Vigar presenta...
#fightforyourcolors ¿Y qué es esto? Fight for your colors (lucha por tus colores) es la nueva estrategia de comunicación de VIGAR para el 2018. #fightforyourcolors es un movimiento constante donde el color es nuestro mejor aliado. Un modo de ver la vida, de sentir, de pensar. Por ello pensamos que el color, entre otras muchas cosas, es nuestro buque insignia y algo de lo que estamos muy orgullosos. Y qué mejor manera que a través de él poder demostrar a todo el mundo que nuestros productos y todas las personas que formamos esta gran empresa estamos dispuestos a luchar para llegar hasta ti. Estos son nuestros colores, este es nuestro equipo. Gracias por formar parte de él.
And what is this? Fight for Your Colors is Vigar’s new communication strategy for 2018. #fightforyourcolors is an unstoppable movement which has colors as its main ally. It is a way of seeing life, thinking and feeling. That is why we think that color -among other many things- is our flagship, something we feel very proud of. Using color is the best way to show the whole world that both our products and the people making up this great company are willing to fight to reach you. These are our colors, this is our team. Thank you for being part of it.
SMILE, YOU’RE AT HOME ¿Qué sería de nuestras vidas sin el placer de sentarse a la mesa? Degustar una buena comida, charlar, reír, compartir. Porque estos momentos tan entrañables –y estrictamente necesarios– hay que acompañarlos de objetos que nos faciliten las costumbres más sencillas, que nos llenen de color y nos hagan disfrutar un poco más de estos maravillosos instantes.
What would our lives be without the pleasure of sitting at a table to taste a good meal, chat, laugh and share? Because these moments are so endearing –and vital as well– we must choose those objects that make life easier, that fill us with color and make us enjoy these wonderful moments a bit more.
Colecciรณn_FLOWER POWER_Collection
Utensilios de cocina / Food preparation
Complementos de mesa / Tabletop
Organizaciรณn / Organisation
Accesorios bebidas / Bar accessories
Sugerencias PLV / Point of sale display suggestions
TAULA, EVERYDAY Con el concepto taula (mesa, en catalán) viene implícita una manera de vivir, basada en disfrutar de los pequeños detalles, de compartir momentos en un entorno acogedor y relajado. La colección Taula emana de esa filosofía y, evidentemente, lleva dentro el ADN de Vigar en el que la creatividad, la funcionalidad y la innovación se alían para crear objetos de sobremesa fabricados en plásticos de la más alta calidad que no pasarán desapercibidos.
With the word taula in our minds (table in Catalan), a way of living is implied. It is based on enjoying little things and sharing moments in a cozy and relaxed environment. Taula Collection emanates from that philosophy. It carries Vigar’s DNA, along with its creativity, functionality and innovation, which come together to create high quality plastic desktop objects that will not go unnoticed.
Packaging Dosificador antigoteo Non-dripping dispenser Ref. 8554
Ref. 8555
275 ml 9.68 fl oz
Con plato de silicona With silicone dish
Aceitera-vinagrera Oil & vinegar carafe
Sin manchas No stains
Dishwasher safe
Fรกcil de rellenar Easy to refill 1
Ref. 8553
Fรกcil de limpiar Easy to clean 2
Ref. 8558
Ref. 8608
Ref. 8609 Set sal y pimienta Salt & pepper set
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8549 Salero Salt box Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8543
Con 3 compartimentos With 3 dividers Con cuchara With spoon
Ref. 8607 Packaging Ref. 8606 Azucarero Sugar box
Dishwasher safe
14,9 cm 5.9“
Ref. 8613 Portaútiles Utensil holder
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8547
Ref. 8548
Ref. 8613
Ref. 8654 Portacuchillos cocina Knife holder
Dishwasher safe
Apto para todos los cuchillos No incluye cuchillos
Fibras PET desmontables y lavables Washable removable PET bristles
24 cm 9.44“
Fits all knives Does not include knives
11,8 cm 4.64”
Bol aperitivo y postre Snack & dessert bowl 4u. pack
Ref. 8649
Ref. 8650
Dishwasher safe
Surtido / Assorted
Surtido / Assorted
21,5 x 21,5 cm 8.46” x 8.46” Ref. 8651
Ref. 8652
Bandeja aperitivo Appetizer tray 2u. pack
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8653
Ref. 8841
Ref. 8842
Ref. 8843
Packaging Set palillo aperitivo Cocktail stick set 30 palillos / sticks
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8560
Ref. 8561
4u. pack
Ref. 8559
Servilletero individual Individual napkin holder
Dishwasher safe
Admite todos los tamaños de servilleta Fits all napkin sizes
Ref. 8610
Ref. 8556 Ref. 8611 Servilletero Napkin holder
Ref. 8612
21,5 x 21,5 cm 8.46” x 8.46”
Ref. 8544
Ref. 8546
Portarrollos cocina Kitchen roll holder Rollo de papel no incluido Paper roll not included Packaging
Con base antideslizante With non-slip base
36,1 cm 14.21“
14,4 cm 5.67“
Ref. 8545
Ref. 8542
Ref. 8605
Ref. 8604 Caja té y galletas Tabletop box
Dishwasher safe
Con 4 compartimentos With 4 dividers
MAID FOREVER Con la mirada puesta en una labor tan tradicional como el punto nace Maid, nuestra nueva colección de mesa hecha en silicona que interpreta de una manera muy personal aquellos trabajos hechos con tanto cariño y dedicación. Maid ofrece una amplia gama cromática y destaca por su tacto suave y agradable. Toda una declaración de carácter llamada a perdurar en el tiempo.
Looking to traditional activities as knitting, Maid is born. Maid is our new tableware collection made of silicone. It interprets, in a very personal way, those knitting objects which were made with love and dedication. Maid is offered in a wide chromatic range and stands out for its soft and pleasant touch. It is a statement of principles which is called to last over time.
1u. packaging
Ref. 8535
2u. packaging 2u. pack Huevera silicona Silicone egg cup
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8534
2,5 cm / 0.98� 2u. pack
Ref. 8616
Ref. 8537
Con pieza de aluminio protectora With protective aluminium piece
Portavelas silicona Silicone candle holder 1u. packaging
2u. packaging
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8614
Ref. 8615
2u. pack Ref. 8532 Ref. 8533 Ref. 8531 4u. pack Ref. 8854 Ref. 8853 Ref. 8855
Posavasos silicona Silicone coaster
11 cm 4.3”
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8528 Salvamantel silicona Silicone trivet
Ref. 8527
Dishwasher safe
19 cm 7.5”
Colección_MAID_Collection 2u. pack
Ref. 8620
Ref. 8850
Ref. 8619
Ref. 8849
Ref. 8529
Ref. 8851
Ref. 8530
Ref. 8852
Salvamantel silicona Silicone placemat
40 x 35 cm 16” x 14”
Dishwasher safe
Packaging 2u. pack
Ref. 8539
Ref. 8540
Posavasos silicona copa Silicone cup coaster
Ref. 8541
Dishwasher safe
4u. pack Ref. 8631 Ref. 8632 Ref. 8633
Ajustable Adjustable
x2 Packaging
Marcador copa silicona Silicone glass marker 12u. pack
1u. packaging
Ref. 8628
Dishwasher safe
2u. packaging
Ref. 8629
Ref. 8622 Ref. 8621
Ref. 8551 Tapรณn botella silicona Silicone bottle stopper Dishwasher safe
Ref. 8623
Ref. 8624
Set vino silicona Silicone wine set
Ref. 8630
+ Dishwasher safe
x 6u.
SO NATURAL Flower Power fue un eslogan usado por los hippies a finales de los sesenta y principios de los setenta como un símbolo de la ideología de la no violencia. Nuestro Flower Power nació como un símbolo innato, como una filosofía natural partiendo de algo tan simple como una flor. Cuatro pétalos, un tallo, dos hojas... Un pedazo de naturaleza llena de color que crea experiencias dentro y fuera de la casa, y hace que los hábitos se realicen con entusiasmo y maestría.
Flower Power was a slogan used by hippies in the late sixties and early seventies as a symbol of a nonviolence philosophy. Our Flower Power Collection was born as an innate symbol, as a natural philosophy that was based on something as simple as a flower. Four petals, one stem, two leaves... A colorful piece of nature that creates experiences inside and outside the house and gets housekeeping done with more enthusiasm and mastery.
Colecciรณn_FLOWER POWER_Collection
Ref. 7021 Temporizador cocina Kitchen timer
Ref. 7019 Set sal y pimienta Salt & pepper set
Dishwasher safe
max. 60 min.
Con 3 compartimentos With 3 dividers
Ref. 7160 Salero Salt box
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7024 Azucarero Sugar box
Dishwasher safe
Colección_FLOWER POWER_Collection
Ref. 7022 Set palillos aperitivo Stick set 20 u.
Ref. 5904 Servilletero Napkin holder
Dishwasher safe
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7036 Portarrollos cocina Kitchen roll holder Rollo de papel no incluido Paper roll not included
40 cm 15.75“
Con base antideslizante With non-slip base
14,4 cm 5.67“ Con 4 compartimentos With 4 dividers
Ref. 7023 Caja té y galletas Tea & cookie box
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7026 Frutero Fruit bowl
Dishwasher safe
Colecciรณn_FLOWER POWER_Collection
Ref. 7994 Lolaflor
Ref. 6476
Bloc de notas con ventosa Notebook with suction pad
Ref. 7664 Recambio bloc de notas Notebook pad refill
100 hojas / sheets
100 hojas / sheets
2 u. pack
2 u. pack
Ref. 6521 Magenta / Pink
Ref. 7210 Naranja / Orange
Ref. 7209 Naranja / Orange
Gancho con ventosa Hook with suction pad
Ref. 6519 Magenta / Pink
Gancho armario Cabinet hook
3 u. pack
3 u. pack
Ref. 6456 Magenta / Pink
Ref. 7207 Naranja / Orange
Imanes Magnets
Ref. 7206 Naranja / Orange
Ref. 6474 Magenta / Pink
Pinza con imรกn Magnet clip
Colección_FLOWER POWER_Collection
3 tamaños de embudos 3 funnels size Ref. 3590 Embudos Funnels
Dishwasher safe
Display 18 u.
Ref. 5915 Tapón botella Bottle stopper Surtido / Assorted
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7117 Set vino Wine set
6 marcacopas / 6 wine glass markers Decantador / Wine pourer Tapón botella / Bottle stopper
Dishwasher safe
A PIECE OF HAPPINESS La colección Dolls es nuestra niña bonita. Nuestras niñas mimadas. Esta línea surgió de la necesidad de encontrar siempre esa cara sonriente en los momentos que más la necesitas. Un ápice de alegría en las rutinas diarias, una mirada cómplice en lugares inesperados de la casa, un gesto amable y dulce que siempre acompaña. Nuestras niñas se hicieron grandes y, con ellas, vinieron otras (y otros) más. Pero siempre con la misma felicidad que las caracteriza.
Dolls Collection is our pet, our favorite. This line was born from the need of always finding that smiling face in the moments that you need it most. They are joy in our daily routines, a complicit gaze in the unexpected places of the house, a kind and sweet face that is always with us. Our dolls grew up, and others –girls and boys– came, but always bringing the same happiness.
Ref. 5946
Ref. 5947
Ref. 6588
Aceitera-vinagrera flamenco Flamenco oil & vinegar carafe
Fรกcil de rellenar Easy to refill
275 ml 9.68 fl oz
Con plato de silicona With silicone dish
Ref. 6587
Dishwasher safe
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 5797 Uma
Molinillo sal o pimienta Salt or pepper mill
Ref. 7068 Georges
Ref. 7174 Set molinillos sal o pimienta Salt or pepper mill set
Dishwasher safe
Fรกcil de limpiar Easy to clean
Colecciรณn_DOLLS_Collection Con dos bandejas With two trays
Ref. 7070 Set aperitivo Charlotte Charlotte aperitif set 20 u.
Dishwasher safe
Packaging Ref. 8130
Set palillo aperitivo Stick set 20 u.
Ref. 8129
Dishwasher safe
2 u. pack
Ref. 4040 Bloc de notas con ventosa Julia Julia notebook with suction pad 200 hojas / sheets
Ref. 5936 Agarrador silicona con gancho y ventosa Fiona Fiona silicone gripper with hook and suction pad
Dishwasher safe
2 u. pack
Ref. 6914 Posavasos Coasters
11 cm 4.3”
Dishwasher safe
3 u. pack
Ref. 6948 Pinza cierrabolsas con imán Magnetic bag clip
Con imán With magnet
Colección_DOLLS_Collection Packaging
Ref. 7464 Funda botella Lulu Lulu bottle cover Tamaño universal Universal size
20,5 x 13,5 x 22 cm 8,07” x 5,32” x 8,66” Bolsa almuerzo Lunch bag Isotérmica / Insulated
Ref. 6048 Lulu Trendy
Ref. 6132 Lulu Lace
Colección_DOLLS_Collection 3 tamaños de embudos 3 funnels size
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7072 Pack 3u. embudo silicona Olivia Olivia silicone funnel 3u. pack
Ref. 7071 Abrebotellas Emma Emma bottle opener
Silicone Packaging
Surtido / Assorted
Surtido / Assorted
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7620 Tapón botella sombrero Hat bottle stopper
Ref. 8460 Set vino Wine set
6 marcacopas / 6 wine glass markers Tapón botella / Bottle stopper
Ref. 5937 Tapón botella flamenco Flamenco bottle stopper
Dishwasher safe
Ref. 7069 Set vino Evelyn Evelyn wine set
Dishwasher safe
4 posavasos / 4 coasters 4 marcacopas / 4 wine glass markers Tapón botella / Bottle stopper
Complementos de mesa Tabletop Gadgets
Utensilios de cocina Food preparation
Organizaciรณn Organisation
Accesorios bebidas Bar accessories
Utensilios de cocina / Food preparation
Ref. 8553
Ref. 5797
Ref. 7068
Ref. 8549
Ref. 7021
Ref. 8554
Ref. 8555
Ref. 7174
Ref. 6587
Ref. 8609
Ref. 7160
Ref. 8558
Ref. 8606
Ref. 8613
Ref. 6588
Ref. 8543
Ref. 8547
Ref. 8548
Ref. 5946
Ref. 8608
Ref. 5947
Ref. 7019
Ref. 8607
Ref. 7024
Ref. 8654
Complementos de mesa / Tabletop
Ref. 8841
Ref. 8842
Ref. 8531
Ref. 8843
Ref. 7022
Ref. 8532
Ref. 8130
Ref. 8533
Ref. 6914
Ref. 8853
Ref. 8633
Ref. 8129
Ref. 8631
Ref. 7070
Ref. 8855
Ref. 8539
Ref. 8854
Ref. 8540
Ref. 8528
Ref. 8632
Ref. 5936
Ref. 8541
Ref. 8527
Ref. 8530
Ref. 8620
Ref. 8619
Ref. 8529
Ref. 8852
Ref. 8850
Ref. 8849
Ref. 8851
Complementos de mesa / Tabletop
Ref. 8537
Ref. 8535
Ref. 8534
Ref. 8616
Ref. 8614
Ref. 8615
Ref. 8559
Ref. 8560 Ref. 8561 Ref. 8649
Ref. 8650
Ref. 8651
Ref. 8652
Ref. 8653
Ref. 8611
Ref. 8556
Ref. 8610
Ref. 8612 Ref. 8545
Ref. 5904
Ref. 8544
Ref. 8546
Ref. 7036
Organizaciรณn / Organisation
Ref. 8604
Ref. 7026
Ref. 8542
Ref. 8605
Ref. 6048
Ref. 7023
Ref. 6132
Ref. 6456
Ref. 7207
Ref. 7664
Ref. 6474
Ref. 6476
Ref. 7206
Ref. 7994
Ref. 6521
Ref. 7210
Ref. 4040
Ref. 6519
Ref. 7209
Ref. 6948
Accesorios bebidas / Bar accessories
Ref. 8628
Ref. 8623
Ref. 7069
Ref. 8621
Ref. 8629 Ref. 8622
Ref. 8624
Ref. 7464
Ref. 8551
Ref. 8630
Ref. 7620 Assorted
Ref. 8460 Assorted
Ref. 7071
Ref. 7072
Ref. 5915
Ref. 8622
Ref. 7117
Ref. 3590
Sugerencia de presentaciรณn sobre panel de pared / Suggested presentation on wall panel
Sugerencia de presentación sobre panel de pared / Suggested presentation on wall panel
164 cm 64,7”
90 cm 35,4”
CASA VIGAR S.L. Partida Plans, parc. 331 a 334 03740 GATA DE GORGOS (Alicante) SPAIN Tel. +34 965 757 035