I'Il ~
FREE OR LOW COST GOODS "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." - Dom Helder Camara
FOOD FREE FOOD Door is Open 6046690498255 Dunlevy. Lunch MI T/Th/F/Sat llam. Sun l2pm. (W Brunch 8:45) DTES Neighbourhood House 6042152030 573 E Hastings. Breakfast MlT/W 10-11am. Lunch W 12-2. (Families only dinner Th 3-6pm)*Renos May 2022 DTES Women's Centre 6046818480, 302 Columbia St. (Women only). T/Th Breakfast lOam, M-F Lunch l2:30pm 25 E.Hastings is open12:30-lOpm The Dugout 6046855239, 59 Powell: Coffee, soup, bun 7:30am (8:30am Sun) Bread, snacks 9-12 Opens lOam Sundays & holidays First United 6046818365,320 E.Hastings 7 days/week: Breakfast 8:15am, Lunch 12:00 pm, MF: Snacks 2pm, Fridays: Dinner 6pm *Harbour Light 119 E.Cordova: Lunch 11-11:45am weekdays; supper nightly at 4: 15pm except Tues & Thurs. No dinner Wed or Fri in cheque issue week. Aboriginal Front Door 384 Main: Hot meal l l am Wednesdays. Overdose Prevention Society 99 W Hastings: Monday (bbq), Th & Sn (sandwiches) Mission Possible 6042534469 543 Powell: Breakfast Sat 9-10 *Potters Place 21 E Hastings Service & Breakfast daily llam. ServicelDinner 9pm daily except Friday. *Union Gospel Mission Drop in. 601 E Hastings. Enter on Princess St. Lunch daily llam. Dinner daily 6:30 Mon-Fri, 4pm Sat-Sun. (No lunch cheque day.) Pet Food 6042534469, 543 Powell: 10-12, Thursday Pet Food Bank 709-4650 Food Banks Call 6048763601 for locations.
* Religious
services before meal.
INEXPENSIVE MEALS AND FOOD Carnegie Centre 6046652220,401 Main: Concessionlkitchen; prep & operation by staff & volunteers. Breakfast 9-11am $2.25 Lunches l2-4pm $2.75. Dinners 5-8pm $3.50. Gathering Place 6046652391609 Helmcken: Cafeteria. Breakfast 10-11am$2.25 Lunch l2-1.25pm $2.75. Dinner 4-5:25pm $3.50. Evelyne Sailer Centre 6046653075,320 Alexander: Cafeteria; breakfast, 1O-l2, $2.00; lunch, 11-3, $2.00; supper 3-5:50pm, $2.00.
Coast Club House 6048723502,295 E.IIth: Lunch noon, M-F, $1 Members only. Kettle Friendship Society 6042512854, 1725 Venables: Lunch at 1l:30am, $1 MPA Resource Centre 60448237122275 Fir Street M-F: Breakfast 1O-11am$0.50, Dinner 4-5PM $2; Sat/Sun: Breakfast 12-1pm $0.50, Dinner 4-5 $2 ORGANIC, WHOLE FOODS
Sweet Cherubim, Choices, East End Food Co-op 1000-block, Commercial Drive. Small Potatoes 6042157783, 1660 E.Hastings Order by phone, home delivery with minimum order.
FREE CLOTHING Downtown Eastside Women's Centre 6046818480,302 Columbia; 25E.Hastings: Womn WISH 6046699474, 334 Alexander:Idnt as womn Bette's Boutique 305 Main: Identify as women. UGM-Cornerstore 6042533323,601 E Hastings INEXPENSIVE CLOTHING, FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Salvation Army 6048744721261 E.12th Ave: Beds, furniture, appliances, household, clothing, reconditioned items UGM Thrift Store 6042548721 671 E Hastings Clothes, blankets, dishes, furniture. Value Village 6042544282 1820 E.Hastings: New, used furniture, clothing, household goods, shoes.
ACCOMMODATION SHELTER & HOUSING Carnegie Outreach 6046653318, 392 Powell St. Call or drop-in for help with housing, & med serv. Office Hours M-F 9am-4pm. Neighbourhood HousingSociety 6043318757 40 E.Hastings, 380 Main, 668 Powell PHS Community Services 6046830073, 20W.Hastings: Residential hotels. Vancouver Native Housing 6043203312, 1726 E. Hastings: Part of Skookurn Hub
EMERGENCY SHELTER Days & Nlghts:Call 211 Aboriginal Shelter 6046825556, 201 Central: 4:30pm-lOam. Pets OK, carts OK, wheelchairs OK Klahowya Tillicum Lalum 875 Terminal: 24 hrs, carts/pets ok
Beacon 6046466846 108 E Hastings: Intake time varies. Men Catholic Charities 6044433292, 828 Cambie: Men WISH 6045584031, 340 Alexander: For streetbased sex workers. Laundry, showers, meals. First United 6048396880, 320 E. Hastings 60 beds -40 men, 20 women available 2417 Bud Osborn Shelter 778-222-8988, 27 W Hastings: Up to 60 people. Lookout 6046819126,346 Alexander St: Men. (19+) Accommodation for about 46 people. 2417 Small pets ok. Wheelchairs ok. Triage 6042543700, 707 Powell: 28 beds (W&M) UGM 6042533323601 E Hastings: Overnight Men Intake at 9pm, out by 6:30am
SHELTER FOR WOMEN 6048727774 (Emergency)
Kate Booth House 6048720772 : For domestic violence victims (women & children). 24-br crisisline, but stay is short-term. Helping Spirit Lodge 6048726649: Transition hsng women and children. 2417. Wheelchairs ok. Powell Place 6046060403,329 Powell. Rape Relief 6048728212 (24-hour phone): Counselling, shelter*.(*Trans exclusionary) DE Emergency 412 E Cordova: For women addicted, homeless, hard-to-house, at risk of violence
Coast Foundation 6048723502, 293 E.11 th: Operates mental health community homes. Mental health enhanced housing available, referrals from BC Housing, Fraser Health. Supportive housing Lookout 6046819126,346 Alexander Street MPA Resource Centre 6044823712, 2275 Fir treet: Outreach workers available. Call for info.
EMERGENCY Ambulance, Inhalator, Fire - 911 Psychiatric - 6048747307 (police - Car 87) HOSPITALS Vancouver General 6048754111, 855 W.12 St.Paul's 6046822344, 1081 Burrard
UBC Hospital 6048227121, Psychiatric Unit, 2255 Wesbrook Mall 6048227549 CRISIS SERVICES Crisis Centre 6048723311 :Emergency phone 4 emotional crisis, family violence, prevent suicide Rape Relief 6048728212: 24-hour phone; shelter* (*Trans exclusionaryj Women Against Violence Against Women/ Rape Crisis Centre 6042556344, 24-hour line for victims of sexual assault and violence. Workshops, Medical & Legal support Free Rape Crisis Line: 1-877-392-7583 Drug & Poison Information Centre 6046825050: Poison I.D. Venture 6048798222 220 E.13th Av Victims' Services 6047172737, 2120 Cambie FREE/LOW
Kilala Lelum 6046204010,626 Powell: Indigenous Elders partner with medical professionals to enhance physical, mental, emotional, spiritual well-being thru cultural programs, primary care, case management, research, education & training. 9:30-4pm, 7 days/wk Downtown Community Health Centre 604 2553151, 569 Powell: Basic health care, mental & addiction treatment, counseling, podiatry, pharmacist,. 9am-6pm. Women 5-8 Tues The Kettle Clinic 6042515237, 1725 Venables Street, No Care Card required. Mon 9:30-4:30 WedThur 9:30-3. Closed 12-1. Call reception at 251-2801 Native Health Walk-In Clinic 6042559766, 449 East Hastings (ChildrenIY outh (under 29)/HIV patients). MlT/ThlF 9-4, W 9-8 Closed 12:30-1:00 M-F. Sat 9:00-2:30. Pender Community Health Centre 604 6699i81 59 W.Pender: A&D counselling, basic services, methadone, specialists for infections, podiatry, alternative therapies. 8:30-8, M-F Raven Song Community Health Centre(Youth) 6047096400,2450 Ontario: M-F 9-6 Sat & Sun 94:30 Drop-in. Ambulatory care, mental health, immunization Reach Community Health Centre 6042513000, 1145 Commercial Drive. Women's Health Collective 6047365262, 29 W Hastings: 11-7 M-F V.D. Clinic 6047075600, 655 W.12th Make Appt First Nations Health Benefits Go to Page 14 in this booklet •
ALCOHOL & DRUG OUTPATIENT SERVICES Avalon Women's Centre: 6042637177 ODYSSEY 11 (Youth): 6048798853 A&D Day Treatment: 6046383390 . FREE OR LOW COST DENTAL SERVICES Portland Community Dental Clinic: 778-371-0060, 12 E Hastings: Low cost service for D.E. residents; Appts. Mon-Thur, 9-5pm, closed 1-2 Eastside Walk-In Dental Clinic 6042549900, 455 E Hastings: Emergency pain relief, non-profit. M&Fri 9-12:30 [VCC 6044438499 cleanings -$30 Strathcona Clinic 6047134485, 601 Keefer (Families) Reach Dental Cl 6042541331, 1145 Commercial Welfare 1-866-866-0800 for information. FREE SHOWERS, LAUNDRY, DE-LOUSING Evelyne Sailer Ctre 6046653075 320 Alexander Laundry taken at 9-11am M-F,10:30am S&S (daily limit); showers, de-lousing, first aid ... Gathering Place 6046652391, 609 Helmcken 9-8 Showers, laundry Powell St Getaway 6042557026 528 Powell 9:30-7 Showers, emergency clothing and food First United 6048396880, 320 E.Hastings SHOWERS FOR PSYCHIATRIC CLIENTS MPA Resource Centre 6044823712,2275 Fir St: Showers for members, 10am-6pm M-F, 12-6 Sat & Sun. Laundry to 4pm Kettle Society 6042512801,1725 Venables: Shower 8:30-7 M-F, 10-4 S&S COUNSELLING, SUPPORT, INFORMATION PSYCHIATRIC Strathcona Mental Health Team 6042534401,330 Heatley, Suite 201. Coast Foundation 6048723502, 295 E.ll Ave Kettle Friendship Society 6042512801, 1725 Venables Street. Pier Health Resource Ctre 6048911480 233 Main Med management & outreach, delivery to disabled 8-5 Daily, 8-2 Stat holidays Emergency Access & assessment: 6046753700, 803 W 12 Ave. 5
Community Care Teams 6048747626: Referrals, counselling; boarding homes & rehab programs. DRUG USERS VANDU (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users) 6046836061,380 E.Hastings: Peer support, harm reduction, education, narcan training. Overdose Prevention Society 778-952-2015, 390 Columbia: Continuously active to empower drug users thru harm reduction, safe use places and dealing with stigma. Open ti18:30 Safe Injection Site 6046877483,139 E.Hastings Supervised by Health personnel; clean rigs. Drugs are not supplied. Referrals for treatment Powell St Getaway-528 Powell Drug User Liberation Front *Get your drugs tested-880 E.Hastings SEXWORKERS PACE (providing Alternatives Counselling & Education) 604~727651, 148 W Hastings: Help with housing, detox, welfare, food, clothing, shelter. Support services also provided. Drop in M- Th lOam - 4pm (Founded by former pros). WISH Drop-In Centre 330 Alexander: Safe place for women and gender-diverse people working the streets. Shower facilities, food, relax with various ongoing programs. 6pm-12pm everyday; 6046819244 for info.Intercomlentrance is in the alley south of Alexander *[OjJice at 334 Alexander; 606-669-WISH]* Some helpful phone numbers PACE Cellular 6047865437 W.I.S.H............................................................... 604669-WISH CHILD PROTECTION................................ 6046604927 YOUTH DETOX.............................................. 6048724349 ADOLESCENT SERVICES UNIT............. 6046609376 COVENANT HOUSE................................... 6046857474 BATIERED WOMEN'S SUPPORT SERViCE.... 6046871867 CHILDREN'S HELP LlNE:.Dial 0 ask for Zenith 1234 WOMEN Downtown Eastside Women's Centre 604 6818480, 3302 Columbia(10-5) &25 E.Hastings (12:30-10): Counselling, free clothes, showers, laundry, workshops, programs, welfare & housing, advocacy. Safe, confidential. Crabtree Corner 6042161650,533 E.Hastings Emergency daycare, Single Moms Support Group. Resource & referrals Atira Women's Resource 6043311407101 ECordova Stopping the Violence counselling, legal,
Sheway Program (POP) 6042161699, 533 E.Hastings: Pregnancy outreach program, maternity clinic, counselling and nutrition info, housing advoc, donated kids' clothing often available. Battered Women's Support Services 6046871868(business ),6046871867( counselling) l O-week & drop-in group for heterosexuals & lesbians who've been emotionally and/or physically abused; counselling, legal advocacy. Date violence program for teens. Vancouver Women's Health Collective 6047365262,29 W Hastings: Women only space. Services include resource centre, nurse practitioner clinic, yoga, and art therapy. INDIGENOUS PEOPLE Helping Spirit Lodge 6048726649, 3965 Dumfries: Native family violence counselling. Native Courtworkers & Counselling Association 6049855355, 1999 Marine Dr. Aboriginal Friendship Centre 6042514844, 1607 E.Hastings: 9am-l0pm. Vancouver Native Health Society 604-2549949,449 E.Hastings: Walk-in clinic. Physician service for all with or without medical coverage. daily; evenings (4:30-8:30) Mon-Thur. Referrals and other services. Clinic # is 6042559766. Aboriginal Child & Family Services 6048726723: Counselling for Native families. Advocacy and assistance with foster situations & apprehensions. Aboriginal Front Door 6046975662,384 Main: Mon to Fri 8:30-2:30. Restoring respect, dignity & pride to Aboriginal Peoples. Healing circles, workshops, street outreach. Residential School Survivors 1-800-689-2477 Counselling, services for those affected DISABLED BC Paraplegic Association 6043243611: Resource centres for people with disabilities. Disability Alliance BC 6048721278, 1450-605 Robson: Help with disability benefits and appeals.
SENIORS Downtown Eastside Centre (Vancouver Second Mile Society) 6042542194, 509 . E.Hastings: Services include social, housing, referrals, help. [Neighbourhood Helpers Project (6042546207).] Continental Seniors Centre 1067 Seymour (3rd floor): Cafeteria, TV room, cards, pool table, outdoor deck. Strathcona Community Centre 604-7131838, 601 Keefer: Offers a wide range of social & recreational activities. Seniors' Centre 604684817i, 333 Terminal Counselling on Pensions, Social Assistance, Housing, etc. Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm South Granvile Seniors Centre 604-7320812: Info on services available for seniors. OTHER COUNSELLING SERVICES WATARIYouth/FamilyAlcohol&DrugService 6042546995, 200-678 E.Hastings,: Free confidential counselling, education, referrals and prevention programs. Offers encouragement through training and skill development. 10-4:30 Family Services Association 6047314951, 201-1638 E Broadway: Low fees according to income; marital/family/group counselling. HarbourLight Detox 6046466844 119ECordova ACCESS Central Detox line: 1-866-658-1221 Alcohol & Drug Detoxes 6046609382: Run by Ministry of Labour & Consumer Services John Howard Society 6048725651, 763 Kingsway: Support and services for those in contact with the criminal justice system. ancouver Recovery Club 6047089955, 2775 Sophia 2417 drop-in with daytime programs
LEGAL Legal Services Society 6046016206, 4th fl, 510 Burrard: Legal aid services available; must have proof of income. M-F 8:30-3:30pm except W 8:30-12:30 only. The Law Line 6046016100 PIVOT 6042559700, 121 Heatley: Non-profit legal advocacy; local1egal clinics. Does not provide any drop-in services. Phone or go online.
Law Students' Legal Advice Program 6048225791: Students under the supervision of lawyers help with advice & assistance. Help getting ID U.B.C. Legal Clinic 6048225791 Provides free advice & assistance. 9:30-4:30,M to F (Seasonal) Vancouver Community Legal Assistance Society 6046853425, 300-1140 W. Pender: Programs, services in Disability, Mental Health and Community law. Residential Tenancy Branch 6046601020, 390 Main and 520 Richards: Rights and possibilities with landlords.
ADVOCACY RESOURCE LIST Disability Alliance BC 6048750188, 1450605 Robson: PWDIPP.MB, access, housing, employment, rights, mental &physical disabilities. (Advocates: 872-1278) First United 6042513323542 E.Hastings: Welfare El, RTA, tenancy issues. MWF 9-11, T-Th 12:30-2:30 Mental Patients Association 6044823700, (Court Advocacy). Advocate for Children & Youth, Toll-Free: 1-800-476-3933 PIVOT 6042559700: Non-profit legal advocacy. The Kettle Advocates 6042512801, 172j Venables Street: income assistance, tenancy issues, debt, child protection, mental health. Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services 6048726723, Counselling for Native families. Advocacy and assistance with foster situations & apprehensions. BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre 60446873063,208-1090 W.Pender. Better Business Bureau 6046822711,Mon-Th 9-3 ADVOCACY in LANGUAGE & LEARNING Learning Exchange 6044085164, 612 Main: UBC outreach. Internet, resources ... W-Th 1-5 FRENCH La Boussole 6046837337, 312 Main-2nd floor: Social activities, advocacy with housing, employment, income assistance, counselling & more 9
Carnegie Learning Centre 665-3013, 401 Main: GED (Grade 12 equivalent), ESL (English as a Second Language) one-to-one tutors, reading/writing/math, resumes, computers ... M-T 9-3, W-Th 10-3 . First United 681-8365, 320 E. Hastings SPANISH Servicios de Orientacion (SOS) 255-1881, 2610 Victoria Dr. Immigration counselling, advocacy, emergency aid. English classes, Referrals. 9am-4:30pm, Mon to Fri, call first. LATIN AMERICAN
604.718.5829, 1661 Napier (Britannia Community Centre): Opportunities for youth 11 to 18 years of age, from organised recreation to advocacy and referral services. Call for info. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, DROP-IN AND RECREA TlON COMMUNITY CENTRES Carnegie Community Centre 665-2220, 401 Main: Open daily 9am-11 pm. Food services & kitchen, library (Native, French, Spanish, Chinese collections) cards, board games, Seniors Lounge, gym, learning centre with tutors, a pool room, weights, theatre, poetry, music, computer room, art gallery, haircuts ... (newsletter!) Gathering Place 665-2391, 609 Helmcken Low-income Community Centre with library, <\ pool room, various fitness classes, food services, music, poetry, laundry, computers ... Evelyne Sailer Centre 665-3075, 320 Alexander: Cafeteria, TV lounges (TSN), pool table, cards & board games, showers, laundry, crafts. Ray-Cam Co-op Centre 257-6949, 920 E. Hastings: Full-sized gym, variety of recreational programs. Kid's Club. MENTAL HEALTH CONSUMERS . C.M.H.A. Recreation 872-4902 ~PA Resource Centre 482-3712, 2275 Fir St.: Drop-In Centre 10am-5pm, Mon to Fri; Powell Street Getaway 255-7026, 528 Powell: Drop-in, recreation. People with a mental health and substance use history welcome. Meal/snacks Kettle Friendship Society 251-2801, 1725 Venables: Recreation, social activities, meals, showers, life skills, etc. 10
WOMEN Downtown Eastside Women's Centre 6046818480,302 Columbia: 10-5, 25 E.Hastings 12:30-10 Drop in or call for information. Variety of services Single Moms 533 E. Hastings (Crabtree Corner): Call 6042161650 for information. SENIORS 411 Seniors Centre 6046848171 333 Terminal Membership $10/yr for 55+; pool table, cards, crafts, woodworking, thrift shop, library. Downtown Eastside Seniors Centre 6042542194,509 E.Hastings: Cards, TV, pool table, talk, companionship, outings Continental Seniors Centre: 1067 Seymour, Cards, TV, pool table, cafeteria. South Granville Seniors Centre 6047320812, 1420 West 12th Ave: Information, services available for seniors. Mon-Fri 9am-4pm INDIGENOUS GATHERINGS Cultural Sharing 6046653317,401 Main (Carnegie): Mondays, 5 pm in the Theatre. Vancouver Aboriginal Centre 6042514844, 1607 E. Hastings: 9am-1Opm YOUTH Urban Native Youth 604-547732, 1618 E.Hastings: "Street involved" Native youth aged 14-19. Counsel/life skills, health info, arts & crafts, Recreation/culture. OTHER SERVICES Co-op Radio 6046848494, 360 Columbia St: Local music, ethnic issues, political commentary. Global audience. (100.5 FM). Tenants Rights Advisory Centre 604-2550546: Excellent resource - information & aid
FREE/LOW COST COMPUTER SERVICES Carnegie Centre Computers, 401 Main Street, 6046652220: Learning Centre (M-Th, 9-5, Fri 9-1) Intro Courses, tutors; Library 9-9, 1 hr/day. Open Door Social Services (Work BC), 112 W Hastings, 6048720770: M-F 8-4:30pm. Priority to jobseekers.Free Computers/InternetlFaxlTelephone ACCESS (ACE) 6046877480, 390 Main: For Indigenous people seeking employment Ray-Cam Co-op Centre, 920 E Hastings, 6042576949: M-F am-6pm. Sat to 5pm. UBC Learning Exchange, 612 Main. 604- 4085164: Computer drop-in hours W-Th 1-5pm. Free public access & Wi-Fi. Tutors Union Gospel Mission, 601 E Hastings 604-2533323: Free Drop-in use. M-F 9:30-12pm, 1:30-4pm 411 Seniors Centre, 704-333 Terminal Ave, 6046848171: M-F 9:40-4pm Vancouver Community Network 778-724-0826, 280-111 W Hastings: M-F, 10-4, free drop-in help. Free Geek Community Tech Centre 604-8794335, 1820 Pandora: Tue-Sat 11-6. Free access for public in 1 hr increments. Free wifi access for volunteers. VPL Central Branch, 350 W Georgia, 6043313603: M-Th 1O-9pmF-S 10-6, Su 11-6 Free Comp/Internet with Library card. 2 hrs/day FREE PHONES UGM 601 E Hastings: M-F 8-9am, 2-4:30pm Gathering Place 6046652391,609 Helmcken UBC Learning Exchange 612 Main:W-Th 1-5pm VANDU 6046836061380 E Hastings: 10-10,7 days (Most free phones have either time limits or are restricted to local calls or both.) PAY PHONES Carnegie Centre 401 Main: 9-lOpm, 7 days Google Map of payphones in Vancouver
EMPLOYMENT Tradeworks 6042539355, 882 E Cordova: Training in construction, computers, home imp, etc. Internet access, job search & resumes, email, other help. Embers 6046920781,310-111 WHastings: Flex -ible opps, training, support M-Th 9-4:30, F 9-5:30 Eastside Works 6046204587, 57 E Hastings: 104, M-F Info & help WorkBC Employment Services 6048720770, 250 W Pender: Referrals and training, job placement and creation, economic & business enhancement aid, Call or drop in. 8:00am-4:30am M-F except first and third Wednesdays 8am-2pm Work Resource Ctr: 6042534469, 659 E Hastings 3-day workshop then opportunities. Megaphone 6042559701, 312 Main: Training to sell Vancouver's street paper. First 10 copies free. Mon: to Fri. 9-4pm, Aboriginal Connections to Employment 6046877480,390 Main: Free access to resourcesInternet, job board, phone & message service- for employment purposes. Counselling, case management" action plans, referrals. Under ACCESS Bladerunners 6046889116, 390 Main: Skills, etc placement on construction. Call: 8:30-4:30, M-F. IDENTIFICATION Birth Certificate 6046602937,250-605 Robson BCID/Driver's Licence 6046612255, 254-800 Hornby or 2750 Commercial Passport 1-800-567-6868200-757 W.Hastings Care Card (MSP-BC) 6046837151, 8-4:30 M-F Indian Status 6046662059, 601-1138 Melville S.I.N. Card 6046818253,415-757 W Hastings Places ta ga fOr help; Carnegie Outreach 6046653318, 392 Powell 94 M-F KettleID Bank 60421554941725 Venables:9:30MTI INFORMATION Police Information 6047173321 Court Information 6046604200, 222 Main: To find out court appearance dates & times for Provincial Court on Main. Transit Information 6049533333 bus routes, schedules; 6049533334 for lost bus passes. General Information 6048756381: Greater Vancouver Information & Referral. Alcohol & Drug referral: 6046609382 Victim Services: 1-800-563-0808 13
NEIGHBOURHOOD .... Neighbourhood Housing Society 6043318757, Call for information. DTES Neighbourhood House 6042152030, 573 E.Hastings: Volunteers welcome. Programs, activities for moms+tots, others. Mon-Sat. Neighbourhood Helpers Project 604 2546207, 509 E.Hastings: Connects volunteers with isolated seniors & persons with disabilities. Pigeon Park Savings 6046788276, 92 E Hastings Banking services to low-income residents. Flat rate cheque cashing. Mon-Thur 11-5 Fri 12-6. BC Men's Resource Centre 6048789033
MOVING FOR LOW INCOME PEOPLE Two Nice Movers 6047810297 Two Small Men with Big Hearts 6046363338 Lara Transport 778-323-0466 RECYCLING United We Can 6046810001,449 Industrial Ave: 7am-6pm. Fri+Sat -Spm : [Also bike repair and street/alley cleaning.] Electronic Recycling Association 604 2154483 : Non-profit; focus on reuse ofIT equipment. Donates various hardware items to charities and low-income people. First Nations Health Benefits 778.806.6993, 122 E Hastings: Help with accessing and navigating the health care system. Feet, eyes, teeth, medicine. Mon-Fri,1l-5pm
Carnegie Community Action Project Research, public education and direct action. Focus on issues that affect Downtown Eastside neighbourhoods: housing, gentrification, homelessness, drug policy, and poverty.
604-665-2105 Chinatown Concern Group A division of CCAP consisting mainly of Chinese residents of China town and OTES that works with others in Chinatown to get more housing that lowincome Chinese seniors can afford and to preserve Chinatown businesses that cater to the low income Chinese community.
Raise the Rates A group working with other community groups and organizations in OTES and Vancouver in general to advocate for the rights and interests 01 the poor. Activities include the Welfare Food Challenge and a petition to raise the welfare rates in BC. 778-871-0141 Contact: Elli Taylor 15
PovertyFreeBC A coalition of community and non-profit groups who want to see the BC government put in place
a poverty reduction plan that would include legislated targets and timelines to significantly reduce poverty and homelessness. http://bcpovertyred uction. cal
604-877 -4553
POOR-BASHING ... • • • •
It's immoral It hurts people It helps justify policies which widen the gap between rich and poor It must bestopped
.So many issues, so little time Thanks for funding, past & present: Camegie Assoc, First United Church, PLURA, Four Sisters Co-op, DERA, Legal Services Society, Rotary Club of China town, VanCity, MHR, Dr.Soma, City of Vancouver, BCGEU, BCTF, VCCFA, CUPE 15, Simon Fraser University, Portland Hotel Society, Great Beginnings, Neighbourhood Small Grants, OBC Library Farmer Family
NOTE: If you know of any changes to this information, or have ideas on how to keep with stuff like this, call 604-665-2289. If you need more info on agencies or services listed, CALL THEM,
Other resource guides: Google linkvan and bc211 PHS Community Servies: 6046830073, 9 E Hastings 16
HIV+/ AIDS AIDS Vancouver 6048932201 803 East Hastings This is the Pacific AIDS Resource Centre, connected to international network of AIDS research and support services. Healing Our Spirit 6048798884, 100-2425 Quebec: Care, support for Aboriginal People infected and affected by this disease. Positive Living BC 6048932200, 803 East Hastings:.Lounge, iCafe, support groups, peer counseling, assistance with legal and housing issues, and complementary health services such as massage and dental clinic for people living with HIV. Free membership required. 10 am to 4 pm, Mon-Fri Positive Women's Network 6046923000, 614-1033 Davie: Supports women living with HIV / AIDS in making their own choices about HN related care, including treatments, reproduction, and advocacy. Mon-Fri, 9-4; drop-in 11:30am - 4:30pm Vancouver Native Health Society 604 2549949,449 E.Hastings: Positive Outlookdrop-in, outreach, medical, social services. Immigrant Services ISS Settlement Services 6046847498, 530 Drake:Housing, jobs, social services, translation. ISS Language Instruction: 6046842561,501 -333 Terminal: Classes. All welcome. MOSAIC 6042549626, Call for nearest location: Services in 22 languages translation. Settlement &aid. Evergreen Community Health Centre 604 82511 3425 Crowley Dr.:lmmigrants & refugees
Listening Post 382 Main: Share space for meditation, listening, prayer, spiritual practice. Call for info.
"If certain preconditions are necessary for the use of magic, those preconditions will inevitably arrange themselves." - Stephen King 18
MENTAL HEALTH CONSUMERS Informal: You are in hospital because you requested admission. - you can accept Irefuse specific treatments. You must agree first. - you must consent without ultimatums or threats being put to you. - you will be discharged within 72 hours unless status is changed to involuntary. Involuntary: POLICE say you act in a way likely to endanger yourself and/or another's safety. A JUDGE believes you are a mentally disordered person ..and/or dangerous to be at large ..and/or that usual procedure causes a dangerous wait; A DOCTOR determines you are mentally disordered ..require treatment (care, control, supervision) ..for your own or others' safety. * 2 doctors have to fill out forms * You can appeal admission on l st day. * Admission as an involuntary patient can be good for 30 days. * Unless a doctor reports that you should (have to) stay in hospital, you must be let go after 3q days. * If a doctor reports that you have to stay it can be for 90 days. IF YOU ARE IN A PROVINCIAL MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY, CONTACT THE MENTAL PATIENT'S ADVOCATE. IT'S FREE. MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATES CLAS 685-3425; BCCPD 872-1278 Kettle 251-2801; MPA482-3700 Coast Foundation 872-3502
"Paul's law: you cao'1: fall Off1:he floor. 19