b a byte hte s ep cia l i euss s p r ing‘23
b a byte hte s ep cia l i euss s p r ing‘23
babyteeth s paice l i s s ue spring ‘23
babyteeth s paice l i s s ue spring ‘23
Heeeyyy guys,
You totally fell for our epic prank. You thought last week’s zine was our last of the year. Maybe because we told you this. Well, anyway, you thought WRONG! We’re back. And we’ll be back again. We will never stop coming back. Speaking of a return, this is the beautiful return of the fruits of our workshop labor.
If you don’t know, babyteeth workshops are a once a term, highly anticipated event. Babyteethers come together to create spontaneous, free flowing pieces in one room with limited supplies but abundant creativity. It’s awesome. This zine is the product of said workshop third (or fourth? We can’t remember and can’t be bothered to check) weekend. Thank you to all the beautiful babies that joined us for this joyous occasion!!
Now we’re saying goodbye for real.
Love, Lily “workshopaholic” Akre Olivia “open mouth” Ho
I’mafish,Iloveto eatyourworms.Thelast thingafishknowsisthe water(ava). Giveamanafish,rude. don’t.Teachamantofish,please