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Cars´n Audio Magazine

Online Magazine from the largest caraudio network in the world Billjud i fokus

Product news, Tests and articles from every corner of the world

Digital Designs vs.

MetallicA The history of Roberts Type 1


NR:X 2010

No compromise. No limits. In-car Entertainment Guide 2008

Content NR:X 2010 4



The Magazine




Release dates

10 Typ1 Article 14 LimeBeetle Article 16 Prius Article

4 Presentation

6 The Magazine

9 Release dates

14 Example Articles


Cars´n Audio – A online magazine During the last years we have seen a decrease in articles about the caraudio industry. In Sweden, and many more countries, there haven’t been a dedicated caraudio magazine for a decade. Cars´n Audio is about to fill that gap with a new magazine format and a close connection to the industry. We will give our readers caraudio news and articles from every corner of the world, all presented in a easy to read format that is free and available wherever you are.

Kontakt Cars’n Audio Publishing Group AB Hagvagen 44 194 40 Upplands Vasby Sweden Tel: +4687101932 Mobile: +46706650787

E-Mail: Publishing@carsnaudio.com


SWEDEN: Roger Edvinsson

E-Mail: roger.edvinsson@carsnaudio.com

Cars´n Audio Publishing Group Cars´n Audio Publishing Group is a international network of people with a close connection to the caraudio competition organisations and the industry. This link will give us access to all levels of caraudio installs, from beginner level to the best installers in the world. My name is Roger Edvinsson and the CEO of Cars´n Audio Publishing Group. I’ve been a international competitor since 1998. The last 5 years i have been active for EMMA and dBDragRacing as the Swedish representative, and also as an international event director for two European EMMA finals.

The Network Cars´n Audios network is reaching over almost all continents. We have partners in Asia, North America and Europe. This will give our readers the possibility to read about unique cars from all over the world, thanks to our big network. This network will give the installs from you’re nation the possibility to be highlighted. Our goal with Cars´n Audio is to be available in as many languishes as possible. English, Swedish and German are available from start, but we are working on more translations. Each partner will contribute with 2-4 articles for each edition and this gives the magazine a rich content. The more partners we sign up, the more articles each edition will contain, and the more interesting the magazine will be for the readers and advertisers. We also have a big archive of vintage articles that will be published in each magazine to let the readers have a glimpse in the rear-view mirror.


Example Article Like every year on eastern the Swedish sound off season starts at the first big Custom car event of the year in the Elmia Exhibition Centre in Jonkoping. On this show you can find almost every kind of customized vehicles from motorcycles to trucks. And so it was no surprise that EMMA Sweden was an traditional part of that show. In a booth in Hall B were two master competition cars on display, so the visitors can come close to take a look in the cars, listen to them and ask an kind of questions. Nearly 100.000 visitors used the opportunity to see all that crazy cars that were on display. In Hall A was held the traditional Swedish EMMA Kick Off. Over 50 Starters in all different categories from Norway, Germany and Sweden took part to collect the first qualification points on the season in Scandinavia and carry home the Trophies. The exhibition was crowned by special theme Shows around Cars and Bikes, this year it a was a small collection of the products form the world famous German custom bike builder Marcus Walz and some well known movie cars like the blues mobile, the K.I.T.T., a car form the fast and the furious, the Batmobile and the DeLorean with amazing flux compensator from “back to the future� to name only a few.

Text: Rene Krosse Kraft Photo: Antonio Petersson

The Magazine Cars´n Audio is a easy to read online magazine with focus on cars and mobile electronics. The focus is not entirely set on caraudio but on CARS with nice installed caraudiosystems. In this way we are expanding our audience of readers and advertisers will get more value for their money.

Free to read

The magazine will be free to read, print and share, the funding of the magazine will be done through advertising sales.

Online format

The magazine feels like a real paper magazine and you can browse through the contents in a very simple and entertaining way. In addition, during the second half of 2010 it will be available as a print-on-demand. It gives readers the opportunity to subscribe and be delivered direct to there home, this to a self-cost price. With full integration with search engines, and the ability to direct link to social networks and websites, this is the future of magazines. This unique structure will attract readers and, ultimately, customers directly connected of our advertisers. The target audience is men and women aged 15+

Photo: Antonio Petersson


Cars´n Audio Publishing Group is a Swedish company based in Stockholm. All layout, publishing and administrative work will be managed from the headquarters. The publisher has a connection to both new and established reporters and photographers who will be responsible for media coverage in Sweden and on big international events. Each partner will have their own staff of reporters, photographers and translators.

Industry News

Cars´n Audio will allow manufacturers to reach out with there business news to our readers. In every issue there is space for their submitted materials. All news will also be published in our Blogg and later in our test lab.

Test Lab

Cars´n Audio will perform product tests of both individual products and in groups tests. These tests will be conducted by personnel with long experience of testing audio equipment, both mobile media and consumer electronics. All tests will be performed in car and in a special sound room designed like a car, always installed after the manufacturer’s instructions.


Advertising in Cars’n Audio follows normal magazine standards, but there are many additional options and features that’s not possible in a conventional printed magazine. We will offer the magazine directly to your customers computers. Online and ready to read wherever they are. We can offer ads that are directly linked to your websites or online stores. All previous editions will be available in an archive for old and new readers, this gives previous ads continued exposure. The price for the ads varies around the world. Contact your local cars´n audio partner for a price list. For international advertisement please contact Cars´n Audio Publishing Group.


We use issuu as a partner for our publications. They are one of the leaders on the market, and all the online resources is hosted on Amazon’s servers, which ensures stability and security. We will also use Issuus mobile platforms that provide our readers mobile access to all of our publications, available on Android or Apple platforms. A special application for Apples App Store is under development.


We will publish monthly statistics for each number. This gives a clear picture of the traffic cars’n audio generate.


There are seven standard ads to choose from. Special requests regarding ad-layout are solve according to our costumers wishes. All material for ads shall be sent to us using pressoptimized PDF file.

Photo: Mathias Pelkonen


Dealer ads

Our goal is to promote international car audio competitions and manufacturers All companies with sponsor contracts with national competition organisations will get a 50% discount on the regular price list. This is to reward their commitment to the competition scene. In addition to this we offer all advertisers a 15% introduction discount. If you sign a ad in all six numbers in 2010, we offer a 30% introductory discount.

This ad is designed for car audio specialists, and serves as a business card. Here, customers can quickly locate stores in their neighbourhood. Company related to the national competition organisation are also offered discounts, and will be highlighted in this section.

Releasedates 2010

Nr 1 Nr 2 Nr 3 Nr 4 Nr 5 Nr 6

April 2 May 21 July 9 August 27 October 15 December 3


Example articles


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Rockford Fosgate

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Classes Garage

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Cars´n Audio Publishing Group Sweden Roger Edvinsson - CEO



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