perth

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Interests, Office of Multicultural Interests LotteryWest

Murdoch University

Canningvale Toyota Michelle Mok Creates

Boyond Aesthetis 化妆 Photographers 摄影师: 亚太摄影协会 Bright Qi

Kudos Creative

Performers 演出单位 Anna Bullard

Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association Chung Wah Association Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Chung Wah Chinese Schools

Chung Wah Choir, directed by Yongjun Zhou Chung Wah Cultural Dance

Chung Wah Women’s Sub-Committee Dtribe

Jessica Lim

Oberthur Primary School Chinese Dance Group Roztiazhka Ukrainian Cossack Dancers Selendang Sutra Dance Troupe

Tropical Entertainment Yann Kee

Zirui Huang

西澳华人公会舞狮队 西澳中老年华人协会 毛里求斯舞蹈团 珀斯彩虹艺术团

西澳华人华侨妇女联合会 澳大利亚太极协会 美商婕斯方队


Julie Yeh

Keszkeno Hungarian Folk Dance Group Monique Fitzgerald

少林功夫协会 孜音坊


Master of Ceremony 主持人 Tony An and Amy Hallam Olman Walley

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



2019 CNY showcase -- Chung Wah Cultural Groups

中华文化组春节出演 JenNie Chong 张娟妮

Chairperson, Cultural Development and Activities Subcommittee 文化发展及活动组主席

awards at the Crown Casino. Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra was invited to perform in a variety of celebrations in Chinese New Year. These include the City of Perth Aussie Play Day, Stirling Farmer’s Market, Morley Coventry Market, Kingsway Shopping Centre, Sorrento Quay and Gloucester Park. They also performed at a few corporate functions. One of the notable performances was the opening for the Chinese New Fair 2019 at Northbridge Piazza where they performed with soprano Ms Yann Kee and Ms Julie Yeh and with the Chung Wah Dancers. It was a memorable experience and a highlight for the New Year performance.


he Chung Wah Cultural groups consist of the Dragon and Lion Dance troupe, Chinese Cultural Dance group, Chinese Orchestra, Cantonese Opera Group and the Beijing Opera Group. They play an important role in the Chung Wah Association to promote Chinese Culture. Chinese New Year is the busiest time for them as they provide cultural performances to shopping centres, restaurants and outdoor festivals. Besides the Perth Chinese New Year Fair, one of the biggest events was the Bunbury Chinese New Year Festival where our Lion Dance, Cantonese Opera and Women’s subcommittee were invited to perform.

The lion dance team performed at more than twenty events over the two busy Chinese New Year weekends, including traveling to Bunbury and Cervantes. Dragon dance was the most popular request. They have also introduced a junior traditional lion dance bench set performance. Chinese New Year 2019 has finished but the troupe is still busy with performances for March, April and May. Nevertheless, they have starting to receive performance requests for Chinese New Year 2020. Our Chinese cultural dance group danced at eight events including: Mid-Week Eats at Riverton, Coventry Markets, Kingsway Shopping Centre, Sorrento Quay, Southlands Shopping Centre, Chung Wah Chinese New Year Fair and Ball and the Master Builder


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

In addition, the Cultural Group has also organised Chinese Singers, Chinese band, Calligrapher, lantern making and ladies wearing traditional dress handing out oranges and fortune cookies for various Chinese New Year events. Immediately following Chinese New Year is Harmony day where our cultural groups will be busy again. Our Cultural Groups have also been busy for Harmony Week, which is a celebration and recognition of Western Australia’s cultural diversity. Our Chung Wah dancers danced and held workshops at Kensington Primary School and Ballajura Primary School. One teacher commented that ‘it was the best incursion that they every had’. All the children enjoyed learning a traditional handkerchief dance. Our Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe performed at the Bannister Creek Primary School Family Harmony Picnic. Edward Chin demonstrated Chinese Calligraphy for Harmony Week at 140 William for the Office of Multicultural Interest.



华文化组包括龙狮团、中华舞蹈团、中华华乐团、粤剧社 和京剧社。他们在中华会馆中发挥着重要作用,以促进 中国文化。中国农历新年是他们最繁忙的时间,因为他们为各大购 物中心,餐馆和户外节日提供文化表演。

除了 珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文化 节 外,最重要的活动之一是Bunbury 中化新年文化节,我们的龙狮团、粤 剧社和妇女组委员会应邀参加。

龙狮团在两个繁忙的农历新年周末举行 了二十多场活动(减去工作日)。他们的表 演地包括Bunbury和Cervantes等地区。龙 狮是最受欢迎的节目。他们还推出了一款儿 童传统舞狮表演。2019年的农历新年已经 结束,但相关的文化团仍在忙于3月、4月和 5月的演出。尽管如此,他们已经开始收到 2020年中华新年文化节的邀约。 我 们 的中华文化 舞 蹈团在 八个活 动中 受邀表演,包括:River ton的Mid-Week Eats、Coventry Markets、Kingsway购物 中心、Sorrento Quay、Southlands购物中 心,中华新年文化节以及皇冠赌场的舞会和 Master Builder的颁奖典礼。

中华华乐团应邀参加中华农历 新 年 的 各 项 庆 祝 活 动 。其 中 包 括 珀斯市政 府 澳 大利亚游 戏 日,S t i r l i n g 农 贸 市 场,Morley Conventry 市 场,K i n g s w ay 购 物 中心,S o r r e n t o Quay和Gloucester 公 园 的 农 历春节活 动 。他 们 还 参 与了 一 些 合 作 单位 的 活 动。其中一个值得一 提的表演是2019年在 北桥广场举珀的珀斯

中华新年文化节的开幕式,他们与歌唱家 纪彦伶和朱琍女士以及中华舞蹈团一起表 演。这是一次难忘的经历,也是新年表演的 亮点。

此外,文化体还组织了中文音乐歌手和 乐队、书法家、灯笼制作和穿着传统服饰的 女士们,为各类中华新年节分发橙子和幸运 饼干。 在农历新年之后,我们的文化组将再次 忙碌地参与各项活动中。

我 们 的 文化 组也参 与了和 谐 周的 活 动,这 是 对 西 澳 大 利 亚 文化 多 样 性 的 庆 祝 和 认可 。我 们 的 中 华 舞 蹈 团 的 舞 者 在 Kensington和Ballajura小学举办了舞者工 作坊。一位老师评论说“这是他们每个人最 好的熏陶”。所有参与活动的孩子们都喜欢 学习传统的手帕舞。我们的中华舞狮团在 Bannister Creek小学家庭和谐周野餐中参 与演出。和谐周期间,靳云祥老师在140号 William街的多元文化兴趣办公室展示了中 国书法。

译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



以舞会友— 2019 西澳表演艺术学院舞蹈夏令营掠影 Cross-cultural friendship born in dance 2019 WAAPA Dance Summer Camp 文◎Min ZHU 朱敏 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

In February 2019, nine students from the China Beijing Here Dance Studio, led by their four teachers, touched down in Perth after a long journey. The purpose of this trip was to participate in the one-week Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) Dance Summer Camp for youth. The instructor of Chung Wah Dance Troupe, Dr Min Zhu, also this WAAPA project officer, mentioned that the objective of this camp was to help passionate young Chinese dancers improve their understanding of western dance culture through personal experience. At the same time, to broaden their horizons, as well as promote the cultural exchange opportunities between China and Australia. This was the second time that Here Dance studio had sent its students for this visit.

During the one-week training, these students were supervised by professional instructors from WAAPA, learning contemporary dance, classical dance, hip hop, musical, jazz dance, theatre and other relevant courses. In order to provide a deeper understanding, the students and teachers from Beijing also attended the classes together with mainstream students in the well-known Charlesworth Ballet College. A summer camp dance showcase performance was jointly presented by students from Here Dance Studio, Charlesworth Ballet College and the Unity Dance Team from Girrawheen Senior High School. This was a truly cross-cultural exchange program that enabled young dancers from China and Australia to develop friendship and perform together without having to worry about linguistic barriers.

A historical miniature dragon boat model for you to view

富历史意义的微型龙舟模型供您观赏 文◎Elvie YAP叶俐廷 | 译◎LingKun FANG 方凌坤

Mr Robert Smoothy and his wife, Hazel, donated a miniature dragon boat model to Chung Wah Association for public viewing. This miniature has a strong historical value. In 1984, the President of the Chai Wan Fishermen’s Recreation Club of Hong Kong presented it to Robert Smoothy and his family for their years of patronage of the club.

2019年2月,来自北京HERE DANCE舞蹈 工作室的9名学生,4名老师经过长途飞行来 到珀斯,参加西澳表演艺术学院为期一周的青 少年舞蹈夏令营活动。项目负责人朱敏博士 (也是中华 舞 蹈团的导师 )介 绍,举办这个夏 令 营 的 初 衷 是 为了让 热 爱 舞 蹈 的 中 国 青 少 年近 距离地了解西方舞蹈文化,开拓他们的 视 野,促 进中澳 之间的文化交流 。这已经 是 HERE DANCE舞蹈工作室连续第二年带学生 过来学习访问。

在一周的集训课程里,学生们在西澳表演艺 术学院专业教师的指导下,学习现代舞、古典芭 蕾、舞蹈即兴、音乐剧、爵士舞以及剧目等多项 课程。为了促进更深入的文化交流,来自北京的 师生们还参观了珀斯负有盛名的Charlesworth Ballete College, 并与当地的学生一起上课。在夏 令营的汇报展演上,HERE DANCE舞蹈工作室、 Charlesworth Ballete College以及Girrawheen Senior High School - Unity Dance Team的学生们 为观众们奉献了一场多彩纷呈的舞蹈演出。

以舞会友,打破语言的藩篱, 通 过肢体动作分享对同一种艺术 形式的热爱,这便是此次舞蹈夏令 营的意义所在。

Robert Smoothy先生和他的妻子Hazel捐赠 了一个微型龙舟模型给中华会馆供公众观看。这 个模型具有很强的历史价值。一九八四年,香港 柴湾龙舟会主席特别颁赠了这龙舟模型给Robert Smoothy及其家人,以感谢介他们多年来对俱乐部 的支持与赞助。欢迎您来中华会馆参观该模型。

You are welcome to come and visit the miniature at Chung Wah Association.

Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team 中华龙舟队 The venue for the weekly Dragon Boat Team training has changed since 3 March 2019. It is now held at the Maylands Sports Recreation Club, located at 50 Clarkson Road, Maylands, every Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, and every Sunday from 8:30am to 10:00am. On average, up to 30 crew members participate in the training every week. The Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team was dissolved in 1998 due to various factors. With the support and assistance from many parties, the Dragon Boat Team was reformed twenty years later. In 2018, the Association managed to raise $5,000 to purchase a dragon boat for the team.


Dragon Boat Team 中华龙舟队 Chairperson 领队:

Jason Ng 黄杰昇

Team Leader 队长:

Shen Feng 沈峰

Hu Xueyou 胡学友 Lin Shengjia 林圣嘉

Lin Jinshu 林锦澍

Associate Team Leaders 副队长:

Team leader, Shen Feng, was a professional swimming athlete in China. Lin Shengjia and Lin Jinshu were trained in dragon boating in Fujian, China. With the efforts of the Chairperson and team leaders, as well as the promotion on social media, WeiPerth, the number of crew members has increased by 100% after changing to this new training location. We hope to see your continuous support for the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team.

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

自今年 三月初开始,中华龙舟队转 换了 每 个星 期的培 训 地 点。目前,培 训 地 点 是 在 Maylands体育俱乐部,位于50 Clarkson Road, Maylands。培训时间是每周二和周四,下午六 点至七点半,以及每周日上午八点半至十点。平 均每周有三十人参加培训。 1998年原来的中华龙舟队因故解散,中 断了近二十年的龙舟队在各方的帮助下重新成 立,2018年会馆筹集了5000元购买了龙舟。 队长沈峰曾经是中国专业的游泳运动员, 副队长林圣嘉和林锦澍曾在中国福建接受过正 规的龙舟培训。在各个队长的努力下,在微珀斯 的宣传下,龙舟队队员人数在新的培训基地增 加了一倍。 欢迎大家支持中华龙舟队。



终身会员李瑞喜博士访问中华文化中心 Life Member Dr Simon Lee AO visited Chung Wah Balcatta Centre 文/译◎ 叶俐廷 Elvie Yap

他曾获颁澳大利亚 最高荣誉勋章的西澳华人

他曾被科廷大学颁授荣誉博士 他是中华会馆的永久会员 他是西澳中华总商会的 创办成员之一 他是西澳矿业 备受尊重的名人 他曾出资在Kalgoorlie 建造西澳最大的中国公园

3月7日,在中华会馆前会长兼永久会员陈 继志的牵针引线下,这位已经长居在新加坡的 大慈善家兼商界名人李瑞喜先生,再次回来访 问中华会馆。 中华会馆理事会盛情接待这位 有恩于会馆的人物,特别约见李先生到其捐款 巨额的中华文化中心。1995年10月22日,当年 任职西澳中华总商会会长的李瑞喜先生曾为 中华文化中心基地开工牌匾揭幕。

访问期间,恰巧中华文化中心正进行着大 面积的装潢工作。会长丁少平给李先生和在场 的陈继志医生,一一介绍过去二十年来此文化 中心的用途和发展,还有近期所获得的政府拨 款,以及中心内的扩建计划。商业敏感度强且 热衷于社区服务的李先生,也毫无保留地分享 了自己的经验与看法给在场的理事们做参考。

此外,丁少平会长也拿出了Balcatta的概 念发展蓝图,展示给李先生。这个发展蓝图包 括了接下来在这副土地上建造华人花园,以及 在文化中心后院,搭建短期宿舍给需要暂息护 理服务的用户。这将是如同中华会馆宪章和三 十年前执行理事会购买Balcatta土地的宗旨之 一,就是以照顾年长和身体有缺陷的会员福利 为本 。

他捐出巨款帮助 中华会馆建造中华文化中心

他就是李瑞喜博士 He was one of the few Chinese bestowed The Officer of the Order of Australia (AO). He was given an Honorary Doctorate by Curtin University. He is a Life Member of Chung Wah Association. He was one of the founding committee members of the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He is a well-known figure in the resources sector and highly respected. He has financially supported the construction work of the biggest Chinese garden in WA, located in Kalgoorlie’s Mining Hall of Fame.

On 7th March 2019, Dr Eric Tan, the former President and also a Life Member of Chung Wah Association, introduced Dr Simon Lee AO to some of the existing members of the Executive Committees (EXCO) of the Association at the Chung Wah Balcatta Centre. Dr Lee is a wellknown figure in Western Australia for his significant achievements in business, specifically in the mining sector, as well as his remarkable community contributions for the local and overseas populations. He is now living in Singapore.

The EXCO chose to welcome Dr Lee at the Balcatta Centre because he financially supported the construction of these premises. On 22nd October 1995, he was the then President of the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and he unveiled the foundation plaque. The Centre was undergoing massive refurbishment during his recent visit.

He generously donated to the Chung Wah Balcatta Centre project

He is Dr Simon Lee AO.

An email responded by Dr Lee couple of days after the visit. 李博士对于此行,给中华会馆理事会发邮件,赞赏这个团队。

The President of Chung Wah Association, Mr Ding Shaoping, briefed Dr Lee about the purposes and developments of the Balcatta Centre, the funding received for its expansion, as well as the future development plan for the Centre and the land. Being an entrepreneur with a strong business sense and also passionate in community development, Dr Lee shared his experience and opinion wholeheartedly with the committees.

In addition, President Ding also showed the new development concept plan to Dr Lee and Dr Tan. The concept plan includes building a large Chinese garden in front of the Balcatta Cultural Centre and short term accommodation at the back of the Centre for those in need of respite care. The Association also provided Dr Lee with some copies of Chung Wah Magazine updating him about the development of the Association in recent years. We wishes to thank Dr Lee for his visit and his advice. We are encouraged to try build a better community. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |


Exercise and reading are two essential elements in life

人生,唯有锻炼和读书不能辜负 最

Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑

近看到一句话“人生,唯有锻炼和读书不能辜 负”提醒自己确实要多花时间在这两方面了。人 到了一个年纪,整个状态开始出现衰退, 比如皮肤的 弹性、记忆力、新陈代谢等等,内在和外在都个别要 靠锻炼和读书来改善。

澳大利亚这个国家似乎很早就意识到锻炼和阅 读的重要,无论是城市规划、社会服务到教育体系都 与锻炼和阅读紧紧相扣。每个小区的基本设施都会 有社区体育馆、图书馆、公园、游乐场,正好就是让每 个家庭不管老少培养多锻炼和多阅读的习惯。整个西 澳,近270万人口就有231间大小不同的图书馆。 根据西澳州语言发展推广服务的材料显示,三 到四岁开始上幼儿园的孩子,评估口语能力的标准之 一就是要有1000-1500的词汇量。学校一般希望在上 课前,父母可以在班里给孩子阅读一本书,每天晚上 也跟孩子看一本书。此外,还给父母尤其是非英语背 景的家庭,提供图书馆联系方法和其他帮助阅读的支 援服务。

锻炼方面,基本上在澳大利亚上学的中小学生都 一定经历过游泳培训,还有各种多项体育活动,让学 生自行选择。全澳洲大约有1077个公立游泳池。根据 2015/2016西澳水上运动领域的报告显示,澳洲人使 用公立游泳池平均每年4.4次,相等于每年一亿六千 万人次。 不知道你有否察觉有的人年纪越大,朋友越多; 有的人则刚好相反。读书多了,内心充实,言行举止都 会潜移默化变得更有内涵和优雅。一个坚持锻炼的 人,久而久之会减脂塑形,精神充沛,各种激素的分 泌会让美丽值大大提升。试问谁又不想跟内外兼具的 人交朋友呢?


happened to read a saying “Do not stop exercising and reading in our life” recently online. It reminded me to start investing more time in these two habits. Coming to a certain stage in our life, different parts of our body start to deteriorate, for example, skin elasticity, memory and metabolism, etc. We probably need to improve the declining body conditions using regular exercise and reading. Australia is a country that has an early awareness of the importance of both exercise and reading. These two activities are widely covered in many areas, such as urban design, community services and the education system. Sport complexes, libraries, parks and playgrounds are the basic facilities in almost every suburb. This makes it convenient for every member of a family to develop the habit of exercising and reading. The population of Western Australia is approximately 2.7 million and there are about 231 libraries in various sizes. To me, this is fantastic public service. According to some materials from Promoting Literacy Development in WA, a 3 to 4 year old should be able to use 1000-1500 different words. Many schools encourage parents to read a book to their children in the class before the bell rings, and also read a book to the child every night. In addition, these school usually provides the contact details of the nearest library as well as support services to help with reading, especially for families that come from a non-English speaking background. In terms of exercise, children who have gone through the primary or secondary education system in Australia have access to swimming training. Besides swimming, there are also a variety of sporting choices for students to select. There are approximately 1077 public swimming pools across Australia. The 2015/2016 Western Australian Aquatics Industry report estimates that Australians visit a public pool on average 4.4 times a year, which equates to 106 million total visits each year. I wonder whether you realise that some people have an increasing number of friends as they age, or some aging can lead to increased isolation and loneliness. As you start reading more, you may find a lot more secure in yourself. It comes from contentment with the knowledge gained. It brings positive effects to your behaviour and articulation in expressing yourself. For someone who exercises consistently, they will be physically stronger and mobile, have a stable muscle mass and weight, and maintain a sharp mind. It also helps to improve a variety of hormone production that could positively affect physical appearance. After all, everyone loves to make friends with people who possess both inner and external beauty.

Home is where I find peace in my heart! 主营 Core Business 商业投资移民教育留学等各类签证业务。 Business & investment visas, student visa and other types of visas. 我们的优势 What's Special • 商业投资移民受政策影响小,成功率高。 • 丰富的188和132签证申请,132签证1010表审核, 188转888签证经验。 • 与本地知名开发商和企业主长期合作。 • Business visas have high success rate and are least impacted by policy changes. • Experienced in 132 and 188-visa application, 132 Form 1010 Survey and 188 to 888 visa transition. • Have a long-term relationship with reputable local developers and business owners.


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

商业投资移民(132和188)好消息 现有少量适合132签证投资人的地产开发投资机会,以 及188转888签证的中小生意机会。欢迎咨询洽谈。 Opportunities for 132 and 188 Visa Holders: We are referring a few property development business opportunities to 132 visa holders, and small & medium business opportunities to 188 visa holders for 888-visa transition.

Move your business to a City that’s growing There has never been a better time to invest in Perth. One look at our skyline and it’s easy to see the worldclass infrastructure being delivered, significant private redevelopment, and potential for future growth. This once-in-a-lifetime transformation has given rise to new opportunities for businesses like yours to Think Perth.

19-026. 01/19


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Advertise with Us

The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909,the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organization in Western Australia. We are recognised by the all level of governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people that can help you to optimize your business’ exposure and presentation. 《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中 华会馆编辑出版。成立于1909年的 中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实力最 强的华人社团,得到澳大利亚各阶 级政府的共同承认,是西澳超过14 万华人的官方代言人。 我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布 广告,将您的产品和服务信息带给 我们的读者。我们具有全方面专业 才能的工作团队,能够使您的广告 展示更加优化。

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| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

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Minister Talk: The WA tourism and International Education Strategies Engaging Asian Markets 文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤

The WA Minister for Asian Engagement, Peter Tinley, updates our readers on the WA tourism and international education strategies engaging Asian markets, talks about the history and outcome of Sister State Relationships with Asian countries, and how his 25-years experience in the war zone changed his life perspective.

Hon Peter Tinley AM MLA

WA Minister for Asian Engagement 西澳大利亚州亚洲事务部长

Peter Tinley has represented the electorate of Willagee since 2009 after a 25-year career in the Army. He served 17 of his 25 years in the Army with the Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment. He held appointments from Trooper to Chief Operations Officer and commanded at every level from a patrol of six to an SAS Sabre Squadron.


riendly, warm, smart and straight talking as they come, Minister Peter Tinley is the ultimate approachable politician. On 21 January 2019, the newly appointed Asian Engagement Minister addressed Chinese Business Council leaders in Western Australia at the Chung Wah Association Hall in Northbridge. This was Mr Tinley’s first official engagement and he acknowledged the importance of WA’s relationship with China and emphasised the business opportunities in front of approximately 80 Chinese Business Council leaders. Our Chung Wah Magazine followed up with a one-hour exclusive interview with the Minister at the end of February 2019 after this event.

Mr Tinley is also the current Minister for Housing; Veterans Issues and Youth, and has previously held Shadow Ministry posts in the portfolio areas of Planning; Housing; Local Jobs; Trade; Science; Asian Engagement; Lands; Gascoyne; and Goldfields-Esperance.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Studies (Management) from the University of New England and a Master of Arts in Defence Studies with the Canberra University.

Peter Tinley在从军25年之后,在 2009年的选举中被选为Willagee区的 代 表 。在 服役的2 5 年中,在特 种 航空 兵团服役了17年。他从普通士兵至首席 运营官,并熟 悉特 种兵团的每个 级 别 指挥。Tinley先生也是现任房屋管理部 长、退伍军人和青年事务部长。之前也 等担任规划、房屋、本地工作、贸易、科 学、 亚洲事务、土地等部门的影子部长。 他拥有新英 格兰 大学的专业研究 (管理)学士学位和堪培拉大学的国防 研究硕士学位。




Peter Tinley向我们的读者介绍了西澳旅游和涉及亚洲市场的国际教育战略, 讨论了与亚洲国家的姐妹州关系的历史和结果,以及他在军队的25年经验如何改 变了他的人生观。 Peter Tinley部长为人友好,热情,聪明,秉承着坦率地对话,是一位平易近人的 政治人物。2019年1月21日,这位新上任的亚洲事务部长在位于北桥的中华会馆大 厅向西澳州的商务侨领们进行面谈。这是Tinley先生第一次对亚裔社区的正式官方 会谈,并在约80位华裔侨领面前重申了西澳与中国经贸关系的重要性。我们《中华 之声》杂志特此活动结束后于2019年2月底对部长进行了一小时的专访。

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue



Tie between WA and China Minister Tinley revealed that the State’s trade with the Asian giant has grown exponentially since 2006-07 – to the point that merchandise exports to China were valued at $61.5 billion in 2017-18. The value of the McGowan Government’s dedicated Asian Engagement portfolio is putting runs on the board. China is Western Australia’s biggest trading partner. Approximately 60% of the iron ore imported into China is from Western Australia. With China’s growing middle class and stable economic growth, it offers trade and investment opportunities across a wide range of sectors, including resources and energy, agri-food, education and vocational training, tourism, health and life science, and technology and innovation. China is Western Australia’s largest market for agricultural and food products, accounting for 22% of the state’s total agricultural and food exports.

A Heads of Agreement between a Chinese film company, Truly Sense Media, and WA production company, Legend Media Group, was recently signed. The agreement comes on the back of the recently filmed Viva La Romance, which was shot in Rockingham and will air to global markets, including the Chinese audience of more than a billion people. This may subsequently double Chinese visitor numbers to 100,000 a year by 2020.

“WA has a longstanding economic relationship with China, and it is very encouraging that we are finding greater opportunities to deepen our ties in partnerships that go far beyond iron ore exports and the resources sector,” Minister Tinley commented.

西澳大利亚州与中国 之间的纽带 Tinley部长透露,自2006-07年度以

来,西澳与亚洲巨头中国的贸易额呈爆发 式地增长,至2017-18年度,对中国的商品 出口价值为615亿澳元。麦高文政府专注 的亚洲事务的价值正在推动。

中国是西澳 大利亚 州最 大的贸易伙

伴。进口到中国的大约60%的铁矿石来自 于西澳大利亚。随着中国不断壮大的中产

阶级和稳定的经济增长,它为各行各业提 供贸易和投资机会,包括资源和能源,农


生命科学以及技术和创新。中国也是西澳 大利亚州最大的农产品和食品出口市场, 占该州农业和食品出口总量的22%。

中国媒体最 近在西澳的罗金 汉 姆 地

区进行了《妻子的浪漫旅行》真人秀的拍 摄,预计将面向全球市场播放,包括超过 10亿人次的中国观众。预计到2020年,可 能会使中国游客数量翻一番,达到每年10 万人次。

“西澳 大利亚 州与中国有着长期 的


化与铁矿石出口和资源部门相关的伙伴 关系,这是非常令人鼓舞的。”Tinley部 长评论道。

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



New initiatives to attract more Asian visitors to WA Approximately 57,000 Chinese visitors come to Western Australia each year and spend about $271 million, making China the state’s largest international visitor market by spend. Tourism WA figures show there were 954,800 international visitors to WA in the 12 months to September 2018. Malaysia, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Japan, India and Hong Kong were the biggest Asian visitor markets in 2018.

When asked about his view of the common characteristics of Chinese visitors, Minister Tinley believes that the Chinese visitors enjoy WA’s nature and wildlife, and look for authentic cultural experiences when they are on holiday. They tend to stay longer and rely heavily on digital platforms for inspiration, planning and booking. Research has shown that the top five factors Chinese visitors look for when choosing a holiday destination are: world class natural

beauty and wildlife; safety and security; good food, wine, local cuisine and produce; world class coastlines, beaches and marine life; and romantic destinations.

Perth cracks Forbes’ top 14 destinations for 2019. Forbes Travel Guide has highlighted Perth above our east coast competitors, referencing our most recent urban developments as a drawcard.

“Thanks to different levels of public and private investments, Perth is undergoing its biggest transformation in 100 years.”

Billions of dollars have been invested in projects to open up the riverfront and better connect different precincts within the city to the CBD. The WA Government is doing what they can to make the transformation of Perth an attraction, which enables visitors to enjoy a destination that is safe and clean with easy access to nature while having access to all the amenities a

Connecting visitors to multiple cities in WA There’s no city of comparable size anywhere in the world like Perth, that’s so remote. This has been a disadvantage in attracting a proportion of Asian tourists who like to visit multiple cities within a relatively short vacation.

Minister Tinley opposed to the saying that Perth is one of the most isolated cities in the world. In fact, Perth has extensive airline systems and arrangements that give Perth direct connections to many national and international destinations – including London, Tokyo, Sydney and Melbourne. In addition, we are in the same time zone as many Asian countries, such as China, Indonesia and Singapore, which gives visitors an advantage.

Western Australia is big with a land size of approximately 2.6 million km², which is more than 10 times the size of UK. Minister Tinley emphasised that linking some of the nearby cities with the capital city Perth is not a cheap project.

The State Government is working collaboratively with airlines and local governments and communities to help increase services and help lower airfare prices. The WA Government, in partnership with Qantas, Broome Airport and Australia’s North West Tourism Organisation, introduced discounted fates to Broome to provide more pricing options and choices for passengers.


“We also have direct flights between Singapore and Broome on Silk Air, which will begin in June.”

From 2 July 2018, Regional Express (REX) commenced air services on the Carnarvon and Monkey Mia route, after a new agreement was negotiated by the State Government. REX offers a special Community Fare of $159 and $199 one-way, including all taxes and fees, for Monkey Mia and Carnarvon travellers respectively. On the Albany and Esperance regulated routes, the State has previously worked with REX and the local government to introduce a Community Fare of $129. In addition to working with airlines and other partners to achieve lower airfares, the State Government is working to change the behaviour of the travelling public. It is important to be reminded that it is worth planning ahead in order to be entitled for early bird discounted airfare such as the Community Fare in WA.

Besides reducing the travelling costs for tourists within WA, the State Government is also working on minimising the language barrier for foreign visitors to explore WA. The WA Government is actively investigating the application of dual language signage in some places, such as airports, and also ensuring that the digitised mapping service in foreign languages is accurate.

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

modern, world class city has to offer.

Part of the transformation is the 60,000seat Optus Stadium. Tourism WA is working closely with the operators of Optus Stadium to attract events which have a wide appeal across all of our international and domestic markets.

“For example, we recently announced a visit by Manchester United Football Club, which will see the team play two games at Optus Stadium against traditional rivals, Leeds United and our local Western Australia soccer team, Perth Glory.” The visit will also include other activities that fans can take part in. Manchester United was an attractive proposition for Tourism WA due to the popularity of this team in Asia. Manchester United is the number one football club in China, Singapore and Malaysia in terms of its fan base.



吸引更多亚洲游客前往西澳的新举措 每年约有57,000名中国游客来到西澳 大利亚,花费约271万澳元,使中国在花费 数额上成为全州最大的国际游客市场。西 澳旅游局的数据显示,截至2018年9月的12 个月内,西澳有954,800名国际游客。马来 西亚、新加坡、中国、印度尼西亚、日本、印 度和香港是2018年亚洲最大的游客市场。

当被问及部长对中国游客共同特征的 看法时,Tinley部长认为,中国游客喜欢西 澳的自然风光和野生动物,并在度假时寻 找真实的文化体 验。他们倾向于停留更长 时间,并且非常依赖数码网络平台来获取资 讯、安排行程和预订。 研究表明,中国游客在选择度假目的地 时所考虑的五大因素是:世界级的自然美景

和野生动物、安全保障、美食、美酒、当地人 文特色和农业副产品、世界级的海岸风景线、 海滩和海洋生物和与之呼应的浪漫目的地。 珀斯位列福布斯2019年的前14大旅游 目的地。福布斯旅游指南突出了珀斯的优点 把东海岸的竞争抛出云霄,将珀斯近年来的 城市发展作为最大的卖点。 “由于不同程度的政府和私人投资, 珀斯正在经历100年来最大的转变。”

数十亿澳元投资于开辟河滨的项目,并 更好地将城市内的不同区域连接到市区。 西澳大利亚州政府正在尽其所能,使珀斯的 改造升级成为一大卖点,让游客可以享受安 全、清洁的旅游目的地,轻松融入大自然的 同时,兼容现代化的世界级城市所提供的所


改造计划的其中一项,就是拥有60,000 个座位的Optus体育场。西澳旅游局正在与 Optus体育场的运营商密切合作,以吸引所有 国际和国内市场上具有广泛吸引力的活动。

“ 例 如 ,我 们 最 近 宣 布 曼 联 (Manchester United)足球俱乐部的访 问,将看到球队在Optus体育场与传统对 手-Leeds United和我们当地的西澳大利 亚足球队Perth Glory进行两场比赛。”

此次访问还将包括粉丝可以参与的其他 活动。由于该团队在亚洲的知名度,曼联对 于西澳旅游业来说是一个很有吸引力的诱 因。就其粉丝群而言,曼联是中国、新加坡 和马来西亚的头号足球俱乐部。

西澳政府致力连接游客和多个城市 珀斯,一座号称全世界最孤独的城市。


内访问多个城市的亚洲游客来说是不利的。 Tinley部长反对珀斯是世界上最孤立的



许多国内和国际目的地 - 包括伦敦、东京、

悉尼和墨尔本。此外,我们与许多亚洲国家 处于同一时区,例如中国、印度尼西亚和新 加坡、这为游客提供了优势。

西 澳 大 利 亚 州 的土 地 面 积 大小为大 约两百六十万平方公里,是英国的10倍以 上。Tinley部长强调,将一些附近城市与首 府珀斯连接起来并不是一个便宜的项目。

从 2 01 8 年 7月2日起,在 州 政 府 谈 判

达 成 新 协 议 后,区 域 快 线(R E X )开 始 在 Carnarvon和Monkey Mia航线上提供航空 服务。 REX为Monkey Mia和Carnarvon旅 行者分别提供了单程159澳元和199澳元的


Esperance的常规路线上,州政府曾与REX 和当地政府合作推出129澳元的特定票价。


实现更低的机票价格外,州政府正在努力改 变公众的旅行行为。重要的是要提醒一下,

提前计划出游,以获得早期优惠机票,例如 西澳范围内的打折票价。







大利亚西北旅游组织合作,为Broome提供 折扣优惠,为乘客提供更多定价的选择。

“我们还有新加坡和Broome之间的 直飞航班,将于六月重启。”


用多语种标牌,并确保外语数字化地图服务 的准确性。

Photo Credit 照片提供◎Tourism WA 西澳旅游局

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



How do WA brands its International Education to Asia?

西澳大利亚州 如何将其国际教育品牌 推向亚洲?


estern Australia currently has more than 50,000 students from 147 countries, living and learning in Perth, and they are a key contributor to the Western Australian economy. In 2017, the sector generated approximately $1.9 billion in export income for the State. The WA State Government’s branding organisation of International Education, StudyPerth, has launched its Action Plan 2019-2025, and wants to increase the number of international students choosing Perth as a study destination to 100,000 by 2025. The Action Plan identified several innovative initiatives that aim to provide students with the skills, experience, networks and confidence to launch their careers while they are living and learning in WA.

Minister Tinley pointed out the need for international students to feel welcome and assisted when they first arrive to a new city. He appreciates StudyPerth’s work in setting up a welcome booth at the airport to provide guidance for newlyarrived international students. To appeal to some of the priority markets in China, such as Hangzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing, etc, StudyPerth created the following marketing and brand positioning for Perth:

Beyond Education: Study in Perth, a city that will take you beyond high quality education. Better opportunities, better lifestyle and better experience – waiting for you in Australia’s fastest growing city.




一 个移动应 用程 序中的游 戏化 程

序,让学生参与一系列课外活动,以 培养友谊和提高沟通技巧;


一个由杰出的本地和海外校友组成 的数据库,可以提供一 个平台给这 些珀斯校友进行指导、支持和营销 的机会;


提供一系列活动、服务和计划,以支 持学生的社交、文化和专业参与。


an integrated portfolio of employability projects complementing existing services and addressing the specific employability needs of our international students;

Passport to Perth

a gamified program in a mobile app to engage students in a range of extra-curricular activities to foster friendships and improve communication skills;

“StudyPerth” Alumni

a database of illustrious local and overseas alumni’s who can be mobilised for mentoring, support and marketing opportunities;

International Student Centre in the CBD

offering a series of activities, services and programs to support students’ social, cultural and professional engagement.

一个综合的就业能力项目组合,补充 需求;

Employability Perth


澳大利亚目前有超过五万名来自147个国家的学生,他们在珀斯生活和学 习,他们是西澳大利亚经济的主要贡献者。2017年,国际留学生产业为该州 创造了约19亿澳元的收入。 西 澳 政 府 下 属 的 国 际 教 育 组


度行动计划,旨在提高国际学生选择珀斯作 为留学目的地的数量到2025年达到10万人。


学生提供技能、经验、网络和信心,以便他们 在西澳生活和学习时开展自己的职业生涯。

Tinley部长指出,国际学生首次抵 达 新城市时,需要感受到欢迎和帮助。他赞赏

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

StudyPerth在机场设立欢迎展台的工作, 为新来的国际学生提供指引。

为了吸引中国 的 一 些 优 先市 场,如 杭

州,武汉和南京等,StudyPerth为珀斯创造 了以下营销和品牌定位:

超越教育:在珀斯学习,这个城市将带 您超越高质量的教育:更好的机会,更 好的生活方式和更好的体验 - 在澳大利 亚发展最快的城市等着您。



Experience in the war zone changed his life perspective 改变人生观的战场经历

Sister State Relationship 姐妹州属关系 WA has five Sister States: • • • •

East Java in Indonesia; Hyogo Prefecture in Japan; Andhra Pradesh State in India; Zhejiang Province in the People’s Republic of China; and • Tuscany region of Italy.

The objective of Sister State relationships is to create and foster cultural and friendship links with overseas countries.

For over 31 years, Western Australia and Zhejiang have maintained a strong Sister State relationship. Significant areas of focus include trade, investment, education and tourism. Recently, this has expanded to include a specific focus on health and aged care, and sport.

“WA always looks forward to further strengthening our relationship with Zhejiang province, which has been our Sister State since 1987. A high-level meeting of the WA-Zhejiang Exchange Committee is expected to take place in Perth later this year,” Minister Tinley emphasised. Currently, there are no formal languages and cultural initiatives between the Sister States – but the maturity of our Sister State relationships has allowed stakeholders from both regions to engage and collaborate on various language and cultural projects with ease. For example, sister cities, sister schools and sister chambers of commerce manage their own exchanges and cultural programs. And Perth and Zhejiang universities host exchanges and cultural events in both locations. Historically, WA has hosted 220 Zhejiang students under the WA-Zhejiang English Language Competition (ELC) Program from 2005 to 2013.


• 印度尼西亚东爪哇省; • 日本兵库县;

• 印度安得拉邦州;

• 中华人民共和国浙江省;和 • 意大利托斯卡纳区域。




省保持着良好的姐妹州属关系。重点关注领 域包括贸易、投资、教育和旅游业。最近,

这已经扩展到包括医疗保健、老年护理以及 体育项目。

Tinley部长提及, “西澳始终期待进一 步加强与中国浙江省的关系,毕竟浙江省自 1987年以来一直是我们的姐妹州。预计西​​ 澳 - 浙江交流委员会的高层会议将于今年 晚些时候在珀斯举行。” 。 目前,姐妹州属之间没有正式的语言和

文化举措 - 但我们姐妹州关系的成熟使得两

个地区的利益相关者能够轻松地参与各种 语言和文化项目并进行合作。例如,姐妹城


文化项目。珀斯和浙江的大学在这两个地方 举办交流和文化活动。


至2013年期间在西澳-浙江英语语言竞赛 (ELC)项目下接待了220名浙江学生。

When Elvie Yap chats to the smiling minister straight after the major interview topics have been wrapped up, the interview quickly turns to how his 25 years in the army, served in Afghanistan, Syria and Lebanon, has changed his understanding of life.

“One of the things I understand is how fragile life is, how impermanent it is and how precious it is to understand that no life is unworthy, having worked in other cultures in other countries, there are so many at a disadvantage,” he bemoans.

“One of the reasons I entered public service as a MP is that we are doing what we can for a better world, not only WA, but everybody else on the planet. That’s a very large mission, we just have to focus on the roles and responsibilities we have and for me, that is to make sure the people in WA understand the ambitions, dreams, aspirations and opportunities our Asian neighbours have and that we are intimately connected to each other. Understanding and mutual respect is very important.”

在主要采访话题结束后,叶俐廷直 接与微笑的部长聊天时,话题很快转向他 在阿富汗、叙利亚和黎巴嫩服役的25年 军人生涯如何改变了他对人生的看法。 “我理解的事情之一就是生命是如 此的脆弱,多么的无常以及多么的珍贵。 生命无价,在其他文化背景下的多年他 国驻军经验下,目睹了多少无辜生命的牺 牲。”他感慨道 。

“我加入公共服务作为一名议员的 原因之一,就是要尽我们所能改善这个 世界我们正在为更美好的世界尽我们所 能,不仅限于西澳,而是包括地球上的每 一个人。这是一项非常大的任务,我们只 能用自己的角色来出发。而我的角色就 是要确保西澳的人们了解亚洲邻国的抱 负、梦想、愿望和机遇,以及我们密切联 系相互之间,理解和相互尊重是非常重 要的。 “ 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |




Experienced volunteer cook for multiple non-profit organisations including Chung Wah.


多家非营利机构包括中华会馆 的义务厨师,烹饪经验丰富。

译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤

Home and Garden

Glutinous Rice Bowls 糯米鸡

Ingredients 配料:

• 1 kg Glutinous rice soaked for three hours 浸泡三小时的糯米 • 200g Char siew (BBQ Pork) 叉烧(烤肉) • A pair of Chinese sausage (cut into slices) 一对腊肠(切成片) • 300g Chicken meat 鸡肉 • 14 pieces Chinese mushroom (whole or half) 中式蘑菇

Seasoning 调味料 ( B ) Seasoning调味料(A)

• 1½ tsp Salt 盐 • 2 tsp Sugar 糖 • 1 tbsp Soy sauce 酱油 • 1½ tbsp Dark soy sauce 黑酱油 • 1 tsp Sesame oil 芝麻油 • 2 tbsp Water 水 • 4 tbsp Oil 食油

Method 方法:

1. Rinse and Drain glutinous rice and seasoned with Seasoning A 2. Steam the seasoned glutinous rice (Stir and sprinkle generously with water every 15 minutes) 3. Season chicken and Chinese mushroom with Seasoning B 4. Put meat in bowl and cover with glutinous rice and steam for ½ hour 1. 沥干糯米并加入调味料A 2. 蒸熟调味的糯米(每15分钟,撒上一些水,重复一次,搅拌一会儿) 3. 将肉放入碗中,盖上糯米和蒸上半小时 24

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

• ½ tsp • 1 tsp • ½ tsp • 1 tsp • 1 tsp • ½ tbsp • ½ tbsp • 1 tbsp • ½ tbsp • 2 tbsp

Salt 盐 Sugar 糖 Pepper 胡椒粉 Sesame oil 芝麻油 Dark soy sauce 黑酱油 Soy sauce 酱油 Oyster sauce 蚝油 Corn flour 生粉 Oil 食油 Water 水



Laughing Sesame Ball 笑口常开 Ingredients 配料:

• 250g Plain flour 普通面粉 • 2 tsp Baking powder 发酵粉 • ¼ tsp Salt 盐 • 75ml Water 水 • 125g Castor sugar 细砂白糖 • 2 tbsp Cooking oil 食油 • 200g Sesame seeds 芝麻 • Water for dipping dough 用作浸泡面团的水

Method 方法:

1. Sieve the plain flour, baking powder and salt together. Boil 75ml water and add in castor sugar and 2 tbsp oil. Stir the sieved flour into the sugar mixture. Stir the mixture of sugar and water until it is incorporated; the dough becoming smooth but slightly sticky, then use a spoon to scoop out the dough, make into small balls. 2. Dip the ball-sized balls in room temperature water and coat with sesame seeds. Use a knife or scissors to slice one side of the ball in a “crisscross” cut. 3. Deep fry the sesame balls in cooking oil until golden brown. The slits will open to resemble an open blossom. 1. 将普通面粉、发酵粉和盐一起筛分。煮沸75毫升 水,加入细砂白糖和2汤匙油。将筛过的面粉搅拌 成糖混合物。搅拌糖和水的混合物直至融合;面团 变得光滑但略带粘性,然后用勺子舀出面团,制成 小球。 2. 将球大小的面粉团浸入温水中并抹上芝麻。用刀 子或剪刀以“纵横交错”的方式切割球的一侧。 3. 将食用油中的芝麻球炸至金黄色。狭缝将打开,类 似于开放的花朵。

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



Promoting positive sibling relationships

Individuals who have positive sibling relationships tend to have better socialemotional skills and are more skilled in conflict resolution. These benefits are also maintained into adulthood. You might wonder, ‘But all I am doing now is to be a referee when the children are fighting and arguing over toys with each other!’ ‘What do we do when children are jealous over another sibling?’ I am going to talk about two important ways to promote positive sibling relationships.

颜宝玉,教育与精神发展 心理医师,2007年西澳 大学心 理科硕士毕业, 育有两位分别两至五岁 的 孩 子,有经 验 处 理 儿 童、青少年和成人所面对 压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧 和 愤 怒 的 问 题 。热 衷于 帮助特殊儿童(如:自闭 症、过 度 活 跃 症 和 读写 障碍)和其家人。 Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged two and five. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 文/译◎Poh GAN 颜宝玉


Strengthening Emotional Connection

Some studies show that siblings aged between 3 and 9 years old argue several times an hour. It is more common and ‘normal’ than we think. The good thing is, as long as they have more positive interactions in their “relationship bank account” than their negative interactions, the quality of their relationship will remain safe and strong. Hence, to counteract the inevitable negative interactions, it is very important to allow them time and opportunity to strengthen their bonding.

Give regular undivided positive attention to each child. Instead of waiting for your child to compete for parental approval and attention, how about giving them 10 minutes of special time each? Children strive when they are being seen. Be fully present for your individual time with the child and fill their “attention bucket” with love and praise.

Create special time between children. A daily 10-minute bonding time between siblings can go a long way. They can share their interests or do activities together such as outdoor play, dancing, singing, laughing out loud with silly jokes, building a fort or rough and tumble play. This time need not be long but it gives them a boost of happy oxytocin. C) Cheer on their positive attributes and teamwork. Get children to work together on a family project or house chores. This allows them time to work towards the same goal and get rewarded with family fun time. I like the idea of having a Family Kindness Journal. Encourage children to notice acts of kindness and write them down. Praise them on the way they treat each other nicely. Avoid getting them to compete with each other. Avoid talking down on one person or make unfair comparisons between siblings.


Teaching children conflict resolution skills and expand their emotional vocabulary

While sibling fights and arguments are unavoidable, we can view them as teaching opportunities to model emotion regulation skills and support them to learn conflict resolution skills. It might be quick and easy to simply send them into their own rooms when they fight, but this will not help them to learn anything and may brew resentment towards each other or towards parents. Stay calm and collected. Before you jump in to stop the children from fighting or arguing, check in with yourself to see if you are calm and collected. Remember that they see your behaviour as their ‘model template’. If you throw a ‘tantrum’ and ‘yelled’ at your children in order to resolve a conflict, they are likely to copy your behaviour if there is a disagreement among siblings.

Be a coach, not a referee. If they can work things out among themselves, that’s great. If not, parents should come in calmly and try not to take sides or place blame on either side. Encourage them to express themselves calmly and listen to what they have to say. “Name it to tame it.” Acknowledge and reflect their possible mixed feelings and validate their perspectives. If they are too overwhelmed to talk calmly, encourage them to practice their coping skills, such as taking deep breaths, counting to 10, referring to their ‘emotion thermometer’, and then using their “I feel” statements to talk about what they feel and what happened. Once they have calmly talked about their perspectives, get them to come to an agreement or come up with win-win solutions. Praise them for being able to calm down and work as a team to resolve a problem.

It takes time and effort to nurture sibling relationships but it is definitely worthwhile. This means our children would have lifelong company and friends who stand by them. 26

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue



促进良好的兄弟姐妹关系 拥有良好兄弟姐妹关系的人往往具有更好的社交情感能力,并且在解决冲突方面更有技巧。 这些好处也持续 到成年期。 或许你有时会想:“难道我的工作就是当孩子们互相争玩具争吵时的一名裁判吗? ” “当孩子们嫉妒另一个 兄弟姐妹时,我们怎么办? ” 这期,我将谈谈促进良好兄弟关系的两个重要方法。

1 加强情感联系

一些研究表明,年龄在三至九岁的兄弟姐妹每小时都会争论几 次。它比我们想象的更常见和“正常”。好消息是,只要他们的相互关 系,正面交流比负面冲突多的话,他们之间的关系质量就会保持安全 和强大。因此,为了抵消不可避免的负面互动,让他们有时间和机会 加强他们的联系是非常重要的。


与其等待你的孩子争取父母的认可和关注,为何不给他们每个10分 钟的特殊时间呢?孩子们在被人关注时会努力。 充分利用孩子的个人 时间,用爱和赞美,让他们感受到被关爱和重视。


给兄弟姐妹之间每天10分钟的共同相处时间,让他们分享兴趣爱好 或一起做各种活动,如户外游戏、跳舞、唱歌、开玩笑、建造堡垒或翻 滚游戏等。 这个时间不需要很长,但它可以促进欢乐激素的快速增 长。


让孩子们在家庭事务或家务上一起合作。这使他们有时间朝着同一 个目标努力,并享受来自家庭的欢乐时光。 我喜欢有记取家庭善良纪 录的做法。 鼓励孩子并将善举记录下来。 对他们善待彼此的方式加以 表扬。 避免让他们互相竞争。 避免谈论一个人或在兄弟姐妹之间进行 不公平的比较。

2 教孩子们解决冲突技巧并扩展他们的情感词汇量 虽然兄弟姐妹之间的斗争和争论是不可避免的,但我们可以将 其视为教育的机会来示范情绪调节技能,并支持他们学习解决冲突 的技巧。 在争吵中将它们直接地送回自己的房间可能会很快捷,但这 无助于他们学习任何东西,可能会对彼此或对父母产生怨恨。


在你试图阻止孩子们打架或争吵之前,请先自视自身是否有足够的 冷静。请记住,他们将你的行为视为“模板”。如果你为了解决冲突而 对你的孩子 “发脾气”和“大喊大叫” ,一旦兄弟姐妹之间存在分歧, 他们很可能会复制你的行为。


如果他们可以自己解决问题,那是最好的结果。如果不行,父母应该 冷静地面对,尽量不要偏袒或责备任何一方。鼓励他们冷静地表达 自己,倾听他们所说的话。 “命名它来教化它。 ”认同并反馈他们可能 的复杂情绪,并确认他们的观点。 如果他们过于激动而无法平静地说 话,鼓励他们练习他们的应对技巧,比如深呼吸,数到10,参考他们 的“情绪温度表” ,然后用他们的“我感觉”陈述来谈论他们的感受和 事情的经过 。 一旦他们冷静地谈论他们的观点,让他们达成协议或 提出双赢的解决方案。鼓励他们冷静下来并以团队合作的形式来解 决问题。

培养兄弟姐妹的关系需要时间和精力,但所有的努力和付出都是值得的。因为这意味着我们的孩子在未来的人 生道路中有终身陪伴的挚友。 Reference 参考资料

• https://www.positiveparentingsolutions.com/sibling-rivalry

• https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/peaceful-parents-happy-kids/201604/3-tools-dissolve-sibling-jealousy 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue



Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



Preparing to combat winter virus 文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤 We’re in the midst of the flu season and it’s never too late to protect yourself and your family from infectious influenza (flu) viruses and the cold. While the timing can vary, flu activity generally increases each year in the colder months of the year (April to October).

It’s the time of the year again, when viruses are lurking all around us. It is estimated that each year, influenza causes an average of 13,500 hospitalisations and more than 3,000 deaths among Australians aged over 50 years old, which suggests more than double the number

Thanks to the result of science and accurate vaccination used last year, flu cases in Australia have dropped by a dramatic 83 percent. There were just 40,000 flu cases recorded from January to September, compared to almost 230,000 cases in the same period last year – according to Federal Government figures.








Common (sudden onset; usually temperatures between 38°C and 40°C)

Runny nose or nasal congestion Sore throat






Common (sudden onset)

Common (mild or moderate)


Common (intense, lasts a few days, sometimes longer)


Nausea and vomiting

Aches and pains


Common (sometimes intense)


Common in children, rare in adults (often accompanied by diarrhoea and abdominal pain in children)

Rare (mild)

Common (sometimes intense)

How to avoid getting the flu?

Having a healthy lifestyle is probably your best defence against sickness, but there are a few other effective things you can do to your anti-viral arsenal.

Get a flu shot

In Australia, it’s free for the 65s and over, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and those with medical conditions that increases the risk of complications from the flu, e.g. severe asthma, lung or heart disease, and diabetes. It is important to get the influenza vaccination each year to continue to be protected. Having the vaccine from April allows protection to develop well ahead of the peak transmission period, which is usually around July and August.

Wash your hands

The flu virus can live on hard surfaces such as the phone, keyboard and utensil, etc for up to eight hours. Washing your hands regularly, especially during the flu season, will reduce your risk of infection. If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based using hand sanitiser will do the trick. Keep one in your bag.


of deaths from motor vehicle accidents can be attributed to complications from influenza. The highest rates of hospitalisation are seen in children under five and the elderly.

Common (mild)

Rare (mild)

Make your face a hands-free zone

It is important to avoid touching the areas of your body that most easily absorb germs – the eyes, mouth and nose. Even if you are washing your hands regularly, it’s impossible to keep them germ-free all day, but you can choose not to touch your face area.

Take supplements

Putting together vitamin C and zinc in a highpotency formula, this provides a lovely combo of antioxidants that helps to maintain a strong immune system and protect your body from oxidant stress. Alternatively, you may eat lots of zinc-rich foods, like spinach, pumpkin seeds, nuts, beef, lamb and oysters, as well as food rich in vitamin C, including oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, capsicum, kale and broccoli.

Get going

Multiple studies have shown that exercising moderately for 45 minutes a day, about five times a week, boosts your body’s defences by 50%. Aerobic exercise revs up your blood flow and encourages your infection-fighting cells into action.

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Every year, the World Health Organisation monitors the flu viruses that are circulating in the Southern Hemisphere and countries around the world to determine which might pose the highest risk. It is a worldwide effort, with more than 100 national influenza centres around the globe conducting year-long flu surveillance, before sending representatives to the World Health Organisation’s bi-annual influenza meetings. From there, a vaccine is created to help protect against the most commonly circulating viruses.

Is it flu or the cold?

The flu and the common cold are both respiratory viral infection but different viruses are responsible. Sometimes flu causes minor symptoms and some cold viruses can knock you off your feet, but in general, flu symptoms are more intense while a cold is more likely to lead to a blocked / runny nose. Brew some bone broth

Bone broth has become the winter equivalent of green juice. It can sort gut issues, revive energy, and keep hair and nails healthy. It also keeps the immune system humming and beats bugs that slip through the cracks. Several studies suggest that chicken bone soup has a mild anti-inflammatory effect; throwing in a few vegetables adds to the inflammation-calming effect.

It is believed that on average, adults usually get two to four colds every year. Children can get as many as five to ten every year because they are not immune to many cold viruses. There are more than 200 different viruses that can cause colds or the flu. Generally, there is no cure, but most symptoms can be relieved. Antibiotics only work for bacterial infections, so they won’t work for colds and the flu, which are caused by viruses. Reference 参考来源: healthdirect.gov.au/colds-and-flu



做好准备 对抗病毒 我们正处于流感爆发季节, 保护自己和

家人免受传染性流感病毒和感冒的侵害, 显得尤为重要。虽然患上流感的时节会有 所不同,但在一年中较冷的月份(4月至10 月),流感案例通常会逐渐增加。









3,000人,相当于交通事故死亡人数的两倍 以上源于流感及其相关并发症。 五岁以下 儿童和老年人的住院率最高。



。根据联邦政府的数据,一月至九月期间仅 记录了40,000例流感病例,而去年同期则为 近230,000例。


流鼻涕或鼻塞 罕见





常见(突然体温上升,介于38°- 40°)











常见于儿童,少见于成年人(通常儿童伴随腹泻和腹 部疼痛)




常见(轻度或中 度)



如何 避 免感冒?



- 眼睛,嘴巴和鼻子。即使您经常洗手,也不

拥有健康的生活方式可能是对抗疾病的最 对抗病毒侵袭。


重要的是避免接触最容易吸收细菌的区域 可能完全处于无菌状态,但您可以选择不触 摸您的脸部区域。






例如:严重的哮喘,肺部疾病或心脏病,糖 尿病。重要的是要每年接种流感疫苗以继

续受到保护。从四月开始接种疫苗可以在高 峰传播期之前得以发挥作用,通常在七月和

这些高效配方中的维生素C和锌一起提供了 的免疫系统,保护身体免受氧化剂的压力。

或者可以选择吃很多富含锌的食物,如菠 菜,南瓜子,坚果,牛肉,羊肉和牡蛎,以及




流 感病毒可以存 在于 诸 如电话,桌面,键



盘,器 具等 硬表面上长 达 八小时。定 期洗 手,尤 其 是在流 感 季节,将减 少感 染的风 险。如果没有肥皂和水,酒精手部消毒剂就

可以解决问题。放一个在包里随时可以 用



和世界各地流行的流感病毒,以确定哪些病 毒可能构成最高风险。这是一项全球性共



派代表参加世界卫生组织的两年一次的流 感会议。从那里,研发疫苗以帮助抵御最常



流感和普通感冒都是呼吸 道 病 毒 感 染,但 是 治病 原 因 是不 同 的 病 毒 。有 时 流 感 引起 轻 微 症 状,相 对于 普通 感冒病毒可能会 让你 神智不清,但一般情况下, 流 感 症 状 更 强 烈,而普 通 感冒则更容 易导致鼻 塞或 者流鼻涕。



问题进行修复,恢复活力,保持头发和指甲 的健康,同时促动免疫力发挥全能,击败更


抗炎作用,少量蔬菜投入可增加炎症镇静作 用。






解。抗生素仅适用于细菌感染,因此它们不 适用于由病毒引起的感冒和流感。


可以加速你的血液流动,并促使身体内的抗 感染细胞发挥作用。


中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



Cold and flu treatments

感冒和流感的治疗 Joey Fung - A registered pharmacist with seven years working experience

冯玮琪 - 拥有七年工作经验的注册药剂师


ood management of cold and flu symptoms begins with eating and drinking a good combination of healthy foods and beverages, and using natural remedies that have been proven to relieve cold and flu symptoms. However, if these measures alone are not enough to help you cope with your symptoms, you will also need to be able to choose medicines which are appropriate for treating your symptoms. No medicines can “cure” colds and flu. However, there are many over-the-counter (OTC) medicines that can ease the discomfort caused by the symptoms of colds and flu. In addition, there are prescription medicines and vaccine that can treat and prevent the flu.

Over-the-counter colds and flu medication There are a number of over-the-counter medicines that might help relieve cold and flu symptoms. These include:

1. Paracetamol / Ibuprofen for pain and fever

3. Cough suppressants / expectorants

Painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen can relieve cold-related symptoms, such as fever, headache, earache and aching joints.

Cough suppressants can ease or suppress your cough reflex. Cough drops or lozenges can soothe a sore throat and suppress coughing. Expectorants may help you cough up phlegm if you have a lot of mucus or congestion in your chest.

2. Nasal / Oral decongestants to relieve a blocked nose Decongestant nasal sprays / tablets can help relieve a runny or stuffy nose and make it easier to breathe. But it is not advisable to use these sprays for longer than a week at a time because then they could have the opposite effect, known as rebound congestion (a permanently stuffy nose). Oral decongestants (e.g. pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are commonly available over-the-counter; consult your doctor or pharmacist about safety use of such medication.


1. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/colds-and-flumedication 2. https://www.myvmc.com/treatments/treating-cold-andflu-symptoms-with-medication/ 3. https://www.healthline.com/health/cold-flu/flu#otc


4. Antiviral medication Your doctor may prescribe antiviral medication if you are likely to suffer complications from the flu. These medicines will not cure the flu, but if they are taken within 48 hours of symptoms, they can help to relieve some of the symptoms and reduce the potential for serious complications.

5. Antibiotics Antibiotics will not cure a cold or flu because they are viral infections and antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections. Some people occasionally can get a bacterial infection as a complication of a cold or flu. This kind of infection is uncommon and most people will get better by themselves without antibiotics. Your doctor may give you antibiotics if you are at more risk of complications. Talk to your doctor to see if antibiotics are right for you.

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

好的感冒和流感症状疾病 管理始于饮食和健康食品 及饮料的良好组合,并使用已被 证明可以 缓 解 感冒和流 感 症 状 的自然疗法。然而,如果仅靠这 些 措 施不足 以帮助 您 应 对 疾 病 症状;您也许就须要选择适合治 疗症状的药物。没有药物可以“ 治愈”感冒和 流 感 。然 而,有许 多非处方(OTC)药物可以缓解 感冒和流感症状引起的不适。此 外,还有可以治疗和预防流感的 处方药和疫苗。


有一些非处方药可能有助于缓 解感冒和流感症状。这些包括:

1)对乙酰氨基酚/布洛 芬治疗疼 痛 和发烧

对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬这类止 痛药可以缓解感冒、头痛、耳痛和关 节疼痛等与感冒有关的症状。 2)鼻/口服减充血剂以缓解鼻塞

减充血剂鼻腔喷雾剂/片剂有助 于缓 解流鼻涕或鼻塞,使呼吸更容 易。但 是不建议每次使 用这些喷雾 超 过一周,因为它们可能 会产生反 效果,即反弹充血(一种长期性的鼻 塞)。口服减充血剂(例如,伪麻黄 碱和去氧肾上腺素通常可以在柜台 购买,请咨询您的医生或药剂师,了 解这些药物的安全使用情况。) 3)咳嗽抑制剂/祛痰药

咳嗽抑制剂可以缓解或抑制咳 嗽反射。咳嗽滴剂或锭剂可以缓解 喉咙痛和抑制咳嗽。如果你的胸部 有很多粘液或充血,祛痰药可能会 帮助你咳出痰液。 4)抗病毒药物

如果 您 患 上流 感 併发 症,您的 医生可能会开抗病毒药物。这些药 物不能治愈流感,但如果在48小时 内服用它们,它们可以帮助缓解一些 症状并减少严重併发症的可能性。 5)抗生素

抗生素不能治愈病毒引起的感 冒或流感,抗生素只能有效抵抗 细 菌感染。有些人偶尔会感染细菌性 的感冒或流感。这种感染并不常见, 大多数人在没有抗生素的情况下会 自行好转。如果您有更大的併发症 风险,您的医生可能会给您抗生素。 请咨询您的医生,看看抗生素是否 适合您。

译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤



中医如何预防流感? How to prevent the flu using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? Dr Julia Fu is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.

傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医



he changing seasons every year are the period when our health is at risk as these are when the flu virus becomes active. In addition, other factors, such as the imbalance in the change of the natural environment, extreme weather and the evolution of viruses, are causing more people to be susceptible to catching a virus and an increase in the severity of symptoms, while some may face life-threatening risks. How does TCM work to prevent flu? It is not new, in fact for many years, TCM practitioners are well aware of the flu and the ways to prevent it. There is a classical saying in TCM: treat the disease when it has not yet appeared and prevent the invasion of bad energy. In short, it means that prevention is better than cure. It is ideal to maintain healthy living and boost immunity before any illnesses. TCM has its special philosophy to treat the flu. It is to endeavour to strengthen the immune system (known as the positive energy) during the peak of the flu season. Here, I would like to share my 36-year experience in TCM and talk about ways to keep our body strong. 1. During the peak of the flu season, avoid using antibiotics. The antibiotics are useless to cure the virus-infected flu as they only kill bacteria. Besides, the antibiotics are in fact damaging the balance of normal bacteria functions in our body. 2. Do not consume high energy or heaty TCM, such as ginseng and pilose antler, etc. These may make the heated energy stay inside the inner part of the organ, causing dehydration. This adverse effect facilitates the invasion of bad energy due to an imbalance in the body’s condition.

3. Try to eat a light and healthy diet, and avoid alcohol and spicy food. Keep a routine lifestyle, do not stay late for work and be relax. By doing these, you can keep positive energy in the body as a defence, if necessary. 4. Diet. Try to drink white radish soup, chrysanthemum tea, barley drink and mung bean soup, etc. These are some of the options for you for a regular drink to avoid the body becoming heaty. If you encounter symptoms such as stomach pain or diarrhoea, you may add some ginger into cooked soup for comfort. 5. Soaking the feet in warm water before bedtime. It would be good to have a massage or “Tui Na” and other kinds of relaxing treatments on a regular basis, if possible. This method is effective for improving the body’s condition. 6. You don’t need to panic if you catch the flu. Just start treating it ASAP. TCM practitioners will usually use “scrubbing” on the back of our neck and on our back. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine may also be used. These are to support the positive energy in the body and to try to remove the heat and bad energy from the body. Regardless of the type of treatment, it requires the supervision of a qualified TCM practitioner.

年的季节交换时期对人体 健 康的一大 危害,就 是流 行性感冒(流感)的传播。而且随 着自然环境的变异失衡,极端天 气 频 发 及 病 毒 的 变 异,患 流 感 的 人 越 来 越 多,症 状 也 愈 加 严 重,甚至危及生命。中医对如何 预防流感有什么方法呢? 中医对流感的认识和提出的预 防措施历史悠久。中医最经典的预防 精句就是“不治已病,治未病”。“邪气 所凑,其气必虚”。意思就是说要预防 为主,在未发病前就要养生保健,增 强抵抗力。

中医在防治流感方面还是有独 特疗效的,那就是在流感流行期间努 力增强人体的抵抗力(正气)。那么 如何增强体质呢?下面我结合自己36 年的临床体会简单地来谈一谈。 (一)在确定是流感病毒的流行季 节,力戒滥用抗生素。抗菌素只对细 菌有效,对病毒是无效的。而且抗菌 素也会损坏人体内正常的菌群平衡。 (二)不要乱服大温大热的补药,如 高丽参,鹿茸等。这些补药易产生积 热内蕴,耗伤体内的阴津,导致体内 阴阳不平衡,反而引邪内入。 (三)要注意饮食清淡,戒酒少吃辛 辣,起居有常,不要超时工作,放松心 情等,以养正气内存。 (四)食疗方面: 白萝卜煮汤,菊花凉 茶,薏米水,绿豆汤等,都是可以经 常饮用以祛火。如出现脾虚腹泻不适 症状,可在这些食疗的汤中加点儿生 姜,以温脾和胃。 (五)每晚睡前用热水足浴。有条件 的可常做些推拿按摩等放松疗法,也 是对增强体质很有果效的。 (六)万一患上了流感也不必惊慌, 尽早就医。中医使用大椎穴以及背部 穴位的刮痧,针灸及辩证使用中药, 以扶助正气,清热解毒,都是中医有 效地治疗流感的方法。当然必须在有 经验的中医师的指导下进行。 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



CAC Home Care Package Consumer Consultation Session CAC居家护理服务计划(HCP)消费者咨询会议 文/译◎Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 中华社区及长者服务


n 16th March 2019, Chung Wah Community & Aged Care was delighted to deliver an information and service consultation session to more than 90 Home Care Package (HCP) consumers and their families in a relaxed atmosphere. It was a great success, thanks to all participants and the CAC home help team. We enjoyed watching consumers take part in the lunch with their families and friends. Also, our staff received quite a few positive feedback on the day regarding the activity and CAC services. “I have always found this event to be very valuable. It’s a great opportunity for us to be updated with the latest developments and ask questions. It is also important for us to get to know the management team, your CEO, Theresa, and Chung Wah’s new developments.” One of the purposes of this activity was to share with consumers the changes and challenges that happen in the aged care sector, as well as explore and improve the Chung Wah – Consumer Partnership and quality care in relation to HCP programs. To achieve this goal, CAC emphasises on promoting feedback through the Consumer Engagement group.

“ We have personally found it beneficial to talk informally to the other clients and families with dementia or elderly parents who share their coping and caring experiences. They have shared with my mother about how they keep active and also encouraged her to join the other CAC activities that they attend.”


CAC also cares for primary carers and consumers’ family members. To encourage them to share their caring experiences and increase consumer feedback channels, we will be holding a Dementia Support Group on a regular basis.

We hereby express our appreciation for your participation and suggestions, which we collected on the day. Also, we are expecting to hear more to realise our dreams to enhance consumers’ wellness and build a better community with the effort of all.

“ 我们个人认为,与照顾失智症或年

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

迈的父母的家庭成员分享他们的照 顾经历进行非正式交谈是非常有益 的。他们与我的母亲分享了他们如何 保持主动活跃,并鼓 励她加入他们 参加的其他CAC活动。”

华 社区与长 者服 务 很高兴 于 2019年3月16日在轻松氛围 中,为 9 0 多个居 家 护 理 服 务 计 划 (HCP)的消费者及其家人提供相 关 信 息 和 服 务 咨 询 。这 是 一次 非 常成功的活动,感谢所有参与者和 CAC家居服务团队。我们很开心看 到消费者与家人和朋友齐聚共进午 餐。此外,我们的员工当天收到了很 多关于当天活动和CAC服务的积极 反馈。

“我一直认为这个活动非常有价值。这 是我们了解更多相关信息和提问的绝佳机 会。对我们消费者来说,了解管理团队,首 席执行官,和机构及养老服务业新发展也很 重要。”

此活动的目的之一是与消费者分享养 老服务行业发生的变化和挑战,以及探索 和改善与HCP 服务相关的中华 - 消费者 合作伙伴关系和服务质量。为实现这一目 标,CAC强调通过消费者参与小组促进客户 的反馈。

CAC还关心主要照顾人员和消费者的 家庭成员。为了鼓励他们分享各自的照顾经 历并增加消费者反馈渠道,我们今后将定期 举办失智症支持小组。

我们非常感谢您当天的参与和提出的 建议。此外,我们期待听到更多建议,实现 我们的梦想,那就是通过所有人的努力,增 强消费者的身心健康,建立一个更 好的社 区。



2019 CNY Longevity Lunch

2019 新春长寿宴圆满结束

文/译◎Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 中华社区及长者服务

After months of planning and preparation, our 7th Chung Wah Community & Aged Care Longevity Lunch was an enormous success, with 400 people attending, including current clients, their families, community members, staff, support workers, volunteers and performers. On behalf of CAC, we would like to offer our sincere thanks to everyone for making this annual event one to remember. 2018 was filled with incredible moments, thanks to the continuous support from community members. For this particular event, the generous donations from

local shops, companies and the whole community were proof of their genuine care and love towards our seniors. We look forward to what we can achieve in the new year, together with your generosity and future assistance for supporting the elderly to live a better life.

经过数月的筹备,第七届中华社区与长 者服务长寿宴圆满落幕。当天有400人来到 现场共庆新年包括现有客户,他们的家庭成 员、社区人士、员工、照顾人员、义工和演出 人员。在此,我们谨代表CAC向所有人表示 衷心的感谢,感谢他们让这个年度活动成为 值得纪念的一天。

在社区成员的不断支持下,2018年充满 了各种不可思议的瞬间。对于长寿宴这个特 别的活动,许多善款及物品捐赠是当地商铺、 公司和整个社区对长者们真诚的关怀和爱护 的有力证明。我们期待着在新的一年里,在 您们的慷慨和援助下,CAC可以达成怎样的 目标以支持社区长者们过上更好的生活。

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动

Day 日期

Time 时间

Location 地点

Contact 联系人

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 5:00pm

$10 for members 会员

Ben LIM 0424 153 838 liontroupe@chungwah.org.au

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

11:00am - 2:00pm

Per term每学期 $50

Teresa TAN 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm - 3:00pm

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

Baohe LIU 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

1:00pm - 3:00pm 9:00am - 2:00pm

$1 for members 会员

Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Singing Choir Group 中华合唱团

Wednesday 周三

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六

11:30am -3:30pm

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm - 3:30pm 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Saturday 周六

Sunday 周日

(Beginner 11:30am - 12:30pm)

10:00am -12:00pm

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

Helping in Chung Wah’s community events 协助进行中华会馆的社区活动 | Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Each class 每堂课 $10 for members 会员 $16 for non-members 非 会员

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

Calling for Volunteers 招募志愿者


Fee 收费


Contact us 联系我们

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Chris THEN phthen@gmail.com

Call us on 9328 8657 Visit us 128 James Street, Northbridge WA



Chung Wah Services 中华服务 Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Time 时间

9:00am - 6:00pm 9:00am - 2:00pm

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划 Migrant English Class 英文学习班 Tai Chi Class 太极班

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms) 周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Wednesday (Northbridge) Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

10:30am - 12:00pm

10:00am - 11:30am

11:00am - 12:00pm

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

此类服务都须经由政府部 门评估,请联系中华社区 与长者服务部以了解更多 详情

Various 商议待定

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac. org.au

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme 中华会员优惠计划

Calling for Businesses | 邀请各大小商家携手合作 National Businesses or Franchises with WA outlets

全国性业务或 在西澳拥有门面的 特许经营商

Online or mail order businesses offering discounts to WA residents 可向西澳住户 提供优惠的 网络销售商

Located anywhere in WA

位于西澳 任何位置的 生意或零售商

Free to Join 免费加盟

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Ph 座机 9328 8657 | Mb 手机 0450 160 128 | Em 电邮 chungwah@chungwah.org.au

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Shop 1 Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef & McMahon Way, Kardinya

Food truck trade at various Market Places Inside Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

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Morish Nuts

354 William Street, Perth 884 Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park Shop online: www.morish.com.au PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: 640 Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A/840 Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

Aus World Travel

109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree

Lex Legal Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public

Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

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Lunar New Year celebration at CWCS Leeming

中华黎明中文学校农历新年庆祝活动 文◎CWCS Leeming 中华黎明中文学校 | 译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤

2019年2月16日,即农历新年的第12 天,中华黎明中文学校的老师和学生们穿着 五颜六色的节日服装,准备参加2019年农 历猪年的第一次学校大早会。 活动充满了节日喜庆祥和的气氛。孩子 们每年都希望看到的舞狮团也来到了校园。 充满了活力、欢呼和欢笑,伴随着鼓乐声弥 漫在空气中。

两位活泼的学生何芷薇和孙永章用他 们优美的声音演唱了一首欢快的中国新年 歌。李校长和教师们随后向参加活动的同 学们分发了红包。红色信封代表着吉祥、祝 福,更重要的是代表着我们根深蒂固的中华 文化。

On 16th February 2019, the 12th day of the Lunar New Year, Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming teachers and students were dressed in colourful festive clothes, ready for the first school assembly of 2019, the Year of the Pig.

The assembly was filled with a festive and celebratory atmosphere. The Lion Dance Troupe, which the children hoped for every year, came to the campus. The crashing drums and cymbals were accompanied by excited cheers and laughter from the watching students.

Two lively students, Esme He and Terance Soon, sang a cheerful Chinese New Year song with their beautiful voices. Principal LI and the teachers then distributed red envelopes to children attending the assembly. The Red envelopes represent a blessing for the New Year and are a cherished and important part of Chinese culture around the world.

中华摩利中文学校庆祝2019春节 2019 Chinese New Year Celebrations 文/译◎CWCS Morley 中华摩利中文学校

春节来临之际,中华摩 利学校 举 行了 一系列的庆祝活动。年初五,也是开学第一 周,我们邀请了中华龙狮团为本校家长师生 呈现了精彩的舞狮表演採青。第二周,我们 不但示范了包饺子,还让学生们亲身体验过 年包饺子的传统习俗。第三周,我们也让学 生们尝试搓汤圆以庆祝元宵。大家都品尝了 自己亲手包的饺子和汤圆,感受浓浓的佳节 气氛。


As part of Chinese New Year celebrations, Chung Wah Morley Chinese School organised some cultural activities throughout the Chinese New Year. We invited the Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe to perform lion dance on our first school day, also the 5th day of Chinese New Year. In week 2 and week 3, we organised dumpling making and

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

glutinous rice ball making sessions for students to experience Chinese New Year custom and culture. The children loved the opportunity to make and eat dumplings and rice balls.



CWCS Rossmoyne 2019 Term 1 Activities and Events

中华乐思中文学校2019第一学段活动集锦 文◎CWCS Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 | 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

新学年准备会及教师培训 Teacher Training and New Semester Preparation

The meeting and training was hosted by Principal Xuanli Ma. She briefed the teachers present on the syllabus and curriculum of the teaching program, teaching staff arrangements, student management and teaching equipment, etc. Principal Ma also emphasised that the school planned to upgrade teaching equipment this year and that every class would have access to projector facilities that will make Chinese teaching more interesting.

2月2日星期六上午,中华乐思中文学校 在Oberthur小学举行了新学年开学前准备 会和教师培训。学校签约教师、代课教师及 助教20多人参加了会议及培训。 会议由马烜历校长主持,她就学校新学 年教学大纲、教师安排、学生管理、教学设 备等方面工作做了布置安排。马校长强调校 方今年要把教学设备的升级工作落到实处, 做到每班都能使用投影设备教学,让中文教 学更加直观有趣。

The President of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of WA, Ms Jieqi Zhang, was invited to talk about How to use “HanYu” teaching materials for more effective teaching to meet the syllabus of individual schools. The interactive and practical speech of Ms Zhang drew an active discussion amongst the teachers. One of the youth teachers from CWCS Rossmoyne, Ms Mojuan Luo, also shared her experience using web materials in her teaching.

西澳中文教师协会主席张洁绮老师应 邀参加了会议并做了以“灵活运用《汉语》 教材实施我校教学大纲” 为主题的讲座。 张老师的讲座生动活泼,实操性强,引起了 老师们热烈的讨论。我校青年教师罗墨娟老 师也和老师们分享了使用网络材料协助教 学的经验。

师生同台献艺珀斯中国新年文化节 Teachers and Students joint-performed for Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2019年2月10日星期日,中国新年文化 节在北桥区James 街隆重举行,中华乐思 中文学校唱游班、舞蹈班及武术班的同学 在林芯妤老师和陈丽丽老师的带领下参与 了演出。为了准备这次演出,孩子们假期里 就开始在老师的指导下排练。功夫不负有心 人,孩子们精彩的表演博得了观众们一次 次的热烈掌声。我校周昱老师作为经验丰富 的资深主持人主持了小舞台的节目,林芯妤 老师也亲自登台表演了独舞《秋水伊人》, 林老师柔美飘逸的舞姿令全场观众为之陶 醉。看到自己的老师登台表演,孩子们更增 添了演出的热情。 我校陈美丽、何影和刘琦老师和马烜历 校长也在文化节上主持了少儿手工活动。

On Saturday morning, 2nd February 2019, Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Rossmoyne conducted a New Semester Preparation and Teacher Training for over 20 contracted teachers, relief teachers and teacher assistants at Oberthur Primary School.

On Sunday, 10 February 2019, students from the singing, dancing and martial arts interest classes of Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Rossmoyne performed at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge. Ms Xinyu Lin and Ms Lili Chen were the instructors of these groups of performers. The children spent their school holiday practising for the performances and their impressive performances were highly recognised by the spectators on the day. Teacher Lin also performed a solo Chinese song and dance. The students were so excited watching their teacher performing. The show was hosted by one of the teachers from CWCS Rossmoyne, Ms Li Zhou, who is also an experienced emcee. th

In addition to contributing in performances, teachers and Principal Ma from CWCS Rossmoyne also ran an art and craft stall at the event.

舞狮校园迎新年 Lion Dance at CWCS Rossmoyne

2月16日,中华乐思中文学校的孩子们 盼望已久的中华醒狮在欢乐的鼓乐声中来 到了校园。四百多名师生齐聚在教学楼下的 小广场,很多家长也带着孩子们的爷爷奶奶 弟弟妹妹前来观看。在锣鼓声的陪伴下,狮 子随着鼓点,时而跳跃,时而疾走,一会儿 眨巴大眼睛,一会儿张开大嘴巴,逗得同学 们哈哈大笑。不少孩子围着狮子,把象征吉 祥祝福的红包塞到狮子的大嘴巴里,再摸摸 狮子毛茸茸的耳朵,孩子们亮晶晶的眼睛里 充满喜乐,中华传统文化的种子也就在这快 乐祥和的气氛中种在了孩子们的心里。 On 16th February 2019, the long-awaited Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe appeared at the Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Rossmoyne. The school children were so excited to watch the performance, which was accompanied by the music of beating drums, clashing cymbals and resounding gongs. The assembly area was surrounded by more than 400 students, teachers and parents. Some grandparents and younger children were also there to be part of the festive atmosphere. The children laughed as they watched the lion scratch, shake and lick its fur and move its eyes around the room. Lion dance is performed to bring prosperity and good luck for the upcoming year.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |



中华会馆庆元宵 载歌载舞迎猪年 暨2019年中华会馆新年舞会圆满成功 2019 Chinese New Year Chung Wah Ball Celebrating the Year of the Pig 文◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷


n Saturday 16th February 2019, Chung Wah Association celebrated the Lunar New Year with its members and friends at the Pan Pacific Hotel. 300 members and friends joined the celebration of the approaching Lantern Festival with song and dance. As the opening program, the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe welcome the guests. These were accompanied by clashing cymbals, a gong and drums, which enabled the crowd to experience the joy and happiness of the celebration of the Lantern Festival during the Lunar New Year period.


澳中华会馆于2019年2月16日在Pan Pacific酒店举办了2019年中华会馆 新年舞会,来自不同社区的约300多名会员 朋友们齐聚一堂,载歌载舞,共同庆祝元宵 佳节。

Chair of the event organising committee, Dr Bob Tan, welcomed the guests in the opening speech and acknowledged the excellent work of his team to organise the event. This was followed by speeches delivered by the President of Chung Wah, Mr Ding ShaoPing, WA Premier Mark McGowan, Opposition Leader Dr Mike Nahan and the Business Consul from the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Mr Wei Liang. With fantastic live music as the background, the dance floor was occupied most of the night. There were also special performances presented by Chung Wah Dance Troupe as well as professional Latin dancers.

舞会伊始,以中华龙狮团的腾空起舞的 新春舞狮拉开序幕。欢快的锣鼓敲出了中国 传统元宵佳节的热闹气氛;新年舞会筹委会 主席、中华会馆元老会主席陈振发先生向来 宾们逐一介绍并感谢本次新年舞会的筹委 会成员们。中华会馆会长丁少平、西澳州长 麦高文先生、西澳反对党领袖Mike Nahan 博士、中国驻珀斯总领事代表魏亮商务领事 分别上台致辞,向全体来宾致以节日的问候 和新春的祝福。 联欢舞会上,中华舞蹈团及拉丁舞者分 别展示了民族舞蹈的柔美与拉丁舞蹈的韵 律。现场的乐队为大家演奏了一首又一首耳 熟能详的曲目。

We would like to acknowledge and thank the sponsors for their support of our event: 感谢我们的赞助: • Ms. Cat Clethero , CEO from the Ash Traffic Consultancy • Mr. Colin Bassinoe • President Ding Shao Ping • Executive Committee Andy Yuan • Dr. Jeffrey Tee • Ben Lim and his team from Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe • Xiaodong MA, photographer


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


魅力女神 闪耀三月 记中华会馆和福建同乡会主办的妇女节庆典


March event celebrating the achievements and leadership of women in Perth

文◎Chung Wah Women’s Committees 中华会馆妇女组 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

n 10th March 2019, Chung Wah Association jointly organised an International Women’s Day celebration with Fujian Association, as well as a few other organisations formed by Chinese women in Western Australia (WA). The event was held in the evening at Como Pagoda. 2019年3月10日,由中华会馆妇女部和福建同乡会妇女会联合主办并由多家 西澳华人女性社团联合协办的庆祝国际妇女节庆典于傍晚在Como Pagoda 活动厅拉开了帷幕。 活动请到了西澳州政府妇女权益和社区 服务部Simone McGurk部长,中国驻珀斯总 领事馆徐斌领事和汪佳领事和孔子学院院长 蒋颖女士等多位知名政商侨界嘉宾,还获得 包括丁少平、孙为民、洪泉龙、袁浩博、王群 华,以及福建妇女会会长唐艳红、黄凤灼在 内的多名侨领的慷慨相助。

Some of the invited VIP guests were the Honourable Simone McGurk, the Minister for Women’s Interests and Community Services; Consul Xu Bin and Consul Wang Jia from the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Ms Jiang Ying, Chancellor of the Confucius Institute in Perth, as well as many other business and community leaders in Perth. In total, approximately 170 guests attended the event.

At the beginning of the dinner, the Chair of Chung Wah Association Women’s Committees gave a welcome speech that highlighted the objectives of the dinner. It was to promote the ethnic harmony and fairness, and to participate and contribute to the mainstream society. She quoted Chung Wah Association as an example, where women hold important positions in every aspect of the Association, including the Executive Committees, Chinese schools and aged care services. She also emphasised that many women at the event had also made significant contributions to the local Chinese community. A variety of entertainment and cultural programs were the highlights of the event. There were singing and dancing performances from the local professional singers and dancing groups, as well as from members of the Chung Wah Association Women’s Committees. In addition, a choir of mothers and their children, the WA Tai Chi Association also had their award-winning President, together with her chief instructor, to show their Tai Chi skills, accompanied by Guzheng music as background.

晚会开始,中华会馆妇女部部长邹纪平 点出晚会主题:促进各民族和谐平等,共同参 与主流社区并作贡献。她的发言列举了中华 会馆从妇女部到会长各个职能部门均有各位 妇女主持并作出贡献,包括秘书长、财务部、 文化部、中文学校和社区长者服务中心。她指 出,中华会馆的大半边天是由这些优秀的妇 女们撑起来的,并列举了参与晚会的各华社 侨团妇女们对西澳华社所作的重大贡献。 开场讲话之后,各个社团献上的一个个 精心编排的文艺节目。在正式表演之后,是 互动式的卡拉OK。晚会节目之间还穿插了抽 奖活动,每一桌嘉宾都很幸运地获得了各种 各样的礼品 。

We would like to extend our gratitude to the generous sponsors, performers, associate organisers and talented host of the event:


丁少平、孙为民、洪泉龙、袁浩博、 王群华、唐艳红、黄凤灼




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澳中文化商贸交流 促进会

东方邮报 澳亚新艺学院






澳大利亚木兰文化 艺术协会 澳大利亚华人女企 业家协会








木兰文化艺术协会 佳音文化艺术协会 倪一鸣,张哲瀚, 高原

主持人: 陈宣,王箐

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版 |


We would like to find out how well our members know our Association.

作为中华会馆会员,你对 中华会馆有多了解呢? In which month will Chung Wah Association celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival event in 2019?

中华会馆会在2019年的哪个月份举办端午节活动?? A. April

B. May

C. June

D. July

Tell us in 30 words or less, what you like about Chung Wah. 请以30个字或以下写出你喜欢中华会馆哪方面呢? Enter Now 如何参加

To enter this exclusive prize winning quiz for members, tell us the answers to the above question and provide your full name, email address, address and membership number before 31st May 2019. Please send your answers and details to one of the following contacts: 想要参加这项进公开给会员的有奖问答,请回答以上问题,将答案联同参加者名 字、电子邮箱、地址和会员号,在2019年5月31日之前发到以下的联系方式 • 传真Fax: (08) 92275694 • 电邮Email: editor@chungwah.org.au • 邮寄Address: PO Box 73 Northbridge WA 6865

答对的一位参加者,可获由Morish Nuts 所赞助的一 个价值$48的果仁礼篮以及免费获得一年的中华会 馆会员会费。 A sponsored gift of Award Winning Cabin Carry Bag valued at $48 and one year FREE Chung Wah Association membership fee will be rewarded to a selected participant who provides the correct answer.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版 |


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