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INTERREGIONAL PARTNERSHIP IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Palazzo dei Normanni Palermo, 14-15-16 November 2003

Renna Arti Grafiche

SUMMARY Dichiarazione di Palermo Palermo Declaration

pag. pag.

5 9

Conclusioni del Workshop 1:

La ricerca applicata per la conservazione e fruizione sostenibile dei beni culturali nel Mediterraneo

pag. 13

Formazione ed educazione nella conservazione come recupero di una memoria comune

pag. 15

I beni culturali come sorgente di conoscenza per riannodare i fili delle culture mediterranee

pag. 17

Il ruolo del patrimonio culturale nello sviluppo locale

pag. 19

Conclusioni del Workshop 2: Conclusioni del Workshop 3: Conclusioni del Workshop 4:

Conclusions of Workshop 1 The Research applied to the Preservation and sustainable fruition of the Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Conclusions of Workshop 2

Training in the area of conservation of cultural property as a recovery of a common memory Conclusions of Workshop 3 Cultural heritage as a source of knowledge to tie again Mediterranean culture Conclusions of Workshop 4

The role of cultural heritage in the local development Patrimonio culturale e partenariato interregionale nel Mediterraneo Cultural Heritage and interregional partnership in the Mediterranean Questionnaire on needs related toCultural Heritage conservation and valorisation in the Mediterranean Region The Participants 3



pag. 23 pag.


pag. 27 pag.




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41 43



Palazzo dei Normanni, 16 November 2003 More than 130 participants from European, Mediterranean and Balkan countries met in Palermo to share views and examine cultural heritage issues within the framework of Euro-Mediterranean countries relations. Following upon intense discussions in four thematic workshops on research, training and education, knowledge and informal education, and local development, the participants unanimously agreed on the following declaration: The Euro-Mediterranean Region is characterised by a wealth of common historic, cultural and natural heritage which is potentially an effective unifying element in fostering mutual understanding and in the creation of a common vision within the framework of interregional partnerships. By emphasising the different cultural identities present in the Mediterranean region, and a reinforced link among them, it will be possible to contribute significantly to the promotion of peace in the region and to strengthen interregional socio-economic development on the basis of working together, of joint planning, and of cooperative scientific research on themes related to the common cultural heritage. In this respect and considering the strategic importance of cultural heritage in furthering collaboration and co-operative relations, the concept of "cultural landscape1", unifying cultural heritage and the land, emerges as a useful tool for strengthening the role of local institutions in developing joint, integrated management plans of cultural heritage of the Mediterranean region. Accordingly, this declaration aims to attract the attention of European institutions to the necessity of strengthening the conservation and management of cultural heritage component in regional and interregional community programs. In particular, the participants agreed that the Mediterranean 1The definition of Landscape refers to the 2000 European Convention: "Landscape" means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.


Region is today at the centre of key strategic changes between Europe and its partners in the southern and eastern Mediterranean. The current geopolitical scenario is conducive to a radical reorganisation of the region on the basis of more symmetric relations among partners. The participants stressed previous positive partnership experiences among regions, local authorities, towns, universities, public and private research institutions, foundations and civil society, and affirmed their willingness to reinforce existing models of Euro-Mediterranean partnership, to complement on-going bilateral, multi-lateral, and multi-bilateral relations, and to develop conservation and cultural heritage management strategy. This framework of Cultural Heritage Partnership will play a key role, so far vastly under-developed, in facilitating and promoting research, education, and training aimed at creating shared knowledge of the common heritage of the Mediterranean Region and its historical links to its neighbours. “Cultural Heritage� must be considered as one of the priorities of the new Instrument of Proximity, integrant part of the Wider Europe Strategy. Accordingly, the participants also emphasised the need to meet again on a regular basis in order to formulate new models of partnerships on a more equitable basis. The Declaration of Palermo is the first step in a strategic plan with the following objectives: 1. complement the approach based on restoration with a new focus on preventive preservation and systematic maintenance with emphasis on longterm conservation and management and identify management models that will take into consideration emergencies caused by natural and man-made calamities in terms of specific protection plans and temporary transfers of heritages exposed to calamities, mitigation risks campaigns, interventions of a pure symbolic value; 2. share existing knowledge and "good practices" related to preventive preservation thanks to the development of innovative management systems and 10

new partnerships. A strong integration between high quality cultural and tourist services will be a key feature; 3. develop policies and integrated programming models which reinforce the role of local institutions in the management of the territory through the active involvement of all stakeholders, players, both public and private; 4. Define at Euro-Mediterranean level the minimum set of competences related to the professional profiles involved in the entire cycle related to programmed maintenance and contribute to the development of training curricula specifically focused to the conservation-restoration tasks as well as restoration-maintenance technician; 5. promote the development of integrated, secondary and university level curricula with a focus on common cultural experiences and the historical dynamism of the Mediterranean as a region. Curricula will be integrated through mobility programmes, flexible shared modules, exchange of trainers and students. Didactic support material will be developed using a standard methodology and common methodologies. 6. identify information and communication strategies targeting the general public (public education) to increase the knowledge of the common cultural heritage. The organisation of cultural routes in the Euro-Mediterranean region will be developed within relevant cultural events. 7. propose a new concept for management of cultural landscapes in the Euro-Mediterranean region able to link conservation of material and intangible heritage with local development; 8. develop management and promotion of cultural Euro-Mediterranean heritage by exploiting the opportunities offered by the Information Society and order to promote a quality tourism, widespread researches and training offers;


The participants agree on the need to establish an Euro-Mediterranean Contact Group composed by National Institutions, Regions and Local Authorities. The Contact Group will be in charge to identify and promote partnerships programs in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The Sicilian Region through its Regional Centre for Planning and Restoration candidates itself to secure a follow-up, to forward the Declaration of Palermo to the European Institutions and to promote future meetings. The recommendations of the 4 working groups on research, training and education, knowledge and informal education, and local development are integral part of the Palermo declaration.


Conclusioni del Workshop 1

LA RICERCA APPLICATA PER LA CONSERVAZIONE E FRUIZIONE SOSTENIBILE DEI BENI CULTURALI NEL MEDITERRANEO La Regione Siciliana promuove l'elaborazione di politiche attive all'interno di un'idea di gestione innovativa del patrimonio culturale ed ambientale, condivisa tra i soggetti istituzionali delle regioni del Mediterraneo impegnati nei settori della conservazione, conoscenza e fruizione. Un modello di gestione del patrimonio basato sulla cultura della prevenzione e sulla conservazione programmata che si sostituiscono alla tradizionale logica del restauro. E' necessario coordinare e condividere le esperienze di ricerca sul patrimonio culturale del Mediterraneo, e i partecipanti alla Conferenza Internazionale si impegnano nel definire modelli efficaci d'indagine e di conservazione, costruendo criteri comuni per un corretto utilizzo del patrimonio culturale. La Regione Siciliana a tale scopo promuove la realizzazione di una Rete per le Scienze e l'Alta Tecnologia Applicata al Restauro e Conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale del Mediterraneo che assuma un ruolo di riferimento scientifico e tecnologico per i Paesi nel Bacino del Mediterraneo; con l'obiettivo di favorire la crescita scientifica e tecnologica e di condividere la produzione, elaborazione e gestione degli studi ispirati alla cultura della prevenzione e mirati alla definizione di una prassi della conservazione programmata dei beni culturali. I partecipanti alla Conferenza condividono la necessità di creare una Carta del Rischio Euromediterranea per costruire una conoscenza condivisa, raccogliendo, organizzando e gestendo in banche dati comuni le informazioni e le diverse esperienze conservative e di fruizione. La Carta del Rischio Euromediterranea mirerà a garantire la massima interoperabilità sia tra le diverse regioni sia tra le diverse scale applicative e costituirà uno strumento di conoscenza del patrimonio e dei suoi problemi di conservazione ispirata alla visione del bene culturale in relazione alle diverse realtà ambientali. Traendo spunto dal modello e dall'esperienza della Carta del Rischio italiana, estenderà l'osservazione ai paesaggi culturali ed individuerà la scala regiona13

Conclusions of Workshop 1 THE RESEARCH APPLIED TO THE PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE FRUITION OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE The Sicilian Regional Government promotes the elaboration of active policies in the view of a kind of innovative management of cultural and environmental heritage, shared by the Institutions of the Mediterranean regions involved in the fields of preservation, knowledge and fruition. This is a model of management of the heritage based on preventive and programmed maintenance which replaces the traditional policy of restoration. It is necessary to coordinate and share the research experiences about the Mediterranean cultural heritage and the partecipants to the International Conference commit themselves to define effective models of research and conservation, developing common criteria aimed at a correct fruition of cultural heritage. To this purpose, the Sicilian Regional Government promotes the realization of a Science and High Technology Network Applied to Restoration and Conservation of the Mediterranean Cultural Heritage raising to a role of scientific and technologial reference for the countries in the Mediterranean Basin in order to support scientific and technological growth and share the production, elaboration and management of research according to preventive policy and aiming at the definition of programmed conservation praxis of cultural heritage. The partecipants to the Conference agree on the necessity to create an Euromediterranean Risk Map building shared knowledge by gathering, organizing and managing informations and different experiences in the fields of conservation and fruition in common data banks. The Euromediterranean Risk Map will be aimed at guaranteeing interoperativeness both among the different regions and the different applicative scales; it will constitute an instrument of knowledge of the heritage and its conservation problems according to a view of the cultural assets related to the different environments. Starting off with the model and the experience of the Italian Risk Map, it will extend observation to cultural landscapes and will identify the regional scale as an observation level of the reality of cultu21

ral heritage and the Region as the main actor in a shared project. The combined action of the Science and High Technology Network Applied to Restoration and Conservation of the Mediterranean Cultural Heritage is therefore aimed at the definition of maintaining protocols to be applied to the different realities of the cultural and environmental heritage by gathering and codificating the qualified experiences obtained so far to adopt a constant and shared practice of prevention and conservation instead of the traditional restoration procedure. The main goal of those activities is the drawing up of a Guide to Preservation defining shared procedures of knowledge and cataloguing of data related to studies of the territorial reality. The following paths of applied research can be identified: - Documentation about historical techniques; - Preventive effectiveness and compatibility of interventions; - Principles and setting up of rules taking into account the specificity of historical heritage; - Specific and economically sustainable techniques of relief, diagnostics and monitoring. It is deemed that the preventive approach to conservation can be established only through a wide work of communication to the users and operators in order to guarantee the most conscious application of available techniques. The knowledge of different realities contibutes to the choises of urban and territorial planning, enabling all subjects involved to fix criteria and research methodologies aimed at evaluating the cultural potential within the territory and to identify and measure the range of danger; this way, it will be possible to determine criteria to lessen the risk and to define the sustainable fruition specifically referred to the different regions involved.


Conclusions of Workshop 2


In the framework of the workshop n. 2 "Training in the area of conservation of cultural property as a recovery of a common memory" the participants declare: Preamble: Recognising the vital importance of common cultural heritage in furthering mutual understanding among Mediterranean peoples and in the socio-economic development of the communities and countries of the Mediterranean region we emphasise the role of training in the management and conservation of cultural heritage in promoting peace and prosperity. Appropriate management measures should mitigate any possible conflict between the ongoing needs of development on one hand, and the conservation and management of heritage on the other, in order to ensure sustainable development. Conservation and management of cultural heritage is now recognized as lying within the general field of environmental and cultural development. Sustainable management strategies for change, which respect cultural heritage, require the integration of conservation attitudes with contemporary economic and social goals including tourism. The object of conservation and management is to prolong the life of cultural heritage and to clarify the artistic and historical messages therein without the loss of authenticity and meaning. Conservation is a cultural, artistic, technical and craft activity based on humanistic and scientific studies and systematic research. Declaration - Noting the acute need for trained professionals, vocational technical training and public education, and recognising the existing strength of experts, facilities, and local organisations, we recognise the critical importance of establishing a network of experts and a consortium of regional 23

centres of excellence in the various domains of cultural heritage management and conservation to be linked to a Mediterranean heritage institution entrusted with the integration, harmonisation and promotion of cultural heritage management and conservation. - Recognising the importance of information and dissemination to the public, benefits to the public from development projects, and the role of the public in heritage conservation and management, we call for public education programmes. - In this framework, the establishment in the Mediterranean area, of a network of "centres of excellence" in the field of conservation management of cultural heritage is linked to the identification of standards and criteria with regards to conservation and management profession linked to a standardised comparable curriculum. The definition of specific curricula will take into account specific expertise needs, creating synergies between cultural heritage conservation and its environmental, and socioeconomic context, through sharing of trainers and trainees from different parts of the region. - Underscoring the need for sustainable financial support for heritage development we call upon the European Union and Mediterranean countries to enact legislation necessary to ensure a certain minimum percentage of the cost of development projects to cultural heritage management and conservation in the context of a euro-Mediterranean partnership. There is a need to develop a holistic approach to our heritage on the basis of cultural pluralism and diversity, respected by professionals, crafts persons and administrators. Conservation requires the ability to observe, analyse and synthesize. The conservationists should have a flexible yet pragmatic approach based on cultural consciousness that should penetrate all practical work, proper education and training, sound judgment and a sense of proportion with an understanding of the community's needs. Many professional and craft skills are involved in this interdisciplinary activity.


Conclusions of Workshop 3 CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE TO TIE AGAIN MEDITERRANEAN CULTURE In the light of the firm belief that the lack of a social culture on the origins and purposes of cultural heritage is tantamount to the loss of this very heritage, since what is not known cannot be understood in depth, the debate held in Workshop 3 led to the following conclusions and recommendation: 1. Promoting methods to allow for coordination between institutions in charge of the management of cultural heritage, universities and recognized cultural institutions with the purpose of: - Sharing and approving architectural and museum reorganization projects in the Mediterranean region at an international level; - Developing a plan for large international events across the Euro-Mediterranean region to promote the awareness of the existence of a shared cultural heritage, new international tourism networks as well as large-scale meetings for young people and local communities to recover the idea of travelling seen as a means for cultural "contamination" and knowledge. 2. "Promoting a future-oriented approach to the study of Mediterranean cultures": the cultural challenge posed by the border policy adopted by the EU lies, above all, in favouring the mingling of cultures typical of Northern Europe and those of Arab-Islamic origin: the acknowledgment of the existence of common roots must provide the foundation for the promotion of a new form of shared development. This quest requires a two-tier effort: - The drawing up of joint work programmes at a university level and for Euro-Mediterranean teaching (within the framework of the recommendations adopted in Catania on the 7th and 8th of November on the occasion of the Conference of the Rectors of the Mediterranean Region); - The large-scale dissemination of knowledge and the direct exchange of ideas between cultures especially among young people: the promotion of exchange programmes should be the main priority of the institutions in charge of secondary and university education. 25

3. The large-scale dissemination of Mediterranean culture demands the adoption of common and systematic methods (supported also by means of IT tools): - The cataloguing of cultural heritage assets to create large international databases; - A form of enhancement including peripheral regions not yet exploited; - Development of shared editorial projects (teaching materials, dissemination and multimedia materials, etc.); - Top-level training processes (post-graduate and masters' courses) aiming at the creation of professionals with an in-depth knowledge of the subjects related to Antiquity and skills in disseminating knowledge among the general project. In any case, the training efforts must be spread across several sites in the Mediterranean region; - The great events promoting Mediterranean culture (cf. item 1) must be based on the involvement of local communities and on the commitment to consider local entities as providers of culture at a social level (on-going educational initiatives for visitors, exchange programmes, camps, etc.). 4 - This shared Mediterranean culture is founded also on the existence of common "languages" in communicating patterns and models of items used in everyday life (ceramics, textiles, building techniques, etc.), the styles and geometrical shapes underlying decoration and writing in the various countries of the region. This common heritage of in the field of handicrafts handed down to us risks being lost if it is not bolstered by a firm and analytical recovery of professions and methods leading to the design of items for modern industrial production (international universities and vocational schools for comparative industrial and architectural design, museums devoted to the cataloguing, preservation and comparison of common styles).


Conclusions of Workshop 4 CULTURAL HERITAGES (MATERIAL AND NON-MATERIAL) OF THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN REGION ARE AN EXCELLENT AND COMPETITIVE RESOURCE, A POSSIBLE "STRENGTH IDEA" FOR TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES. The identification and promotion of real "territorial cultural systems" able to enhance the territorial context and its offer, in terms of competitive services (tourist, cultural, etc.) that have to be coherent with the local equipment and settings towards a sustainable improvement, means to integrate the process of cultural heritage enhancement (knowledge, safeguard, conservation, management and offer to the public) with the larger territorial system (environment, landscape, socio-productive systems, etc.). This can be achieved through the participation of all concerned stakeholders and, in this perspective, it has more and more importance the local, regional and territorial ones. They are expression both of the public institutions and of the civil society, increasing their capacity to implement integrated conservation policies related to cultural resources. They have an important role as actors of new modalities of European and Mediterranean co-operation as well. Within the policy discussion it is therefore necessary to focus on: a) The inter-regional cooperation in the European and Mediterranean scenario, by involving entities and bodies that have experienced local development projects; b) The necessity of safeguarding and preserving the cultural resources with a wide approach able to consider the overall territorial and landscape context both at urban and rural levels; c) The full acceptance of local component in the larger framework of national policies related to cultural sector. According to those axes, the most important investment is on the followings: a) Strengthening the raising awareness and capacity building of the institutional subjects implied in the territorial and urban planning; b) Strengthening legal systems and their enforcement; c) Disseminating mutual knowledge on integrated development experiences of the territorial systems and their cultural resources; 27

d) Choosing an appropriate scale of projects and creation of local partnerships for integrated enhancement of the territorial cultural resources; e) Creation of networks and partnerships for information and knowledge exchange and for the improvement of local experiences on a Mediterranean level. In order the cultural heritage such a role also in the framework of the international co-operation, the constraints referring to that in the current community programmes (i.e. general lack of resources, articulation by sectors and themes of the areas of interventions, rigidities of regulations and operational programmes in relation to the participation of representative partners) should be diminished. The most important recommendations from a general point of view therefore are: - To guarantee a local territory governance attentive to the most relevant conservation instances, as well as to objectives of balanced and sustainable development of the landscape in its material and non-material values. - To maintain an appropriate level of financial, human and technological resources dedicated to the cultural sector and form public budgets maximising the capacity of the sector to develop, mainly through the development of improving territorial integrated systems, the availability of resources provided by the private sector. The recommendations for the future instruments in the framework of the neighbourhood policy are: - To consider the approach to cultural heritage in the vision of an integrated and territorial planning of local development, keeping into account results and experiences acquainted in management and enhancement of cultural resources, allocating appropriate financial resources to this end. - To define complementary, synergetic and/or innovative contexts of intervention, with respect to those supported at national level, as to provide a specific added value to implemented interventions, multiplying transferability of methodologies and best practices exchange. - To create the best conditions to develop networks and partnerships that can really influence the praxis of territorial development, getting over the limits currently given by existing instruments. - Strengthen the euro-Mediterranean dimension of the co-operation, taking in the maximum account the experience gained and the results produced within the existing partnership. 28

CULTURAL HERITAGE AND INTERREGIONAL PARTNERSHIP IN THE MEDITERRANEAN A Mediterranean conference sponsored by the Sicilian Region to strengthen the Mediterranean dialog through research, training, education and local development

1. Introduction The Mediterranean area is characterized by an historical,cultural and environmental heritage of a peculiar value.It acts as a potential unifying factor for a mutual understanding and usefulness for partnership relations. It is still more evident that it is necessary to re-establish this common cultural identification, which has scaled down over the years, not only to foster a peace process but also to restore developing conditions based on "working together" on a shared planning and a scientific exchange on cultural properties. This initiative is an integrating part of the program agreed upon by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Regions within the Semester of the Italian Presidency in the European Council.This project comes from the acknowledgement that the Mediterranean offers opportunities and favourable conditions for the local development aimed at the cultural heritage. The Sicilian Region through the Councelor's Office for Cultural and Environmental Properties and its Regional Center for Planning and Restoration presents itself as the promoter of the initiative which sees the European Regions as well as the Mediterranean Countries and the Balkans more and more involved in the decision making and realization processes. In the light of what stated above, policies and the current financial instruments of the European Union seem to be somewhat limited and undersized compared to the challenges and the problems to be faced Therefore we need to propose new solutions suitable to the geopolitical 35

importance of the Mediterranean region. 2. Expected Results: "More Cultural Projects" in the interregional community programs The conference wants to draw the attention of the European Institutions on the need to implement the scale of "Cultural Properties" on the current and future financial means of the European Union. The "Palermo's Declaration" approved by the participants, comes as a contribution of those subjects directly involved in the planning stages with proposals of partnership pertinent to the thematic areas related to the workshops : research, training, education and local development. The Declaration will be brought to the attention of participants of the 2째 international regional conference scheduled for the 28 and 29 of November, 2003 in Palermo and it will produce elements for a Programmatic Document of the concerned Regions to be submitted to the Inter-ministerial Conference of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership which will be held in Naples on the 4 and 5 of December, at the end of the Semester of the Italian Presidency in the European Union. 3. Participants Participants to the conference are identified among professionals directly involved in the conservation and management of Cultural Properties : in the current 15 Countries Members of the European Union, in the 10 Countries in the way of being accepted, 3 Candidates (Rumania, Bulgaria and Turkey ), in the 9 Countries of the south Mediterranean coast and in the 5 Countries in the Balkan area. Our strong assumption is based on the firm belief that different individuals can establish ways that better lead to conditions of mutual advantage. Approximately 100 participants and 200 observers are expected. For the sake of a better organization of the Conference, participants will be previously assigned to their single workshops. Sectional analysis documents will give us indication about the current condi36

tion of the various subjects being discussed and they will be summarized in the Conference Proceedings.Workshops will be arranged as active work sessions. Participants will be requested to have an active proposing role. In this regard guidelines for discussions will be previously given. 4. Articulation The Conference will last three days (Friday, 14 and Saturday,15 and Sunday 16 of November 2003) and will be arranged in plenary sessions and four parallel workshops, devoted to common consideration about some fixed subjects. In the first day preliminary session, the following reports are scheduled: Preliminary report: "Interregional partnership in the area of conservation of cultural properties within the trans-boarder development policies in the Mediterranean and Balkan areas" Report 1: "Conservation policies and fruition of cultural properties within the Mediterranean partnerships" Provide proposals of joined research applied to preventive conservation and maintenance planning of cultural properties in the Mediterranean and Balkans area, to strengthen cultural links and support the peace process, cooperation and development. This meeting intends to support the formulation of an active policy for working out a data base dealing with techniques, conservation and fruition experiences shared on a regional basis by institutional subjects in the area of conservation knowledge and management of cultural heritage. Report 2: "Training and human resources to implement conservation of cultural properties". Common projects within the Mediterranean area to determine standard and general criteria regarding training, are strategic means to foster and share research programs dealing with conservation and restoration work, mainte37

nance planning, management and innovative models aimed at a sustainable fruition of cultural properties. Even in the awareness that in a wider social diffusion of knowledge of history, philosophy, behaviour and languages symbolized by the heritage can be a reason of a further enrichment of its fruition in an outline of a consciousness and respect of sustainable profiles. Report 3: "Partnership in the integrated planning of cultural properties for local development" The foundation of an effective and conscious integrated conservation of our cultural heritage,enables to tailor the financial political decisions and to define management strategies and priority intervention, as well as setting out an aimed sustainable cultural and tourist fruition on the area involved. Regions acting as partners,determine which level of government is more suitable for cooperation on an international scale among Research Institutes, organizations assigned to the management and the valorization of monuments and cultural properties for the settlement of shared programs of funding and the individuation of effective determination instruments of management, conservation and shared valorization of cultural resources, in relation to sustainable political territorial choices. Workshops will deal with the following topics: Workshop 1: Applied research for sustainable conservation and fruition of cultural properties in the Mediterranean. Works Topic This project intends to promote the suggestion of going over again the cultural routes which have determined in many Mediterranean Regions coherent affinity, stylistic and common building basis.All of this to exchange experiences on the use of techniques and technologies, models of sustainable fruition, integrated programs of diagnostics to be applied to experimental pilot plans of restoration and/or mitigate the risk of high technological complexity.Results will help the institution of a common data base useful to arrange coherent criteria for conservation, restoration and sustaina38

ble fruition of cultural properties. Expected results Research for support in the setting up of an Euro-Mediterranean Risk Map which would be a clear determination of individuals involved; establishment of data base for sharing experiences, commitment in defining and applying common protocols. Workshop 2: Training in the area of conservation of cultural property as a recovery of a common memory Works topic The establishment in the Mediterranean area, of a reticular plot made of specialistic poles on conservation is linked to the identification of standards and criteria regarding the restorer and maintenance man.This initiative is linked to the creation of specialistic expertise, concerning diagnostic and monitoring activity and for the management of cultural heritage. Subjects which become richer with regard to the awareness of the need to harmonize profiles of monumental properties conservation, of recovery and preservation of naturalistic environment al and sociological surroundings in which they are enclosed. The development of a training program on the subject of conservation and management of cultural properties will promote a knowledge flow and an interexchange in the Mediterranean regarding the know how and experiences achieved, working on common recovery and restoration projects aiming at recognizing regional cultural identities. Expected results Statement about the intensity of relations in the Mediterranean area among University Institutions of Excellence in the field of cultural properties conservation; awareness of the weakness in the training overall system; assumption for the employment of a joint network among the institutions involved in the area of cultural properties. Workshop 3: Cultural properties as a source of knowledge to renew a Mediterranean culture 39

Works topic This workshop wants to focus on possible contents of educational processes on an international scale for the spreading of the Mediterranean culture affecting formal education courses (from primary school to university), and proposing new ways of divulgation of our cultural resources so as to approach a much bigger audience to the subject and value of our cultural property. That being accomplished through the sharing of new examples of valorization and management of cultural properties, such as cultural districts and system interventions (archaeological parks, literature, etc) Expected results Definition of partnership supposition regarding institutional educational courses, identification of new proposals in the field of informal education, addressed to the big audience. Workshop 4: Local development focused on the subject of cultural heritage Works topic The accomplishment of a joint research planning, enables us to fix criteria and research methodologies useful to evaluate the cultural potential within territorial boundaries and refer it to the territorial and town planning selection.That enables us to detect and evaluate the danger and define mitigation criteria for the condition of risks and sustainable fruition. This tool allows us to value the capacity of local development based on the recovery of cultural heritage, currently unused or subject to decay processes and on the high profile specialist training, particularly addressed to qualified juvenile employment for the establishment of a wide -spread cultural tourist circuits. Expected results Propose emblematic examples of managerial models in this area; illustrate examples of mixed funds in the fields of cultural properties. Sharing the need to identify mixed territorial policy system; implement the role of local institutions in the joint management of our cultural heritage.


QUESTIONNAIRE ON NEEDS RELATED TO CULTURAL HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND VALORISATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION SURVEY REPORT This preliminary report include the results of the Questionnaire on needs related to cultural heritage conservation and valorisation in the mediterranean region distributed during the conference on in Palermo. On a total percentage of 10% on the total of participants answered to the questionnaire. The 40% of answers came from the EU member states participants, 47% from Balkans countries participants and the 13% from Mediterranean Countries participants. A first analysis of the questionnaire highlights few main general considerations. The main issues identified as causes for threats to cultural heritage in the survey include in general insufficient means (18%) inadequate policies (16%), lack of maintenance (16%), and non-professional intervention (11%). Threats due to inadequate policies related to cultural heritage conservation have a peak value in Balkan countries. The need to increase the finance and economy (28%) in the field of cultural heritage is felt to be a general action priority in the euromediterranean region as well as in the Balkan countries. The need for planning (13%) exceeds, for few points in percentage, more specific priorities related to legislation (9%), training (9%), and education (9%). Preservation follows only with 7% exceeding restoration (4%) and research (2%). The national institutional resources for conservation are constituted mainly by Ministries related with cul41

tural heritage matters (28%) as well as national institutions such as departments of antiquities (20%). The presence of legislation at national level is recorded in all region. Different the degrees of applications: average for European and Mediterranean countries, inadequate for Balkans countries. The presence of a national budget is recorded in all answers. Specific contributions are shared by international organisations (44%), private foundations (32%), and NGO's (24%). The participation to European Union initiatives is recorded for the 70%. Le 30% left is mainly related to Balkan regions participants answers. The operative structure related to cultural heritage conservation are equally shared among activities related to specific expertise (30%), inventory (20%), material studies 820%), and field work (20%). The last relevant item is related to the estimation of training needs in relation to cultural heritage professions that emphasises the need for managers of cultural heritage sites (21%), architects (15%), conservators (14%). Restorers (10%) and conservation technicians (8%) follow historians (14%). 42


Presidente Assemblea Regionale Siciliana President of the Regional Parliament of Sicily Diego CAMMARATA Sindaco di Palermo Mayor of Palermo Francesco MUSOTTO Presidente Provincia di Palermo, Parlamentare europeo, Membro Commissione Politiche Regionali Trasporto e Turismo President of the Province of Palermo, European Parlament Fabio GRANATA Assessore dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali e della P.I., Regione Siciliana Councillor of Cultural Heritage of the Sicilian Region Margherita BONIVER Sottosegretario di Stato agli Affari Esteri Under-secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Nicola BONO Sottosegretario ai Beni e Attività culturali Under-secretary of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and activities Salvatore CUFFARO Presidente della Regione Siciliana President of the Sicilian Region

SPEAKERS Roberto CARPANO, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Assistenza Tecnica Regioni, Obiettivo1; Giuseppe GRADO, Dirigente Generale Dipartimento Beni Culturali ed Ambientali, Regione Siciliana; Gianfranco IMPERATORI, Presidente Consorzio CIVITA, Roma; Guido MELI, Direttore del Centro Regionale per la Progettazione e il Restauro, Regione Siciliana; Tarek RADWAN, Director of the training and Human Resource Unit, The Grand Museum of Egypt; Marie Paul ROUDIL, UNESCO-ROSTE Venezia; CHAIRMAN Vincenzo MANNO, Ministro Plenipotenziario, Ministero degli Affari Esteri; Piergiorgio RAMUNDO, M.A.E. Unità per l’Internazionalizzazione 43


APPLIED RESEARCH FOR A SUSTAINABLE CONSERVATION AND FRUITION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN CHAIRMAN: Umberto BALDINI, Rettore dell’Università dell’Arte, Firenze DISCUSSANT: Stefano DELLA TORRE, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologia dell’Ambiente Costruito, Politecnico di Milano; Ferruccio FERRIGNI, Centro Universitario Europeo Beni Culturali-Ravello, Università di Napoli; TECHNICAL REPORT: Sandro BIANCHI, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro; Roberto GARUFI, Centro Regionale per la Progettazione e il Restauro, Regione Siciliana OBSERVERS: AL MUAYYAD Al AZM Amr Nawa, Director of Scientific and Conservation Laboratories, General Directorate of Antiquities, Siria; ALBERGONI Roberto, Vice Direttore UNIMED, Italia; BALDINI Umberto, Rettore dell'Università dell'Arte, Italia; BASILE Beatrice, Soprintendente BB.CC.AA. di Ragusa, Italia; BELLIA Angela, Musicologa, esperta di beni culturali musicali, Italia; BIANCHI Alessandro, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Italia; BOGHEANU Marilena, Director Regional, Development Agency Sud-West Oltenia, Romania; BSHARA Khaldun, Director of the Conservation Unit Riwaq Centrefor Architectural Conservation, Palestina; CANER Figen, Department of Antiquities and Museums Nicosia, Cipro; COSENTINO Pietro, Dipartimento C.F.T.A. Università di Palermo, Italia; DAHARI Uzi, Deputy director for Archaeology Israel Antiquities Authority, Israel; DALLI Carmen, Deputy Project Director IKONOS Project Office,Malta Centre for Restoration; DELLA TORRE Stefano, Dip. Scienze e Tecnologia Politecnico Milano, Italia; FATTA Giovanni, Dipartimento di Progetto e Costruzione Edilizia, Università di Palermo, Italia; FERRIGNI Ferruccio, Centro Universitario Europeo BB.CC. Ravello, Italia; GALILI Ehud, Israel Antiquities 44

Authority, Israel; GARUFI Roberto, Responsabile U.O. IX Centro Reg. Prog. E Restauro, Italia; GIANNI' Emanuele, Corrispondente Rivista Kermes, Italia; GOCUK Dervis, Department of Antiquities and Museum, Cipro; GOKHAN Gozem, Department of Antiquities and Museum, Cipro; LOPES Alberto, Instituto Portugues do Patrimonio Architectonico, Portogallo; MARCHETTI Luciano, Soprintendente Regione Umbria, Italia; MARJANOVIC Alisa, Commission to Preserve national Monuments, BosniaErzegovina; MERTKAN Ozlem, Department of Antiquities and Museum Nicosia, Cipro; MEZZANOTTE Andrea, UTI - Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Italia; MIRABELLA Stefania, Soprintendenza di Ragusa, Italia; ONER Rasime, Department of Antiquities and Museum Nicosia, Cipro; OZTURK Nurcan, Department of Antiquities and Museum Nicosia, Cipro; RAIMONDO Francesco Maria, Preside Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Italia; SALVI Flora, Dirig. Presidenza Regione Siciliana Uff. di Roma, Italia; SBUTEGA Nada, Ministero del Turismo di Montenegro, Italia; SCHRAUDOLPH Ellen, Commissione Europea Dir. Gen. Istruzione e Cultura, Belgio; SEBAI Leila, Maitre de Recherche IND Institute National du Patrimoine, Tunisia; SMERIGLIO Beatrice, Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali, Italia; SPANO’ Giuseppa Maria, Respons.Servizio Restauro- Centro Reg. Prog. Restauro, Italia; TERRANOVA Francesca, Responsabile U.O. VIII- Centro Reg. Prog. Restauro, Italia; TORRISI Claudio, Direttore Archivio di Stato di Palermo, Italia; UNSAL Elif, Department of Antiquities and Museum Nicosia, Cipro; VACCARO Gioacchino, Direttore Centro Reg. Catalogo, Italia. WORKSHOP 2



CHAIRMAN: Antonino DI VITA, Accademico dei Lincei DISCUSSANT: Ninfa CANNADA BARTOLI, Regione Lombardia, Assessorato alla Cultura, Identità e Autonomie della Lombardia; Nenad CAMBI, Professore di Archeo45

logia, Università di Spalato-Croazia; M’Hammed Hassine FANTAR, Directeur de Recherche, Institut National Patrimoine of Tunisia; TECHNICAL REPORT: Jean Pierre LOZATO-GIOTAR, Universite de Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3 OBSERVERS: ANDREOU Stavros, Research Centre of Cypro Monastery, Cipro; BELVEDERE Oscar, Archeologo Facoltà Lettere e Filosofia Univ. Pa, Italia; BOAST Robin, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Un. Cambridge, Cambridge; BONACASA Nicola, Archeologo Facoltà Lettere e Filosofia Univ. Pa, talia; BURDELEZ Ivana, University of Zagreb, Croazia; CAMBI Nenad, Università di Spalato, Croazia; CANNADA BARTOLI Ninfa; Dirigente Regione Lombardia, Italia; CARUANA Martina, Institute for Conservation and Restoration Studies, Malta; CHRISTOFI Antigoni, Research Centre of Cypro Monastery, Cipro; DE LISI Rosario, Vice preside Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF.NN., Italia; DEMMA Maria Pia, Respons. Servizio Restauro, Centro Reg. Prog. e Restauro, DI BONO Silvana, Responsabile Progetto Sintesi, Italia; DI VITA Antonino, Accademico dei Lincei,Italia; D'URZO Riccardo, Consulente UTI - Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Italia; FANTAR M' Hammed Hassine, Università di Tunisi, Tunisi; HAMDAN Osama, Università Al Quds -Ist. Super. Islamico per Archeologia, Gerusalemme; HASSAN Fekri; Senior Consultant Egyptian nat. Cent.for Docum., Egitto; JAQUINTA Maria Teresa, architetto, Italia; KARIS Christos, Holy Monastery of Kykkos, Cipro; KATSANOPOULOU Dora, Scientific Advisor Archaeologist, Grecia; LOZATO-GIOTAR Jean Pierre, Universitè Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Francia; MESIC Jasen, Ministry of Culture, Croazia; MIJOVIC Dusan, Nature Conservation Institute of Serbia, Serbia-Montenegro; NOT Rosa, Responsabile U.O.VI- Centro Reg. Prog. Restauro, Italia; PALMIERI Giuseppe M., Università di Cordova, Spagna; PIETROBONO Irene, Architetto Progetto Sintesi, Italia; PIRKOVIC Jelka, Ministry of Culture- Under-Secretary, Slovenia; RADWAN Tarek, Grand Egyptian Museum, Egitto; RIBAUDO Pietro, Imprenditore, Italia; RIZZI M.Franco, Direttore Generale UNIMED, Italia; RIZZO Giovanni, Docente Ingegneria Chimica Università di Palermo, Italia; SANKOVIC SIMEIC Vjekoslava, 46

Docente Università di Sarajevo, Bosnia-Erzegovina; SCHIRO Joseph, Institute for Conservation and Restoration Studies, Malta; SIRAJ Ahmed, Universitè Hassan II, Marocco; SOLOMIDOU IERONYMIDOU Marina, Department of Antiquities, Cipro; STITI Kamal, Sous Directeur Documentation Agen. Nat. Archeologie, Algeria; TOMIC Radoslav, Institute for restauration, Croazia; VENEZI Theodora, Cultural Center Arxangelos, Cipro; YAVUZ Aysil, Università del Medio Oriente, Turchia WORKSHOP 3

CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE TO TIE AGAIN MEDITERRANEAN CULTURE CHAIRMAN: V. Massimo MANFREDI, Professore di archeologia, Università Bocconi, Milano DISCUSSANT: Cinzia DAL MASO, Giornalista, Italia TECHNICAL REPORT: Giulio LAMANDA, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Nucleo di Valutazione OBSERVERS: ABDERRAHMANE Khelifa, Inspecteur des Antiquités Monuments et Sites Historiques, Ministère de la Communication et de la Culture, Algeria; AGNESI Valerio, Dipartimento di Geologia Università di Palermo, Italia; ARMANNO Salvatore, Camera di Commercio di Palermo, Italia; BECKER Isaac, Deputy Director General Eretz Israel Museum, Israel; BERNARDINI Flavia, Facoltà Giurisprudenza, Università di Lecce, Italia; CANAPA Andrea, Ministero Affari Esteri, Italia; CARCASIO Maria, Dirigente Servizio Catalogazione BB.CC.AA., Centro Regionale Catalogo, Italia; CILIA Maria Enza, Direttore Museo Reg.le della Ceramica di Caltagirone, Italia; CIULLA Salvatore, Dirigente Etnoantropologo, Centro Regionale 47

Catalogo, Italia; CUCUZZA Giovanni, Regione Lazio, Italia; DEL BONO Sandro, Sovrintendenza del Patrimonio Culturale, Malta; DEL MERCATO Andrea, Comune di Venezia; DI NATALE Rita, Dirigente Bibliotecario Centro Regionale Restauro, Italia; ESCOBAR ROMERO Rosario, Tecnico Gestione Programmi Europei, Consejeria de Cultura Junta de Andalucia, Spagna; FERLISI Teresa, Istruttore direttivo, Centro Regionale Restauro, Italia; FIAMMETTA Vincenzo, Direttore Museo Fondazione Orestiadi Trame Mediterranee, Italia; GABALLAH Ali Gaballah, Consigliere del Ministro della Cultura per l'Archeologia, Docente Università de Il Cairo, Egitto; GAMBIN Kenneth, Curator Ethnography Heritage Malta; GORDAN Nikolov Senior Curator Ethnologist Museum of Macedonia Macedonia; GUROVA Maria, Archaeologist Institute of Archaeology and Museum Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria; KASABANY Moukhtar, Docente Università de Il Cairo, Egitto; KUTSUCLAKIS Ioannis, Referente Consiglio di Amministrazione Marco Polo System g.e.i.e./K.E.D.K.E., Italia; LAZURCA Marius, Director of the Cultural Centre - Arad County Council, Romania; MANFREDI Valerio Massimo; Docente Archeologia Università Bocconi, Italia; MANISCALCO Pietro, Presidente Museo del Mare, Italia; MENICOS Menicou, Restorer and Conservator of Art-Holy Monastery of Kykkos, Cipro; MESSINA Salvatore, Direttore INNOVA, Italia; MICELI Giovanna, Dirigente Biologa Centro Regionale Restauro, Italia; MIHAILOV Luminita, Director South-East Regional Development Agency, Romania; MUSAT Liviu, Deputy Director South Muntenia Region - Regional Development Agency Muntenia, Romania; PARPALA Caius, President Arad County Council, Romania; PATERNO' DEL TOSCANO Stena, UTI Ministero Affari Esteri, Italia; PETROPOULOS Nikolas, International Relations Region of Western Greece, Grecia; PIZZO Giampietro, UTI Ministero Affari Esteri, Italia; PUJOL Teresa, Responsabile Pianificazione Dipartimento della Presidenza Governo della Catalogna, Italia; PUMILIA Calogero, Fondazione Orestiadi, Italia; RIZZO Nadia, Docente Liceo Classico "R. Settimo", Italia; SBUTEGA Antun, Ministero del Turismo di Montenegro, Italia; SEDITA Maria Luisa, Dirigente Scolastico Liceo Classico "R.Settimo", Italia; SIRAJ Ahmed, Universitè Hassan II, Marocco; SPERANZA Rossella, Esperto UTI Ministero Affari Esteri, Italia; TRUDEN Barbara, Museo Geologico "G. Gemmellaro", Italia; URBANI Leonardo, Università di Palermo, Italia; VACCARO Gioacchino, Direttore 48

Centro Regionale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione dei Beni Culturali, Italia; VULTAGGIO Giovanni, Consulente Engineering SPA, Università di Palermo, Italia; ZINZANI Gilberto, Direttore Marco Polo System g.e.i.e./K.E.D.K.E., Italia WORKSHOP 4


CHAIRMAN: Marco CAUSI, Università di Roma 3, Assessore alle Politiche Economiche, Finanza e Bilancio Comune di Roma DISCUSSANT: Michele PICCIRILLO, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Gerusalem TECHNICAL REPORT: Nicolò SAVARESE, Coordinatore Valutazione ASSE II QCS, Roma OBSERVERS: ABU DAYYEM-DAIBES Khoulouo, Director Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation,Palestinian Authority; AGIUS Leslie Chief Executive Foundation for International Studies, Malta; AGMON Yacov, Deputy Director General Education Culture and Labour Affairs, Israel; ALBERT GUEROLA Isabel, Tecnico de Gestion en Cooperacion Cultural, Spagna; BELLA Emilia, Presidente Sicilia-Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata, Italia; BELLIA Angela, Musicologa, esperta di beni culturali musicali, Italia; BELLISARIO Maria Grazia, Dirigente Segretariato Generale - Serv. V - Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali, Italia, BEN Josef, Senior Expert Delta Project Tourism and Recreation Planning, Israel; BEN SALMOUNA Taoufik, Directeur d'Exploitation Agence du Patrimoine, Tunisia; BRUCATO Umberto, Vice Presidente Museo del Mare, Italia; CALIA Maria Luigia, Coordinatrice Dipartimento Culturale Euromed-IMED, Italia; CATANIA Giovanni, Direttore Provincia Regionale di Trapani, Italia; CAUSI Marco, 49

Docente Università di Roma 3 - Assessore alle politiche economiche, finanza e bilancio - Comune di Roma, Italia; CESARI Joseph, Conservateur General du Patrimoine - Direction régionale des Affaires Culturelles de la Corse Service Régional de l'Archéologie et des Monuments historiques de la Corse, Corsica; COMANESCU Iulian, President Oltenia Region Valcea County Council, Romania; COSIER Claudiu, Director North-West Regional Development Agency, Romania; DULGHERU Lia Maria, General Manager Prahova District Museum of History and Archaeology, Romania; GEORGIEVA Hristina, Project Assistant and Member of Tourism Working Group - National Business Development Network Association, Business Centre Novi Pazar, Bulgaria; GERMANOVA Emilia, Team Leader and Memeber of Tourism Working Group - National Business Development Network Association Business Centre - Isperih, Bulgaria; GOMEZ POLO Maria Luisa, Chief of the Cultural Heritage Area Comunidad Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura Educacio i Esport, Spagna; GUEF Carmen, Chief Department PR Prahova District Museum of History and Archaeology, Romania; GUIDO Manuel Roberto, Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali, Italia; GUROVA Maria Institute of Archaeology and Museum Bulgarian, Bulgaria; HAMDAN Osama, Architetto - Istituto Superiore Islamico per l'Archeologia, Gerusalemme; HAMIDOVIC Muhamed, Preside Facoltà di Architettura Università di Sarajevo, Bosnia-Erzegovina; HRISTOFOROVA Teodora, JOBS Project Regional Manager and Tourism Focal Point - Bulgaria JOBS Project Sofia, Bulgaria; KARAISKAJ Gjerak, Direttore Istituto dei Monumenti di Cultura, Albania; KRISTO Erion, Capo Uff. Relazioni Estere Istituto dei Monumenti di Cultura, Albania; MARRAS M.Antonella, Responsabile progetto Mondimpresa, Italia; MARTI RUIZ Natalia, Comunidad Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura Educacio y Esport, Spagna; MIHAILESCU Ion, President Arges County Council, Romania; MISIANI Anna, Coordinatrice Area Patrimonio e Attività Culturali IMED, Italia; MOLEK Lenka, Advisor of Government, Slovenia; MULALIC HAMDAN Mirela, Executive Officer Commission to Preserve National Monuments, Bosnia-Erzegovina; OUAGUENI Yassine, Architecte Restaurateur Expert en Patrimoine Culturel - Ministere de la Communication et de la Culture, Algeria; PEPPA Konstantina, Staff Member Department of Social Policy and Cultural Activities E.E.T.A.A., Grecia PICCIRILLO Michele, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Gerusalemme; PIERINI Laura, Dirigente Servizio Beni Culturali Regione Marche, Italia; 50

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