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How to design new community environments for ageing Milano: landscape, housing, commerce, work, leisure — places for younger and older people, places for all ages. People for the spaces: The projects we are going to develop will have three main types of users:
1- Older people: Aging population is an unavoidable reality in Europe, specially in Italy which is currently the second most aged country in the world with 28,6% of its population aged 60 or over (UN, 2015). 2- Students: Milano is a “student city” with its important Città degli Studi quarters in which the university population has a very significant weight at various levels. 3- People with special needs: No matter their age, people with special needs should always be considered, under Universal Design principles so that all spaces will be accessible and ready to be used by everyone. Instead of thinking about “special solutions for the handicapped”, all spaces must be designed for universal access in a pleasant and human way.
This coexistence is one of the future socio-demographic frameworks with which the new generations of architects will be faced in Italy and Europe in the coming years. It’s time to start working on it.
The challenge: Thus, the challenge will be to design housing types for different age groups, different social strata, different cultures, within intergenerational and multicultural community logic. It will not be designing separate housing for seniors, but multifamily dwellings always with Universal Design solutions that respond to the needs of the most fragile and dependent citizens, including older people and people with physical (or other) constraints, regardless of age, ethnicity or economic capacity. In this sense, student groups (3 persons each) are free to propose for the intervention area, as many buildings, types and functions as they think necessary (justifying it) for a lively and healthy city. Emphasis will be given upon hybrid buildings (dwellings of various types associated with shops, offices, etc.) and their exterior spaces, creating a close vicinity environment to consolidate a lively urban center. More specific guidelines will be provided along the semester, based on the work progress (including deadlines), in order to achieve final results with high formal and functional quality: the corollary of the creative process of each student. The Final Design to be submitted for Final Assessment must however correspond to the development of one building, scale 1/50 (or above), in which the fulfillment of the basic regulations such as car parking, accessibility, seismic actions, fire safety and acoustic requirements should be considered — besides the basic functional and formal principles of the project. Other drawing scales shall also be used.
1- Older people housing: To avoid the panacea of institutionalization in nursing homes, it is urgent to propose a new paradigm of housing for older people: aging in place. 2- Student housing: On the other hand, not all college students want to live at university dormitories. 3- Other spaces: All people, no matter their age, need other spaces in the vicinity of their homes for a quality living: parks, gardens, urban spaces, sport facilities, cultural facilities, social facilities, religious facilities, commerce, offices, transportation: all those features that make up a good city.
La Luce naturale - The natural light
Il corridoio diventa quindi una delle tematiche principali di questo edificio, perche luogo di condivisione e socializzazione oltre che funzione distributiva per l’ingresso agli appatamente. Il tema del corridoio centrale in questo caso nasce dall’ispirazione sul sistema distributivo della “Unitè d’Habitatione di Le Cobusier”, concentrando però una attenzione maggiore alla tematica della luce lavorando in sezione trasversale. L’idea è quindi quella di creare terrazze e logge ( vuoti) comuni che permettino di socializzare ma allo stesso tempo di illuminare direttamente il corridoio con luce naturale.
LA RICERCA DELLA LUCE - Il corridoio riceve luce diretta dai lati e zenitale del’alto attraverso i vuoti dell’edificio.