David Brown Book News
Winter Book News 2013
The David Brown Book Company Publisher and Distributor of Scholarly and Specialist Publications in Archaeology • Prehistory • Egypt & the Near East Greece & Rome • Medieval World • Religion & Theology Philosophy • Modern History • Art & Architecture Language & Literature and much more…
Winter 2013
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From the David Brown Book Company Publisher and Distributor of Scholarly and Specialist Publications
The David Brown Book Company 20 Main Street, Oakville CT 06779
Welcome to the latest edition of the David Brown Book News! Within this catalog you will find a wealth of new publications on subjects across the archaeological spectrum as well as our blossoming literature, religion and art lists. This Book News includes new and forthcoming titles from our own imprints Oxbow Books,Windgather Press and Aris & Phillips beside many of our distributed publishers. We are very excited to introduce one of our newly distributed publishers the Society for Libyan Studies, a highly reputable British academic body sponsored by the British Academy.They publish detailed reports on their field projects including excavations and surveys at Euesperides (Benghazi), Sidi Khrebish (Berenice), Cyrene, Lepcis Magna and in the Fezzan and more recent projects including a multi-disciplinary survey in the pre-desert valleys of Tripolitania, Islamic excavations at Barca (El Merj) and Medinet Sultan, and the publication of excavations conducted at Sabratha and Lepcis Magna in the 1950s. They also publish a popular series of travel books under the imprint Silphium Press. You can find them on pages 30-32. Another publisher to join our lists is Medina Publishing. Established in 2009, Medina Publishing specializes in a broad and unique range of Middle Eastern and equestrian titles. The company has strong links to and clients in Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Jordan and is committed to producing high-quality books of general as well as specific interest. Recent publications and consultancy services have established Medina Publishing’s strong reputation in the equestrian world and we are excited to introduce their books to the American Market. You can find them on pages 26, 29, 30, 32-34, 45 & 78. Also now available from us are publications by TK Asian Antiquities, a dealer, researcher, and consultant in antique and ancient Asian art. You can find them on pages 73 & 74. Please remember to quote discount code 556-13 when ordering, to ensure you receive the special prices advertised!
With best wishes, The David Brown Book Company Marketing Team Jen Tanz, Marketing Manager Crystal Gagnon, Marketing Executive and Conference Coordinator Michaela Goff, Marketing Executive
Cover Image: Birds in an Acadia Tree by Nina de Garis Davies, photography by Anna Ressman Cover of Between and Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt by the Oriental Institute on Page 22
Contents Method and Theory 1–2 Landscapes & Gardens 2–3 Anthropology 4 World Archaeology 4–6 Prehistory 7–9 Aegean Prehistory 9–10 Classical World – Roman 11–15 Classical World – Greece 15–18 Classical World – Texts 18–19 Egypt 20–22 Near East 23–25 Islamic World 26–27 Late Antiquity & Byzantium 27 Anglo-Saxon, Viking & Celts 28–29 Medieval World 30–33 Post Medieval 34–35 Modern History 35–36 Religion-Biblical Studies 37–39 Religion- Christian Theology 39–43 Religion- Christian Social Practice 44 Religion- Church History 44–45 Religion- Biography 45–47 Religion- Eastern Religions 48 Philosophy 48–49 Language & Literature 49–55 Media 55–56 Art 56–64 Architecture 64–66 Music 67–68 Food & Drink 68–69 Sciences 70 Health, Medicine & Disease 70–71 Military 72 Maritime 72 Numismatics 73 Heritage 73 Political Sciences 74–75 Law 75–76 Economics 76–77 Education 78
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Caring for Digital Data in Archaeology: A Guide to Good Practice A wide variety of organizations are both creating and retaining digital data from archaeological projects.While current methods for preservation and access to data vary widely, nearly all of these organizations agree that careful management of digital archaeological resources is an important aspect of responsible archaeological stewardship.This guide provides information on the best way to create, manage, and document digital data files produced during the course of an archaeological project and aims to improve the practice of depositing and preserving digital information safely within an archive for future use. It is structured in three main parts: Digital Archiving – looks at the fundamentals of digital preservation and covers general preservation themes within the context of archaeological investigations, research, and resource management, with an overview of digital archiving practice and guidance;The Project Lifecycle – looks at common project lifecycle elements such as file naming, metadata creation, and copyright and covers general, broad themes that should be considered at the outset of a project; Basic Components – looks at selected technique and file type-specific issues together with archive structuring and deposit.This section covers common file types that are frequently present in archaeological archives, irrespective of a project’s primary technique or focus. b/w illus, 1 col, 122p. Oxbow Books, ADS Guides, May 2013, 9781782972495, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Experimental Archaeology and Theory: Recent Approaches to Archaeological Hypotheses Frederick W. F. Foulds (Editor) This is a volume which aims to bridge the gap in archaeology between empirical testing and humanistic approaches to understanding the material record.The contributors explore a wide variety of different fields including how a phenomenological methodology can be used to increase our understanding of how a Bronze Age temple was ‘experienced’ by people in the past; how experimentation in the production of materials such as rawhide, glass and wine-making can be used to test theories or written sources and the possibilities of studying the three-dimensional morphology of Acheulian handaxs to search for possible idiosyncratic indicators during the Lower Palaeolithic.The papers in the volume reflect the continued diversity of work that experimental archaeology is able to produce and show how experimentation can be integrated with theory to substantiate a variety of hypotheses, whether validating information from written sources or testing the inferences of more recent theoretical ideology. Experimental Archaeology will set a new precedent for the role of experimentation in future archaeological research. b/w illus, 144p. Oxbow Books, September 2013, 9781842177662, PB, $70.00, Special Price $56.00
Appropriate Narratives: Archaeologists, Publics and Stories Elisabeth Niklasson (Editor);Thomas Meier (Editor) How do different publics receive and transform archaeologists’ stories? Archaeologists frequently – and often disappointingly – realize that their academic results are heavily “misunderstood” and transformed when their stories enter public discourse, even if they themselves have simplified their stories before handing them over to the visitor, listener or reader.The eleven authors of this book regard such public receptions of archaeological narratives as productive transformations in their own right and reject an old fashioned notion of academic knowledge versus the misunderstood and deteriorated narratives of “the villagers”.The paternalistic guidance of the public towards the academically sanctioned truth, as endorsed by modernity, has meant that these appropriations have consistently been disregarded and deemed useless. However, if we view such public transformations of archaeological knowledge as attempts to make archaeologists’ results meaningful outside the academic sphere, they become vital for archaeologists to understand their own place in wider society. More specifically, such analysis of what is received on different levels and how archaeological narratives are transformed, will enhance archaeologists’ ability to meet requirements of different publics and relate to their preconceptions of both archaeologists and objects. 298p. Archaeolingua, Series Minor 33, August 2013, 9789639911475, PB, $51.00 Special Price $40.80
Handboek voor het determineren van zaden en vruchten
Re-Presenting the Past: Archaeology through Text and Image Sheila Bonde (Editor); Stephen Houston (Editor) The archaeological past exists for us through intermediaries. Some are written works, descriptions, narratives and field notes, while others are visual: the drawings, paintings, photographs, powerpoints or computer visualizations that allow us to re-present past forms of human existence.This volume brings together nine papers, six of which were presented at a symposium hosted at Brown University.Two papers explore the classical past and medieval visualizations.Three treat the Maya, and one considers the imaging by eighteenth-century antiquarians of British history; yet another ranges broadly in its historical considerations. Several consider the trajectory over time of visualization and selfimaging. Others engage with issues of recording by looking, for example, at the ways in which nineteenth–century excavation photographs can aid in the reconstruction of an inscription or by evaluating the process of mapping a site with ArcGIS and computer animation software. All essays raise key questions about the function of re-presentations of the past in current archaeological practice. 46 b/w figs, 12 col figs, 215p Oxbow Books, Joukowsky Institute Publications 2, July 2013, 9781782972310, PB, $40.00, Special Price $32.00
R.T. J. Cappers (Author); RM Bekker (Author) Naming individual seeds and fruits from wild plants is not always simple. Specialist literature and comparison collections can offer a solution. Knowing where to begin reading or comparing can save a lot of time. This handbook was written to make the search simpler. It describes, per plant family, the flowering and fruiting, the morphology of the seeds and fruits (paying special attention to fruit types), the methods of propagation (propagules) and the possible occurrence of heterocarpy and seed dimorphism. The book is richly illustrated with color photographs of blooms, fruit and seeds. For each plant family there is a short “seed atlas” that illustrates the variations in seen and fruit forms. Dutch text. col illus, 275p. Barkhuis, Groningen Archaeological Studies 22, April 2013, 9789491431241, HB, $49.00 Special Price $39.20
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Archäologischer Anzeiger 2012/2 Friederike Fless (Editor); Ortwin Dally (Editor) The “Archäologische Anzeiger” (Archeological Journal) has been one of the most important publications of Germanlanguage and international archeological research since 1889. The long-standing journal is now published in two half volumes per year. In addition, a separate supplement with the annual report of the DAI accompanied the first half volume in the years 2008 to 2012.The journal focuses upon subjects from the Mediterranean region from prehistory to late antiquity, although it also covers projects beyond the core area of the ancient world. German text. illus, 286p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, Archäologischer Anzeiger, October 2013, 9783777458311, HB, $49.00, Special Price $39.20
European Archaeology Abroad: Global Settings, Comparative Perspectives S.J. van der Lindt (Editor); M. H. Van den Dries (Editor); Nathan Schlanger (Editor); C.G. Slappendel (Editor) What are European archaeologists doing abroad? What have they been doing there for the past three to four centuries? Are they doing things differently nowadays? To address these questions, this book explores the scope, impact and ethics of European archaeological policies and practices in the Mediterranean area, the Near East, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America.The first part of this book aims to identify some of the values and motivations behind different European archaeologies abroad and this is done by providing thorough historical overviews on a range of European countries, including France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland. But how are these values translated, through socio-political, theoretical and administrative frameworks, into local circumstances in host countries? And how are these archaeological activities received locally? The second part of this book attempts to answer these questions through a range of historical and contemporary case studies, in Africa, in Asia, in South America, in the Near East and in Europe.The third part of the book offers several critical reflections on European values, motivations and collaboration projects, as perceived by archaeological heritage professionals based in, and/or working in Senegal, Sudan, Somaliland, Colombia, and the Near East. This collection of historical overviews, contemporary case studies and critical reflections focuses on the challenging relationships between archaeological practices and policies, including the requirements and wishes of archaeologists, of local communities and of other stakeholders in Europe and in the host countries. 36 col, 27 b/w illus
Martinique, terre amérindienne: Une approche pluridisciplinaire Benoit Berard (Editor) Today, traces of Native American presence in Martinique are scarsely visible but before the European invasion the island has been old Indian land for at least 1500 years. For ten years, between 1995 and 2005, an international multidisciplinary team has worked to study pre-Columbian occupation of Martinique.This book is one of the products from this research. French text. 59 b/w, 22 col illus, 262p. Sidestone Press, July 2013, 9789088901584, PB, $66.00 Special Price $52.80
Thames Holocene: A geoarchaeological approach to the investigation of the river floodplain for High Speed 1, 1994–2003 Martin Bates (Author); Elizabeth Stafford (Author) The archaeological investigation of the route of High Speed 1 (HS1; formerly the Channel Tunnel Rail Link) through the Thames Marshes required an innovative approach to mitigation in order to find and reach the deeply buried, but highly significant, palaeoenvironmental and geoarchaeological sequences. Early on in the construction project it was evident that a geoarchaeological approach would be necessary because of the depth of sequences and the relative invisibility of the archaeological resource, both within the Historic Environment Record, and to conventional archaeological prospection. An initial desk-based study of geotechnical and geomorphological data produced a model for the alluvial corridor which categorised zones of potential that could be compared against construction impacts. Subsequent field survey included geophysical investigation of buried sediment bodies, the use of boreholes, cone penetration testing and conventional test pitting and trenching.The project was highly successful in predicting the location of buried archaeological remains in a number of locations. Key amongst these are extensive remains excavated in the Ebbsfleet Valley, Mesolithic flint scatters at Tank Hill Road, Aveley, and Late Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic scatters on Swanscombe Marsh. Other sites described here include an in situ Early Neolithic flint scatter and evidence of seasonal Roman and medieval activity on Rainham and Wennington Marshes. As important, in addition to the archaeological results, this work also presents the methodological approach that was adopted for the investigation of approximately 18km (17%) of the HS1 route across an area of thick alluvium. 96 b/w & col line drawings, 33 col pls, 280p. Wessex Archaeology, August 2013, 9780954597092, HB, $30.00, Special Price $24.00
Sidestone Press, July 2013, 9789088901065, PB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
Image from Martinique, terre amérindienne
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Norfolk Gardens and Designed Landscapes
Plants and People: Choices and Diversity through Time Alexandre Chevalier (Editor); Elena Marinova (Editor); Leonor Pena-Chocarro (Editor) This first monograph in the EARTH series.The dynamics of non-industrial agriculture: 8,000 years of resilience and innovation approaches the great variety of agricultural practices in human terms. It focuses on the relationship between plants and people, the complexity of agricultural processes and their organization within particular communities and societies. Collaborative European research among archaeologists, archaeo-botanists, ethnographers, historians and agronomists using a broad analytical scale of investigation seeks to establish new common ground for integrating different approaches. By means of interdisciplinary examples, this book showcases the relationship between people and plants across wide ranging and diverse spatial and temporal milieus, including crop diversity, the use of wild foodstuffs, social context, status and choices of food plants. 235 col illus, 432p.
Patsy Dallas (Author); Roger Last (Author);Tom Williamson (Author) Norfolk Gardens is a celebration of the rich history of gardens and parks in the county of Norfolk. Beginning with a detailed exploration of the history of gardening in the county – from the pre-18th century ‘medicinals’, through the establishment of the great country house gardens and civic spaces of the 18th and 19th centuries, to the impact of modern ideas of ‘ecology’ and ‘minimalist’ gardening – the volume gives detailed descriptions of 330 of the most beautiful and significant gardens, parks and open spaces in Norfolk. It explores the impact gardeners with national reputations – such as Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll – have had on the development of garden, landscape design and planting, both in the county and on the wider national stage, and examines the influence that these landscapes have on our ideas of gardening today.The volume is more than just a guide to gardens and spaces open to the public: whether large, well-known public spaces or small, private gems, all the gardens included are of particular importance in the history of gardening. Lavishly illustrated throughout in full color, with an introduction by the distinguished landscape and garden historian Tom Williamson, Norfolk Gardens is a comprehensive and detailed account of the history and heritage of gardening. Windgather Press, October 2013, 9781905119929, HB, $49.95, Special Price $39.96
Oxbow Books, Earth Series 1, September 2012, 9781842175149, HB, $100.00, Special Price $80.00
Cipières: Landscape and Community in AlpesMaritimes, France David Austin (Author); Rosamond Faith (Author); Andrew Fleming (Author); David Siddle (Author) Cipières, in the Alpes-Maritimes, is a French upland landscape rich in archaeology and distinctive in its topography. Cipières: Community and Landscape in the Alpes-Maritimes is a unique exploration which brings together a wealth of documentary sources retained in the village with material evidence in the landscape to produce an interdisciplinary and holistic account of the development of one community and its lands. Beginning with a history of the Project, the volume examines the village’s morphology and archaeology, including a landscape survey and investigation of the agrarian systems of the Plâteau de Calern, before moving on to examine settlement patterns, population, politics, social structure and the local economy from the fifth century through to 1900. After a period of decline, the area is now undergoing regeneration, and history is bought up-to-date and placed in its modern context through reflections of the modern day region. b/w & col illus, 432p. Windgather Press, November 2013, 9781905119998, PB, $76.00, Special Price $60.80
The Elizabethan Garden at Kenilworth Castle Anna Keay (Editor); John Watkins (Author) The garden created by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, at Kenilworth Castle in the early 1570s was one of the wonders of Elizabethan England. It is also the best documented of all the great gardens of its age, providing the starting point for English Heritages ambitious re-creation in 2009.This beautifully illustrated book presents the extensive research that informed the scheme and describes the process by which the new garden was designed. Seventeen chapters, written by specialists and experts in the field, range widely, covering: the place of Kenilworth in garden history; the Earl of Leicester as a cultural patron and his work at Kenilworth; the results of the excavation of the garden site; detailed consideration of key aspects of the Elizabethan garden, including the fountain and the aviary; and important new work on the early Elizabethan flower garden.The overall philosophy of re-creating the garden and the practical aspects of doing so, are also considered.This book represents a major addition to the study of English garden history. 163 illus, 192p. English Heritage, September 2013, 9781848020344, PB, $80.00, Special Price $64.00
Zu Gast im Hunsrück Renate Kissel (Author); Ulrich Triep (Author) The Hunsrück is one of the most beautiful areas of Germany. The Celts, Romans and Franken felt at home here.Today the German Gemstone Route, many half-timbered houses or the vineyards of the region give this area its distinctive and inviting appearance.The richly illustrated book by Renate Kissel and Ulrich Triep represents the Hunsrück of its best. German text. 70 col illus, 144p. Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805346542, HB, $37.00 Special Price $29.60
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Global Ancestors: Understanding the Shared Humanity of our Ancestors Rebecca Redfern (Editor); Jelena Bekvalac (Editor); Heather Bonney (Editor); Margaret Clegg (Editor) Global Ancestors is a collection of papers which reflect on modern museological responses to the often complex and emotive relationship that people have with the ancestors and objects which they created. Set out in three broad themes, the first collection of papers explore how indigenous peoples are represented in museums in Panama and China and how more can be gained by working with indigenous communities to further our understanding of the ancestors.The second section examines changes in British and American museological thinking regarding the repatriation of human remains and objects to indigenous peoples, focusing in particular on the impact of legislation on western institutions and the expectations of indigenous communities and alternative religious groups.These issues are explored through case studies involving material from the British Museum and Glasgow Museum.The final section explores the ways in which archaeologists and indigenous communities interact.These chapters illustrate, through case studies from South Africa, Finland and Canada, how both groups have worked together for their mutual benefit or to change the majority viewpoint. Global Ancestors represents the beginnings of a more inclusive and shared understanding between different constituencies and points the way forward to a time when we can consider the ancestors truly ‘global’. b/w & col illus, 168p. Oxbow Books, September 2013, 9781842175330, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Past Bodies: Body-Centered Research in Archaeology Dusan Boric (Author); John Robb (Author) Archaeology often struggles in envisioning real people behind the world of material objects it studies. Even when dealing with skeletal remains archaeologists routinely reduce them to long lists of figures and attributes. Such a fragmentation of past subjects and their bodies, if analytically necessary, is hardly satisfactory.While material culture is the main archaeological proxy to real people in the past, the absence of past bodies has been chronic in archaeological writings.At the same time, these past bodies in archaeology are omnipresent. Bodily matters are tangible in the archaeological record in a way most other theoretical centralities never appear to be.Ancient bodies surround us, in representations, in burials, in the remains of food preparation, cooking and consumption, in hands holding tools, in joint efforts of many individual bodies who built architecture and monuments.This collection of papers is a reaction to decades of the body’s invisibility. It raises the body as the central topic in the study of past societies, researching its appearance in a wide variety of regional contexts and across vast spans of archaeological time. Contributions in this volume range from the deep Epi-Palaeolithic past of the Near East, through the European Neolithic and Bronze Age, Classical Greece and Late Medieval England, to pre-Columbian Central America, post-contact North America, and the most recent conflicts in the Balkans. In all these case studies, the materiality of the body is centre stage. Possibilities are highlighted for future study: by putting the body at the forefront of these archaeological studies an attempt is made to provoke the imagination and map out new territories. 160p. Oxbow Books, October 2013, 9781782975427, PB, reprint, $48.00 Special Price $38.40
Creating the Human Past: An Epistemology of Pleistocene Archaeology Robert Bednarik (Author) This book examines systematically both the theoretical and practical issues that have characterized the discipline over the past two centuries. Some of the historically most consequential mistakes in archaeology are dissected and explained, together with the effects of the related controversies.The theoretical basis of the discipline is deliberated in some detail, leading to the diagnosis that there are in fact numerous archaeologies, all with different notions of commensurability, ideologies, and purposes.Their various perspectives of what archaeology is and does are considered and the range of views of the human past is illuminated in this book. How humans became what they are today is of profound importance to understanding ourselves, both as a species and individually. Our psychology, cognition, diseases, intellect, communication forms, physiology, predispositions, ideologies, culture, genetics, behavior, and, perhaps most importantly, our reality constructs are all the result of our evolutionary history.Therefore the models archaeology—especially Pleistocene archaeology— creates of our past are not just narratives of what happened in human history; they are fundamental to every aspect of our existence. b/w & col illus, 186p. Archaeopress, June 2013, 9781905739639, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Österreich 2032: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Gerhart Bruckmann Wolfgang Lutz (Editor); Helmut Strasser (Editor) German text. 139p. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Demographie 22, December 2012, 9783700172338, HB, $44.00 Special Price $35.20
Wellenschläge: Kulturelle Interferenzen im östlichen Mitteleuropa des langen 20. Jahrhunderts Ute Raßloff (Editor) Cultural interference is a universal phenomenon and central Eastern Europe is one of the most prominent areas of investigation for this field. In this book, the representation of various forms of penetration, interaction and integration are studied through examples derived from eight distinct places.The authors discuss these eight places and their changing histories from diverging, occasionally antagonistic, perspectives, regardless of whether the place under consideration is a national metropolis like Prague, a regional center like the west Polish city of Posen, a small town like the Slovakian city Metzenseifen , a historical significant region such as Transylvania or Galicia or even border regions like the hinterland of Carpathia.The metaphor of cultural interference forms the basis of these reflections. Cultural sociologists pursue their research under the “Overlays and Overlappings of Epistemological Orders and their Behavioral Norms,” as described by Andreas Reckwitz. From this starting point they proceed to the social milieu, in which cultural interference often becomes manifest in conflictive interferences in the structure of hierarchies of power; however the focus lay on the archeology of signs, bringing to light a cultural palimpsest of overwritten codes. German text. 5 b/w photo, 4 b/w illus, 12 col illus, 2 tab, 460p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa 41, July 2013, 9783515098434, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
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Language and Social Structure in Urban France Mari C. Jones (Editor); David Hornsby (Editor) The coming together of linguistics and sociology in the 1960’s, most notably via the work of William Labov, marked a revolution in the study of language and provided a paradigm for the understanding of variation and change. Labovian quantitative methods have been employed successfully in North America, the UK, Scandinavia and New Zealand, but have had surprisingly little resonance in France, a country which poses many challenges to orthodox sociolinguistic thinking. Why, for example, does a nation with unexceptional scores on income distribution and social mobility show an exceptionally high degree of linguistic leveling, that is, the elimination of marked regional or local speech forms? And why does French appear to abound in ‘hyperstyle’ variables, which show greater variation on the stylistic than on the social dimension, in defiance of a well-established theory than such variables should not occur? This volume brings together leading variationist sociolinguists and sociologists from both sides of the Channel to ask: what makes France ‘exceptional’? In addressing this question, variationists have been forced to reassess the accepted interdisciplinary consensus, and to ask, as sociolinguistics has come of age, whether concepts and definitions have been transposed in a way which meaningfully preserves their original sense and, crucially, takes account of recent developments in sociology. Sociologists, for their part, have focused on the largely neglected area of language variation and its implications for social theory. Their findings therefore transcend the case study of a particularly enigmatic country to raise important theoretical questions for both disciplines. 200p. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, November 2013, 9781907975417, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
A Meeting of East and West: Days Gone By, Volume 2 Christine Wu Ramsay (Author) In Days Gone By,Volume 2: A Meeting of East and West, Christine Wu Ramsay continues the personal story of her life in an ever-widening world – as East meets West.The story is told with warmth, insight and her characteristic sense of humor. Presented with the realities of Western customs and values, she sets these against her changing perceptions of the traditions and philosophies of a matriarchal and extended Chinese family living in Singapore. Contrasts between East and West are highlighted when she takes a Western husband and they have two Eurasian children. Photographs spanning a century, complement the author’s engaging and revealing description of studying, working and living in Asia, Australia, England and America from 1958 to 1983. over 50 illus, 120p. Macmillan Art Publishing, June 2013, 9781921394751, HB, $92.00 Special Price $73.60
Complexities and Dangers of Remembering and Forgetting in Rwanda
Engendering objects: Dynamics of Barkcloth and Gender among the Maisin of Papua New Guinea Anna-Karina Hermkens (Author) Engendering objects explores social and cultural dynamics among Maisin people in Collingwood Bay (Papua New Guinea) through the lens of material culture. Focusing upon the visually stimulating decorated barkcloths that are used as male and female garments, gifts, and commodities, it explores the relationships between these cloths and Maisin people.The main question is how barkcloth, as an object made by women, engenders people’s identities, such as gender, personhood, clan and tribe, through its manufacturing and use.This book describes in detail how barkcloth (tapa) not only visualizes and expresses, but also materializes and defines, people’s multiple identities. By ‘following the object’ and how it is made and used in the performance of life-cycle rituals, in exchanges and in church festivities, this interaction between people and things, and how they are mutually constituted, becomes visible. How are women’s bodies and minds linked with the production of barkcloth? How do cloths produced by women both establish and contest clan identity? In what ways is the commodification of barkcloth related to gender dynamics? Barkcloth and its associated designs show how gender ideologies and the socio-material constructions of identity are performed and, as such, developed, established and contested.The narratives of both men and women reveal the ways in which barkcloth provides a link with the past and dreams for the future.The author argues that the cloths and their designs embody dynamics of Maisin culture and in particular of Maisin gender relations. In contributing to the current debates on the anthropology of ‘art’, this study offers an alternative way of understanding the significance of an object, like decorated barkcloth, in shaping and defining people’s identities within a local colonial and postcolonial setting of Papua New Guinea. 33 col & 21 b/w illus, 386p. Sidestone Press, July 2013, 9789088901454, PB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
Rural Capitalist Development in The Jordan Valley: The case of Deir Alla – The Rise and Demise of Social Groups
Olivier Nyirubugara (Author) This book is about one society – Rwanda – and its culture, traditions, identities, and memories. It discusses some of the ways in which ethnic identities and related memories constitute a deadly trap that needs to be torn apart if mass violence is to be eradicated in that country. It looks into everyday cultural practices such as child naming and oral traditions and into political practices that govern the ways in which citizens conceptualize the past. Rwanda was engulfed in a bloody war from 1990 until 1994, the last episode of which was a genocide that claimed about a million lives amongst the Tutsi minority. This book provides a new understanding of how a seemingly quiet society can suddenly turn into a scene of the most horrible inter-ethnic crimes. It offers an analysis of the complexities and dangers resulting from the ways in which memories are managed both at a personal level and at a collective level. The main point is that Rwandans have become hostages of their memories of the long-gone and the recent past. The book shows how these memories follow ethnic lines and lead to a state of cultural hypocrisy on the one hand, and to permanent conflict on the other hand. Written from a memory studies perspective and informed by critical theory, philosophy, literature, [oral] history, and psychology, amongst others, this book deals with some controversial subjects and deconstructs some of the received ideas about the recent and the long-gone past of Rwanda. 180p.
Mohamed F.Tarawneh (Author) The case of Deir Alla is a social and economic case study of developing Third World agriculture.The study is based upon historical sources, contemporary public information with statistics, and field work in the Jordanian village of Deir Alla. This fieldwork took place in 1986 and a report was prepared in 1989. For this publication additional field work in 1997 accounted for the rapidly changing social and economic situation.The Ottoman feudal system, with the local harrath (plowman) economy, changed gradually to private ownership since 1936, affecting the social relations of production. From 1950 onwards this development was strongly influenced by a sudden population increase (Palestinian refugees), the East Ghor irrigation system, the strong promotion of vegetable production and new technologies and institutions. Share cropping became the dominant feature of agrarian relations, but during the last decades international migrant labor expanded the wage labor system. Some types of production organization, such as the small-owner-family-labor system, proved to be more successful than others, but with the current difficult economic situation the debt trap is felt by many of these small owners.The book is important for the understanding of the social and economic history of the region, showing the dynamics of social change, but also because of its thorough analysis of the current situation, assessing theoretical models and predicting developments in a rapidly changing agricultural world. 116p.
Sidestone Press, July 2013, 9789088901102, PB, $54.50 Special Price $43.60
Sidestone Press, July 2013, 9789088900891, PB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
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Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennnia BC Marie-Louise Nosch (Editor); C. Michel (Editor) Written sources from the ancient Near East and eastern Mediterranean, from the third to the first millennia BC, provide a wealth of terms for textiles.The twenty-two chapters in the present volume offer the first comprehensive survey of this important material, with special attention to evidence for significant interconnections in textile terminology among languages and cultures, across space and time. For example, the Greek word for a long shirt, khiton kito in Linear B, derives from a Semitic root, ktn . But the same root in Akkadian means linen, in Old Assyrian a garment made of wool, and perhaps cotton, in many modern languages.These and numerous other instances underscore the need for detailed studies of both individual cases and the common threads that link them.This example illustrates on the one hand how connected some textiles terms are across time and space, but it also shows how very carefully we must conduct the etymological and terminological inquiry with constantly changing semantics as the common thread.The survey of textile terminologies in 22 chapters presented in this volume demonstrates the interconnections between languages and cultures via textiles. Paperback reprint. 326p.
Ancient Textiles, Modern Science Heather Hopkins (Editor) The European Textile Forum was founded as an annual meeting for academics, craftspeople, re-enactors and enthusiasts to share their experiences and compare notes.The conference takes place over a week, which not only allows time to learn new techniques and discuss new findings, but to also undertake lengthy experiments that require a large number of experienced specialists.This book is the publication of a series of lectures and experiments that were undertaken at the First and Second European Textile Forum in 2009 and 2010. The First European Textile Forum hosted an experiment that found the relationship between archaeological hand-spinning finds and the yarn they produce: only a meeting such as the Textilforum could generate sufficient data for analysis.This scientific approach reflects in contributions describing the reconstruction of tablet-woven artifacts, with explorations of the method of tablet-weaving and a reassessment of archaeological finds and depictions.The Second European Textile Forum explored the practical aspects of undertaking reconstructions such as Stone Age fabrics, Roman dyeing or the clothing of Gunnister Man, including the deconstruction of the original artifact, allowing for the unexpected and the implication of new findings.Techniques for treating raw materials, creating fabrics and finishing artifacts are explored.The wider purpose and legacy of the European Textile Forum is as a foundation for the coming years.The basis for research and communication, with a market for exchanging tools and materials, means that each participant can avoid individually ‘re-inventing the wheel’.The purpose of this book is to share these findings. Oxbow Books, August 2013, 9781842176641, PB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities Margarita Gleba (Editor); Judit Judit Pásztókai-SzeŒke (Editor) Textile production is an economic necessity that has confronted all societies in the past.While most textiles were manufactured at a household level, valued textiles were traded over long distances and these trade networks were influenced by raw material supply, labor skills, costs, as well as by regional traditions.This was true in the Mediterranean regions and Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman times explores the abundant archaeological and written evidence to understand the typological and geographical diversity of textile commodities. Beginning in the Iron Age, the volume examines the foundations of the textile trade in Italy and the emergence of specialist textile production in Austria, the impact of new Roman markets on regional traditions and the role that gender played in the production of textiles.Trade networks from far beyond the frontiers of the Empire are traced, whilst the role of specialized merchants dealing in particular types of garment and the influence of Roman collegia on how textiles were produced and distributed are explored. Of these collegia, that of the fullers appears to have been particularly influential at a local level and how cloth was cleaned and treated is examined in detail, using archaeological evidence from Pompeii and provincial contexts to understand the processes behind this area of the textile trade. b/w & col illus, 240p. Oxbow Books, Ancient Textiles 14, October 2013, 9781842177679, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Oxbow Books, Ancient Textiles 8, July 2013, 9781782973911, PB, Reprint, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age Eva Andersson Strand (Editor); Marie-Louise Nosch (Editor) Textile production is one of the most important crafts in Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age societies and recent interdisciplinary and collaborative work offers crucial new perspectives into this field.The new and updated catalog of archaeological textile finds presented here clearly demonstrates, even from the few extant finds, that knowledge of the use of fibers and of elaborate textile techniques that were used to produce textiles of different qualities was well developed.The functional analysis of spindle whorls and loom weights can be explored through experimental archaeology employing newly developed methodologies.The results bring new insights into the types of textile that may potentially have been made by such tools.This is highly pertinent as textile tools often constitute the single most important and plentiful type of evidence for the various stages of textile production in the archaeological record.The combination of experimental archaeology, analyses of textile tools and find contexts allows for a discussion of the nature of textile production at different sites, regions and time periods.A collaboration between archaeologists specialized in their site and textile tool specialists has produced data sets of a large number of textile tools from several Bronze Age settlements, including Khania, Malia, Midea,Tiryns,Troia and Tel Kabri.The results of these analyses provide unique insights into both the production processes and, significantly, into the range of types of textiles that could have been produced at specific sites.These results illustrate the central, social and economic impact of textile production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age societies. 210 illus, 484p. Oxbow Books, Ancient Textiles 13, November 2013, 9781842174722, HB, $96.00 Special Price $76.80
Textiles from Hallstatt (Textilien aus Hallstatt): Weaving Culture in Bronze Age and Iron Age Salt Mines Karina Gromer (Editor); Anton Kern (Editor); Hans Reschreiter (Editor); Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer (Editor) The salt mine of Hallstatt is home to more than 700 individual textile fragments, which makes it the largest corpus of prehistoric textile finds in Europe (next to the textiles from the Dürrnberg salt mine nearby).This forms a unique treasure for prehistoric research due to its unusual conditions of preservation.The wide range of still colorful preserved textiles covers the time-span between 1500-400 BC.The textiles shed light on the various developments of textile technology and the combination with the extraordinary context opens a window into the highly complex working processes and resource management of that era. In recent years, international research projects have been able to provide valuable insights into the beginnings of textile-dyeing and the evolution of fundamental textile techniques, using up-to-date scientific research methods in addition to textile analysis.This monograph is the first to display as a whole all the known textile artifacts from the salt mine of Hallstatt. German/English text. 572p. Archaeolingua, Main Series 29, August 2013, 9789639911468, HB, $117.00 Special Price $93.60
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13
A Maritime Archaeology of Ships: Innovation and Social Change in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe J. R. Adams (Author) In the last fifty years the investigation of maritime archaeological sites in the sea, in the coastal zone and in their interconnecting locales, has emerged as one of archaeology’s most dynamic and fast developing fields. No longer a niche interest, maritime archaeology is recognized as having central relevance in the integrated study of the human past.Within maritime archaeology the study of watercraft has been understandably prominent and yet their potential is far from exhausted. In this book Jon Adams evaluates key episodes of technical change in the ways that ships were conceived, designed, built, used and disposed of. As technological puzzles they have long confounded explanation but when viewed in the context of the societies in which they were created, mysteries begin to dissolve. Shipbuilding is social practice and as one of the most complex artifacts made, changes in their technology provide a lens through which to view the ideologies, strategies and agency of social change. Adams argues that the harnessing of shipbuilding was one of the ways in which medieval society became modern and, while the primary case studies are historical, he also demonstrates that the relationships between ships and society have key implications for our understanding of prehistory in which seafaring and communication had similarly profound effects on the tide of human affairs. b/w & col illus, 160p. Oxbow Books, October 2013, 9781842172971, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Before the Mast: Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose Julie Gardiner (Editor) Before the Mast explores how the men of the Mary Rose lived, through their surviving possessions; how they were fed; their music and recreation, medicine and provision for illness and injury, as well as working practices: carpentry and maintenance, stowage, navigation and ship’s communications.The personal possessions of the crew included religious items, books, fishing lines and weights, sewing kits, money, hair combs, jewellery, knives, musical instruments and many items of clothing.The Barber-surgeon, who had his own cabin, brought on board a fine chest filled with canisters, bottles and pots of ointment and medicines, a variety of surgical instruments and a fine set of razors. Another cabin nearby was clearly occupied by the ship’s carpenters whose toolkit included planes, adzes, axes, hammers and drills, as well as pitch pots and special mallets for patching up leaks in the ship’s hull.The ship’s navigators had the best in sixteenth century compasses.The ship’s galley was in the hold and this area in particular produced many examples of wooden and pewter plates, bowls, pots, bread troughs, and tankards, as well as barrels and baskets still containing beef, pork, fish and fruit. The volume also includes an analysis of the human remains providing evidence for the stature and age range of the men most were under 30 their health, and injuries sustained. Before the Mast is now available again in a two volume edition published by Oxbow Books. 760p. Oxbow Books, Archaeology of the Mary Rose 4, July 2013, 9781842175040, HB, $99.95 Special Price $79.96
Claimed by the Sea: Salcombe, Langdon Bay, and other marine finds of the Bronze Age Stuart P. Needham (Author); Dave Parham (Author); Catherine Frieman (Author) First discovered by sport divers in the 1970s, the two remarkable seabed finds of prehistoric bronze metalwork described here quickly became a testing ground for the new discipline of underwater archaeology, initially under the leadership of the pioneering maritime archaeologist Keith Muckelroy.A haul of 361 bronzes from Langdon Bay, Kent, represents one of the largest deposits from Bronze Age Europe. Dating to the thirteenth century BC, the collection is diverse in character and originates in various parts of western Europe and the British Isles.The assemblage from Salcombe, Devon covered here is of similar date with a unique combination of types and materials; further finds have since been made at this site. Neither site having yielded any ship’s remains, all possible mechanisms for deposition are reviewed, including erosion of coastal deposits and ritual deposition at sea. Extensive comparative analysis favors the conclusion that the unparalleled Langdon Bay and Salcombe assemblages represent material spilled or jettisoned from boats in trouble. For the first time, maritime archaeologists, period specialists, scientists and coastal geo-morphologists, bring together research on these two exceptional sites: history of discovery, evaluation of context and character, detailed scientific analyses and a fully illustrated catalog. Nineteen further marine finds of Bronze Age metalwork are also documented, models for seaborne exchange are reconsidered and cultural attitudes to the terre/mare interface are discussed. 95 figs incl col, 240p. Council for British Archaeology, CBA Research Report 173, June 2013, 9781902771953, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
People and the Sea: A Maritime Archaeological Research Agenda for England Fraser Sturt (Editor); Jesse Ransley (Editor); Justin Dix (Editor); Lucy Blue (Editor) This volume presents the conclusions of a research assessment funded by English Heritage which drew together the broad community of scholars interested in marine and maritime affairs, with a remit of both quantifying the known record and establishing a clear research agenda for the future. The result is an unrivaled exploration of our maritime heritage and a challenging agenda for the future. Britain is a maritime nation.Thus understanding the changing record of people?s relationships with, and use of the sea is key to interpreting the archaeological record. People and the Sea considers all aspects of our maritime heritage; from the submerged landscapes created by changes in sealevel over the last million years, to the physical development of the modern coastline, through to ports, their hinterlands and associated maritime communities. It investigates the nature of seafaring, its associated material culture as well as people?s changing perceptions and interactions with the sea. Chronological chapters, from the Palaeolithic to the 20th century, all consider a number of key themes, exploring both the current state of knowledge and priorities for future research.While the focus is on England, the themes explored are applicable to any coastal community, both in the UK and the near Continent. Written by leading academics, in consultation with numerous specialists, People and the Sea provides an unrivaled exploration of our maritime heritage and sets a challenging agenda for future research. 68 figs incl col, 272p. Council for British Archaeology, Research Report 171, February 2013, 9781902771939, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Archäologie im Mittelmeer: Auf der Suche nach versunkenen Schiffswracks und vergessenen Häfen Michaela Reinfeld (Editor) The Mediterranean as the birthplace of great European civilizations is a largely unexplored archaeological treasure full of scientific surprises.Whether sunken ships, submerged ports or valuable cargoes:The underwater archaeology allows archaeologists a fascinating glimpse into the past. Richly illustrated, this book presents the latest findings and results of maritime archeology around the Mediterranean.The editor, together with an responsible archaeologist of the particular research project, provide an broad overview of the most important excavations from the early history to late antiquity.The archaeological journey leads the reader from Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Malta, to Turkey, Lebanon and Israel and then back to Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. German text. 120 col illus, 144p. Philipp von Zabern, Sonderbände Der Antiken Welt, November 2013, 9783805346757, HB, $52.00 Special Price $41.60
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Colchester, Fortress of the War God: an Archaeological Assessment David Radford (Author); Adrian Gascoyne (Author); Philip Wise (Editor) This volume is a critical assessment of the current state of archaeological knowledge of the settlement originally called Camulodunon and now known as Colchester.The town has been the subject of antiquarian interest since the late 16th century and the first modern archaeological excavations occurred in 1845 close to Colchester Castle, the towns most prominent historic site.The earliest significant human occupation recorded from Colchester dates to the late Neolithic, but it was only towards the end of the 1st century BC that an oppidum was established.This was superseded by a Roman legionary fortress and then the colonia of Camulodunum on a hilltop bounded by the river Colne. There is little evidence for continuing occupation here in the early post-Roman period, but in 917 the town was re-established as a burgh and gradually grew in importance. After the Norman Conquest, a castle was built on the foundations of the ruined Roman Temple of Claudius, and a priory and an abbey were established.Although the town was affected by the Dissolution of the Monasteries and the English Civil War it remained essentially medieval in character until the 18th century. During the 19th century this process of change was accelerated by the arrival of the railway, industrialization and the establishment of the military garrison. Since the 1960s Colchester has been subject to recurring phases of re-development, the most recent having ended only in 2007, which have had a significant impact on the historic environment. Fortunately the town is one of the best studied in the country. 100 b/w illus, 352p. Oxbow Books, July 2013, 9781842175088, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
Counting People: A DIY Manual for Local and Family Historians John Moore (Author) Local and family historians are often afraid to use numerical data (Statistics) in their research and writing.Yet numbers are an essential part of much historical work, obviously in population history but also in local studies of agriculture, industry and social history. Counting People shows how amateur historians can use computers with appropriate programs to provide numerical illustrations of various historical topics as well as easing their researches. A final chapter covers research and publishing in local history.The Bibliography provides advice on local historical studies in England and Wales and a full list of sources for population history in England and Wales as well as guidance on the use of computers in local studies. 140p. Oxbow Books, May 2013, 9781842174807, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
Memory, Myth and Long-Term Landscape Inhabitation Adrian M. Chadwick (Editor); Catriona D. Gibson (Editor) In recent years in archaeology there has been increasing acknowledgement of the ‘afterlife’ of monuments and other features in the landscape, and the role of the past in the past, along with discussions of the spatial and chronological links manifested in monument complexes and ritual landscapes. However this book takes the approach that memory studies are not at an advanced stage within archaeology; to date there has been little specific theoretical discussion of how such long-term persistence of place and practice was possible; and why this was the case. Memory, Myth and Long-Term Landscape Inhabitation explicitly seeks to use the evidence from recent largescale developer-funded commercial archaeological excavation projects in the United Kingdom to address these questions, and to connect these new discoveries, as well as those from large-scale research projects, with current theoretical approaches.The volume also showcases some excellent examples of more ‘everyday’ memory practices that took place on settlements and across landscapes in the past.There is a focus on British archaeology from the Neolithic to the Roman periods, but other contributions deal with the Neolithic of Central Europe, Etruscan landscapes, prehistoric Egypt and historic Native American practices. 166 b/w & col illus, 336p. Oxbow Books, Celtic Studies Publications 17, December 2013, 9781782973935, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
Newcastle upon Tyne, the Eye of the North: An Archaeological Assessment David Heslop (Author) Newcastle upon Tyne is one of England’s great cities. Many think of it simply as a product of the Industrial Revolution when abundant natural resources of coal, iron ore and water came together to create a Victorian industrial powerhouse. In fact, Newcastle’s long and proud history began in Roman times when Hadrian’s Wall marked the northernmost point of the Roman Empire.The first suitable bridging point the Romans found was 10 miles inland from the North Sea.They built Pons Aelius close to where the Tyne Bridge is today and it marks the birth of Newcastle upon Tyne as a settlement. The exact significance of the early Roman occupation, possibly pre-dating the construction of the Wall, remains poorly understood, but recent developmentled excavation has complemented the publicly-funded research of the late 20th century.The Wall itself passed through the heart of modern Newcastle, but its course has been lost either side of the fort. Following the withdrawal of the Roman army, the local inhabitants employed the decaying fort as a cemetery, eventually with its own Anglo-Saxon church. After the Norman Conquest, the same strategic site was used to plant a castle of national significance, as the town became the King’s northern bulwark against Scottish Aggression, and termed the ‘Eye of the North’. Prosperity followed the erection of a new bridge and as a result of its advantageous position as a port, the town developed an active waterfront, marketplaces and guilds. However, its location on the border between England and Scotland soon made a strong town wall essential, and as the nexus of the coal-trade to London and beyond, Newcastle retained its significance into the English Civil War.The protracted siege concludes the period covered here. Oxbow Books, October 2013, 9781842178140, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
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Friars, Quakers, Industry and Urbanisation: The Archaeology of the Broadmead Expansion Project, Cabot Circus, Bristol, 2005-2008 Victoria Ridgeway (Editor); Martin Watts (Editor) The development of Cabot Circus shopping center presented a rare opportunity for the archaeological investigation of a large part of the Broadmead suburb of Bristol. The former presence of a Dominican Friary and later Friends’ Meeting House were already well known, and surviving buildings from both remain within a large open piazza in the west of the new development. The project has also shed light on other aspects of the suburb’s past that were previously less well known. Borehole investigations have allowed the prehistoric environment of the River Frome valley to be characterized, with episodes of small-scale tree clearance from the surrounding slopes during the later Neolithic and early Bronze Age, and the floodplain remaining as mud flats until the development of the Broadmead suburb in the 12th century and the arrival of the Dominicans in the 13th century. The Dissolution saw the demolition of parts of the friary, and by the later 17th century the surviving claustral buildings were occupied by trade guilds and the Quakers had built their first Meeting House. The 18th and 19th centuries were times of enormous expansion for Bristol. The new developments included industrial premises, saw mills, cabinet works and malthouses, alongside terraces and courts of domestic dwellings. The recovery of a significant assemblage of tobacco pipe bowls and kiln wasters has enabled the development of new typology for Bristol, which should prove invaluable in dating future assemblages recovered from the city. 107 col & 116 b/w illus, 450p. Cotswold Archaeology, CA monograph/PCA monograph 41410, July 2013, 9780956305480, HB, $69.95 Special Price $55.96
A Roman Villa at the Edge of Empire: Excavations at Ingleby Barwick, Stockton-onTees, 2003–04. Archaeological Services Durham University Steven Willis (Editor); Peter Carne (Editor) Located on the south side of the River Tees, in north-east England, the Roman villa at Ingleby Barwick is one of the most northerly in the Roman Empire. Discovered originally through aerial photography and an extensive program of evaluation, the site was excavated in 2003-04 in advance of housing development. Unusually for the region, the site demonstrated evidence for occupation from the later prehistoric period through to the Anglo-Saxon. The excavations at Ingleby Barwick are significant not only for their scale but also for being carried out under modern recording conditions, allowing for extensive and detailed analysis of the finds. The villa is also a rare example of a Roman civilian site in the hinterland of Hadrian’s Wall. The Roman winged corridor villa and its outlying stone structures were surrounded by an extensive layout of rectilinear enclosures. While the main villa building was preserved in situ, excavation of the surrounding area revealed features such as ovens and paved surfaces, as well as rare finds such as a glass tableware vessel probably from Egypt and a large hoard of metalwork. The pottery has allowed a detailed phasing of the site to be proposed, while the environmental evidence reveals the villa to have been a working farm. 93 figs incl col, 244p. Council for British Archaeology, CBA Research Report 170, August 2013, 9781902771908, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Cult, Religion, and Pilgrimage: Archaeological Investigations at the Neolithic and Bronze Age Monument Complex of Thornborough, North Yorkshire Jan Harding (Author) The three large henges found adjacent to the village of Thornborough, near Ripon in North Yorkshire, lie at the heart of one of the most important Neolithic landscapes in the British Isles While the henges were first recorded in the eighteenth century, recent fieldwork has shown them to be part of a much larger ‘sacred landscape’ of the later Neolithic and Bronze Age which includes barrows, pit alignments and a cursus. Surrounding fields have yielded a rich collection of prehistoric flint artifacts.While the henges have all been damaged, either by agriculture or quarrying, they remain major upstanding features in the modern landscape.This volume considers first the history of investigations and changing attitudes towards the monuments before describing the detailed
geophysical surveys, excavations and fieldwalking programs that have been carried out across this landscape in the past twenty years.The author concludes that this was an intensely religious landscape, situated on an important routeway across the Pennines. He considers how people, both those who lived locally and those who traveled long distances to visit the site as a place of pilgrimage, would have experienced and interacted with the monuments, 155 figs incl col, 260p. Council for British Archaeology, CBA Research Report 174, August 2013, 9781902771977, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
La Grava: The Archaeology and History of a Royal Manor and Alien Priory of Fontevrault Evelyn Baker (Author) The site of La Grava (or Grove Priory) in Bedfordshire, excavated in advance of quarrying between 1973 and 1985, was one of the most extensive monastic/manorial projects of the 20th century in the UK. Excavated originally as a medieval religious house, identified as an alien priory of the Order of Fontevrault in Anjou, the site was to reveal settlement from the Romano-British period to the 16th century. Granted to the Order of Fontevrault in 1164, the priory became the home of the Procurator of the Order in England. From the later 14th century the site reverted to a lay establishment and was held by highranking royal women. The excavations were notable for several reasons, including their extent, the stratification in the remains, and the continuity of settlement from the late Saxon period onwards. Post-excavation analysis and reconstruction of building plans has led the author to suggest detailed sequences of spatial planning across the site. The royal and ecclesiastic connections to the site provided excellent documentary sources, enabling recorded events to be linked to building works. When combined with the large finds assemblage, and detailed reconstruction drawings, a vivid picture of life at La Grava over several centuries can be painted. 260 figs incl col, 424p. Council for British Archaeology, CBA Research Report 167, 9781902771878, PB, $100.00 Special Price $80.00
Horton Kingsmead Quarry Volume 1 Gareth Chaffey (Author); Alistair Barclay (Author); Ruth Pelling (Author) Excavations at Kingsmead Quarry, Horton, Berkshire, have provided an opportunity to investigate a large multiperiod site with occupation dating back over 12,000 years. The immediate landscape was one of braided river channels for much of later prehistory, whilst a substantial channel at the southern edge of the quarry is thought to be a former course of the Thames. The investigations at Horton have revealed evidence for a rare Early Neolithic house, indicating permanent occupation on the site from about 3800 BC. A number of contemporary pits are suggestive of a house ‘void’. During the Bronze Age the landscape was dramatically transformed from an open area to an enclosed and subdivided agricultural landscape comprising field systems and two substantial farmsteads. Each farm was associated with burials, domestic refuse and metalwork. The Iron Age and Romano-British periods saw continued development and re-organization of the landscape, with associated settlements of a much smaller scale. This is the first of three volumes and covers the results from 2003–2009. A range of structural evidence, augmented by considerable quantities of artifactual and environmental information, show Horton to have been a suitable and significant place for episodic settlement from the start of the Neolithic. A detailed account of the site is given in this volume, whilst its position in the wider archaeological landscape of the Middle Thames Valley is discussed. 115 b/w & col line drawings; 30 col pls, 300p. Wessex Archaeology, December 2013, 9781874350668, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
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Shell Energy: Mollusc Shells as Coastal Resources G. N. Bailey (Editor); Karen Hardy (Editor); Abdoulaye Camara (Editor) Shell middens are ubiquitous archaeological features on coastlines throughout the world that have been variously analyzed and interpreted as mounds of food, burial places, or simply as convenient receptacles for the preservation of stratified remains.This volume brings together information about little known, or recently discovered, concentrations of shell mounds in areas including Africa, the near East, South-east Asia and the Americas as well as new work on mounds in the classic areas including Denmark, the Pacific NW coast and Japan. Discussions are presented on new approaches to interpretation involving the use of ethnographic studies, analysis of molluscs, the use of shell as a raw material for making artifacts and in construction, and the variable formation processes associated with mound formation. b/w & col illus, 320p. Oxbow Books, August 2013, 9781842177655, HB, $100.00 Special Price $80.00
Gristhorpe Man: A Life and Death in the Bronze Age Nigel D. Melton (Editor); Christopher Knusel (Editor); Janet Montgomery (Editor) In July 1834 excavation of a barrow at Gristhorpe, near Scarborough,Yorkshire, recovered an intact, waterlogged, hollowed-out oak coffin containing a perfectly preserved Bronze Age skeleton that had been wrapped in an animal skin and buried with worked flints, a bronze dagger with a whalebone pommel, and a bark vessel apparently containing food residue. Gristhorpe Man became the centerpiece of the Scarborough Philosophical Society’s museum display. In 2004, planned refurbishment of the renamed Rotunda Museum provided the opportunity for a scientific re-examination of the burial and grave goods in order to elucidate the life and death of this extraordinary survival of the British Early Bronze Age.Tree-trunk coffin burials are relatively rare and Gristhorpe Man, with his range of grave goods was likely to have held a special role in society. Analysis of the skeleton included an examination of its skeletal morphology and palaeopathological conditions combined with isotopic analyses of the bones and teeth in order to investigate mobility, diet, and status of the individual whose unusual large stature, dentition, and novel methods of conservation were of particular interest.These analyses, combined with examination of the surviving coffin lid, including the unique ‘face’ carved onto one end of it, the grave goods, and radiocarbon and dendrochronological dating, reveal fascinating insights into the social position, inter-regional contacts and the burial rite associated with this enigmatic mature man who probably saw active combat and who suffered from a benign brain tumor that may have seriously altered his personality in his later years. b/w & col illus, 256p. Oxbow Books, December 2013, 9781782972075, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
Shuffling Nags, Lame Ducks: The Archaeology of Animal Disease László Bartosiewicz (Author); Erika Gal (Author) The analysis of animal bone assemblages from archaeological sites provides much valuable data concerning economic and husbandry practices in the past, as well as insights into cultural and symbolic or ritual activity. Animal palaeopathology can identify diseases in archaeozoological assemblages but little interest has been expressed in investigating and understanding the cultural aspects of the diseases identified. Such assemblages represent the cumulative effects of human attitudes, decisions and influences regarding the keeping, care, treatment, neglect and exploitation of animals which result in a range of conditions, non-infectious diseases and injuries that can be recognized on ancient skeletal material. Additionally, ever since the domestication of a handful of animal species around 10,000 years ago, the close physical proximity has been a mutual source of infectious disease and traumatic injury for humans and animals alike.
Image, Memory and Monumentality: Archaeological Engagements with the Material World Andrew Meirion Jones (Editor); Joshua Pollard (Editor); Julie Gardiner (Editor); Michael J. Allen (Editor) Leading scholars in these 29 commissioned papers in honor of Richard Bradley discuss key themes in prehistoric archaeology that have defined his career, such as monumentality, memory, rock art, landscape, material worlds and field practice.The scope is broad, covering both Britain and Europe, and while the focus is very much on the archaeology of later prehistory, papers also address the interconnection between prehistory and historic and contemporary archaeology.The result is a rich and varied tribute to Richard’s energy and intellectual inspiration. 60 illus, 366p.
Shuffling Nags, Lame Ducks provides an invaluable guide to the investigation of trauma and disease in archaeozoological assemblages. It provides a clear methodological approach, and describes and explains the wide range of traumatic lesions, infections, diseases, inherited disorders and other pathological changes and anomalies that can be identified. In so doing, it explores the impact that “manmade” decisions have had on animals, including special aspects of culture that may be reflected in the treatment of diseased or injured animals that often incorporate powerful symbolic or religious roles, and seeks to enhance our understanding of the relationship between man and beast in the past. Chapters include: History of studying pathological animal remains; Differences between human and animal palaeopathology; Methodology; Growth, development and aging;Traumatic lesions; Inflammatory diseases and bone; Pathological lesions in working animals; Diseases connected to the environment. 264p.
Oxbow Books, Prehistoric Society Research Papers 5, July 2013, 9781782973928, PB, Reprint, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Quaternary History and Palaeolithic Archaeology in the Axe Valley at Broom, South West England
D. C. M. Raemaekers (Editor); E. Esser (Editor); Roel C. G. M. Lauwerier (Editor); J.T. Zeiler (Editor) This volume comprises papers presented to Wietske Prummel on the occasion of her retirement from the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen) in 2012.The contributions cover a wide range of topics from all realms of archaeozoology, such as animal husbandry and mobility, bird exploitation and fishery.The papers are dedicated to Wietske in celebration of her scientific career. col illus, 214p.
C. P. Green (Editor); Robert Hosfield (Editor) This investigation of the Lower Palaeolithic site at Broom, Devon, highlights the huge potential of old sites and the importance of the archaeological and geological legacy resulting from more than 150 years of field investigations. The site, which has produced large numbers of Palaeolithic artifacts and is located in Middle Pleistocene fluvial sediments approximately 300,000 years old, is generally regarded as the most important open-air archaeological site of earlier Palaeolithic age in south-western Britain. A key source of information is the collection of C.E. Bean during the 1930s and early 1940s, combined with his compilation of an extensive documentary archive.The primary focus of the volume is the Broom site itself, seeking to explain the distinctive character of its Acheulean archaeology, the environmental conditions in which the hominin occupants of the Axe valley flourished, and for how long.The setting of the Palaeolithic archaeology within the unusual terrace deposits of the River Axe is explored and the local and global factors affecting it, including bedrock geology, tectonic uplift, climatic conditions and changing base-level, examined.The findings add significant strands to the growing understanding of Pleistocene fluvial sequences at both a national and a global scale, the nature and technological attributes of Palaeolithic assemblages and highlights the value of the data that can still be extracted from such assemblages across the Acheulean world. 320 b/w & col illus, 384p.
Barkhuis, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, December 2012, 9789491431159, PB, $36.00 Special Price $28.80
Oxbow Books, July 2013, 9781842175200, HB, $120.00 Special Price $96.00
Oxbow Books, November 2013, 9781782971894, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
A Bouquet of Archaeozoological Studies: Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel
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unknown technology for salt production is described; a long series of radiocarbon dates places this production predominantly in the Bronze Age with later phases of activity in the Iron Age and early medieval periods.The book represents a milestone in salt research. It presents a detailed picture of salt production technology where little such research has previously been carried out; and for the first time it provides clear evidence for the date at which the production occurred. Specialist contributors add detailed information on a range of related topics. 332p. Archaeolingua, Main Series 28, July 2013, 9789639911444, HB, $99.00 Special Price $79.20
A Mind Set on Flint
The First Farmers of Central Europe: Diversity in LBK Lifeways Penny Bickle (Editor); Alasdair Whittle (Editor) From about 5500 cal BC to soon after 5000 cal BC, the lifeways of the first farmers of central Europe, the LBK culture (Linearbandkeramik), are seen in distinctive practices of longhouse use, settlement forms, landscape choice, subsistence, material culture and mortuary rites.Within the five or more centuries of LBK existence a dynamic sequence of changes can be seen in, for instance, the expansion and increasing density of settlement, progressive regionalization in pottery decoration, and at the end some signs of stress or even localized crisis. Although showing many features in common across its very broad distribution, however, the LBK phenomenon was not everywhere the same, and there is a complicated mixture of uniformity and diversity.
M. L. J Niekus (Author); R. N. E. Barton (Editor);Thomas Terberger (Editor); Martin Street (Editor) This volume comprises papers presented to Dick Stapert on the occasion of his retirement from the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen) in 2011 and celebrates his scientific career.The contributions cover nearly 300,000 years of Human History and were written by colleagues, former students and friends.Topics include the making and use of fire, children in the Stone Age, spatial analysis, and other themes related to the study of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and beyond.This is the second edition and a hardcover book.The first edition, a softcover volume with ISBN 9789491431012, is out of print. Barkhuis, December 2012, 9789491431135, HB, $110.00 Special Price $88.00
This major study takes a strikingly large regional sample, from northern Hungary westwards along the Danube to Alsace in the upper Rhine valley, and addresses the question of the extent of diversity in the lifeways of developed and late LBK communities, through a wide-ranging study of diet, lifetime mobility, health and physical condition, the presentation of the bodies of the deceased in mortuary ritual. It uses an innovative combination of isotopic (principally carbon, nitrogen and strontium, with some oxygen), osteological and archaeological analysis to address difference and change across the LBK, and to reflect on cultural change in general. b/w illus, 608p. Oxbow Books, Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, July 2013, 9781842175309, HB, $110.00 Special Price $88.00
Building the Great Stone Circles of the North Colin Richards (Editor) Of all prehistoric monuments, few are more emotive than the great stone circles that were built throughout Britain and Ireland. From the tall, elegant, pointed monoliths of the Stones of Stenness to the grandeur of Stonehenge and the sarsen blocks at Avebury, circles of stone exert a magnetic fascination to those who venture into their sphere. In Britain today, more people visit these structures than any other form of prehistoric monument and visitors stand in awe at their scale and question how and why they were erected. Building the Great Stone Circles of the North looks at the enigmatic stone structures of Scotland and investigates the background of their construction and their cultural significance. Beginning with a consideration of how the stone structures of Western Scotland can be interpreted, the volume looks in detail at the context of the circles and cairns from Orkney and the Outer Hebrides – from quarrying the raw material to their symbolic role within the landscape – before widening out into a consideration of the societies who built and used them and the myth and folklore that is now embedded within these megaliths. b/w & col illus, 320p. Windgather Press, November 2013, 9781909686120, PB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Explorations in Salt Archaeology in the Carpathian Zone Anthony Harding (Author); Valerii Kavruk (Author) This book presents research on the archaeology of salt in Central and Eastern Europe, based on fieldwork carried out between 2003 and 2012.The authors conducted a detailed examination of sites in several countries, concentrating particularly on an area of northern Transylvania where extensive wooden remains are preserved in salt streams. A hitherto
Ice Age Art: Arrival of the Modern Mind Jill Cook (Author) The accompanying title to the major exhibition at the British Museum: Ice Age art: arrival of the modern mind, 7 February – 26 May 2013.This is a thoughtprovoking exploration of the masterpieces of sculpture, drawing and decoration of the last Ice Age. Produced between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago, this is some of the oldest known figurative art in the world. Looking at these art works provides a fascinating insight into the earliest modern minds and their capacity to express ideas symbolically through art. Over 100 objects are featured, including small but exquisite sculptures made from mammoth ivory, engraved drawings, ceramic models, decorated objects and jewellery from the age of the great painted caves. Some are celebrated masterpieces such as the Swimming Reindeer (13,000 years old), the so- called Willendorf Venus (25,000 years old), the Vogelherd Horse (32,000 years old) and the Lion Man (32,000 years old); others are lesser- known treasures from the collections of European museums. The author examines them in a new light, as works of aesthetic – not solely archaeological – interest, and as such forming part of an unbroken continuum of human creativity.The compelling narrative is also illustrated with a wealth of images, from classical sculpture to twentieth-century painting and even contemporary advertising campaigns, which demonstrate surprising aesthetic parallels between these ancient works and familiar modern pieces. In this way, Ice Age art will bring home the point that the minds that created these objects in all their diversity and inventiveness were modern minds like our own, capable of highly sophisticated thought and expression. 200 col illus, 288p. British Museum Press, February 2013, 9780714123332, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
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Star Carr: Life in Britain after the Ice Age Nicky Milner (Author); Barry Taylor (Author); Chantal Conneller (Author);Tim Schadla-Hall (Author) Star Carr is one of the most famous and important prehistoric sites in Europe. Dating from the early Mesolithic period, over 10,000 years ago, the site has produced a unique range of artifacts and settlement evidence. First excavated in 1949–51 by Professor Grahame Clark of Cambridge University, the site was buried in a deep layer of peat on the edge of prehistoric Lake Flixton. The peat has preserved an incredible collection of organic artefacts, including bone, wood and antler, as well as thousands of flint tools. This has allowed archaeologists to build up a detailed picture of life on the edge of the lake around 9000 BC. New excavations have now revealed the remains of what may be the earliest house ever found in Britain, and have shown that the settlement stretched for several hundred meters along the lake shore. This book tells the story of the discovery of Star Carr, and brings it up-to-date with details of the current excavations. It also discusses other important Mesolithic sites in Britain and Europe and how these are transforming our view of life after the Ice Age. 53 figs full col, 124p. Council for British Archaeology, May 2013, 9781902771991, PB, $26.00 Special Price $20.80
The Neolithic and Bronze Age Enclosures at Springfield Lyons, Essex: Excavations 1981-91 Nigel Brown (Author); Maria Medlycott (Author) Excavation of the enclosure at Springfield Lyons quickly established its Late Bronze Age date, and the site now lends its name to a settlement type characteristic, particularly in eastern England, of the Late Bronze Age and earliest Iron Age. Excavation revealed a substantial enclosure ditch divided by causeways of undisturbed natural gravel, and with entrances facing east and west. Postholes inside the ditch was interpreted as support for a box rampart. The enclosure contained a number of roundhouses, including one with a large porch aligned on the east entrance. The finds assemblage was largely typical of the material associated with such Late Bronze Age circular enclosures, but remarkable amongst the finds were two large deposits of clay refractory material, recovered from the ditch by both the east and west entrances. Apart from some crucible fragments, the mold material was almost without exception derived from molds for casting Ewart Park type swords. Examination of an area outside the east entrance of the Late Bronze Age enclosure revealed part of a Neolithic causewayed enclosure. It is suggested that the unusual causewayed form of the Late Bronze Age enclosure ditch was a conscious emulation of the nearby causewayed enclosure; and that the presence of that ancient site influenced the location of the Late Bronze Age enclosure. 115, 200p. East Anglian Archaeology, East Anglian Archaeology, June 2013, 9781841940984, PB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
Silbury Hill: The Largest Prehistoric Mound in Europe Jim Leary (Author); David Field (Author); Gill Campbell (Author) Silbury Hill, the largest prehistoric mound in Europe, has long been an enigma. Set within the chalk downlands of the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site, it is traditionally thought to have been the burial place of King Sil. First investigated in 1776, then again in 1849, successive archaeological interventions culminated in Professor Richard Atkinson’s televised campaign in the late 1960s. Following the dramatic collapse of the 1776 excavation shaft at the summit of the Hill in 2000, detailed surveys revealed that voids associated with the earlier excavations existed deep within the mound. Mindful of potential damage to undisturbed archaeological features within Silbury Hill, in 2007 the decision was taken to re-enter the Hill using Professor Atkinson’s tunnel and directly backfill all known and predicated voids.These remedial works were accompanied by full archaeological recording.This report discusses the resulting stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental evidence as well as new radiocarbon dates and offers a re-interpretation of the construction of the Hill, setting it in its late Neolithic context. It also details the later history of the site and conservation measures undertaken. 210 figs, 432p. English Heritage, November 2013, 9781848020450, HB, $200.00 Special Price $160.00
Stonehenge and Avebury: Exploring the World Heritage Site – 1:10 000 scale The Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site is internationally important for its outstanding prehistoric monuments. Stonehenge is the most architecturally sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world, while Avebury is the largest.Around them lie numerous other monuments and sites, which demonstrate over 2,000 years of continuous use.Together they form a unique prehistoric landscape.There is no better way to learn about an experience the monuments than to go out and explore the World Heritage Site on foot.This map is ideal for walkers and others wishing to explore the fascinating landscape of the two areas of the World Heritage Site.The map uses an Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 base and draws upon information from the English Heritage Archive and recent archaeological investigations.With Stonehenge on one side and Avebury on the other, the map shows and describes both visible and hidden remains, with information about where you can find out more.The map is divided into two parts on a durable double sided waterproof sheet. English Heritage, December 2013, 9781848021266, Map, $20.00 Special Price $16.00
Prehistoric Settlement in the Lower Kennet Valley: Excavations at Green Park (Reading Business Park)Phase 3 and Moores Farm, Burghfield, Berkshire Adam Brossler (Author); Fraser Brown (Author); Erika Guttman (Author); Leo Webley (Author) This volume presents the results of two excavations on the gravel terraces of the Lower Kennet Valley, at Green Park (Reading Business Park) Phase 3 and Moores Farm, Burghfield, Berkshire.The Green Park excavations uncovered a field system and occupation features dating to the middle to late Bronze Age. Five waterholes or wells were distributed across the field system, the waterlogged fills of which preserved wooden revetment structures and valuable environmental evidence. The pottery from the waterholes makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the middle to late Bronze Age transition in the region. Later activity included middle to late Iron Age boundaries, a late Iron Age cremation burial, a Romano-British field system and post-medieval trackways.The Moores Farm excavations revealed occupation from the Mesolithic, Neolithic, middle Bronze Age and early Iron Age.The middle Bronze Age settlement included pits, ovens and possible post structures, and was again situated within a contemporaneous field system dotted with waterholes. As well as discussing these two sites, the volume provides an overview of all of the work to date in the Green Park Farm/Reading Business Park area, exploring the development of this important prehistoric landscape. 75 illus & 38 tabs, 150p. Oxford Archaeology,Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 37, July 2013, 9781905905294, PB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
The Ebbsfleet Elephant: Excavations at Southfleet Road, Swanscombe in advance of High Speed 1, 2003-4 Francis Wenban-Smith (Editor) This is the final volume in the monograph series resulting from archaeological excavations in the Ebbsfleet Valley in advance of High Speed 1 and the Ebbsfleet International station. It provides the full account of the discovery, excavation and subsequent analysis of rich and deeply buried archaeological horizons found late in the construction program, dating to early in the Palaeolithic and associated with the Hoxnian interglacial between about 425,000 and 375,000 years ago.The highlight of this work was recovery of the remains of an extinct straight-tusked elephant Palaeoloxodon antiquus surrounded by the undisturbed scatter of flint tools used for its butchery, made and abandoned at the spot. Rich fossil palaeo-environmental remains provide a remarkable record of the climate and environment, showing that the elephant lived and died at a time of peak interglacial warmth, when the Ebbsfleet Valley was a lush, denselywooded tributary of the Thames, containing a quiet, almost stagnant swamp.The elephant horizon is overlain by a younger deposit rich in handaxes of various forms, including sharply pointed specimens, bluntly pointed sub-cordates and twisted ovates. Possible interpretations for this sequence of greatly contrasting lithic industries are discussed in the volume. Finally, this monograph provides a fascinating case-study of Palaeolithic excavation methods, and how archaeological work is carried out in conjunction with large engineering developments such as High Speed 1. 279 col & b/w illus, 175 tabs, 595p. Oxford Archaeology, Oxford Archaeology Monograph 20, July 2013, 9780904220735, HB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
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Cliffs End Farm Isle of Thanet, Kent: A mortuary and ritual site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon period with evidence for long-distance maritime mobility Jacqueline I. McKinley (Author); Matt Leivers (Author); Jörn Schuster (Author); Peter Marshall (Author) Excavations at Cliffs End Farm, Thanet, Kent, undertaken in 2004/5 uncovered a dense area of archaeological remains including Bronze Age barrows and enclosures, and a large prehistoric mortuary feature, as well as a small early 6th to late 7th century Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemetery. An extraordinary series of human and animal remains were recovered from the Late Bronze Age–Middle Iron Age mortuary feature, revealing a wealth of evidence for mortuary rites including exposure, excarnation and curation. The site seems to have been largely abandoned in the later Iron Age and very little Romano-British activity was identified. In the early 6th century a small inhumation cemetery was established.Very little human bone survived within the 21 graves, where the burial environment differed from that within the prehistoric mortuary feature, but grave goods indicate ‘females’ and ‘males’ were buried here. Richly furnished graves included that of a ‘female’ buried with a necklace, a pair of brooches and a purse, as well as a ‘male’ with a shield covering his face, a knife and spearhead. In the Middle Saxon period lines of pits, possibly delineating boundaries, were dug, some of which contained large deposits of marine shells. English Heritage funded an extensive program of radiocarbon and isotope analyses, which have produced some surprising results that shed new light on long distance contacts, mobility and mortuary rites during later prehistory. This volume presents the results of the investigations together with the scientific analyses, human bone, artifact and environmental reports. 115 b/w & col line drawings; 48 col pls, 288p. Wessex Archaeology,Wessex Archaeology reports 31, November 2013, 9781874350705, HB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
Imperial College Sports Grounds and RMC Land, Harlington: The development of prehistoric and later communities in the Colne Valley and on the Heathrow Terraces Andrew B. Powell (Author); Alistair Barclay (Author); Lorraine Mepham (Author); Chris J. Stevens (Author) This volume brings together the results from the excavations at the former Imperial College Sports Ground, RMC Land and Land East of Wall Garden Farm, near the villages of Harlington and Sipson in the London Borough of Hillingdon. The excavations revealed parts of an archaeological landscape with a rich history of development from before 4000 BC to the post-medieval period. The opportunity to investigate two large areas of this landscape provided evidence for possible settlement continuity and shift over a period of 6000 years. Early to Middle Neolithic occupation was represented by a rectangular ditched mortuary enclosure and a large spread of pits, many containing deposits of Peterborough Ware pottery, flint and charred plant remains. A possible dispersed monument complex of three hengiform enclosures was associated with the rare remains of cremation burials radiocarbon dated to the Middle Neolithic. Limited Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age activity was identified, which is in stark contrast to the Middle to Late Bronze Age when a formalized landscape of extensive rectangular fields, enclosures, wells and pits was established. This major reorganized land division can be traced across the two sites and over large parts of the adjacent Heathrow terraces. A small, Iron Age and Romano-British nucleated settlement was constructed, with associated enclosures flanking a trackway. There were wayside inhumations, cremation burials and middens and more widely dispersed wells and quarries. Two possible sunken-featured buildings of early Saxon date were found. There was also a small cemetery. Subsequently, a middle Saxon and medieval field system of small enclosures and wells was established. 110 b/w & col line drawings; 35 col pls, 250p. Wessex Archaeology, November 2013, 9781874350743, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
AMILLA: The Quest for Excellence. Studies Presented to Guenter Kopcke in Celebration of His 75th Birthday Robert B. Koehl (Editor) Contributions by 34 scholars are brought together here to create a volume in honor of the long and fruitful career of Guenter Kopcke who is the Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Articles pertain to various topics on the ancient art, architecture, and archaeology of the greater Eastern Mediterranean region: from Pre-Dynastic Egypt to the Bronze Age Aegean and Anatolia, Cyprus and the Near East, and Etruscan Italy. 11 tabs in text, 235 figs in text, 444p. INSTAP Academic Press (Institute for Aegean Prehistory), Prehistory Monographs 43, July 2013, 9781931534734, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
The Neolithic Settlement of Knossos in Crete: New Evidence for the Early Occupation of Crete and the Aegean Islands Nikos Efstratiou (Editor); Alexandra Karetsou (Editor); Maria Ntinou (Editor) The site of Knossos on the Kephala hill in central Crete is of great archaeological and historical importance for both Greece and Europe. Dating to 7000 B.C. it is the home of one of the earliest farming societies in southeastern Europe, and, in the later Bronze Age periods, it developed into a remarkable center of economic and social organization within the island, enjoying extensive relations with the Aegean, the Greek mainland, the Near East, and Egypt. After the systematic excavation of the deep Neolithic occupation levels by J.D. Evans in the late 1950s and later and more limited investigations of the Prepalatial deposits undertaken primarily during restoration work, no thorough exploration of the earliest occupation of the mound had been attempted.This monograph fills the gap, detailing the recent studies of the stratigraphy, architecture, ceramics, sedimentology, economy, and ecology that were a result of the opening of a new excavation trench in 1997.Together, these studies by 13 different contributors to the volume re-evaluate the importance of Neolithic Knossos and place it within the wider geographic context of the early island prehistory of the eastern Mediterranean. 44 tabs in text, 82 figs in text, 218p. INSTAP Academic Press (Institute for Aegean Prehistory), Prehistory Monographs 42, July 2013, 9781931534727, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
The Settlement at Dhaskalio Colin Renfrew (Editor); Olga Philaniotou (Editor); Neil Brodie (Editor); Giorgos Gavalas (Editor) The Settlement at Dhaskalio is the first volume in the series The Sanctuary on Keros: Excavations at Dhaskalio and Dhaskalio Kavos, 2006-2008, edited by Colin Renfrew, Olga Philaniotou, Neil Brodie, Giorgos Gavalas and Michael Boyd. Here the findings are presented from the well-stratified settlement of Dhaskalio, today an islet near the Cycladic island of Keros, Greece. A series of radiocarbon dates situates the duration of the settlement from around 2750 to 2300 BC.The volume begins with a discussion of the geological setting of Keros and of sea-level change, concluding that Dhaskalio was in the third millennium BC linked to Keros by a narrow causeway.The excavation and finds (excluding the pottery, discussed in later volumes) are fully documented, with consideration of stratigraphy, geomorphology, organic remains, and the evidence for metallurgy. It is concluded that there was a small permanent population of around 20, increased periodically by up to 400 visitors who would have participated in the rituals of deposition occurring at the Sanctuary at Kavos, situated opposite, on Keros itself, for which the detailed evidence (including abundant fragmented pottery, marble vessels and sculptures) will be presented in Volumes II and III. 587 illus, 832p. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, McDonald Institute Monographs, October 2013, 9781902937649, HB, $160.00 Special Price $128.00
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Aeschylus: Suppliant Women A. J. Bowen (Author) Aeschylus’ Suppliant Women begins with a procession of girls, dressed in foreign costume and carrying boughs – tokens of supplication – arriving in Argos. Fugitives from Egypt they are in flight from their cousins, the sons of Aegyptus, who want them as wives and they seek asylum from King Pelasgus. Accepting the girls’ claim to Argive ancestry as descendants of Io, the king perceives that if he grants the petition there will be war. It is only after much discussion and the threat that, if rejected, they will hang themselves from the gods’ statues, that the king is persuaded to put their case to his people, who unanimously vote in favor of granting asylum.The sighting of an Egyptian fleet leads the girl’s father Danaus to abandon his daughters and go in search of help, leaving the girls to exchange threats and insults with the Egyptians before the king arrives in the nick of time. He persuades the Egyptians to yield and withdraw, which they do with the warning that, when they hear the news, the sons of Aegyptus will wage war.Assured of sanctuary the girls’ rejoice and pray to Artemis to protect them from forced marriage.This vibrant and lyrical new translation of one of the lesser known of Aeschylus’ plays is accompanied a full commentary on the text and substantial introduction.
the Roman period.The study consists of three essays followed by a catalog of 389 objects.The author places the Agora sculptural fragments within the greater context of Attic funerary sculpture, moving from a general to a specific treatment of the funerary sculpture.The first essay is an overview of the study of Attic types of sculpture; the second discusses the specific features of funerary sculpture from Athens and Attica; and the third examines the characteristics of the funerary sculptures found in the Agora, thereby forming an introduction to the catalog that follows.The catalog includes stelai and naiskoi with female and/or male figures, sirens, decorative anthemia, funerary vessels, lekythoi, loutrophoroi, animals, mensa, columnar monuments, and more.There are separate indexes of museums, names, demes, places, and findspots, as well as a general index. 153, 700p. American School of Classical Studies at Athens,The Athenian Agora XXXV, October 2013, 9780876612354, HB, $150.00 Special Price $120.00
Aris & Phillips, Classical Texts, August 2013, 9781908343345, PB, $34.00 Special Price $27.20
Industrial Religion: The Saucer Pyres of the Athenian Agora
Euripides: Cyclops and Major Fragments of Greek Satyric Drama C. Collard (Editor); Patrick O’Sullivan (Editor) Satyric is the most thinly attested genre of Greek drama, but it appears to have been the oldest and according to Aristotle formative for tragedy. By the 5th Century BC at Athens it shared most of its compositional elements with tragedy, to which it became an adjunct. It was in contrast with the thee tragedies it accompanied, aesthetically and emotionally, its plays being considerably shorter and simpler; coarse and half-way to comedy, it burlesqued heroic and tragic myth, frequently that just dramatized and performed in the tragedies. Euripides’ Cyclops is the only satyr-play which survives complete. It is generally held to be the poet’s late work, but its companion tragedies are not identifiable. Because of its uniqueness, Cyclops could afford only a limited idea of satyric drama’s range, which the many but brief quotations from other authors and plays barely colored. Our knowledge and appreciation of the genre have been greatly enlarged, however, by recovery since the early 20th Century of considerable fragments of Aeschylus and Sophocles.This volume provides English readers for the first time with all the most important texts of satyric drama, with facing-page translation, substantial introduction and detailed commentary. It includes not only the major papyri, but very many shorter fragments of importance, both on papyrus and in quotation, from the 5th to the 3rd Centuries; there are also one or two texts whose interest lies in their problematic ascription to the genre at all.The intention is to illustrate it as fully as practicable. Aris & Phillips, Classical Texts, August 2013, 9781908343352, HB, $85.00 Special Price $68.00 9781908343772, PB, $38.00 Special Price $30.40
Funerary Sculpture Janet Grossman (Author) Funerary Sculpture is the first volume on sculpture from the Agora in over 50 years, bringing together all the sculpted funerary monuments of the Athenian Agora, Classical through Roman periods, which were discovered during excavation from 1931 through 2009.The wide chronological span allows the author to trace changes in funerary monuments, particularly the break in customs that took place in 317 B.C. and the revival of figured monuments in
Susan Rotroff (Author) This study focuses on the “saucer pyres,” a series of 70 deposits excavated in the residential and industrial areas bordering the Athenian Agora. Each consisted of a shallow pit, its floor sometimes marked by heavy burning, with a votive deposit of pottery and fragments of burnt bone, ash, and charcoal. Most of the pots were miniatures (including the eponymous saucers) but a few larger vessels were found, along with offerings associated with funerary cult.The deposits represent a largely Athenian phenomenon, with few parallels elsewhere.When first found in the 1930s, the deposits were interpreted as baby burials. Recent zooarchaeological analysis of the bones, however, reveals that they are the remains of sheep and goats, and that the deposits were sacrificial rather than funerary.The present study investigates the nature of those sacrifices, taking into account the contents of the pyres, their spatial distribution, and their relationship to buildings around the Agora and elsewhere. In light of a strong correlation between pyres and industrial activity, the author argues that the pyres document workplace rituals designed to protect artisans and their enterprises. 126, 200p. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Hesperia Supplements 47, December 2013, 9780876615485, PB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
The Athenian Agora: Museum Guide Laura Gawlinski (Author) Written for the general visitor, the Athenian Agora Museum Guide is a companion to the 2010 edition of the Athenian Agora Site Guide and leads the reader through all of the display spaces within the Stoa of Attalos in the Athenian Agora — the terrace, the ground-floor colonnade, and the newly opened upper story.The guide also discusses each case in the museum gallery chronologically, beginning with the prehistoric and continuing with the Geometric, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods. Hundreds of artifacts, ranging from common pottery to elite jewelry held in 81 cases, are described and illustrated in color for the very first time.Through focus boxes, readers can learn about marble-working, early burial practices, pottery production, ostracism, home life, and the wells that dotted the ancient site. A timeline, maps, and plans accompany the text. For those who wish to learn more about what they see in the museum, a list of further reading follows each entry. fifth edition, 101, 168p. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, December 2013, 9780876616581, PB, $20.00 Special Price $16.00
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The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Inscriptions Ronald Stroud (Author) Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, 1961-1975, produced more than 170 inscribed objects of stone, bronze, and bone, as well as lead weights, mosaics, dipinti and graffiti on pottery, clay pinakes, and magical lead tablets.All of the inscriptions in this volume are transcribed, and the author relates them to an overall interpretation of the activities, secular and religious, attested in this shrine during its long period of use from the 7th century B.C. until the end of the 4th century A.D.Where possible, the author also draws out their implications for and contribution to the history of ancient Corinth, the worship of the goddesses Demeter and Kore, and the practice of magic, especially in the Roman period.This is the final publication of all the inscribed objects from the sanctuary, excluding stamped amphora handles and loomweights, which will be included in a later fascicle. 99, 200p. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Corinth XVIII.6, September 2013, 9780876611869, HB, $150.00 Special Price $120.00
Tombs, Burials, and Commemoration in Corinth’s Northern Cemetery Kathleen Slane (Author) Rescue excavations were carried out along the terrace north of Ancient Corinth by Henry Robinson, the director of the Corinth Excavations, and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens on behalf of the Greek Archaeological Service, in 1961 and 1962.They revealed 70 tile graves, limestone sarcophagi, and cremation burials (the last rare in Corinth before the Julian colony), and seven chamber tombs (also rare before the Roman period).The burials ranged in date from the 5th century B.C. to the 6th century A.D. and about 240 skeletons were preserved for study.This volume publishes the results of these excavations and examines the evidence for changing burial practices in the Greek city, the Roman colony, and a Christian town.Documented are single graves and deposits, the Robinson “Painted Tomb,” two more hypogea, and four built chamber tombs. Ethne Barnes describes the human skeletal remains, and David Reese discusses the animal bones found in the North Terrace tombs.The author further explores the architecture of the chamber tombs as well as cemeteries, burial practices, and funeral customs in ancient Corinth. One appendix addresses a Roman chamber tomb at nearby Hexamilia, excavated in 1937; the second, by David Jordan, the lead tablets from a chamber tomb and its well. Concordances, grave index numbers, Corinth inventory numbers, and indexes follow.This study will be of interest to classicists, historians of several periods, and scholars studying early Christianity. 97, 500p. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Corinth XXI, November 2013, 9780876610220, HB, $150.00 Special Price $120.00
The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel Michael Paschalis (Editor); Stelios Panayotakis (Editor) This volume comprises thirteen of the papers delivered at RICAN 5, which was held in Rethymnon, Crete, on May 2526,2009.The theme of the volume, ‘ The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel,’ allows the contributors the freedom to use their skills to examine the real and the ideal either individually or in conjunction or in interaction.The papers offer a wide and rich range of perspectives: a political reading of prose fiction in Late Period Egypt (Selden); the presence of robbers and murderers in ideal fiction (Dowden); the interaction between illusion and reality in novelistic ekphrasis (Zeitlin); divine loves as real precedents for human loves (Rosati); comical elements in Heliodorus’ Aethiopika (Doody);myths as paradigms for the inexperienced lovers in the Greek novels (Létoublon); moral ideas in the Odyssey and the Greek novels in relation to moralizing interpretations of Homer (Montiglio); the reality of the basic plot of Callirhoe in the light of historical events and Aristotle’s Poetics (Paschalis); the interaction between fictionality and reality in Daphnis and Chloe (Bowie); entrapment and insufficient understanding of reality in the Satyrica (Labate); fantasy, physical and ideal landscapes in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses (König); bridging the gap between Photis (real) and Isis (ideal) in Apuleius (Carver); the gendered aesthetics of the Greek novels viewed through the lens of the mimetic theory of Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Whitmarsh). col illus, 312p. Barkhuis, Ancient Narrative Supplementum 17, June 2013, 9789491431258, HB, $116.00 Special Price $92.80
The Parthenon: Power and Politics on the Acropolis David Stuttard (Author) The Parthenon is one of the world’s most iconic buildings. Today its silhouette symbolizes Greece. In fifth century BC Athens it was the proud embodiment of the power not only of that city’s empire, but of the politicians who had commissioned it: part war memorial, part treasure trove of some of the most outstanding art of its age.This book tells the dramatic story of the conception and creation of the Parthenon, setting it against a turbulent historical background and rooting the building firmly in the real and mythological landscape of Athens. Featuring a cast of memorable characters, this beautifully illustrated book features atmospheric site photography and rich details from the Parthenon sculptures and other related artworks. 60 col illus, plus 3 maps, 240p. British Museum Press, October 2013, 9780714122847, PB, $20.00 Special Price $16.00
Archaeographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio Fotis Ifantidis (Author) The close relationship between photography and archaeology is widely acknowledged. Since its invention, photography has been an indispensable documentation tool for archaeology, while the development of digital technology has facilitated the growing needs of an archaeological excavation in recording and archiving. Still, both photography and archaeology are much more than documentation practices. On the one hand, photography is the most appropriate medium for creating visual art; on the other, the excavation is a locus where material and immaterial knowledges are constantly being produced, reproduced and represented; as such, it constitutes an ideal “topos” for experimentation in creating images.This entangled relationship between photography and archaeology, and art and documentation, has only recently attracted attention, emerging as a separate field of study.Archaeographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio consists one of the very first experimentations in printed format, dealing with this visual interplay between archaeology and photography.The case study is the excavation of the Greek Neolithic settlement of Dispilio.The book tackles archaeological practice on site, the microcosms of excavation, and the interaction between people and “things”.Archaeographies derives from an ongoing, blog-based project, launched in 2006 (visualizingneolithic.com).The blackand-white photos of the book were selected from a large archive, and are loosely assembled as an itinerary.They are accompanied by a laconic commentary, in order to retain the sense of ambiguity and allow multiple interpretation of the images. 96 b/w illus, 112p. Archaeopress, June 2013, 9781905739622, PB, $19.00 Special Price $15.20
Sophocles’ Jebb: A life in letters Chris Stray (Editor) Sir Richard Jebb (1841–1905) was the most celebrated classical scholar in late Victorian Britain: his edition of Sophocles, which remains a classic, brought him a knighthood. Professor of Greek at Cambridge from 1889, and MP for the University from 1891 until his death, Jebb became a national spokesman for the humanities. “Sophocles’ Jebb” charts his career through 275 newly discovered letters, presented here with introductions and full annotation. By allowing Jebb and his contemporaries to speak in their own words, it enables a significant reassessment of a key cultural figure of late Victorian Britain and sheds fresh light on public and academic debate of the time.The volume ends with a new, comprehensive list of Jebb’s publications. 5 b/w illus, 300p. Cambridge Philological Society, Cambridge Classical Journal Supplement 38, August 2013, 9780956838131, HB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
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Greek Federal States and their Sanctuaries: Identity and Integration Peter Funke (Editor); Matthias Haake (Editor) In ancient Greece, religion and politics were inextricably linked.This symbiosis manifests itself particularly clearly in Greek sanctuaries as locations of both cult practices and political activities. A colloquium held at Münster aimed at analyzing the formative function of trans-regional sanctuaries in mainland Greece and on the Greek islands in the genesis and legitimization of political order in Greek tribal alliances and federal states from the Archaic down to the Hellenistic period. 6 illus, 244p. Franz Steiner Verlag, September 2013, 9783515103077, HB, $78.00 Special Price $62.40
Handlungsmotive bei Herodot Susanne Froehlich (Author) How did Xerxes come to his fatal decision for war? The question of his actionable motives was central to the ancient Greek historian Herotodus. As an interpreting narrator he drew upon a complex inventory of possibilities and developed a strong explanatory model in order to make the decisions of his characters reasonable. Susanne Froehlich analyses the motifs used by Herodotus and their narrative execution, which she incorporates with the historical context. In this way Herodotus’s method and his conflict with the competing historical interpretations, which circulated in fifth century BCE Greece, is brought to light.The investigation shows that Thucydides in his work picked up and expanded the history by Herodotus and thus offers a study that provides better understanding of the two great history writers. German text. 226p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Collegium Beatus Rhenanus 4, June 2013, 9783515104111, PB, $66.00 Special Price $52.80
Plutarch: “De E apud Delphos” / Über das Epsilon am Apolltempel in Delphi: Einführung, Ausgabe und Kommentar Hendrik Obsieger (Author) In the “Dialogue on the E at Delphi,” several speakers propose different explanations for why there is a mysterious Epislon in the temple of Apollo, which, one says, was an offering from famous Seven Sages of Greece. The speakers propose, among other things, Pythagorean numerical symbolism, musical theory, logic, the doctrine of the elements, Homeric exegesis, Platonic ontology and not least the phenomenon of the Delphic setting and the cult of Apollo. For the first time, this book provides an extensive commentary on the work, which serves as a key to Plutarch’s philosophy. Hendrik Obsieger explains the dialogue linguistically and factually and concludes on this basis to an independent interpretation. For this edition, the medieval manuscripts of Plutarch are rigorously analyzed and partially reappraised. The text is improved in some cases and the critical apparatus contains forgotten but worthwhile remarks of earlier scholars and new conjectures. German text. 417p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Palingenesia 101, October 2013, 9783515106061, HB, $114.00 Special Price $91.20 Polybios und seine Historien Volker Grieb (Editor); Clemens Koehn (Editor) The complex history of the Hellenistic states is, in its broader contexts, only comprehensible through the more extensively preserved work of the Arcadian politician and historical writer Polybius.With his histories he wrote a universal history, which is concentrated on the political and military events but also touches broader aspects of contemporary life.This book covers in this sense a broader spectrum of themes from historiography, political and military history to economic, religious, philosophical and art history.The study offers various links for current and clearly intensifying study of the Hellenistic period and makes possible a better understanding of the historian, his historiographical methods and his works. German text. 6 b/w photo, 7 b/w illus, 359p. Franz Steiner Verlag, September 2013, 9783515104777, HB, $93.00 Special Price $74.40 Wir aber sind damals und jetzt immer die gleichen: Vergangenheitsbezüge in der polisübergreifenden Kommunikation der klassischen Zeit Maria Osmers (Author)
Memory and Religious Experience in the Greco-Roman World Nicola Cusumano (Editor); Valentino Gasparini (Editor); Attilio Mastrocinque (Editor); Jorg Rupke (Editor) The concepts of memory and experience have stimulated interest in a wide range of recent cultural studies. In the history of scholarship on religion in Mediterranean antiquity, scholars have focused on the emotional dimension of both terms by employing the concepts of ‘Christianity’ and its derivative, ‘oriental religion’. Only recently analyses in this field started focusing on interaction and individual experience. Research initiatives at Palermo and Erfurt have taken up this lead and brought together a group of scholars testing such approaches for new perspectives on the history of religion in the Greek and Roman world.This volume reviews the cognitive and emotional dimensions of such experiences in their diverse local, social, and ritual contexts. Memory likewise opens a window onto the interaction of individual and society. Contributions address the individual processes of memorialization and remembrance.They analyze the collective evocation of memories and their shaping of individual memory. 223p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 45, December 2013, 9783515104258, PB, $79.00 Special Price $63.20
In the classical period the Greeks referred, readily and frequently, to their past. However, in foreign affairs, history was employed as argument and thus these strategies rarely found expression in the affected decisions. In order to pursue this contradiction, Maria Osmers examines with the help of a communication historical approach, in which manner and with which intention the Greeks referenced the past in foreign policies and what meaning they attributed to the reference. The selected methodological approach makes it possible to localize foreign policy communications in several varying types of sources. The result is that the past appears as a suitable instrument to negotiate current interests or conflicts. In the examined narratives the participants understand themselves as a community of common ancestry. At the same time the “history” shaped a system of coordination in which further negotiations can occur. The past does not act alone as substantive argument but encoded the desired, claimed or existing foreign policy conditions of the Greek world. German text. 407p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Historia – Einzelschrift 226, July 2013, 9783515102995, HB, $93.00 Special Price $74.40
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Katja Sporn (Editor) Files of the International Colloquium at the German Archaeological Institute, Athens Department. 20 – 21 November 2009. Ideas about the design of Greek grave precincts of the classical period are nowadays profoundly influenced by the findings in Attica and, most importantly, by the Kerameikos of Athens. Considerable differences are already to be seen within the necropolises of Attica, however, while the “Third Greece” has hitherto not been examined in a recapitulatory manner.The papers given at the international colloquium held at the German Archaeological Institute in Athens in 2009 provide a multi-layered picture of various forms of monuments, which in part result from separate regional traditions. German text. 165 col illus, 282p.
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Returning westward, he defeated Ptolemy V at Panion (200 BC) and succeeded in adding Koile Syria to the Seleucid realm. At the height of his powers, he challenged growing Roman power, unimpressed by their recent successes against Carthage and Macedon. His expeditionary force was crushed at Thermopylae and evacuated. Refusing to bow before Roman demands, Antiochus energetically mobilized against Roman invasion, but was again decisively defeated at the epic battle of Magnesia. Despite the loss of territory and prestige enshrined in the subsequent Peace of Apamea, Antiochus III left the Seleucid Empire in far better condition than he found it. Although sometimes presented as a failure against the unstoppable might of Rome, Antiochus III must rank as one of the most energetic and effective rulers of the Ancient world. In addition to discussing the career of Antiochus III, Michael Taylor examines Seleucid military organization and royal administration. 8pp pls, approx 6 b/w maps, 192p.
Hirmer Verlag GmbH, Athenaia 6, April 2013, 9783777420349, HB, $78.00 Special Price $62.40
Pen & Sword Books Ltd, October 2013, 9781848844636, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Griechische Grabbezirke klassischer Zeit
Neue Funde archaischer Plastik aus griechischen Heilgtümern und Nekropolen W.-D. Niemeier (Editor) An astonishing number of new discoveries of archaic sculptures has come to light over the course of the last two decades. A symposium held jointly by the University of Athens and the German Archaeological Institute of Athens in 2007 explored these important developments.The present volume contains the papers given at the symposium on sculptures from sanctuaries and necropolises in Athens and Attica (with the exception of the Kerameikos), Laconia, Boeotia, on Crete, the Aegean Islands and in Asia Minor. German text. 305 illus, 262p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, Athenaia 3, March 2013, 9783777470412, HB, $78.00 Special Price $62.40
Macedonian War Machine, 359-281 BC David Karunanithy (Author) The army that emerged from the reforms of Philip II of Macedon proved to be without equal in the period covered and one of the most successful in the whole of the ancient period. Much has been written on aspects of Macedonian warfare, particularly the generalship of its most famous proponent, Alexander the Great, yet many studies retread the same paths and draw conclusion on the same narrow evidential base. David Karunanithy concentrates on filling the gaps in existing studies, presenting and studying evidence frequently overlooked or ignored. The book is divided into four sections: Preparation (including chapters on training techniques, various aspects of arms and armor production and supply and the provision and management of cavalry mounts); Support (eg noncombatant specialists, bridge building, field engineering, construction of field camps and little-known combat units in Asia); Dress and Battle Equipment (drawing on much neglected evidence and including such details as officers’ plumes, wreaths and finger rings); Alexander’s Veterans and Life on Campaign (the Silver Shields; baggage trains and personal kit, servants and families, camp life and recreation). In addition there are useful appendices summarizing evidence for the appearance of troops. Karunanithy analyzes this wealth of detail with real insight, for example suggesting that in some areas, such as the use of marching camps, the Macedonian influence on Roman armies has been underestimated. His meticulous research allows a much fuller portrait to be painted of this war machine. This is an absolute must-have for anyone with an interest in the armies of Alexander and his Successors. 3 maps, 16pp. pls, approx 30 b/w drawings, 256p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, September 2013, 9781848846180, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Sparta’s Last Stand The Corinthia and the Northeast Peloponnese: Topography and history from prehistoric times until the end of antiquity W.-D. Niemeier (Editor) In March 2009 the international conference for which this volume is named was held in Loutraki by the 37th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Culture’s Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, and the German Archaeological Institute of Athens.The results of research carried out by international research institutes and individual researchers working in Corinth, and first and foremost by the Greek Antiquities Service, were presented at the conference. German text. 438 illus, 582p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, Athenaia 4, June 2013, 9783777421223, HB, $110.00 Special Price $88.00
Antiochus the Great Michael Taylor (Author) A teenage king in 223 BC, Antiochus III inherited an empire in shambles, ravaged by civil strife and eroded by territorial secessions. He proved himself a true heir of Alexander: he defeated rebel armies and embarked on a campaign of conquest and reunification. Although repulsed by Ptolemy IV at the Battle of Raphia, his eastern campaigns reaffirmed Seleucid hegemony as far as modern
Alex Dimond (Author) By the time Cleomenes III became king in 235 BC, Spartan power and prestige had been in steady decline for a century and a half. The state that had defied the Persians at Thermopylae and Plataea and humbled the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War was reduced to a minor player in Greek affairs. Sparta had never recovered from defeat by the Thebans at Leuktra in 371 BC. Much of its territory had been lost and its army, once feared and respected throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, was outdated and crippled by a chronic manpower shortage. Cleomenes sought to change all that and this book assesses his attempts to make Sparta into a force to be reckoned with once more. He combined revolutionary social reforms (egalitarian redistribution of land, thus enfranchising far greater numbers of men but also making them eligible for military service), with a revival of traditional Spartan discipline and martial values (reinstating the agoge system by which Spartan males trained as soldiers from the age of 7). Furthermore, a series of longoverdue military reforms saw the traditional hoplite phalanx surrendered in favor of Macedonian models. The revival of Sparta’s martial vigor and territorial ambitions did not go unnoticed by her neighbors of course, leading to five years of warfare with the Achaean League and Macedon, culminating in the tactically fascinating Battle of Sellasia (222 BC) which effectively ended Spartan power forever. 16 illus, 176p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, December 2013, 9781848841840, HB, $24.95 Special Price $19.96
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War in Ancient Greece
Handbuch der antiken Architektur
Bob Carruthers (Author) Thucydides wrote this history of the Peloponnesian War between the Spartans and the Athenians, believing that it would be a greater war than any that had preceded it, and his version of events would serve as “a possession for all time”. The fragmentary nature of ancient Greece increased the frequency of conflict, but conversely limited the scale of warfare. Unable to maintain professional armies, the city-states relied on their own citizens to fight, reducing the potential duration of campaigns. The rise of Athens and Sparta as preeminent powers, however, led directly to the Peloponnesian War, which saw further development of the nature of warfare, strategy and tactics. Fought between leagues of cities dominated by Athens and Sparta, the increased manpower and financial resources increased the scale, and allowed the diversification of warfare. Set-piece battles during the Peloponnesian war proved indecisive and instead there was increased reliance on attritionary strategies, naval battle and blockades and sieges. This book is essential reading for anyone interested the military history of the classical world. approx 40 b/w images & maps, 576p.
Patrick Schollmeyer (Author) The architecture of the Greeks and Romans is one of the most impressive testimonies of the ancient world. Monumental remains and prominent buildings such as the Colosseum still bear witness to the former greatness of this era. Patrick Schollmeyer offers, for the first time, systematic access to the essential basic features of these ancient buildings. He explains design, construction types and shapes, as well as their development, including differences, similarities, ornamentation,architectural elements, space systems, and urban affairs.Thus, Patrick Schollmeyer presents a comprehensive and in-depth overview of ancient architecture from the 1st century BC to the 4th Century AD. About 600 graphical drawings complete this book. German text.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Military History from Primary Sources, August 2013, 9781781592175, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Richard T. Neer (Author) With this book Richard T. Neer provides a complete and impressive overview of the Greek art and archeology. He combines historical architecture, tradition, social history, language and politics of about 2000 years of art history. He goes along the periods and illustrates them with vivid examples of such important cities as Olympia, Paestum or Athen. Info boxes for selected topics, maps, photography, and drawings complete this excellent written volume. German text. 440 col & 97 b/w illus, 400p.
Warfare in the Ancient World Brian Todd Carey (Author); Joshua B. Allfree (Author); John Cairns (Author) Warfare in the Ancient World explores how civilizations and cultures made war on the battlefields of the Near East and Europe over a period of 2000 years.Through the use of dozens of tactical maps, this fascinating one-volume introduction to the art of war during western civilization’s ancient, and classical periods offers a fresh perspective on the sophisticated nature of pre-modern warfare. 150 illus, 192p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, July 2013, 9781781592632, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Antike mit Biss: Die schaurigsten Geschichten von Homer bis Horaz Cornelius Hartz (Author) Vampires, witches, werewolves – already in the literature of antiquity these villains caused fear and terror. For example Horace reported the ritual murder of a boy, of whom witches wanted to brew a love potion. Moreover Ovid tells the cruelest story of ancient mythology at all: the story of an involuntary cannibalism.There are undead which come back to life in order to convict murderers and many other strange and terrible things. Evil, as you recognize quickly, already fascinated in ancient Rome. In this book Cornelius Hartz gathered the best horror stories of ancient authors. From Plato and Ovid to Petron and Apuleius – almost all great writers are represented. German text. 128p. Philipp von Zabern, July 2013, 9783805346627, HB, $22.00 Special Price $17.60
Geflügelte Worte aus der Antike: Woher sie kommen und was sie bedeuten Klaus Bartels (Author) Eureka!’, ‘Carpe diem!’ or ‘Ceterum censeo’: everyone knows these familiar quotations – but who knows where they come from? Many have changed their meaning completely: For example Caesar’s words ‘Alea iacta est’ did not quite meant that the die is cast. In 49 chapters from ‘Ab ovo ... in medias res’ to ‘Vita brevis, ars longa’ the author Klaus Bartels leads his readers ad fontes, to the forgotten origins of the most famous quotes. A book for all friends of antiquity – and especially for those who do not speak Latin fluently. German text. 176p. Philipp von Zabern, July 2013, 9783805346375, HB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
600 line drawings, 240p. Philipp von Zabern, October 2013, 9783805346825, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Kunst und Archäologie der griechischen Welt: Von den Anfängen bis zum Hellenismus
Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805346764, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
Vom Parthenon zum Pantheon: Meilensteine der antiken Architektur Heiner Knell (Author) From the Athenian Acropolis, to the Pont du Gard aqueduct and to the Colosseum in Rome: we encounter the most impressive remains of classical antiquity in its buildings. Even though only ruins are preserved today, they still provide fascinating evidence of the ancient architecture – an architecture, which mastered amazing technological challenges. Heiner Knell brings together 13 masterpieces from 600 years of ancient architectural history. He shows how technical progress and history of art changed and how political messages are reflected in the architecture. Moreover basic architectural concepts are clearly explained with the help of photography, floor plans, sketches and reconstruction drawings. German text. 16 col & 35 b/w illus, 176p. Philipp von Zabern, October 2013, 9783805346368, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Apuleius’ Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass: Book 1 Regine May (Translator) Apuleius’ Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass, our only complete Latin novel, tells the story of Lucius, a young man turned into a donkey by magic because of his unfettered curiosity.The first book of the novel introduces the protagonist’s character, his interest in magic and his gullibility, and important themes such as metamorphosis from man into beast. A substantial part of the first book concentrates on the self-contained tale about a certain Socrates and his unhappy experiences with murderous Thessalian witches. Apuleius himself had been put on trial for allegedly using erotic magic to make his future wife fall in love with him, a theme which also appears in Metamorphoses 1.Throughout the novel, Apuleius portrays Lucius as an unreliable first person narrator and thus implicates the reader of the novel in the same character fault that drives its protagonist: curiosity.This new edition presents the Latin text with a modern translation, substantial introduction and accompanying commentary.The author Apuleius is discussed in the literary environment of the second century AD together with key themes of the first book and the novel as a whole. Special attention is given to ancient magic, the roles of philosophy and the goddess Isis in the novel as well as the extensive reception of the first book in literature up to modern times.The commentary illustrates Apuleius’ text as a densely constructed literary work and explains literary allusions as well as philosophical, historical and religious contexts. 320p. Aris and Phillips, Classical Texts, December 2013, 9781908343802, HB, $100.00 Special Price $80.00, 9781908343819, PB, $39.99 Special Price $31.99
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A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln Margaret Darling (Author); Barbara Precious (Author) This is the first major analysis of the Roman pottery from excavations in Lincoln (comprising more than 150,000 sherds).The pottery is presented in seven major ware groups. Fine wares include a modest range of imports and are dominated by Nene Valley products. Oxidized wares are mostly local products with a few imports as are the shell- and calcite-tempered wares and reduced wares.The final three are the standard specialized wares: mortaria, mostly of German and MancetterHartshill manufacture; amphorae (80% Spanish Dressel 20) and samian, mostly from Les Martres/Lezoux and 75% undecorated! The discussion explores the chronological range of the entire ceramic assemblage across the three discrete parts of the Roman fortress and later colonia. b/w illus 16pp col illus, 544p. Oxbow Books, Lincoln Archaeology Studies 6, September 2013, 9781842174876, HB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
The Ancient Novel and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: Fictional Intersections Marília P. Futre Pinheiro (Editor); Judith Perkins (Editor); Richard Pervo (Editor) This innovative collection explores the vital role played by fictional narratives in Christian and Jewish self-fashioning in the early Roman imperial period. Employing a diversity of approaches, including cultural studies, feminist, philological, and narratological, expert scholars from six countries offer twelve essays on Christian fictions or fictionalized texts and one essay on Aseneth. All the papers were originally presented at the Fourth International Conference on the Ancient Novel in Lisbon Portugal in 2008.The papers emphasize historical contextualization and comparative methodologies and will appeal to all those interested in early Christianity, the Ancient novel, Roman imperial history, feminist studies, and canonization processes. 230p. Barkhuis, Ancient Narrative Supplementum 16, June 2013, 9789491431210, HB, $101.00 Special Price $80.80
Temples and Sanctuaries in the Roman East: Religious Architecture in Syria, Iudaea/Palaestina and Provincia Arabia Arthur Segal (Author) This lavishly illustrated volume presents a comprehensive architectural study of 87 individual temples and sanctuaries built in the Roman East between the end of the 1st century BCE and the end of the 3rd century CE, within a broad region encompassing the modern states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan. Religious architecture gave faithful expression to the complexity of the Roman East and to its multiplicity of traditions pertaining to ethnic and religious aspects as well as to the powerful influence of Imperial Rome.The source of this power lay in the uniformity of the architectural language, the inventory of forms, the choice of styles and the spatial layout of the buildings.Thus, while temples have an eclectic character, there is an underlying unity of form comprising the podium, the stairway between the terminating walls (antae) and the columns along the entrance front – in other words, the axiality, frontality and symmetry of the temple as viewed from outside.The temples and sanctuaries studied in this volume demonstrate individual nuances of plan, spatial design, location in the sanctuary and interrelations with the immediate vicinity but can be divided into two main categories:Vitruvian temples (derived from Hellenistic-Roman architecture) and Non-Vitruvian temples (those with plans and spatial designs that cannot be analyzed according to architectural criteria such as those defined by Vitruvius).The individual descriptions presented focus solely upon the analysis of the external and internal space of the temples of all types and do not involve any cultural or ethnic discussion. c.350 b/w illus, 400p. Oxbow Books, August 2013, 9781842175262, HB, $99.00 Special Price $79.20
Women in Ancient Rome Paul Chrystal (Author) The history of women in ancient Rome is fascinating and exhilarating. It gives a unique insight into one of the world’s most dynamic, successful super-power civilizations and, at the same time, illuminates any number of admirable, exciting, evil, slatternly and dangerous women fighting to be heard and seen against insurmountable odds in a world run by men for men.‘Silent’ is a word that is sometimes used to describe these women, because of the paucity of first-hand evidence from women for their lives;‘silent’ can also be used to describe how the typical Roman male liked his women. Some women though broke that silence and forged an identity of their own in a largely suspicious, paranoid, patronizing, critical world. It is those women whom we meet in this intriguing book. Paul Chrystal examines aspects of the Roman woman’s lifestyle: her evolving role in the family; the assertive, brave, pernicious and outrageous women in the public arena; we learn about women’s education and of artistic, cultured women; we meet women soothsayers, witches and ghosts; we examine the role of women in religion and in the mystery cults; women as health professionals; women’s medicine; women’s sexuality; women as mistress, prostitute and pimp. 40 illus (20 in col), 240p. Amberley Publishing, July 2013, 9781445608709, HB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96
Hadrian: Arts, Politics and Economy Thorsten Opper (Editor) This book presents the proceedings of the 2009 conference relating to the 2008 exhibition at the British Museum entitled “Hadrian: Empire and Conflict” and complements and expands upon the exhibition catalog. It covers such subjects as architecture, sculpture, archaeology, economics, numismatics and philhellenism and ranges over the Roman Empire from Britain and Spain in the West to Turkey and Georgia in the East.The original contributions by international scholars present the latest state of research and the first publication of some new material. 200 illus, 100 col pls, maps & tabs, 260p. British Museum Press, British Museum Research Publication 175, October 2013, 9780861591756, PB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
Roman Empire: Power and People Dirk Books (Author); Belinda Crerar (Author); Susan Raikes (Author) Although the wealth, might and organization of the Roman Empire confirmed its dominance and power in the ancient world, provincial traditions flourished and heritage was cherished in the face of overwhelming change.Through telling the stories of ordinary people and highlighting the latest international research, this exciting book explores the rich variety of traditions of the sub-cultures of the Roman Empire, revealing how the people of the Roman Empire identified themselves, but also how they were seen by others.This richly illustrated book features some of the British Museum’s finest pieces from the Roman period, including sculpture from the villas of the emperors Tiberius and Hadrian, coins from the famous Hoxne treasure, beautiful jewellery and even near-perfectly preserved children’s clothing. 130 col illus, 160p. British Museum Press, August 2013, 9780714122854, PB, $22.00 Special Price $17.60
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Dall’Italia: Omaggio a Barbro Santillo Frizell Astrid Capoferro (Editor); Liv D’Amelio (Editor); Stefania Renzetti (Editor) The volume collects essays offered to Barbro Santillo Frizell on the occasion of her retirement.The scholar, whose most recent research has focused on the pastoral landscape and on the ways of transhumance, was the director of the prestigious Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome from 2001 to 2013.The essays are written by Italian scholars and representatives of the institutions that work with the Institute.The contributions are divided by geographical areas and deal with specific issues of Etruscan studies, archeology and topography.The book is characterized by the publication of previously unreleased material and by innovative interpretations of already known sources. A section of the book concerns the artistic and cultural relations between Italy and Sweden. Italian text. 412p. Edizioni Polistampa, June 2013, 9788859612612, PB, $95.00 Special Price $76.00
Religiöse Rollen römischer Frauen in “griechischen” Ritualen Darja Sterbenc-Erker (Author) Female religious roles in antiquity were in the 1990s, despite specific female sacrificial responsibilities in official religion, interpreted as subordinate to men’s roles and marginal. Certainly, selected matrons of the Roman upper class had access to the sacrifices to the state gods, which were characterized as “Greek” or “foreign.” Rome adopted the religion of the Greek states of southern Italy, doing so very creatively: the “Greek” cult of Ceres, derived from Greek and Roman ritual practice, offered Roman matrons new religious roles. So the “foreignness” of female religious roles and the “magic” of female ritual turned out to be imputations, which addressed the deviations from the norms of a masculine religion.The educated elite used these conceptualizations in political and literary communication as demarcation strategies in their own discourses of identity. Alongside the women’s cults, the cults of Bacchus and Cybele offered several possibilities for the literary image of “foreignness” and “feminization.” German text. 310p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 43, July 2013, 9783515104500, PB, $93.00 Special Price $74.40
Religiöser Alltag in der Spätantike Peter Eich (Editor); Eike Faber (Editor) This book investigates the religious everyday world of late antiquity through specific examples. On the basis of pragmatic definitions of the central concepts “religion” and “daily life,” the author shows over various regions of the Roman Empire and in distinct contexts, if and how the diverse evolutions of political, religious and economic type, which shaped the era, also found an expression in the daily religious behavior of people. German text. 5 b/w photo, 24 b/w illus, 293p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 44, July 2013, 9783515104425, PB, $87.00 Special Price $69.60
Pompeji: Leben auf dem Vulkan Roger Diederen (Editor) The life of a city almost 2000 years ago, preserved in the moment that it was engulfed by a great blaze from the depths of the earth.This catalog on the subject of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD and of the finds that tell its story show ancient everyday life in the Bay of Naples. German text. 240 illus, 260p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, November 2013, 9783777420929, HB, $52.00 Special Price $41.60
Culpa. Facets of Liability in Ancient Legal Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Warsaw 17–19 February 2011 Jakub Urbanik (Editor) The goal of this work is to present the newest trends in the field of Roman Law particularly devoted to the responsibility based on fought – culpa that were addressed during the International Conference organized by the Faculty of Law and Administration at Warsaw University in February 2010.The publication aims to present the full scope of the contemporary research concerning the law of antiquity in the subject of liability based on fought, both in the aspect of private and public law. Articles written by Merola, Rampazzo and Tucillo touch the problem of culpa in the public law.The authors have concentrated on the question of liability of public officers and their culpa or negligence during the performance of their duties. Important aspects of the responsibility based on fought in the criminal law has been addressed by Adamo, who dealt with the regulations of Theodosian Code. Civil law attitude towards the problem of contractual liability based on fought has been presented by Benincasa and Kordasiewicz.They both cover contracts used in maritime trade, the former regarding armature’s partnership, the latter in the aspect of the transition from objective liability to the liability based on fought in the case of guarantee for the goods admitted by the sailor. Manni and Âwi´cicka devoted their studies to the delictual liability based on culpa. Finally, Alonso attempted to present the problem of objective liability and the liability based on fought in the light of papyrological sources, dealing with the correspondence between the Roman Law and documents of legal practice. Italian/English text. Journal of Juristic Papyrology, JJP Supplements XVIII, July 2013, HB, $102.00 Special Price $81.60
Roman roadside settlement and rural landscape at Brentford: Archaeological investigations at London Syon Park Waldorf Astoria 2004–10 Robert Cowie (Author); Amy Thorp (Author); Angela Wardle (Author) Excavations in Syon Park, Brentford, have made a substantial contribution to our knowledge of this Roman rural settlement on the London–Silchester road, by a ford across the Thames.The site yielded a well-dated sequence – from the mid 1st to early 5th century AD – including occupation deposits and two 2ndcentury timber buildings destroyed by fire, as well as details of the main road and adjacent field system.These and a large assemblage of finds, including a surgical instrument and a roundel depicting the Medusa, provide a rare glimpse of life in the countryside in the hinterland of Londinium.A detailed overview of Roman Brentford (the first to be published since 1978) is included. col illus, 110p. Museum of London Archaeology, MoLAS Archaeology Studies Series 29, September 2013, 9781907586194, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Die Porträts Kordelia Knoll (Editor); Christiane Vorster (Editor) Volume III of the catalog encompasses the ancient portraits of Dresden’s sculpture collection, both in the form of copies of older Greek portrait statues and in the form of Roman portraits, from the Cesarian to the Theodosian period. German text. 574 illus, 544p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, Skulpturensammlung. Katalog der antiken Bildwerke III, November 2013, 9783777421339, HB, $89.00 Special Price $71.20
The Romans at Nostell Priory: Excavations at the new visitor car park in 2009 Dave Pinnock (Author) A National Trust archaeological project carried out by OnSite Archaeology revealed the remains of a previously unknown multi-phase Romano-British settlement at the site of a new visitor car park at Nostell Priory,Wakefield.The remains had a surprising Roman military connection with implications both for our understanding of the Roman occupation in this region and the later, medieval history of the site. A minor Iron Age phase preceded the early Roman phase, which was dated by late first to early second century pottery of types associated exclusively with Roman military sites.Wasters indicated a previously unidentified local kiln.The most likely interpretation of the site is a vicus-like settlement adjacent to an undiscovered Roman fort, raising the intriguing possibility that the earliest medieval religious community deliberately chose the site for its Roman associations.The later Romano-British phases lacked military evidence and were characteristic of
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rural settlement elsewhere in the region, including land divisions, pits and a crop drier. So radical was the break from the earlier pottery types that there may even have been a hiatus in the habitation of the site after the early Roman phase. Several ‘empty’ graves were also found, including a stone-lined cist, which are likely to be of Romano-British date. 25 b/w figs & 20 b/w pls, 95p. On-Site Archaeology, On-Site Archaeology Monographs 3, September 2013, 9780956196521, PB, $18.00 Special Price $14.40
him complete the reconquest of Germania, sending him instead to command in the East. Did Tiberius feel jealous and threatened? Germanicus fortunes waned when he fell out with one of Tiberius appointees, Piso. His death in mysterious circumstances, aged 34, brought great outpourings of public grief and anger, with many suspecting murder on the orders of Tiberius. Piso was put on trial but he committed suicide – or was he murdered? – before the senate could reach a verdict. approx 50 col & b/w images, 11 maps, 336p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, September 2013, 9781781591208, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Eager for Glory: The Untold Story of Drusus the Elder, Conqueror of Germania Lindsay Powell (Author) Drusus the Elder (Nero Claudius Drusus) was regarded by the Romans as the first conqueror of Germania (western Germany) and a hero in the mold of Alexander the Great.Yet there has never been a full volume dedicated to his remarkable story, achievements and legacy. Eager for Glory brings this heroic figure back to life for a modern audience. Drusus was a stepson of Augustus, the first Roman emperor, through his marriage to Livia.As a commander he led daring campaigns by sea and land that pushed the northern frontiers of Rome’s empire to the Elbe River. He oversaw one of the largest developments of military infrastructure of the age. He married Mark Antony’s daughter,Antonia, and fathered Germanicus, the Empire’s most popular general, and the future emperor Claudius. He died when he was only 29 and was revered in death. Eager for Glory is an objective and thoroughly researched account, written in a lucid narrative style, which reveals the author’s passion for the period. 6 maps, approx 30 b/w illus 16pp col pls, 272p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, September 2013, 9781783030033, PB, $24.95 Special Price $19.96
Rome, Parthia and India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order 150-140 BC John D. Grainger (Author) Between 152 and 138 BC a series of wars from Africa to India produced a radically new geopolitical situation. In 150 Rome was confined to the western Mediterranean, and the largest state was the Seleukid Empire. By 140 Rome had spread to the borders of Asia Minor and the Seleukid Empire was confined to Syria.The new great power in the Middle East was Parthia, stretching from Babylonia to Baktria.These two divided the western world between them until the Arab conquests in the seventh century AD.These wars have generally been treated separately, but they were connected. John Grainger’s lucid narrative shows how these seismic events, stretching from India to the Western Meditteranean, interconnected to recast the ancient world. 8pp pls, 256p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, November 2013, 9781848848252, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Sertorius and the Struggle for Spain Fields of Death: Retracing Ancient Battlefields Richard Evans (Author) Richard Evans revisits the sites of a selection of Greek and Roman battles and sieges to seek new insights.The battle narratives in ancient sources can be a thrilling read and form the basis of our knowledge of these epic events, but they can just as often provide an incomplete or obscure record. Details, especially those related to topographical and geographical issues that can have a fundamental importance to military actions, are left tantalizingly unclear to the modern reader.The evidence from archaeological excavation work can sometimes fill in a gap in our understanding, but such an approach remains uncommon in studying ancient battles. By combining the ancient sources and latest archaeological findings with his personal observations on the ground, Richard Evans brings new perspectives to the dramatic events of the distant past.The author has carefully selected battles and sieges to explore, first to identify their locations and see how these fit with the ancient evidence. He then examines the historical episodes themselves, offering new observations from first-hand study of the field of battle along with up-to-date photographs, maps and diagrams. In the process, he discusses whether and how the terrain has since been changed by land use, erosion and other factors, and the extent to which what we see today represents a real connection with the dramatic events of the distant past. approx 40 col, plus 40 maps & tactical diagrams, 256p.
Philip Matyszak (Author) When, after a brutal civil war, the dictator Sulla took power in Rome (82 BC), among the many who refused to accept his rule was a young army officer called Quintus Sertorius. Sertorius fled, first to Africa and then to Spain, where he made common cause with the native people who had been savagely oppressed by a succession of corrupt Roman governors. Discovering a genius for guerilla warfare (he claimed he received divine guidance from Artemis via a white fawn he kept), Sertorius came close to driving the Romans out of Spain altogether. Rome responded by sending reinforcements under the control of the up-and-coming young general Gnaeus Pompey (later Pompey the Great).The epic struggle that followed between these two great commanders is a master class of ancient strategy and tactical maneuver. Massively outnumbered, Sertorious remained undefeated on the battlefield, but was eventually assassinated by jealous subordinates, none of whom proved a match for Pompey.This proved the decisive end of the struggle for Spain, though recalcitrant tribes held out until the time of Augustus.The tale of Sertorius is the story of people struggling to liberate themselves from oppressive rule. It is also the story of Sertorius himself, who started as an idealist, and ended almost as savage and despotic as his enemies. But above all, it is the story of a duel between two great generals, fought between two different styles of army in the valleys of the Spanish interior. 8pp pls, b/w maps, 208p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, October 2013, 9781848847873, PB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Pen & Sword Books Ltd, November 2013, 9781848847972, HB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Tribes of Ancient Britain and Germany Germanicus: The Magnificent Life and Mysterious Death of Rome’s Most Popular General Lindsay Powell (Author) Germanicus was regarded by many Romans as a hero in the mold of Alexander the Great. His untimely death, in suspicious circumstances, ended the possibility of a return to a more open republic and ambitions for the outright conquest of Germania Magna (Germany).This, the first modern biography of Germanicus, is in parts a growing-up story, a history of war, a tale of political intrigue and a murder mystery. It is a natural sequel to the author’s first book, Eager for Glory, which discussed the life of Germanicus’ natural father, Nero Claudius Drusus, for the first time. Born in 15 BC, Germanicus grew up to be a skilled diplomat and bold soldier. Married to the granddaughter of Augustus (by whom he fathered the future Emperor Caligula) and responsible for avenging Rome’s humiliating defeat at the Teutoburg Forest through victory at Idistaviso (AD16) and the recovery of one of the lost standards, his reputation and popularity were immense.The Emperor Tiberius, his adoptive father, granted him a triumph, but refused to let
Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (AD 56 – AD 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire.The surviving portions of his two major works – the Annals and the Histories – examine the reigns of the Roman Emperors Tiberius, Claudius, Nero and those who reigned in the Year of the Four Emperors.These two works span the history of the Roman Empire from the death of Augustus in AD 14 to the death of Emperor Domitian in AD 96.There are substantial lacunae in the surviving texts; including one, four books long in the Annals. Tacitus is considered one of the greatest Roman historians, living in what has been called the Silver Age of Latin literature.As well as the brevity and compactness of his Latin prose, he is known for his penetrating insights into the psychology of power politics. Edited and introduced by Emmy Award winning author and historian Bob Carruthers,Tribes of Ancient Britain and Greece is essential reading for anyone interested the history of the classical world. 112p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Military History from Primary Sources, November 2013, 9781781592380, PB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
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Viriathus: And the Lusitanian Resistance to Rome Luis Silva (Author) In the middle years of the second century BC, Rome was engaged in the conquest and pacification of what is now Spain and Portugal.They met with determined resistance from several tribes but nobody defied them with more determination and skill than Viriathus. Apparently of humble birth, he emerged as a leader after the treacherous massacre of the existing tribal chieftains and soon proved himself a gifted and audacious commander. Relying on hit and run guerrilla tactics, he inflicted repeated humiliating reverses upon the theoretically superior Roman forces, uniting a number of tribes in resistance to the invader and stalling their efforts at conquest and pacification for eight years. Still unbeaten in the field, he was only overcome when the Romans resorted to bribing some of his own men to assassinate him (though they reneged on the agreed payment, claiming they did not reward traitors!).Though renowned in his day Viriathus has been neglected by modern historians, a travesty that Luis Silva puts right in this thoroughly researched and accessible account. Portuguese by birth, the author draws on Portuguese research and perspectives that will be refreshing to Englishlanguage scholars and his own military experience also informs his analysis of events.What emerges is a stirring account of defiance, heroic resistance against the odds and, ultimately, treachery and tragedy. 8pp b/w photos, 192p.
Germania 87 II, 2009 Römisch-Germanische Kommissio des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts The gazette of the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute which is published twice a year and includes various essays on the archeology of old Europe as well as reviews in German, English and French. German text. 90, 346p. Philipp von Zabern, Germania. Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 87. II, February 2013, 9783805338998, HB, $23.00 Special Price $18.40
Pen & Sword Books Ltd, August 2013, 9781781591284, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Augustus: Sein Leben als Kaiser Karl Galinsky (Author) Augustus is one of the important rulers of history – and one of the most fascinating at the same time! Karl Galinsky is an internationally renowned expert on the Augustan period. In this concisely written biography the author traces the life of Augustus to his posthumous deification.The result is a vivid picture of challenges, setbacks and successes that marked Augustus’ public as well as his private life. German text. 25 b/w illus, 224p. Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805346771, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Berufsziel: Römischer Kaiser: Ausbildung – Bewerbung – Karriere Stephan Berry (Author) How can I become Roman Emperor? What can I earn? May I let me worship as a god? What about the compatibility of family and career? Stephan Berry’s guidebook for future emperors is full of winking tips and tricks for anyone who would like to climb the career ladder to the top. His book not only answers questions around the application, the professional life and career planning, but it also uses case studies to create a comprehensive picture of an important ancient profession. He shows the life of the Caesars in a different way: as a job that is not always easy, but all in all worth it – if one not already make mistakes at the salary negotiations! German text. 144p. Philipp von Zabern, July 2013, 9783805345545, HB, $25.00 Special Price $20.00
Rom – Stadt ohne Ursprung: Gründungsmythos und römische Identität Florence Dupont (Author) Essentially important for the myth of Rome is its beginning: Aeneas, who escaped from Troy, became the forefather of the city – and a culture that was always ready to adopt strangers and foreign habits. Rome saw itself as an open city, and its openness was the basis of the Roman Empire as a world power. So, the civil rights for example, were not bound to the origin, but were also awarded for special achievements. In this stimulating and multifaceted study, Florence Dupont shows the many facets of the origin myth of Rome.The author proposes a wide approach: From Aeneas and his representation by Virgil to the question whether the roman concept of an open city can serve as a model for a contemporary open society: Rome as a model of a Europe, which rather welcomes strangers instead of excluding them! German text. 224p. Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805346795, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
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Amenemone the Chief Goldsmith: A New Kingdom Tomb in the Teti Cemetery at Saqqara Boyo G. Ockinga (Author) This work brings together all the surviving data from the Saqqara tomb of the Overseer of Craftsmen and Chief of Goldsmiths, Amenemone. As well as recovering further material, the rediscovery and excavation of the tomb has made it possible to identify the original location of the blocks from the chapel now housed in various museums. Amenemone was a contemporary of the general (and later king) Horemheb and the treasurer Maya and with them also served Tutankhamun; he can plausibly be identified as the leading artisan behind the production of some, at least, of the treasures of Tutankhamun. 168p. Australian Centre for Egyptology, ACE Reports 22, June 2012, 9780856688171, PB, $110.00 Special Price $88.00
Deir El-Grabawi Volume III: The Southern Cliff: The Tomb of Djau/Shemai and Djau Naguib Kanawati (Author) A new complete record of the architecture, scenes and inscriptions in the important tomb of Djau with description and translations.The volume includes studies by M. Schultz and R.Walker of the recently discovered human remains of Djau and a study of mummification techniques by S. Ikram. 52 col pls, 31 b/w drawings, 84p. Australian Centre for Egyptology, ACE Reports 32, November 2012, 9780856688553, PB, $150.00 Special Price $120.00
The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology Vol 22 (2011) Susanne Binder (Author) This volume contains papers on the 2011 Field Season at Deir Abu Metta, Dakhleh Oasis; Pyramid Texts and Tomb Decoration at the Tomb of Mehu at Saqqara; Statuary from the Galarza Tomb in Giza; A Case of Sibling Scribes in Coptic Thebes; Ancient Egyptian Metaphors of Domination; Narrative in Old Kingdom Wall Scenes; Upper Egyptian Vessels at Tell el-Ghaba; Dating an Oil Lamp of Multicultural Design; Siege Scenes of the Old Kingdom. b/w illus, 157p. Australian Centre for Egyptology, Bulletin of the ACE 22, December 2012, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
The Chapel of Kahai and His Family: The Tombs of Nikaiankh I, Nikaiankh II and Kaihep Miral Lashien (Author) The tomb of Kahai and his family was previously published only in black and white photographs by Moussa and Altenmüller under the title of The Tomb of Nefer and KaHay. As one of the most colorful tombs of the Old Kingdom, the present publication offers magnificently rich color plates and context line drawings showing all the intricate details of the scenes and inscriptions. As such, this monograph is a significant addition to the study of Egyptian art in the Old Kingdom. Contrary to the belief that Nefer prepared the joint tomb for himself and his father Kahai, the author shows that we have here a rare case of a son dying before his father with the latter adding an alcove dedicated for his son in his chapel. Other sons of Kahai were later included in the decoration, making this a true family burial place. 76 col pls (148 photographs); 11 b/w pls including folded pls, 56p. Australian Centre for Egyptology, ACE Reports 33, June 2013, 9780856688362, PB, $150.00 Special Price $120.00
Kom Firin II: The Urban Fabric and Landscape Neal Spencer (Author) The second and final publication of the British Museum’s fieldwork at Kom Firin, presenting key findings from the western Nile Delta, a little-explored yet strategically important area of Egypt. Focusing on two principal areas of the excavations, inside the north-eastern corner of the New Kingdom enclosure and an area of Saite occupation, this new research publication offers a detailed discussion of artifact assemblages, faunal remains, the ancient landscape and a chapter on modern Kom Firin. 200 site images, finds & ceramics drawings & images, fold out maps & site plans, 304p. British Museum Press, British Museum Research Publication 192, October 2013, 9780861591923, PB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
Bahriya Oasis: Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis Marek Dospûl (Editor); Lenka Suková (Editor) Through its 14 chapters, this book presents the outcomes of the recent exploration of Bahriya, an Egyptian oasis located in the Western Desert about 350 km south-west of Cairo. Part I of the volume is devoted to the southern part of the Oasis (also known as El-Hayz) and the exploration carried out there by the team led by the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague. Part II concentrates on the northern part of the same oasis bringing forth the results of scholarly research by the French team led by Université de Strasbourg. Complementing the two parts is Part III with the final chapter which deals with water-management in the Western Desert as a whole. Containing chapters written by archaeologists, Egyptologists, philologists and natural scientists, this richly illustrated book attempts at providing as comprehensive picture of the past of the Bahriya Oasis as can be drawn from the hitherto research, encompassing a wide range of aspects from settlement history and environment to material culture and written evidence. 8pp col pls, 314p. Czech Institute of Egyptology, June 2013, 9788073084561, HB, $146.00 Special Price $116.80
Diachronic Trends in Ancient Egyptian History: Studies dedicated to the memory of Eva Pardey Miroslav Bárta (Editor); Hella Küllmer (Editor) The book includes contributions of the following authors: Hartwig Altenmüller, Ladislav Bare?, Miroslav Bárta, Andreas Effland, Martin Fitzenreiter, Hans Goedicke, Peter Jánosi, Dieter Kurth, Christian Loeben, Juan Carlos Moreno García, Jana Mynár?ová, Anthony Spalinger, Miroslav Verner, Hana Vymazalová,Wolfgang Waitkus. 221p. Czech Institute of Egyptology, July 2013, 9788073084448, $58.00 Special Price $46.40
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NEW FROM GOLDEN HOUSE Prehistoric Egypt, Socioeconomic Transformations in North-east Africa from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Neolithic, 24.000 to 4.000 BC Prehistoric Egypt, Socioeconomic Transformations in North-east Africa from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Neolithic, 24.000 to 4.000 BC takes a supra-regional approach to the environmental and socioeconomic landscapes of SW Asia and NE Africa across this crucial period. Using a rich array of empirical data combined with a holistic theoretical approach, this book challenges many of the current ideas on the beginnings of food production in North-east Africa, and the secondary effects this transition had on human settlements and cultures.This book is essential reading for anybody interested in the origins of the ancient Egyptian civilization. 540p. Golden House Publications, August 2013, 9781906137304, PB, $120.00 Special Price $96.00
Kleopatra: Die ewige Diva Cleopatra was Egypt’s last pharaoh, Julius Caesar’s lover, and shared Mark Antony’s fate. She was a legend and has inspired the imagination of many generations.This volume presents her many faces, from antiquity to present-day pop culture. German text. 360 illus, 336p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, July 2013, 9783777420882, HB, $58.00 Special Price $46.40
Journal of Juristic Papyrology vol. XLII Tomasz Derda (Editor); Adam ¸ajtar (Editor); Jakub Urbanik (Editor) English/Italian/French/German text. Journal of Juristic Papyrology, July 2013, HB, $86.00 Special Price $68.80
Abydos: Tor zur ägyptischen Unterwelt Andreas Effland (Author); Ute Effland (Author) Abydos – on the western bank of the Nile, located 160 km north of Luxor – was one of the most important religious centers of ancient Egypt and main cult of the god Osiris.The cult of Osiris and his worship in mysterious rituals was expression of the human desire to be linked to the fate of the god: People wanted to participate in his death and especially share his resurrection.Abydos became a center of hope for the overcoming of death.The temple was the setting, were kings and private persons came into contact with the god. The two authors vividly present this extraordinary place, its history and architecture in exciting texts and impressive pictures. Moreover they tell of the daily lives of archaeologists on site, which – despite some adverse circumstances – sustain the long tradition of Egyptological research. German text. 100 col illus, 144p.
Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area: The History, Origin, and Development of Irrigated Agriculture B. V. Adrianov (Author); Simone Mantellini (Editor) Irrigation Systems in the Aral Sea Area is the English translation of Boris Vasilevich Andrianov’s work, Drevnie orositelnye sistemy priaralya concerning the study of ancient irrigation systems and the settlement pattern in the historical region of Khorezm, south of the Aral Sea (Uzbekistan).This work holds a special place within the Soviet archaeological school because of the results obtained through a multidisciplinary approach combining aerial survey and fieldwork, surveys, and excavations.This translation has been enriched by the addition of introductions written by several eminent scholars from the region regarding the importance of the Khorezm Archaeological-Ethnographic Expedition and the figure of Boris V. Andrianov and his landmark study almost 50 years after the original publication. 300p. Oxbow Books, American School Of Prehistoric Research Monograph, September 2013, 9781842173848, HB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
NEW FROM OXBOW Central Zagros Archaeological Project: The Earliest Neolithic of Iran: 2008 Excavations at SheikhE Abad and Jani Roger Matthews (Editor); Wendy Matthews (Editor); Yaghoub Mohammadifar (Editor) Over a period of several millennia, from the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene (c. 13,000-7000 BC), communities in south-west Asia developed from hunter-foragers to villager-farmers, bringing fundamental changes in all aspects of life.These Neolithic developments took place over vast chronological and geographical scales, with considerable regional variability in specific trajectories of change.Two vital and consistent aspects of change were a shift from mobile to sedentary lifestyles and increasingly intensive human management of animal and plant resources, leading to full domestication of particular species. Building on earlier campaigns of archaeological investigation, the current phase of the Central Zagros Archaeological Project is designed to explore these issues in one key region, the Zagros zone including central west Iran.Two Early Neolithic mounds were excavated: Sheikh-e Abad in the high Zagros and Jani, in the foothills of the Mesopotamian plains, each comprising up to 10 m depth of deposits indicating occupation spanning over 2000 years, and providing great scope for diachronic and spatial analyses.These two sites make major contributions to knowledge regarding the origins of sedentism and increasing resource management in Southwest Asia, and associated developments in social, cultural and ritual practices in this formative region of human cultural development. b/w illus, 224p. Oxbow Books, CZAP Report 1, December 2013, 9781782972235, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
Souvenirs and New Ideas
Erhard Oeser (Author) The construction of the Cheops Pyramid is one of the most mysterious secrets in history. Since ancient times Scientists and dreamers have agonized over this problem. Especially after Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in the 19th century this led France and England in a bitter dispute over the sovereignty of interpretation.With then example of the Cheops Pyramid Erhard Oeser show the long and often adventurous path of scientific development of the Ancient Egypt with all its problems.While highlighting the ideological, political and economic factors that played an important role, the author is creating a highly exciting and interesting history of science. German text. 30 b/w illus, 208p.
Diane Fortenberry (Editor) Early travelers to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece,Turkey and the Levant recorded and remembered their journeys by collecting or creating mementos of places they visited.This natural inclination took many guises, ranging from painting landscapes or, later, taking photographs to acquiring souvenirs, very often antiquities.The collection of antiquities, a controversial and usually illegal practice today, was in the 18th and 19th centuries not necessarily either, and many privately assembled collections now form the basis of major national museums. Souvenirs and New Ideas explores the human desire to retain the memory of a foreign journey, in a series of essays that examine the collections of a variety of travelers, from intrepid female solo voyagers to European royalty.Their acquisitions included souvenirs ranging from Egyptian mummies and ancient artifacts, to paintings and sketches of places visited, to the raw material for books written at leisure, both scholarly and popular. In their desire to share with those at home some of what they had seen, these voyagers contributed to an understanding of societies little known at the time, and the stories of their travels continue to entrance. 200p.
Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805346320, HB, $37.00 Special Price $29.60
Oxbow Books, June 2013, 9781842178157, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Philipp von Zabern, Sonderbände Der Antiken Welt, September 2013, 9783805345415, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Cheops‘ Geheimnis: Die wissenschaftliche Eroberung Ägyptens
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13 Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2013
Lloyd Weeks (Editor); Janet Watson (Editor) Papers from the forty-sixth meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, held at the British Museum, London, 13–15 July 2012. Papers include Timing water shares in Wadi Bani Kharus, Sultanate of Oman; Architecture and building techniques at the Early Bronze Age site of HD-6, Ra’s alHadd, Sultanate of Oman; In times of war: typological and morphological characteristics of dwellings in Harat al-Yemen in Izki, Oman; A green paradise. Economic strategies, collective practices, and local ancestors of the Iron Age community of Masafi; Developing an integrated policy for the maritime and coastal heritage of the UAE: a collaborative approach; Conquering new territories: when the first black boats sailed to Masirah Island; Arabia’s fifthmillennium BCE pastoral well cultures: hypotheses on the origins of oasis life; Archaeometallurgical survey in the area of Masafi (Fujairah, UAE): preliminary data from an integrated program of survey, excavation, and physicochemical analyses; Calligraphy and writing activities in Mecca during the medieval period (twelfth–fifteenth centuries); Jabal al-KAluya: an inland Neolithic settlement of the late fifth millennium BC in the Adam area, Sultanate of Oman; New Neolithic evidence from the al-Jawf region: an outline of the historical development of Dumat al-Jandal; Kiln sites of the fourteenth–twentieth-century Julfar ware pottery industry in Ras al-Khaimah, UAE;The Jews of Yemen in light of the excavation of the Jewish synagogue in Qani’.The use of ‘veiled language’ in Soqotri poetry. col & b/w illus, 361p. Archaeopress, 43, July 2013, 9781905739653, PB, $130.00 Special Price $104.00
Manfred Mayrhofer: Leben und Werk Rudiger Schmitt (Author) Manfred Mayrhofer, emeritus professor of General and IndoEuropean Linguistics at the University of Vienna and a very active and prolific member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences who passed away on 31 October 2011, was one of the most important Indo-European and Indo-Iranian scholars of our time. In the present small book Mayrhofer’s life and œuvre is described and appreciated in succinct form by his first pupil.The main part of the volume is the complete list of Mayrhofer’s writings, classified according to monographs, articles, reviews, and editorial as well as bibliographical activities; the last section contains autobiographical items and literature about Mayrhofer. German text. 87p. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Iranische Onomastik 10, December 2012, 9783700172628, PB, $28.00 Special Price $22.40
Çatalhöyük excavations: Humans and Landscapes of Çatalhöyük excavations: Çatal Research Project vol. 8 Ian Hodder (Editor) The present volume reports on the results of excavations in 2000-2008 that have provided a wealth of new data on the ways in which the Çatalhöyük settlement and environment were dwelled in. A first section explores how houses, open areas and middens in the settlement were enmeshed in the daily lives of the inhabitants, integrating a wide range of different types of data at different scales. A second section examines subsistence practices of the site’s inhabitants and builds up a picture of how the overall landscape was exploited and lived within. A third section examines the evidence from the skeletons of those buried within the houses at Çatalhöyük in order to examine health, diet, lifestyle and activity within the settlement and across the landscape.This final section also reports on the burial practices and associations in order to build hypotheses about the social organization of those inhabiting the settlement. A complex picture emerges of a relatively decentralized society, large in size but small-scale in terms of organization, dwelling within a mosaic patchwork of environments.Through time, however, substantial changes occur in the ways in which humans and landscapes interact. 250 figs & 50 tabs, 320p. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, BIAA Monograph 47, June 2013, 9781898249306, HB, $120.00 Special Price $96.00
Çatalhöyük Excavations: the 2000-2008 seasons: Çatal Research Project vol. 7 The Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey has been world famous since the 1960s when excavations revealed the large size and dense occupation of the settlement, as well as the spectacular wall paintings and reliefs uncovered inside the houses. Since 1993 an international team of archaeologists, led by Ian Hodder, has been carrying out new excavations and research, in order to shed more light on the people who inhabited the site. Çatalhöyük Excavations presents the results of the excavations that took place at the site from 2000 to 2008 when the main aim was to understand the social geography of the settlement, its layout and social organization. Excavation, recording and sampling methodologies are discussed as well as dating, ‘levels’, and the grouping of buildings into social sectors.The excavations in three areas of the East Mound at Çatalhöyük are described: the South Area, the 4040 Area in the northern part of the site, and the IST Area excavated by a team from Istanbul University.The description of excavated units, features and buildings incorporates results from the analyses of animal bone, chipped stone, groundstone, shell, ceramics, phytoliths, micromorphology. The integration of such data within their context allows detailed accounts of the lives of the inhabitants of Çatalhöyük, their relationships and activities.The integration of different types of data in the excavation account mimics the process of collaborative interpretation that took place during the excavation and post-excavation process. 300 figs & 50 tabs, 300p. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, BIAA Monograph 46, December 2013, 9781898249290, HB, $120.00 Special Price $96.00
Substantive technologies at Çatalhöyük: reports from the 2000-2008 seasons: Çatal Research Project vol. 9 The present volume reports on the results of excavations in 2000-2008 that have provided a wealth of new data on the ways in which humans became increasingly engaged in their material environment such that ‘things’ came to play an active force in their lives. A substantial and heavy involvement was with alluvial clays that surrounded the site. In the absence of large local stone, humans became increasingly involved in the extraction and manipulation of clay for a wide range of purposes – from bricks to ovens, pots and figurines.This heavy use of clays led to changes in the local environment that interacted with human activity, as indicated in the first section of the volume. In the second section, other examples of material technologies are considered all of which in various ways engage humans in specific dependencies and relationships. For example, large-scale studies of obsidian trade have drawn a complex picture of changing interactions between humans over time.The volume concludes with an integrated account of the uses of materials at Çatalhöyük based on the analysis of heavy residue samples from all contexts at the site. 250 illus & 50 tabs, 300p. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, BIAA Monograph 48, September 2013, 9781898249313, HB, $120.00 Special Price $96.00
Beyond the Fertile Crescent: Late Palaeolithic and Neolithic Communities of the Jordanian Steppe Azraq Project Andrew Garrard (Editor) The natural arc of resource-rich land which forms the ‘Fertile Crescent’ of South-West Asia is regarded as the earliest center of village-based farming in the world and has been the focus of much of our understanding of the transition from Epipalaeolithic hunter-gathers to Neolithic farmers. Beyond the Fertile Crescent is the first volume of the Azraq Project, a large-scale archaeological and palaeoenvironmental survey and excavation project undertaken between 1982 and 1989 in the ecologically diverse sub-region of the Azraq Basin in north-central Jordan: an area rich in Palaeolithic and Neolithic archaeology. Beginning with an overview to the Project aims, a detailed analysis of past and present environments and land use and the history of excavation in the Basin, Beyond the Fertile Crescent explores the geology, stratigraphy and dating of the Late Palaeolithic sites and provides a detailed description of the technology and typology of the lithic assemblages from the sites.These are then compared with those from the wider Levant, in order to explore possible links between technological traditions and social groups in order to understand the evidence for settlement strategies across the region. 448p. Council for British Research in the Levant, Levant Supplementary Series 13, November 2013, 9781842178331, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
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1949 by members of the Directorate General of Antiquities of Iraq while on archaeological reconnaissance in the district. In 1951, during a field season of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago under the direction of Robert J. Braidwood (which not only conducted the excavations at nearby Jarmo and Karim Shahir but also carried out wider geological and prehistoric reconnaissance in the extended Chemchemal Valley area), Barda Balka was visited and further studied by Herbert E.Wright Jr. of the University of Minnesota Department of Geology and Bruce Howe, then of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University.Wright and Howe returned shortly thereafter to conduct a four-day sounding campaign of trenching and localized geological investigations.This volume is Howe’s final report of these investigations at Barda Balka. 3 figs, 3 tabs, X pls, 32p. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Communications 31, October 2013, 9781614910008, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96
Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Volume S, Fascicule 4, 534p. Tourists, Travellers and Hotels in 19th-Century Jerusalem Rupert L. Chapman III (Author); Shimon Gibson (Author);Yoni Shapira (Author) This volume is a study of the rise of tourism in the Holy Land, focused on the study of a particular hotel, the Mediterranean, for which the surviving evidence is particularly good.The study draws extensively on the archives, both documentary and photographic, of the Palestine Exploration Fund, as well as on its excellent collection of nineteenth-century travel books. Chapters include an introduction to the tourists and pilgrims who visited Jerusalem in the nineteenth century, including the various explorers connected with the PEF; an introduction to the various hotels and hostels which can be identified in the literature of the period; the first two locations of the Mediterranean Hotel; Mark Twain and Freemasonry in Jerusalem, drawing on Twain’s letters as well as the archives of the PEF; Charles Warren and the PEF Explorations in the city; the later life of the building which formed the second location of the Mediterranean Hotel, taking this down to the present day; and the third location of the Mediterranean Hotel, used by Conder, Kitchener, and the Survey of Western Palestine party. 304p. Maney Publishing, Palestine Exploration Fund Annuals 11, September 2013, 9781907975288, HB, $78.00 Special Price $62.40
Nabataeans: A Brief History of Petra and Madain Saleh David Tschanz (Author) The Nabataeans were ancient peoples of Arabia, whose civilization was headquartered at Petra, ‘the rose red city half as old as time’.Their loosely controlled trading network covered the borderland between Syria and Arabia, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Incredibly wealthy from trade, they were significant regional players. Herod Antipas, for example, was married to a Nabataean princess.The Roman emperor Trajan annexed the Nabataean kingdom in the beginning of the 2nd century ad.Their distinct culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely-potted painted ceramics, became dispersed in the general Greco-Roman culture and was eventually lost. This new title is published on the 200th anniversary of the first European to describe the historic Nabataean site of Petra by the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt.What makes this book unique is that it provides a popular and accessible account of the two major Nabataean sites: Petra in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as well as its important sister city of Madain Saleh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Both are UNESCO World Heritage sites, and the author knows them intimately.This book will provide visitors to both the Saudi Arabian and Jordanian sites more substance than found in a guidebook of listings and pictures. It should also appeal to students and anyone with an interest in one of the last great puzzles of history. 72 illus, 212p. Medina Publishing, August 2012, 9780957023314, PB, $22.95 Special Price $18.36
Barda Balka Bruce Howe (Author) The Paleolithic site of Barda Balka (“standing stone,” “stone to lean upon” in local Kurdish) is situated about 3 kilometers northeast of Chemchemal in Kirkuk Province, Iraq. Until recent years, the site was marked by a natural monolith of limestone conglomerate 3.5 meters high on a rather barren slope partly littered with Acheulean-type bifaces, pebble tools, cores, and flake artifacts.The site was discovered in
Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Hittite Dictionary S.4, August 2013, 9781885923790, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Volume ^ S, fascicle 3 H. G. Guterbock† (Editor); Harry A. Hoffner (Author);T. P. J. van den Hout (Editor) The Hittite language is the earliest preserved member of the Indo-European family of languages. It was written on clay tablets in central Asia Minor over a five hundred year span (ca. 1650-1180 B.C.) which witnessed the rise, the floruit, and the decline of many political powers in the Near East. It is studied today for a wide variety of reasons. Historical linguists seek information in Hittite texts to elucidate the relationships between the various member languages of the IndoEuropean family, as well as the probable structure of their common parent, Proto-Indo-European. Historians find in Hittite annals, treaties, royal edicts, and political correspondence information of great value in reconstructing the sequence of events on the international scene of mid-second-millennium Western Asia. Anthropologists, mythographers, and students of comparative religion mine the riches of Hittite religious texts: myth, magic rituals to cure ailments, festivals to worship the gods of the empire. Students of the history of law discover ancient precedents for legal procedures which have survived to this day. All of these interested researchers share a dependence upon the written texts. None can penetrate further than our limited understanding of this language allows. 176p. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 2013, 9781885923950, PB, $25.00 Special Price $20.00
Als die Götter Mensch waren: Eine Anthologie altorientalischer Literatur Sabina Franke (Editor) Fairy tales, myths and epics – ancient Middle Eastern literature still draws our attention and leads us into the fascinating time of the ancient Orient. Here the non-famous fable of the tooth worm, which is causing the toothache, is told, but also the great myth of Innanas is described, which tells the story of the goddess Ishtar´s way to the underworld.There are also daily-life stories from the life of a student or the Sumerian incantations against a crying baby. In her book Sabina Franke gathered the best stories ancient Near Eastern literature has to over about Mesopotamian gods, men and kings. Her book is a journey to the birthplace of literature in Mesopotamia, which appears so far away and yet familiar at the same time. German text. 120p. Philipp von Zabern, October 2013, 9783805346818, HB, $30.00
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13
Special Price $24.00
Die Weihrauchstraße Joachim Willeitner (Author) The Incense Road was once one of the main trade routes of the world.The precious frankincense, spices, gold and other valuable goods were transported over 3,000 kilometers across the Arabian Peninsula – a logistical challenge, which would not have been possible without caravans. In the first century BC the trade gradually shifted to the sea, because customs duties and charges were lower, and so higher profits could be achieved.This was the end of the Incense Road as a trade route. Joachim Willeitner takes the reader with him on a trip to the great, but also to the less known stations on the long caravan route. A book like a journey into 1001 nights. German text. 65 col illus, 144p.
Philipp von Zabern, October 2013, 9783805346801, HB, $37.00 Special Price $29.60
Felsreliefs und Felsinschriften: der luwischen Staaten in Kleinasien Horst Ehringhaus (Author) The author makes reference to the artistic upstanding rock reliefs and rock inscriptions of the history and culture of Luwian states in Asia Minor for the first time.The reliefs and inscriptions of the 12th to 8th century BC still can be found at the places of their fitting in the fascinating mountains in southern Anatolia and southeastern Asia Minor.The reliefs allow many insights into the history, society and religion and illuminate the cultural relations with neighboring peoples and the Neo-Assyrian Empire, whose later rise to great power meant the end of the Luwian states in Asia Minor.The fascinating evidence of a great past is threatened by vandalism and progressive erosion. Some reliefs are already lost for posterity, but are documentary preserved by this book. German text. 140 mostly col illus, 144p. Philipp von Zabern, Sonderbände Der Antiken Welt, October 2013, 9783805345422, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Persepolis: Die altpersische Residenzstadt Alireza Shapur Shahbazi (Author) The huge palaces, monumental columns, reliefs and noble material such as gold and black marble dominated the image of the city of Persepolis, which was found by Darius I. in 520 BC, for centuries. After the pillage of the city by the command of Alexander the Great 200 years later the heyday abruptly end.Today the impressive ruins of the once mighty city are part of the World Heritage Site. Alireza Shapur Shahbazi leads the reader to the magnificent royal tombs and art treasures of the ancient Persian residence. He explains their original form and function along with stunning visuals and vivid reconstructions. German text. 176 col & 13 b/w illus, 208p. Philipp von Zabern, August 2013, 9783805346788, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Anywhere but Saudi Arabia!: Experiences of a Once Reluctant Expat Kathy Cuddihy (Author) When Bechtel offered Sean Cuddihy a transfer to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1976, his wife Kathy agreed to go along on one condition: that it was only for two years, not a minute longer.This reluctant commitment turned into a 24-year love affair with Saudi Arabia and its people. Kathy’s humorous anecdotes of her adventures and misadventures trace the journey of a country in transition. Never has a nation made so much progress in so short a time. As a trusted journalist and businesswoman, Kathy witnessed, recorded and participated in this spectacular development. From palaces to prisons and mud houses to private jets, Kathy’s perspective is unique and her experiences remarkable.Told with the wit and stylishness for which the author is well known, Anywhere But Saudi Arabia! is a treasure for all who know and love the Kingdom, and an eye-opener for those with no comprehension of what life was, and is, like for an unconventional non-Muslim woman in a conservative Muslim population. At times hilarious, at times shocking, but always honest and entertaining, Kathy’s story is infused with deep affection for her adopted country. 300p. Barzipan Publishing, November 2012, 9780956708137, PB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
Yes, The Arabs Can Too Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber (Author); Michael Worton (Author) Much has been written about the role and presence of the Arabs in the world at the beginning of this millennium, and their ability to meet the challenges overwhelming our planet, bristling as it is with science, technology and latest lethal weapons. Now this new book by Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber penetrates to the heart of the Arab situation by a new route, hitherto uncharted.The author gives us a practical and precise summary of his own contemporary Arab experience from an intercontinental perspective, notable for its success, variety and modernity. Sheikh Mohamed has been able to scale the peaks of international corporate and institutional life, and impose his presence and voice upon them. Here, in a distillation of wisdom drawn from a unique career, he presents us with a practical account of the lessons of his success, so that they can be applied to economic and social institutions and thence to society at large.This book is a translation of the Arabic original, first published in 2009. It therefore pre-dates the events of the ‘Arab Spring’ and other recent upheavals in the Arab world. Its insights are nonetheless valid, and are just as applicable to the Arab world today as they were four years ago. Indeed, they have taken on extra urgency in the light of the author’s prescient diagnosis of the Arab peoples’ thirst for democracy, human rights and proper citizenship in their own countries. 176p. Arabian Publishing Ltd, September 2013, 9780957106093, HB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
Fibs, Facts and Farces: Tales from the Arab World John Carter (Author) The recent history of the Arab World presents a dismal story of pain, horror, and suffering.The causes are many and the blame game endless. However, the happy experiences of one Englishman throw a quite contrary light on current events, and have been written down as a way of saying thank you to all the Arabians involved for their unrivaled hospitality and friendship, as well as for sharing so much hilarious merriment.The author has collected stories over the course of many years that highlight not only the essential dottiness of his own country’s activities in the area, but also unveil the tremendous humor that the Arabs themselves possess. In this volume these tales are recorded, many for the first time, and have been added to by extensive research into the relevant literature to provide important background material, reference and explanation.To understand the humor of a race or nation is to understand and appreciate their culture and characteristics and reach a common ground.Whatever your nationality, Fibs, Facts and Farces: Tales from the Arab World will have you holding your sides. 2 illus, 240p. Barzipan Publishing, December 2012, 9780957023345, PB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13
28 ISLAMIC WORLD The Hajj: Collected Essays
Venetia Porter (Editor); Liana Saif (Editor) Following on the British Museum’s critically acclaimed exhibition Hajj: journey to the heart of Islam, this volume provides over thirty papers on the history and significance of the Hajj, spanning history, politics, archaeology, pilgrims’ journeys, art, architecture, photography and material culture. This is a major multi-disciplinary study and a key reference work for anyone with an academic or personal interest in the Hajj. 150 col & 50 b/w illus, 270p. British Museum Press, British Museum Research Publication 193, September 2013, 9780861591930, PB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
A History of Ottoman Poetry: The Complete Set E. J. W. Gibb (Editor) The History of Ottoman Poetry, first published in six volumes between 1900 and 1909, was the principal product of E.J.W. Gibb’s devotion to Ottoman Turkish literature. By the time of his early death in 1901 only the first volume had appeared in print.The remainder was almost complete and was seen through the press by Gibb’s friend and literary executor, the Persian scholar E. G. Browne.The History was designed to provide the first extended account in English of Ottoman literature.The first four volumes cover four developmental phases, largely under the influence of Persian literature, from around 1300 to the middle of the nineteenth century.The fifth volume introduces the ‘New School’ of Ottoman poetry produced in Gibb’s own era and inspired by French models.The sixth volume contains in Ottoman printed script the texts of all works quoted in English translation in the previous volumes. No comparable study has appeared in English since Gibb’s magnum opus. His History of Ottoman Poetry has become a classic work which is still widely referred to and valuable for students, scholars and anyone with a general interest in Middle Eastern literature and culture.
Libertinism in Medieval Muslim Society and Literature Zoltan Szombathy (Author) This book is about an aspect of medieval Arabic culture and literature known in Arabic as mujùn (roughly ‘libertinism, licentiousness, frivolity, indecency, profligacy, shamelessness, impertinence’, etc.), a concept that students of medieval Arabic texts may find rather hard to define but which is a recurrent term and a widespread phenomenon in medieval Arabic literature, and probably common in real life.The social implications and the background of mujùn are focused on in an attempt to learn what the popularity of mujùn during a specific period of the medieval Middle East can tell us about the society and the culture that produced such works. It is a study of the society in which such literature flourished, of the values and norms of that society, and of the májin (the man who does or writes mujùn) rather than of mujùn in itself.The author uses many excepts from primary source texts to explore the nature, concepts and content of mujùn, including its vernacular language, religious irreverence and not infrequent indecency of subject matter, within its socio-religious context. It provides a critical inventory of the varied motifs of mujùn in literature so as to define this elusive term by way of an accumulation of concrete examples. 256p. Gibb Memorial Trust, July 2013, 9780906094617, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
Gibb Memorial Trust, July 2013, 9781909724266, PB, $190.00 Special Price $152.00
The Art of Adornment: Jewellery of the Islamic Lands, Parts 1 and 2, 2013 Abbasid Studies IV Monique Bernards (Editor) Soon after their successful revolution in 750 AD, the Abbasids supplanted the Umayyad dynasty, built the new city of Baghdad, Iraq which became the capital of the Islamic Empire.The civilization that the Abbasids helped to create carried forth the torch of knowledge lit by ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantium, and Persia. Adding many of their own unique contributions, the Abbasid dynasty left an indelible mark on the history of humankind.This current selection of ‘Abbasid Studies presents a colorful mosaic of new research into classical Arabic texts that sheds light on significant historical, political, cultural and religious aspects of the ‘Abbasid era and provides insight into how the fundamentals of philology are shaped.Wonderful vistas of ancient dreams open up while ‘Abbasid armies clatter and collide; images are conjured of murderous caliphs, foreign looking littérateurs and talking objects.We see a lively self portrait of a scholar struggling with the presentation of his own image and a Persian courtier on exploratory missions around the globe obtaining eyewitness testimony of the wonders of the world.We learn of magic pools, all-seeing mirrors, the kidnapping of a luteplaying shepherd; a Baghdadi party-pooper at an Isfahani social gathering monopolizing all participants with an amazing speech until the narrator drunkenly passes out on the floor, and much more. ’Abbasid Studies IV is the latest contribution to the new series of The Occasional Papers of the School of ‘Abbasid Studies. Gibb Memorial Trust, October 2013, 9780906094983, HB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
Michael Spink (Author); Jack Ogden (Author); J. M. Rogers (Author); Mark G. Kramarovsky (Author) The Collection provides an unrivaled resource for the study of Islamic jewellery, with nearly 600 cataloged pieces in gold, silver and copper alloys, of all periods from the 7th to the 20th centuries and from throughout the Islamic world – Spain to Malaysia, and Africa to the Eurasian steppes.Various sectors of production and clienteles are represented, from the court to bespoke jewellery to the urban marketplace.The jewellery also illustrates a correspondingly wide range of techniques and materials, including all the main methods of working gold, silver and copper alloys and their decoration – especially filigree, niello, enamel and the setting of gems. Inevitably some periods, areas and techniques are better represented than others, but overall the Collection is remarkably comprehensive and in some areas, such as the Fatimid filigree, is among the finest in the world.This two-part volume includes virtually every form of personal adornment – head, hair and headdress ornaments; earrings; nose rings; finger rings; pendants; beads; necklaces; bracelets, armlets and anklets; armband elements; amulets and amulet cases; pins and brooches; buttons; belts and belt fittings – as well as harness fittings. Separate volumes in the Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art series have been devoted to rings (vol. XVI) and the jewellery from Mughal India (vol. XVIII); more of the belt and harness fittings were included in the study of arms and armor (vol. XXI). col illus inc. line & col drawings, 702p. Khalili Collections,The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art XVII, June 2013, 9781874780861, HB, $250.00 Special Price $200.00
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Discovering Islamic Art: A Childrens’ Guide With Activity Sheets Mary Beardwood (Author) Since the 7th century, Islamic artists, artisans, architects and craftsmen have attempted in their work to reflect their beliefs and cultural values in the most beautiful way they can in every medium and material available to them. A subject that spans a millennia-and-a-half and covers every walk of life in every corner of the globe is no easy thing to distil for children, but Mary Beardwood has succeeded in making it fun as well as factual, exciting as well as educational. Following her successful title, A Children’s Encyclopaedia of Islam, Mary’s new book invites her young (and old) readers into a fascinating world in a way that will inspire them to delve deeper. Aimed at a readership age of eight years and above, Discovering Islamic Art simply and concisely introduces the fundamental elements of this huge subject – calligraphy, arabesques and geometric patterns. It also features painting, pottery, architecture, astrology, landscapes and cityscapes, woodwork and metalwork, arms and armor, science and inventions, manuscripts and books, and every page is generously illustrated. With each topic is included an activity sheet to encourage further engagement, to help children have fun and to remember more.The book is designed not only to appeal to young readers, but with parents and teachers in mind.This book is not only entertaining and educational but, in this age of cultural divergence and religious misunderstandings, goes a long way to helping children understand the world of Islam and appreciate its artistic treasures. Medina Publishing, September 2013, 9781909339040, Spiralbound, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Hidden in the Sands: Uncovering Qatar’s Past Frances Gillespie (Author); Faisal Al-Naimi (Author) The first book of its kind to be published for a general readership from youngsters upwards, Hidden in the Sands: Uncovering Qatar’s Past is the fascinating, fun and educational story of Qatar’s heritage and the exciting discoveries being made by archaeologists.This informative and delightful book is published through the generosity of Maersk Oil as part of its program to support education and unlock Qatar’s history and heritage. Hidden beneath the sand and sea and revealed on rocks are the clues which explain why this ancient land has been such a key region throughout history. Here you can follow the detective work of archaeologists and discover Qatar’s rich past. In conjunction with a fully interactive website and also available in an Arabic edition, Hidden in the Sands describes in words and pictures the treasures uncovered by archaeologists, the methods they use, and the significance of their discoveries. Today, using state-of-the-art technology for excavation, dating and conservation, teams of experts are working all over Qatar to reconstruct its past. Hidden in the Sands is fully illustrated with photographs, maps and diagrams, and embellished by the vivid and evocative illustrations of the artist Norman MacDonald.Told simply and with in-depth and up-to-date detail, it leads readers through the fascinating world of archaeology. Like reconstructing an earthenware jar from a hundred little shards, this work pieces together the fragments of the past to produce a complete and beautiful whole. 121 illus, 48p. Medina Publishing, June 2013, 9781909339033 – Arabic text, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96 9781909339064 – English text, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Kalila & Dimna: Fables of Conflict and Intrigue Ramsay Wood (Author) Kalila and Dimna or The Panchatantra (also known in Europe since 1483 as The Fables of Bidpai) is a multi-layered, interconnected and variable arrangement of animal stories, with one story leading into another, sometimes three or four deep.These arrangements have contributed to world literature for over 2000 years, migrating across ancient cultures in a multitude of written and oral formats.All our beast fables from Aesop and the Buddhist Jataka Tales through La Fontaine to Uncle Remus owe this strange, shape-shifting ‘book’ a huge debt. In its original Arabic format, Kalila and Dimna ostensibly constitutes a handbook for rulers, a so-called ‘Mirror for Princes’ illustrating indirectly, through a cascade of teaching stories and verse, how to (and how not to!) run the kingdom of your life. In their slyly profound grasp of human nature at its best (and worst!) these animal fables, usually avoiding any moralistic human criticism, serve up digestible sage counsel for us all. Based on his collation of scholarly translations from key Sanskrit, Syriac,Arabic and Persian texts, as well as the 1570 English rendition by Sir Thomas North, this is the first uncompromisingly modern re-telling in either the East or West for over 400 years. In Ramsay Wood’s version the profound meanings behind these ancient fables shine forth as he captures a great world classic, making it fresh, relevant, fascinating and hugely readable. 32 illus, 256p. Medina Publishing, November 2013, 9780956708106, PB, $17.95 Special Price $14.36
Mohammed Alsubeaei: A Journey Of Poverty And Wealth Huda Alsubeaei (Author); Gene Heck (Author) Born in 1915 and fatherless from an early age, he began his working life as a laborer and a shopkeeper.Through hard work and strength of character, he rose to power and wealth, becoming an astute businessman respected by his peers for his honesty and integrity. He is also accomplished poet whose writings and insights are treasured. Notwithstanding his position and power, Sheikh Alsubeaei is a modest man of great dignity, compassion and benevolence; a man who walked with kings yet never lost the common touch. Mohammed Alsubeaei achieved success long before Saudi Arabia received the blessings of great wealth made possible by the discovery of oil. A fervent patriot, he played a crucial role in helping to shape the emerging Kingdom into the strong nation that it is today.The astonishing pace of change – social, political and economic – in Saudi Arabia during the 20th century forms a backdrop to the story of this extraordinary man. Illustrated throughout, the life and times of Mohammed Alsubaeai are told jointly by his daughter Huda and the Arabist and scholar the late Gene Heck, whose last work this is. 82 illus, 160p. Medina Publishing, January 2010, 9780956417039, HB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
Small Miracles: The Story of the Princess Alia Foundation HRH Princess Alia Al Hussein (Author); Sharifa Sarra Ghazi (Author) The Story of the Princess Alia Foundation tells of an extraordinary charitable endeavor. When Lyn White, an animal cruelty investigator, suggested the need for an organization to alleviate and prevent the appalling abuse of animals she was daily witness to, Princess Alia immediately embraced it and saw a wider mandate to include human needs, troubled youth and public health, as well addressing animal welfare issues. After three years, the Foundation is now well established. Staffed entirely by volunteers and dependent on donations and support from individuals and organizations within Jordan and around the world, its reputation and reach continue to grow. The New Hope Treatment Center was launched in 2010 to provide medical care for animals, and Growing Together (Equine Therapy) initiated early in 2012 is already showing remarkable results with autistic children. The story of the Princess Alia Foundation is told here – at times harrowing and heart-breaking, at times joyful and uplifting. Above all, it is indisputable evidence of the humbling and transformative power of kindness. Written with passion and humor and gloriously illustrated, this book should be compulsory reading in every part of the world. It will do much to reawaken the seeds of compassion which reside in us all. It is an inspiring story which reminds us that we share this planet and our destiny with all living things and will help to promote the balance, harmony and respect of all creation. 276p. Medina Publishing, October 2013, 9780956417084, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
The Call of Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘AbdalWahhab and the Three Saudi States: The Emergence of Modern Saudi Arabia Sultan Ghalib Al-Quaiti (Author) The importance of the region that is recognized today as Saudi Arabia (with its neighbors) can hardly be underestimated, let alone overlooked by the rest of the world, not merely because of its geographical location and religious significance to a large segment of the world’s population due to the location of Islam’s two holiest shrines in Makkah and al-Madinah, and for economic and political reasons too, for it has the world’s largest known reserves of energy.This book attempts to trace and explain the rise, fall – then rise and fall again – and rise of the Saudi polity in the Arabian Peninsula, and explores the role played throughout these events by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdal-Wahhab and his ‘Call’ for religious and social reform. Not since the writings of Philby five decades ago has a book exploring the history of such a politically important and sensitive region, and in such a comprehensive and academic manner, appeared on the scene. Supported by maps and illustrations, and written by an insider who has resided in the Kingdom for over four decades, the book is a fascinating eye-opener and historical reference, bringing almost all the known original indigenous Arabic and other source material into full purview. 172 illus, 456p. Medina Publishing, March 2012, 9780956708168, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13
Light Car Patrols 1916-19: War and Exploration in Egypt and Libya with the Model T Ford
Wings Over Arabia Roger Harrison (Author) On 2 June 2006, a team of three gliders, one chase plane, support crew and allterrain vehicles gathered at a fiercely hot and dusty airfield 50 kilometers outside Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia.The pilots, two Saudi Princes and the British ex-Special Forces officer who had trained them on the Stemme gliders to be flown, were about to make gliding history by flying in a great circular route round the western half of Saudi Arabia, over some of the harshest and most unforgiving desert terrain in the world. In Wings Over Arabia, Roger Harrison, writer, photographer and long-time resident of the Kingdom, chronicles this modern version of a ‘royal progress’ over the wild and desolate deserts, the Red Sea coast and the mountainous south-western region of the Kingdom.The stunning photographs – many unique since the flight paths passed over areas never before or since open to non-military aircraft – are accompanied by entertaining text covering every step of this unique journey. Additional narrative and ground-level photos of the features below the gliders supplement many of the aerial sequences.This first-hand account of an historic and often dangerous exploit constitutes a unique document and is essential reading for everyone with a love of adventure or an eye for beauty. It will appeal to aviators, photographers, geographers, travelers and teachers – and all those who hold Saudi Arabia dear, be they nationals, visitors or ‘old Saudi hands’ who having lived and worked in the Kingdom reflect on their time spent the Islamic holy land with fondness. 112p. Medina Publishing, October 2013, 9780956417077, HB, $59.99 Special Price $47.99
Studies in the Decorative Arts of the Muslim World Ernst Grube (Author) A selection of twelve previously published papers by Ernst Grube which examine specific materials used in Islamic decorative arts. Six papers examine pottery and tiles, one considers Ilkhanis stucco work as represented in the mausoleum of the Shaykh Muhammad ibn Bakran and four explore the decorative arts of the Timuris period. Illustrations have been enhanced and the selection updated with additional notes and an extensive bibliography. 324 illus, 518p. Pindar Press, May 2014, 9780907132790, HB, $500.00 Special Price $400.00
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Claud Williams (Author); Russell McGuirk (Editor) Captain Claud Williams’ memoir tells, first-hand, what it was like to be a Light Car Patrol commander during the First World War, while Russell McGuirk’s commentary provides the historical background to the formation of the Patrols and follows their activities from the British raid on Siwa Oasis to desert exploration and survey work and the Kufra Reconnaissance Scheme. Lavishly illustrated with original photographs from Light Car officers, this combined memoir and history provides a fascinating and informative picture of an unsung hero of the desert – the Model T Ford. 120 figs, 2 maps, 288p. Silphium Press, July 2013, 9781900971157, PB, $39.99 Special Price $31.99
Snakes, Sands and Silphium: Travels in Classical Libya Paul Wright (Author) Egypt, Carthage and other African civilizations are well documented but the land and people between them are less well known yet also worthy of consideration.This collection of extracts from classical authors on subjects relating to ancient Libya presents more than fifty writers from Homer to the end of the Roman Empire and provides an eclectic mixture of descriptions of Libya, its people, flora, fauna, climate, geography and episodes in its history as presented by politicians, poets, philosophers, priests, historians and soldiers, both native and foreign. Newly translated and illustrated with a variety of photographs, maps, line drawings and specially commissioned illustrations, with a comprehensive glossary and suggestions for further reading and research, the book is suitable for both the general reader and the specialist. Readers are invited to dip in and enjoy whatever may take their fancy… voyages of exploration, the many uses of silphium, romantic poetry, the horrors of war, the dangers posed by snakes and scorpions, the exploits of kings and emperors, strange native customs, farming the desert and many other topics in both the texts and the illustrations which inform and amuse. Snakes, Sands and Silphium is an excellent introduction to ancient North African, complements any travel guide, and provides context for the archaeologist and historian. 29 figs, 9 maps, 272p. Silphium Press, December 2011, 9781900971126, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
The Emergence of Libya John Wright (Author) In September 1969 Moammar Gadafi seized power in Libya in a military coup.To mark the fortieth anniversary, John Wright made this selection from his own shorter writings which examine and explain Libya’s complex and troubled past – the historical interplay of events, influences and personalities that helped to shape the modern state. From this selection read about Why, in about 1860, Britain lost its earlier enthusiasm for Tripoli and the Sahara as a ‘Gateway to Africa’;What made the Zionist movement drop plans to settle one million East European Jews in Cyrenaica;Why Mussolini accepted the ‘Sword of Islam’ in Tripoli in 1937;The first welfare issue to preoccupy the British Eighth Army as it captured Tripoli in January 1943;Why Libya had such an easy passage to independence in 1951; How, as a young leader, Moammar Gadafi was publicly ridiculed and put down by an Arab leader nearly old enough to be his grandfather who claimed Libyans were still living in the days of Adam and Eve. These are just some of the issues John Wright discusses in these 20 chapters, here usefully collected under one cover from the many books and journals in which they first appeared. John Wright, was formerly the chief political commentator and analyst of the BBC Arabic Service, specializing in Libya, the Sahara and the international oil industry. 1 map, 368p. Silphium Press, December 2009, 9781900971065, PB, $36.00 Special Price $28.80
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13 Travellers in Turkish Libya 1551-1911
John Wright (Author) From Tripoli to the ancient ruins of Leptis Magna, from the slave markets to the farthest reaches of the Sahara: here is a mosaic of unknown places, handed down to us by the foreign visitors and travelers who experienced them first hand over four centuries (1550-1911). European consuls (and their sisters and wives), archaeologists, explorers, sailors and colonizers have all left colorful accounts of their Libyan experiences: the bustle of the suqs and gossip of the harem, the terrors of slavery, the endless, parched caravan marches across the desert and the characters they met along the way. Almost fifty contributors bring a fresh perspective to a country that has fascinated foreigners for millennia. 21 figs, 2 maps, 240p. Silphium Press, December 2011, 9781900971133, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
War and Politics in the Desert: Britain and Libya during the Second World War Saul Kelly (Author) In recent years there has been a renewed interest in the “War in the Desert”, that epic struggle of the Second World War between Axis (Italian and German) and Allied (principally British Commonwealth) forces for control of North Africa, from 1940 to 1943.The current literature concentrates on the military battles, but war cannot be separated from politics:War and Politics sets out to fill this void by chronicling and analyzing the key political debates. For the first time, Kelly describes the political background to the future of the Italian colony of Libya, and the tribes, sects and factions dwelling in Cyrenaica,Tripolitania and the Fezzan, and their fundamental importance in the development of Libya towards independence in 1951. A prologue and an epilogue excellently summarizes the preceding and following periods to place the story firmly within its historical context.The extensive bibliography is invaluable for those wishing to further their knowledge.With newly drawn maps taken from WWII sources and many black and white and color photographs, some not previously published, this is not only a compelling and intellectually stimulating read but also a vivid one.The twists and turns of the politics of the war in the desert in War and Politics will be fascinating not only to the participants at the time but to historians and all readers interested in this period or geographical area. 33 figs, 5 maps, 256p.
artifacts, beads, glass and stone artifacts).The later volumes will provide the detailed evidence from the excavations carried out by both projects. English/Arabic text. 581p. Society for Libyan Studies, Society for Libyan Studies Monograph 7, December 2007, 9781900971058, HB, $100.00 Special Price $80.00
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Vol. 3: Excavations of C.M. Daniels David J. Mattingly (Editor) The Archaeology of Fazzan is a major series of reports on the archaeology and history of Libya’s south-west desert region.This volume contains reports and analysis on a series of excavations carried out between 1958 and 1977 by the British archaeologist Charles Daniels, lavishly illustrated by site plans and numerous color photographs – particularly of the rich artifact assemblages recovered.The publication will be high profile and a significant landmark in work seeking to record information about Libya’s long-term Saharan heritage. It will be an indispensable reference work to the nature of the Libya’s Saharan archaeology.The work will be of major value to the Libyan antiquities service and contracted archaeologists in concert with foreign oil companies, the NOC and the GMMR, and other similar major schemes.The key element of the story of Fazzan is the existence here of an early Libyan civilization, the Garamantes, and the publication of the Archaeology of Fazzan volumes is putting in the public domain a rich dossier of information about their antecedents and descendants in this desert environment.This was a singularly important moment in Libya’s cultural history, with resonances also in Sub-Saharan Africa.There is great interest in the published volumes from specialists in Saharan, Sub-Saharan and Mediterranean archaeologists and historians as for the first time we can see in detail the effect of early Trans-Saharan links. English/Arabic text. 492 figs, 64 tabs, 641p. Society for Libyan Studies, Society for Libyan Studies Monograph 8, December 2010, 9781900971102, HB, $120.00 Special Price $96.00
Silphium Press, December 2010, 9781900971096, PB, $36.00 Special Price $28.80
Wheels Across the Desert: Exploration of the Libyan Desert by Motorcar 1916–1942 Andrew Goudie (Author) In between the search for the Poles, the climbing of Everest and the Space Race, the exploration of the Sahara – a huge swathe of terrain, the size of India – by motor car is one of the untold chapters in the story of twentieth-century exploration. Many people have become fascinated by this area since falling in love with the scenery of ‘The English Patient’. 55 figs, 12 maps, 205p. Silphium Press, December 2008, 9781900971072, PB, $24.00 Special Price $19.20
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Vol. 2: Site Gazetteer, Pottery and other Survey Finds David J. Mattingly (Author) The Archaeology of Fazzan, volume II, Site Gazetteer, Pottery and other Survey Finds, Edited by David J. Mattingly “The Libyan Sahara is one of the richest desert areas for the study of human adaptation to changing environmental and climatic conditions.This is the second volume in a projected series of four reports detailing the combined results of two AngloLibyan projects in Fazzan, Libya’s south-west province.The late Charles Daniels led the first expeditions between l958 and l977, with David Mattingly directing the subsequent Fazzan Project from l997-2001.This second volume presents some of the key archaeological discoveries in detail, including a richly illustrated gazetteer of sites discovered and the first attempt at a full-scale pottery type series from the Sahara. In addition, there are separate reports on the program of radiocarbon dating carried out, on lithics, metallurgical and non-metallurgical industrial residues and various categories of small finds (including coins, metal
The Archaeology of Fazzan, Vol. 4: Excavations at Old Jarma (Ancient Garama) This is the concluding volume of the Archaeology of FazzÇn series, bringing to press the combined results of two Anglo-Libyan projects in southern Libya: the pioneering work of Charles Daniels between 1958 and 1977 and the Fazzan Project directed by David Mattingly between 1997 and 2001.The investigations carried out by these two projects allow an entirely new reconstruction and understanding of the historic desert societies of the Libyan Sahara. In particular, the work has shed light on the ancient people known to Greco-Roman writers as the Garamantes, who are now revealed to have been a sophisticated state, with permanent towns and villages and an economy based on oasis agriculture and Saharan trade.This volume presents the results of excavations and survey work at the site of Old Jarma, identifiable with the Garamantian capital, Garama, that also had a long after-life in Medieval and Early Modern times.The FazzÇn Project revealed an extraordinary urban story, spanning 10 major construction phases that extended from c.400 BC to the AD 1930s.The detailed publication of the complex stratigraphic evidence and the accompanying finds assemblages opens a fascinating window on the cultural heritage and lifeways of a central Saharan oasis. English/Arabic text. c.700 plus a CD with c.600 pages. Society for Libyan Studies, Society for Libyan Studies Monograph 9, August 2013, HB, $160.00 Special Price $120.00
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Cyrenaica Philip Kenrick (Author) This is the second volume in this series, which was launched to great acclaim in 2009. Cyrenaica (known to the Arabs as the Jabal Akhdar, the Green Mountain) has a terrain which resembles that of Greece or western Turkey. It was settled at an early date by Greeks and subsequently was part of the Roman and Byzantine empires before the advent of the Arabs. Each of these civilizations has left its mark on the landscape, not only at the locations of the major cities on the coast, but also at a host of lesser towns and villages whose ruins still dot the countryside. All are described and explained in a comprehensive gazetteer.The book includes historical background, from prehistory until the Italian invasion in 1911; regional maps, site plans, drawings and reconstructions of individual buildings; museum layout plans and guides to displays; navigating instructions, with GPS coordinates for most sites; lavish photography in color. 223 figs, 368p.
Society for Libyan Studies, Libya Archaeological Guides, May 2013, 9781900971140, PB, $39.99 Special Price $31.99
The Libyan Desert: Natural Resources and Cultural Heritage David J. Mattingly (Editor); Sue McLaren (Editor); Elizabeth Savage (Editor);Yahya al-Fasatwi (Editor) The Sahara is Libya’s outstanding landscape feature and is the source of most of its significant natural resources.This desert region is also extraordinarily rich in historical and cultural heritage that is in itself another valuable resource, through exploitation by Libya’s tourism industry.This volume draws attention to the link between the benefits that Libya draws from its Saharan resources (oil, gas, water, minerals and tourism) and the need to safeguard and record aspects of its cultural heritage.The book also provides a summary of important developments in Saharan studies and shows how these can contribute to modern planning and development of the desert regions. 111 figs, 13 tabs, 338p. Society for Libyan Studies, Society for Libyan Studies Monograph 6, December 2006, 9781900971041, PB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
Tripolitania Philip Kenrick (Author) This is the first in a new series of guides to the archaeology of Libya, from prehistoric times until the invasion of the Bani Hilal in AD 1051. It deals with a region which offers the visitor not only the classical splendors of UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Sabratha and Lepcis Magna, but also a hinterland which is rich in standing monuments of the Punic, Roman and early Islamic periods. All are described and explained in a comprehensive gazetteer, packed full of plans and photographs, and with GPS coordinates and directions for visiting. “THE guidebook to Libya’s archaeology” – David Mattingly, 113 illus, 232p. Society for Libyan Studies, Libya Archaeological Guides, December 2009, 9781900971089, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
The Social Lives of Figurines: Recontextualizing the Third Millennium BC Terracotta Figurines from Harappa (Pakistan) Sharri R. Clark (Author) After more than 80 years of research, the Indus Civilization (ca. 2600–1900 BC) remains largely enigmatic. In this geographically extensive civilization, which still has no known monumental art and undeciphered texts, the largest corpus of representational art at many Indus sites is terracotta figurines.The figurines are one of the richest sources of information regarding Indus ideology and society. Unfortunately, the figurines often have been considered selectively without evaluating their archaeological or socio-cultural contexts, resulting in biased interpretations that ignore the richness and diversity of the figurine corpus. Instead, they should be viewed as media of communication in their original social contexts rather than being viewed simply as naturalistic reflections.This research examines the figurines from the urban site of Harappa (ca. 3300–1700 BC) as reflections of the some of the underlying structures of Indus society and cultural change, focusing particularly on figurines from secure dated archaeological contexts.The figurines are viewed as artifacts whose “social lives” can be at least partially reconstructed through systematic analyses of stylistic and technological attributes and spatial and temporal contexts (usually fill or trash deposits). Comparisons with ethnographic data, historic texts, and contemporary ancient societies also inform these interpretations. 13 tbls, 122 figs, CD containing appendices with 928 pages of col & b/w images, 512p. Oxbow Books, American School Of Prehistoric Research Monograph, September 2013, 9781842174555, HB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
Puspika: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume I Nina Mirnig (Editor); Peter-Daniel Szanto (Editor); Michael Williams (Editor) It is perhaps commonplace to say that India is one of the world’s richest and most enticing cultures. One thousand years have passed since Albiruni, arguably the first “Indologist”, wrote his outsider’s account of the subcontinent and two hundred years have passed since the inception of Western Indology. And yet, what this monumental scholarship has achieved is still outweighed by the huge tracts of terra incognita: thousands of works lacking scholarly attention and even more manuscripts which still await careful study whilst decaying in the unforgiving Indian climate. In September 2009 young researchers and graduate students in this field came together to present their cutting-edge work at the first International Indology Graduate Research Symposium, which was held at Oxford University.This volume, the first in a new series which will publish the proceedings of the Symposium, will make important contributions to the study of the classical civilisation of the Indian sub-continent.The series, edited by Nina Mirnig, Péter-Dániel Szántó and Michael Williams, will strive to cover a wide range of subjects reaching from literature, religion, philosophy, ritual and grammar to social history, with the aim that the research published will not only enrich the field of classical Indology but eventually also contribute to the studies of history and anthropology of India and Indianised Central and SouthEast Asia. illus, 486p. Oxbow Books, Puspika 1, October 2013, 9781842173855, PB, $76.00 Special Price $60.80
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13 Puspika: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume 2
Giovanni Ciotti (Editor); Alastair Gornall (Editor); Paolo Visigalli (Editor) Puspika 2 is the outcome of the second International Indology Graduate Research Symposium and presents the results of recent research by young scholars into premodern South Asian cultures with papers covering a variety of topics related to the intellectual traditions of the region. Focusing on textual sources in the languages in which they were composed, different disciplinary perceptions are offered on intellectual history, linguistics, philosophy, literary criticism and religious studies. 224p. Oxbow Books, Puspika 2, December 2013, 9781782974154, PB, $56.00 Special Price $44.80
Defending Heaven: China’s Mongol Wars, 12091370 James Waterson (Author) This title brings together, for the first time in one volume, a complete history of the Jin, Song and Ming dynasties’ wars fought against the Mongols. Lasting nearly two centuries, these wars, fought to defend Chinese civilization against a brutal and unrelenting foe, pitted personal heroics against the inexorable Mongol war machine and involved every part of the Chinese state.The resistance of the Chinese dynasties to the Khans is a complex and rich story of shifting alliances and political scheming, vast armies and navies, bloody battles and an astonishing technological revolution.The great events of China’s Mongol war are described and analyzed, detailing their immediate and later implications for Chinese history. In this excellent new book, James Waterson tackles this fascinating subject with characteristic verve and skillus Setting the Mongol war in the wider context of China’s ancient and almost perpetual conflict with the northern nomads, it sheds light on the evolution of China’s military society and the management, command and control of the army by the Chinese state. 16pp pls, 272p. Frontline Books, June 2013, 9781848326606, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Battles of Ancient China Chris Peers (Author) In the field of military history as in so many others, the Chinese have often been both admired and seen as something utterly mysterious and inscrutable. Chris Peers illuminates the evolution of the military art in China with reference to ten battles, spanning more than 2,000 years, from the Battle of Mu in 1027BC to the Fall of Chung Tu in 1215 AD. Selected both for their historical importance and for the light which they shed on weapons and tactics, the author uses these examples to discuss the many myths still current in the West about ancient Chinese warfare: for example that the Chinese were an unwarlike people, always preferring subterfuge over the use of force; or that they were essentially defensive minded, relying on works such as the Great Wall. On the other hand, a recent reaction to this dismissive attitude portrays China as technologically far in advance of the West. Battles of Ancient China shows that none of these stereotypes are accurate. Comparison with contemporary Western practice is a major theme of the book which adds a new perspective not developed in the author’s previous works on the subject. 8pp pls, line drawings, b/w maps, 176p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, November 2013, 9781848847903, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
Sun Tzu The Art of War Through the Ages (illustrated) Bob Carruthers (Author) ‘The Art of War’ is an ancient Chinese military treatise that is attributed to Sun Tzu, a high ranking military general and strategist. It is composed of thirteen chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is accepted as a masterpiece on strategy, mastering conflict and winning battles.The text is frequently cited and referred to by generals and theorists since it was first published, translated, and distributed internationally.This new illustrated edition contains the translated text, and wide ranging photography showcasing how the ideas and philosophies of the Art of War have remained relevant over the course of history. approx 20 b/w images, 176p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Military History from Primary Sources, October 2013, 9781781592342, PB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
Die Khmer Stefano Vecchia (Author) Colossal and magnificent temples, huge Buddha statues and impressive reliefs:The Khmer Empire reveals himself as completely unique. From the 9th to the 15th century the Khmer ruled over large parts of the present states of Thailand,Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.They developed their own religious and political beliefs and brought forth extraordinary art and monuments, as for example the world-famous Angkor Wat. Stefano Vecchia describes the origin and development of one of the most magnificent and persistent civilizations of the Asian continent.With numerous illustrations of excellent quality, he takes the reader on a journey through six Centuries of Khmer culture. German text. 250 col illus, 208p.
Rainforest Foraging and Farming in Island Southeast Asia: the Archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak G. Barker (Editor) The cathedral-like Niah Caves of Sarawak (Borneo) have iconic status in the archaeology of Southeast Asia, because the excavations by Tom and Barbara Harrisson in the 1950s and 1960s revealed the longest sequence of human occupation in the region, from (we now know) 50,000 years ago to the recent past.This book is the first of two volumes describing the results of new work in the caves by a multi-disciplinary team of archaeologists and geographers aimed at clarifying the many questions raised by the earlier work.This first volume is a closely integrated account of how the old and new work combines to provide profound new insights into the prehistory of the region: the strategies developed by our species to live in rainforest from the time of first arrival; how rainforest foragers engaged in forms of vegeculture thousands of years before rice farming; and how rice farming represented profound transformations in the social (and spiritual?) lives of rainforest dwellers far more than being the dietary staple that it is today. 185 figs, 60 tabs, 464p. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, McDonald Institute Monographs, October 2013, 9781902937540, HB, $124.00 Special Price $99.20
Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805346702, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
NEW FROM TK ASIAN ANTIQUITIES A Meaningful Guide to the Scientific Authentication of Asian Antiquities Michael Teller IV (Author); Melanie Roy (Author) Eleven chapters of relevant scientific analytical and testing techniques used in the authentication of antiquities, including what science can and cannot do. An essay on “logic and opinion” in the authentication procedure finishes the text. English/Chinese text. 134 illus, 225p. TK Asian Antiquities, January 2013, 9780988647602, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
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Celestial Horses Michael Teller IV (Author) A look into Chinese technical and artistic accomplishments illustrated by some of the rarest and finest equine artifacts. While sculptures from China’s Golden Age,The Tang Dynasty (618 – 917 CE), predominate, classic examples of many of the styles of lesser periods are illustrated. 90 illus, 65p.
TK Asian Antiquities, January 2002, 9780988647619, PB, $29.00 Special Price $23.20
Celestial Wining and Dining Michael Teller IV (Author) An illustrated overview of wares that were produced over millennia, by the Chinese, for use in the afterlife. A variety of media are featured such as; pottery, bronze, silver and lacquer. 61 illus, 32p. TK Asian Antiquities, January 2002, 9780988647626, PB, $29.00 Special Price $23.20
Dali Dreamstones: An Artform Reborn Michael Teller IV (Author) The first comprehensive text written in English about the history, culture and artists surrounding the Dali Dreamstone art form. Included are major examples of Dreamstones from an assortment of relevant quarries. Biographies of selected contemporary Masters of the Dreamstone art form are interspersed between relevant quotes and poetry dispersed throughout the text. 318 illus, 266p. TK Asian Antiquities, January 2011, 9780983308904, HB, $195.00 Special Price $156.00
Dreamstones – The Artistic Heritage Of Dali: Presented By The Dali Municipal Museum In Conjunction With The International Dali Dreamstone Association Michael Teller IV (Author) A Look at 52 of the finest examples of Dali Dreamstones from a 2012 exhibition of Dreamstones in the Municipal Museum in Dali Prefecture,Yunnan. Co-hosted by the (I.D.D.A.) International Dali Dreamstone Association (the world’s premiere Dreamstone rating agency) this was the first ever joint venture by the museum and a Western organization. English/Chinese text. 70 illus, 130p. TK Asian Antiquities, English/Chinese, January 2012, 9780983308911, HB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
Offering Vessels of Yunnan Michael Teller IV (Author) A look into the cultural influences found in Buddhist “celestial” art/artifacts from Yunnan, China – specifically “offering vessels” & “prayer tablets”. Most all artifacts date from the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 CE) through the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644 CE).This is the only text written on this material, peculiar to Yunnan Province in China. 77 illus, 65p. TK Asian Antiquities, January 2004, 9780988647633, PB, $29.00 Special Price $23.20
Everyday Life in Viking-Age Towns: Social Approaches to Towns in England and Ireland, c. 800-1100 Letty ten Harkel (Editor); D. M. Hadley (Editor) The study of early medieval towns has frequently concentrated on urban beginnings, the search for broadly applicable definitions of urban characteristics and the chronological development of towns. Far less attention has been paid to the experience of living in towns.The thirteen chapters in this book bring together the current state of knowledge about Viking-Age towns (c. 800–1100) from both sides of the Irish Sea, focusing on everyday life in and around these emerging settlements.What was it really like to grow up, live, and die in these towns? What did people eat, what did they wear, and how did they make a living for themselves? Although historical sources are addressed, the emphasis of the volume is overwhelmingly archaeological, paying homage to the wealth of new material that has become available since the advent of urban archaeology in the 1960s. b/w & col illus, 272p. Oxbow Books, September 2013, 9781842175323, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
A Late Saxon Village and Medieval Manor: Excavations at Botolph Bridge, Orton Longueville, Peterborough Paul Spoerry (Author); Rob Atkins (Author) Botolph Bridge, now within urban Peterborough, lay beside an important crossing of the River Nene and once formed part of a well-known medieval vill, referenced in Domesday Book. Botolph Bridge was noted for its well preserved medieval earthworks but since the late 1980s these have gradually been destroyed by housing development. An earthwork survey carried out in 1982 amply demonstrated the complexity and importance of the site, showing a church and manorial complex with house plots strung out along an adjacent road and fields separated from the main settlement by a hollow way. Excavation demonstrated that the manorial enclosure had replaced earlier house plots by c.1200. In the later 14th century, there was considerable investment by the manorial holders, the Draytons. A manorial farm was built above earlier fields, with stone buildings constructed around a courtyard including a farmhouse, dovecote and ancillary buildings.Within the manorial enclosure itself, further agricultural buildings were laid out. All these buildings had been abandoned by c.1600.The church, located just north of the excavation area, was finally demolished in 1695. 84 illus, 200p. East Anglian Archaeology, December 2013, 9781907588051, PB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
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Staunch Meadow, Brandon, Suffolk: A high status Middle Saxon settlement
At the limits of Lundenwic: Excavations in the north-west of Middle Saxon London at St Martin’s Courtyard, 2007–8
Andrew Tester (Author); Sue Anderson (Author); Ian Riddler (Author); Robert Carr (Author) Excavations revealed evidence of a settlement dating from the mid 7th to late 9th centuries. Remains of a wooden bridge and 35 buildings were found, some with timber surviving in post-holes, also a smithy, a possible bakery and two churches. Part of the waterfront was given over to textile processing.Amongst thousands of artifacts, some provided compelling evidence for literacy. 275 illus, 450p.
Louise Fowler (Author); Ruth Taylor (Author) This thought-provoking volume presents the results of the archaeological investigation of a large site in Lundenwic. A fragmentary sequence nevertheless includes possible Early Saxon activity, 7th- and 8th-century settlement features including a cookshop, a workshop for non-ferrous metalworking and debris from a smithy, and the latest radiocarbon-dated inhumation in Lundenwic (cal AD 720–950).These excavations have made important contributions to our understanding of Lundenwic, which has been enhanced by the unprecedented level of organic preservation at the site.The resulting survival of Saxon footwear, timber objects and uncharred botanical remains adds unusual detail to this publication. col illus, 90p.
East Anglian Archaeology, November 2013, 9780956874740, PB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
Tyttel’s Halh: The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Tittleshall, Norfolk: the Archaeology of the Bacton to King’s Lynn Gas Pipeline, Volume 2 Penelope Walton Rogers (Author) The cemetery lay south of the modern village of Tittleshall, on the side of a Bronze Age barrow. It was founded in the 5th century, and was in use throughout the 6th and early 7th century. One male burial may belong to the later 7th century.The graves of 28 men, women and children were recorded, and the cemetery has been interpreted as the burial plot of a small farming household.The range of artifacts in the graves indicates that the people who lived here were well provided with material goods. A young boy was buried in fine linen with the remains of a sword scabbard, and it is argued that this family was a sword-bearing lineage of local prominence. A study of local landholding patterns suggests that the land unit was originally small, but that it later expanded to form the modern civil parish through the absorption of neighboring manors. It is probable that the cemetery ceased to be used when occupation moved to settlements of the Middle Anglo-Saxon period which developed into the modern village of Tittleshall. 100 illus, 150p. East Anglian Archaeology, October 2013, 9780957228818, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Museum of London Archaeology, MoLAS Archaeology Studies Series 27, July 2013, 9781907586187, PB, $24.00 Special Price $19.20
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 18 Helena Hamerow (Editor The articles included are as follows:Toby Martin:Women, Knowledge and Power:The iconography of early Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooches; John Blair: Grid-Planning in Anglo-Saxon Settlements:The short perch and the four-perch module;Thomas Klein:The Inscribed Gold Strip in the Staffordshire Hoard:The text and script of an early Anglo-Saxon biblical inscription; Ian Riddler and Nicola Trzaska-Nartowski: Lundenwic and the Middle Saxon Worked Bone Interlude;Alice Thomas: Rivers of Gold? The coastal zone between the Humber and the Wash in the Mid Saxon period; Michael Hare:Anglo-Saxon Berkeley: History and topography; Letty ten Harkel: Urban Identity and Material Culture: A case study of Viking-Age Lincoln, c.AD 850–1000. 180p. Oxford University School of Archaeology, June 2013, 9781905905287, PB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods of the 6th and 7th Centuries AD: A Chronological Framework
Guy Points (Author) This book enables rapid access to the events recorded in any one year in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle which was created in the late ninth century. Multiple copies were made and sent to monasteries in England where they were then independently updated, amended and copied, at times resulting in considerable variation in content.Today some nine manuscripts survive in whole or in part to make up what is known as the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”. It covers the period BC 60 to AD 1154 recording events, people and places, the governance of England including taxation, foreign affairs, natural events, farming, climate, eclipses of the sun and moon, and the arrival of comets.The author provides a narrative in chronological order of the information provided by the extant manuscripts using as his principal source “The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”, translated by G N Garmonsway. Unique to this presentation is the device of using different font types in the text to identify each of source manuscript.The font index is supplied at the foot of every page of the narrative.Thus, the year, content and origin can be instantly correlated by eye. Only new and additional information provided in the different manuscripts is added.Where manuscripts disagree over date attribution is indicated. Some entries have additional information inserted by the author to help identify more precisely individuals, events and geographical locations named. Overall, the condensed narrative and unique methodology of presentation make the wealth of material in the several manuscripts more easily accessible to everyone. 136p.
Alex Bayliss (Author); John Hines (Author); Karen Hoilund Nielsen (Author); Gerry McCormac (Author) The Early Anglo-Saxon Period is characterized archaeologically by the regular deposition of artifacts in human graves in England.The scope for dating these objects and graves has long been studied, but it has typically proved easier to identify and enumerate the chronological problems of the material than to solve them. Prior to the work of the project reported on here, therefore, there was no comprehensive chronological framework for Early Anglo-Saxon Archaeology, and the level of detail and precision in dates that could be suggested was low. The evidence has now been studied afresh using a co-ordinated suite of dating techniques, both traditional and new.These were focused primarily on the later part of the Early Anglo-Saxon Period, starting in the 6th century.This research has produced a new chronological framework, consisting of sequences of phases that are separate for male and female burials but nevertheless mutually consistent and coordinated.These will allow archaeologists to assign graveassemblages and a wide range of individual artifact-types to defined phases that are associated with calendrical date-ranges whose limits are expressed to a specific degree of probability. Important unresolved issues include a precise adjustment for dietary effects on radiocarbon dates from human skeletal material. Nonetheless the results of this project suggest the cessation of regular burial with grave goods in Anglo-Saxon England two decades or even more before the end of the seventh century.That creates a limited but important discrepancy with the current numismatic chronology of early English sceattas. The wider implications of the results for key topics in Anglo-Saxon archaeology and social, economic and religious history are discussed to conclude the report.
Guy Points, May 2013, 9780955767920, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Society for Medieval Archaeology, Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs 33, July 2013, 9781909662063, PB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
The Combined Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
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The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone: History, Archaeology and Conservation
Bosworth 1485: A Battlefield Rediscovered Glenn Foard (Author); Anne Curry (Author) Bosworth is one of the most iconic of English battles. Here Richard III suffered what, thanks to Shakespeare, is arguably the most memorable death of any English king, bringing an end to the Wars of the Roses and heralding the Tudor era. But it was also England’s most famous lost battlefield.To find and explore the site, the authors led an intensive program of research, using a wide range of academic disciplines. Bosworth 1485: A battlefield rediscovered is the result. Techniques included documentary analysis, landscape archaeology, place name study and, most important, metal detecting survey. Using the resulting evidence the book explores the battle and battlefield – from the composition of the armies to the terrain in which the battle was fought.They may even have found the very place where Richard fell.Yet most important is the evidence for early gunpowder weapons. Using cutting edge scientific research and ballistic experiments the authors reveal, for the first time, how to read the evidence on medieval lead round shot, just as a ballistic examiner reveals the story of a modern bullet. Bosworth 1485 provides a fascinating and intricately researched new perspective on the event which, perhaps more than any other, marked the transition between medieval and early modern England. col illus, 264p. Oxbow Books, August 2013, 9781782971733, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Stairway to Heaven: The Functions of Medieval Upper Spaces Toby Huitson (Author) Medieval stairs, galleries and upper chambers in cathedrals, abbeys, and parish churches have been an enduring source of fascination to historians and archaeologists since the eighteenth century, but their practical purposes have long been shrouded in mystery and speculation. From libraries to lights, clocks to dovecotes, from secret games of skittles played over the vaults to the daring exploits of the twelfth-century Flying Monk,Toby Huitson explores the lofty spaces, nooks and crannies of medieval upper spaces though the interrogation of a wide range of documentary, visual and archaeological materials. Evidence is revealed for over 30 different functions during the period from around AD 1000 to 1550. Generously illustrated and fully-referenced, the text is accompanied by a set of special features and a quick-reference section, making it indispensable to all those interested in medieval history and architecture. b/w & col illus, 208p. Oxbow Books, September 2013, 9781842176658, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Warwick Rodwell (Author) Constructed in 1297?1300 for King Edward I, the Coronation Chair ranks amongst the most remarkable and precious treasures to have survived from the Middle Ages. It incorporated in its seat a block of sandstone, which the king seized at Scone, following his victory over the Scots in 1296. For centuries, Scottish kings had been inaugurated on this symbolic ‘Stone of Scone’, to which a copious mythology had also become attached. Edward I presented the Chair, as a holy relic, to the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey, and most English monarchs since the fourteenth century have been crowned in it, the last being HM Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953. The Chair and the Stone have had eventful histories: in addition to physical alterations, they suffered abuse in the eighteenth century, suffragettes attached a bomb to them in 1914, they were hidden underground during the Second World War, and both were damaged by the gang that sacrilegiously broke into Westminster Abbey and stole the Stone in 1950. It was recovered and restored to the Chair, but since 1996 the Stone has been exhibited on loan in Edinburgh Castle. Now somewhat battered through age, the Chair was once highly ornate, being embellished with gilding, painting and coloured glass.Yet, despite its profound historical significance, until now it has never been the subject of detailed archaeological recording. Moreover, the remaining fragile decoration was in need of urgent conservation, which was carried out in 2010?12, accompanied by the first holistic study of the Chair and Stone. In 2013 the Chair was redisplayed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Coronation of HM The Queen. The latest investigations have revealed and documented the complex history of the Chair: it has been modified on several occasions, and the Stone has been reshaped and much altered since it left Scone.This volume assembles, for the first time, the complementary evidence derived from history, archaeology and conservation, and presents a factual account of the Coronation Chair and the Stone of Scone, not as separate artefacts, but as the entity that they have been for seven centuries.Their combined significance to the British Monarchy and State – and to the history and archaeology of the English and Scottish nations – is greater than the sum of their parts. Also published here for the first time is the second Coronation Chair, made for Queen Mary II in 1689. Finally, accounts are given of the various full-size replica chairs in Britain and Canada, along with a selection of the many models in metal and ceramic which have been made during the last two centuries. 320p. Oxbow Books, June 2013, 9781782971528, HB, $39.95 Special Price $31.96
The Medieval Kirk, Cemetery and Hospice at Kirk Ness, North Berwick: the Scottish Seabird centre Excavations 1999-2006 Thomas Addyman (Author); Kenneth Macfadyen (Author);Tanja Romankiewicz (Author); Alasdair Ross (Author) Kirk Ness has long been considered likely to be an early Christian center, whose dedication to St Andrew may perhaps be linked with the 8th century translation of the relics of St Andrew’s to Fife. Such early dating was confirmed by a new sequence of radiocarbon dates from excavations carried out in 1999–2006. A number of finds support this interpretation, including pottery of a previously unknown type, perhaps from a monastic community associated with an early church.The site continued in use as the medieval and early postmedieval parish and burgh church of St Andrew, though several building phases beginning with a simple Romanesque structure, until its demise in the mid-17th century, a casualty of coastal erosion. Associated domestic occupation probably
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relates to a priests’ house perhaps with a hospice for pilgrims. In the medieval period Kirk Ness and its harbor appears to have been an important staging point for pilgrims on route to the shrine of St Andrew in Fife, providing the principal revenue for the nearby nunnery of North Berwick. Finds include a number of items of particular significance – coarse stone tools, lead objects, ceramic fragments and a bone of a great auk from early medieval deposits.The associated medium-sized cemetery population of 12th–17th century date displays notable contrasts in burial practice and osteological analysis established that one individual met with a violent death. Grave goods included a 12th century hair pin and a 17th century silk-covered tunic button with silver wire embroidery found together in the grave of a young female. b/w & col illus, 256p. Oxbow Books, October 2013, 9781842176634, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
The Medieval Royal Palace at Visegrád Gergely Buzás (Editor); Jozsef Laszlovszky (Editor) Visegrád stands out among the medieval sites of Hungary and the royal palace complex can be regarded as one of the most important monuments for the artistic and architectural production of the royal court during the period of the late Middle Ages.The palace was continuously built, altered and enlarged for two hundred years, and emerged as a sophisticated complex of dwelling rooms, spaces of status display, ecclesiastical buildings (royal chapel and Franciscan friary), kitchens, workshops, storage buildings, gardens, loggias, balconies and fountains. Its rediscovery, excavation and reconstruction has been a task of twentieth and twenty-firstcentury archaeology and heritage protection, and the monument provided an opportunity to study a medieval complex almost undisturbed.The excavations at the Visegrád Palace also served as one of the most significant steps in the development of medieval archaeology in Hungary.This volume is the first comprehensive monograph on the archaeological investigations, objects, finds, reconstruction and restoration of the palace complex published in English. It is also a revised, extended and in some other parts compressed version of a volume published in Hungarian in 2010. It offers a summary of the previous and recent excavations since 1934 and the interpretation of the palace in its European archaeological and art historical context. It also contains the functional analysis of the palace complex and the discussion of the interactions between the residence and the Franciscan friary. Some chapters focus on the most important group of finds (pottery, stove tiles, worked bone material, etc.) along with their detailed catalog. 398p. Archaeolingua, Main Series 27, July 2013, 9789639911390, HB, $108.00 Special Price $86.40
Masterpieces: Early Medieval Art Sonja Marzinzik (Author) This beautiful volume presents a history of Europe and the Mediterranean from the end of the Roman Empire to the twelfth century, as told through objects in the British Museum. Richly illustrated, this book will showcase some of the collection’s most outstanding and internationally renowned artefacts, such as the Projecta Casket, the treasures from the Sutton Hoo ship burial and the Fuller Brooch.The discussion of each object will provide a fascinating insight into their makers and owners as well as the world in which they were created. Drawn from all the major cultures of the period and covering an extensive geographical and chronological sweep, this publication celebrates the artistic accomplishment of objects made from a varied and attractive array of materials such as gold, silver, precious stones, ivory, glass, ceramics and textiles.This approach bridges the gap that is commonly presented between the Mediterranean and the North of Europe, the Empire (whether Roman or Byzantine) and the ‘barbarian’ world in a period that saw Christianity established as a major religion as well as the rise of Islam. 250 col illus incl. maps, 336p. British Museum Press, December 2013, 9780714123202, HB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
The British Museum Citole: New Perspectives James M. Robinson (Editor); Naomi Speakman (Editor); Kate BuehlerMcWilliams (Editor) The British Museum citole is a unique example of medieval craftsmanship and is one of very few surviving instruments from the Middle Ages.This new publication includes selected papers from the first international symposium on the British Museum citole, held in November 2010 to highlight recent new research, conservation work and scientific findings related to the British Museum citole. Highly illustrated to reflect the visual richness of this beautiful instrument,The British Museum Citole: New Perspectives features a wide range of academic approaches to the subject, drawing together experts from the fields of history, art history, music, organology, conservation and science and performance practice. 150 col illus, 160p. British Museum Press, British Museum Research Publication 186, October 2013, 9780861591862, PB, $70.00 Special Price $56.00
Sole e Simboli / Sun and Symbols: Gli Zodiaci della Basilica di San Miniato al Monte e del Battistero di San Giovanni a Firenze / The Zodiacs in the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte and in the Baptistry of San Giovanni in Florence Simone Bartolini (Author) The zodiac, a symbolic reference to cyclic time, is one of the most elevated elements related to the sun and the celestial sphere.The accurate surveys carried out recently have shown that the zodiacs of the Baptistry of San Giovanni and of the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte in Florence not only have a decorative purpose, but they were also built with a precise astronomic function: on the day of the summer solstice, a ray of light still today illuminates the sign of the Cancer on the marble zodiac of San Miniato and such an event makes it the oldest monumental solstice zodiac that is still in working order, in Europe. Italian text. 144p. Edizioni Polistampa,Testi e Studi, June 2013, 9788859612735, PB, $23.00 Special Price $18.40
Studi in onore di Sergio Gensini Franco Ciappi (Editor); Oretta Muzzi (Editor) This books is a Festschrift presented in honor of Sergio Gensini. Papers include: Urban reconstruction in the eleventh century; Sanctuaries saints lieux et dans le monde méditerranéen: quelques réflexions méthodologiques; In the Footsteps of St. Gaudenzio.The Blessed Life Gaudentii MS. Laurentian Strozzi; San Vivaldo and Sacred Mountains. In search of an archetype; Florence Documents for the history of San Gimignano in the thirteenth and early fourteenth century;The organization of the municipal territory in Tuscany (XIII-XV century); documents and proposals for research on the prosopographical Salvucci family of San Gimignano (XIII-XIV centuries);Toscani in Verona in the fourteenth century. Cards archive old and new; New on Costituto vernacular of 1310 and the Nine in Siena; Failure: crime or misfortune?; Erudition historical and legal traditions. The printing of the Statutes medieval Tuscan between modern and contemporary;The people of San Leonardo in Cerbaiola and its Statutes; Romanesque churches of the Pistoia mountains; Lectures at the University of Göttingen on the practice of travel: August Ludwig Schlözer on the trip to Italy and other countries (1772-1795); anti-clericalism in Val d’Elsa in the second half of the nineteenth century; Carducci and Salvagnoli, an understanding of the national culture. Review of sources; Federalism and municipalism in the late nineteenth century demosocialisti Colle;The kind of citizenship in Italy in pre-Fascist: just a matter of women’s rights?; May 1915:The Italian Socialists towards war; Applications Infrastructure wireless for research and enhancement of the archaeological heritage and others. 16 col illus, 544p. Edizioni Polistampa, Biblioteca «Miscellanea Storica della Valdelsa», May 2013, 9788859612414, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13 Der Computus Gerlandi: Edition, Übersetzung und Erläuterungen
Städte an Mosel und Rhein von der Antike bis nach 1945
Alfred Lohr (Author) The computist Gerland, who flourished in the second half of the eleventh century, was considered one of the real masters of his craft. His accounting of the years, according to which the years of the Lord were reduced by seven, and his “more natural computus” with tables of new moons, adjusted to a solar eclipse in the year 1094, enjoyed a considerably high reputation for well over a century. Had Gerland’s accounting prevailed, we would now be writing in the year 2006 instead of 2013. His chief work, comprised of two books, is available for the first time in a single edition. On the basis of thirty-six manuscripts, this edition contains a thorough critical apparatus.The dependencies among the manuscripts were researched with the cladistics method developed for biological research.The edition is supplemented through further texts, which were copied with Gerland Computus, as well as translations and commentaries.The appendix includes an edition of Gerland’s tract on the abacus, derived from nineteen manuscripts and a CD with the complete duplicates of individual sources as well as a concordance. German text. with CD-ROM, 493p.
Franz J. Felten (Editor) Since antiquity, cities have played an important role in the historical development of the Rhine-Mosel region as centers of military, economic, and cultural power and influence.The selected cities from the modern Federal State of RhinelandWestphalia serve to concisely illuminate these individual aspects from different periods of time. For example, the city of Trier came to hold an exceptionally important place in antiquity.Worms and Speyer are comparatively dealt with as leading cities of the high and late Middle Ages. A stronghold in a border city like Lindau had, mostly in military conflicts, often affected its French neighbor.The history of Koblenz is clearly representative of rapid changes when it was transformed from an aristocratic residence to a government city in the tumultuous period at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century, while Mainz serves as an interesting example of the rebuilding effort after World War II in the French zone of occupation.The connections between the cities and their surrounding areas in the early modern period provide a further study in this volume. German text. 15 b/w photo, 18 b/w illus, 143p.
Franz Steiner Verlag, Sudhoffs Archiv – Beihefte 61, September 2013, 9783515104685, PB, $111.00 Special Price $88.80
Franz Steiner Verlag, Mainzer Vorträge 16, July 2013, 9783515104562, PB, $33.00 Special Price $26.40
Die Ordnung der Kommunikation und die Kommunikation der Ordnungen. Bd. 2: Zentralität: Papsttum und Orden im Europa des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts Cristina Andenna (Editor); Gordon Blennemann (Editor); Klaus Herbers (Editor); Gert Melville (Editor) The papacy and the vita religiosa, the world of cloisters and religious orders, were the two sole institutional forms of life in the Middle Ages, which could claim for themselves a universal validity.Through the formation of complex communicative structures and innovative forms of organization both accepted, from the twelfth century on, a part in the foundation of a “European cultural space.” Against this background stands the analytical comparison of papacy and vita religiosa as correlative systems of communication at the center of two meetings at the German-Italian Center for European Excellent at the Villa Vigoni (DeutschItalienischen Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz), whose conclusions are now available in a two volume publication.The studies offered in the two volumes are concerned with the role of the Roman curia in the trans-regional arbitration of religious norms and cultural values as universal perceptions of order and, at the same time, inquire about the part of religious orders in these processes of arbitration. German text. 331p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Aurora. Schriften der Villa Vigoni 1.2, October 2013, 9783515103015, HB, $84.00 Special Price $67.20
A Rural Economy in Transition. Asia Minor from Late Antiquity into the early Middle Ages Adam Izdebski (Author) This book deals with one of the key moments in the history of Byzantium and Europe and namely the transitional period between Antiquity and Middle Ages, a topic which gains particular attention among scholars from multiple fields: historians, archaeologists and philologists.The present volume corresponds/is in line with the current research tendency also in such works as: Framing the Early Middle Age. Europe and Mediterranean 400-800 (Oxford 2004) by Chris Wickham, or – in the aspect of Byzantine studies – recently published Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era: a History (Cambridge 2011) by Leslie Brubaker and John Haldon. Adam Izdebski has concentrated in this work on the issue of economical history of Asia Minor in Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages (5th-9th century). In order to deal with the problem of significant insufficiency in the number and type of sources (lack of written evidence for the history of economy), the author utilizes? not only archeological evidence, but also data gathered by environmentalists, mostly palynologists.The usage of those sources has indicated the concentration on the rural world, in specific history of agriculture and rural colonization. From this perspective both the detailed analysis were conducted as well as the work synthesis was formed. Journal of Juristic Papyrology, JJP Supplements XIX, July 2013, HB, $128.00 Special Price $102.40
Letters of Pope Gregory
Fritz Gschnitzer (Author); Angelos Chaniotis (Editor); Catherine Trümpy (Editor) Fritz Gschnitzer (1929-2008) was one of the most important ancient historians of his generation. His Griechische Sozialgeschichte (Greek Social History), translated into many languages, remains thirty years after its first publication the essential introduction to this theme and an important aid for the student of ancient Greek history. Its most valuable aspect is the fact that it takes into consideration development in the late Bronze Age. It was Gschnitzer’s opinion that the origin of Greek social history began in the late Bronze Age and must therefore begin with the examination of texts from the Mycenaean culture.The book then tracks the development of Greek society up to the end of the fourth century BCE . For the reprinting of the first edition, Angelos Chaniotis and Catherine Trümpy have summarized the most important developments in the study of Greek social history from the last decade. A detailed and thematically arranged bibliography by Angelos Chaniotis completes the volume and reflects the current developments and new orientations in the study of Greek social history. German text. Second edition, 294p.
J. R. C. Martyn (Editor) During the time Gregory the Great served as Pope of the Catholic Church, from 590-604 AD, he sent more than 850 letters to contacts throughout the known world – often using travellers as letter-bearers. However it was a time of warfare in Italy, with invading bombards, and trade in slaves was lucrative – with agents quick to capture defenceless travellers. Official communication, like imperial or papal orders were sent via postal channels, by horsemen or fast boats, these too were often blocked by enemy armies.This book studies some forty Latin letters sent by Pope Gregory, copies of which are included in a manuscript held in the Ian Potter Museum of Art at the University of Melbourne. It can be compared with a manuscript in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris and was, Professor Martyn argues, probably copied in a 10th century scriptorium in Fleury-sur-Loire, France. Many of the letters, reproduced in this book in Latin and English, deal with the Pope’s attempts to sort out longstanding problems in Naples and Sicily and to save Rome from the bombards.This unique Melbourne manuscript, with its colourful initials and rubrication of the titles comprises a series of folios removed in the 17th century and used by musicians in Worcester Cathedral to protect their musical scores. Rebound in the 20th century and put up for sale in London, the manuscript was purchased by the Classics Department of the University of Melbourne in the 1970s. Latin/English text. 50 illus, 184p.
Franz Steiner Verlag, October 2013, 9783515104081, PB, $59.00 Special Price $47.20
Macmillan Art Publishing, July 2013, 9781921394935, HB, $79.95 Special Price $63.96
Griechische Sozialgeschichte: Von der mykenischen bis zum Ausgang der klassischen Zeit
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Medieval and Later Ivories in the Courtauld Gallery: Complete Catalogue John Lowden (Author) In 1966 Mark Gambier Parry bequeathed to the Courtauld Gallery the art collection formed by his grandfather Thomas Gambier Parry, who died in 1888. In addition to important paintings, Renaissance glass and ceramics, and Islamic metalwork, this included 28 medieval and Renaissance ivories. Since 1967 about half of the ivories have been on permanent display at The Courtauld, yet they have remained largely unknown, even to experts.This catalog is the first publication dedicated solely to the collection.There are examples of the highest quality of ivory carving, both secular and religious in content, and a number of the objects are of outstanding interest.The earliest objects in date, probably late 11th century, are the group of walrus ivory plackettes set into the sides and lids of a casket, portraying the Apostles and Christ in Majesty surrounded by the symbols of the Evangelists. A gap of some two centuries separates the casket panels from the next important object – the central portion of an ivory triptych, containing a Deesis group of Christ enthroned between angels holding instruments of the Passion in the upper register, and the Virgin and Child between candle-bearing angels below.The Gambier-Parry fragment employs bold cutting of the frame to accentuate the threedimensional quantities of the relief. Somewhat later in date, towards the middle of the 14th century, is a complete diptych of the Crucifixion and Virgin with angels. 150 col illus, 144p. Paul Holberton Publishing, November 2013, 9781907372605, HB, $55.00 Special Price $44.00
Medieval Warfare Newcastle and Northumberland: Roman and Medieval Architecture and Art Jeremy Ashbee (Editor); Julian Luxford (Editor) The long and vibrant history of north-eastern England has left rich material deposits in the form of buildings, works of art, books and other artifacts.This heritage is examined here in fifteen studies, ranging from the sculpture of the Roman occupation through the monuments and architecture of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods, to the manuscripts and fortified houses of the later Middle Ages.The monasteries at Hexham, Lindisfarne and Tynemouth, and the City of Newcastle itself, are all subjected to individual analysis, and there are papers on Alnwick and Warkworth castles, the great keep at Newcastle, the coffin of St Cuthbert and the Lindisfarne Gospels.The expert opinions presented here are intended to stimulate and advance scholarly debate on the material culture of a region which has played a critical role in English history, and whose broad and varied profile still offers many opportunities for critical inquiry. 182 illus, 288p. Maney Publishing, BAA Conference Transactions Series 36, April 2013, 9781907975936, PB, $62.00 Special Price $49.60, 9781907975929, HB, $130.00 Special Price $104.00
James Grant (Author); Bob Carruthers (Editor) James Grant (1822–1887) was a Scottish author and was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was a distant relation of Sir Walter Scott. He was a prolific author, writing some 90 books, including many yellow-backs.Titles included Adventures of an Aide-decamp, One of ‘The Six Hundred’, The Scottish Musketeers and The Scottish Cavalier. Medieval Warfare collects Grant’s work on the subject, from the Battle of Hastings in 1066 to the Battle of Barnet in 1471, a decisive engagement in the Wars of the Roses.The book contains remarkably detailed accounts of many key battles from the period including the Battle of the Standard and Bannockburn to Poitiers and Agincourt from the Hundred Years’ War.The historically defining strategies employed during these battles are explored throughout. Illustrated with vivid portraits of battle and detailed drawings of the tools and weapons of the period, this is the definitive account of a trying and bloody period in history. approx 40 b/w images, 224p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Military History from Primary Sources, August 2013, 9781781592243, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Tatort Mittelalter: Berühmte Kriminalfälle Malte Heidemann (Author); Franziska Schäfer (Author) Malte Heidemann and Franziska Schäfer introduce the reader to the most prominent criminal cases of High and Late Middle Ages, including the spectacular and highly political abduction of the minor King Henry IV. or the shady circumstances of the election of Frederick Barbarossa as holyroman king.The authors show how the medieval society in the dealt with major crimes and minor offenses. German
Religion in Medieval London: the archaeology of belief Bruno Barber (Author); Christopher Thomas (Author); Bruce Watson (Author) Religious belief was central to the lives – and deaths – of all medieval Londoners. Religion was fully integrated into the social and political order, providing the population with an understanding of their place in the world and inspiring artists, architects and craftspeople. Belief motivated progressive acts such as early forms of social provision and medical care but was also used to justify wars of conquest and the brutal repression of diversity. Archaeology sheds light on many aspects of belief: from organized religion, both Christianity and Judaism, to superstition or witchcraft; places of worship from the smallest parish churches to the great Cathedral of St Paul; tiny objects of personal devotion to entire monastic landscapes. Monasteries include communities cut off from the world, hospitals providing for London’s poor or the headquarters of military religious orders behind the Crusades. Cemetery excavations reveal how Londoners responded to mortality both individually and together in the face of catastrophes such as the Black Death, while the events of the Reformation dramatically transformed both institutions and beliefs.This fully illustrated book provides an introduction to the evidence of belief from the Museum of London’s archaeological excavations in the capital, with a particular focus on the program of work, supported by English Heritage, on the sites of many of London’s monasteries. full col illus throughout, 100p. Museum of London Archaeology, August 2013, 9781901992922, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
text. 144p. Philipp von Zabern, August 2013, 9783805346634, HB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
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Medaillen und Plaketten der Renaissance: aus einer Schweizer Privatsammlung
Peter Volz (Author) The medal, an invention of the Italian Renaissance, is one of the focal points of academic portrait research, alongside paintings, drawings and sculptures.The first-ever publication of an important Swiss private collection comprises 92 medals and 14 plaquets, reproduced in color. German text.
Jan van Eyck and Portugal ‘s “Illustrious Generation”: Volume I: Text Barbara von Barghahn (Author)
Jan van Eyck and Portugal ‘s “Illustrious Generation”: Volume II: Plates Barbara von Barghahn (Author) This manuscript investigates Van Eyck’s patronage by the Crown of Portugal and his role as diplomat-painter of the Duchy of Burgundy following his first voyage to Lisbon in 1428-1429 when he painted two portraits of Infanta Isabella, who became the third wife of Philip the Good in 1430. New portrait identifications are provided in the Ghent Altarpiece (1432) and its iconographical prototype, the lost Fountain of Life.These altarpieces are analyzed with regard to King João I’s conquest of Ceuta, achieved by his sons who were hailed as an “illustrious generation.” Strong family ties between the dynastic houses of Avis and Lancaster explain Lusitania ‘s sustained fascination with Arthurian lore and the Grail quest. Several chapters of this book are overlaid with a chivalric veneer. A second “secret mission” to Portugal in 1437 by Jan van Eyck is postulated and this diplomatic visit is related to Prince Henrique the Navigator’s expedition to Tangier and King Duarte’s attempts to forge an alliance with Alfonso V of Aragon. Late Eyckian commissions are reviewed in light of this ill-fated crusade and additional new portraits are identified.The most significant artist of Renaissance Flanders appears to have been patronized as much by the House of Avis as by the Duchy of Burgundy.”, 745p. Pindar Press, July 2013, 9781904597650 – volume 1, HB, $300.00 Special Price $240.00, 9781904597667 – volume 2, HB, $300.00 Special Price $240.00
200 illus, 260p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, June 2013, 9783777420769, HB, $84.00 Special Price $67.20
Georgio Scala and the Moorish Slaves: The Inquisition Malta 1598 Dionisius A. Agius (Editor) Georgio Scala, a young man of humble origins, from Damiata, was captured on a trading vessel by the Knights of Malta in 1590 not far from his home town. He was enslaved in spite of his protestations that he was a Christian and so began the story of his life in the island of Malta. After gaining his freedom some years later, Scala made a life for himself in Valletta, the new capital and married Bernardina Mendicino. Outwardly a good Christian, his behavior and his consorting with Moorish slaves, however, caused some to question his religious beliefs, leading to his appearance before the Inquisition in 1598, accused of apostasy.The proceedings of his trial were discovered in the Cathedral Archives, Mdina, Malta and provide a vivid picture of the times, the interaction between the various communities in Valletta and the all-important role of the Inquisition. Among the folios of the proceedings were found three letters, written in the Arabic dialect of Sfax (Tunisia) by a scribe for Moorish galley slaves.The letters are a unique find, giving first-hand accounts of the misery of their lives at sea and on shore.This book is the result of collaboration among ten researchers from Birmingham, Exeter, Leeds and Malta, each revealing a different aspect of Scala’s world.The end product is a fascinating study of Malta in the late 1600s, in which we hear, first hand, the voices of the common people, with all their immediacy and spontaneity, something not usually found in the dry dust of formal and legal documents. b/w illus, 536p. Midsea Books, September 2013, 9789993274155, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Mattia Preti: Beyond the Self-Portrait Sandro Debono (Author); Giuseppe Valentino (Author) This book proposes new methodologies for the study of Mattia Preti.The researched essays look at Preti from different perspectives.Whilst the foreword serves the purpose of an introductory summary; the authors deliberately chose to probe Preti’s multifaceted personality through a very restricted group of paintings, four in all, which are believed to stand for Preti’s views and opinion about knighthood and art. Moreover, his two self-portraits (San Domenico,Taverna; Uffizi, Florence) describe identity through physiognomy.The St John the Baptist Wearing the Red tabard of the Order of St John National Museum of Fine Arts, Heritage Malta) and the altar painting of St Luke (Franciscan Conventuals, Valletta) go beyond. col illus, 96p.
The Culinary Recipes of Medieval England Constance Hieatt (Author) The great advantage for students of medieval English cookery is that there is an identifiable corpus of evidence in the manuscripts that have survived to the present day. Although there may be some new discoveries, in general terms the corpus is relatively stable.The beauty of this book is that it addresses the corpus as a whole and abstracts from it paradigm recipes for every medieval dish that we know about.With this book therefore a student can ask ‘How did they cook rabbit stew?’ and find a definitive answer, in modern English, with full references. This is a great step forward and the book will stand as a monument to the untiring efforts of the late Constance Hieatt to understand and interpret English cookery of the middle ages.The book is organized by category of dish (Pottage; Meat Dishes; Poultry and Game Birds; Fish; Eggs and Dairy Dishes; Sauces and Condiments, and Baked Dishes). For each dish the editor has chosen what is in her view the most typical example and, citing the source, translates the original text. 240p. Prospect Books, November 2013, 9781909248304, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Midsea Books, April 2013, 9789993274292, PB, $23.50 Special Price $18.80
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Mattia Preti: Faith and Humanity Sandro Debono (Author); Giuseppe Valentino (Author) 2013 marks the 400th anniversary of the birth of Mattia Preti.This important occasion is being marked by an exhibition organized by Heritage Malta and the Comune of Taverna, where Mattia Preti was born.The exhibition is the final stage of a three year process during which the works of Preti have been studied and revisited.The exhibition together with the Catalog is the culmination of this journey.The Catalog includes 9 papers by leading art scholars and historians, some of whom are publishing for the first time their findings after the recent studies of Preti’s paintings.The Catalog also includes entries of the 49 art-pieces and artifacts forming part of this unique exhibition.The backbone of this project is a scientific research project proper concerning Preti’s works in both Taverna and Malta, particularly the National Museum of Fine Arts, and goes beyond art historical research to include scientific investigations undertaken jointly by Taverna’s Laboratorio di Restauro Conservazione e Ricerca and Heritage Malta’s Conservation Division at Bighi.The scientific investigation carried out on Preti’s Martyrdom of St Catherine of Alexandria, in particular, yielded unexpected results and confirmed the iconographical attributes of the martyr saint lying underneath.We hope these results will be the scope for more debate and discussion for the international academic community to take further. col & b/w illus, 304p. Midsea Books, May 2013, 9789993274360, HB, $79.00 Special Price $63.20
Renaissance Warfare James Grant (Author); Bob Carruthers (Editor) This remarkable work features a comprehensive survey of the defining events of Renaissance warfare in the British Isles as described by the great Victorian military writer James Grant.The modern reader seeking an insight into the events from the early gunpowder era need look no further than further than this excellent work. Grant’s outstanding scholarship, his extraordinary depth of knowledge and his masterful text combine to produce a produce an authoritative study on the battles of the period. Renaissance Warfare collects Grant’s work on the subject, from the Battle of Flodden in 1513 to the Battle of Newburn Ford in 1640.The book contains remarkably detailed accounts of many key battles from the period including the Siege of Leith and Battle of Zutphen to the capture of Cadiz and the Battle in the Bay of Cezimbra.The historically defining strategies employed during these battles are explored throughout. Originally published as part of the Cassell’s Series British Battles on Land and Sea, this book includes the original engravings, and together with Mr. Grant’s period text produces an absorbing account of the period through Victorian eyes. approx 30 b/w engravings & illus, 224p. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, Military History from Primary Sources, September 2013, 9781781592304, PB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
Textile Mills of South West England: Historic Buildings and Landscapes of the South West Textile Industries Mike Williams (Author) The textile industry has been one of the most prolonged and widespread influences on the development of historic buildings in the South West.The regional industry pre-dated the classic period of the Industrial Revolution by several centuries, resulting in distinctive types of vernacular buildings, industrial buildings, townscapes and landscapes, all contrasting with those in other areas. The work builds on the previous RCHME studies of textile mills and a wide range of more recent reports and publications by EH and others.The book provides a wide-reaching analysis of historical context, an account of the origins and development of each of the industries, an interpretation of the distinctive features of the buildings, a clarification of the historical importance of South West textile mills and clear statements on the benefits of their conservation. A range of topics is introduced to enable the reader to appreciate the national significance of the region’s textile industries, including a general introduction to textile processes and the historical importance of the factory system, together with an initial overview of the main industries.The core of the book deals with the industries in detail, each chapter providing historical context followed by an account of the distinctive features of the buildings based on descriptions of representative examples.The final chapter emphasizes the tradition of re-use and conversion in the South West textile industries, encourages the continued adaptation and conservation of both mills and related townscapes, and concludes with new statements on national significance and comparisons with other regions. 357 illus, 320p. English Heritage, August 2013, 9781848020832, HB, $100.00 Special Price $80.00
The Hat Industry of Luton Katie Carmichael (Author); David McOmish (Author); David Grech (Author) Although perhaps best known today as the home of Vauxhall Motors, Luton’s industrial roots run much deeper. Long before it became associated with motor cars Luton was the center of ladies’ hat production in this country – a success founded upon the earlier regional industry of straw-plaiting. Many surrounding towns and villages fed into the industry and helped to make the region globally renowned. At its peak in the 1930s, the region was producing as many as 70 million hats in a single year; however, it entered a rapid decline following the Second World War from which it never recovered.This has left Luton, Dunstable and a number of other local towns with a challenging inheritance of neglected and decaying fragments of a once vital industry.This book is intended to be an introduction and guide to the area’s historical depth and to its distinctive and varied character, seeking to explain the development of the region as the center of the hatting industry in the south and exploring the lives of the people working there during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.The historic links between the surviving building stock and the hatting industry are assessed and the book highlights the significance of the surviving fabric and the potential of the historic environment within future conservation and regeneration plans. 113 illus, 120p. English Heritage, Informed Conservation, October 2013, 9781848021198, PB, $20.00 Special Price $16.00
The Crofton Story: The History of the Crofton Pumping Station Ian Broome (Author) Crofton Pumping Station near Great Bedwyn on the Kennet and Avon Canal is an important piece of the industrial archaeology of the canal age. It houses the oldest working steam engine in the world still in its original engine house and still doing its original job of pumping water into the summit level of the canal. Pumping started in 1809 and continued until 1959, when following deterioration of the top of the chimney the engines were retired.The engines and boilers remained in place and have now been restored to full working order by an enthusiastic band of volunteers. Quoting extensively from original records this book charts the history of the building of the pumping station, its Boulton & Watt engines, the engineers and enginemen who kept them working for 150 years and the painstaking work needed to restore them to working order. 83 illus, 147p. Wiltshire Archaeology & Natural History Society, June 2013, 9780947723163, PB, $29.00 Special Price $23.20
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Prince Philip: Wise Words and Golden Gaffes Phil Dampier (Author); Ashley Walton (Author) His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh: irascible, controversial, outspoken, forthright and funny; the Gaffer, the Prince of Political Incorrectness, the Duke of Hazard, Phil the Greek.Whatever you call him – and he doesn’t give a damn – you’ve got to love him! Now in his nineties, on he goes – undaunted, unrepentant and, if less active, just as amusing.This compilation is a celebration of the wit and wisdom of a man whose unique style, down-to-earth hum our and no-nonsense approach have brought colour into our lives.With delicious disregard for public opinion, his quips and faux pas have provided fodder for cartoonists and columnists for decades, and his one-liners are globally famous. But less well known, perhaps, is his perception about the state of the world we inhabit and his thoughtfulness about the lives we live. Prince Philip:Wise Words and Golden Gaffes is a collection of quips, quotes and comments from our beloved British institution, Prince Philip: his latest remarks on the events of 2012 and corkers from years gone by, as well as his more thoughtful opinions.With everything from frustrated beards and bloody great mechanical copulators to a bit of French bashing (and that ghastly place Stoke), it will have you holding your sides. Phil Dampier and Ashley Walton, seasoned court reporters who have both followed and written about the royal family for decades, present an affectionate portrait of an extraordinary figure who is in many ways ahead of his time. Illustrated by the popular cartoonist Richard Jolley. 20 illus. Barzipan Publishing, November 2012, 9780957379220, PB, $12.95 Special Price $10.36
White House Wit, Wisdom and Wisecracks Phil Dampier (Author); Ashley Walton (Author) In January 2013, Barack Obama was sworn in for a second term as the 44th President of the United States of America. The only African-American to occupy the White House, this charismatic and eloquent leader is carrying on a rich tradition of oratory which started with the Founding Fathers of the 18th century.This comprehensive collection of witty one-liners, historic pronouncements, personal insights and philosophical musings should contain something for everyone. It goes without saying that you will find the goofs and gaffes of more recent incumbents of the office, but what clearly emerges from the more serious quotations in this compilation is how many of the problems faced by the earliest Presidents still resonate today.When George Washington said “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”, Andrew Jackson admitted “I have always been afraid of banks” and Herbert Hoover declared “Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt”, they could have been talking of 21st-century crises. In our 24-hour TV news and internet world, how would the earliest leaders have stood up to scrutiny? More than a few Presidents were wooden and unsuited to the Oval Office, while others were the cream of their generation and could have succeeded in whatever career they chose. 224p. Barzipan Publishing, November 2013, 9780957379282, PB, $14.95 Special Price $11.96
A Sentimental Journey: Inglesi e Americani a Firenze tra Ottocento e Novecento: i luoghi, le case, gli alberghi Claudio Paolini (Author) Especially since the 1830s, many English and American people have moved to Florence. Some of them wanted to study Italian art and literature in order to draw inspiration for their work; others were attracted by the mild climate of the city that was believed to be suitable for treating lung disease; others were fascinated by the beauty of the surrounding hills and by the moderate cost of living.The book pays tribute to this community and analyzes some of the figures that have had a significant impact on the history of Florence between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It focuses in particular on the places they lived in or frequented, thus linking their names to streets, buildings and houses of the city. An international theme so far little studied, and even more poignant on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Florence as a capital city. Italian text. 152p. Edizioni Polistampa, Quaderni del Servizio Educativo, June 2013, 9788859612698, PB, $19.90 Special Price $15.92
Civilian Uniforms and How to Date Them Neil Storey (Author) Family photos of ancestors in uniform are often mistakenly assumed to be military when they actually portray civilians such as firemen, policemen, chauffeurs and nurses.The author here explains how to make a correct identification. 192p. Countryside Books, Genealogy, December 2013, 9781846742484, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96
Agricoltura come scienza: Tutti gli scritti di Raffaello Lambruschini (1822-1873). I Raffaello Lambruschini (Author); Veronica Gabbrielli (Editor) Raffaello Lambruschini (1788-1873) has been one of the most famous Italian pedagogues, but his production in the field of natural science is still largely unexplored. Known for having been at the center of the European debate around the crucial issues of the religious reform, the abbot of San Cerbone was also a fine student in agriculture, a science he examined in all its aspects and experienced concretely in the lands of Tuscany. The book proposes an original portrait of Lambruschini as a scientist, gathering for the first time all his writings on agricultural, technological and economical subjects.The result is an exceptional tool for studying and exploring Lambruschini’s scientific thought and cultural projects.The pages of this first volume tell us about the central role he had in the scientific community, national and international, highlighting the large number of relationships he was able to develop and the success of his proposals in many sectors of agricultural science. Italian text. 248p. Edizioni Polistampa, Centro Studi sulla Civiltà toscana fra ’800 e ’900, June 2013, 9788859612261, PB, $29.90 Special Price $23.92
“Aufheben, was nicht vergessen werden darf”: Archive vom alten Europa bis zur digitalen Welt Dietmar Schenk (Author) Archival sources are relieved from the change of things within certain limits.The archive however, in which the authentic evidence of the past are preserved, changes in the wake of history. In the European past, the archive developed with the expansion of pragmatic literacy and in the nineteenth century was discovered by the writers of history and today they are the institutions of memory for civil society. In the form of a histoire-problème and on the basis of a variety of lively examples, Dietmar Schenk portrays the archive as a fascinating, memorable culture of fuss, which has extended from the Middle Ages into the present. German text. 273p. Franz Steiner Verlag, June 2013, 9783515103961, PB, $28.00 Special Price $22.40
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American Studies: Disziplingeschichte und Geschlecht Levke Harders (Author) The institutionalization of American studies as an interdisciplinary field for instruction and research was a reaction to the scientific and social issues in the USA. At the same time it was also combined with the gender-specific differentiations of academic disciplines. In hindsight, the function of the field in national-cultural constructions and also the inner-disciplinary processes of social differentiation, triggered exclusionary mechanisms whose consequences were that female, non-white and non-academic Americanists were defined as not belonging to the center of the field. The authors show that the scholarly field is characterized by disparate careers, distinctive institutional as well as material circumstances and that gender is also rooted in the content and conceptions of American studies. Levke Harders connects new approaches from scientific history with gender and social historical perspectives in this premier disciplinary history of the field of American studies, in order to reveal the social and political factors in the development of the field as well as the (re-) production of structural and epistemological disparities within it. German text. 350p. Franz Steiner Verlag,Transatlantische Historische Studien, December 2013, 9783515104579, HB, $84.00 Special Price $67.20
Bewältigung, Auswirkungen und Nachwirkungen des Bombenkrieges in Berlin und London 1940–1955: Zerstörung und Wiederaufbau zweier europäischer Hauptstädte Martina Metzger (Author) How was it possible that the cities of Berlin and London were able to maintain their functions as economic, political and cultural centers despite regular, and sometimes rather heavier, bombardment during World War II? Martina Metzger highlights the connections between the effects of counter-measures and the extent of destruction and human suffering. Metzger is particularly concerned with the emergency measures that were applied immediately after the attacks (1940-1945), which worked to save human lives and preserve those resources necessary for the preservation of life.Therefore she documents the influence of the decisions, priorities and strategic focus of the people in charge of emergency responses with their various political and ideological orientations on the long-term results in the period of rebuilding to 1955.The combination of study from both the wartime and post-war time periods illustrate the development of the mastery of bombardment warfare under diverse conditions. Next to the official coping strategies of communal and state institutions the particular strategies of individual residents also played a decisive role. German text. 367p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Historia Altera 1, August 2013, 9783515104456, PB, $88.00 Special Price $70.40
Die allgemeine Altersrentenversorgung in der UdSSR, 1956–1972 Lukas Mücke (Author) Between 1956 and 1964, the Soviet regime led extensive reforms on the public provisions for the security of the nation’s elderly, which substantially influenced the livingstandard and the self-awareness of older citizens. Until now, the importance of these measures for the development of Soviet society had hardly received much attention in historical studies. Lukas Mücke approaches this theme from various perspectives and in consideration of various archival materials. He thus describes the development and implementation of policies and conveys a unique but source-dependent impression of the quality of these social security programs.Additionally he directs his attention to the community of the pensioners, a newly constituted social unity, which formed the locally acting,“self-willed” pensioners’ councils. The functions and consequences of the communicative reciprocity between the regime and the people over pensioner politics are also discussed.With this study the author investigates the “welfare state” of the USSR in these years, closing a long-standing gap within the comparative studies of social politics. German text. 565p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa 81, October 2013, 9783515106078, PB, $117.00 Special Price $93.60
Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Gentechnik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit den 1960er Jahren Samia Salem (Author) While every technology demands an evaluation of its positive and negative consequences for society, the increasing technologization of the human body blurs the boundaries between the natural and the technical.This leads to uncertainty and, in the context of genetic technology, to decades-long controversies over its evaluation. In a historical discourse analysis Samia Salem embraces the conflicts over the red and green genetic engineering in the Federal Republic of Germany since the 1960s in their comprehensive breadth.The consideration of obviously vast discussions from a bird’s eye view makes possible the identification of continuities and discontinuities as well as their connections to other discourses of technology.The analysis concentrates on the important actors and their roles for the discussion including physicians, biological scientists, politicians, interest groups, church representatives and theologians as well as farmers and other agricultural laborers.The analysis of discourse is accompanied by questions concerning the influence of such technologies as reproductive technologies or nuclear power. German text. 8 b/w tab. 315p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Pallas Athene 47, September 2013, 9783515104883, HB, $87.00 Special Price $69.60
Ein Raum im Wandel: Die osmanisch-habsburgische Grenzregion vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert Norbert Spannenberger (Editor) In recent times, the borders and border regions have been reintroduced as substantive topics for research: how do borders develop? What disjunctive and socially or culturally overlapping functions do they fulfill? What is the relationship between the center and the periphery? In this context, the frontiers between the western cultural sphere and the Islamic world provide an excellent field of study, which allows for a long and multifaceted history of relationships. In early modern period the region was a meeting point of various empires. Against this background, international authorities investigate exemplary and real borders, the perception of borders as well as (lingering) mental boundaries and investigate related topics in the political, diplomatic, social, cultural, religious and economic fields. German text. 320p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa 44, November 2013, 9783515104289, HB, $78.00 Special Price $62.40
Frieden und Konfliktmanagement in interkulturellen Räumen: Das Osmanische Reich und die Habsburgermonarchie in der Frühen Neuzeit Arno Strohmeyer (Editor); Norbert Spannenberger (Editor) The Hapsburg-Ottoman relationship of the early modern period has been perceived and described one-sidedly for a long time as a history of conflict.The attention with external cruelty conducted in the “Turkish wars” shaped the contemporary perceptions, branded itself into the collective memory and has had a significant influence on the memory of those times up to today.This book breaks with that dominant narrative and brings the forgotten aspect of conflict management into focus, which both sides pursued, resulting in more than sixty peace treaties and armistices. Not only did the contrasting claims to be power have to be abandoned, therefore, but deeply rooted cultural gaps had to be bridged, long standing stereotypes and fundamental religious differences had to be overcome as well. How did this happen? What mechanisms of de-escalation were utilized? With what patterns of thought was the ideological potential for conflict reduced? What types of “peace policies” could be observed and by what means did they fail? Twenty proven experts from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Croatia, Austria,Turkey and Hungary investigate these questions. German text. 400p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa 45, December 2013, 9783515104340, HB, $87.00 Special Price $69.60
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Minderheitenpolitik im “unsichtbaren Entscheidungszentrum”: Der “Nachlass László Fritz” und die Deutschen in Ungarn 1934–1945
Von den Anfängen zum Milliardengeschäft: Die Unternehmensentwicklung von Siemens in den USA zwischen 1845 und 2001
Gabor Gonda (Editor); Norbert Spannenberger (Editor) The study of current history strongly devotes itself to such persons, who, as “actors of the second rank” in political party and bureaucratic positions, have developed, shaped or co-created political activities through the simple execution of instruction or through an observable measure of individual initiative.The ministry official László Fritz embodies one such “gray eminence,” who first worked from the position of the Hungarian minority in the Kingdom of Romania, in order to quickly affect the position of the Hungarian majority by shaping the “German question” in the Kingdom of Hungary.This edition of primary sources sketches the career of this homo politicus on the basis of fifty-four documents in four key issues from the unedited “László Fritz estate,” especially with respect of the formation of “German question” in Hungary that finally ended his career. Additionally, Fritz’s life is extensively reconstructed and at the same time it is clarified, that he was never able to separate his private life and political mission. In order to preserve the consistency for the reader, all of the sources are preceded by a thorough description, which is especially warranted with regard to the Hungarian language sources. German text. 292p.
Ulrich Kreutzer (Author) For more than a century the business engagement of Siemens in the USA was anything but a story of success. Certainly,Werner von Siemens was already selling printing presses in America since 1845, but subsequently his firm did not develop much further in the attractive US market. In the 1970s, the German electronics company first began to develop from an unknown niche firm into a true market competitor. In 2001, Siemens had grown into the largest foreign investor in the electronics field in the United States: with revenue of 18.9 billion US dollars, the US activities of the corporation exceeded its German business.This long-in-the-making success story can be accounted for by multiple reasons. In the center of the analysis presented here is the “Principle-Agent-Theory,” on the basis of which Ulrich Kreutzer examines the connections between Siemen’s German parent company and its representatives in the United Stated. Accounting for internal and external factors, the author utilizes above all the informative misunderstandings between both parties as a foundation for commercial success failure. German text. 45 b/w illus, 376p.
Franz Steiner Verlag, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskund, December 2013, 9783515103770, HB, $88.00 Special Price $70.40
Franz Steiner Verlag, Beiträge zur Unternehmensgeschichte 33, November 2013, 9783515104739, PB, $87.00 Special Price $69.60
Monetarisierung und Individualisierung: Historische Analyse der betrieblichen Sozialpolitik bei Siemens (1945–1989) Almuth Bartels (Author) Why do companies voluntarily offer their employees social benefits? And how and on what basis do the corporate social politics change over time? Almuth Bartels examines the little researched reconceptualization of corporate social politics of major corporations following World War II. An example of the social benefits offering at Siemens in the period from 1945 to 1989 demonstrates how the economic and social changes influenced the shape of corporate social benefits.Thus they required first monetization, in the sense of an increase in cash influx and an increase of financial benefits, and then individualization, in the sense of a stronger reduction on the personal needs of employees. In her work, the author strikes a balance between the socioeconomic processes in the society of the Federal Republic of Germany and the results at the company level. She closes a gap in the scholarly research of corporate history of Siemens and at the same time provides hypothesis for the corporate social politics of large-scale industrial concerns in the Federal Republic of Germany. German text. 49 b/w illus, 408p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Beiträge zur Unternehmensgeschichte 32, October 2013, 9783515104319, PB, $93.00 Special Price $74.40
Wo bleibt die Aufklärung? Aufklärerische Diskurse in der Postmoderne Luise Güth (Editor); Niels Hegewisch (Editor); Knut Langewand (Editor); Dirk Mellies (Editor) Where does the Enlightenment remain in times of postmodern emptiness and fundamentalist caprice? The authors consider this theme from three perspectives: first, they examine what the Enlightenment can mean epistemologically. Second, they look into the potential which arises from an engagement with the Age of Enlightenment. Finally, they analyze the scholarly contributions to the Enlightenment discourse.Thus the texts in the Festschrift for Thomas Stamm-Kuhlmann deal with the Enlightenment impulse of medieval maps between Hayden White and Michel Foucault; they provide insight in the paradoxes of the Danish or American Enlightenment; and they indicate the Enlightenment roots of the European concepts of the sovereignty of the people, the legal state and division of powers, the hygienic education campaigns in the German Democratic Republic or the conflict with historical revisionism and postmodernity. German text. 4 b/w photo, 12 illus, 372p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Historische Mitteilungen 84, May 2013, 9783515104234, PB, $93.00 Special Price $74.40
Siemens' headquarters in Munich, front building (Wikipedia)
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Stories from Ancient Egypt Joyce A.Tyldesley (Author); Julian Heath (Author) Some of the most interesting and entertaining myths and legends from Ancient Egypt are given a lively re-telling by Joyce Tyldesley.These include stories about the gods, such as The Creation of the World, Hathor and the Red Beer, and the myths about Osiris, Isis and Horus. Fairy stories and incredible adventures are represented by The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor,The Adventures of Sinuhe and The Prince, the Dog, the Snake and the Crocodile, while good and bad behavior are to be found in Three Magical Stories and The Story of Truth and Falsehood. King Ramesses II himself tells us about The Battle of Kadesh.The book is illustrated with imaginative and amusing line-drawings by Julian Heath, and each of the stories has a question and answer section for budding young Egyptologists. Stories from Ancient Egypt is aimed at children between the ages of 7-11, but this book is an entertaining and informative introduction to the literature of Ancient Egypt for all ages. It is a new edition of a title previously published by Rutherford Press, b/w illus, 112p. Oxbow Books, October 2012, 9781842175057, PB, $9.95 Special Price $7.96
Dramatic Encounters in the Bible M.E. Andrew (Author) This book began when the author realized that, when people said they were fascinated by particular biblical passages, they were usually ones that presented dramatic encounters between people and between God and people. Such are the passages interpreted in this book.They usually set a vivid scene that heightens the dramatic nature of the encounter, and animated dialogue often directly ad- dresses the reader. There is also animated action that is vividly striking and often sudden and unexpected.These features involve the readers themselves and may question them about what they expect. Indeed the dramatic encounters provocatively lead to unexpected new life in the future. 145p. ATF Press, July 2013, 9781922239044, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96, 9781922239075, HB, $59.95 Special Price $47.96
SeaBEAN: Book 1 of the SeaBEAN Trilogy Sarah Holding (Author) On her 11th birthday in 2018, Alice finds a mysterious black box on the beach. She discovers it’s called a C-Bean and imagines it belongs to her.Together with her five schoolmates – the only children on the newly re-inhabited remote island of St Kilda – they soon realize it has extraordinary powers and can transport them anywhere in the world. Before long, Alice and her friends find themselves immersed in all sorts of thrilling adventures, from Central Park to the Amazonian rainforest to the backstreets of Hong Kong, as they uncover danger and subterfuge threatening the world’s eco-systems.With a stray dog and a garrulous parrot they seem to have acquired along the way, they overcome their fears as the C-Bean helps them unravel the mysteries of time and tides, understand the interconnectedness of all things, and in the process succeed in safeguarding the future of their tiny Scottish island. 176p. Medina Publishing,The SeaBEAN Trilogy 1, September 2013, 9781909339125, PB, $12.99 Special Price $10.39
Sunday Matters: Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for Year C Mark O’Brien OP (Author) Recently Pope Benedict remarked:“the quality of homilies needs to be improved”.The Pope made this comment in the context of his extended reflection on the recent Synod in Rome (2010) on the word of God in the mission and life of the Church.The homily is an integral part of Christian liturgy. It is an honored way of bringing the word of God to life such that people are helped to see the relevance of the word in their everyday lives.The homily is also an art form which needs to be practised and developed with skillus It seems to me, as a preacher myself, that what people are looking for in the homily is an articulate, faith-filled, knowledgeable commentary on the word of God which speaks to their everyday life and experience. People want to see the fire, desire and conviction in the person who preaches.This is a constant challenge. Mark O’Brien here presents his reflections on Year C of the lectionary, based on the Gospel of Luke.This is the companion volume to the earlier ones for Years A and B. Mark offers homilists a great service here. In two to three pages or several hundred words he gives an erudite and practical reflection on the word of God for the particular Sunday or feast as a good foundation on which any homilist can then build. Pope Benedict continues:“The art of good preaching based on the lectionary is an art that needs to be cultivated.” In these short but insightful reflections on the readings of the lectionary Mark makes an excellent contribution to developing the art form of good preaching to the benefit of both those who preach and those who hear them. ATF Press, December 2012, 9781921817793, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
Abschied von der Priesterschrift?: Zum Stand der Pentateuchdebatte Friedhelm Hartenstein (Editor); Konrad Schmid (Editor) In the discussion on the origin of the Pentateuch, the priestly source still constitutes an undisputed reference for the different models. It is the only literary layer which can be liberated – overarchingly from Genesis to Exodus/Leviticus – from the non-priestly context by means of its concise terminology and its theological conception. However, its character as source or redaction resp. its literary integrity and range are disputed. Its character varies significantly depending on the text section under consideration (e. g. between Gn 1–11 and 12–50). Its appearance is very different, if viewed e. g. in the Exodus narrative or from the perspective of the composition of the book of Leviticus.The volume documents a conference of the section Old Testament of the Scientific Society for Theology in 2012 with contributions by Christoph Levin, Erhard Blum, Jan Christian Gertz, Christoph Berner, Thomas Römer, Eckart Otto, and Christophe Nihan. German text. 264p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt,Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie (VWGTh) 40, October 2013, 9783374033614, PB, $61.00 Special Price $48.80
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Die Ursprünge der alttestamentlichen Apokalyptik Florian Förg (Author) In scholarly research about Old Testament apocalyptic texts the following questions are discussed: How can the phenomenon of apocalypticism be defined? What is the core that all apocalyptic texts share? Can the prophetic tradition of Israel be considered as its main source of apocalypticism, or did it develop out of the tradition of wisdom? Even more, it is still an open question, when apocalypticism began. Usually apocalyptic is assumed to start under the circumstances of the Antiochene crisis (167–165 B.C.). By means of exegetical research in the books of Ezekiel, Zechariah, Haggai and Daniel, this book focuses on these questions and finds out, that the first three mentioned books can be considered as early apocalyptic writings. So the roots of Old Testament apocalypticism reach back to the time of the Babylonian exile. German text. 560p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG) 45, February 2013, 9783374032136, HB, $125.00 Special Price $100.00
Frohe Botschaft am Abgrund: Das Markusevangelium und der Jüdische Krieg Andreas Bedenbender (Author) For Judaism, the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 CE came as a shock. And a shock it must have been also for the Christians of that time. Already a few generations later the situation had changed, and the fathers of the Church took the fall of the Temple as another proof of the Christian truth. But in the gospels of the New Testament, especially in the Gospel of Mark, we find evidence for just the opposite approach:What had happened in 70 threatened to refute the glad message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.The present study demonstrates how the traumatic event of the First JewishRoman War shaped the Gospel of Mark. Mark decided to take the passion of Jesus as the focus of his proclamation of the Gospel. Given the cruelty of what happens here to Jesus, this seems to be odd. But it makes sense as soon as we realize that the Markan version of crucifixion of Jesus mirrors what had happened to many Jews during the siege of Jerusalem. German text. 576p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Studien zu Kirche und Israel. Neue Folge (SKI.NF) 5, May 2013, 9783374032655, HB, $61.00 Special Price $48.80
appeal to those who wish to explore the Gospel of John and to those who have an interest in the Christian response to contemporary environmental issues. Drawing on recent scholarship which demonstrates John’s dependence on the Septuagint in the construction of his gospel, and assuming the unity of the text in its canonical form, this study offers fresh insights into John’s rhetorical techniques and an elucidation of what is argued to be a central theological theme, that is, of creation.Taking into full account the critical tools employed by biblical commentators in the past two centuries, Anthony M. Moore approaches the text of the Fourth Gospel in a holistic way, seeking to engage with the overarching interpretative matrix and reflect on the broad canvas of John’s theological masterpiece.The author has recognized the dominant theme underlying the composition of the text as a whole. 218p. James Clarke & Co, September 2013, 9780227174159, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Struggling with God: Kierkegaard and the Temptation of Spiritual Trial Simon D. Podmore (Author) Invoking the biblical motif of Jacob’s struggle with the Face of God (Genesis 32), Simon D. Podmore undertakes a constructive theological account of ‘spiritual trial’ (tentatio; known in German mystical and Lutheran tradition as Anfechtung) in relation to enduring questions of the otherness and hiddenness of God and the self, the problem of suffering and evil, the freedom of Spirit, and the anxious relationship between temptation and ordeal, fear and desire.This book traces a genealogy of spiritual trial from medieval German mystical theology, through Lutheran and Pietistic thought (Tauler; Luther; Arndt; Boehme), and reconstructs Kierkegaard’s innovative yet under-examined recovery of the category (Anfægtelse: a Danish cognate for Anfechtung) within the modern context of the ‘spiritless’ decline of Christendom. Developing the relationship between struggle (Anfechtung) and release (Gelassenheit), Podmore proposes a Kierkegaardian theology of spiritual trial which elaborates the kenosis of the self before God in terms of Spirit’s restless longing to rest transparently in God. Offering an original rehabilitation of the temptation of spiritual trial, this book strives for a renewed theological hermeneutic which speaks to the enduring human struggle to realize the unchanging love of God in the face of spiritual darkness. 290p. James Clarke & Co, October 2013, 9780227173435, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Wie ein Baum, eingepflanzt an Wasserrinnen (Psalm 1,3): Beiträge zur Poesie und Theologie von Psalmen und Psalter für Wissenschaft und Kirche Beat Weber (Author) This anthology contains Beat Weber’s contributions to recent research in the Book of Psalms. In the first part he introduces the “poetological approach“ to the Psalms and discusses the effects of a canonical approach to the exegesis of the Psalter and its Psalms.These approaches are exemplified in studies of individual Psalms in the second part and of collections of Psalms and their theology as well as of tradents in the third part.These studies show how fruitful it is to correlate exegesis of individual Psalms, inquiry into their interrelationships within collections of Psalms and the illumination of their historical setting.The anthology is concluded by a study of the Psalms’ relevance for pastoral care and several sermons on the Psalms, all of which indicate the author‘s primary goal, which is to combine academic interpretation and church practice in fruitful ways. German text. 432p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG) 41, November 2013, 9783374032280, HB, $109.00 Special Price $87.20
Signs of Salvation: The Theme of Creation in John’s Gospel Anthony Moore (Author) This book is based on Anthony M. Moore’s doctoral thesis, ‘The Theme of Creation in the Fourth Gospel’ (University of Leeds, 2010). He has combined his interests in musical interpretation and biblical theology by applying a method of musical analysis to a biblical narrative and has produced a work which, while of interest to scholars, will no doubt
John: A New Covenant Commentary Jey J. Kanagaraj (Author) In this commentary Kanagaraj examines how John projects the church as God’s “new covenant community”, which is characterized by two virtues: love and obedience. Impossible to exhibit under the old covenant based on Moses’ Law, these qualities became possible by the initiative grace and faithfulness of God revealed in Jesus and demonstrated by the power of the Spirit. God’s new community is an inclusive and progressive community because its witness to Jesus in a world that hates and persecutes it has the power to bring in all people so that they may become one flock under one shepherd. Kanagaraj argues that the idea of founding and nurturing a new community was in God’s heart even before the time of creation and not just at the time of incarnation. 292p. Lutterworth Press, New Covenant Commentary Series, September 2013, 9780718892845, PB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
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Katharina von Bora in den schriftlichen Zeugnissen ihrer Zeit Sabine Kramer (Author) This source study analyses the written traditions on the wife of Martin Luther with a view to giving a primarily contemporary image of the »Lutherin«. Both in her importance for Luther and in regard to her position within the Wittenberg Reformation new aspects concerning the image of the wife of the Reformator are revealed. She acted as the most known former conventual lady, as the wife of the most prominent Wittenberg professor, and as Luther’s confidant and spiritual adviser. She belonged to the upper class of Wittenberg and took advantage of the opportunities afforded by her role. She was a participant at the table conversations und was known beyond the immediate circle of Luther’s acquaintances. In the annex are registered for the first time in the history of the research on the reformation all letters and documents referring to Katharina von Bora. German text. 464p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leucorea-Studien zur Geschichte der Reformation und der Lutherischen Orthodoxie (LStRLO) 21, August 2013, 9783374032532, HB, $77.00 Special Price $61.60
Catherine Booth: Laying the Theological Foundations of a Radical Movement John Read (Author) Catherine Booth’s achievements – as a revivalist, social reformer, champion of women’s rights, and, with her husband William Booth, co-founder of the Salvation Army – were widely recognized in he lifetime. However, Catherine Booth’s life and work has since been largely neglected.This neglect has extended to her theological ideas, even though they were critical to the formation of Salvationism, the spirituality of the movement she co-founded.This book examines the implicit theology that undergirds Catherine Booth’s Salvationist spirituality and reveals the ethical concerns at the heart of her soteriology and the integral relationship between the social and evangelical aspects of Christian mission in her thought. Catherine Booth emerges as a significant figure from the Victorian era, a British theologian and church leader with a rare if not unique intellectual and theological perspective: that of a woman. 242p. Lutterworth Press, December 2013, 9780718893200, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
John Knox Eustace Percy (Author) John Knox has suffered in this century from that trick of the popular imagination that seizes on one aspect of a historical figure and elevates it into the whole man. At one time he was the foremost Scottish genius, but in our day there have been those who would have us believe that he was a ranter, an iconoclast and perhaps a hypocrite.The Author of this classic biography has sought to find the truth between these two extremes. He shows us Knox against the disturbed currents of the Continent, where medieval Christendom was at an end and no new order had yet emerged from the chaos of creeds and philosophies. No man could stem these currents, but John Knox in his own country gave them a direction. He became, if not the leader, at least the inciter of a revolution. He set his mark indelibly on history, and not only that of his native land; his influence upon the English court was considerable, but he also became a figure of European significance. “No grander figure can be found, in the entire history of the Reformation in this island, than that of John Knox” wrote the historian Froude. The Author has given us a balanced assessment of the life and times of this remarkable man. 342p. Lutterworth Press, October 2013, 9780718893132, PB, $38.00 Special Price $30.40
Locating the Sacred: Theoretical Approaches to the Emplacement of Religion Claudia Moser (Editor); Cecelia Feldman (Editor) Ritual happens in distinct places – in temples, in caves, along pilgrimage routes – and religious activities there incorporate a diverse set of objects such as holy water, cult statues, and sacred texts. Understanding religious ritual requires viewing it not as a disembodied event, but as emplaced, grounded in both built and natural surroundings, and integrated with its associated material objects. Here authors examine various religious practices in the Greco-Roman world and pilgrimage routes in contemporary Israel. Other contributions focus on the East, on domestic religion in prehistoric Taiwan, and the palimpsest of ritual activity in Buddhist China. One author considers not just ritual’s built and natural setting, but also the landscape of the human mind. By way of conclusion, many of the recurring issues concerning the material and topographic matrix of ritual practice are expanded upon in a final meditation on sacred space.The papers in this volume, with their disciplinary, geographic, and chronological diversity, will serve as a resource for theoretical approaches to the study of ritual practice that may have broad cross-cultural application and provide new insight into the relationship between ritual and place.The volume is based on a conference held at Brown University. b/w & col illus, 144p. Oxbow Books, Oxbow/Joukowsky Institute Publication 3, December 2013, 9781782976165, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Ave Atque Vale: Hail and Farewell Michael Kelly (Author) This volume of essays examines a short one month period in the life of the Catholic Church in 2013. From the announcement of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 11 February 2013 through the election of Pope Francis on 13 March, these essays come from a number of writers, theologians and poets. Ave Atque Vale – Hail and Farewell – is how the Roman poet Catullus ends his elegiac tribute to his deceased brother and has always been used to mark an end and a beginning.Whether it was 600 or 900 years since a pope resigned, the action is unprecedented in the modern papacy.This volume of essays is edited by Michael Kelly SJ and has contributions by Anne Elvey, Andrew Hamilton SJ, Joe Hodge, Anne Hunt, Rachael Kohn, Brian Lucas, James McEvoy, Andrew McGowan, Constant Mews, Michael Mullins, Desmond O’Grady, Neil Ormerod, and Philip Harvey, as well as poets Barry Gittins, Brian Doyle and BA Green. Most of the pieces first appeared in Australia’s Eureka Street magazine in February and March 2013. 104p. ATF Press, June 2013, 9781922239280, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96, 9781922239310, HB, $59.95 Special Price $47.96
Scanning the Signs of the Times Thomas O’Meara (Author); Paul Philibert (Author) The theological and cultural vigor of these seven French Dominicans—Sertillanges, Chenu, Congar, Lebret, Loew, Liégé, and Couturier—eventually influenced the entire church through the breakthrough of Vatican II.They read the signs of the times and saw what the Holy Spirit was doing in a changing world.The Catholic Church is more alive because of them. 174p. ATF Press, May 2013, 9781922239167, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96
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Scanning the Signs of the Times Thomas O’Meara (Author); Paul Philibert (Author) The theological and cultural vigor of these seven French Dominicans—Sertillanges, Chenu, Congar, Lebret, Loew, Liégé, and Couturier—eventually influenced the entire church through the breakthrough of Vatican II.They read the signs of the times and saw what the Holy Spirit was doing in a changing world.The Catholic Church is more alive because of them. 174p. ATF Press, May 2013, 9781922239198, HB, $59.95 Special Price $47.96
Das evangelische Pfarrhaus: Mythos und Wirklichkeit Thomas A. Seidel (Editor); Christopher Spehr (Editor) The Protestant parsonage enjoys a great renown. It is esteemed as a stronghold of Christian education and Protestant formation and is virtually idolized as a place of an exemplary way of life. Many people even see the parsonage with its pastoral family as a heavenly institution.While the myth of the parsonage is widespread, the reality is distinctly different. Renowned experts address this tension-filled range of topics by analyzing in a historical, theological and cultural science perspective the historical development of the Protestant parsonage from its beginnings in the 16th century until today and by interpreting the recent changes.Taking account of Germany’s various regions, the interdisciplinary research contributions create a multi-faceted image which by means of practical-theological and church leadership oriented reflections on the parsonage’s future will stimulate discussion. German text. 244p.
Unter Zions Panier: Mormonism and its Interaction with Germany and its People 1840–1990 Kurt Widmer (Author) One of the earliest critiques of Mormonism was written in German. German Reformed Pastor Diedrich Willers who had lost several of his congregants to the infant Mormon church advised his superiors of the threat posed by the early Morons. German speaking immigrants to North America converted, and played a significant role in the early development and growth of Mormonism in North America. As a result, founding Prophet Joseph Smith saw the German states as an area with a tremendous potential for new converts. In the nineteenth century the German states became the Mormons’ first foreign language mission field, and for most of the twentieth century contained the largest resident Mormon population outside of the United States and Canada. However, the German mission did not live up to the initial expectations, as, relative to the German population, and the rest of Protestant Europe, the Mormons failed to make significant converts from among the Germans.This work examines the reasons behind the Mormon’s failures in the German states.This is the first historical, and critical examination exploring MormonGerman interaction within the context of a social, political, and religious history. 404p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv 21, July 2013, 9783515104197, PB, $96.00 Special Price $76.80
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, September 2013, 9783374033416, PB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Diakonissen fuer Amerika: Sozialer Protestantismus in internationaler Perspektive im 19. Jahrhundert. Quellenedition Roland Liebenberg (Editor); Klaus KRaschzok (Editor); Gury SchneiderLudorff (Editor) Since its foundation by Wilhelm Löhe in 1854 the Diakonie Neuendettelsau has been committed at an international level. A particular focus of diaconal activities was geographically on the United States. In cooperation with pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa the deaconesses of Neuendettelsau were engaged in building up a Lutheran Christian social service.This publication makes extensive and coherent source material available, treating the pioneering days of the American history of Christian social services, for the first time, to international research. Furthermore it provides insights into the multicultural and multi-religious immigrant society of the 19th century in the USA. German text. 416p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, January 2013, 9783374030651, HB, $77.00 Special Price $61.60
Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century Felicity Jensz (Editor); Hanna Acke (Editor) This edited collection provides one of the most broadly reaching studies of nineteenth-century missionary periodicals through case studies of the ways in which this medium was used by various missionary societies to influence their readership, to conjure support for their missions, to construct images of the foreign ‘other’, and to help legitimize the missionary endeavor, especially amongst the so-called heathen of colonized lands.The collection demonstrates how politics affected the content of missionary periodicals, the role of censorship, and how missionary organizations promoted and disseminated their periodicals.The tightly focused theme of the book allows a range of comparisons and analogies, which is further complimented by the concluding chapter that provides a theoretical analysis of missionary periodicals as a genre.The collection offers important insights into missionary propaganda and in doing so also contributes to the current discourse of missionaries as transnational cultural carriers, with the broad geographical, confessional and denominational range of the articles providing a firm reference for future scholarship in the field. 263p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv 20, July 2013, 9783515103046, PB, $69.00 Special Price $55.20
Balthasar Hubmaier and the Clarity of Scripture: A Critical Reformation Issue Graeme R. Chatfield (Author) During the sixteenth century, many Reformers echoed Erasmus’s claim that the Scriptures were clear, could be understood by even the lowliest servant, and should be translated into the vernacular and placed in the hands of all people. People did not require the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church to correctly interpret the meaning of the Scriptures. However, within a few short years, the leaders of the Magisterial Reformers, Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli, had created their own Protestant versions of the magisterium.This work traces how the doctrine of the clarity of Scripture found expression in the writings of Balthasar Hubmaier, admirer of Erasmus and Luther, and associate of Zwingli. As Hubmaier engaged in theological debate with opponents, onetime friends, and other Anabaptists, he sought to clarify his understanding of this critical reformation doctrine. Chronologically tracing the development of Hubmaier’s hermeneutic as he interacted with Erasmus, Luther, Zwingli, and Hans Denck provides a useful means of more accurately understanding his place in the matrix of the sixteenth-century Reformations. 422p. James Clarke & Co, November 2013, 9780227174180, PB, $55.00 Special Price $44.00
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God’s ‘Good Time’
Mary Cresp (Author) Sisters of St Joseph Clare Ahern and Anne Boland joined the Aboriginal community at Yaruman (Ringer Soak) on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert,Western Australia, in 1984. How could they relate, in a real way, ideas in the Gospel that depended on an understanding of a foreign, middle-eastern culture? After reflection and prayer, the following became the central message, Mark 1:15;This is the word, Jesus gave to everyone. He called it Good News. God is going to change things.A good time is coming close-up for everyone. Be sorry for the bad things you do. Keep thinking good things in your heart. Do these good things. Believe the good word, I tell you that a good time is coming up for everyone. Do you have a belief in the Rights of others and the passion, commitment and dedication to help make these Rights a reality? Then this book is an exceptional read! I urge you to read, enjoy and advocate, to make our world a better place for everyone. Dr Alitya Rigney Dip.T. P.S.M. 328p. ATF Press, May 2013, 9781922239129, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96, HB, $59.95 Special Price $47.96
Vatican Council II: Reforming Liturgy
Child Sexual Abuse, Society, and the Future of the Church Hilary D. Regan (Editor) In November 2012 the Australian federal government announced the establishment of a ‘Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse’.This Royal Commission was set up after many years of reports of sexual abuse in Australia within religious institutions of various Christian churches, some state government inquiries and in the context of inquiries in other countries, most notably Ireland.The Royal Commission began its first hearing in April 2013. It has been forecast that the Commission will be hearing submissions for a number of years from witnesses, both from those who ask to speak to the Royal Commissioners and from those who will be asked to appear before the Commission.At the same time as the establishment of the Royal Commission, the Catholic Church in Australia established a Truth, Justice and healing Council to oversee the Catholic Church’s engagement with the Royal Commission.This collection brings together essays from biblical scholars, a church historian, theologians, ministers of religion from a number of churches, lawyers and a psychologist.They each address the issues of sexual abuse, society and the church in the context of the Australian inquiries.The volume ends with an overview of the processes engaged with by the Catholic Church and the State in the Republic of Ireland and reactions to these inquiries.The volume of essays considers sexual abuse from the perspective of the victims. ‘What is to be done about the mess we are in over clerical sexual abuse? That question is puzzling concerned people today.This diverse collection offers them profitable reading, wherever they are coming from. It has enough useful suggestions and ideas to stimulate the calm, intelligent discussion now demanded by our communities.’ Edmund Campion, Australian Catholic University. 142p. ATF Press, June 2013, 9781922239242, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96, HB, $59.95 Special Price $47.96
From North to South: Southern Scholars Engage with Edward Schillebeeckx
Carmel Pilcher (Author); David Orr (Author); Elizabeth Harrington (Author) Sacrosanctum Concilium opened the door to all Christians to understand the contemporary challenge to their life and health, and it started with the reform of the liturgy. In the words of Paul VI the liturgy is the ‘first source of life communicated to us, the first school of our spiritual life, the first gift we can give to Christian people by our believing and praying, and the first invitation to the world.’ That is surely true for all of us. 290p. ATF Press, August 2013, 9781922239327, PB, $46.50 Special Price $37.20
... und führe zusammen, was getrennt ist: Ökumene in Kirche und Gesellschaft. Internationales Ökumenisches Forum Trier 2012 Bernhard Fresacher (Editor); Nicole Henneke (Editor); Burkhard Neumann (Editor) Since the time of the Reformation, an old textile in Trier, known as the Holy Robe of Christ, has been venerated by Catholics – as well as Orthodox Christians –, and just as equally regarded with suspicion by Protestant Christians.Astonishingly, this Holy Robe has been increasingly transformed into a symbol of ecumenism. – The challenges facing society today are very different from those present at the start of the ecumenical movement.All the churches – together with the various world religions – are plagued by the question: How can we pass our traditions on to the next generation, as our contribution towards a peaceful coexistence on this planet? Leading Ecumenists of every Christian tradition, amongst them Olav Fykse Tveit, Kurt Koch, Nikolaus Schneider, Rosemarie Wenner, and Augoustinos Lambardakis, gathered together in Trier with experts from the sciences, media and the art world as part of the 2012 Pilgrimage, in order to address just this question in the International Ecumenical Forum.The book offers various impulses for ecumenical dialogue taken from this Forum, as well as ideas suitable for use in e.g. schools, healthcare or social work. German text. 272p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (BÖR) 95, November 2013, 9783374033737, PB, $54.00 Special Price $43.20
Evangelisch in Europa // Protestant in Europe: Sozialethische Beiträge // Social-ethical Contributions
Helen F. Bergin OP (Author) From North to South brings together the interests in Edward Schillebeeckx of eight theologians from Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. In each chapter, theologians dialogue from a southern context with one of Schillebeeckx’s themes or methods.Themes such as suffering and negative contrast experiences, political holiness, ecclesiology, God and the cross, resurrection and hope, and theology and culture are addressed. Attention to Schillebeeckx’s hermeneutics lies at the heart of several chapters but is generally woven throughout. Contributors bring their particular southern contexts into serious dialogue with Schillebeeckx’s northern thought. The book concludes with a response to the south from North American theologian, Kathleen McManus OP. In short, the book witnesses to the ongoing challenge and stimulation of Edward Schillebeeckx’s theology. 270p.
Frank-Dieter Fischbach (Editor) The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) has addressed increasingly a wide range of social-ethical questions over the last years. CPCE’s statements are covering questions of Human Rights, the discussion on peace and the present challenges of European policy.The Presidium and the Council of CPCE are taking advice by an Expert Group on Ethics, which is appointed by the Council of CPCE. Furthermore CPCE has received the study document “Stand up for justice” on the last General Assembly in Florence 2012.With this study the specific protestant ethical reasoning and its relevance for the churches and their statements on key socio-political problems is analyzed.The volume Leuenberg Texts 15 will enclose those texts. German/English text. 160p.
ATF Press, August 2013, 9781922239204, PB, $37.95 Special Price $30.36
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leuenberger Texte (LT) 15, October 2013, 9783374033072, PB, $42.00 Special Price $33.60
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Evangelische Bildungstheorie Reiner Preul (Author) There is a great public interest in »education«. However, we lack a theory which gets to the bottom of this issue in terms of anthropology, theology, education and social theory, and which is capable of bringing order to the complex actualistically agitated educational discourse. On the basis of the Reformation insights that humankind is created free, capable to act, and responsible, the well known and highly esteemed practical theologian Reiner Preul develops a categorical and existential – hence not elitist – concept of education.This concept of education which is also open to the reception by other world views, is compared with the central themes of classical European educational thinking (self-determined, ethical, aesthetic, humanistic, nature-oriented education).The issue of the attainment of education as a form of personal maturity is discussed in regard to the educational institutions (especially family, school, media, and church) and to the baselines of educational and cultural policy. No theologian, pedagogue, sociologist, or philosopher, working in this field, will further on be able to ignore Preuls’ educational theory. German text. 496p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, August 2013, 9783374032167, PB, $61.00 Special Price $48.80
Gender, Religion, Vielfalt: Bildungshistorische Perspektiven gendersensibler Religiospädagogik Antje Roggenkamp (Editor); Michael Wermke (Editor) The volume documents a conference of the »Working Group for Historical Religious Education« which addressed the issue of »religion and gender«, focusing it on the dealing with heterogeneity from a historical educational perspective. This addresses not only a key challenge of the pan-European educational system but also a current debate which is virulent in regard to teacher training and educational research and has accompanied religious education from the beginning. Anton A. Bucher, Anke Edelbrock, Ole Fischer, Marion Keuchen, Annebelle Pithan, Christine Reents, Antje Roggenkamp and Michael Wermke deconstruct the various forms of gender-specific heterogeneity, bringing up the (religious) educational approaches and concepts for a future-oriented discussion. German text. 208p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Studien zur Religiösen Bildung (StRB) 2, July 2013, 9783374033577, PB, $61.00 Special Price $48.80
Gerechtigkeit als fromkeit: Luthers Übersetzung von iustitia Dei und ihre Bedeutung für die Rechtfertigungslehre heute Verena Mätzke (Author) Luther uses in his writings many times the Early New High German words »from« and »fromkeit« instead of »just« and »justice« to talk about the justifying God and the justified human being. At a time, when these terms hardly had a religious connotation, he moved, by using them, within a semantic field of interpersonal social relations and not in the associative field of judiciary.Verena Mätzke analyses the Lutheran use of the terms »from« and »fromkeit« and ascertains by means of lexicographic text analyses their most relevant meanings.Therewith, she opens up ways of communication for the Doctrine of Justification which take account of its particular nature – thinking a pattern of interaction between God and man. German text. 352p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Marburger Theologische Studien (MThSt) 118, June 2013, 9783374033027, PB, $38.00 Special Price $30.40
Konfessionslosigkeit heute: Zwischen Religiosität und Säkularität Miriam Rose (Editor); Michael Wermke (Editor) The fact that people don’t belong to a religious community is particularly widespread in Eastern Germany but also in some other regions of Europe.What is most interesting is that such an attitude of no church affiliation often does not imply an unambiguous rejection of religion but is fluctuating between religiosity and secularity.This religious indetermination is a new challenge for theological theory and practice.The volume documents the contributions of renowned national and international scholars to an inter-disciplinary conference at the University of Jena in 2013.The contri-
butions connect systematic-theological, practical-theological, religious educational and religio-sociological perspectives on the phenomenon of no church affiliation. For the first time, controversial research approaches of theology and sociology enter into a constructive dialogue, therewith opening up action perspectives for proclamation and formation. German text. 304p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Studien zur Religiösen Bildung (StRB) 5, November 2013, 9783374033850, PB, $54.00 Special Price $43.20
Leben in Differenz: Luthers Verständnis der Sünde im Kontext von Moral und Kultur Gabriel Brand (Author) This study takes as its starting point the concept of difference as a basic characteristic of human existence.The title »Life in Difference« indicates that a human life is challenged to assume responsibility when faced with the conscious realization of the differences in its own life – and this in a way that life can be led with a prospect of success. In its interpretation of this human self-conception the publication orients itself predominantly on Martin Luther’s doctrine of sin, regarded as a hermeneutics of factical life. Furthermore, the publication discusses the subject theoretical relevance of the problem of difference in the works of Immanuel Kant and connects the systematic problems with the studies on cultural history and cultural anthropology of the social philosopher Charles Taylor. Gabriel Brand obtained a doctorate at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Marburg with this study in 2012. German text. 520p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, June 2013, 9783374032181, PB, $125.00 Special Price $100.00
Medizinethische Entscheidungsfindung im orthodoxen Judentum: Übersetzung und Analyse von Responsen zum Schwangerschaftskonflikt Melanie Mordhorst-Mayer (Author) In Orthodox Judaism special trained rabbis make medicoethical decisions in form of responsa (halakhic legal opinions). Leading figures in this field are the rabbis Moshe Feinstein (USA, 1895-1986) and Eliezer Waldenberg (Israel, 1915-2006). Although both rabbis are referring to the same halakhic sources, Feinstein is supporting a strict protection of life from conception onwards while Waldenberg is allowing an abortion in individual cases up to the seventh month.The focus of the present study is on the different implicit assumptions and explicit interpretations of both rabbis.The basics of decision-making of their contrary positions are shown in detail.The study with its annotated translations marks a milestone in the scientific research on responsa. Because of its differentiated and clear presentation of decision-making in Orthodox Judaism it is at the same time a starting point for a comparison with other medico-ethical concepts. German text. 848p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Studien zu Kirche und Israel. Neue Folge (SKI.NF) 6, August 2013, 9783374032617, PB, $109.00 Special Price $87.20
Praktische Theologie und empirische Religionsforschung Birgit Weyel (Editor); Wilhelm Grab (Editor); Hans-Günter Heimbrock (Editor) This collection of essays provides studies in practical theology on the empiricism of lived religion in past and present. Selected studies in practical theology, cultural and historical studies are complemented by encyclopedic contributions which discuss the significance of empiricism for theology, a definition of religion which is interdisciplinary compatible, and whether and how that can be operationalized within the framework of empirical social research. Empirical concepts of experience, everyday life, meaning, life and reality are central. Interdependencies of methodological issues in empirical religious research, the concept of religion and culture as well as the self-conception of practical theology become evident and can be illustrated by taking the example of concrete phenomena. German text. 208p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt,Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie (VWGTh) 41, August 2013, 9783374033690, PB, $61.00 Special Price $48.80
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Reform oder Reformation?: Kirchen in der Pflicht. Mit einem Vorwort von Erzbischof JeanClaude Périsset Peter Klasvogt (Editor); Burkhard Neumann (Editor) At the end of the Middle Ages, reflection on the word of God has marked the Reformation and the church reform movements and in consequence the cultural and social developments, not only in Germany. In preparation for the Anniversary of the Reformation, the publication takes up these former impulses: in view of the ecumenical dialogue, the present-day reform processes of the churches and their current cultural and social responsibility.The church has pledged its word and its unity emerges from the orientation to the word, in which it is grounded. Drawing on the reform movements of the church and considering current reform processes, perspectives open up for a renewal. An encouraging book. German text. 220p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, October 2013, 9783374033898, PB, $37.00 Special Price $29.60
Schrift – Bekenntnis – Kirche // Scripture – Confession – Church: Ergebnis eines Lehrgesprächs der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa // Result of a Doctrinal Discussion in the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe Michael Bünker (Editor) This volume documents the result of a doctrinal conversation which was adopted by the General Assembly of the CPCE in 2012.For the first time since the Reformation the CPCE churches together express here what can be said today about the understanding of the Word of God, Scripture as testimony to the divine speech, the interpretation of the Bible and its relation to Tradition and to the Confessions. Moreover, the document aims at clarifying how Protestant churches, on the basis of their common understanding of the Gospel, can reach commitments for which they are jointly responsible.Thus it sets an impulse for determining the Protestant position in the ecumenical dialogue and for the binding commitment of the common witness and service of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe. German/English text. 78p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leuenberger Texte / Leuenberg Documents (LT) 14, May 2013, 9783374033652, PB, $16.00 Special Price $12.80
Universale Offenbarung? Der eine Gott und die vielen Religionen Werner Zager (Editor) In the course of the globalization more and more people with different cultural and religious origin and imprint make contact with each other. In this connection the inter-religious dialogue is of vital importance for the mutual comprehension. If you don’t want to make absolute your own religion and her claim to truth in such dialogue, and to dismiss the other religions as misbelieve, a universal (world-wide) revelation is debatable on a religious point of view.That is – from a Christian perspective – the question, if God has revealed or reveals himself, except of Jesus, in the context of other religions.Thereby it is necessary to reconsider the already given answers, not only the ones from the Christianity, but also from the other religions. Furthermore in this publication will be developed continuative theological perspectives. German text. 194p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, May 2013, 9783374032983, PB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Viva Vox Evangelii – Reforming Preaching: Studia Homiletica 9 Jan Hermelink (Editor); Alexander Deeg (Editor) This volume contains the proceedings of an international homiletical conference, held in summer 2012 in Wittenberg (Germany).The theme „Viva Vox Evangelii – Reforming Preaching“ focuses on the vivid and multi-voiced performance of preaching; it is worked out by researchers from e.g. North and South America, South Africa, India as well as from North and Middle Europe.The contributions deal with the different social, political, cultural and religious contexts of preaching, and they reflect on the consequences for content and form of the respective sermon. Additionally, the volume gives examples of original sermons from various
religious traditions. Many articles are responding to each other, so in effect the volume displays an inspiring view on the international research in homiletics today. German text. 384p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, June 2013, 9783374033034, HB, $77.00 Special Price $61.60
Vom Konflikt zur Gemeinschaft: Gemeinsames lutherisch-katholisches Reformationsgedenken im Jahr 2017. Bericht der Lutherisch/Römischkatholischen Kommission für die Einheit Theo Dieter (Editor) In 2017, Catholics and Lutherans will jointly look back on events of the Reformation 500 years ago. At the same time, they will also reflect on 50 years of official ecumenical dialogue on the worldwide level. During this time, the communion they share anew has continued to grow.This encourages Lutherans and Catholics to celebrate together the common witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the center of their common faith.Yet, amidst this celebration, they will also have reason to experience the suffering caused by the division of the Church, and to look self-critically at themselves, not only throughout history, but also through today’s realities. »From Conflict to Communion« develops a basis for an ecumenical commemoration that stands in contrast to earlier centenaries.The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity invites all Christians to study its report both open-mindedly and critically, and to walk along the path towards the full, visible unity of the Church. German text. 112p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, July 2013, 9783374034185, PB, $24.00 Special Price $19.20
Was dürfen wir hoffen? Eschatologie in ökumenischer Verantwortung Christoph Böttigheimer (Editor); Ralf Dziewas (Editor); Martin Hailer (Editor) The escatological bureau is usually closed today«, is what Ernst Troeltsch said at the beginning of the 20th century. Against this, there are strong objections out of different denominations. Across all what divides them, it is quite clear today: talking about that what Christians are allowed to hope for – for themselves and the whole world – constitutes an integral part of theology. However, after that the differences begin.Too little attention has been paid up till now to the fact that typical denominational boundaries show up not only in regard to the well known issues of ministry, Eucharist and baptism but likewise in regard to details of the doctrine of eschatology.The contributions of the publication consider these issues, trying at the same time to explore the possibilities of reaching an inter-confessional consensus in the field of eschatology which have been hardly explored previously. German text. 288p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (BÖR) 94, October 2013, 9783374033225, PB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
By Design: Ethics, Theology, and the Practice of Engineering Brad J. Block (Author) Both engineering and human living take place in a messy world, one chock full of unknowns and contingencies. “”Design reasoning”” is the way engineers cope with realworld contingency. Because of the messiness, books about engineering design cannot have “”ideal solutions”” printed in the back in the same way that mathematics textbooks can. Design reasoning does not produce a single, ideally correct answer to a given problem but rather generates a wide variety of rival solutions that vie against each other for their relative level of “”satisfactoriness.”” A reasoning process analogous to design is needed in ethics. Since the realm of interpersonal relations is itself a fluid and highly contingent real-world affair, design reasoning offers the promise of a useful paradigm for ethical reasoning.This volume undertakes two tasks. First, it employs design reasoning to illustrate how technological artifacts can be assessed for their inherent moral properties. Second, it uses the design paradigm as a means for bringing engineering ethics into conversation with Christian theology in order to show how each can be for the other a catalyst for the revolutionary task of living by design. 328p. James Clarke & Co, December 2013, 9780227174173, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
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Church and Ethical Responsibility in the Midst of World Economy: Greed, Dominion, and Justice Paul S. Chung (Author) Magisterial in scope and scrupulous in its investigation and attribution of sources, ‘Church and Ethical Responsibility in the Midst of World Economy’ will take its place as an important document that contributes much in terms of prophetic praxis – it challenges those who are comfortably complacent and unwilling to be disturbed. 1 graph, 320p. James Clarke & Co, May 2014, 9780227679999, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Confessing the Faith Yesterday and Today: Essays Reformed, Dissenting, and Catholic Alan P.F. Sell (Author) What is it to confess the Christian faith, and what is the status of formal confessions of faith? How far does the context inform the content of the confession? These questions are addressed in Part One, with reference to the Reformed tradition in general, and to its English and Welsh Dissenting strand in particular. In an adverse political context the Dissenters’ plea for toleration under the law was eventually granted.The question of tolerance remains alive in our very different context, and in addition we face the challenge of confessing and commending the faith in an intellectual environment in which many question Christianity’s relevance and rebut traditional defenses of it. In Part Two it is recognized that Christian confessing is an ecclesial, not simply an individual, calling, and that the one confessing church catholic is visibly divided over doctrine and practice. Suggestions for ameliorating this situation are offered, though the final resolution may be a matter for the eschaton. Until then Christians are called to witness faithfully and to live hopefully as citizens of heaven. In an epilogue the challenges and pitfalls of systematic theology as a discipline involving both confession and commendation are explored. 318p. James Clarke & Co, September 2013, 9780227174197, PB, $48.00 Special Price $38.40
Karl Barth and the Resurrection of the Flesh: The Loss of the Body in Participatory Eschatology Nathan Hitchcock (Author) Early Christian writers preferred to speak of the coming resurrection in the most bodily way possible: the resurrection of the flesh.Twentieth-century theologian Karl Barth took the same avenue, daring to speak of humans’ eternal life in rather striking corporeal terms. In this study, Nathan Hitchcock pulls together Barth’s doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh, anticipating what the great thinker might have said more systematically in volume V of his ‘Church Dogmatics’. Provocatively, Hitchcock goes on to argue that Barth’s description of the resurrection – as eternalization, as manifestation, as incorporation – bears much in common with some unlikely programs and, contrary to its intention, jeopardizes the very contours of human life it hopes to preserve. In addition to contributing to Barth studies, this book offers a sober warning to theologians pursuing eschatology through notions of participation. 228p. James Clarke & Co, July 2013, 9780227174104, PB, $39.00 Special Price $31.20
Nationhood, Providence, and Witness: Israel in Protestant Theology and Social Theory Carys Moseley (Author) In this eloquently argued work Carys Moseley provides an original angle of criticism on the issue of nationhood and Christianity, asserting that Christianity must relate to nationhood as the nation structure is part of God’s plan for humanity.The book addresses three major themes in the field of theology and nationhood.The first is that antinationalism and anti-Zionism are often two sides of the same coin, and involve taking leave of a providential reading of the Bible as well as a willingness to understand history in broadly providential terms.The second is that such an approach tends to involve a reluctance to recognize subordinated Gentile nations, especially those that have lost independence. Moseley studies the work of four theologians – Reinhold Niebuhr, Rowan Williams, John Milbank and Karl Barth – to examine the difference between nationhood and statehood. She provides a perspective on Wales as a stateless nation, as an example of a Gentile parallel to Israel.Thirdly, Moseley links social theorists to the theologians to explore their affinities. Niebuhr is paired with Mark Juergensmeyer, and Rowan Williams is juxtaposed to the debate between Adrian Hastings and Anthon Smith. Nationhood, Recognition and Providence will interest anyone concerned with nationhood and Israel in protestant theology, and offers unique insights into stateless nations from the Welsh-born author’s perspective. 300p. James Clarke & Co, October 2013, 9780227173978, PB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
The Story of Original Sin
Holy Trinity: Holy People: The Theology of Christian Perfecting T.A. Noble (Author) Teaching on the sanctification of Christians using the difficult word “perfection” has been part of Christian spirituality through the centuries.The Church Fathers spoke of it and Augustine of Hippo particularly contributed his penetrating analysis of human motivation in terms of love. Medieval theologians such as Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Aquinas developed the tradition and wrote of levels or “degrees” of “perfection” in love. However, the doctrine has not fared well among Protestants. John Wesley was the one major Protestant leader who tried to blend this ancient tradition of Christian “perfection” with the Reformation proclamation of justification by grace through faith.This book seeks to develop Wesley’s synthesis of patristic and Reformation theology in order to consider how Christian “perfection” can be expressed in a more nuanced way in today’s culture. Noble examines what basis may be found for Wesley’s understanding of sanctification in the central doctrines of the church, particularly the atonement, the doctrine of Christ, and the most comprehensive of all Christian doctrines, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.What he presents is a fully trinitarian theology of holiness.” 258p. James Clarke & Co, September 2013, 9780227174135, PB, $39.00 Special Price $31.20
John E.Toews (Author) This book traces the history of the interpretation of the disobedience of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 through the biblical period and the church fathers until Augustine. It explains the emergence of the doctrine of original sin with the theology of Augustine in the late fourth century on the basis of a mistranslation of the Greek text of Romans 5:12.The book suggests that it is time to move past Augustine’s theology of sin and embrace a different theology of sin that is both more biblical and makes more sense in the postmodern West and in the developing world. 144p. James Clarke & Co, August 2013, 9780227174142, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
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Christian Theology and African Traditions Matthew Michael (Author) In this compelling work the evangelical theologian Matthew Michael sets out to reveal the unique nature of African Christianity and understand Christian theology in the context of the African worldview and traditions which have given African Christianity its unique religious stamp. Michael addresses the crucial obligation of Christianity to engage with African culture as a prerequisite to transforming African theology. He points out that a major flaw of Western missionary Christianisation was its failure to engage with African traditions, as a meaningful and vigorous Christianity cannot flourish within the African context without serious engagement with these traditions. Michael re-interprets traditional Christian doctrine, with careful consideration of Scripture, to best engage modern African understanding. His exploration of African Christianity goes beyond the classical Western experience and interpretations of Christian dogmas found in the works of Augustine,Aquinas, and Western missionaries, and reclaims the rich and ancient heritage of Christianity in Africa, a heritage so venerable and pervasive that it is as much African as Western.This thought-provoking work reveals Michael’s maturing theological reflections upon the crucial subject of Christian Systematic Theology in the African context, and will be of great interest to any individual interested in the dynamic field of African theology. 260p. Lutterworth Press, October 2013, 9780718892944, PB, $37.00 Special Price $29.60
Anzeiger der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 146. Jg. 1. Halbband 2011, German text. 175p. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Anzeiger der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 146/1, July 2012, 9783700172673, PB, $95.00 Special Price $76.00
Rethinking Cultural Transfer and Transmission: Reflections and New Perspectives Petra Broomans (Editor); Sandra van Voorst (Editor); Karina Smits (Editor) This book formulates new directions within the studies on cultural transfer and transmission, including gender aspects of cultural transfer, the importance of cultural transfer for minority literatures and approaches to writing a cultural transfer and transmission history.The articles collected in this volume demonstrate that the field of cultural transfer and transmission is developing quickly and offers a variety of research possibilities. New aspects are scrutinized and new insights gained from rediscovered material, and although the discussion of the theoretical points of departure and the methods used has only just begun, it is already providing us with interesting results and insights.This book is Volume 4 in the book series Studies on Cultural Transfer & Transmission. 169p. Barkhuis, Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission 4, December 2012, 9789491431197, PB, $31.00 Special Price $24.80
Communicating the Faith Indirectly: Selected Sermons, Addresses, and Prayers
Free To Say No? Free Will and Augustine’s Evolving Doctrines of Grace and Election Eric L. Jenkins (Author) For centuries Augustine’s theory of free will has been used to explain why God is not the author of evil and humans are morally responsible for sin.Yet, when he embraced the doctrines of unconditional election and operative grace, Augustine began modifying his theory of free willus His final works claim his evolved notion of free will remained consistent with his early view, but this claim has provoked significant debate. Some scholars take him at his word, interpreting his teachings on free will in light of his later predestination teachings. Others reject his claim of continuity and warn of great inconsistencies between his early and later works. Few have undertaken a thorough study of Augustine’s works to compare his early notion of free will with his later theory of predestination. Free To Say No? is a detailed study of Augustine’s work that presents clear evidence in Augustine’s own words for a significant discontinuity between his early and later theories – especially the disappearance of the will’s freedom to say “No” – and offers some fascinating insights as to why Augustine proposed such drastic changes. 146p. Lutterworth Press, August 2013, 9780718893149, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Die Trommel des Schamanen: Die Welt der Religionen in 26 Objekten Claudius Müller (Author) The drums of a shaman, the hand of Fatima or the hook of Maui – the religions of the world express themselves in many different objects. In his book the author Claudius Müller notes some of the particularly impressive religious objects and presents them in their cultural context. His book is an exploration to the religions of the world, which leads over all continents and diverse nations. It shows differences, but also striking similarities.The book is richly illustrated and knowledgeable written. Claudius Müller knows how to provide surprising insights to religions of the world. German text. 26 col illus, 224p. Philipp von Zabern, September 2013, 9783805345552, HB, $37.00 Special Price $29.60
Paul L. Holmer (Author); David J. Gouwens (Editor); Lee C. III Barrett (Editor) In this, the third volume of The Paul L. Holmer Papers: the reader will see Holmer’s deep concern with the problems and possibilities of the sermon, liturgy, ministry, and spirituality. Inspired by Søren Kierkegaard’s reflections on “”indirect communication””, and by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Holmer not only reveals his strenuous reflection on the sermon, but also gives concrete examples of his own efforts to communicate, enabling his hearers and readers to “”make sense”” of their lives. In the first part of this volume, Holmer reflects upon Kierkegaard’s “”indirect communication””, a communication not of knowledge but of human capacity. In other pieces Holmer turns to liturgy, ministry, and spirituality. In the second part, the reader sees Holmer’s own challenging, uncompromising practice of religious and Christian communication, in a selection of his sermons, addresses, and prayers. For anyone concerned with sermons, liturgy, spirituality, and the challenges of ministry, Holmer’s essays and addresses will prove indispensable.This is the third volume of The Paul L. Holmer Papers, which includes also volume 1,‘On Kierkegaard and the Truth’, and volume 2,‘Thinking the Faith with Passion: Selected Essays’. 198p. James Clarke & Co,The Paul L. Holmer Papers 3, August 2013, 9780227174111, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
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Thinking the Faith with Passion: Selected Essays Paul L. Holmer (Author); David J. Gouwens (Editor); Lee C. III Barrett (Editor) In his teaching and his writing, Paul L. Holmer (1916-2004), Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota (1946-1960) and Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology at Yale Divinity School (1960-1987), made many important contributions to recent American theology. One of the most insightful American students of Kierkegaard of his generation, Holmer perceived early on Wittgenstein’s importance for theology, and employed both thinkers to inspire his own fresh consideration of perennial issues in philosophical theology: understanding, belief, faith, the emotions, and the importance of the virtues.While best known for his essays in ‘The Grammar of Faith’ (1978), Holmer penned numerous other interesting and original essays, some published but many unpublished, which circulated widely in typescript during his tenure at Yale. Following his death, the Holmer family in 2005 donated his papers to the Yale Divinity School Library; in reviewing Holmer’s papers, the editors have chosen a selection of his most seminal essays, beyond those in The Grammar of Faith, demonstrating the breadth and range of his contributions. In this, the second volume of The Paul L. Holmer Papers, the editors present pieces that illuminate four significant areas of Holmer’s contributions: essays on Kierkegaard; essays on Wittgenstein; Theology, Understanding, and Faith; and Emotions, Passions, and Virtues.Taken together, these essays invite in-depth exploration of the thought of this important American philosophical theologian.This is the second volume of The Paul L. Holmer Papers, which includes also volume 1, ‘On Kierkegaard and the Truth’, and volume 3, ‘Communicating the Faith Indirectly: Selected Sermons, Addresses, and Prayers’.”, 374p. James Clarke & Co,The Paul L. Holmer Papers 2, August 2013, 9780227174128, PB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00
Galdos: Meow Ruth Crispin (Translator) Benito Pérez Galdós’ finely-crafted novel, Meow, is a tragi-comedy. It is the story of a middle-aged, middle class middle-manager who does not know how to pull the strings that could get him reinstated to his job in the Spain’s civil service, from which he has been laid off with only two months to go for him to be eligible for his pension, and save his family from certain poverty.Villaamil is obsessed with the work he used to do and needs still to be doing, not only because his family acutely needs his pension but also because he is particularly good at what he does: but he is only rebuffed and ridiculed. Obsessively, compulsively, he returns to his former workplace; buttonholes men whose careers he had once jump-started but whose gratitude he does not seem to have retained; is mocked and rejected time and again. Ridicule – and its necessary obverse, egotism – is a central theme to a number of sub-plots concerning the complex intra-familial relationships of various members of the Villaamil family: the ridicule itself functioning as a mask for feelings of insecurity and inferiority. Three subordinate characters introduce the reader to the “meow” motif in its first, ironic incarnation: the women in the Villaamil household whose comical facial resemblance to a cat inspired their nickname. But the epithet is later appropriated by Ramón himself when he makes of its letters a series of progressively darker acronyms that express his growing desperation and alienation. Galdós’ indictment of human frailty, sometimes judgmental, sometimes compassionate, is acutely, psychologically penetrating; and thus his characters are splendidly realized, rounded and recognizable in the modern world. 216p. Aris & Phillips, Hispanic Classics, August 2013, 9781908343796, HB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Going Down to Morocco Jose Luis Alonso De santos (Author); Duncan Wheeler (Translator), Going Down to Morocco (Bajarse al moro), is one of the most emblematic and best known theatrical work of recent times in Spain. It both contributed to and documented La Movida, a drug-fueled youth movement that placed Madrid firmly on the global cultural map in the early 1980s. Alonso de Santos’ play, a commercial and critical success when first staged in 1985, was made into a film starring Antonio Banderas in 1989. Chusa, a free-spirited and spontaneously generous young drug smuggler introduces Elena, a middle-class runaway, to the apartment she shares with her cousin Pepito and her boyfriend Alberto, a rookie policeman.The result is chaos in their previously disorderly but happy life.The comedy explores opposing lifestyles of young people in 1980s Spain, during a period of radical social change. It is characterized by humor, creative use of contemporary slang, and intertextual film references. Duncan Wheeler’s translation of the original play marks with footnotes the changes made in the new version done in 2008 for a high-profile revival to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary. This edition also includes an unpublished interview conducted by Duncan Wheeler with Alonso de Santos in 2010. 120p. Aris & Phillips, Hispanic Classics, August 2013, 9781908343277, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00, 9781908343260, PB, $25.00 Special Price $20.00
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LITERATURE Unamuno: Aunt Tula
Julia Biggane (Translator) Aunt Tula (La tia Tula), published in 1921, is one of the few novels written by Miguel de Unamuno to center on a female protagonist. It is a vivid, nuanced portrait of the intelligent, willful and yet vulnerable Tula. Despite having no biological children of her own, the unmarried Tula becomes the primary maternal figure for successive generations of children; some related to her, others not. Her chaste maternity is presented as a complex response to her long-held, self-sacrificing romantic love for her brother-in-law, her antipathy for the submissive role expected of bourgeois married women, and Tula’s fear of her own physicality. Julia Biggane’s translation captures the accessibility of style and richness of literary substance in the original, and the introduction equips the reader with an understanding of the text’s wider material contexts and historical significance. Of special interest is the novel’s representation of womanhood and maternity, itself inflected by wider social changes in countries across Western Europe and Russia during the first two decades of the 20th century. 200p. Aris & Phillips, Hispanic Classics, December 2013, 9781908343239, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00, 9781908343222, PB, $25.00 Special Price $20.00
Im Netzwerk der Kulturvermittlung: Sechs Autorinnen und ihre Bedeutung für die Verbreitung skandinavischer Literatur und Kultur in West- und Mitteleuropa um 1900 Ester Jiresch (Author) The present thesis examines the work and the networks of female translators of Scandinavian literature and culture in Europe around 1900.The focus lies on three writers from the Dutch speaking area – Margaretha Meyboom, Dien Logeman-van der Willigen and Marie Belpaire on the one side, and three authors from the German speaking countries – Marie Herzfeld, Mathilde Prager and Laura Marholm on the other side. Central to this analysis are the following questions:To what image of Scandinavian literature and culture in their home countries did these women contribute? What role did networks play in the work of the women discussed? What role did their gender play concerning their cultural transmission, their networks, their positioning towards others and their self-reflection? German text. 490p. Barkhuis, June 2013, 9789491431296, PB, $54.00 Special Price $43.20
Baretti a Londra: E altri saggi su Joseph Tusiani Unamuno: Mist John Macklin (Translator) Mist (Niebla), published in 1914, is one of Miguel de Unamuno’s key works; a truly Modernist work of Europewide significance which aims to shatter the conventions of fiction, using the novel as a vehicle for exploration of philosophical themes. The plot revolves around the character of Augusto, a wealthy, intellectual and introverted young man and his love affair with Eugenia, which eventually ends in heartbreak. Augusto decides to kill himself, but decides that he needs to consult Unamuno himself, who had written an article on suicide which Augusto had read. When Augusto speaks with Unamuno, the truth is revealed that Augusto is actually a fictional character whom Unamuno has created. Augusto is not real, Unamuno explains, and for that reason cannot kill himself. Augusto asserts that he exists, even though he acknowledges internally that he doesn’t, and threatens Unamuno by telling him that he is not the ultimate author. Augusto reminds Unamuno that he might be just one of God’s dreams. Augusto dies and the book ends with the author himself debating to himself about bringing back the character of Augusto. He establishes, however, that this would not be feasible. Following on from his translation of Abel Sanchez John Macklin’s edition provides a much needed new English translation, alongside the Spanish text, together with a substantial introduction. 400p. Aris & Phillips, Hispanic Classics, October 2013, 9781908343215, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00, 9781908343208, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
La “Révolution littéraire”: Etude d l`influence de la poésie francaise sur la modernisation des formes poétiques persanes au debut du XXe siècle Amr Taher Ahmed (Author) At the beginning of the 20th century,Western influence was apparent in all aspects of Iranian public life. It was also to play a crucial part in the modernization of poetic forms, a process which came to be known as the “Literary Revolution” (enqelab-e adabi). Many poets joined in the movement, most of them inspired by French poetry.The “conservative” and “progressivist” reformists disagreed on the very nature of poetic modernity. But at some point in their career, all of them related to romanticism and Victor Hugo. Nima Yusij, who achieved the full individualization of poetic forms, further acknowledged the influence of Mallarmé’s “objective” poetry, as well as Émile Verhaeren's free verse and “natural declamation”.Within a couple of decades, Persian poetry freed itself from the strict rules of traditional verse composition. It developed into a diversity of practices characteristic of modern poetry, se‘r-e now.The present study seeks to determine the influence of French literature on the renovation of Persian poetry.The function of poetic translations is examined, together with the role of such poets as Bahar,Yasami, Raf‘at, ‘Esqi, Lahuti and Nima in the “Literary Revolution”.With this work, the author aims to contribute to the archeology of modern Iranian poetic forms. German text. 484p. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, December 2012, 9783700172390, PB, $101.00 Special Price $80.80
Cosma Siani (Author) The volume gathers various essays on the Italian-American writer Joseph Tusiani. During the last decades,Tusiani has received an increasing attention in Europe and America, both from readers and academics, as testified by the numerous dissertations dedicated to his works.The recent flourishing of Italian-American Studies in Italy makes it the right time to publish this collection. But Tusiani is also a prolific translator and multilingual author, who expresses himself in English, Italian, Latin and dialect. His literary production includes so many different fields (translations, neo-latin poetry, dialect renaissance) that the definition of Tusiani as “ItalianAmerican” writer is probably a narrow one. His works, though strictly connected to emigration, are of undoubted literary value. Italian text. 176p. Edizioni Polistampa, Italianistica nel mondo, December 2013, 9788856402568, PB, $23.00 Special Price $18.40
Muri rossi: Storie di occidentali in Cina Stefano Cammelli (Author) Eight Western men come to grips with China, a difficult nation to understand, with a history and a Party way more complex than what they thought. An ex American diplomat, a freelance journalist, a broker, a student from Bocconi University, an aspiring missionary, a retired general, a historian of literature and an Emilian aid-worker: they are the protagonists of extremely different experiences, ending up happily or with evident defeats. Being an expert connoisseur of Chinese culture and society, Stefano Cammelli describes the difficult path to penetrate into a distant world, a path where travelers will have to confront themselves not only with the surrounding reality, but also with their deepest solitudes. Entering into China – a country the author portrays in-depth with lucidity – is thus the beginning of a gradual isolation that might lead us into being “men of connection”, necessarily straddling two worlds, without being integral part of either. Italian text. 216p. Edizioni Polistampa, Le ragioni dell’Occidente, April 2013, 9788856402650, PB, $19.90 Special Price $15.92
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Probabilistische Geolinguistik: Geostatistische Analysen lexikalischer Variation in BayerischSchwaben Simon Pickl (Author) What factors can explain which dialectal expressions are employed in which places? What rules do the geographic distribution of linguistic variety follow? This work examines linguo-geographic patterns and structures on the basis of empirical linguistic data. An extensive body of maps serves to explore the word-geographic part of the linguistic atlas of Bavaria-Swabia, of which the dialectal variations of several hundred concepts is documented.This data was quantitatively analyzed with geo-statistical methods developed in concert with stochastic methods in order to investigate the influence of linguistic and non-linguistic factors in the linguo-geographic pattern of distribution. German text. 272p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik – Beihefte 154, December 2013, 9783515104630, PB, $73.00 Special Price $58.40
Yvan Goll: The Thwarted Pursuit of the Whole Robert Vilain (Author) The life of the bilingual writer Yvan Goll (1891-1950) was one of perpetual experimentation and self-renewal. In the first study to treat Goll’s whole literary career, Robert Vilain explores the full range of his poetry, novels, dramas, libretti, essays, translations and editions – from Expressionism in prewar Berlin and fisticuffs with André Breton over Surrealism in post-war Paris, to the dream of a new poetry for the atomic age. Goll’s journey took in satirical Überdramen, extravagantly ironic novels and collaborations with Kurt Weill in the 1920s, lyrical love poetry for his wife and a lover, and the experiences of his magnificent alter ego Jean sans Terre in the 1930s, and poetry inspired by alchemy, geology and the Kabbalah in the 1940s. In 1945 he wrote the first poetic response to the Atom Bomb test, the greatest alchemy of all. Born into a Jewish family on the FrancoGerman border, at home all over Europe until forced into exile, and at his death an American citizen, Goll both suffered and relished his protean identity, living and writing in search of an elusive experience of wholeness. Legenda, Germanic Literatures 1, December 2013, 9781907975561, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Sebald’s Bachelors: Queer Resistance and the Unconforming Life Helen Finch (Author) Why do queer bachelors and homosexual desire haunt the works of the German writer W. G. Sebald (1944-2001)? In a series of readings of Sebald’s major texts, from ‘After Nature’ to ‘Austerlitz’, Helen Finch’s pioneering study shows that alternative masculinities subvert catastrophe in Sebald’s works. From the schizophrenic poet Ernst Herbeck to the alluring shade of Kafka in Venice, the figure of the bachelor offers a form of resistance to the destructive course of history throughout Sebald’s critical and literary writing. Sebald’s poetics of homosexual desire trace a ‘line of flight’ away from the patriarchal and repressive order of German society, which, in Sebald’s view, led to the disasters of Nazism.This study shows that the potential for subversion personified by Sebald’s solitary males is essential for understanding his celebrated work, while also demonstrating the contribution that Sebald made to the German tradition of queer writing. Legenda, Germanic Literatures 2, September 2013, 9781907975905, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
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Leopardi’s Nymphs: Grace, Melancholy, and the Uncanny Fabio A. Camilletti (Author) How can one make poetry in a disenchanted age? For Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837) this was the modern subject’s most insolvable deadlock, after the Enlightenment’s pitiless unveiling of truth. Still, in the poems written in 182829 between Pisa and the Marches, Leopardi manages to turn disillusion into a powerful source of inspiration, through an unprecedented balance between poetic lightness and philosophical density.The addressees of these cantos are two prematurely dead maidens bearing names of nymphs, and thus obliquely metamorphosed into the charmingly disquieting deities that in Greek lore brought knowledge and poetic speech through possession.The nymph, Camilletti argues, can be seen as the inspirational power allowing the utterance of a new kind of poetry, bridging antiquity and modernity, illusion and disenchantment, life and death. By reading Leopardi’s poems in the light of Freudian psychoanalysis and of Aby Warburg’s and Walter Benjamin’s thought, Camilletti gives a groundbreaking interpretation of the way Leopardi negotiates the original fracture between poetry and philosophy that characterizes Western culture. Legenda, Italian Persepectives 28, November 2013, 9781907975912, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
The Tradition of the Actor-Author in Italian Theatre Donatella Fischer (Editor) The central importance of the actor-author is a distinctive feature of Italian theatrical life, in all its eclectic range of regional cultures and artistic traditions. The fascination of the figure is that he or she stands on both sides of one of theater’s most important power relationships: between the exhilarating freedom of performance and the austere restriction of authorship and the written text. This broad-ranging volume brings together critical essays on the role of the actor-author, spanning the period from the Renaissance to the present. Starting with Castiglione, Ruzante and the commedia dell’arte, and surveying the works of Dario Fo, De Filippo and Bene, among others, the contributors cast light on a tradition which continues into Neapolitan and Sicilian theater today, and in Italy’s currently fashionable ‘narrative theater’, where the actor-author is center stage in a solo performance. Legenda, Italian Perspectives 27, August 2013, 9781907975806, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
A Sight for Sore Eyes: The Surrealist Visuality of José María Hinojosa Jacqueline Rattray (Author) José María Hinojosa (1904-1936) has been credited with being a pioneer of Surrealism in Spain. He moved in the same circles as Buñuel and Dalí and was one of the key figures behind an attempt to form an organized group of Spanish surrealists along the lines of the French model. And yet, the name of Hinojosa remains curiously neglected. He lived a relatively short but prolific literary life during which time he published some groundbreaking surrealist poetry and texts. His writing reveals a vision of Surrealism which originates from a particularly Spanish perspective as well as displaying many of those universally recognized Surrealist motifs. One of these, the iconic image of the mutilated eye, forms the focal point of this present study on Hinojosa’s work. In keeping with the interdisciplinarity of Surrealism, Hinojosa’s work is read here within the context of the visual arts — surrealist collage, paranoiac-critical activity and cinema.The impact of Hegelian thought upon Surrealism is reflected through the application of a ‘Surrealist Dialectic’ in this exploration of Hinojosa’s surrealist visuality. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, August 2013, 9781907975738, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13 Authority, Innovation and Early Modern Epistemology: Essays in Honour of Hilary Gatti
Martin McLaughlin (Editor); Elisabetta Tarantino (Editor) Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), who died at the stake, is one of the best-known symbols of anti-establishment thought. The theme of this volume, which is offered as a collection of essays to honor the distinguished Bruno scholar Hilary Gatti, reflects her constant concern for the principles of cultural freedom and independent thinking. Several essays deal with Bruno himself, including an analysis of the Eroici furori, a study of his reception in relation to the group known as the Novatores, and discussions of several important aspects of his stay in England.The authors and texts discussed here are linked by a relentless interest in the question of authority and originality, and they range from literary figures such as Alberti (1404-72),Vasari (1511-74) and the proponents of quantitative verse in sixteenth-century England to controversial philosophers who, like Bruno, were condemned by the Church, such as Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) and Giulio Cesare Vanini (1585-1619). Taken together, these chapters show how much that was new and revolutionary in early modern culture came from its confrontation with the past. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, December 2013, 9781907975752, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
John Ruskin’s Continental Tour, 1835: The Written Records and Drawings Keith Hanley (Editor); Caroline S. Hull (Editor) John Ruskin’s training as an interdisciplinary polymath started in childhood. He learned to memorize the Bible at his mother’s knee and published his first poem aged ten. His lifelong fascination with geology found its earliest expression in journal articles from the age of fifteen, while his considerable talents as a draughtsman were developed by leading drawing masters before he was sixteen. Rather than being a prodigy in one particular field, it was his precocious mix of religion, science and art that laid the foundations for the fulfillment of his career as a critic of art, architecture and society.The cultural tours that he made with his family as he grew up provided the crucial focus for these developing interests, and the second extended tour of the Continent in 1835 at the age of sixteen in particular established the paradigm for his orchestrated representation and analysis of cultural experience along ‘the old road’, though France to Chamonix, and through the Swiss Alps to northern Italy as far as Venice. His diary of the journey and associated writings, together with the numerous drawings he made in relation to it, are annotated and fully cataloged for the first time in this edition that includes maps and an introductory essay. 250p.
relationship to the ‘real’, and the nature of the constructed self. In this timely study, based on the most recent developments in the fields of photography theory, self-writing and photo-biography, Akane Kawakami offers an intriguing narrative which runs from texts containing metaphorical photographs through ekphrastic works to photo-texts. Her choice of Marcel Proust, Hervé Guibert, Annie Ernaux and Gérard Macé provides unusual readings of works seldom considered in this context, and teases out surprising similarities between unexpected conjunctions. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, November 2013, 9781907975868, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Reading Literature in Portuguese Claudia Pazos Alonso (Editor); Stephen Parkinson (Editor) This collection brings together textual commentaries on thirty representative works of literature in Portuguese — either complete poems or extracts from longer works — ranging from the medieval lyric of the 13th century, through the poetry and drama of the Portuguese Renaissance, the great Realist novels of the nineteenth century, early twentieth century Modernism and post-1974 writings through to the present day, while also including examples of 19th- and 20thcentury Brazilian literature.The authors chosen — poets, dramatists and novelists — are generally regarded as iconic writers, and the three most famous canonical Portuguese authors (Luís de Camões, Fernando Pessoa, José Saramago) are featured, but the texts selected for commentary strike a balance between a focus on well-known and lesser-studied works. All the primary texts are reproduced in Portuguese, sometimes in original editions, with English translations added for the majority.The contributors variously explicate and contextualize the works they present, some focusing on hidden meaning, others on philological aspects of editing, others on their historical, intellectual and philosophical context, and others still on the process of translation itself. All, however, aim to develop the art of reading, for the benefit of scholars and students alike. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, August 2013, 9781907975622, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Legenda, Legenda Main Series, December 2013, 9781906540852, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Jorge Semprún: Writing the European Other Ursula Tidd (Author) The Spanish Communist exile and Francophone Holocaust writer Jorge Semprún (1923-) is a major contributor to contemporary debates on the politics and ethics of remembering the Franco era, Communism and the Holocaust in French, Spanish and broader European contexts. His sophisticated literary testimonies have become landmark texts not least for their commitment to represent the lived experience of history. In this first detailed study in English of Jorge Semprún’s writing, Ursula Tidd shows how Semprún explores the parameters of self-writing as an address to the other in a richly intertextual corpus which weaves together history, fiction and auto/bio/thanatography, and gives voice to the traumatic experiences of geographical and political exile and concentration camp internment. 200p. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, December 2013, 9781907747007, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Photobiography: Photographic Self-Writing in Proust, Guibert, Ernaux, Macé Akane Kawakami (Author) Why do photographs interest writers, especially autobiographical writers? Ever since their invention, photographs have featured — as metaphors, as absent inspirations, and latterly as actual objects — in written texts. In autobiographical texts, their presence has raised particularly acute questions about the rivalry between these two media, their
Selected Essays of Malcolm Bowie I: Dreams of Knowledge Malcolm Bowie (Author) Malcolm Bowie (1943-2007) was described by A.S. Byatt as ‘one of our best living critics. He writes beautifully, subtly and lucidly about very difficult subjects.’ Bowie was Marshal Foch Professor of French at Oxford (1992-2002) and Master of Christ’s College, Cambridge (2002-2006). He received numerous honours, was invited to speak all over the world, and in 2001 won the international Truman Capote Prize for Literary Criticism for his Proust Among the Stars.The essays and reviews in these volumes have never before been brought together. Ranging across literature, art, music, and psychoanalysis, they offer fresh insights into topics tackled in Bowie’s books, and discuss quite new ones. Volume I, Dreams of Knowledge, presents essays on memory, Proust, modern poetry (Mallarmé,Valéry, Eluard), and psychoanalysis. Bowie explores the uncertainties of knowledge, the relationship between fantasy and experience, and the ways great writers, artists and thinkers represent these. 200p. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, November 2013, 9781907975486, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60 Volume II, Song Man, presents shorter pieces, including Bowie’s essays on song and music criticism.They explore important cultural issues such as antiSemitism, images of gender, and ideas of the nation. Among composers and writers figuring in this volume are Mozart,Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Judith Butler, Borges, Leroy Ladurie and Edward Said; reviews cover films, plays, and operas as well as books. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, November 2013, 9781907975493, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
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Taboo: Corporeal Secrets in NineteenthCentury France Hannah Thompson (Author) French realist texts are driven by representations of the body and depend on corporeality to generate narrative intrigue. But anxieties around bodily representation undermine realist claims of objectivity and transparency. Aspects of bodily reality which threaten les bonnes moeurs — gender confusion, sexual appetite, disability, torture, murder, child abuse and disease — rarely occupy the foreground and are instead spurned or only partially alluded to by writers and critics.This wideranging study uses the notion of the taboo as a powerful means of interpreting representations of the body.The hidden bodies of realist texts reveal their secrets in unexpected ways.Thompson reads texts by Sand, Rachilde, Maupassant, Hugo, Barbey d’Aurevilly, Mirbeau and Zola alongside modern theorists of the body to show how the figure of the taboo plots an alternative model of author-reader relations based on the struggle to speak the unspeakable. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, June 2013, 9781907975554, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
The Art of Ana Clavel: Ghosts, Urinals, Dolls, Shadows and Outlaw Desires Jane Elizabeth Lavery (Author) Ana Clavel is a remarkable contemporary Mexican writer whose literary and multimedia oeuvre is marked by its queerness.The queer is evinced in the manner in which she disturbs conceptions of the normal not only by representing outlaw sexualities and dark desires but also by incorporating into her fictive and multimedia worlds that which is at odds with normalcy as evinced in the presence of the fantastical, the shadow, ghosts, cyborgs, golems and even urinals. Clavel’s literary trajectory follows a queer path in the sense that she has moved from singular modes of creative expression in the form of literary writing, a traditional print medium, towards other non-literary forms. Some of Clavel’s works have formed the basis of wider multimedia projects involving collaboration with various artists, photographers, performers and IT experts. Her works embrace an array of hybrid forms including the audiovisual, internet-enabled technology, art installation, (video) performance and photography. By foregrounding the queer heterogeneous narrative themes, techniques and multimedia dimension of Clavel’s oeuvre, the aim of this monograph is to attest to her particular contribution to Hispanic letters, which arguably is as significant as that of more established Spanish American boom femenino women writers. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, December 2013, 9781907975653, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
The History of Portuguese Literature in English Translation: The Medieval Galician Portuguese Lyric and the Theatre of Gil Vicente Patricia Odber De Baubeta (Author) Portugal is England’s oldest ally (by the Treaty of Windsor, 1386) but only three Portuguese authors are widely known in the English-speaking world: Luís de Camões, Eça de Queiroz and Fernando Pessoa. Or so it is commonly believed. But painstaking research and excavation reveal that since the 19th century, when the Romantic impulse impelled scholars to retrieve supposedly ‘lost’ works, Portuguese literature has been introduced over and over into English culture. Since their rediscovery, almost four hundred Galician Portuguese cantigas – sacred, profane and sometimes downright obscene – have been translated into English by some fifty different translators, including Scottish, Irish and American poets. Lyrics first composed and sung over seven centuries ago have lost none of their power to evoke a response or simply give pleasure. Five hundred years after their first performances at the Portuguese court, the autos of Portugal’s first playwright, Gil Vicente, are similarly enduring: a significant body of his work, including both poems and complete plays, has been translated into English.Vicente’s observations on human greed and moral frailty are as relevant on the 21st-century stage as they were in the Portugal of the Discoveries. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, December 2013, 9781905981328, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
The Present Word. Culture, Society and the Site of Literature: Essays in Honour of Nicholas Boyle John Walker (Editor) This book addresses three key areas of intellectual enquiry: literary criticism, cultural critique, and philosophical theology. Once closely related, especially in the Catholic tradition, they often appear to be separate and unconnected domains in the modern university.The work of Nicholas Boyle is one of the most significant recent attempts to reconnect them. Responding to that initiative, The Present Word challenges this fragmentation of knowledge. Several of the essays reflect a major change of emphasis in literary studies over the last two decades: the reconnection of an idea of literary criticism closely related to the experience of reading, and the wider societal and political concerns addressed by Cultural Studies. Contributors also debate, from both perspectives, whether theological concepts can illuminate the secular culture in which literature is written and read. 212p. Legenda, Legenda Main Series, August 2013, 9781907975615, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Postcolonial Criticism and Representations of African Dictatorship: The Aesthetics of Tyranny Cécile Bishop (Author) The figure of the dictator looms large in representations of post-colonial Africa. Since the late 1970s, writers, film-makers and theorists have sought to represent the realities of dictatorship without endorsing the colonialist clichés portraying Africans as incapable of self-government.Against the heavily-politicized responses provoked by this dilemma, Bishop argues for a form of criticism that places the complexity of the reader’s or spectator’s experiences at the heart of its investigations. Ranging across literature, film and political theory, this study calls for a re-engagement with notions – often seen as unwelcome diversions from political questions – such as referentiality, genre and aesthetics. But rather than pit ‘political’ approaches against formal and aesthetic procedures, the author presents new insights into the interplay of the political and the aesthetic. Legenda, Legenda Research Monographs in French Studies 41, December 2013, 9781909662018, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
Pessoa’s Geometry of the Abyss: Modernity and The Book of Disquiet Paulo de Madeiros (Author) Fernando Pessoa wrote prolifically in many genres until his untimely death in 1935, and he has long been widely recognized as Portugal’s most influential twentieth century writer.The publication of the Book of Disquiet in 1982, however, caused a seismic change in the appreciation of his work and its place in Modernism. In that great and vast collection of fragments, Pessoa firmly established his place among the canon of European modernists and radically questioned many of Modernity’s assumptions.Alain Badiou, for example, has argued that philosophers are not yet able to assimilate Pessoa’s thinking. Paulo de Medeiros’s new study, one of the first to be dedicated to the Book of Disquiet, takes up that challenge, exploring the text’s connections with photography, film, politics and textuality itself, and developing comparisons with D. H. Lawrence, Walter Benjamin, and Franz Kafka. Legenda, Legenda Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 1, November 2013, 9781909662070, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Africa’s Lost Classics: New Histories of African Cinema Lizelle Bisschoff (Editor); David Murphy (Editor) Until recently, the story of African film was marked by a series of truncated histories: many outstanding films from earlier decades were virtually inaccessible and thus often excluded from critical accounts. However, various conservation projects since the turn of the century have now begun to make many of these films available to critics and audiences in a way that was unimaginable just a decade ago. In this accessible and lively collection of essays, Lizelle Bisschoff and David Murphy draw together the best scholarship on the diverse and fragmented strands of African film history.Their volume recovers over 30 ‘lost’ African classic films from 1920-2010 in order to provide a more complex genealogy and begin to trace new histories of African filmmaking: from 1920s Egyptian melodramas through lost gems from apartheid South Africa to neglected works by great Francophone directors, the full diversity of African cinema will be revealed. 200p. Legenda, Moving Image 5, November 2013, 9781907975516, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
www.dbbconline.com Quote discount code 556-13 Echo’s Voice: The Theatres of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude
Mary Noonan (Author) Hélène Cixous (1937-), distinguished not least as a playwright herself, told Le Monde in 1977 that she no longer went to the theater: it presented women only as reflections of men, used for their visual effect.The theater she wanted would stress the auditory, giving voice to ways of being that had previously been silenced. She was by no means alone in this. Cixous’s plays, along with those of Nathalie Sarraute (1900-99), Marguerite Duras (1914-96), and Noëlle Renaude (1949-), among others, have proved potent in drawing participants into a dynamic ‘space of the voice’. If, as psychoanalysis suggests, voice represents a transitional condition between body and language, such plays may draw their audiences in to understandings previously never spoken. In this ground-breaking study, Noonan explores the rich possibilities of this new audiovocal form of theater, and what it can reveal of the auditory self. 200p. Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 36, November 2013, 9781907975509, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
Stendhal’s Less-Loved Heroines: Fiction, Freedom, and the Female Maria C. Scott (Author) Stendhal’s most independent heroines are usually disliked or marginalized by critics. However, when gender-neutral criteria are applied, Mina de Vanghel,Vanina Vanini, Mathilde de La Mole, and Lamiel can all be shown to enact extraordinary experiments in freedom.These experiments are all the more remarkable in view of the gender of their agents, the historical situation of the author (1783-1842), and the conventions of the literary movement that his fiction helped to found: realism. Simone de Beauvoir’s 1949 study of Stendhal’s heroines gives preference to the reserved females over his Amazons. But existentialism, as a philosophy of freedom, also enables a reading of the self-determining heroines that acknowledges the superiority of their choices: their resistance and counter-plots, their paradoxical authenticity, their rejection of seriousness, and their assumption of responsibility for the routes they plot. Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 37, May 2013, 9781907975714, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
Comparative Literature in Britain: National Identities, Transnational Dynamics, 1800-2000 Joep Leerssen (Author); Elinor Shaffer (Author) The discipline of Comparative Literature, with its application of a transnational perspective to literature as a multinational historical praxis, is gaining fresh interest in today’s globalizing, post-colonial world. It emerged in the nineteenth century as a counter-movement to the increasingly national-philological scope of literary studies.The checkered history of its emergence and acceptance in the British Isles throws a fascinating light on literary, critical and scholarly mentalities of the last two centuries. In this book, Leerssen and Shaffer approach the discipline’s history in Britain as a problem in intellectual history, situated in a variety of contexts and cross-currents.The meaning of ‘literature’ itself has been in flux, as was the British academic system which has valued it very differently at different times. Cultural transfers from Continental scholarship, and champions such as Matthew Arnold, gave comparative approaches increasing prestige. British comparatism became an established academic discipline after the Second World War. Shaped by an imperial preoccupation with ethnicity rather than nationality, by the cultural politics of the ‘Four Nations’ of the British Isles, and by the enduring tradition of reviewing and criticism, it has since then been both challenged and enriched by structuralism, post-structuralist theory, and the decline of Eurocentrism. Legenda, Studies in Comparative Literature 27, December 2013, 9781907975660, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Iris Murdoch and Elias Canetti: Intellectual Allies Elaine Morley (Author) Since the revelation of Iris Murdoch’s (1919-1999) affair with Elias Canetti (1905-1994), scholarship on their relationship has been largely biographical, focusing in particular on Canetti’s alleged role as the real-life model for some of Murdoch’s most invidious protagonists. Little research, however, has been done on the extensive common ground between the two writers’ literary projects. In this groundbreaking comparative study, Elaine Morley conducts a careful philological comparison of Murdoch’s and Canetti’s works, from their literary themes and theories to their idiosyncratic stylistic practices. Morley demonstrates that these authors were preoccupied with a common philosophical problem, and that they were in fact not only personally close, but also more intellectually allied than has been previously thought. 172p. Legenda, Studies in Comparative Literature 29, August 2013, 9781907975745, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Likenesses: Translation, Illustration, Interpretation
Dada as Text, Thought and Theory Stephen Forcer (Author) The Dada movement, revered as perhaps the purest form of cultural subversion and provocation in 20th-century Europe, has been a victim of the readiness with which cultural historians have swallowed its own propaganda. Based on extensive close analysis of French-language Dada work in its original form, and offering English translations throughout, this major reappraisal looks at a broad range of media and topics — including poetry, film, philosophy, and quantum physics — in order to get beyond Dada’s typecasting as avant-garde anti-hero. Work by women writers and other marginalized figures combines with that of canonical Dadaists to present Dada in a radically new set of guises: poetic and textually subtle; intellectually and philosophically meaningful; peaceable and quasiBuddhist; and, perhaps most uncomfortably of all, conformist and reactionary. Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 39, December 2013, 9781907975837, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
Matthew Reynolds (Author) Translation, illustration and interpretation have at least two things in common.They all begin when sense is made in the act of reading: that is where illustrative images and explanatory words begin to form. And they all ask to be understood in relation to the works from which they have arisen: reading them is a matter of reading readings. Likenesses explores this palimpsestic realm, with examples from Dante to the contemporary sculptor Rachel Whiteread.The complexities that emerge are different from Empsonian ambiguity or de Man’s unknowable infinity of signification: here, meaning dawns and fades as the hologrammic text is filled out and flattened by successive encounters. Since all literature and art is palimpsestic to some degree — Reynolds proposes — this style of interpretation can become a tactic for criticism in general. Critics need both to indulge and to distrust the metamorphic power of their interpreting imaginations. Likenesses follows on from the argument of Reynolds’s The Poetry of Translation (2011), extending it through other translations and beyond them into a wide range of layered texts. Browning emerges as a key figure because his poems laminate languages, places, times and modes of utterance with such compelling energy.There are also substantial, innovative accounts of Dryden, Stubbs, Goya,Turner,Tennyson, Ungaretti and many more. 242p. Legenda, Studies in Comparative Literature 30, August 2013, 9781907975820, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
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Joseph Opatoshu: A Yiddish Writer between Europe and America Sabine Koller (Editor)Gennady Estraikh (Editor); Mikhail Krutikov (Editor) At the turn of the twentieth century East European Jews underwent a radical cultural transformation, which turned a traditional religious community into a modern nation, struggling to find its place in the world. An important figure in this ‘Jewish Renaissance’ was the American-Yiddish writer and activist Joseph Opatoshu (1886-1954). Born into a Hassidic family, he spent his early childhood in a forest in Central Poland, was educated in Russia and studied engineering in France and America. In New York, where he emigrated in 1907, he joined the revitalizing modernist group Di yunge — The Young. His early novels painted a vivid picture of social turmoil and inner psychological conflict, using modernist devices of multiple voices and mixed linguistic idioms. He acquired international fame by his historical novels about the Polish uprising of 1863 and the expulsion of Jews from Regensburg in 1519.Though he was translated into several languages, Yiddish writing always fostered his ideas and ideals of Jewish identity. Although he occupied a key position in the transnational Jewish culture during his lifetime, Opatoshu has until recently been neglected by scholars.This volume brings together literary specialists and historians working in Jewish and Slavic Studies, who analyze Opatoshu’s quest for modern Jewish identity from different perspectives. 282p.
deserts’ he was making the point that it is teachers who ‘inculcate just sentiments’ (Lewis 1978/1943, p.13) and enable the moral sense of their students to flourish. Mark A. Pike supports C.S. Lewis’ belief in the role of educators and has written ‘Mere Education’ to show how we might go about it so that ‘the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose’ (Isaiah 35:1). 194p. Lutterworth Press, September 2013, 9780718893255, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
Legenda, Studies in Yiddish 11, August 2013, 9781907975608, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
Uncovering the Hidden: The Works and Life of Der Nister Gennady Estraikh (Editor); Kerstin Hoge (Editor); Mikhail Krutikov (Editor) Der Nister (Pinkhes Kahanovitsh, 1884–1950) is widely regarded as the most enigmatic author in modern Yiddish literature. His pseudonym, which translates as ‘The Hidden One’, is as puzzling as his diverse body of works, which range from mystical symbolist poetry and dark expressionist tales to realist historical epic. Although part of the Kiev Group of Yiddish writers, which also included David Bergelson and Peretz Markish, Der Nister remained at the margins of the Yiddish literary world throughout his life, mainstream success eluding him both in- and outside the Soviet Union.Yet, to judge from the quantity of recent research and translation work, Der Nister is today one of the best remembered Yiddish modernists. The present collection of twelve original articles by international scholars re-examines Der Nister’s cultural and literary legacy, bringing to light new aspects of his life and creative output. Legenda, Studies in Yiddish 12, November 2013, 9781907975844, HB, $89.50 Special Price $71.60
How Did Long John Silver Lose his Leg? and Twenty-Six Other Mysteries of Children’s Literature Dennis Butts (Author); Peter Hunt (Author) Perhaps it is just something that comes with age or perhaps with reading the same stories over and over and over again to younger ears, but one starts to notice little things that grow to bother you. Be it unresolved subplots, inexplicable escapes or apparent glaring oversights.This is a book for anyone who has questioned the problem of Time in Tom’s Midnight Garden, the physics involved in stopping the train in The Railway Children, or just how old Great Aunt Maria Turner in Swallows and Amazons really was. Rather than being a cynical inquisition of our best loved stories, this book answers to the childish curiosity that can grow within the enquiring adult mind. How Did Long John Silver Lose his Leg? is not Peter Rabbit on trial but an adventure through the looking-glass of literary trivia, history and criticism. 200p. Lutterworth Press, November 2013, 9780718893101, PB, $36.00 Special Price $28.80
Mere Education: C.S. Lewis as Teacher for our Time Mark A. Pike (Author) The word ‘mere’ is used in the title of this book in its Middle English sense as an adjective ‘nothing less than, complete’. This book is about schooling for a fair and vibrant society; it is about an education of hope, education that completes a person. In ‘The Magician’s Nephew’ (1955), the first in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series, Digory and Polly are dragged back through time into a world that is “devoid of life and barren of vegetation”. Such a world is not a safe place for children and young people. When C.S. Lewis wrote that the task of the modern educator is ‘to irrigate
Private Lives of the Ancient Mariner: Coleridge and his Children Molly Lefebure (Author) A fascinating new study of Samuel Taylor Coleridge,The Private Lives of the Ancient Mariner illuminates the poet’s deeply troubled personality and stormy personal life through a highly original study of his relationships. In her last published work the celebrated Coleridgean, Molly Lefebure, provides profound psychological insights into Coleridge through a meticulous study of his domestic life, drawing upon a vast and unique body of knowledge gained from a lifetime’s study of the poet, and making skilful use of the letters, poems and biographies of the man himself and his family and friends.The author traces the roots of Coleridge’s unarguably dysfunctional personality from his earliest childhood; his position as his mother’s favored child, the loss of this status with the death of his father, and removal to the ‘Bluecoat’ school in London. Coleridge’s narcissistic depression, flamboyance, and cold-hearted, often cruel, rejection of his family and of loving attachments in general are examined in close detail.The author also explores Coleridge’s careers in journalism and politics as well as poetry, in his early, heady ‘jacobin’ days, and later at the heart of the British wartime establishment at Malta. In both of these arenas Coleridge exerted his talents to brilliant effect, although they have often been overlooked in appraisals of his works. His virtual abandonment of his children and tragic disintegration under the influence of opium are included in the broad sweep of the book which also encompasses an examination of the lives of Coleridge’s children, upon whom the manipulations of the father left their destructive mark. Molly Lefebure unravels the enigma that is Coleridge with consummate skill in a book which will bring huge enjoyment to any reader with an interest in the poet’s life and times. Lutterworth Press, November 2013, 9780718893002, HB, $55.00 Special Price $44.00
Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier, Lover 1911-29 Vivien Whelpton (Author) This is a literary biography of Richard Aldington, founding member of the Imagist Movement, poet of the First World War, author of Death of a Hero and a biography of D.H. Lawrence. Aldington’s is an extraordinary human story dealing with contemporary issues, such as confrontation of sexual mores of the day and the impact of his soldier experience on his life and work.There hasn’t been a recent biography of Aldington, the only one of the war poets not to have one.With the interest in the First World War increasing as we near the centenary, the time is right for this book.This biography explores the relationships of Aldington with other prominent literary figures: Ezra Pound, Herbert Read,T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, and his unsuccessful marriage with H.D.This biography covers Aldington’s life and work up to 1929. It investigates the years 1911-1915 in which Aldington helped found Modernism and formed relationships with other Modernists, the years 1916-19 when his life fell apart after his soldier experience, the years 1920-28 when he tried to re-establish his literary career, laid the foundations of modern literary criticism, and his writing of Death of a Hero at the end of the decade, a blistering attack on all that had made the war possible. Lutterworth Press, November 2013, 9780718893187, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
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LITERATURE Basil Bunting
Julian Stannard (Author) Basil Bunting (1900-1985) was an extraordinary if sometimes neglected poet. His late-flowering masterpiece Briggflatts (1965) jettisoned him into the pantheon of twentieth century greats and reminded his audience that the legacies of international modernism had not been entirely buried. Bunting showed that Anglo-American modernism was not incompatible with native traditions and Briggflatts is a powerful evocation of Northumberland, the poet’s cherished place of origin. Such dynamic regionalism struck a powerful note in the 1960, his poetry proving an inspiration to younger poets. Bunting became a talismanic figure, his charismatic readings helping to galvanize the British Poetry Revival. Briggflatts rescued Bunting from literary neglect and prompted readers to return to his earlier writings which are also examined here in this study.The study also considers the poet’s remarkable life, including his many literary associates. Bunting was imprisoned in 1918 as a conscientious objector. In the Second World War, however, sometimes working as an Intelligence Officer, he took on a number of dramatic roles. 120p. Northcote House Publishers,Writers and their Work, November 2013, 9780746310489, PB edition, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00, 9780746310069, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Beryl Bainbridge Huw Marsh (Author) Beryl Bainbridge is one of Britain’s major post-war novelists. This study analyzes Bainbridge’s work in relation to some of the pressing debates in post-war literary studies. It frames Bainbridge’s work within her life and times, describing her unique approach to fictionalizing her own past and Britain’s more distant historical past.Topics covered include Bainbridge’s vexed relationship with feminism; her approach to comedy; her treatment of autobiography; her interest in myth-making and national tragedy; and her un-theorized yet subtly postmodernist views about history, fiction and memory.With generous reference to Bainbridge’s peers, her literary influences and those influenced by her work, Marsh identifies the major phases of Bainbridge’s career, contextualizing each with material from Bainbridge’s journalism, essays interviews and unpublished papers. Suitable or all readers of Bainbridge’s novels and including suggestions for further reading, Marsh’s book combines awareness of recent literary criticism and theory with accessible, contextualized readings. 120p. Northcote House Publishers, September 2013, 9780746312209, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
Martin Amis Nicholas Bentley (Author) Martin Amis is one of the most important and distinctive writers of the last thirty years and his work continues to provoke controversy and debate. From his first novel,The Rachel Papers (1973) to his most recent The Pregnant Widow(2006) his fiction has engaged with the major movements in literary and critical theory over the last four decades. His experimental approach to the novel form, his creation of complex and memorable characters, and his acute awareness of the relationship between fiction and reality mark out the distinctive elements of Amis’ work. In addition, his often-controversial representations of class, gender and race make him an important and provocative figure for contemporary literary studies.This book provides a critical survey and evaluation of his major works, identifying his commitment to stylistic expression and experiment alongside the ways in which his novels have engaged with social, cultural and political issues. 128p. Northcote House Publishers,Writers and their Work, October 2013, 9780746311738, HB, $80.00 Special Price $64.00
From Crime to Punishment: Counterfeit and Debased Currencies in Colonial and PreFederal America Philip L. Mossman (Author) Ever since coinage was developed in ancient Lydia, an element of society has sought to debase the coin of the realm for personal gain not only by counterfeiting, but also by shaving away precious metal. Currency debasement was not confined to the proletariat since throughout history various monarchs increased their royal revenues, or seigniorage, by reducing the quality of the coins’ specie content or its weight standard.The current text follows closely the course of royal English copper coinages whose high potential profit made them an ideal prey for counterfeiters.These forgeries flowed freely into the colonies where they overwhelmed, and eventually collapsed, the small change medium but not before various states sought to correct the evil of this imported copper trash. Great attention is paid to Great Britain’s mercantilistic policies which shaped the character of the currency in the North American colonies where chronic hard money shortages encouraged counterfeit coinages of all stripes whose actual manufacture and circulation is examined in great detail. Colonists further sought to expand their monetary pool by printing bills of credit to meet the exigencies of the French and Indian Wars.This new paper currency likewise became the target for forgery and a battle royal ensued between the colonial treasurers and bands of counterfeiters as they competed to outsmart each other. But as “the weed of crime bears bitter fruit,” many counterfeiters were apprehended and punished for their evil deeds. col illus, 304p. American Numismatic Society, ANS Numismatic Studies 27, October 2013, 9780897223270, HB, $145.00 Special Price $116.00
New Jersey State Coppers Roger S. Siboni (Author); John L. Howes (Author); A. Buell Ish (Author) As William Sheldon eloquently put it in Penny Whimsy, “early coppers are rich in die varieties, cracked dies, imperfect and unusual planchets, misstruck coins and other minor variations. ...It is therefore not surprising that to some extent the different die varieties are recognizable by characteristic color and surface texture, as well as by die breaks, peculiarities of the planchet and so on.” New Jersey State Coppers shows that never were these words more true than in the case of the coins struck for New Jersey by Thomas Goasby, Albion Cox,Walter Mould, and Matthias Ogden from 1786 until as late as 1790. By way of introduction, the authors fully discuss the often tumultuous history of the New Jersey copper coinage and its creators alongside the equally compelling story of the men, like Dr. Edward Maris, who first appreciated the “living warmth and personality” of the coins and formed the great collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Every known New Jersey die variety is presented in minute detail with lavish enlarged full-color illustrations, condition censuses, as well as commentary on die states and other notable features.The authors also include such supplementary material as the original documents related to the eighteenth century coining venture, imitations created for the collector market in the nineteenth century, as well as suggestions for developing a personal collection. New Jersey State Coppers will surely become the primary tool for the study of this coinage and the basis for deepening the understanding and appreciation of its charm as old copper. col illus, 492p. American Numismatic Society, September 2013, 9780897223287, HB, $235.00 Special Price $188.00
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62 ART
Francesco Messina: Miti e stagioni del Novecento The catalog of the great anthological exhibition held in Florence from June to July 2013 displays about 30 drawings and 120 sculptures by a master of 900’s figurative art: a huge selection which embraces the artist’s youth as well as late years. “Messina’s story”, says the art historian Elena Princi, “is primarily that of a precocious talent, the ability to feel a material – the different materials he has used – almost empathetically. Plaster, marble, wax, terracotta, wood and above all bronze, which he literally dominated, transforming it with subtle patinas, still working on it even after the casting, leaving traces of new life in the metal.Texts by Luigi Marsiglia ed Eliana Princi. Italian text. 288p.
One Leg in the Grave Revisited Kees Zimmerman (Editor) The Miracle of the Transplantation of the Black Leg, a posthumous miracle performed by the saints Cosmas and Damian, is best known from the Golden Legend of Jacobus the Voragine (1265). From the early Middle Ages on, artists have been particularly inspired by De Voragine’s description of this miracle.Their works can be found in churches, monasteries, and musea, mainly in Italy, Spain, and Southern France.These artful representations have fascinated Kees Zimmerman, retired trauma surgeon, inspiring him to travel through Southern Europe exploring them. In this way he has gathered an impressive collection of photographs of paintings, sculptures, and other art and religious objects.This book offers over 80 reproductions of representations of the Miracle of the Black Leg, quite a number of which have never been published before. Articles by art historians (De Jong, Fracchia), medievalists (Santing), and an Introduction by Zimmerman himself, shed light on different aspects of the legend.This book will therefore be of interest for art historians and medievalists, as well as those who wish to investigate the relationship between medicine and religion in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. It offers, moreover, a wealth of beautiful pictures to be savored by all art lovers. 159p. Barkhuis, June 2013, 9789491431234, PB, $41.00 Special Price $32.80
Capolavori in Valtiberina. Da Piero della Francesca a Burri: Itinerari d’arte, storia e artigianato tra Toscana e Umbria Paola Refice (Editor); Laura Teza (Editor) The book, which is the catalog of the exhibition held from June 22nd to November 3rd, leads the reader to discover artistic handicraft and local traditions. Aside from focusing on the Table Doria, which depicts a scene of the Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci, the text deals with major artists such as Piero della Francesca, the most representative personality of Sansepolcro, who embodies the art and the culture of the city.The focus then shifts to the sixteenth century: in Città di Castello, at the beginning of the century, Raphael painted his first major altarpieces before leaving for Florence. In 1527, then, after the Sack of Rome, many painters came in the areas nearby Valtiberina.These include Rosso Fiorentino, a true genius of Mannerism, whose stay in those places will be fundamental for native artists. Until the twentieth century, therefore, this region has had a crucial role: not only as a destination for the study of great masters, but also because of the presence of masters of contemporary art such as Alberto Burri, who enhanced the prestige of Valtiberina.Text by Giampiero Maracchi, Enrico Rossi, Catiuscia Marini, Agostino Bureca, Antonio Paolucci, Paola Refice, Sara Borsi, Francesca Mavilla, Laura Teza and Federica Faraone. Italian text. 232p. Edizioni Polistampa, Piccoli, Grandi Musei, June 2013, 9788859612780, PB, $28.00 Special Price $22.40
Danièle Vollmar Giuliano Paolini (Author) For the first time, this book shows a large selection of paintings on canvas and silk, which the popular Swiss artist Danièle Vollmar realized from the beginning of her career, at the end of the Eighties, until 2011, when she died. “Sensibility is not something she has ever put on display but has always kept to herself, also because, in the metabolism of social values, it has become a highly suspect requisite, calling for protection against the threat of dissipation. Danièle Vollmar has always belonged, in short, to that breed for whom intellectual elegance is primarily ethos, a moral imperative.” Italian text. 208p. Edizioni Polistampa, June 2013, 9788859612797, HB, $95.00 Special Price $76.00
Edizioni Polistampa, June 2013, 9788859612773, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Les plus belles pendules françaises / The Finest French Pendulum-Clocks / Le più belle pendole francesi: De Louis XIV à l’Empire / From Louis XIV to the Empire / Da Luigi XIV all’Impero Giacomo Wannenes (Author); Aurélie Wannenes (Author) This book aims to present an illustrated vision in the history of French pendulum-clocks, between the time of Louis XIV and the Empire, through their stylistic evolution. It is far from easy to distinguish between a real 18th-century clock and a 19th-century imitation, properly estimating its commercial value, to which contribute the beauty of the decoration, the quality of materials, the presence of the original clockwork, the state of conservation, the rarity of the piece and its artistry. In this book, addressed to both collectors and all lovers of the decorative arts, Giacomo and Aurélie Wannenes analyze hundreds of elegant French pendulum-clocks of different value and appearance, highlighting qualities and defects, with the aim of offering a wide and comprehensive repertoire of this antiques genre and at the same time to enrich the knowledge base of those who for the first time approach it. Italian text. 416p. Edizioni Polistampa, December 2013, 9788859610809, HB, $160.00 Special Price $128.00
Adrian Ludwig Richter: Zeichnungen aus der Sammlung Dräger Brigitte Heise (Author) The Dresden-based artist Adrian Ludwig Richter (1803–1884) is best known as an illustrator of books of songs and fairy tales. His extensive body of drawings, on the other hand, is all but forgotten. Among these his exceptional landscapes in particular reveal him to be an important member of the Romantic movement. German text. 100 illus, 160p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, July 2013, 9783777420387, HB, $52.00 Special Price $41.60
August der Starke: und sein Großmogul Dirk Syndram (Author) With the Throne of the Great Mogul the brilliant jewelry artist Johann Melchior Dinglinger created the Baroque dream of wealth and power of the Far East for Augustus the Strong. The splendor of this masterpiece is shown in an entirely new light in the photographs of Jörg Schöner. German text. 90 illus, 104p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, August 2013, 9783777421100, HB, $33.00 Special Price $26.40
Brücke Meisterstücke: Die schönsten Neuerwerbungen des Brücke-Museums Magdalena M. Moeller (Editor) From Kirchner’s famous painting “Marcella” to the masterful printed works on paper by Pechstein, Heckel and Nolde, this handy book provides an overview of the most beautiful acquisitions of the Brücke-Museum, which specializes in expressionist art. German text. 140 illus, 260p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, June 2013, 9783777421049, HB, $52.00 Special Price $41.60
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Dionysos: Rausch und Ekstase Ortrud Westheider (Editor); Michael Philipp (Editor) Dionysus has inspired the imagination of artists more than any other ancient god.This catalog traces the development of various motifs, from the childhood of Dionysus, via the triumphal processions with maenads and satyrs and the lovers Dionysus and Ariadne, to modernism. German text. 180 illus, 280p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, October 2013, 9783777420936, HB, $58.00 Special Price $46.40
Franziskus: Der neue Papst und sein Vorbild Andreas R. Batlogg (Author); Niklaus Kuster (Author) When Francis of Assisi died in October 1226, he was poor in terms of material wealth and rich in terms of life. Approximately 800 years later, the new Pope Francis has positioned himself in the tradition of the saint who dedicated himself to the poorest of the poor and who eschewed material wealth.The first art book on Pope Francis has now been published by Hirmer Publishers.The richly illustrated volume introduces the new head of the Catholic Church and draws parallels to his titular saint, Francis of Assisi. German text. 29 illus, 84p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, April 2013, 9783777421193, HB, $13.00 Special Price $10.40
NEW FROM HIRMER VERLAG In Farbe! Claire-Obscur-Holzschnitte der Renaissance aus der Sammlung Baselitz und Albertina Achim Gnann (Author) The innovative technique of clair-obscur woodcuts revolutionized printing in the sixteenth century. From this point onwards the composition was no longer limited to purely black lines, but executed in a wide variety of colors.The artistic development of this new technique is traced through masterworks by Cranach, Burgkmair, Beccafumi and Hendrick Goltzius. German text. 280 illus, 464p.
Edvard Munch: Vom ersten Kuss bis in den Tod Corinna Höper (Author) On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birthday of the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart is showing an extensive exhibition of his works from the museum’s collection, with a focus on his works on paper.The catalog explores the techniques and subjects of an influential oeuvre in this anniversary year. German text. 75 illus, 120p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, July 2013, 9783777421384, HB, $39.00 Special Price $31.20
Hirmer Verlag GmbH, November 2013, 9783777421001, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Jenseits der Ansichtskarte: Die Alpen in der Fotografie Representations of the Alps have occupied an important position in the visual arts since Dürer’s first journey to Italy. For the first time, there is a particular focus on contemporary photographs of the Alps. German text. 100 illus, 114p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, October 2013, 9783777420998, HB, $39.00 Special Price $31.20
Ein Expressionistischer Sommer: Bonn 1913 Stephan Berg (Editor); Ingrid Kleinschmidt-Altpeter (Editor) This summer marks the 100-year anniversary of the legendary exhibition of Rhenish expressionists in Bonn. On this occasion the 16 participating artists surrounding the exhibition’s initiator August Macke will be represented in a kaleidoscope of works connected to the exhibition of 1913. German text. 102 illus, 144p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, June 2013, 9783777421025, HB, $39.00 Special Price $31.20
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Meister der Druckgraphik Magdalena M. Moeller (Editor) Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was one of the outstanding creators of printed works on paper of the twentieth century. He rediscovered long-neglected techniques and developed them into major modes of expression in expressionism. He created a unique, fascinating oeuvre. German text. 250 illus, 360p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, October 2013, 9783777421032, HB, $52.00 Special Price $41.60
Florenz!: Die Stadt der Medici kommt an den Rhein Philosophers, authors, architects, engineers, painters and sculptors have over the course of the centuries created countless masterpieces in the city on the river Arno. Florentine cultural heritage attracts flocks of visitors every year in search of the legend of the Renaissance metropolis that is presented in this volume. German text. 450 illus, 384p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, November 2013, 9783777420899, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Museum Angerlehner: Eine Privatsammlung wird öffentlich In September 2013 the entrepreneur Heinz J. Angerlehner will open one of the biggest private art museums in Austria. The catalog documents the history of the museum’s creation and presents the highlights of a private collection made up of more than 2000 works of art. German text. 250 illus, 400p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, September 2013, 9783777421308, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00 Mythos Welt: Otto Dix und Max Beckmann Ulrike Lorenz (Editor); Roger Diederen (Author); Beatrice von Bormann (Author) The heart of the programmatic New Objectivity revolution returns to the place of origin of this movement that defined an era: a magnificent selection of works from the oeuvres of Beckmann and Dix will mark the long-awaited re-opening of the Jugendstil wing of the Mannheimer Kunsthalle. German text. 200 illus, 264p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, November 2013, 9783777420097, HB, $52.00 Special Price $41.60 Nature Morte: Stillleben in der Zeitgenössischen Kunst Michael Petry (Author) This opulent illustrated book provides the first overview of contemporary art on the subject of stilllifes.The selection of works is impressive in its variety. Featuring a riot of different materials and media, it shows that this subject is highly topical in today’s art world. German text. 350 illus, 288p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, September 2013, 9783777420783, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
64 ART
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Op und Pop: Experimente amerikanischer Künstler Comic, advertising, graffiti, signal: suddenly the everyday became art. A new attitude to life emerged in the 1960s, in accordance with which the colorful and the striking, the humorous and the loud, the unpretentious and that which is easily understood took hold of the world. And screen printing was the medium of this revolution. German text. 150 illus, 168p.
Hirmer Verlag GmbH, March 2013, 9783777420691, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00 Provokation!: Goya, Daumier,Yongbo Zhao – Kritiker und Spötter ihrer Zeit Susanne Flesche (Editor) The works of Francisco de Goya, Honoré Daumier and Yongbo Zhao share a sense of humor, mockery and the portrayal of unacceptable conditions. In caricatures and surreal paintings they hold a mirror up to the world, prompting laughter and provoking those responsible. German text. 70 illus, 96p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, September 2013, 9783777421292, HB, $33.00 Special Price $26.40 Vernis Martin: Französischer Lack im 18. Jahrhundert Monika Kopplin (Author); Anne Forray-Carlier (Author) The name Vernis Martin has been a synonym for French lacquer art since the eighteenth century. Promoted to a generic term, it has come to stand for the lacquer decor of precious furniture and imposing coaches, and most importantly for that of small-format jewels that were produced in the Paris workshops by the four Martin brothers and their sons. German text. 400 illus, 260p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, October 2013, 9783777421148, HB, $58.00 Special Price $46.40 Werner Berg: Im Rausch der Kunst Harald Scheicher (Author) Werner Berg was an outsider in twentieth-century Austrian art. He lived in seclusion on his farm in lower Carinthia under what were at times precarious circumstances.This volume is the first to show his fascinating and hitherto entirely unknown sketches, which were created under the influence of alcohol. German text. 99 illus, 116p. Hirmer Verlag GmbH, May 2013, 9783777420967, Spiralbound, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
At Home in the World: A Study in Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Art Donald Capps (Author) The emotional separation of boys from their mothers in early childhood enables them to connect with their fathers and their fathers’ world. But this separation also produces a melancholic reaction of sadness and sense of loss. Certain religious sensibilities develop out of this melancholic reaction, including a sense of honor, a sense of hope, and a sense of humor. Realizing that they cannot return to their original maternal environment, men, whether knowingly or not, embark on a lifelong search for a sense of being at home in the world. ‘At Home in the World’ focuses on works of art as a means to explore the formation and continuing expression of men’s melancholy selves and their religious sensibilities.These explorations include such topics as male viewers’ mixed feelings toward the maternal figure, physical settings that offer alternatives to the maternal environment, and the maternal resonances of the world of nature. By presenting images of the natural world as the locus of peace and contentment, ‘At Home in the World’ especially reflects of the religious sensibility of hope. 212p. Lutterworth Press, September 2013, 9780718893224, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
David Rankin: The New York Years Dore Ashton (Author) Renowned New York art historian and critic Dore Ashton’s new book on the Australian artist David Rankin’s ‘New York Years’ provides illuminating insights into the development of the numerous themes expressed in the paintings and sculptures he has created over recent decades. Its 288 richly illustrated pages amply document this range of ideas.While Peter Carey’s introduction offers important glimpses of Rankin’s youth and earlier career in Australia, Ashton develops this narrative and then extends her analysis into subsequent years after his marriage to poet Lily Brett and their move to a New York still redolent with the influence of Robert Motherwell, Mark Rothko and many others, about whom Ashton has written extensively. Dore Ashton’s text is interspersed with extended quotes from the artist himself.These affirm the genesis of his art in a long-term investigation of Buddhist thinking and calligraphy, and knowledge of Western literary sources such as the writings of James Joyce, Primo Levi,Walter Benjamin and poets like the American Wallace Stevens. Always sympathetic to politically conscious responses to tragedy as they are expressed in art, Ashton admires this aspect of Rankin’s work as it appears in series such as his Dona Nobis Pacem and Jerusalem Wall paintings, and the more recent Enniskillen works which reflect on tragic events in Ireland which affected his own family. over 200 illus, 288p. Macmillan Art Publishing, July 2013, 9781921394584, HB, $99.95 Special Price $79.96
Jorg Schmeisser: Bilder Der Reise: A man, who likes to draw Roger Butler (Author); Eric Denker (Author); Peter Haynes (Author); Merryn Gates (Author) This splendidly illustrated, multicolored publication serves as a fitting memorial to a much-admired Canberra-based artist, teacher and traveler who died in 2012 while still involved with the production of the book. A painter of the art of color etching, his keenly observed studies of the world around him – whether in his birthplace, Germany, or in fair-flung and ancient places in the Middle East, Far East and Australia – are rich in detail and often annotated in his own handwriting. He lets the etched line work on the spectator’s imagination – with poetic rewards for all who ponder. Schemisser came to Australia in 1978 as head of the Printmaking Department of the Canberra School of Art. As such, he encouraged the development of a generation of young artists. His own works are keenly collected – particularly in Australia, Germany and Japan. Co-published by SFA Press, Canberra, and Macmillan Art Publishing, this is a heartwarming account of an artistic life well-lived from a variety of scholarly and critical perspectives.The design and color reproduction are both spectacular. over 100 col illus, 176p. Macmillan Art Publishing, May 2013, 9781921394942, HB, $86.00 Special Price $68.80
Joseph Henderson: Doyen of Glasgow Artists, 1832-1908 Hilary Christie-Johnson (Author) Joseph Henderson’s contribution to the burgeoning Glasgow art world in the second half of the 19th century and the first years of the 20th was profound. Glasgow became a center of artistic activity in the 1860s, due in part to the establishment of the Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts and the artists who formed the Glasgow Art Club of which Henderson was twice president. Opportunities reached a peak with the extravagant Glasgow International Exhibition of 1888 with its six large galleries devoted to art.Then came the famous ‘Glasgow Boys’ who furthered the city’s reputation for art in the 1880s and 90s. Among the artists most regularly reviewed in The Glasgow Herald and The Scotsman was Joseph Henderson whose early works encompassed portraiture and genre painting but who later became renowned for his seascapes and extraordinary rendition of the west coast of Scotland.These feature prominently in this richly colored illustrated book which brings to life
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what Henderson called his ‘bit of the Ayrshire Coast’. And yet today, knowledge of his contribution requires renewal. Perhaps overshadowed by his son-in-law, the better known William McTaggart, and vying for recognition with his three artist sons, one of whom became Director of the Glasgow School of Art, few remember that Henderson had many paintings hung at the Royal Academy in London and in 1896 was declared by his colleagues to be ‘the doyen of Glasgow artists’. On the occasion of his Jubilee (in 1901) members of the Glasgow Art Club reiterated this praise. 100 illus, 160p. Macmillan Art Publishing, July 2013, 9781921394881, PB, $79.95 Special Price $63.96
No Other Man, No Other Store: The Extraordinary Life of Sir Charles Lloyd Jones; Painter, Patron and Patriot, 1878-1958 Jenny Cullen (Author) Sir Charles Lloyd Jones always wanted to be an artist and, in his youth, studied painting for six and a half years, first at the Julian Ashton Art School in Sydney and then at the Slade in London. As grandson of the founder of David Jones Ltd. he eventually returned from London to play many important roles in the firm – firstly by revolutionizing its advertising and later as Chairman of the Board for almost 40 years until his death in 1958. He instigated the expansion of the firm into new purpose-built architecturally significant buildings in Sydney’s business center and introduced Australia’s first mail-order service with delivery to regional NSW by air. If his innovative approach to many areas of retailing has become legendary, his contribution to the arts in Australia was equally profound. He shared with founder Sydney Ure Smith the publication of Art in Australia and The Home, both magazines of extreme importance to Australia’s cultural development. He was appointed first Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Commission and an initial director of the Australian National Travel Association, now known as Tourism Australia. He became a long-term Trustee of the Art Gallery of NSW, established David Jones’ Art Gallery and through the Gallery and Art in Australia helped bring local and overseas artists to increasingly arts-interested Australian audiences. All the while, he continued to paint.This biography, written and researched by Sydney author Jenny Cullen, provides an exciting documentation of the life of a remarkable citizen, described in the title of the book as ‘Painter, Patron and Patriot’. over 100 illus, 240p. Macmillan Art Publishing, July 2013, 9781921394836, HB, $110.00 Special Price $88.00
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The Observing Eye: The French artist Jean Houel in Malta Thomas Freller (Author) The French artist Jean Pierre Louis Laurent Hoüel is rightly described as master of the ‘vedutismo itinerante’. Art historians have acknowledged his important contributions to the development of 18th-century landscape painting.Volume four of his magnus opus, the Voyage pittoresque des îles de Sicile, de Malte et de Lipari …, contributes substantially to our knowledge about the state of locations and monuments during his two visits to Malta and Gozo in 1770 and 1777.This new book also includes more sketches and reproductions of the original gouache paintings related to these islands which are now preserved in the Hermitage in St Petersburg.The qualities of these gouaches and plates, especially his neo-classical rigor and verism, make his work to a very important source of documentation for the archaeological and classical heritage of Malta and Gozo. Except the sketches, watercolors, and works on oil on canvas by his direct contemporary Louis Ducros, no other artist except for Hoüel has carried out such a number of first quality depiction of Malta’s landscape, archaeological sites, architecture, and country folk.The accompanying text makes clear Hoüel’s profound knowledge – at least by the standards of his times – of the history, geophysical structure, and folklore of the Maltese archipelago. col illus, 194p. Midsea Books, June 2013, 9789993274179, HB, $53.50 Special Price $42.80
Our Work: Modern Jobs – Ancient Origins Jack Green (Editor); Emily Teeter (Editor) This is the catalog for a photo-based exhibit that reveals that many modern professions originated in the ancient Middle East. Artifacts from the Oriental Institute Museum were paired with a baker, farmer, manicurist, brewer, poet, boat builder, judge and other professionals to show the antiquity of these jobs.The portraits are accompanied by commentary on the contributions of the ancient Middle East to life today and new insights into how members of the public view their relationship to the past.This volume will be of interest to educators, historians, and those interested in finearts photography. 17 illus, 24 tintype portraits, 29 col object photos, 128p. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum Publications 36, August 2013, 9781885923998, PB, $24.95 Special Price $19.96
NEW FROM MACMILLAN ART PUBLISHING, AUSTRALIA The LIP Anthology: An Australian Feminist Arts Journal, 1976-1984 Vivian Ziherl (Editor) By reviewing the adventurous projects and artworks of a significant group of women involved with the LIP Collective based in Melbourne in the 1970s and 80s, this exciting anthology co-published by Kunstverein Publishing Amsterdam and Macmillan Art Publishing: Melbourne discloses for the first time the scope of the movement. It published Lip:A Feminist Arts Journal; the Earthworks Poster Collective;The Women’s Theatre Group;The Women’s Film Group and a host of exhibitions and critical writings connecting Australian women artists with the activities of their counterparts overseas. As editor Vivian Ziherl writes: “Lip magazine was self-published by women in Melbourne from 1976 to 1984 and stood as a lightning rod for Australian feminist artistic practice over the ‘Women Liberation’ era.The art and ideas expressed over Lip’s lifetime track, with ground-breaking moves into performance, ecology, social-engagement and labor politics, stood at an intersection with local realities.The Lip Anthology seeks a figuration of Lip as a composite feminist entity produced with relation to the situational conditions of its production.” The anthology selection is not proposed as a ‘best of’, but rather as cumulative array of materials indicating the range and dynamism of the Lip project.The diversity of the periodical is privileged across multiple disciplinary vantages, as well as among the varied feminist positions brought together through the discursive space afforded by Lip. Collecting and presenting the materials of Lip for the first time since their original appearance, the anthology seeks (re/de)construction and routes of (re)circulation towards points of (re)commencement. 192p. Macmillan Art Publishing, July 2013, 9781921394775, PB, $49.95 Special Price $39.96
... Unto Heaven Will I Ascend: Jacob Epstein’s Inspired Years 1930–1959 Raquel Gilboa (Author) As an American living in England, a conscious Jew who utilized Christian symbols, a skillful modeler who introduced direct carving into England, and a modernist who eventually came to dislike abstraction for its own sake, Epstein did not fit neatly into the artistic categories of his time. Apart from his still widely admired naturalistic bronze portraits, Epstein’s oeuvre remains poorly understood and his reputation is dominated by his famous Rock Drill from before World War I. As this book shows, Epstein remained an avant-garde artist throughout his life, even if he ignored modernist dogma as well as man-in-thestreet prudery. Gilboa’s text reveals the man in all his genius, interpreting many works in the light of Epstein’s personal circumstances. Almost all of the sculptures that Epstein produced from the 1930s aroused a public outcry, causing one critic to state that “a new carving by Mr. Epstein – good, bad or indifferent – can still steal the headlines when criminal assault, private or political, is out of season”. It was only during the 1950s, following the trauma and emotional shock of World War II, that new requirements for the expression of ideas and emotions rather than for mere forms with which to play renewed the demand for ‘an Epstein’ and his kind of ‘content’ sculpture, mainly in public commissions. Epstein, by then in his seventies, was flooded with work, and his sculpture – which employed Christian imagery to convey universal ideas of consolation and hope to a war-weary England – became newly relevant, gaining him the status of grand old master of English sculpture. 200 b/w illus, 220p. Paul Holberton Publishing, July 2013, 9781907372490, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
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The Courtauld Gallery The Courtauld Gallery holds the most important collection of works in the United Kingdom by the Post-impressionist master Paul Gauguin (1841–1903). Assembled by the pioneering collector Samuel Courtauld (1876–1947), it includes major paintings and works on paper as well as one of the only two marble sculptures ever created by the artist.This special Summer display presents the complete collection together with the loan of two important works by Gauguin formerly in Courtauld’s private collection: Martinique Landscape (Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh), and Bathers at Tahiti (The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham). 40 illus, 60p. Paul Holberton Publishing, January 2013, 9781907372476, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Gainsborough’s Cottage Doors: An Insight into the Artist’s Last Decade Hugh Belsey (Author) Inspired by the recent identification of a third autograph version of Gainsborough’s masterpiece The Cottage Door, this book examines the significance of the multiple versions of designs that the artist produced during the 1780s. It demonstrates that without the pressure of exhibiting his work annually at the Academy and without a string of sitters waiting for their finished portraits, Gainsborough’s work became more personal, more thoughtful.This study of the last phase of the artist’s work is a totally fresh interpretation of not only The Cottage Door but other key works such as Mrs Sheridan and Diana and Acteon. Gainsborough’s creative energies changed around 1780. He became restless and wanted to promote his landscape painting more effectively. He started to paint coastal scenes using an innovative painting technique to depict the water and he embarked on a series of ‘fancy’ pictures that he would position him as a descendant of an Old Master tradition. He was never happy with the constraints of the Royal Academy and he was at odds with the dictatorial opinions promoted by its president, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Removing himself from the Academy enabled him finally to do what he wanted. He began to turn to portrait compositions that he had developed and refined over a number of years.With subtle alterations they could be made suitable for a variety of sitters.The subject matter in some of his late paintings veers towards the autobiographical and shows a certain rift between him and his family. 80 illus, 128p. Paul Holberton Publishing, June 2013, 9781907372506, PB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
Magnificent Marble Statues: British Sculpture in the Mansion House Julius Bryant (Author) The Mansion House, the palatial city residence of the Lord Mayor of London, is home to one of the capital’s finest collections of British sculpture from the 18th and 19th centuries. Forming part of the spectacular setting for official functions, as well as the background to busy offices and the home of the Lord Mayor and his family, the sculpture ranges from handsome chimney pieces and elaborate stuccowork wall decorations to heroic single statues of figures from British literature and history. Described by the architectural historian Nicolaus Pevsner as “magnificent marble statues”, the sculptures are almost unknown to the general public.The time has come for a fresh appreciation of them.The first book on the sculpture ever published, this beautifully illustrated study reveals the subjects of the sculptures, the stories behind the commissions and the importance of the artists themselves. New photography highlights the qualities of the individual sculptures in their historic settings. A unique insight to the challenges and delights of living, working and raising a family in Mansion House is given in an introductory essay by the Lady Mayoress, Clare Gifford.The sculptures and architecture are described by Julius Bryant, Keeper of Word and Image at the Victoria and Albert Museum.This beautifully produced new handbook provides a companion volume to The Harold Samuel Collection, Dutch and Flemish Pictures at the Mansion House (Paul Holberton Publishing, 2012) by Michael Hall and Clare Gifford. 90 col illus, 144p. Paul Holberton Publishing, November 2013, 9781907372551, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Paths to Reform: Things New and Old’ Sandra Hindman (Author); Laura Light (Author) Throughout the history of Christianity, men and women have wrestled with the challenge of how to interpret, and how to follow, the Gospels. Intrinsic to this process is the concept of “reform”, a recognition that changes is necessary in order to return to a more authentic Christian life.The approximately thirty-five manuscripts presented here trace this process from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries through the texts that inspired reform movements and communicated their ideas to others. 40 illus, 113p. Paul Holberton Publishing,Textmanuscripts 3, January 2013, 9780983854654, PB, $35.00 Special Price $28.00
The Male Nude: Eighteenth-Century Drawings from the Paris Academy Emmanuelle Burgerolle (Author); Georges Brunel (Author); Camille Debrabant (Author) Painting in 18th-century France was centered on the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in Paris, where the drawing of the male human figure was at the core of the curriculum. Only after mastering the copying of drawings and engravings, and then casts of antique sculptures, would the student be allowed to progress to drawing the nude figure in the life class.The drawings produced there were so associated with the Academy that they came to be known as ‘académies’. Accompanying a groundbreaking exhibition at the Wallace Collection, this publication includes remarkable drawings by Rigaud, Boucher, Nattier, Pierre, Carle van Loo, Gros and Jean-Baptiste Isabey.The works show figures – sometimes single, sometimes two together – in an enormous variety of poses and in various degrees of light and shade.The study of physiognomic expression was also taught at the Academy, and the facial expressions of the figures always complement the poses they adopt, whether they show serenity, exertion, pleasure or anger.The catalog of over 40 masterpieces from the Academy collection is introduced with 3 essays by distinguished scholars. Emmanuelle Brugerolles and Camille Debrebant write about the teaching methods at the Academy, to which no female artists were admitted and all models were male.They consider the complete collection of 600 drawings made over a period of some 150 years. Georges Brunel’s essay ‘Art and Manner’, highlights some features of the artistic doctrine, which, while remaining stable for a century and a half, from 1650 to 1800, was nevertheless modified over time, each period reflecting its own sense of form and artistic expectations. 70 illus, 128p. Paul Holberton Publishing, October 2013, 9780900785689, PB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
The Young Durer: Drawing the Figure Stephanie Buck (Author); Stephanie Porras (Author); D. Freedberg (Author); Michael Roth (Author) Accompanying a landmark exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery, this book examines the remarkable drawings made by Du?rer as a young man from 1490 to 1495, especially those made during his journeyman years, or Wanderjahre – considered the final part of a craftsman’s training – and a second shorter trip which immediately followed and seems to have brought the artist to Italy. These trips form the framework for the book, which focuses on the young artist’s figure studies and has at its heart the Courtauld Gallery’s double-sided drawing of a Wise Virgin and Two studies of the artist’s left leg.The scholarly and beautifully illustrated catalog is introduced with five essays by distinguished experts. Stephanie Buck examines the documentary evidence and attempts to reconstruct the motivations and activities of Du?rer’s travels as a young man. David Freedberg discusses Du?rer’s obsessive observation and recording of himself in portraits and in studies of his limbs. Stephanie Porras looks at Du?rer’s copies of drawings or prints circulating in Nuremberg workshops or acquired during the Wanderjahre. Michael Roth asks the question of how the three strands of the art of the line – drawing, engraving and woodcut – structurally correspond in Du?rer’s work and, consequently, how drawing merges with certain manual aspects of printing. A final essay presents new technical research on Du?rer’s early drawings undertaken collaboratively in a number of leading collections of the artist’s work, and aims to enrich our understanding of the young Du?rer’s approach to the medium of drawing. 200 col illus, 240p. Paul Holberton Publishing, October 2013, 9781907372513, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
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West Country to World’s End: The South West in the Tudor Age Sam Smiles (Author); Susan Flavin (Author); Karen Heard (Author); Stephanie Pratt (Author) During the Tudor Age the South West was famed for the innovation and endeavor of its people. Devon sea dogs Drake, Raleigh and Hawkins sailed to ‘World’s End’ in their pursuit of treasure and glory, Exeter’s Nicholas Hilliard produced exquisite miniature portraits of courtiers while fellow Exonian Thomas Bodley re-founded Oxford University’s library, later named the Bodleian in his honor.These men lived during the religious turmoil and political intrigue of Elizabeth I’s reign – a time of opportunity for the merchants and traders of Devon. Many grew rich on the fruits of overseas trade and expressed their new status through fashionable houses, fine furnishings, decoration and valuable personal possessions.The demand for goods was met by a network of local craft workers: plasterers, masons, carpenters, lace-makers and goldsmiths. Aspects of their lives are revealed in this book, published to accompany the fascinating exhibition at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, which will draw together paintings, artifacts and documents from galleries, museums and record offices to tell the story of the South West and its people set against the backdrop of one of the most,evocative periods in British history. 50 col illus, 120p. Paul Holberton Publishing, October 2013, 9781907372520, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
Traditional Buildings in the Oxford Region John Steane (Author); James Ayres (Author) The pivotal position of the Oxford region in the geological and therefore building history of England is of fundamental importance to the study of traditional construction. Oxford occupies a central position on the ancient route between Northampton and Southampton and on the east – west road between London,The West Country,Wales and Ireland. For this reason, unusually for vernacular architecture, the buildings of the region were subject to a wide range of influences.This book, the fruit of twenty years research, provides an account of vernacular architecture in the Oxford region from Anglo-Saxon times to the 19th century. It begins with a discussion of methods and procedures followed by a description of building materials, stone, brick, slate and thatch.This serves as an introduction to the heart of the book, eleven chapters dealing with surveys of cruck buildings, manorial and moated sites, town hours with particular emphasis on Abingdon, and houses in the countryside from farmhouses to cottages.There are then chapters on fire hazards, public houses and public buildings. Distributed through the book are special sections devoted to wall paintings, ferramenta, apotropaic marks, carpentry details, secrets under the floorboards, fireplaces, staircases and windows.The book is richly and profusely illustration with over 500 illustrations, photographs, maps, and a particular strength, a large number of drawings of architectural details and sketch perspectives. over 500 col & b/w illus. Oxbow Books, August 2013, 9781842174791, HB, $90.00 Special Price $72.00
Inka: Könige der Anden Inés de Castro (Editor) The catalog for the exhibition of the Linden-Museum in Stuttgart presents the culture of the Inca from their beginnings in the middle of the 11th Century to the colonial period. Many of the pictured objects are to be shown in Europe for the first time and they impressively demonstrate origin, religion, architecture, economics and power relations of the Inca Empire. German text. 500 col illus, 348p. Philipp von Zabern, October 2013, 9783805346573, HB, $45.00 Special Price $36.00
Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien Sabine Haag (Editor); Gabriele Helke (Editor) The Yearbook of the Museum for Art History in Vienna is one of the oldest art-historical periodicals of international renown. Its traditional objective is to present the most current research results on the extensive inventory and the history of the different collections of the museum. Every volume of the yearbook focus on a certain topic. Numerous articles present up-to-date research and studies from the museum. Most papers are in German, but certain articles are also published in English. illus, 415p. Philipp von Zabern, 13/14, June 2013, 9783805346344, HB, $127.00 Special Price $101.60
The Form of Meaning / The Meaning of Form: Studies in the History of Art from Late Antiquity to Jackson Pollock, Volume II Irving Lavin (Author) Volumes I and II bring together all of Irving Lavin’s studies aside from those on Gian Lorenzo Bernini.They range from studies of the art and architecture of Late Antiquity to twentieth-century painting in New York.They are divided here by date, and include seven studies on the art of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, nine on the art of the Renaissance, eight on further topics in sixteenthcentury art, seven on the Baroque, and six on Modern Art.There are three studies on the history of theater and stage design, and twelve papers on the history of art in general, including obituaries of a number of influential art historians. Lavin’s prize-winning study of Late Antique architecture and pioneering work on North African floor mosaics are included here. His interest in the Italian Renaissance appears in studies on the iconography of the myth of Cephalus and Procris, and the relationship between form and content in works by Donatello, Michelangelo, Pontormo, and Giovanni Bologna.The twentieth century is represented by essays on the printmaking of Picasso and the painting of Jackson Pollock. 283 illus, 650p. Pindar Press, May 2014, 9781904597476, HB, $300.00 Special Price $240.00
Edwardian House: Original Features and Fittings Trevor Yorke (Author) Edwardian houses, built between 1880 and 1914, remain some of our best constructed, elegant, and durable housing stock. Many were influenced by the romantic styles of Art Nouveau and the Arts and Crafts Movement. It was an age of mass production, but the pride in these homes shown by their builders is still evidenced by the dates of construction and the rural names given to them, often seen above the front door or carefully chiseled onto a plaque below the roof.This book focuses on the original exterior and interior features that would have been added by the builder but which may since have been replaced or removed.They include sash and casement windows, colored glass, door plates and handles, letter boxes, porches, balconies, rainwater hoppers, fireplaces, stairs, wall moldings, and fitted cupboards. A strong pride of ownership remains with today’s owners. For anyone restoring features in their own Edwardian home, or who simply enjoys an admiration of period properties, then this book will be an invaluable guide. illus, 64p. Countryside Books, October 2013, 9781846743122, PB, $12.00 Special Price $9.60
L’Abbazia di San Salvatore a Settimo: Un respiro profondo mille anni Marco Gamannossi (Author) The volume is the first important monograph on the Cluniac Benedictine abbey of Badia a Settimo (Florence), reconstructing its history and its main artistic and architectural features. Covering more than a millennium (a document dating to 1011 certifies the presence of a monastery founded by Count Lotario dei Cadolingi), the history of Badia a Settimo is related in particular to the city of Florence, with which it was tightly bound. From 1236, when the abbey passed to the Cistercians, the artistic taste opened up to Senese and French art, continuing the path of openness that already characterized the Pre-Romanesque period.The volume also provides a description of the artistic treasures of the Badia, such as the altar commissioned in 1639 to the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and Ghirlandaio’s works, that make the abbey not only a local but also a worldwide patrimony. Italian text. 208p. Edizioni Polistampa, June 2013, 9788859611899, HB, $95.00 Special Price $76.00
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Buildings of the Labour Movement Nick Mansfield (Author) This fascinating survey ranges from the communal buildings of the early 19th- century political radicals, Owenites and Chartists, through Arts and Crafts influenced socialist structures of the late Victorian and Edwardian period to the grand union ‘castles’ of the mid twentieth century.There are also chapters on the ubiquitous co-operative architecture, long forgotten socialist holiday camps, and those memorials associated with the hidden story of radical ex-servicemen and their remembrance of war dead.The countryside is also not forgotten with rural labor buildings, as well as the clubhouses of idealistic socialist cyclists.The book though is not just about bricks and mortar but uncovers the social history of the men and women who worked so hard locally to achieve their goals.Though many buildings have been lost over the years, the book outlines the recent struggle for their preservation and details many which can still be visited. 220 illus,164p. English Heritage, July 2013, 9781848021297, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Early Structural Steel in London Buildings: A discreet revolution Jonathan Clarke (Author) In 1909, one of the world’s great cities, London, finally sanctioned steel-frame architecture. For the previous quarter century, a new structural material – steel – had been discreetly changing the anatomy and physiology of the capital’s new buildings, and shifting professional dynamics between architects, engineers, and contractors. Contemporaries called it ‘The Age of Steel’, one noting ‘nowhere have the days of steel been more pregnant with change than in architecture and building’.This richly illustrated book takes a refreshing new look at Victorian and Edwardian architecture, examining how mild steel – which superseded cast and wrought iron – was put to use in theaters, hotels, clubs, offices and many other building types. Interwoven are chapters examining technological developments, Continental and American cross-currents, legislative and philosophical precepts, and constructional and architectural consequences.This compelling narrative is about much more than rivets and girders; it embraces architectural and constructional history in one of its most exciting periods. 357 figs, 416p. English Heritage, December 2013, 9781848021037, HB, $130.00 Special Price $104.00
NEW FROM MANEY PUBLISHING King’s College Chapel, Aberdeen, 1500-2000: 2nd Edition Jane Geddes (Author) This new edition is a revised and expanded version of the book produced in 2000 to celebrate the quincentenary of King’s College Chapel, Aberdeen. Since then, exciting discoveries have taken place and old ideas have been reappraised.The choir stalls and woodwork have provided a fresh seam of information about the meaning and use of the medieval chapel. Daniel MacCannell has identified new iconography in the stalls. Jane Geddes, prompted by the installation of the new organ, has investigated the original function and appearance of the great pulpitum or screen between the choir and nave and discovered the location of a magnificent lost organ loft. Mary Pryor and John Morrison have examined the great baroque biblical paintings and come up with a totally new interpretation of their iconography and function: a political warning to King Charles II. Easter Smart, the university chaplain, describes the flexible and ecumenical use of the chapel today.The revised edition appears in time to honor the quincentenary of the death of Bishop William Elphinstone, the founder of Aberdeen University, who died in 1514.This book aims to integrate his legacy to the chapel: the liturgy, music, architecture and fittings.Thanks to an unusually tolerant and conservative attitude towards religion at the university following the Reformation, the chapel has survived in a more complete medieval state than any other church in Scotland.The rich archive of university documents show how benign neglect and a fierce pride in their iconic building caused the university to maintain the structure and its furnishings even during the long centuries when it ceased to serve a religious function. Second edition, b/w illus, 16 col pls, 303p. Maney Publishing, September 2013, 9781907975981, PB, $57.00 Special Price $45.60
Russia: A World Apart Duncan McLaren (Author); Simon Marsden (Author) This is a haunting evocation of the ruined country estates of the Russian aristocracy of the 18th and 19th centuries. Revolution, civil war, invasion, anarchy and casual indifference have conspired against many of the grand buildings of Russia’s rich and complex past.The architectural riches of Moscow and St Petersburg still exist, but when the photographer Simon Marsden and author Duncan McLaren entered the Russian countryside, away from the obvious tourist trails, they encountered a very different world. McLaren relates how “The further from Moscow and St Petersburg, the more desolate and derelict the landscape became. Endless pot-holed roads pass through one dead or dying village after another whose vandalized churches are now the refuge of owls and pigeons.This is the plight of modern-day Russia where the countryside is dying and its population declining while the big cities are thriving. Hidden away within all this desolation and chaos, many devastated country estates can be found.” This book, the result of four trips undertaken by Marsden and McLaren, illustrates a diverse mix of pre-revolutionary buildings and memorials, manor houses, palaces, churches, statuary and tombs, interspersed with more recent monuments from Soviet times. In the newly found freedom and optimism of the post-communist era, some of these estates are being restored by individuals and organizations whose immense dedication to rescuing their past is nothing short of inspiring. Others will simply crumble to dust in the face of indifference from the majority of the population making this a beautiful and melancholy testament to the glories and grandeur of the past few centuries. 80 illus, 144p. Paul Holberton Publishing, August 2013, 9780957379503, HB, $40.00 Special Price $32.00
The Image of Venice: Fialetti’s View and Sir Henry Wotton The city of Venice holds a special place in the global imagination.This book explores the creation of one of its largest surviving depictions, which has remained almost unknown to the wider public since its creation exactly four centuries ago. 100 illus, 168p. Paul Holberton Publishing, January 2013, 9781907372483, HB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
The Churches of Rome, 1527-1870: Vol. 2. Notes, Plates and Indexes Michael Erwee (Author) The churches of Rome constitute arguably the most important manifestations of art and architecture in the Western world.This book is a detailed description of 251 churches in Rome and the Vatican City, built or decorated between 1527 and 1870, and is based on extensive research in state, church and private archives, as well as an exhaustive survey of modern and historical bibliographical sources. Its aim is to provide a more complete picture of the construction and decoration of these churches than previously known.This entails not only providing the names of the architects who designed the churches, but also the names of the masons (muratori) and stone cutters (scalpellini), who built the churches and whose skills were essential for realizing the architect’s plans.This depth of information is carried through to the interior decorations.The interior of each church is then described in depth, on a chapel-by-chapel basis, and includes stucco work, marble revetment, monuments, metal work, fresco and painted decorations and altarpieces. For each church, a brief historical introduction is given and a general bibliography supplied. An alphabetic index of artists is supplied, and includes the churches where their works are to be found and accurate biographical information for each artist. In addition there is an index of patrons, and a street and rione index. Also provided are the names and contact details of the archives consulted in researching this book.The book is intended to be used as a reference and resource book, as well as to be used by visitors to these churches. It is lavishly illustrated with photographs. 600p. Pindar Press, October 2013, 9781904597674, HB, $300.00 Special Price $240.00
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Chichester: A Walk in the City John Elliott (Author); Sue Finniss (Author) Chichester is a major cathedral city which has also managed to retain a very rich architectural heritage with an important cathedral building,architecturally important buildings in the Close and equally important structures in the city.This book attempts to capture the spirt of this heritage by mixing the visual with the descriptive: mixing pictures and words to describe one of the major UK cathedral cities. Sue Finniss is a watercolor artist of some distinction.Her style is precise and descriptive.John Elliott is an architectural historian and publisher.This book is a fusion of these talents. 44 col illus, 96p. Spire Books, October 2012, 9781904965398, HB, $38.00 Special Price $30.40
The Aesthetics of Utopia: Saltaire, Akroydon and Bedford Park Sheila Binns (Author) Saltaire,Akroydon and Bedford Park are planned, model urban communities of the nineteenth century – two of them in Yorkshire, the third in west London.All three villages grew from the ideas of developers intent on creating a fine environment for living: Italianate Saltaire was for mill-workers, Gothic Akroydon was an attempt at social engineering and Bedford Park, in the so-called Queen Anne Revival style, was for the aspiring middle-class with artistic sensibilities. Each has a unique aesthetic style, and, like a Victorian painting, has messages embedded in the decorative detail. Famous architects, including Sir George Gilbert Scott and Richard Norman Shaw, played their part in these important developments and the beliefs and motivations of both developers and architects were integral to the designs of the communities. This book explores how these ideals were translated into the villages themselves, reveals the hidden significance of aesthetic details and is a testimony to the creative endeavour of our Victorian forebears. 96p. Spire Books, September 2013, 9781904965459, PB, $30.00 Special Price $24.00
The Sweet Taste of a Dalmatian Love Affair: Croatian family recipes Flora Turner-Vuãetiç (Author) Born in Dalmatia in the late 19th century, Grandmother Flora lived through times which are almost impossible for present generations to understand. Luxuries we take for granted, such as running water, cars and telephones, gradually came into being during her lifetime. Love letters from Flora’s fiancé Viktor reveal a very passionate courtship which lasted for some five years, much of which was conducted at a distance. Food and love are two Dalmatian passions, and Flora expressed her love for Viktor through the delicacies she sent him by post while he was studying and working abroad.Viktor’s appreciative letters reflect the sensuousness of many of her offerings. Flora’s cooking certainly found the way to his heart. Flora’s cookbook and Viktor’s love letters are the basis of this book.Times have changed beyond recognition since their youth, but good food is appreciated as much now as it was then. Flora’s recipes cover everyday dishes, specialties for feasts and myriad succulent sweets. Cooking from scratch is less common than ever nowadays, but it is richly rewarding.Well-prepared dishes can be wonderful to look at as well as good to eat.The inventive cook takes pride in creating balanced meals prepared and served with love. Grandmother Flora’s recipes are timeless, to be enjoyed all the more in these modern times when speed and convenience have eroded such simple pleasures as preparing and eating good food. col illus, 152p. Archaeopress, June 2013, 9781905739646, PB, $33.00 Special Price $26.40
Oltre la Zonazione / Beyond Zoning: Tre anni di studio al Castello di Brolio / A three years study at Castello di Brolio Edoardo A.C. Costantini (Editor) This study indicates that the considerable characterization and differentiation found in Brolio land reflects the various types of soil found within the Chianti Classico appellation area.These multifaceted aspects of the territory show the extraordinary expressive potential of its principal variety, the Sangiovese, and it is only through a constant increase in knowledge that it is possible to respect, enhance and make wine unique, “sublime” as Barone Bettino Ricasoli liked to say in the 19th century. Italian/English text. 184p. Edizioni Polistampa, July 2013, 9788859612247, PB, $52.90 Special Price $42.32
Bread & Oil: Majorcan Culture’s Last Stand Tomás Graves (Author) Coarse bread rubbed with tomato or garlic and then bathed in olive oil, is common to all the Mediterranean cultures. On the island of Majorca, it is known as pa amb oli, bread and oil.Tomás Graves takes this healthy peasant staple as a starting point to explore not only Mediterranean cooking, agriculture, and traditions but also the historical events that have rescued this simple dish from disappearing along with a way of life that had remained essentially unchanged since Roman times. In Bread & Oil Tomás Graves celebrates the Majorcan character as reflected in its eating habits. He makes the sights, sounds, scents and people of the Spanish island spring to life so brilliantly in this creative triumph. Part adventure, part history book, part travelogue, part restaurant guide and part cookbook, the reader is charmed throughout. Recipes reflect the indigenous ingredients; wrinkled olives made with olive oil, lemon juice and crushed garlic; fried sardines topped with sautéed onions and marinated in vinegar served cold with bread and oil, and guacamole with tomatoes and onions. Originally published as Volem pa amb oli in the native Catalan language of the Balearics, this new revised and updated English-language edition of Graves’ book offers an informative guide not only to an overlooked culinary tradition, but also to the immense cultural transition that’s changing the face of Europe. 240p. Grub Street Cookery, July 2013, 9781909166165, PB, $17.95 Special Price $14.36
Constance Spry Cookery Book Constance Spry (Author); Rosemary Hume (Author) In 2011 Grub Street published a beautiful, elegant newly designed, updated and metricated edition of The Constance Spry Cookery Book with specially commissioned line drawings; the first new edition since its publication in 1956. Because The Constance Spry Cookbook is now an established classic and a timeless treasure which has stood the test of time and is the most requested cookery book on wedding gift lists we are producing for the first time in the book’s history a deluxe slip-cased edition with foil embossing on the cover and slip case and the book has color tipped pages. It is one of the kitchen bibles, worshiped by millions. Known for its authoritative and comprehensive collection of recipes, this is an essential addition to any kitchen and has become an invaluable source of information for every enthusiastic cook. Published in 1956, when both Constance Spry and Rosemary Hume were among the greatest names in cookery writing, it took three years to produce.Their aim was to offer a supremely practical book with chapters covering kitchen processes, soups and sauces, through vegetables, meat, poultry and game to cold dishes and pastry making. In fact everything every cook, or aspiring cook, would need to know. That the book has been so popular for over half a century is a true testament to how successfully they achieved their aim. 1069p. Grub Street Cookery, October 2013, 9781909166219, HB, $75.00 Special Price $60.00
European Festival Food Elisabeth Luard (Author) From all over Europe from Scotland to the Mediterranean, from Hungary to Cornwall, Elisabeth Luard has collected descriptions of traditional feasts and festivals, many of which she has experienced first hand, and hundreds of recipes for the dishes appropriate to them. As well as being a unique and wonderfully readable cookery book, European Festival Food is written with the scrupulous attention to detail and authenticity that is the hallmark of Elisabeth Luard’s cookery writing, the recipes are peppered with hundreds of fascinating anecdotes and little known facts about local history and folklore. Starting with December the book is organized according to the months of the year and so it importantly also reminds us of the cycle of seasonality that is now once again regarded as the natural and much more enjoyable way to shop and eat. 344p. Grub Street Cookery, June 2013, 9781908117434, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96
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Five Fat Hens: The Chicken and Egg Cookbook Tim Halket (Author) 324p. Grub Street Cookery, June 2013, 9781909166097, PB, $22.95 Special Price $18.36
Knead to Know: The Real Bread Starter The Real Bread Campaign Whether you are a professional baker, a home baker who would like to turn a hobby into a career or just someone who loves Real Bread then this handbook is for you. It contains advice, recipes and insights from some of the country’s most experienced bakers, millers and retailers.There are chapters on ingredients, how to make a bread starter, how to set up a community supported bakery, the bake house, equipment, courses and training and suppliers. Originally produced and published by The Real Bread Campaign, Grub Street is delighted to be adding this useful and informative book to its trade list to bring it to a wider market.The Real Bread Campaign was launched in 2009 to share the many values of real bread that have been lost in the quest for an ever-cheaper loaf. It networks to bring farmers, millers, bakers and consumers closer together to create shorter food chains and support each other in making Real Bread available in their local communities and to aid bakers and other educators to share their skills, experience, passion and knowledge with children, caterers, professional and home bakers. 140p.
The Fish Store: Recipes and Recollections Lindsey Bareham (Author) When her sons inherited their father’s childhood home in a Cornish fishing village, once a commercial building for storing and packing pilchards, Lindsey Bareham thought it would be a nice idea to record some of the recipes and memories of this extraordinary place. It started as a notebook for her sons’ eyes only, with lists of favorite ways of cooking mackerel, monkfish and sole and how to make mayonnaise to go with the gift of a handsome crab or crayfish, but then it took on its own momentum and became this very special book, full of recollections and anecdotes and fabulous holiday food. Although the setting is of course English, Bareham’s recipes take in influences from all over the world, including Portugal (Portuguese Cabbage Soup with Rosemary Bruschetta), Italy (Red Mullet Wrapped in Parma Ham with Garlic and Rosemary) and Turkey (Spiced Aubergine Salad with Cumin). Nor, despite the location, are her recipes completely devoted to matters piscine. Chapters on eggs, chicken, lamb, vegetables and, of course, puddings, sit alongside a wonderful collection of recipes for fish of all kinds. First published to much acclaim in hardback by Michael Joseph in 2006 but out of print for a number of year; this is the book’s first appearance in paperback. 400p. Grub Street Cookery, September 2013, 9781909166080, PB, $29.95 Special Price $23.96
Grub Street Cookery, July 2013, 9781909166172, PB, $25.95 Special Price $20.76
Pumpkins and Squashes Janet MacDonald (Author) Everyone knows and loves the traditional pumpkin ? plump and golden carved into a Halloween lantern ? and perhaps you’ve prepared a pumpkin pie or a thick pumpkin soup but in the last few years other more interesting and varied varieties such as patty pans, kabocha, butternut, acorn and spaghetti squashes have become available from farmer’s markets and allotment gardeners. For all those cooks who have wondered what to do with these glorious new vegetables, or those who simply want some inspirational ideas for the good old pumpkin or what to do with that glut of courgettes; here are the recipes. From Pumpkin and White Bean Soup to Minted Courgette Soup, from Squash Couscous to Courgette Bread, from Spicy Pumpkin, Rum and Raisin Ice Cream to Pumpkin wine, there are over 100 easy-to-prepare dishes such as stews, pasta sauces, pickles, relishes, cakes, breads, quiches, biscuits and jams, to take you through the entire year. For those enthusiasts who like to grow their own produce there are cultivation instructions and seed sources as well as advice on picking, storing and a guide to varieties. 176p. Grub Street Cookery, November 2013, 9781908117168, PB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96
The Art of Pasta Lucio Galetto (Author); David Dale (Author) Lucio’s Italian Restaurant in Sydney Australia was established in 1983 and enjoys a remarkable reputation for exceptional Italian food and magnificent Australian art.Their beautiful book,The Art of Pasta gives detailed instructions for making and cutting pasta (including pasta flavored with herbs, porcini, saffron and squid ink), and for making simple filled pastas and perfect gnocchi.To accompany the pasta, choose from an array of mouthwatering pestos – from the definitive Ligurian version made with basil and pine nuts to a vibrant-green pistachio pesto and a versatile orange and almond pesto that’s equally good stirred through freshly cooked linguine, served with couscous or used as the basis of a salad dressing. Simple dishes mark the passage of the seasons, such as tagliatelle served with raw mushrooms in autumn, or with the first thin spears of asparagus in spring. In the cooler days of winter, authentic recipes for slow-cooked ragus (including a classic Bolognese sauce that has stood the test of time) really come into their own, filling the house with wonderful aromas.The Art of Pasta is filled with 160 authentic pasta recipes complimented with artwork by the very talented Luke Sciberras and photography by Anson Smart. 302p. Grub Street Cookery, March 2013, 9781908117427, HB, $49.95 Special Price $39.96
High Society Dinners: Dining in Tsarist Russia Darra Goldstein (Editor); Marian Schwartz (Translator);Yuri Lotman (Author); Jelena Pogosjan (Author) High Society Dinners offers extraordinary insight into the domestic arrangements of the Russian aristocracy, presenting six months’ worth of menus served in St Petersburg to the guests of Pavel Durnovo (1804–64), Grand Equerry to the Tsar, businessman and politician, part of an important late-19th-century dynasty that included ministers and high officials.The menus themselves would be useful enough for what they reveal about culinary culture in Russia, but it is the academic commentary in the introductory essay Yuri Lotman and Jelena Pogosjan that is so invaluable, dissecting the choice of dishes, the dining rituals and the social circles of the participants.The second part is a transcript of one year’s menus and guest lists interspersed with extracts from family letters and journals.This section was undertaken by A.A. Kononov and M.A. Gordin.Taken with the extensive contemporary illustrations, it sets in context the domestic and gastronomic underpinnings of life in this group at the heart of the Russian empire.The Russian has been finely translated by Marian Schwartz (who has worked with M. Gorbachov and translated works by Tolstoy, Bulgakov and Lermontov) and the book as a whole is annotated and introduced by Darra Goldstein, formerly editor of Gastronomica, professor of Russian Studies and author of books about Russian and Georgian food.This publication has been grant-aided by the Prokhorov Foundation’s Transcript program. 25 col & b/w illus, 400p. Prospect Books, November 2013, 9781903018989, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
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Wrapped and Stuffed Foods: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2012 Mark McWilliams (Editor) The thirty-first Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery discussed wrapped and stuffed foods from every possible angle, and from every possible geographical perspective.This may include sausages on the one hand, or stuffed ravioli on the other. It may also go as far as pies and sausage rolls. In geographical terms the Symposiasts were willing to look at cultures as disparate as Turkey, the United States, seventeeth-century England, Korea and Italy.There is also a pancultural discussion of stuffing and wrapping foods in avant-garde or molecular gastronomy. Contributors include the Chinese expert Fuschia Dunlop, the Greek cookery writer Aglaia Kremezi, the celebrated food writer and cultural historian from America Laura Shapiro, the Australian food historian Barbara Santich, the Israeli commentator and historian Susan Weingarten, and the English anthropologist David C. Sutton. Titles of some of the papers include:The Pillsbury Bake-Off: Stuffed and Wrapped in 1950s and 1960s America; Chicken Kiev: Material, Social and Discursive Wrappings; Samuel Pepys’s Venison Pasties; Barbarian heads and Turkish dumplings: the Chinese word mantou; A Knish Is Just a Knish–or Is It? The Evolution of a Street Food to Haute Nosh and Before Dolma: A Taxonomy of Medieval Arab Stuffery. 25 b/w illus, 368p. Prospect Books, July 2013, 9781903018996, PB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Die Geschichte der Staatsarzneikunde, Hygenie, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Sozialmedizin und Tierseuchenlehre in Österreich und ihre Vertreter Heinz Flamm (Author) The development of the modern hygiene in all Crown Countries of the Austrian monarchy and thereafter in the Republic of Austria is stated in detail. Originally the dietetics which cared for the personal health of the individual were in the foreground of interest. Hence in the Medico-surgical Schools of the k. k. (imperial-royal) lyceums of this time dietetics, means of succor of individuals in sudden mortal danger and for economic reasons also epizootology (animal epidemiology) primarily were taught. But in the military medicine in the outgoing 18th century and the State Medicine and Medical Police of the beginning 19th century the main considerations shifted to the interest of the state which urged healthy and fit subjects. Only in the second half of the 19th century the then developing hygiene brought a turn back to the primacy of the individual health. In the Josephinum in Vienna and the universities in Vienna and Prague and subsequently in the universities in Cracow, Lvov and Cluj the hygiene originated in the State Medicine and Medical Police.The Medical Microbiology on the other side was developed as well in the laboratories of the hygienists as in those of the pathologists. In two special chapters – the history of the water supply of Vienna and of small pox vaccination in Austria – the difficulties of precautions for Public Health are explained. In six years of investigations in archives and libraries and by personal communications the author reconstructed the academic life and work of more than 470 scientists.Their names and the keywords are traceable in extensive indices. German text. 350p. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press,Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften 66, December 2012, 9783700172086, PB, $127.00 Special Price $101.60
Misurare l’amore: Paolo Mantegazza scienziato del sesso Monika Antes (Author) Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910) was an extraordinarily versatile scientist: a physiologist, pathologist and hygienist; a traveler, anthropologist, photographer, ethnologist and psychologist. He was constantly in contact with Charles Darwin and he is known in particular for disseminating his theories in Italy. In 1873, he wrote Fisiologia dell’amore (The Physiology of Love) and he is considered a great innovator also in the field of sexuality and hygiene. Besides offering a view over the life and work of Mantegazza, who also was a member of the Parliament and the Senate of the Kingdom of Italy, Monika Antes’ essay presents, for the first time, the scientist as a pioneer of sexology, describing his revolutionary discoveries and theories in the field of heterosexual love and marriage as an institution. Original edition: Die Vermessung der Liebe. Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910) und seine bahnbrechenden Entdeckungen Verlag Königshausen & Neumann GmbH,Würzburg 2012 1st Italian edition: March 2013 (translation by Riccardo Nanini), Italian text. 96p. Edizioni Polistampa, Storie del mondo, May 2013, 9788856402667, PB, $25.00 Special Price $20.00
Die konfessionelle Kriegskrankenpflege im 19. Jahrhundert Annett Büttner (Author) The problem providing medical care to wounded and sick soldiers has occupied humanity for as long as the existence of war itself. Up until the nineteenth century, however, the underdeveloped military medical corps of European armies was thoroughly unfit to meet its task- thus developed voluntary military medical care. Annett Büttner shows in this book that that the development of the voluntary nursing effort cannot be reduced to internationally known protagonists like Henry Durant and the International Red Cross.The focus of this work is the military nursing care during the so-called Reichseinigungskriegen, or the Wars of German Unification, in the years 1864 to 1870/71. Because the Red Cross was first developed in this period, the burden of the work was borne by Evangelical deacons as well as Catholic nuns.They were the first civilian nurses in wartime. On the basis of letters and reports, the intentions and strategies are pursued and the daily life of caregiving in the military hospitals is reconstructed. A view on the development of the voluntary military care up to World War I rounds out this account. German text. 8 b/w photo, 16 b/w illus, 3 b/w tab. 481p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte 47, October 2013, 9783515104623, PB, $104.00 Special Price $83.20
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Kriegskrankenpflege im Ersten Weltkrieg: Das Pflegepersonal der freiwilligen Krankenpflege in den Etappen des Deutschen Kaiserreichs
Astrid Stölzle (Author) The focus of this study is the representation of the daily life of care-giving nuns and nurses as well as their thoughts and experiences in wartime military hospitals.Voluntary forces played an important role in the care of the wounded in World War I.Together with the doctors and hospital personnel, the nuns and nurses experienced the war from at closest possible range, where their efforts were most clearly recognizable.Their information gathered from letters, diaries and memories document not only the routine of the military hospitals in wartime, but also offer concrete views of the actions of care-givers joined with the responsibility, which lay with the individual nuns and nurses. German text. 18 b/w photo, 227p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte 49, October 2013, 9783515104814, PB, $63.00 Special Price $50.40
Medical Pluralism: Past – Present – Future Robert Jutte (Editor) Any exploration of plural medicine including the historical perspective needs to be aware of the conflict between regular and irregular healers which existed already in the pre-modern era, although distinctive features such as scientific, alternative or traditional which are so familiar to us today did not yet play a role. In the early modern period we observe a complex array of heterogeneous medical ideas and practices which has not much in common with the kind of pluralism or plurality which we can find in modern health care systems in Europe and nonwestern countries (e.g. India, Japan). Comparing the medical market place in pre-modern, 19th, and early 20th-century Western Europe with the present situation in health care, this book deals with the historical development as well as with the present state of medical pluralism in and outside Europe.The studies come up with data and evidence from a variety of sources, suggesting that unconventional medicine has been a persistent presence in health care over the past two to four hundred years.The contributors were drawn from different academic disciplines such as medical history, medicine, sociology, and anthropology. 205p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte – Beihefte 46, August 2013, 9783515104418, PB, $59.00 Special Price $47.20
ASIL: Photographic Studies of the Purebred Arabian Horse Tariq Dajani (Author) There’s something instantly recognizable about the photography of Tariq Dajani. It’s a combination of what he photographs and his curiosity in seeking a personal connection with this subject, captured using modern photographic methods which nonetheless invoke something of the Old Masters of painting.With Asil: Photographic Studies of the Purebred Arabian Horse, Dajani presents a series of beautifully observed and mastered photographs.These poetic portraits contain an elusive quality that draws the eye in,as he attempts to penetrate further into the nature and personalities of his subjects. His work is contemporary by virtue of the medium, yet he is a purist by heart, displaying intellectual depth and classical realism. Asil is the Arabic word signifying purity, nobility and authenticity and is used to describe the purebred Arabian Horse. It is a word that could equally describe Dajani’s photography. Although this book cannot do justice to the original prints, it has been produced to the highest possible standards and will undoubtedly find a place in the homes of all lovers of the horse and those who appreciate beauty in art and nature. 51 illus, 112p. Medina Publishing, June 2013, 9780957023383, HB, $99.00 Special Price $79.20
NEW FROM SIDESTONE PRESS Chimes of Time: Wounded Health Professionals. Essays on Recovery Bruce Kirkcaldy (Author) This book is an ambitious project uniting various fields in a multidisciplinary venture drawing on academics and clinicians from medicine, psychology and educational sciences.The interdisciplinary approach has assembled medical, educational and health specialists – many of whom are a rare assemble of outstanding academics and clinicians – with scholarly contributions from many different countries and institutes. It provides a plethora of essays and reviews by clinicians and academics, many contributions self-confessional, disclosing details of their own personal pain and suffering with critical life events including either physical or psychological illnesses, and a description of their own resources and strengths.There are also chapters provided by academics with creative and novel ideas drawing on insight derived from literature, arts and psychology as well as medicine, creating models for encouraging personal development … coping despite adversity and eventually finding meaning towards recovery both physically and psychologically. This process of recovery frequently required the support of trusted families and friends, teachers, and fellow physicians and psychologists, enabling them to pursue interesting and outstanding careers “despite” these apparent disadvantages.The authors are all very reflective, providing good advice for young practitioners and “afflicted” alike.The distinguished contributors show the power of the role of psycho-history and biography in understanding who researchers have been influenced by, and what and why.This book will be useful for practitioners and researchers, but also for laymen and social policy makers.The intended readership thus includes those interested in health psychology, sociology, anthropology, public health and mental health sciences. 280p. Sidestone Press, June 2013, 9789088900945, PB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
From Epsom to Tralee: A Journey Round the Racecourses of the UK Reginald Gill (Author) In 1955, Reginald Gill – milkman and part-time illegal bookie – took his 12-year-old son Roy to the Spring meeting at Epsom Downs Racecourse. It was a trip that started a lifelong passion for racing. In the half-century since, Roy Gill has visited every racecourse in the UK and Ireland at least once. Many courses have been closed down, some have moved their location, but every racecourse he visited is vividly recalled in this very personal and highly readable account. By the time he reached Tralee in 1992, Roy Gill was 99 not out on individual racecourses, and continues to attend race meetings whenever he can. He has included the new courses at Great Leighs and Ffos Las, and returned to Wolverhampton and Limerick, which have moved from their original locations. long with brief histories of every racecourse visited, the highs and lows of both Flat and National Hunt racing are revealed here by an acknowledged expert – and bona fide Turf Accountant.The book is beautifully illustrated with photographs (many of them previously unseen and unpublished), course diagrams and fascinating racing memorabilia. It includes the noteworthy occurrences and behind-the-scene stories of each venue, as well as personal anecdotes about the courses, the horses, the jockeys and trainers.Told with humor and passion, this entertaining and informative work is essential reading for all lovers of the Turf, and also a valuable spotlight on the sporting and social history of these sceptered isles. Medina Publishing, October 2013, 9781909339071, HB, $65 Special Price $52.00
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Out of the Desert: The Influence of the Arab Horse on the Light Horse and Native Pony Breeds of Britain Peter Upton (Author) Here is the long-awaited work by Peter Upton, one of Britain’s leading equine painters and authors.This book on the profound influence of the Arabian horse on the native horses and ponies of Britain is certain to raise interest, if not eyebrows, among horselovers around the world. Upton’s unrivaled knowledge of and passion for the Arab horse are well known, and his paintings and books on the subject are in demand world-wide. In Out of the Desert, he focuses on the Arab’s influence on the light horse and pony breeds of Great Britain.The work is lavishly illustrated with Upton’s own paintings and sketches, as well as archive photographs and fine art by artists such as Stubbs, Munnings, Sorolla and the Pre-Raphaelites. Throughout the narrative Upton draws on a rich source of quotes from contemporary and historic writers.The Arab is recognized as the world’s oldestknown pure equine race, and in earlier centuries was eagerly sought after by the rich and powerful. Due to the purity of its blood, the Arab displayed an unrivaled pre-potency, and its influence can be traced in breeds across the world – the Morgan horse, the Lipizzaner, the Percheron and many others. Upton’s conclusion that Britain’s native breeds have benefited from the benign influence of Arab blood may challenge the long-held views of some purists, but if you have a place in your heart for the horse or pony, you will undoubtedly want to find a place on your bookshelves for this superb book. 128 illus, 276p. Medina Publishing, May 2010, 9780956417008, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
Royal Heritage: The Story of Jordan’s Arab Horses HRH Princess Alia Al Hussein (Author); Roger Upton (Author) Royal Heritage tells the story of the Arab horse in Jordan, from the early days of the Bedouin tribes to the 21st century, a story closely associated with the Hashemite family of Jordan, direct descendants of the Prophet.The account also tells of the Arab Revolt of 1916, in which the Emirs Ali,Abdullah, Feisal and Zeid, with T E Lawrence, drove the Ottomans out of the region, and how some of the Hashemite mares became the foundation stock of the Royal Stud in Jordan. It covers many other adventures including the traumatic events which nearly led to the loss of the Stud’s precious mares and describes how the Royal Stud has flourished. Princess Alia includes many fascinating personal reminiscences: about the horses she holds so dear, the people involved in the Stud through the years, the famous and infamous, family and friends, heads of state and handlers.The work is richly illustrated with paintings, drawings and rare photographs from old archives and private collections, as well as up-to-date portraits of the Stud and its horses. Peter Upton gives an in-depth account of the horses themselves; the breeding, lineage and preservation of the hugely important Jordanian bloodlines. A story of legend, romance and war, Royal Heritage tells with passion for the first time the remarkable saga of the Arab horse in Jordan. 161 illus, 312p. Medina Publishing, March 2011, 9780956417046, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
The History of the British Riding Pony Tom Best (Author) The History of the British Riding Pony is the fruit of many years of dedicated research and writing by an acknowledged expert on the subject. Drawing on archive material, the book explains how bloodlines emerged over the years and how the types we now see in our show rings have been developed. It describes in detail how the expertise of a few influential breeders initially brought together the best bloodlines from the Thoroughbred,Arab and native pony breeds to create a modern equine which has no equal. In writing this definitive account,Tom Best has not only preserved for posterity the origins and history of this important breed, but provided a fascinating backdrop of more than a century of social history. Fully illustrated with historical and contemporary photographs, the book is essential reading for British Riding Pony aficionados. It will also interest Thoroughbred,Arab and native pony enthusiasts, keen to learn of the formative role their own breed has played in the development of another.The History of the British Riding Pony is a tour de force which provides a unique overview of the development of the breed from the late 19th century, when ponies were required for polo, to the present day when ponies are used extensively in the show ring for children to ride, and is worthy of a place on every equestrian bookshelf. 187 illus, 312p. Medina Publishing, March 2011, 9780956417091, HB, $55.00 Special Price $44.00
The History of the Welsh Pony Tom Best (Author) The Welsh Pony, or Welsh Section B as it is commonly known, is the most recently developed of the British native pony breeds, although its origins stretch back centuries. It is the only such pony to be bred for a specific purpose and, thanks to its relatively short history, there are ample records of its development. Referred to by 20th century breeders as the Welsh Riding Pony, as it was bred to provide a pony with Welsh character suitable for children to ride.The History of the Welsh Pony is a unique and comprehensive study of the development of the Welsh Pony over its 100-year history. From the influence of Polo Pony Society members at the turn of the 20th century to the specialist breeders of modern times, this book provides an insight into the origins of this beautiful breed.The famous Welsh Mountain Pony has featured heavily in its development, so too has the beautiful Arab and the small Thoroughbred which were used to infuse height into the developing Welsh Pony. The book is packed with interesting stories about key people in the field, when and how their influence was felt, is magnificently illustrated with photographs charting the development of all the different types, and highlights those outstanding Welsh Ponies which have made their mark. Meticulously researched and stylishly written, this is the first account of its kind and provides an invaluable addition to the bookshelf of the discerning collector or out-and-out Welsh enthusiast. 272p. Medina Publishing, December 2013, 9781909339026, HB, $65 Special Price $52.00
The Purebred Arabian Horses of Iraq: Myths and Realities
Peter Upton (Author) Since its first publication in 1989,The Arab Horse has been recognized as the definitive work on the subject.This, the third edition, has been substantially revised and redesigned to bring the story of the Arab horse to a new generation of enthusiasts of the breed.The first Arab stallion brought into Britain from the Desert of Arabia was Padischah, imported in the 1830s, whose pure-bred line still exists. Since the first edition more imports have been discovered. But, as the author admits, one must draw the line somewhere.This book provides a complete record of all the desert-bred horses imported into Britain after Padischah, from whom present-day pure-bred Arab horses descend, up to 1960. In his introductory chapter, Peter Upton provides a narrative history of the desert journeys of those early British enthusiasts who went in search of horses suitable for shipping back to Britain. Thereafter, and often in the words of the original importers, the author gives detailed descriptions of the eighty-six horses who have lines existing to this day, as well as detailed tables of descent of mares and stallions, and sections on Bedouin horse breeders and the development of strains. Lavishly illustrated with sixty full-page color portraits of horses by the author, and color reproductions of famous paintings of Arab horses by the Old Masters, and with 160 black-andwhite photographs, this revised, expanded and reformatted edition will delight and inform all those with an interest in this most beautiful breed. 212 illus, 352p.
Dr. Mohammad Al-Nujaifi (Author) For the first time, the story of Iraq’s purebred Arabian horses is recounted in words and pictures by a prominent Iraqi whose family has been breeding horses since the 17th century. Dr Mohammed Al-Nujaifi has a deep understanding of the purebred desert Arabian horse, its origins, history and qualities, and his narrative corrects the Western-held belief that Arabian horses were bred and admired primarily for their beauty. It is speed, he argues, that has always been the essential characteristic sought and developed over millennia by the Arabs.The recent resurgent interest in Arabian horse racing, not only throughout the Middle East but in Europe and North America, is testimony to this truth. Mohammed Al-Nujaifi has taken a leading role in encouraging the sport of Arabian horse racing and currently owns, trains and races more than fifty prize-winning Arabians.The book begins with the origins of the Arabian horse in pre-Islamic history and brings the story up the present day, including the history and current status of flat racing in Iraq.The final chapter focuses on the influence of the Iraqi Arabian on breeding programs around the world. Richly illustrated with recent photographs and many hitherto unpublished and historic images, the author writes with passion about the Arabian horses of Iraq, of the challenges faced by the breed in recent turbulent times and presents a unique and informed Arab perspective of the qualities of the purebred desert Arabian horse, one that is sure to spark controversy and debate among Western enthusiasts of the breed. 89 illus, 240p.
Medina Publishing, February 2012, 9780957023406, HB, $59.99 Special Price $47.99
Medina Publishing, November 2012, 9781909339019, HB, $65.00 Special Price $52.00
The Arab Horse
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Checklisten der Fauna Österreichs, No. 6
Reinhart Schuster (Editor Each article is divided in two parts. In part I, the General Part, the concerned animal group is presented in form of an introduction, also the history of investigations in Austria. In part II, the Special Part, all species which have been recorded up to date in Austria were nominated. Additional information is given about taxonomy and important synonymies, but also about interesting autecological data.Wrong or questionable records are discussed.The three groups are represented in Austria with the following numbers of species: 16 Branchiopoda (excl. Cladocera), 690 Apidae and 255 water mites (8 Halacaridae and 247 Hydrachnidia). German text. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Biosystematics and Ecology-Series 29, December 2012, 9783700172116, PB, $64.00 Special Price $51.20
A Manual for the Identification of Plant Seeds and Fruits
The World of the Tahawy Bedouin and their Purebred Arabian Horses Bernd Radtke (Author); Kirsten Radtke (Author) The Tahawy Bedouin have been famed breeders of pure-bred Arabian horses for centuries.Their horses have been an integral part of their history, their lives dependent on the strength, stamina and courage of their steeds.As breeders of Arabian horses for more than 35 years, Bernd and Kirsten Radtke became involved with the Tahawy in early 1980. For several decades they painstakingly, methodically and lovingly researched and preserved for posterity the details of the tribe, their way of life, their long history and their pure-bred Arab horses, hawks, camels and desert hunting hounds.The resulting work is a momentous achievement.Although its focus is largely on the asil horses, it contains much else. It provides an enthralling account of Bedouin daily life; tells of the Bedouin’s love for their falcons and salukis and their care in breeding them; and provides a glimpse into the fading memories and half-forgotten traditions of centuries past. The work contains more than 30 original pedigrees from the 1880s onwards, in Arabic and English, as well as many hitherto unpublished and rare photographs, and first-hand accounts by the Tahawy Sheikhs and their descendants.With unique research and images, bloodlines and memorabilia, the story is brought right up to date with contemporary pictures, making the work a timely and invaluable record for enthusiasts of the Arab horse and other noble desert beasts as well as of appeal to historians and anthropologists and those with an interest in the rich cultural heritage of the Arab world. 224p. Medina Publishing, November 2013, 9780956708151, HB, $49.99 Special Price $39.99
R.T. J. Cappers (Authr); R.M. Bekker (Author) The taxonomic identification of individual seeds and fruits of wild and cultivated plants is not always straightforward.The specialist literature and botanical reference collections can be helpful, and knowing where to begin reading and comparing can save a considerable amount of time.We wrote A Manual for the Identification of Plant Seeds and Fruits to make your search easier. It describes the inflorescence(s) and infructescence(s) seen in each of a set of 19 plant families, as well as the morphology of its seeds and fruits (with special emphasis on fruit typology); the dispersal units (diaspores); and, if present, heterocarpism and seed dimorphism.The manual is richly illustrated with 460 color photos of inflorescences, infructescences, seeds, and fruits. Each entry concludes with a concise seed atlas that depicts the variation in the individual plant family’s seed and fruit forms. A Manual for the Identification of Plant Seeds and Fruits includes the following plant families: Amaranthaceae; Apiaceae; Asteraceae; Boraginaceae; Brassicaceae; Caryophyllaceae; Convolvulaceae; Cyperaceae; Fabaceae; Geraniaceae; Juncaceae; Lamiaceae; Malvaceae; Plantaginaceae; Poaceae; Polygonaceae; Ranunculaceae. col illus, 273p. Barkhuis, June 2013, 9789491431265, HB, $62.00 Special Price $49.60
Mensch und Umwelt in Kirgistan: Politische Ökologie im postkolonialen und postsozialistischen Kontext Matthias Schmidt (Author) Perception, use and management of the environment and natural resources are measurable influenced through forms of political rule- thus the thesis of political ecology. Consequently, systemic political, economic and social upheavals lead to the restructuring of institutions and to modifications of contacts with the environment.The focus of the present study is the extent to which political systems have influenced the connections between humans and the environment in Central Asia, a region shaped by marked historical upheavals. Framed against use and analysis of political ecology, the study carries out an investigation of post-socialist and development research.The concentration on actors, institutions and resource management in the empirical case study of Kyrgyzstan contributes to a better understanding of political transformation and processes of decolonization and explains their concrete effects on the local level. It is made clear in this study, how, one the one hand, world-political events spread to peripheral spaces and marginalized societies and how, on the other hand, however, the situation and activity of those places and peoples are part of global development. German text. 26 b/w ill, 12 b/w tab. 16 col pls with 8 photo & 12 plans, 400p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Erdkundliches Wissen 153, October 2013, 9783515104784, PB, $78.00 Special Price $62.40
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LaGeS – Laboratorio di Geografia Sociale, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Herat Strategic Masterplan: A Vision for the Future This Masterplan project is the result of a long and intense collaborative relationship between the University of Florence and the University, the Department for Urban Development and the Municipal Council of Herat, set in motion in 2004. In 2011, with the financial support of the Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS) of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a systematic program of analysis and planning of the urban area was undertaken, aimed at the formulation of a new strategic Masterplan (SMP) for the city of Herat.This planning approach, far from being based on a static vision of urban space, is an attempt to harness the most significant aspects of change and development, ensuring, at the same time, the deepest consideration of the specific geographic, cultural and social aspects of the area within a multidisciplinary approach. 288p. Edizioni Polistampa, June 2013, 9788859612896, PB, $149.00 Special Price $119.20
Ordine mondiale e buon vicinato: Gli Stati Uniti e l’America latina negli anni di Carter (19771981) Living to Some Purpose: Memoirs of a Secular Iraqi and Arab Statesman Adnan Pachachi (Author); Peter Sluglett (Author) Often described as Iraq’s elder statesman, Dr Adnan Pachachi has enjoyed one of the longest and most distinguished political careers of modern times, both domestically and on the world stage. In a life spanning nine decades, he has served his country as Ambassador to the United Nations and as Foreign Minister, and has worked tirelessly to establish a secular and anti-sectarian political culture in Iraq. At the UN, where he was an eloquent advocate of the Palestinian cause, he was much admired for his mastery of procedure and his formidable debating skills. In 1969, a few months after the Ba‘athist government took power in Baghdad, he resigned from the Iraqi foreign service while at the United Nations in New York. He would not see his country again for thirty-four years. At the invitation of Sheikh Zayed, he took up residence in Abu Dhabi where, until 1993, he played a central role in establishing the United Arab Emirates as a newly independent state. In 1991 he re-engaged with Iraqi politics when he became involved with the expatriate opposition. In 2003, at the age of eighty, he made the courageous decision to return to Iraq in the aftermath of the US invasion and the fall of Saddam Hussein. He became a member of the Governing Council, its President in January 2004, a member of the Interim National Council in 2004–05, and a member of the Iraqi Parliament from 2006 to 2010. In this honest and affecting memoir, in which he combines the political with the personal, Dr Pachachi charts the course of his lifelong dedication to democratic, pluralist, tolerant and civilized values. 17 photo, 240p. Arabian Publishing Ltd, May 2013, 9780957106031, HB, $50.00 Special Price $40.00 Dall’osservatorio più alto. Amintore Fanfani alla Presidenza dell’ONU: Selezione degli atti del convegno “Amintore Fanfani e Guido de Marco: due statisti mediterranei alla Presidenza dell’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite” (New York, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò/New York University, 26 settembre 2011) Piero Roggi (Editor) The book contains a selection of the contributions presented during the conference Amintore Fanfani e Guido de Marco: due statisti mediterranei alla Presidenza dell’assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite (New York, Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò – New York University), which took place the 26th of September 2011 to mark the centenary of Fanfani’s birth.The aim of this volume is to remember the commitment of Fanfani as President of the twentieth session of the United Nations General Assembly (1965-66), highlighting his effort in pointing out questions of foreign politics in Italy. As Franco Ciavattini writes in the preface, Fanfani was particularly able to “adjust the political-diplomatic profile of Italy, stressing the autonomy of the Holy See and tracing a less ideological anticommunism” and also to balance a national “neoatlantic” policy with an openness to African, Asiatic and especially Arabian countries. Italian text. 96p. Edizioni Polistampa, Centro Studi “Amintore Fanfani”, December 2013, 9788859611493, PB, $15.00 Special Price $12.00
Massimiliano Guderzo (Author) This volume, divided into five chronological chapters presented in backward order compared to the most traditional procedure, studies the relationship between the United States and Latin America during the years of Carter’s administration, from 1977 to early 1981. Based on unpublished documents kept at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta, Georgia, and on the critical review of the international bibliography available on the matter, the book shows a brief reconstruction of the subject and a succession of interpretative hypothesis.A wider valuation of Carter’s presidency is connected to these assumptions, in opposition to many considerations on the American foreign policy during the second half of 70’s. It is presented not as a period of weakness but of bold decisions in the international field, mostly linked to a solid awareness of the ethic and value instrument as the keystone of an appropriate review of Roosevelt’s grand imperial design Attached to the book is a documentary appendix, that encourages the use of the monograph as a teaching tool for the first and second level degree courses dedicated to the United States international action, to the history of Latin America or, more generally, to the history of the international system in the XX century. Italian text. 208p. Edizioni Polistampa, Storia delle relazioni internazionali, April 2013, 9788859611448, PB, $28.00 Special Price $22.40
Verlangen Nach Leben: Eine junge Frau im Visier der Staatssicherheit Petra Stark (Author) For a long time she had led an ordinary life; at 18 she was a single mother, she liked her job as a secretary, writing lyrics for cabarets on the side, and she always landed an interesting man in her bed. This was how she liked it and this was what she wanted. But one of her affairs brought her to the attention of the Stasi and she ended up in a National Security Jail. She was not a critic of the system, nor a member of the DDR opposition, but rather she was a fun-loving young woman who would not let herself be controlled. In this autobiographical account, the author vividly evokes the feeling of how the space in one’s life became ever smaller, how the control of state power permeated all areas of life and how neither a job nor familial ties could stop it.The state commissioner of Saxony-Anhalt for the records of State Security of the former DDR supports the publication of this book. German text. 216p. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, February 2013, 9783374031467, PB, $20.00 Special Price $16.00
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An Institutional Perspective on Production and Upgrading: The Electronics Industry in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Daniel Schiller (Author) Production and upgrading processes in emerging economies are studied by geographers and economists since many years. However, the relevance of institutions, in particular the informal ones, has not yet been fully understood.The institutional perspective of this book is relevant because regional production and innovation are embedded within multi-layered institutional settings which are enforced by actors at different spatial scales, e.g. local stakeholders, national policy makers, and multinational firms.This book analyses the electronics industry of the mega-urban region of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta which is the world’s most important production cluster of the industry. A conceptual discussion on the institutional approach to informality and an overview of methods to measure it set the scene for five empirical chapters.The description of the spatial and organizational transition of the electronics industry in the region is followed by a thorough analysis of the role of personal relations for doing business. Finally, the most important issue for the long-term competitiveness of the region is discussed: upgrading and innovation. 7 b/w figs, 49 s/w-tab. 253p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Megacities and Global Change / Megastädte und globaler Wandel 12, September 2013, 9783515104791, PB, $73.00 Special Price $58.40
Betriebliche Weiterbildung: Materialien in didaktischer und bildungsökonomischer Perspektive Bernd Dewe (Author); Katharina Feistel (Author) Die betriebliche Weiterbildung wird immer wichtiger. Allerdings entspricht die akademische Reflexion dieses Tätigkeitsfeldes nicht ihrer Bedeutung in wirtschaftlicher und pädagogischer Perspektive. Daher rekonstruiert der Band die betriebliche Weiterbildung sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer bildungsökonomischen Grundlagen als auch in Bezug auf die in ihr wirksamen differenten Handlungslogiken. Bachelor- und Master-Studierende sowie Berufspraktiker können hier Erkenntnisse über die Bildungsökonomie und Humankapitaltheorie gewinnen und erfahren den Zusammenhang von Bildungsökonomie und betrieblicher Weiterbildung. Zudem werden sie über Lernbesonderheiten Erwachsener informiert. Schwerpunkt des Lehrbuchs sind die Handlungslogiken, von denen betriebliche Weiterbildungsprozesse maßgeblich beeinflusst werden.Vertiefend geht der Band auf die Didaktik und Methodik betrieblicher Weiterbildung ein und erläutert hierbei Methoden des Lernens am Arbeitsplatz. Er beleuchtet relevante Faktoren der Kosten und die Sicherungsinstrumente betrieblicher Weiterbildung ebenso wie die Tätigkeitsfelder von Professionals in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. German text. 51 b/w illus, 23 tab. 138p. Franz Steiner Verlag, August 2013, 9783515104852, PB, $36.00 Special Price $28.80
Contre l’Europe? Anti-européisme, euroscepticisme et alter-européisme dans la construction européenne, de 1945 à nos jours. Vol. 2: Acteurs institutionnels, milieux politiques et société civile Gainar Gainar (Editor); Martial Libera (Editor The integration of Europe today currently suffers from a rash of bad press. Resistance to a unified Europe has increased significantly during the past fifteen years. Such waves of opposition have recently slowed down—even stopped in some instances—the continued development of the European Union. Hence the reason why a group of young historians from the University of Strasbourg have created the Programme Junior (Junior Program), which focuses on the opposition against European development.Adopting an interdisciplinary and international approach, the research project aims to establish a rational overview about the challenges facing the European community since 1945, so as to identify the major principles, variations of its expression, and its evolution.After the publication of the first volume, which explored the concepts and representation of anti-Europeanism, this volume analyzes the opposition to Europe through the lens of various sectors: administration and national government, the European assemblies, political milieux, civil society.The eighteen articles included here examine the various reasons behind the opposition, demonstrating their great diversity and tracing their transformations since the end of the Second World War. French text. 363p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration 21, August 2013, 9783515103657, PB, $84.00 Special Price $67.20
Equal Security: Europe and the SALT Process, 1969–1976 Ralph L. Dietl (Author) Superpower détente during the Nixon-Ford Administration led to the formation of an East-West regime aimed at conflict control and systemic stability.‘Equal Security’ was the proclaimed goal. By institutionalizing bipolarity, however, the bilateral US-SU Strategic Arms Limitation Talks actually threatened Western European security, for global security and Alliance security were ultimately incompatible. NATO Europe feared the emergence of a global directorate of the superpowers and became apprehensive that the US would be ready to abandon the cause of Europe and sacrifice European and German unity for the sake of a stable world order. In reaction, NATO Europe sought to shape the SALT process to ensure that equal security applied to all – the Soviet Union, the United States and the European Allies.This volume analyses the linkages between SALT, MBFR, NATO and the special AngloAmerican nuclear relationship. It also explores how NATO Europe penetrated US decision-making and co-shaped the US SALT agenda and how Scoop Jackson Democrats and NATO Europe aligned to preserve Western block superiority, freezing the SALT II process. Based on recently declassified European archival material, the volume offers a fresh interpretation of and a ‘new look’ at SALT. 251p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Historische Mitteilungen – Beihefte, December 2013, 9783515104531, PB, $73.00 Special Price $58.40
Ethik und Recht in der Bioethik/Ethique et Droit en matière de Bioéthique: Kongress der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 11.–12. Mai 2012, Universität Luzern / Congrès de l’Association Suisse de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie Sociale, 11–12 mai 2012, Université de Lucerne Bénédict Winiger (Editor); Paolo Becchi (Editor); Philippe Avramov (Editor); Mike Bacher (Editor) There are countless questions on the beginning and end of life, which in the threshold between law, philosophy, and theology led to controversial discussions. Not only these disciplines, but (medical) practice is also regularly confronted here with problems.The assembled papers, derived from the meeting “Ethics and the Law in Bioethics” at the University of Lucerne, offer an overview of the current state of research: they bring light to themes from embryo-screening to reproductive medicine, research on humans up to brain death, organ transplants, euthanasia and patient’s decrees for end-of-life care. The essays cover the current state of research, scrutinize existing assumptions and develop new approaches to these subjects. German text. 226p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie – Beihefte 138, September 2013, 9783515104364, PB, $69.00 Special Price $55.20
Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit leben und erforschen. Bd. 5: Integration und (trans-) regionale Identitäten: Beiträge aus dem Kolloquium, Grenzen überbrücken: auf dem Weg zur territorialen Kohäsion in Europa“, 18. und 19. Oktober 2010, Straßburg Joachim Beck (Editor); Birte Wassenberg (Editor) This is the fifth volume of the series studying cross-border cooperation: integration and (trans-) regional identities covers the first part of the colloquium, held in October, 2010, whose theme was “Bridging Borders: on the road to territorial cohesion in Europe?” (“Grenzen überbrücken: auf dem Weg zur territorialen Kohäsion in Europa?”) It covered the roles of border regions in the process of European integration and the formation of European identity. Does European integration happen in the border regions and if so, how does this integration serve the processes of European unity? Does cross-border cooperation promote (trans-) regional identity and can this be seen as complementary to, or in competition with, European identity? Is the “label” of border regions as a motor of European integration a myth or a reality? The first section elucidates what is understood about border-crossing integration from the perspective of various academic disciplines; the second section presents some examples of crossborder cooperation for the citizens and the third section covers the theme of cultural plurality and the (trans-) regional identities in border regions. German text. 6 b/w photo, 17 b/w illus, 4 b/w tab. 7 b/w plans, 353p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration 22, September 2013, 9783515105958, PB, $84.00 Special Price $67.20
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Grundbesitz in einer spätmittelalterlichen Marktgemeinde: Land und Leute in Gries bei Bozen Volker Stamm (Author) Lordship is considered to be a structure shaped by the Middle Ages.This model implies that lords exert control over land that is cultivated by dependent peasants.The peasants personally and economically subordinate to the lord. How far is this concept in accord with the primary source evidence? To be able to answer this question the systematic research of property records, especially of arable land, is necessary.Volker Stamm shows through examples from the south Tyrolean market community of Gries, whose land was shaped by the fifteenth century by a variety of diverse property owners. Moreover, the land exhibits a very strong diversity in ownership. On the basis of property ownership, therefore, one can only speak of lordship in individual cases. Land investments of new urban actors were conducted by other motives than to exert lordship over the peasants. Beyond the investigation of social structures the author also inquires after the living conditions of people in the fifteenth century.To what extent were they dependent on “lords” and how did this reality shape subordination? This book opens up new perspectives on these questions. German text. 135p. Franz Steiner Verlag,Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Beihefte 222, September 2013, 9783515103749, PB, $57.00 Special Price $45.60
Human Dignity as a Foundation of Law: Proceedings of the Special Workshop held at the 24th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Beijing, 2009 Winfried Brugger (Editor); Stephan Kirste (Editor) Although human dignity is an old principle in philosophy, the history of its legal form is relatively short. Since its first adoption in the preamble of the Irish Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it has more and more proven to be a fundamental principle of law.The philosophers, lawyers and political scientists joint in this book discuss this assumption with respect to the legal form of dignity, its relation to values like freedom and autonomy, and analyze its implications for justice in difficult decisions. Because of the fundamental value of human dignity, comparative studies are intended to show its relevance in different legal orders and in international law. 267p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie – Beihefte 137, August 2013, 9783515104401, PB, $74.00 Special Price $59.20
Performing Politics, Making Space: A Visual Ethnography of Political Change in Ecuador Carolin Schurr (Author) Constructing more inclusive political spaces has been a central concern of social movements in post-colonial societies.This book engages with Ecuador’s recent processes of political transformation by questioning to what extent these contribute to a decolonization of Ecuador’s democracy. Based on visual ethnographic research in Ecuadorian local politics, it interrogates the effect of women’s and indigenous people’s political participation on building more inclusive, intercultural political spaces.The volume develops a post-structuralist electoral geography capturing the embodied, emotional, and intersectional performances that produce political spaces. In doing so, it breaks new empirical ground and expands the field of electoral geography, connecting it to current conceptual debates in human geography. 36 b/w illus, 10 b/w tab. 2 b/w plans, 213p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Erdkundliches Wissen 152, October 2013, 9783515104661, PB, $63.00 Special Price $50.40
Perspektiven sozialwissenschaftlicher Konsumforschung Heiko Schmid (Editor); Karsten Gäbler (Editor Consumption is ubiquitous and there is hardly a time or place on which the world of saleable goods does not sooner or later come to bear. But what exactly is consumption, where did it begin and where does it end? Daily consuming is not reducible to the performance of transactions. In marked contrast, the sale appears to be only an intermediary step of broader processes of consumption, which takes its beginning with the production of needs, wants and expectations and in its course uses, modifies and disposes of goods. Not only are awareness and expectations generated in this process but they also (re-)produce social regulations and all kinds of references.This multi-dimensionality of consumption is reflected in the enormous diversity of social-scientific studies on consumption.This collection combines various social-scientific approaches along the lines of consumption culture, consumption world and daily consumption which allows for contrasts between the epistemological ideas and logical clarifications from consumption sociology and geography or ethnological perspectives (for examples) to be visible but also the little observed convergences of these approaches. German text. 250p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Sozialgeographische Bibliothek 16, September 2013, 9783515102230, PB, $66.00 Special Price $52.80
Ländlicher Kredit: Eine Untersuchung der Kreditpolitik anhand ausgewählter Regionen Frauke Schlütz (Author) Since the middle of the nineteenth century, agricultural credit cooperatives developed in the transition from an agrarian to an industrial state. Frauke Schlütz analyzes for the first time the emergence and development of the credit cooperatives in the years 1889 to 1914 on the basis of the primary sources from the cooperatives and also using broad samples of data, using examples from the former Berg-district communities of Gummersbach,Waldbröl and Wipperfürth. She examines the founding history and inaugurators (such as some agricultural unions and farmer’s unions), the meaning of regional cooperative associations for the creation of the cooperatives, the internal organization of credit unions and the statutes, from which were derived the rules and procedures for lending credit as well as the operative lending and deposit businesses. A special view of the communal central funds as “compensatory funds” for the primary communities is also considered. Moreover, the administration and supervision, in particular revision through the cooperative associations and the development of revisionary practice, is also examined. German text. 448p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Bankhistorische Forschung, December 2013, 9783515104395, PB, $79.00 Special Price $63.20
Staat und Raum Bernd Belina (Editor) The studies in this book outline the relationship between state and space in various approaches to contemporary political geography. In clear distinction to traditional geography- which is critically reflected- “space” is defined from post structural, pragmatic and historical-materialistic perspectives and its relevance for “state” is discussed. “Space” is therefore more than the container in which the “state” occurs but spatial references in speech acts, discourses and practices and space as a technology and social product are the dynamic and productive moments of the states. Such approaches to the spatiality of the state permit for a better understanding of actual phenomenon. In this book other subjects are also treated, such as migration, transnationalism, globalization, regionalization, the European Union, the ubiquity of borders, geopolitical world pictures and new imperialisms. German text. 188p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Staatsdiskurse 26, June 2013, 9783515103466, PB, $42.00 Special Price $33.60
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The Future of the Bank of England: A Silver Lining? Paul Tempest (Author) This thought-provoking and highly readable title draws conclusions from the tumultuous events and consequences of the 2007-09 global financial crisis. It has not been easy for the Bank of England, deprived since 1997 of full responsibility for the supervision of the UK banks.These powers will now be restored to the Bank in 2012. In such matters of confidence and trust, the authors argue, the battle-hardened Bank of England now has a major opportunity to help strengthen the global financial system. The Bank’s immediate priorities are, firstly, to rebuild a warm, friendly face-toface relationship with the rest of the UK financial sector, particularly with the lead banks. Secondly, it must develop a more robust mechanism for restraining inflation and to provide a sound basis for a sustained economic rebound. A longer-term objective is to remain a major player in the global restructuring of the financial markets.This title is a timely and absorbing scrutiny of one of the UK’s greatest institutions, its past, present and future. As well as contributions from many major figures from the world of banking, the book includes a section of historical satirical cartoons, a lighthearted look at the contributions to the Bank’s in-house publication,The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, and useful annexes on Bank personnel. Contributors include three former Chancellors of the Exchequer, the Official Historian of the Bank, the current Chairman of a major City bank, the CEO of the British Bankers Association and 16 former Directors and senior staff of the Bank of England. 22 illus, 224p. Medina Publishing, May 2011, 9780956708120, HB, $19.95 Special Price $15.96, 9780956708144, PB, $12.99 Special Price $10.39
Party Politics in an Island Colony: The Maltese Experience Henry Frendo (Author) Writing in History of European Ideas, Jan-Erik Lane from the University of Oslo noted that Frendo’s ‘excellent study’ showed how Maltese politics had always been ‘conflict ridden’. Party Politics is ‘a lesson in the embryology of national idenitity, from which modern Malta has emerged as a small, independent, democratic, European state in the central Mediterranean, capable of acting as interlocutor between north and south, and east and west’, noted Barry Collet (University of Melbourne) in The Australian Journal of Political Science. ‘Here, at long last, was a book exploring the national reality with an absolute respect for the truth’, observed Geoffrey Hull (University of Sydney) in The Sunday Times. ‘None of the well-known flaws of history writing in Malta – tribal or national chauvinism, cultural cringes and politically motivated parti pris – has a place in Party Politics. It is so reassuring to discover in Henry Frendo the historian a truly European polymath who can foray intelligently and fruitfully into the related disciplines of literature, linguistics, anthropology, economics and sociology... a Maltese scholar with a sharp eye constantly on the rest of the world.’ b/w illus, 304p. Midsea Books, April 2013, 9789993274278, HB, $60.00 Special Price $48.00
Konzert-Szenen: Bewegung, Performance, Medien. Musik zwischen performativer Expansion und medialer Integration 1950–2000 Christa Brüstle (Author) In the last decade, changes in the ideas about composition and the performance practice of new music have changed the traditional understanding of concerts. Christa Brüstle illustrates in a music-historical outline the reasons and causes of this development: she refers to the new aspects of form and space in music equally as on the various connections between music, performance, theater and media.The subjects covered here are the introduction of movement at the concert podium, the experimental contact with instruments, (naked) bodies as producers of sound, forms of presentation of live electronics, the staging of musical concerts, the use of video in concerts as well as the vitalization of the public. She discusses examples of works from Ashley, Bauckholt, Berio, Boulez, Cage, Globokar, Hespos, Kagel, Kang, Lachenmann, Schnebel, Stäbler, Stelzenbach, Stockhausen and Young. Moreover, she raises exemplary interpretations of contemporary composers and concerts, citing current art and media discourse such as immediacy and interactivity, theories of performance and hybridity. German text. 413p. Franz Steiner Verlag, Archiv für Musikwissenschaft – Beiheft 73, June 2013, 9783515103978, HB, $68.00 Special Price $54.40
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Index of Publishers Amberley Publishing – 19
Lutterworth Press – 6, 47, 53, 60, 62
American School of Classical Studies at Athens – 14 & 15
Macmillan Art Publishing, Australia – 5, 38
Arabian Publishing – 27, 75 Archaeolingua – 1, 6, 11, 37
Maney Publishing – 26, 39, 68
Archaeopress – 4, 15, 25, 69
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research – 13, 73
Aris & Phillips – 14, 18, 54, 55
Medina Publishing – 26, 29, 30, 32 – 34, 45, 78
ATF Press – 45, 47- 49
Midsea Books – 40, 41, 65, 78
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press – 4, 25, 53, 55, 71, 74 Australian Centre for Egyptology – 23
Museum of London Archaeology – 20, 39
Barkhuis – 1, 10, 11, 15, 19, 53, 55, 62, 74
Northcote House Publishers – 61
Barzipan Publishing – 27, 42
On-Site Archaeology – 20-21
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara – 25
Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago – 26, 65
British Museum Press – 11, 15, 19, 23, 28, 37 Cambridge Philological Society – 15 Council for British Archaeology – 7, 9, 12
Oxbow Books – 1, 3, 4, 6 – 8, 10, 11, 19, 24, 34, 36, 37, 45, 47, 67, 72, 73
Council for British Research in the Levant – 25
Oxford Archaeology – 12
Cotswold Archaeology – 9
Oxford University School of Archaeology – 35
Countryside Books – 42, 67 Czech Institute of Egyptology – 23
Paul Holberton Publishing – 39, 65 – 68
East Anglian Archaeology – 12, 34, 35
Pen & Sword Books Ltd – 17, 18, 21, 22, 39, 41, 73
Edizioni Polistampa – 20, 37, 42, 55, 62, 67, 69, 71, 75
Philipp von Zabern – 3, 7, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 39, 53, 67, 73
English Heritage – 3, 12, 41, 68
Pindar Press – 30, 40, 67, 68
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt – 45 – 51, 75 Franz Steiner Verlag – 4, 16, 20, 38, 42 – 44, 48, 56, 71, 72, 74, 76 – 78
Prospect Books – 40, 70, 71 Sidestone Press – 2, 5, 72
Frontline Books – 73
Silphium Press – 30, 31
Gibb Memorial Trust – 28
Society for Libyan Studies – 31, 32
Golden House Publications – 24 Grub Street Cookery – 69, 70
Society for Medieval Archaeology – 35
Guy Points – 35
Spire Books – 69
Hirmer Verlag GmbH – 2, 17, 20, 62 – 65
TK Asian Antiquities – 73, 74
INSTAP Academic Press – 13
Wessex Archaeology – 2, 9, 13
James Clarke & Co – 46, 48, 51 – 54 Journal of Juristic Papyrology – 20, 24, 38 Khalili Collections – 28 Legenda – 5, 56 – 60
Wiltshire Archaeology & Natural History Society – 41 Windgather Press – 3, 11
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Welcome to the latest edition of the David Brown Book News! Within this catalog you will find a wealth of new publications on subjects across the archaeological spectrum as well as our blossoming literature, religion and art lists. This Book News includes new and forthcoming titles from our own imprints Oxbow Books,Windgather Press and Aris & Phillips beside many of our distributed publishers. We are very excited to introduce one of our newly distributed publishers the Society for Libyan Studies, a highly reputable British academic body sponsored by the British Academy.They publish detailed reports on their field projects including excavations and surveys at Euesperides (Benghazi), Sidi Khrebish (Berenice), Cyrene, Lepcis Magna and in the Fezzan and more recent projects including a multi-disciplinary survey in the pre-desert valleys of Tripolitania, Islamic excavations at Barca (El Merj) and Medinet Sultan, and the publication of excavations conducted at Sabratha and Lepcis Magna in the 1950s. They also publish a popular series of travel books under the imprint Silphium Press. You can find them on pages 30-32. Another publisher to join our lists is Medina Publishing. Established in 2009, Medina Publishing specializes in a broad and unique range of Middle Eastern and equestrian titles. The company has strong links to and clients in Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Jordan and is committed to producing high-quality books of general as well as specific interest. Recent publications and consultancy services have established Medina Publishing’s strong reputation in the equestrian world and we are excited to introduce their books to the American Market. You can find them on pages 26, 29, 30, 32-34, 45 & 78. Also now available from us are publications by TK Asian Antiquities, a dealer, researcher, and consultant in antique and ancient Asian art. You can find them on pages 73 & 74. Please remember to quote discount code 556-13 when ordering, to ensure you receive the special prices advertised!
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Cover Image: Birds in an Acadia Tree by Nina de Garis Davies, photography by Anna Ressman Cover of Between and Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt by the Oriental Institute on Page 22
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