The Fool
”It's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It's because we dare not venture that they are difficult.” Seneca
Nomad and universal errant, this character is eternally raising from lethargy to go look for a sign… He is the cosmic messenger searching for a new dream, an idea, a project… what for? Perhaps, to feel alive in his eternal quest for what it is spontaneous. A professional arlequin, the fool generously offers us his authentic and ingenuous love and he invites us all to share it. Self-taught, he handles his own tricks, the ones who he has created for his own pleasure as well for the others. The purpose of his life is living. The search for new experiences his greatest passion.
The fool is one with the universal spirit and the only thing he knows for sure is that with every beginning comes a new opportunity. His walking stick is his support and a way to push further into into his search of “himself ” and the inner truth. The fool knows that in the void he will find himself. The fool warns us that after this jump there is no turning back… “It is a matter of attitude” is what The Fool is telling you on this very day, this, because his innocence reacts at the instant and it is actively focused in the “here and now”.
Reversed card
When The Fool appears reversed, we have to take on account that our energy might be blocked probably due to fear or reluctance. Something is stopping the vital impulse, characteristic archetype expressed by The Fool.
It is good to remember that the card The Fool is the Being itself, without masks, spontaneous and authentic. All of this reversed might reveal us that we are not being honest with our true essence.
As it also happens with all the arcanes, the presence of the reversed card of The Fool can also be interpreted on a more specific way, depending on the cards accompanying it. In this sense, it might be telling us that his energy has already been spent and that we don't need it any more; in other cases it might also mean “ to play the fool ”. In order to suitably interpret it, we must have under consideration the inherent content of the question, as well as, the state of mind of the questioner. It is important to wonder about the questions proposed by The Fool, becoming aware that a change is needed. In this way your energy will take the right path.
Key concepts Intuition, adventure, ingenuity, character, daring, impulse, inner strength, energy, will, leave behind, detachment, new ideas, positive attitude, venture, originality, awakening.
Questions What am I looking for? What do I have to let go? Am I channeling my energy? Which is my true path? Am I going where I want to or am I going where the others are taking me?
I. The Magician
”Cada cual es como Dios le ha hecho, pero llegar a ser como Él mismo, se hace.” Miguel Servet
This card represents a man standing, with the power of executing his consecrated magic, which comes from the soul of it All.
The Magician channels his energies with his hands, one hand receives the power and the other he turns into the table,this is the plane of reality where his task is defined, delimiting the space in order not to waste his primal energies.
He initiates us into the magical experience of getting to know oneself, the so called ”process of individuation”, where every person, even though connected to each other, designates his/hers own path, which will lead him/her to self-fulfillment.
The Magician is also warning us that this ”security” must be balanced and respectful, avoiding manipulative and arrogant attitudes because they might turn against us. It is necessary to act with humility in our souls and to practice compassion.
The Magician invites us to act without hesitation and on good faith, to take the initiative, to create and act, because for him there's nothing impossible, and everything has a solution.
The Magician is saying ”Everything you need to fulfill your objectives is on the table!”. In this moment everything is possible for you.
Reversed Card
The Magician potentiates the energy of the other cards. If the card is reversed it is warning us of a lack of faith on our own resources. Therefore it is inviting us to ask ourselves: Am I boycotting myself? What is stopping me from accomplish my projects? Is my environment the most adequate? Thus, it is a card that invites us to become aware and that encourages us to clarify and to reflect on our purposes in order to materialize them.
Its meaning might be influenced by the cards that are accompanying it. For instance, if it appears along with The Devil, it symbolises arrogance, lack of humility and stubbornness. In this case, The Devil along with The Magician warns that we might be wasting or misusing the wonderful mystical energy that this archetype is offering us. I recommend to turn the card and to let the energy of The Magician appear, and to let anything we have in mind develop in the best way, always invoking the heart as the engine of our actions.
Key concepts: Possibilities, initiation, self awareness, good omens, knowledge, wisdom, power, will, energy, health, business, enthusiasm, originality, doable projects, creativity, self-fulfillment, tools for beginning, success, gifts and magic.
Questions: Which are my gifts? What am I going to do with them? How can I potentiate my skills and experiences? How can I use my true resources? Which are my true resources?
II. The Popess or High Priestess
�When seeds are buried in the earth, their inward secrets become the flourishing garden�
This image represents a solemn, mysterious and beautiful grown up or mature woman, in a studious attitude. The Popess or The High Priestess is associated to the legend of Pope Joan, whom, according to non official sources, would have ascended to the highest charge of the Catholic Church, hiding her female condition and even in an advance state of pregnancy. The Popess arcane is connected with the mystery, with wisdom and secrets. It is especially associated with the development of wisdom and feminine intuition, to pregnancy, or some other situations that are currently in process.
It embodies a woman looking straight ahead and without fear, because she just needs time and quietud to find the answers she's been searching for. In this way it is alluding to the mature and intelligent stance of a woman when she faces different situations. It reminds us, at the same time, that sometimes a transition period is needed, this means to take a prudent time to face fears and to begin again.
Carrier of life on her womb, on her lap lies the book of secrets, which represents the ancient and spiritual knowledge of everything that IS. It alludes to the first step that might transform it all, just like the miracle of conception, or to the encounter with the inner world. It might represent the Anima, or the feminine dimension of the psyche, especially if the consultant ascribes to the masculine gender. At the same time, it represents the inner knowledge, the wise woman that we all carry inside.
Reversed card
The Popess, whose meaning is depth and wisdom, when presented inverted, becomes a complex and ambiguous card. Independent of the context of the question the reversed Popess invites us to face in the best way possible a tough event. Carrier of a distant elegance, it helps to find moderate solutions. This means that somehow her attitude helps to diminish the impact of what is coming our way.
It may also mean a extreme passivity based in fear and distrust towards the others. It is also associated with insecurities when making decisions autonomously. In other cases, The Popess reversed might appear to remind us that going inwards isn't always helpful to solve our problems. If the card appears inverted, it is telling us that silence isn't the best way to face the situation that is being consulted about. To shut ourselves, block ourselves because of pride or fear, might end up playing a dirty trick on us.
Key concepts: Peace, reconsider, meditation, study, unbiased attitude, caution, silence, advice, analysis, polarity, knowledge, patience, personal search, spirituality, introspection.
Questions: What am I not facing? what am I repressing? What do I have to fathom and /or study? What do I have to see inside of me?
III. The Empress
“When I give I give myself.”
Walt Whitman
The Empress represents the classic figure of a matriarch, a dressed up queen, seated on a magnificent throne. Covered by fruits and flowers it invokes fertility and prosperity, that she generously and fairly shares among her subjects and offsprings. The Empress possesses all kinds of gifts and she is passionate in all the senses, including of course, the sexual plane. Dignified and adorned, generous and fulfilled in her throne with that intense and powerful gaze, she wants to love deeply. She is eternally in love and represents the universal love, this means, the motivation and first action to achieve an objective.
The Empress indulge us with that liberty, as a fair and ruling mother, worried that her subjects and offsprings develope, trying to find the equilibrium in the purity of her love. As a good mother, she will use all her creativity to solve any complication. She is in the limits of love and reminds us that in order to love we must love ourselves first. In order to represent The Empress in the “Tarot Journal” I incorporated the image of Vivian Leigh in her role of Scarlett O'Hara in “Gone With the Wind”. I chose this image because it alludes a famous and notable female character. A strong and intelligent and at the same time a fickle and passionate woman. The way she acts responds to the conditions and to the hard environment imposed by the patriarchy and the changing paradigms that shake the structures once believed to be fixed. As a consequence of this, The Empress has less control to take on her role, in terms of parity with The Emperor.
Reversed card
The Empress comes to be image of our inner mother, but when reversed it is like a powerful guide blinded by an attack of fury or anger. She is like a collapsed and out of control mother, who is reacting in a disproportionated way to a mistake or prank of her kids. Due to her strong creativity, based on emotion, the opposite side of The Empress could be compared to the energy of a thunder, an intense and irrational strength. The love, that should be unconditional, it is conditionally given, this, because the focus is set on the ego. When The Empress is reversed, it is recommended to do a “mea culpa�, analyzing if our feelings are real or if, we are unconsciously acting in a self-indulgent way. The cards surrounding it, might tone down or specify the spheres in which this bad aspected strength is being expressed. For instance, the reversed Empress shown with The Lover reflects a relationship based on fancifulness or manipulation. It might allude to a self-assertion quest instead than an affinity or true love. If The Empress appears reversed I suggest to turn it around letting her express it in the right way. It will be helpful to you to focus and read the manual and become aware of her splendour, warmth and beauty. Let The Empress, in her creative generosity and affective and unselfish personality, set her energy free.
Key concepts
Prosperity, sensuality, love, libido, affectivity, emotions, freedom, freedom of action, equilibrium, creativity, beauty, maternity, kindness, affections, resource management, empowerment, authority, matriarchy.
Questions Am I being generous with myself and with others? Do I use my creativity? Do I show my affection? Do I give my love to myself and the others equally? I act moved by love or by caprice?
IV. The Emperor
“El mando debe ser un anexo de la ejemplaridadâ€?. JosĂŠ Ortega y Gasset
The Emperor is a king or a ruler chosen by his people.The image shows us a fulfilled and satisfied man in in his throne. He keeps a sober but watchful posture. He flaunts his earthly power dictating ordinances and ruling with moderation and equilibrium, imposing himself through reason. It indicates stability and permanence.
The Emperor is a patriarch, an energetic father who invites us to do things correctly and to develop our capacities and to show what we are capable of. It calls us to assume with maturity the situations that life is presenting us and to act with integrity. It may also allude to the entrance of adulthood.
The Emperor has been put in this hard role of patriarch by the Universe as a just manager. An energetic man that, while occupying a place of power, is constantly being exposed to the judgment of the others. That is the price of leadership, because if he fails or makes a mistake, the consequences might be serious.
Focused in his objectives, The Emperor symbolizes power, the gift of leadership and the strength of character. This arcane is urging you to take responsability of your acts and to make yourself respected.
Reversed card
The Emperor, in a reversed position, represents our inner despot or tyrant, that dark side that we all deny and that it is associated with abuse of power, it could be either mental or material. It might allude to an excessive pride or a great insecurity. In the last case, it would be talking about a lack of character, of a difficulty of the person to stand for himself. It is important to have on account that, sometimes, behind the appearance of great security a lack of something is being hidden. We will know intuitively if the meaning of the card is pointing to any of those two extremes, depending on the situation or question.
As usual, it is necessary to take on account the cards that are accompanying it in order to make a more thorough lecture. For instance, The Emperor reversed along with the magician alludes to a lack of trust on our own resources. But, if The Emperor comes along with The Devil we are talking about a tyrant.
In any case this card is talking to us about the attitude with which we must face the circumstances we are going through. Let's remember that the Emperor talks about standing on our own feet with humility. The energy of The Emperor is like the love of a father who is capable of empathizing with each one of his children without losing their respect. The Emperor reminds us that self-esteem and the love for ourselves are energies located in our minds and are the sources of motivation. Respect oneself and the other is the motto.
If the card appears reversed, it is recommendable to turn it around and to focus on its positive side in order to become aware of its strategy, leadership and empowerment capacity.
Key concepts Empowerment, strength, energy, pride, ego, direction, execution, authority, reason, protection, experience, action, relationship with the father, the gift of command, self discipline and maturity.
Questions How do I take charge of myself? Do I exercise power or do I submit? Do I listen to my father? Which is my relationship with him? Am I fair and righteous or do I tend to impose my opinion?
V. The Pope or High Priest
“All people ought to know themselves and everyone be wholly mindful� Heraclitus CREO QUE ESA ES LA CITA PERO NO ESTOY SEGURA
Seated in a grandiose throne, The Pope or Hierophant, the one who makes the sacred appear, represents the Maker and Creator of Earth and everything that IS. He is the guide, the High Priest, the connection between Heaven and Earth. He keeps the secret to the cosmic message, which is personal, unique and part of our superior conscience. He is here to spread the word and peace. It is an arcane that goes beyond labels, judgements, religions or traditional morals, because it represents the acceptance of power and divine will, in an ample sense. However, The Pope is still respectful of tradition. The power and strength emerge from our spirit, accordance.
when our acts and our thoughts are in
The Pope is here to remind us that nothing happens by accident, everything has an established order and in that this is the moment to move freely, but with caution and good intentions, holding on to a spiritual subject rather than an earthly one.
Reversed card
This reversed card is asking us many things, it will depend on our personal interpretation. it is related to the mundane and divine, carrier of the union between heaven and earth. When reversed, the Pope reminds us of our fragility and that sometimes we need to connect with our spirituality. It may also represent the fanatic attitude adopted by some people confronted to certain religious or ideological posture. This, due to a submissive attitude that puts pressure onto certain groups or tendencies, this might be spiritual, political or social. Many times this attitude is motivated by a desire to please and to get acceptance. It is important to have on account that this desire of acceptance does not reflect our inner truth. The Pope, in its real sense, is encouraging us to start a journey towards this essence, precisely agreeing with it and not based on prejudices.
Like in every case, its meaning becomes more specific depending on the cards surrounding it. Thus, the reversed Pope and The Judgement might be announcing us that we are facing the end of a cycle which we haven't understood thoroughly. This combination is calling onto us to see the spiritual and deep meaning contained in an experience. The Pope reversed reminds us that we are all at risk of falling into beliefs systems that are based on fear, insecurity and disinformation. The answer to this will be found when we invoke our innner Pope, our purest conscientiousness, the one that watches with the eyes of love and moderation.
Key concepts: Introspection, thought, depth, inner questioning, spiritual guidance, conscientiousness, magic, prudence, meditation, patience, passivity, mysticism, will, discipline, wisdom, alchemy, resources, ideals.
Questions: What am I transmitting? Where is my spirituality? Do I bless myself and the others? Which is my ideal? Do I respect the others spirituality? Am I cautious or do I over react in my attitudes?
VI. The Lover
“¿Qué es el amor? El anhelo de salir de uno mismo.” Charles Baudelaire
The Lover is represented in the Tarot Journal by the image of a woman that is flirtingly interacting with two men, one of them being the possible mate and the other one is the one who has introduced them, or maybe he is even courting her too, she will have to decide. The Lover represents a couples love, the enjoyment of the company, the rejoicement of being , and of the existence of the other. This is the card of surrender , the magic between two, passion, sexuality and lust. The pleasure of loving relationships that might evolve into true love. Sensuality in its maximum. "Spirit and instinct in perfect harmony" as Jung tells us. The happiness in communion with the other. It is time to walk in company and to have fun in this new path, always having on account that every stage is worthy to be lived, trying to avoid impatience.
It is a card of decision and it might be talking to us about uncertainty. it alludes to the moment of sharing the emotions that are controlling us and that cannot be hidden. It is time to communicate our feelings, them being mutual or not, this because our soul is asking for them to be expressed. Listen to your heart.
Reversed card: The Lover reversed represents, literally, everything we do not want. Due that the card of The Lover is associated with the making of decisions, in its reversed version it would reflect uncertainty, not having clarity about our feelings, letting ourselves be controlled by primitive emotions or being too rational. It might also be warning us about the dangers of idealization, because the mind tends to fixate ideas on an ideal love, stopping us from being real and open, requisite to develop an authentic bond. If you are asking about a relationship and this card appears as the answer it is telling us that the relationship is going through rough times. Maybe it is about a moment of crisis in which the true sense of the relationship has been lost. This card is warning us of imminent hard times which will force us to make decisions. It won't always be about a definitive break up, because the cards surrounding it, it might be helpful to clarify whether or not is necessary to work on improving our relationship or to simply let the other person follow their own path, independently of us. If the card of The Lover shows itself reversed along with The Tower, the Tarot is warning us about an imminent and very necessary rupture. At the same time, The Lover reversed along with The Chariot puts its emphasis on that this rupture will be the necessary push to go forward on our own path. On the contrary, The Lover reversed along with The Magician would be telling us we need to work on this relationship because it is worth it.
Key concepts: Love, sensuality, attraction, passion, sexuality, desire, pleasure, comunion, commitment, election, uncertainty, decision.
Questions: How is my relationship? Do I show my affection or do I repress it? How do I set my emotions free? Do I have clarity when I make my decisions and elections? Is it the right person?
VII. The Chariot
This card shows us a young crowned man who is, without any doubt, a winner. He holds the reins of his chariot and drives it, he keeps everything that moves around him in control, even when the beasts that are impulsing his chariot tend to go each one on their own path. . This card talks about taking the reins, about flowing with confidence and to take the rhythm of the events. It represents the handling and self control, always in-viewing the purpose of achieving a greater self fulfillment. The driver of The Chariot transits gracefully and with equilibrium through every situation he has to face by taking responsibility of himself. The Chariot alludes to a good timing to analyze and discover answers when analyzing the consequences of our own actions, this, because there are great possibilities of solving the difficulties on our own.
It is a card of success, triumph, overcoming of difficulties and obstacles, conquer and hope. A card that reminds us that everything is possible if the direction is clear. This card warns us against letting our ego control our actions, dragging the others that are in our way, the we must always be respectful and caring. The Chariot tells us that a big part of success is due to attitude and temple to control the fervour of pleasures and to ease the pase with duty, going forward without losing our equilibrium, and enjoying the view, in this resounding and festive chariot.
Reversed Card: "To flow without and end" sings the choir of a beautiful song by Gustavo Cerati. This song inspired me greatly while I was studying this card The Chariot. We flow, but how do we flow? This is what the reversed Chariot is asking us. Sometimes is positive if we do it without a definitive purpose, without any expectations, without anything else but living in the present. Sometimes, that we must act with a plan which gives us a pattern; a discipline, a why, a reason that will move us to go on, to take control of our actions.
The Chariot reversed reminds us that we have lost the right direction. It is losing control, maybe because we`ve got lost in the speed of our actions, worried about achieving our goal, without considering the process. We might have been moving so fast that the chariot ended up upside down! It might be also be referring to that it is convenient to slow down things a little bit, because nothing will result better nor faster just because we are hurrying up. In company of other cards, its meaning acquires different nuances. For instance, the reversed Chariot might be telling that the consultant already has the tools to reverse the chaos in which they find themselves in some aspect of their lives and that, precisely, this are the qualities which will allow them to get into a more positive situation. But, if The Fool appears after the reversed Chariot , the cards could be telling us that the impulse given by The Fool will the stopped, this means, that we will not be able to accomplish our plans, at least in the present time.
Key concepts: Flow, self-control, take the reins , take charge, fast conquest, resolution, trip, victory, success, direction, determination, physical and mental strength, security, courage.
Questions: How do I move and act in the world? How do I take the RIENDAS of my life? Do I flow with events or do I push them? Do I stop them? Do I enjoy the present? Where am I going to?
VIII. Justice
This beautiful woman with calm countenance and a bit distant look, is expressing serenity, impartiality and equilibrium. On her right hand she is holding a sword up high and on her left hand she holds a balance that is showing that everything is in harmony thanks to the heavenly authority, which is correct and makes no differences.
The sword symbolizes her implacable strength and the crown above her head is showing her power. She is not blindfolded because she is looking with optimism, rejecting prejudices. When The Justice appears it is because everything will fall in its right place by its own.There is nothing to do at the moment but wait and follow the divine directions. As in everything, there's an answer and an end for everything, and it will all come together for our personal evolution. It is the “cause and effect� law, nature's equilibrium.
The Justice is inviting you to give time to time. Things might take a little longer to be solved. Sometimes we wish everything would go faster, but the rhythm of the Universe must be respected. If you sow a seed, there's is nothing left to do but wait with patience and to water the seed, while you use your time to do something else to distract you from the anxiety that gives you the process of the situation you are facing. If you dig into the earth trying to see the seeds development, it will probably die. The card Justice tells us about equilibrium, harmony and equity, this means, about the right thing. Our freedom ends when the freedom of the others begins.
Reversed card:
The arcane Justice, when reversed, is telling us about a lack of sincerity. It might be as an attitude towards the others, or towards ourselves. It reflects little disposition towards opening ourselves to the events, a lack of humility and understanding, all of which might lead us to lose the chance of assuming a situation as a lesson and to apply this experience of life as a possibility of self development. In an extreme dimension it might indicate dishonesty, wrong attitudes, actions or decisions. It might also be associated with legal problems or situations of injustice. Depending on the card that accompanies it, for instance, The Lover, it means that the relationship is going through a hard time because of a lack of communication or misunderstandings. It might be even announcing the end of a relationship, this, if the card of The Lover is also shown reversed.
In conclusion, this card reversed might be helpful to figure out if our problem is difficult to solve and it might help us to evaluate if it is worth it to hold on to the idea that has moved us to make the question in the first place. The reversed Justice is warning us before hand of a confrontation that might be based on false accusations or an unjust condemnation.
Key Concepts: Order, equilibrium, harmony, give time to time, wait, synchronicity, moral/ethics, good conduct, correction, complaint, judgment, rigour, impartiality, equity.
Questions: What is fair to me and to the others? How am I looking for harmony? What do I have to let go in order to achieve inner development? Which is my idea of perfection?
IX. The Hermit
A wise and lonely man, The Hermit represents wisdom and introspection. He looks into his inner divine light and into knowledge. He has retired from the noisy world to seclude himself into his thoughts, excluding society and its demands. In one hand he carries a lamp that symbolises his inner light, the same one he uses to light his path.
The Hermit is here to give us an intimate advice in this questioning moments, to go further in the search for the transcendental. To analyze why things happen and to contemplate the messages that are associated to them and which can only be found in the deepest meditative silence.
What is affecting us requires attention and analysis, putting away the distractions of the daily life. It is time for you to stop to think what is going on inside of you, to take a deep breath to connect with the gloom or whatever is unsettling you, giving time to the process, with humility.
Maybe there is something you have to solve and/or accept, because The Hermit is here for your own evolution. This arcane is calling you to a moment of calm and introspection. Be aware that: “watch out for that sadness, it is a vice.� 1
Reversed card:
The Hermit reversed reflects a lack of depth when analysing the situation we are in. It tells us about a loneliness that has been imposed to us and that we consider to be unfair, and of our incapacity to assume it as a possibility of growth. It might also be indicative of a fear of other people, a self imposed retirement that might provoke paranoia or phobia. When it appears, it is suggesting us we should linger amongst other people, even if it is hard for us. It might also reveal a certain degree of immaturity from us, telling us that there might be something we are not taking responsibility for. This meaning is strengthened if along comes the reversed Chariot.
The reversed Hermit is encouraging us to analyze in depth the situation we find ourselves, assuming our responsibility in a situation of loneliness.
Gustave Flaubert
Key concepts: Austerity, modesty, humility, meditation, contemplation, withdrawal, spiritual retreat, thinker, methodic, reserved attitude, diligent, order, silence, introspection, self knowledge.
How do I settle my spirit? Do I feel alone? Do I meditate or contemplate the events in depth? Do I give time and space to my Inner Being to find the answers? Do I keep caution and moderation in hard times?
X. Wheel of Fortune
Floating over water all around, we find The Wheel of Fortune, spinning and spinning, sometimes up, sometimes down. This particular roulette it is an eternal machine in movement, handled by destiny. A symbol of abundance and luck, it is a benefitious card that invites you to enjoy because everything is on your favor, even if you don't realise it. At times chance drives our lives, giving us favorable circumstances (you are up) or hard times (you are down). The Wheel of Fortune recommends us to have an equilibrated posture. Nothing is by accident. Events happen in accordance of the law of causality, or, even beyond it, they happen based on connections that we cannot explain at all. In this second case, the principle of synchronicity is working, according to which the inner and exterior events are connected in a ways that cannot be explained and to which we call "luck". The Wheel of Fortune is the risk that every adventure we pursue has, the difference lies in how do each one of us faces this risk and its satisfaction, if with a spirit of freedom, strength and honesty, or with fear of failure and of being hurt. In words of my friend Edmundo Cofre: " It all lies in us, in how we take the events that life gives us, in how do we transform ice into drinking water, pain into pleasure, rage in understanding. Nothing is absolute, and to want is to have the power of transformation".
Reversed card:
The reversed Wheel of Fortune means to struggle against the stream of impending events. It reminds us that we cannot oppose to life with its highs and lows. Nothing can be done to avoid the changes and it is convenient to accept every situation as an opportunity of growth. It may also be about a drastic change, specially if a person has treated life in a passive way, without allowing himself to act or have an opinion, until the circumstances finally force him/her to do so. This, as a lesson of respect to our own essence, specially if the card is followed by The Empress or The Emperor, this because every card is encouraging us to value ourselves and to make ourselves be valued.
The Wheel of Fortune reversed reminds us that even when we are "with the water up to the neck",nothing is eternal and, the sooner we become aware that many things depend on our attitude, the faster we will leave its influence to take our responsibility of the lesson it implies.
Key concepts: Modifications, chance, test of the destiny, becoming; luck, period of changes, possibilities, development, crisis/opportunity. blessing, tolerance, proof of faith, abundance, transformation, synchronicity, prosperity, fortune and happiness.
Questions: When I face changes, What happens to me and how do I take the opportunities? What do I repeat and what don't I solve? How can I transform the events in order to favor my personal growth? Do I recognize my good fortune and do I realise all that I have?
XI. Strength.
The strength shows us a beautiful woman whom, in her fragility, has managed to control a beast which she neutralizes with her own hands. Like The Magician, she is wearing a hat and she too has the role of initiator, but her magic is more humane, because she tells us about our virtues and defects, with the domain of power, courage and bravery.
The Strength is the spirit that controls matter with decision but with the grace of persuasion, amiability and charm. She acts as a mediator between the primal ego, with its unconscious and instinctive powers, and our abnegated part, duty, moral and ethics. The Strength invites us to flow with intuition, to watch ourselves and how do we control our instincts. Equilibrium is important because it is not about inhibit them in their totality, because this could lead us to somatization, this means, to develop illnesses from emotional disbalances. An example of this is that when we feel rage, instead of denying the emotion, it is better to face it, because anger is telling us we might need to free ourselves from something that is internally affecting us.
The creative strength, will power, discipline, grace and manners, the strength of nuance, elegance, patience, tolerance are all manifestations of the energy of The Strength.
Reversed card:
Strength reversed is indicating us a lack of energy to face the situation we are going through. This lack of strength might be for numerous reasons, all of them worthy to be taken under account. It might be that we are being affected by a loss, grievance or sadness. It might also be answering to the fact that we are making the decisions or taking paths without being truly motivated by them but because we are being forced to do something, or because it is about a project or surroundings that are simply not interesting to us. The possibilities are multiple. The reversed Strength is also revealing us our impossibility to communicate due to our fear to speak what we truly think. When this happens, we must pay attention, because repressing it might lead us to lower our defences, probably affecting our throat and respiratory tracts. The reversed Strength might be also expressed in our moods, turning into apathy, a deciduous attitude, havoc or insecurity. In every situation when Strength appears reversed, it is warning us that it is time to analyse our attitude and ideally, to seek help. It is calling us to meditate about what is truly happening to us, to get in charge of our well being, to treat ourselves good. If the card appears reversed I recommend to turn it around to set its potential free, associating it with a possibility of an analysis and self observation, in order to accomplish, through it, spiritual growth.
Key concepts: Inner strength, self control, power, challenges, service, contained anger, repressed or exceeded instinct, compassion, tolerance, creativity, affection, loyalty, sovereignty, generosity, courage, mediation, understanding, challenges, inner energy.
Questions: Do I realise where does my Strength comes from? What are mz true desires? Do I enjoy my sexuality without subterfuges? What am I controlling and why? What is it that I must let go? Do I set my creative strength free? How do how use it in my benefit?
XII. The Hanged Man
Hanging from one foot between two branches and with his arms crossed in his back, in a relaxed attitude, even if the position looks uncomfortable, he is hanging‌ What is he waiting for? What is he thinking? What is he up to? Maybe he is tired of all the information, of so many problems, events and transformations; that is why he needs time to think. The Hanged Man is warning us that maybe the circumstances don't allow us to act, for the moment; therefore there is nothing else to do but wait. It might be that the situation is uncomfortable and complicated, but in the wait for the truth to come out by itself, truth will come, because the chance to self-observe-us delivers a different vision of what is happening to us. The finality of The Hanged Man is to accomplish enlightenment, and it reminds us that the answers are covered in their counterpositions. In certain moments, surrender is the best way to identify what is controlling or blocking us. For instance, we sometimes deny our hidden defects or they unconsciously influence our behavior, provoking the aversion of others. The Hanged Man suggests us to see the world from a different optic in order to see what is really going on, just in case if our world is turned upside down because any reason or event.
Reversed card:
The Hanged Man reversed does not have such as intense meaning as in its original position. While The Hanged Man reminds us that inaction is sometimes convenient, as a process of growth, when reversed it warns us about a stagnated situation, which shouldn't last too long. It might be indicating a tendency to evade reality, denying what lies in front of us in order not to assume them because this would mean we would be forced to make a decision. In this matter, it also talks about a tendency to give power to the others or to limitate oneself by following the imposed cannons.
Its meaning becomes more precise depending of the surrounding cards. For instance, is the Popess appears followed by the reversed Hanged Man, the Tarot is revealing that, even though we are trying to act correctly, we haven't been able to explain or defend our position, or even, we might have not been seen the events clearly. The real reason might be because of insecurity or a tendency to self postponement, based on ideals and behaviors that don't actually fit with our true essence.
Key concepts: Surrender, sacrifice, empathy, reflection, postponement, questioning, sacrifice, detention, take distance of things, meditation/ illumination, conscience, analysis, introversion, facing, contemplation, resolve, take charge, see the things from a different point of view, mind openness.
Questions: Why and for what should I stop? What am I sacrificing when doing so? What do I have to give of myself? What should I analyze from a different point of view? What is it that I dislike from the others that is a reflection of my own?
XIII. DEATH (Arcane with no name)
This arcane, which we normally avoid to mention is, simply, Death, and the reason to not mention it still remains unknown. It shows us a skeleton going forward, armed with its scythe, dragging everything on its way, removing what it is of no use anymore to make room to new growth. Death is telling us that this is the moment to move on and that is necessary to finally face the changes that are on your way. This is the law of constant transformation: Transmutation. Death reminds us that transformations always carry a certain amount of pain and detachment . This card is a card of freedom, because it allows us to overcome the past in order to receive the unexpected. This arcane with no name invites us to let go and to adapt to this deep change and to embrace this new situation with a better disposition, in order to achieve our evolution and self development. Death gives birth to new life, like a seed that has to die in order to generate a new plant. We must always have on account that with every radical transformation comes along with great sacrifices or a great pain in letting go. Death invites us to be open to the different opinions and choices that might come our way and to face them with the eyes of a reborn child.
Reversed card:
Because this is such a powerful arcane, even when presented reversed, when the Death card comes along in a reading, we might receive its transforming and freeing influx, though with less strength than when it appears straight. However, depending on the question and of the accompanying cards, when reversed, Death might lose its positive aspects thus showing that the consultant has a reticent attitude towards changes. Sometimes, it means a deep NO when answering a certain question, but in itself it is not a negative card, or it doesn't necessarily mean something negative due to its connotation open to change and transmutation. This card is showing us that the situation we are in is hard, but also that time will show us that the current circumstances are pointing towards a beneficial outcome in the proper time. This is why it is very important to keep a positive and open attitude, one that will allow us to "hug uncertainty".
To complement the meaning of this card by adding others will allow us to fully understand what the reversed Death is telling us. For instance, if on a lecture the reversed Death appears along Temperance, the Tarot is warning us that we should take care of our health, avoiding stress. When accompanied by The Lover, it talks about a crisis in the relationship. If the card appears after The Lover it might be indicating the rupture of a relationship. But, if it appears before it, it is announcing that the crisis will pass and that a reconciliation will come. Key concepts: Important events, transformation, transmutation, evolution, detachment, fear to the unknown, erase the past, dare to change, sow/sembrar, birth. Questions: One day I will die... am I living? Should I change for good? Do I feel something changing in me or in my surroundings? What do I have to let die in order to go on? What do I hve to leave behind?
XIV. Temperance
This card represents an angel with one foot on the water and one foot on earth, holding to amphora, through which he makes the water circle without losing not even a drop. It symbolizes the balance and the present, which is constantly flowing, here is represented by to recipients into which life flows from the renewal of the water, which cleans it all. The Temperance is peace and patience. The Temperance is connected to the mystical experience that emerges after an adverse event that has disintegrated us, it comes to restore it all to consummate the transmutation through its vital and angelical energy. It warns us that accelerating the possibility of solving things by our own hands, has no place, this because the universe is in charge of doing it on its own way. It is necessary to wait because everything will be crystallized in a new situation without us even noticing. Everything will be balanced. Temperance invites you to manifest the strength that it is being released within you, freeing the faculties you are being benefited with. A good spirit and a renewal of energies are due to the awareness that you are now in possession of this benefits.
Reversed card:
Temperance reversed reveals to the consultant is going through a rough period, which it grows complicated due to an impatient attitude. This card, when reversed is warning us about the necessity of making a pause and analyzing the situation we are in. It is inviting us to stop and to think, even if it is hard for us, about the factors that are creating all this disbalance and conflict in our lives at the moment. It encourages us to take time to meditate, to invoke the deep spiritual sense represented in the card.
Temperance reversed often appears in stressful situations or of conflict with other people. Probably because of a passive or too tolerant behaviour, which may lead us to a big outbreak of energy, that might be directed towards the others or it might be repressed, thus affecting our health.
When accompanied by other cards its meaning acquires new emphasis. If the reversed Temperance is followed by The Fool, it is a call to act immediately. On the contrary if it appears along The Magician, we have to invoke our spirituality, using our own resources to solve the conflicts with diplomacy.
Key concepts: Patience in its pure state, tranquility, stability, balance, resistance, plasticity, trust, health, peace, serenity, true love, inspiration, healing, spirituality, progress, independence, arts, satisfaction, the power of words, integration, to tolerate the influences of the surroundings and to allow to be touched by it.
Questions: Which is my protection? Do I receive and do I give with the same openness? What do I have to heal? Do I act in consciousness? In which gestures do I find my angel? Do I cultivate my patience? How do I develop my potentialities?
XV. The Devil.
The arcane The Devil is presented to us as a winged being that is laughing at us in an ironic and supercilious attitude, staring at us face to face in a mockingly and sarcastic tone. With his wings he moves wherever he pleases. The Devil reaches every corner and it appears when he is least expected, bringing flavor, rage, pleasure, sensuality, temptation or conflict to whatever we start, this because he enjoys to “dip his tail" and invites us to play with is "fire". At his feet, two small beings are tied with an evidently weak rope that, in a paradox, holds them together and under The Devil's mercy, as if they weren't aware of how easy it is to free themselves. In this aspect the image suggests that in The Devil there is oppression, but this oppression is due to dependency and self-deceive.
The Devil is testing us, that's why he plays with chaos, with the temptation produced by exacerbating pleasures, the basics instincts, envy, selfishness, pride, arrogance, materialism, irresponsibility or laziness. This and other temptations only have the power that our own will gives them. It is important then, to become aware of our own "guilty pleasures".
The Devil is pushing us to confront our negative or harmful attitudes. It is calling us to face them, recognize them and to work on overcoming them. It reminds us that we are human beings, full of life and passions, with virtues and failures.
Reversed card:
The reversed Devil is an ambiguous card that might have different interpretations. It announces a difficult scenery, originated in negative feelings such as insecurity, obsessions, rage, pride, envy or materialism, therefore, low passions either from ourselves or from others. If in a consult this arcane appears reversed, the Tarot is suggesting us to wait for its influence to disappear before we make any decision, for nothing of real benefit will be achieved. However, depending on the question and of the cards accompanying it, it may be pointing out the necessity of revealing against injustice or to give space to our freedom of expression. Probably, when the reversed Devil comes to scene, the consultant might be feeling a little overwhelmed, feeling he or she is being judged very harshly, but it might be also that the same person is caught in negative feelings or judging others with severity. On the other hand, it may allude to contained sexual passions or strong obsessions, in this same plane or in others.
This card reminds us that those things that are considered as negative are meant to bring balance to life. Along with The Sun, the reversed Devil is alerting us that, sometimes, reality becomes clear in a sudden and violent way, but it is always necessary to meet it and face it. In a different sense, if the card comes along with Temperance, it is advising us to pass this bitter moment with calm and to seek shelter on common sense, balance and Faith. In other words, to trust in our angels.
Key concepts: Ambiguity, fears, temptations, guilty pleasure, anguish, self-deceivement, unsolved problems, disqualifications, guilt, egocentrism, envy, hedonism, illness, inconstancy, vices, lust. Questions: What do I fear? Do I use my creative capacities? Do I enjoy sexuality without guilt and on a creative way or do I lose control and trespass limits? Do I enjoy pleasures without guilt or do I repress and inhibit myself? What do I deny of myself? What do I have to work on or set free?
XVI. The Tower.
The image shows us a multicolour ray that burst and divides the higher part of a tower that in a great convulsion, explodes and brings everything down. In the middle of chaos, two people are falling into the void while the earth is shaking. The Tower represents "God's rage", the arcane reminds us that strength, safety and stability are in many cases fictitious. Even if we believe we have it all or to be it all, we are at all times at risk of falling into misfortune, after all we are just human beings.
This card is related to pride, to arrogance that may unconsciously handle us in times when everything is alright, forgetting our frailty. It also reminds us how small we are in front of adversity, to which we are never fully prepared. The Tower is pushing us to get rid of old habits in order to restart, taking charge of our own evolution using creativity after chaos. The Tower warns us to prevent, but also to accept. Using the energy of the moment in a constructive way, this crisis becomes a great opportunity. If we don't pay attention to what is going on the opportunity of growth and maturity might be lost. When The Tower is shaken, everything that is of no use or that is an inner obstacle, is gone. Calling us to face difficulties with strength and a positive attitude, The Tower will make us humbler and empathic, more human and compassionate.
Reversed card:
This card in its right position contains an immense power of destruction. When reversed its energy diminishes and its influence lasts a shorter amount of time. The reversed tower alludes to a liberation strike, a breaking point, based on a necessary rupture in order to free ourselves of our inner tyrant. Through its influx we recover our energy, acting in accordance to our essence and not limited by this tyrant, that is a representation of our fears and that expresses the desire to mould ourselves into the social guidelines, preconceived ideals, as well as the interests of others.
We can see that the characters are softly falling and, in this case, are not falling but elevating, what makes of this card a possibility of sublime illumination, even when it is associated to intense and fast setbacks. The reversed Tower invites us to analyze and learn from adversity. If accompanied by another card it strengthens the energy of the last one. For instance, if it appears after the card of The Moon, it wakes up our intuition, allowing us to leave aside the fears that were stopping us from moving forward.
Key concepts: Chaos, conflict, mess, crisis, breaking point, rupture, loss, hang on/let go of the past, out of control, rage, stiffness, arrogance, collapse, liberation, restoration.
Questions: Why is this crisis useful? What am I letting go? How do I tear my self imposed limits down? Of what kind of reclusion am I liberating myself? What relationship or situation do I have to break in order to start again? Which are the energies that are recycling in me?
XVII. The Star.
The Star is a beautiful woman whom in her nakedness enjoys her extreme liberty, she needs nothing else but herself. The Star reigns in the quietud, announcing that it is a good moment to restart. Life is singing as a powerful act of faith and hope, embodying the image of harmony. The Star invites us to receive with the innocence of a child this beautiful divine connection, in order to balance the energies in conscience, rectifying, forgiving ourselves and the others.
In this moment you can shine with your own light with nothing else but your intuition and certainty. The path to your development has begun and to achieve it you must follow its providential light that enlightens and awakes everything that receives its light. Everything is materializing and revealing through the subconscious, that has a mission, to open the way for the energies of the Universe and Nature that are inviting you to welcome them and take them into action. The Star is Faith in action, if you don't take advantage when under its influx the chance will be lost. The star reminds us that it is possible to free ourselves of what is of no use for us, and to start this magical initiatic path, to Give and to Take its divine light.
Reversed card:
When the reverse Star appears in a consult, it is warning us about a hard time in which our own attitude is playing against us. It describes a complicated period because our low spirit diminishes the positive aspects contained in the card in its original position. In this sense, we are talking about feeling such as sadness, discouragement, sorrow and lack of faith, everything which makes us feeling exposed.
This card tells us about a moment in which circumstances become intensely heavier on the person. The Star reversed shows us that the scenery is a positive one, but that it is us who are not valuing it. This card warns us that we are denying ourselves to receive what the heaven gives us and therefore it is inviting us to reverse this attitude that is controlling us, making an analysis about what we are blocking in order to assume the moment with wisdom, overcoming the situation that is haunting us. In this sense, it is ideal to seek help, through therapy, friends which bring joy or through the contact with nature and meditation.
Interacting with other cards, its meaning becomes more precise, but you have to have on account that it is different from the other archetypes, because The Star will always be positive. If on a consult it appears accompanied by The Moon, it will be telling us about a possible depression based on unsolved problems that we are drag from the past. In another sense, the reversed card accompanied by The Magician, warns us about the necessity of recognizing our gifts and resources to which we are not giving enough value, and which will allow us to overcome a vision of reality covered by our low self esteem and mistrust towards life.
Key concepts: Trust, faith, self-empowerment, creation, fluidity,restart,intuition, purity, beauty, destiny, light, hope, the power of words, magic, election of the truth, spirituality, possibility of development, light, fleeting or permanent opportunity, surrender to emotions, to catch the divine energy.
Questions: How do I cultivate my hope and faith? How do I spend my gifts and resources? An I using them? How do I use my abilities? Do I enjoy the present? Do I take the opportunities or do I let them go? Do I pay attention to the signs?
XVIII. The Moon The image of the Moon, dark and enigmatic, even though beautiful in its composition, it is polarity in itself: two towers, two sea lions and at the center a crab. Drops of water coming out of the earth and are attracted by her, as if she was requiring for herself all the energy because life is constantly going back and forward, like in the lunar cycles. It is an illusion, because it has no light of its own.
It personifies the subconscious, dreams, fears, doubts and non accomplished cravings, the duality. Everything that implies uncertainty and insecurity, the impossibility to handle the situations and to manipulate them at our desire, exacerbating the fear to the future and the unknown. She reminds us that insecurities and tensions may affect us in a physical or spiritual way, overthinking things and past events or ideas moved by our fears, to which we give too much importance. It might turn out to be disappointing to assume the fears of the subconscient. They are very hard to reach because they has been covered by masks that protect them, hidden in the depths of our mind. This card connect us with our shadows, they appear when they are least expected because what has been repressed always comes back to the surface.
It is the moment to wake up and to see things as they are because The Moon represents the feminine energy in all its splendour and it is inviting us to develope our forgotten intuition, through messages in our dreams, hidden desires and nature. The Moon delivers the signs that will help in our awakening, to leave the confusion and to stay alert and to hug uncertainty.
Reversed card In its reversed meaning, The Moon has a very light charge of energy if compared with the straight up position. All the confusion and ambiguity of the moon disappears when presented reversed and it moves us to reach agreements. This action moves us to let those fears and worries that haunt us to come to light, bringing, obviously, some complications that will fastly pass by. The Moon when reversed describes a moment of great intuition, confidence and bravery which is inviting us to follow our inner voice. This card release us from all of what has been keeping us stuck in the past, the ghosts or people that don't let us go forward because que cant or we don't want to forget. It speaks about overcoming the situations we were not able to handle, stuck relationships, worries, communication problems, guilts and fears. In synthesis, confusion and perturbations that will finally move us into actions. The reversed Moon tells us about a moment of liberation that, even at an expensive cost, will be worth it.
When joined by Judgement it may be showing break ups or changes in a short period of time that will leave an important life lesson. In a different sense, the reversed Moon along with Strength shows us that we will overcome a certain sad phase or depression, all of this thorough the attributes contained by Strength: will, spiritual strength and grace.รง
Key concepts: Doubt, mistrust, ambiguity, provoking reactions, sensibility, unproportionate imagination, mystery, uncertainty, leave the past behind, intuition, polarity, feminine cycle, maternity/femininity, bond, mysticism.
Questions: Which are my doubts? What do I fear? Do I have the capacity to receive/openness? How do I assume my feminine side? What am I generating or creating? How do I develop my intuition?
XIX. The Sun
In the image, The Sun looks cheerful, bathing with its light the union of the opposites (the boy and the girl) whom are embellished by their liberation, they are receiving life and clarity with its beneficent energy that it is irradiated from the skies.
The Sun is what we have been always waiting, this is, happiness. It is the clarity of the morning with its bright rays and colors. The Sun is plenitude, beauty, harmony and games. It represents the life-giving heat so necessary for the survival of the planet. Without its presence nothing could be on this earth, there would be only darkness and cold. The Sun symbolizes a new beginning and sometimes, procreation. Along with it, comes the birds songs every morning, the energy to activate the creativity, to clear our minds and to see things as they truly are, with clarity and optimism.
The Sun also represents love for what it is done with earnestness, because its presence activates the productivity in the mornings that one that will drive you to celebrating good outcomes. This blessed energy to work and to dance, which are such necessary acts. The Sun is related to health, vital strength, creativity, beauty, love to the family, life and to what it is done. The Sun reveals us the truth, a truth that sometimes is not too pleasant, but that it is always best to know it than to avoid it. This card represents physical and mental strength, the wish to fulfill expectations and hopes.
Reversed card: Since the energy of The Sun is so positive, even when reversed, this card doesn't lose its warm energy. However, it calls us to change our attitude, because of our own negativity, we might feel its potency diminished, just like happens on a cloudy day. In this sense, it is worth to remember that "Even if we don't see it, the sun is always there", like Marilina Ross used to say on an old song.
The Sun liberates, strengthens and shows us the things as they are. When reversed, it may be revealing a loss of optimism, that may also be transmitted to others, pushing them away due to our own attitude. It may also be referring to the surging of the truth, that suddenly shows itself, without any makeup, creating shock and pain. Even though we know that when the truth come to the light ar part of a liberating process, it is necessary to invoke the energy of the sun, turning the card straight up in order to assimilate ist plenitud and joy.
As is natural, its interpretation also depends on its interaction with other cards, clarifying the sense of its meaning. Thus,if the reversed Sun ais followed by The Hermit, it is revealing us that, as a consequence of having discovered an uncomfortable truth, the consultant has decided to retract himself, avoiding contact with other people in order to be able to process what has been discovered and to decide about it later.
Key concepts: Plenitude, protection, happiness, joy, clarity, openness, spontaneity, honesty, beauty, harmony, creativity, celebration, rejoicement, time of relaxation, success, triumph, see the things the way they are. Liberation and life, creativity and beauty, love for the family and generosity, optimism, awakening, procreation, light. Questions: What makes me happy? What gives me energy? Do I feel loved and Do I give love? Do I celebrate life? Do I open my heart?
XX. The Judgement
This is the picture of an angel carrying good news to the Earth, the Judgement Day is finally here and the person has accomplished his/her life cycle and will then be reborned. It warns us that an important change in our lives is about to happen and it will keep us busy for a while balancing the pros and cons of the past. The search for the identity is unavoidable. The Judgment represents the opportunity to let go of fears, doubts or shame, this because it is in a crossroad that cheers us up to rediscover the enlightenment hidden deep down in ourselves. This card confronts us with a vocation or job to which we must pay attention and dedication. In this sense we have to have on account its deeper meaning, beyond the economical aspects. The Judgement is , with the intention focused on forgiveness, a new beginning, a rebirth. Lies and deceit from the past come to the light: the time for justice has come, even without any action.
Reversed card: This card when reversed shows the possibility of being under trial. Depending on the question, it may be referring, literally, to a misjudgement, maybe from us of from others. This card warns us about the necessity of reflecting in order to find out the reasons why we have reached a certain situation, forcing us to solve it. The Judgement is the card that precedes the realization, this because after the events things go back to order, but before that, we must become aware. It may be that it's reversed energy will make us lose stability if we are feeling that we are being watched, criticised or being judged by the others, forgetting our real responsibility, and this will take us to a
state of immobility, lack of clarity and anguish, feeling that we are surrounded by a truth that it is not always pleasant. The classical "Why me?". This is a positive card, though in order to have all its freeing potential released we must assume our mistakes and be open to the possibility of growth. With the generosity of heaven, it invites us to ask for advice, to act with humility, to lower our guard and to ask for forgiveness to our spiritual essence, become aware and forgive one-self. If we are asking about our relationship with others, and accompanied by The Judgement reversed, it might be the clear example of tendency to victimize oneself when are living an unjust situation. At the same time, The Emperor along with the reversed Judgement reveals that we are being unfair with the others and, that we will probably have and egocentric vision that makes us feel superior to the rest. If we are asking about our own attitude, the reversed Judgement, warns us that we may not be evaluating things impartially. The reversed Judgement followed by Justice straight up means that we have already done the autocritical process. Lets remember also that, the reversed Judgment might be showing us that we have been too hard on the others and ourselves.
Key concepts: Inner call, absolution, restart, forgiveness, end of repression, end of a cycle, restitution, conscious awakening, analysis of events, positive transformation, reconciliation, renewal, star again. Questions: What do I really wish for? What is it awakening inside of me? Which are the pros and cons of my current situation? Is what I am doing right? What do I do for my evolutive development? Am I being faithful to my inner self?
XXI. The World
The card of The World shows us the pure beauty and the balance dancing freely and in its center a laureate auric egg. It is a card of triumph, enlightenment and stability when starting new projects, specially personal projects. The World is telling us that me need to retake our dreams, rediscover ourselves and find the our center. The character is freely exhibiting its nakedness but her sex remains undercover, this reveals that one has to surrender to this new moment with determination and joy but without exposing oneself completely. The World alludes to a close and intimate work which has been successfully concluded. We are also talking about an open ending. We must remember that the moment of triumph is not eternal, therefore we must remain conscient and humble.
All the cycles that are finishing give room for a new phase, of freedom and maturity to dance to your own rhythm. The answer lies in what we realy wants, and the moment for doing it is now. Congratulations !
Reversed card: The card of The World is positive in all its splendour, even when reversed. The only problem contained in this position is referred to our own attitude, it announces that we are not watching the beauty of its energy because we are too immersed within ourselves. The World reversed shows an nonconformist attitude that makes us believe that life should give us more that it already has. It reveals dissatisfaction and a crisis of meaning, that feeling of not being able to close the cycle. It also reflects perfectionism, in the negative sense of the word, which implies a difficulty to concrete things, a tendency to immobility originated in a high level of observation and self critic. It speaks about the possibility of delaying a dreamed project that would help us develop, may be because we think we won't be able to accomplish it or because " things aren't properly given" to execute them. At the same time, it may also mean that we expect too much from the others, and so we end up in a protective bubble that isolates us from reality. This card positively potentiates any other cars by its side, giving us the chance to react and take charge of our own fulfillment. It moves us to give a turn to our lives, literally, in 360 degrees, becoming aware that we are seeing events on their negative side, stopping us from personal growth and fulfillment. The world is inviting us to rejoice, dance, and expose our points of view, to free ourselves, treat ourselves, to enjoy spontaneity, love ourselves and accept us as we are. The reversed World followed by The Strength, shows a lack of energy. On the contrary, the combination between the reversed World and The Magician is telling us that we will achieve a change of attitude, mush needed for success.
Key concepts: Plenitude, ending and beginning of an event or cycle, success, harmony, wisdom, knowledge, control and /or enjoyment of the mundane, honesty ,achievements, benefits, manifestation, aperture, spiritual elevation, control of the situation, divertiment, find the center, reinvention.
Questions: What have I accomplished? Do I enjoy the present? What do I have to learn in this moment? Am I happy doing this? What frees me and what stops me? Which is my next step? Will I do it?