Social Media & Marketing

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Getting Connected Social Media & Marketing in a Networked Economy

Kelly Page Š 2009

Social Media ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change’ (Charles Darwin)

Kelly Page Š 2009

Properties of Technologies


© Kelly Page

Experiences and perceptions users equate with using an electronic resource




Kelly Page © 2009

(usefulness, ease of use, stickiness)

Distinguishable characteristics of an electronic resource (synchronicity, pacing, interactivity)

Hardwired and/or mechanical features of an electronic resource (XML, Java, MSQL, Bandwidth)

Structural Properties


Š Kelly Page




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Ability to produce a sensually rich experience (sensory breadth & depth) Degree to which input & response are simultaneous (speed, rehearsability; reprocessability)

Control over speed & sequence of content ( external and internal Pacing) Mode of exchange between sender & receiver (one-to-many; one-to-one; many-to-many).

Interaction between two or more entities (i.e., people or machines) & the effect one party has on the others response Person-to-person (person interactivity) Person-to-machines (machine interactivity) Machine-to-machine (network interactivity) Machine-to-people (automated interactivity)

Web 2.0 Web 1.0 The web as publishing medium Revolutionary, but still predominantly one-way / asymmetrical Focus on the web site

Web 2.0 The participative web Tools in the hands of users User-generated content The web is us Focus on the user/participant Web 2.0 explanation A classic video explaining Web 2.0 which uses a simple but effective way of showing the difference between old and new media. Kelly Page Š 2009

“The Many Forms of Social Computing” from Forrester Research, courtesy of Steve Rubel.

"Social media encompasses everything that is written, spoken and shown about your organization that you have no control over.“ Kelly Page © 2009

Josh Hallett

Types of Social Media

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Types of Social Media

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Types of Social Media

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Types of Social Media

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CASE Insights Exploring the psychology and sociology behind social media (technology) usage

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Insight 1: Share Value


Usability 101 meets Marketing 101 What is of use will be used! User-led and defined value Is Twitter really of any value? Dell & Twitter Customer Service Dell is building relationships with customers one-by-one, by setting up “digital embassies” inside Twitter. Dell’s efforts have directly translated into positive PR and even sales. Dell, meanwhile, has earned $1M in revenue through its various Twitter programs (Venturebeat 2008).

Kelly Page © 2009

What is of use will be used!

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“Techies focus on Technology. How easy or difficult a site is to use”

“Marketers need to focus on the market needs of technology - the perceived utility of technology usage”

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Kelly Page © 2009

Real - Relevant - Responsive Real Conversations not messages Tell the truth - maintain the ‘honesty of relationship’ Admit your mistakes Stick to the facts - soft sell works best

- The Baby Monitor Generation -

Relevant Need and values You can’t interrupt people anymore

“If they want to know something they want to know it now!”

You must have what they want In content, style and language!

Responsive Marketing is a synchronous dialogue – conversation Kelly Page © 2009

You must answer your customers Be prepared to engage and act quickly!

Listen – Learn – Adapt Participate don’t plan! Reflect and refocus Do it wrong quickly, and then fix it Let the market tell you what works and what doesn’t And then quickly do it better

Kelly Page © 2009

CASE Insight: www. PKU.com2 Objective: PKU community with support and resources to better manage their disease. Audience: The roughly 12,000 diagnosed with PKU in the US, Engagement & Empowerment Allow registered members to maintain blogs, and create other content - a diet food wiki etc.. Static content created by BioMarin will be subject to review by a panel of community members. Commercial Interest: is sponsored by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.

Kelly Page © 2009

“PKU is a genetic condition that prohibits the body from metabolizing phenylalanine (Phe), an amino acid. PKU sufferers must avoid foods high in protein.”

CASE Insight: School Closure on Twitter2 “SWANSEA Council's Education Department is tapping into growing online phenomenon Twitter to successfully spread information to parents and carers” Objective: Keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to simple questions being posted to spread information about school closures during the recent snowy weather. Social Media: Twitter Results: 259 followers and in addition 57,000 people viewing school closure page on the Swansea Council web pages

Kelly Page © 2009

CASE Insight: GE “Imagination at Work” 2 Idea: ‘Pen’ allowed people to create a drawing online and send it to a friend. Channels: Open Source Community. Results: Multi-award winner - Users from 140 countries emailing 6 million sketches to 1.5 million recipients. Next Campaign: Allowing people to collaborate on sketches in groups of 3.

“GE empowers people to use their imagination and spread the word!”

Kelly Page © 2009

Insight 2: Share Control


“For the first time the consumer is boss, which is fascinatingly frightening, scary and terrifying, because everything we used to do, everything we used to know, will no longer work.” -Kevin Roberts, chief executive, Saatchi & Saatchi

Kelly Page © 2009

CASE Insight: IAB & TWITTER2 The IAB UK has attracted over 500 followers on Twitter – making it engaging and relevant to members! Audience: IAB members Objective: Keep members up-to-date as to information, events and news about the Industry and driving sales of events tickets and publications whilst ensuring the wider industry is updated on our many activities. Results: Over 500 followers and recently featured in an industry blog listing the most influential Twitters in the media industry.

Are your members Twitters? Are you Twittering?

Kelly Page Š 2009

Kelly Page Š 2009

Letting go is hard! Externa l versus Internal Pacing We don’t control the message anymore! The message is changed – in real time ! Your market need and want to lead you. We must modify what we say in response Let go! Listen! Learn! Adapt!

Kelly Page © 2009

No matter how you begin to venture into the world of social media, the way to start is by ‘losing control’ …



YouTube & Facebook9


Observe that the original cocreated content route as inherently risky,

Percentage of professionally produced content

Prefer it to let users remain in charge of the camera, the content and the connections

Partnerships with the likes of Sony, Fox and NBC to turn out original dramas, reality shows and edited versions of television classics. Resulted in revenues of up to $60 per 1,000 hits on advertisements aired during the programs.

Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insight: Skins Myspace Community4 “The Skins MySpace community is also an example of what many see as a model for future cross platform collaboration” Objective: e4 wanted to create a real buzz for its forthcoming teenage series Skins. Target Audience: 16-34 year olds are massive users of social networks with 92% of the UK’s 15-34 year olds regularly using social networks such as MySpace. Wide Engagement Strategy: View the first episode of Skins exclusively on MySpace before it aired on e4, Download music from the series, subscribe to several blogs, download backgrounds and buddy icons, post their own comments and view the individual profiles of the cast members. Results: 58,000 friends who generated 1.3 m page views. More than 5,000 downloaded content to own profiles. Awareness amongst 16-34’s on MySpace reached 87% First episode audience = 0.5m viewers to 1.6m Skins the highest-ever rated e4 show outside of Big Brother Highest- selling show on Channel 4’s video-on-demand site.

Kelly Page © 2009

CASE Insight: New York Islanders Blog Box2 Objective: Cultivate a relationship with bloggers. Provide press credentials for bloggers to attend games Bloggers receive a set of game notes just like those provided to regular beat reporters and broadcasters from newspapers and TV - Started 2007/2008 Season Rule 1: “The NYI blog box will be your open forum. From start to finish, you’ll be in control. All we ask for is the chosen bloggers to act respectfully in the restricted media areas and keep all critiques in good taste.”

Kelly Page © 2009

CASE Insight: New York Islanders Blog Box2 Bloggers are posting away about the new york islanders, so like it all not bloggers are already talking, so why not cultivate a relationship. Goals of one NYI blogger: My goals is to voice not only my opinion, but the opinion of so many islander fans that never get their chance to give their opinions heard because of the lack of forums available to us in the media. Results: Was one of the first for a major sporting team About a dozen bloggers were chosen for the credentials last seasons Team links to their blogs from its site. How many posts? How many comments?

Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insight: Mentos Geyser Viral2 Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz discovered that if you drop a Mentos Mint into a bottle of Diet Coke, you get a minor explosion. They filmed themselves dropping various quantities of Mentos into 101 Diet Coke bottles. Fritz and Stephen created a great ad, which involved neither client nor agency. Results: Mentos+Coke - Google: 726,000 results - Facebook: 105 Groups YouTube: 9770 Videos Fun, User-generated, Participatory! Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insight: Mentos Intern3 Objective: Develop brand awareness for the Gen Y demographic Idea: hire an intern, put him/her on a live webcam eight hours a day, five days a week, and allow anyone in the world to give them work and interact with them through various online channels. Channels: email, Webcam, Chat, Interactive-calendar, blog,, Facebook, YouTube, Xbox Results: Site peaked at around 100,000 visitors’ daily Publicity: Star and Us Weekly and on dozens of blogs.

The campaign is cool, funny and effective .

Kelly Page © 2009 – one of the fastest growing domain name based on its generating more than 30,000 Google hits on the phrase "Trevor the Mentos intern" in less than three weeks.

Insight 3: Share Real Connections


‘Connectivity’ and ‘Connections’ & ‘Connectedness’ Nodes in a Network Friends, Fans, Followers, Followed Members, Bloggers, Tags With Who? How? What? Where? Core Network Principles Node structures, Tie strength (10:150: 300) Centrality Social bonds Kelly Page © 2009 Kelly Page Š 2009

Facebook: The number one social network in Britain received 3.16% of all UK Internet visits last month, equivalent to one in every 32. For the 4 weeks ending 27/09/08, one in every 50 UK Internet searches was for the single term ‘facebook’, Kelly Page © 2009

CASE Insight: Facebook Applications1&3

Facebook is founded on the premise of sharing through the social graph, the digital mapping of people's realworld social connections. Applications: Facilitate communication and information sharing between members of a social network and provide value in repeat usage, thus offer something of use, interest or fun to members. (Chart: May 2008)

Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insight: Facebook Applications1&3 Communication: 2.1 million people use FunWall daily to post messages, cards, videos and the like on their friends' profile pages. 1.6 million people use Top Friends to highlight their closest pals in a box on their own pages. Sharing Information: Flixster Inc., created a Facebook application called Movies that allows people to share reviews, movies seen etc with their Facebook friends; 24 million people and has about 482,000 daily users., the company's original business, has about 14 million monthly users, up from about five million a year ago. Repeat Usage: Games like Scrabulous and Jetman allow friends to take a turn each time they log on the site. Both games are ad- supported. Scrabulous has 482,000 daily users. Jetman has about 53,000 daily users

Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insight: Facebook Application Revenue1&3 Advertising in applications Battle of the Fans created by BT PLC for the United Fantasy Football Association (UFFA) European 2008 Football Championship. Create Mexican Wave with a view to reaching the top of the Battle of the Fans league table. It aims to promote BT Fon. Transactions through applications Live Nation Ticketmaster's association with iLike Gift Giving with applications Gifts with Benefits. - Purchase of gifts for friends has further proven successful. Facebook will begin to allow users to send digital gifts that have real-world value Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insight: Chris Moyles2

519 Friends 500 Groups about him 5 Stories 352 Notes 14 Photo Albums 42 Videos

8416 Subscribers 390, 895 Channel Views 1072 Video’s watched 240 Friends 434 Channel Comments 140 Favourite Videos

2,154 Friends 1,108 Comments (Last Login: 18/12/2006)

77,245 Followers 354 Updates (9 Following)

3,744 Fans Kelly Page © 2009

Welsh Marketing Honours!

CASE Insight: Wiggly Wigglers

A rural natural gardening mail-order company on the Welsh/English border won the 2008 Global Dell Small Business Excellence Award . a $US50,000 technology award Objective: Use social media to connect with current customers and reach new ones, Results: Serves 90,000 customers worldwide and delivers its products across Europe; Cut its advertising budget by 80 percent when the company turned to social media over traditional advertising; 898 Facebook Fans 170 discussion topics; Hosted 50 weekly podcasts from the "Wiggly sofa" reaching thousands of listeners per week, San Francisco Chronicle readers rated it their "favorite gardening podcast;â€? Built its catalogue based on Wiki ideas generated on its Facebook page by experts and customers. Kelly Page Š 2009

Welsh Marketing Honours!

CASE Insight: UG Content site managed and maintained by Visit Wales Activities team People, who have visited Wales, had fun and want to show others what they got up to. Like a giant online photo album for everyone to flick through and add to! The website succeeds in making Wales appear fun and fashionable to both potential and past visitors with 1872 pictures uploaded since its launch in March 2007. In 2008, Canmol - The CIM's first ever Welsh marketing awards. From the 60 initial entries, a panel of judges recognised for their fantastic and innovative use of marketing. Future of Tourism Marketing in Wales! Kelly Page Š 2009

CASE Insights2 Share Value Share Control Share Real Connections “Markets are Conversations Participation is Marketing” By Brian Solis, ClueTrain Manifesto Kelly Page © 2009

Find them! Listen to them! Engage with them! Empower them! By Brian Solis, ClueTrain Manifesto

Kelly Page Š 2009

The Impact of Web 2.0 Putting it all in perspective: Video from the World Economic Forum: The Impact of Web 2.0 Speakers: Caterina Fake – Founder of Flickr Bill Gates – Microsoft Chad Hurley – Founder and CEO – YouTube Mark Parker – President and CEO – Nike USA Viviane Reding, Commissioner, Information Society and Media, European Commission Dennis Kneale, Managing Editor, Forbes Magazine Peter Schwartz, Chairman, Global Business Network, USA

Kelly Page © 2009

Thank You! Kelly Page Marketing & Strategy Department Cardiff Business School Cardiff University M: 07967047862 E: Twitter : Facebook : LinkedIn : Skype drkellypage

CASE Insights Case Insight Generation Media & Content Analysis Profiling Value of Technology Adoption & Use Kelly Page Š 2009

Source Material 1.

Page, K. L. (Under Review) Connectivity, Control & Co-creation In Social Media Marketing: The Facebook Chapter, Journal of Marketing Management . [Submitted March 2009]


Page, K. L. (Forthcoming – 2010) Electronic Marketing , SAGE Publications


Baines, P., Fill, C., and Page, K. L. (2008) Marketing (First Edition), Oxford University Press


Page, K. L. (2008) Electronic Marketing Cases in Fill, C. Marketing Communications [Online Content] (Fith Edition), Prentice Hall.


Page, K. L. (2006) Electronic Marketing Case Insights in Brassington & Pettitt, Principles of Marketing , (Fourth Edition) Prentice Hall.


Page-Thomas, K. L. (2005) Electronic marketing: The bigger picture, The Marketing Review , Vol. 5 (3 Autumn), 243-262. ISSN 1469-347X.


PhD. (2003) titled World Wide Web Perception & Use: Investigating the Role of Web Knowledge (UNSW, Australia). Commercial Support from The Campaign Palace & DoubleClick Aust .


Anon. (2008d). MySpace or yours?: Advertising and social networks. Strategic Direction , Vol. 24 (8); pp.15-18. Kelly Page Š 2009

The content of this presentation is the property of shared interest between the author, Kelly Page and other parties who have contributed and/or provided support for the generation of the content detailed within. These contributing parties include, but are not limited to: Cardiff University (CU); University of New South Wales (UNSW); Oxford University Press (OUP); Prentice Hall Publishing, SAGE Publications and other commercial sponsors. Kelly Page Š 2009

Kelly Page Š 2009

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