Casemate UK spring 2015

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Art • Military • Aviation • Maritime & Naval History

We are very pleased to be able to present to you the first Casemate UK commissioned titles in this catalogue. We hope that you agree that Gold Run (p.3) and War’s Nomads (p.4) look to be thrilling reads. As always we have a great selection of titles from our distributed clients, ranging from highly illustrated books to tactics and strategy, and from biographies to first-hand accounts. Don’t forget to check out our bestsellers section (p. 39 – 44) to discover some of our favourite backlist titles too. We are delighted to welcome two new distributed partners who make their Casemate UK catalogue debut – Aviaeology (p. 14) and PelikaanPers (p. 54). From May 2015 we also take on the distribution for Fighting High Publishing and have included some of their recent titles to whet your appetite on p.16. The Casemate UK team are now on Twitter @Casemate_UK – join the conversation for content, events, competitions and previews. Visit our website and subscribe to our monthly newsletter for all the latest news and a round-up of recent releases. Cover image taken from Race to the Rhine (p.7).

CONTENTS Casemate UK.....................................................................3 Casemate............................................................................5 Amber Books.................................................................. 11 Aviaeology....................................................................... 14 Clear Vue Publishing.................................................. 15 Formac Publishing....................................................... 15 Fighting High Publishing........................................... 16 Heimdal.............................................................................22 Helion & Company......................................................26 Casemate Bestsellers................................................39 Histoire & Collections...............................................45 Kagero................................................................................49 Paladin Press..................................................................53 PelikaanPers....................................................................54 Potomac Books.............................................................55 RN Publishing..................................................................60 Savas Beatie...................................................................60 Stackpole Books...........................................................67 Tattered Flag...................................................................70 Anomie Books................................................................ 71 Paul Holberton Publishing....................................... 71 Oxbow Books.................................................................72 Council for British Archaeology...........................73 Mimesis International.................................................73 University Press of New England and Book Partners.......................................................74

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race to the

rhine Liberating France & the Low Countries





The German Blitzkrieg in 1940 brushed aside the Allied defenses condemning France and the Low Countries to long years of occupation. In 1944, the Allied advance after the destruction of German forces in the Falaise pocket was almost as dramatic: the pocket closed on August 14; Paris was liberated on August 25th and in northeast France Patton’s Third Army moved rapidly toward the German border, taking Rheims on August 29 and Verdun on the 30th. In the Low Countries, by September 4 British troops were in Antwerp; Canadian forces liberated Ostend on the 8th allowing the Belgian Government in exile to return to its country. On September 5, “Mad Tuesday,” the Netherlands joyously prepared for liberation: but it was too soon. The helter-skelter advance meant that the front line units had outstripped their logistics—particularly fuel that had to be transported from the Channel coast. In early September the Allied armies paused to regroup and by the time they were ready to advance again a defensive crust had formed. Operation Market Garden— Montgomery’s brave thrust towards Arnhem to get around the Westwall and into the heart of Germany—started on September 17, and hoped to end German resistance in the Low Countries at a stroke. It ended in failure on the 25th with over 6,000 paras captured, the bridge at Arnhem being a bridge too far. In late October operations began around Walcheren to clear the Scheldt and open the port of Antwerp to the Allies. Hard fighting continued until November 8 and mopping up operations after that, but by the 28th the first Allied convoy entered Antwerp. Belgium was almost free of the Nazi yoke. Then, on December 16, came Hitler’s last roll of the dice: a major German counteroffensive in the Ardennes to split the Allied armies and retake Antwerp; in early 1945 the Germans also attacked along the Saar hoping to take Strasbourg. It turned out to be their last try: the American defenders held and with better weather, Patton’s army and Allied air superiority told: the Battle of the Bulge ended with Germany further weakened and in January 1945, the Allies were poised to cross the Rhine into Germany. Continued on back flap

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The Rescue of Norway’s Gold Bullion from the Nazis, 1940 By Robert Pearson • A tale of immense bravery, endurance and great leadership, against overwhelming odds The German invasion of Norway on the night of April 8th 1940 almost took Norway completely unaware; had it not been for the defiance of one small coastal battery, the Norwegian Royal Family, and the Norwegian Government, nearly 50 tons of Gold bullion would have had no chance to escape. In desperate haste the Royal Family fled Oslo by rail, dodging bombs and strafing, eventually reaching the port of Molde, which was subsequently devastated by fire bombing. The gold with extraordinary ingenuity was moved by road, rail and fishing boat, hotly pursued by the Germans. Its weight and the need for total secrecy created unique transportation problems. After several instances of near disaster, the Norwegians managed to get the gold to the coast where the Royal Navy came to the rescue. Such was the difficulty of extricating the bullion, it was not WORLD WAR II | EUROPE possible to load it in one cargo, and it was taken off in three Royal Navy Cruisers, HMS Enterprise, 9781612002866 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 Galatea and Glasgow, from different locations. 235 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages ■ B/w photos The ships were attacked in port, then constantly harassed and bombed by the Luftwaffe as they made their way back to the UK. The loss of the bullion was a blow to the Germans. They had gained a country, but lost a King, a government and huge amount of bullion that would have financed their war machine. That loss is directly attributed to a visionary bank chief, a Colonel, a hastily assembled body of Norwegians and the ships and men of the Royal Navy, ever resourceful, brave and loyal to their respective countries. This is their story.



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WAR'S NOMADS A Mobile Radar Unit in Pursuit of Rommel during the Western Desert Campaign, 1942–3 By Frederik Grice, Edited by Colin Clarke and Gillian Clarke • Evocative account of one man’s experience of life in a mobile radar unit in the Western Desert Campaign—the only known account in existence Frederick Grice’s two handwritten diaries were discovered after his death by his daughter and son-in-law, who have now edited and published these extraordinary accounts. The first, account ‘On Draft’ deals the journey to the battle zone. Daily life on board ship is vividly brought to life with details of routine, the cramped conditions, the banter and pastimes and the by contrast luxurious existence of the officers. The second, ‘Erk in the Desert’ gives a detailed account of the activities of Unit 606, a radar crew that follows just behind the battlefront. 606 was a tiny unit, never more than 10 men, often operating for protracted periods in complete isolation. Fred’s account vividly and lyrically evokes WORLD WAR II | BIOGRAPHY the landscape and the tense and dangerous environment they operated in, pitching the reader 9781612002880 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 into the experience of travelling with the unit in a 235 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 240 pages ■ 25 b/w photos 3-ton lorry, finding ingenious solutions to lack of rations and living space, whilst constantly needing to be alert to dodge air attacks. An authoritative introduction explains the background to the military events of the Western Desert campaign, and the purpose of 606’s mission: to get to a selection of the 200 or so landing grounds in the desert with all speed; and then to defend them against air attack by using a light warning set (radar) developed to go operational within an hour. War’s Nomads sheds light on a key but little known aspect of the Eighth Army’s Western Desert Campaign. But much more than that it is a human story by a gifted writer that recreates a lost time and landscapes.

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The True Story of How Lt. Col. James Cushing and His Filipino Guerrillas Captured a Japanese Admiral and Changed the Course of the Pacific War By Dirk Jan Barreveld



• An exposition of one of the most important intelligent triumphs of World War II The capture of Japan’s “Plan Z”—the Empire’s detailed strategy for prosecuting the last stages of the Pacific War—is a story of happenstance, mayhem, and intrigue, which resulted directly in the spectacular U.S. victory in the Philippine Sea and MacArthur’s early return to Manila, doubtlessly shortening World War II by months. One night in April 1944, Admiral Koda, commanderin-chief of Japanese forces in the Pacific, took off in a seaplane to establish new headquarters. For security reasons he had his chief-of-staff, Rear Admiral Fukudome, fly in a separate seaplane. But both aircraft ran into a tremendous typhoon and were knocked out of the skies. Koda’s plane crashed with the loss of all hands. Fukudome’s crashlanded into the sea off Cebu, and both the WORLD WAR II admiral and the precious Japanese war plans floated ashore. 9781612003078 ■ May 2015 ■ £20.99 Lt. Col. James M. Cushing was an American mining 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 312 pages ■ 16pp photos engineer who happened to be in Cebu when war broke out in the Pacific. He soon took charge of the local guerrillas and became a legendary leader. But his most spectacular exploit came when he captured Admiral Fukudome and his “Plan Z”. While Cushing desperately sent out messages to MacArthur to say what he had found, the Japanese scoured the entire countryside, killing hundreds of civilians in a full-scale attempt to retrieve their loss. Cushing finally traded the admiral in return for a cessation of civilian deaths—but he still secretly retained the Japanese war plans. In this book we finally learn of the huge intelligence coup by Lt. Col. Cushing that helped to shorten the entire war.

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PANZER OPERATIONS Germany's Panzer Group 3 During the Invasion of Russia, 1941 By Hermann Hoth, translated by Lindon Lyons • The most important military campaign of the 20th century, published for the first time in English

Germany’s Panzer Group 3 during the Invasion of Russia, 1941

Hermann Hoth led Germany’s 3rd Panzer Group in Army Group Center during the invasion of the Soviet Union, and achieved a series of astounding victories, encircling entire Russian armies at Minsk, Smolensk, and Vyazma, all the way up to the very gates of Moscow. This work begins with Hoth discussing the use of nuclear weapons in future conflicts. This coolheaded post-war reflection, from one of Nazi Germany’s top panzer commanders, is rare enough. But then Hoth dives into his exact command decisions during Barbarossa—still the largest continental offensive ever undertaken—to reveal new insights into how Germany could, and in his view should, have succeeded in the campaign. Hoth critically analyses the origin, development, T R A N S L A T E D B Y L I N D E N LY O N S and objective of the plan against Russia, and WORLD WAR II presents the situations confronted and the mistakes made by the army’s leadership, as the new form 9781612002699 ■ February 2015 ■ £20.99 of mobile warfare startled not only the Soviets on 215 x 153 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages ■ 16pp photos the receiving end but the German leadership itself, which failed to provide support infrastructure for their panzer arm’s breakthroughs. Hoth sheds light on the decisive and ever-escalating struggle between Hitler and his military advisers on the question whether to adhere to the original idea of capturing Moscow. He then finally considers in detail whether the Germans, after obliterating the remaining Russian armies facing Army Group Center in Operation Typhoon, could still hope for the occupation of the Russian capital that fall. Hoth’s first-hand analysis, here published for the first time in English, will be vital reading for every student of World War II.


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Liberating France and the Low Countries, race to the 1944–45


By Leo Marriott and Simon Forty Liberating France & the Low Countries


The German Blitzkrieg in 1940 brushed aside the Allied defenses condemning France and the Low Countries to long years of occupation. In 1944, the Allied advance after the destruction of German forces in the Falaise pocket was almost as dramatic: the pocket closed on August 14; Paris was liberated on August 25th and in northeast France Patton’s Third Army moved rapidly toward the German border, taking Rheims on August 29 and Verdun on the 30th. In the Low Countries, by September 4 British troops were in Antwerp; Canadian forces liberated Ostend on the 8th allowing the Belgian Government in exile to return to its country. On September 5, “Mad Tuesday,” the Netherlands joyously prepared for liberation: but it was too soon. The helter-skelter advance meant that the front line units had outstripped their logistics—particularly fuel that had to be transported from the Channel coast. In early September the Allied armies paused to regroup and by the time they were ready to advance again a defensive crust had formed. Operation Market Garden— Montgomery’s brave thrust towards Arnhem to get around the Westwall and into the heart of Germany—started on September 17, and hoped to end German resistance in the Low Countries at a stroke. It ended in failure on the 25th with over 6,000 paras captured, the bridge at Arnhem being a bridge too far. In late October operations began around Walcheren to clear the Scheldt and open the port of Antwerp to the Allies. Hard fighting continued until November 8 and mopping up operations after that, but by the 28th the first Allied convoy entered Antwerp. Belgium was almost free of the Nazi yoke. Then, on December 16, came Hitler’s last roll of the dice: a major German counteroffensive in the Ardennes to split the Allied armies and retake Antwerp; in early 1945 the Germans also attacked along the Saar hoping to take Strasbourg. It turned out to be their last try: the American defenders held and with better weather, Patton’s army and Allied air superiority told: the Battle of the Bulge ended with Germany further weakened and in January 1945, the Allies were poised to cross the Rhine into Germany. Continued on back flap

• Stunning visual guide to Western Europe in World War II



The speed of the German Blitzkrieg in 1940 and the relative ease with which they brushed aside Allied defences meant four years of occupation. But in June 1944—this time with American forces—the Allies finally returned for a rematch. By September British troops were in Ghent and Liege; Canadian forces liberated Ostend, and in northeast France LIBERATING FRANCE & THE LOW COUNTRIES Patton's Third Army was moving rapidly to the German border, taking Rheims and Verdun. Paris was liberated on August 25th. The liberation of the Low Countries would not prove as straightforward, however. Montgomery's LEO MARRIOTT & SIMON FORTY brave thrust toward the Rhine at Arnhem hoped to end German resistance at a stroke. But it ended in failure with over 6,000 paratroopers captured. Despite this opposition, by October Belgium was almost free of the Nazi yoke and the Netherlands looked likely to be cleared before Christmas. WORLD WAR II Then, on December 16, came Hitler's last roll of the dice: a major German counter-offensive in the 9781612002941 ■ April 2015 ■ £20.99 Ardennes aiming to split the Allied armies and 216 x 292 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages retake Antwerp. Yet the American defenders held, 300 colour illustrations and finally with better weather, Patton's army and Allied air superiority told. With the Germans having shot their last bolt, in the spring the Rhine was gained. Race to the Rhine, a companion volume to The Normandy Battlefields, links modern aerial photography with contemporary illustrations to provide a modern interpretation of the battles, together with maps, diagrams and photos. It is now 70 years since Western Europe was freed from its occupation, and this book provides a graphic view of how it was accomplished.



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Jim Curran and Terrence Popravak, Jr.

CHECK SIX! A Thunderbolt Pilot’s War Across the Pacific


CHECK SIX! A Thunderbolt Pilot’s War Across the Pacific By James Curran and Terrence G. Popravak, Jr. • An aviation chronicle through the Pacific War and back There were no mission limits for a pilot in the Pacific during World War II. So it was for James “Jug” Curran, all the way from New Guinea to the Philippines with the 348th Fighter Group, the first P-47 Thunderbolt outfit in the Pacific. This work, from someone who was there, captures the combat experience of our aviators in the Pacific, aided by pertinent excerpts from the official histories of units that “Jug” Curran flew with. As well as a tale of perseverance and great personal risk, this work increases the body of knowledge on the critical role of aviation in the Pacific War, as U.S. fighter pilots took the lead in our counteroffensive against the short-lived island Empire.

9781612002996 ■ April 2015 ■ £20.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages ■ 16pp photos

WAR BONDS Love Stories from the Greatest Generation By Cindy Hval • 30 extraordinary tales of love enduring the devastation of World War II Young people have been falling in love since time began, but romance during a global conflagration brought a unique set of challenges. It was the worst time at all to try to have a relationship; yet amazingly, thousands of couples created lifelong bonds. From blind dates to whirlwind romances to long separations, War Bonds highlights stories of couples who met or married during or shortly after World War II. Each of the 30 stories in this book concludes with a look at wartime couples in their twilight. Illustrated with photos from the 1940's as well as current photographs of each couple War Bonds offers readers a glimpse of bygone days.


9781612002903 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 215 x 153 ■ Hardback ■ 216 pages ■ Photos throughout

FIELD MARSHAL The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel By Daniel Allen Butler • Story of a German patriot torn between allegiance to his country and


hatred for Hitler Erwin Rommel was a complex man: a born leader, a brilliant soldier; intelligent, brave, compassionate, egotistical, and arrogant. And yet for all his military genius, Rommel was also naive, a man who could admire Adolf Hitler at the same time that he despised the Nazis, dazzled by a Führer whose successes blinded him to the true nature of the Third Reich. Yet on one pivotal day in June 1944 he came to understand that he had mistakenly served an evil man and evil cause. In the end Erwin Rommel was forced to die by his own hand because he had dared to tell Adolf Hitler the truth.

9781612002972 ■ April 2015 ■ £20.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages ■ 16pp photos


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A Marine Corps Tank Company on Tarawa By Oscar E. Gilbert and Romain Cansiere • How a few unsung Marines helped turn near disaster into epic victory


On 20 November 1943, the Second Marine Division launched the first amphibious assault of the Pacific War, directly into the teeth of powerful Japanese defenses on Tarawa. In that blood-soaked invasion, a single company of Sherman played a pivotal role in turning the tide from looming disaster to legendary victory. In this unique study Oscar Gilbert and Romain Cansiere use official documents, memoirs, interviews with veterans, as well as personal and aerial photographs to follow Charlie Company from its formation, and trace the movement, action—and loss—of individual tanks in this horrific four-day struggle.



9781612003030 ■ March 2015 ■ £21.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 416 pages ■ Photos throughout

VICTORY WAS BEYOND THEIR GRASP With the 272nd Volks-Grenadier Division from the Huertgen Forest to the Heart of the Reich By Douglas E. Nash • Ground-breaking examination of the Volks-Grenadier Divisions of World War II As the Allies were approaching the German frontier at the beginning of September 1944, the German Armed Forces responded with a variety of initiatives. Of these, the Volks-Grenadier Divisions (VGDs) are practically unknown. VGDs have suffered the undeserved reputation as second-rate formations. This pioneering book shows that VGDs were actually conceived as a new, elite corps loyal to the National Socialist Party composed of men from all branches of Hitler's Wehrmacht, and equipped with the finest ground combat weapons available.


9781612003054 ■ March 2015 ■ £21.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 416 pages ■ Photos throughout

SHANGHAI 1937 Stalingrad on the Yangtze By Peter Harmsen • Stunning description of one of the great forgotten battles


The Battle of Shanghai was a pivotal event that helped define and shape the modern world. At its height it involved nearly a million Chinese and Japanese soldiers, while sucking in three million civilians as unwilling spectators and, often, victims. It turned what had been a Japanese adventure in China into a general war between the two oldest and proudest civilizations of the Far East. Ultimately, it led to Pearl Harbor and to seven decades of tumultuous history in Asia. Written by Peter Harmsen, a foreign correspondent in East Asia for two decades, Shanghai 1937 fills a gaping chasm in our understanding of the Second World War.

9781612003092 ■ April 2015 ■ £11.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 312 pages ■ 48pp photos


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YOU CAN’T GET MUCH CLOSER THAN THIS Combat with the 80th "Blue Ridge" Division in World War II Europe By A. Z. Adkins, Jr. & Andrew Z. Adkins, III • A young soldier's story of war in Normandy 1944 In 1943, Andrew Z. Adkins, Jr. joined the 80th Infantry Division, and went on to fight in a succession of bloody battles across France. In the course of fighting, graphically portrayed in this soldier's memoir, Andy Adkins acted with remarkable skill and courage, placing himself at the forefront of the action whenever he could. In vibrant, piercing terms, You Can't Get Much Closer Than This tells of a junior officer's coming of age, and with page after page of action sequences, it gives insight into what modern warfare is really all about. WORLD WAR II 9781612003108 ■ March 2015 ■ £11.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 16pp photos

THE FIRES OF BABYLON Eagle Troop and the Battle of 73 Easting By Mike Guardia • An intimate, no-holds barred account of modern warfare in Iraq On the morning of August 2, 1990, Iraqi armoured divisions invaded the tiny emirate of Kuwait. In response, the U.S. led the world community in a coalition of 34 nations in what became known as Operation Desert Storm – a violent air and ground campaign to eject the Iraqis from Kuwait, led by the men of Eagle Troop. By any calculation, the 12 American tanks didn’t stand a chance. Yet within a mere 23 minutes, the M1A1 tanks destroyed more than 50 enemy vehicles and plowed a hole through the Iraqi front. Based on hours of interviews and archival research by renowned author Mike Guardia, this is a gripping minute-by-minute account of a U.S. breakthrough against overwhelming odds.



9781612002927 ■ March 2015 ■ £20.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 240 pages ■ 16pp photos

THE FIGHTING 30TH DIVISION They Called Them Roosevelt’s SS By Martin King, Michael Collins and David Hilborn Martin King, Michael Collins and David Hilborn

The Fighting 30th Division They Called Them Roosevelt’s SS


• A combat chronicle of an indomitable division whose history shaped World War I In World War I, the 30th Infantry Division earned more Medals of Honor and spent more consecutive days in combat than any other American division. What was it about these men that made them so indomitable? They possessed intrinsic zeal to engage the enemy that often left their adversaries in awe. Their U.S. Army nickname was the “Old Hickory” Division. But after encountering them on the battlefield, the Germans themselves came to call them “Roosevelt’s SS.” This book is a combat chronicle of this illustrious division that takes the reader right to the heart of the fighting through the eyes of those who were actually there.

9781612003016 ■ May 2015 ■ £20.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages ■ 16pp photos


+44 (0) 1865 241249


The Inspiration for Game of Thrones By Martin J. Dougherty • Definitive history of The Wars of the Roses, England’s most turbulent years “I’ve drawn on many parts of history, but the Wars of the Roses is probably the one A Song Of Fire And Ice is closest to” –George R.R. Martin.



The Wars of the Roses tells the tumultuous story of the fifteenth century wars between Lancastrians and Yorkists. From mad Henry VI captured in battle to the mystery of the ‘Princes in the Tower’ and the truth behind Richard III’s deformity, this book is a lively account of a tumultuous 50 years. Illustrated with more than 200 photographs, artworks and maps, The Wars of the Roses reveals the scheming and betrayal, the skullduggery and murder behind the struggle to gain power – and then hold on to it.


9781782742395 ■ April 2015 ■ £19.99 264 x 208 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages 200 colour artworks and photos


T H E W O R L D ’ S G R E AT E S T


I l l u s T r aT e d

h I s T o r y

C AIRCRAFT ommercial air travel began just over a century ago. In that time there have been groundbreaking civilian aircraft, such as flying boats, the first pressurized cabin aircraft, jet and supersonic aircraft, as well as immense changes in the capacity of a typical airliner: in the 1920s aircraft could carry 20 passengers, today some models can carry up to 800 passengers.

An Illustrated History By Paul E. Eden

The World’s Greatest Civil Aircraft features 52 of the most important civil aircraft of the last hundred years. Beginning with classics such as the Dornier Do J Wal flying boat and the world’s first all-metal commercial transport, the Junkers F. 13, the book comes up-to-date with the latest Boeing 777 and Airbus A380 high-capacity passenger airliners.

• 52 of the greatest civil aircrafts illustrated with detailed profile artworks

The World’s Greatest Civil Aircraft features 52 of the greatest civilian aircraft, from the 1920s Dornier Do J flying boat to Concorde and the Boeing 747, from narrow-bodied to wide-bodied, propeller to jet, from small Jetstreams to Ilyushin Il-62, once the world’s largest earlier, to today’s double-decker Airbus 380. Each entry includes a brief description of the aircraft’s development and history, a colour profile artwork, key features and specifications. This is a colourful and comprehensive guide for the aviation and transport enthusiast.

The book includes many types, from cargo transports and freighters, through flying boats, passenger airliners, business jets and supersonic carriers. Featured aircraft include: the Ford Trimotor ‘Tin Goose’, one of the great workhorses of early aviation history; the first post-war intercontinental airliners, such as the Douglas DC-4 Skymaster, De Havilland Comet and Boeing 377 Stratocruiser; the Vickers VC.10, one of the greats of the 1960s golden age of commercial airliners, when jet-powered air commerce was new and airliners pampered passengers; the massive Super Guppy heavy transport, the widest aircraft in aviation history; the supersonic Tupolev Yu-144 ‘Charger’ and Concorde, Cold War competitors in aviation excellence; the Embraer ERJ, part of a new range of narrow-bodied airliners; and the most popular passenger aircraft of the present, including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A320. Each entry includes a brief description of the model’s development and history, a profile view, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Civil Aircraft is a colourful guide for the aviation enthusiast.



9781782742456 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.99 297 x 227 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages 200 colour artworks and photos

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GLADIATOR Fighting for Life, Glory and Freedom By Ben Hubbard • What was it like to be a Gladiator in Ancient Rome? Pure unadulterated murder – Seneca’s opinion of gladiatorial games. It’s estimated that across the Republic, 8000 people died a year in gladiatorial games and that there were 400 gladiatorial arenas throughout the Roman Empire. From Spartacus’s Slave Revolt to the real Emperor Commodius who liked to play at being a gladiator, from female gladiators to the emancipation of successful gladiators, Gladiator is a masterful examination of this fascinating world.


9781782742524 ■ August 2015 £19.99 ■ 213 x 290 mm Hardback ■ 224 pages 200 colour artworks and photos

GERMANY'S SECRET MASTERPLAN How the Nazis Planned to Shape the World after Victory in World War II By Chris McNab • How would Europe have looked if Nazi Germany had been victorious in World War II? Some of Hitler's plans were implemented during his leadership as the German Wehrmacht expanded the Nazi sphere of influence, but what were the unrealised plans for a Europe dominated by the Third Reich? Between 1933 and 1945, Hitler developed a vision which would see a racially based order established, and the rebuilding of Berlin as world capital city Germania. Arranged in chapters covering topics such as leadership, war, infrastructure, empire building, race and culture, and packed with maps and illustrations, Germany’s Secret Masterplan reveals the true scale of Hitler’s vision for a world dominated by the Nazi ideology.



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781782742449 ■ April 2015 ■ £19.99 264 x 208 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages 200 colour artworks and photos



By Chris Bishop

By Rupert Butler

The divisions of the WaffenSS were the elite of Hitler’s armies in World War II, but the most fanatical of them were not even German: Norwegians, Dutch, Danes, Belgians, Swedes, Swiss and Ukrainians fought hard for the Nazi cause.

SS-Hitlerjugend examines the unit of the Waffen-SS formed in 1943 from veterans of the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division to members of the Hitler Youth. Covers the defence of Normandy to the recapture of Budapest.

9781782742463 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages 120 b/w photos

SS: WIKING: The History of the Fifth SS Division 1941–45


SS: HITLERJUGEND: The History of the Twelfth SS Division 1943–45


9781782742470 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages 110 b/w photos

SS: LEIBSTANDARTE: The History of the First SS Division 1933–45

By Ruper Butler

By Rupert Butler

SS-Wiking is an in-depth examination of one of the most notorious divisions of the Waffen-SS, the Wiking division, which was largely recr ui t ed f ro m forei gn volunteers from Germanoccupied countries.

SS-Leibstandarte is the definitive examination of the first Waffen-SS unit to be formed, the SSLeibstandarte Adolf Hitler. The book explores from the background of the unit’s formation to its ultimate destruction.


9781782742487 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages 110 b/w photos

9781782742494 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages 110 b/w photos

SS: DAS REICH: The History of the Second SS Division 1933–45

SS: TOTENKOPF: The History of the Third SS Division 1933–45


By Gregory L. Mattson

By Chris Mann

SS-Das Reich explores the second Waffen-SS unit to be formed. The book outlines the unit’s involvement in the invasion of Poland, the fall of France, the invasion of Russia, the battles of Kharkov and Kursk, and Ardennes offensive.

SS-Totenkopf was one of the most infamous of the WaffenSS’s divisions – the ‘Death’s Head’ division. The book explores the unit’s formation, the men it recruited and the level of brutalisation to which they became accustomed and the key figures involved in its history.

9781782742500 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages 110 b/w photos



SS: HITLER’S FOREIGN DIVISIONS: Foreign Volunteers in the Waffen SS 1941–45


9781782742517 ■ February 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages 110 b/w photos

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DRAGONS ON BIRD WINGS The Combat History of the 812th Fighter Air Regiment – Volume 1: Liberation of the Motherland By Vlad Antipov and Igor Utkin • A rare and essential regimental history of a Soviet Air Force Unit during World War II


Follow the 3rd Fighter Aviation Corps along its Combat Path during the Liberation of the Motherland through the experiences of one of its units – the 812th. The first volume in this series, Dragons on Bird Wings is illustrated throughout with photos, and enriched with first-hand interviews and letters. It gives a comprehensive day-to-day history of the regiment’s activities and combat history, and is thus essential for anyone interested in aviation or combat on the Eastern Front.

9780978069605 ■ October 2006 ■ £24.99 279 x 216 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages ■ 200 b/w illustrations and photos

CANADIAN AIRCRAFT OF WORLD WAR II By Carl Vincent • A unique insight into the men and machines of World War II Canadian Aircraft Drawing on an immense range of archival records, memoirs, and photographs collected over decades of diligent research, author Carl Vincent provides a unique insight into some of the men and machines covered under the broad title Canadian Aircraft of World War II. Each entry’s narrative is loaded with history, much of it previously unpublished. This work is illustrated by rare and relevant photos plus deeply researched large-format colour profiles, all complemented by highly informative captions.


9780978069636 ■ October 2009 ■ £18.99 279 x 216 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ 120 illustrations

EARLY CANADIAN MILITARY AIRCRAFT Acquisitions, Dispositions, Colour Schemes & Markings – Vol.1 Aircraft Taken on Strength Through 1920 By John Griffin and Anthony Stachiw • A comprehensive guide to the development of Canadian aircraft between World War I and World War II


Covering the development of Canadian aviation between the World Wars, Early Canadian Military Aircraft not only covers the critical development of the aircraft that was to play such a significant part in World War II, but the impact that aviation had on Canadian history. The Canadian government was instrumental in developing the technology to maintain the nucleus of a military air arm which was to become the wartime RCAF. Illustrated with over 500 colour and black and white photos, this book is a must-have for aviation enthusiasts.

9780978069667 ■ May 2011 ■ £39.99 216 x 279 mm ■ Hardback ■ 296 pages ■ 500 b/w photos


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Weapons Deployed and Mirus battery This multiple-volume set on Guernsey fortifications is unique as it was written by the German forces themselves, thus is the ultimate guide to their defensive planning and mind-set. This ninth part, Weapons deployed & Mirus Battery, lists with an extensive collection of photographs all the weaponry. The German text comes with a full English translation on the left hand side of the page.


9780992667139 ■ October 2014 ■ £15.00 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 102 pages ■ 218 illustrations

FESTUNG GUERNSEY 2.3 & 2.4 Deployment of Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Artillery The German’s defensive work made the islands the most fortified place on earth. This tenth and final part of the multiple-volume set Festung Guernsey, Deployment of Artillery & Anti-Aircraft Artillery, comprises details and maps of every artillery and anti-aircraft battery on the island. The German text comes with a full English translation on the left hand side of the page.


9780992667146 ■ October 2014 ■ £15.00 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 144 pages ■ 122 illustrations

The Story of the Great Canadian Cold War Combat Jet – In Pictures and Documents By Lawrence Miller When it first flew in 1957, the Avro Arrow was the world’s best supersonic combat aircraft. Yet, after only six airplanes were built, the Arrow was killed, cancelled overnight by the Canadian government. Using hundreds of photos, many in colour, along with original documents, this book tells this amazing story – a key development in Canada’s Cold War history. 9781459407275 ■ October 2014 ■ £19.95 254 x 203 mm ■ Hardback ■ 112 pages ■ 200 colour and b/w illustrations







Halifax, Victoria and the Royal Navy 1749–1918 By Bryan Elson This book offers a fresh perspective on North American history, and the key role played by Halifax and Victoria in ensuring that Canada emerged as an independent country in the 20th century. Including over 100 photos and documents amongst detailed research, Bryan Elson shows how the British presence in Halifax, and later in Victoria, stood in the way of US designs on Canada.



9781459503267 ■ October 2014 ■ £16.95 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 280 pages ■ 100 b/w photos

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ARTIE – BOMBER COMMAND LEGEND The Remarkable Story of Wing Commander Artie Ashworth DSO, DFC and Bar, AFC and Bar, MID By Vince Ashworth • Compelling story of one of the most distinguished pilots to fly operational bombers during the Second World War


The story of RAF Bomber Command during World War II has been told many times, but rarely has it been painted as vividly as this accounting of Artie Ashworth's experiences. Somehow Artie survived 110 operations over enemy territory and in recognition was awarded four decorations for bravery. Utilizing his older brother’s personal memoir and his remarkable and beautifully presented logbooks as a basis, Vincent Ashworth skillfully crafts Artie’s complete story. A man described by his contemporaries as an exceptional pilot, redoubtable, and simply legendary.

9780992620752 ■ October 2014 ■ £19.95 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 240 pages ■ B/w images

INTO THE DARK A Bomber Command Story of Combat and Survival, Discovery and Remembrance By Janet Hughes and Reginald Wilson • The real truth about the last flight of LW337 On the 20th January 1944, Bomber Command Navigator Reginald Wilson’s Halifax, LW337 is blown from the darkness above the German capital Berlin. Reg, yet to celebrate his twenty-first birthday, plunges into the dark and parachutes to safety, but the experience of being shot down will haunt him for the rest of his life. In July 2005, Reg embarks on a seemingly impossible quest to discover the fate of his aircraft. An uplifting biography which finally solves the mystery of the last flight of LW337. WORLD WAR II | AVIATION 9780992620769 ■ May 2015 ■ £19.95 210 x 273 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages ■ 16 page b/w photo section

A THUNDERBIRD IN BOMBER COMMAND The Wartime Letters and Story of Lionel Anderson, the Man Who Inspired the Thunderbirds Legend By Sean Feast • Gerry Anderson’s extraordinary brother, who inspired a global phenomena


Shot down and killed in April 1944, Lionel Anderson, a low flying Mosquito intruder pilot, was part way through his second tour of operations. In A Thunderbird in Bomber Command, acclaimed military aviation historian Sean Feast pieces together Lionel’s story. He was worshipped by his younger brother, Gerald, who would go on to become a world renowned television producer, director, and writer. It was Lionel’s connection with a little-known film that was to inspire Gerry Anderson to create a global phenomena — the legend of Thunderbirds.

9780992620776 ■ May 2015 ■ £19.95 210 x 273 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages ■ 16 page b/w photo section

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A Polish Fighter Pilot's Dramatic Air War By Witold Lanowski Decorated Polish fighter pilot Witold ‘Lanny’ Lanowski tells his remarkable story, beginning with his dramatic escape from Nazi aggression in Poland, and eventual arrival in England to combat the Luftwaffe. On completion of his tour he joined the U.S Air Forces, and his exploits became legendary. His memoir, supported by previously unpublished photographs, recounts an extraordinary personal journey within the life or death context of the European air war. WORLD WAR II AVIATION

9780992620745 ■ September 2014 ■ £25 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages ■ B/w images

D-DAY BOMBER COMMAND: FAILED TO RETURN By Steve Darlow, Sean Feast and Marc Hall On 1st July 1944 Commander-in-Chief of Bomber Command wrote 'There are 10,500 aircrew in my operational squadrons. In three months we have lost over half that number. They have a right that their story should be adequately told, and it is a military necessity that it should be.' D-Day Bomber Command: Failed to Return brings together acclaimed historians to tell the stories of Bomber Command, ensuring that the memory is kept alive.


9780992620714 ■ June 2014 ■ £19.95 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 128 pages ■ B/w and colour illustrations




By Frank Dell and Brett Piper In Mosquito Down Frank Dell recounts his escape from the disintegrating aircraft shot down over Germany in 1944, his descent by parachute, and how, battered and bruised, he found himself in a field adjacent to a German V2 rocket launch pad. Determined to avoid capture, Frank crossed Nazi Germany and found refuge in Holland with a Dutch Resistance group. A compelling narrative of courage. WORLD WAR II AVIATION

9780992620721 ■ June 2014 ■ £19.95 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages ■ 16 page b/w photo section

HENRY MAUDSLAY DAM BUSTER By Robert Owen The Dam Buster raid, Operation Chastise, has gone down in history as one of the greatest feats of arms executed by the pilots of Royal Air Force, one of whom was the particularly accomplished pilot, Henry Maudslay. Combining material from archives and personal letters and recollections from those who knew him, Robert Owen, official historian of the No. 617 Squadron Association, describes the background, life and extraordinary flying career of this young and enigmatic airman.



9780992620707 ■ April 2014 ■ £29.95 210 x 273 mm ■ Hardback ■ 400 pages ■ B/w images

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The Extraordinary Memoir of a Second World War Bomber Command Pilot on the Run in Germany and Holland.

17 17


HIGH FLIGHT The Life and Poetry of Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee By Roger Cole • A story of inspiration through poetry When Second World War Spitfire pilot John Gillespie Magee penned his poem ‘High Flight’, little did he know that his words would inspire legions of aspiring aviators who had a similar wish to fly their ‘eager craft through footless halls of air’. Founded on years of detailed research, Roger Cole’s book High Flight tells John Magee’s extraordinary story, describing hitherto-unknown details of his short life, and providing insight into the inspiration for the poems that have found a unique place in history. Roger Cole’s High Flight traces the path of John Magee’s achievement, revealing an incredible story of human endeavour, vision, determination and self-sacrifice.


9780957116368 ■ January 2014 ■ £19.95 210 x 273 mm ■ Hardback ■ 228 pages 60 b/w photos


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By Robert Owen, Steve Darlow and Sean Feast • Gripping story of the RAF Bomber Command Airmen On the night of 16/17 May 1943 a select group of young RAF Bomber Command airmen carried out one of the most audacious and daring low level raids of the Second World War. Of the 56 airmen flying these aircraft, 53 were killed and 3 were captured. Dam Busters: Failed to Return brings together notable Bomber Command historians to recount the lives of some of the Dam Busters who were lost that fateful night. Drawing upon family archives, official documents and wartime memoirs and letters, and illustrated throughout with colour and black and white photographs and documents, the authors piece together the extraordinary, gripping, yet ultimately tragic stories of these select young men.



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9780957116344 ■ June 2013 ■ £19.95 140 x 216 mm ■ Hardback ■ 128 pages B/w and colour illustrations


The Two Wars of Flight Lieutenant Bernard 'Pop' Green MC By Laurence Green • Essential reading for anyone interested in the legendary Great Escape Bernard Green managed to survive both the First and Second World War – just. In World War I he endured mud, destruction and death in the trenches of the Western Front; suffering serious injury yet serving with distinction, earning the Military Cross. Twenty-one years later, Bernard signed up to fight Germany once more, this time from the air. However in July 1940 his Hampden bomber was blasted from the sky. He survived and was captured, and placed in Stalag Luft II. He managed to breakout as part of the famous ‘Great Escape’ in March 1944, the oldest man to do so. Based on family archives and original letters, his grandson Laurence has pieced together his grandfather’s extraordinary story of survival.


9780956269638 ■ July 2012 ■ £17.99 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages 16pp photos



THE BOMBER COMMAND MEMORIAL By Robin Gibb, Jim Dooley and Gordon Rayner • The official commemorative book of the Bomber Command Memorial 55,573 members of Bomber Command lost their lives during the Second World War, yet no Campaign Medal was awarded and their bravery and sacrifice goes largely unrecognised. At last this is to be corrected with the erection of the Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park, London, in 2012. This book tells the story of the campaign; locating a site, obtaining permission, raising the funds, designing the memorial, and the opening ceremony. The book also tells the remarkable story of Bomber Command from the viewpoint of those who took part. All the royalties for the book go the Bomber Command Memorial Fund registered charity.



9780957116313 ■ November 2012 £49.95 ■ 159 x 235 mm Hardback ■ 128 pages B/w and colour illustrations

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Available from Casemate UK from May 2015

We Will Remember Them

19 19


BOMBER COMMAND – OPERATION HURRICANE The Story of Those who Flew, Fought, and Failed to Return on 14 and 15 October 1944 By Marc Hall • A comprehensive investigation of the men and machines who fought in Operation Hurricane On the 14th and 15th October 1944 RAF Bomber Command unleashed one of the Second World War’s most devastating bombardments, targeting the German industrial city of Duisburg. Known as Operation Hurricane, Bomber Command’s maximum effort involved approximately one thousand four-engine heavy bombers on each attack, delivering a whirlwind assault on the enemy’s war machine. This is the story of Operation Hurricane from RAF Bomber Command’s perspective, and that of the numerous crews who flew, fought, and failed to return.


Available from Casemate UK from May 2015

NO FLIGHT FROM THE CAGE The Compelling Memoir of a Bomber Command Prisoner of War during the Second World War By Calton Younger • Revised edition with previously unpublished photographs, illustrations and drawings World War II prisoner-of-war Calton Younger has now revised, expanded and updated his acclaimed memoirs originally published in 1956. One critic wrote, ‘the book goes below the surface of prison camp life and shows a remarkable insight into the minds of men forced to live under conditions of tension and strain. It is the story of a young man’s journey to war, being shot down in May 1942, three years spent behind barbed wire at Stalag Luft VI, and of enduring forced marches as the Nazi state crumbled. No Flight from the Cage has become one of the classic prisoner-of-war memoirs. A book, as stated by General Sir John Hackett, that ‘deserves to be read and reread’, and ‘whose total effect is both sobering and uplifting’.



9780957116337 ■ January 2013 ■ £19.95 210 x 273 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages 16pp b/w photos

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9780957116351 ■ January 2013 ■ £19.95 210 x 273 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages 16pp b/w photos and illustrations throughout


Part One: Mons to the Somme By Steven Fuller • The 1st Bedfordshires’s role in World War I In August 1914, the 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment were amongst the small professional British Army who gathered and prepared for a war that would ‘be over by Christmas’. With a long and proud history, dating back to 1688, the regiment’s fighting men had already served through numerous wars and rebellions over and above long periods on garrison duties in the ‘Fever Isles’, the New World, and throughout the expanding British Empire. So when war was declared the ‘Old Contemptibles’, the 1st Battalion would find themselves heavily engaged in more intense fighting during the first three months of the Great War. This is the first part of their story, from their first defiant defense amongst the slag heaps at Mons, through to the ferocious fighting during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.


9780956269652 ■ July 2012 ■ £19.99 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages 16pp photos and maps

Part Two: Arras to the Armistice By Steven Fuller • The 1st Bedfordshires’s role in World War I The second part of Steven Fuller’s history of the 1st Battalion, the Bedfordshire Regiment, covering the period from October 1916 until the end of the war. In the final two years of the Great War the 1st Bedfordshires were engaged at the Battle of Arras, the capture of Oppy Wood, several phases of the Third Battle of Ypres 1917 – Passchendaele, the German Spring Offensives and the final '100 Days' of battles in 1918. By integrating a wide variety of official and personal sources, supported by maps, and personalised with individual stories and photographs, Steve Fuller brings the fascinating and extraordinary history of this distinguished battalion and it’s ‘Soldier Lads’ to life.



9780957116320 ■ December 2012 ■ £19.95 159 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages 16pp photos and maps

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21 21


NORMANDIE-NIEMEN Des pilotes de la France libre sur le front russe By Jean-Charles Stasi • Illustrated history commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the triumphant arrival of Normandie-Niemen


On the 20th of June, 1945, Normandie-Niemen landed triumphantly at Bourget in front of more than 100,000 people. For the 70th anniversary of the arrival of Normandie-Niemen, Editions Heimdal present, in partnership with the Memorial Normandie-Nieman installed at the Museum of Air and Space at Bourget, a book relating this epic in vivid fashion, with rich illustrations, around 200 period photos and photos of objects and clothing which belonged to the pilots, as well as letters, plans, and profiles of the aeroplanes.

9782840484134 ■ June 2015 ■ £28.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 80 pages ■ Text in French

SEPP DIETRICH ET SA LIEBSTANDARTE By Thomas Fischer • Photographic study of Josef ‘Sepp’ Dietrich, Hitler’s chauffeur who went on to become a Waffen-SS General Non-commissioned officer, Josef ‘Sepp’ Dietrich, commanded one of the premier tanks in the entire history of the First World War. This album retraces the course of this officer, who would create an incredibly strong unit of men and would be commanding an entire armoured army corps by the end of the war. This is principally an album presenting more than 500 photos, largely previously unseen, accompanied by anecdotes from veterans of the Leibstandarte and many documents signed by Sepp Dietrich.


9782840484110 ■ June 2015 ■ £56.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 160 pages ■ Text in French

BAYEUX 1944 By Georges Bernage • Hard fighting at Bayeux brought to life with new information and never-before-seen photos Among the areas of hard fighting during the Battle of Normandy, Bayeux and the Gold Beach sector have frequently been forgotten by historians. Bayeux merited this book’s research, which presents a great deal of new information and never-before-seen photos, including remarkable photos of daily life, from the 5th to the 14th of July, where hell reigned for the civilian population. We follow the arrival of British troops in Bayeux on 7 June and General de Gaulle’s speech on the 14th, which created Bayeux capital of Free France. WORLD WAR II

9782840484028 ■ February 2015 ■ £23.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 48 pages ■ Text in French


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5, SS-Panzer-Division Wiking By Pierre Tiquet • Remarkable resources of testimonies, documents, and unpublished photographs



The author presents a history of the group Wiking 5, SS Flak-PanzerDivision, which fought on the Eastern Front from 1941 to 1945. Previously unpublished photographs and testimonies from veterans compliment the authoritative text. This new volume of the Battles & Stories collection is a great addition to the three-volume history of the Wiking Division.


9782840484042 ■ January 2015 ■ £28.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 96 pages ■ Text in French

PANZER JÄGER By Pierre Tiquet • Personal accounts and testimonies of life in the anti-tank Group Das Reich This work presents the history of the anti-tank group of the Das Reich from 1941–1944, thanks to the testimonies of two officers from the SS-Hstuf: Claudius Rupp, who would be an instructor at the Panzerjager school at Rastenburg, and Hans-Werner Woltersdorf. The story of this unit is illustrated by numerous photos of the engines used, including the Marder.


9782840484103 ■ December 2014 ■ £28.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 96 pages ■ Text in French

KORVETTENKAPITÄN KENTRAT, 1925–1945 du croiseur Emden à l'U-196 By Georges Bernage and Jean-Paul Pallud • Retracing of Korvettenkapitan Kentrat’s extraordinary career through documents, letters and photographs Korvettenkapitan Kentrat is notorious for having served the longest patrol in a U-Boat or any other submarine in wartime. This exceptional work retraces this great seaman’s career, through to his extraordinary 225 day voyage in 1943, through personal documents, letters and interviews. Accompanying the text are 130 photos of the U-196 in the open sea.


9782840483830 ■ June 2015 ■ £92.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 350 pages ■ Text in French


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LES PARAS DE LA WAFFEN-SS Volume 1: SS-Fallschirmjäger-Bataillon 500/600 By Rüdiger Franz Written by a former captain of the paratroopers of the Luftwaffe, this 3 volume collection of 400 pages covers the SS-Fallschirmjager Battalion 500/600, illustrated by over a thousand photographs. The first volume is dedicated to the operation against Tito’s troops in Yugoslavia, the second to the engagement in the Baltic States and the third to operations in Hungary, in the Ardennes, and the bridgehead of the Oder Front. WORLD WAR II

9782840484066 ■ June 2015 ■ £76.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 400 pages ■ Text in French

LA LÉGION ÉTRANGÈRE En Algérie 1954–1962 By Raymond Guyader This detailed study on the uniforms of the French Foreign Legion during the Algerian War presents more than 400 collector’s pieces and around 200 period photos, giving an unprecedented look at this painful war which ended France’s rule in Algeria and, from 1939 to 1962, represented 23 years of uninterrupted combat by the French Foreign Legion.


9782840484127 ■ June 2015 ■ £79.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages ■ Text in French

ENNEMIS ET FRÈRES Du Jour, J à aujourd 'hui, Au-delà de la Guerre By Jean-Charles Stasi In June 1944, Johannes Börner is 19 and Léon Gautier 21. These two soldiers will participate in the Battle of Normandy in the first line, each convinced of their fight for the right cause. One will experience the thrill of victory , the other humiliation defeat and prison camps. Seventy years later, they are friends and witness to the experience of the horror of the Second World War.


9782840484059 ■ November 2014 ■ £23.00 533 x 381 mm ■ Paperback ■ 174 pages ■ Text in French

LE DÉBARQUEMENT DE PROVENCE La libération de la Côte d'Azur By Georges Bernage During the night of 5th June 1944, the Pathfinders were the first allied soldiers to set foot on Norman soil, the paratroops of the 82nd and the 101st Airborne Divisions fighting all night until the 4th Infantry Division, landing on Utah Beach, linked up with them. German troops and defences, paratroopers’ eyewitness accounts, unpublished material are all supplied in this superbly illustrated album.



9782840483588 ■ November 2014 ■ £15.00 305 x 215 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ Text in French

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Août 1941–juin 1943 By Jean-Pierre Pirard An unpublished work about the Wallonie Legion and its members engaged on the Eastern Front in the uniform of the Heer from 1941 to 1945. Featuring archives and documents still mostly unpublished to this date, previously unedited stories and also tales of the legionnaires, shedding light on its development and international reputation. WORLD WAR II



November 2014 ■ 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ Text in French 9782840483564 ■ £97.00 9782840483601 ■ £97.00

LES BATEAUX VIKINGS By Damien Bouet This book traces the evolution of this type of clinker-built ship, from the most ancient prototypes (Hjortspring), to the later models (Roskilde), with many detailed plans. Detailed explanation is given about their construction and modes of navigation used, as well as the religious concepts linked to the fantastic figureheads. Illustrations and photographs of several modern replicas of these ships illuminate the text.


9782840484196 ■ December 2014 ■ £28.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 80 pages ■ Text in French

LA CUISINE AU XIIIE SIÈCLE d'après le Manuscrit de Sion By Fabian Müllers This magnificent recreation of medieval cuisine, taken from the Sion Manuscript, includes 131 recipes from the thirteenth century, such as fresh venison, wild boar, wild young goat, boiled beef with lard, and many more. These come with explanations of the text and recipes repurposed for use today. The first part consists of a facsimile of the manuscript, and the second of photos of recreated dishes.


9782840484035 ■ June 2014 ■ £27.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 80 pages ■ Text in French

WIKING: VOLUME 2 By Charles Trang The Wiking division was the only armoured SS division to fight exclusively on the Eastern Front. The history of this division, extremely detailed and illustrated by more than 2,500 exceptional photos is here traced through a series of three volumes. The first covers the period from December 1940 to April 1942, the second from May 1942 until April 1943, and the third recounts the last two years of war.



9782840483472 ■ January 2015 ■ £50.00 305 x 215 mm ■ Hardback ■ 420 pages ■ B/w illustrations

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25 25


HOLD AT ALL COSTS! The Epic Battle of Delville Wood 1916 By Ian Uys • A riveting account of the battle of Delville Wood – ‘the bloodiest battle hell of 1916’ Delville Wood in the Somme was the most famous battle ever fought by South Africans. Through this action other nations learnt to respect the fighting qualities of the men from the fledgling Union of South Africa. Erstwhile foes, Boer and Briton, fought shoulder to shoulder against the German Army. The saga of Delville Wood will never be forgotten by South Africa, yet the story of the battle, told through the eyes of the participants was never fully documented, until now. Enriched by the interviews of many South African survivors, and extracts from German’s regimental histories, this riveting account documents how South African forces grimly repulsed troops five times their number.


9781910294376 ■ February 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages 200 b/w photos, 8 colour maps

DIE IN BATTLE, DO NOT DESPAIR The Indians on Gallipoli, 1915 By Peter Stanley • The first book about the Indian role at Gallipoli to be published in the century since 1915 In 1915 about 15,000 Indian troops – two or three times as many as previously thought – served in the dramatic and doomed eight-month Gallipoli campaign. Force G, as it came to be known, included Sikhs, Hindus and Punjabi Musalmans (as Muslim soldiers were called) and four battalions of Gurkhas. The Indian story of Gallipoli has barely been told before. Professor Peter Stanley, one of Australia’s most distinguished military social historians, has drawn on an extensive range of unpublished evidence, including official and private records in Britain, Australia, New Zealand and India to tell the story of the Indian experience of Gallipoli that has waited a century to be told.



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781910294673 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 304 pages 85 b/w photos, 8 colour maps


Officers and Leadership in the British Expeditionary Force 1914 Edited by Spencer Jones This collection offers a broad picture of command at all levels of the BEF through a series of biographical essays on key officers. Drawing upon much original research, each chapter explores the pre-war background and experience of the officer and assesses his performance in combat in the opening months of the First World War. The book’s insightful deconstruction of key personalities will interest anyone interested in World War I. 9781910294727 ■ January 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 384 pages ■ B/w photos, 8 pages of colour maps





The 1st South African Infantry Brigade in Libya, France and Flanders 1915–1919 By Peter Digby This re-issue of Pyramids and Poppies coincides with the hundredth anniversary of the formation of the First SA Brigade, in August 1915. No book has been written that covers the whole spectrum of the 1st SA Brigade in the First World War. Pyramids and Poppies illuminates their lives and battles with hitherto unknown photographs and drawings and personal accounts by the men of the South African Brigade. 9781910294628 ■ February 2015 ■ £35.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 464 pages ■ B/w photos, maps


PADRE, PRISONER AND PENPUSHER The World War One Experiences of the Reverend Benjamin O’Rorke Edited by Peter Howson Few army chaplains had as varied a career during the First World War as the Reverend Benjamin O’Rorke, as detailed in his diary kept in 1918. This book will appeal to all who are interested in how a regular army chaplain coped with mobilisation and then life as a prisoner of war. The book features an introduction, notes to explain the diary, and other writings. WORLD WAR I BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910294703 ■ April 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages ■ 12 b/w photos, 1 map

PLAYING THE GAME The British Junior Infantry Officer on the Western Front 1914–1918 By Christopher Moore-Bick This book examines the lives and careers of junior infantry officers in World War I, focusing especially on the uneasy transition from civilian to soldier, when often the young men who volunteered had no military experience. The book explores the ways in which traditional concepts of heroism and a soldierly identity were remoulded in the face of an industrialised and impersonal war.



9781910294758 ■ March 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 312 pages ■ 20 b/w photos

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27 27


MUD, BLOOD AND DETERMINATION The History of the 46th (North Midland) Division in the Great War By Simon Peaple • Groundbreaking modern history of the 46th (North Midland) Mud, Blood and Determination draws upon a vast array of largely neglected sources from a variety of archives, and challenges some comfortable assumptions. All previous large-scale studies have focused on elite units, but this book follows this un-fancied, often belittled, division along the learning curve of the British Army. Scholarly debate, detailed historical accounts and the wider implications of war are combined together in this ground-breaking history.


9781910294666 ■ February 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages 50 b/w photos, 8 colour maps, 2 tables

BISHOP GWYNNE Deputy Chaplain-General to the British Armies on the Western Front During the First World War By Neville Benyon A new study of BEF Deputy Chaplain General Llewellyn Henry Gwynne, "the man who did most to win the war", from formative years to service in World War I when he achieved the rank of major general. Based on ground-breaking archival research, this volume contributes to our understanding of the vital role of Anglican chaplains during the years 1914–18. WORLD WAR I BIOGRAPHY

9781910294604 ■ March 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages ■ 16 b/w photos

DEAREST MOTHER First World War Letters Home from a Young Sapper officer in France and Salonika Edited by Andrew Baines and Joanna Palmer John Stanhope Baines was on active service in France and Salonika during the First World War, and throughout this time wrote to his mother and his younger sister. These charming letters are illuminated by the careful research carried out by the editors, the author’s grandchildren, who have accompanied the letters with articles and details of life back on the Home Front. WORLD WAR I BIOGRAPHY


9781910294574 ■ March 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 384 pages ■ 100 b/w photos & illustrations

+44 (0) 1865 241249


Volume 1: The Phoenix is Reborn 1918–1934 By Richard Meredith • First volume in a unique series tracing the history of the wartime German Luftwaffe Based on forty years of detailed research, Phoenix is a comprehensive history of the wartime German Luftwaffe. Going far beyond a simple description of famous air battles and operations the overall work draws extensively on original documents, secondary sources and contemporary accounts to place the Luftwaffe within its proper historical context, gather together its many disparate components and provide a hitherto unpublished balance to its diverse activities. Volume 1: The Phoenix is Reborn covers a particularly neglected area, specifically the post-war Reichswehr and the years of secrecy leading up to the unveiling of the Luftwaffe in 1935.




9781910294505 ■ April 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 416 pages 115 b/w photos, 5 maps, 3 tables

THE BATTLE OF MOSCOW 1941–1942 The Red Army’s Defensive Operations and Counter-offensive Along the Moscow Strategic Direction Edited by Richard W. Harrison • Translated into English for the first time, an account of the Battle of Moscow written by Soviet staff This work originally appeared in 1943, under the title The Rout of the German Forces Around Moscow. The work was produced by the Red Army General Staff’s military-historical section, which was charged with collecting and analyzing the war’s experience. The book is divided into three parts. The first traces the Western Front’s defensive operations along the Moscow direction. The second part deals with the first phase of the Red Army’s counteroffensive, which was aimed at pushing back the German pincers and removing the immediate threat to Moscow, and the final section examines the further development of the counteroffensive until the end of January 1942.



9781910294642 ■ March 2015 ■ £45.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 528 pages ■ 55 maps

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249

29 29


REBUILDING BRITAIN The Aftermath of the Second World War By David Rogers What happened once the noise of the shelling subsided and the smoke dissipated from World War II? Life in peacetime Britain was far from easy, with unemployment, power cuts, rationing, and national service, yet out of these dark days for Britain arose the enduring legacies of the Welfare State, the National Health Service, and the Paralympic Games, and much more still affecting our lives in the 21st century.


9781910294451 ■ April 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 224 pages ■ 35 b/w illustrations

SHADOW FACTORIES Britain’s Production Facilities During World War II By David Rogers Shadow Factories was the term used to describe the use of third party factories created to support the pre-war traditional manufacturers, buckling under the demand for arms. From tanks to aircraft to rifles, these factories fabricated these arms, often in complete secret, lest German bombers destroyed these vital sources of supplies. This book details the extensive range of men, machines and vehicles supplying the weapons of World War II. WORLD WAR II

9781910294468 ■ March 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ 40 b/w illustrations

OPERATION DYNAMO The Evacuation from Dunkirk, May–June 1940 Edited by Tim Benbow The evacuation of the British expeditionary force, or ‘Operation Dynamo’ succeeded beyond all realistic expectation. This volume reproduces the complete text of the Battle Summary written just after the war by the Admiralty historical staff, comprising an authoritative account of these dramatic events, accompanied by a comprehensive introduction, newly written for this volume that explains the context for the operation as well as an overview of further reading on the subject. WORLD WAR II NAVAL

9781910294598 ■ February 2015 ■ £35.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ 4 colour maps, 3 tables

LAST BLOOD ON POMERANIA Leon Degrelle and the Walloon Waffen SS Volunteers, February–May 1945 By Tomasz Borowski This book is the first account to describe in detail the Walloons’ participation in the mysterious Pomeranian campaign, based on participants’ unpublished memoirs. It tells the tragic story of the Walloon volunteers, who at all costs tried to stop the onrush of the enemy. The book is illustrated with unique photographs and images, and features a special comic created by the French artist Godus.



9781910294482 ■ February 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages ■ 140 b/w & colour photos, maps

+44 (0) 1865 241249


The German Air Assault Against Great Britain 1914–1918 Volume 2 By Nigel J. Parker • An essential and complete account of the war in the air over Britain Gott Strafe England: Volume 2 continues the detailed analysis of the German Strategic Air Offensive against Great Britain through the years 1917 and 1918. Volume 2 continues with the same high level of detail as to be found in Volume 1: giving the precise routes of every German raider, where every bomb fell, the damage caused and casualties on both sides, whether on the ground or in the air. Never before has such a project ever been attempted that goes into so much detail to record precisely what happened in the skies over Britain during the Great War.




9781910294512 ■ April 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages 50 b/w photos & maps

KANGZHAN Guide to Chinese Ground Forces 1937–45 By Leland Ness & Bin Shih • Essential reference guide to one of the biggest armies of World War II This is the first ready reference to the organization and armament of Chinese ground forces during the Sino-Japanese War of 1937–45. The work integrates Chinese, Japanese and Western sources to examine the details of the structure and weapons of the period. Recent scholarship has contributed greatly to our understanding of China's role in the war, but this is the first book to deal with the bottom-level underpinnings of this massive army, crucial to an understanding of its tactical and operational utility. Aimed at both military historians and wargamers, this work fills an important gap in our understanding of this, the most under-appreciated army of the war.



9781910294420 ■ March 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 624 pages 300 b/w photos, 15 maps, 100 tables

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31 31


THE BLACK BERET The History of South Africa's Armoured Forces Volume 1: Beginnings to the Invasion of Madagascar 1942 By Willem Steenkamp Volume 1 of The Black Beret starts with the early history of South Africa and ends with the invasion of Madagascar by the South African Forces during World War II. The story is grippingly told Willem Steenkamp in a rich and unique style, drawing on a significant number of sources, ably supported by many photographs and maps. MILITARY VEHICLES WORLD WAR II

9781910294680 ■ March 2015 ■ £55.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 608 pages ■ 275 b/w photos, 16 maps

SOVIET AUTOGYROS 1929–1942 By Mikhail Maslov The material presented in this book describes the history of the development, testing and limited operations of early Soviet autogyros. As in the rest of the world, autogyros appeared in the Soviet Union in a period of full exploration of the skies by airplanes and after the first unsuccessful experiences with helicopters. This book tracks the enormous hopes at the advent of autogyros, and their ultimate failure.


9781910294659 ■ January 2015 ■ £21.95 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 144 pages ■ 186 b/w and colour photos, profiles

COMMANDING FAR EASTERN SKIES A Critical Analysis of the Royal Air Force Air Superiority Campaign in India, Burma and Malaya 1941–1945 By Peter Preston-Hough The role of air power was vitally important to war in the Far East between 1941 and 1945. This book analyses how the Allies lost air superiority, and then how material difficulties were overcome before air superiority was won in 1944. The book demonstrates how Japanese industry, their war in the Pacific, and their use of air power in Burma ultimately affected the air war’s eventual outcome. AVIATION WORLD WAR II

9781910294444 ■ April 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages ■ 10 b/w photos, 13 maps, 13 tables

OVER FIELDS OF FIRE Flying the Sturmovik in Action on the Eastern Front 1942–45 By Anna Timofeeva-Egorova This unique story of courage, determination and bravery in the face of tremendous personal adversity follows Anna Egorova, a female pilot recruited into the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Earning the respect of her fellow male pilots, the author became not just a mature combat pilot, but a commanding officer, in a fascinating, and very human story.



9781910294741 ■ March 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 208 pages ■ B/w photos

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A Tribal Conflict in Nigeria That Left a Million Dead By Al J. Venter • Thought-provoking examination of Biafra, and its enduring legacy of conflict today Almost half a century has passed since the Nigerian Civil War ended. Biafra’s war was modern Africa’s first extended conflict. It lasted almost three years and was based largely on ethnic, by inference, tribal grounds. Biafra was the first of a series of religious wars that threaten to engulf much of Africa. Similar conflicts have recently taken place in the Ivory Coast, Kenya, Southern Sudan, the Central African Republic, Senegal (Cassamance), both Congo Republics and elsewhere. For that reason alone, this book is an important contribution towards understanding Nigeria’s ethnic divisions, some of which persist to this day.



BIAFRA'S WAR 1967–1970

9781910294697 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 272 pages 100 b/w and colour photos, 4 maps

A WALK AGAINST THE STREAM A Rhodesian National Service Officer's Story of the Bush War By Tony Ballinger A Walk Against The Stream is the true story of a young national service officer in the Rhodesian army, facing enemy territory just across the Zambezi river in Zambia. The events that unfold contain interesting military encounters, with battles against the Zambian army and local terrorists clearly depicted. This is a riveting personal tale, interspersed with interesting facts and dozens of photographs. BIOGRAPHY & 9781910294437 ■ January 2015 ■ £19.95 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 416 pages ■ 50 colour and b/w photos POST-WORLD WAR II

PORTUGAL'S GUERILLA WARS IN AFRICA Lisbon's Three Wars in Angola, Mozambique and Portugese Guinea 1961–74 By Al J. Venter Portugal's three wars in Africa in Angola, Mozambique and Portuguese Guinea (Guiné-Bissau today) lasted almost 13 years. Yet they are among the most underreported conflicts of the modern era. As a foreign correspondent, Al Venter covered all three wars over more than a decade, in the process writing several books. Portugal's Guerrilla Wars in Africa represents an amalgam of these efforts, providing a journalist's perspective of military events. POST-WORLD WAR II


9781910294734 ■ March 2015 ■ £25 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 544 pages ■ B/w and colour photos, maps

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33 33


LIBYAN AIR WARS Part 2: 1985–1986 By Tom Cooper, Albert Grandolini & Arnaud Delalande While the first volume in this mini-series spanned the first decade of confrontations between Libya and several of its neighbours, between 1973 and 1985, the second covers the period between mid-1985 and March 1986, when this confrontation reached its first climax. It provides an unprecedentedly detailed and richly illustrated description of the involved air forces, many of which have remained unknown until today. 9781910294536 ■ April 2015 ■ £16.95 AVIATION 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 72 pages POST-WORLD WAR II 150 colour and b/w photos, colour profiles, maps

LIBYAN AIR WARS Part 3: 1986–1989 By Tom Cooper, Albert Grandolini & Arnaud Delalande This title closes the Libyan Air Wars mini-series with a detailed insight into the final US–Libyan confrontation, which took place in early 1989. The volume is richly illustrated by well over 150 contemporary and exclusive photographs, colour profiles, and maps, detailing the history, training, equipment, markings and tactics of the involved air forces. 9781910294543 ■ April 2015 ■ £16.95 AVIATION 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 72 pages POST-WORLD WAR II 150 colour & b/w photos, colour profiles, maps

WARS AND INSURGENCIES OF UGANDA 1971–1994 By Tom Cooper & Adrien Fontanellaz This volume provides an in-depth study of the military operations during the Kagera War – also known as ‘A Just War’ – fought between Tanzania and Uganda in 1978–1979. It further traces the almost continuous armed conflict in Uganda of 1981–1994, which became renowned for emergence of several insurgent movements notorious for incredible violence against civilian population, some of which remain active in Central Africa to this day.

9781910294550 ■ April 2015 ■ £16.95 POST-WORLD WAR II 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 72 pages 150 colour & b/w photos, colour profiles, maps

THE RWANDAN PATRIOTIC FRONT 1990–1994 By Adrien Fontanellaz & Tom Cooper This work traces the history of the Rwandan Patriotic Front from its emergence as a small-scale insurgent group to its establishment of control over Kigali, providing a unique insight into the military story behind the emergence of modern-day Rwanda. Illustrated with over 150 photographs, colour profiles, and maps, this is a unique study of the emergence of one of the most important US allies on the African continent.

9781910294567 ■ April 2015 ■ £16.95 POST-WORLD WAR II 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 72 pages 150 colour & b/w photos, colour profiles, maps


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The British Army in Northern Ireland 1980–83 By Ken Wharton


Between January 1980 and December 1989, around 1,000 people died; many were soldiers and policemen; and some were innocent civilians. This book will look at the period which encompassed the 48 months of 1980 and 1983. As ever, this book pulls no punches in its absolute detestation of both Republican and Loyalist paramilitaries.

9781910294390 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 448 pages ■ 80 b/w photos and maps




Voices from 9 Battery Royal Artillery in Northern Ireland, November 1971– March 1972 By Steve Corbett Between 1971 and 1972 Andersontown became the scene of many gun-battles between the men of 9 (Plassey) Battery and the Irish Republican Army. This is the only book about the Troubles in Northern Ireland which covers just one single tour of duty as seen through the eyes of the men who were there. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY 9781910294499 ■ March 2015 ■ £19.95 POST WORLD WAR II 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 288 pages ■ 60 b/w and colour photos, 1 map

FOUR BALL ONE TRACER Commanding Executive Outcomes in Angola and Sierra Leone By Roelf van Heerden Brutally honest and devoid of hyperbole, this is Roelf van Heerden's Executive Outcomes. Unapologetic, unassuming and forthright, the combat exploits of Executive Outcomes (EO) in Angola and Sierra Leone are recounted for the first time by a battlefield commander who was physically on the ground during all their major combat operations. BIOGRAPHY & 9781910294710 ■ March 2015 ■ £19.95 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 312 pages ■ 56 pages of colour photos, b/w maps POST-WORLD WAR II

THE SIKH WARS SOURCE BOOK The Rise and Fall of the Khalsa, 1799–1849 By Andrew Preziosi The Sikh Wars Source Book is the first comprehensive work dealing with the Anglo-Sikh Wars fought in India between 1845 and 1849, providing political background of the conflict, a concise account of both Sikh Wars, and a detailed description of the armies involved. The Sikh Wars Source Book is a must have for the bookshelf of any student of India’s colonial era and wars. 9781910294291 ■ April 2015 ■ £35.00 19TH CENTURY 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 496 pages MILITARY REFERENCE 175 b/w and colour illustrations, maps


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35 35


MARLBOROUGH’S OTHER ARMY The British Army and the Campaigns of the First Peninsula War, 1702–1712 By Nicholas Dorrell • Offers the only comprehensive examination of Marlborough’s campaigns in Spain and Portugal An often neglected aspect of Marlborough’s war is its crucial campaign in Spain and Portugal also known as the First Peninsula War of 1702–1712. Whilst this campaign was critical to the outcome of the war, relatively little information is available about it or the army that fought it. This work provides a detailed look at the army that fought the Spanish and Portuguese campaigns of Marlborough’s war. It aims to provide more detail and understanding of a relatively little known part of a war that helped to shape and strengthened Britain’s position amongst the main European players.


9781910294635 ■ February 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages ■ 15 maps

MOLTKE AND HIS GENERALS A Study in Leadership By Quintin Barry • An examination of the brilliant individuals behind one of the most powerful teams in military history When Helmuth von Moltke took over as Chief of the Prussian General Staff, the Prussian army had not fought for more than forty years. Yet within a decade and a half it was the strongest in Europe. His success was not only due to far sighted strategic planning, the comprehensive reorganisation of the General Staff and his grasp of new technologies; it was also due to his leadership of a talented, if disparate, group of subordinates, even if some of them sometimes failed to grasp his overall intentions. This book reveals the relationships between Hemuth von Moltke and ‘the power behind the throne’.



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781910294413 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages 20 b/w illustrations, 7 maps


The Illustrated Journal of Charles Nedham Edited by Peter Harrington Charles Nedham was just twenty when he arrived in India in 1845 as an ensign in HM 10th Foot. His journal, illustrated with fine pencil drawings, offers glimpses of life in peace and war in India. The journal provides a window into attitudes towards the empire, as well as the life of a bachelor officer in the early 19th century.


9781910294383 ■ June 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 112 pages ■ 26 b/w illustrations




The Life and Times of Field Marshal Hugh Gough, 1st Viscount Gough By Christopher Brice Hugh Gough, 1st Viscount Gough, is an interesting and controversial figure of the late Georgian and early Victorian British Army. It is said he commanded in more battles than any other British soldier of this period. His life is an interesting tale of a career soldier, a fighting soldier, who was, as an officer who served under him remarked, “as brave as a lion”. A fascinating biography of a controversial but brilliant commander. 19TH CENTURY BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910294611 ■ April 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 464 pages ■ 40 b/w illustrations, 10 maps

THE STUDNITZ WARS The Wartime Journals of a Prussian Cavalry General 1849–71 Edited by Gilbert von Studnitz The journal of Prussian Major General Benno von Studnitz was originally published in 1891 in a very limited German language edition. Now, translated and edited by his great-grandson, the General's journal appears for the first time in English. Not just some ponderous dry tome recounting facts and figures, Studnitz brings to life a vital period of European military history, through his witty and engaging style. 19TH CENTURY BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910294406 ■ April 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 152 pages ■ 5 b/w illustrations

EARLY MODERN SYSTEMS OF COMMAND Queen Anne’s Generals, Staff Officers and the Direction of Allied Warfare in the Low Countries and Germany, 1702–1711 By Stewart Stansfield The Anglophone history of the War of the Spanish Succession in the Low Countries is dominated by military biographies of the first Duke of Marlborough, yet ignores the men who variously aided, abetted and disrupted his leadership. Early Modern Systems of Command corrects this oversight, drawing on a wealth of primary material. 18TH CENTURY


9781910294475 ■ April 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 304 pages 13 b/w and colour illustrations, 2 maps, 9 tables

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VICTORIA’S HARVEST The Irish Soldier in the Zulu War of 1879 By John Young and David Truesdale • The extraordinary story of the Irish soldiers of the 1879 Zulu War This book tells the story of some of the Irish men who served as soldiers in Queen Victoria's Army, before, during, and after the Zulu War of 1879. Men who fought not necessarily for a queen or a country, but most often for their regiment; a regiment that had seen numerous fellow Irishmen and often preceding family members serve in its ranks, as the tradition of Irish soldiers serving in the British Army can be traced back many hundreds of years. It is the story of some of those Irishmen who volunteered for service in Queen Victoria's Army and found themselves involved in not only the greatest defeat of the British soldier at the hands of a native enemy, but some remarkable victories.


9781910294529 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages 300 b/w photos, illustrations and maps

CAVALIER CAPITAL Oxford in the English Civil War 1642–1646 By John Barratt • The first detailed account of Oxford’s role as “Royalist capital” in almost a century Cavalier Capital examines all aspects of Oxford’s experience in the English Civil War. As well as the effects on the town and university, special emphasis is placed on the various aspects of the Royalist occupation, including its role as a major manufacturing centre of munitions and armoury. The King’s court, the operation of Royalist government and administration, and the organisation and life of the soldiers of the garrison receive equal attention. The book makes full use of both contemporary and modern accounts, and is copiously illustrated with contemporary and modern illustrations.



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9781910294581 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages 58 b/w illustrations, 2 maps


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French Resistance Against Hitler's Army Frank Lambert • Intimate look at the extraordinary men and women who acted as sabouteurs in World War II Discover the fantastic history of the saboteurs during World War II in the French resistance. Trained by the British secret service, they destroyed hundreds of buildings, bridges, and industries. Leading up to D-Day they blocked the German forces by destroying transport links and sabotaged German military production in France. The actions of this small number of brave men and women made a huge contribution to the success of the Allies in the Second World War. WORLD WAR II

9782352503729 ■ January 2015 ■ £25.95 240 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 144 pages ■ Highly illustrated



SHERMAN IN THE PACIFIC WAR, 1943–1945 By Raymon Giuliani • Extraordinary story of the M4 Sherman tank in the Pacific theatre of Operations during World War II This richly illustrated book is of high visual value for all lovers of the Sherman tank. Through carefully selected and unpublished photographs, you will discover the extraordinary metamorphosis of the famous American tank, from its first disastrous engagement on “Bloody Atoll” Tarawa, in the island of Okinawa, the last bastion of the Rising Sun to its transformation as Americans adapted and ultimately transformed the Sherman to be successful. 350 photos and thirty specific profiles paired with contemporary photographs and maps of each of the battles accompany the informative text.


9782352502838 ■ March 2015 ■ £34.95 300 x 230 mm ■ Hardback ■ 144 pages

LA JEEP DANS L'ARMEE FRANCAISE, VOLUME II By Paul Gaujac • Second volume in highly illustrated series tracing the history and relationship between the French army and the iconic military vehicle of World War II Wherever the French army was, there were the jeeps. They transported top brass, carried radios, were equipped with automatic or anti-tank weapons, evacuated casualties from the battle zones over difficult terrain. Volume One of this stunning series followed the Jeep and its use in the operations in Indochina and Tunisia. This second volume examines the Jeep’s role on land in Algeria, Germany, and Central Africa. WORLD WAR II MILITARY VEHICLES

9782352503675 ■ January 2015 ■ £21.95 250 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 144 pages ■ 250 colour photos ■ Text in French


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THE GOUMS 1941–1945 By Paul Gaujac • Definitive history of 'the Goums', Morrocan tribal warriors of World War II The Goums were a company consisting of goumiers who were Moroccan soldiers in the French Army, created in 1911 during the conquest of Morocco as a guerrilla police force. This rich historical narrative follows their progress from their formation, to their participation in the 1940 campaign, to the liberation of Corsica, Italy, and from Provence all the way to Germany. This comprehensive history is illustrated with abundant illustrations and includes all the flags and badges representing the Goums. WORLD WAR II

9782352503453 ■ January 2015 ■ £29.99 250 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 150 pages ■ Highly illustrated

SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE: VOLUME 2 Mk VI-VII-VIII-IX & XVI By Philippe Listemann • Richly illustrated guide to the iconic Spitfire of World War II This book is the second of a series of three volumes devoted to the most famous fighter of the Royal Air Force. This plane, combined with the equally famous Hurricane, gave the British control of the skies against the Luftwaffe. It covers the different versions of the plane from the Spitfire Mk I to the Spitfire Mk V which appeared in February 1941 and was equipped with Rolls-Royce Merlin 45, one of the most powerful engines of the Second World War. WORLD WAR II | AVIATION

9782352503668 ■ December 2014 ■ £17.50 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 96 pages ■ Highly illustrated

DOUGLAS A4 SKYHAWK By Gerard Paloque • Stunning detailed visual guide to the A4 Skyhawk and its career spanning the last half century Originally designed to replace another aircraft from the same manufacturer Douglas, the famous Skyraider, the A-4 Skyhawk enjoyed a remarkable career for nearly half a century. This detailed guide, featuring colour illustrations throughout, traces the extraordinary career of the A-4 Skyhawk, from its initial use by the U.S Navy and U.S Marine Corps, especially in the Vietnam war, to its role beyond the United States, used during the Yom Kippur war in 1973 and against the British in the Falklands War in 1982.


9782352503644 ■ May 2015 ■ £17.50 200 x 240 mm ■ Paperback ■ 96 pages ■ Colour illustrations


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By Vital Ferry • Stunningly detailed visual guide to French military aircraft, featuring colour profiles and photographs In the cradle of aviation at the beginning of the Great War, France only had a few dozen military aircraft about which the general staff had limited knowledge. At the time of the Armistice of November 11, 1918, the French Air Force had become one of the most powerful in the world, bringing together 10,000 aircraft in nearly 300 squadrons. In four years, the French aviation industry had been able to produce 50,000, which had in turn been used to equip many allies, including Great Britain, Russia and especially the United States. This book, the first of its kind in French, provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the French Air Force.


9782352503699 ■ January 2015 ■ £27.99 300 x 230 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages ■ Text in French



MIRAGE F1 By Frédéric Lert • Detailed guide to the genesis and use of Mirage F1 Successor to the Mirage III and predecessor to the Mirage 2000, the Mirage F1 has sometimes been described as a " transition aircraft." Yet this elegant Mach 2 interceptor with a wing shape that contrasts with the conventional delta previously used on the Dassault-built fighter, has equipped a dozen Army Air Force fighter squadrons for almost 30 years. Entered into service in 1974, it has not only assured air nationwide protection, but has also been deployed overseas, primarily in Africa. This book is devoted to the genesis of the aircraft and its use in the various French units. This is an updated edition in the first of two volumes originally issued in 2007. AVIATION

9782352504078 ■ January 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 128 pages

ISSUS & GAUGAMELA Alexander the Great vs Darius III By Frederic Bey • A history of the epic rivalry between Alexander the Great and Darius III In just three years and two battles against the 'king of kings' Darius III, Alexander the Great brought Persia to its knees. At Gaugamela (331BC), the two rivals and their soldiers fought another decisive battle which saw the death of Darius and the installation of Alexander as the new ruler of the ancient East. From a military point of view, Alexander's technique was to become the model for some of the greatest generals in history, from Caesar to Napoleon. ALEXANDER THE GREAT PRE-MEDIEVAL

9782352503767 ■ February 2015 ■ £14.95 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 64 pages


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GI SOUVENIRS By Henry-Paul Enjames • Moving testimonies of a painful past: an intimate look at the lives of fifty Americans in World War II This book traces the career of fifty Americans in World War II, who, during the conflict held a variety of positions: shock troops, bomber pilot, nurses, a quartermaster aboard a destroyer, a female telephone operator and a chaplain in a motorized cavalry unit. Preceding each story is a short genealogical history, and additional perspective is offered through historical newspapers and walking units, providing valuable information on the progress of the Allied victory and the homecoming of the lucky ones. AMERICAN HISTORY 9782352503989 ■ March 2015 ■ £35.99 300 x 230 mm ■ Hardback ■ 244 pages ■ 1000 photos

THE BATTLE OF MARENGO By Olivier Lapray • Great victory leading to the French occupation at Lombardy On 14 June 1800, during the second Italian campaign, Napoleon narrowly won the battle of Marengo (Piedmont). This famous battle put 28,000 French soldiers against 31,000 Austrian soldiers under the command of General Melas. At first dominated, the French had to retreat nearly seven miles back. Melas believing that victory was assured left the command to a subordinate and returned to Alessandria. The adversary's delay thus allowed Napoleon to concentrate his forces, including the corps of General Desaix, which would arrive as reinforcement. Around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the violent French counterattack forced the Austrians to retreat, claiming the lives of Desaix, undoubtedly the hero of the day.


9782352503262 ■ November 2014 ■ £29.50 230 X 310 mm ■ Hardback ■ 128 pages

NAPOLEON AND ITALY By Juan Carlos Camignani and Gilles Boué • In-depth history of the tempestuous relationship between Napoleon and Italy The links between Napoleon and Italy are too often reduced to Napoleon's dazzling campaigns of 1796 and 1800. This posthumous work of Juan Carlos Camignani, one of the greatest French specialists of Napoleonic history, this time collaborating with Gilles Boue, historian of the great battles of the Empire, illustrates that the close relationship between Napoleon and Italy continued well beyond the Battle of Marengo. Using more than three hundred rare images, the authors trace the extraordinary relationship between Napoleon and Italy. NAPOLEONIC HISTORY 9782352503231 ■ January 2015 ■ £34.95 230 x 320 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ Over 300 rare images


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In Defense of the Homeland, 1941–1944, Vol. 1 By Leszek A. Wieliczko Volume I of this series describes the formation of the Japanese air defence system since the creation of the General Defence Command in July 1941, throughout the preparations to counter the U.S. bomb raids until the air battles fought between June and December 1944 in the defence of Japan, and includes detailed profiles of all major types of Japanese fighters deployed in air defence units. AVIATION MODELLING WORLD WAR II



9788364596063 ■ August 2014 ■ £16.99 211 x 150 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages 73 photos, 12 colour profiles, 16 throws ■ Air Battles

GRUMMAN F6F HELLCAT Volume 1 By Tomasz Szlagor Grumman F6F Hellcat was one of the best fighter aircraft of the World War II era and the most effective fighter of the US Navy. Volume One presents this legendary fighter in its first year of operational service – from the combat debut over Marcus Island and the Solomons in August 1943 until the end of the Marianas operation in late summer 1944. AVIATION MODELLING WORLD WAR II

9788364596056 ■ September 2014 ■ £15.99 275 x 205 mm ■ Paperback ■ 96 pages 135 photos, 5 colour photos, 4 colour profiles

VOUGHT F4U CORSAIR VOL. II By Tomasz Szlagor and Leszek A. Wieliczko This second volume carries on the story of the F4U Corsair by examining its development and operational service in later stages of the World War II, including its service in the Philippines, related here in unparalleled detail. The book is the definitive guide: superbly detailed using numerous data in tabular form, color profiles of five representative aircraft and 1/48 scale drawings of various versions.


9788364596087 ■ September 2014 ■ £16.99 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 112 pages 18pp scale drawings, 112 b/w photos, 5 painting schemes ■ Monographs

THE HEAVY CRUISER LÜTZOW By Stefan Draminski The text part of this book describes technical specifications of the ship and her operational history in detail. This is accompanied by more than 100 color illustrations showing Lutzow's appearance during Operation Rösselsprung, July 1942. Blueprints in 1:350, 1:200, 1:100 and 1:50 scales (general views and details) are included on a separate sheet. This publication is an invaluable help to any modeller working on this ship's replica.

9788364596070 ■ August 2014 ■ £16.99 NAVAL | MODELLING 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ 140 renders WORLD WAR II Super Drawings in 3D


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STURMGESCHÜTZ IV By Lukasz Gladysiak, Tomasz Idzikowski and Marek Jaszczolt The Sturmgeschütz IV was a German assault gun variant of the Panzer IV used in the mid-late period of the Second World War. This highly detailed volume featuring hundreds of rare wartime photographs and colour profiles provides a detailed history of the weapon in its historical context and supports information about production and combat, which will appeal equally to both military historian and modeller. MILITARY VEHICLES MODELLING WORLD WAR II

9788364596209 ■ October 2014 ■ £16.99 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ Archive photos, colour profiles PHOTOSNIPER

PANZERJAGER 38 (T) HETZER & G13 By Hubert Michalski The Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Sd.Kfz. 138/2), later known as Hetzer or "chaser” was a German light tank destroyer of the Second World War based on a modified Czechoslovakian Panzer 38(t) chassis. Featuring hundreds of photographs and colour profiles of this vehicle, this volume is the definitive guide to the Hetzer for the historian and modeller alike.


9788364596131 ■ October 2014 ■ £16.99 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ Archive photos, colour profiles PHOTOSNIPER

JUNKERS JU 88 VOL. I By Marek Murawski and Marek Ryś The Junkers Ju 88 was a World War II German Luftwaffe twin-engine, multi-role aircraft. This is the first volume of this most versatile combat aircraft in the popular Kagero Mongographs series, which focuses on each individual aircraft, providing descriptions of the aircraft’s origins, its variants and combat history. Each volume includes several hundred archive photographs, technical scale drawings and colour profile artworks.


9788364596117 ■ October 2014 ■ £16.99 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 120 pages ■ 120 b/w photos, 120 renders Monographs

THE BATTLESHIP USS MISSOURI By Witold Koszela The latest in the popular Topdrawings series is dedicated to the “Mighty Mo” or the USS Missouri. The USS Missouri was the site of the surrender of the Empire of Japan in World War II, but went on to fight in the Korean War, and up until Operation Desert Storm in 1991. It contains 29 A4 drawing sheets, colour profiles, and 5 double B2 sheets with drawing sheets and colour schemes.



9788364596124 ■ October 2014 ■ £15.99 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 32 pages ■ 29 drawing sheets, colour profiles TOPDRAWINGS

+44 (0) 1865 241249


By Lukasz Gladysiak, Mike Koening and Jacek Szafranski The Tiger II was the heavy tank successor of the Tiger I. This volume details the history of the operation and use of the Tiger II’s in World War II, from their intial deployement during the Normandy Campaign in July 1944, to their role in the Eastern Front, the Ardennes Offensive, and the Battle of Berlin at the end of the war, featuring hundreds of archive photographs and colour profiles.




9788364596230 ■ October 2014 ■ £15.99 210 x 297 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ Archive and profile photos

CRICKETS AGAINST RATS Regia Aeronautica in the Spanish Civil War 1936–1937 Vol. I By Marek Sobski The first volume in a series detailing the day to day air struggles and rapid development of the Italian Air Force in Spain over the Spanish Civil War. It describes flights since July 1937, including air raids in Madrid, the Battle of the Jarama River, Malaga and Guadalajara. The book also presents Regia Aeronautica involvement in operations carried out from this island. MILITARY VEHICLES MODELLING WORLD WAR II

9788364596162 ■ October 2014 ■ £15.99 275 x 205 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ 110 archive photos, 10 colour profiles

THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER KAGA By Stefan Draminski Japanese aircraft carrier “Kaga” was initially being built as a battleship, but as a result of a coincidence she became one of the first large carriers in history. This new volume in the acclaimed series ‘Super Drawings in 3D’ traces the history of Kaga until her destruction, signaling the end of Japan’s hopes for winning the war. It contains 120 renders and 1 double B2 sheet with scale drawings.


9788364596223 ■ October 2014 ■ £14.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ 120 renders

THE BATTLECRUISER HARUNA By Waldemar Góralski Another volume in the popular Topdrawings series, dedicated to the battlecruiser Haruna, which was a warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War I and World War II and had the distinction of fighting in almost every major naval action of the Pacific Theater during World War II. This definitive guide contains 22 drawing sheets and multiple colour photos.



9788364596216 ■ October 2014 ■ £14.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 24 pages ■ 22 Drawing sheets, colour profiles

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AMX-30, VOL. II Char de Bataille 1966–2006 By M. P. Robinson • Second volume in the acclaimed AMX-30 series The second volume of Kagero's AMX-30 series covers the later part of the long career of the AMX-30 in French Army service. The text and photographic coverage is focused on the improvement of the AMX-30B, which resulted in the adoption of the AMX-30B2 in 1982 and its long subsequent service. The final variants, including the AMX-30B2 Brennus and the FORAD opposing forces vehicles, are also included. A third volume is in preparation dealing with the AMX-30's many derivatives. The book contains 8 color profiles and 200 archive photos, and is printed in mate coated paper.


CAMOUFLAGE & MARKINGS OF ALLIED ARMOR IN THE BATTLE FOR CASSINO January–May 1944 By Jeffrey Plowman • ‘A great choice for modellers as well as those interested in armoured warfare’. - Peter Brown, Military Modelling



9788364596049 ■ August 2014 ■ £16.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 88 pages 200 archive photos, 8 colour profiles Photosniper

+44 (0) 1865 241249

Published to coincide with the 70th Anniversary of the battle for Cassino, this is an authoritative guide to the armor deployed by the Allies over the course of the fighting for this strategic objective. Covering American, British, Indian, Canadian, French, New Zealand and Polish armor, this book includes a number of rare and unpublished photos with detailed captions with 56 pages including 8 in full colour. It includes: M3A1 Scout Cars, Universal Carriers, Indian Wheeled Carriers, M8, HMCs, M10s, M7 Priests, Stuarts, Shermans, Churchills, Grant ARVs, M31, TRVs and Valentine Bridgelayers. It contains 78 b&w photos and 20 full color plates of artwork. 9788360672228 ■ October 2014 ■ £22.95 287 x 201 mm ■ Paperback ■ 56 pages 78 b/w photos, 20 colour plates Armor Color Gallery


Knife Defense Tactics for a Changing World By Michael Kaplan In his book, Kaplan offers a new conceptual framework to knife defense from which readers can adequately structure effective defenses against knives and other edged weapons. Drawing on his own extensive experience, as well as detailed research, Kaplan includes step by step training exercises and tips on developing a survival mindset which ultimately provide the reader with a means to develop their own knife defense strategy.



EQUIPMENT AND 9781610048811 ■ September 2014 ■ £28.00 TECHNIQUES | KNIVES 279 x 215.9 mm ■ Paperback ■ 214 pages ■ Photos throughout

COMBAT APPLICATIONS OF THE TACTICAL TOMAHAWK By Benjamin Bradak The venerable tomahawk is undergoing a resurgence as a military sidearm and tactical tool. What sets this book apart from others is its focus on tomahawkspecific techniques utilizing the weapon's distinctive attributes. With more than 400 photos, this book demonstrates step-by-step applications for using the tomahawk in conjunction with your natural weapons to fight off attackers armed with fists, feet, knives, clubs, firearms, and bayonets.

EQUIPMENT AND 9781610048798 ■ September 2014 ■ £28.00 TECHNIQUES | KNIVES 279 x 215.9 mm ■ Paperback ■ 224 pages ■ Photos and illustrations throughout

THE FIGHTING GLADIATOR By Dwight McLemore The long-awaited manual on gladiatorial combat from celebrated Paladin Press author Dwight McLemore. This book presents a one-on-one, squared-off, duelingtype fighting, in the context of a blood sport fought to the death before cheering crowds. Richly illustrated with hundreds of McLemore’s signature dynamic drawings, The Fighting Gladiator is for martialists of all disciplines—or for anyone who just wants to learn more about the “sports superstars” of ancient Rome.

EQUIPMENT AND 9781610048828 ■ September 2014 ■ £28.00 TECHNIQUES | KNIVES 279 x 215.9 mm ■ Paperback ■ 278 pages ■ Illustrations throughout

HOW TO BUILD THE PERFECT OFF-GRID HOME By Roxyann Spanfelner This book offers practical advice to navigate the often complex and perplexing process of building an off-grid home. It delivers a detailed, ground-up, startto-finish guide for the generation of off-gridders, yet also has something for everyone. This book shows you how to declare your independence from the utility companies, reduce your carbon footprint, and reap the financial and psychological rewards of a more self-sufficient lifestyle.



9781610048804 ■ September 2014 ■ £28.00 279 x 215.9 mm ■ Paperback ■ 194 pages ■ Photos and illustrations throughout

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The Battle of Arnhem – September 1944 Graphic Novels


THE BRIDGE By Hennie Vaessen • Stunning graphic novel depicting the nine day battle at Arnherm Have they been sent on a risky mission or is it plain suicide? No other World War II battle catches the imagination more than the valiant effort of the British forces dropped at Arnhem. Montgomery’s brilliant and daring plan leads the Airbornes to a nine day struggle against Hitler’s elite forces. This classic tale of epic proportions is now told in the form of a graphic novel mixing drama and true events into one compelling story.

WORLD WAR II 9789490000042 ■ September 2011 ■ £12.95 289 x 222 mm ■ Hardback ■ 48 pages ■ Full colour throughout

HARTENSTEIN HOTEL By Hennie Vaessen • The fate of the battered and wounded survivors at Hartenstein Hotel Without food or water and with little ammunition left, the situation has become gravely desperate for General Urquhart's airborne troops. With the first tanks rolling into the village streets of Oosterbeek near Arnhem, the battle against Hitler's elite forces is about to reach its deadly climax. Will they still manage to cross the river Rhine and escape with their lives? Brought to you in the form of an outstanding graphic novel, this story of human sacrifice is worthy of being told over and over again.

WORLD WAR II 9789490000097 ■ September 2011 ■ £12.95 289 x 222 mm ■ Hardback ■ 48 pages ■ Full colour throughout

EAGLE AND PEGASUS By Hennie Vaessen • Thrilling conclusion of the Battle of Arnhem In this final volume the story of those who fought at Arnhem reaches its conclusion. During the night of the 25th to 26th of September 1944, resistance is abandoned and, due to the efforts of the Polish regiment under the command of General Sosabowski, many British manage to escape the hellhole north of the Rhine. Those left behind are either taken to hospital or into captivity. For the allied troops the Battle of Arnhem has turned into a tragedy. The question is: who takes the blame?

WORLD WAR II 9789490000134 ■ September 2011 ■ £12.95 2289 x 222 mm ■ Hardback ■ 48 pages ■ Full colour throughout


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Air Force Bombing Strategy Change in the Pacific By Daniel T. Schwabe • 'The go-to book for details on the devastating fire-bombing of Japan'. - Walter J. Boyne, former director of the National Air & Space Museum Between the grinding battles of the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa, and the finality of the atomic bomb strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the air force conducted a bombing campaign against the Japanese home islands that escalated to new levels of destruction. Daniel T. Schwabe closely examines the planning and implementation of the incendiary missions to illuminate how seemingly indispensable strategic bombardment was replaced by area attacks; a move which culminated in the area firebombing of nearly every major Japanese metropolis and the burning of sixty-six cities to the ground.




9781612346397 ■ January 2015 ■ £19.99 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 280 pages

DESERT DIPLOMAT Inside Saudi Arabia Following 9/11 By Robert W. Jordan • Inside account of the fascinating and historic ambassadorship dealing with the aftermath of 9/11 Robert W. Jordan arrived in Saudi Arabia as newly-installed ambassador shortly after it became clear that the country had spawned not only the mastermind Osama bin Laden, but also 15 of the 19 hijackers. He had to press the Saudis on terrorism while maintaining a positive relationship to ensure their cooperation with the war in Afghanistan and invasion of Iraq. Desert Diplomat provides a honest portrait of working with prominent individuals from President Bush to Crown Prince Abdullah, details of the historic decisions of Jordan’s tenure, and a candid assessment of the distressing amount of dysfunction in the way American foreign policy, warfare, and intelligence-gathering was conducted.



9781612346700 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 248 pages 21 photos

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PIRATES, PRISONERS, AND LEPERS Lessons from Life Outside the Law By Paul H. Robinson • What happens to humanity when there are no laws or limits? Living Beyond the Law mines shipwrecks, plane crashes, leper colonies, pirate crews, escaped slaves, Gold Rush prospectors, prison uprisings, utopian hippie communes, Nazi concentration camps, and a host of other situations in which modern man has been thrown into a situation beyond the reach of law, to explore the fundamental nature of human beings and how we act when we don’t necessarily have to behave. Living Beyond the Law is essential to understanding our contemporary society and to formulate modern criminal law and policy. GENERAL HISTORY

9781612347325 ■ June 2015 ■ £19.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 376 pages

MEGAQUAKE How Japan and the World Should Respond By Tetsuo Takashima • Lessons learnt from the devastation of the 2011 earthquake, and how the international community should prepare for the next one In March 2011 a magnitude 9 earthquake struck the eastern coast of northern Japan, triggering a massive tsunami. Megaquake was written by the award-winning writer Tetsuo Takashima five years before this disaster. Here it appears for the first time in English. This updated edition of Megaquake includes a new chapter coauthored by Robert D. Eldridge. Both Takashima and Eldridge experienced the 1995 Kobe earthquake and combined their insights to offer the lessons Japan has learned over the centuries, having endured a disproportionate share of disasters.


9781612346649 ■ February 2015 ■ £17.99 216 x 140 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages

WORKING IN THE KILLING FIELDS Forensic Science in Bosnia By Howard Ball • How do Forensic Scientists cope with unearthing trauma and tragedy?


While the specificities of wars vary, they share a ubiquitous aftermath: the task of finding and identifying the "disappeared." The book offers a distinctive approach to war’s aftermath because it balances examination of complex features of new scientific forensic technology with insights into the lives of the men and women from around the globe who are tasked with finding and excavating bodies and conducting pathological examinations, and the emotional pain, including PTSD, they contend with during their time in Bosnia and after they leave the killing fields.

9781612347189 ■ April 2015 ■ £20.99 216 x 140 mm ■ Hardback ■ 232 pages


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USS Nautilus and the Battle of Midway By David W. Jourdan This book reconstructs the critical part subs played in the action that many consider to be the turning point of the war in the Pacific. Jourdan’s team of deep sea explorers set out to discover the history of the famous Battle of Midway. Relying on logs, diaries, sound recordings, and interviews with battle veterans, the story breathes new life into the history of the epic engagement.

9781612347165 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 368 pages




WAR CRIMES IN JAPANESE-OCCUPIED INDONESIA A Case of Murder by Medicine By J. Kevin Baird and Sangkot Marzuki J. Kevin Baird and Sangkot Marzuki chronicle the life and wrongful execution of Achmad Mochtar, a native Indonesian and renowned scientist, set against the backdrop of a tropical medicine and the science of vaccination, this book not only exonerates an innocent man, but provides a picture of a nascent country emerging from the ravages of colonization and occupation.


9781612346441 ■ August 2015 ■ £25.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages ■ 40 photos

FRUITS OF VICTORY The Woman's Land Army of America in the Great War By Elaine F. Weiss From 1917–1920 the women of the Women’s Land Army did what was considered “men's work”, despite the scepticism of farmers of their true usefulness and resilience. This book examines the lives and impact of the WLA, as well as the way their story foreshadows the contentious social issues America still grapples with today: women’s role in society, urbanization and mechanization, and the physiological and psychological differences between men and women. WOMEN AT WAR WORLD WAR I

9781612347196 ■ July 2015 ■ £12.99 230 x 150 mm ■ paperback ■ 352 pages ■ 16 illustrations and 36 photos

BATTLE OF PETERSBURG, JUNE 15–18, 1864 By Sean M. Chick In The Battle of Petersburg, June 15–18, 1864 Sean Michael Chick takes an indepth look at an important battle largely overlooked in Civil War studies. By exploring the tactical realities of linear combat that left Union generals without the best means of achieving decisive results, Chick offers a new perspective on why the Army of the Potomac’s leadership could not win a battle in which it held colossal advantages.



9781612347127 ■ March 2015 ■ £22.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 448 pages ■ 29 illustrations

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CHEATED The UNC Scandal, the Education of Athletes, and the Future of Big-Time College Sports By Mary Willingham and Jay M. Smith Written by notorious UNC athletics department whistleblower, Mary Willingham, and her close faculty ally, Jay Smith, this book exposes the fraudulent inner workings that for decades have allowed barely literate basketball and football players to earn fake degrees from one of the nation's top universities while faculty and administrators looked the other way. 21ST CENTURY SPORT

9781612347288 ■ July 2015 ■ £17.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 304 pages

SHE CAN BRING US HOME Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, Civil Rights Pioneer By Diane Kiesel Long before it became the slogan of the Obama campaign, Dr. Dorothy Ferebee (1898–1980) lived by the motto “Yes, We Can.” An African-American descended from lawyers, journalists, politicians, and possibly a white governor of Virginia, Ferebee was an obstetrician and civil rights activist from Washington, D.C. Here Diane Kiesel brings Ferebee’s extraordinary story of struggle and sacrifice to a new generation. AMERICAN HISTORY 9781612345055 ■ March 2015 ■ £24.99 BIOGRAPHY 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 408 pages ■ 41 illustrations

SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA A Complete History By Jack Ross The Socialist Party of America: A Complete History presents a new, mature understanding of America's most important minor political party of the twentieth century. From its origins to its heyday under the charismatic Eugene V. Debs and persistence through the Depression and Second World War, this account guides readers through the Socialist party's twilight, ultimate demise, and the successor groups which arose from the party's collapse. 20TH CENTURY 9781612344904 ■ May 2015 ■ £38.00 AMERICAN HISTORY 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 880 pages ■ 63 photos

WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND The Drew Pearson Diaries, 1960–1969 By Drew Pearson For most of three decades, Drew Pearson was the most familiar journalist in the United States. Published here for the first time, Pearson’s diary presents private impressions on life inside the Beltway. His direct interactions with the DC glitterati are featured throughout his diary, drawing the reader into the compelling political intrigues of 1960s Washington and providing the mysterious backstory on the famous and the notorious of the era. AMERICAN HISTORY 9781612346939 ■ February 2015 ■ £25.99 POLITICS 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 470 pages


+44 (0) 1865 241249


A Critical Examination of the U.S. National Security System By Robert D. Worley Author Robert D. Worley argues that the U.S. national security system, designed after World War II, is inadequate for the needs of the twenty-first century. Furnishing both specialists and interested citizens with the tools to assist in future national security reforms and discussion about reform, this work collects and synthesizes the concepts of America's economic, political, and military instruments of power. 9781612347202 ■ July 2015 ■ £18.99 230 x 150 mm ■ paperback ■ 432 pages




OUTSOURCING SECURITY Private Military Contractors and U.S. Foreign Policy By Bruce E. Stanley Using a structured, focus comparison method to examine six historical cases, including the U.S. intervention in Iraq in 2003 (Operations Iraqi Freedom), Outsorcing Security reveals a supply-and-demand framework consistent with the government prescribed appointment of private military contractors. Author Bruce E. Stanley provides the only work that moves beyond a descriptive account of the rise of PMCs and which lays out a precise theory to explain the phenomenon. DEFENCE STUDIES MODERN WARFARE

9781612347172 ■ July 2015 ■ £15.99 230 x 150 mm ■ paperback ■ 264 pages

ROLE AND LIMITATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY IN U.S. COUNTERINSURGENCY WARFARE By Richard W. Rubright Counterinsurgency operations are inherently political conflicts, and in Role and Limitations of Technology in U.S. Counterinsurgency Warfare, Richard W. Rubright addresses the limits of technology in enhancing American military capability. Drawing on textual analysis, personal interviews with international military professionals, and firsthand experience on the ground in Iraq, this book is the first to address the role of technology in counterinsurgency operations within operational, tactical, and strategic contexts. MILITARY REFERENCE

9781612346755 ■ February 2015 ■ £23.99 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 328 pages

NYPD'S FIRST FIFTY YEARS Politicians, Police Commissioners, and Patrolmen By Bernard Whalen & Jon Whalen In NYPD’s First Fifty Years, Bernard Whalen, a long-serving NYPD lieutenant, and his father, Jon, consider the men and women who have contributed to the department’s past who left a lasting mark on history and on one another. In the process, they also explore the hidden history, and the relationships that set the scene for the modern NYPD that so proudly serves the city today.



9781612346564 ■ January 2015 ■ £17.99 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages

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BEFEHLSPANZER German Command, Control, and Observation Armoured Combat Vehicles in World War Two, Part 1: Tanks of German origin Edited by Riccardo Niccoli • A unique and superbly detailed reference guide to the German tanks of World War II


This book is dedicated to the command and observation tanks of the German Army in World War II. It deals with their history, operational use, organisation, special markings, technical description, serial numbers, and data on the radio equipment. The book is completed by some 105 colour profiles, produced by Jean Restayn, and by about 65 black and white historic photographs. A must for any enthusiast of the German military and of the Second World War, and for all serious modellers.

9788895011080 ■ October 2014 ■ £25.00 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 88 pages ■ 105 colour profiles and 65 photos

CONFESSIONS OF A MILITARY WIFE By Mollie Gross • A witty and thoughtful memoir of all aspects of life as a military wife Now in paperback, Confessions of a Military Wife is an honest, witty, and often hilarious look at the life of the new generation military wife. Mollie Gross learned the hard way to laugh instead of cry at what she could not control as a military spouse—and as she quickly discovered, nearly everything was out of her control. Evocative and provocative, Confessions of a Military Wife is a can't-put-down book that will leave you laughing and crying at the same time.


9781611212501 ■ March 2015 ■ £11.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 264 pages ■ 24 images


TEARS OF A WARRIOR A Family’s Story of Combat and Living with PTSD By E. Anthony Seahorn & Janet J. Seahorn • A story of courage, valor, and life-long sacrifice from a veteran living with PTSD


Long after the cries of battle have ended, many warriors return home to face a multitude of physical and mental challenges. Tears of a Warrior is by a husband and wife team—Tony, a Vietnam veteran still suffering from PTSD and Janet, who is a professional in human development and neuroscience. It was written to educate families and veterans about the symptoms of PTSD and to offer strategies for living with the disorder. Military personnel and veterans from all wars will benefit from the authors' experiences and their message of hope.

9781611212730 ■ February 2015 ■ £12.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ 92 images


+44 (0) 1865 241249


An Atlas of the Wilderness Campaign, May 2–7, 1864 By Bradley M. Gottfried The Maps of the Wilderness continues Bradley M. Gottfried’s efforts to study and illustrate the major campaigns of the Civil War’s Eastern Theater. This is his fifth book in the ongoing Savas Beatie Military Atlas Series, which each contain over one hundred full colour maps as well as detailed historical background.



9781611212587 ■ April 2015 ■ £25.99 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 360 pages ■ 120 colour maps Savas Beatie Military Atlas Series

RESISTING SHERMAN A Confederate Surgeon’s Journal and the Civil War in the Carolinas, 1865 Edited by Thomas Robertson An illuminating account of the Carolinas and the troubled final days of the Confederacy by Francis Marion Robertson, whose daily journal looks critically at the decisions of generals from a middle ranking officer’s viewpoint, describes army movements from a ground level perspective, and places the military campaign within the everyday events of average citizens suffering under the boot of war.


9781611212600 ■ March 2015 ■ £16.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 39 images

FIGHTING FOR GENERAL LEE Confederate General Rufus Barringer and the North Carolina Cavalry Brigade By Sheridan Barringer Rufus Barringer fought on horseback through most of the Civil War with General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. Here, his entire history is detailed for the first time. Drawing upon a wide array of newspapers, diaries, letters, and previously unpublished family documents and photographs, as well as other firsthand accounts, it paints a broad, deep, and colorful portrait of an overlooked Southern cavalry commander. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781611212624 ■ May 2015 ■ £21.99 299 x 152 ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages ■ 43 images

THE GETTYSBURG CYCLORAMA The Turning Point of the Civil War on Canvas By Chris ~Brenneman The Gettysburg Cyclorama is the first comprehensive study of this Paul Philippoteaux’s art masterpiece and historic artifact. With hundreds of rare historic photographs and beautiful modern pictures from award-winning photographer Bill Dowling, this is a must-have for anyone interested in the Battle of Gettysburg or is simply a lover of exquisite art.



9781611212648 ■ May 2015 ■ £22.99 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 300 images

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249

61 61


CONFEDERATE ARTILLERY ORGANIZATIONS An Alphabetical Listing of the Officers and Batteries of the Confederacy, 1861–1865 By F. Ray Sibley Jr. This new updated and easy-to-use reference work sets forth the linage of the Confederate artillery. It lists, in alphabetical order, individual batteries to artillery regiments, the names and alternate names for the batteries and the names of the men who led them. This is a remarkable, immensely useful, and exceedingly rare book which will be indispensable to American Civil War historians. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781611212303 ■ January 2015 ■ £31.99 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 390 pages ■ 4 images

“TO PREPARE FOR SHERMAN’S COMING” The Battle of Wise’s Forks, March 1865 By Mark Smith and Wade Sokolosky The Battle of Wise’s (Wyse) Forks, March 7–11, 1865, has long been relegated to a passing reference in a footnote if it is mentioned at all. Mark Smith’s and Wade Sokolosky's work elevates this combat and its related operations to the historical status it deserves. Outstanding maps by Mark A. Moore coupled with period photographs make this the definitive study of one of the Civil War’s overlooked yet significant battles. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781611212662 ■ March 2015 ■ £17.99 299 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 55 images

THE NORTH CAROLINA CIVIL WAR ATLAS The Old North State at War By Mark Moore The North Carolina Civil War Atlas is a comprehensive full-colour study of the impact of the war on the Tar Heel State, incorporating 97 original maps. The large format volume highlights every significant military engagement and analyzes the war’s social, economic, and political consequences through tables, charts, and text. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781611212686 ■ March 2015 ■ £22.95 279 x 432 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 30 tables and charts, 98 images

BOOKS ON THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ERA A Critical Bibliography By Walter Westcote Walter Westcote’s Books on the American Civil War Era: A Critical Bibliography includes nearly 3,000 books. Topics are wide-ranging and organized into easyto-use categories, so readers can find exactly what they are seeking. Each account lists the author or editor, title, date of original publication (and reprint, if any), publisher, page count, and a short summary of its contents. An essential reference. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR


9781611212709 ■ January 2015 ■ £22.99 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 306 pages ■ 8 images

+44 (0) 1865 241249


The Federal Artillery and the Repulse of Pickett’s Charge, July 3, 1864 By David Schultz Gettysburg is one of the most famous and studied battles of history, and Pickett’s Charge, its climax on the third day, continues to fascinate a new generation of readers. Here author David Shultz focuses his examination on how and why the Union long-arm beat back the Confederate foot soldiers. He uses official reports, letters and diaries, and meticulous research to shed entirely new light on Pickett’s Charge. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR



9781611212723 ■ January 2015 ■ £7.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 144 pages ■ 12 images

THAT FURIOUS STRUGGLE Chancellorsville and the High Tide of the Confederacy, May 1–4, 1863 By Chris Mackowski History would remember the battle of Chancellorsville as “Lee’s Greatest Victory.” This book recounts the tale of triumph and tragedy that includes the secondbloodiest day of the Civil War. Told in the highly readable style, this book contains more than a hundred and fifty photos, outstanding maps, and an insider’s perspective of the battlefield as told by historians who intimately know the ground and the battle. 9781611212198 ■ January 2015 ■ £8.99 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages ■ 201 images Emerging Civil War Series

CALAMITY IN CAROLINA The Battles of Averasboro and Bentonville, March 1865 By Daniel T. Davis and Phillip S. Greenwalt Eminent historians Daniel T. Davis and Philip S. Greenwalt turn their considered gaze toward the long-forgotten battles of Averasboro and Bentonville. Written in the accessible style that has become the hallmark of the Emerging Civil War Series, Calamity in Carolina: The Battles of Averasboro and Bentonville includes more than a hundred illustrations, new maps, and thought-provoking analysis to tell the story of last great battles of the war in the West. 9781611212457 ■ February 2015 ■ £8.99 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 168 pages ■ 150 images and maps Emerging Civil War Series

DAWN OF VICTORY Breakthrough at Petersburg, March 25–April 2, 1865 By Edward Alexander Dawn of Victory: Breakthrough at Petersburg by Edward Alexander tells the story of the men who fought and died in the decisive battle of the Petersburg Campaign. Readers can follow the footsteps of the resolute Union attackers and stand in the shoes of the obstinate Confederate defenders as their actions decided the fate of the nation. 9781611212808 ■ March 2015 ■ £8.99 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 168 pages ■ 150 images and maps Emerging Civil War Series


◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249

63 63


TO THE BITTER END Appomattox, Bennett Place, and the Surrenders of the Confederacy By Robert M. Dunkerly Offering a fresh look at the various surrenders that ended the war, To the Bitter End by Robert M. Dunkerly brings to light little-known facts and covers often-overlooked events. Each surrender—starting at Appomattox and continuing through Greensboro, Citronelle, and the Trans Mississippi— unfolded on its own course: it was anything but a nice, neat ending to the war.

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 9781611212525 ■ March 2015 ■ £8.99 ■ 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 168 pages ■ 150 images and maps Emerging Civil War Series

STRIKE THEM A BLOW Battle along the North Anna River, May 21–25, 1864 By Chris Mackowski Picking up the story started in the Emerging Civil War Series book A Season of Slaughter: The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, historian Chris Mackowski follows the road south to the North Anna River. Strike Them a Blow: Battle Along the North Anna River offers a concise, engaging account of the mistakes and missed opportunities of the third— and least understood—phase of the Overland Campaign.

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 9781611212549 ■ February 2015 ■ £8.99 ■ 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 168 pages ■ 150 images and maps Emerging Civil War Series

FIGHT LIKE THE DEVIL The First Day at Gettysberg By Chris Mackowski and Daniel T. Davis July 1, 1863 remains the most overlooked phase of the battle of Gettysburg, yet it set the stage for all the fateful events that followed. Bringing decades of familiarity to the discussion, historians Chris Mackowski and Daniel T. Davis, recount the action of that first day of battle and explore the profound implications of the costliest battle in the history of the North American continent.

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 9781611212273 ■ March 2015 ■ £8.99 ■ 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 168 pages ■ 150 images 14 maps Emerging Civil War Series


+44 (0) 1865 241249


A Reference Guide to the Artillery of Gettysburg By George W. Newton New in paperback, Newton’s well-written and illustrated study was designed to be of use to both the casual battlefield visitor and the serious Civil War scholar. More experienced Civil War students will find Silent Sentinels' extensive primary sources, diagrams, appendices of numbers and losses, and informative discussion of artillery organization and tactics an indispensable reference resource.




9781611212471 ■ February 2015 ■ £14.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 288 pages ■ 43 images

TRIUMPH AND DEFEAT The Vicksburg Campaign, Volume 2 By Terrence J. Winschel The study of the Civil War in the Western Theater is more popular now than ever before, and the center of that interest is the months-long Vicksburg Campaign. Bolstered by photographs, illustrations, and numerous outstanding original maps, this second volume in the Triumph & Defeat series will stand as a lasting contribution to the study of the Civil War.


9781611212488 ■ February 2015 ■ £12.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ 27 images

THE BATTLE OF MONROE'S CROSSROADS AND THE CIVIL WAR'S FINAL CAMPAIGN By Eric J. Wittenberg The Battle of Monroe's Crossroads, March 10, 1865, was one of most important but least known engagements of William T. Sherman's Carolinas Campaign. Now in paperback, here is the only book-length account of this combat. Noted Civil War author Eric J. Wittenberg has written the first detailed tactical narrative of this important but long-forgotten battle, and places it in its proper context within the entire Carolinas Campaign. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781611212495 ■ February 2015 ■ £14.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 360 pages ■ 42 images

ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND THE STRUCTURE OF REASON By David Hirsch and Dan Van Haften For more than 150 years, historians have speculated about what made Lincoln great. Authors David Hirsch and Dan Van Haften persuasively argue, that it was Lincoln’s in-depth study of geometry, and that this is evident from the Gettysburg address and the Cooper Union speech. With the paperback release of their work, Lincoln takes on a new importance that will open an entirely new avenue of scholarly study.



9781611212518 ■ March 2015 ■ £15.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 464 pages ■ Charts, tables, figures

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249

65 65


THE WASHINGTONS: A FAMILY HISTORY By Justin Glenn This ground-breaking series is a comprehensive history that traces the “Presidential line” of the Washingtons. Volume One begins with the immigrant John Washington who settled in Westmoreland Co., Va., in 1657, married Anne Pope, and was the great-grandfather of President George Washington, and future volumes trace the history of the next fifteen generations. Although structured in a genealogical format for the sake of clarity, this is no barebones genealogy but a true family history with more than 1,200 detailed biographical narratives. These, in turn, strive to convey the greatness of the family that produced not only The Father of His Country but many others, great and humble, who struggled to build that country. A cumulative index completes the series.

Volume One: Seven Generations of the Presidential Branch

9781611212334 ■ January 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 ■ Hardback ■ 692 pages ■ 11 images, charts

Volume Two: Notable Members of the Presidential Branch

9781611212341 ■ January 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 598 pages ■ 31 images, charts

Volume Four, Part One: Generation Eight of the Presidential Branch

9781611212365 ■ January 2015 ■ £47.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 468 pages

Volume Four, Part Two: Generation Eight of the Presidential Branch

9781611212754 ■ January 2015 ■ £47.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 460 pages

Volume Five, Part One: Generation Nine of the Presidential Branch

9781611212372 ■ January 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 648 pages

Volume Five, Part Two: Generation Nine of the Presidential Branch

9781611212761 ■ January 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 640 pages

Volume Six, Part One: Generation Ten of the Presidential Branch

9781611212389 ■ March 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 712 pages

Volume Six, Part Two: Generation Ten of the Presidential Branch

9781611212778 ■ March 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 722 pages

Volume Seven, Part One: Generation Eleven of the Presidential Branch 9781611212396 ■ March 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 594 pages

Volume Seven, Part Two: Generation Eleven of the Presidential Branch 9781611212785 ■ March 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 ■ Hardback ■ 616 pages

Volume Eight: Generations Twelve to Fifteen of the Presidential Branch 9781611212402 ■ March 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 786 pages

Volume Nine: The Presidential Branch: Six Wright Lines

9781611212419 ■ April 2015 ■ £53.99 ■ 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 792 pages


+44 (0) 1865 241249


The U.S. Army's Battle for Charlemagne's City in World War II By Robert W. Baumer • The definitive guide to the critical battle of Aachen This is the only single volume book telling the dramatic story of the American battle for Aachen, the first city on German soil to fall to the Allies in World War II. It chronicles the six weeks of hard combat for the city, culminating in eight days of fighting in the streets, and meticulously details the involvement of some of the U.S. Army's finest units, including the 1st Infantry Division ("Big Red One"), the 30th Infantry Division ("Roosevelt's SS"), and the 2nd Armored Division ("Hell on Wheels"). Baumer’s engagingly written history, drawn on painstaking research in primary sources, will prove an illuminating guide to both layman and scholar of World War II.




9780811714822 ■ January 2015 ■ £19.99 228.6 x 152.4 mm ■ Hardback ■ 432 pages 38 b/w photos

MACARTHUR The Supreme Commander at War in the Pacific By James W. Zobel • Compelling reference guide to a legendary military figure General Douglas MacArthur was one of the most colourful, controversial, and image-conscious military figures of the twentieth century. This military biography in photos focuses on the Pacific Theater of World War II, but also features his decorated service in World War I, post-war duties in Japan, and role in the Korean War. It captures the spirit of the man and his legend in hundreds of historical images, and is a compelling reference for military history fans, scholars, and anyone interested in this legendary military figure. A perfect complement to narrative accounts in the Stackpole Military History Series.



9780811715478 ■ April 2015 ■ £18.99 279 x 215 mm ■ Paperback ■ 208 pages 300 b/w photos, 8pp colour insert Stackpole Military Photo Series

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249

67 67


GENERALS OF THE BULGE Leadership in the U.S. Army's Greatest Battle By Jerry D. Morelock The Battle of the Bulge lives in history as the U.S. Army's largest and bloodiest battle of World War II. This innovative study of American military leadership in action during the battle examines the performance of six generals, including Dwight Eisenhower and Omar Bradley, in the days and weeks after the German attack in December 1944. A singuarly unique and important history.


9780811711999 ■ March 2015 ■ £22.99 228.6 x 152.4 mm ■ Hardback ■ 432 pages ■ 21 b/w photos

ARMORED CHAMPION The Top Tanks of World War II By Steven Zalgoa Provocative but fact-based new rankings of the best tanks of World War II . Armed with more than 40 years of research, armor expert Steven Zaloga enters the battle over the best tanks of World War II with this heavy-caliber book. Champion tanks include the German Panzer IV and Tiger, Soviet T-34, American Pershing, and a few surprises. Charts and diagrams compare firepower, armor protection, mobility, dependability, tactics, training, and overall combat performance. WORLD WAR II

9780811714372 ■ May 2015 ■ £24.99 254 x 203 mm ■ Hardback ■ 368 pages ■ 250 photos

GOODBYE, TRANSYLVANIA A Romanian Waffen SS Soldier in World War II By Sigmund Heinz Landau Rare memoir of a foreigner serving with the Germans on the Eastern Front. This memoir is the gripping account of a foreigner who served with the Germans on the Eastern Front and provides a vivid, firsthand description of World War II combat. Sigmund Heinz Landau, a Romanian fighting with the Waffen SS, was a participant at the siege of Budapest and the final battle for Berlin in 1945.


9780811715829 ■ June 2015 ■ £12.99 229 x 153 mm ■ Paperback ■ 208 pages ■ 20 b/w photos Stackpole Military History Series

NEW GUINEA The Allied Jungle Campaign in World War II By Jon Diamond Visual history of the Allied battles for New Guinea during 1942–44. The latest in the acclaimed Stackpole military Photo series, this book contains hundreds of photos of this important Pacific theater campaign showing soldiers, vehicles, weapons and equipment, terrain, living conditions, medical care, prisoners, and much more, alongside captions that expertly describe photos and narrate the major events of the campaign. WORLD WAR II


9780811715560 ■ June 2015 ■ £18.99 280 x 216 mm ■ Paperback ■ 208 pages ■ 350 b/w photos, 8pp color insert Stackpole Military Photo Series

+44 (0) 1865 241249


14th Edition By Jeff Kirkham This guide covers the basic skills all soldiers, sailors, and Marines must know to prevail in small-unit dismounted combat operations, including planning, battle drills for offense and defense operations, patrols, equipment, construction and emplacement of fighting positions. It covers the equipment, operations, and individual security and combat skills essential for soldiers and others who must act as infantry. MILITARY REFERENCE

9780811714488 ■ March 2015 ■ £12.99 210 x 140 mm ■ Paperback ■ 416 pages ■ 238 b/w illustrations



THE SEEDS OF DISASTER The Development of French Army Doctrine, 1919–39 By Robert A. Doughty Winner of the Paul Birdsall Historical Prize of the American Association This book reinvestigates World War II by provocatively arguing that the French learned the wrong lessons from World War I and were ill prepared for World War II. It records in detail the evolution of French doctrine, tactics and armament between the wars and describes the convoluted chains of command which ultimately led to France’s inefficacy. MILITARY REFERENCE

9780811714600 ■ October 2014 ■ £11.99 225 x 145 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages

MADNESS IN MOGADISHU Commanding the 10th Mountain Division's Quick Reaction Company during Black Hawk Down By Michael Whetstone On the afternoon of October 3, 1993, two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down over the Somali capital of Mogadishu, leaving a handful of U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force operators at the mercy of several thousand approaching militants. This powerfully vivid story of modern war is the intense first-hand account of the mission to find the crash site and retrieve the downed soldiers. MODERN WARFARE

9780811715737 ■ May 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages ■ 20 b/w photos

BATTLE OF PAOLI By Thomas J. McGuire This first full-length treatment of the Revolutionary War battle recounts British general Charles Grey's brutal attack on Anthony Wayne's division of 1,500 Continentals in September 1777. The detailed account follows the action from the arrival of Wayne's division south of the Schuylkill River to defend Philadelphia against Howe's encroaching troops to Grey's discovery of Wayne's position, the bloody battle that ensued, and Wayne’s subsequent court-martial.



9780811714976 ■ January 2015 ■ £13.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 228 pages ■ 15 colour and 11 b/w illustrations Stackpole Military History Series

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249

69 69


SEARCHING FOR GEORGE GORDON MEADE The Forgotten Victor of Gettysburg By Tom Huntington • The first full length investigation of the life and times of George Gordon Meade Despite his great victory at Gettysburg and his command of the army that forced Lee's surrender at Appomattox, George Meade saw his fame eclipsed by that of Lee, Grant, and other Civil War generals. This book does a great deal to redress that historical injustice. It covers Meade’s career from his part in the Mexican-American War through to his participation in the great Civil War engagements, including Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Petersburg, and explores Meade’s legacy today. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 9780811714983 ■ February 2015 ■ £12.99 228.6 x 152.4 mm ■ Paperback ■ 416 pages ■ 20 b/w photos

IN HOSPITAL AND CAMP The Civil War Through the Eyes of its Doctors and Nurses By Harold Elk Straubling • First-hand, heart-wrenching accounts of the trials and triumphs of medical professionals in the Civil War A second edition of Harold Elk Straubling's work that covers the trials and triumphs of medical professionals, long neglected in most histories of the Civil War. He has collected a wide variety of original writings, each of which tells the story of these heart-wrenching days from an eyewitness perspective. These selections convey the thoughts and experiences of the people who served their country by serving its defenders. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR MEDICINE 9780811701389 ■ July 2014 ■ £12.99 206 x 140 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages

MI5 AT WAR 1909–1918 How MI5 Foiled the Spies By Chris Northcott • Ground-breaking new research into MI5 This book offers an original and important contribution to our knowledge of the origins of Britain’s security services. In using the example of MI5’s contest against German spies during the First World War era, it forms a ground-breaking study of counter-espionage strategy and tactics, and it poses the stimulating question of ‘how to measure’ the effectiveness of a counter-espionage agency. MI5 at War 1909-1918 provides a valuable and indispensable assessment of MI5 during its earliest and perhaps most challenging years. ESPIONAGE AND COLD WAR WORLD WAR 1 9780957689282 ■ May 2015 ■ £15.99 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 300 pages ■ B/w photos


+44 (0) 1865 241249


By Ali Smith This publication features works from Kneebone’s acclaimed solo exhibition at Brooklyn Museum in 2012, which included eight of the artist’s works in dialogue with fifteen bronze sculptures by Auguste Rodin. This beautifully designed and produced book contains over fifty colour reproductions and has been developed with support from Brooklyn Museum.


9781910221013 ■ August 2014 ■ £24.00 170 x 235 mm ■ Hardback ■ 88 pages ■ 50 colour illustrations ■ Anomie

ANNA FREEMAN BENTLEY Mobility and Grandeur By Michelle Robecch, Marina Cashdan and Ben Quash Anna Freeman Bentley is a painter based in London. Her practice explores the built environment, architecture and interiors, inviting emotive, psychological and semiotic readings of space. This, the artist’s first monograph, features over forty paintings spanning her career to date, offering a journey through the built environment that takes the viewer into realms as diverse as psychogeography and heteropias, romanticism and modernism. 21ST CENTURY ART

9781910221037 ■ February 2015 ■ £24.00 220 x 190 mm ■ Hardback ■ 96 pages ■ 40 colour illustrations ■ Anomie




By Tim Marlow and David Lancaster


9781910221020 ■ January 2015 ■ £30.00 285 x 200 mm ■ Hardback ■ 64 pages ■ 22 colour illustrations ■ Anomie

GOYA BEWITCHED A Drawings Album Reunited By Juliet Wilson-Bareau, Stephanie Buck, Reva Wolf and Ed Payne This ground-breaking reconstruction of Goya's so-called 'Witches and Old Women' album will offer rich insights into the artist's concerns and preoccupations and will immeasurably deepen our understanding of Goya. With its themes of witchcraft, madness and nightmares, the predominant imagery of the album offers a particularly important perspective on the development of Goya's interest in old age and its relationship to the fantastic and diabolical. ART | ART HISTORY


9781907372766 ■ February 2015 ■ £30.00 260 x 216 mm ■ Paperback ■ 200 pages ■ 150 colour illustrations ■ PHP

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249


Wot No Bike is a new limited edition publication of the work of Paul Simonon. Simonon is a London-based artist and musician. With an independent-minded, outsider spirit, Simonon’s paintings in Wot No Bike bring British subcultures of the 1950s to 1970s into dialogue with modernist and realist painting traditions, particularly the social realism that came to the fore as these subcultures were emerging.

71 71


WHAT THE VICTORIANS THREW AWAY By Tom Licence • Highly illustrated, very readable insight into the everyday lives of Victorians based on archaeological examination of the contents of their rubbish tips The people who lived in England before the First World War now inhabit a realm of yellow photographs. Yet if we want to know how they lived, what they bought in the village store, how they stocked the kitchen cupboard, and how they fed, pampered, and cared for themselves there is no better archive than a rubbish tip within which each object reveals a story. In this highly readable and delightfully illustrated little book Tom Licence reveals how these everyday minutiae contribute to the bigger story of how our great grandparents built a throwaway society from the twin foundations of packaging and mass consumption and illustrates how our own throwaway habits were formed.


9781782978756 ■ March 2015 ■ £9.99 148 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 208 pages 90 colour illustrations

GREECE, MACEDON AND PERSIA Edited by Timothy Howe, E. Edward Garvin & Graham Wrightson • Extraordinary collection of papers related to the history and historiography of Warfare, Politics and Power in the Ancient Mediterranean world


Timothy Howe, E. Edward Garvin & Graham Wrightson




This remarkable collection of papers, written by 19 recognized experts from a variety of methodological and evidentiary perspectives, show how ancient peoples considered war and conflict at the heart of social, political and economic activity. Though focusing on a single theme – war – the papers are firmly based in the context of the wider social and literary issues of Ancient Mediterranean scholarship and as such, consider war and conflict as part of a complex matrix of culture in which historical actors articulate their relationships with society and historical authors articulate their relationships with history.

9781782979234 ■ April 2015 ■ £40.00 170 x 242 mm ■ Hardback ■ 168 pages


An Archaeological Handbook Edited by Wayne D. Cocroft & John Schofield • Comphrensive record of the physical legacy of the Home Front in Britain This latest CBA Practical Handbook forms part of the CBA-led project to record the physical legacy of the First World War on the Home Front in the UK. The book provides invaluable background information for anyone interested in identifying and recording the remains of the Home Front, from practice trenches to works by conscientious objectors to Homes fit for Heroes. Extensively illustrated, with both archive and modern images, the book also includes guidance on researching the Home Front.


9781909990012 ■ April 2015 ■ £12.00 Paperback ■ 192 pages 100 illustrations ■ CBA Practical Handbook

Opening Up the Future By Diego Fusaro • Radical critique of the European Union and its consequences The current European Union is too often presented as the perfect realisation of a Europe of the people and freedom. The present essay overturns the common way to understand this reality, and argues that the creation of the European Union has in fact proceeded to destabilise the hegemony of the political. It has paved the road to an irresistible cycle of privatisations and cuts to public spending, to forced precarisation of labour and to an evermore sharp reduction of social rights. For this reason, the only way to re-imagine the future, to vindicate the people and work, is to move from a radical critique of finance and the Euro.







9788857526607 ■ May 2015 ■ £12.50 Paperback ■ 180 pages

◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



STATES AT WAR, VOLUME 4 A Reference Guide for Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey in the Civil War Edited by Richard F. Miller • A valuable reference guide to Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey in the Civil War While many Civil War reference books exist, there is no single compendium that contains important details about the combatant states (and territories) that Civil War researchers can readily access for their work. This crucial reference book, the fourth in the States at War series, provides vital information on the organization, activities, economies, demographics, and prominent personalities of Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey during the Civil War. Designed and organized for easy use by professional historians and amateurs, this book can be read in two ways: by individual state, with each chapter offering a stand-alone history of an individual state’s war years; or across states, comparing reactions to the same event or solutions to the same problems.


STATES AT WAR, VOLUME 5 A Reference Guide for Ohio in the Civil War Edited by Richard F. Miller • A valuable reference guide to Ohio in the Civil War This crucial reference book, the fifth in the States at War series, provides vital information on the organization, activities, economies, demographics, and prominent personalities of Ohio during the Civil War. Its principal sources include the Official Records, state adjutant-general reports, legislative journals, state and federal legislation, federal and state executive speeches and proclamations, and the general and special orders issued by the military authorities of both governments, North and South. This book can be read in two ways: by individual state, with each chapter offering a stand-alone history of an individual state’s war years; or across states, comparing reactions to the same event or solutions to the same problems.



9781611686210 ■ February 2015 ■ £98.00 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 880 pages ■ 3 maps States at War

9781611686883 ■ July 2015 ■ £73.00 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 560 pages States at War


By Stewart Gordon • Shipwrecks as hidden windows on the history of globalization Roman triremes of the Mediterranean. The treasure fleet of the Spanish Main. Great ocean liners of the Atlantic. A History of the World in Sixteen Shipwrecks explores the ages-long, immensely hazardous, persistently romantic, and still-ongoing process of moving people and goods across far-flung maritime worlds. This book argues that the gradual integration of localized and separate maritime regions into fewer, larger, and more interdependent regions offers a unique window on world history. It shows in a series of compelling narratives that the development of institutions and technologies that made terrifying oceans familiar, and turned unknown seas into sea-lanes, profoundly matters in our modern world.


9781611685404 ■ May 2015 ■ £22.00 235 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 296 pages 34 illustrations

HEROES FOR ALL TIME Connecticut Civil War Soldiers Tell Their Stories By Commas Longley and Buck Zaidel • Compelling first-hand accounts of the war, lavishly illustrated with rare period photos



Voices of Civil War soldiers rise from the pages of Heroes for All Time. This book presents the war straight from the minds and pens of its participants: letters and diaries complement hundreds of outstanding period photographs, most previously unpublished. Moving experiences, thoughts, and images animate each chapter. Written accounts by nurses and doctors, soldiers; families, and volunteers on the home front add intriguing details to our picture of the struggle, which claimed roughly 6,000 Connecticut lives. From camp life to battle, from Virginia to Louisiana, from the opening shot at Bull Run to the cheering at Appomattox, Heroes for All Time tells the story of the war through vivid, personal portrayals.



9780819571168 ■ February 2015 ■ £40.00 254 x 229 mm ■ Hardback ■ 340 pages 342 colour illustrations ■ Garnet Books

◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



ISRAELI SOCIETY IN THE TWENTYFIRST CENTURY Immigration, Inequality, and Religious Conflict By Calvin Goldscheider • A data-based analysis of social life and social problems in contemporary Israel This volume illuminates changes in Israeli society over the past generation. Goldscheider identifies three key social changes that have led to the transformation of Israeli society in the twentyfirst century: the massive immigration of Jews from the former Soviet Union, the economic shift to a high-tech economy, and the growth of socioeconomic inequalities inside Israel. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of contemporary Israel, the Middle East, sociology, demography and economic development, as well as policy specialists in these fields. It will serve as a textbook for courses in Israeli history and in the modern Middle East.


NATHAN HALE The Life and Death of America's First Spy By M. William Phelps • Now in paperback, the New York Times best-selling biography Few Americans know much more about Nathan Hale than his famous last words: I only regret that I have one life left to give for my country. William Phelps charts the life of this famed patriot and Connecticut’s state hero, following Hale’s rural childhood, his education at Yale, his work as a schoolteacher, and his captaincy in Washington’s Army. When the general was in need of a spy, Hale willingly rose to the challenge, bravely sacrificing his life for the sake of American liberty. Using Hale’s own journals and letters as well as testimonies from his friends and contemporaries, Phelps separates historical fact from long-standing myth to reveal the truth about Nathan Hale.




9781611687460 ■ Hardback £62.00 9781611687477 ■ Paperback £25.00 June 2015 ■ 229 x 152 mm ■ 312 pages The Schusterman Series in Israel Studies

9781611687675 ■ March 2015 ■ £15.00 235 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 320 pages


Captain John Smith’s Voyage to New England By Russell M. Lawson • The first complete narrative history of Captain John Smith's exploration of the New England coast By age thirty-four Captain John Smith was already a well-known adventurer and explorer. He was most famous as the leader of the Virginia Colony at Jamestown, where he had wrangled with the powerful Powhatan and secured the help of Pocahontas. By 1614 he was seeking new adventures. He found them on the 7,000 miles of jagged coastline which Smith named New England. The Sea Mark is the first narrative history of Smith’s voyage of exploration, and it recounts Smith’s last years. BIOGRAPHY 9781611685169 ■ April 2015 ■ £22.00 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 240 pages

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