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policies + procedures
Recreation Programs
If a class is cancelled by Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation, a full refund or a make-up class will be given. For any other reason, a Refund Request may be filled out and submitted a minimum of three weeks from the respective start date to receive a 100% refund, less a $10 service charge. All refunds are subject to the State Board of Accounts claim procedure and may take three to four weeks. Refunds may be issued in the form of a check. If you were transferred into the program you are requesting to cancel, you will receive a refund via check.
Statement Of Accessibility
WEATHER HOTLINE I 317.843.3870
In case of inclement weather, outdoor programs will be cancelled or moved indoors. Please call the weather hotline to receive the most up-to-date program cancellations and changes.
Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation routinely takes photos and videos of participants for promotional purposes. Be aware that by participating, you are granting the department the right to use and publish your or your minor child’s image, and that no monetary remuneration will be given.
Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) makes a good-faith effort to ensure all patrons, and the community at-large, are knowledgeable of the resources and opportunities available to them, which support full and active participation within CCPR’s parks, facilities, and programs. CCPR believes every individual has the right to participate in activities and programs that support their physical, mental, social and emotional wellness, and therefore contribute to enhancing their overall quality of life. Based on this belief, and CCPR’s vision and mission, we are committed to the provision of services for individuals of all ages, skills, and ability levels. This is achieved by identifying and removing barriers in order to serve individual and community needs, as well as to provide quality programs and services accessible to all; such as our many recreational, leisure, and education-based programs, volunteer opportunities, and interactive public events.
CCPR is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act through making reasonable modifications as required by the ADA. Requests for modifications must be made through one of CCPR’s Inclusion Supervisors within 30 days of the start of the program of interest. CCPR will provide reasonable modifications as soon as possible after the commencement of the modification process. Specific criteria will be found on registration documentation. In addition, CCPR is dedicated to nondiscrimination in the provision of programs, services, and activities to the public. CCPR will continue to incorporate all consumer feedback, current research, and practice knowledge in order to continue meeting and exceeding customer/community satisfaction and to protect and promote access for all for generations to come.