INGENUITY, CREATIVITY, AND SOME GOOD OLDFASHIONED CARING WERE PULLED FROM THE TOOL BOX at The Foodbank of Santa Barbara when they faced planning for their 9th Annual Table of Life event. The results are an innovative new format, a Picnic, set for Saturday, July 25th at 6pm, that will raise funds and awareness of the Foodbank’s ongoing work in response to the COVID-19 economic crisis.
In lieu of its yearly gala, the Foodbank will provide patrons with a gourmet picnic for two – delivered to their doors within 30 minutes of the start of an online program.
For $1,000 admission, patrons will receive a picnic basket featuring a gourmet meal for two created by Marc Borowitz and Rincon Catering, a bottle of paired Grenache rosé from Monlieff Vineyards, handmade treats from Alison Hardey and Jeannine’s Bakery, gourmet chocolates from Field + Fort, and checkered cloth napkins and wine glasses.
The 2020 “Table of Life –Picnic” program honors the generous community support of the Mansbach Family and Yardi Systems, Inc.
Mike and Jennifer Mansbach, with their sons Jacob and Joe, founded and led Foodbank Family Day, a monthly Saturday volunteer opportunity for families at Foodbank warehouses both in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria.
Jacob and Joe, now 16 and
of The
14, founded JOIN JACOB in 2012 and have raised more than $100,000 over eight years to provide healthy food for children throughout the county. They have raced and built teams to participate in local triathlons.
Yardi has partnered with the Foodbank for 20 years, making substantial contributions of funds, staff volunteer service, and food. Most recently, Yardi came forward when a Foodbank refrigerated truck was totaled in an accident. Providing a $50,000 incentive matching gift, the firm initiated a community campaign that raised enough in two weeks to replace the lost truck with a new one.
Beginning March 9th, the Foodbank launched Safe Food Access for Everyone (SAFE) Food Net – more than 50 SAFE food distribution sites, including 20 no-contact drive-thru locations.
JULY 25, 2020 • 6 PM
The Foodbank has provided more than 6.5 million pounds of healthy food (more than double what it would normally distribute) to local residents facing hardship due to the COVID-19 crisis. The Foodbank has continued to provide at least 50 percent fresh fruits and veggies thanks to relationships with area farmers. The Foodbank has switched all food distribution for low-income seniors through its Brown Bag program to home delivery and undertook
greater outreach to seniors needing groceries and fresh produce. Prior to COVID-19, the Foodbank served 1,300 seniors through Brown Bag. Currently, 3,300 are enrolled. At press time, the Foodbank had completed more than 20,000 home deliveries. In collaboration with Acme Hospitality’s The Lark and Loquita, the Foodbank’s Chef’s Kitchen program has provided more than 11,000 fresh, chef-made meals to seniors and families in need. With economic impacts from lost jobs and income expected to continue for a year to 18 months due to COVID-19 response measures, the Foodbank expects to continue expanded operations well into 2021.
Community members may join the fun with “Table of Life – Community” from Sunday, July 26th through Sunday, August 2nd. The Community online event includes a virtual program, donation opportunities, and a raffle to win one of two packages including three magnums of California wine, gourmet chocolates, and a Foodbank apron. Raffle tickets cost $50 each for a package valued at nearly $300. To learn more and to register, community supporters may visit www.TableofLife.org.
We got this, Santa Barbara!
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A&L is still here for you, producing digital content, virtual education and outreach programs and online resources from today’s premier artists and thought leaders.
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By Jim Logan / The UC Santa Barbara Current
IN THESE EXTRAORDINARY TIMES, the UC Santa Barbara Library knows it’s crucial to document the experiences of campus students, faculty, and staff. To that end, Special Research Collections (SRC) archivists have launched the COVID-19 Community Archives Project.
Calli Force, an archivist who leads the ambitious effort, said her group was already scouring the web to preserve digital coronavirus content produced by UCSB and some local government bodies, but hadn’t collected content specifically about the campus community.
“After consulting with other colleagues in the field, it became apparent the most efficient way to gather content was to welcome submissions from our patrons,” said Force, who works in the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives (CEMA), a division of the SRC. “This process also allows us to eliminate bias in appraisal and selection of materials. UCSB community members can come to us with their stories and unique experiences while also allowing us to focus our efforts on the processing of the digital content as quickly as possible.”
The special project, which is separate from the library’s normal web archiving and departmental record keeping, is indeed casting a wide net for submissions. Force said all manner of materials in most any file format are welcome, and the project is set up to allow for maximum accessibility. Most of all, she urged, be creative.
no limit to how many times anyone can submit either; people are encouraged to participate as often as they wish. Everyone should know their story is important and worth saving and sharing with posterity.”
Matt Stahl, university archivist, noted that the archives project is taking three approaches to documenting COVID-19 at UCSB. In addition to community submissions, the library is web archiving official websites and social media accounts.
“Feel free to share your original photographs, poems, short stories, blog posts; perhaps you wrote and recorded songs during the quarantine — we’d love to preserve and share your music for others to enjoy for years to come!” she said. “There is
“Equally important to these two approaches, though, is the ongoing maintenance of recordkeeping and archiving procedures in departments,” Stahl said. “Campus departments should be retaining records of their COVID-19 response, along with other departmental records, so that they can be transferred to the University Archives at some point.”
The library’s archives traditionally serve as the administrative and institutional memory of the campus, as well as a repository of faculty papers. Materials from student and community life, however, “have been lacking,” Stahl said in a memo on university archives collection development.
“We are actively seeking to collect archival materials from student organizations in order to document the history of student and community life here at UCSB,” the memo states. “Similar to administrative records, we will accept materials related to the founding and governance of student organizations, correspondence, and significant cultural events.”
For Force, the community archives project is an opportunity to give the public a space to document their lives during the pandemic.
“My personal hope is to make it clear that archiving experiences in real time is a necessary component in the healing
Pandya in Conversation with Ivy Pochoda TUESDAY | JULY 7 | 6 PM
process when a community is under crisis,” she said. “It’s vital for libraries and historical repositories to act as cultural heritage first responders and serve our community in a way that allows for self-expression and catharsis while also preserving the truth, not only for evidentiary value but also for self-edification, to capture a historical moment in its most raw and unfiltered form. I hope people will feel heard and see their content later in the online exhibit and know they contributed to something really special.”
The project is open-ended, Force noted, and she encourages people to submit as long as they’re willing. The archives staff has worked to make the project as accessible as possible.
“I’m really proud of my colleagues for being so open and supportive throughout this project’s planning and implementation,” Force said. “I’m fortunate to work with a group of professionals, each with such different strengths, who encourage and foster growth in more progressive and inclusive archiving practices.”
Printed with permission of UCSB
Parallel Stories goes virtual in an online launch for Santa Barbara resident and Museum literary partner
Sameer Pandya’s debut novel Members Only. Connect via Zoom for a reading and conversation between Pandya and the novelist Ivy Pochoda as they discuss this irreverent, tense, and nuanced work of fiction that The New York Times Book Review recently said is as “witty as it is woeful.” In this story, that captures the unraveling of a carefully constructed life over the span of a week, Pandya explores ideas of race, belonging, and the grace and indignities of middle age.
Listening, learning, and action are key.
By Camie Barnwell, Public Information Officer
RACISM, the Santa Barbara Unified Board of Education voted unanimously Tuesday evening to approve a Board Resolution in support of Black student leaders who presented the district with a series of demands aimed at calling out and combating institutional racism and its effects on the lives of Black families and students.
The Board also voted to fully endorse an Action Plan which outlines concrete ways that the district will respond to the specific concerns brought forward through the demands.
As leaders of the district, they state they are invigorated by the adoption of this resolution and approval of the action plan.
As further testament to the district’s commitment to responding to racial strife and need for cultural proficiency, the Board also voted to approve the content of two new Ethnic Studies courses to be launched this fall - helping to satisfy the district’s new mandatory high school graduation requirement for the class of 2024. So far, 1,100 students have enrolled in Ethnic Studies courses for the Fall.
School board member Kate Ford worked with her board colleague Wendy SimmsMoten, community and student leaders, and district staff in developing the resolution.
“The overall lesson that we learned over these past few weeks is that it is important that we listen and learn, and I hope that whoever reads this resolution will see that we are listening and we are learning,” Ford said.
Dr. Frann Wageneck, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, said as we continue to listen and learn, we need to also focus on action and change. “As we stated to students who presented the demands to us at the district office [during the June 7th Black Lives Matter student protest] it’s important to watch our actions and make sure they back up our words. Regular reports on our progress will be essential.”
Advisory Committee (DELAC) delivered a Statement of Solidarity in support of the student demands and the Black Lives Matter movement. Members of the committee acknowledged the “deep roots of racism, colorism, and anti-blackness that exist within our Latinx community.”
María Larios-Horton, Director of English Learner and Family Engagement, added, “Our District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) has consistently worked to address issues of inequality for institutionally underserved students. As a result, their core values drove them to want to engage with the student leaders of the Black Student YouthSB and subsequently develop their statement of support - with an honest commitment to act in good will on that statement.”
Marina Zarate, CoPresident of the DELAC committee, said members expressed their full support for the Black Lives Matter movement against racism and anti-blackness.
It took a pandemic to raise the level of awareness around the injustices that have been there day in and day out within the African American community...We can no longer have our students feel invisible or unworthy.
— Wendy Simms-Moten
More than 60 people spoke during public comment, including Black Student Youth SB (BSYSB) member Talia Hamilton, one of the students who presented the demands to district leaders. Hamilton said she was pleased with the resolution and action plan, and looked forward to continued collaboration with the district.
“I think it’s great how much support we have been getting,” Hamilton told district leaders. “We can’t do much without you guys. We are very thankful for you. I’m excited to see where this goes. We need to teach our youth that there is no room for racism. It’s not one and done. This will be a process.”
Last week, the district’s English Learner
Fideicomisarios del Distrito Escolar Unificado de SB aprobaron la resolución / plan de acción de la Junta en apoyo de las demandas de los líderes de estudiantes negros Escuchar, aprender, y la acción son la clave.
Por Camie Barnwell Oficial de información pública
ABORDANDO EL RACISMO SISTÉMICO, el Consejo de Educación del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa Bárbara votó unánimemente el martes en la noche para aprobar la Resolución del Consejo en apoyo a estudiantes líderes negros, quienes presentaron ante el distrito una serie de reclamos con el objetivo de denunciar y combatir el racismo institucional y sus repercusiones en las vidas de familias y estudiantes negros.
“After speaking with the leaders of this studentled movement, we further understood the unfair situations they have experienced their entire lives,” Zarate said. “As a result, DELAC decided to share its statement in support of the demands of these students who had the courage to raise their voices to ask for what is right.”
Board member Simms-Moten, who was invited to attend the DELAC meeting, said she was touched by the statement, and grateful to the committee’s work and show of solidarity.
“It took a pandemic to raise the level of awareness around the injustices that have been there day in and day out within the African American community,” SimmsMoten said. “We can no longer have our students feel invisible or unworthy. It’s important to have allies beside us, even if you are not being impacted. We are all human. To see this swell of support really warms my heart.”
Bárbara) y una de las estudiantes que presentó los reclamos ante los líderes del distrito. Hamilton dijo que estaba satisfecha con la resolución y el plan de acción, y aguardaba con interés el poder continuar colaborando con el distrito.
Además, el Consejo votó para apoyar plenamente un plan de acción que exponga las formas concretas en que el distrito responderá a las inquietudes específicas presentadas mediante los reclamos.
Como líderes del distrito, declaran que están motivados por la adopción de esta resolución y la aprobación del plan de acción.
Como otra prueba del compromiso del distrito en respuesta al conflicto racial y la necesidad de fomentar la competencia cultural, el Consejo también aprobó el contenido de dos cursos nuevos de Estudios Étnicos que iniciarán este próximo otoño, para así ayudar a cumplir con el nuevo requisito de graduación de preparatoria para la generación de 2024. Hasta la fecha, 1,100 estudiantes se han inscrito en los cursos de Estudios Étnicos para el otoño.
Kate Ford, miembro del Consejo de Educación, trabajó junto con su colega Wendy Simms-Moten del Consejo, estudiantes líderes, miembros de la comunidad, y personal del distrito en la elaboración de dicha resolución.
“La lección que hemos aprendido a lo largo de estas últimas semanas es que resulta importante que escuchemos y aprendamos, y espero que toda persona que lea esta resolución note que estamos escuchando y que estamos aprendiendo,” indicó Ford.
Al dirigirse a los líderes del distrito, Hamilton afirmó: “Me parece excelente todo el apoyo que hemos estado recibiendo. No podemos hacer mucho sin ustedes. Estamos muy agradecidos por ustedes. Me emociona ver hacia dónde nos dirigimos con esto. Necesitamos enseñar a nuestros jóvenes que no hay cabida para el racismo. No será una acción aislada, sino que se tratará de un proceso continuo.”
La semana pasada, el Comité Asesor de Alumnos que Aprenden Inglés del Distrito (DELAC) presentó una Declaración de Solidaridad en apoyo a los reclamos de los estudiantes y el movimiento Las Vidas Negras Importan. Miembros de dicho comité reconocieron “las raíces de racismo, colorismo y el rechazo hacia las personas negras, que en forma arraigada existen en nuestra comunidad latinx.”
María Larios-Horton, directora de Alumnos que Aprenden Inglés y Participación Familiar, comunicó: “Nuestro Comité Asesor de Alumnos que Aprenden Inglés del Distrito (DELAC) ha estado trabajando continuamente en tratar las cuestiones de desigualdad entre los estudiantes que han sido desatendidos institucionalmente. A raíz de esto, sus valores centrales los impulsaron a querer colaborar con estudiantes líderes de Juventud de Estudiantes Negros de Santa Bárbara y, posteriormente, formular su declaración de apoyo con un compromiso honesto de actuar de buena voluntad en torno a esa declaración.”
Marina Zárate, copresidenta del Comité DELAC, dijo que los miembros manifestaron su pleno apoyo a Las Vidas Negras Importan y al movimiento contra el racismo y el rechazo hacia las personas negras.
Se necesitó una pandemia para aumentar el nivel de conciencia acerca de las injusticias que han estado allí día tras día dentro de la comunidad afroamericana
Ya no podemos permitir que nuestros estudiantes se sientan invisibles o indignos.
— Wendy Simms-Moten
La Dra. Frann Wageneck, superintendente auxiliar de Servicios Estudiantiles, afirmó que mientras seguimos escuchando y aprendiendo, también debemos centrar nuestra atención en la acción y el cambio. “Tal como expresamos a los estudiantes que nos presentaron sus reclamos en la oficina del distrito [durante la protesta estudiantil Las Vidas Negras Importan que tuvo lugar el 7 de junio], es importante asegurarnos de que respaldamos nuestras palabras con nuestras acciones. Resultará fundamental emitir informes periódicos acerca de nuestro progreso.”
Más de 60 personas realizaron comentarios públicos ante el Consejo de Educación, incluyendo a Talia Hamilton, miembro de Black Student Youth SB (Juventud de Estudiantes Negros de Santa
“Después de platicar con los líderes de este movimiento estudiantil, entendimos aún más la situación tan injusta por la que han pasado toda su vida,” expuso Zárate. “Y a consecuencia, DELAC decidió compartir una declaración en apoyo a las exigencias de estos estudiantes quienes tuvieron el valor de alzar sus voces para pedir lo que es justo.”
Una de las miembros del Consejo, SimmsMoten, fue invitada a la reunión del DELAC e indicó que estaba conmovida por la declaración y agradecida por el trabajo de este comité y su muestra de solidaridad.
“Se necesitó una pandemia para aumentar el nivel de conciencia acerca de las injusticias que han estado allí día tras día dentro de la comunidad afroamericana,” dijo Simms-Moten. “Ya no podemos permitir que nuestros estudiantes se sientan invisibles o indignos. Es importante tener aliados a nuestro lado, incluso si no estás siendo personalmente afectado. Todos somos humanos. Ver esta ola de apoyo realmente me conmueve el corazón.”
Ensemble Theatre Company will present a virtual concert of The Great American Songbook on Sunday, July 5th beginning at 4pm to benefit ETC’s Education and Outreach Programs. The evening begins at 4pm with a private pre-show virtual VIP reception and at 5pm, enjoy the 70-minute virtual concert featuring performances by seasoned broadway performers, ETC students, a national virtual choir, and a special surprise guest artist. Ticket purchases available until 5pm Thursday, July 2nd. All ticket holders will receive an invitation and instructions via email.
For tickets ($25/$75 per person) visit: https://ensembletheatre.com/specialevents/the_great_american_songbook
Opera SB will present a Balcony Concert on State Street featuring chorus members Adrien Roberts and Jessica Gonzalez Rodriguez on the second floor patio of the Arts and Culture Building (1330 State St) on the corner of State and Sola, on Friday, June 26th, at 5pm. Enjoy the music from the restaurant patios on the block or catch the livestream from the comfort of your home. Watch the happy hour program at: www.facebook.com/ events/2783970465040822
Cottage Urgent Care
Virtual Open House
Cottage Health will host a virtual
open house on Saturday, June 27th at noon via a YouTube stream. Enjoy a virtual tour of the new Urgent Care Center located at 7070 Hollister Ave in Goleta scheduled to open June 30th. During the virtual open house event, enter to win a $100 Instacart gift card. Join the virtual open house at www.cottagehealth. org/urgentcare
If you missed UCSB Theatre/ Dance’s live presentation of the LAUNCH PAD Alone, Together Zoom Festival of monologues and short plays, the videos of all four chapters will be available for viewing through July 4th at: www.theaterdance.ucsb.edu/news/ event/817#video
A pdf of the scripts are available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QoBFWa_ UTyzsyAeSreyUTKKajmLj-12Y/view
Join Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation for a 4th of July Celebration on KEYT-TV Channel 3 at 6pm for a one-hour show. Santa Barbara will gather together in the safety and comfort of their homes to enjoy scenes from past parades, a concert with the West Coast Symphony, and a spectacular fire-works finale. www.pcvf.org
Santa Barbara Triathlon 2020
Goes Virtual
Athletes can register online and must participate in their chosen event within a specified time window. Participants can
Ensemble Theatre Company will present a virtual concert of The Great American Songbook on Sunday, July 5th beginning at 4pm to benefit ETC’s Education and Outreach Programs.
Ensemble Theatre Company presentará un concierto virtual de The Great American Songbook (El gran cancionero americano) el domingo, 5 de julio a partir de las 4pm para beneficiar los Programas de Educación y Alcance de ETC.
use a stationary bike or road bike; treadmill or trail; a river, ocean, or swimming pool. A T-shirt, finisher medal, and swim cap will be mailed to each participating athlete. This year’s event will benefit Sansum Clinic and its front-line workers. To be considered a finisher, you must complete the required distances for your chosen event within the event window which is August 9th to 23rd. www.santabarbaratriathlon.com
a virtual tour of the new Cottage Urgent Care Center
A three-week journey in the Boxtales method, conducted via Zoom, will include training in Acting, Storytelling, Acro-Yoga, Mime, Music, and Collaboration for ages 14 to 19. The camp will take place July 13th through July 31st, Monday through Friday, 9am to 2:30pm. Tuition is $650. Register at: http://boxtales.org/2020-summertheatre-camps
The Association for Women in Communications SB (AWC-SB) will meet for Books for Breakfast to discuss Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch on Wednesday, July 1st at 8am during a Zoom meeting. You don’t need to read the entire book in order to attend. This meet-up is free for AWC-SB members and guests. To register and receive the Zoom link, email: news@awcsb.org
Join Michael Meade for a new live online series about the healing and renewal of both the individual psyche and the collective soul of society beginning Thursday, July 2nd, 6pm. Two classes continue on Friday, July 10th and July 17th from 6 to 7:30pm. Each 90-minute event includes story, poetry, and a Q&A session. To register (Three Event Series: $49 / Individual Events: $20) visit: www.mosaicvoices.org/events
Participants in this two-day
on Saturday, June 27th at noon via a YouTube stream. The Center is scheduled to open June 30th.
Disfruta de un recorrido virtual por el nuevo Centro de Atención de Urgencias Cottage ubicado en 7070 Hollister Ave en Goleta el sábado, 27 de junio al mediodía a través de una transmisión de YouTube. El Centro habrirá sus puertas el 30 de junio.
Online Workshop (July 11th and 12th) will build practical skills grounded in traditional and emerging methods of dreamwork. The Dream Tending methods developed by Dr. Stephen Aizenstat build on the methods of association, amplification, and animation pioneered by Freud and Jung and expanded upon by James Hillman and Marion Woodman. To register ($199/$175) visit: https://retreat. pacifica.edu/2020-summer-dreamtending/
The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History’s Virtual Summer Camps will continue through the summer for children ages four to 12. The Museum has added new dates:
July 20 to 24, July 27 to 31, August 3 to 7, and August 10 to 14. To register visit: https://camps.sbnature.org
Carpinteria Birdwatchers have evening birdwatching classes and morning birdwatching outings, all free and open to all ages and ability levels. Meetings are weekly and online via Zoom until further notice Thursdays, from 4 to 5:15pm. Each week will focus on a different topic. Each week has a different Zoom log in. Join the current meeting by visiting www.carpwithoutcars.org/ carpinteria-birdwatching-classes
Join Opera SB’s Balcony Concert on State Street, a happy hour program of favorite arias, musical theater songs, and jazz standards presented by chorus members Adrien Roberts and Jessica Gonzalez Rodriguez on Friday, June 26th, at 5pm from the second floor patio of the Arts and Culture Building on the corner of State and Sola
Únete al Concierto de Balcón en State Street de Opera SB, un programa de la hora feliz de arias favoritas, canciones de teatro musical y estándares de jazz presentados por los miembros del coro Adrien Roberts y Jessica González Rodríguez el viernes, 26 de junio a las 5pm desde el patio del segundo piso del Edificio de Arte y Cultura en la esquina de las calles State y Sola.
Concierto virtual de El gran cancionero americano
Ensemble Theatre Company presentará un concierto virtual de The Great American Songbook (El gran cancionero americano) el domingo, 5 de julio a partir de las 4pm para beneficiar los Programas de Educación y Alcanze de ETC. La noche comienza a las 4pm con una recepción VIP virtual privada previa al espectáculo y a las 5pm, disfruta del concierto virtual de 70 minutos con presentaciones de artistas de Broadway experimentados, estudiantes de ETC, un coro virtual nacional y un artista invitado especial sorpresa. Compra de boletos estará disponible hasta las 5pm del jueves 2 de julio. Todos los titulares de boletos recibirán una invitación e instrucciones por correo electrónico.
Si te perdiste la presentación en vivo del LAUNCH PAD Alone, Together (Solo, juntos) de UCSB Theatre / Dance, un Festival de Zoom de monólogos y obras cortas – los videos de los cuatro capítulos estarán disponibles para disfrutar de ellos hasta el 4 de julio en: www.theaterdance. ucsb.edu/news/ event/817#video
Santa Barbara Triathlon 2020 Goes Virtual! Athletes can register online and must participate in their chosen event within the event window, from August 9th to 23rd.
¡El triatlón de Santa Bárbara 2020 será virtual! Los atletas pueden registrarse en línea y deben participar en su evento elegido dentro de la ventana del evento, del 9 al 23 de agosto.
Para boletos ($25 / $75 por persona) visita: https://ensembletheatre.com/ special-events/the_great_american_ songbook
Concierto de Balcón en State Street de Opera SB Opera SB presentará un Concierto de Balcón en State Street con los miembros del coro Adrien Roberts y Jessica Gonzalez Rodriguez en el patio del segundo piso del Edificio de Arte y Cultura (1330 State St) en la esquina de las calles State y Sola, el viernes 26 de junio a las 5pm. Disfruta de la música desde los patios de los restaurantes cercanos o mira la transmisión en vivo desde la comodidad de tu hogar. Mira el programa de la hora feliz en: www.facebook.com/ events/2783970465040822
Casa abierta virtual del Centro de Atención de Urgencias Cottage Cottage Health organizará una casa abierta virtual el sábado, 27 de junio al mediodía a través de una transmisión de YouTube. Disfruta de un recorrido virtual por el nuevo Centro de Atención de Urgencias ubicado en 7070 Hollister Ave en Goleta, programado para abrir el 30 de junio. Durante el evento virtual de puertas abiertas, ingresa para ganar una tarjeta de regalo Instacart de $100. Únete a la casa abierta virtual en www.cottagehealth. org/urgentcare
El evento de este año beneficiará a Sansum Clinic y sus trabajadores de primera línea. Para ser considerado un finalizador, debes completar las distancias requeridas para tu evento elegido dentro de la ventana del evento que es del 9 al 23 de agosto. www.santabarbaratriathlon.com
Campamento de teatro de verano de aprendizaje a distancia para adolescentes de Boxtales
Un pdf de los guiones están disponibles en: https://drive.google. com/file/d/1QoBFWa_ UTyzsyAeSreyUTKKajmLj12Y/view
Celebra el 4 de julio en casa Únete a la Fundación de Veteranos Pierre Claeyssens para una celebración del 4 de julio en el Canal 3 de KEYT-TV a las 6pm para un espectáculo de una hora. Santa Bárbara se reunirá en la seguridad y comodidad de sus hogares para disfrutar de escenas de desfiles pasados, un concierto con la Sinfonía de la Costa Oeste y un final espectacular de fuegos artificiales. www.pcvf.org
El triatlón de Santa Bárbara 2020 será virtual Los atletas pueden registrarse en línea y deben participar en el evento elegido dentro de un período de tiempo específico. Los participantes pueden usar una bicicleta estacionaria o bicicleta de carretera; correr en una cinta o sendero; o nadar en un río, océano o piscina. Se enviará por correo una camiseta, una medalla de finalizador y un gorro de natación a cada atleta participante.
Un viaje de tres semanas en el método Boxtales, realizado a través de Zoom, incluirá capacitación en actuación, narración de cuentos, acro-yoga, mimo, música y colaboración para las edades de 14 a 19. El campamento tendrá lugar del 13 de julio al 31 de julio, lunes hasta el viernes de 9am a 2:30pm. La matrícula es de $650. Regístrate en: http://boxtales.org/2020-summertheatre-camps
AWC-SB Libros para el desayuno
La Asociación para Mujeres en Comunicaciones SB (AWC-SB, por sus siglas en ingles) se reunirá para Libros para el Desayuno para discutir Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language (Debido a Internet: Entendiendo las Nuevas Reglas del Idioma) por Gretchen McCulloch el miércoles, 1 de julio a las 8am durante una reunión de Zoom. No necesitas leer el libro completo para poder asistir. Esta reunión es gratuita para miembros e invitados de AWC-SB. Para registrarte y recibir el enlace Zoom, envía un correo electrónico: news@awcsb.org
Únete a Michael Meade para una nueva serie en vivo en línea sobre la curación y la renovación de la psique individual y el alma colectiva de la sociedad a partir del jueves, 2 de julio a las 6pm. Dos clases continúan el viernes, 10 de julio y el 17 de julio de 6 a 7:30pm. Cada evento de 90 minutos incluye historias, poesía y una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Para registrarte (Serie de tres eventos: $49 / Eventos individuales: $20) visita: www.mosaicvoices. org/events
Los participantes en este Taller en línea de dos días (11 y 12 de julio) desarrollarán habilidades prácticas basadas en métodos tradicionales y emergentes de trabajo con los sueños. Los métodos de “Dream Tending” desarrollados por el Dr. Stephen Aizenstat se basan en los métodos de asociación, amplificación y animación promovidos por Freud y Jung y ampliados por James Hillman y Marion Woodman. Para registrarte ($199 / $175) visita: https://retreat. pacifica.edu/2020-summer-dreamtending/
Se agregaron nuevos campamentos de verano virtuales
Los campamentos virtuales
Join Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation for a 4th of July Celebration on KEYT-TV Channel 3 at 6pm to enjoy scenes from past parades, a concert with the West Coast Symphony, and a spectacular fire-works finale. Únete a la Fundación de Veteranos Pierre Claeyssens para una celebración del 4 de julio en el Canal 3 de KEYT-TV a las 6pm para disfrutar de escenas de desfiles pasados, un concierto con la Sinfonía de la Costa Oeste y un final espectacular de fuegos artificiales.
de verano del Museo de Historia
Natural de Santa Bárbara continuarán durante el verano para niños de cuatro a 12 años. El Museo ha agregado nuevas fechas: del 20 al 24 de julio, del 27 al 31 de julio, del 3 al 7 de agosto y del 10 al 14 de agosto. Para registrarte visita: https://camps.sbnature.org
Reuniones virtuales de los
Observadores de aves de Carpinteria
Los observadores de aves de Carpinteria tienen clases nocturnas
de observación de aves y salidas matutinas de observación de aves, todas gratuitas y abiertas a todas las edades y niveles de habilidad. Las reuniones son semanales y en línea a través de Zoom hasta nuevo aviso los jueves, de 4 a 5:15pm. Cada semana se centrará en un tema diferente. Cada semana tiene un inicio de sesión Zoom diferente. Únete a la reunión actual visitando www.carpwithoutcars.org/ carpinteria-birdwatching-classes
SBNature From Home: The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History’s SBNature From Home page is organized by activities that the community can do outdoors, indoors, or online. Check back often as new content will be added. www.sbnature.org/visit/sbnature-from-home
Santa Barbara Museum of Art - Online: The Museum continues to digitally engage the public by offering stepby-step instructional videos for at-home art projects; a virtual tour of their current exhibition and other works in the Museum’s collection; as well as lectures, musical performances, and Exhibition Extras from their Video Library. www.sbma.net
The Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center - Online: Throughout the duration of the center’s closure, the Arts Center will be posting daily activities on Facebook and Instagram to inspire the community to create, engage, and connect. Visit their webpage to find virtual art classes, live concerts and music streams, art activities for all ages, virtual galleries and museums, and more.
UCSB Arts & Lectures: Stay connected with UCSB Arts & Lectures through digital arts and cultural content. Join their email list at www.ArtsAndLectures.UCSB.edu
to receive new content, clips from the A&L archive, and a curated selection of arts and ideas, all accessible online.
MOXI@Home - Weekly Topics to Inspire Exploration at Home: Programming will include videos based on weekly themes that will invite you to explore a variety of different scientific phenomena or activities and guide you to exploring it further at home with easy experiments and design challenges. Follow social media accounts @moxisb to stay up to date or check out other videos at www.moxi.org/athome
Explore Ecology’s New Virtual Learning Page: It’s an online classroom that showcases virtual workshops and lessons, field trips for schools, and their latest videos. The learning opportunities are endless!
Ojai Film Festival Online Film Series presents frustrated moviegoers with a new online film series running through June 26th. Each Friday, the festival will release a block of films running approximately two hours and twenty minutes.The films will then remain available for viewing on the festival’s website until July 17th. https://ojaifilmfestival.com/category/festivalhighlights PCPA Plays On!: Though their stages may be dark this summer... PCPA Plays On! PCPA will be sharing a variety of virtual programs for all ages that are fun, educational, engaging, and theatre focused to keep you playing too! www.pcpa.org/PCPAPlaysOn/ Rubicon Safe-Distance Drive-In Theatre Concert Series: Rubicon patrons will be able to enjoy a series of five 75-minute concerts from the safety and comfort of their cars (parked six feet apart) in the parking lot of the Ventura County Fairgrounds from July 6th through September 9th. Concerts begin at 8pm. For tickets ($15 to $99.50) visit www.rubicontheatre.org
Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee presents Run
Like A Woman Summer Campaign Series Introductory Session “The Campaign Timeline - Nuts and Bolts” on Saturday, June 27th, 10:30 to 11am - Online. The event is free to SBWPC Members and $15 for non-members. To register visit www.SBWPC.org.
Cal Lutheran University Free Webinars: The Center for Nonprofit Leadership will present a webinar titled Individual Prospect Research by Ashley Brown on Tuesday, June 30th, from 10 to 11:30am. Register at https://clu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yC_ upKLTSiq8w-WQ5N6bYA
Experience The Art Of The 805 Youth: The 805 Youth Film & Arts Festival, a festival specifically for and created by Santa Barbara and Goleta Teens, will celebrate teens from the 805 who demonstrate a love and passion for art, as well as an appreciation for the beautiful central coast! Film entries will be showcased on Tuesday, June 30th at 12pm https://805youthfilmandarts.weebly.com
Music Academy Festival Goes Virtual: The 73rd annual Summer School and Festival has transitioned to the Music Academy Remote Learning Institute (MARLI). Enjoy video recorded performances and events through July 24th View the Music Academy Concert Hall online at www.musicacademy.org
Camerata Pacifica Concert at Home!: 60 to 75 minute programs from the Camerata video library, curated by Artistic Director Adrian Spence, will be shared every Sunday at 10am & 6pm on YouTube Live: www.youtube.com/channel/UC0oECgVmsHVED2tbLzYfkA • 11:30am on Facebook Live: www.facebook.com/cameratasb
Nightly Met Opera Streams: The Metropolitan Opera streams begin at 7:30pm EDT and will remain available on the homepage at www.metopera.org for 20 hours. Schedule of streams www.metopera.org
The Gaviota Coast Conservancy: Recommends three walks that you can take on the Gaviota Coast that can be tailored to your own ability while providing space for social distancing. Locations include Coal Oil Point Reserve and Devereux Slough, Baron Ranch, and Arroyo Hondo Preserve. www.gaviotacoastconservancy.org/gaviota_ coast_walks
Open Days at Arroyo Hondo Preserve: Hike at the Arroyo Hondo Preserve during expanded hours on Weekends from 10am to 4pm (first and third weekends of the month) and Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am1pm It’s free to visit and reservations are required. Pets are not allowed. Fill out the reservation form https:// interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink. aspx?name=E9622&id=104
The SB Botanic Garden is open to Members by reservation only: The Garden is opening to Members first to temporarily maintain a safe, limited number of Garden visitors. All members must reserve an entry time prior to arrival. To learn more about the changes that have been made to keep visitors and staff safe, make a reservation, or to become a member, visit www.sbbg.org/garden-admissions Register for online classes/events: www.sbbg.org/ classes-events
SB Museum of Natural History has opened its outdoor exhibits to Members only by reservation. Members will have access to wander through hundreds of butterflies fluttering freely in the Butterflies Alive! exhibit and then explore the Backyard and shady wooded areas along Mission Creek.
Lotusland Open to the Public: Lotusland is safe, spacious, and socially-distant by its very nature due to the strict limitations on the number of daily reservations. Reservations will be scheduled with staggered arrival times and all visitors will be limited to no more than two-hours in the Garden. All visitors are required to wear face masks. To reserve a Self-Guided Tour call 805.969.9990. www.lotusland.org
Watershed Wednesdays: Join the City’s Creeks Division for Watershed Wednesdays, a series of live online activities including crafts, talks, tours, and more. Sign up for the Watershed Wednesdays email list at www.bit.ly/ CreeksWW. Also follow them on Facebook www.facebook.com/SBCreeks
A Live Pay-Per-View Concert Featuring Kenny Loggins is set for Sunday, June 28th at 7pm from The Lobero’s stage. The benefit performance will take place without an audience, with strict safety and sanitation protocols in place. Pay-Per-View cost is $15. Advance ticketholders can watch live, or within 72 hours of the stream. For tickets visit: www.Lobero.org
Amethyst Ball Silent Auction: Due to the pandemic, this year’s Amethyst Ball was cancelled, but the community can still help raise funds by participating in CADA’s Amethyst Ball Virtual Silent Auction, now open through July 2nd at 12am. View the silent auction at: https://cadacares.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse
SBIFF Family Film Fun – Moana: Explore the activity guide and sail along with Moana as she ventures across the ocean to find the demigod Maui and help save her people by returning the Heart of Te Fiti to its rightful place in this week’s SBIFF Family Fun Day. Download the activity guide at https://sbiffriviera.com/wpcontent/uploads/2020/06/SBIFF_Moana_ ActivityGuide.pdf
SHOWCASE LOCAL TALENT DURING THE SHELTER-INPLACE ORDINANCE, The Santa Barbara International Film Festival hosted its first-ever online student film festival showcasing the work of local high school and college students.
The event was created to address the fact that area student filmmakers were going to miss out on screening their films publicly due to the coronavirus pandemic, and to give these students a platform to do just that.
“We are thrilled with how our first online student film festival turned out,” shared SBIFF Education Coordinator Claire Waterhouse. “The quality of the films we received was really impressive, and the community turned out in big numbers to watch them and cast their votes. Mostly, we are so happy to have been able to support these students by offering them a way to screen their works for a wide and enthusiastic audience.”
Nature At Your Fingertips: From art projects, to stories, to natural recipes, Wilderness Youth Project is providing resources that deeply engage children and adults with the natural world. Access the Free Nature Resource Portal at https://wyp.org/resource-portal/ and check back every week to see what fun new offerings are added.
Cottage Health’s Free Online Resources for Families: Cottage’s free online resources page offers fun and educational resources to help families cope and spend productive time together. The page has everything from free coloring book pages to online Broadway plays to NASA tours. Choose a new activity every day at www.cottagehealth.org/ app/files/public/3547/Free_Online_Resources_ for_Families_During-Quarantine.pdf
To view more online COVID-19 resources for parents and children visit www.cottagehealth.org/ coronavirus-covid-19/parents-children/ Webinars for Your Business to Navigate COVID-19: Several organizations are hosting webinars on a variety of topics to help the business community survive and navigate the COVID-19 public health crisis. Visit the following websites to see what they have to offer: Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) www.EDCollaborative.com; Womens Economic Ventures (WEV) www.WEVOnline. org; Traffic Solutions www.trafficsolutions.org; SCORE Santa Barbara https://santabarbara.score. org/content/take-workshop-35; and The Chamber of the Santa Barbara Region www.SBChamber.org
The Importance of Activities, Mindfulness, and Community for Vitality: While activities at the Friendship Center are currently on hold, the center is committed to bringing activities and engagement to you at home! They will be hosting live activity sessions through Zoom and Facebook live every Monday-Thursday. Join Zoom Meetings at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/257870485
Meeting ID: 257-870-485
Facebook Live: www.facebook.com/ FriendshipCenterSB/ AHA! Free Online Workshops through June: From topics such as Body Image During Corona to Parenting in Place to Couples’ Issues in Extreme Conditions, AHA! therapists and coaches will present free online workshops through June. Preregistration is required. For a complete schedule and to register visit https://ahasb.org/ Mahakankala Buddhist Center Online Classes: As long as the quarantine lasts, Center classes have been moved online. Evening classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 6:30 to 7:30pm, begin with a guided breathing meditation and culminate with a second meditation based upon the evening’s topic. The Sunday morning class from 10:30 to 11:45am is a practice class with commentary. Suggested donation for class is $10. Register at https://meditationinsantabarbara.org/how-to-sign-
The winners are:
Jury Awards:
High School Winner: Left on Read by Joshua Kazali, Santa Ynez Valley High School
College Winner: Nomad by Lyndall Stephenson, Westmont College Audience Awards:
High School Winner: Beer to Bread by Grace Miller, Santa Barbara High School College Winner: El Cantante: A Salsa Film by Daniel Blanco, UCSB
The films are still available for viewing on the SBIFF website, and all entrants are allowed to submit their films for consideration in SBIFF 2021 as well. Each winner will receive a Cinema Pass and pair of tribute tickets to SBIFF 2021. https://sbiff.org
SBPL Works! offers Help for Job Seekers: Looking for a job or to improve your career skills? The SB Public Library’s professional staff in their workforce development program SBPL Works! are ready to help you with one-to-one consultations in English or Spanish remotely. Free and open to all and by appointment. Complete the survey at: www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/ events/sbpl_works!/sbpl_works!.asp
Fighting Hate From Home Webinars: At a time when we can all feel isolated, we need to pull together more than ever to stand up against antisemitism and extremism. The Anti-Defamation League is offering a series of webinars, Fighting Hate from Home, to help unite and inform the community. Sign up for ADL’s email list to receive notifications each week about the next event in the webinar series. www.adl.org/webinars Watch archived webinars at www.youtube. com/playlist?list=PLEPACLR6xldqDzHj4dkQbHSizqdgWtiJ
Library & Community Resources for Mental Wellness: Find links to community and national resources about mental health at www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/ collections/research_by_subject/mental_health_ wellness.asp
The Library also has books and resources for you to help you cope. Browse the Mental Health Awareness Month collection on Overdrive https://blackgold.overdrive. com/blackgold-santabarbara/content/ collection/1082488
Crossings + Boundaries Talk: Murder & Mattering In Harambe’s House: In this IHC UCSB talk, Claire Jean Kim approached the controversy over the killing of the gorilla Harambe in the Cincinnati Zoo in May 2016 as a unique window onto the making of animalness and blackness in the contemporary U.S. It explores the notion of a racialzoological order in which the “human” is constructed simultaneously in relation to both the “black” and the “animal.” Watch the video www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-hHzOQv6-m0&feature=youtu.be or listen to the podcast https://soundcloud.com/ihc-ucsb/talkmurder-and-mattering-in-harambes-house TEDxSantaBarbara Spurs Change: TEDxSantaBarbara, a locally organized offshoot of the international TED nonprofit, kicked off Making Waves: Conversations with Influencers and Disruptors, a series of virtual talks to address two major issues facing society today – COVID-19 and systemic racism. The online events will be free and broadcasted live on Zoom and Facebook on Wednesdays at 4pm through December 2020. Reserve tickets at: www.TEDxSantaBarbara.com
• 805 Boba
• Abercrombie & Fitch
• American Eagle Outfitters
• California Pasta
• California Pizza Kitchen (dine-in)
• Claire's Boutique
• Evangelina Boutique
• Foot Locker
• Francesca's
• NEW! Iconic Boutique Collections
• iProtech
• Le Macaron
• Lorna Jane
• Makers Market (Tuesdays 3-7p | Saturdays 10a-6p)
• Miss Behavin’
• NEW! Oakberry Acai
• PacSun
• Panda Express
• Pickles&Swiss
• PokeCeviche
• Pressed Juicery
• Sephora
• Skechers
• Solstice Sunglasses
• Sushi Tyme
• Sweet Creams
• Te Amo
• The Barn
• T-Mobile
• Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle
• Victoria's Secret & PINK (opening 6/29)
• NEW! Viva Santa Barbara (opening 7/1)
• workzones
• Zitzilin Imports
• Zumiez
Temporary Center Hours: 11am to 6pm daily
Saturday, July 4, 2020, 6:00 PM
Santa Barbara will gather together in the safety and comfort of their homes to enjoy scenes from past parades, concert with the West Coast Symphony and a spectacular fireworks finale.
Join us at 6:00 PM on Saturday, July 4th, KEYT-TV Channel 3 for a one-hour show.
walked away proud when the Community College Public Relations Organization (CCPRO) held its annual awards ceremony on June 10th – a virtual watch party via Zoom this year.
CCPRO is the professional development and service organization that seeks to promote excellence in California’s community college public relations and related professions for
the state’s 115 community colleges. The organization received a total of 448 entries from 53 colleges representing their best work of the 2019 calendar year. Works submitted were judged by 39 judges across the state, based on creativity, problem-solving, design, and inspiration. When the judging was complete, SBCC had scored three first place awards, two second place awards, and one third place award.
“The team in the Office of Communications is thrilled by the awards we received this year for our work at SBCC,” shared SBCC’s Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications Luz ReyesMartín. “Our goal is always to share the stories of our students, faculty, and staff. We work tirelessly to support our campus community and to create opportunities for our communities to be connected to SBCC.”
SBCC’s Office of Communications has a long
SINCE ITS INITIAL IMPLEMENTATION IN MID-2019, The Santa Barbara Police Department Naloxone (Narcan) program has enabled the use of Naloxone as a lifesaving tool for Officers in the field. This program gives Officers the ability to utilize Naloxone on subjects in distress while responding to calls for service or on Officers in the event of an accidental exposer. The Department was able to accomplish this with the assistance of Santa Barbara County Public Health and the Pacific Pride Foundation. They both generously provide the Department with the lifesaving medication as well as assisted in providing the required training needed to allow and enable Officers to administer the Naloxone. In addition to the new training and acceptance of the Naloxone, new Department Policy was introduced which stresses the importance of saving lives, responding quickly to the scene, and properly using the Naloxone. One such policy put in place now allows Officers to respond or be dispatched Code 3 (lights and sirens) to any overdose emergency alongside City Fire/Rescue and American Medical Response (AMR). This ensures that the closest emergency First Responder to the possible overdose location has the proper tools and ability to act and save a life.
On June 22nd, 2020 at 2:44pm, Officers responded Code 3 to Pershing Park located on Castillo Street near the beach. The 911 emergency call came in to the City’s Combined Communication Center and was reported as a subject found unresponsive after possibly overdosing on heroine. SBPD Officers arrived on scene just prior to City Fire/Rescue and American Medical Response Medics. Officers located the victim, a Santa Barbara resident, 32 years old and determined they were in serious distress and not breathing. Officers immediately began to perform CPR. It was confirmed the victim had in fact introduced a controlled substance into their system moments prior to the 911 emergency call being placed. Officers administer Naloxone in an effort to revive them. Shortly thereafter the victim began to breathe again on their own and ultimately was able to communicate with Officers about what occurred. American Medical Response took over care of the subject who was later transported to Cottage Hospital for further treatment. We want to commend the quick response and good thinking of the SBPD Officers, City Fire/Rescue and AMR Medics to ensure another life within the community was saved. Because of a collaborative effort by the local entities mentioned above, Officers are continually able to help keep the community and its population safe. We thank all those involved in this program and in yesterday’s call for service.
DURING THE WEEKEND OF JUNE 19TH TO 21ST, the Santa Barbara Police Department received 496 calls for service from the community resulting in 18 filed felony reports (including assault with a deadly weapon, robbery, rape, burglary, ID theft, domestic battery, terrorist threats, stalking, and DUI causing injury). Of the 18 felony reports, eight were cleared with arrests and two were referred to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution. The other felony reports will be reviewed by the Criminal Investigations Division.
history of being recognized for its efforts; over the past six years it has received 27 first, second, and third place awards from CCPRO. The team has been particularly strong in the area of social media, in the past three years winning two firstand one second-place award in Social Media
SBCC’s winning pieces included:
Social Media Management - 1st place
Social Media Marketing - 1st place
Manipulated Photo - 1st place
by student photographer
Marketing; and a first, second, and third place award in Social Media Management. The office is responsible for public affairs and media relations for the college in addition to marketing, social media, advertising, campuswide branding and website management.
Before and After - 2nd place
SBCC Website Redesign (launched August 12, 2019)
Marketing Campaign - 2nd place
Learning Beyond the Classroom, Fall 2019
Class Schedule - 3rd place, School of Extended Learning Fall 2019 Class Schedule
By Sigrid Toye / Cecilia Fund
THE CECILIA FUND HAS BECOME PAINFULLY AWARE, along with the entire community, that public health has become a primary concern. It is apparent that no government, or private, or philanthropic entity can solve this problem alone. A united effort is needed, one small step at a time, to meet this enormous challenge. A unique organization established in 1892, the Cecilia Fund continues to provide healthcare for Santa Barbara County’s most vulnerable members in keeping with its 128 year old mission.
In the present uncertain medical environment, much has changed. Due to the pandemic's uncertainty and confusion, most clinics and hospitals were seeing only COVID-19 cases or dire emergencies. Other health care issues had been sidelined. Presently, clinics and doctor's offices are beginning to open their doors to provide both medical and dental services. Although hospital emergency rooms must provide care, the patient is nonetheless responsible for these charges regardless of ability to pay. In fact, over 50 percent of collections documented in credit reports are healthcare-related. Up until now, the Cecilia Fund is one of only a few organizations to cover critical healthcare and the only organization that funds urgent dental care for adults.
Today the Cecilia Fund is preparing for the time that COVID-19 is better understood. The board is bracing for a dramatic increase of health related issues in the community and the eventual onslaught of requests to come. During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic requests slowed: as the curve plateaued and medical care became available, the health care ramifications of COVID-19 are beginning to surface, a huge issue for the entire community.
The Cecilia Fund's Co-president, Marion Schoneberger shared a current example: “A young woman, recommended to us by the Ridley-Tree Cancer Center, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 and a series of cancer treatments followed.” Schoneberger noted that although this individual continued to work as a trainer at a local gym during her cancer treatment, her insurance left her with uncovered medical expenses. When the gym was forced to close due to the pandemic, she lost her job and was unable to cover her expenses. The Cecilia Fund stepped in to help.
“This is a canary-in-the-coalmine moment,” cautioned Schoneberger. “The majority of our clients are low wage earners, as are many in Santa Barbara County, and have been particularly hard hit by the economic crisis created by this pandemic. As we slowly emerge, the Cecilia Fund, along with other agencies in the community, will receive an unprecedented number of requests for help. We must all be prepared!”
The Cecilia Fund's goal this year is to provide the same level of support as in 2019. It is an ambitious goal considering the cancelation of the Annual Tea and Fundraiser in April. The loss of this vital support will impact the number of people the organization can help in the coming weeks and months. Nonetheless, the Cecilia Fund's board is determined to meet the need. Schoneberger concluded, “This year our work is going to be more important than ever. We project the number of requests will be even greater than the 100 plus of the previous year, and even more critical. We look forward to partnering with others in the community, knowing that help in achieving our goal is necessary and very much appreciated.” The Cecilia Fund, P.O. Box 92213, Santa Barbara, California 93190 • www.ceciliafund.org
“I love being part of this group! Each Leading Lender provides something valuable and unique to the group as a whole and to our clients collectively. I feel that, for my part, Bank of the West, as a bank and a portfolio lender (meaning we keep many of the loans on our books and don’t sell them) provides me with other options and often, greater flexibility. During these crazy times, many lenders got out of jumbo loans, interest only and cut programs. Bank of the West changed very few programs. For example, we still do cash-out loans even on investment properties. The lending world and its process isn’t what I would call “fun” now, but I love the consultative nature of the business and working with my clients in that capacity.”
Contact Elizabeth today at 805-979-9737 or Elizabeth.Winterhalter@bankofthewest.com
Nonprofit awards
FOUR YOUNG WOMEN WERE AWARDED SCHOLARSHIPS by Girls Inc. of Carpinteria recently when the organization presented over $7,000 in funds to local girls and outgoing seniors Yaritza Hernandez, Michelle Alpizar, Adriana Campuzano, and Rudy Jimenez. Each year, the organization awards scholarships that recognize outstanding members who are role models to their peers and exemplify the Girls Inc. mission of inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.
“We are proud to honor these four young women and their impressive achievements as they prepare for a new chapter in their lives—college,” said Jamie Collins, Executive Director of Girls Inc. of Carpinteria. “These last few months have highlighted the resiliency of all our girls, which is a testament to not only the dedicated work of our staff, but also our scholarship winners who continue to serve as role models to our younger members, their peers, and others in the community. We’re excited to see what they do next!”
Scholarships presented include: Strong, Smart, and Bold Senior Award; The Patty & Terry Bliss Scholarship; Fuel Her Fire Scholarship; and The Camilla L. Calene Griffin Scholarship.
Yaritza Hernandez received the Strong, Smart, and Bold Senior Award ($5,000). The scholarship is given annually to a Eureka! participant in good standing who can demonstrate the impact of the program on her life and who has volunteered with Girls Inc. of Carpinteria. Yaritza joined the organization at the age of 12 as part of the Eureka! program. She has volunteered over 800 hours in the community and spent three summers as a counselor in training at Girls Inc. Yaritza will be the first in her family to attend college and will be pursuing her passion for caregiving and nursing at California State University, Chico this fall.
Michelle Alpizar was recognized with The Patty & Terry Bliss Scholarship ($1,000), awarded annually to a girl who exhibits a passion for helping others. Michelle has been a Girls Inc. member for seven years and found career inspiration through the Eureka! Externship with the Housing Authority of Santa Barbara, where she worked with youth facing intersectional challenges. The experience helped her envision a future as a child psychologist, and she plans to pursue this passion at UCLA.
Adriana Campuzano received the Fuel Her Fire Scholarship ($800). Fully funded by Girls Inc. of Carpinteria staff, the Fuel Her Fire Scholarship is awarded to support strong, smart, and bold high school seniors in their efforts to pursue post-secondary education. Adriana has been with Girls Inc. for 12 years and credits her mentors with pushing her out of her comfort zone and inspiring her to take up leadership positions. She has participated in three years of ASB leadership, three sports teams, and multiple school clubs. Adriana plans to study sports medicine and will be attending SBCC in the fall.
Rudy Jimenez was presented with The Camilla L. Calene Griffin Scholarship ($250). The scholarship is awarded to a girl who exemplifies the positive attributes of Camilla L. Calene Griffin: optimism, inclusiveness, kindness towards others, and expressing desire to work in a profession that helps others. Rudy joined Girls Inc. six years ago and was inspired by the sisterhood of likeminded girls she developed in the Eureka! program and the independence she experienced traveling with her cohort. She plans to study cosmetology at SBCC and hopes to one day be a midwife or nurse.
To donate or learn more about Girls Inc. Carpinteria, visit www.girlsinc-carp.org.
Designate a tree as a tribute to a family member or friend.
and giant Blue whales feed in the Santa Barbara channel, along with several species of dolphin and seals.
Trips depart daily @ 10am from the Sea Landing dock in the Santa Barbara harbor, returning around 2:30. For reservations and information go to www.condorexpress.com or call Sea Landing @ 805-963-3564 and we’ll see you aboard the Condor Express! Adults $99 • Kids 12 and under $45
For your safety and comfort, we will be limiting our passenger load to about half of capacity. We are requiring face masks to be worn, and will monitor social distancing. We will also have sanitizing stations on board. Be on board starting this week & enjoy the great weather and Whales, Whales, Whales! For more information visit: www.sbbeautiful.org/commemorativetrees.html Santa Barbara Beautiful has funded more than 13,000 street trees in Santa Barbara! Find out more at www.SBBeautiful.org
“Central Coast small businesses need our support during this pandemic. That’s why I’m working with Democrats and Republicans to make funding more flexible and accessible for vulnerable small businesses. Now more than ever, it’s time to put partisan gridlock aside and help our local economy recover.”
By Sigrid Toye, Special to VOICE
I looked in the direction of the Museum of Natural History’s Sea Center, one of the Wharf’s most popular locations. This highly interactive marine education facility is known for actual Close Encounters of the Third (or maybe Fourth) Kind experiences with marine animals who make their home in the Santa Barbara Channel. Little fingers, and big ones too, have the opportunity to touch and interact with the sea life located on the main floor of the museum including sharks, rays, sea stars, and sea anemones. Children especially enjoy feeding the sharks, accompanied by a full set of instructions, as they learn about their habits and lifestyles in real time. Looking in the museum’s direction that day however, it stood silently with doors closed, the usual crowd nowhere to be seen.
Since the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, this wonderful –and much missed – attraction has been shuttered, along with most of Santa Barbara’s public spaces. However, according to the Sea Center’s Director Rich Smalldon, the good news is that a re-opening will be taking place very soon. “We are really excited to open our doors on July 8th,” he announced happily. “My staff and I are looking forward to sharing our own enthusiasm with our visitors as we welcome them back!” The Sea Center will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 11am to 3pm under the umbrella of the Santa Barbara Health Department’s COVID-19 regulations.
school closures and the quarantine. The return of the museum’s volunteers remains a work in progress until the opening is well underway.
“We will open with just staff present for the first weeks, after which we’ll invite those volunteers who are ready and willing to return,” Smalldon added. “The safety and comfort level of volunteers, visitors, and staff are of the highest priority.”
“Needless to say, we are honoring the six feet distancing requirements,” explained Smalldon, “and are allowing a limited amount of people to explore the museum in a one way flow to maintain the required distancing and traffic control.” He added that opening the museum during this cautious time is uncharted territory, therefore, the Sea Center’s crew will be present to assist visitors and their children and to maintain sanitary conditions on all surfaces for the safety of the public as well as the staff. Masks, of course, are required.
The Board of Trustees of the Museum of Natural History provided for the museum’s staff to be fully maintained during the hiatus of almost three months. “Our animals were lovingly cared for and we took the opportunity to do some work during those long weeks in preparation for the day we would be allowed to open our doors again,” shared Smalldon.
The museum’s normal day-to-day operations before the virus onslaught included over 150 volunteers of all ages, many of whom are students and seniors whose status is yet uncertain due to
During the hiatus, the Sea Center was chosen to participate in the global ‘Light it Blue’ campaign honoring those on the front lines, especially health care workers, first responders, and others who continue to keep Santa Barbara up and running during the pandemic. The Museum joined hundreds of structures including national landmarks and historic buildings illuminated with blue light in solidarity to those who risked their lives for the safety of others.
The Sea Center’s opening is in a scant few days, but future projects are now underway which include a marine life exhibit of live sea horses and an updated online presence for virtual visitors to enjoy the educational opportunities and exhibitions over the Internet. The Museum’s President and CEO, Luke Swetland affirmed, “The Museum of Natural History is delighted that the Sea Center will soon be back to enjoy a close up look at many of the wonders that live in the Channel. We hope that every visitor gets their hands wet in our touch tanks!”
That certainly describes my plan for July 8th! Hope to see you there too ...
Sigrid Toye volunteers for the Breakwater Flag Project. She is on the board of directors of the Maritime Museum and participates in Yacht Club activities. An educational/behavior therapist, Sigrid holds a Ph.D in clinical psychology. She loves all things creative, including her two grown children who are working artists. Send Harbor tips to: Itssigrid@gmail.com
AMay 14th, 2020 article in the Los Angeles Times reports that “With the coronavirusinduced shock to the economy crippling businesses of all sizes and leaving millions of Americans out of work, homelessness in the United States could grow as much as 45 percent in a year.” The data trend, which comes from research conducted by Dr. Brendan O’Flaherty, a professor of economics at Columbia University, is mirrored in our community.
planned for 116 Cota Street in downtown Santa Barbara.
The Cota Street property will feature:
A walkable downtown location that is close to essential services and other amenities.
A strong “good neighbor” policy, and a proven track record with permanent supportive housing developments.
According to the most recent Point-in-Time count completed in January 2020, the study found 1,897 homeless residents countywide, with 914 (48 percent) living in the City of Santa Barbara. The chronically homeless in the county rose from 423 to 614, a 45 percent increase. While the nation continues to grapple with adequately addressing this issue, the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (HACSB) is moving forward with plans to build new housing specifically to address the needs of homeless individuals. The project exemplifies the agency’s mission to create safe, affordable, and quality housing opportunities for families and individuals while promoting self-sufficiency and neighborhood revitalization.
Project-based rental assistance to provide affordable rent to every resident. On-site supportive services to provide ongoing case management and independent living skills.
A full-time on-site manager to oversee the apartment complex. A community room for resident programs, group activities, and support groups.
Controlled access points for entering and exiting the property. No parking demand for residents, reducing the traffic impact of the area.
Homes next to Veracruz Park which will provide community oversight of the recreational area.
Mark Whitehurst, PhD Publisher & Editor Publisher@VoiceSB.com
While the site, located at 116 Cota Street, is currently approved as an AUD project for 15 market rate rental units, HACSB plans to convert the development to provide 30 affordable housing units.
CASA Santa Barbara, Inc. • www.VoiceSB.com 924 Anacapa St #B1F, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 965-6448 • Established 1993
Kerry Methner, PhD Editor & Publisher Editor@VoiceSB.com
Our mission is to provide accessible news for everyone along with a broad and inclusive perspective on our local community in both our FREE digital and print editions. If everyone who reads VOICE Magazine supports it, our future will be made secure.
Send a contribution today to: VOICE Magazine, 924 Anacapa, #B1-F, Santa Barbara CA, 93101
Robert Adams • Robert@EarthKnower.com
Harlan Green • editor@populareconomics.com
Beverley Jackson • c/o editor@voicesb.com
Richard Jarrette • c/o editor@voicesb.com
Amanda & Richard Payatt • foodwinetwosome@cox.net
Sigrid Toye • Itssigrid@gmail.com
Translator: Jeanette Casillas
Bookkeeping: Maureen Flanigan
Advertising: Advertising@VoiceSB.com
Circulation: Central Coast Circulation • (805) 636-6845
religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising which is in violation of this law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis. The opinions and statements contained in advertising or elsewhere in this publication are those of the authors of such opinions and are not necessarily those of the publishers.
The property consists of two parcels with a combined total of approximately 11,000 square feet. It is a mostly flat parcel and sits just to the east of the shopping center on the corner of Cota and Anacapa Streets that houses Dune Coffee Roasters (formerly The French Press). The property sits across the street from the current Cota Street commuter parking lot. The HACSB plan for the lot will not change the mass or exterior design of the building. The Housing Authority recently received approval from the Santa Barbara City Council for the City to provide funding of $2.0 million for the $2.6 million acquisition of this property. The funding source from the City can only be used to support affordable housing efforts. In addition, the Housing Authority intends to apply for Low Income Housing Tax Credits to provide the bulk of the funding needed for the development.
Rob Fredericks, HACSB Executive Director/CEO shares that, “Despite our efforts, our nation, state and city continue to grapple with adequately addressing this issue affordable housing to those most in need and living without a home. We believe access to housing saves lives. For over 25 years, the Housing Authority has worked to eliminate homelessness in Santa Barbara, one home at a time. However, we cannot do it alone. The Housing Authority has collaborated with several local agencies to provide supportive living situations at housing developments such as El Carrillo, Artisan Court, Bradley Studios, and Johnson Court. The services are designed to build independent living and tenancy skills, and, connect people with community- based health care and treatment. We are excited to add the Cota Street project to our affordable housing portfolio.” www.hacsb.org
By Harlan Green / Special to VOICE
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO REPORT ON THE HOUSING MARKET? Because there is already a housing shortage (Forbes says up to 3.8 million unit shortfall to date), and they among others, are predicting a record wave of bankruptcies of large and small companies that could put even more than the 20 million unemployed already out of work.
Existing-home sales fell in May, marking a three-month decline in sales as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Each of the four major regions witnessed dips in month-over-month and year-over-year sales, with the Northeast experiencing the greatest month-over-month drop.
Total existing-home sales (www.nar.realtor/existing-home-sales), completed transactions that include single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops, slumped 9.7 percent from April to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 3.91 million in May, according to the NAR. Overall, sales fell year-over-year, down 26.6 percent from a year ago (5.33 million in May 2019), which shows how deep this recession is.
The Pandemic itself is reaching “forest fire” proportions according to some experts with no end in sight, so it’s important to ask if existing-home sales have bottomed out their decline in sales in May.
Other indicators, including pending-home future sales, already down 22 percent in April, will be the first indicator that tells us whether sales will drop further and inventories increase from their current lows. It largely depends on how many workers are able to return to work, as I’ve said earlier.
The latest pending-home sales numbers reveal the greatest decline since NAR begin tracking such transactions in January 2001. However, chief economist Lawrence Yun expects that April will be the lowest point for pending contracts. We will know next Monday, June 29th, when May pending-home sales are released.
“Sales completed in May reflect contract signings in March and April – during the strictest times of the pandemic lockdown and hence the cyclical low point,” said Yun. “Home sales will surely rise in the upcoming months with the economy reopening, and could even surpass one-year-ago figures in the second half of the year.”
Yun is surprisingly sunny about the rest of this year. “Given the surprising resiliency of the housing market in the midst of the pandemic, the outlook for the remainder of the year has been upgraded for both home sales and prices, with home sales to decline by only eleven percent in 2020 with the median home price projected to increase by four percent,” Yun said. “In the prior forecast, sales were expected to fall by 15 percent and there was no increase in home price.”
I am not so optimistic, after seeing the ups and downs of housing in recent times. We are really in another Great Recession, at least, and the NY Times says more than 6,800 companies filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last year, and this year will almost certainly have more, according to NY Times reporter Mary Williams Walsh. The flood of petitions from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression could swamp the system, making it harder to save the companies that can be rescued, bankruptcy experts said per Walsh. But rather than be the total pessimist, I can hope that we contain this ‘forest fire’ sooner rather than later, as well as the bankruptcy problem by continued government support that boosts spending in areas such as infrastructure, spending that has been too long postponed. It might even now have the attention of congress...
Harlan Green © 2020 Follow Harlan Green on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarlanGreen.
Harlan Green has been the 16-year Editor-Publisher of PopularEconomics.com, a weekly syndicated financial wire service. He writes a Popular Economics Weekly Blog. He is an economic forecaster and teacher of real estate finance with 30-years experience as a banker and mortgage broker. To reach Harlan call (805)452-7696 or email editor@populareconomics.com
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By Staci Caplan, SBAOR President
REALTORS® HAVE BEEN QUICKLY ADAPTING, as the market and the pandemic guidelines – state and local, are constantly changing. Our State and local Associations have moved quickly to respond on almost a daily basis to reflect a rapidly changing landscape.
As of this month, we have new Mandatory Government Showing Requirements including Best Practices Guidelines and Prevention Plans. REALTORS® are following safe, consistent, and responsible industry practices during the current pandemic while serving our clients and protecting our community. These include posting showing requirements on the doors of listings which must be followed by all who enter a property.
HEART OF DOWNTOWN, one bedroom with private yard. Recently upgraded. One block to County Court House. $2200 mo. Call John at 805-451-4551
Staci Caplan
Market activity is up, as sellers who need to sell are putting their properties on the market and buyers are buying. There is no market “norm” as activity varies not only by price range, but by neighborhoods and even down to specific properties. Some properties are lingering on the market while other are going into multiple offer scenarios, some with a dozen or more offers! It comes down to seller motivation and correct pricing. There are less properties to choose from with inventory down significantly. Properties in good condition, which are well priced, are getting the offers. Rely on your REALTOR® for the best pricing strategy for selling to garner market attention.
After sheltering in place and giving a lot of thought to how our homes function and fit, buyers are eager to get into a home which suits their needs. This desire, along with low interest rates, is creating a bright spot in our economy in real estate.
“As California’s economy and housing market slowly begin to see signs of improvement, homeownership and housing supply have never been more important to our state’s COVID-19 recovery,” said CAR President Jeanne Radsick. “During this crisis…the work that REALTORS® perform is essential to our state’s recovery and to the future of California. As you know, homeownership is the lifeblood of our state’s economy and is pivotal to helping working families and those from financially disadvantaged backgrounds build wealth.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has put the importance of housing supply at center stage: without shelter, it’s impossible to shelter in place. Fortunately, as REALTORS® we’re at the front lines of protecting and expanding the dream of home ownership and housing.
Call your REALTOR® today for all the latest strategies on buying or selling property. Contact the Santa Barbara Association of REALTORS® at www.sbaor.com for the virtual open house directory.
Staci Caplan, President of the Santa Barbara Association of REALTORS®, is a Broker, GREEN, MA - BRE# 014450103 at Pacific Crest Realty. Reach her at 805-886-3970 or StaciCaplan@gmail.com.
Y MENTOR AND GOOD FRIEND, George Chelini, passed away on Wednesday, June 17th, 2020. He would have been 89 on Thursday, June 18th, 2020. Here is a little insight into George Chelini and the excellent work he did with the United Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County.
I first met George in 1956; he was a young man who had just graduated from UCSB and got a part-time job at the Santa Barbara Boys Club. He worked in the library. My family moved to Goleta in 1957 and I joined the Goleta Boys Club. In 1958, George became the Executive Director of the Goleta Boys Club, and that was the start of our life-long friendship. I remember one evening, George got a group of us in the library, and he asked us if we were planning on going to college. We started to laugh, some of us didn’t know what college meant, and most of us were trying to get to high school and hopefully graduate. I never forgot that meeting, and for me, the seed was planted about going to college. I’m sure George had that conversation with many other members. In 1959, George hired me as a Day Camp counselor. He paid me one dollar an hour, and for once in my life, I had a little bit of money in my pocket.
The Goleta Club was located at the airport in a T-shaped building. The lease on the building ran out, so George and his committee were able to talk the Goleta Union School District into leasing the lot behind the Goleta Union Grammar School. In 1961 George spearheaded the drive to build the new clubhouse at its present location. George was the Executive Director of the Goleta Boys Club from 1958 to 1975. During that time he developed the following programs: Baseball League: Way before little league, he had 600 players playing summer ball.
He had a great wood-shop with all the power tools. He started the first Day Camp, which helped many working parents. He had tutors come in from UCSB to help the members with their studies.
He developed a very strong Board
By Perie Longo, Bearevement Counselor and Poetry Therapy
POETRY HAS HAD A VARIED REPUTATION THROUGHOUT HISTORY beginning with the oral tradition in ancient times, the chant having the power to heal. More recently, authors have written articles and books about if poetry matters and why. Then 9/11 happened and our idea of national security shrunk. I remember one newscaster interviewed Billy Collins, then Poet Laureate of the United States, and asked what poem he would recommend. At first he said, the psalms, then added, the poem Wild Geese by Mary Oliver. I still hear her words that were heard over the radio across the country. “Tell me about your despair, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on… Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again.”
He started the High Sierra Backing Challenge.
He started a Ladies Auxiliary Club
He developed a great games room program. No one could beat him in Ping Pong.
He had a great weight room program.
He had the club open from 1pm to 5:30pm and 6pm to 9pm, Monday-Friday and 1pm to 4pm on Saturdays.
He always came in on Budget.
He was an excellent fund-raiser
He found part-time jobs for many of the teenage members.
His door was always open to the kids.
He was a good basketball player and very aggressive.
He was a “Great Role Model,” and he saved a lot of young lives.
He was a member of the Goleta Union School Board in the ’60s and ’70s.
He hired some excellent staff members: Louie Esparza, Jack Elbert, Bill Hibbard, Dick Clark, Mike Warren, Jan Bailey, Rochelle Rose, Earl Pointer, Robert Thompson, Rich Medel, Anne Vierra Abe Jahadhmy, and Dan Gomez. I was honored to work for him.
He had Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner for the club families.
He had a strong Keystone club
He started the Grand Canyon trip in 1970, and I continued it for the next 35 years.
He started a tackle football program.
He started a basketball league and called it the Tomahawk League. All the teams were named after American Indian Tribes: Apaches, Blackfeet, Navajo, Cheyenne, Sioux, etc.
He sold Christmas Trees during Christmas.
George and I would play basketball with the 1971 Dos Pueblos High Basketball team that won the CIF Title that year. We would be in that gym till 11:30 at night.
I worked part-time while I was in High school and Santa Barbara City College. In 1964 I went off to college, and before I left, I visited George, and his parting words were, “If you ever get in trouble and need help, call me.” In 1968, I had two months of school left; my car broke down, my part-time job ended. I didn’t have any money. I called George and explained the situation, he asked me how much I needed to finish the year, and I said $200 would get me through. He sent me $200, and it got me through the final semester. I tell this story because I was just one young man that he helped, and there were many others. I was talking to my sister, and I asked her how we got through our home life. Her response was, you were never home, you were always at the Goleta Boys Club. George provided a positive atmosphere for all the members.
He saved my butt. In 1968, I graduated from Fresno State. I was hired by George Chelini as the Athletic Director, and I got drafted into the Army. George tried to get me out by appealing to the draft board, saying that I was working with underprivileged kids. It didn’t go very far. I worked for two weeks at the club and then was off to the Army. I ended up in Vietnam in 1969 and while I was there, George wrote me a letter saying that I still had my job back if I wanted it.
I came back in 1970, and I wanted to buy a new car. With George Chelini’s help (he co-signed) I bought a brand new Chevy Nova for $2,500. In 1975 when George left for United, he promoted me to Unit Director. He took a chance on me.
Gordon Wormal and George Chelini formed the United Boys Clubs in 1975. That same year, Gordon Wormal retired, and George Chelini was named the Executive Director of the United Boys Clubs. George brought in all the Clubs, and we all reported to him.
George Chelini was the CEO from 1975 to 1993. During that time he built a very strong Board, acquired Camp Whittier, and the Lompoc Boys Club. He raised much money and built up the Endowment for the United Boys & Girls Clubs and The Santa Barbara Boys & Girls Clubs. He made sure that all of our members were provided with a safe environment.
George Chelini was ahead of his time regarding Endowment Building. He was well known at a national level and was invited to speak to other Boys & Girls Club professionals. George knew every important person in Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria, and especially people in Montecito.
Two years ago, Ben Howland called me and said that we ought to do a bar-be-que for George Chelini. I said that it is a great idea. We met with George and explained what we wanted to do and to thank him for all his excellent work with kids. We had alumni coming from Chicago, Arizona, New Mexico, Sweden, Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield, and all over California. It turned out to be a very fun day. George called me a few days later, and he invited Ben Howland and me up to the beach house, and again he thanked us.
George Chelini had a big, positive impact on the kids growing up in Santa Barbara County. He was a true Boys & Girls Club Professional. I owe whatever success that I have had to that Gentleman, George Chelini. George had this saying, “that's a Sapo.” It meant a lucky shot in basketball, billiards, ping pong, etc. As we would say in Goleta, “George, you did well.”
RIP, my friend.
My condolences to his family: Karen, Marilyn, Margie, Eric, Remy, Polly, and all the grandchildren.
– Sal Rodriguez
collage of feelings suddenly risen demanding attention. When a poem speaks of our experience, there is a sense of comfort, which holds the word “fort.” A poem can fortify us, light a way to hope. And poetry is a container. Words in shorter lines with the wide margins like a fence, hold our emotion so we won’t fall off the edge.
Not every poem is one of healing, which brings me to poetry therapy, also described as poetry for wellness or healing.
Here we are again. Home, in a very different way, sheltered and isolated to dodge the Coronavirus as best we can. Whether we take to poetry or not, we turn to it at times of celebration like birth and marriage, as well as times of great sorrow—death, and crisis like the one we are experiencing today. Poetry has been exploding on the internet, people writing about their despair, their grief and anger and fear. Poetry can connect us to the world, at the same time, reaching deep into the “I,” the self, trying to understand a
I have been facilitating bereavement groups at Hospice for many years. A poem selected for inspiration, must always point to hope in some way, while also speaking of struggle. The process begins with a poem that addresses specific emotions of the group in language that is understandable yet fresh, perhaps with metaphor and imagery, and most often personal details with a natural rhythm. I like to describe poetry as a song without the melody.
The poem is printed up, a copy for all, read, and then explored, not for what it means as in an English class, but where in the poem does your heart land. What phrases or words speak to you and how do they relate to your life? From that place, participants write their own poems, which are read out loud. Group members respond with heart so the author feels heard,
seen, not judged, but opens more to the self and others with compassion. Poetry becomes a communal event, starting with a few words that spread, like a pebble dropped in a pond, pulsing outward.
Once sheltered, Hospice turned to technology to keep our lives moving forward, on the Zoom platform. Early in April 2020, NPR’s poet-in residence, Kwame Alexander, pointed to a poem by Nancy Dross Dunham titled What I’m Learning about Grief which was published on Morning Edition. It was followed by an invitation from NPR to those whose lives had been affected by COVID-19, to write poems beginning with the line “What I’m learning about grief is…” and send in their thoughts. NPR staff would pick out a sampling of poems from around the country. On April 30th, the national “communal poem” was posted by NPR on Zoom for all to hear and read.
Continuing with the national outcry, I brought the poem to our Hospice group, reading some of the lines, and members wrote their own poems and thoughts about what they had learned about grief or were experiencing that day, as they always do. What was different is that this time they were united with a wide swath of others experiencing grief as if looking through a glass window West to East, South to North, seeing themselves reflected, encouraged to take another step, which is one of the healing effects of poetry. It only takes one line that opens the heart, and another ear to hear it, and nod Yes. www.hospiceofsantabarbara.org
By Kerry Methner, PhD / VOICE
THE CONVERGENCE OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC AND WAVES OF PROTEST against systemic and cultural racism is the cultural context for the next installation of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art’s Parallel Stories. Sameer Pandya, Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at UCSB and the author of the debut novel Members Only, will appear in a free Zoom conversation with author Ivy Pochoda on July 7th.
“The novel is an occasion to immerse yourself in lives and worlds that are not your own. It is a place where we can encounter different histories, different narratives. Reading is an act of engaging with these differences. And it serves as an occasion to talk, which is vital in, as you say, enhancing cultural awareness,” Pandya wrote in an email interview with VOICE.
Pandya’s book and the conversation it may provoke seem to have anticipated this unique cultural moment. Through the eyes and experiences of Pandya’s protagonist, Raj Bhatt, he introduces readers to aspects of Bhatt’s Indian American experience, rife with racism, white preferencing, and classism.
Pandya is quick to point out that, “This is not an autobiographical novel, but the issues Raj is dealing with here—on race and racism, on fatherhood, on the notions of success and failure with work, on middle age—are certainly issues that I have been engaging with for a long time.”
He came to the project after completing a book of stories, The Blind Writer, in 2015. It was then that he felt ready to tackle the novel form.
Parallel Stories was created to offer another avenue into the Museum, to allow dialogue between the various arts, each other, and the Museum’s collections, according to Patsy Hicks, SBMA Director of Education. “Parallel Stories, she notes, “is a literary and performing arts series that pairs art and artists with award-winning authors and performers of regional, national, and international acclaim. This series functions as a multidisciplinary lens through which to view the Museum’s collection and special exhibitions. The idea came out of the Museum’s belief in and championing of the connection between word and image, between visual literacy and literacy. We recognize that people come to art from different access points. Stories, are one of those.”
“There are so many different formal aspects of the novel and that’s what makes the challenge of writing one interesting and exciting. There are very long novels that take place over a day and relatively short ones that take place over years. This one covers a difficult week in the life of the protagonist,” he added. “The protagonist Raj Bhatt has been tapping on my shoulder for some years. I had his voice in mind, I had some sense of his life. And from there, the opening chapter emerged. I had originally written it as a short story, but when I was done with it, I knew that there was more to say, more to cover. And from there, working in the novel form seemed the most useful.”
Pandya has met success with his various writing projects. The Blind Writer was long listed for the PEN/Open Book Award and he is the recipient of the PEN/Civitella Fellowship that granted him a residency with other artists in Civitella, Italy. His fiction, commentary, and cultural criticism has appeared in a range of publications, including The Atlantic, Salon, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, and Narrative Magazine.
Of his newest book, The New York Times Book Review recently said it is as “witty as it is
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“There is a richness that comes when language illuminates some idea in a work of art, and when art inspires or is a starting place for writing. Music and performance are other ways that audiences are invited to respond to art. They are all ‘parallel stories’ that not only help us to connect, but enrich our experience and understanding,” Hicks continued. Pandya’s art reflects a careful sharing of the details of a character’s life that intertwine and reach back to his protagonist’s early days in India all the way up to his marriage and membership at the TC.
The novel is an occasion to immerse yourself in lives and worlds that are not your own. It is a place where we can encounter different histories, different narratives. Reading is an act of engaging with these differences. And it serves as an occasion to talk, which is vital in, as you say, enhancing cultural awareness.
– Sameer Pandya
“I wrote the novel, first and foremost, because I wanted to tell Raj Bhatt’s story. One of my favorite lines from the book is early on when Bill Brown, a key character, says that he knew a Raj in college. And Raj thinks to himself: ‘Everyone knew a Raj in college.’ In writing this book, I wanted to flesh out that Raj everyone knew or, for that matter, didn’t know. I wanted to give him a past, a present, a deep inner life with wants and desires and failings,” Pandya concluded. It is this teasing out of Raj’s inner life that places Members Only in the middle of today’s cultural conversation about racism, health, and contemporary life.
Ivy Pochoda is the author of the critically acclaimed novels Wonder Valley, Visitation Street, and These Women. Wonder Valley won the 2018 Strand Critics Award for Best Novel and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and Le Grand Prix de Litterature Americaine, as well as being chosen as an NPR and Los Angeles Times Book of the Year.
Parallel Stories with Sameer Pandya and Ivy Pochoda will take place on July 7th at 6pm. For a free ticket to this virtual event on Zoom, visit: tickets. sbma.net. An email will be sent with a Zoom link after reserving a ticket.
Opening June 26th - 28th Friday - Sunday from 1pm to 5pm
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Tuffnell Art Studio
10 WEST GALLERY: Art4Charity: benefit for Unity Shoppe • 10 West Anapamu • FriSun 11-4 • www.10westgallery.com • 805-770-7711.
229 E Victoria • Meandering The Edges By Nathan Huff ~ Jun 27 • Drop in visit: Sat: June 27, 1-4pm• 805-965-6307 • www.afsb.org/programs/art-gallery.
ART, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE MUSEUM, UCSB: 2020 MFA Thesis Exhibition: Field Day and Solstice: Faces www.museum.ucsb.edu/exhibitions/online • 805-893-2951.
ART FROM SCRAP GALLERY: Closed at this time • 805-884-0459 • www.exploreecology.org/art-from-scrap.
ARTISTE GALLERY: Los Olivos • 805-686-2626.
ARTS FUND GALLERY: Closed at this time • 805-965-7321.
ATKINSON GALLERY @ SBCC: Closed at this time • 805-897-3484 • gallery.sbcc.edu.
DISTINCTIVE FRAMING N’ ART: 1333 State St • www.distinctiveframingnart.com • 805-882-2108.
ELIZABETH GORDON GALLERY: Contemporary art • 15 W Gutierrez St • www.elizabethgordongallery.com • 805-963-1157.
EL PRESIDIO DE SANTA BÁRBARA: 123 E Canon Perdido • 805-965-0093.
ELVERHØJ MUSEUM: Closed at this time • • 805-686-1211 • www.elverhoj.org.
FAULKNER/SB PUBLIC LIBRARY GALLERIES: Closed at this time • 805-962-7653.
GALLERY 113: 1114 State St, #8 La Arcada Ct • SB Art Assn • 805-965-6611.
GALLERY 333: Closed at this time • 805-451-6919.
GALLERY LOS OLIVOS: Closed at this time • www.gallerylosolivos.com • 805-688-7517.
GOLETA VALLEY LIBRARY: Closed at this time • 805-964-7878.
Glowing Clouds, Evening Pines https://tuffnellarts.wixsite.com/-tuffnell-art-studio 805-965-8950
MISA & MARTIN GALLERY: 619 State St • www.misa-artwork.com.
BELLA ROSA GALLERIES: 1103-A State St • 805-966-1707.
CASA DE LA GUERRA: 15 E De la Guerra St • 805-965-0093.
CASA DOLORES: Otomi Dream/Sueno Otomi ~ June 30 • José Salazar’s In Sand and Oil; Bandera Ware • www.casadolores.org • 1023 Bath St • Tu-Sa 12-4pm • 805-963-1032.
CHANNING PEAKE GALLERY: 105 E Anapamu • 805-568-3994.
COLETTE COSENTINO ATELIER + GALLERY: Fine and decorative arts • 11 W Anapamu St • By Appt • 805-570-9863.
COMMUNITY ARTS WORKSHOP: Closed at this time • 631 Garden • 805-324-7443.
CORRIDAN GALLERY: Local Artists • 125 N Milpas • www.corridan-gallery.com • 805-966-7939.
CYPRESS GALLERY: 119 E Cypress Av (Lompoc) • 805-737-1129.
GOLETA VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTER: El Corazón de Goleta mural by Barbara Eberhart • 55679 Hollister • www.thegvcc.org.
GOOD CUP COFFEE HOUSE: 918 State Street • 805-965-5593.
HOSPICE OF SB, LEIGH BLOCK GALLERY: 2050 Alameda Padre Serra, #100 • Mo-Fr 9-5pm, By Appt • 805-563-8820.
INSPIRATION GALLERY OF FINE ART: 1528 State St • 805-962-6444.
JAMES MAIN FINE ART: 19th & 20th Cent American & European Fine art & antiques ~ Ongoing • 27 E De La Guerra St • Tu-Sa 12-5pm • Appts Suggested • 805-962-8347.
JARDIN DE LAS GRANADAS: re[visit] 1925 by Kym Cochran & Jonathan Smith ~ Ongoing • 21 E Anapamu.
JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER SB: Closed at this time • 805-957-1115.
KARPELES MUSEUM & MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY: Anne Baldwin, abstracts by “Hollywood” painter ~ Ongoing; John Herd, blended computer/photography prints ~ Ongoing • 21 W Anapamu • WeSu 12-4pm • 805-962-5322.
KATHRYNE DESIGNS: 1225 Coast Village Rd, Suite A • 805-565-4700.
LA CUMBRE CENTER FOR CREATIVE ARTS: La Cumbre Plaza • Thurs-Sun 12-4 • lacumbrecenterforcreativearts@gmail.com
LINDEN STUDIO AND GALLERY: 963 Linden Av, Carpinteria • 805-570-9195.
LYNDA FAIRLY CARPINTERIA ARTS CENTER: Closed at this time • 805-684-7789; www.carpinteriaartscenter.org.
MARCIA BURTT STUDIO: Rocks and Water, Minimalism, and Spring abridged • www.artlacuna.com and available for in-person viewing • 517 Laguna St • Th-Su 1-5pm • 805-962-5588.
MICHAELKATE INTERIORS & ART GALLERY: Contemporary Art & Interior Design • 132 Santa Barbara St • Open Tu-Sat 10-6 • 805-963-1411.
MOXI, THE WOLF MUSEUM: Re-opens for members Jul 9 • 125 State St • Thu-Su 1012 & 1-3 • 805-770-5000.
MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART SB: Bloom Projects: Genevieve Gaignard, Outside Looking In • 805-966-5373 • www.mcasantabarbara.org.
MUSEUM OF VENTURA COUNTY: Closed at this time • 805-653-0323.
PALM LOFT GALLERY: Poetry of the Earth: works by Kasandra Martell and Arturo Tello • 410 Palm Av, Loft A1, Carp • By Appt • 805-684-9700.
PEREGRINE GALLERIES: 1133 Coast Village Rd • 805-969-9673.
PORCH: GALLERY: 3823 Santa Claus Ln • 805-684-0300.
Column 796
By Ted Kooser, U.S. Poet Laureate
AND THEN, I get a complaint from one of our readers saying that what we publish isn’t poetry because it doesn’t rhyme. Actually, we’ve published quite a lot of poetry with rhymes— end-rhymes, half-rhymes, internal rhymes, and now and then a sonnet, if that sonnet is a fine poem, too. And here’s one of those by Rhina P. Espaillat, a New Englander, from her book And After All, published by Able Muse Press.
My mother’s mother, toughened by the farm, hardened by infants’ burials, used a knife and swung an axe as if her woman’s arm wielded a man’s hard will. Inured to life and death alike, “What ails you now?” she’d say ungently to the sick. She fed them, too, roughly but well, and took the blood away— and washed the dead, if there was that to do. She told us children how the cows could sense when their own calves were marked for butchering, and how they lowed, their wordless eloquence impossible to still with anything— sweet clover, or her unremitting care. She told it simply, but she faltered there.
American Life In Poetry does not accept unsolicited submissions. American Life in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation. org), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2019 by Rhina P. Espaillat, “Butchering,” from And After All, (Able Muse Press, 2019). Poem reprinted by permission of Rhina P. Espaillat and the publisher. Introduction copyright ©2020 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction’s author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.
By R. Anthony Askew
CHRISTO WAS THE ARTIST WHO STRETCHED AN OPALESCENT FENCE ACROSS SONOMA COUNTY (1976), wrapped the Pont Neuf in Paris (1985), created pink lily pads out of Islands in Miami’s Biscayne Bay (1983), and placed thousands of umbrellas in California and Japan (1991). We lost Jeanne-Claude in 2009; Christo passed away recently at the age of 84. He partnered with his wife on monumental projects and together they were known simply as Christo and JeanneClaude. They changed the way we all experience art in immeasurable ways.
PORTICO GALLERY: 1235 Coast Village Rd • 805-695-8850.
RODEO GALLERY & LOVEWORN: 11 Anacapa St • 805-636-5611.
GALLERY: Seeing Red: Anthony Askew, Charlene Broudy, Dan Levin, Michael Blaha, Ruth Ellen Hoag • 219 Gray Av • FriSun 1-4, RSVPs welcome • 805-689-0858.
SANSUM CLINIC LOWER LEVEL: The Art of Ballet II by Malcolm Tuffnell ~ Ongoing • 317 W Pueblo St • 805-898-3070.
SANTA BARBARA ART WORKS: Encouraging artists with disabilities • 805-260-6705.
SANTA BARBARA ARTS: Closed at this time • 805-884-1938.
SANTA BARBARA FINE ART: Along The Way West: recent paintings by Michael Drury • 1321 State St • Thu-Sun 1-8 • 805-845-4270.
SANTA BARBARA TENNIS CLUB: SB Visual Artists: Jan Baker, Ann T. Elliott, Elizabeth U. Flanagan, Karen Frishman, Annie Guillemette, Karen Haub, Hepzibah Michaels, Dee Faria Parkins, Ginny Speirs, Robert Voohees Jr., Patricia Watkins ~ Jul 6 - Aug 7 • 805-682-4722.
SB BOTANIC GARDEN: members only • Fri-Tues 9-5 • www.sbbg.org • 805-682-4726.
SB HISTORICAL MUSEUM: Closed at this time • 805-966-1601.
SB MARITIME MUSEUM: Closed at this time; View lectures & art on-line: www.SBMM.org • 805-962-8404.
SB MUSEUM OF ART: Closed at this time • online resources: https://www.sbma. net/events/videolibrary/studiosundays • https://www.sbma.net/learn/athome • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFgz_ EK8or8&t=37s • 805-963-4364.
SB MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: Outdoor areas open to members w/ RSVP • www.sbnature.org • 805-682-4711.
SILO 118: LOVE ART? HATE COVID-19? • www.silo118.com.
SLINGSHOT: AN ALPHA ART FORUM: Closed at this time • 805-770-3878.
SOLVANG ANTIQUES FINE ART GALLERY: 1693 Copenhagen Dr • 805-686-2322.
STATE GALLERY @ YOUTH INTERACTIVE: Closed at this time • 805-617-6421.
My wife, Barbara, and I had the opportunity of getting to know them both. It began with students in a Principles of Art class in 1983. Their idea was to wrap a dilapidated building on the Westmont Campus to call attention to fundraising so that we could turn it into an Art Center. We went straight to the artists, making a telephone call to the New York-based artist, Christo, asking if he would work with us. I knew immediately that we had made two new friends in Christo and Jeanne-Claude. We ended up not wrapping our building on the advice of Jeanne-Claude. But, Barbara and I attended a lecture by Christo at UCSB, and had the opportunity to sign up to work on a team for one of their large projects. That project was titled: The Umbrellas. Yellow umbrellas were placed near Tejon Pass between Los Angeles and Kern Counties, and in Japan, there was an 18-mile stretch of blue umbrellas. We became part of a team with Tom Larson, adjunct professor of art history and Jeremy Kamm, a Westmont College art student. We committed to a week of work and became part of the art team of enthusiastic, hard-working artists installing the nearly twenty-foot-tall octagonal umbrellas that opened up to just over 28 feet. Christo and JeanneClaude’s plan was a carefully mixed concept of theatre, art, architecture, and environmental planning. The intention was to compare Eastern and Western concepts of landscape and the environment.
Our experience of working on The Umbrellas was both the educational highlight and most creative adventure of my career. Barbara and I became great fans of Christo and Jeanne-Claude and followed all of their projects. In 2005, we made a special trip to New York City to experience The Gates in Central Park. I will always remember this creative couple who influenced my thinking in a most positive and creative way.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude created many dramatic and beautiful projects and how lucky we were to become participants in one of them. These projects represent not only years of efforts in the artists’ lives, but also years of teamwork. The projects involved politicians and business people, as well as permits, materials, photographers, machinery, and teams of workers. Christo and Jeanne-Claude never wrote grants or took corporate money. It was important that they have complete artistic freedom. Their visual dreams opened up significant dialogues with intense communal energy.
STUDIO 121: 121 Santa Barbara St • 805-722- 0635.
SULLIVAN GOSS: AN AMERICAN GALLERY: Patricia Chidlaw ~ Elsewhere, Paradise; Susan McDonnell: A Quiet Nature; Angela Perko: Just Another Pretty Picture; Leslie Lewis Sigler ~ Belonging ~ July 27 • Call to reserve a private gallery time or view on-line: www.sullivangoss.com • 11 E Anapamu St • 805-730-1460.
SYV HISTORICAL MUSEUM & CARRIAGE HOUSE: Closed at this time • 805-6887889.
UCSB LIBRARY: Closed at this time • www.library.ucsb.edu • 805-893-2478.
VILLAGE FRAME & GALLERY: 1485 E Valley Rd #1 • 805-969-0524.
WATERHOUSE GALLERY: La Arcada Courtyard, 1114 State Street, Suite 9 • www.waterhousegallery.com • 11-4pm We-Sun • 805-962-8885.
WESTMONT RIDLEY-TREE MUSEUM OF ART: On-Line: TIME and MEMORY, Christopher Miles juror • www.westmont.edu/museum • 805-565-6162.
WILDLING MUSEUM: Inspired in Nature: Solvang School • www.wildlingmuseum.org
YULIYA LENNON ART STUDIO: 1213 H State St • 805-886-2655.
For 45 years, Montecito Bank & Trust has been making a difference in our local communities, and we’ve gotten to know the Central Coast like no one else. Thank you for helping us make 45 years possible!
“Arts & Lectures is a stunning example of the great good that generous citizens working together can accomplish with their community.”
— David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize-winning author
We’re 90% of the way to our matching gift goal. Will you help us reach $150,000 by June 30?
We are unshaken in our commitment to keep Santa Barbara a culturally vibrant community that champions thoughtful dialogue. We’re clear about our role in making this happen, and we accept the challenge.
To do this we need your support! Please join us as we navigate this new frontier. Be part of the team that enriches the city we love with the next bold moves and big ideas.
An anonymous contributor has issued a challenge to our community by matching dollar-for-dollar all new gifts received by June 30, up to $150,000. Please consider supporting A&L today. Thank you!
Stay indoors for protection from wildfire smoke. Tips for indoor air quality.
SMOKE AND ASH ENDANGER A WIDE RANGE OF PEOPLE and in response the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District and the County Public Health Department have prepared a plan to help handle poor air quality conditions. Wildfires generate small particles known as particulate matter. These particles harm the lungs and heart, and can cause coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest pain, nausea, and in severe instances, premature mortality. People with heart or lung disease, seniors, kids, and pregnant women are especially sensitive to smoke.
The best protection against wildfire smoke is to stay indoors as much as possible when smoke is present. Take these steps to ensure your family will have safe indoor air quality.
Choosing & Using an Air Purifier
• Pick a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) purifier to reduce particulate matter indoors by 90 percent. These can be purchased at hardware stores or online retailers.
• Make sure that the device doesn’t create ozone –find a list of safe options online: www.arb.ca.gov/research/indoor/aircleaners/certified.htm
• HEPA purifiers come in various makes and models, suitable for different room sizes.
• Use the purifier in a room where you spend a lot of time, like a bedroom.
→ HEPA purifiers for an average-sized bedroom cost approximately $75.
• Check your windows and doors and make sure the room is sealed tightly so smoke from the outdoors does not get pulled inside.
• Replace the filter as directed in the owner’s manual. Filters need to be replaced more frequently if used during a wildfire.
• Assembling a DIY version of an air purifier can be a more affordable option, with materials costing approximately $40.
• This DIY version has been shown to reduce harmful particulate matter indoors similarly to a HEPA purifier.
• Here’s how to make your own:
→ Use tape to attach a 20 x 20 MERV-rated air filter — like what you would use for your HVAC system — to the back of a 20 x 20 box fan. Attaching to the back of the fan creates a better seal.
→ Use a filter with a MERV rating of 13.
→ Check the filter for the direction of the air flow, marked on the side of the filter.
• Check your windows and doors and make sure the room is sealed tightly so smoke from the outdoors does not get pulled inside.
• Replace the filter more frequently if used during a wildfire.
• As needed, disassemble the box fan to wipe away any accumulated dirt.
• For safety, follow these precautions:
→ Don’t leave the device unattended.
→ Turn off the device while sleeping.
→ When the fan is modified in this way, use the device as an air cleaner, not as fan to cool your home.
Minimizing Sources of Indoor Air Pollution
In addition to using a HEPA air purifier, follow these recommendations:
• If advised to stay inside, keep windows and doors shut and sealed tightly.
• If temperatures are high and there is no way to keep the home cool with windows and doors shut, consider temporarily relocating to an area with better air quality until conditions improve.
• Upgrade your filter in your HVAC system to a MERV filter, with a MERV rating of at least 13. Check with your HVAC professional to see what MERV rating your HVAC system can handle to ensure proper functionality.
• Do not smoke or burn firewood, candles, or incense in the house.
• Use your range hood while cooking, especially when using a gas stove.
• Consider using professional services for a blower door test to detect air leaks. This service can help you know how to properly seal your home.
During wildfires, there are various ways to stay updated on local air quality conditions:
Sign up to receive air quality alerts from APCD and Public Health: www.OurAir.org/subscribe.
Check hourly air quality conditions and daily air forecasts: www.OurAir.org/todays-air-quality.
Quédese dentro para protegerse del humo de un incendio forestal. Consejos para la calidad del aire interior.
EL HUMO Y LAS CENIZAS PONEN EN PELIGRO A UNA GRAN VARIEDAD DE PERSONAS y en respuesta el Air Pollution Control District (APCD, Distrito de Control de la Contaminación Atmosférica) del condado de Santa Barbara y el Departamento de Salud Pública del condado de Santa Barbara han preparado un plan para ayudar a manejar las malas condiciones de calidad del aire. Los incendios forestales generan pequeñas partículas conocidas como “partículas en suspensión.” Estas dañan los pulmones y el corazón, y pueden ocasionar tos, sibilancias, dificultad para respirar, dolor de pecho, náuseas y, en casos graves, muerte prematura. Quienes padecen enfermedades cardíacas o pulmonares, los adultos mayores, los niños y las embarazadas son especialmente sensibles al humo. El mejor modo de protegerse contra el humo de un incendio forestal es quedándose adentro tanto como sea posible, mientras haya humo. Tome estas medidas para asegurarse de que su familia tendrá una calidad de aire interior segura.
Elegir y usar un purificador de aire
• Elija un purificador HEPA (filtro de aire de alta eficiencia) para disminuir en un 90 por ciento las partículas en suspensión del interior. Puede adquirirse en ferreterías o por Internet.
• Asegúrese de que el dispositivo no genere ozono. Puede encontrar una lista de opciones seguras en línea: www.arb.ca.gov/research/indoor/aircleaners/certified.htm
• Los purificadores HEPA vienen en varias marcas y modelos, que son adecuados para diferentes tamaños de habitaciones.
• Use el purificador en una habitación en la que pase mucho tiempo, como el dormitorio.
→ Los purificadores HEPA para un dormitorio de tamaño estándar cuestan unos $75, aproximadamente.
• Verifique las puertas y ventanas, y asegúrese de que la habitación esté cerrada herméticamente para que no pueda
ingresar el humo del exterior.
• Reemplace el filtro según se indica en el manual del usuario. Se deben reemplazar los filtros con mayor frecuencia si se utilizan durante un incendio forestal.
Hacer su propio purificador de aire
• Armar una versión casera de un purificador de aire puede ser una opción más económica, ya que los materiales cuestan unos $40.
• Se ha demostrado que esta versión casera disminuye las partículas en suspensión perjudiciales en el aire interior de manera similar a un purificador HEPA.
• Puede hacer el suyo de esta manera:
→ Use cinta adhesiva para sujetar un filtro de aire con clasificación MERV de 20 x 20, como el que usaría para su sistema de climatización, a la parte trasera de un ventilador de caja de 20 x 20. Sujetarlo a la parte trasera del ventilador lo sella mejor.
→ Use un filtro con una clasificación MERV de 13 puntos.
→ Verifique la dirección del flujo del aire, que está marcada a un lado del filtro.
• Verifique las puertas y ventanas, y asegúrese de que la habitación esté cerrada herméticamente para que no pueda ingresar el humo del exterior.
• Reemplace el filtro con mayor frecuencia si lo utiliza durante un incendio forestal.
• Según sea necesario, desarme el ventilador de caja para limpiar la suciedad acumulada.
• Por su seguridad, siga estas medidas de precaución:
→ No deje el aparato sin supervisión.
→ Apáguelo antes de irse a dormir.
→ Cuando modifique de esta manera un ventilador, use el
aparato como limpiador de aire, no como ventilador para refrescar su vivienda.
Minimizar las fuentes de contaminación del aire interior Además de usar un purificador de aire HEPA, siga estas recomendaciones:
• Si se aconseja quedarse adentro, mantenga cerradas herméticamente las puertas y ventanas.
• Si la temperatura es alta y no hay modo de mantener la vivienda fresca con las puertas y ventanas cerradas, evalúe la posibilidad de trasladarse temporalmente a un área con una mejor calidad de aire, hasta que mejoren las condiciones.
• Actualice el filtro de su sistema de climatización a un filtro MERV, con una clasificación MERV de al menos 13 puntos. Consulte con su profesional de climatización para saber qué clasificación MERV puede tolerar su sistema de climatización para asegurarse de que funcione de manera adecuada.
• No ahúme ni queme leña, velas o incienso en la casa.
• Use el extractor cuando cocine, sobre todo cuando utilice una estufa de gas.
• Evalúe la posibilidad de contratar un servicio profesional que realice una prueba de soplador en las puertas para detectar filtraciones de aire. Este servicio puede ayudarlo a saber cómo cerrar herméticamente su casa de manera adecuada.
Durante los incendios forestales, hay muchas maneras de mantenerse actualizado sobre las condiciones de la calidad del aire local:
Suscríbase para recibir alertas de calidad del aire del APCD y el Departmento de Salud Pública: www.OurAir.org/subscribe. Verifique las condiciones de la calidad del aire por hora y los pronósticos diarios del aire: www.OurAir.org/todays-air-quality.
YEARS, our own Dan Gerber’s grave joy became a poem. Limited to 150 hand-sewn copies, Dan and his publishers allow me to gift the full text here. He writes, “The poem came over a period of four years. A line or couplet would occur to me that didn’t seem a part of the poem on which I was working. I went back to collect these lines and see what they had to say to each other. I got the poem in its final form just before I learned of the death of Russell Chatham, my friend of almost fifty years, whose great landscape paintings have deepened and informed my life. This poem was written in their presence. Russ died last October, ten days after his 80th birthday, so, naturally, the poem is dedicated to his memory.” I love that he quotes his other gone beyond friend of fifty years, Jim Harrison, on “last meals,” and that the chapbook is graced with two watercolors by his friend Jack Smith.
Landscape At Eighty
I cannot think or tell what hurts or helps me more after I gaze upon your face— the end of nature, or this happiness.
A lifetime burning in every moment, Eliot wrote of his life in old age, but when does old age begin? do we know? We seem to agree on the ending.
The blue reaches of a summer afternoon. A turkey vulture tilting on its wings.
A crow finishes its drink and flaps off, like old leather, to an oak.
When I look up again, the hawk, hovering in winds aloft, has faded into the sky, and the lizard hasn’t budged from the rocks since I first spotted him there.
We’re always watched by familiar eyes, the countless windows in which we appear, the spider on the pillow taking in all eight of me at a glance.
Beauty still lies in wait, whispering under all the noise— lurking in ambush behind a distraction, seducing with a breeze, scent of spruce, gardenia, subtle rose, warm fragrance of sleeping dog, a whistle off the end of each snore.
Luminous blue rivers shuttle through the Greenland glacier, never swift enough to suit themselves.
Bananas passing from green to brown, barely pausing at yellow.
Poet: a worm whose words might make a butterfly.
Li Po drowned embracing the moon of illusion in the river, reflecting the moon
By Richard Jarrette
of illusion in the sky, loving both equally, but the moon in the river was closer.
Nepenthe will keep you from weeping. I carry my claws with care.
Coruscating light all day on the river— all night on the walls of my room.
I find myself nostalgic for the last time I was feeling nostalgic. I used to be there all the time looking back on it now.
All night, the quiet night of California, freeways full or filling up.
One certain liberty— to be patient and eventually, leave.
I ward off death reviving drowned bees and carrying errant spiders out of the house.
Cirrus clouds stacked up for beauty, nothing else to account for it.
This joy needs no reason to reach me.
Cézanne subjected himself to the landscape every day and drew his religion from it.
The horse sees the two nearly identical worlds in which we live.
My late afternoon shadow, fifteen feet tall.
Do you fear the world will die and leave you behind?
A landscape is the abstract, of every hill, shadow, and mystery it comprises in the self-forgetful moment of a mind not striving to define it.
The landscape is a complex being; its survival may depend on our demise— more urgently watching what Earth is doing with its atmosphere, things we’ve never seen before, becoming a cliché, the news, a daily booster shot of leaden-eyed despair.
Sometimes the only green left in the tree is the mistletoe that siphoned it off.
Hatred of Knowledge has a life all its own, as anything addicted to extinction must.
Time wouldn’t miss a tick if we were gone. And who would there be to remember?
Without poetry the visible and invisible worlds wouldn’t be aware of each other, would obscure the mind’s invention of knowledge between a cloud of dust and cinder.
Three deer on the hilltop, their ears keeping watch while they doze.
The high step of the blind dog testing the air he walks into.
Waxing moon, swelling each night, gobbling a hundred more stars.
The poppy flourishes to beguile the bee and, by its nature, catches me.
Hummingbird buzzing a foot from my face, wondering if I contain nectar?
When I realize I’m dreaming, I know I’m not asleep.
How words you courted half your life arrive on their own one summer night when you’re doing nothing with all your might.
Poetry is the part you can’t explain.
We won’t blame ourselves for making so much of a little construction of words.
Sanity is waiting here outside your door. It might be raining sanity, or blowing sanity, or the sanity of silence with just a few birds.
Pärt said his music, like white light, contains all the colors and only the prism of a listener can make them appear.
How many times have you tried to explain the earth to a worm?
Sphere: energy and gravity in divine embrace.
When the I who am not I meets the you who never arrived.
Ryōkan, on the secret of his art: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Counting to a billion will take you thirty-four years, if you don’t lose your concentration.
These Things are empty, and when you become empty, they become luminous.
No one who has seen a quark has ever forgotten it.
I spent years waiting for patience and found it in no time at all.
‘I don’t believe in last meals,’ Jim said. ‘I believe in lots of last meals.’
Nights we sat out under the stars while the lights in the hills blinked out.
Pole: place from which anywhere you step will be in the right direction.
When we die we’ll be what we’ve always been, an urn of dust on loan from the stars.
My breath would keep a lion alive.
My blood would nourish an eagle.
Ages ago, I surrendered to nature so this page could be here and not be blank.
Wishing I could introduce my grandson to my father.
God so loved the world he gave himself up and became the world.
“Water Security Team” is set to raise rates to buy an expensive yearly supply from Santa Barbara through 2071.
By Melinda Burns / Contributor
AND BANISH RATIONING – if not forever, at least for the foreseeable future – the Montecito Water District board on Thursday is poised to approve the purchase of a multimillion-dollar supply of water from the City of Santa Barbara, every year for the next 50 years; and sign off on a five-year schedule of rate increases to help pay for it.
Under the proposed “Water Supply Agreement” with Santa Barbara, which is six years in the making, the district’s 11,400 ratepayers, primarily in Montecito but also in Summerland and Toro Canyon, would effectively fund 46 percent, or $33 million, of the city’s $72 million desalination plant over 50 years, plus interest and a share of the plant’s operation and maintenance costs.
In return, the city would guarantee a supply of 1,430 acre-feet of drinking water to Montecito Water District customers, year in and year out, through 2071. That’s 46 percent of the current desalination supply, and it’s enough to meet 40 percent of the district’s customer demand.
“If it were up to me, I’d sign up for 100 years,” said board President Floyd Wicks, who was elected in 2016, when Montecito residents faced per-parcel caps on water use and stiff fines for over-watering. “The community needs to have a plan in place that provides for a reliable water supply that’s predictable in cost. We haven’t had that for a long time.”
Not since county voters approved bonds for the construction of a state aqueduct branch to Lake Cachuma in 1991 has a water vote had such import for Montecito.
Once again, the vote comes on the heels of a severe drought.
Under rationing from 2014 to 2017, Montecito, a wealthy community of one-acre lots, big estates and luxury hotels, and golf courses, cut its water use by 50 percent. At the same time, between five and ten percent of district customers regularly paid the fines instead of cutting back: they included the San Ysidro Ranch; the Biltmore; and Ty Warner, their billionaire owner, at his tropically-landscaped estate on Channel Drive.
“Those penalties were really a thorn in the flesh for many people, and for our new board,” Wicks said. “I don’t want to go through it again. People made some very serious long-term changes to their irrigation habits. I don’t see how the community can do much better than what they already did.”
On a mission
The annual bill for the Santa Barbara supply would be about $4.6 million through 2038, at which time Montecito’s share of the capital cost of the desalination plant would be paid off. For the remaining 33 years, the district’s annual bill would drop to $2.3 million. Rain or shine, the supply would be delivered and the bills would be due.
To help pay for the water, the board proposes to raise district revenues by 2.8 percent per year for the next five years by raising rates and meter service charges. As is the case now, higher water users would pay higher rates. The August 1st bill would reflect the new changes.
Under the agreement, Santa Barbara would retain full ownership of its desalination plant. It provides the surplus that is available for sale to Montecito; but the city would be able to send water from any source to its next-door neighbor.
“The whole strategy has been, ‘How do we increase reliability?’” said board Director Tobe Plough. “We campaigned on it. What we said we were going to do is what we’ve been working on.”
But several prominent board critics, including Bob Roebuck, a former general manager of the district; Charles Newman, a Montecito planning commissioner; and Dick Shaikewitz, a 12year water board veteran who was voted out in 2018, contend that the district’s plan is unreasonable. Conservation, these critics say, is a better alternative than locking ratepayers into a 50-year debt for landscaping water that, most years, they won’t need, even in a community where the median household income is nearly $150,000.
“It’s crazy,” Roebuck said. “The board’s on a mission. The average customer lives within their means, but there’s a group of customers who just want to have all the water they can possibly use during the worst year of the worst drought, and they want everyone to pay for it. I’m sort of despondent about the whole thing.”
Newman, who lost his seat on the water board in 2016, believes the district should set its sights on a supply of wastewater that can be treated to drinking standards, a technology, formerly called “toilet-to-tap,” that is still a few years away. Newman worries that sea level rise may flood the city’s desalination plant before the proposed 50-year agreement has expired.
“A far better path to water security for MWD’s customers is to continue with the successful conservation efforts and to distribute water that is treated to the highest standard allowed by law, which will soon be potable recycled water,” he said.
Kira Redmond, executive director of Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, agrees. The desalination plant, she said, was supposed to be a supply of last resort; the technology is energyintensive and, hard on the marine environment.
“We’re feeding the cycle of climate change and drought that forced us to resort to ‘desal’ in the first place,” Redmond said. “Those are old times. The future is different. We live in a Mediterranean climate. Conservation is a way of life, and it needs to be so always, not just in times of drought. Now, through this water supply agreement, we’re going to be stuck with ‘desal’ forever. Recycled water is where we should all be headed.”
But Joshua Haggmark, the city water resources manager, calls the agreement with Montecito “an example of good partnership” and says it is “fair for both communities.” If Santa Barbara ever wanted to expand its desalination plant, Haggmark said, Montecito would pick up part of the cost, and both communities would enjoy the resulting economies of scale.
“In the future, it does help address risk and helps stabilize water supplies on the South Coast,” Haggmark said. “I’m a fan of regional projects. I just think the momentum is headed this way.” “Saving” Montecito
After the 1991 vote to import aqueduct water to Cachuma, the Montecito Water District ordered as much state water as Santa Barbara did, with 80,000 fewer people to pay for it. Montecito’s share of the $575 million capital cost of the aqueduct branch is due through 2035; it totals $5.5 million yearly and represents more than a quarter of the district’s $20 million annual budget. Beginning in 2022, the payment will drop $1.8 million, to an annual $3.7 million.
During the recent drought, the state slashed its allocations from the aqueduct to member agencies. But it’s widely agreed that the aqueduct branch “saved” Montecito; through the pipeline, the district was able to import supplemental water from other agencies around the state. The extra water cost more than $7 million district officials say, and more than $10 million in delivery and treatment costs. Some agencies demanded payback in water as well as cash.
But the district believes it can no longer rely on supplemental state water when the chips are down. The community faced a triple whammy during the drought of 2012 to 2018: Lake Cachuma, normally the district’s largest supply source, dropped to seven percent of capacity; Jameson Lake, the district’s small reservoir upstream of Cachuma, shrank to an undrinkable “dead” pool; and, in 2014, state water allocations were reduced to five percent of entitlements.
Today, there is no water shortage in Montecito: after two years
of average and above-average rainfall, the district is flush with water and is storing surplus supplies. But, Wicks said, “Looking back to the recent drought really caught my attention. We just can’t leave a community in that kind of dilemma.”
Roebuck and other critics believe that the state water market, combined with conservation, could again bail out the community in future droughts, especially if the district stores more of its surplus underground during wet years.
“During most years, we have all the water we need in surface reservoirs,” Roebuck said. “We’re already paying for the infrastructure of the State Water Project. In a drought, we keep our consumption down. That’s the ecological way of living, being sensitive to the environment.”
Today, Montecitans are using 40 percent less water than they did before the drought, district records show, but it’s still a lot of water: 210 gallons per capita per day, compared to 60 in Santa Barbara and 57 in Goleta. An estimated 85 percent of Montecito’s water goes to landscaping, compared to 50 percent in Santa Barbara and 55 percent in Goleta.
But the present Montecito water board, elected in 2016 and 2018 as a “Water Security Team,” and backed by more than $100,000 in campaign funds, including large donations from members of the Birnam Wood and Valley Club golf courses on East Valley Road, has repeatedly said that any further demands on conservation would change the semi-rural feel of Montecito, with its high hedges, broad lawns, lush gardens and dense woodlands.
“That intangible, which is why I live here, is in a way almost priceless,” Director Ken Coates said at a May 26th board meeting.
At a June 15th workshop, he added: “What we’re dealing with here is the way to protect the character of Montecito and Summerland. It’s critically important that we keep in mind why we live where we live and why property values are as high as they are. That character is largely created by landscaping, and landscaping takes water.”
If the board approves the water supply agreement with Santa Barbara on Thursday, the City Council would initiate its approval process on June 30th; but water would not start flowing to Montecito until January 1st, 2022. In the interim, the city would build a pipeline from the desalination plant to the Cater Water Treatment Plant off Foothill Road, where the South Coast
pipeline, would carry the water to
There is no water shortage in Montecito today. Cachuma is at 79 percent of capacity, and Jameson spilled in both 2019 and this April. But Santa Barbara water, the board says, would be “100 percent reliable”: that is, it would not be dependent on rainfall, and it would come from “this side of the mountains.”
In a recent study, an engineering consulting firm backed up the district’s plan, concluding that climate change will bring more frequent, longer, and more intense droughts; reservoir and aqueduct supply will be reduced, and supplemental state water will be more expensive and harder to obtain on the “spot” water market. Only the agreement with Santa Barbara would avert significant water shortages in another serious drought, the study found.
Beginning next year, the state is expected to allow agencies that are hooked up to the aqueduct to buy supplemental supplies without incurring a water debt as well as a monetary debt. But the Montecito board believes it would still be risky. Under new state regulations, farmers in the Central Valley will be forced to reduce their pumping from severely depleted groundwater basins, and they will likely be competing for extra supplies, the board says.
“In the future, there’s going to be such a battleground for surplus water that might be out there in the system,” Wicks said at a recent meeting. “It’s going to be a bloodbath.”
Plough said that during wet years, with a supply from Santa Barbara coming in, the district would look for ways to market surplus state water and Cachuma supplies, becoming a seller instead of a buyer.
Plough and Wicks were elected to the board in 2016 on a platform to bring recycled water to Montecito. They will run for re-election in November.
Carolee Krieger, a longtime Montecito resident and critic of state water who is president and executive director of the California Water Impact Network, a nonprofit advocacy group, supports the proposed Water Supply Agreement with Santa Barbara.
“What we need is local, real wet water, not ‘paper’ state water,” Krieger said. “When there is water in the State Water Project, we have no place to put it. When you need it, it’s not there. It’s always
been a bad investment for Montecito. We have to stop depending on water outside our county.”
But Shaikewitz, who voted for rationing and supplemental state water supplies when he was on the board, says the deal with Santa Barbara “doesn’t make sense.”
“This is about insurance, and I don’t see it as being necessary,” he said. “It’s an awful lot of money. None of us know what the water situation is going to be for the next 50 years. It’s an absolute blind spot. The water board may be absolutely right. If there’s no water, more power to them. But in the last three years, they’ve had more water than they know what to do with. Do you need to tuck away four to five million dollars a year, extra? If you look over the future, there’s water out there.”
The price of new supply
The board says the initial $4.6 million annual price tag for Santa Barbara water would be partially offset by a $1.8 million drop in the district’s annual state water debt, starting in 2022. The district, it says, also could save on the delivery cost of state water that it doesn’t need, and could sell off some of its aqueduct supplies.
The proposed 2.8 percent increase in yearly district revenues for the next five years would cover the annual cost of the new supply from Santa Barbara as well as more than $2 million in pipeline replacement. The revenue would be generated from increased water rates and water meter service charges, and changes in the rate structure itself.
The new residential rate schedule provides for three tiers of water use, each with progressively higher rates.
Tier 1, with the cheapest rates, would chiefly cover indoor use. For thrifty residents in this tier, using just nine hundred cubic feet of water (hcf) monthly, the water rate would go down during the first year, from $8.85 to $6.56 per hcf. (One hundred cubic feet of water equals 748 gallons.)
Property owners using 25 hcf on, say, an acre of land, would see a seven percent increase in their water bills on August 1st, from $265.54 to $284.14 monthly. (The largest single bloc of district ratepayers are property owners with one acre of land.)
The district claims that 56 percent of customers would see a decrease or no change in their bills for the next 12 months under the proposed changes. But Roebuck and others have noted that the new rate schedule would incorporate the “Water Shortage Emergency Surcharge” of $3.45 per hcf that the board imposed during the drought. The surcharge was supposed to be temporary and should be eliminated now that the drought is over, Roebuck said.
Without the surcharge, which is still listed as “temporary” on the district’s website, the current monthly bills for those residents using 25 hcf of water would be $179.59; their proposed August 1st bills would represent a 58 percent increase from that amount.
Wicks said that when district customers sharply cut their demand during the drought, district revenues dropped, yet the district still had to pay for the fixed costs of dams, reservoirs, pipelines, pumping stations, and the aqueduct branch to Cachuma. A supply from Santa Barbara would represent another large fixed cost.
“The sales never returned, so the surcharge has to remain,” Wicks said.
Melinda Burns volunteers as a freelance journalist in Santa Barbara as a community service. She offers her news reports to multiple local publications, at the same time, for free.
Local News Fund is a program administered by Local Media Foundation, Tax ID #36–4427750, a Section 501(c)(3) charitable trust affiliated with Local Media Association. LMF is raising funds for educational activities; specifically, to educate the public on COVID-19 issues. LMF is providing funds to VOICE Magazine and many others to support this important educational project. All money raised by this effort will go directly to support COVID-19 reporting, to make sure the public has essential facts on this important topic.
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We are grateful we can be here for you.
And like you, we are stressed. About our health and our ability to do our work. The pandemic has brought layoffs, furloughs, and salary reductions to newsrooms large and small. Many publications have moved online. We’re fighting like mad to hold the line, like many local businesses, and so far we’ve done so thanks to your readership and support via digital and print subscriptions.
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Mark Whitehurst and Kerry Methner Editors and Publishers
Dear Sansum Patients,
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we are committed to keeping you and our community as informed as possible. The more we know about this disease, the safer we will be during this pandemic.
I thought I would share with you data from the COVID-19 testing we do of our patients. I know that you have seen national, statewide and county-level data. I thought sharing data from our own testing may make what is happening locally more real and meaningful. We have been testing since early March. We have been consistent in the group of patients we test: ambulatory patients in southern Santa Barbara County. When we say “ambulatory patients” we mean patients out in the community and not those who are hospitalized. Labs have larger data sets, but they tend to have some confounding populations, for instance one week they may test nursing home patients and the next week only test ambulatory patients. So, though our data set is not huge, it is large enough to see trends and the
Below is a status update as of June 25, 2020.
• Cottage Health is caring for a total of 283 patients across all campuses.
• 226 are acute care patients; 147 acute care beds remain available.
• In surge planning, capacity is identified for adding 270 acute care beds.
• Of the 226 acute care patients, 11 patients are on ventilators. 73 ventilators remain available (adult, pediatric and neonatal ventilators).
• Of the 226 acute care patients, 14 are in isolation with COVID19 symptoms; 13 are confirmed COVID-19 positive.
• Of the 14 patients in isolation, 7 patients are in critical care.
• From June 8-14: 2,274 COVID-19 laboratory tests were collected by Cottage Health. Results: 66 positive, 2,208 negative
• From June 15-21: 2,673 COVID-19 laboratory tests were collected by Cottage Health.
Results: 80 positive, 2,037 negative, 556 pending
consistency of the tested population is helpful to see trouble fading or coming.
The following chart shows all of the COVID-19 tests performed at Sansum Clinic week by week. The number that were positive is indicated in red at the top of the blue bars, and the percentage of positive tests is shown with the orange line. You can see the high percentage of positive cases early, when we only had capacity to test very ill people. Then you can see the fall-off in the percentage of positive cases, despite testing more people during the “lockdown,” and now the increase in the percent of positive cases with the return to more normal levels of activity. You can see in the last two weeks, the number tested is fairly constant, but the rate of positives has doubled in a week and gone up by multiples of that in the last 3 weeks. Hospitalizations locally have increased as well, though typically with this illness the hospitalizations come after people have been infected for a week or more – put another way, hospitalizations lag the positive tests on ambulatory patients. The recent trend is very concerning for all of us, as these results are reflective of people just walking around in our community, just like most of us reading this. Half way through this current week, we can see that next week’s report will likely look worse than that shown here. So, it is not likely a self-correcting blip. It is a trend and we need to acknowledge that shutting down again is seemingly not in the cards, and instead we need to do what we can to reverse this trend. We need to do things differently about mask wearing and social distancing.
Before the uptick, we thought the prevalence of active infections was about 1% of the population. It is likely higher than that now. Another way of illustrating this: if you were to attend an event with 100 people several weeks ago, when rate of infections was 1%, it was likely that 1 of the 100 people was infected. If you were to attend the same event now, it is likely more than 1 would have the illness.
From what we see in the news, at our parks and beaches, or downtown, it doesn’t appear that the public is ready to be on lockdown like we were before the reopening began. As we begin slowly returning to everyday activities like going to local restaurants or returning to the gym, many people seem to have thought that a loosening of restrictions meant there was no need to do the things that decrease transmission; some relaxed on wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing. All are important in stopping or slowing transmission. Wearing masks in particular decreases the chance of transmission.
We know the histories of the people testing positive and in many instances they were exposed while out in the community not wearing masks and being around others not wearing masks, and then rapid spread occurred when they returned to their family environment, impacting people of all ages. To further reinforce the importance of mask wearing, we also know of instances in which people were exposed to COVID-19, but since all parties were wearing a mask, the infection did not spread. Since mask-wearing protects
“Wearing masks in particular decreases the chance of transmission.”
— Kurt N. Ransohoff
the people with whom you interact, if everyone adheres to the mask-wearing ordinance, we can all enjoy a little bit more freedom. I have heard mask-wearing referred to as the ultimate act of kindness and compassion for others.
I thought I’d share the age and gender breakdown for those who tested positive through our testing site. This data comes very close to the overall California data. Since this is a relatively small sample we don’t want to draw too many conclusions, but it is interesting to see that about one-third of the cases are under the age of 30.
According to a June 8 New York Times article, many epidemiologists are already comfortable going to the doctor or socializing with small groups outside, despite the coronavirus. But unless there’s an effective vaccine or treatment first, it will be more than a year before many of these scientists say they will be willing to go to concerts, sporting events or other large gatherings. The following chart shows, by percent, when 511 epidemiologists expect to do some everyday activities again. As a group, they may be more strict than most of us, but it is interesting to consider these choices that we all will have to make until there is an effective vaccine.
While we are seeing an uptick in cases, we are also gaining a better understanding of this coronavirus and how to protect our
communities until there is a vaccine widely available. If there is one thing we hope people will acknowledge, it is that COVID-19 is in our community and if we are out and about, it is up to all of us to do our part to protect ourselves and each other. Wearing masks and social distancing are the most effective ways we can prevent the spread of infection as we go about our daily lives.
I want to be clear that we think people should not defer their healthcare out of fear of coming to Sansum Clinic or our local hospitals or to the other healthcare providers following the rules set up to protect all of us. Similarly, there are businesses doing a good job of protecting their workers and their customers. We just need to be sure we all do our part to change the trend we are seeing in the data above so that it does not continue.
Your health matters to us. Please stay safe. We are here for you – and we are smiling under our masks.
Kurt N. Ransohoff, MD, FACP CEO and Chief Medical Officer
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