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Keypercussion, nach Möglichkeit mit der bezeichneten Klappenkombination, kann aber gegebenenfalls durch andere Klappenkombinationen ersetzt werden

Key-clicks percussive action, possibly with the keys combination notated. It is however possible to use other keys

Flatterzunge / flutter tongue or frullato

Slap tone

Multiphonic; wenn kein spezieller Griff angegeben, ein freier Überblasklang, von der angegebenen Tonhöhe ausgehend. Multiphonic; free, with audible fundamental (unless a specific fingering is given).

Multiphonic, mit Referenz auf bestimmte Fingergriffe (wie z. B. vom Weiss). Multiphonic with fingering suggestion (i.e. by Weiss) mit Stimme (die untere rautenförmige Note bezeichnet den zu singenden, der obere den gespielten Ton) with voice (the lower diamond-shaped note is to be sung, the upper to be played)

E-Gitarre, mit Pedal-Effekten (tremolo, wah-wah, delay, distortion), whammy bar und E-Bow E-Gitarre, with pedal effects (tremolo, wah-wah, delay, distortion), whammy bar and E-Bow

Halbflageolett (halb gedrückt) half-flageolet (low pressure)

E-Violoncello c.l.t. + crini Mit dem Holz gestrichen, mit Haar wood, bowed, with hair c.l.t. senza crini Mit dem Holz gestrichen, ohne Haar, non vibrato wood, bowed, no hair n.v. non vibrato flaut. flautando s.p. sul Ponticello s.t. sul Tasto ord. normale Spielposition (oder auch normale Spielweise, wenn nicht anders angegeben) normal position, also normal playing technique s.p → s.t. s.t. → s.p. ord. → s.p./s.t. s.p./s.t. → ord.

Übergang von einer Spielposition zur anderen transition from one playing position to the other


Halbflageolett (halb gedrückt) half-flageolet (low pressure)

Synthesizer chromatischer Cluster / chromatic cluster gebrochener Cluster / broken cluster = Perkussion


Section 1 [Pre-Recorded] – Ouvertüre


All SECTIONS, ROUNDS and DREAMMACHINES are to be performed without any gaps in between.

Section 2

Section 2 is played till 00:30; at 00:30 Round 1 is launched.

Section 3 – Round 1

RULE SET for Round 1: Asynchronicity between players.

Voice, Saxophone and Percussion start at 00:30, playing the designated models in any non-alphabetical order till 02:00; after having played all models once, they start the sequence anew till endtime is reached; at 02:00 they break off and immediately start Round 2 (if they are in the middle of a model, they cut this off); the other players come in at their designated time for their interludes, once; if the ex-tempore choice of models turns out to be too demanding, a preferred sequence may be pre-selected by the players before the performance


Round 2

RULE SET for Round 2: Round 2 is now synchronous; it is played through 9x.

Round 3

RULE SET for Round 3: Asynchronicity between players. Voice and instruments start at time 02:25 to 04:00, playing the designated models in any non-alphabetical order till 04:00; after having played all models once, they start the sequence anew till endtime is reached; at 04:00 they break off and immediately start Round 4 (if they are in the middle of a model, they cut this off).

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