Annual Activities Report 19/20

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Annual Activities Report 2019-2020

Contents 04

Foreword from the Chair of the Board


Governance and Support Services


Group Chief Executive’s Summary


Development and Places


The Journey


Creating Enterprise


People Services


Finance Breakdown


Property Services


List of Board Members

Contact Details Head Office Morfa Gele, North Wales Business Park, Cae Eithin, Abergele LL22 8LJ Phone: 0300 124 0040 All calls with Customer Services are recorded. Email: This document is available in alternative formats on request.


Foreword from the Chair of the Board Before I start, I would like to take this opportunity to pay my respects to our previous Chair, Huw Evans, who very sadly passed away in June 2019. He was a key figure for us at Cartrefi Conwy and was integral to the shaping of our strategic vision. His compassion, enthusiasm, expertise and knowledge helped shape the dynamic organisation we are today, and his legacy continues to influence what we do and how we do it. Since I took on ‘the baton’ as Chair of the Cartrefi Conwy Board in November 2019 we have made some changes to the Board structure. I am confident that the knowledge, skills and passion around the table will provide Cartrefi Conwy with an excellent foundation to take us forward into an exciting new phase. Looking back over the last 12 months it is awe-inspiring to see how much we have achieved. Our tenants remain at the heart of everything we do, and I was delighted that we achieved the Customer Excellence Standard again this year. Ensuring our tenants can sustain their tenancies, live in a well-maintained home that is suitable for their needs and are well-supported will always be our priority. And it’s great to see our Creating Enterprise teams supporting them with employment opportunities, training and new skills. You will see from this report that we have really stepped up


momentum on our new development programme and as we build more homes, the more employment opportunities we can offer to our tenants and the wider communities we serve. It has been over 3 years since the Grenfell fire in London, and we continue to learn from this tragedy. Although we have achieved ROSPA Gold status for our commitment to maintaining excellent Health and Safety again this year, we won’t be resting on our laurels. This year we have developed a new digital platform which enables colleagues to record information in one place, giving us more accurate, up to date ‘live’ data on all matters relating to health and safety across the whole organisation. As we neared the end of the 19/20 financial year the way we live and work changed overnight with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. All our colleagues had to quickly adapt to very different ways of working. I want to personally thank each and every one of the Cartrefi Conwy and Creating Enterprise colleagues whose adaptability and flexibility has ensured our business can continue and our tenants are kept safe. From the IT team who mobilised us all to be able to work from home, to the trades who continue to go into our homes to make sure we met our legal obligations as a landlord, I applaud you all. This has just reaffirmed what I already knew, our team is amazing and collectively we can do great things. I very much look forward to seeing our business grow from strength to strength over the coming years. Thank you.

Group Chief Executive Summary If someone had told me this time last year that we would be facing a global pandemic that would completely change how we ‘live, work and play’ I would not have believed it. The onset of COVID-19 completely changed the way we work at Cartrefi Conwy and will continue to do so for some time. We quickly closed our offices and all our office-based colleagues were enabled to work from home (including our call centre). All our developments and improvement programmes, alongside non-essential repairs, were put on hold. We then redeployed our colleagues that couldn’t do their normal jobs to provide intensive support to our tenants most in need. Our priority during this time was to ensure we kept tenants safe and remained compliant whilst protecting the long-term sustainability of the business. I’m so proud of the Cartrefi Conwy team who have truly gone above and beyond to make sure our tenants have everything they need during difficult times. From providing financial advice and support to tenants whose income has been decimated because of the pandemic, to our trades who have worked tirelessly to make sure we meet our legal obligations. But despite all this, we have had a hugely successful (and busy) year here at Cartrefi Conwy. Back in July we opened our first Creating Enterprise Modular Build Factory in Holyhead, to build our own Passivhaus homes. Working in partnership with Beattie Passive we are now building carbon zero homes for a range of partners across North Wales.

We have also stepped up momentum on our ambitious new development programme and have created 103 new homes this year. We were delighted to win 3 awards at the prestigious CIH Welsh Housing Awards, including the Positive Placemaking Award for our Tre Cwm Regeneration programme. A great way to celebrate the amazing work taking place across the group. One of my proudest moments was during a tour of the Tre Cwm estate when Sophie Howe, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, said “If we could bottle what Cartrefi Conwy have achieved here and use it elsewhere then Wales would be a far better place.” We have also started a transformational leadership journey. 27 colleagues have joined the Frontline Futures programme which will empower our front-line colleagues to help us shape the future of our business. We also established our ‘Innovate’ programme to ensure all colleagues have an active say on what we do and how we do it. This culminated in the co-production of our new Business Plan which outlines our ambitions for the next 5 years. The new business plan outlines our plans for a more agile, flexible workforce that can work from anywhere at any time. We aim to offer our workforce a truly flexible working environment that meets both customer’s and colleague’s needs. These are exciting times for Cartrefi Conwy as we continue to grow and diversify, and I would like to thank every one of our colleagues who is joining us on this journey. As we grow as a business, at our core we will always strive to ‘create communities to be proud of’. Andrew Bowden Group Chief Executive


The Journey

July Minister opens Modular B in Ho

August 2019 We bring the Haus 4 One to the Eisteddfod and launch our intergenerational art project – Cadair Sgwrs

September 2019 Work starts on our first Passivhaus development for Anglesey County Council

March 2020 We open the doors to our ‘Second Chance’ Furniture Re-use project

October 2019 205 tenants join us for Older Person’s Day

Chwefror 2020 We become a Times 100 Best Company

June 2019 Tre Cwm, Parc Peulwys and Chester Avenue all get Green Flag status

y 2019 Julie James s our first Build Factory olyhead

November 2019 We win 3 awards at the Welsh Housing Awards, including the Positive Placemaking award for our Tre Cwm improvement programme

January 2020 Work starts on our Haus 4 One homes in Colwyn Bay

February 2020 Colleagues raise awareness and money at the BIG Sleep Out


People Services Looking after our customers is at the heart of everything we do. Here is just a flavour of what we have been up to this year…

Frontline Futures Programme We want to bring our Frontline colleagues to the fore of everything we do. They know our tenants. They know what they need and have great ideas on how we can provide an even better service to them. Several colleagues attended the Chartered Institute of Housing Frontline Futures programme this year and this will help us shape the way we work in the future.

Housing First We signed up to the Housing First charter in July 2019 and let our first home in September 2019. The project provides homes for homeless clients who receive intensive support from us and the Housing First team.

Supporting tenants in financial difficulty Our Money Support Team supported 477 tenants to gain £546,487 in additional income this year. The team provides benefit advice and calculations as well as supporting applications. They also offer tips/ support with budgeting and managing debt.

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) We implemented ASB software (ReAct) this year in order to access information quickly and easily and to manage cases digitally.

Cadair Sgwrs Cadair Sgwrs is an intergenerational project which was launched in Llanrwst to help combat loneliness for our older tenants and funded through Arts and Business. Working with the Llanrwst Men’s Shed, pupils from Ysgol Bro Gwydir and elderly tenants from the local area, we partnered with local artist Catrin Williams to create artwork which represented friendship, happiness and in celebration of their much-loved town. The artwork was then placed on a bespoke fibreglass chair which was unveiled by Arch Druid Myrddin ap Dafydd at the Eisteddfod in Llanrwst. The chair will be used at community events to encourage everyone to ‘take 5’ for a chat and a cuppa. 8

Our Scrutiny Panel reviews our fire safety procedures Following the Grenfell tragedy, we wanted to work with our tenants to see if there’s anything else we need to do to keep them safe from fire. The scrutiny panel gave us a definitive ‘thumbs up’ when it comes to our fire safety procedures and provided 18 recommendations for us to work through and further improve what we do. A massive thank you to the panel for taking part in this hugely important piece of work.

85% of our tenants are satisfied their rent provides value for money Total arrears of current tenants: 3.21%

A Dementia Friendly organisation We continue to train all our colleagues to be ‘Dementia Friends’ and our Older Persons Engagement Coordinator is busy training our tenants. In June 2019 residents of Maes Cwstennin hosted a ‘Cup Cakes for Dementia’ afternoon to raise awareness of Dementia and raised £420 for the Alzheimer's Society.

Customer Service Excellence

‘Making a Stand’ against Domestic Abuse We have signed up to the CIH Make a Stand pledge this year and have committed to:

We were delighted to retain our Customer Service Excellence Accreditation this year and marked the event during Customer Service Week.

• Put in place and embed a policy to support residents who are affected by domestic abuse • Make information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on our website • Put in place a domestic abuse policy to support colleagues who may be experiencing domestic abuse • Appoint a senior domestic abuse champion

We have decided to continue to support tenant groups through our Community Chest funding and this year we gave nearly £13,500 to 16 different community projects.

And here’s what our Community Involvement Team have been up to… Beach Club @ Porth Eirias Our Community Chest Funding enabled some of our young tenants to try water sports on their ‘doorstep’ from wind surfing to paddle boarding.

“I wanted to come and have a try at the different water sports. I’m glad I did it’s much better than watching TV.”

“It’s been amazing. I really enjoyed the paddle boards and the sailing. It’s a great idea and stopped me from playing computer games all day. Instead I’ve had a lot of fun.”

Peulwys Community Café Our tenants meet every Tuesday at the local Community Centre for a ‘cuppa’ and play board games. We also invite guests in to provide information on anything from money support to employment advice. 9

Property Services Cartrefi Conwy offers a wide range of services and expertise that help maintain our ever-growing property portfolio. Our aim is to provide exceptional property service and support that helps meet both the individual and local housing needs.

9,714 – number of

responsive repair jobs completed in 2019/20

98% satisfaction levels with repairs

We continue to work hard to make sure our existing stock is of an excellent standard. This year alone we have: Completed 59 rewires – £164,402 Installed 243 new boilers – £796,864

99% of emergency

98% of repairs repairs completed within completed right first 24 hours time

Put in new fencing and pathways in 165 homes – £358,951 Installed 129 kitchens and bathrooms – £750,009 Completed 58 major aids and adaptations – £253,404

100% gas safety

compliance as at 31st March 2019

HAWS Lettings Agency 10

100% of repairs

relating to fire risk repairs completed within target

Spent £2.5 million on external improvements

HAWS is our residential lettings agency that offers a full property management service to private landlords. This service has grown significantly over the last 12 months and we now manage 163 properties for a variety of customers across North Wales. We are supporting Local Authorities with their homeless prevention priorities and are delighted to also be supporting the NHS to find and manage homes for their key workers. We accommodated six nurses close to Glan Clwyd Hospital who had flown in from overseas and are working with the NHS to further support their recruitment drive in North Wales



Glanrafon Improvement programme This year we started work on a £1.3 million improvement programme at Glanrafon in Llanrwst. After several consultations with the local community we decided to completely renovate the apartments whilst demolishing the maisonettes to be replaced with state-of-the-art family homes utilising the Passivhaus construction method.

The improvement programme was comprehensive and included: • Replacing the slate roof • Installing new gutters and downpipes • New external wall insulation • Slate cladding on front elevation • New windows

Six apprentices worked on this project and we plan to create further local employment opportunities as part of the redevelopment of the site.

• Enclosing the stair wells, and installing new lighting and decor • New glass ballasted • New flooring in stairwell • Secure front entrance with access button from flats • Installing CCTV • Extractor fans fitted in bathrooms and kitchens 11

Governance and Support Services Innovate @ Cartrefi We launched the Innovate programme this year with the aim of encouraging all colleagues to shape what we do and how we do it. The first piece of work for colleagues to get their teeth into was the development of our new Business Plan. We organised a number of Innovate group sessions that helped us to establish the main priorities of the new business plan and what we needed to do to take these forward:

We were delighted to gain ROSPA Gold status for the ninth consecutive year again and we continue to look at innovative ways to make sure health and safety is at the forefront of everything we do. This year we introduced a new Health and Safety portal to the organisation which enables us to easily report incidents whilst making it easy for everyone across the organisation to access information. 12

82% of staff agreed: This organisation is run on strong values / principles

75% of staff disagreed: I am bored with the work I do

92% of staff agreed: My organisation encourages charitable activities

Best Companies 2020 We were delighted to be listed at number 62 on the Times 100 Best Not for Profit organisation to work for. It’s important to us that are colleagues love what they do and enjoy working with us. Here’s what some of them told us: • Being able to influence and see the impact my ideas have made, makes this a great place to work. • Cartrefi are a fun and forward-thinking company • There’s a great working atmosphere • Good all-round business to work for and I receive great ongoing support

We continue to offer all our colleagues a range of training and development opportunities. This year alone we have:

Supported 3 modern apprentices

Provided 1,402 development opportunities for colleagues

150 colleagues completed General

308 hours of Welsh language

Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) training

Time to Talk

training to increase our ability to respond to our Welsh speaking customers

77 frontline colleagues attended

the Wales illegal money lending sessions to enable us to protect our tenants from illegal money lending

104 colleagues completed Plain

English training to improve how we communicate with our customers

All our colleagues were invited to take part in ‘Time to Talk Day’ in February. This annual event helps us to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health issues. 13

Diversity data At Cartrefi Conwy and Creating Enterprise we actively seek to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment for all current and potential employees. We gather data across all protected characteristics to enhance the policies we develop and the decisions we take.


Mixed other  White British  White other  Prefer not to say  No data





Religion 1%

Buddhist  Christian  No religion  Prefer not to say  Other religion  No data 42%





Sexual orientation

Heterosexual / straight  Prefer not to say  No data 82%





Female Male





Age 5%

Board 14



16--39 40--65 65+ 30%






Development and Places Creating more affordable homes for the communities we serve continues to be a priority for us at Cartrefi Conwy. This year we have: • Delivered 103 new homes for Cartrefi Conwy across Conwy, Gwynedd and Anglesey • Brought 10 empty Homes back into use

Llys Cynfran, Peulwys Llys Cynfran is the latest social housing development from Cartrefi Conwy that provides a diverse mix of four bedroom general needs houses (x4), three bedroom general needs houses (x6), wheelchair adapted apartments designed for those with specialist needs (x3), along with one and two bed general needs apartments (x4). The derelict site was inherited as part of our stock transfer and proved extremely difficult to develop due to the shallow bedrock, harsh contours and a high-pressure water main running though the site. To gain efficiencies, the scheme was designed with a splitlevel approach, avoiding large scale cut-and-fill, instead using the topography of the site to create a lower storey. This innovative design still maintained Development Quality Requirements (DQR) and in turn created bright, spacious and practical accommodation for tenants with varying levels of need. We were delighted to win the ‘Small Development of the Year’ award at the CIH Welsh Housing Awards.


We have also started work on several new development sites this year

Ysgol Maelgwn, Llandudno Junction This £5.2 Million development scheme is breathing new life into a former school building in Llandudno Junction and will create 27 new homes including 10 apartments for people with disabilities. The former school is a Grade II listed building and many of the original features, including the tiling, feature fireplaces, parquet flooring and the spectacular vaulted wooden ceiling, are being kept.

Conway Road, Colwyn Bay This development of new affordable homes on Conwy Road in West End Colwyn Bay, is a partnership between Cartrefi Conwy and Brenig Construction converting a redundant building into 8 modern apartments at intermediate rent.

We have worked in partnership with Conwy County Borough Council Social Service’s team to make sure these homes meet the needs of a range of people with specific needs. We can’t wait to see the completed development in October 2020.

Victoria Road, Rhyl We have also started to build 18 apartments in Rhyl which will be available at social rent next year. 16

Gloddaeth Road, Llandudno This development of 16 two-bed apartments in Llandudno at intermediate rent is due for completion in late 2020.

Our homes Bedrooms






General (social)






Sheltered (social)












Rent To Own












Spotlight on Creating Enterprise Modular Solutions This year we started two new developments in partnership with Creating Enterprise Modular Solutions. These homes will be built using the Beattie Passive construction method and the component parts built in our purpose-built factory in Anglesey.

Sefton Road eco-homes

Tros Y Afon, Llanrwst

This site will create 8 one-bedroom homes that will be leased to Conwy County Borough Council to provide quality homes for those in urgent housing need.

This development will see 8 new family homes at social rent.

Rent To Own We also expanded our tenure to offer 10 new ‘Rent To Own’ homes in Conwy and Denbighshire this year. This scheme enables tenants to buy the home they are renting. A percentage of the rent is saved as a lump sum for them to purchase the home at a later date. 17

Creating Enterprise Over the last four years, Creating Enterprise has achieved significant growth and has quickly become a multi-award winning, internationally recognised Social Enterprise. Our turnover has grown from £400,000 in our first year to £10 million in 2020. As well as being named the fastest growing construction company in Wales and fastest growing company in North Wales, we were delighted to win the Growth Award at the NatWest Business SE100 awards. We were also named as one of the top 100 social enterprises in the UK. The organisation has recently diversified and now specialises in Modular Solutions, building timber frame homes to a Passivhaus standard across North Wales in partnership with family-run business, Beattie Passive. With an ever-growing team of over 65 colleagues across all areas of our business, we’re excited about what the future holds and how we continue to deliver our commercial activities to meet our social purpose. All our commercial profits are reinvested into employment initiatives via Creating Futures, helping tenants to build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.

Creating Enterprise Modular Solutions Julie James AM officially opened our modular build factory - the first of its kind in North Wales. The factory, based in Holyhead, is creating energy efficient, carbon zero, quality homes. The timber panels are built in the factory and then can be erected onsite within 5-8 days. The buildings use high performance insulation, meaning the homes will require 90% less heating. We have just completed our first modular development for Anglesey County Council in Holyhead which created four much needed bungalows at social rent.

1093 properties

and gardens cleared Tonnes of waste cleared: 295

211 properties painted

Boilers replaced: 243

165 fences and paths replaced


Commercial Enterprise We have welcomed two new teams to Creating Enterprise; The Environmental Maintenance team who maintain communal gardens and green areas and our Electrical Rewire team.

Dan’s story 46 volunteers gave 4,634 hours, supported by 24 Work Buddies 65 qualifications gained by tenants

“I feel valued as a volunteer. I don’t feel stupid when I ask for help, and I’ve proved to myself that I can do much more than I thought. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it before, I’d just never tried it. The people around you encourage you, spur you on, tell you that you can do it.”

Environmental Operative Trainee Dan successfully applied for his role through Creating Enterprise’s Creating Futures Academy which offers employment opportunities specifically for Cartrefi Conwy tenants. Trainees have the chance to gain work experience, qualifications and support from a mentor to help them get the most out of this opportunity and be able to move onto further employment. Dan said “I am passionate about all things plant related and can’t wait to get stuck into transforming people’s local environment so they can enjoy the local green areas.”

“When I started volunteering, I felt like I fitted in. I belonged somewhere. We all need a reason to get up in the morning.”

Social Enterprise Academy Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport, Lee Waters AM, officially launched Social Enterprise Academy Wales.

“I’m treated as an individual and constantly supported”

The Academy offers innovative learning and development programmes for companies, social enterprises, public bodies and individuals across Wales. We are also part of a global learning network who deliver learning and educational programmes across the world Social Enterprise Academy Wales is operated by Creating Enterprise in partnership with Wales Cooperative Centre who will be delivering programmes in Mid and South Wales.

“I’ve had help to get people back into work, and learnt new skills” 19

Job search support

1,400 visited the

Over 300 local people attended the Jobs Fair and other engagement events

supported into jobs

165 people supported to create or update their CV

605 application forms

22 people completed the

Employment Academy

completed with support

Get Ready for Employment

33 people took part in our ‘Get Ready for Employment’

programme this year with 15 people going on to volunteering roles and 10 moving into employment.

374 soft skill sessions delivered, supporting people to improve

their confidence, communication skills, time management, problem solving and teamwork skills.

97 local people

Passport to Construction

Paid employment 18 tenants have been employed through the Employment Academy this year. We are also working with Cartrefi Conwy’s subcontractors to provide paid employment to Cartrefi Conwy tenants. A big thank you to Brenig Construction, Andy Pitman and NWPS for taking on 5 new recruits this year!

Second Chance Furniture reuse project We opened the doors to our Second Chance Furniture Reuse project this year. Cartrefi Conwy tenants in financial crisis can now access furniture free of charge. 20

Case studies

Lauren’s story Lauren (Loz) came to CE when she lived in supported accommodation, she started volunteering on Reception in Mochdre and got to know the team really well. Loz makes the most of every opportunity that comes her way – during her time volunteering, she has supported the Working Families project with events and has also worked alongside the Community Involvement Team. She has also completed a number of training courses and always attends our volunteer get togethers. She is now living on her own and always encourages others to come to the Academy for support.

Jordan’s story Jordan came to Creating Enterprise with no idea where to start. After a period of unemployment and homelessness, he was committed and ready to change his life. He completed the Get Ready for Employment programme and progressed to Passport to Construction. He completed his work experience with Brenig Construction, passed his CSCS test, and when a vacancy came up with Brenig through the Employment Academy, Jordan applied and was successful. 21

Finance breakdown

Where the money comes from




Amounts are shown in thousands of £ Rent & Service Charges



Supporting People Grant



Welsh Government Grant



Sale of housing properties







Interest received Other Income


Where the money goes


Amounts are shown in thousands of £ Housing Management



Property & Scheme Services



Routine Maintenance



Planned Maintenance and Major Repairs



Interest Paid



Other Costs



How we are regulated Cartrefi Conwy is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) regulated by Welsh Government. The Regulatory Framework for Registered Social Landlords in Wales is the basis upon which Welsh Government holds Housing Associations accountable for their actions and ensures they provide good quality homes and high quality services. The last Regulatory Opinion on Cartrefi Conwy was published in December 2019 and is available to view both on Cartrefi Conwy’s website and that of the Welsh Government (Housing Regulation). The judgement was based upon the Association’s own evaluation of its compliance with the performance standards together with regulatory intelligence gained through on-going, co-regulatory, relationship management between the Regulator and the Association.

Regulatory Judgement – Co-Regulation Status, December 2019 Governance and Services Standard: Identifies and manages new and emerging risks appropriately. Financial Viability Standard: Meets viability requirements and has the financial capacity to deal with scenarios appropriately. More information about the Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations in Wales can be found on the Welsh Government website:


Executive Officers as at 31 July 2020 Andrew Bowden Group Chief Executive Peter Lewis

Group Director of Resources

Katie Clubb

Managing Director Cartrefi Conwy

Adrian Johnson

Managing Director Commercial Services

Board Members as at 31 July 2020 Jim Illidge

Chair of Board

David Shepherd Vice Chair of Board and Chair of Group Remuneration and Nominations Committee Committee Bill Hunt

Chair of Tenant Services Board

Gareth Jones

Chair of Group Strategic Finance and Resources Committee

Kath Coughlin

Chair of Group Audit and Assurance Committee

Neil Ashbridge

Changes in Board appointments and structure during 2019/20 The Cartrefi Conwy Board is comprised of no less than 5 and up to 10 members, without any protected or constituency appointments. The Board can also appoint up to two co-optees to the Board and to each of its Committees. Those currently appointed as Cartrefi Conwy Board and Committee members are set out above. Mr Jim Illidge was appointed as Chair of the Association in December 2019, taking over from Mr David Shepherd who had taken up the role as Interim Chair in June 2019 following the unexpected passing of Mr Huw Evans. Mr Rob Redhead retired from the Cartrefi Conwy Board in September 2019 and Mr Colin Matthews resigned as a co-optee to the Tenant Services Board in June 2020. Their commitment and contribution throughout their appointments has been appreciated. The Board appointed Mr Trevor Henderson in December 2019 to fill the resulting vacancy on the Cartrefi Conwy Board.

Mark Chadwick Bethan Jones

Creating Enterprise Board Members as at 31 July 2020

Helen Pittaway Trevor Henderson

Co-optees (Boards and Commitees)


Peter Parry

Chair of Board

Neil Ashbridge

Peter Parry

Group Strategic Finance and Resources Committee

Mark Chadwick

Tara Bold

Tenant Services Board

Patricia Quiney

Group Audit and Assurance Committee

Elinor Corbett-Jones

Elwen Roberts Guto Lewis


Company Secretary

Company Secretary

Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee

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