2022-2023 Parent/Guardian Guide

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Extended School Enrichment is founded on the belief that each and every student is capable of success. We are committed to setting high expectations and assuring the development of a strong foundation in basic life skills.

ENRICHMENTEXTENDEDSCHOOL 2022 – 2023 parent/guardian guide


Extended School Enrichment (ESE) all children enrolled in K-6 with Carmel Clay Schools.


• Your child(ren) will be participating in many outdoor activities. Be sure they are appropriately dressed for the weather.


is open to

Each of the eleven elementary school sites will have the same core components of ESE, with each school customized to serve the best interests of the students and parents/guardians.

BEFORE-SCHOOL (Late start days)

ESE offers before-school programming on Late Start Days (program hours: 7-8:20 a.m.). Late start before school program is free to all students. Registration is still required in advance for these dates on EZChildTrack.

AFTER-SCHOOL (Schedule will vary slightly from school-to-school)

• Extra snack if ESE provided snack is not enough food or undesired by participant. • Leak-proof, unbreakable, refillable water bottle. TO LEAVE AT HOME Our program is fully equipped with activities. Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home, eliminating unnecessary problems. Children may bring toys or items of special interest on sharing days or by special arrangement with staff. CCPR is not responsible for any lost, stolen, damaged, or traded items.

2:20 – 2:45 p.m. Student Sign-In 2:45 – 3:15 p.m. Group A - Snack/Group B - Recess 3:15 – 3:45 p.m. Group B - Snack/Group A - Recess 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. Academic Assistance 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Enrichment Clubs 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Daily Wrap-Up

• We prohibit drugs, alcohol, guns, knives, weapons (real or fake), or other items relating to aggression and/or posing a potential safety concern.

HOW TO REGISTER Visit http://bit.ly/EZChildTrack-ESELogin to open a new account and register your child. HOW TO PAY Pay online using your EZChildTrack account. Payments are accepted by electronic check or via credit/debit card. Please note, ESE application for enrollment must be submitted a minimum of 2 business days prior to expected student attendance.


THINGS TO BRING EACH DAY Please LABEL ALL ITEMS with your child(ren)’s full name to help reduce lost items.

The following is an example of a daily ESE program day:

• Any electronic devices brought in by a child or family is the responsibility of the child and the child alone. It is the family’s responsibility to retrieve confiscated property at sign-out. This includes cell phones and personal or school-issued tablets.

information, as needed,


system when enrolled in a monthly or drop-in

VARYING MONTHLY RATE Parents have spoken, and we listened! Due to popular demand, ESE will offer a varying monthly rate, based on the number of program days in each month. Our monthly rate continues to be the most cost-effective option for participants attending most program days during a month. FEE STRUCTURE RegistRation is aUgUst 1, 2022. RegistRation fee is $50* (peR RegisteRed child). MONTH REGULAR PRICE WITH AUTO-PAY DISCOUNT August 2022 $282 $253.80 September 2022 $370 $333.00 October 2022 $333 $299.70 November 2022 $308 $280.00 December 2022 $212 $190.80 January 2023 $317 $285.30 February 2023 $333 $299.70 March 2023 $385 $346.50 April 2023 $264 $237.60 May 2023 $333 $299.70 MONTH REGULAR PRICE WITH AUTO-PAY DISCOUNT Drop-In—1 Visit $27 $24.30 20-visit Pass $400 N/A 5-visit Pass $110 N/A Fall Break (Oct 13 & 14) $50/day Parent-Teacher Conference (Nov 4)* $50/day Winter Break Week One (Dec 19 22) $50/day Winter Break Week Two (Dec 26 –29) $50/day Winter Break Week Three (Jan 2–4) $50/day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Jan 16) $50/day President’s Day (Feb 20) $50/day Spring Break (March 31 & April 3-7) $50/day SCHOOL’S OUT AT JILL PERELMAN PAVILION (WEST PARK) & WILFONG PAVILION (FOUNDERS PARK) *RegistRation fee and punch pass is non-Refundable. no tRansfeRs oR Refunds afteR puRchase. *camp will be hosted at monon community centeR & wilfong pavilion

declined payment.

with three or more declines/failed payments

Starting this ESE is offering a 10% discount to families who sign up for auto-pay in the EZChildTrack option. Parents/guardians must update account payment to avoid a ESE staff reserve the right to remove auto-pay on an account during the 22/23 school year. Please note that auto-pay or 20-visit or School’s Out camps.

school year,


discount does not apply to the registration fee, 5-visit

• Prior to your child’s first day of ESE, we strongly recommend that you confirm your phone number and email address with your child’s Site Supervisor to ensure accuracy.

• Communication regarding behaviors that need improvement will be emailed. More severe cases, please expect a phone call.

• Parents/guardians may reach out at any time by phone to their child’s ESE location. Emails are also a great way to communicate, although Site Supervisors have limited time while children are present to check email. The site cell phone will receive text messages, and many of our families like to communicate that way.


Before school starts and each month, your child’s ESE Site Supervisor will reach out to you with highlights and reminders regarding what to expect during the program month at ESE.

• Staff will email communication regarding any minor injuries requiring a band-aid or ice pack. More serious injuries will be communicated by phone call.

• Please feel free to call the site phone at any time to speak to your child (contact information can be found on the last page). Please note that children might be busy with an activity or outside playing, so they might need to give the parent/guardian a call back. Staff are always happy to relay any information to the child as well, if preferred.

• Email is the primary tool to communicate last minute changes to parents/guardians.

Our Extended School Enrichment program is committed to the safety and well-being of your child. Our team of professional Site Supervisors oversee all staff working in our Extended School Enrichment before- and after-school programs. These team members have been recruited for their enthusiasm, experience, and skill set. We place a serious emphasis on training efforts, requiring our Counselors to complete rigorous training in the areas of working with children, group dynamics, communicable disease mitigation, safety and programming. All staff go through background checks before hiring. CPR/AED and First Aid certification is required of all staff members as well as Stewards of Children (a child sexual abuse recognition and prevention program), QPR (suicide prevention training) and verbal de-escalation techniques (a Crisis Prevention Institute training). We take pride in the high expectations we set for our staff each year and evaluate them regularly.

• We love to communicate positive behaviors! Be on the lookout for a R.I.C.H.E.R. “Right”-Up communication email or note home.

• If parent/guardian is contacted to immediately pick up their participant due to injury/illness/behavior, the expectation is that pick up occurs within one hour by an individual on their authorized pick up list. Failure to pick up within this time frame may result in out of program suspension.


Please see our Behavior Consequence Rubric for a more thorough explanation of how we hold participants accountable for their actions.


The Extended School Enrichment program will provide time for your child(ren) to work on homework while at ESE based on the parent/guardian’s choice made on the ESE Homework Agreement at the time of registration. ESE will provide supplies and a quiet space to students during the academic assistance portion of the afterschool program. ESE will provide alternative activities and options to students who do not have homework or have already completed their homework. Students are responsible for bringing the necessary homework with them to the ESE program. Trips back to the classroom to retrieve work that was left behind is not always an option. Students are responsible for knowing what homework needs to be completed. Please ask your child’s Site Supervisor about their policy on using Chromebooks during Academic Assistance time.

We expect staff and participants alike to demonstrate the R.I.C.H.E.R. principles of RESPECT, INTEGRITY, CARING, HARMONY, EXCELLENCE and RESPONSIBILITY. Children who fail to exhibit these character traits will be counseled by our staff. We have trained all employees to use positive discipline approaches to modify behavior including redirection, personal reflection time, mindfulness exercises, and removal from activity until more positive choices can be displayed. We deeply respect children and will never participate in any forms of physical or corporal punishment, including spanking, hitting, using exercise as a punishment, etc. Our goal is to keep you informed of your child’s behavior choices, both positive and areas for improvement. When a child makes a positive choice, they will receive a R.I.C.H.E.R. “Right”-Up and you will be notified with details. Chronic or severe behaviors that require improvement to safely participate in ESE programs will also be shared through an emailed behavior report and subsequent phone call, if warranted.


Please note that ESE does not offer one-on-one tutoring for participants. Parents and guardians, please check your child’s homework at home to ensure completion and accuracy of work. Communicate with your child’s ESE Site Supervisor if your homework agreement preference has changed or if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s homework.

Approximately twice per month, CCS elementary schools will delay the school start time from 7:40 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. On these select days, ESE will offer before school programming at no cost to CCS elementary school enrolled families. In order to receive care for your student on those days, please sign the child up for the ESE Late Start Before School program prior to the start of the specific program date. ESE will not allow participants to attend the late start before school program without prior enrollment in the program.


ESE is committed to being an inclusive program. We are dedicated to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By making reasonable modifications, our inclusion model allows participants of many ability levels to join our ESE programs. Please visit our website to view our full inclusion statement and request a reasonable modification for your child. For general questions about our program process and inclusive services, please contact Aimee Rich, Inclusion + Engagement Supervisor, at 317.843.3866 or arich@carmelclayparks.com.




• Please see pick-up procedures above. We cannot allow a parent/guardian to remain on-site with their child once they have been signed out of ESE. If the child is picked up during the school day, they may be signed back into ESE except for illness or undesired behaviors.


• Please note that you are free to pick up your child at any point in time during hours of operation.

• Authorized Pick Up: CCPR recognizes the need to provide a safe and secure site for all children in our ESE program. As a result, CCPR will only release a child to an adult who is listed on the “Authorized Pick-up List” provided on EZChildTrack. Please ask your child’s Site Supervisor if you need to make any changes to your authorized pick-up list. All requests must be made through the EZChildTrack system. Authorized adults picking up children must provide picture identification that matches the name in the EZChildTrack system.

• In the event of a difficult/dangerous custody situation where a court order is in place, please contact the ESE Administrative Office or your child’s Site Supervisor. Our office must receive a copy of any court documents regarding the restrictions of release of children in our care. Parent are responsible for resolving any issues that may arise from their child’s participation in our programs. ESE will not get involved in financial, custody or personal disputes between parents/guardians.

• CCPR staff will encourage any adult who appears intoxicated or under the influence of drugs to call the emergency contact or a ride service to take the adult and child home. If the adult chooses to leave the program site, staff will call the police immediately.

PICK UP/DROP OFF • Drop Off: Please walk your child to the ESE parent table for drop off.

Participants will take regularly scheduled restroom breaks. Restroom breaks are always monitored by staff, and participants will never be put in a one-to-one situation. Our expectation is that participants are able to take care of their respective restroom needs.


• Confidentiality: It is inappropriate for one adult to seek another adult to discuss their child’s inappropriate behavior. All behavior concerns should be brought to the attention of staff. Staff will address the issue with the other adult. Staff is strictly prohibited from discussing anything about another child with you.




• Confrontational interactions: While parents may not always agree with staff or the parents of other participants, it is our expectation that all disagreements will be handled in a calm, respectful manner.

Staff are trained to look out for the signs and symptoms of child abuse or neglect. If abuse or neglect is suspected, CCPR staff are required to call the Department of Child Services to make a report.

Cancellations for a camp week/day must be requested a minimum of two weeks from the start date to receive a refund, less a $10 service charge for cancellation per camp week/day per camper. All refunds are subject to State Board of Accounts claim procedure and may take 3-5 weeks. Return will be issued in the form of an account credit. Parent can request a paper check refund.

ESE REFUND POLICY Monthly and drop-in enrollments may not be transferred or refunded after the final program day of the respective program month (i.e. payments made for the month of August 2022, will not be transferred or refunded after August 31, 2022). All refunds are subject to a $10 service charge per participant per cancelled program/pass. Registration fee, 20-visit and 5-visit pass sales are FINAL. All refund, cancellation, and transfer requests must be requested within the timeframe stated above using ESE Transfer/Cancellation Request form.

ESE requires adults of enrolled children to behave in a manner consistent with the R.I.C.H.E.R. principles. Our goal is to provide students with the most appropriate environment in which a child can grow, learn, and develop. Any violations to the stated code of conduct may result in adults being asked not to return to the program. ESE reserves the right to remove a participant from the program based on inappropriate behavior of the parent or guardian.

• Swearing/cursing: Adults must not curse or use inappropriate language in ESE programs, whether children are present or not. This includes phone conversations and written communication with staff.

• Threats: Threats of any kind toward staff, children or other adults will not be tolerated.


• Addressing program participants: Adults are prohibited from addressing, for the purpose of correction or discipline, a child that is not their own.

• Violations of safety procedures: Adults are required to follow all camp safety policies and procedures as these are designed to protect the welfare and best interest of the children and staff.


ESE staff and students will practice live emergency drills throughout the school year simulating various emergencies to ensure proper preparation in the case of an actual crisis during the ESE program.

Whether a participant needs to take a medication regularly after-school or needs their emergency medicine close at hand during the program, our staff have it covered. We will request a parent/guardian to complete our Medication Permission Log which will serve as the parents/guardians permission to give the medication as well as serve as a log for when staff administer the medication. Any medication participants need while enrolled in ESE should be provided in the original container. Unless the medication is utilized for quick-relief, emergency purposes, the medication will be locked and stored on-site at ESE. Emergency medications will stay with the adults supervising the child for whom the medication belongs. With the parents/guardians permission, older children may self-carry emergency medications. ESE must receive a child’s medication for exclusive use during the program. We are unable to access the nurse’s station after school hours. Children’s allergies are disclosed by the parent/guardian at the time of enrollment. Staff keep a running list of all participants with allergies and are diligent in keeping these children safe by monitoring them and all their ESE Pleaseactivities.contact

ESE after school program will not run if school is cancelled and will work closely with the school personnel to ensure all students are sent home by way of the method in which their parent/guardian has indicated. ESE will not run on early release days.

the Site Supervisor if your child has any outstanding medical needs and/or allergies. We work with each family on a case-by-case basis to ensure safe participation.

In the event of CCS school closure, the ESE program will not run.



ESE appreciates parents/guardians providing the Site Supervisor any school forms related to health (i.e., asthma action plan, seizure action plan, etc.). ESE does not provide over-the-counter (OTC) medication (e.g. Benadryl, Tylenol, etc.). Parents/guardians may provide OTC medication for their child’s exclusive use at ESE with a completed Medication Permission Log.




Since School’s Out camps do not occur around the school day, the decision to delay or cancel rests with the ESE Director. ESE staff will alert families of enrolled participants via email in the event of a delay or cancellation. Information can also be found on CCPR website and social media.

LOST + FOUND If you suspect your child lost an item, please contact your Site Supervisor with a description of the lost item as soon as possible. We will make every effort to return lost and found items while your child is at ESE. Please mark all items with the child’s full name so they can easily be returned. If something is missing please contact us to check lost and found immediately.



ESE Parents/guardians are encouraged to be on time for pick up at the end of the day. Pick up time from ESE is no later than 6:00 PM on regular school days.

If a parent/guardian is late picking up their child, there is an additional fee. All late fees are billed through the parent/guardian’s EZChildTrack account. The fee is $1.00 per minute, per child. The parent/guardian will receive an automatic email from the EZChildTrack system, if a late pick up fee is added to the account. After the fourth late pick up, the parent/guardian will be required to have a meeting by phone or in person with the ESE Director or Asst. Director. If the parent/guardian is late four times, ESE enrollment will be suspended until a meeting takes place and all late fees are paid. The child may no longer be allowed to attend ESE after the fifth late pick-up. Please note that if the parent/guardian asks someone else to pick up their child and that person is late, the parent/ guardian is responsible for the late fees and the late pick-up counts toward the allowed five incidents. Each semester and/or summer will start with a “clean slate,” and the late pick-up count will reset. ESE reserves the right to evaluate participation if the late pick-up count exceeds five incidents in two consecutive semesters or over the summer. If the participant is not picked up within one hour after the program ends, and all emergency contact attempts have been exhausted, the local police will be notified and the participant may be immediately expelled from the ESE program.

• All account holders are responsible for payment of fees + ensuring all balances are paid in full.

FEDERAL TAX ID # (EIN) 35-6000972

• There will be one account for the child attending our programs.

site CarmelsUpeRVisoRsElementary Jarred

Forest Dale Elementary Valeska vsimmonds@carmelclayparks.comSimmonds ∙ 317.258.6504

West Clay Elementary Jennifer jhammons@carmelclayparks.comHammons ∙ 317.698.4966

Smoky Row Elementary Graham gcecil@carmelclayparks.comCecil ∙ 317.418.6917

Jennifer Brown ESE 317.843.3864Director jbrown@carmelclayparks.com Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Monon Community Center 1235 Central Park Drive East Carmel, IN 46032

Prairie Trace Elementary Joey jcastillo@carmelclayparks.comCastillo ∙ 317.698.0816

Woodbrook Elementary Jennifer jgray@carmelclayparks.comGray ∙ 317.418.1396

jcrossley@carmelclayparks.comCrossley ∙ 317.258.8266

Cherry Tree Elementary Monica mhaddock@carmelclayparks.comHaddock ∙ 317.698.6579

College Wood Elementary Allison awerich@carmelclayparks.comWerich ∙ 317.418.5267

Towne Meadow Elementary Amanda acraig@carmelclayparks.comCraig ∙ 317.698.7950

Mohawk Trails Elementary Cyndi ccanada@carmelclayparks.comCanada ∙ 317.418.8475

Clay Center Elementary Alyssa aholsten@carmelclayparks.comHolsten ∙ 317.679.9867

CONTACT INFORMATION If you have questions during the school year, please reach out to one of our staff members for help. We are here to make your family’s time in our before and after school program the absolute best it can be! geneRal infoRMation ese@carmelclayparks.com317.843.3865

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