Architect Carolina Fiallo - Urban Planner

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Social environmental design Landscape Architect- Urbanist

Territories of life, society and nature

Adaptive cycles in socio ecological processes 2


Profile Landscape Projects

----Designing for biodiversity processes in urban planning ----Ecological park Mimon (Can Fonollet) ----Cauca´s River socio ecological impact ----Regio Tram Urban design from landscape approach ----Hermida’s house ----Landscape design for a mental hospital ----Biodiversity labs ----Renaturalization Río Fucha Fontibón

Urban Planning

----Steer Davies Gleave //Ruta N ----Steer Davies Gleave//Transmilenio ----Steer Davies Gleave//London visual suport ----Movilidad Sostenible//Mobility Plan Municipality of Salgar ----Mobility// Propuesta de posible corredor Transmilenio AK68 ----Pentagrama

Architecture prototype

----Rodriguez González House ----Terrace Design EuroHotel ----Exhibition design in Gallery

Landcape design research

----Poble nou 22@ Barcelona ----Urban recovery through watersheds ----Territory strategies for urban governance

Competition Projects

----Strategic Operation Fucha´s river ----Urban Recovery for the city center of Panama

Nature integrity by biodiversity design 2


Architect 2014 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana University degree Politecnico de Milán - Academic exchange Urban planner and landscape designer 2019 European Master in Urbanism Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña TuDelft

Main work experience:

Taller Rizomas Bogotá D.C Architect designer Contact: Jesús Alfonso Fiallo Arango Phone: (057) 311 290 0758 Glass Architettura Urbanistica srl Venice, Italy Architect and urban designer Contact: Andrés Holguín Phone: (041).2410255 Steer Davies Gleave Bogotá D.C Urban Planner Contact: Germán Lleras

Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis Bogotá D.C Landscape designer Contact: Laura Mantilla Phone: (057) 320 4926387 Urbanitá Bogotá D.C Landscape architect Contact: Iván Solano Phone: (057) 312 3829493 Territorios, Arquitectura y Paisaje Colombia / España Independent project Urban design and consulting director Contact: María Angélica Chaparro Phone: (034) 653249059 Polytechnic University of Catalonia Barcelona, Spain Urban Planner Contact: Ángel Martín B01 Arquitectes Barcelona, España Urnbanist and Landscape architect Sander Laudy

Human nature

Non human nature


Cultural Landscape

CAROLINA FIALLO CARDONA I deeply believe that architecture is a philosophy of life. Architect and master in urban planning focusing in landscape design base on biodiversity processes. MAIN METHODS - Research trough design - Mapping as spatial analysis - Arts and crafts for landscape design - Activism for nature

My name is Carolina Fiallo, I am a woman architect from Colombia, master in Urban planning Fron Tu Delft University and Politecnical University if CataluĂąa. My main experience is oriented in Landscape design in diverse scales. I have worked in Colombia, Italy, and Spain and the Netherlands.

DESIGN CONCEPTS EXPLORATIONS ​ - Eco dependencies in landscape design approach - Biodiversity Processes - Water management design - Socio ecological restoration - Urban Matters - Local Knowledge design - Culture regeneration of landscape architecture - Urban Agroecology, eatable cities. - Mobility and corridors for life My experience has been located in diverse territories such as Colombia, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands considering the landscape as a constant transitional territory of regeneration from social, environmental and economical perspectives.


The river from the Pรกramo

Landscape design processes Designing biodiversity processes for urban planning Place:

Bogotá, D.C

Year: 2019

Master thesis: Tu Delft University - Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Description: Master’s thesis project, it obtains the highest qualification thanks to its contributions in territorial planning from the challenges of biodiversity conservation in a country like Colombia. The project defines a series of design principles at diverse scales that determine the conjunction of landscape design for social, cultural and biological diversities in a peri-urban environment. Thus establishing a re-interpretation of the city-Region model defined by the Sumapaz Paramo and its ecosystems until reaching the urban ecosystem it crosses.

City - Region Model for Paramo ecosystems and rural ecological processes


Territorial design concepts Scenario for urba river in Bogotรก

Urban river interventions for facilities Urban agriculture programe Paramo ecosystem toolkit interventions


Biodiversity design interactions

Biodiversity design vision


Ecological park mimon

Landscape project design Ecological park Mimon (Can Fonollet) Place:

Terrassa, España

Año: 2020


B01 Arquitectes


Special plan to generate a project that corresponds to the design integrating the cultural heritage as part of its main strategy. The ecological park is proposed from its landscape infrastructure as a place of coexistence of recreational activities and ecosystem restoration.

Area de protecció contra incendis Embalse aigua per exticio

Ecological park mimon Octubre

Normativa Bombers Proposta


Recuento de los principales hechos y afectaciones del proyecto eléctrico Hidroituango y sus conflictos socioegológicos 1969

-Inician los estudios para del proyecto Hidroeléctrico en el cañon del Río Cauca el cual demuestra un alto nivel de complejidad.


-Se crea Comisión Nacional de Energía


-Se crea crea y consolida el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente


-Periodo de masacres y desapariciones concentradas en el municipio de Valdivia e Ituango. Principalmente la masacre del Aro. - El estado Colombiano fue declarado culpable ante la comisión de Derechos Humanos, por dicha masacre del Aro -Se crea la sociedad promotora de pescadores de Ituango

-Inicia el nuevo proyecto de estudios y diseño 1998 Hidroituango -Masacre en la vereda Oro bajo, en el municipio de Sabanalarga. -Masacre en el resguardo de la comunidad Nutabe, donde asesinan al Cacique. 2004 - Se inician los estudios ambientales para el megaproyecto Hidroituango

2005 - Se registran concentración de homicidios producto del conflicto armado en Valdivia





- Se presentan los diseños finales del proyecto Hidroeléctrico -Hidroituango-Incide la concentración de amenazas en los municipios de Ituango, Toledo y se registran Masacres en Valdivia - Se emitio Bajo el sistema de Alertas tempranas -SAT- El informe de riesgo #016-08 el comunicado de la presion ejercidad por Las Farc ante los corregimientos de Puerto Valdivia y el Raudal, por la presencia de cultivos ilicitos, lo que genera el confrontamiento y riesgo poblacional emitido tambien por las AUC

- Se concede licencia Ambiental al megaproyecto Hidroituango - Ingreso de maquinaria a la zona de intervención - Se presentan desalojos y hechos victimizantes ante los habitantes de las areas de influecia de la hidroeléctrica. - Se funda la “Asociación de Pequeños Mineros Afectados por el Proyecto Hidroituango ASOMITUANGO” 2011 - Se presenta una serie de acusaciones y persecuciones que estigmatizan a la comunidad afectada por el conflicto armado y por los desalojos del megaproyecto Hidroituango. - Comunidades denuncian la existencia de fosas comunes en la zona de impacto de Hidroituango

Departamento en afectación crítica

2012 - Conflicto de tierras por venta de predios, los desalojos por parte de la presion generada por EPM aumentan en las zonas afectadas por el proyecto bajo la autorización de la Gobernación de Antioquia.

El río Cauca pertenece a la Cuenca del Río Magdalena, pero como subcuenca, configura relacioses escosistemicas de las cuales depende actividades de pesca, baquero agricultura y los ciclos de adaptabilidad que nacen en el cañon del Cauca y define un ecosistema de relevancia para el país el cual es el Bosque seco tropical, por su capacidad de ser es resguardo de biodiversidad lo que permite establecer su interés ecológico. En contraste a lo anteriór, el río representa tmabien uno de los más grandes conflictos ambientales del país, asociado a la produccíón de energias renovables a costa de la vida del ecosistema, donde las victimas su victima es la vida huamana y no humana. El megaproyecto resposable de dicha perdida ecositémica es Hidroituango, el cual, a pesar de contar con licencia ambiental y el apoyo de diversas entidades del Estado y financiación internacional, ha presentado continuamente fallas a niver social, ambiental e incluso económico. Licencias Ambientales establecidas como crimenes ambientales


Río Cauca

- Asesinato a líderes aumenta así como los procesos de persecucion en contra de los habitantes, barequeros, pescadores y campesinos aledaños al area de influencia del megaproyecto Hidroituango. - Se pone en evidencia el retraso en la ejecución de la obra según el cronograma establecido, razón por la cual, se pone en marcha el plan de aceleración.

- Se desvia el río Cauca, lo que afecta los procesos ecosistémicos del territorio, incluyendo el bosque seco tropical. - Se presentan casos de desapariciones extrajudiciales, y asesinatos a la poblacion ahbitante de los municipios afectados por el megaproyecto. ( El 21 de agosto fue notificada la orden de desalojo para ser ejecutada al día 2014 siguiente de la Familia Aguiar y comunidades de la verdad Chirí y Orejón del Briceño que protestaban en sus propios predios por la realización de un túnel sin su permiso y los crecientes problemas de salud y afectaciones a su proyecto de vida. Al día siguiente 22 de agosto mientras más de 30 integrantes del Movimiento realizaban una asamblea quedaron en medio del fuego cruzado entre el Ejercito y las FARC EP lo que disolvió la protesta). - El Movimiento Rios Vivos, evidendia su resistnecia en defensa a la vida delterritorio, y generan informes semestrales y reuniones con la cumbre agraria. 2015 - Se firma el plan de aceleración aún conociendo los riesgos y complejidades que esto implicaba para la vida humana y no humana del territorio. - Se presentan desalojos forzosos en las zonas afectadas por el Megaproyecto Hidroituango -El Ministerio del Interior declara que no hay comunidades indígenas en la zona - Deforestación de microcuecas en Ituango principalmente. 2016 -Suspensión de las obras de Hidroituango por graves daños a la cuenca del Rios Cauca por parte de la ANLA, fruto de la movilización realizada por el MRV en el mes de septiembre en la que se obtiene el recorrido con la ANLA en el mes de noviembre en donde se constataron las denuncias. 2017

Municipios afectados El mapa evidencia el área de afectación socioecologica directa definida por los límites del departamento de Antioquia La principales externalidades generadas por el proyecto de Hidroituango vinculan hechos de crimenes socio ambientales. Por lo que se identifica un daño ecosistémico que pone en riesgo la salud pública de la Nación.

- El Ministerio del interior declara que sí hay comunidades indígenas. - El Movimiento Ríos Vivos vuelve a solícitar que se anule el Megaproyecto y que paren la ejecución del mismo.

- Evidente perdida de la capacidad ecosistémica de la región. 2018 - Comunidades desplazadas de sus labores por la ocupación de Hidroituango. - Catastrofe en el territorio por fallo técnico, donde se estallan los túneles.

Rio Cauca Municipios afectados Superficie Departamento de Antioquia Estructura Hídrica asociada Sitios Ramsar Parques Nacionales Resguardo Natube Licencias ambientales

Antioquía es uno de los departamentos en Colombia que reflejan una concentración de líderes ambientales y sociales asesinados, víctimas del conflicto armado, amenazados o desaparecidos. Estos datos datos se correlacionan con una concentración de proyectos respaldados por licencias ambientales que atentan contra los derechos humanos y ambientales, lo que representa un problema de seguridad nacional e internacional como concecuencia de los crimenes ambientales ejecutados en esta área

Time line of Cauca´s river in Antioquia


- Prestamo asignado por el BID para continuación de obras. - Sequia del río por cierre de la compuerta - Muerte masíva de peces

Lanscape projects Cauca´s river socio ecological impacts Place:

Antioquia, Colombia

Año: 2020


Ríos vivos Antioquia


Territorial analysis, where the main socio-ecological conflicts are georeferenced, to determine the opportunities for coexistence proposals that promote local knowledge, designing a cultural heritage project in the territory associated with the Cauca river basin.

Regiotram Bogotรก - Madrid Cundinamarca 16

Lanscape Urban design projects Regio Tram Madrid Cundinamarca Place: Colombia

AĂąo: 2019


Steer Group


Design of public space integrated to the proposal of the regiotram, a corridor of public services and environmental care. This project aims the integration of transport as a model of social, environmental and economical benefits.

Senecio Cineraria Helecho Gris

Tibouchina stenocarpa Tibouchina

Trochlidae Colibrí Thalassinus Colibrí

Distribución J1

Plumbago auriculata Azulina Icteridae Campylorhynchus griseus Cucarachero Jatropha aconitifolia Papayuelo

Agrupación por alturas

Densidad de siembra



Landscape Projects Hermida House Place: Chia, Colombia Year: 2017 Client: Architect Camilo Amézquita Description: Landscape design of Hermida’s house located in the Sabana of Bogotá, a house that is set out under landscape principles and attention to the environment and the conditions of its natural environment. Agroecological gardens, activation of aviaries, water design processes and stimulation of autonomous irrigation from sustainable urban drainage systems.

Hermidas landscape design project

Mental Hospital Rudesindo Soto 20

Architectural Projects / Equipment Design of Mental Hospital Rudesindo Soto Place: Cúcuta, Norte de Santander Year: 2016 Client: Fundación Innovación Ciudadana Description: The main design objective is to propose a space for taking care of metal health supporting by an architectural program of high complexity where every space is recreating a sigular atmosphere.

Mental Hospital Rudesindo Soto


Landscape Project Biodiversity Labs infrastrcuture Place: Westland, The Netherlands Year: 2018 TuDelft University - Academic project Description: Regeneration of the productive landscape from the design of a settlement oriented to the production of processes linked to the nature of the landscape and its biodiversity

Biodiversity Lanbs infrastructure toolkit



Landscape Project Fucha’s River Renaturalization Place: Bogotá, D.C Year: 2015 José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden Description: Renaturalizing spaces around the Fucha River becomes the main driver of this process, which is located in the Fontibón one of the districts of Bogotá. This project consist in a landscape design by the concept of ecological connectivity combining the natural spaces and its characteristics with the rigth of public and urban space.

Fucha’s River project

Renaturalization Fucha River Wild Gardens Location of Fontibรณn Renaturalization Fucha River Wild Gardens Location of Fontibรณn Renaturalization Fucha River Wild Gardens Location of Fontibรณn


Renaturalización Jardines silvestres// Río Fucha renaturalización Jardines Silvestres de espacios - Localidad localidaddedeFontibón Fontibón

Renaturalization Fucha River Wild Gardens Location of Fontibรณn Renaturalization Fucha River Wild Gardens Location of Fontibรณn Renaturalization Fucha River Wild Gardens Location of Fontibรณn


Public space regeneration 32

Urban Planner Consulting Projects Steer Davies Gleave//RutaN Place: Medellin Colombia Year: 2014 Client: Steer Davies Gleave Description: The Medellinovation district generates a mobility plan that integrates all modes, urban planning determines in this case the main guidelines for the implementation of a nonmotorized mobility network.

Public space regeneration


Urban Planner Consulting Projects Steer Davies Gleave//Transmilenio Place: Bogotรก D.C, Colombia Year: 2014 Client: Steer Davies Gleave Description: Improvement of the infrastructure with future demand, giving as results planimetry and images, accompanied by analysis of the current conditions of the infrastructure.

Transmilenio (BRT) proposal


Urban Planner Consulting Projects Movilidad Sostenible//Mobility Plan, municipality of Salgar Place: Salgar, Antioquia Year: 2015 Client: Sustainable mobility Description: Mobility plan from EOT guidelines and generation of requirements to allow a mobility sustainable strategy for the municipality.

Pedestrian Malecon Salgar Antioquia


Urban Planner Consulting Projects Mobility // Design of possible trunk of Transmilenio on AK68 corridor

Place: Bogota Colombia Year: 2016 Client: Ivan Dario Solano Doncel Description: Consultancy project that provides urban design from components such as technology, economic, social, environmental and urban, generating a proposal for a Transmilenio corridor on the AK 68, where mobility is integrated with the vision of the city and the positive impacts environmental, social and urban. The main contribution is presented as an ecological environmental corridor that accompanies the mobility needs for the city of Bogotรก.

DOT- Public space from mobility system


Reseach Projects Pentagrama Colectivo

Year: 2014 Description: Activist research project that seeks to reactivate the socio ecological network and spaces from urban actions, which are born mainly from the needs of the community. A multidisciplinary group of professionals with the idea of recovering urban life through social, cultural, economic, and physical variables, among others, gives the opportunity to think about the city in an integral and participatory manner. The main method is oriented to apply IAP (Investigaciรณn Acciรณn Participativa) Participatory Activist Research. - Social Justice for Space Justice

Participatory inclusive design processes


Architecture Projects Rodríguez González house Place: Bogotá D.C, Colombia Year: 2016 Client: Direct client, Rodríguez González Family Description: Under the main requirements of the client and the essence of Territories-Architecture and Landscape, the house integrates concepts of habitability around the logics of the site and the good living, to the understanding and the good use of the materials so that from the architecture of the elements can combine concepts of bioclimatic design and details that manage to respond to the main activities and needs of the client.


Architecture Projects Terrace Design EuroHotel Place: Venezia, Lido. Italy Year: 2013 Client: GlassArchitettura Urbanistica Description: A hotel in the Lido of Venezia is one of the most desirable places in times of Summer in the North of Italy at an international level, the years have meant that it needs a maintenance and remodeling of the common areas.

Vislualization - Lido of Venice


Architecture Projects Exhibition design in Gallery Place: Torino, Italy Year: 2011 Client: Rhizome Description: This project that manages to integrate the setting and scenography as its main driver, was born thanks to the thesis of the degree of Architect Jesus Alfonso Fiallo Arango which thanks to his achievements was exhibited at the Materia Gallery in Torino, Italy. The support consists in the development of the design concept for the presentation of the exhibition in the Gallery, and the video editing.

Photopraphya and project: Architect JesĂşs Alfonso Fiallo Arango

Imagen de eje equipado

Imagen de espacio publico y patios internos públcos

Sección transversal

Esquema de planta de de suelo ocupado

Diagrama de Secciones

Esquema de planta de de espacio público

Esquema de Transporte

Esquema de sistema verde

Esquema de planta de aparcamiento


Esquema de sistema verde ESC 1:500

Academic Projects Green infraestructure design project for public space

Poble Nou Barcelona

Year: 2017 Working in duos - Cristina Sarandeses / Carolina Fiallo UPC Description: It generates an urban green infraestructure that associates the virtues of re-densification and the distribution of buildability to ensure urban life. A configuration of public spaces destined to the connectivity between axes and to the valuation of the walkableness between equipments as philosophy of the project.

Green infraestructure design project for public space


Academic Projects

Urban recovery through water bodies

Year: 2014 Description: Recovering the structure and urban life through the water bodies is presented, developing a research process of the main water sources of the city to get to project a nodal point from the city built and the proposed city to generate an appropriately landscaped design capable of rehabilitating urban life and generating spaces around water spaces.

Watersheed for public space


Academic Landscape Projects

Territorial strategic project

Year: 2017 Team work approach Description: Development of cohesion strategies in the territory of El Garraf in CaraluĂąa Territorial interpretation from art expression



Strategic Operation RĂ­o Fucha Year: 2015 Description: The contest consists of generating a strategy of linking the Fucha River mainly with its afferent area to 1 km on both sides. It is then proposed to generate the identification of nodal points which generate a city model depending on the current characteristics through which the river crosses in all if course. An ecological connectivity analysis is generated that seeks to determine the main vegetation cover and the species that must be established to generate a connectivity route that feeds biodiversity, and allows the river to be integrated as a river with environmental and urban potentials. A city that is reconciled with its water bodies.


Contest BID Urban Lab

Year: 2014 Description: Urban rehabilitation contest in the neighborhood of CurundĂş in the city of Panama, which consists of generating a comprehensive strategy from a Mobility and landscape plan to respond to growth trends and increase the quality of life of people, taking as a transversal component, social participation, as a means of consultation and constant urban activation from the main activities of the community. The main axes of mobility are determined, which respond to a logic of non-motorized mobility complemented by landscape design features that link the potentials of the territory to provide a life on the urban scale that generates positive social, economic and environmental resiltes.



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